Chris Church... Development Matters Christ Church


Chris Church... Development Matters Christ Church
Church... Development Matters
2 0 1 5
Development and fundraising
at Christ Church are driven
by the Governing Body’s
determination to underwrite
its core values in perpetuity;
these are, principally, the
tutorial system, an open and
competitive admissions process,
maintenance of the historic
fabric, research, sporting and
cultural activities. Achieving
all of this is contingent on
financial self-sufficiency and
the ability to exercise selfdetermination within the
collegiate University.
and contents
Christ Church
1. Introduction and contents ............................................................ 1
2. Continuing In Perpetuity ................................................................ 2
3. Fundraising report 2014-15 ........................................................... 4
4. Core endowments; tutorial posts and bursaries ...................... 6
5. Other projects and endowments ................................................. 7
6. Ovalhouse ......................................................................................... 9
7. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 11
8. Benefactors to the House ............................................................ 12
As is customary with the Michaelmas edition of Christ Church Matters, we publish this development supplement. The purpose is to
keep Members and friends of the House abreast of progress with development matters, both in terms of headline results as well
as current projects and the longer term strategy for the House. This edition also features the second phase of the In Perpetuity
programme; a very significant project from Ovalhouse; and the biennial list of benefactors, including the Board of Benefactors.
The original In Perpetuity document, which has been the blueprint for development over the last seven years has now been
re-written to allow for changes in the economic and university environment, which have affected some of the cost and revenue
assumptions in the original case for support. However, the mission and methodology remain the same; namely to deliver the
House’s core values in perpetuity through endowment of the whole institution, rather than firefighting individual needs as they
arise. A summary of the second In Perpetuity document follows. Copies may be requested from the Development Office, or
ordered online.
In Perpetuity
Core values agreed
by the House and
its Members
within the
Collegiate University
to shape financial and
academic strategies
Set within the context of the Oxford Thinking Campaign,
In perpetuity introduced in 2008 a continuous
development programme for the whole House. It built on
the earlier accomplishments and generosity of contributors to
the Campaign for Christ Church (2001-07), spearheaded by the
Oppenheimer family, and the landmark gift of £25 million in
2008 from Sir Michael Moritz (1973) and Harriet Heyman. The
aim was to introduce an approach to development that was
holistic, analytical and structured, rather than “firefighting”
stand-alone projects in a sequence of individual campaigns.
To that end, it set out a fifteen-year endowment plan for
financial independence, thereby to preserve the core values
of the House in perpetuity. The support of so many House
Members has ensured strong progress towards that target.
This second document assesses the impact of the earlier
programme and looks forward to the five-year period 20162020. The House already receives an extra £850,000 annually
Admissions on merit
and potential alone,
selected by colleges,
regardless of
background and
financial circumstances
Sustain the tutorial
system (pivotal to
the reputation of the
University) offering
best teaching,
monitoring and care
restoration and
upgrade of the
historic fabric
of the House for
future generations
from endowment gifts to date, not including the contribution
from the Moritz-Heyman benefaction. Going forward, the plan
continues to pursue its original objectives; but targets and
methods have been adapted in the light of what has already
been achieved, and where qualitative or quantitative conditions
have changed, notably in tutorial appointments, bursary
funding and capital expenditure budgets.
The financial state of the House is, therefore, re-assessed,
replacing the assumptions made in 2008 with revised figures
for 2014/15 and the following five years. They are based on
the Treasury’s five-year plan for income, operating and capital
expenditure, but adjusted for some contingencies, such as
potentially higher tutorial costs. The analysis identifies the annual
funding gap between income and expenditure, which must be
met through additional fundraising if the House is to deliver its
core values. The annual average funding gap, reduced from £1.44
million in 2008 to £964,000 in 2015, is the basis for an endowment
A balanced mix of
post graduate and
research study,
reflecting the value of
each to the whole
Cultural, social
and sporting
opportunities to
enhance the breadth
of collegiate life
Members to be
lifelong constituents
of the Christ
Church community;
‘membership for life’
Continuing In Perpetuity
fundraising plan that will, over time, eliminate the shortfall in
income resources in perpetuity.
The funding gap projection indicates an endowment target
of around £30 million by 2023, which on a take of 3.25%, will
generate the required annual return. From there, the document
identifies bite-sized categories to which Members of the House
can, collectively or individually, allocate their gifts and which,
together, will cover the funding gap in full. In addition, however,
gifts are sought for expendable categories, including major capital
projects, to cover the funding gap until the endowment target has
been reached. These include major expenditure on Peckwater and
Canterbury Quads, but other smaller projects as well.
It is in the belief that this loyalty must be reciprocated by
resourcefulness, enterprise and gratitude that we have so
seriously set about the tasks of creating a framework for
financial self-sufficiency that will preserve our core values and
educational identity in perpetuity.
The document presents
an open, transparent
portrayal of Christ
Church: of what it
stands for, how it is
funded and what is
needed to preserve its
special standing in
The importance of smaller gifts is particularly highlighted,
primarily through the gaudy-year telephone campaign, but also
through a new initiative for younger members, the Moritz-Heyman
project, and the American Friends’ annual fund mailing. A new
proposal to raise funds for research projects undertaken by Christ
Church tutors is outlined in the document, as well as our ongoing
programme to encourage legacy gifts.
In conclusion, the document presents an open, transparent
portrayal of Christ Church: of what it stands for, how it is funded
and what is needed to preserve its special standing in Oxford.
The House cannot deliver the highest possible standards
without external support, particularly from its Members, many
of whom have been so loyal in the past.
report for
year ending
July 31st
Headline figures 2014-15
Funds raised
Straight-line target
01/08/2012 – 31/07/2013
01/08/2013 – 31/07/2014
01/08/2014 – 31/07/2015
Figure 1: Pledged and received gifts
Figure 2: Cumulative funds
Headline figures for fundraising are shown in the normal
way above. Gifts were lower than in the previous two years,
reflecting, by comparison, fewer very major gifts, which have
historically boosted the total. The distribution of gifts between
endowment and expendable remains heavily weighted in
favour of the former (88%) and consistent with the principle
objective to underwrite the core elements of collegiate
Cumulative funds raised since 2008 are still ahead of the
straight-line target of £65 million by 2023. These will be reset for In perpetuity 2 (see page 2) to reflect the changing
conditions of the University environment.
Raised versus straight-line target to 365 million in 2023
Fundraising report
20 1
20 2
20 3
20 4
20 5
20 6
20 7
20 8
20 9
20 0
20 1
20 2
20 3
20 4
20 1
20 2
20 3
20 4
20 5
20 6
20 7
20 8
20 9
20 0
20 1
20 2
20 3
20 4
Figure 3: Donors of £25k or above by financial year
Figure 4: Donors under £25k by financial year
With 26 new members, there was a marginal increase in the
number of new Board of Benefactor (£25k+) pledges this year,
but efforts are continuing to increase annual recruitment to
30 or more. By contrast, the total number of gifts at Board of
Benefactors level or above has continued its upward trend,
suggesting that the follow-up for repeat gifts is now being more
successful. There are currently 312 members.
The number of smaller gifts has remained steady during the
year, after two years of increase. However, the number of
recent leavers giving has risen significantly, mainly due to the
Moritz-Heyman project (see page 8). At the other end of the
spectrum, the legacy programme continues to make progress,
with 17 new bequests during the year, bringing membership of
the 1546 Society to 149.
Christ Church formed
the 1546 Society to
recognise the generosity
of Members who
have indicated their
intention to leave a
legacy, and to thank
them. The 1546
Society looks back to
the beginning of the
Joint Foundation and
forward in perpetuity.
Tutorial posts and bursaries
Common University Fund (CUF)
University Lecturer (UL)
na es
al e men
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CUF – Tutorial post with maximum teaching load
UL – Tutorial post with lower teaching load
Figure 5: Tutorial funds
Figure 6: Cumulative total bursary endowment
Endowment, particularly for tutorial posts, continues to be
the main fundraising focus, with successful completions of
the two Geography posts during the second half of the year.
Significant gifts are still required to finish the Chemistry, English
and Law posts; and, with the brochure now published, Modern
Languages will be one of the main areas for attention over the
next eighteen months. The cumulative funds for the various
tutorial posts are shown below. A sum of £1.2 million will fully
endow a CUF post (higher number of tutorial hours per week)
compared to £600,000 for a UL.
The Christ Church contribution to the Oxford Bursary Scheme
has been fully covered by a most generous gift of £6 million in
2011 from Alex Beard (1985). The discretionary bursaries and
hardship fund, specifically for Christ Church undergraduates,
supports students, both through direct spend-down gifts and
through steadily building an endowment fund to cover the
annual commitment (£90,000) in perpetuity. During the year,
gifts to the bursaries and hardship endowment (including
legacy gifts) have increased by £600,000 to around £2.3 million,
leaving a further £450,000 to reach its target.
projects and
Support for graduate scholarships continues to build both
for endowment and individual fixed-term commitments. In
many cases the endowments are quite small, restricting their
effectiveness in attracting very good candidates. However, this
is an important area and will be a point of focus over the next
five years.
This project has a target of £1.6 million (supported by a
generous 1:1 matched gift offer from Alex Beard) to endow
the boat club’s activities, including coaching, travel, boathouse
maintenance, and equipment purchases. The project is making
progress, having received just under £400,000 qualifying for
the match, however there is a considerable amount still to be
raised before the offer finishes in December 2016.
A further major gift is also sought if the renovation of the
boathouse is to be really significant.
During the year, Christ Church received close to £1 million
through the American Friends, of which £170,000 was from
the annual mailing, mainly supporting American Friends’
scholarships. Many of these gifts were instalments of earlier
pledges but the contribution from North America continues to
be of major importance.
This is a matching gift scheme, whereby any Member of the
House who makes a pledge of a minimum of £60 / $100 per
year within five years of leaving, will have its full value matched
1:1. Pledges are taken to be for a maximum of five years, unless
a shorter period is specified. The match is capped at £25,000
per annum and has been most generously provided by Sir
Michael Moritz and Harriet Heyman. Many of the project’s
supporters may have benefited from Sir Michael and Harriet’s
past generosity to the Oxford bursary scheme. Promoted
primarily through the telephone campaign, but also from face
to face meetings, it has been hugely successful in its first year,
with total gifts exceeding the £25,000 limit. Please contact
David Humble- White at the Development Office for further
details of the scheme.
The sixth Gaudy-Year Telephone Campaign took place in
January, calling 1982 to 1990 matriculands. In addition to
the core Gaudy Year group, young Members (post 2006) who
qualify for membership of the Moritz-Heyman Project were
also included (see above). The total amount pledged was
£215,492, which is the highest achieved since the scheme
began in 2010 and matriculands from 1983 and 1987 registered
a participation rate of 75% and 74%, ranking them 2nd and
3rd out of all alumni years. As in previous years, the majority of
funds raised were directed to bursaries.
by Robin Priest:
Christ Church
Trustee of
Ovalhouse and
Chair of the
Christ Church
OVALHOUSE: Delivering on the House’s wider
social responsibilities
Ovalhouse was originally the Christ Church Mission
(1882), then the Christ Church United Clubs, a lively Boys’
Club (1931), and since the 1960s has become a visionary
theatre and arts facility.
Based in Lambeth next to the Oval, it provides social and
educational programmes that are both a lifeline for young
people, who are disadvantaged or otherwise barred from
opportunity, and a springboard for new and exciting theatrical
talent. Ovalhouse is now a sector leader in developing
pioneering drama with excluded young people, supporting
talented youth into the professional arena, and enabling early
career artists to develop their skills and vision.
Help us raise
towards a new theatre
Ovalhouse is planning an ambitious move which will ensure its
development and survival into the next century – a new cultural
centre. It will include two theatres, seven rehearsal or multipurpose spaces, a wide range of cultural workspaces, and a
large reception and café.
Designed by award-wining theatre architects FosterWilson, the
facilities will be accessible and welcoming to Brixton’s most
disadvantaged communities while supporting the needs of
contemporary theatre artists and attracting audiences from
throughout London and beyond.
Recognising the potential of the new theatre, Lambeth Council
has offered an unmissable opportunity and its energetic
support. The value of Ovalhouse’s current freehold site will
be invested in building the new theatre on a premium plot
contributed by the Council on a peppercorn rent for 250 years.
The theatre is due to be opened in 2018.
Ovalhouse needs to raise a further minimum of £2 million
towards the new building and, in order to secure a space
which honours its origins as a Christ Church project it is
working with the Development Office to generate £250,000
through the House and the Christ Church Association.
Our ultimate aim is both to build the new Ovalhouse and to
secure its future through an endowment, so that the vision of
its Christ Church founders can be realised in perpetuity. It will
thus be able to continue to give young people in the inner-city
the same confidence in their right to education and excellence
through the arts, as that enjoyed by undergraduates and
graduates of the House.
Members are invited to come and enjoy the theatre’s
productions and join in the capital raising campaign. The role
that Ovalhouse is playing in society is a natural extension of the
values Christ Church embodies and is a paradigm for the kind
of involvement the Dean is espousing.
To contribute towards the Christ Church Ovalhouse Target you
can donate in the following ways:
By BACS: Account Name: Ovalhouse Capital Campaign
Account 80371793 Sort Code 20 80 57
By cheque:
Cheques made payable to Ovalhouse Capital Campaign
c/o Katie Milton , Development Director – Capital Campaign
52-54 Kennington Oval
London SE11 5SW
Please reference the Christ Church connection.
Every second year as a supplement to ‘Development Matters’
we produce a Benefactors’ list, including the Board of
Benefactors, to thank all those who have so generously given
financial support to the House.
We are acutely aware that there is a real danger with such
lists of sins of both omission and inclusion. Despite best
endeavours, records are seldom 100% accurate. If your
name has mistakenly been missed off then please accept our
apologies and inform us.
The list starts from the launch date of the Campaign for Christ
Church in 2001, and includes gifts up to 31 July 2015. It needs
to be stressed, however, that a great many Members supported
the House before that date, particularly for the Blue Boar and
St Aldates’ appeals. We are truly grateful for all these donations,
which were recorded individually in previous donors’ lists.
