Dulverton Voice - Dulverton Town Council


Dulverton Voice - Dulverton Town Council
Dulverton Voice
Issue 34
February 2016
Welcome to issue 34
Issue 33 created a number of records, more information and comments from our readers,
the most quotes from the local press and all this without problems with Dog Poo ( just a little
about that subject in this issue)
As you will read we are trying to help and would ask that you give some thought to being
trained to use a speed camera, the idea is not to catch the Mayor but to make our town a
little bit safer. Just return the card enclosed (If it is missing there are some at the Post Office)
– the post box is on the side of the Pharmacy.
On the photo page the Editor asks for help, he lost a phone number (old age before someone
else says it !) and does not want to let a family down.
Hope you enjoy this issue
and we are not blaming our Town Council who do try
to keep people in touch and maybe they should
review this part of their work. We are willing to help
in two ways
1. We are willing to enclose an A4 folded insert once
a quarter or half yearly produced by the Town Council to give information to the Town and as long as the
DTC pays for its printing we will not charge them,
similar to that produced by the council in Jan 2014.
Well no story has had such a feedback to Dulverton
Voice before, the first comment came in at 13.40 on
the 1st of January (Happy New Year) just 7 hours
after the “Voice” was on the counter at the Tantivy.
It was a strong defence of Lorries in Town whether
they were delivering into the town or using it as short
cut. What was good about these comments was that
it was not just a rant but had been well thought out.
We also had some strong comments from a shop
keeper, who, after they managed to get the details
from the County Council, had driven round to see
what was being proposed and could not see why
most of the proposed comments had been made.
Many more comments came our way from people
with businesses in town and residents; we just hope
that they were also passed on to SCC and our Town
Both local papers carried the story, one as its main
front page story under the headline “Traffic Scheme
Branded SNEAKY”
Comments which have come up time after time are
why change the rules when you cannot enforce
them, one thing that this has shown up is a lack of
information being given to the people of Dulverton,
2. We enclose with this issue of the “Voice” a post
card produced by the “Voice “and at no cost to the
Town for those who wish to help with the Councils
idea of training a speed watch voluntary group.( The
nearest we can get to enforcement.)
To raise awareness of road users in and around
Dulverton to the dangers of speeding and with the
support of the local police and invite volunteers to
come forward to train.
Drivers clocked exceeding the speed limit will be
noted, contacted, and in the first instance a speed
advisory warning will be issued.
If you'd like to be involved, please drop your contact
details into the Council Post Box by the Pharmacy.
Your comments are most welcome so we can pass
on your thoughts and help to our Town Council.
Just for the record we are still getting comments as
we write this item.
Watch this space If you would like to advertise in The Voice, please contact
us at Dulvertonvoice@btinternet.com or by post to 4 Jury Road, TA22 9DU.
Copy for next Issue (March 2016)
By the 15.2.16
How to Contact us
E mail:dulvertonvoice@btinternet.com
Website:- www.dulvertonvoice.co.uk
A wide range of design and print
services from business cards
and greeting cards to
books. All shapes and
By post - Dulverton Voice
4 Jury Road TA22 9DU
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of
the information in this magazine, however no
liability can be accepted for loss/damage or
injury caused by errors or omissions from the
information given.
1 Church Walk,
Dulverton TA22 9ER
Mon 8-4,
Tel: 01398 323 204 Mob: 07791 709049 Tue 8-4
A New Year’s Message
from our PCSO’s
We would urge everyone to remember not to leave
items of value, or that someone might think were of
value, in their vehicle when it is unattended.
Sometimes the damage done, and the inconvenience
caused, are worse that the value of the items taken!
It is so easy to become complacent and forget this
message when enjoying oneself out dog walking,
hunting, or even relaxing at home. It is sad but we
cannot trust everyone!
The good news - In other crimes the Dulverton area
remains one of the safest in our force area. Dulverton
by Starlight seemed to be a success again, and we
congratulate the organisers! We hope that all readers
had a safe holiday period.
PCSO 7317 Bryan Stevens and PCSO 7279 Jo
Email: printingatthevicarage@gmail.com
At Dulverton Police Station we would like to wish all
our local residents a safe, secure, and prosperous
Dulverton and Exmoor continue to be a great places
to live, with low crime rates. In recent weeks there
has only been one crime trend which we have
noticed, and that is attacks and thefts from parked
Since the beginning of December there have been
vehicles attacked in this way at Brushford, Winsford
Hill, and Kennisham Hill. These attacks have been
during both the daytime, and night, with items of
value taken from the vehicles.
