- Stithians Show
- Stithians Show
Stithians Show President: Revd. Canon Michael Warner Monday 11th July, 2016 CAVY SECTION SCHEDULE Section Secretary: Mrs W Goldsworthy Oaklands, 3 Laguna Court, Penders Lane, Redruth, TR15 ILJ Tel: 01209 213122 Email: cavies@stithiansshow.org.uk Entries close: 1st July 2016. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE A SCHEDULE FOR ONE OF THE OTHER SECTIONS, see www.stithiansshow.org.uk (select “competition schedules”) or ring Arts/Crafts/Cookery 01326 379 371 07428 418 923 Cage Birds 01209 860 148 Cattle 01872 864 731 Cavies 01209 213 122 Dogs 01209 217 521 Dog Agility 07780 465 520 Goats 07939 826 585 Horses 07817 583 929 Horticulture 01872 560 609 Pigeons 01209 716 575 Poultry 07968 892 442 Rabbits 01752 816 880 Sheep 01209 822 413 07817 913 116 YFC 07966 845 293 President: Chris Opie Esq. Hon. Life Vice-Presidents: Mr. & Mrs R. Andrew, Mrs. P. Bell, Mr & Mrs P.J. Brown, G.M. Buckingham, Esq., W.B. Buckingham, Esq., M. Burley, Esq., G. Downing, Esq., Mrs. J. Gluyas, Mrs. S. Knight, Miss K.J. Mead, C.H. Opie, Esq., E. H. Opie, Esq., M.J. Opie, Esq., Mrs. H. M. Roskilly, L.A. Roskilly Esq., T.K. Plummer, Esq., Mrs. K.R. Tremayne, W. Tremayne, Esq. & A.T Williams, Esq. Annual Show Monday 11th July 2016 St. Stythians Band In attendance throughout the day Grand Evening Concert In the Marquee at 8.00 p.m. by St. Stythians Band (Musical Director: James Burns, Esq.) & Stithians Male Voice Choir (Musical Director: Ken Downing, Esq.) More information: www.stithiansshow.org.uk CAVY SECTION National Cavy Club *** Show GUARNTEED PRIZE MONEY 50P 30P 20P JUDGES OPEN SHOW: Selfs/Juniors/ Rare Varieties – Jayne Davey Non Selfs: - Rex Matthews Pets: Adrian Lawrence BLOCK ENTRY FEES: - Open Show £1.50, Juniors, Pets/RV/Novice Classes £1.00 New and Emerging 75p per pig Judging to start a 10.00 am prompt Please pen by 9.30 am on the day of the Show Penning available 7 O’ clock to 9 O’clock on Sunday 10th July Entries to Cavy Section Secretary – Mrs W Goldsworthy Oaklands, 3 Laguna Court, Penders Lane, Redruth, TR15 1LJ Tel: 01209 213122 Email: wilmot28@hotmail.co.uk For all general information regarding the show Email: cavies@stithiansshow.org.uk If you have never shown a guinea pig before but would like to enter the Cavy Section at Stithians Show, then please contact Section Secretary about entering either the Adult or Child’s Exhibitors Novice Pet Section. Pets are only judged on fitness, cleanliness and friendliness. Help and advice available on the day. (Entry Conditions Apply) Closing date for entries 22nd June for inclusion in the Stithians Show Catalogue. Entries accepted until 30th June 2016. Please make cheques/Postal Orders payable to Stithians Show Agricultural Association Ltd. Payment must be enclosed with entries and include a self addressed and stamped envelope if eligible for pass. President’s Trophy presented to the winner of Best in Show and Chairman’s Trophy presented for Best Opposite. CAVY SECTION GENERAL CONDITIONS – PLEASE NOTE All exhibits to be the bona fida property of the exhibitor at the time of entry. EXHIBITS SHALL NOT BE REMOVED BEFORE 5.00 P.M. ON THE DAY OF THE SHOW. Any exhibitor removing their stock early without permission of the Section Secretary shall forfeit any prize money and may be banned from any future shows. Exhibitors making TOTAL entries of at least £6.50 (Adult) or £3.50 (Juvenile) will be granted one Exhibitors Pass. Please state claim on entry form. ONE PASS PER EXHIBITOR. All Junior