We would also like to thank all those who have supported
the House in other ways; notably through time, expertise,
and good will.
Being a member of the House is a lifelong experience and it
is wonderful that so many are minded to pass on the benefit
of what they received to those who are here or still to come.
To everyone who has given, pledged, or is planning a
bequest to the House, we thank you very much indeed.
Marek Kwiatkowski
Director of Development
The figures show that 37% of Old Members have given in some
way to Christ Church since 2001. This is comparable to many
educational institutions, but we continue to set 50% as our
target over the next few years.
to the House
Members of the Board of Benefactors
Dr Dennis Shaw
Mr David Acland
Mr Hugh Sassoon
Mr John Grundon
Dr Teddy Burn
Mr Robert Dickinson
Mr Robin Herbert
Mr Gerald Jenkins
Mr Mano Kampouris
Mr Alan Elliot
Mr Paul Likins
Prince Nikita Lobanov-Rostovsky
Sir David Scholey
Mr Philip Wetton
Mr Bill Rathbone
The Lord Rothschild
Mr Peter Paine Jr
Mr Jonathan Stone
Sir John Aird
Mr Lawrence Banks
Mr Ben Gough
Professor Dick Howard
Mr Robert Sandell
Mr Robert Hanrott
Mr Jeremy Hill
Dr John Downey
Mr Mitch Gitin
Dr Anthony Hamilton
Dr James Howard-Johnston
Dr John Prince
Mr Anthony Scholefield
Mr Stewart Hudnut
Mr Charles Rentoul
Mr Hamish Ritchie
Mr Robert Ronus
Mr Christopher Flynn
Mr Douglas McDougall
Mr Bill Shelford
Mr Chris Sprague
Mr John Ward
Mr Nigel McNair Scott
Mr Stephen Cunliffe
Mr Nigel Lovett
Mr Nicky Oppenheimer
Professor John Maitland Wright
Mr Maurice Bonham-Carter
Mr Robin Gilkes
Mr Denny Lewis
The Marquess of Salisbury
The Revd Dr Adam Scott
Mr Robert Seward
Dr Martin Wiseman
Mr David Barron
Mr John Marsden
The Lord Neuberger
Sir Graham Wilkinson
Lord Charles Cecil
Mr Andy Churchill
The Lord Egremont
Mr Paul Midgley
Mr Chris Rocker
Mr Anwar Saifullah-Khan
Mr Peter Spiller
Mr John Barneby
Mr Colin Chisholm
Mr Nick Nops
Mr Robin Parish
Mr Nicholas Pitts-Tucker
Mr Laurence Sellyn
Mr Greg Sohns
The Earl of St Aldwyn
Mr Philip Swatman
Mr William Kerr
Mr Robert Lindemann
The Hon. Peregrine Moncreiffe
Mr Terry O’Leary
Mr Steve Pfeiffer
Mr Jay Radway
Mr Timothy Beardson
Mr Victor Cazalet
Mr Rupert Chwoles Villers
Mr Colin Silk
Mr Dick Warner
Mr Andrew Williams
Mr John Beechey
Mr Eric Dale
Mr Simon Flunder
Mr Alan Gibbs
Mr Nicholas Krasno
Benefactors to the House
Mr Trevor Llanwarne
Mr Luke Mayhew
Mr Allan Myers
Mr Nick Prest
Mr Robbie Robertson
Mr John Anderson
Mr Keith Bruce-Smith
Mr David Griffiths
Mr Philip Wright
Mr Nick Hughes
Mr Tim Lupfer
Mr Rory Macnamara
Sir Michael Moritz
Mr Nick Walker
Anon. (2)
Mr Michael Balladon
Mr John Brisby
Mr Nick Bubb
Mr Steven Joseph
Commander Ed Linz
Mr Saman Majd
The Lord Sassoon
Mr Ian Armitage
Fra’ Julian Chadwick
The Hon. James LeighPemberton
Mr Richard Rawlinson
Mr Doug Smith
Mr Tim Suter
Mr James Agnew
Mr Christopher Ainsley
Mr Martin Alderson Smith
Mr James Collier
Mr Hugh Crisp
Mr Jonathan Derry-Evans
Mr Giles Frampton
Mr Keith Hiscock
Mr Vince O’Brien
Mr Robin Priest
Mr Jim Rice
Mr James Shirras
Mr Stephen Spill
Mr Mark Trapnell
Mr William Wells
Mr David Williamson
Mr John Clennett
Mr Michael Firth
Mr David Hudd
Mr Richard Mountford
Mr Crispin Odey
Mr John Carver
Mr Preston Hutchings
Mr Peter Isard
Mr Mark Renton
Mr Jeremy Seigal
Mr David Ballance
Mr Charles Coase
Mr Charles Ewald
Mr Frank Hancock
Mr Michael Stevenson
Mr Mark Young
Mr Simon Dingemans
Mr Graham Elton
Mr Terry Keeley
Mrs Emma Osborne
The Revd Gerald Osborne
Mr Akeel Sachak
Mr Jonathan Auerbach
Mr Alex Beard
Mr Jerome Booth
Dr Fiona Hollands
Mr Peter Paine III
Mrs Kate Paterson
Dr Gregor Baer
Mr Michael Davie
Mr Philip Heyes
Mr Guy Liddle
Mr Martin Lueck
Mr Charles Mathias
Miss Henrietta Podd
Mr Martyn Shorrock
Dr Zar Amrolia
Ms Kate Bingham
Mr Angus Carlill
Mr Simon Firth
Mr Chris Forman
Dr Andrew Green
Mr Julian Hardwick
Mr John Mayne
Mr Luke Meynell
Mr David Pierce Jones
Dr James Spicer
Mr Oliver Todd
Mr Simon Warshaw
Mr André Andersson
Mr Edward Banks
Mr Luke Chappell
Mr Paul Chesson
Mr Chris de Pury
Mr Charles Doyle
Dr Thomas Hesse
Mr Matt Nixon
Mr Geoff Blanning
Ms Sandra Carlisle
Mr Dan Gardner
Mr Jon Greenwood
Mr Nick Hewitt
The Earl of Kinnoull
Mr Matthew Le Merle
Mr Chris Mruck
Mr Jeremy Parr
Mr Julian Reddyhough
Mr James Reed
Mr Julian Robins
Mr Neil Sherlock
Mr Noah Walley
Mr Michael Bender
Miss Pollyanna Deane
Mr Tony Gilbert
Ms Susannah Herbert
Mr Dominic Hollamby
Mr Anthony Ling
Ms Candida Morley
Dr Javed Siddiqi
Mr John Steers
Mr Elliot Woodruff
Mr Greg Bennett
Mr Raynard Cheng
Dr Robert Downey
Mr Adam English
Mr Richard Gladwin
Mr Marc Harvey
Mr David Lipson
Mr Seamus Moorhead
Mr Jonathan Paisner
Mr John Porter
Mr James Rumfitt
Professor Bob Schuettinger
Mr Ben Spiers
Mr John Stewart
Benefactors to the House
Mr Mark Filip
Mr Marc Jonas
Mr Jonathan Oppenheimer
Mr Gerry Cardinale
Mr Tom Church
Mr Christophe Egerton-Warburton
Miss Kate McCarthy
Mr Benedict O’Halloran
Mr Stuart Ritchie
Mr Julien Sevaux
Mr Adrian Boehler
Ms Emily Campbell
Miss Isabel France
Mr Ian Frost
Mr Charles Mindenhall
Mr Aidan O’Byrne
Mr James Philpott
Mr Myles Stephenson
Mr Giles Taylor
Ms Katie Boysen
Mr Neil Bradford
Mr Jeremy Green
Mr Nat Greene
Mr Jonathan Hall
Mr Dan Hodge
Mr Todd Miranowski
Mr Samuel Robinson
Mr Osman Saifullah-Khan
Mr Jeremy Walton
Mr Hamish Grant
Mr Henrik Kraft
Miss Sarah Mackey
Mr Nick Molden
Mrs Becky Quintavalle
Dr John Elder
Miss Lucy Elwes
Mr Dan Houser
Mr Philip Oetker
Mrs Gabriele Stein
Mr Ian Thompson
Mr Joseph Higgins
Mr Simon Mungall
Anon. (2)
Professor Millard Alexander
Mr Andrew Yong
Mr Mike Holt
Mr Stephan Winkler
Mr Tom Gentleman
Mr Jack Kirkland
Mr Joe Lau
Mr Rupert Simons
Mr Simon Hale
Dr Anthony House
Mr Oli Evans
Mr Derwin Jenkinson
Mr Nat Johnston
Mr Niall O’Brien
Mr Andy Whitehouse
Professor Marilyn McCord Adams
Mr Christopher Noon*
Ms Victoria Chapman
Mr Robert Hewitt
Mr Mike Mason
Mr Jamie McAlpine*
Friends and family
Mr John Bennett
Mr Bill Broadbent
Mr Geoffrey de Jager
Mrs Beth Edwards
Professor Mallory Factor
Dr Markus Granziol
Mr Nigel Hamway
The Hintze Family Charitable
Mr Richard Hubbard
Mr Walid Kaba
Lady Marina Marks
Miss Sarah Nops
Mrs Ann Ronus
Mr Bernard Taylor
Boquet Foundation
CHK Charities Ltd
Christopher Tower Foundation
Garfield Weston Foundation
Mr & Mrs JA Pye’s Charitable
Oliver Wyman Limited
The Federal Trust
The Friends of the Cathedral
The Gamlen Charitable Trust
The H R Creswick Charitable Trust
The Joan Pitts-Tucker Family Trust
The Lord Dacre of Glanton
Charitable Trust
The McDonald Agape Foundation
The Palgrave Brown Foundation
The Paul and Edith Babson
The Polonsky Foundation
The Rothschild Foundation
The San Francisco Foundation
The Southdown Trust
The Vidda Foundation
The Wakefield Trust
The Wolfson Foundation
Washington International Studies
Anon. (5)
* Members of the Moritz-Heyman
Benefactors to the House
Members giving to the House 1936 Colonel Adrian Seymour
1937 (100%)
The Revd Canon Wilfrid Browning
Mr Gerry Creagh Brown
Mr Ernest Ridger
Sir Brian Urquhart
Mr Irvine Watson
1938 Dr Herbert Burchnall
Mr Peter Stuart
1939 Mr David Lang
Dr Tom Madden
Sir Julian Paget
Sir John Seale
1940 Mr Patrick Gill
Mr David Lloyd Thomas
1941 (100%)
Mr Dennis Armstrong
Mr Jack Carr
Major Robin Collier
Mr John Croft
Dr Richard Hansen
Mr Peter Hobden
Mr John Honour
Professor Sir Michael Howard
(% participation per year)
Professor Philip McNair
Mr Cim Mellor
Dr Michael Sweet-Escott
1942 Mr Bill Birch Reynardson
Mr Christopher Chaundy
Mr Guy Conant
Mr Phillip Escreet
Dr Russell Leather
Mr John Willsher
1943 Mr Bill Beaumont
Mr Tony Bolt
Mr Gordon Chidgey
Mr Robert Douch
Mr Dennis Faulkner
Mr Arnold Guetta
Mr Robert Harrison
Mr Robert Hobson
Mr Tom Jago
Mr Bill Kinkead
Mr Peter Lund
Mr Stewart Reid
Mr Norman Smith
Mr Gordon Stevens
Mr Peter Tee
Professor Dick Wilson
Mr Victor Woodford
1944 Mr Philip Brown
Sir Jeremy Chance
Mr Alexander Grant
Mr Michael Keeling
Mr Richard Lumley
Mr Roger Pemberton
Mr David Sullivan
The Revd William Vincent
1945 (81%)
The Lord Armstrong
Lieutenant Colonel Charles
Mr Conrad Dehn
Sir George Engle
Mr Graham Gordon
Mr David Hill
Sir Michael Oppenheimer
Mr Geoffrey Orr
Mr David Raeburn
Mr Bob Schad
Mr Maurice Spanbock
Professor Eric Taylor
Dr Charles Wickham-Jones
Anon. (4)
1946 (94%)
The Rt Revd John Bickersteth
Mr George Cawkwell
Mr David Chaundy
Mr Rodney Donald
Sir William Gladstone
Mr David Heaton
Mr Jasper Hubbard
Mr Alan Meacock
Sir Clive Rose
Dr Gordon Sharrard
Professor Mark Williamson
The Very Revd Prof. Richard Wilmer
Sir Roger Young
Anon. (4)
1947 (42%)
Professor Basil Anagnostopoulos
Mr Kenneth Emberton
Mr Hamish Galbraith
Professor Donald Russell
Mr Roderick Williams
1948 (68%)
Mr Michael Bogod
Sir Ilay Campbell
The Hon. Justice Michael Catliff
Mr George Constantinidi
Mr Michael Constantinidi
Mr Geoffrey Drage
Mr Brian Forgham
Mr Peter Gerrard
Mr Alan Marsh
Mr David Shwayder
Mr Michael Stannard
Mr Amédée Turner
Mr Peter Weitzman
Mr David Woodford
1949 (75%)
Sir Antony Acland
Mr John Brindle
Dr Edmund Carr-Saunders
The Lord Clitheroe
Mr Malcolm Dinning
Mr Michael Godfrey-Isaacs
Mr Christopher Harwood
Dr John Hawgood
Sir Peter Hordern
