Dulverton Voice Issue 2 - Dulverton Town Council
Dulverton Voice Issue 2 June 2013 Free Welcome to issue 2 June 2013 The first issue seems to have met with approval and thank you all for your comments, you are welcome to send letters or emails and maybe we can have a letters to the Editor section. My thanks to Claire for setting it, our new Mayor for putting it up on the Town web site, and Lindsey for the Sports section also to the 6 outlets that have it on their counters. What we need now are some more adverts and if you can help with that please let us know. The Voice is non-profit making and we have a maximum of 6 months to get to breakeven, which we must do if it is to become a permanent fixture. If you have any news or would like to help please let us know. We hope you will enjoy our 2nd issue now 12 pages which we hope will be the normal from now on. Nick Thwaites was elected Chairman after the AGM and the Council meeting on the 13th May confirmed him as Mayor. Our New Mayor and Chairman of the Town Council So what do we know about Nick? He moved to Dulverton with his family 12 years ago. He is married and has a son, Lee who is a Vet, which is useful when you have 3 horses, a 25 year Dartmoor pony, 3 dogs and a cat. Nick had a long career in the Telecommunication Industry both here and aboard and now considers himself semi-retired. For the rest of the story you will have to ask him – WE WISH HIM WELL. Dulverton voice, lets hear your views and spread your news 1 Update on last month’s Articles Copy for next Issue (July 2013) By the 15.6.13 The Leat – Awaiting the Environment Agency Licence to go into the river which is being arranged by Somerset County Council – just think of the environmental damage being done whilst we wait!!!!!!!!!!! How to Contact us E mail – dulvertonvoice@btinternet.com By post - Dulverton Voice 4 Jury Road TA22 9DU Disclaimer Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this magazine, however no liability can be accepted for loss/damage or injury caused by errors or omissions from the information given. The Carnival – It is almost certain that there will not be a Carnival this year, a real loss to the Town. Starlight – Good news, 4 more offers of help came following our May issue and the committee have started planning the event. SO IT LOOKS LIKE IT IS ON The date will be 8th December and we will keep you in touch as it progresses but more help will be needed. Secret Gardens Is this year raising money for Marie Curie and Dulverton Cricket Club Covers. Thirteen beautiful gardens will be open on Sunday 23rd June. New this year will be an Art Exhibition in the Town Hall with works from approximately 20 local Artists; in addition we will also have live music playing in Lamb Court and the Town Hall during the day. Where was it? – Nobody won the prize; it was Winsford Hill looking down towards Tarr Steps. Tickets can be purchased in advance from The Tantivy or The Post Office. Dulverton Sensible Spending CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Following their partially successful bid they had discussions with the Dulverton Family and Toddler Group who will use their hall and thus both groups will benefit from the grants. They are seeking advice on the most effective form of heating for their needs together with quotations for the work, and hope it will be completed this summer. Help us beat last year’s grand total of £2800. For Information call 01398 323474 2 Another Road Closure !!... 2 Councillors Step Down Wessex Water is to install a new water distribution main to improve the water quality in Dulverton, with work commencing in Jury Road on the 17th June and completion estimated for the 19th July. More change on the Town Council with the news that 2 more Councillors have resigned. Bernie Howe, whom we all thought was a permanent fixture having given 30 years’ service, felt it was time to go. He has given wonderful service to the town and is the fount of all knowledge about Dulverton and many of us have found that knowledge of great use and let’s hope that his service is marked in some suitable way. ...Good News re Road Closure! The council have discussed with Wessex Water to have the date changed and now the work will start in Jury Road on 23rd September for up to five weeks. Ian Fleming has also resigned, he served in 2 periods totalling 6 years. Ian continues to give great support to the Town in a number of ways including the work he is doing with Caractacus Housing. The other good news is that a new shorter diversion is planned. Don’t forget the bridge by The Bridge Inn is closed from the 3rd June for up to 11 days. Thank you to both Bernie and Ian for all their work. This means that 3 places on the Town Council are being advertised. Planning Applications Somerset County Council Elections It is our aim to list applications that have been made in the last month. This month we have 2 - A change of use and minor alterations 15 Northmoor Road and the Demolition of a hut at the Middle School. – full details are on the National Park Web Site: www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk/ Go to Planning and enter Dulverton under applications. Frances Nicholson (Conservative) easily held her seat with 1650 votes against 643 for UKIP and 293 for Labour, the turnout was 39% against a county wide figure of 35.6% The Conservatives narrowly held control of the County Council. 