05/29/2016 Weekly Bulletin


05/29/2016 Weekly Bulletin
P.O. BOX 3672 ♦ GLYNDON, MARYLAND 21071-3672
PHONE: (410) 833-1696 ♦ FAX: (410) 833-2676
MAY 29, 2016
Rev. Msgr. Lloyd E. Aiken
Rev. Hamilton Okeke
Associate Pastor
Rev. Hilario Avendaño
Associate Pastor for Hispanic Ministry
Rev. Walter J. McGovern
Retired – In residence
Mr. James A. Ryan
Mr. James Nuzzo
Sr. Judith Cianfrogna, SSJ
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Cecilia Cyford, SSJ
Director of Religious Education
Sr. Helen Wiegmann, SSJ
Health Care Ministry
Mr. Zachary Coyle
School Principal
Mrs. Jeanne Cossentino
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Anne Purnell
Assistant Middle School Principal
Sr. Karen Washabaugh, SSJ
School Campus Minister K-5
Mrs. Kathryn Swisher
Director of Youth Ministry
Ms. Kathy Whitelock
Director of Development
Rev. Michael L. Barré, P.S.S. Rev. James McKearney , P. S.S.
Rev. Gilbert J. Seitz
Rev. Daniel Moore, P.S.S.
Victor Sanchez
Michael Merritt
Chris Pinto
4th Year Theology
3rd Year Theology
1st Year Theology
Weekend Masses:
4:00 p.m.
7:30 (Quiet), 9:00, 10:30 a.m. (Choir);
12:00 (Contemporary Choir) & 5:00 p.m.
Spanish Mass:
Saturdays — 7:00 p.m. (Little Church)
Sundays — 1:30 p.m. (Main Church)
Weekday Masses/Communion Service (Little Church):
7:00 & 9:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Holy Day Schedule: Consult bulletin (except Christmas and New
Eucharistic Adoration: (Little Church)
First Fridays:
Exposition following the 9:00 a.m. Mass,
concluding at the 8:00 a.m. Mass Saturday
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; 1:15-9:00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Parish Office/Rectory
Hispanic Ministry
Development Office
Sacred Heart School
Religious Education Office
Sacred Heart Youth Ministry
WELCOME! You are most welcome to Sacred Heart Church. Parish
registration forms are available in the Gathering Space and at the
Parish Office. If you are moving out of the parish, please notify us.
BAPTISMS: Saturdays at noon and within the celebration of Mass
(except during Lent). Parents are required to attend a Preparation
Class held on the 2nd Monday of the month. Please call the
Religious Education Office to arrange for both Preparation Class
and Baptism.
RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard on Saturdays from
5:15-5:45p.m. (Little Church) and by appointment. Parish
Reconciliation Services are held during Advent and Lent.
MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married should contact a
priest or deacon at least six months before the anticipated date.
All engaged couples must take a Marriage Preparation Course. Do
not set a date until you have met with the priest or deacon.
COMMUNION TO THE SICK: If someone is in the hospital or
homebound and unable to attend Mass and wishes to receive
communion, please contact the Parish Office. Mass is celebrated
at FutureCare-Cherrywood Nursing Home on the 2nd Wednesday
at 10:30 a.m.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: In case of emergency call the Parish
Office/Rectory at anytime. Please notify the Parish Office if you
know someone in the hospital or at home who wishes to be
anointed. Masses of Anointing are celebrated several times a
adults (English and Spanish speaking) for full communion in the
Catholic Church. Sessions meet year round on Monday evenings
at 7:00 p.m. Call the Parish Office for information.
BULLETIN DEADLINE. Notices must be
received in the parish office TEN days
(Thursday) before the bulletin date requested.
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
May 29, 2016
Sacred Heart Parish Mission Statement
We, the people of God in the parish of Sacred Heart, are constantly attempting to become a faith community of
those who, believing in Jesus, proclaim God’s Kingdom and share the mystery of faith by worshipping the Father,
enabling all members to grow in their relationship with each other through the Son, and witnessing our gifts through
active service to others in the Spirit.