Mr Orlando Kenyon-Slaney
Dr Marcel Kinsbourne
Mr Peter Lewis
Mr Christopher Lowe
Professor Jack Lucy
Captain Dan McGurk
Mr Munro Merrick
The Hon. Sir Michael Moreland
Ms Jan Morris
Mr Humphrey Palmer
Sir Crispin Tickell
Mr John Wakelin
Mr Alec Ward
Mr John Watson
Mr David Williams
The Lord Wraxall
Mr Marke Zervudachi
Anon. (4)
Benefactors to the House
1950 (75%)
Dr Roger Brettle
Sir Theodore Brinckman
Mr Clinton Bullock
Mr Tony Burden
Mr Benjamin Duncan
Mr Mark Elwes
Mr Michael Gibbs
Mr David Hooley
Mr George Hoult
Mr Philip James
Mr Alun Jenkins
Mr Victor Kendall
Professor Michael Lee
Mr Charles Morrison
Mr Guy Neely
Professor Gerald Parkhouse
Sir Peter Petrie
Mr Dieter Pevsner
Mr Bob Plumptre
Mr Richard Rhodes
The Duke of Richmond
Mr David Sawers
Col The Hon. Peter Trustram Eve
His Hon. Martin Tucker
Mr Graham Turner
Mr Bernard Williams
Mr Brian Wilson
Mr Roy Woodford
Anon. (5)
1951 Mr Ranjit Banerji
Sir John Caines
Mr Brian Cave
Dr George Chantry
The Revd Anthony de Vere
Mr Peter Espe
Mr Godfrey Gallia
Mr Anthony Garnett
Mr Brian Godfrey
Dr Desmond Graves
The Hon. Dr Desmond Guinness
Mr Donald Hall
Mr Patrick Hastain
Mr Timothy Hibbett
Mr Yasser Idliby
Mr Alan Jones
Mr Joseph Jones
Dr David Julier
Brigadier Antony Karslake
The Rt Hon. the Lord Lawson
Mr David Leighton
Professor Lawrence Lowe
Mr David Osborn
Mr David Part
Mr Peregrine Pollen
Mr Anthony Rudge
Mr David Sharrock
Mr Patrick Sheahan
Mr Nigel Sheffield
The Rt Hon. he Lord Williams
Mr Nicholas Woolley
Dr Theodore Zeldin
Anon. (2)
1952 Dr Gabriel Barton
Professor David Bivar
Dr Klaus Bowers
Mr Alain Camu
Mr Vernon Dobtcheff
Mr Timothy Gladstone
Mr Harry Graham
Mr Matthew Green
Professor Sir John Gurdon
Mr Laurence Harwood
Mr Thad Holt
Dr Claude Kacser
Mr Julian Lessey
The Revd Paul Lucas
Dr John Macrae
Mr Hossein Mahdavy
Sir Peter Moores
Mr Reggie Norton
Mr Robin Porteous
Mr David Prebble
Mr Michael Russell
Professor John Searle
Sir James Spooner
Mr James Stanfield
Mr Nicolas Tate
Mr Tom Walter
Mr Henry White-Smith
Mr David Youens
Anon. (3)
1953 Mr Hugh Amos
Mr William Anderson
The Earl of Antrim
Mr Philip Balcombe
Mr Peter Barnes
Professor Derek Barnes
The Marquess of Bath
Mr Martin Beaver
Dr Omri Behr
Major Sir Shane Blewitt
Mr Harvey Brettle
Mr Ian Cairns
Dr Victor Clube
Mr Donald Cohen
Dr Albert Connolly
The Revd Dr Donald Cragg
Mr Alan Crawford
Mr David Crowley
Dr Kenneth Daisley
Mr Peter Dawnay
Mr Anthony de Groot
Mr Shaun Dowling
Dr Humphrey Drake
Mr David Farmer
Mr Robin Farmer
Mr Giles Fitzherbert
Mr John Gunn
Mr Bill Harris
Mr Greville Havenhand
Mr Anthony Heald
Mr David Holmes
Mr Ian Horton
Mr Eric Janssen
Mr Alan Jenkin
Mr Bryan Knight
Dr Donald Lane
Mr Eric Le Jeune
Ambassador Solomon Lutchman
Mr Colin Macdonald
Mr Max Messing
Mr Timothy Moore
Mr David Nelson
Mr Ray Palin
Mr Michael Parker
Mr Michael Perceval
Dr Frederick Piotrow
Mr Mike Poulton
Sir Ian Rankin
Mr Gerald Reading
Mr John Richer
Dr Charles Rowlatt
Mr Robin Sawers
Mr Howard Singleton
Dr Daniel Spohr
Mr Richard Williams-Ellis
Mr Thomas Wormald
Mr Ian Wright
Mr Malcolm Wright
Anon. (5)
1954 (70%)
The Rt Revd Dr Fitz Allison
Mr Peter Barnard
Mr Jim Boot
Mr Hasso Buchrucker
Mr John Burt
Mr Julian Corbluth
Professor Colyn Crane-Robinson
Mr Bobo Dean
The Revd Dr Peter Fletcher
Mr Robin Gage
The Viscount Gage
Dr Giuseppe Gazzoni Frascara
Mr Jeremy Gibbs
Mr Brian Gilmore
Professor David Hall
Mr Robin Hope
Mr Nick Hordern
Mr John Hyde
Mr Brian Knight
Mr Stephen Krestin
Mr Jeremy Lemmon
Benefactors to the House
Mr Peter Mayer
Professor Thomas Meade
Mr Ravi Menon
Mr Alan Morris
Mr Michael Mundy
Mr Mark Murray Threipland
Mr Mark Nickerson
Professor Peter Parsons
Dr Christopher Robinson
Mr Frank Schofield
The Revd Dr Roger Scopes
Mr Alec Shepperson
Mr Hugh Stanley
Mr Anthonie Stilgoe
The Revd Dr Richard Sturch
The Revd Mr Timothy Thornton
Lieutenant-General Dale Vesser
The Revd Mr Graeme Watson
Mr John Wing
Mr Charles Winnifrith
Mr Henry Wraith
Mr Ben Wright
Mr John Wright
1955 (71%)
Mr Robin Aird
The Revd Gerry Angel
Mr Richard Barkley
Sir Nicholas Bayne
Mr Tony Blythe
Mr Peter Brockman
Mr Michael Brown
Professor David Buckingham
Mr Stephen Burbridge
Professor Peter Bushell
Mr Roger Cherry
Mr Robert Clarke
Mr Paul Copeland
Professor Edward Courtney
Professor Perry Curtis
Mr Richard Dougal
Lieutenant-Colonel David Edwards
Mr Alan Foster
Mr Hugh Gregor
Dr Nicholas Grey
Professor Peter Hallett
Professor John Harris
Mr Mark Harwood
Sir Roger Hervey
Mr Bruce Jeffcott
Dr Paul Kent
Mr Duncan Kerr
Mr Anthony Machin
The Revd Bill Norgren
Mr Mark Pitman
His Hon. John Previte
Mr Roddy Pryor
The Hon. Tony Quainton
Professor Roger Raab
Mr Patrick Rimmer
Dr Dermot Roaf
Mr Brian Robinson
Mr David Rogers
Mr Richard Sachs
Mr Stephen Sandford
The Revd John Scott
Father David Skeoch
Mr Guy Slatter
Dr Michael Smith
Mr Greville Sockett
Mr Gavin Sorrell
Dr Kris Srinivasan
Mr John Stansfeld
Mr Bryan Stevens
Mr John Temple
Mr Rob Westcott
Mr Stuart Wheeler
Mr Riq Willitts
Mr James Woodford
Anon. (6)
1956 (74%)
Mr Edward Album
Mr John Allsop
Mr David Badcock
Mr Michael Barlow
Mr Tom Berman
Sir Rupert Bromley
Sir Edward Cazalet
Mr Mark Cherniavsky
The Rt Hon. Michael de la Bastide
Mr Anthony Douglas
Mr Parvez Engineer
Mr Richard Franklin
Mr Robert Freeman
Mr David Gilkes
Mr David Gladstone
Mr Fraser Gold
Dr Colin Goodyear
Mr Paul Griffin
Dr David Handscomb
Mr David Harrison
Mr Anthony Harriss
Mr David Hawgood
Mr Garth Haythornthwaite
Mr Michael Hill
Mr Giles Jackson
Mr Clive Johnson
Mr George Kendall
Mr Jeremy Lancaster
Mr Michael Latham
Mr James McMenemey
Mr Nick Mills
Mr David Mitchell Innes
Mr John Myring
The Hon. Tarquin Olivier
Mr Adrian Petch
Mr Rhoderick Powrie
Mr John Preston
Mr Jeremy Rowe
The Revd Dr John Sandys-Wunsch
Professor Hugh Sockett
Mr Martin Stansfeld
Professor Nicholas Stone
Mr Barry Stronge
Mr Robert Sykes
Professor Ross Taylor
Mr David Trent
His Hon. David Webster
Dr Thomas Winnifrith
1957 Mr Simon Appleby
Mr Anthony Askew
Mr Henry Bee
Mr Robin Birch
Dr Oliver Briscoe
Mr Rodney Brooke
Sir Michael Buckley
Mr Bruce Cantlie
Mr Ralph Carver
Mr Richard Chanter
Mr John Collie
Dr David Crennell
Mr Robert Cumming
Mr Richard Davenhill
Mr Anthony Davis
Mr Christopher Dobie
Mr John Duffield
Mr John Foad
Mr Peter Ford
Professor Raoul Franklin
Mr Bunny Ghose
Mr Robin Gilkes
Mr Hugh Grainger
Dr Roger Grant
Mr David Grant
Mr Richard Grey
Dr John Hale
His Hon. Julian Hall
Mr David Hancox
The Hon. Colvyn Haye
Mr Peter Hemmings
Mr Marcus Humphrey
Professor Sir Francis Jacobs
Mr Peter Jay
Mr Jeremy Kane
Mr Colin Labouchere
Mr Nicholas Lane
Sir Ivan Lawrence
The Revd Adrian Leak
Mr Floyd MacNeile-Dixon
The Venerable Malcolm Manson
Mr Mogens Mathiesen
The Hon. Barry McFadzean
Mr Murray McLaggan
Mr Colin McNicoll
Mr Hugh Mellor
Benefactors to the House
Mr Peter Menneer
Mr John Mitchell
Professor Peter Mudford
The Rt Revd Michael Nuttall
Mr John Overstall
Mr Hector Pilkington
His Hon. David Pitman
Dr John Reading
Mr Tom Rees
Mr Arthur Roberts
Sir Christopher Royden
Professor Ray Spier
Mr Michael Stringfellow
Mr Nicholas Sturch
Mr Nick Thomas
The Venerable John Tiller
Mr George Turnbull
Mr Frank Versaci
Mr Michael Walker
Mr Robin Whicker
Mr David Whitaker
Mr Anthony Whyatt
Sir Denys Wilkinson
Sir Martin Wood
1958 Professor Alan Allport
Mr Chris Amery
Mr Timothy Ashby
Mr John Bailey
Mr Simon Barrow
Mr Michael Beaumont
Mr David Bell
Mr Michael Bennett
Mr Henry Berens
Mr Alastair Bonar
The Revd Canon John Bowes
Dr Noel Bridge
Mr Spencer Brooke
Mr Jeremy Cater
Mr Robin Charlton
Mr Christopher Cole
Mr David Crowe
Mr Adrian Darby
Mr Keith Davies
Mr John Davis
Mr Martin Dewhirst
Mr David Dimbleby
The Revd David Duke
Sir Martin Dunne
Mr Richard Everest
Dr Robin Finlay
Mr Justin Fryer
Mr Roger Gibbs
The Revd Michael Gillions
Mr Padmanabha Gopinath
Mr Francis Hamilton
Mr Giles Havergal
Mr Gerald Hobbs
Mr John Holland
Mr Sam Holt
Mr Timothy Hornsby
Mr Chris Hutton
Dr Alun Jones
Mr Christopher Kenyon
Mr Simon Laine
Mr Mike Laschet
Mr Brian Levy
Mr Stuart Lightman
Dr Roderick MacLeod
Mr John Mainwaring
Mr Christopher Massy-Beresford
Professor Peter Matthews
Mr Stephen May
Mr John McCleary
Professor Richard Merrill
Mr John Miller
Mr Max Mosley
Mr Robin Myring
Mr Mike Newell
Mr Christopher Noble
Mr Julian Ormond
Dr Alan Osler
Mr Richard Parker
Mr John Pasquill
Professor Richard Perkins
Mr Anthony Philip
Mr Jerome Phillips
Mr Giles Pitman
Mr Jeremy Plewes
Mr Piers Plowright
The Earl of Portarlington
Mr George Probyn
Mr James Radcliffe
Mr Martin Rawstorne
Mr Maurice Reeve
Mr Nicholas Reynolds
Mr Frank Robson
Mr David Rogers
Mr Brian Ross
Mr Francis Rutherford
Mr Tony Schur
The Earl of Selborne
Mr Tom Sharratt
Dr Bruce Smith
Mr Alan Smith
Mr Kenneth Smith
Mr Antony Southorn
Mr Richard Speight
Mr Richard Speyer
Mr Nick Spurrier
Sir John Starkey
Dr Jeremy Swift
Mr Nigel Talbot Rice
Mr Tim Unmack
Prince Oleg Volkonsky
Sir Jonah Walker-Smith
The Revd Mr Frederick Wandall
Professor David Warrell
Mr Jeremy Willder
The Revd Canon John Willett
Dr Kenneth Wood
Anon. (6)
1959 Professor Adrian Allen
Mr Mark Baily
Mr Francis Barlow
Mr John Barlow
Dr Graham Barrett
Mr David Bentata
The Viscount Boyd
Mr Jeff Brown