3 assured those present that it was working on both problems. The Town Council AGM This was held in the Town Hall on the 8th of May and was attended by 8 Councillors, the Town Clerk and Deputy and 6 members of the public. The meeting was chaired by Chris Nelder and was his last following his retirement from the council. At the end of the meeting Margaret Rawle thanked, on behalf of the whole Town, Chris Nelder for all he had done over the last 20 years and he was presented with a lovely Glass Bowl which had been engraved with a picture of the Town Hall and the following. A number of reports were given from local Clubs/Organisations and the “Presented to Chris Nelder first Mayor Council’s action groups, the Chairman of Dulverton by Dulverton Town Council and Town Clerk; these will be appearing with thanks for loyal service to the in the minutes. Community 14th February 1994 to 5th The main issues raised by the public April 2013” were lack of Parking in the Town and the problems with the Leat/Weir, both Betty Nelder was presented with flowers caused lively discussion and the council and all stood and applauded. Margaret Rawle (l) with Chris and Betty Nelder 4 Is it that time again? News from the Exmoor Pony Centre Ashwick, Dulverton TA22 9QE It seems that we have had no summer yet this year, but perhaps summer has come with the arrival of the chicks at Hollam. The Centre is delighted to welcome two new members of staff; Kestra as our new Riding and Centre Assistant on a full-time basis, and Beccy on a traineeship from Pluss three days per week. We are sure that in no time they will get to know all the ponies as individuals and will be confidently sharing their knowledge and experience with visitors. Hollam shoot, one of the best on Exmoor, is owned and run by Preben and Anne Prebensen, with their Gamekeeper Darren Ninnis who, with his team of 3, also looks after the farm. Hollam provides part time work for a lot of Dulverton folk who Beat or Pick up on the 30+ shoot days and local businesses provide services to the shoot and visitors. Darren asks that dog walkers take care when the birds are released; if in doubt ask him or one of the team where not to go. Students from Foxes Academy will again be providing refreshments in the Green Room, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, so why not come and enjoy a light lunch or delicious homemade cake between 11 am and 3 pm on either day until 17th July. Please call us on 01398 323093 or email us on info@exmoorponycentre.org.uk for any information. The Duck Derby The Duck Derby was a great afternoon in bright sunshine and about £1000 was raised for the Cricket Club – Well done. 5 The Dulverton Family and toddlers can play and the adults chat and try new skills. Toddler Group Light refreshments will be served, the first visit is free and then £2 a session. This is opening on the 4th June at 10am at the Congregational Hall (down by the Laundry / Millhams Lane) It is for Toddlers 0 to 5 years with a parent/carer and is open to all in Dulverton. The idea is that it will provide a meeting place each Tuesday till 12 noon during term time where the Just turn up or contact Emma (07824 638 695) or Wendy (324 395). This has been, in part, funded by the Dulverton Sensible Spending. Town Mills Guest Accommodation The business has been sold and by the time we are published Charles and Allison Crisp will have moved from Maidenhead and taken over the business, we welcome them to Dulverton and wish them well. Charles was a Management Consultant and Allison worked for a concierge Company. Maggie and Bryan who have developed the business so much over the last 6 years are staying in town at the Old School House. C.L.O.W.N.S. C.L.O.W.N.S. is the only provider in West Somerset of mobile, outreach facilities for families. Lack of provision leads to the isolation of families. Our services enable families living in isolation to come together, to play and learn together. We have developed a track record of delivering quality, affordable outreach provision for families across West Somerset and Exmoor. Recently, the charity has lost regular funding from various sources, but, thanks to a grant from Dulverton’s Sensible Spending , we will be able to continue to bring some of our projects to Dulverton. Look out too for information about our special play scheme day, booked for the Summer Holiday on Dulverton’s Sportsfield. 