Planning Applications
Wed 8-4
Out of
hours by
Roadworks between Bampton and Tiverton
will cause "serious disruption" on the A396 at
Cove from Monday January 25, 2016
As a result of the feedback more passing places
are being added on Old Tiverton Road.
During some of the works that would originally
have required road closures, the traffic will now
be managed through a mixture of traffic lights and
a convoy system.
Although there will still be periods when it will be
necessary to close the A396 entirely, overall the
disruption should be significantly reduced thanks
to those who contributed to the information days.
For more information on the A396 road works
visit the Devon Highways website at
The Bridge Inn, 20 Bridge Street
Non-Material Minor Amendment - Full to approved
application 6/9/12/123 (Proposed removal of
existing extension (owner's kitchen), removal of
panel fencing enclosing owner's garden,
construction of extension to form pub dining room
together with internal changes) to install 3 no.
conservation roof windows to new pub dining
1 Weir Head, Northmoor Road
Proposed rear extension.
Road Closures
B3222 Battleton Wessex Water to carry out
water main replacement works
to 11/03/2016
Whilst walking my dog I listen to radio 4 (sad I know)
but this morning there was a long item on the cost
of energy and how many of us are paying too much
for our energy needs.
As many of you know the Oil Buddies is a group of
like minded people in TA22 who wanted to try to get
the best price for oil orders, joining together. Over
the last 12 months they have ordered 270,000 litres
of oil. The more they order each month then the
better price they have been able to negotiate.
If you would like to join in all you need to do is drop
your name, address, telephone number and email
into the post office, each month you’ll receive a
reminder email. Orders are placed on the 28th of
each month for those that require it. There’s no
charge just cheaper oil.
Sound like a great idea to me so why not give it
a go?
Built 1822 - in the heart of Dulverton
A warm welcome - great place to stay.
Local ales and ciders and a separate
restaurant -can be used for functions
Great new menu
including Italian Pizza
- authentic stone
baked to order
37, High Street,
Dulverton TA22 9DW
2 Bank Square, Dulverton, Somerset TA22 9BU
Tel: 01398 324 437 Fax: 01398 323 980
Email: enquiries@lionhoteldulverton.com
01398 323110
Mathew Meets …
Nick Thwaites
How long have you lived in Dulverton? - I have lived 15 years
on Exmoor, 13 years of those in Dulverton. and I was born in
Wembley, Middlesex. My mother was born in Neasden in
northwest London, My father was born in Kimberley a town in
Where did you go to school? - Just outside Wembley although
it was a few miles to get there, and I mostly had to walk there and
back Did you enjoy school? Yes I did enjoy school, some good
and some bad times but on the whole mostly good.
Did you enjoy growing up? Yes I did and had the benefit of a good childhood – and what was your
favourite memory when growing up? Going out but mainly the coming home
Your favourite subjects at school? Two subjects – physics because I was able to find out how
things worked, and Maths because it could explain why things worked
Least favourite subject at school? Metal work, because the teacher threw things at us if did not get it
right first time..
What was your best sporting attribute when growing up? Avoiding having to run round the sports
field for an hour if the ground was to muddy too play football
Favourite book? Burn the Night by Jocelynn Drake - Fantasy, escapism at its easiest. A relaxing
Favourite movie? One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962) starring Jack Nicholson written by Ken
Kesey. Why- it is a sad reflection on life, starting off as a comedy and then becomes sad & serious
Favourite sport? Horse riding, the fun rides and cross country courses – although this is mainly in
the past.
Favourite colour? Blue, why because- it is gentle on the eyes.
What jobs have you done in your career? I have always worked in the field of communications,
starting as a Post Office Technician through to Engineer to Director, from Management Consultant
through to Business Development, from Competitive Intelligence to Sales, all focused on technology
in companies such as: Mobile Oil, Motorola, Lucent, Vodafone and Huawei. During my career I was
lucky to have the privilege of travelling to a great many countries and experiencing many different
cultures along the way.