Professor Ludwig Bruch
Mr Gerald Clarkson
Mr Anthony Clover
Mr Antony Collieu
Mr Christopher Cook
Mr Dick Corbett
Mr Michael Davis
Mr Roger Dennien
Mr David Dobell
Professor David Dunmur
Mr Stephen Farmer
Mr Charles Forgan
Mr Michael Freeman
Sir James Graham
Mr Christopher Groome
Mr Julian Hale
Dr George Hall
Mr Robert Hanbury
Lord Thomas Harmsworth
Sir James Harvie-Watt
Dr John Hayward
Mr Mark Heathcoat Amory
Mr Andrew Hill
Dr Anthony Hippisley
His Hon. The Revd Alan Hitching
Dr Michael Honeybone
Mr John Horsley
Mr Sharif Horthy
Mr Patrick Howard
Mr John Humphries
Mr Charles Hussell
Mr Yoshio Karita
Mr Peter Lattimer
Mr Anthony Loukes
Mr Francis Lucas
The Lord Lyell
Mr Ian Mackay
Dr Fergus Madden
Mr Peter Marsden
Mr Donald Maxwell Macdonald
Mr Richard Mead
The Revd James Mitchell-Innes
Mr Gerald Morgan
Mr Richard Ormond
Mr David Palmer
Mr Rob Pattison
Benefactors to the House
Mr Adrian Phillips
Mr Martyn Probyn
Sir Tom Richardson
Mr Robert Riding
Mr Mike Robinson
Mr Thomas Royden
Mr Andrew Saunders
Mr Jonathan Scarlett
Mr David Selley
Mr Richard Senior
His Hon. Roger Shawcross
Mr David Simpson
Mr Humphrey Skailes
Mr Christopher Skeate
Professor David Smith
Mr Robin Stringer
Mr William Sykes
Mr David Tate
Mr Theo Wallace
Mr Julian Walton
Mr Aidan Warlow
Mr Patrick Waterfield
Mr Richard Webb
The Revd Mr Roger Whitehead
Professor Michael Winterbottom
Anon. (9)
1960 Dr John Ackers
Mr Simon Arbuthnott
Professor Robin Attfield
Mr Pierre Bartlett
Mr Alan Bates
Mr John Birch
Dr Anthony Boyce
Mr Mark Chamberlayne
Mr John Cherry
Dr Gordon Cragg
Mr John Davies
Professor Laurence Davies
Mr Anthony Ferney
Mr Martin Finn
Mr Charles Flower
Mr Francis Ford
Dr James Foster
Mr Francis Gladstone
Mr Michael Green
Professor Dr David Greetham
Mr David Hand
Mr Roger Hardiman
Mr Colin Hart
Mr Michael Heathcoat-Amory
Dr Patrick Henry
Mr Tony Holt
Mr David Houghton
Mr Andrew Jackson
Mr Nicolas Jacobs
The Revd David King
Mr Adam Lee
Mr Peter Leonard
Mr Peter Leslie
Mr Nick Majendie
Mr Michael Martin
Mr David Mayers
Mr David Meikle
Mr David Morgan
Mr Peter Morley
Mr David Morrison
Mr Timothy Motley
Mr Nicholas Murray
Mr Robin Paul
Mr Michael Pillans
Mr Tim Reid
Mr Iain Robertson
Mr Stephen Russon
Mr Michael Ryan
Mr Richard Smerdon
Mr Mike Sommer
Dr Alan Stamp
Mr Mike Stansbie
Mr Philip Stephens
Mr Nick Stuart
Mr David Till
Mr Patrick Tobin
Mr Mark Todd
Mr Christopher Turner
Professor David Westbury
Dr Oliver Wethered
Mr Brian Winborn
Mr Peter Winchurch
Mr Nigel Yallop
Mr Michael Yannaghas
The Rt Hon. the Lord Young
Anon. (4)
1961 Mr Hamish Aird
Mr Jonathan Aitken
Mr Peter Arkell
Mr Richard Ashworth
Mr Michael Atfield
Mr Thomas Ayling
Mr Pete Ayrton
Mr Mark Baker
Dr Andrew Barnes
Mr Dugald Barr
Mr Simon Biddulph
Dr Tirthankar Bose
Mr Tony Bottrill
Mr Richard Bullock
Mr Roger Cath
Dr Jim Cohen
Mr David Collier
Mr Nigel Cooper
Professor Neil de Marchi
Dr Jaroslav Dedek
Mr John Edwards
Mr Wilfred Ekins-Daukes
Major-General Andrew Evans
Mr Wendell Fenton
Professor Raanan Gillon
Mr Nigel Goodman
Mr John Greenhalgh
Mr Nigel Greenhill
Mr George Guise
Mr Reuben Harford
Sir Nicholas Harington
Mr David Harrowes
Sir Paul Hayter
Prince Abbas Hilmi
Professor Richard Horrocks
Mr Richard Howe
Mr Patrick Howell
Mr Jonathan Hubbard-Ford
Mr Frederick Hulton
Dr Chris Johnson
Mr Gus Kinsolving
Mr John Knight
Mr Chris Knights
Mr John Lake
Mr Aubrey Lawrence
Sir Mark Lennox-Boyd
Mr Tim Maskell
Colonel Paul Miles
Dr Ian Miller
Mr Clive Nightingale
Mr Yasuo Noguchi
Mr Nicholas Peacey
Mr Martin Pearson
Professor Roger Pertwee
Mr Ian Plenderleith
Mr Tony Puckridge
Mr Bob Pynegar
Mr Ivor Rawlinson
Mr Hugh Rice
Mr Anthony Saunders
Mr Alan Senior
Mr Christopher Shipp
Mr Adrian Shire
Mr Brian Steer
Mr Mark Stephens
Mr Arthur Stuttard
Mr Michael Sutton
Mr David Thomas
Mr Charles Tucker
Mr Mark Venning
Mr George Wadia
Mr Julian Watkin
Mr Andrew Watson
Mr John Wilson
Mr Colin Wolfe
Mr David Wyld
Mr George Yannaghas
Dr Bob Young
Mr Charles Young
Anon. (5)
Benefactors to the House
1962 (71%)
Dr John Armstrong
The Revd David Belcher
Mr David Birley
The Revd Richard Birt
Mr Robert Bottone
Dr Sebastian Brock
Mr Clive Bucke
Baron Carbery
Mr Robert Cattell
Professor Jonathan Connor
Mr Rupert Cox
Mr Barrie Crook
Mr Roderick Darby
Dr Ashley Davies
The Revd Professor Nicholas de
Mr Rod Dowler
Mr Louie Echols
Mr William Ellsworth-Jones
Mr Henry Felce
Mr Ian Fisher
Mr James Forrest
Mr Barrie Gardner
Mr Thomas Gillibrand
Mr Anthony Gladstone-Thompson
Mr James Gordon
Dr Tony Grenville
Mr Cedric Harben
Mr Ben Harrison
The Revd Anthony Harvey
Mr Michael Heybrook
Mr Jim Hodgkinson
The Earl of Home
Mr Andre Hook
The Hon. Peter Hotham
Mr Duncan Howarth
Mr Peter Hulbert
Mr Richard Johnstone
Dr Carl Jones
Mr Michael Legge
Mr Martin Light
The Revd Nicholas Luckett
Dr Chris McIntosh
Mr Don McLucas
Dr Adrian Mears
Mr Ian Morgan
Mr Peter Newman
Mr David Nicholson
Mr Jeremy Orme
Sir Peter Osborne
Mr John Penycate
Mr Peter Phillips
Mr Christopher Pike
Mr Barney Powell
Mr Mike Ratcliffe
Dr John Reid
Dr Patrick Reid
The Hon. Maurice Robson
Dr Theo Schofield
Mr Alan Senior
Mr David Stafford
Mr David Stuart
Dr Tom Treadwell
Professor Frederick Turner
Mr Tom Waine
Mr Robert Walther
Mr Simon Watson
Mr Mark Wellby
Dr Gordon Wheeler
Dr Patrick Wheeler
Mr Raymond Williams
Mr Gilbert Woods
Mr Hugh Wright
Anon. (7)
1963 (57%)
Mr Richard Armstrong
Mr John Asher
Mr John Bennett
Mr Dietrich Bethge
Dr Robin Bidwell
Mr Timothy Bolton Maggs
Mr Jon Bowles
Mr Christopher Brewin
Mr Nick Buckland
Mr Daniel Capron
Colonel Robert Coate
Professor Peter Collins
Mr Peter Cross
Mr Hugh Drake
Mr James Dugdale
Mr John Dunbabin
Sir David Durie
Sir Robert Ffolkes
Mr Robert Franklin
Mr Robert Frost
Mr Jeremy Goford
Mr Christopher Grainger
Mr Alan Griffiths
The Earl of Halifax
Mr Richard Hamer
Mr John Hammerbeck
Professor Humphrey Hodgson
Dr Leofranc Holford-Strevens
Lord Philip Howard
The Lord Iliffe
Mr Tim Jeal
Professor Richard Kidner
Mr Michael Ladenburg
Mr Max Lehmann
Mr Hamish Leslie Melville
The Marquess of Lothian
Mr David Lumb
Dr Ian Maddison
Mr Christopher Marriott
Mr Timothy Mason
Mr Ron Mathias
Mr Terry Mills
Mr Hugh Morland
Dr Richard Newell
Mr Colin Nichols
Mr Michael Oldfield
Dr Jim Paul
Mr Mike Perks
Mr Robert Pilkington
Mr Peter Preece
Mr Christopher Redfern
Mr Christopher Ryan
Mr Alan Shakerley
Mr Michael Stewart
Mr Anthony Stranger-Jones
Mr Nicholas Talbot Rice
Mr Tom Thomson
Dr Ronald Truman
Mr John Warnock
Mr Paul Wood
Anon. (5)
1964 (56%)
Professor Brian Austen
Mr Nick Bagshawe
Dr Serge Beddington-Behrens
Mr John Beverley
Mr Michael Bowerman
Mr Paul Butler
Mr Jeremy Caulton
Mr Peter Chenery
Mr Lee Coldren
Mr Robert Coleman
Dr Tim Connery
Mr Tony Coulson
Dr Peter Daniel
Mr Hugh Davies
Mr Keith Deeks
Mr John Fletcher
The Hon. Finn Guinness
Mr Richard Hall
Mr Anthony Hawser
Mr Brian Hawtin
Mr Clive Heath
Dr Charles Hewlett
Mr Clifton Hughes
Mr Edward Hulton
Mr Max Hunt
Mr Stephen Hutter
Dr Ian Jones
Mr Garry Jones
Mr Tony Knox
Mr Rodney Lord
Mr Keith Macgregor
Mr Stephen Marnham
Mr Edmund Marsden
Mr David McIntosh
Mr Nick Miller
Mr John Mole
Professor Michael Morley
Mr Anthony Negus
Mr Julian Norridge
Dr David Rampton
Benefactors to the House
Mr Nigel Robbins
Mr David Scoffham
Mr Alan Shuckburgh
Mr Christopher Sloan
Mr John Stewart
Mr Ian Stovell
Dr Geoffrey Swallow
Mr Gerald Towell
Mr Thomas Urquhart
Professor Godfrey Uzoigwe
Dr Clive Vinall
The Duke of Wellington
Dr Julian West
Mr Robert Wilson
Mr Ian Wyatt
Mr Peter Yoxall
Anon. (4)
1965 The Lord Aberdare
Dr Ivon Asquith
Mr Richard Balkwill
Mr Peter Bebb
Mr Sebastian Birch
Mr Michael Birnbaum
Mr Ivor Blight
Mr Bert Blissett
Dr Barry Butler
Mr Donald Cameron
Mr David Challender
Mr Pete Cherry
Mr Giles Chichester
Dr David Cook
Mr Robin Cook
Dr Charles Cottrell
Mr Jonathan Crossman
Mr Andrew Dobson
Mr David Edlin
HRH Prince el-Hassan bin Talal
Mr Kieran Fogarty
Dr Ewan Fraser
Mr Simon Freeman
Mr John Gillibrand
Mr Graham Grist
Dr Phillip Harries
Mr John Heskett
Mr George Hibberd
Mr Toby Horton
Professor Yao-Su Hu
Mr Ian Jackson
Mr Tristram Jones-Parry
Dr Richard Lambourn
Dr Tony Law
Mr Jeremy Luscombe
Mr Paul Majendie
Mr Stephen Manico
Dr Mather Mason
The Hon Hector McDonnell
Mr Philip Monbiot
Mr Richard Morgan
Dr Simon Parsons
Dr David Patmore
Mr Tony Percy
Professor Martin Petter
Mr Tony Pike
Mr Rod Plastow
Mr John Raymond
Mr Robert Rice
Mr Mark Robinson
Professor James Ryan
Mr Richard Sharrock
Dr Christopher Sketchley
Dr David Southern
The Revd Dr John Thompson
Mr Gavin Tweedie
Mr John Veblen
Mr Charles Wiseman-Clarke
Mr Geoffrey Wolstenholme
Anon. (2)
1966 (54%)
Mr Martin Addleman
Mr Bill Aldridge
Dr Ron Bakere
Dr Stephen Bartlett
Mr Nicholas Beer
Mr Richard Bizley
The Hon. Robert Boyle
Mr David Broadbent
Mr John Burne
Mr Tim Cawkwell
Mr Hubert Chesshyre
Mr Curtis Clay
Mr Richard Collier-Wright
Mr Rob Collins
Mr Roderick Collins
Dr James Corbett
Mr Grattan de Courcy-Wheeler
Mr Alan Detheridge
Mr Theodore Doll
Dr Nicholas d’Ombrain
Mr Andrew Dyson
Mr George Finlay
Mr Adrian Fort
Mr Stuart Fowler
Mr Guy Gibson
The Revd Canon Bruce Gillingham
Mr Brian Grumbridge
Mr Charles Hill
Mr Joe Iliffe
Mr Daniel Instone
Dr Tom Izod
Mr Pip Kirby
Dr Martin Mansergh
