We Have Been Sent Out Into the World to Restore Community w


We Have Been Sent Out Into the World to Restore Community w
Prayer Requests
New Prayer Requests:.
 Halie Ewing had a heart ablation procedure on Tuesday that went well.
 Treven Ewing is doing better now so continued prayers they found his issues.
 David & Dina Aubrey requested our prayers for personal struggles.
 Eloise Stewart requests prayers for her son, Paul Norris, and his family. They are
having personal struggles.
 Pat Kieffer, friend of the Hunsuckers, dealing with problems following hip surgery.
 Rosie Miller for continued health improvements & recovery for her grandsons Matthew Douglas & Davion Peoples, injured in a roll over accident a few weeks ago.
Continuing Prayers:
Sharon Adams/Ingrid Alvarez/Wes Anderson/Patty Balance (D. Prymus’ stepmom)/John Ballew(job)/Jamie Banks (Jason’s brother)/Julie Barchers/Otis
Barchers/Rodney Batesal (Aubrey’s friend)/Susan Braun/Amy Brusven’s niece,
Lydia, for Sue, and for Amy‘s friend‘s daughter, Olivia/Becky Byrd (G. Peters and W.
Durham’s sister)/Matthew Carlton/PJessica Clampitt (friend of B. Durham)/Patsy
Clark/Karl Collier/Howard Collins (J. Stetson’s friend)/Randy Cundiff/Kari Dingus/Lorene Doyle/Dawn. Molly & Willie Durham/Lola Easterwood (friend of
D. Prymus)/Lindsey Eusterwiemann/Darlene Ewing/Bart Green (D. Aubrey’s
friend)/Marisol Haight/Susan Helwig (Roe’s friend)/Mike Hicks/Wendell Holeman/David & Monnie Jackson/Linda Leone/John & Betty Lucas/Sherrisa
Mashaney/Scott Morris/Evelyn Parker (L. Beers’ sister)/Jeanette Phelps/Shelton
Ponder/Josh Ravenscroft/Nathan Reedy/Jerry Romines (friend of the Durhams)
Ernie Rosenthal (friend of D. Prymus)/Leah Ruth/Robert Sanders (Aubreys’ friend with
cancer)/Paul Schake (job)/Geraldine Smith/Tiffini Sobbe/Sharon Stockton(G.
Smiths’ friend)/Wayne Taylor (Diane Lord’s brother)/Raeleigh Tebbe/Marjorie
Thompson/Joella Walker/Kenny White(D. Mashaney’s friend)/Bob Wood/Michael
Yadon (M. Davies’ father)/Our missions/church leaders
Military: Daniel Beavers (Lord’s son-in-law); Chris Bryan (O. Wilhelm’s teacher); Clay
Cox (K. Cox’s nephew); Chris Glerup (C. Smith’s son); Robert Heckencamp (Barcher’s
grandson); John Kirkendoll (active reserve duty); David Roberts (Carroll’s nephew); Frank
Tiller (C. Smith’s nephew); Nick & Remy VanHoecke (S. Noftzger’s cousins)
Expecting parents: Thomas & Rachel Fullerton (Gillum‘s son) - March ‗14;
Robby/Tiffany Morris-Feb. 8; Ben/Valari Skinness - Nov. 29
Calendar of Events
 DECEMBER 1 (SUNDAY) - New Winter Quarter Begins
 DECEMBER 2 (MONDAY) - Monday Night Ladies Bible Study at Carlene Heiman’s - 7 PM.
 DECEMBER 3 (TUESDAY) - Supply Room Work Day at 10 AM
 DECEMBER 3 (TUESDAY) - Library Work Night at 7 PM
 DECEMBER 3 (TUESDAY) - Volleyball in the FLC at 7 PM
 DECEMBER 4 (WEDNESDAY) - Wednesday Ladies Bible Class AT 10 AM.