Weekly Liturgical Schedule
Prayer and Worship
Saturday Vigil Mass, May 28
4:00 p.m. Mass
Guy Vitellaro
7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass
Sunday, May 29 – The Most Holy Body and Blood
of Christ
7:30 a.m. Mass
Jane Geary
9:00 a.m. Mass
Sacred Heart Parishioners
10:30 a.m. Mass
Margaret McWilliams
12:00 p.m. Mass
Chalita Tecson
1:30 p.m. Sp. Mass
Estuardo Estrada
5:00 p.m. Mass
Bob & Peggy Wells
Monday, May 30
9:00 a.m. Mass
George Diener
Tuesday, May 31 – The Visitation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
7:00 a.m. Mass
Beverly Shipley
9:00 a.m. Mass
Michael Hynes
Wednesday, June 1 – St. Justin, Martyr
7:00 a.m. – Communion Service
9:00 a.m. Mass
Joshua Sandkuhler
Thursday, June 2
7:00 a.m. Mass
Norma S. Brach
9:00 a.m. Mass
Robert & Jennie McGowan
Friday, June 3
7:00 a.m. Mass
Valentine Szczepaniak
9:00 a.m. Mass
Robert Mutschler
9:30 a.m. – Eucharistic Adoration
Saturday, June 4 – The Immaculate Heart of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00 a.m. Mass
Elenore C. Enders
Saturday Vigil Mass, June 4
4:00 p.m. Mass
Stewardship Supporters
7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass
Sunday, June 5 – The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
7:30 a.m. Mass
Charlene Clarke
9:00 a.m. Mass
Jim Corbett
10:30 a.m. Mass
Sacred Heart Parishioners
12:00 p.m. Mass
Emma Sacco
1:30 p.m. Sp. Mass
David Barr
5:00 p.m. Mass
Ron Glodek
Presiders’ Schedule: June 5, 2016
4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 Noon
1:30 p.m. (Spanish) (MC)
5:00 p.m.
Msgr. Aiken
Fr. Avendaño
Fr. Okeke
Fr. Okeke
Fr. Seitz
Fr. Seitz
Fr. Avendaño
Msgr. Aiken
St. Charles Presiders’ Schedule: June 4, 2016
4:00 p.m.
Fr. Okeke
Scripture Readings June 5, 2016
1 Kgs 17:17-24 Ps 30:2,4-6, 11-13
Gal 1:11-19 Lk 7:11-17
Elijah heals the son of a widow. She praises the Lord
that her son had been healed (1, Ps). Jesus raises from
the dead the son of a widow of Nain. All are amazed and
glorify God (3). It is this God who revealed His son to
St. Paul that he might proclaim him to the Gentiles (2).
For Reflection: How have you been present to another
suffering a deep loss?
Memorial Day –Monday, May 30, 2016
The Parish Center is closed tomorrow as we honor
those who gave their lives in the armed services. It
will reopen on Tuesday at 8:30 A.M.
Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
Mayo 29, 2016
Misión de la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón
Nosotros, El pueblo de Dios en la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón, estamos intentando constantemente hacernos
una comunidad de fe, que creyendo en Jesús, proclamamos el Reino de Dios y compartimos el misterio de la fe
adorando al Padre, permitiendo a todos los miembros un crecimiento en su relación interpersonal a través del Hijo
y siendo testigo de nuestros dones a través del servicio activo a otros en el Espíritu.
Tiempo Ordinario
Suele ser definido como "el tiempo en que Cristo se hace
presente y guía a su Iglesia por los caminos del mundo";
un tiempo menor o un tiempo no fuerte. En el año
litúrgico, se llama tiempo ordinario al tiempo que no
coincide ni con la Pascua y su Cuaresma, ni con la
Navidad y su Adviento. Son treinta y tres o treinta y
cuatro semanas en el transcurso del año, en las que no
se celebra ningún aspecto particular del misterio de
Cristo. Es el tiempo más largo, cuando la comunidad de
bautizados es llamada a profundizar en el Misterio
pascual y a vivirlo en el desarrollo de la vida de todos
los días. Por eso las lecturas bíblicas de las misas son de
gran importancia para la formación cristiana de la
comunidad. Esas lecturas no se hacen para cumplir con
un ceremonial, sino para conocer y meditar el mensaje
de salvación apropiado a todas las circunstancias de la
vida. El Tiempo Ordinario del año comienza con el
lunes que sigue del domingo después del seis de enero y
se prolonga hasta el martes anterior a la Cuaresma,
inclusive; se reanuda el lunes después del domingo de
Pentecostés y finaliza antes de las primeras vísperas del
primer domingo de Adviento. Las fechas varían cada
año, pues se toma en cuenta los calendarios religiosos
antiguos que estaban determinados por las fases lunares,
sobre todo para fijar la fecha del Viernes Santo, día de
la Crucifixión de Jesús. A partir de ahí se estructura todo
el año litúrgico
1ª Lectura:
2ª Lectura:
Lecturas Dominicales
Junio 5, 2016
1 Reyes 17:17-24
Salmo 30:2,4-6, 11-13
Gal 1:11-19
Lc 7:11-17
Información Sacramental
Bautizos: Se celebran cada segundo sábado del mes
(excepto durante la cuaresma). Los padres y los padrinos
requieren asistir a una clase de preparación que se realiza
el tercer domingo de cada mes y los padrinos deben
haber recibido todos los sacramentos de iniciación
cristiana (Bautizo, Confirmación y Eucaristía). Favor
llamar a la oficina para mayor información.