Mr Michael Mitchell
Mr Roger Morris
Mr Adam Munthe
Mr David Nicholls
The Revd Canon Phillip Nixon
Mr Michael Pilkington
Mr Mark Richardson
Mr Peter Rooley
Dr Simon Rothon
Mr Francis Russell
Dr Oliver Sparrow
Dr Paul Spencer-Longhurst
Mr Geoffrey Tattersall
Mr Chris Tavener
Mr William Thuillier
Mr Phil Unitt
Graf Sebastian Von Harrach
Mr Nicholas Wakefield
Mr John Walcot
Mr Geoffrey Watts
Mr Charles Weatherley
Mr Clive Whitcher
Mr Lindsay Wilcox
Professor John Young
Anon. (2)
1967 Mr Graham Allatt
Dr Robert Arridge
Mr Stephen Bailey
Mr Charles Barnett
Mr David Baxter
Mr Paul Bennett
The Venerable Paddy Benson
Mr Graham Billing
Mr Geoffrey Breeze
Professor Peter Burney
Dr Chris Chapman
Mr Joe Cohen
The Revd Canon Christopher
Mr Peter Croft
The Earl of Dartmouth
Dr Martin Davies
Mr Robin Edwards
Mr Julian Freeland
Mr Lionel Godfrey
Mr Stephen Griffith
Mr Gerry Halls
Mr Roger Harris
Mr John Hatt
The Rt Hon. David HeathcoteAmory
Mr Roger Hendry
Mr Paul Hill
Mr Richard Horsley
Mr Andrew James
The Maharaja of Jodhpur
Mr Simon Kusseff
Professor Perry Leary
Mr Denis Linford
Mr Andrew Lycett
Mr Richard Moore
Mr Maurice-Yves Oberreiner
Mr Malcolm Phelps
Mr Geoffrey Pogmore
Benefactors to the House
Mr John Ponting
The Rt Revd Dr Alastair Redfern
Dr Pat Ridley
Mr Mark Rowlinson
Dr Neil Sanders
Mr Cedric Scheybeler
Dr Graham Speake
Mr Michael Trask
The Revd Chris Turner
Mr Ian Willis
Mr David Witton-Davies
Mr John Wood
Professor Robin Yates
Anon. (5)
1968 Dr Gunaratna Abayaratna
Mr Peter Ball
Mr Charles Bland
Mr Anthony Browne
Mr Gerald Cadogan
The Lord Cameron
Dr Andrew Campbell
Mr David Chaldecott
Mr John Cleworth
Mr Ian Cook
Professor John Dart
Mr John Dean
The Lord Dobbs
Mr Brendon Donnelly
Mr Edmund Doubleday
Mr Bob Drew
Mr Alan Fox
Mr Adrian Freeman
Mr Steve Furness
The Hon. Kieran Guinness
Mr Jonathan Halper
Mr Richard Holcombe
Mr Brian Hopkins
Dr Tony Insall
Professor Robert Kenward
Mr David Leaver
Mr David Lilley
Mr Frederick Lyons
Professor David Mabey
Mr Roger McGarva
Mr Charles Metcalfe
Professor James Neuberger
The Lord Newton
Mr Nigel Palmer
Dr Graham Pascoe
The Revd Paul Perkin
Mr Geoff Pickering
Mr Stephen Pollard
Mr Michael Powell
Mr Haydn Rawstron
Mr Edward Savage
Mr Mike Stevens
Mr Jay Stiefel
Mr Stephen Suttle
The Revd The Hon. Peter
Dr Alan Thornton
Dr Simon Walker
Mr Nigel Wilkinson
Mr Robert Willis
Mr John Wright
Anon. (4)
1969 Mr Stephen Bamford
Mr Mike Bell
Mr Derek Bodey
Mr Patrick Buckley
Mr Stephen Bueno
de Mesquita
Mr Jim Cooper
Mr Martin Crane
Mr David Crawley
The Revd Malcolm Eckel
Mr Nicholas Gethin
Mr Ian Gibson
The Revd Canon Robert Gussman
Mr Bryce Hamblin
Dr Boyd Hilton
Mr John Holding
Mr Ron Holding
The Earl Howe
Mr Christopher Hudson
Mr Michael Hughes
Mr Anthony Lamb
The Hon. Rupert Legge
Mr Rupert Lloyd
Mr Tony Lord
Mr Peter Ludford
Mr Colin Maltby
Mr Nicholas Martin-Smith
Ambassador Rob McCallum
Mr James Mulreany
Mr Denis Murtagh
Mr Alan Nash
Mr Nicholas O’Brien
Mr Kevin O’Neill
Dr Andrew Paterson
Mr Rob Paterson
Dr Jack Paton
The Rt Hon. Lord Justice Patten
Mr Kevin Payne
Mr Roger Pemberton
Mr Michael Rosner
Mr Ian Ross
Mr Simon Scutt
The Revd Paul Shaw
Mr Paul Slade
Mr Nick Tanton
Mr David Thompson
The Earl of Verulam
The Revd Canon Patrick
Mr Andrew Williams
Mr Malcolm Wilson
Mr Mr Norman Winter
Mr Colin Youngs
Anon. (5)
1970 Dr John Allen
Mr Charles Ashcroft
Dr Victor Barley
Mr James Benn
Dr Jahar Bhattacharya
Mr Keith Bolshaw
Dr David Buck
Mr John Card
Dr Andrew Carter
Dr Eugene Chang
Mr Henry Cleary
Mr Charles Collier-Wright
Mr Rory Collins
Professor Steven Collins
Mr Paul Cook
Dr John Cooper
Mr Alan Crawshaw
Mr John Dando
Mr Robert Deed
Mr Robert Derry-Evans
Mr Martin Dixon
Mr Graham Dugdale
Mr Gareth Evans
The Revd Canon Stephen Fielding
Mr Robert Fookes
Dr Richard Gibbs
Mr Ian Goudie
Mr George Goulding
Mr James Grant
Mr Antony Griffiths
Dr Peter Hale
His Hon. Judge Michael Harington
Dr Anthony Harker
Mr Mike Harris
Mr Michael James
Mr Brian Leigh-Bramwell
Mr Ian Lennon
Mr Charles Lillis
Dr James Malcolm
Mr Sam Nevin
Mr Hugh Ouston
Professor Christopher Pelling
Sir Charles Ponsonby
Mr Simon Prior-Palmer
Mr William Rendall
Mr Nigel Riches
Mr Gwyn Roberts
Mr Timothy Saunders
Professor Charles Shanor
Mr Richard Slocock
Mr Michael Story
Mr Noy Trounson
Mr Jeremy Western
Professor Terry Wright
Benefactors to the House
Mr Phil York
Anon. (3)
1971 (42%)
Dr John Addison
Dr Mike Adey
Dr Fakhruddin Ahmed
Mr Keith Aspinall
Mr John Beechey
Mr Alan Berresford
The Lord Blair
Dr Graham Bowpitt
Mr John Bratley
The Very Revd Nick Bury
The Revd Dr Richard Cipolla
Mr Christopher Claxton Stevens
Mr Stephen Crotch-Harvey
Mr John Curtis
Dr Stephen Darlington
Mr John Davidson
Mr Quentin Edwards
Mr Ted Few
Dr Peter Foster
Mr David Hallows
Mr John Harvey
Mr Robert Harvey
Mr Piers Heyworth
Sir Robert Hildyard
Prince Mohammed Hussein Ali
Revd Matthew Hutton
Mr Rob Kennedy
Mr Peter Kincaid
Dr Ian Kirkbride
Mr Patrick Kivlin
Mr Gerald Lees
Mr Peter Lloyd
Mr Michael McChrystal
Sir Andrew Moylan
Mr Peter North
Mr Anthony Pakenham
Mr Malcolm Pheasey
Prebendary Dr Paul Richards
Mr Simon Sargent
Mr Peter Shotter
Mr Jack Steinmeyer
Mr Ian Summers
Mr John Tenconi
Dr David Winterbourne
Dr Andrew Wyatt
Anon. (3)
1972 (54%)
Mr Mike Abbott
Mr Richard Abraham
Professor John Barden
Mr Philip Bignell
Mr David Brunnen
Dr Paul Bryan
Mr Martin Bryant
Sir Stephen Bubb
Mr Robin Cannon
Dr Gwyn Davies
Mr Matthew de Lange
Mr Edmund de Trafford
Mr Tom Dowie
Dr John Dugdale
Dr Wolfgang Elsner
Mr William Fittall
Mr Simon Foster
Mr Richard Friedlander
His Hon. Judge Michael Gledhill
Dr Ashley Green
Mr Robert Hislop
Lord James Joicey
Mr Anthony Lowe
Mr Rob MacCurrach
Mr Antony Mason
Mr Stephen Maude
Mr Arundel McDougall
Mr Robert Munns
Mr Patrick Murray
Mr Tim Oakes
Mr Christopher O’Brien
Mr Robert Pearce
Dr Peter Rae
Dr Adam Rae-Smith
Mr Ian Richardson
Mr Christopher Robinson
Dr Graeme Rocker
Mr Philip Rotheram
Mr David Sawyier
Dr Timothy Schroder
Mr James Shillingford
Mr David Solomons
Mr Ashley Stafford
Mr Ian Steer
Mr Fui Tsikata
Mr Julian Walker
Mr John Walsh
Mr Chris Wauton
Mr Tom Wethered
Mr George Wilkinson
Mr Christoph Wyld
Anon. (8)
1973 Mr Nick Alexander
Mr Andrew Baird
Mr Peter Bassett
Mr Stephen Beaty
Mr Michael Berry
Mr David Binsted
Mr David Blower
Mr Michael Brook
Dr John Brookfield
Mr Roger Cottam
Mr Mark Crean
Mr Martin Elliott
Mr Paul Fisher
Mr Ian Fleming
Mr David Franks
Mr David Gregory
Mr Steve Hutchinson
Dr Alan Jamieson
Mr Jim Kelly
Mr Paul Kingham
Mr Seiji Kojima
Mr David Law
Professor James Lindesay
Mr Nick Longford
Mr Neil Lunt
The Revd Ian McLean
Mr Sam Mitchell-Innes
Mr Peter Moore
Mr David Parkinson
Mr Mark Perfect
Mr Christopher Prentice
Dr John Rawlinson
Mr Andrew Rissik
Mr Nigel Robinson
Mr Anthony Saunders
Professor Anthony Scholl
Mr Stephen Slack
Mr Peter Toeman
Dr Trevor Williams
Anon. (6)
1974 (39%)
The Revd Colin Alsbury
Mr Stephen Barnett
Dr Anthony Barton
Mr Mike Bignell
Mr Stephen Chater
Mr Nigel Cox
Mr Anthony Cragg
Mr Jim Crooks
Mr Bob Crowe
The Ven. Dr Christopher Cunliffe
Mr Nick Denniston
Mr Nicholas Du Sautoy
Mr Colin Edwards
Professor Sir Richard Gardner
His Hon. Judge Ian Graham
Dr Savas Hadjipavlou
Mr Mark Haviland
Mr Graham Hoare
The Revd Dr Rodney Holder
Mr Neil Horley
Mr Richard Jennings
Mr Simon Jeynes
Professor Anthony Kent
Dr Lars Knutsen
Professor Stephen Mitchell
Mr David Newman
Mr Clive Osborne
Mr David Parker
Professor David Parker
Mr Andrew Penny
Mr Richard Phillips
Mr Nigel Reid
Benefactors to the House
Mr Michael Rice
Mr Hugh Sachs-Simpson
Mr John Schlesinger
Mr David Shasha
Mr Gregor Short
Dr Paul Stafford
Dr James Stephenson
Mr Richard Stoneman
The Revd Colin Thompson
Mr Colin Walsh
Mr Robert Whitcombe
Mr Mark Whitwill
Mr Paul Whitworth
Anon. (4)
1975 (35%)
Mr Chris Bates
Mr Bob Bernat
Mr John Bowerman
Mr Ken Brown
Dr Jonathan Cohen
Mr John Davies
Mr Max Dyer-Bartlett
Professor David Fairer
Mr Fred Fearn
Mr Piers Fletcher
The Revd Dr Richard Goldring
Mr James Gray
Dr Simon Hall
Mr Nick Hanbury-Williams
Mr Ben Haywood Smith
Mr Nicholas Heath
Mr Ian Huffer
Mr Robert Jones
Mr Steve Kitcher
Mr Peter Linnecar
Mr David Maultby
Mr David Molian
Mr Mel Mrowiec
Dr Augur Pearce
The Rt Revd Anthony Priddis
Mr Tim Rawe
The Revd Robert Riley-Braley
Professor John Robertson
Mr Max Roessler
Mr Giles Rowe
Mr Marcus Scott-Manderson
Mr Jonathan Sims
Mr Tim Suter
Mr Rick Wells
Dr Martin Whittle
The Rt Hon. the Lord Willetts
Mr Stephen Williams
Mr Guy Wynter
Anon. (8)
1976 (34%)
Mr Julian Bickersteth
Mr Frank Camilleri
The Hon. Paul Chetwynd-Talbot
Mr Jonathan Clark
Dr Patrick Craig-McFeely
Mr Steve Crowther
Mr Tony Dixon
Sir Robbie Dunbar
Mr John Dupree
Mr Gregory Ezra
Dr Alan Forster
Professor Richard Friedman
Professor Paul Giles
Dr Howard Goodall
Mr Martin How
Dr Phil Hughes
Dr Richard Jones
Mr Philip Lawford
Mr Alexander Lyle
Dr Lawrence Markert
Mr Richard Martin
Mr Nigel Mills
The Hon. George Monck
Mr Allen Morgan
Professor Robin Morris
Mr Ronald Peet
Dr Professor Neil Rankin
Mr Giles Vicat
Mr Derick Walker
Mr Robert Warner
Mr Christopher Whatmore
Mr Andre Winter
Mr Paul Wright
The Hon. Harry Wyndham
Anon. (6)
1977 (44%)
Mr Rami Aharoni
Professor Marcus Alexander