Do you have a hobby that you enjoy? Clay shooting and horse riding. Why, both have a practical
aspect to them and they tend to attract a mixed and varied type of people from all walks of life
One interesting fact about yourself? I built my own house in Sussex from bottom to top during the
day and when working nights.
Who is your inspiration and why?My father, he seemed to be able to fix anything and everything.
One thing that you think would improve Dulverton? More people coming forward to work together
to help the town. Why, it must be for the “right” reasons i.e. because they want to make a difference,
not for their own self interests.
Anything extra you’d like to add? A thing to remember: Trust and respect are earned over time but
are quickly destroyed and lost forever.
Thank You
We have had a number of comments that the
“Dulverton Voice” is sometimes hard to find,
we print 500 copies which allows us to issue it
free of charge and with a reasonable level of
adverts - and it can be downloaded from the
Dulverton Voice and Dulverton Town web sites.
Thank you letter
Thank you so much for raising a fantastic
£300.00 for Macmillan from your Christmas
tree display. We hope that you enjoyed it, and
that you’ll pass our thanks on to everyone who
helped to make it a success. Your effort and
enthusiasm will help us to be there for people
affected by cancer and their families, and help
them feel more in control of their lives.
From Macmillan Supporter Donations Team.
Take a look at our exclusive range of Aloe
Vera health and skincare products
Forever Living Products is the World Leader
in production of Aloe Vera
Our products contain 100% stabilised
Aloe Vera gel
Phone: Sandra Wilson 01398 324687
Email: sandra.wilson@ylem.com
Independent Distributor of Forever Living Products
Forever Living Products is a member of the Direct
Selling Association Approval Code: Hoap0116
A Think Tank for Young Adults – Live
on Exmoor want to stay here, willing to
share your ideas and want to have an
influence on the future of the Moor, you need to
be at the Rest and be Thankful at 8pm on
Thursday 11th February ring 0781 77 08 092
or 341 850 or 07931 71 13 80 to book a free
place supper included.
Short and
The Voices of Exmoor - would like to
thank everyone who supported their
Summer and Christmas Concerts last
year. Thanks to the wonderful generosity of
these audiences, the Choir is pleased to
donate £1,800 to each of the local Air
Ambulance Trusts (Somerset and Dorset Trust
and Devon Trust) which provide such vital
services to Exmoor - a total donation of £3,600.
The Choir hope that their loyal audiences enjoy
their concerts as much as they enjoy singing
and it is an added bonus when together they
can raise funds for such worthy causes.
Practices for the 2016 concerts are already
underway and the concerts for this year will be
on July 1st and 2nd, and December 16th and
The Queen is 90 this year - Is our town
arranging any celebrations? The official
dates are the 12th to 15th May but the
Street parties are on the 12th June – any
ideas? Or are plans already in place?
The Church Wall – It slowly moves
forwards, the 2 experts have met and
now we await the final views from all the
objectors and then we await the Chancellors
views, cost will still play a part.
Dog Poo – Sorry to raise this point
again but there is a retired lady who is
not a dog owner who is having the
entrance to her garden used as a Dog Toilet –
not nice. Well sooner or later we will get a
photo of the culprit and that will look good on
our front page, as we’ll will know who is
responsible. So PLEASE stop now, good for
you and good for the retired lady.
If you can get a photo before us, let us have the
photo and we will give you a nice bottle of Fizz
and we will not publish photographers name.
Eat Dirt on Exmoor – Mountain Bike
Challenge on 2nd May (Bank Holiday)
around 250 riders will take part in the challenge
starting and finishing in Dulverton in aid of the
Calvert Trust, this is going to be a challenging
route and those taking part will need to be
experienced riders and physically fit.
Participants are required to pre- register on
Further details 324 543/07816863025/01598
763055 – why not find out more
53 High Street, Dulverton (01398 323545)
(top of the town - next to the petrol station &
car showroom)
Small electrical goods
Table lamps
bags etc.
01398 323359
Lightbulbs of
Open 9-6pm Monday-Friday and
9-5pm Saturday
Flexes etc.
all shapes
Cant see it?
& sizes
We can probably get it for you!