Matrimonio: Las parejas que están planeando en
casarse deben contactar el sacerdote o el diacono por lo
menos seis meses antes de la fecha planeada para este
sacramento. Todas las parejas comprometidas deben de
tomar el cursillo prematrimonial.
Unción de los Enfermos: En caso de emergencia llamar
a la oficina parroquial o a la rectoría. Por favor notificar
a la oficina si sabe de alguien que se encuentre en el
hospital y necesite de este sacramento.
Sacramento de la Reconciliación: El sacramento de la
confesión se celebra los sábados de 6:30 pm a 7:00 pm y
los domingos de 12:30 pm a 1:30 pm en la iglesia
Avisos Importantes
El próximo fin de semana, celebraremos la festividad
del Sagrado Corazón, patrono de nuestra comunidad
parroquial. Unamos todos en oración para que el Dios
de amor nos continúe llenando de bendiciones.
¡Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en vos confió!
Wedding Banns
First Time: Edgar Aguilar Méndez of
Sacred Heart and Iris Anedondo Báez of
Sacred Heart
Third Time: Augustine Ifeany Adiele of
Immaculate Conception and Onyinye
Chika Onyekwelie of Sacred Heart
Third Time: German Rivera Athedondo
of Sacred Heart and Lina Aguilar
Mendez of Sacred Heart
Third Time: David A. Marcelo Flores of Sacred Heart
and Lizbeth Castro Martinez of Sacred Heart
Pray for those who have died.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully
departed rest in peace. Amen.
Anna Marie Renard and Josephine Feustle
We Welcome the Newly Baptized
Annabelle Faith Stokes
Lucy Angerer, Foula Dargakis,
Danny Baum, Debbie Beaven,
Brian Bence, Mary Ellen Berry,
Lena Bouchard, Bob Brosso, Mary
Lou Brosso, Alice May Brosso, Tracy Burroughs, Frank
Carlucci, Anthony Cascio, Betty Carpenter, Frank
Chengery, Ted Christansen, Laura Ciois, John Dargakis,
Maria Dargakis, Nick Dargakis, Kimberly Devlin,
Maurice Eyler, Rosa Elena Fernandez, Helga Frye, Joan
Gampel, Nancy Glorioso, Sue Grabus, Bob Hammen,
Troy Heiner, Betty Henry, Chaneice Hayden, William
Hayes, Lynda Henry, Maria Hlahol, Barbara Hoare,
Donna Hoffman, Chad Kemper, Charlotte Kemper,
Rebecca Kemper, Ellen Kmiecik, Gerry Kleiman,
Richard Kretzschmar, Ted Lawson, Rosemary Lazzati,
Tim League, Rita MacNeish, Betty Meldrow, Bob
Moan, Scott Moser, Denise Ovelgone, Austin Phillips,
Anthony Pinto, Carole Pritchett, Beth Ralston, Sherry
Rielly, Katie Riggin, D’Ann G. Rittie, Robbie
Robertson, Matt Schaefer, Michele Seibel, Rose Sebald,
Ellie Skipper, Charlotte Slocum, Lisa Slocum, Carmen
Socorro Choi Yun Soon, Deli Strummer, Jay Stonik,
Jose Vedrine, Jr, Doris Walter, Jackie Weir, Justine
Wilkins, Cathy Winslow
Names will remain on the Sick List for 5 weeks
If there is a need to have the name of your loved one on
the list for a longer period of time, we will be happy to
accommodate you, but you must contact the Parish
Office (410-833-1696) between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00
P.M. to make this request.
