Fall - Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club
Fall - Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club
Fall 2009 Thermal Yoga ® greenwood athletic and tennis club The Best part of Your Day!® Pictured in main photo: Grace Young Riccio and Allen Murray Pictured from top to bottom: Fred Mattson, Nancy Tipton, Arlene and Frank Lawrence Not Pictured: Leona Wishmier 2 80+ bios We are proud to present an additional group of 80+ Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club members. Thank you to each of the individuals for allowing us to interview you and promote your healthy lifestyle. GRACE YOUNG RICCIO: (81) MEMBER 15 YEARS Grace has been married to Charles for 57 years and has three daughters, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She attends water aerobics classes and tries to stay healthy. Grace is rehabbing a hip replacement and has been a member for 15 years. She taught school in Europe for 11 years and ran a realty investment firm for 17 years. Grace loves music, antiques, travel and volunteering. She enjoys the GATC staff and members as her family. ARLENE (84) AND FRANK (86) LAWRENCE: MEMBER 16 YEARS The Lawrence’s have been married 63 years with two children, five grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Frank likes the weight room and walks the track. Arlene enjoys classes and walking on the track. Both maintain a good healthy lifestyle. Frank was a Boy Scout Master and is a retired oil executive. Arlene was a librarian and still volunteers at the library. Both are avid golfers. ALLEN MURRAY: (80) MEMBER 22 YEARS Allen and Dottie have celebrated 52 years together; have two children and four grandchildren. Allen admits to enjoying an “executive workout, but also lifts weights and attends Stretch and Align with Peggy Mazza Bloom. GATC helps him stay healthy and strong. He was once a model for McCann shoes and loves to travel including climbing in the Himalaya’s. He graduated from South High School in Denver, was co-president of the school and attended DU where he played football, wrestled and participated in gymnastics. FRED MATTSON: (80 IN NOVEMBER) MEMBER 22 YEARS Fred married Virginia 59 years ago and they have two daughters and five grandchildren. Fred uses the weight machines, stationary bike and rowing machine. He is a charter member and keeps coming because exercise is a large part of his existence. He practiced law for 43 years, loves golfing and being with his children and grandchildren. NANCY TIPTON: (86) MEMBER 22 YEARS Nancy and Jack were married for 50 years before Jack’s passing, have four children and five grandchildren and are charter members. Nancy loves walking, the stationery bike and lifting weights. Staying healthy and keeping her energy level up is what motivates Nancy to keep working out. She has delivered Meals on Wheels for 28 years and was recognized by Volunteers of America as the Volunteer of the Year in 2003. During World War II, she was a cryptographer with the Signal Corp and during the 1950’s, she wrote a shopping column for The Denver Post. LEONA WISHMIER: (85) MEMBER 22 YEARS Leona and Jack have been married for 63 years with five children, nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Leona regularly attends aquatics classes, uses the stationery bike and lifts weights. She is a charter member and enjoys gardening, reading, golf and her grandchildren. Jack and Leona live in Phoenix during the winter. Correction: Summer 2009: Craig Ramsey (80) MEMBER 21 YEARS Thanks to Dennis Schlachter of Main Image Photographics for the 80+ group photos. 303.344.0053 • www.MainImagePhotographics.com ONE-HOUR SPINNING CLASSES to benefit Brent’s Place Friday, October 16, 6 am to 6 pm at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club Join us for a silent auction throughout the day. All participants will receive food, beverages and a goodie bag. Ride, Sponsor or Donate! Register at www.brentsplace.org or call 720-343-2800 Registration: $35 includes one-hour spin class, long sleeved t-shirt $70 includes one-hour spin class, long sleeved t-shirt, socks & water bottle Funds raised at The Roadless Ride supports Brent’s Place. Brent’s Place provides housing and support services for children with cancer and their families. 3 P-Note ATTITUDE IS A DECISION In order to help you achieve your fitness goals Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club provides you with a place that is clean and has the best and newest equipment. In addition, we created an atmosphere that is fun, friendly and highly motivating to keep you coming back for more. This is a challenge we face day after day and with over 7,000 members with varying views of what is important, that challenge becomes even more difficult. One member may only use the pools, therefore changes to group exercise studios or the weight room is of no concern to them. Another member may have children and would like more funds set aside to improve programs and services offered to kids and families. With an aging building, more emphasis placed on protecting the environment and our continued pursuit of providing you with cutting-edge equipment, programs and services, the decisions we make must be researched, studied and determined to be what is best for the membership as a whole. We realize these decisions do not always work to one individuals benefit and may even impact them in a negative way. Our purpose is not to upset that one member, but to positively impact an entire membership! Throughout the past six years you have witnessed a tremendous amount of change, from the name of the club to remodels and new construction. The face of Greenwood is different than it was in 2003 but our reputation in the community is strong as ever! Living up to the challenge of being “the premiere athletic and tennis club in the Denver metropolitan area” is an endeavor that all 220 staff members have been ready for and will continue to embrace. But, this endeavor has definitely had its tough moments. From remodels and decisions that were not “taken well” to a flourishing economy in 2007 and a global crisis in 2009. We know some of the tough moments were brought upon ourselves, i.e., the basketball court became the weight room for just over six weeks last summer and now the indoor pool is shut down for a longer time frame than usual because of construction. As we enter into remodels and construction projects, we understand the consequences and are prepared to answer your questions. More recently, GATC staff members have had to face challenges that have been more than difficult and in some cases, personal and volatile. We realize that people may be facing economic challenges this year that are new and difficult to manage, and we know the club is an outlet for people to let go and rid themselves of the stressful situations of day to day living. But please know, the attitude you bring to the club is a decision and the choices you make can either positively or negatively impact another person’s day. The staff at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club will continue to do our best and provide you with the highest level of service. I am asking in return that you respect and value them for the difficult job they have in serving all 7,000+ members. Volatile and aggressive behavior to our staff and fellow members will not be allowed and is looked upon by management and Member Advisory Committee members as intolerable and warrants termination of membership. Remember, Greenwood is a community; a community that we have all built together to protect the health and well-being of its members and staff. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. greenwood athletic and tennis club Proudly Presents Saturday, November 14, 2009 7:00-11:30pm HOT! HOT! HOT! Dancing • Libations • Dining • Gaming What a fresh way to say get well, happy birthday, congratulations, thank you... Save $5 when you pick-up your order.* *Valid for pick-up orders only. Offer valid on select products. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Offer code must be used when placing the order. Offer expires 12/31/09 Code: PULS0909 ©2006 Fruit Festival® To order, please call or visit the location nearest you: Centennial • 7422 South University Blvd Denver • 1685 South Colorado Blvd Q2 Denver • 820 16th Street Mall Suite 101 Littleton • 5066 S. Wadsworth Blvd Unit 104 Parker • 9700 South Parker Road 303-773-2400 303-759-3393 303-825-5900 303-904-1353 303-699-7979 EdibleArrangements.com Copyright © 2008 Edible Arrangements, LLC 4 Franchises Available. Call 1-888-727-4258 Fall 2009 Table of Contents 80+ BIOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 P-NOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 MEMBER SPOTLIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GROUP EXERCISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PERSONAL TRAINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 YOUTH PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 & 9 XRKADE® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 PILATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 AQUATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 & 13 GREENWOOD TIGER SHARKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 TENNIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 MEMBER SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 CONCIERGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 MEMBER COACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 TEAM MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ASK THE EXPERT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ANNIVERSARIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 DIRECTORY/HOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Visit our website! www.GreenwoodATC.com Thank you to the following members for referring a new member during May, June and July 2009. May 2009 Bessie Adamopoulos Tyler Bammert Kian Behbakht Jennifer Bendell Cami Chaplick Carolyn Davis Steve Keul Margot Wimer June 2009 Michael Berg Scott Binder Anne Diamond James Donaldson Mike Duncan Phil Hood Charles Kinney Helen Matthews Marilyn Parfet Chris Renfro Elise Zall July 2009 Micah D'Hondt Dianne Foss Sharon Kasperbauer Nicole Miranda Prescott Nash Cover shot by Joseph Kingry Photojournalism & Freelance Photography 303.358.9523 • www.YellowPaddlePhotography.com Member SPOTlight! MIKE BURROWS Just do it? I did it. I set a goal last October to lose 100 pounds in one year. I realized after I started that I could do it in 10 months if I burned rubber, and I got it done; in nine months, three weeks and two days, to be exact. So excuse my exuberance for feeling like I just moved Pikes Peak to Fort Collins, with one hand tied behind my back. Never in a million years did I think I could pull this off. After being told by my new primary care physician at my first appointment on October 9, that I weighed 333 pounds, I knew my couch-potato lifestyle at age 51 had to change. Especially with my November 4 spine surgery (a five-hour fusion operation to fix a severely herniated disc) on the horizon. When I stepped on the scale in the men’s locker room of the Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club on August 4 this year and weighed 232.5 pounds, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. So I did both, while counting my many blessings. I had plenty of help while losing 100 pounds, starting with longtime friends Kathy and Greg Dziuban of Savannah, GA who gave me the extraordinary gift of a one-year Greenwood membership to push me back into action. I was a Greenwood member during the 1990s and didn’t renew my membership when it expired at the end of 1998. It was the biggest mistake I ever made, because my weight kept creeping up the longer I stayed away. My heartfelt thanks also goes to the extraordinary Greenwood staff members who make this health club the best in the country, not just in Colorado. I can’t imagine a better health club with better facilities and better employees existing anywhere. Those terrific employees include Willie, Francisco and Omar, the men’s locker room attendants who keep that locker room in immaculate condition while going out of their way to make you feel special. Those 100 pounds I lost? You can find them in lane six of Greenwood’s 25-meter indoor pool. That’s where I have been every day since December 15, when I received medical clearance after my spine surgery to get back in the water. I started my aquatic rehab by walking one mile in chest-high water in that lane, then 1.5 miles, then two miles. After a few months, I was walking 2.5 miles, then three miles, then four miles. My record time for walking three miles in the water is two hours, 38 minutes. On August 9, exactly 10 months from the day I set my goal to lose 100 pounds, I “celebrated” by walking five miles in lane six. It took me four hours, 45 minutes. Thank goodness for the invention of the waterproof iPod! And thank goodness for Greenwood, where my next goal is to get down to 200 pounds, hopefully by New Year’s Day. After losing 100, what’s another 32? 5 Group Exercise Kacey Kingry Group Exercise Coordinator 303.770.2582 x312 kaceyk@GreenwoodATC.com LET’S GET TOGETHER Community is defined as a social, religious, occupational or other group sharing common characteristics or interests while perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists. Our community here at Greenwood is a tight knit one and the group exercise family is especially close in its dynamic. My objective as the Group Exercise Coordinator is to facilitate and maintain a healthy and thriving community within all the group exercise studios. I aim to provide you with programming that inspires, challenges and motivates you to be the healthiest, best version of yourself. I have been in the industry for almost 15 years and make every attempt to stay informed and educated as programming changes and evolves. Greenwood is unique in its group exercise history. We have instructors teaching today that have been with the club since its inception over 20 years ago, and participants that have been working and sweating alongside one another for the same duration of time. While we fight to maintain that history, we also strive to bring new and exciting innovations in order to keep our programming fresh. So what is in store next for our wonderful world