Mr Mike Baillie-Hamilton
Mr Andrew Billen
Mr Philip Billson
Mr John Bonham
Professor Alan Bowman
Dr Neil Bryson
Mr George Burnett-Stuart
Mr Mark Burnyeat
Professor John Cartwright
Mr David Cater
Dr Vernon Chadwick
Dr David Chapman
Mr Charles Congdon
Professor Paul Davey
Mr Giles Denham
Mr Jesse Elms
Mr Martin Emmerson
Dr Oliver Foster
Mr Robert Galloway
Mr Ken Goldsbrough
Mr Richard Graham
Mr Peter Hall
Mr Andy Hartley
Mr Victor Hill
Mr Michael Horrocks
Mr Steve Horrocks
Mr Lyndon Jones
Dr Amyn Kanji
Mr Simon Kirk
The Revd Dr Bill Kynes
Dr Jonathan Livesey
Mr Damien Lochrane
Mr Robert Mathieson
Prebendary Dr John May
Mr Charles Milne
Mr Richard Moore
Dr Roger Moulding
Mr Paul Nichols
Lord David Ogilvy
Dr Richard Pinch
Mr Simon Porter
Professor David Ricks
Mr Robert Satchwell
Mr Ed Sharp
Mr Jonathan Simon
The Revd Mr Andrew StuddertKennedy
Mr Simon Tytherleigh
Mr Xavier Villers
Mr David Watson
Mr Nigel Watson
Mr Andrew Webster
Dr Raymond Wright
Anon. (5)
1978 (40%)
Mr Graham Alcock
The Hon. Philip Astor
Mr John Badcock
Mr Nicholas Baker
Mr Michael Bernard
Mr Mark Blatchly
Mr Anthony Bourne
Mr Mark Bowser
Mr Mark Bradley
Mr Logan Browning
Mr Peter Bryson
Professor Ed Bullmore
Mr David Cartwright
Dr Penny Chaloner
Mr Bertie Clayton
Mr Francis Clube
Commander Kenneth Cook
Mr Richard Cook
Dr Mark Curthoys
Mr Gwyn Davies-Scourfield
Mr Hugh Ferrand
Mr Dominic Freud
Mr Oliver Gravell
Mr Christopher Green
Mr Simon Gregory
Mr David Hancock
Mr Tim Harlow
Mr Simon Horsman
Benefactors to the House
Mr Mike Housden
Mr Charles Hulin
Mr Peter Huxford
Dr Cleveland Johnson
Mr Justin Jones
Mr Roger Lilley
Dr Graz Luzzi
Mr Paul Maguire
Mr Cyrus Mehta
Dr Nicholas Milner
Mr Douglas Morrison
Mr Geoffrey Picton-Turbervill
Mr Hugh Pym
Mr Gary Rogerson
Mr Charles Rumbold
Mr Angus Runciman
Mr William Selka
Mr Frederick Sharpe
Mr James Steel
Mr William Trower
Dr William Wagner
Brigadier Jon Watson
Dr Adam Widdison
Mr Neil Wilson
Mr Richard Youngman
Anon. (2)
1979 Dr Richard Allsopp
Dr Nigel Aston
Mr Peter Banks
Mr Henry Beckwith
Mr David Bell
Mr Philip Bodman
Mr Anthony Brockbank
Mr Phil Brown
Dr George Carras
Mr Eddy Collier
Dr Simon Corcoran
Dr Mark Cropper
Mr Clive Davis
Professor Michael Dobson
Mr Benedict Foster
Mr Martin Frewer
Mr Paul Greening
Dr Christopher Haigh
Mr Michael Hencke
Dr Roger Jakeman
Mr Malcolm Johnston
Professor Torrance Kirby
Mr Craig Knox
Mr Barry Leighton
Dr David Lodge
Dr Colin MacDonald
Professor Tahir Masud
Mr Alastair Mathewson
Dr Alastair Norcross
Mr Michael Osborne
Mr Marcus Pakenham
Professor Judy Pallot
Mr Philip Parham
Mr Nicholas Pollard
Mr Roland Scaife
The Rt Revd Humphrey Southern
Dr Chris Staniforth
Mr Nick Stroud
Mr Hong-Hoi Ting
Graf Konstantin von Schweinitz
Mr Andrew Whitehead
Mr Nicholas Wilks
Mr Tim Wise
Mr Paul Woodmansterne
Mr Nicholas Woods
Mr Michael Wright
Anon. (8)
1980 (31%)
Mr Sam Bickersteth
Mr Harry Bicket
Dr David Bourn
Mr Robin Brooks
Mr Julian Burney
Mr Jon Carley
Mr Thomas Carpenter
Mr Jonathan Crozier
Mr Job Curtis
Mrs Nadine Daniell
Mr Jonathan Davies
Mrs Susan Duraikan
Dr Alexander Foss
Mr Tim Green
Dr Robert Holmes
Dr Paul Howard
Mr David Jackson
The Rt Revd Richard Jackson
Professor Roger Jones
Dr Charles Levinson
Mr Andy McAleer
Mr Tom McCabe
Mr Jonathan Moore
Ms Kate Paul
Mr Mark Pedley
Dr Colin Pilbeam
Mrs Tania Popov
Ms Fiona Rice
Mr David Rigby
Mr Scott Schlosser
Mr David Spragg
Mr Neale Stevenson
Professor Derek Ward-Thompson
Dr Hugh Wilson
Mr Matthew Wright
Anon. (3)
1981 (39%)
Mrs Susan Atkinson
Ms Sacha Baveystock
Ms Catherine Blaiklock
Mrs Joanna Bridgewater
Mr Peter Buchanan
Ms Ila Burdette
Mr Paul Burrows
Mr Paul Castle
Mr Andy Cook
Mr Peter Culver
Mr Michael Cutbill
Mr Ray Eitel-Porter
Mr Joe Field
Mr Paddy Gibbs
Mr Jonathan Gollins
Mr Richard Gough
Mr Matthew Gray
Mr Lewis Grenier
Mr Bob Griffin
Mr Tim Harper
Mr Andy Harrison
Professor Benedict Hatchwell
Dr Janine Henderson
Mr Robert Holroyd
Mr Andrew Hope
Mr Geoffrey Howe
Mr Tom Jarman
Mr David Joyner
Mr Andrew Lawes
Ms Sara Longworth
Mrs Sharon Maxwell Magnus
Mr Robert Miles
Mr Richard Moat
Mr Mark Morgan
Mrs Karen Morgan
Miss Susanna Nicholson
Mr Simon Paish
Ms Fiona Paveley
Ms Lesley Price
Mr Tony Puri
Mr John Reilly
Mr Marcus Scriven
Mr Brent Shakeshaft
Mrs Jennifer Shearan
Mr Walter Simpson
Mr Charles Sparrow
Dr Carol Sullivan
Mr David Taylor
Dr Sian Turner
Mr Charles Turvill
Mr Charles Tyler
Dr Duncan Westland
Mr Mark Williams
Mrs Bella Woodmansterne
Anon. (3)
1982 Mr Cambiz Amir-Alikhani
Mr Jeremy Austin
Miss Linda Bacon
Mr Simon Baillie-Hamilton
Mrs Ruth Barker
Mr Tony Barnett
Mr Jonathon Bayntun
Mr Simon Bennett
Benefactors to the House
Mr Simon Bonsor
Mr Nicholas Botterill
The Hon. Mrs Ariadne Calvo-Platero
Mr Ian Chappel
Miss Alison Clark
Mr Adrian Clough
Mr Andrew Copson
Mr Nicholas Cusworth
Mr William David
Mr Paul Deus
Miss Helen Dorey
Mr Paul Forte
Mr William Friend
Mr Simon Hall
Mrs Susan Hall
Mr Donald Hobern
Mr Andrew Horsfield
Mrs Deborah Jackson
Mr Ted Johnson
Professor A R Jonsen
Professor David Jopling
Dr Caleb King
Mr Charles Kingsley Evans
Mr Paul Latham
Dr David Leadley
Dr Don Leatherwood
Mr Stewart Leech
Dr Ronald Ling
Mr Marcus Lovell-Smith
Professor Michael Lucey
Dr Andrew Martin
Dr Kevin Matthews
Mr Roger Mullis
The Revd Oliver O’Donovan
Mr William Pattisson
Mr Giles Peel
Mr Nick Phillis
Mr Nick Ratcliffe
Mr Andrew Redfern
Mr Lynton Richmond
Mr Robert Romanes
Dr Geoffrey Statham
Mrs Joanna Steele
Mr Ronnie Tay
Mr Colin Teasdale
Mr John Thornton
Mrs Vanessa Tuson
Mr Shaun Varga
Mr Stephen Wheeler
Mr David Wolff
Anon. (4)
1983 (38%)
Mr Tim Adams
Mrs Rachel Barrett
Dr Jonathan Billowes
Mr Stuart Bradford
The Rt Revd Thomas Breidenthal
Mr Daryl Brown
Mr Christopher Chapple
Mr Ian Clarke
Mr Michael Cooper
Mr Julian Cowans
Mrs Charmaine Damley-Jones
Dr Bejoy Das Gupta
Ms Claudia Daventry
Ms Pauline Deutz
The Revd Dr Stuart Dunnan
Mrs Pippa Fry
Miss Alice Gac
Professor Julian Gale
Mr David Gentle
Mrs Amanda Giles
Mr Ramin Gray
Mr Rodger Hobson
Mr Charles Holbech
Mr Jonathan Ingram
Revd Christopher Jage-Bowler
Mr Stephen Jones
Professor Catriona Kelly
Dr Peter Land
Mr Nigel Langley
Mr Chin Lee
Dr Derrian Markham
Mr Alexander Massey
Mr Mark McConnell
Mr Matthew McKaig
Mr Andrew Mead
Mr John Moore
Mrs Kathryn Moore
Mr Gerald Morgan
Miss Katharine Nathan
Mr Richard Olswang
Mr Nick Paske
Professor Bill Philpott
Dr Peter Richardson
Mr Richard Roberts
The Revd Father Andrew Scurr
Mr Simon Shooter
Mr Michael Simpson
Mr Dominic Spenser Underhill
Mr James Vaux
Professor Robert Vilain
Mr David Walter
Mrs Caroline Whitfield
Anon. (3)
1984 (42%)
Mr Simon Allison
Mr Giles Andrews
Mrs Tracy Betteridge
Mr David Birch
Dr Andrew Blythe
Dr Simon Bradley
Mr Andrew Cameron
Mr Stephen Carter
The Revd Dr Grayson Carter
Mrs Claire Clackson
Mr Richard Clarke
Mrs Katherine Clarke
Mrs Jane Cowans
Mr Ralph Cox
Mr Tim Crapper
Dr Anthony Cruikshank
Mr James Delingpole
Mr Lee Driscoll
Mr Matthew Durdy
Mr Andrew Efiong
Dr Sos Eltis
Mrs Katie Ernest
Mrs Fiona Foster
Mr Karl Frearson
Mr Peter Fulton
Professor Daniel Gallimore
Mr John Gardner
Mr Michael Given
Mr Carlo Gola
Ms Victoria Goodall
Miss Gillian Hague
The Revd Dr Geoffrey Hahneman
Mr Julien Hailstone
Mr Ted Harris
Mrs Lucy Haskins
Dr Zaki Hassan
Mrs Rebecca Johnson Bista
Dr Leslie Knoop
Mr Patrick Lewis
Mr Adam Mantzos
Mr Tim O’Donnell
Miss Susan Orchard
Professor Naomi Pierce
Miss Jessica Pulay
Mr Charles Rangeley-Wilson
Miss Charlotte Redcliffe
Professor Dhong Rhee
Mr James Rowe
Mr Jonathan Smith
Mr Michael Smith
Dr Robert Spinner
Mrs Anne Stanford
Mr Simon Stirling
Dr John Swenson-Wright
Mr Mark Turnage
Mr Bob Ukiah
Mr Andrew Veal
Mr Matthew Walley
Professor Chris Walton
Mrs Carolyn Watkins
Dr Angus Wilkinson
Dr Tim Wolfenden
Mr Nicholas Wood
Mr Ed Woollam
Anon. (4)
1985 Mr James Adams
Mr Mark Adams
Mrs Tessa Allingham
Mr Robert Arnfield
Benefactors to the House
Mrs Catherine Arnfield
Mr Cambridge Jones Barrow
Mr Eric Beckman
Dr Sue Bentley
The Hon. Mrs Nuala Bingham
Mr Mark Bisset
Mr Andrew Brown
Mr Toby Butterfield
Mrs Jennifer Carrell Helenbolt
Mr Paul Chantry
Mr Benjamin Duke
Mr Steve Dunne
Mrs Elizabeth Dymond
Mr Paul Emms
Mrs Laura Evans
Mrs Clare Field
Professor Jonathan FreemanAttwood
Mr David Granger
Dr Mark Griffith
Dr Malcolm Hebron
Dr David Hine
Mr Oliver Holt
Dr Shirley Hopper
Mr Stephen Hopper
Dr Henry Lau
Mr Nicholas Lea
Mrs Kimberley Littlemore
Mr Richard Madden
Dr Timothy Martin
Mr Mark Merrington
Mrs Alison Merrington
Mr Richard Murkin
Mr Richard Nye
Mr Stephen Owen
Dr Michael Page-Jones
Mr Hugh Pelham
Mr Aidan Phillipson
Mr Robin Powell
Mr Christopher Remington
Mrs Vanessa Remington
Miss Emma Risley
Mr Tim Roberts
Dr Jane Rowlandson
Mr Timothy Schneider
Mr Mark Scott
Dr Stuart Smith
Brigadier James Swift
Mr Geoffrey Todd
Mrs Nicola Ukiah
Mr Antoine West
Anon. (3)
1986 (35%)
The Revd Dr Shafi Abouzayd
Mr Iyas Al-Qasem
Professor Dame Frances Ashcroft
Professor Richard Barker
Mr Simon Bell
Mr Richard Benthall
Mr Ben Burman
Mr Christopher Butler
Mr Mark Candlish
Mr Jamie Carr
Ms Caroline Coleman
Mr Laurence Cummings
Miss Catherine Draycott
The Revd Stephen Fawcett
Mr Carl Fitzgerald
Dr Robert Freeman
Mr Louis Fung
Mrs Samantha Gleave