Miraculous Medal Novena
Each Tuesday in May and June at 7:00 P.M.
in the Little Church.
Wedding Anniversary in June?
If the answer is “Yes!” Please call the Parish Office this
coming week (410-833-1696) and let us know your
names and years of marriage. Next Sunday, June 5th at
the 9:00 A.M. Mass, we will pray a special blessing
upon you and your marriage.
Emory Grove Prayer Service August 7, 2016
“The Emory Grove Association of Baltimore is holding
its 148th year of worship this summer. We feel blessed
the have the congregation of Sacred Heart Roman
Catholic Church joining us on Sunday, August 7, 2016
at 7:30 P.M.
First Friday Eucharistic Adoration
St. Maximilian Kolbe said: “God dwells in our midst, in
the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.” Come to
First Friday Eucharistic Adoration and allow
the Real Presence of Our Blessed Lord to
jump start your spiritual life! Every month the
Legion of Mary requests at least TWO adorers
each hour. We are especially in need of
adorers during the late night and early morning hours.
For community prayer come at 4:00PM for a Family
Holy Hour for Life or join Esperanza Latina at 3:00AM.
All other hours are for quiet prayer. Please consider
helping this important parish effort by signing up ahead
of time for an hour of prayer with the Eucharistic
Presence of Jesus. The sign up board will be in the
Gathering Space of the Main Church during weekend
Masses and in the Little Church during the week.
Contact Irene Walsh via email or 410-935-6718 with
any questions.
NO “Hour of Glory” on Monday, May 30th, due to
the Memorial Day Holiday. The Hour of Glory will
resume next Monday, June 6, at 7:00 PM.
Father’s Day Novena
Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet cards are available at the
entrances to Church and at the Parish Center. Please
return the outside envelope to us by
Monday morning, June 13, 2016 so
that the names of your beloved, both living
and deceased, can be placed in the
Remembrance Book. Please print clearly.
arly. A Novena
of Masses for these intentions will begin on Sunday,
June 19 and continue through June 27th.
Our Stewardship
Weekly Offering
Offertory (May 22, 2016)
($ 2,077.46)
Catholic Education
$ 2,767.58
Electronic Fund Contributions
(not included in above total)
$ 75.50
Catholic Education
$ 35.00
Next weekend’s second collection will be for Catholic
21Club Drawing #17 May 20, 2016
Prize Ticket# Winner
$200 1052 Joe Hofmeir, Jr. C & D Pearson
687 Diane Endres
Bill Endres
$ 50
1316 J & M McDonald Theresa McDonald
$ 50
555 Ola Mae Nicholes Kathy Van Sickle
$ 50
946 Pauline Jewer
Kathy Van Sickle
Unsold numbers drawn: 1312, 991, 414, 890
Christian Formation and Evangelization
DO YOU KNOW what Corpus Christi means? This
weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and
Blood of Christ, popularly called by its Latin title,
Corpus Christi (Body of Christ).
Its origin in the 12th century is connected with an
exaggerated emphasis on the real presence of Christ in
the consecrated bread to be adored to the exclusion of a
fuller meaning of Eucharist as celebration, a meal to be
The special feast devoted to the Body and Blood of
Christ was introduced to the universal church in 1264.
A tradition says that St. Thomas Aquinas wrote the
prayers and hymns for the feast.
Feast of the Sacred Heart
The feast of the Sacred Heart will be
celebrated on the weekend of June 4 and
5. Let us join together on this weekend to
thank God for our parish and pray for the
continued protection of the Sacred Heart
of Jesus.
Every week our children use the MagnifiKids! Mass
books to help them to pray with us as a community.
Help is needed to finance our subscription for next year.
We would need about $800 for a year round subscription
of 80 books.
If you or your organization would be able to assist us in
ordering these books, please contact Sister Jude (410833-1696; srjude@shgparish.org) as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Family Fellowship Fathers’ Night
All Fathers are asked to join us on Sunday, June 5, at
7:00 PM in the Mother Seton Room for a special
evening with Colonel Steele who will present his story
as a father, husband and military professional:
Choosing the Harder Right, rather than the Easier
A Roadmap to Family Happiness:
Discipline, Integrity, Love and Faith! For more
information, please contact Michele Hunter
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Have you ever considered becoming a Roman Catholic?