of GATC group exercise? I need your help. For the final three months of 2009 we will be sampling as many specialty master classes from as many different formats as we can. We will sample classes like Zumba, Hooping, WillPower and Grace and Parcour. I will try to schedule new classes at various times twice per month, then I will ask you to complete a survey to compile your thoughts and wishes. We will experience as many new things as we can, then decide where our group exercise community will journey next. I can’t wait to see where the road might lead us! 6 Personal Training Vic Spatola Director of Personal Training 303.770.2582 x339 vics@GreenwoodATC.com PRE-SEASON SKI CONDITIONING “The will to win is nothing without the will to prepare.” This famous quote from coach Vince Lombardi embodies the need for all athletes to prepare before the season begins, if they hope to succeed at their sport. Skiing is a prime example of how preparation prior to actual execution can not only make the season easier but more fun. Preparing the body with specific exercises that relate to, or simulate your sport prior to the beginning of the season will condition the muscles and connective tissues to perform the necessary movements. Most injuries occur when athletes perform their sports without prior conditioning or warm up and their body is not used to a certain movement pattern or impact. For skiing, lower body strength and stability training is essential for a good season of runs. Preparing the knees, hips and feet for moguls or quick turns in powder can eliminate debilitating injuries that can ruin your season. But why begin so early? The human body needs a minimum of six weeks of continual training to create a meaningful adaptation in the muscles, tendons and joints. Given this, now is the perfect time to begin a training program that includes these good skiing exercises: 1. One leg side to side hops 2. Jumping from one BOSU to another 3. Squats 4. Weighted lunges 5. Using the WAVE for cardiovascular training For more precise instruction please consult one of our knowledgeable personal trainers or enroll in our Stix and Boards program, coming this fall. 7 Youth Programs Julie Phillips Youth Program Coordinator 303.770.2582 x287 juliep@GreenwoodATC.com The kids will have fun doing arts and crafts, playing gym games and swimming. The price includes lunch and snacks. Dates: October 12, 13, 26-30, November 13, 23-25, 27, December 21-23, 28-30, January 1, 4, 5, 18, February 12, 15-19, 26, March 1, 5, 22-31, April 1, 2, 5-9, May 7 TIME: COST: PARTIES BIRTHDAY PARTIES Let Greenwood do the party for you. Celebrate your child’s birthday with age-appropriate games and activities. We offer a variety of fun, safe and unique party plans. We also coordinate pool parties. Call Julie for pricing. GREENWOOD’S SPOOKTACULAR 9:00am-3:00pm $55 Member/$65 Non-Member (Price is per day) After camp 3:00-6:00pm $20/day BASKETBALL PROGRAMS MVP’S (ages 11-14) This is your child’s opportunity to grow as a basketball player. MVP’S provides year-round and monthly classes with the goal of letting each player develop their strengths and work on their weaknesses. Dates: October 6-27, November 3-24, December 1-22 Join us for ghoulish games, creepy crafts and a jump castle. Wear your best costume for the costume contest. Also bring your trickor-treat bag for toys and candy. DAYS/TIME: COST: Thursday, October 29, 4:00-5:00pm LITTLE SHOOTERS (ages 6-10) PRINCESS PARTY (ages 3-12) Come dressed as your favorite princess. We will provide arts and crafts and dinner. We will watch a princess movie and do princess hair and nails. CAMPS SCHOOL BREAK BASKETBALL CAMPS (ages 7-13) This camp will introduce fast paced drills, position specific instruction, offensive/defensive footwork, shooting, rebounding and much more! Camps include lunch, snacks, swimming, goodie bags and prizes. Dates: October 26-29, December 28-31 TIME: COST: 8:00am-3:00pm $220 Member/$250 Non-Member This camp focuses on ball control and shooting techniques. Coach Tim will work on form and footwork, ball handling skills, shooting off the dribble or pass and give a breakdown of shooting technique. Dates: September 6, October 18, November 1, December 13 1:00-3:00pm $40 Member/$60 Non-Member parties This program will introduce your child to the basic fundamentals of basketball through games, drills and skill testing. Each child will receive awards based on attendance, attitude and demonstration of basic skills. Dates: October 6-27, November 3-24, December 1-22 LITTLE HOOPSTERS (ages 4-5) Your child will learn at an early age to participate in sports as part of a healthy and active lifestyle. Dates: October 6-27, November 3-24, December 1-22 DAYS/TIME: COST: Tuesdays, 4:30-5:15pm $70 Member/$100 Non-Member 3 ON 3 SATURDAY LEAGUE (ages 7+) SHOOTING AND BALL HANDLING CAMPS (ages 7-13) TIME: COST: Tuesdays, 7:15-8:30pm $109 Member/$160 Non-Member AGES/TIMES: 6-7 years Tuesdays, 5:15-6:15pm 8-10 years Tuesdays, 6:15-7:15pm COST: $89 Member/$130 Non-Member (1 class per week) Friday, October 9, 5:00-8:00pm 8 CAMP GREENWOOD- SCHOOL DAYS OUT (ages 5-12) camps Join GATC Saturdays for a few basketball games with your friends. Players may sign up as a group of three or four, or individually. Dates: October 3-31 AGES/TIMES: Youth – 4th and 5th grade, 12:00-1:30pm Middle School – 6th-8th grade, 1:30-3:00pm High School – 9th-12th grade, 3:00-4:30pm Adult – High School Graduate and up, 4:30-6:00pm COST: $100 Member/$140 Non-Member basketball tennis junior gym PROGRAMS LITTLE LOBBERS TENNIS (ages 3-4) HOLIDAY DROP AND SHOP (ages 2-13) USTA-certified instructor Lisa Thomas will introduce your child to the fundamentals of tennis in a fun-filled and non-competitive environment. Dates: October 1-30, November 2-30, December 3-21 DAYS/TIMES: Mondays, 1:15-2:15pm Thursdays, 1:15-2:15pm Fridays, 9:30-10:30am COST: $86 Member/$106 Non-Member This class includes 45 minutes of stretching, tumbling and individual use of equipment. Junior Gym promotes self confidence and positive social skills in a non-competitive, fun atmosphere while developing large and small motor skills. Kids’ Club will drop off and pick up kids in Junior Gym. Dates: October 5-26, November 2-30, December 7-28 Mike Schultz is a 3rd degree black belt with over seventeen years of combined Tae Kwon Do experience, including over twelve years of teaching. Laura Culver is a 2nd degree black belt. Mike and Laura’s program will help students in aspects of life such as increased confidence and self-esteem, coordination, attention span, improved grades, weight loss and much more. Dates: October 2-30, November 4-20, December 2-18 Kids’ Club is a drop-off facility for use during the parent’s workout. Reservations are not required. Kids’ Club is equipped for physical activities as well as quiet ones. There are computers, balls, physically challenging space maze, art projects, stories and games. Drop off anytime Monday-Friday 8:00am-7:00pm, and Saturday and Sunday 8:00am-3:00pm. Call Julie for pricing. Every Friday morning in Kids’ Club we offer craft time consisting of art projects, stories and games. DAYS: Wednesdays, 5:00-5:30pm Fridays, 5:00-5:30pm 7-13 