Dingus MaGee`s to Host Casino Night Event


Dingus MaGee`s to Host Casino Night Event
3 Georgia Avenue
Statesboro, GA 30458
Dear Dingus Magee’s,
On behalf of our campaign group, we would like to thank you for the opportunity to create a campaign
for Dingus Magee’s. This campaign allowed us to apply the concepts and tasks needed to understand
the positive and negative aspects of running a restaurant and how to improve the public relations part
of a business. We also learned how historical and traditional Dingus Magee’s is to the student
population at Georgia Southern University.
We hope that the campaign that we created will help create more awareness by increasing the
customers, business visibility and the consumer attitude. Our main goal is to bring more attention to
Dingus Magee’s by improving advertising, social media, and promotional nights targeting different
groups of the student body at Georgia Southern University.
If you have any questions regarding the campaign, feel free to contact us at
am04579@georgiasouthern.edu. Thank you again for the opportunity to campaign for Dingus Magee’s
and we wish you the best of luck in the future.
Ali McConnell
Adam Jameson
Rachael Mueller
Heather Landry
Table of Contents
-Executive Summary
-Situation Analysis
-Goals & Objectives
-Strategies & Tactics
Executive Summary
Dingus Magee’s is a legendary landmark in Statesboro, GA. The restaurant/bar has been around
for over 30 years, and then some. The location, décor, food and drinks are the foundation that has made
Dingus able to last through the ages. Dingus is not your average college bar, which sets it apart from its
across the road rivals: Retrievers, Rum Runners, Rudy’s and the Rusty Tavern. Dingus does not have a
huge open dance floor, a massive bar, or tons of employees. Dingus is old fashioned, keen on tradition
and simple pleasures and a “chill” atmosphere.
In the public relations class this semester, we received the chance to work with Dingus Magee’s
as a client. We have the opportunity to improve Dingus’ awareness to customers by increasing business
visibility and consumer attitude. Some of our tactics include building up their social media channels,
creating promotional nights and materials, and create a large event where the business will get a lot of
audience awareness with the different sponsors supporting the event.
In this campaign book, you will discover how to execute the “Some Things Never Change”
campaign throughout the fall semester of 2013 (August-November). You will also find primary and
secondary research regarding tactics and goals of our campaign. Within the primary research, there is a
survey conducted on the student population at Georgia Southern University that focuses on the
awareness of Dingus and the amount of time and money students spend at bars/restaurants.
Dingus Magee’s is a legendary landmark in Statesboro, GA. The restaurant/bar has been around
for over 30 years, and then some. The location, décor, food and drinks are the foundation that has made
Dingus able to last through the ages.
Throughout the years, Dingus has seemed to stay stuck in a yesteryear. The décor has literally
not changed, or been renovated since the facility opened its doors. The ever changing college town
trends have had little or no effect on Dingus. The college students, faculty and staff of the University,
Statesboro locals and University alumni all still come to Dingus on a daily or “weekendly” basis.
Dingus is not your average college bar, which sets it apart from its across the road rivals:
Retrievers, Rum Runners, Rudy’s and the Rusty Tavern. Dingus does not have a huge open dance floor, a
massive bar, or tons of employees. Dingus is old fashioned, keen on tradition and simple pleasures and a
“chill” atmosphere. Dingus also sets its self apart from its rivals by always being booked with live bands.
Our campaign, “Some Things Never Change,” is to improve the customer awareness by
increasing business visibility and consumer attitudes. We are hoping to accomplish this by reinforcing
their social media accounts, designing promotional items, planning promotional nights targeted at
different groups of the student body at Georgia Southern University, and hosting a large event at the
end of the year allowing the community of Statesboro to participate.
Situation Analysis
Internal Environment
As a long standing tradition, Dingus Magee’s has been providing agreeably exceptional tavern
service to its public in an enjoyable and cozy environment. For over 30 years, the restaurant-bar has
performed at a stellar level, always ensuring that they are serving their customers to their ultimate
satisfaction. With great food, classic drinks, and a fun-filled bar-like atmosphere, Dingus has held its own
as one of the oldest restaurant-bars in the area. However, with current economic standings and the
rapid movement into the modern technological era, Dingus has slowly declined in its renown and
popularity. Being a service based on tradition and a conservative approach to drinking and dining, the
restaurant struggles to keep up with the areas competition, who more competitively engage in modern
marketing and advertising. While other bars similar to Dingus are coming up with creative ways to
effectively improve their image, Dingus continues to stay the same and remain complacent with where
the image lies to date.