Have you or has someone you know ever thought about
exploring questions that you or they may have
concerning the Church and our beliefs?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, RCIA
is for you. The RCIA is a church rite for adults pursuing
the possibility of joining the Roman Catholic Church. If
you, or someone you know, are interested or would like
more information, please call Sister Jude (410-8331696; srjude@shgparish.org).
Year of Mercy
Pope Francis has declared a Year of Mercy beginning
on December 8, 2015 and continuing until November,
2016. Let us practice the Spiritual Works of Mercy
during this Jubilee Year.
Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. “Stop
judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning
and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will
be forgiven.” Luke 6: 36-37
Is there someone with whom I will cross paths this
week whom I have judged in the past? What must I do
to be a person who stops judging and forgives, even
when that is really hard?
Parish Sponsors-RCIA
We invite any Parishioner who would like to be a
sponsor or companion to our RCIA members to contact
Sister Jude (410-833-1696; srjude@shgparish.org).
As a sponsor/companion you would accompany the
candidate or catechumen on their Faith journey. You do
not need to be a theologian – the only requirement is a
willingness to share your faith and your Catholic
experience with folks. You would be welcome to attend
all or some of the actual RCIA presentations.
A Message to Parents
Parents, to what way of life could God be calling your
child? Could it be to priesthood, sister hood or
Ministry Fair 2016
There will be no formal ministry fair this year. Any
group or ministry that wishes to sign up for a weekend
to be outside Church after Masses is asked to contact
Sister Jude (410-833-1696; srjude@shgparish.org) as
soon as possible. Tables will be available on weekends
during the Spring, Summer and Fall.
Young Adult Volleyball
Join us on at 9:00 PM on Friday evenings (June 3, 10)
in the school gym! Contact Jeff Ment (410-833-8515;
jment@shgparish.org) for more information.
Starting on June 17 Volleyball will go on hiatus until
Thanks to Jeff for coordinating this activity and to all
who played on Friday nights! Contact Jeff Ment (410833-8515; jment@shgparish.org) for more information.
Sacred Heart School
Fellow Parishioners,
Have you ever had a moment when you felt
supported by someone and really felt the
impact of that support? Sometimes this can be expected
support or unexpected support, but if you’ve ever been
graced with the feeling and reality that the support
received has really impacted you for the good, then you
know it can be a powerful witness to God’s love.
In the week of May 16th, I was off campus for two
days for technology training that were run by the
Archdiocese. We were working on a new software that
helps us with making the school schedule. This new
software is coupled with the main grading program we
use, PowerSchool, and the software is called
PowerScheduler. You may not know it, but a school
schedule is actually a very complex entity. It’s slightly
less complex for kindergarten and first grade, when
children stay with the homeroom teacher all day, but as
you move to 4th grade and above, the schedule has to
allow for children to receive all of their required classes,
and allow them to move effectively between teachers.
Teachers need planning periods, the resource room
needs coverage, and lunch and recess duties need to be
accounted for, etc. As many of us recognize in our
respective fields, certain processes are indeed complex
and engaging.
The Archdiocese does a lot to support our parishes
and schools, but utilizing this new software is an
incredible support that they’ve just built in now. The
software saves us a great deal of money, as other
scheduling software we’ve used is not part of
PowerSchool. It’s a highly effective tool that lets us
enter our scheduling variables, and then, when that
above step is done, prints out each student and teacher
schedule in minutes. Importantly, the software wasn’t
available to us until recently, and as I was learning on
Monday and Tuesday, it really struck me the
Archdiocese wants our schools to be operating as
efficiently and effectively as possible. This is a great
blessing in this modern era of tight budgets and
competition between private schools, Catholic and
Christian schools, charter schools, etc. This improved
productivity and efficiency from the software will
improve our operations, and the more effectively we
address the business side of Catholic education, the
more we can remain affordable and open to as many
families as possible, and hopefully, by God’s grace,
witness to Christ and better evangelize.
So we expect the Archdiocese to support us, but they
took that support to another level recently, and I found
God’s presence in that. To me, besides the gratitude I’ve
encountered, it also makes me pause: who is depending
on me for that support and have I been as open as God
wants me to be in providing it? This week, may God
truly give us hearts that our open, hearts that are aware
of others’ needs, and hearts that are willing to hear
Christ’s message to love and serve others. If we can do
that, I am certain we can know a deep and abiding joy.