years Wednesdays, 5:30-6:15pm Fridays, 4:15-5:00pm $85 Member/$105 Non-Member (1 class/week) $105 Member/$125 Non-Member (2 classes/week) KIDS YOGA (ages 5-13) Kids Yoga is the best of both worlds...playing and exercising. Through Asana (yoga positions) we teach the kids good posture, build bone density, encourage flexibility and promote good self-esteem. Kids can improve cardiovascular ability, balance, and flexibility as they play in an obstacle course/circuit set up especially for them. It is never to early to learn that being healthy can be fun! Drop your kids off at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club for a night of fun for everyone! The kids will have a great time swimming, dancing and playing, and you can have a night all to yourself. Dinner is provided. Dates: October 16, November 20, December 18 DAYS: 5:00-9:00pm $30 Member/$50 Non-Member (1 child) $40 Member/$60 Non-Member (family of 2 kids) $60 Member/$80 Non-Member (family of 3 kids) parents night out 4:00-4:45pm 4:45-5:15pm KIDS CIRCUIT CLASS (ages 5-8) PARENTS NIGHT OUT (ages 3-13) tae kwon do Fridays, 10:00-11:00am DAYS: Tuesdays AGES/TIMES: 9-13 years 5-8 years AGES/TIMES: 4-6 years TIME: COST: 7:00-10:00am, 12:00-3:00pm $25 Member/$35 Non-Member COMPLIMENTARY CLASSES CRAFT CLASS (ages 3+ years) 9:30-10:15am $65 Member/$85 Non-Member TAE KWON DO (ages 4-13) COST: TIME: COST: KIDS’ CLUB (ages 6 weeks-12 years) JUNIOR GYM (ages 3-4) TIMES: COST: It’s time to be thinking about the holidays. Drop the kids off with us and organize your holiday plans and shopping. Snacks and crafts will be provided. Dates: November 27, December 12 drop and shop Thursdays, 4:00-4:45pm Visit our website www.GreenwoodATC.com kids club yoga 9 XRKade® XRKADE® TEEN NIGHT (ages 12-19) INTERACTIVE-You must move! FITNESS-It's a workout! GAMING-It's fun! 1. Add XRKade to your membership for $50/month 2. A fun, safe, place for all ages 5 to adult 3. Parents must be on premises unless child is Youth Certified 4. Two-hour time limit 5. Only athletic club members may add XRKade® 6. Fee-based programs complimentary for XRKade® members; registration still required. Birthday parties excluded. Drop in fees for two-hour visit: • Athletic club member - $15 • Non-member - $15 + club guest fee XRKADE® XTREME BIRTHDAY PARTY Welcome to the easiest birthday party you will ever host! Kids can snowboard on the XR-Board, race across the desert on ATV’s or Gamebikes, climb on the Treadwall or even dance their hearts out on Dance Dance Revolution. Price includes a one and one half hour party with 10 children. PARTY TIMES: Fridays, 6:00-7:30pm Saturdays and Sundays after 3:00pm COST: $275 Member/$325 Non-Member XRKade® powered by Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club is the place for teens to spend a Friday night. They will have a great time working out, dancing and playing. Dinner will be provided. Dates: October 30, November 27, January 1 TIME: COST: 5:00-9:00pm $40 Club Member/$60 Non-Member X-MEN GUYS NIGHT OUT (ages 21+) Calling all adult gamers who want a night out with the guys. Join XRKade® for fitness, fun and a few beverages. Date: November 14 TIME: COST: 6:00-8:00pm $20 Club Member/$40 Non-Member G-FORCE LADIES NIGHT OUT (ages 21+) Ladies, come to XRKade® for a workout, socialize and try Ben’s special “X-artini”. Date: November 21 TIME: COST: 6:00-8:00pm $20 Club Member/$40 Non-Member FAMILY NIGHT Loose all control having fun with your family. Play games, compete and work out. Dinner is provided. Price is per family. Date: November 28 TIME: COST: 6:00-8:00pm $50 Club Member/$80 Non-Member XRKade ® ACTIVE GAMING 10 Pilates Sara Talbert Director of Pilates 303.770.2582 x375 sarat@GreenwoodATC.com PILATES-MORE THAN A PASSING FAD Pilates continues to be one of the fastest growing exercise methods for all walks of life from pre-teens to professional athletes. Pilates is embraced not only as a form of specialized training and physical rehabilitation, but as a deeply effective method of achieving health and well-being. Why is Pilates, an exercise system that was created 90 years ago, now experiencing such remarkable popularity and growth? People everywhere are becoming more aware of the full spectrum of wellness. We have been bombarded with information confirming the importance physical activity plays in leading happy and healthy lives, lives which have grown increasingly less active and more stressful, filled with long days sitting at the computer writing that oh-so-important email. The pace of today’s society, the worldwide aging population and the public awareness of the mind-body connection has created an increasing interest in Pilates and other mindful exercise programs. The popularity of Pilates with celebrities and athletes, whose careers depend on keeping fit, is a clear indicator of its effectiveness. The list of famous names that swear by the Pilates method of exercise is large and growing. Media attention and increasing consumer awareness has made Pilates the hottest trend in fitness today, but Pilates is much more than a passing fad. This innovative exercise system has transformed many lives and has stood the test of time. If you have not tried this incredible method of body conditioning, what are you waiting for? I encourage you to look into this holistic mind-body approach that will provide you a tool to de-stress, gain strength and range of motion, and of course, prepare you for the ski slopes this winter. Greenwood has one of the finest Pilates studios in the country with top notch instructors. We offer a full spectrum of programming, from complimentary mat classes to specialty workshops to private one-on-one training. Together, the GATC instructors bring 60+ years of teaching experience to you. Give it a try! AT GREENWOOD ATHLETIC AND TENNIS CLUB Invite your friend to purchase an intro pack and receive your next private lesson at 20% off *Expires December 31, 2009. Good for first time clients and private session only. 11 Aquatics Katie Luellen Aquatics Coordinator 303.770.2582 x325 katiel@GreenwoodATC.com YOU’RE NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN TO SWIM! GATC offers many options for adult swimmers: • Private lessons for those who need to overcome anxiety of the water • Small group classes if you are comfortable in the water but have never learned proper strokes • Larger group programs to help accomplish your fitness goals Working out in the water, whether swimming laps, walking, deep water running, water aerobics or our Water Warrior class can take some pressure off your joints, enhance your regular fitness routine and help you achieve a long and lean swimmer body. ADULT SWIM CLASSES Classes are broken into two levels to accommodate all adults regardless of your needs. The beginner class teaches a natural progression of water introduction and confidence in a comfortable atmosphere to adults who want to swim properly and aren’t afraid of the water. In the intermediate class, swimmers increase their technique in all four competitive strokes and get an introduction to sets. Dates: October 5-26, November 2-16, November 30-December 21 DAYS/TIMES: Intermediate Mondays, 8:00-9:00am Beginner Mondays, 