Summer - Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club
Summer - Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club
The Pulse I Belong... Summer 2012 greenwood athletic and tennis club Summer Nights by the Pool June 29 2 • July 27 • August 17 Summer 2012 Table of Contents ASK THE ExPERT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 P-NoTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 MEMbER SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GRouP ExERCISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 YoGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 REGISTEREd dIETITIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 YouTH PRoGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10 AquATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 TRIATHLoN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 GREENWood TIGER SHARKS . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 TENNIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 MEMbER CoACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 CoNCIERGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 PILATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ANNIVERSARIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 dIRECToRY/HouRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Visit our website! VISIT OUR GORGEOUS SALON AND PAMPER YOURSELF! WE OFFER MEN & WOMEN'S PRECISION CUTS COLORS HAIR EXTENSIONS K E R AT I N S M O O T H I N G T R E AT M E N T S EYELASH EXTENSIONS WAXING MANICURES PEDICURES Just Minutes Away 5425 LANDMARK PLACE TROUBLE SALON LOCATED IN THE EXCITING LANDMARK SHOPPING VILLAGE 3RD FLOOR GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 303-221-9009 Free precision cut with full color or hi-lite with Angelina, Sarah, Marissa or Tasha Offer valid to new customers only and expires Oct. 31, 2012 Ask the Expert Aubree Allison Personal Trainer 303.770.2582 x416 HOW DO I STAY MOTIVATED AND MAKE MY WORKOUTS FUN? Lack of motivation and boredom are two common roadblocks to reaching fitness goals. When you find yourself at one of these roadblocks, don’t get discouraged or quit. Like any other problem in life, ask yourself, “What do I need to change?” In terms of boredom, there are many options to make workouts more entertaining: 1. Create a playlist that will keep you moving. If you’re a cardio fan, find songs that will slow you down on the verse and pick up your intensity on the chorus. Not only will you benefit from the interval training, but the music will help you push yourself closer to those fitness goals. 2. Involve your friends. Grabbing a workout partner adds elements of both good company and competition. 3. Try something new. Your body adapts very quickly to the demands you place on it, so after a period of time, switch things up. Try a new class or a new exercise instead of your typical routine. If you are bored, it’s likely your body is as well. 4. Challenge yourself. Set a new goal, make the seemingly impossible possible. It is hard work to achieve goals you set for yourself, but with proper progression you can get there! Aim for that first 5K, first pull-up or those extra three repetitions. You may not be bored; you may simply not have the motivation to work out. Here are a few options to motivate you to come to the club and work hard: 1. Plan trips/adventures with friends. If you have the slightest competitive gene in your body, you won’t want to be the person holding up the group on a hike or falling behind in the charity race you registered for together. Having these types of trips and activities planned will motivate you to stay in shape and hopefully be the leader of your pack. 2. Mix it up! Keep things interesting by trying new classes or train with one of our challenging and motivating trainers. Learning new exercises and being educated about your body and fitness can keep you motivated to not only work out, but to live a generally healthier lifestyle. 3. Reward yourself for success. Take a trip if you lost that extra 20 pounds, buy yourself new workout attire if you dropped that extra pant size. Whatever your reward may be, make yourself work for it. 4. Sign up for an event. Just as it is discouraging and frustrating to try to sell yourself to a prospective client or employer if you aren’t prepared, you will feel the same if you pay $180 to do Tough Mudder and go in cold and unprepared. Sign up and commit! You are worth EVERY effort you make towards reaching your fitness goals. “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”-Henry Ford 3 P - Note CLEAN AND SHINY There are a number of things that make us special and set us apart from our competition, namely our maintenance and housekeeping staff who keep GATC “clean and shiny”! I wanted to make you aware of the fine GATC team members that keep your club in the best shape possible. We have a total of 26 employees on our maintenance and housekeeping staff, all supervised by three gentlemen: Gene Scholl, Vice President of Maintenance and Facilities, Larry Nelson, director of Maintenance and Jose Revollar, director of Housekeeping. In addition, we have two employees that handle our fitness equipment maintenance and repairs. We have considered a number of contract companies from landscaping to floor cleaning, but keeping our members satisfied and providing you with the cleanest and well kept club in the industry is one of our mandates. We do that best with our own employees. below you will find a list of GATC team members and some of the duties they perform. Without each of them we would not be Greenwood and would not be “The best Part of Your day”. So if you get the chance, please give them a smile and a thank you. They will never forget it! LOCKER ROOM ATTENDANTS (some crossover to laundry) - Clean, disinfect, towel pick up, mirrors, restrooms, floors, fill dispensers and consumable supplies; including water jug fill for outdoor tennis courts: Men’s – Manuel, Willie and Francisco / Women’s – Jeimi and Maritsa LAUNDRY SERVICES (some crossover to locker room) - Wash, dry and fold nearly 4,000 towels per day: Petra, Janeth, Ines and Viridiana LANDSCAPING - Mow, trim hedges, sprinkler repair: omar with Larry Nelson as supervisor POOL MAINTENANCE - Vacuum, annual pool drain and maintenance: Chris and Gene Scholl (Certified Pool operator) NIGHTTIME CUSTODIAL - All floors including mop, vacuum, extract, wax and scrub; wash windows, dust and wipe down all surfaces, etc.: Mildred, Jacqueline, Luis, Zulma, Guadalupe, Fiorela, Ruben, delia and Maria DAYTIME CUSTODIAL - Wash windows, wipe down outdoor furniture, water all outdoor planters during summer, laundry, offices, tennis clean up, restrooms, reception area, café area: Rosemary REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE - Light fixture replacement, patch and paint, assist with all building repairs as needed: Gene Michael COURT MAINTEANCE (crossover to tennis nighttime custodial) - broom finish all courts, patch and repair holes, clean locker rooms: Carlos with Larry Nelson as supervisor EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS - All fitness equipment preventive maintenance and repairs: Ken Cool and dennis Miller (spin bikes) 4 FROM THE DESK OF… Barbara Lubbers The basis for our existence is service to our members and our goal is to make each of you happy. With over 8,000 members, you can understand that this can be a daunting task! We are also a business that operates from a budget created by our department heads. We strive to be good stewards of the money you spend with us. This can put us in a difficult situation when it comes to Group Exercise classes. We keep a close eye on how many classes we offer and the attendance of each class. When a particular class does not reach a level of participation we hope for, or drops below the number of participants we require, the class is removed from the schedule. This frees us up to move the class to another time slot, try another format at that time or simply leave the schedule open until our busier season returns. Generally, we will add classes between october and April and remove smaller, seasonal classes between May and September. GATC is a second home to many of you! It is the place you come to, wanting to leave the stress of the world behind. As your management team, we do our best to keep your stress level to a minimum and keep you healthy, motivated and happy! Please trust us as we diligently work to be good stewards of every aspect of your ‘second home’ and continue to be … The best Part of your day! We’ve Got an App for That! View the GATC daily schedules on your iPhone or droid. Just search for “Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club” in your app store. GATC thanks our exiting Member Advisory Committee members for two years of valuable service. Left to right: Christi Grossman, Chris Eide, Steve Bailey, Mary Oursler Member Services Lisa Thomas | director of Member Services | 303.770.2582 x284 | BONE DENSITY/OSTEOPOROSIS SCREENING & BODY COMPOSITION TESTING To find out your most accurate body fat levels or to benchmark your bone health, sign up for a dExA screening. dExA, the same equipment used in hospitals, provides a three-component model: lean tissue, body fat and bone mass. Re-testers receive a 10% discount. dAY/dATE/TIME: LoCATIoN: CoST: Monday, September 17 6:00am-12:00pm Mobile lab at GATC $80 for body Composition $70 for bone density $100 for both tests BLOOD SCREENING Learn about your overall health through blood screenings. Ten tests are available including the VAP test, which is an expanded cholesterol test that will increase your doctor’s ability to detect your risk of heart disease and a vitamin d test, which measures both d2 and d3 separately. other tests will measure blood sugar levels, mineral levels, diabetes risks and even prostate concerns for men. (1012 hour FAST is advised) dAY/dATES/TIME: Wednesday, July 11, September 5 6:30-8:30am (No August screening) CoST: $63 Regular blood Work (chem. screen, TSH, lipid profile) $32 CbC (complete blood count) $60 PSA (prostate screening) $65 Hgb A1C (diabetes screening) $75 Cardio CRP (cardio risk marker) $100 Homocysteine (cardiac risk marker) $160 VAP (expanded cholesterol test – includes regular blood work) $5 Insure Kit (specimen collection kit) $45 Lipid profile and glucose $65 Fecal Globin Test (colorectal cancer screen) $95 Vitamin d Test KID’S POOL PASSES STILL AVAILABLE discounted children’s (2-8 years) guest passes for pool use only are available for purchase. For $75 you’ll receive 10 passes, each good for a day of swimming. This is a 25% savings, great for non-family friends. Please remember that Greenwood’s policy limits guest visits to three per month per person, so you’ll be able to invite many different friends. This year’s passes are valid through September 30, 2012. See you at the pools! ADULT DROP IN BASKETBALL This program is provided free of charge to GATC members. Show up at the appropriate time, ready to play and have fun! dAYS/TIMES: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 11:15am-1:15pm Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6:00-7:30am Saturdays, 8:00-11:00am Sundays, 7:30-9:30am LOCKER RENTALS Pamper yourself and leave your pool gear, tennis shoes, weight gloves or just your toiletries in your own locker so they are always available for use during the summer. We can even launder your workout gear at no additional cost. both half and full sizes are available. Relieve some stress and take advantage of this wonderful service. DON’T FORGET CARDIO KIDS Encourage your kids, 9-13 years, to work out with you and earn prizes for doing so! Here’s how it works: 1. Visit the Service desk for a wristband to wear during your workout 2. Save your wristbands 3. Collect three bands in seven days 4. Exchange your bands for a prize at the Service desk 5. Nothing to pay…it’s FREE! COMBAT ZONE "$ "$# $ # '$ $ !