exhibits must be penned by a Junior. All Clipped Exhibits to be shown on a board. The decision of the judges will be final, except where misrepresentation has been discovered. The Committee reserve the right to appoint another judge in the event that the advertised judge becomes unavailable or to add or reallocate judges where necessary. Every reasonable care will be taken of exhibits, but the Committee cannot be held responsible for deaths, loss or injury however caused. NO UNAUTHORISED PERSON will be allowed to handle any exhibit during the time the show is open. Exhibitors ONLY allowed into the judging area during the show. Anything not covered in these regulations will be decided by the Committee whose decision is final. Sale stock must be 10 weeks of age and weigh at least 14 oz. Sale stock can only be accepted from fully paid exhibitors. The sale stock stewards have the right to refuse stock that is under age, under weight of sick. Owners of sale pigs must provide their details to the purchaser and the purchaser must also give their name and address. Purchasers under 18 years old must bring as Adult. Please bring enough green food for your stock for the day. Water bottles MUST be in place on all pens including Sale pens. On all other matters usual Show Rules apply in accordance with the National Cavy Club. CAVY SECTION MONDAY 11th JULY 2016 Judges: SELF/JUNIOR/RV - JAYNE DAVEY NON SELFS – REX MATTHEWS PETS/CLIPPED – ADRIAN LAWRENCE GUARANTEED PRIZE MONEY ROSETTES AWARDED FOR – BEST IN SHOW – BEST SELF – BEST NON SELF BEST JUNIOR – BEST CLIPPED AND BEST OVERALL PET PRESIDENTS AND CHAIRMANS TROPHY FOR BEST IN SHOW AND BEST OPPOSITE SELFS PINK EYED WHITE DARK EYED CREAM PINK EYED GOLDEN BLACK BLK/PEW/DEC/PEG CHALLENGE CHOCOLATE LILAC BEIGE RED LI/CHOC/BE/RED CHALLEDGE SAFFRON BUFF DARK EYED WHITE DARK EYED GOLDEN PINK EYED CREAM DEW/DEG/BU/SAFF/PEC CHALLENGE SELF CHALLENGE ANY AGE ADULT 5.8 Months 1 18 2 19 3 20 421 5 22 623 724 825 926 10 27 1128 1229 13 30 14 31 15 32 16 33 17 34 3.5 Months 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ANY AGE 52 NON SELF CLASSES COATED CLASSES ADULT 5.8 MONTHS 3.5 MONTHS ANY AGE ABY BRINDLE 53 80 107 ABY TORT AND WHITE 54 81 108 ABY ROAN 55 82 109 ABY ANY OTHER COLOUR 56 83 110 REX AGOUTI 57 84 111 REX AGOUTI BI 58 85 112 REX SOLID 59 86 113 REX ANY OTHER COLOUR 60 87 114 TEDDY SOLID OR AGOUTI 61 88 115 TEDDY BI OR AGOUTI BI 62 89 116 TEDDY TRI OR AGOUTI TRI 63 90 117 TEDDY ROAN OR ANY OTHER COLOUR 64 91 118 WHITE CRESTED 65 92 119 BLACK CRESTED 66 93 120 ANY OTHER COLOUR CRESTED 67 94 121 AMERICAN CRESTED ANY COLOUR 68 95 122 CRESTED ANY OTHER VARIETY 69 96 123 SATIN SOLID 70 97 124 SATIN ANY OTHER VARIETY 71 98 125 ANY OTHER VARIETY CRESTED 72 99 126 COATED CHALLENGE 73 100 127 LONG HAIRED CLASSES PERUVIAN 74101 128 CORONET 75102 129 SHELTIE 76103 130 MERINO/TEXEL 77104 131 ALPACA 78105 132 LONG HAIRED CHALLENGE 79 106 133 MARKED CLASSES ADULT 5.8 MONTHS 3.5 MONTHS ANY AGE BLACK HIMALAYAN 134 145 156 CHOCOLATE HIMALAYAN 135 146 157 DALMATION ANY COLOUR 136 147 158 ROAN ANY COLOUR 137 148 159 RED DUTCH 138 149 160 BLACK DUTCH 139 150 161 CHOCOLATE DUTCH 140 151 162 DUTCH ANY OTHER COLOUR 141 152 163 TORT AND WHITE 142 153164 ANY OTHER VARIETY MARKED 143 154 165 MARKD CHALLENGE 144 155 166 TICKED CLASSES SILVER AGOUTI 167 179 191 GOLDEN AGOUTI 168 180 192 CINNAMON AGOUTI 169 181 193 LEMON AGOUTI 170 182 194 AGOUTI ANY OTHER COLOUR 171 183 195 AGOUTI SOLID 172 184 196 ARGENTE ANY COLOUR 173 185 197 FOX ANY