In Faith, Mr. Coyle, Principal
60th Anniversary: Coming Up!
Sacred Heart School will be celebrating its 60th
anniversary in the 2016-2017 school
September 23 – 26 . The signature event
will be a Gala Dinner/Dance on the
24th! Details to follow. Start sharing the info now. We
will need photos and stories for slideshows!!! Please
email kwhitelock@shgparish.org with your input.
Religious Education
Children’s Religion Program: Pre-K – 8th Grade
Sacrament Preparation
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Sunday Nursery during 10:30 A.M. Mass
Religious Education Classes for Pre-K – 8th Grade
Information packets with registration forms for new or
returning students are available at the parish office,
outside of both church entrances, and online at
Weekly religion classes are held from September to
May on Sunday mornings for younger children and on
Monday evenings for older children. There is also a
Family-Home Study option. As a reminder, there is a
discount for families who register by June 30.
Vacation Bible School ~ Christmas in June!
Thank you to all of the campers and volunteers who
signed up for this year’s Christmas
in June VBS! Vacation Bible
School will take place on June 20
– 24 (Monday – Friday) from 9:00
AM to 12:15 PM. Parents will
receive a mailing soon with all of the camp information,
and volunteers should also check their mail for their
assignments and details about a brief training session.
Supplies Needed for Vacation Bible School
We are collecting the following materials for our
children’s Vacation Bible School. If you can donate any
of these items, please bring them to the parish office:
Pine cones ! Ribbon, yarn, and felt pieces in the
following colors only: red, green, or yellow.!!Call 410833-8515 or send an email to jment@shgparish.org for
more info. Thank you!
Snacks Needed for VBS Volunteers
If you can donate any individually-wrapped snack items
for our hard-working
Vacation Bible School
volunteers, please bring
them to the parish office. We will use them from June
20 – 24. Thank you!
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Most Sundays at the 9:00 AM Mass, our youngest
parishioners (age 4 through 3rd grade) participate in a
liturgy geared toward their age and understanding.
After June 12th, Children’s Liturgy of the Word will go
on summer vacation and will return after Labor Day.
Volunteers are needed for this important children’s
ministry (one or two Sundays per month). Lessons,
materials, and moral support are supplied! Please
sr.cecilia@shgparish.org) for more details. There will
be NO CLOW on May 29.
Sunday Nursery
A free nursery service (child care) will resume in
September on most Sunday mornings for children
under the age of three years old. For more info, please
contact Sister Cecilia at 410-833-8515 or
Social Justice
…Unless citizens control political powernational, regional and municipal-it will not
be possible to control damage to the
impact assessment[-]A consensus should
always be reached between the different stakeholders,
who can offer a variety of approaches, solutions and
alternatives. The local population should have special
place at the table…Laudato Si
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Collection of Personal Hygiene Items for Sarah’s Hope
and St. Ann’s. During the first two
week-ends in June, the St. Vincent
de Paul Society will be collecting
personal hygiene items for Sarah’s
Hope at Hannah More, the shelter for
families, primarily women and children and for St.
Ann’s, our sister parish in Baltimore. Please consider
Parish Life
Pastoral Visitors Needed
Our Pastoral Health Care Team is in need of additional
Pastoral Visitors to visit our parish homebound and also,
Cherrywood Futurecare in Reisterstown. If interested in
becoming part of our parish ministry, please contact
helenwiegmann@yahoo.com to sign up for a required
training on Saturday, June 4, 2016. Please register by
phone or email for this training by Monday May 31,
STAND / Worthy of the Call
If you are between the ages of 14-17 and would like to
volunteer for the Parish and/or School this
summer, please join us on Thursday, June
2nd beginning at 6:00pm in Room 105 for
our next (and last) Worthy of the Call
training session for the 2015-16 school
year. This training is part of the STAND
process and is mandatory in order to volunteer for the
parish and/or school. Please visit our website at
http://www.shgparish.org/stand-youth.aspx for all
instructions and paperwork to be completed by the start
of said training session. To RSVP for this training,
please contact Mary Lee McCusker in the Office of
Youth Ministry (mmccusker@shgparish.org or 410833-6877) on or before June 1st.