 DECEMBER 4 (WEDNESDAY) - Fellowship at Wendy’s
 DECEMBER 7 (SATURDAY) - Ladies Holiday Party at the church building from 1—3
 DECEMBER 8 (SUNDAY) - Teens shopping for Christmas immediately after Bible Class
 DECEMBER 10 (TUESDAY) - Volleyball in the FLC at 7 PM
 DECEMBER 11 (WEDNESDAY) - Wednesday Ladies Bible Class at 10 AM.
 DECEMBER 11 (WEDNESDAY) - Fellowship at Chic Fil A
 DECEMBER 12 (THURSDAY) - Work Day on Curriculum Books begins at 10 AM.
 DECEMBER 17 (TUESDAY) - 60+ Super Seniors meet at 11 A.M.
 DECEMBER 18 (WEDNESDAY) - Wednesday Ladies Bible Class at 10 AM.
 DECEMBER 20 (FRIDAY) - Fair Haven Gifts due in to the office.
 DECEMBER 22 (SUNDAY) - Singing at Liberty Terrace Care Center at 2:30 PM.
Directory News - We hope to have new directories coming the end of this
month. Please contact the office if your directory entry needs to be updated. If you
have a new photo, please bring it or email it to the church office. We can take a
new family photo in Room #7 before Bible class. Please submit changes to the office by December 1. We appreciate your help!
We Have Been Sent Out Into the World to Restore Community w/God & One Another
“As the Father has sent me, I am sending you” (Jn. 20:21) .
Outreach & Evangelism NEWS
DECEMBER MEMORY VERSE - “ But if we walk in the light, as he is in the
light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son,
purifies us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7 (NIV)
Ladies Holiday Party - Ladies, young and old, you‘re invited to a ―White Christmas” Luncheon this Saturday, December 7 from 1-3 pm. Instead of buying a gift,
please bring a ―gently used‖ Christmas ornament to exchange, and the money you
would have spent on a gift to send to our missionaries. We always enjoy a great time
together, good food, and fun.
Volleyball - There is volleyball in the FLC on Tuesdays nights beginning at 7 PM.
This is for adults and teens; all skill levels are welcome. If you have any questions, you
may contact Derrick Mashaney.
Fair Haven Children’s Home Gifts - You gifts for the children need to be
wrapped (with their name on it) and returned to the office by December 20.
You Can Help - If you know of a family that could use some help for Christmas
this year, please submit their names to the office by Wednesday, December 4, if possible. We need to have their names, gift ideas, and sizes. We will help as many as we
can with at least one gift for each family member. We have people who are willing to
shop, so monetary donations are great too. If you can be a shopper, contact Judy in
the office. We are also collecting rolls of wrapping paper, tissue paper, labels and
bows. These will be given to the Downtown church and for use by our teens to wrap
the gifts they purchase. There‘s a box in the foyer labeled ―Gift Wrap‖ for these items.
Singing At The Nursing Home - We sing at Liberty Terrace Care Center
(nursing home) on the 4th Sunday each month. We will sing there next on, December
22, from 2:30-3 PM. The nursing home is between the church building and hospital.
Everyone is invited to come sing & uplift the residents. Contact Danny Clarkson.
Missions Updates - On Wednesday, December 11, either Hi Jones or Bryon
Benetiz will be here to update us on their work in Guatemala. The children's classes
will meet but the adult classes will be combined in the auditorium that night.
~ Our Winter Quarter Teen/Adult Bible Classes ~
Sunday A.M. Adult Bible Classes
“Judges & Ruth” - Teacher: John Richardson (Auditorium) This class will be
looking at the Old Testament books of Judges and Ruth. The period of the Judges
was a pivotal time in the history of the nation of Israel. We will be looking at the
events of this time period to gain a better understanding of the historical facts, to see
what lessons we can find for our time, and to gain a better understanding of how God
deals with his people.
“Feasting On God’s Words” - Teacher: Stephen Lord (Old Kitchen) The prophet Jeremiah once said of God, "Your words were found and I ate them, and your
words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart" (Jer. 15:16). Let's be honest, is
that how you feel about Scripture? Would you like to be able to feel that way about
God's Words? Would you like to develop some approaches and techniques to help
you have a more enriching time with Scripture?