6 characters become more and more tangled up. The use of the floor as performing space with the audience against and on the stage was most effective and a minimal CHARLEY’S AUNT but beautiful set allowed for carefully The reputation of the choreographed movement and speedy Creative Cow touring character change. company is now established, and it This was farce as it should be - slick, was very good to witty and highly entertaining. The cast see a full house at the obviously enjoyed every minute of the Town Hall on Friday for role swapping and the audience was the performance of carried along with the energy of it. “Charley’s Aunt”. It is a plot of mistaken Don’t miss the next production by identities which Creative Cow, whenever it comes. gets funnier as the Dogwood I Know a Place by Lucy Winzer Pupil from Dulverton Middle School wins Literature Competition I know a place A brook runs shallow but strong In the heart of Exmoor 10 year old Lucy Winzer from the Dulverton Middle School won the Junior Category of the Lucy Perry Award, with her poem “I Know a Place”. Where blackberries flower The hollowed oak mighty The Trees carve a glen The sun shines in But sadly defeated by winter This is the place The competition is designed to encourage young people to appreciate the beauty of Exmoor and was entered by over 100 pupils from local schools. Bursting the gloom Maple saplings bend elegantly Where blackberries bloom in the whistling wind The award was presented at the Exmoor Society Spring Conference. 7 Anything for sale? Call 07860 689293 We hear that The Rector Revd. Prebendary John Thorogood is leaving us at the end of October, we wish him well, more information next month. 8 All Saints Church AGM This was held on the last Sunday of April and saw a reasonable attendance, the AGM was held during the service. It was reported that there was a slight fall in attendance at services from 2011 but an increase in Funerals and Baptisms, with Weddings remaining the same. Collections, other Donations and Fund Raising fell which all went to produce a deficit for the year, however the Church is reasonably placed with over £150,000 in Trusts and Accounts together with the 4 properties with affordable rents which are let to local people. Reports were given which looked at increased fund raising and other income and it was felt that the changes at Printing at the Vicarage would yield savings. Also there were reports on an active year and the start of Messy Church which is proving a great success. The Rector appointed Martin Collett as his Church Warden and Ginny Brown was elected the other Warden, with Mike Willison appointed Deputy Warden. A number of new members were elected to the PCC and Hazel Peck stood down after many years of service and was thanked for all her work. The full Annual Report is available if you would like a copy. The Dulverton 4 They all competed the London marathon and got their medals, the fastest in just under 4 hours and the other 3 just over – WELL DONE and they raised almost £10,000 for their Charities. Folk Festival This is starting as we go to the printers, more details next month. 9 Dulverton Sports! Here is this month’s round up, If there are any clubs or groups that are missing then please let us know!! Dulverton Netball Club – The league team has come to the end of their season finishing mid table in Division 4 of the Exeter & District Netball League. After a very tough start to the season when wins seemed to be very hard to come by, this is a great achievement and something all the ladies should be proud of! Moving forward the summer league is about to commence with Dulverton about to compete with 7 players who haven’t played league netball for a long time and some that have never played competitive netball at all. A few more experienced players will be there to help out but it’s really exciting as a small club to be able to introduce all these players to the game. Anyone wanting to come along and join in, please contact Lindsay Smith on 01398 323834 for more details. We train on Thursday evening at Dulverton Middle School at 6.30pm. Dulverton Cricket Club – The cricket season is upon us once again and the club are just hoping the weather will be a little kinder this season and allow some matches to be played! The 1st XI has started the season with 2 home losses but they are certainly