Praying Together at the Holy Hour for Life and
then Playing Kickball Together
The Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee invites you
to pray and sing at the Holy Hour for Life during
Eucharistic Adoration on Friday, June 3, from 4:00
P.M. to 5:00 P.M. in the Sacred Heart Little God bless
those who have served our country and sacrificed
their lives for us so we can enjoy the freedoms the
United States has to offer!
Thank You from the Respect Life Committee
Thank you for your support during the Mother's Day
Carnation sales and the donations for the precious baby
feet pins which show the size of a baby's feet at 10
weeks in the womb. We thank God for all mothers who
say YES to life like our Blessed Mother. The proceeds
will be used to help local pro-life pregnancy centers,
chastity education, and other programs to spread
awareness for the necessity of respecting the sanctity of
life from conception to natural death.
Adult Children of Parishioners
If you are a young adult (18 or older) still living at home,
or are now on your own, you need to register as a Sacred
Heart parishioner. Please drop by the Parish Center and
fill out a registration form. Or, call 410-833-1696, and
we will mail a form to you. There are also copies in the
Kiosk of the Main Church. It only takes a few moments,
and it will allow you to look into the many ministries we
have to offer.
Thank you for your time and attention to this important
matter. Please know that registering will be a benefit to
you in the future should you wish to marry, to be a
sponsor for any of the Sacraments, to enroll children at
Sacred Heart School, or to participate in any of our
many ministries. Thank you!
Women’s Cornerstone Mini-Retreat
Sat, June 25, we will be hosting a mini-retreat for ALL
past Women’s Cornerstone attendees to reconnect and
look to the future. We will be meeting in the Mother
Seton Room from 1:00-4:00 then attend 4:00 mass for
those interested. Please RSVP or for more details
Janice Gonder at 410-979-2187 or
janicegonder@netscape.net. We look forward to seeing
you all again!
The Respect Life Committee would like to thank our
priests, deacons, sisters, Youth Ministry, Family
Fellowship, the Catholic Identity Committee, and the
189 teens and 155 parents who came to the chastity talks
by nationally known chastity speaker, Jason Evert, and
prayed together at Eucharistic Adoration and
Reconciliation last month. Please visit the website
www.chastityproject.com to learn more information
about raising pure teens.
Glyndon Area Players
Ariel, The Little Mermaid, is the youngest of the
"Daughters of Triton". Although she lives
“Under the Sea”, she collects “Human
Stuff” - she’s got gadgets and gizmos
aplenty, whozits and whatzits galore, even
a thingamabob or twenty. But she wants
more. More than anything else, she wants to be part of
“The World Above". Please join us on her under-water
adventure, when Glyndon Area Players presents
Disney's The Little Mermaid as its 2016
production! Show dates are July 29, 30, 31 and August
4, 5, 6 and 7 at Sacred Heart. Please visit our website
at www.glyndonareaplayers.com for more information.
Best Years
The Wednesday, June 8, meeting of the Best Years
Group will feature our yearly June Pot Luck Dinner.
Seniors 55 or older are invited to join the Group in the
Mother Seton Room at 7:00 PM. Those seniors with last
names ending in A, G, H, Q, S, and Z should bring a
vegetable. Those with names ending in B, I, L, P, X, and
Y should bring a main dish. Those with last names
beginning with C, J, K, M, N, T, and U should bring
desserts. Those with last names ending in D, E, F, O, R,
V, and W should bring salads. Dishes should serve 8 to
10 people. Following the dinner, a business meeting will
be held including the installation of new officers.
Lunch Bunch for June will be held at Friendly Farms
on Wednesday, June 22, at noon. Members can sign up
at the June meeting or contact Stan Behnken.
Best Years charitable outreach will continue to
support Sarah’s Hope Women’s Shelter. At the June
meeting, Best Years will collect cleaning supplies
especially Pine sol, Clorox wipes, and laundry detergent
in pod form. Best Years meets on the first Wednesday
of each month and welcomes new members who wish
to join. Membership is just $5 annually.
Community Events
Rummage Sale at All Saint’s Episcopal Church
Saturday, June 4 from 9:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. All
saints is located at 203 E. Chatsworth Avenue in
Reisterstown. Quality items at bargain prices! Call the
Church office at 410-833-0700 or contact Mary Thayer
at 410-375-6326 or go to the website for further
information: www.allsaintsMD.com.