“Raising Spiritual Kids “ - Teacher: Roger Dingus (Classroom #8) Whether
we are parents or grandparents, raising children can be hard work. Satan knows how
to attack our children and us. We HAVE to take seriously the spiritual formation of
the children God has blessed us with and intentionally raise our kids to have a love for
God, have a faith of their own and to love the Lord‘s church. We will take a look at
spiritual truths we need to understand as Christians and how we can instill those truths
in our children.
Junior/Senior High Combined Class -“The DNA of the Church“ Teacher:
Ken Carpenter (Teen Room downstairs)
Wednesday Adult Class
“Financial Stewardship & Personal Finance” - Teacher: George Hunsucker
(Auditorium) In this class we will talk about how a Christian approaches finances. We will also offer some ideas for managing your personal finances. You will
have the chance to ask about financial things you don't understand and hopefully better understand them after the class.
Monthly Monday Night Ladies Bible Study - This group meets the first
Monday of each month and will meet tomorrow, December 2, at the home of Carlene
Heiman at 7 PM. They will have their annual Christmas gift exchange, so bring a ―gift
of you‖ - something you will do or make for the person getting your name. For the
devotional time together, bring a favorite Scripture to share with the group. Bring a
snack to share too. They will be starting a new book in January, so bring your suggestions for a book/topic or study to the December meeting. If you have any questions,
please contact Lori Miller or Judy Dingus.
Wednesday Ladies Bible Class - All ladies are welcome to the Wednesday
Ladies Bible Class at 10 am at the church building. They will meet on December 4,
11, and 18. They will not meet over the holiday. The class will resume on January 8,
2014. They‘ll begin a new video series called ―Commands Expressly for Women‖ by
Dave Miller. Contact Mary Anne Widel or Sharon Clarkson with questions.
Youth & Teen News/Opportunities
 Christmas Shopping for our Adopted Families - We will be shopping for
Christmas gifts next Sunday, December 8, immediately after Bible Class. Bring
money for lunch and we will eat in the Subway at Wal-mart. We‘ll shop for the kids
and then go back to the church building to wrap the gifts. We need a couple of adult
chaperones, so contact Devin, Tim or Craig if you can accompany the teens.
 WINTERFEST - Winterfest is January 17 - 19 in Arlington, Texas. You should
already be registered if you are going. Watch for more details coming soon.
 York Youth Rally - January 31—February 2. “Captive” Featuring Eli Hooper
and Psallo. Cost is $12. More details will be coming later. Hold this date.
MEMORY VERSE BOWLING PARTY - Below are the kids who qualified for
the Memory Verse Party by learning the required number of verses. The party will be
on Sunday, January 12, from 1-3 PM. We‘ll be bowling at Retro Bowl in Liberty and
there is no cost to you. We‘ll meet there at 1 pm. If your child is not yet in school,
we ask that one parent please plan to stay. Congratulations to the following (bold
names learned all 12 verses): Hoyt Banks, Hannah Beach, Anne Marie Brunk,
Emily Brunk, Mia Brunk, Molly Brusven, Sam Brusven, Michael Carlton, Eva
Diaz, Leo Diaz, Lola Diaz, Lucky Dickens, Treven Ewing, Trotter Ewing, Tyla
Ewing, Natalya Knoke, Konnor Kowalke, Sydney Martin, Brenda McDonald,
Mason McFarland, Michael McFarland, Jackson Moore, Katie Moore, Josiah
Richardson, Rachel Tillock
QUARTER AND BIBLE CLUBS - Today starts a new quarter so work on your
memory work. The end of the quarter party will be sometime in March and it will be
a surprise event. Anyone close to joining the Bible Clubs? Please let your teachers
know if you have learned the books of the New or Old Testament.
Serving Opportunities - If you can help, we would love to have you join us.
 Library Work Night will be on Tuesday, December 3, at 7 PM. December librarians are Genny Cox/Nancy Sherrick.
 Supply Room Work Day on Tuesday, December 3, at 10 AM.
 Snack Pack Helpers - We are helping next door at the school with their snack
pack hand outs. Our helpers on Friday, December 5, are Mikeal and Teresa Jones.