looking to buck that trend in the coming weeks. The Sunday team, who are playing in the North Devon League, started their season in winning ways Every Monday – Tennis Coaching 4/5pm Young Children 5/6pm Older Children – 6/7pm Adults – Tennis club Every Monday – Running Club 6.30pm – Sportsfield Every Tuesday Colts Cricket Training (6 to 13 years old) 6.30pm–Sportsfield Every Tuesday & Wednesday Foxes Lunches and Teas – Pony Centre Every Tuesday Family & Toddlers (0 to 5) Group 10am – Congregational Hall 9th/15th Richard Blackmore’s Landscape Painting Exhibition– Heritage Centre 10th – Town Council 7.30pm – Town Hall 13th– Guided walk around Dulverton 4pm to 5.30pm 07969243887 14th– Film Club Mao’s last Dance 7.30 pm tickets 323 473 - Town Hall 15th– Ladies Lunch noon – The Lion 16th – Donkey Derby 2.30pm- The Sportsfield 22nd – School Strawberry Fair 23rd – Secret Gardens information 323474 – tickets Post Office & Tantivy 28th Film Club Some like it hot + Supper 6.30pm Town Hall – Tickets 323 474 – Please email your events to dulvertonvoice@btinternet.com or phone 324395 10 although they have already lost a game to the weather. Anyone interested in joining the club can come along to net practises on Friday evenings at 7pm at the Sportsfield. Junior training has begun and the club is thrilled to have so many keen youngsters turning up and enjoying their cricket. For more details about the junior section, contact Christine Dubery on 01398 323474. Churches Catholic CofE Congregational 01643 702201 323425 323744 Sports Angling Assn Cricket Club Cricket Colts Football Netball Snooker Squash Tennis Dulverton Football Club – The club has had a disappointing season with the 1st team finishing bottom of Division 1. They will be playing in Division 2 next year and are looking for a new manager! Anyone who is interested in taking this on should contact the club secretary John Atkins on 01398 323787. On a slightly brighter note, the reserve team finished 8th completing another solid season in Division 4. Although the season has just finished, the club will begin pre season training in late July. For more information, contact Adrian Smith on 07980 092713. 323409 323834 323474 323787 323834 323899 07710 046 107 323844 Youth Young peoples Project 324169 Other Abbeyfield 341352 Advice(CAB) 01643 704624 Camera club 331556 Civic Society 323818 Dance 01643 851856 Bridge Club 331219 Exmoor Pony Centre 323093 Film Club 323785 Gardening 324211 Medical Centre 323333 Mother Union 323671 Players 341850 Town Council 324561 Running Club – A new running club has been set up in Dulverton. They meet on Monday evenings at the Sportsfield in Dulverton at 6.30pm. They provide support and technical advice for all those who want to run whether you haven’t run since school or like to run regularly already. You do not need to be fit already to join this club as they cater for all abilities. For more information, call Claire or Brett on 01398 323025. Thank you Lindsey for this report. Dulverton Tennis Club – The tennis club is situated at the Sportsfield, Milham Lane, Dulverton. Its 3 courts are well used for social and league tennis. There is 1 league team playing this year who have played 3 games and won 1 of them so far. The club have also recently employed a professional coach to lead sessions on a Monday evening for both juniors and adults. These sessions are on a pay as you play basis – for more details, contact Richard Drewer on 01398 323925. 11 Professional Web Site Design Service New sites built existing sites improved Design Build & Operate Content Maintenance Webhosting Wordpress eCommerce Joomla email & domain name hosting/registration Locally based 0788 799 2140 or email: nick@Nyedesigns.co.uk Visit our web site: www.Nyedesigns.co.uk View an example of our work at www.dulvertontowncouncil.co.uk THE DULVERTON DELICATESSEN 01398 324662 Everything you expect from your Deli and more. A treat waiting for you : · Bread, cakes & biscuits · Cheeses, cooked & cured meats, smoked fish · Chutneys, pickles, jams & honey · Flowers and arrangements, hampers made to order · Logs, kindling & fire lighters · Jellycats & gifts Built 1822 - in the heart of Dulverton A warm welcome - great place to stay Local ales and ciders and a separate restaurant which can be used for functions Lunch and dinner restaurant or the bar Variety of home made dishes from locally sourced West Country produce. Traditional and contemporary dishes - A true taste of Exmoor. 2 Bank Square, Dulverton, Somerset TA22 9BU Tel: 01398 324 437 Fax: 01398 323 980 Email: enquiries@lionhoteldulverton.com reservations@lionhoteldulverton.com www.lionhoteldulverton.com Quality & Service 12
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