9:00-9:45am COST: $60 Member/$80 Non-Member (October, December) $45 Member/$60 Non-Member (November) MASTERS SWIM TEAM This program welcomes swimmers of diverse backgrounds and abilities. Whether you train for fitness or competition we offer stroke technique, and structured workouts in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Our experienced coaches are Michael Mann and Nick Levine. Mike has 40 years of competitive swimming under his belt as well as six FINA world masters swimming records, eight National records, multiple Masters national and FINA world titles. Mike has coached at all age levels and is here Mondays and Fridays. Nick is the Head Age Group Coach of the Tiger Sharks and coaches Wednesdays. Nick swam the English Channel in 2007, and is currently training for his second attempt in 2010. DAYS/TIME: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 5:30-6:45am COST: $100 Member annual fee 12 WATER WARRIOR WORKOUT (ages 13+) This high intensity class uses the resistance of the water to enhance exercises you would do on land. Circuits and intervals of core work, kickboxing, jumps, push ups, etc. Feeling comfortable submerged and the ability to tread water is required. Dates: Call Katie for next session dates PRIVATE LESSONS (ages 3+) Private lessons are available for all abilities and skill levels and are arranged through the Aquatics Coordinator, Katie Luellen. We offer private, semi-private and trio lessons from 15 minutes to an hour. Prices vary per lesson length. COST: $32 Member/ $38 Non-Member (30 minute) PARENT/TOT LESSONS (ages 8 months-3 years) Parents are taught how to work in the water with their child with an emphasis on safety and fun. Dates: October 5-19, November 2-16, November 30-December 13 DAYS/TIME: Mondays, 5:30-5:50pm COST: $24 Member/$36 Non-Member SWIM AMERICA (ages 3+) Developed by the American Swim Coaches Association, there are ten stations (levels) within the program. They begin with blowing bubbles and finish with the completion of a 300IM. Safety, instruction, fitness and fun are the goals we strive for in our lessons. Dates: October 5-24, November 2-21, November 30-December 19 DAYS/TIMES: Mondays, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30pm Thursdays, 10:00, 10:30am Thursdays, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30pm Saturdays, 10:00, 10:30am COST: $42 Member/$57 Non-Member STROKE SCHOOL (ages 6-13) This 45-minute class focuses on further stroke development and provides a transition into Swim Conditioning, Summer Leagues and the Tiger Sharks Swim Team. Swimmers must be able to swim one length of freestyle with side breathing, one length of backstroke and have been introduced to diving. Dates: October 6-24, November 3-21, December 1-19 DAYS/TIMES: Tuesdays, 4:00 or 5:00pm Wednesdays, 4:00 or 5:00pm Thursdays, 4:00 or 5:00pm Saturdays, 10:00 or 10:45am COST: $36 Member/$47 Non-Member SWIM CONDITIONING (ages 11-18) Coach Robin Holland combines training with stroke technique, focusing on gaining strength and conditioning in a low-key atmosphere. This non-competitive group is a great alternative to Greenwood Tiger Sharks for those who want all the benefits of training without racing. Dates: November 3-December 17 (No class November 24, 26) DAYS/TIME: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:15-8:30pm COST: $117 Member/$159 Non-Member Greenwood Tiger Sharks TRIATHLON SPECIFIC SWIM TRAINING PROGRAM GREENWOOD TIGER SHARKS This program will prepare swimmers to complete the swim portion of any triathlon. Workouts coached by Dennis Mellon will focus on swimming skills, drills, strength, speed, endurance and technique. Workouts will be held in the indoor pool. It was definitely a great summer for the Greenwood Tiger Sharks! Not only were they making a splash in their neighborhood teams dual meets and in the championship and all-star meets, they were winning their individual races and setting new summer league records. They were also very successful at Colorado Long Course State Championships as well as placing high at Western Sectionals, where several swimmers qualified for Junior Nationals and one swimmer qualified for the US Open. Congratulations to all of our swimmers on their successes! Over the summer, state championships, sectionals and travel trips have brought the Tiger Sharks closer as a team. Athletes from around the metro area and from neighborhood teams merged into a USA swimming team and formed a close camaraderie, with many making plans to socialize outside of swimming. Kids from all backgrounds and from different area schools came together and became one team - that’s what the Tiger Sharks are all about. When the young summer club swimmers come to us, they typically start with two-three workouts a week and over time the commitment becomes greater. This allows them to come to love swimming through high school, college and hopefully as a lifelong sport. Many individuals think that the Tiger Sharks are only about working hard, but we also like to have fun! Of course, there are those times when we want the kids to work really hard. How else are they going to get fast enough to reach their goals, whether they are winning summer club championships, making a state qualifying time with the Tiger Sharks or even competing in the Olympics? In order to reach any of these goals, swimming year round will always be valuable. It helps develop a great sense of team and sportsmanship, an ability to push yourself to get better at all ages and levels, a good sense of time management in school and throughout life, and respect for your coaches, teammates and yourself. There are still spots available for swimmers 10 and under. Contact Coach Scott or Coach Nick to find out if the Tiger Sharks are the right fit for your young athlete. Head Coach Scott Cummins x350-Scottc@greenwoodATC.com Head Age Group Coach Nick Levine x407-Nickl@greenwoodATC.com Participation as a Tiger Shark requires club membership and monthly team dues. DAYS/TIMES: Tuesdays, 11:00am-12:00pm Thursdays, 11:00am-12:00pm COST: $50 Members Only/Calendar Month Program participants are welcome to attend any swim workout. MULTI-SPORT TRAINING CONSULTATION Dennis Mellon will meet with you to set up a training plan using scientific training principles. He will help you reach your goals by using the classes and programs GATC has to offer, as well as giving you specific workouts for your time spent outside the gym. Dennis suggests monthly consults where he will provide you with a focused plan based on accomplishing your performance goals. COST: $75/hour PERSONALIZED ONLINE COACHING If you are looking for a more personalized training program, Dennis Mellon also offers individualized Multi-Sport Coaching. Athletes utilizing this program receive a weekly training plan that works around your individual schedule, ability and goals. You will have regular online contact with Dennis. COST: $150/Calendar Month 13 Tennis Ron Steege, Director of Tennis 303.770.2582 x394 rons@GreenwoodATC.com The summer of 2009 flew by! Some highlights of the season included the installation of two Pro Bounce tennis courts and the MemberGuest tournament. Tracy Austin made an appearance at the player party held at HW Home where over $10,000 in prizes were handed out and $3,000 was raised for the CYTF. All of our USTA teams were competitive in each of their divisions, with our women’s 5.0 team just barely missing an invite to nationals by one game! As I write this, it looks like our senior teams are doing great and facing playoff implications. Junior Team tennis was huge this year and very competitive! 