Host Families are Needed
Students from Spain are visiting the Owings
Mills/Reisterstown area from June 28-July 28th. One
of them would love to stay with you and your family.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about Spain
while sharing your American life with a wonderful
group of students. All that is needed to be a host family
is a place to sleep, some transportation to and from
classes (if able), some meals and a warm and caring
environment. Classes and excursions are included and
host families are encouraged and welcome to
participate. We will visit Washington D.C., New York,
Hershey Park, Baltimore’s Inner Harbor/O’s game and
much more.
Please consider opening you home and your hearts to
one of these students. It is a wonderful experience for
the students and the host families who adopt them!
For more information please contact:
Michele Heller, Global Friendships Community
Memorial Day! The day we honor those who
died while serving in our country’s armed
services. We are grateful to those who gave their
lives that we may experience the freedoms we
have in the USA today!
Sailor Summer Camps
At Mount de Sales Academy, we offer a fun and
rigorous summer program for girls in our community.
Camps and clinics are led by MDSA teachers, coaches,
and students who provide participants the same
academic and extracurricular excellence that is
presented to our students, athletes, and performers.
Whether you are looking to try something new, stay
active, or take your skills to the next level, we hope you
will join us for a tremendous opportunity to experience
the spirit of Mount de Sales Academy. For more
Witness of Mercy (A Retreat) Maryland Catholic
Women’s Conference 6th Annual Retreat (You may
attend Saturday only as a one day retreat)
October 7, 8, & 9 2016. Cost $75 Saturday only $60.
Mt. St. Mary’s University, Emmitsburg, Maryland.
Our powerful line-up includes Fr. Chris Alar from the
famous Shrine of Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass with
Archbishop William Lori, and Sr. Tracey Dugas, a
powerful speaker and Pauline Sister who specializes in
media evangelization. This is just a sample! Details on
www.marylandcatholicwomen.com or you may contact
us at: marylandcatholicwomen@gmail.com or call
Jeanne at 443-324-8487.
June 12, 2016
Grand Prize Drawings
2 prizes of $500
2 prizes of $1000
Grand Prize………………$3000
(A winner every time)
Beer, sodas, hotdogs, sauerkraut, pulled pork,
chicken, salads and dessert.
Games include money wheel, prize wheel, and
raffles for all paid ticket holders and guest.
Party held in West Room
1:30 TO 4:30 pm
For further information email:
or call: 410-833-4933
Sacred Heart Family Fellowship
Presents an Evening for Fathers
Colonel (Ret.) Gary R. Steele
Choosing the Harder Right,
Rather than the Easier Wrong!
A Roadmap to Family Happiness: Discipline,
Integrity, Love and Faith!
Spend some time getting to know
an incredible man with a
Details About The Event
Sunday June 5, 2016
7 p.m. in the Mother
Seton Room
Sacred Heart Glyndon
Registration is required, and
light refreshments
will be served.
The event is open to all men in
our community! Please invite
your family and friends.
remarkable story, and bring a
friend with you!
A father of three, married for 44 years, Gary graduated from the U.S.
Military Academy at West Point with a Bachelor of Science degree and
served for twenty-three years until his retirement at the rank of Colonel.
While initially commissioned in the Infantry upon graduation, for
eighteen of his twenty-three years he served in various Human Resources
leadership and operational support positions. After the Army, Steele
enjoyed an exceptional career in the private sector working as Director of
Organization Effectiveness in the HR Group in the Office of the Vice
Chairman at Pfizer Pharmaceutical, among other positions.
Gary earned a masters degree in International Relations from Boston
University, and in addition to holding a number of Human Resources and
Organizational Effectiveness related certifications, he is fluent in Greek.
He was inducted in 2013 into the Army Sports Hall of Fame. Steele was
the first African American to play varsity football at West Point.
Colonel Steele and his wife,
Mona, have raised three
amazing children.
Their daughter, Sage Steele,
is a sports TV anchor who
hosts NBA Countdown on
ESPN and ABC and has been
an ESPN SportsCenter host
and contributor since 2007.
Chad Steele, one of their two
sons, is the Vice President of
Public Relations for the
Baltimore Ravens, and he has
spent the past 17 years working
in media relations for the NFL.
Courtney Steele is a successful
model and actor with credits
such as GQ Magazine, PUMA,
and Men's Health.
Gary is also the proud
grandparent of a SHG student!