Dingus Magee’s; as old as it is has been known for many of its great features. However, it's
greatest specialty has always been known as its Happy Hour. From 5-7 PM the bar offers drink specials
featuring a "half-off" alcohol strategy, and a "Buy One Get One" pricing tactic for food. Being the most
popular feature among its audience, the key public is mostly aware of the Dingus Happy Hour as its
prime specialization. Over the years Dingus has obviously made some minor changes such as moderate
remodeling’s to the floor space and fixtures, updating its point of sale systems, and staying up to code
per its changes; but more over the bar has remained true to its origin in essence and has rarely made
any drastic modifications. The organizations leaders are more than likely not as willing to make the
necessary changes in order to further the progression of the business into the modern age. Hopefully
with tactful persuasion the organizational leaders can be convinced to do what needs to be done in
order to improve their current situation. Meanwhile, there is little to no relation - maybe even an
adverse juxtaposition - between the mission of the organization and the issue. Dingus is a service that is
has been long-set in its ways. The issue at hand obviously being that they need to change, the bar will
find great difficulty in trying to keep their roots in where they are now and still try to attract a greater
public audience.
With the restaurant having many years to create strong business relationships with its providers,
you can imagine the benefits that derive when obtaining the necessary resources. The food, beer, wine,
and liquor distributors are long standing resource providers for the bar, and being an area classic, their
revenue tends to remain relatively constant. Several of the bar employees are Georgia Southern
University students, actively participating in other extracurricular activities. From this, one can easily
assume that using the workforce resources, marketing via word of mouth; and even social media by way
of the technologically proficient college student employees. Other resources at hand include a wide
range of music talent relationships with the bar, providing a large selection of entertainment options for
every weekend, and even some weeknights.
Obstacles that the bar encounters internally are few, but still have some detrimental magnitude.
For one, with employees being college students, sometimes a reliable and dependent workforce can be
challenging. Meanwhile, the bar has very limited space compared to some of its larger competitors.
With only two bars, 8 booths, and a small array of floor tables, seating for dining is very limited. The
space limitations are obviously a large obstacle, preventing more people from being able to be seated
and enjoy dinner and drinks at the restaurant.
Public perception of the bar remains relatively positive, however in the more current years, the
image of the restaurant has begun to waver. Not only are less people attending the restaurant bar for
lunch and dinner, but students are also choosing to frequent the competition more so than Dingus; this
could be for a myriad of potential reasons. While public perception remains positive, the incoming
traffic of the target audience still dwindles down more and more each year. In regards to visibility and
reputation, as stated before, Dingus Magee’s has been serving the area for several decades and will
always remain a strong tradition to the area. The key public is very aware of its service, and its
reputation may hold strong, but that doesn’t necessarily imply that business will always be profitable.
External Environment
Although Dingus Magee’s is a well-known establishment, its popularity may be declining due to
the increase of other competitors. Dingus Magee’s competition includes Rum Runners, Retrievers, Rude
Rudy’s, The Tavern, Gnat’s Landings, Millhouse, Gata’s, and El Sombrero. These establishments all
located in Statesboro have the same appeal to college students. They provide a fun atmosphere where
students enjoy eating and drinking. Some of these competitors reach college students more effectively
and bring in a larger crowd compared to Dingus. These restaurants and bars are proactive in social
media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. For example, Rum Runners and Retrievers utilize Twitter to
promote their drink specials and reach their target audience. Gnat’s Landings and Gata’s use Facebook
as a way to reach students to promote their drink and food specials, as well as the live entertainment
each week.
Economically speaking, all the establishments listed above, including Dingus, are considered to
be in the same price range. From an observational standpoint, these businesses are most successful and
bring in the most customers during the warmer months. These seasons influences the economic
situation because the level of competition increases during a certain time of the year. For example, it is
important for Dingus to reach their customers during Georgia Southern’s football season. Each business
takes advantage of the amount of people looking for a fun environment to go before, during, or after
the games on Saturdays.
Dingus as lacked in partnering with other businesses as a way to increase their advertisement. In
recent months, other local businesses that cater to college students have partnered with newer
businesses, particularly with off campus housing complexes. Dingus could potentially partner with off
campus housing companies in attempt to mutually engage in marketing strategies. Statesboro’s
population as a whole is rapidly growing, as well as Georgia Southern University, which is calling for an
increase for housing and various businesses.