13 of 23 teams qualified for state playoffs, unfortunately we didn't capture any titles but we were in contention! Congratulations and many thanks to all of our captains and players. I can’t wait till next year when we get to do it all over again! Members, please send me your tennis photos and accomplishments. I'd love to put them up on our blog! Sights of Summer Tennis 2009 14 Member Services Lisa Thomas Director of Member Services 303.770.2582 x284 lisat@GreenwoodATC.com Join GATC Saturdays for a few basketball games with your friends. Players may sign up as a group of three or four, or individually. Call Julie at x287 for more details. Dates: October 3-31 AGES/TIMES: Adult – High School Graduate and up, 4:30-6:00pm COST: $100 Member/$140 Non-Member FLU SHOTS We will again offer on-site vaccination services for influenza, pneumonia and tetanus. DATES: Monday, October 12, 6:00-9:00am Wednesday, October 14, 4:00-7:00pm Tuesday, October 20, 4:00-7:00pm Thursday, October 22, 6:00-9:00am Monday, October 26, 6:00-9:00am Thursday, October 29, 4:00-7:00pm Dates are subject to change based on vaccine availability. COST: Influenza $25 Flu mist $40 Pneumonia $50 Tetanus $50 BONE DENSITY / OSTEOPOROSIS SCREENING & BODY COMPOSITION TESTING To find out your most accurate body fat levels or to benchmark your bone health, sign up for a DEXA screening. DEXA, the same equipment used in hospitals, provides a three-component model: lean tissue, body fat and bone mass. DAY/DATE: LOCATION: COST: 3 ON 3 SATURDAY LEAGUE CARDIO KIDS IS ROCKIN! Encourage your kids, 9-13, to work out with you and earn prizes for doing so! Here’s how it works: 1. Visit the Activity Desk for a wristband to wear during your workout 2. Save your wristbands 3. Collect three bands in one week 4. Exchange your bands for a prize at the Activity Desk 5. Nothing to pay…it’s FREE! LOCKERS You work too hard all day to worry about your workout gear. Did you know that for as little as $1.30 per day, you can store your workout gear in your own personal locker? We will even wash, dry and fold your clothes at no additional cost. Two sizes are available, half size and full size. Take away your stress and take advantage of this wonderful service by contacting Lisa at x284 or lisat@GreenwoodATC.com. Monday, November 9 Mobile lab at GATC $119 for single test $149 for both tests BLOOD SCREENING Learn about your overall health through blood screenings. Six tests are available including the VAP test which is an expanded cholesterol test that will increase your doctor’s ability to detect your risk of heart disease. Other tests will measure blood sugar levels, mineral levels, diabetes risks and even prostate concerns for men. (10-12 hour FAST is advised) Dates: October 7, November 4, December 2 DAYS/TIME: COST: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30am $58 Regular Blood Work (chem. screen, TSH, lipid profile) $32 CBC (complete blood count) $57 PSA (prostate screening) $65 Hgb A1C (diabetes screening) $75 Cardio CRP (cardio risk marker) $155 VAP (expanded cholesterol test – includes regular blood work) ADULT DROP IN BASKETBALL This program is provided free of charge to GATC members. Show up at the appropriate time, ready to play and have fun! DAYS/TIMES: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 11:15am-1:15pm Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6:00-7:30am Saturday, 8:00-11:00am Sunday, 7:30-9:30am 15 Concierge Member Coach Nancy McCloskey Concierge 303.770.2582 x335 Christy Leimkuehler Member Coach 303.770.2582 x320 nancem@GreenwoodATC.com christyl@GreenwoodATC.com Feeling “fried” after the summer months? Try out some healthy recipes provided by GATC members and staff in our Slices of Greenwood Cookbook available in November. Purchase through the Concierge office or the Front Desk. Share a holiday gift idea with your very own recipe in it. Another unique holiday gift idea is the opportunity to order personalized greeting cards. Order a packaged set of cards created from a photo you have or a photo from our archives. CONFERENCE ROOM JAPAT INTERNATIONAL October 5 and 6, November 30, December 1 and 2, 8:30am-5:30pm IMAGE ESSENTIALS October 14 and 15, December 22, 8:00am-2:00pm DONNA K DESIGNS October 19, November 16 and 17, December 7 and 8, 7:30am-6:00pm NEVER PAY RETAIL (NPR) October 20 and 21, November 23 and 24, December 14 and 15, 8:00am-5:00pm FABULOUS FAUX November 2 and 3, December 16 and 17, 9:00am-5:00pm TESORI POTTERY November 4 and 5, 8:00am-5:30pm STUDIO 7 ARTISTS November 9 and 10, 8:30-5:30pm DEB FINE DEZINES JEWELRY November 11, December 3, December 9, 8:00am-1:00pm B-HIP CLOTHING November 12, December 21, 8:30am-1:30pm TREASURED CREATIONS November 18, 8:30am-5:30pm GOLDEN DESIGNS November 19, 8:30am-5:30pm COQUETTE November 30 and December 1, 8:00am-5:30pm 2009 HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE-LOBBY AREA December 14, 15, and 16, 8:30am-5:30pm featuring Mamayo, Golden Designs, Mudworks Pottery, Mimi Designs and LifesSweet Photo Albums HEALTH CPR CERTIFICATION CLASSES 2009 DATES: October 22, November 24, and December 29 TIMES: 2:00-5:30pm or 5:30-9:00pm COST: $35 Members/$45 Non-Members 16 HELP ME, HELP YOU In my position, I’ve come across many members who seem to have given up on their exercise programs. For some, you’ve tried it all and it seems there may not be anything else out there to keep your mind and body challenged. As your Member Coach, I am here to help you see that there is hope! Part of my job is to help members who need to shake up their workouts and re-energize their focus at the gym. (And did I mention this is all complimentary?) Sometimes it just takes a fresh perspective to help you turn things around. Another solution to the workout boredom you may be feeling? Look around you! The great thing about our facility is that it is busting at the seams with people who love to exercise and have fun doing it. You can find inspiration or motivation from your instructors, the person next to you in class or the member you walk into the gym with every day. We are a community and we take care of each other. As much as we are here to help ourselves, we are also here to help each other and my goal as Member Coach is to help as many members as I can. Give me a call! HOT PRODUCTS IN SPORTS NUTRITION As the leaves turn and the snow begins to fly, Coloradoans trade their mountain bikes and running shoes for skis and snowboards. So what is the best sports drink for cold weather exercise? Below is my review of four different hot drinks and their best use. 1. Clif Hot Chocolate Recovery drink Clif Hot Chocolate Recovery Drink is best used within 30 minutes after a workout. The product contains the correct ratio of carbohydrate:protein to ensure replenishment of glycogen and muscle repair. Green Tea extract in the drink provides antioxidants and phytochemicals that protect against oxidative damage that can occur during exercise. The amount of caffeine in this product is insignificant. 