We need to be at the school by 2:50 pm.
 Curriculum Book Work Day on Thursday, December 12, at 10 AM.
Sunday AM, December 1, 2013
31 - Be Still and Know
57 - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Lord’s Supper
Scripture Reading: 1 John 1:1—3
463 - I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
538 - My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
Sermon: Is Christ Credible?
342 - We Saw Thee Not
Closing Prayer
Scheduled to Serve
Contact elder:
Danny Clarkson
Amy Brusven family
Harold & Diane Crouch
A/V Booth:
J. Banks/G Cox
Sun. PM - J. Banks & Wed. PM - H. Crouch
Worship Slides:
George Hunsucker
A.M. Assembly
Tim Heiman
Song Leader:
Harold Hascall
Opening Prayer:
Tim Heiman
Lord’s Table:
Paul Morrison
Mikael Jones
Keith Cox
Harold Crouch Randy Cundiff
Scripture Reading:
Cole Huffhines
Closing Prayer:
Bill Dingus
Next Week - 12/8/13
Contact elder:
Danny Clarkson
Mike & Terri Griffen
Carl & Darlene Ewing
A/V Booth:
Tri Knoke/Harold Crouch
Sun. PM - J. Banks & Wed. PM - H. Crouch
Worship Slides:
Harold Crouch
A.M. Assembly
Song Leader:
Opening Prayer:
Lord’s Table:
Danny Clarkson
Rick Dankert
Scripture Reading:
Closing Prayer:
Craig Huffhines
Derek Noftzger
Craig Huffhines
Danny Beach
Jeff Cunningham
Francisco Diaz
Ben Lord
Ivan Dennis
Nursery Attendants
Nursery Attendants
Babies: Terri Griffen
Toddlers: Linda Beers/Linda Smoot
Babies: Janet Sutton
Toddlers: Linda & Rebecca Wiley
Kids Own Worship
Vanessa & Randy Prindle
Lydia Ritter/Noah Lockhart
Kids Own Worship
Mark & Mindy McFarland
Dakota Brizendine/AJ Wiley
P.M. Assembly
P.M. Assembly
There is an assembly at the building every
week at 5 PM. Currently our study is:
There is an assembly at the building every
week at 5 PM. Currently our study is:
Tonight‘s study/Script.: Zacchaeus/Luke
19:1 –1 0/Teacher - Harold Hascall
Tonight‘s study/Script.: Jonah/Jonah
Teacher - Phil Widel
Choices that Determine Destiny
Wednesday Devotional
Derek Noftzger
Roger Dingus
Choices that Determine Destiny
Wednesday Devotional
Steve Fierbaugh
Josh Fierbaugh
Our Elders/Deacons
Deacons and
Otis Barchers
Keith Cox
Community Outreach
Derek Noftzger
Kevin Ruth
Harold Hascall
George Hunsucker
Jim Oehm
Paul Morrison
Francisco Diaz
Dan Topel
Harold Crouch
Carl Ewing
Tim Brizendine
Craig Huffhines
Devin Warrington
John Richardson
Mike Griffen
Mike Griffen
John Miller
Ken Carpenter
Danny Clarkson
Ken Carpenter
Danny Clarkson
Ken Carpenter
John Richardson
John Miller
Danny Clarkson
John Richardson
Our Records
Sunday (11/24/13)
9:00 AM Service
10:30 AM Bible Class
Visitors Sunday AM
5:00 PM (Building)
Life Groups
Sunday PM Total:
Weekly Budget
Weekly Average
Wednesday (11/27/13)
7:00 PM Bible Class
New Members (2013)
New Members
Danny Clarkson
John Miller
Ken Carpenter
Mike Griffen
John Richardson
Mike Griffen
John Miller
(Youth Leader)
No. 47
Back in 2002, Italian atheist Luigi Cascioli, author of The Fable of Christ, took the
local village priest Enrico Righi to court. Righi had written in the church bulletin
that Jesus was a real person. In doing so, Cascioli claimed the priest broke two
Italian laws: 1) Abuse of Popular Belief which protects people against fraud; 2)
Impersonation—attributing a false name to someone. Cascioli believes Jesus is a
fictitious character based on an obscure historical person named John of Gamala.