Although Dingus Magee’s appeals to alumnae of the university and local families, it along with
its competitors focus their efforts to reach college students.
Audience Delineation
Dingus, as stated above, is a service used by mainly college students. They are also targeting
local alumni from Georgia Southern University, because of Dingus’ history on the school’s
campus. Dingus is widely known throughout campus, as a restaurant and a local bar. It is one of the
only bars at Georgia Southern that stays open year-round for local residents as well. Our key publics
realize that Dingus does not promote effectively compared to their competitors. There are not a lot of
factors that separate Dingus from the other restaurants and bars located around the area.
Because of the size of Statesboro, Georgia, students are constantly looking for places to
socialize with their friends, watch sporting events, and have a drink after class. Dingus Magee’s fits all of
these needs. They provide happy hour specials every day during the week, and also drink specials
during specific nights of the week.
When comparing Dingus Magee’s to its competitors, they seem to constantly be “a step behind
them.” They are not a business that is as concerned with their specific target audience, or their
image. As a whole, they solely ride off the fact that they have been around the longest, and use their
traditions as a way to appeal to their audience. With this being said, they do not have a variety of
communication channels.
Georgia Southern University has a wide diversity of students that attends its school. Greeks and
non-Greeks, athletes, graduate students, and other different student groups regularly attend Dingus
throughout the year. As stated earlier, Dingus has a fun sports bar atmosphere where students can
watch sporting events, listen to live music, celebrate friend’s birthdays, and attend other fun social
Dingus has a prime location right across from campus that makes it an easy access to students
who live on campus, and around campus. The attendance at Dingus Magee’s is influenced by the
college atmosphere. Students deal internally with stress and depression which raise their alcohol intake
throughout their presence in college, (Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 2010). With all of the
assignments, tests, projects, etc. given to each student, many use places like Dingus as a place to relax
and get their mind off of their school work.
The current students at Georgia Southern University are constantly looking for a fun time, and a
way to do it inexpensively. Dingus Magee’s has the right atmosphere for their target audience, and
great deals.
Current Relationship:
•GSU students are aware of Dingus Magee's, but it still seems to bring in
a more narrow demographic each night. The happy hours bring in GSU
students daily, and the variety of bands attract more students.
•Audience Veterans
•Staff and Management
•Entertainment, Convenience
•Budget-friendly , Highly Enjoyable
•Relatalbe Atmosphere/Environment
Primary Research Report
To gain a better understanding of our client’s existing awareness, we designed and distributed a
brief and concise online survey aimed towards Georgia Southern students. The purpose of the survey
was to find out how aware our audience is of Dingus MaGee’s promotions, and which subgroups were
more specifically aware. The surveys were taken online through Qualtrics.
A breakdown of survey results regarding awareness of Dingus MaGee’s promotions and the
most efficient ways to reach their audience is provided below. A copy of the survey can be found in the
Cross Tabulation 1
Are you a member of a fraternity, sorority, or other student
Are you aware of Dingus Magee's
Cross Tabulation 2
What is your gender?
Would you friend Dingus Magee's on Facebook?
From cross tabulation 1: From the 59 people that took the survey and answered this particular
question, 76% of those in student organizations, such as fraternities and sororities, answered that they
are aware of Dingus promotions. This allows us to know that Dingus does an efficient job of advertising
and reaching student organizations on campus. Over 66% of students that are not in student
organizations answered that they are not aware of Dingus promotions. This means that we should focus
more on reaching those particular students about promotions.
From cross tabulation 2: From the 60 people that took the survey and answered this particular
question, over 76% of the total participants answered that they would be a “friend” of Dingus Magee’s
on Facebook. This lets us know that Facebook is an adequate form of social media, and an effective way
to connect with our target audience and get more reliable information out on a larger scale.
With over 20,000 students at Georgia Southern University, only a very small amount was reach
to complete the survey. Therefore, these results do not accurately represent the student body. Over 200
students were asked to participate in the survey, and only 60 students completed it. Another limitation
of our findings was the gender gap. Of the 60 students, 6 were males and 54 were females. Also, the
majority of participants are in a student organization; 51 participants are in a student organization and 9
students are not.
Particpant Gender
Are participants in a student
The survey results gave us a better understanding of what Dingus should and should not do to
reach their target audience. It is evident that social media, particularly Facebook, is an efficient way to
reach the audience and pass on information regarding promotions and events. Results also conclude
that participants not in a student organization are less aware of promotions. Therefore, increasing
promotional ideas and promotional awareness is a key goal for our campaign.