2. Clif Hot Apple Cider electrolyte drink The amount of electrolyte drink that an athlete needs is dependent on how much they sweat and whether they are salty sweaters. Most endurance athletes will need an electrolyte replacement for exercise lasting longer than 45 minutes. 3. Tazo Chai Tea Latte Concentrate Tazo Chai Tea Latte made with nonfat milk could be used before exercise or as a recovery snack when paired with a small amount of additional protein, like a few almonds or a string cheese. There is good research to show that caffeine, when consumed before exercise, can improve performance. However, the small amount in this product will probably not provide noticeable results. For some people consuming food or drink that contains protein before exercise may cause digestive issues. For those people, this drink would not be a good choice. 4. Nonfat Caffe Latte A 16 ounce nonfat latte could be used as a recovery drink if consumed with an additional source of carbohydrate, like a fruit and nut bar, fruit or oatmeal. For more information about sports nutrition contact Beth Jauquet at 303-355-3800 or www.cherrycreeknutrition.com. GATC Team Members MAY 2009 TEAM MEMBER OF THE MONTH Jason Mondragon XRKade®/Kids’ Club Jason is a Colorado native from Boulder. He began his GATC employment in January 2009 in the Kids’ Club, but is now the manager of XRKade® where he coaches children to have fun and exercise their mind and body. Jason attends Metro State College, studying to become a physical education teacher. Jason’s girlfriend is Ashley Redden, a GATC Member Services Manager-On-Duty, and his “baby” is a Husky dog named Kya. When not at GATC, he enjoys coaching and playing basketball, as well as many outdoor sports and activities, such as camping and hiking. Jason recognizes GATC member, Penni Springer, for her positive and friendly attitude towards everyone around her. JUNE 2009 TEAM MEMBER OF THE MONTH Sara Wilson Business Team/Member Accounts Sara was born in Ulysses, Kansas and grew up in Elkhart, KS. She moved to Colorado four years ago and began her GATC employment in January 2007. She is a Member Accounts Representative on the Business Team, assisting members with status changes and billing questions. Sara lives with her sister Glenda, who has also been a GATC Team Member as a swim lesson instructor. When not at the club, Sara enjoys spending time with family and friends, sports activities and really enjoys going to Rockies baseball games. Sara recognizes member Patricia McCarty, for her will and determination to maintain a consistent and healthy lifestyle and for her constant kindness and generosity towards others. JULY 2009 TEAM MEMBER OF THE YEAR Paul Chavez Fitness Instructor/Intern Paul is a Denver native and has lived in Colorado his entire life. He just recently came to GATC in May 2009 to complete a Fitness Internship and has now been hired as a GATC Fitness Instructor and also works with other fitness and training programs. He graduated from Colorado State University in May with a degree in Health and Exercise Science, concentrating in Health Promotion. Paul enjoys active outdoor sports such as soccer, skiing, mountain and dirt biking, and camping. He comes from a very large and close family, who he loves to spend time with in addition to his friends. Ask the Expert Julie Phillips Youth Program Coordinator 303.770.2582 x287 juliep@greenwoodatc.com CHILDHOOD OBESITY A report from Academic Pediatrics stated that childhood obesity has tripled in the last 25 years. Obesity results from the imbalance of energy expenditure and energy intake resulting in weight gain when a child is consuming more than they expend. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey defines a child as obese if their body mass index (BMI) is ≥ 95th percentile for ages and gender. Obesity at such a young age is putting children at risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and other chronic illnesses later in life. The two major causes of obesity are higher food consumption and less exercise. Energy intake or food consumption has increased due to increased portion sizes and high calorie convenience foods. Americans are so busy these days that convenience takes priority over health. Families often look for something that is easy to prepare and inexpensive. Secondly, Americans have become less active. Many physical education programs have been cut in our schools and children are spending more time indoors increasing time spent watching TV, surfing the Internet and playing video games on the couch. The International Heath, Racquet and Sportsclub Association has come up with key guidelines for children. Physical activity should be a part of your child’s daily routine totaling at least 60 minutes including aerobic activity and strength training. Aerobic activities include: running, skipping, jumping rope, swimming and dancing, increasing cardio respiratory fitness. Muscle strengthening activities include time on the playground, climbing a tree or body weight calisthenics. Top Ten ways Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club combats childhood obesity: 1. Kids’ Club - A drop-off facility for children, six weeks to 12 years that is equipped for physical activities including dodge ball, basketball and a maze 2. Camp Greenwood-Offers children, 5 - 12 years, the opportunity to become acquainted with a variety of sports and activities 3. XRKade® - A cutting edge environment complete with the most advanced exer-gaming, making people become a “human joystick”, merging video games and fitness 4. Youth Programs - Programs for all ages including Little Lobbers, Jr. Boot Camp, basketball classes, Junior Gym and Tae Kwon Do 5. Greenwood Athletic Performance Academy - Conditions the body and replicates specific sport and life movements to take your athlete to the next level 6. Cardio Kids - Every time a child uses cardiovascular machines or takes a class with their parent, they become eligible for a prize 7. Group Exercise Classes - Kids yoga and circuit training 8. Personal Training and Pilates - A trainer will individualize your childs workout focusing on form and technique 9. Greenwood Tiger Sharks - Nationally ranked, competitive swim team 10. Junior Tennis - Provides tennis programs, camps and individual training 17 Anniversaries Thank you and congratulations to the following members celebrating club anniversaries in October, November and December! 