It’s still their Home
Margaret Rawle has just returned from an
Exmoor National Park Forum Meeting and,
as promised, she updates us. “I asked for
support in lobbying Highways for better
signage, rubble strips and verge gorse
Winsford Hill belongs to the National Trust
so there are 3 Authorities involved. I also
asked for finger posts stating emergency
numbers to contact in the event of an animal
fatality. On Tuesday at Exmoor Panel
Meeting I again reminded Highways of the
previous request re better signage and they
were going to take it back to their
It was stated previously by the highways
they agreed the signage is inadequate and
it would be addressed in the next financial
year. I will keep on about this to the relevant
Authorities and as soon as any
developments or news, I will let the “Voice”
know - we await action! “
However a reader wrote in following last
month’s article with the following ideas
“Regarding the recent comments about the
ponies, could the signs just have reflective
studs to make up the wording? Also; they
are experimenting on Dartmoor with
fluorescent paint on the flanks of their
ponies and I believe that in Iceland they
attach reflective collars to the reindeer.”
The fluorescent paint is not such a great
idea as we have sheep and cattle on the
moor but thank you for the thought.
To be continued
1 Arthur Puttock’s LEGO model of
the Copper Kettle which
impressed all who saw it, do we
have any other LEGO modellers
in town?
2 In our November issue we
reported that we had been told
West Somerset District Council
were to repair this wall, it still look
3 & 4 We now have 2 empty shops in the Town, we understand that the smaller is about to be
let, it is important that all our shops are open and that visitors are encouraged to use them.
They are part of the life blood of the town.
5 Shows expansion with the enlargement at the “Bridge” good to see
6. Our Fish & Chip shop has new owners Paul & Stella
Green, who have come to Dulverton seeking a new challenge,
they have a son and daughter, and their son gives them a
helping hand with the shop.
They are not new to catering as they owned the Exeter Inn
before. They are keeping the menu much the same as it was
but hope to develop it over the next few months, suggestions
to improve the takeaway, would be welcomed.
We wish them well.
Help Please –
I took this super family photo on
Mums 100 birthday and promised copies and guess what, I
lost the phone number – can anyone help me- please
First week of April at the Town Hall will see
a lavish production of a traditional version
with all the heroes and villains, singing and
dancing, and harmless fun that you expect
from a Pantomime.
“It may seem odd to stage a pantomime in
spring, but we wanted to engage with as
many local young people as possible.
School and Families have their own
crowded agenda at Christmas.”
Twelve budding actors will be on stage with
the regular stars of the Dulverton Players.
Heather Hodgson, who first appeared at
the Town Hall at the age of seven, plays
kindly Dame Trott. Heather remembers
vividly her father, Tom Mackney, producing
ten Dulverton pantos in the 1950’s.
Valentine Cards and Gifts
Jack Trott is tasked with climbing the magic
beanstalk and defeating the evil giant.
Great range of Easter Eggs,
Confectionery and Cards
There’s romance with Carol Jones playing
the lovely Princess Demelza.
Tamsin Blackmore plays Edena, the fairy.
Edena is an eco-fairy for our times,
defeating evil villains and toxic emissions
alike with a wave of her wand and the odd
rhyming couplet.
Delicious Food and Drink
And Much More!
Open 7 days a week
Fore Street, Dulverton
T: 01398 323465
“Jack and the Beanstalk” runs from
Wednesday, 6th April, to Saturday, 9th
April, with four evening performances and
a matinee on Saturday afternoon.
Early reservations for tickets may be made
at the Post Office, or call 323 474.
Dates for your Diary – February
Every Tuesday & Thursdayat the Sports Club Every Monday
Every Tuesday Every Tuesday Every Tuesday –
Every Thursday –
1st Tuesday –
1st Wednesday of the month
Last Wednesday of the Month
Last Thursday of the month
Friday –
Tennis 6.30pm & Every Saturday 2.30pm
Coaching Mondays Juniors 6pm Adults 7pm cost £2
Zumba Dance – 5.30pm – Town Hall
Squash Club Night 6/9pm – Sportsfield
Family and Toddler Group 10am to Noon –
Congregational Hall during term time
Dulverton Dance – Town Hall 10.45am
Netball Training - 6.30pm at the Middle School –
Carers Support Meeting – 2.30/4pm - Medical centre
Mothers Union 2.30pm at Hanover
U3A 10.15am Community Centre (not Aug & Dec)
Somerset age at the library 10am to noon
Knit and Natter Group – 1.45pm in the library
All Month Snowdrop Valley open – check details with ENP
6th National Libraries Day - see what to do
8th - Town Council Meeting - 7.30pm- Town Hall
10th - Vintage Films - 3 pm at Fishers Mead - see what to do
12th - Film Club – Town Hall 7.30 pm
16th – Squashbox Theatre - see what to do
20th – Ladies Lunch – details 324 395
21st- Action Group - see what to do
21st – Gardening Club – Potato Day– see what to do
24th –U3A - see what to do
26th - Film Club – Town Hall 7.30 – see what to do
27th – Men’s Breakfast – 8am Copper Kettle – details 324 395
27th – Messy Church – see what to do
Please email your events to dulvertonvoice@btinternet.com or phone 324395
12a). Bar opens at 7pm and films at 7.30pm Tickets–Dulverton Films members £3, nonmembers £4.50, students accompanied by an adult,
£2.50. -Tickets may be available on the door£4.Book in advance at Dulverton Post Office
(323474) or email janaross2003@yahoo.com
February What to do?