Secondary Research Article 1:
The purpose of this study was to examine college student’s behaviors by looking at the
moderating effects of avoidance (coping) and social enhancement along with their drinking motives.
They looked at individuals drinking motives in relationship to their associations between anxiety and
depression and how they affect their drinking frequencies and quantity. The study found that the
alcohol intake is higher when stress levels are increased. They also found that alcohol tends to be
heavily drank by underage college students more towards the end of the week, so their intake is more
as they are cramming it into a couple of days.
College students deal daily with cramming for tests or exams, meeting deadlines, presenting
presentations, and maintaining their grades. Many students use cope-related drinking, meaning after all
of their stress, they will partake in some kind of alcohol intake to relive their stress levels.
This study was found by studying 575 students in the Psychology department at the University
of Connecticut. These students took a one-time survey, and participated in a 30-day diary for four years.
In these diary entries, they would include their drinking motives, their stress levels, anxiety and
depression instances, and their alcohol intake. Every day, these students would also access an online
survey between the hours of 2:00-7:00 pm. This time would be during the time that students would be
completing their class schedule for the day. The survey would also ask their state of mind, and about
their alcohol intake from the previous night or earlier that day. All of the students were paid for their
“There were no differences between the final sample and excluded participants in terms of age,
class year, ethnic composition, DTC motivation, and baseline measures of depression and anxiety
symptoms,” (Vol. 24, Issue 1). The surveys measured daily negative intake, drinking motives,
retrospective depression and anxiety symptoms, retrospective drinking levels and daily alcohol use.
Anxiety was the number one reason that most people would drink.
These findings help our project because there are statistics for why college students actually
drink. There are many reasons undergraduates drink, and for many reasons we are aware of them, but
to see the actual graphs and research they found help lead us to knowing why some weeks will be busier
in the bar atmosphere than others. The findings will also help us target our audience even further
within the college student atmosphere. I think that a survey within the student population at Georgia
Southern University will also be beneficial to our research, so we can find out more information targeted
at our college students in Statesboro. The more information we can find out about the amount of
alcohol intake students participate in weekly and monthly will help our client profit more off of their
target audience.
Armeli, S., Conner, T. S., Cullum, J., & Tennen, H. (2010). A longitudinal analysis of drinking motives
moderating the negative affect-drinking association among college students. Psychology Of Addictive
Behaviors, 24(1), 38-47. doi:10.1037/a0017530.
Secondary Research Article 2:
The purpose of this study was to see how useful the social media fad, Twitter actually is. Twitter
is equivalent to a mini blog, but the site limits you to 140 characters. This means that you are only
allowed to post a short amount of information. The media has voiced that businesses are using Twitter
as an inexpensive and fast way to advertise their companies.
According to Quantcast.com, about 23.5 million users in the United States check Twitter
monthly. There was a study conducted to see the actual consistence of tweets that are on Twitter. “The
tweets were categorized into six areas: news, spam, self-promotion, pointless babble, conversational,
and pass-along value,” (Geho, Smith, Lewis). The majority of the tweets were pointless babble and
tweets used for conversation. Self-promotion used less than 6% of all tweets, which could be good for a
business looking to advertise their company.
Although there is competition out there, one good thing about Twitter is that it is free. This
means that even though you have to take the time to tweet out your deals and offerings, this is a free
form of advertisement for now. On Twitter, you are allowed to tweet and refer your followers to other
websites, blogs, etc. This is a good way to get information out to possible customers by letting them
read your blog or find deals on your website.
To find out more information about small businesses and their use for Twitter, a survey was
communicated using the Small Business Development Center. States such as Tennessee, Georgia, Iowa
and Kansas all participated in this. They sent out emails with the survey included, and also sent out
various tweets containing the survey information. The survey included questions about basic
demographics, small business type, Twitter use, and opinions about the value of social media marketing.
The sample size for the survey was about 694 participants, and all of these being small business
owners. The survey asked about their relationship to Twitter, or if they had even heard of it, and
whether or not they were using the social networking site. They found that it is more of a disadvantage
to start a Twitter account, and not keep up with it.