COLOUR 174 186 198 TAN ANY COLOUR 175 187 199 OTTER ANY COLOUR 176 188 200 ANY OTHER VARIETY FULL STANDARD 177 189 201 TICKED CHALLENGE 178 190 202 NON SELF CHALLENGE 203 204 205 206 207 GRAND CHALLENGE RARE VARIETIES – GUIDE STANDARD SLATE 208215 222 HARLEQUIN 209216 223 MAGPIE 210217 224 SWISS 211218 225 CHINCHILLA 212219 226 ANY OTHER VARIETY RV 213 220 227 GUIDE STANDARD CHALLENGE 214 221 228 229 NEW AND EMERGING BREEDS LUNKARYA 230234 238 SELF BLUE 231 235 239 CALIFORNIAN 232236 240 AOV NEW AND EMERGING 233 237 241 NEW AND EMERGING ANY AGE 242 JUNIOR CLASSES SELFS BLACK/PE WHITE/DE CREAM/PE GOLDEN243 247 251 LILAC/BEIGE/CHOC/RED 244248 252 DE WHITE/DEG/BUFF/SAFFRON/PE CREAM 245 249 SELF CHALLENGE 246 250 254 NON SELFS ABY 256266 276 AGOUTI 257267 277 CRESTED 258268 278 LONG HAIRED 259 269 279 REX 260270 280 SATIN 261271 281 DUTCH 262272 282 TEDDY 263273 283 NON SELF ANY OTHER VARIETY 264 274 284 NON SELF CHALLENGE 265 275 285 JUNIOR GRAND CHALLENGE 288 289 290 JUNIOR RARE VARIETY ADULTS EXHIBITOR PET SMOOTH BOAR 292 299 306 SMOOTH SOW 293 300 307 ROUGH BOAR 294 301 308 ROUGH SOW 295 302 309 CUT LONG HAIR BOAR 296 303 310 CUT LONG HAIR SOW 297 304 311 ADULT PET CHALLENGE 298 305 312 CHILDS EXHIBITORS PET ADULT 5.8 MONTHS 3.5 MONTHS SMOOTH BOAR 314 321 328 SMOOTH SOW 315 322 329 ROUGH BOAR 316 323 330 ROUGH SOW 317 324 331 CUT LONG HAIR BOAR 318 325 332 CUT LON HAIR SOW 319 326 333 CHILDS PET CHALLENGE 320 327 334 OVERALL BEST PET CLIPPED CLASSES CLIPPED BOAR 337 340 343 CLIPPED SOW 338 341 344 CLIPPED CHALLENGE 339 342 345 253 255 286 287 291 313 ANY AGE 335 336 346 NOVICE CLASSES ADULT EXHIBITOR SMOOTH BOAR/SOW ROUGH BOAR/SOW CUT LONG HAIR BOAR/SOW BEST ADULT NOVICE EXHIBITOR ANY AGE 347 348 349 350 CHILD EXHIBITOR SMOOTH BOAR/SOW ROUGH BOAR/SOW CUT LON HAIR BOAR/SOW BEST CHILD NOVICE EXHIBITOR ANY AGE 351 352 353 354 Entry fee Block Entry - £1.00 a pig. Open to any Exhibitor who has never won a 1st prize at Stithians Show either in the Pet or Open Classes. Children may enter this section between the date of their 7th birthday and the date of their 17th birthday. Pigs are to be judged on fitness, cleanliness and friendliness only. Entries for the Novice Section ONLY can be accepted on Show day All other Show conditions apply. ENTRY FORM FOR STITHIANS SHOW MONDAY 11th JULY 2016 All entries to Mrs W Goldsworthy, 3 Laguna Court, Penders Lane, Redruth, TR15 1LJ Exhibitors NameStud/Name …............................................................................................. Address …............................................................................................................................. …........................................................................................................................................... Juniors date of birth ….......................................................................................................... Telephone Number …............................................ Email..................................................... BREED BREED CLASS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AGE BOAR/ SOW ENTRY FEE BLOCK ENTRY £1.50 – Open classes – Juniors/Rare Varieties/Clipped/Pets - £1.00 Novice Pet - £1.00 and New & Emerging 75p. per exhibit. All enquiries and entries to: Mrs W Goldsworthy, 3 Laguna Court, Penders Lane, Redruth, TRI5 1LJ. Tel:01209 213122 Email: wilmot28@hotmail.co.uk Payment with entries, all cheques/Postal Orders made payable to: Stithians Agricultural Association Ltd. Sale Pens Available Please enclose self stamped addressed envelope if legible for Pass. One pass per Exhibitor Exhibitors Pass YES/NO CAR PASS YES/NO Please bring your own bedding and remove after the show Local / Regional Show Dates 2016 30 April Gwinear 2 May North Somerset Devon County 19 – 21 May 1 – 4 June Royal Bath & West Royal Cornwall 9 – 11 June 9 July Liskeard Stithians 11 July Camborne 16 July Mid Devon 23 July 28 July Launceston Woolsery 25 July Yealmpton 27 July Totnes & District 31 July Ms A Barnbrook, Tel: 01209 716585 Email: info@gwinearshow.org.uk Web: www.gwinearshow.org.uk Mr T Ledbury, 4 Yeowood Farm, Iwood Lane, Wrington, North Somerset BS40 5NU Tel: 08456 342464 Email: tim@nsas.org.uk Web: nsas.org.uk Mrs Ollie Allen, Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, Devon. EX5 1DJ Tel: 01392 446000 Fax: 01392 444808 Email: info@westpoint-devonshow.co.uk Web: www.devoncountyshow.co.uk Mr Alan Lyons, The Showground, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. BA4 6QN Tel: 01749 822200 Fax: 01749 823169 Email: alan@bathandwest.co.uk Web: www.bathandwest.com Mr Chris Riddle, Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge, Cornwall. PL27 7JE Tel: 01208 812183 Fax: 01208 812713 Email: livestock@royalcornwall.co.uk Web: www.royalcornwall.co.uk Facebook: Royal Cornwall Show News Twitter: rcsupdate Mrs B Breyley, Eldon, St Ive, Liskeard, PL14 3NE.Tel: 07894 456 099 Email: info@liskeardshow.org Web: www.liskeardshow.org Jenna Payne, The Showground, Stithians, Truro, Cornwall. TR3 7BB Tel: 01209 861073 Email: information@stithiansshow.org.uk Web: www.stithiansshow.org.uk Mr K Thomas-Somers, The Final Furlong, Treswithian Downs, Camborne, Cornwall TR14 0PU Tel: 01209 610861 Email: info@camborne-show.org.uk Web: www.camborne-show.org.uk The Secretary, 18 High Street, Halberton, Tiverton, Devon. EX16 7AF Tel: 01884 820859 Web: www.middevonshow.co.uk Mrs Naomi Hutchings, PO Box 105, Launceston, Cornwall. PL15 9WY Tel: 07988 479452 Email: launcestonshowsecretary@hotmail.co.uk Web: www.launcestonshow.co.uk Mrs S Williams, 2 Worden Cottages, West Putford, Holsworthy, Devon. EX22 7UZ Tel / Fax: 01409 261288 Email: woolseryshow@hotmail.co.uk Web: www.woolseryshow.org.uk Mr P Davis, 1 Castleford Cottage, Combefishacre, Newton Abbot, Devon. TQ12 5UQ Tel: 01803 814390 / 07712 681306 Email: secretary@yealmptonshow.com Web: www.yealmptonshow.com Mrs L Harvey, PO Box 220, Totnes, Devon. TQ9 9EN Tel / Fax: 01803 732813 Email: office@totnesshow.com Web: www.totnesshow.com 3 August North Devon Lanivet 3 September 10 August Camelford Okehampton 11 August Cornwood 13 August 17 August Gillingham & Shaftesbury Chagford 18 August Mid Somerset 21 August 25 August Holsworthy & Stratton Kingsbridge 3 September Lanivet 3 September 3 - 4 September Dorset County 10 September Frome 13 September Widecombe Fair 9 November Beef South West Mrs P Sennett, 13 George Arcade, South Molton, Devon. EX36 3AB Tel: 01769 573852 Email: secretarypat@northdevonshow.com Web: www.northdevonshow.com Tamsin Stickland Tel: 07876 403569 Email: lanivethorseshow@btinternet.com Web: www.lanivethorseshow.webs.com Mrs A Hayne, Rest Holme, Trewassa, Davidstow, Camelford, Cornwall. PL32 9YG Tel: 01840 261236 Email: ann.hayne@btinternet.com Web: www.camelfordshow.co. uk Mrs C Woodward, Wykeham House, 3 Station Road, Okehampton, Devon. EX20 1DY Tel: 01837 659965 Email: info@okehamptonshow.com Web: www.okehamptonshow.com Mrs J Quest, 16 