Dulverton Gardening Club Potato Day.- 21st
February - 11.00am – 3.00pm
At Dulverton Middle School, Fishers Mead,
Following the success of last year’s potato Day the
2nd years Potato Day looks to be even better.
Offering a complete array of products Including at
least 60 varieties of of seed potato for sale by the
single tuber, onion sets, shallots, garlic and a large
range of heritage seeds etc
Cooked potato tasting - Free admission Refreshments available.
Ed’s note - Great fun last year when we grew some
unusual potatoes which we served to our guests
and they enjoyed the taste!
BONES - TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 3pm at The
Town Hall - For children aged 5+ and their families.
from Dulverton Post Office or phone Jan Ross,
01398 323818 or email janaross2003@yahoo.co.uk
Organised by Dulverton Development Forum in
partnership with Take Art, supported by Dulverton’s
Community Budgeting Fund.
Vintage Film Club – Wed 13th January 3pm
Fishers Mead Community Centre Random Harvest
more details Magdalena 323785
Dulverton Group Exmoor Society - Thursday
10th March 7:30 p.m. “The Wildlife and Wonders of
Iceland”. A talk by Dr. Sue Baker. members free,
non-members £3 please, to help with expenses.
Refreshments provided. Congregational Church
Hall, Chapel Street Further information – Linda
Hammond 323 954. This talk follows the group’s
AGM starting at 7:00 p.m. to which visitors are also
welcome. Come and see what we are all about.
National Libraries Day is on Saturday 6th
February and the friends of the library will be there
from 10am to 1.15pm to tell people what the library
has to offer over and above borrowing books –
Sounds a good idea.
Vintage Film Club - Wed 10th February -3 pm at
Fishers Mead Community Centre: – Random
Harvest - starring Ronald Colman & Greer Garson
– 1942
U3A - Wed 24th February - Talk on The History of
Nursery Rhymes by Carolyn Williams at Fishers
Mead centre 10 for 10.30am non members £2
Dulverton Action Group - Litter-picking: - Sun 21st
February - 10.30am meet by the Heritage Centre Everyone welcome!
The Film Club at the Town Hall – Friday
February12th - 7.30pm TRACKS (Cert 15) – Friday
February 26th - 7.30pm WOMAN IN GOLD (Cert
Messy Church – 27th February - 3 to 5pm in All
Saints Church – Children must bring an adult.
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website: maxdavisonoptometry-watchet.co.uk
More interesting pieces from The Dulverton Highway Board
vehicles. This must have been a problem to the
Highways even then, to require prohibition.
Dated the 3rd June 1982, "The Surveyor, reported
that he had had the Town watercourse cleaned out,
and that they had the drain near the Vicarage
opened out, where a leakage had occurred that had
been caused by rats making water flow into the
vicarage ".
Dated 6th February 1886. "Moved that the Surveyor
be instructed to give the owners and occupiers of
lands adjoining the highways notice to prune or trim
the hedges so that the roads might not be prejudiced
by the shade thereof."
Rats in the 19th. Century were even more of a
problem than they are today, possibly the sewers
collapsing in Dulverton in this century are the results
of our ancestral rats!
Would we be so lucky, I thought, on reading this,
don't we all wish this was enforced today.