I think that this information is very valuable for our client. Our client currently does not have a
Twitter account, but I think it would reach a lot of people especially since their target audience is mainly
college students. There are very few people that I know that at this moment do not have a Twitter
account, and many of the people who do follow local businesses for deals and specials that they post. I
know that Chick-Fil-A Statesboro does a lot of marketing on their Twitter account, and they get good
feedback with it. I think that this information is vital to help reach out to their target audience, and
another great way to market their advertisements. The importance of this study is that it focuses on
starting one and not keeping up with it. Our plan is to ensure that social media is kept up with, and that
it is accurately used. I feel like we can expand Dingus Magee’s awareness by incorporating the use of
social media, especially Twitter. Twitter is an easy social media tool, where you can pre-plan what you
want your tweets to say. This would be a simple task for Dingus to do every Sunday, and they would not
have to keep up with it every single day, but just every week.
Geho, P. R., Smith, S., & Lewis, S. D. (2010). Is Twitter a viable commercial use platform for small
businesses? An empirical study targeting two audiences in the small business community.
Entrepreneurial Executive, 1573-85.
Goal and Objectives
To improve awareness of Dingus Magee’s by increasing business visibility and consumer attitude
among the business’s target market and key publics.
Objective 1
To increase knowledge of promotions and promotional strategies for attracting new consumers,
improving existing consumer attitudes, and boosting potential audience awareness of the entity’s image
in the local area.
Objective 2
To increase the use of social media tools to benefit the businesses awareness and presence within social
Strategies and Tactics
Strategy 1
In order to increase knowledge of promotions and promotional strategies for attracting new
consumers, improving existing consumer attitudes, and boosting potential audience awareness of the
entity’s image in the local area the business needs to actively engage in promotional nights throughout
the campaign, create and distribute new materials, and create one large event including sponsors and
donations that will attract the student body at Georgia Southern University.
Tactic 1
Create and hold various “mini-promo” nights in order to get more attendance regularly by
implementing specials targeting different on-campus organizations (such as student clubs, Greek Life,
athletes, etc.) and overall “spirit nights.” These “mini-promo” nights will be executed in a variety of
One “mini-promo” will be a promotional special during football season, targeting GSU students
who can come to the restaurant and receive half of their food order if they wear GSU related apparel.
Another promo will be a special happy hour targeting Greek Life organization members, where members
can receive half off their food order if they wear their respective organization’s related apparel. Another
mini promotion will be a night honoring GSU athletes. Any athlete who attends the restaurant will
receive half off their bill upon closing out their check. Another promotional happy hour event will be
targeted towards on campus student organizations. If at least 5 members of a student organization
attend happy hour together, their tables total check will be discounted 10%.
Tactic 2
Create and distribute new promotional materials to replace the old and outdated promo
materials such as: coozies, cups, sunglasses, and keychain bottle openers. The new promotional
materials will have an improved design and will hopefully more effectively appeal to the key publics. By
distributing a new line of promotional materials, the business’s audience will be influenced to improve
their attitudes about the modernity of the business.
There are several potential distribution methods for disseminating promotional material for the
organization. Firstly, promotional fliers will be dispersed to post around the university campus that
contain information about the business, what it offers, and events it will host including musical
performances by hired talents such as local and traveling music groups. Fliers will also be posted in nonrivaling establishments near campus such as apartment complexes and other local services such as
tanning beds, clothing stores, and public community facilities.
Secondly, employees of the restaurant – acting as “brand reps” – will set up booths at festival
events such as Statesboro’s First Friday event and on campus promotional events. These booths will
serve as marketing icons, distributing the newly created promo materials to students and members of
the community in order to increase awareness about the company’s message and also improve
consumer’s attitudes about the business.
Tactic 3
Dingus will hold a large scale promotional event in order to reach a broader range of audience
potentials. The promotional night will be carried out to the tune of a Vegas themed “casino night.” For
the night, the bar will be temporarily converted into a casino-style venue. The event will be highly
marketed/advertised to not only on-campus targets, but also to several member groups of the local
community by distributing fliers, press releases, and PSA’s on the campus radio station. The event will
consist of classic casino games such as black jack, poker, backgammon, roulette, etc. Members in
attendance will gamble against each other using fake plastic poker chips. The fake chips will represent
their buy-in dollar amounts. When attendees win their desired amount of chips, they can be cashed in
for various donated prize items. The prize items will be donated by participating sponsors from the local
community. All proceeds from the cashed in poker chips will be split among the business, and the family
of one of the owners, who has recently suffered from severe medical issues – in an effort to help
alleviate the burden of hospital costs.
Similar to the Vegas reality, members will receive discounted drink specials as long as they are
playing on a table. Musical talent will be hired and several acts will perform throughout the event.