Longfield, Lutton, Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9SN Tel: 01752 837276 Email: janice.quest@yahoo.com Web:cornwoodshow.co.uk Mr S Braddick, The Show Office, Station Road, Gillingham, Dorset. SP8 4PY Tel: 01747 823955 Web: www.gillshaftshow.co.uk Fax: 01747 826885 Email: enquiries@gillshaftshow.co.uk Miss P Keen, 42 The Square, Chagford, Devon TQ13 8AH Tel: 07511 778641 Email: chagfordshow@gmail.com Web: www.chagfordshow.com Ms C Barham, Europa Court, Crowne Trading Estate, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 5QQ 01749 347607 Email: secretary@midsomersetshow.org.uk Web: www.midsomersetshow.org.uk Mrs A Heywood, Stamford Lodge, Stamford Hill, Stratton, Bude, Cornwall. EX23 9AY Tel: 01288 355335 Email: alison@holsworthyshow.wanadoo.co.uk Web: www.holsworthyandstrattonagriculturalshow.co.uk Ms C Woodall, Chapter One, Mill Farm, South Milton, Kingsbridge, Devon. TQ7 3JP Tel: 07846 342671 Email: kingsbridge.show@btinternet.com Web: www.kingsbridgeshow.co.uk Tamsin Stickland Tel: 07876 403569 Email: lanivethorseshow@btinternet.com Web: www.lanivethorseshow.webs.com Mr R Cuzens, The Show Office, Agriculture House, Acland Road, Dorchester, Dorset. DT1 1EF Tel: 01305 264249 Email: secretary@dorsetcountyshow.co.uk Web: www.dorsetcountyshow.co.uk Mrs B Scott, The Show Office, Rodden Road, Frome, Somerset. BA11 2AH Tel: 01373 463600 Web: www.fromecheeseshow.co.uk Fax: 01373 464861 Email: brenda@fromecheeseshow.co.uk Mr R Foord-Evans, 1 Buckland Hall, Buckland-in-the-Moor, Ashburton, Devon. TQ13 7HL Tel: 01364 654375 Email: rogeratbuckland@aol.com Web: www.widecombefair.com Tel: 01884 861352 Email: natbeefsw@gmail.com Website: www.beefsouthwest.co.uk Stithians Agricultural Association Ltd Company registered in England 7585178 Charity No. 1141715 Health and Safety Policy Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 the management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. General Statement of Policy: We commit to operating the Association in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all applicable Regulations and Legislation made under the Act ‘So far as is reasonably practicable’ Our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, volunteers and the general public, and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose. We also accept our responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities. The Association encourages family participation and therefore acknowledges the increased risks to young and/or inexperienced volunteers. The Board of Trustees acknowledge that Health and Safety responsibilities within the Association are of equal importance as other priorities. Although the Board of Trustees accept responsibility for the implementation of this policy, it relies on individual employees/volunteers to accept their own duty and responsibility to themselves, fellow workers and others who might be injured/affected by their acts or omissions. The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements that we will make to implement the policy are set out below. The policy will be kept up to date, particularly if the Association’s activities change in nature and size. To ensure this, the policy and the way in which it has operated will be monitored and reviewed every year or more frequently if required. SAFETY INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE All Exhibitors must comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all relevant Regulations and Guidance, Animal exhibitors must also comply