How many times has your vehicle been scraped with
sticking out branches or your visibility been
compromised with vegetation overhanging from the
Dated October the 6th. 1883, " Mr J.B. Collyns of
Dulverton attended on behalf of the Dulverton Street
Lighting Committee to solicit the consent of this
Board to a proposal that the Streets of Dulverton be
swept as necessary at the discretion and under the
direction of of the District Surveyor, Mr Collyns
undertaking to bear the coat thereof. It was resolved
that the District Surveyor be empowered to act as
requested by Mr Collyns, and Mr Collyns undertook
to repay the expense of his so doing."
The next meeting in April read; " The Surveyor
reported that he had served 80 notices to prune
Dated 12th November 1887. " The Surveyor stated
that the inmates of the Union Workhouse had
already cracked 30 yards more than the specified
yearly quantity of 100 yards, and that the Master
asked for more as a large number of vagrants were
admitted. The Surveyor was directed to keep the
workhouse supplied with stones, and, it was decided
that on the next contract setting, the Dulverton Main
Road should be reserved so that stone broken at the
Workhouse might be utilised."(Our photo shows no
sign of stones being broken for the town these days!)
In 1883 we must have had street lighting in
Dulverton, as Mr Collyns was part of that Committee,
a very early player in street lighting, and a very
forward thinking Town as we are now. Not only that,
but we had a citizen willing to pay for a street cleaner
to keep our Town free of rubbish and manure which
was a problem due to the large amount of horse
This referred to the building that now house's the
Exmoor National Park offices. We all might be
horrified to find that workhouse inmates were made
to break stones to pay their way whilst living in this
institution, but this was the norm in the latter part of
the 19th century.
Dated 14th November 1885. " A notice is to be
erected by Barle Bridge forbidding the passage of
vehicles over the Pound Path"
Don't forget this was a time before motor vehicles
were about on rural roads, there were traction
engines driven by steam and many horse drawn
CN. Dulverton Heritage Centre.
Dulverton Sports!
The severe weather continues to prevent most
teams from playing football throughout both
the Saturday & Sunday leagues.
Our Saturday team have only played one
fixture, away to Milverton, on 19 Dec, losing
The Sunday team have played no games since
6 Dec !!
We hope to bring you a full report with our next
issue – snow rain etc. permitting
Who said imagination is dead! It was certainly
given a good shakeup at Dulverton Middle
School when years 5 and 6 took part in an
Inventors’ Fair. Working in groups with a shared
iPad they read, ran, wrote and made exciting
additions to a story.
As the Orator said fan-tab - ulous isn’t really a word
but it seems for the children who took part it was a
Want to know more
Get I touch with Mr Jelley @
Stories located and being read on iPad’s in the
School field
Phone Numbers
Catholic Priest
Medical Centre
Patient Group
1610 Gym
Angling Assn
Cricket Club
Cricket Colts
Exmoor Fitness Centre
Tai Chi Club
Young peoples
The West Somerset Youth
Youth Club
Exmoor National Park HQ
Dulverton Centre
Advice (CAB)
01643 704624
Bridge Club
Camera club
Civic Society
Dulverton Dance
Dulverton Group Exmoor Society
Exmoor Pony Centre
Film Club
Family & Toddlers
Hanover Vintage Films
Ladies Lunch
Litter Gathering Group
Men’s Breakfast
Messy Church
Mother Union
08457 909090
Somerset Age
08456 434621
Royal British Legion
Town Council
Women’s Institute
Voluntary Lifts
07528 326 880
West Somerset Advice Bureau
01643 704624
Village Agent
01823 331222
Non urgent
01643 702201
07710 046107
07723 459402
07866 730093
Open Monday to Saturday 9.30-5pm
Breakfast, morning coffee, lunch,
afternoon tea
Lovely tea garden
Dogs welcome
21 Fore Street, Dulverton
Tel 01398 323697
The complete property letting service
Covering a 20 mile radius of Cullompton
For further information about our Letting and Management Services
Contact us on
01884 33094
4 High Street, Cullompton, Devon EX15 1AA
3 Station Road • Cullompton• Devon EX15 1AH

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ExNews_july_ aug16sm(3) Delicious Local Food and Drink. Confectionery, Gifts and Cards. Wines, Spirits, Ales and Ciders Exmoor Gin. And Much More! Open 7 days a week Fore Street, Dulverton T: 01398 323465 www.tantivyexmoo...

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