Separate promotional material will be created for the “casino night” event.
Strategy 2
In order to increase the use of social media tools to benefit the businesses awareness and
presence within social media, Dingus Magee’s needs to reinforce their Twitter account by actively
keeping up with the communication aspect of Twitter. They also need to re-evaluate their Facebook
page so that it is easily visible what they are trying to get out to their audience, and also regularly
update their page. Finally, they would also benefit from a FourSquare account, where they will offer
deals to attract more outside customers to the Dingus atmosphere.
Tactic 1
To better reinforce the existing Twitter account, several new procedures will be followed.
Firstly, the business will tweet daily reminders of any existing or new promotional specials and offerings.
The twitter account will also actively participate in two-way communication by replying, favoriting, or
retweeting feedback from current customers. The twitter account will also attempt to reach out to
potential new audience members by following students and other local area members who show
interest and relateability in the relative demographics (left up to social media administrator’s
Tactic 2
To more effectively reach out to a growing audience, Dingus will more actively participate in
Facebook. Not only will the existing social media site be improved and updated, but procedures for
participating will also be added and modified. Firstly, the business will update Facebook statuses
regularly to promote and inform audience members of daily specials and events. When promotional
nights and events are held, the business will create special event pages on the site to further market the
promotion. Other features useful to the business will include photo albums of good times being had to
boost a positive image for the entity. Other beneficial Facebook activities include audience participation
on the site, mini-polls to receive feedback from customers, and advertise upcoming musical talent.
Tactic 3
Create a FourSquare account and offer participation promotions to attract more audience
members to attend the restaurant. By creating a FourSquare spot, the restaurant can offer promotions
to customers who attend the business and “check-in.” By checking in, customers will receive a
promotional deal that offers them one free drink upon proof of participation. The offer is valid to the
first ten participants who are able to show proof of participation. The promotion will only be valid on
every Tuesday and is not valid during Happy Hour promotions.
Casino Night Budget
T-Shirts (150)
Flier (40)
Casino Hardware
Projected Cost
Sponsor Credit
Actual Cost
Strategy Subtotal
New Promotional Materials Budget
T-Shirts (150)
Hoodies (75)
Koozies (200)
Projected Cost
Strategy Subtotal
Sponsor Credit
Actual Cost
The main objectives to the “Some Things Never Change” campaign are to educate Statesboro and
surrounding areas as well as to raise awareness about just how much Dingus MaGee's has to offer. The
overall results are essential to Dingus MaGee's staying open, and the results can be used for future
purposes and to improve the campaigns’ impact.
The campaign’s influence on the public can be measured and observed through various offline and
online methods such as social media, post-event surveys and just talking to customers. Documenting
each year’s evaluation results may prove beneficial and can used as an asset in the future. Evaluation
results should be shared with all staff members, in order to have a cohesive work environment, as well
as keep the staff informed and updated.
Dingus MaGee's goals for the campaign were narrowed down to the following:
Increase awareness of Dingus MaGee's, their menu, happy hour, entertainment and special
events to:
◦ Georgia Southern University students
◦ Georgia Southern University faculty and staff
◦ Georgia Southern University alumni
◦ Statesboro families
◦ Surrounding areas
Increase awareness of Dingus MaGee's, their menu, happy hour, entertainment and special
events by:
◦ Special nights dedicated to Greek life, athletics, student organizations, etc.
◦ Special events
▪ Casino night
Increase Dingus MaGee's presence on social media
◦ Facebook
◦ Twitter
◦ Instagram
These goals may be measured using the following methods:
Press Coverage
The George-Anne is the student run newspaper for Georgia Southern University. The paper is
known for covering special events, informing the student body about good/bad things, and advertising
heavily for local companies. It might prove beneficial to cut out any article that talks about Dingus
MaGee's, good or bad. The articles can be kept in a folder, binder or put on a bulletin board. The
positive articles can show what people like, and what is working for Dingus, and the negative articles
can be in aid in fixing necessary things. This will also help monitor the press coverage the organization
receives throughout the year, which will allow you to view the campaign from another angle such
as the reporter’s or interviewed individuals.
Social Media
The best way to monitor the campaign’s impact throughout Statesboro and the urrounding
communities is through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For example on
Twitter, mentions of the campaign or Dingus MaGee's in general can be found in individual tweets by
typing in certain keywords in the site’s word search. Twitter users may also discuss the campaign or
talk about Dingus by using hash tags (#Dingus, #SomeThingsNeverChange, etc.). Monitoring social
media, especially with how much of an impact it has on today's society can prove to be very beneficial.