with the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and any relevant codes of practice, guidance, etc. provided by the relevant governing body organisations SHOW SECURITY Limited security cover by the Association’s official security contractor will be provided nightly between 7.00 p.m. and 7.00 a.m. from Monday before the Show and then continuously from 2.00 p.m. on the Sunday until 7 a.m. on the Tuesday after the Show. You must be aware that the Showground is large, with multiple entrances and that the security officials cannot be in all areas at all times. The Association will not be responsible for the safe custody of any article brought for exhibition, nor will they be answerable for any loss or damage that may occur to any article. H & S Schedules Catalogue V2 - Feb 2016 FIRE SAFETY All catering outlets or trade stands must assess the risk of fire and provide for effective primary fire prevention equipment where any potential ignition sources are present. GAS SAFETY Any fixed installation gas equipment (cookers, pipe work, valves etc) must comply with the provisions of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 L56 (Fourth Edition) published 2013. All catering vans / marquees with gas installation MUST have a Gas Safety Certificate / Gas Safety Record. Note: These certificates can ONLY be issued by an Engineer that is listed on the Gas Safe Register. A certificate MUST BE provided to the organisers prior to entry to the event. The regulation can be viewed on: https://www.ncass.org.uk/ mobile-catering-home/content. PORTABLE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE SAFETY HSG107-Third Addition 2013 INDG236-Rev 3 2013 The law requires electrical equipment to be maintained to prevent danger. The type and frequency of user checks, inspections and testing needed will depend on the equipment, the environment in which it is used and the results of previous checks. All portable electrical equipment brought onto the showground must comply with: HSG 107 - Third Edition 2013 Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment, or INDG236 - Third Edition 2013 Maintaining portable electrical equipment in offices and other low risk environments. SHOWGROUND TRAFFIC All showground traffic must give priority to pedestrians and riders and strictly observe speed restrictions at times when such movement is permitted. During the Show (0900 to 1800 hours) all showground roadways must be kept clear of any vehicles, exhibits, stands, canopies, etc. to allow free passage of emergency vehicles at any time. Please note strictly no unauthorised movement of vehicles will be permitted within the show ground between the hours of 0900 and 1800 hours. N.B. Trade and Craft Stand Exhibitors are required to remain open until 1800 and MUST NOT attempt to leave the Showground before that time due to the danger of interaction with pedestrians Livestock exhibitors: may leave the showground prior to 1800 hours, subject to the approval of the Showyard Directors and notification to the Section Secretary (movement is only to comply with DEFRA Animal Welfare regulations). MAJOR INCIDENT PLANNING (SITE EVACUATION) In the event of a major incident where it is necessary to evacuate the site, in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, please follow all signs and instructions from the Organisers and Emergency Services. ALL people will be requested to evacuate the site, until it is deemed safe to return. The Association accepts no responsibility for