20 Years Barbara Andrews Steven and Deborah Aragon Michael and Kathryn Burg J.J. and Patte Burkholder Dot Dulaney Eileen Hannah James Jeannelle Daniel and Suzie Kamlet Bette MacDonald Jerry Kashinski and Mary McBride Tiger and Bruce McLennan Mary and Henry Milgrom Rick and Cathy Neistat Michael and Lynn Nelson Charles and Joanne Olmstead Gavin Writer 15 Years Jean and Cliff Barker Ned and Susan Calonge David and Joyce Charles Asa Yancey Jr. and Sally Coates Stuart and Charlotte Davis Carlos and Mary De La Rosa Karen Dolan Greg and Tina Downs David Rosenberg and Debby Dyer Sara Grace Timothy and Pam Hascall Mary and William Haub Robert MacKinnon Janalee and Morris McDonald Hap Patz David and Nancy Schaal Gary and Suzan Schlatter David Ray and Susie St. John Jann and Theodore Stathos John Brown and Stephanie Stolte John Tyler Skip Weller 10 Years Kathy Ashenfelter Peter and Nancy Bauer Larry Blanton Ruth Dashiell Kristina Davidson Glenn Dykstra Patricia and Chris Elliott Erik Mathys and Debra Gander Frank Garr Terri Gillespie John and Susan Hopko Kevin and Mary Ann Kammerer Barbara and Michael Katz Joel McGlynn Lydia and Dick McKee Michelle McLeod Jean and David Milofsky Donnis and Mike Moore Kent and Janet Moore 18 Diana and Doug Pahnke John and Rosanne Pappas Ginger Rosacker Kelly and Paul Rosas Mark and Laura Salvato Robert and Lori Shaw John Sullivan Stuart Thomas Jennifer and Paul Timmins Valerie and Phillip Watts Kathryn Whitaker Mike and Margaret Wilfley Jan and Kirk Williams 5 Years Rachel Aguirre George Borrego Brenda and Tom Byrne Kay Christensen Abbe Conrad Mark and Analee Conway Kristen Cousino Lori and Michael Drew Allie Fall John and Pamela Ferguson Gary and Janet Forrest Renee Butler and Richard Galvin Michael Gilly Robert Walker and Cristy Godwin James Graham Michael and Carol Gutesha Ben Halvorson Melissa Heiter Kelly and Tim Hubble Elizabeth and Edward Huguez Ryan and Kassandra Hurley Sharie Jaeger T. Scott Kennedy Angela Kirgan Nancy Komatz Abigail Kortz Joyce and William Lew Siobhan Lien Chris and Laurie Marlowe Ann McCulloh Andy McKinstry Kurt Nelson Corey Nikoloric Ryan O'Connor Bebe O'Neil Tonja Petticrew Margot and Marc Pinto Craig and Laurie Poulter Kristin Prevedel Jeff Puckett Daniel Richter Annie and Rod Schluter Janice and Don Simpson Linda Smith Craig and Sara Spring Andrew and Stephanie Stewart Dirk and Jean Tinley Judy and Tom Tinney Barbara Vander Wall Duncan and Kelley White Jerry Winterrowd Debbie Yoon Peter Zurawel 1 Year Karen Burch and Willis Ashby Steven Arnold Christie and Bob Austin Tyler Bammert Daniel Barotz Brett Bartscherer Candace Beatty Michelle and Grant Beeman Jim and Kristin Benoist Katie Logan and Michael Benoit Carrie Blum Aubree Brown Nick Burket Todd and Janney Carpenter Jeff and Teri Castledine Douglas and Dana Chorpenning Guy and Sheile Cook Julio Da Silva Sally and George Davidson Edward Davies Cullen Davis Doug and Kristi Dawson Kiki Deans Frederic Deloizaga Matt and Sydnee Dorighi Jeanie and Dave Eansor Dave and Megan Ems Meshach and Yao Ferris Holly and Dean Flora Alexandra Fortier Carl Gaspar Travis Goldstein Michael and Ja-Sun Gordon Elaine Griggs Allison Harms Lisa Harring Rachel Hoffenberg Shelly Huff Cj and Peggy Hummell M.C. Hunter Caroline Hurst Ken Johnson Teri Jozefkowicz Krishnan Kannan Stephen and Saskia Keyes Matthew and Linda Knudsen Lisa Koenigsberg Sarah Kough Ed Leblanc Casey Leonhart Kathy Liddell Keli Loehr Rick and Teresa Logan Alane Maris Mahuna Steve and Kristin Markey John Marszalek John and Shirley Martin Jan Maucec Sandra Mavros Gavin Mccarty Kristin and Mark Mckissick Alex and Melissa Menter Jonathan Merage David and Laura Merage Kelly and Jonathan Millen Jim Miller Wren Johnson and Jim Miller Jaque Milofsky Bruce Montoya Tim and Susanne Mooney Ryan Morrison Georgia Mucilli Linda Murphy David and Katherine Murphy Linda Nash-Rosenfield Ronald Norman Richard O'Brien Amy O'Brien Yelya Pasechnyuk and Piotr Olkowski Andy Olson Jim Parr Stuart and Heather Platt Mark Rackley Pete Rebstock Sarah Riggs Jeff Riggs Matt Robinson Richard Ronald Jeff Reiman and Joyce Rubin Sarah Rudd Eric Rutter Krislyn Sayre Tom Lemmer and Linda SippelLemmer Kathy Speicher Zach Steffens George and Cindy Straughan Holly Stull Kerry Stutzman Tyler Sullivan Kimberlie and Glen Summers Kate Sutton Marci Teague Christine and Steven Tedesco Greg Thiessen Jennifer Torrance Heather Ungerman Kara Vinton Rick and Nancy Wallace James Weir Julie and Rich Wham Dana Yurglich Michael and Kelly Zara Jeffrey Zimmer Club Directory & Hours HOURS OF OPERATION Athletic Club 303-770-2582 HOURS OF OPERATION ink! COFFEE x288 Greenwood@GreenwoodATC.com Monday-Thursday 5:00am - 10:00pm Friday 5:00am - 9:00pm Saturday 6:00am - 8:00pm Sunday 7:00am - 8:00pm Monday-Friday Saturday/Sunday Tennis Club 303-771-2588 Monday-Thursday 5:30am - 10:00pm Friday 5:30am - 8:00pm Saturday/Sunday 7:00am - 8:00pm Please check the website for guest pass information. Kids’ Club Monday-Friday Saturday/Sunday 8:00am - 7:00pm 8:00am - 3:00pm Membership Office Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday/Sunday 7:30am - 7:30pm 8:00am - 6:30pm 9:00am - 5:00pm Business Office Monday-Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm XRKade® Hours of operation posted at desks. 6:30am - 7:30pm 8:00am - 5:00pm 8:00am - 7:30pm 9:00am - 7:30pm Physiotherapy Associates 303-694-9193 Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday 7:00am - 6:00pm 7:00am - 4:00pm 8:00am - 12:00pm Fransua’s Hair & Nail Salon 303-770-0201 Monday-Friday Saturday Guest fee for club members Children 13 and under (must be accompanied by an adult 18 and older) 10 adult guest pass package (members only) Guest fee for non-members (all ages) Ethereal Day Spa 720-200-4255 Monday-Saturday Sunday CLUB GUEST FEES 8:00am - 6:00pm 8:00am - 4:00pm PULSE Advertising Information 303-770-2582 x305 tiffany@GreenwoodATC.com PULSE Graphics Information sherriw@GreenwoodATC.com $15 $10 $120 $25 Guest Day Free guest day for athletic club members is the 3rd Friday of every month. Free guest day for tennis club members is the 3rd Saturday of every month. * Three visit limit per month for all guests. Permanent Lockers Half Locker Executive Locker $40-45/month $60-65/month Both include laundry service. Contact Lisa at x284. HOLIDAY HOURS OF OPERATION Thanksgiving Club Tennis Kids’ Club Christmas Eve Club Tennis Kids’ Club Christmas Day 5:00am - 2:00pm 5:30am - 2:00pm 8:00am - 1:00pm 5:00am - 4:00pm 5:30am - 4:00pm 8:00am - 1:00pm CLOSED WINTER PROGRAMS TO LOOK FOR! PILATES FOR ATHLETES STICKS & BOARDS Increase overall body strength and improve your range of motion- so you can play pain free! This Pilates class is geared for the athlete looking for a cost and time effective, challenging core workout without putting additional stress, wear and tear on the joints. This clinic, taught by personal trainer Tracy Fellows, will provide sport specific conditioning with an emphasis on functional movement patterns for skiing and snowboarding. PERFORMANCE ACADEMY This ongoing monthly program will enhance athletic performance in any sport. John Ireland heads this small group training (six or less participants per group) that will focus on making the athlete move quicker, and be stronger and more effective in their position. ADULT BEGINNER TENNIS PROGRAM Tennis is easy to learn, offers great health benefits, can be played in under an hour and lasts a lifetime. We are revolutionizing the way the game is being taught with a system that has you playing tennis FAST! Sessions are held on Sundays. 19 greenwood athletic and tennis club 303.770.2582 5801 S. Quebec St. • Greenwood Village, CO 80111 www.GreenwoodATC.com
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