It is recommended to monitor what is being said about the campaign or Dingus in general everyday.
The visual aspects of the campaign are very important. This is a great way to document the
campaign, and it gives Dingus pictures to be used on social media. Designating one person at all
campaign events to be the photographer is crucial. This person should be familiar with cameras and
photoshop. Pictures through out the campaign will illustrate successes and also show things that need to
be worked on or fixed. The designated photographer needs to focus their pictures to show the general
event, special elements of the event, people who attended, etc. These pictures should included in the
yearly evaluation and shared on Dingus's social media sites.
Probably the most important part of the evaluation process, besides social media, includes
getting customer feedback. Distributing surveys is the best way to get customer feedback. The surveys
can be sent out online through e-mail or providing a link to the survey on Dingus's social media site.
Another way to survey would be to provide surveys at Dingus, possibly have a small piece of paper and
pens at each table. The survey should be short and to the point. Questions should revolve around the
event, likes, dislikes, etc. The feedback from the surveys should be broken down and relayed to the
All of these methods should prove beneficial in evaluating the campaign and business in general. It
would be a good idea to delegate the methods to certain staff members in order to ensure organization
and completeness. Keeping up with the evaluation and all of its components will help Dingus in the
long run, and will be a valuable asset in the future.
Dingus Magee’s
3 Georgia Avenue
Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 681-3207
“Some Things Never Change”
September 2013
Dingus Magee’s
3 Georgia Avenue
Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 681-3207
“Some Things Never Change”
october 2013
Dingus Magee’s
3 Georgia Avenue
Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 681-3207
“Some Things Never Change”
Dingus Magee’s
3 Georgia Avenue
Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 681-3207
“Some Things Never Change”
Casino Night T-Shirt Proof
Armeli, S., Conner, T. S., Cullum, J., & Tennen, H. (2010). A longitudinal analysis of drinking motives
moderating the negative affect-drinking association among college students. Psychology Of
Addictive Behaviors, 24(1), 38-47. doi:10.1037/a0017530.
Brooks, K (2012). From the President. Georgia Southern University Fact Sheet.
Field K. (2011). President's Budget Proposal for 2012 Protects Pell Grants but Makes Deep Cuts in Funds
for Career Education. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 57(25), A24.
Geho, P. R., Smith, S., & Lewis, S. D. (2010). Is Twitter a viable commercial use platform for small
businesses? An empirical study targeting two audiences in the small business community.
Entrepreneurial Executive, 1573-85.
Media Contact List
11th Hour
Physical Address
Mailing Address
109 N. Edgewood Drive Statesboro, GA 30458 109 N. Edgewood Drive Statesboro, GA 30458
Claxton Enterprise
24 S. Newton St. Claxton, GA 30417
P.O. Box 218 Claxton, GA 30417
Connect Statesboro
1 Proctor Street Statesboro, GA 30458
P.O. Box 888 Statesboro, GA 30458
Effingham Herald
566 S. Columbia Ave. Rincon, GA 31326
P.O. Box 779 Rincon, Ga 31326
George-Anne Daily
F.I. Williams Center Room 2023, Georgia
Southern University Statesboro, GA 30460
P.O. Box 8001 Statesboro, GA 30460
Metter Advertiser
15 S. Rountree Metter, GA 30439
15 S. Rountree Metter, GA 30439
Statesboro Herald
1 Proctor Street Statesboro, GA 30458
P.O. Box 888 Statesboro, GA 30458
91.9 FM "The Buzz"
P.O. Box 8016 Statesboro, GA 30458
P.O. Box 8016 Statesboro, GA 30458
(478) 982-5460
(912) 739-2132
(912) 488-2244
(912) 653-4570
(912) 478-5246
(912) 739-2131
(912) 488-2244
(912) 478-5507
Sponsor Contact List
30 Volume
420 Gentilly Road Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 489-0030
111 South
111 Rucker Lane Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 225-0381
Aspen Heights
17358 GA-67 Statesboro, GA 30458
(888) 606-6924 ext10
Dazzle Nails
715 Northside Drive E. Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 376-9889
Entourage Statesboro
100 Brampton Ave #1h Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 225-3749
Forum Statesboro
831 S. Main Street Statesboro, Ga 30458
(912) 489-3676
Greek Shop
1550 Chandler Road Statesboro, Ga 30458
309 S. Zetterower Ave. Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 681-2665
(912) 681-2665
Monarch 301
719 S. Main Street Stateboro, GA 30458
(912) 243-9025
R.J. Pope
840 Buckhead Dr. Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 764-6973
1100 Brampton Ave. Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 489-3883
Sir Shop