any property or livestock or any person or persons who fail to comply with the request to evacuate the showground. Public Liability Insurance – Whilst the Association has public liability cover in place for its own protection, this insurance does not provide for competitors or any liability which they incur. Our insurers strongly recommend that all competitors have in place their own insurance cover. More detailed information and advice can be found in the Association’s Code of Practice for Safety and Accident Prevention, a copy of which can be obtained from the General Secretary, The Showground, Stithians, Truro, TR3 7DP. 01209 861073. information@stithiansshow.org.uk. H & S Schedules Catalogue V2 - Feb 2016 Stithians Agricultural Association Ltd. Company registered in England 7585178 Charity No. 1141715 Stithians Show A very special day out! Why not support the Show each year by becoming a Vice-President? Adults £14 per year Juniors 5-18 £5 under 5’s free per year Life Membership £240 (2016 rates) (This includes your entry to the Show) We will be pleased to give you more information: Please email information@stithiansshow.org.uk or return the slip below so that details can be sent to you prior to the 2016 Show - Monday, 17th July To Stithians Agricultural Association Ltd. “Amazon”, Crellow Lane, Stithians,Truro, Cornwall. TR3 7BB Please send me details of becoming a Vice-President/Life Vice President for the 2016 Show when available Name..................................................................................................................... Address................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................... GREEN CAR PARK RED CAR PARK BUS STOP ENTRANCE ENTRANCE CATTLE SHEEP S.Y.D SEC FOOD KELLYS ENTERTAINMENT AREA RING 3 POLICE TASTE OF CORNWALL Y IT UN HES M M RC CO HU C & G/H K/L I/J M/N O/P T OW SH G DOG AGILITY FOOD STEAM, VINTAGE & TRACTORS PICNIC AREA PROVISIONAL SHOWGROUND PLAN STITHIANS SHOW 2016 A HORSEBOX PARKING S PROVISIONAL STITHIANS SHOW 2016 1 COLLECTING 4 Q/R UND E/F GRO C/D RING 4 COLLECTING RING DO BANDSTAND A/B OVERFLOW HORSEBOX PARKING HORSE WALK - NO PUBLIC ACCESS FAIR BIRDS PIGEONS RABBITS CAVIES DOM / YFC / W.I CRAFTS FOOD CH & BAR 2 FOOD LUN 3 HORTICULTURE TREASURER POULTRY GOATS MAIN RING MAIN RIN U/V 4 RING 2 Y COLLECTING 3 W/X FIRE CRAFTS COUNTRYSIDE RING MILKING RARE PARLOUR BREEDS COUNTRYSIDE AREA COLLECTING 2 5 B C D E F G To end show day why not come along to the GRAND EVENING CONCERT 8 p.m. In the Marquee on the Showground Stithians Male Voice Choir (Musical Director: Ken Downing, Esq.) St. Stithians Band (Musical Director: James Burns) Admission £6.00 www.stithiansshow.org.uk • • • • Downloadable schedules Lastest news Picture galleries – you might find yourself! Masses of information for visitors to the Show Sign up for e-newsletters on the site. Submission of photographs of past and present Shows are always welcomed. Please e-mail pics@stithiansshow.org.uk (by submitting pictures you agree to the Association using the images for any appropriate purpose, including advertising.). Find us on: Twitter: @stithiansshow #stithiansshow Facebook: facebook.com/stithiansshow Stithians Agricultural Association Ltd. The Showground, Stithians, Truro, TR3 7DP . 01209 861073 information@stithiansshow.org.uk www.stithiansshow.org.uk VAT Reg. No. 501 2855 841 Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England 7585178 Charity No. 1141715 Registered Office: 3 Chapel Street, Redruth, TR15 2DY