Mrs Christine Callaghan
Mrs Jo Chantry
Dr Mobin Chowdhury
Mr Jonathan Cohen
Mrs Vicky Cunningham Pilcher
Mr Tom de Trafford
Miss Rachel Downey
Mr Peter Evans
Mr Jonathan Finn
Mr David Forster
Mr Neil Glenn
Mr Adam Green
Mrs Liz Hattan
Mr Matthew Haynes
Dr Henrietta Hughes
Dr Miriam Jorgensen
Miss Sarah Llewellyn-Jones
Mr Algernon Percy
Mr Tim Price
Mr Jonny Searle
Mr Aston Swift
Professor Graham Virgo
Professor Rudolf Wachter
Mr Adam Weisman
Dr Sam Williams
Anon. (10)
Ms Brenda Goodwin Dixon
Mr Andrew Graff
Mr Jonathan Hand
Dr Neil Henson
The Revd Dr Craig Hill
Mr Timothy Holliday
Mr Kevin Jacobs
Mr Martyn James
Mr Oliver James
Mr Angus Kennedy
Mr Matthew King
Mr Justin Lee
Professor Dennis Lo
Mr Rob Monk
Mr Simon Offen
Mr Andrew Osborne
Professor Robin Osborne
Dr Tony Rahman
Mrs Rachel Roads
Mr Kit Rogers
Dr Tim Smith
Miss Joanna Smith
Mr Nigel Stocks
Mrs Katherine Stocks
Mr Matthew Vine
Dr Julia Waters
Mrs Claire Watts
Mr Piers Wilson
Dr Ivo Zucha
Anon. (5)
1987 Mr Tom Biggins
Professor Timothy Breen
Mr Oliver Brettle
Dr Karen Brown
1988 Mrs Jane Adams
Mr Ben Allen
Dr Jo Ashbourn
Mr Jerzy Baehr
Mr Jonathan Barne
Mr Krystian Belliere
Dr Robert Bircher
Mrs Alice Bott
Mr James Bourne
Ms Alexa Brummer
Mrs Joanna Chapple
Dr Struan Coleman
Mrs Sophie Collis
Mr Max Crane-Robinson
Dr Susan Crennell
Mr Russ Dallen
Mrs Anna-Silvia Dooley
Mr Stephen Fletcher
Dr Hugh Goodfellow
Mr Neil Graham
Miss Gill Harris
Mr Gavin Hill
Mr Mark Hodges
Dr Luke Howard
Dr Gary Howells
Mr Jeremy Ison
Mrs Samantha Job
Miss Vanessa Jones
Mr Stephen Kern
Mr Robert Macdonald
Mr Robin Mandell
Mr Jeremy McCullough
Professor David Nowell
Mr Sean Paterson
Professor Dr Jan Radicke
Professor Andrew Read
Mr Alexis Roberts
Dr Jane Rogers
Dr David Sarphie
Mr Darren Seymour-Russell
Mr Alistair Smith
Mr James Stephens
Mr Karl Sternberg
Mr William Stilgoe
Benefactors to the House
Dr Sophia Stos-Gale
Mrs Anna Troup
Mr Milorad Vasic
Mr James Wallace-Dunlop
Mrs Sarah Wells
Dr Sarah Wolfenden
Mr Simon Young Min
Anon. (3)
1989 Miss Jessica Abraham
Mr Rob Alexander
Mr Ben Badcock
Mr Ethan Basch
Mr Thomas Battersby
Dr David Bebbington
Mr David Bond
Mrs Alexandra Bould
Dr Stephen Brien
Mr John Burnand
The Revd Dr Juan Chapa
Miss Ros Chee
Mr Stuart Cowper
Mrs Nikki Crowther
Dr Rob Curtis
Ms Jennifer Davis Michael
Mr Nicholas Dibley
Professor Emma Dillon
Mrs Kathleen Favell
Dr Judith Fox
Mr Jonathan Hall
Miss Keta Hansen
Mr Ed Harris
Mr Dan Holloway
Mrs Ann Holloway
Lord Alexander Hope
Dr Carolyn Howard
Mr Sheldon Hutchinson
Miss Jane Hyde
The Most Revd Michael Jackson
Mr Tristan Keen
Dr Jim Long
Mr Raymond Mew
Mrs Sue Moore
Mr James Mulraine
Mrs Kate Naylor
Mrs Isobel O’Shaughnessy
Dr Birgit Pepin
Mr Douglas Reith
Mr Geoff Ruddell
Dr Abbie Smith
Mr Nick Stallworthy
Miss Kathy Stones
Mr Kevin Street
Dr Steve Thorne
Dr Chris Townsend
Mr David Tyack
Dr Claire Van Cleave
Mr Justin Warshaw
Dr Ian Watson
Mr Geraint Webb
Anon. (2)
1990 Mr Nicholas Ansdell-Evans
Dr Darren Banfield
Dr Victoria Basil
The Revd Brian Blackshaw
Mr Leon Bovett
Dr James Bowman
Mr Peter Brimacombe
Ms Elizabeth Chick
Mr Raju Choudhury
Mr Alastair Cookson
Dr Lyndon da Cruz
Mr Gareth Evans
Mrs Kath Evans
Mr David Farmer
Miss Ophelia Field
Mrs Victoria Garratt
Mrs Georgie Geraghty
Miss Emma Godfrey
Mrs Sian Hartle
Dr James Inglis-Jones
Dr Jessica James
Dr Emily Johns
Mr Vijay Mayadas
Dr Lorraine Petersen
Mr Claude Piening
Miss Catherine Rhodes
Mr Michael Rowe
Mr James Sanderson
Dr Iain Shepherd
Dr Maria Sherwood-Smith
Mrs Jo Jo Stephens
Mr Timothy Symons
Miss Emily Tellwright
Mr Tim Voase
The Revd Dr Simon Walker
Dr Richard Warburton
Miss Maria-Cristina White
Mrs Sophie Wild
Mr Leigh Williams
Mr Garreth Woods
Anon. (7)
1991 (31%)
Dr Colin Adams
Dr Paula Baillie-Hamilton
Dr Val Ballard
Mr Andrew Bates
Mr Rob Blyth
Mrs Kim Browne
Mrs Sarah Burns
Mrs Ela Carr
Dr James Chapman
Dr Roman Cholij
Mr Jamie Clarke
Dr Philip Cowdall
Dr Ben Davies
Mr Richard Eames
Ms Rachel Firth
Mrs Caroline Fletcher
Mr Anthony Fraser
Mr Michael Fung
Mr Philip George
Mr Michael Glenn
Mr Douglas Hall
Mr George Hammon
Mr David Harkness
Mr Richard Hogan
Mrs Sarah Hordern
Professor Joshua Katz
Dr Jonathan Lewis
Mr Robert Lomer
Mr Dominic Mathon
Mr Andrew McCue-Brown
The Revd Alexander McGregor
Dr Liam McIlvanney
Dr Rupert Parson
Miss Helen Pike
Mr Andreas Ritter
Dr Matthias Schneck
Dr Sarah Simblet
Professor Olga Smirnitskaya
Mr Robert Stokell
Mr Jeremy Thorp
Professor Katharina Volk
Dr Alison Wall
Professor Achim Wambach
Mr Graham Watson
Mr Robert Wilton
Anon. (6)
1992 Mr Benjamin Atkins
Mrs Juliet Barwell
Mr Robert Bielby
Dr Jo Braithwaite
Mr Alistair Brew
Mrs Anna Maria Clarke
Miss Caroline Cowan
Mr Richard Crowder
Mr Alex Davies
Miss Annabel Dearing
Dr Jonathan Diprose
Mrs Tamar Eisenstat
Professor Noah Feldman
Mrs Louise Gorsuch
Lt Col Alex Hawley
Mr John Heesom
Mr Simon Hollingsworth
Ms Ciara Kalmus
Mr Dan King
Mrs Charlotte Lacey
Mrs Clare Litt
Mr Quentin Marshall
Miss Lisa Millar
Benefactors to the House
Mr Todd Millay
Dr Dominique Moran
Mrs Emma Moule
Mrs Sarah Oliver
Mrs Lara Quie
Miss Clare Rhodes
Dr Alex Roberts
Mr Scott Roberts
Mr Finnian Rook
Dr Liam Sage
Mrs Fiona Sawdon
Mrs Olivia Stephens
Dr Marie-Pierre Strowel
Mrs Hilary Thomson
Mr Al Turnbull
Professor Wlozimierz Wesolowski
Mr Gregg Whiting
Mr Duncan Williams
Dr Ken Zetie
Anon. (10)
1993 (28%)
Dr Richard Adams
Professor Terence Ball
Mrs Tamsin Birch
Dr Andrew Bond
Ms Claire Broderick
Mr Steve Brooke
Dr Simon Burrows
Mr James Carloss Legge
Mr Wayne Clark
Professor Laurence Claus
Lieutenant-Colonel Richard
Mr George Cooke
Miss Lisa Creffield
Mr Mark Elsner
Mr Toby Flaxman
Dr Juliane Fürst
Ms Martha Hillier
Miss Charis Jackson
Dr Sarah Jacob
Mr Gareth Jenkins
Mr Adam Koller
Ms Johanna Kyrklund
Mr Thomas Litt
Dr Francesca Nicholson
Miss Eleanor Nightingale
Mr Dave Oldham
Professor Dr Arnulf Quadt
Miss Natalie Sandercock
Mr Tom Scholes
Mr Stephen Talbot
Dr Alexander Wagner
Mrs Dominique Wells
Miss Catie Williams
Mr Coram Williams
Miss Prairie Wong
Anon. (9)
Miss Sarah Crozier
Mr James Cunningham
Mrs Louise de Muscote
Dr Rosemary Finnon
Dr James FitzGerald
Mrs Hilary Fitzgerald
Mr Paul Harris
Mrs Karen Harrison
Miss Gwen Jeans
Mrs Rebecca Jenkins
Dr Nikki Johnson
Dr Steven Knapper
Miss Yeun-Joo Lee
Dr Paul Lewis
Professor David Linden
Dr Jo McPartland
Dr Helen Molden
Ms Anne Murphy
Miss Sarah Nichols
Mr James Pennefather
Mr Costas Peristianis
Dr Deborah Pretty
Ms Laura Rabin
Miss Laura-Jane Rich
Mr Richard Watson
Mr John White
Mrs Katherine Willis
Anon. (5)
1994 Mr Indy Bhattacharyya
Mr Jeremy Brown
Miss Laura Collignon
Mrs Penny Coulthard
Miss Katie Drummond
Miss Jane Edwards
1995 Commander So Ahn
Ms Jacqueline Ahn
Miss Kerry Allerton
Professor Roger Bagnall
Dr Sam Bailey
Mr Giles Bedloe
Dr Martin Beer
Mr Eric Block
Mr Neil Caddy
Dr David Cameron
Dr Douglas Chamberlain
Mr Richard Clay
Mrs Phoebe Clay
Mr James Dunstan
Mr Tarquin Edwards
Mr Robert Farmer
Mrs Sonya Foulds
Mr Paul Galbraith
Dr Andy Garlick
Mr Timothy Gee
Mrs Ursula Hart
Dr Leila Hindmarsh
Mr Simon Hood
Dr John Lilly
Mrs Susie Macpherson
Mr Charlie Marshall
Dr Julie Maxwell
Miss Jessica Mayberry
Professor Cristian Micheletti
Mr Simon Molden
Dr Liam Neilson
Miss Elizabeth Newton
Mr Alex Osiatynski
Dr Giuliana Pieri
Miss Leona Powell
Mrs Megan Price
Miss Diane Purcell
Dr Stephan Risch
Mr Matthew Russell
Mr Timothy Sarson
Mr James Scudamore
Mr Matthew Shilvock
Dr Scott Smith
Mrs Heather Southwell
Mrs Helen Tasseel
Mr Christopher Tolman
Professor Dr George Van Kooten
Miss Claire Vickers
Mr Tim Wells
Mr Darren Windust
Anon. (9)
1996 Ms Marie Anderson
Mr Fredrik Andretzky
Mr Anil Balan
Dr Ami Banerjee
Miss Catherine Beloff
Mr Andrew Burrows
Mr Dominic Byrne
Dr Mark de Rond
Mrs Bekah Diprose
Dr Garry Doyle
Mr Charles Emmerson
Mr Tim Felton
Miss Louise Fisher
Dr James Fotheringham
Mrs Ciaran Foulkes
Mr Kevin Freese
Dr Catherine Fursman
Mr David Goode
Professor Jo Hackett
Dr Saeed Hamid-Khani
Dr Tim Hodgetts
Dr Antonella Lipscomb
Dr Laura Mace
Mr Pritham Madhavan
Dr Andrew Murray
Miss Rana Nawas
Miss Erin O’Brien
Dr Elizabeth O’Mahoney
Mr Jonathan Pitkin
Dr Michael Sharp
Benefactors to the House
Mr Anthony Slessor
Mr James Smith
Mr Nicholas Sopkin
Mrs Sarah Stuart
Mr Paul Thomson
Mr Jon Treers
Mr Julian Wray
Anon. (6)
1997 (23%)
Miss Laura Abbotts
Dr David Anderson
Mrs Lucy Anderson
Mrs Rebecca Bettany
Mrs Kirsten Burrows
Dr Petros Carvounis
Mr Charlie Clark
Dr Angelo Ditillo
Mr Peter Garner-Winship
Mr William Garrood
Ms Diana Gibson
Mr Philip Gilbertson
Mr Tom Gilliam
Mr Will Goodhand
Professor Michael Hand
Dr Doug Hartley
Mr Nick Heasman
Mrs Rosalind Ingrams
Mr Marc Janichen
Miss Catriona Laing
Mr Toby Lanzer
Mrs Catherine Latsis
Mr Alex Lawrence
Professor Henry Mayr-Harting
Mr Davis McCallum
Mr Warwick McDonald
Mr Neil O’Brien
Ms Lizzie Palmer
Mr Anthony Partington
Major Nicola Roberts
Mr Paddy Smith
Miss Kate Spencer Ellis
Mr Matthew Swann
Dr Paula Walter
Mr Peter Weir
Mr Marcus Williams
Anon. (5)
Mrs Claire Redwood
Mr Martin Rumsey
Ms Tamora Rusby
Mr Will Snell
Mr Soyoun Song
Dr Kathryn Staley
Mr Jonathan Tepper
Miss Helen Thomas
Dr Lee Thornton
Mr Gareth Williams
Anon. (4)
1998 (22%)