34 Statesboro Mall Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 764-6924
Southern Traditions Statesboro
Tantastic Statesboro
261 Northside Drive E. Statesboro, GA 30458
719 S. Main Street Stateboro, GA 30458
(912) 764-7268
(912) 764-8998
Textures Salon & Tan
840 Buckhead Dr. Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 489-1345
Walmart Statesboro
730 Northside Dr. E. Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 489-1910
Walker Pharmacy & Boutique
1198 Merchant Way Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 681-3784
Gray's Bookstore
New Promotional Koozie Proof
New Promotional Logo Designs
New Promotional Ad Graphic
New Promotional Hoodie Proof
New Promotional T-Shirt Proof
Dingus MaGee’s
• November 29th
• 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
• Black Jack, Poker,
Backgammon, &
• 50% off drink special • Musical
while playing
3 Georgia Avenue
Statesboro, GA 30458
Media Contact:
Heather Landry
706 231 8556
Dingus MaGee’s to Host Casino Night Event
STATESBORO, Ga., Oct. 16, 2013 – Dingus MaGee’s Restaurant & Lounge will host Casino Night
on Friday, November 29, 2013 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in attempts to increase awareness about
our establishment, expand our customer base as well as expand on our existing and potential
Dingus MaGee’s will be temporarily converted into a casino-style venue and will consist
of classic games such as black jack, poker, backgammon, and roulette. Participants will receive
discounted drink specials as long as they are playing on a table. The event will also feature local
musical talent for further entertainment. Local sponsors have been asked to graciously donate
various prize items in exchange for participation.
Through this event, the restaurant hopes to create a unique and entertaining
atmosphere that can be enjoyed by all. Portions of proceeds earned from the event will
towards benefiting a charitable cause.
Good Example: giving happy hour
times, and information about that
night’s events which would be not
having to pay cover to get in.
Good Example: giving information
about a special event being held that
day for an organization.
Good Example: promoting in an
appealing and appropriate way,
encouraging customers to come to
Dingus MaGees, and showing school
Bad Example: using the term “get
wasted” is inappropriate,
unprofessional, does not reflect a
positive image, and would come off to
certain audiences in a negative way.
Bad Example: although promoting a
special event is good, giving personal
information about the event and its
attendee’s, is unprofessional and
Bad Example: using the term “boom
boom room” is highly is inappropriate,
unprofessional, does not reflect a
positive image, and would come off to
certain audiences in a very negative
Cover Photo: need
to provide a cover
photo with the
Dingus MaGees
logo and/or photo
of the actual
About: need to
include address,
information, hours
of operation, link to
Google Maps for
directions, and link
for menu.
Page: need to include posts from Dingus
MaGees themself, about upcoming events,
daily specials, happy hour specials, special
events and anything else important in order
to inform customers, gain new customers
and spread general awareness.
Files: need to
include flyers
about events, a
document about
Dingus MaGee’s
history and any
other important
Photos: need to
have individual
albums that
pertain to all of
the events that
take place over
Events: needs to be updated daily to show happy
hour specials, daily specials, special events, and
upcoming entertainment in order to inform
customers other than by word of mouth.
Dear Sponsor,
On behalf of the entire Dingus MaGee’s staff, I would like to thank you for donating to
our Casino Night. Your support has served as a valuable asset in our mission is to increase
awareness about our establishment, expand our customer base as well as expand on our existing
and potential markets. Because of your generosity, we were truly able show everyone in
Statesboro, as well as the surrounding areas just how much Dingus MaGees has to offer!
Your generous donations will enable Dingus MaGee’s to host similar events as well as
more extravagant events in the future, as well as present to the community how the support from
local companies is crucial to the survival of Statesboro landmarks.
As you can imagine, there are a lot of expenses and materials involved in creating an
event to this stature. Your donations provided our Casino Night with the special attributes which
made it a unique and memorable experience for all that attended. Your donation was not solely a
charitable contribution, but is also a great advertising opportunity. Without the support from
companies like you, we would not be able to reach our goals.
Thank you once again for your generous support to our Casino Night.
Jim Chambers
Dingus MaGees Owner & Operator