Over against this claim is the statement from the Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 1:16
that, “We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the
power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” So who’s perpetrating fraud? Luigi or Peter? Are you here today because
you were gullible enough to fall for a fairy tale (it happens), or are you following a
real person?
350 - When My Love to Christ Grows Weak
Reminder - Don‘t forget the coupons (up to 3 months expired) for the troops.
Monnie Jackson sends them in. Separate coupons by food and non-food items. Put
Best Choice labels in the envelope on the bulletin board in the foyer. Geraldine
Smith redeems the labels to buy food for our pantry and Food For Life.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Is Christ Credible?
589 - Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Our Food Pantry Needs – Tuna, fruit, cereal, complete boxed dinners, spaghetti
noodles & juice. Gift cards to local grocers for perishables are welcome as well.
Christmas Service Project With The Downtown Church of Christ They will be holding their regular Food For Life on Saturday, December 14. Food
items they need include: Vienna sausage, canned meats, peanut butter, jelly, ramen
noodles, soup, and canned fruits. They will have their special Christmas Dinner/Party
on Saturday, December 21. We can help by furnishing new or gently used small
Christmas gifts for men and women. They need new/gently used toys for children.
Items suggested: dish towels, wash cloths, hair accessories, stationary, candles, gloves,
scarves, jewelry, socks, books, games, puzzles. Items donated may be left in the round
barrel in the foyer. These items need to be turned in by Wednesday, December 18.
This Week - 12/1/13
Volume 52
1401 Glenn Hendren Dr.
Liberty, Missouri 64068
Phone: (816) 781-5134
E-Mail: libertycoc@kc.rr.com
Web Page: www.libertychurchofchrist.org
Setting the Bible aside for a moment, let’s look at some historical evidence external to Scripture. Archaeologists unearthed a letter dating back to AD 73 from a
non-Christian, non-Jew named Mara Bar-Serapion. Mara wrote to his son with an
object lesson drawn from three philosophers—Socrates, Pythagoras, and Jesus.
Of Jesus he observed, “What advantage did the Jews gain from executing their
wise king? It was just after that that their kingdom was abolished . . . nor did the
wise king die for good; he lived on in the teaching which he had given.” Mara is
an ancient and independent source that attests to the existence of Jesus—that he
was a Jewish teacher of royal blood that the Jews killed. A first century Roman
official named Cornelius Tacitus had no love for Christians. He called us loathsome and a plague and our beliefs a “pernicious superstition”. But he also wrote
that Christianity derived its name and origin from one called Christ, who “had undergone the death penalty in the reign of Tiberius, by sentence of the Procurator
Pontius Pilate” over in Judea. Tacitus said they thought Jesus’ death would put
an end to the matter, but the disease of Christianity broke out and spread everywhere after that. There are other ancient and hostile witnesses that speak of Jesus as a real person: Roman Governor Pliny, Roman historian Suetonius, the
Greek writer Lucian, the Jewish historian Josephus. No honest, objective person
can deny that 2000 years ago in Judea there lived a Jewish teacher of royal blood
called Jesus Christ who was executed for his teachings. Luke 3:1-2 sets the ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus in a specific time, in reference to real historical figures, and in a specific, actual locality. Fairy tales don’t get so specific, they
start “long ago” in a “faraway land”.
Jesus is real. So what! So is George Washington. But knowing George walked
this earth doesn’t do anything for me. Jesus is real, but the more important question is whether he is real to you. Not real in the sense of some distant, dusty historical figure like George. I can’t talk to George (if I did they’d give me medication!). I can’t have a relationship with George. Is Jesus real like my best friend is
real—someone I can confide in, who can help me out and give me a hand, someone I can have a personal relationship with? There is a difference between Jesus
and George. Jesus’ tomb is empty; he rose from the dead. George’s tomb is occupied. I can have a relationship with Jesus because he is not only real, but he is
still alive and still present.