Miss Jan Atkinson
Mr Adam Bathgate
Mr Han Choi
Mr Jim Donaldson
Miss Azi Eftekhari
Miss Katherine England
Mr Charles Gittins
Dr Scott Goodall
Mrs Holly Goodall
Professor Maria Grignani
Mrs Caroline Hamilton
Dr Katherine Jaques
Miss Kate Jillings
Mr Tom Lambourn
Mr Leslie Maloney
Revd Dr Melanie Marshall
Mr Jonathon Moore
The Venerable John Morrison
Mr Henry Mulhall
Mr David Murray
Miss Aline Nassif
Dr Grant Olwage
Dr David Parfitt
1999 Miss Annette Andresen
Miss Jen Bagshaw
Dr Rana Chakraborty
Dr Charles Clark
Mr Tom Domanski
Mr Jonathan Eddolls
Miss Christine Elsner
Mr Ben Fasham
Mrs Helen Fasham
Mr Ronald Fitzpatrick
Mr Jonathon Green
Miss Kristin Hayes
Mr Andrew Heyworth
Dr Christopher Jones
Mr Simon Latham
Dr Paul Lettow
Miss Rebecca Ling
Dr Christopher Low
Mr Patrick Mackerras
Professor Graham Ogg
Mr Michael O’Neill
Mr Will Pank
Mr Gilbert Ramsay
Mr Dan Rumney
Miss Louise Yates
Dr Irene Tracey
Mr Matthew Tsang
Mr Scott Turnbull
2000 (9%)
Mr Irfan Ali
Captain Robin Bourne-Taylor
Mr Andrew Christie
Miss Vicky Dare
Mr Edward Hall
Professor Norman Jones
Dr Oliver Krauss
Dr Kathleen Liddell
Mr David Livesey
Dr Saskia Meier-Andrae
Mr Sean Murray
Ms Asayo Ohyori
Miss Claire Overbury
Professor Pierre Ramond
Dr Helena Sykes
Mr David Van Leeuwen
Dr Jessica Wardhaugh
Mr David White
2002 Mr Lenny Martin
Mr Arjun Reddy
Miss Clare Wheeler
Mr Nick Zarb
2001 Ms Sue Cunningham
Mr Jeffrey Ehmsen
Mr Matt Gromada
Mr James Henry
Mr Pete Joubert
Mr Thomas Krueger
Mrs Meredith Lewis
Mr Henry Mance
Dr Frank Mussai
Mr Henry Newman
Mr Harry Powell
2003 (10%)
Ms Eloise Aston
Dr Chris Aycock*
Mr Stephen Brett
The Very Revd Nicholas Coulton
Mr Andrew Dunkley
Mr Sasha Erskine
Mr Michael Evans
Mr Thomas Harmsworth
Mr Andrew Hutton
Miss Selina Jones
Mr Jamie Morton
Mr Sam Pitts-Tucker
Mr James Quinby*
Professor Georg Ringe
Miss Sek Chean San
Miss Emma Shepherd
Mr Charlie Thorogood
Mr Doug Turnbull
Mr Xingang Wang
2004 Professor T Bisson
Dr Mishtooni Bose
Mr Chris Clements
Mr Chris Cole
Benefactors to the House
Ms Charlotte Wood
Mr Christopher Wroe
Miss Charlotte Crowther
Ms Sian Davies
Mr Anthony Doolittle
Mr James Earle
Dr Graham Griffiths
Miss Flora Herries
Ms Angela Isherwood
Mr Matthew Litchfield
Mr Eric Madre
Mr Thomas Mentlak
Dr Courtney Monk*
Mr Harry Norton
Mr Louis Odette
Mr David Pallot*
Mrs Suzanne Pike
Miss Sarah Price
Mr Cameron Turner
Mr Tom Wood
Anon. (2)
2005 Mr Nik Aleksandrov
Mr Alex Bubb
Mr Chris Downham
Dr Matthew Fittall
Mr Alexander Kinloch*
Mr Oliver Lazarus
Miss Jessie Lund
Mr Andrew Macintosh
Miss Amanda Magill
Dr Ashby Monk
Mr Michiel Munneke
Mr Julian Naden Robinson
Mr John Parsons
Mr Alex Radu
Dr Alex Thompson*
2006 Mr Daniel Barnes*
Mrs Liz Bradley*
Mr Rupert Cohen
Dr Oskar Cox Jensen
Dr Jenny Doyle
Mr Alex Drong
Dr Edward Emmett*
Mr Matt Hackett
Mr Christopher Hughes*
Mr Jacob Hunter*
Miss Sophia Jagodzinska
Miss Isla Kennedy
Mr Johan Kjellgren*
Mr Jeffrey Loke
Lady Fiona Melville*
Miss Bekki Mentlak*
Miss Erin Mozley*
Mr Arne Muus*
Father Richard Norman*
Mr Daniel Sharpe*
Mr Jonathan Snow*
Mr Jonathan Storey
Miss Jenny Vass*
Miss Annabel Walker*
2007 (5%)
Miss Carolyn Bull*
Professor Sarah Foot
Mr M W Kwiatkowski
Mr Javid Lakha
The Very Revd Christopher Lewis
Dr Robert Xi*
Ms Camela Logan
Miss Emma McGrory
Mr Andrew Pearson*
Mr Dipak Shah
Mr Tait Simpson*
Dr Olivia Sohns*
Dr Ashley Thorpe
Mr Will Wells*
2010 Dr Narin Hengrung*
Mr George Huntley*
Miss Nisha Julka*
Miss Antonia Sohns*
2008 Miss Anna Caro*
Ms Anoosh Chakelian*
Mr James Fifield
Mr Ben Harrison
Sub-Lt Thomas Hine*
Mr Benjamin Hirsch*
Mr Sam Martin*
Mr Tom McDonnell*
Mr Tom Montgomery*
Mr Tom Morris
Miss Catriona O’Grady*
Mr Matthew Swan*
Mr Jacob Ward*
Dr Steven Wilson
2009 Dr Chay Allen
Dr John Paul Barjaktarevic*
Mr Dan Callaghan*
Mr Mike Denhart*
Mr Marcus Garvey*
Lieutenant Peter Gornall
Mr Sigve Hofland*
Mr Adrian Hogan*
Ms Natalie Jiricny*
Miss Joanna Kaba*
2011 (1%)
Mr Matthias Beestermoeller*
Mr Ben Sullivan
2012 Mrs Azlina Aziz
Mr D W Humble-White
Dr Matthias Schmidt
Mr Rodrigo Tosti Ibanez*
Dr L Jostins
Professor P A Stadter
2014 (1%)
The Very Revd Professor Martyn
* Members of the Moritz-Heyman
Benefactors to the House
Friends and family
Dr R & Mrs B Adeniyi-Jones
Mr A Alexander Porter
Mr & Mrs H R Amar
Dr D L Amarnek
Mr B Amey & Mrs M Jagai
Mr M Andersson
Mr & Mrs S Arenson
Mr & Mrs S Audley
Mr & Mrs A Badamchi-Zadeh
Sheriff J & Mrs P Baird
Mr & Mrs C Bannister
Mr & Mrs D Barker
Mr & Mrs P E Barnes
Mr & Mrs N Baxter
Mr & Mrs R Bernstein
Gary G Biggers
Ms S Boehmler
Dr H Bramma
Mr R C Burne & Ms J C James
Mr & Mrs M Burton
Mr Jim Campbell
Mr & Mrs E Caro
Mr J M Cart
Mr & Mrs D Chakelian
Mr & Mrs D Chapple
Mr A Chiam
Mr & Mrs B Chizh
Mr & Mrs J Cohen
Lady Louisa Collings
Mr G Corbett
Mr & Mrs P Cornish
Mr & Mrs H Cottam
Mr & Mrs J Courtney
Mr & Mrs M Coward
Mr & Mrs H J F Crum Ewing
Miss E Curtis
Ms S Da Ros
Mr & Mrs M Darby
Mr P S Darling
Mrs M Darlington
Mr & Mrs G De Mare
Mr & Mrs F P H de Zulueta
Mr & Mrs J Decaux
Mr R Devarajan & Mrs P Raghuram
Mr & Mrs T Dilks
Mr & Mrs R Dingle
Mr & Mrs R J Dixon
Mrs A Djedid
Mrs C E Doggart
Dr A & Dr M Douglas
Mr & Mrs J Du Toit
Mr & Mrs A Earle
Mrs G E Eayrs
The Hon. R D M Eden
Ms C Elliott
Mrs C A Elliss
Mr J Fifield
Mrs M Figurska
Dr & Mrs T Flaherty
Mrs A Francis
Dr R L Fulton
Mr R Garcevic
Mr & Mrs J Gifford
Mr & Mrs R Gill
Mr & Mrs R Goodstone
Professor B Goodwin
Mr & Mrs P Gotham
Mrs C Grant
Dr & Mrs A M Hackett
Mr & Mrs D Haigh
Mr S Hall
Mr & Mrs J Hamilton
Mr & Mrs M J Hanson
Mr R W J Hardie
Mrs B Harle
Ms Judith A Hayes
Mr S Helm
Ms M P High
Mr & Mrs G Hill
Mr & Mrs R Hine
Dr & Mrs Hodge
Ms C M Hogg
Mrs J Hunt
Mr & Mrs W Hunter
Mrs C Ireson
Ms F A Jagodzinska
Mr & Mrs G Janacek
Mr & Mrs J H Jepps
Mr & Mrs D Johnston
Mr & Mrs N R Jones
Mr & Mrs M Josephs
Mr & Mrs M S Kaufman
Mr & Mrs H Keeling
Mr & Mrs N Keen
Sir Chips Keswick
Mr D M Kite
Mr & Mrs H Kjellgren
Mr & Mrs C Klimpke
Mr & Mrs R Kumar
Mr & Mrs C Langridge
Dr S T Lee FBA
Ms D B Lenck
Mrs A Lewis
Mrs M Lomax
Mr & Mrs G Lunt
Ms R Lynn & Mr G Jones
Mr & Mrs A C Mackie
Mr & Mrs W A Magill
Mr & Ms D W Marlow
Mr & Mrs J Marre
Mr C T Marx
Mr P L Mason
Mr & Mrs B May
Mr & Mrs N McCarthy
Mr & Mrs P McDonnell
Mr & Mrs M McGowan
Mr J McLaren
Mr & Mrs K Mentlak
Mr K S Mertens
Ms J D Michael
Mr & Mrs J Milner
Mr P Mizen
Mr & Mrs J W Morton
Mr & Mrs G Moses
Mr & Mrs N Murphy
Mrs J Naccache
Mr & Mrs C Naden Robinson
Mr & Mrs J Nairn
Dr & Mrs T Nomura
Mr & Mrs D Noon
Mr T Norton
Ms E Oakes
Nicholas O’Brien
Mr & Mrs S O’Kane
Mr & Mrs J Ovens
Mr & Mrs M Owen
Mr & Mrs W Pallot
Mr & Mrs J Paulding
Mr S Pessina
Mr & Mrs G Philipps
Mrs A Pierce Jones
Mr R S Pirie
Mr & Mrs P Pleydell-Bouverie
Mr & Mrs K Podger
Miss H Popescu
Mr & Mrs R Popowicz
Mr & Mrs N Povah
Mr & Mrs I Preece
Mr R Prezeau
Mr & Mrs D Prieg
Mr C J Prince
Mr M S Proesch
Mr D Rice & Dr D Mercey
Mr H F Richardson
Ms N Riley
Viscountess Rothermere
Mr & Mrs C Russo
Mr & Mrs Q Saloway
Mrs C Sants
Mr & Mrs P Sawbridge
Professor R Saxton
Ms M A Schwartz
Dr J & Mrs P Scratcherd
Mr M Sieve & Mrs C Shannon
Mr & Mrs J B Silver
Benefactors to the House
Mr & Mrs S Singhal
Dr G & Mrs D Sissons
Mr & Mrs B Smith
Mr & Mrs R Spofford
Mr & Mrs A L Spooner
Dr & Mrs P Sprague
Mr and Mrs T Stevenson
Mr I Stock & Ms V Stock-Williams
Mr & Mrs R Suarez
Mr A Sutton & Ms J Dyson
Ms S Temple
Mr & Mrs J Tholstrup
Mrs C M Thompson
Dr C & Mrs C Tinker
Mr R J R Tomlinson
Mr A F Treadwell
Mr J Trevail & Ms G Johal
Mr & Mrs G Truscott
Mr & Mrs I J Turnbull
Professor D M Upton
Mr J H Varilla & Ms A Koh
Mr & Mrs N Vass
Mrs V Wachman
Mr & Mrs J Wade
Lady Waldegrave
The Earl Waldegrave
Mr & Mrs Y Wang
Dr & Mrs J M Ward
Dr D Watson and Mrs V Watson
Mr & Mrs A C Wells
Mr D Walsh & Mrs J Dunn
Mr & Mrs J Wheeler
Mr & Mrs T R Whitlam
Mr & Mrs J E Williams
Dr C Williams
Mrs E Willis
Mr & Mrs M F Wong
Mr & Mrs Woodley
Anon. (6)
Aedes Christi Lodge
Alfred, Lee & Peter Mayer
Ball Colegrave
Barclays Capital
Black Prince Boat Club
BP Amoco
Capital Prints
Church & Dwight Company Inc
Covington and Burling
Cronos Group
Eberstadt Kuffner Fund Inc
Exxon Mobil Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Finders Keepers Ltd
Gladstone Memorial Trust
Goldman, Sachs & Company
Grace Church on-the-Hill
Harriet Heyman & Michael Moritz
Hartsheath Charitable Trust
Investor Growth Capital, Inc
J P Morgan Chase Foundation
JP Morgan
Keasbey Memorial Foundation
Lee Henry & Millard Alexander
Charitable Trust
Linklaters & Alliance
P F Charitable Trust
Pilkington Family Fund
Roger & Ingrid Pilkington
Charitable Trust
Sir Siegmund Warburg’s Voluntary
The 29th May 1961 Charitable
The Barwell Charitable Trust
The Big Give
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
The Economist Trust
The Legh Charitable Trust
The Mark Fitch Fund
The Mercers’ Company
The Nicholson Family Fund
The Trusthouse Charitable
The VEC Acorn Charitable Trust
The Yvette & Hermione Jacobson
Charitable Trust
Tulchan Communications
Group Ltd
Virtual Archive
Walland Trust Fund
Walter P Stern & Elizabeth Stern
Foundation Inc.,
York Stockbrokers
Anon. (3)
Christ Church
Development and Alumni Office, Christ Church, Oxford OX1 1DP, United Kingdom
+44 (0)1865-286325