% # &" $ #$"% $ "# "# AV E &S P N U tion SIG re a ent R e c rs e m u le mb R e i va i l a b A CALL TODAY to schedule a FREE CLASS! VISIT OUR WEBSITE 5801 South Quebec Street Greenwood Village, CO 80111 5 Group Exercise Jane Helsing | Group Exercise Coordinator | 303.770.2582 x312 | MEET SOME OF THE GROUP EXERCISE TEAM Eliza Faas Eliza is a Colorado native and attended South High School where she played varsity soccer and swam. She then attended Colorado College discovering her passion for fitness. Eliza recently got married to her new husband Nick Shoup. Anne Blyth Anne was a martial artist earning a third degree black belt in Kenpo Karate. Anne was then introduced to the new work out program billy blanks had been developing called “Tae bo”. Anne has been teaching kickboxing at GATC for about ten years. She is currently working in the corporate world. Jim Honiotes Jim teaches bodYSTEP® and CVI and was a member of GATC for many years, before deciding to turn his love of step aerobics into an avocation. Jim loves to encourage members to work hard, have lots of fun, laugh and make lots of noise during the hard parts -because it makes it easier! Yoga Christy Purcell Christy worked at body by Schliebe in Kansas in the 1990’s. In 2007 she began teaching a stroller conditioning class for Hot Mamas Exercise Studio. Christy loves to ski, run, play tennis and chase her kids around. She holds certifications in group exercise and mat Pilates. FaFa Kazerooni FaFa teaches bodYPuMP® and Kickboxing classes. She became a member at GATC in 1991, started teaching classes in 1997 and has taught a variety of classes for 16 years. Fafa is a Colorado native and is the broker/owner of Colorado Fine Homes. She also works in guest services at beaver Creek Resort and is an avid cyclist, skier and outdoor enthusiast. Ian Maxwell | Yoga Manager | 303.770.2582 x324 | KEEPING YOUR YOGA PRACTICE DURING THE SUMMER Yoga, especially when it’s done in a heated room, sounds very appealing in the winter months. The cold weather tends to drive people into the studio to escape the chill. but when it comes to the summertime, who wants to be stuck indoors without the air-conditioning? Sweating it out in a room with dozens of drippy strangers seems like the exact opposite of what you would want to do. Many students tend to skip their yoga practice in favor of other, less intense activities. Counterintuitive as it may seem, practicing yoga in the summer is incredibly beneficial. The warming that occurs during a yoga class helps to acclimate the body to the hotter temperatures outside. outdoor heat simply doesn’t affect you as much when you are used to it. Also, the body starts out warmer in the summer so practitioners can get deeper into the poses faster and experience greater benefits. Keeping up with all of the yoga progress made during the winter is another benefit to practicing when it’s warm. People tend to be more active in the summer due to how pleasant it is to be outside. Yoga can be a wonderful way to care for your body during the more active months. 6 Heather Rakowski Heather has been a certified group exercise instructor for five years. You can catch Heather teaching Code Green, booty Camp and CVI. Heather enjoys spending time with her family. They enjoy skiing, biking, hiking and traveling. Heather enjoys participating in various triathlons and road bike rides throughout the summer. When outdoor exercise increases (running, hiking, biking, tree-climbing, swimming, softball, cycling, etc.), the yoga practice is key to minimizing injury, overexertion and overuse. Regardless of the weather, yoga is an excellent aid to a happy life. Getting into the studio this summer can help you to beat the heat and stay healthy year-round. Dietitian and Personal Trainer Kristin burgess | dietitian and Personal Trainer | 303.770.2582 x382 | YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT-NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU EXERCISE! How often do you come to GATC to work out? Two, four, six times a week? When was the last time you actually saw or felt a change to your body or your fitness level? We’ve all been there. Exercising like a fiend but not seeing changes. You may work hard and sweat and your heart rate kicks up, but you are still using the same weight to chest press, the same time frame on a plank, the same heart rate in Spin class. So why are you doing all this work but not changing? NuTRITIoN. It is “easier” for most of us to exercise than it is to eat specific foods. As you enter the club, you are thinking about your workout for the day or what class you are going to do, but have you planned your nutrition routine as you have your workout routine? do you look forward to your post-exercise snack? Is it a bagel or a protein bar? one bagel (plain with nothing on it) is about 350 calories. Put some cream cheese on it and you are looking at another 200 calories. Now the calories you just burned in your Spin class have been added back to your waistline. one protein bar could be 200-250 calories plus 15 grams of sugar. Is this really what your body needs or would it be just fine having a different protein bar that is 150 calories with less sugar? 77% of weight loss is nutrition! Whether you want to lose five pounds, 50 pounds or just want to lean up, it is pretty challenging to make changes without the proper nutrition. below are a few tips to get you going, but remember that nutrition is incredibly individualized. • Shoot for half your body weight in ounces of water throughout the day, not including what you have during a workout • Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking • Have a carbohydrate (fruit or veggie) plus a protein (almonds, string cheese, all-natural peanut butter, low fat cottage cheese or greek yogurt) between meals • Think about your post workout snack. If your workout was high intensity (high intensity intervals) aim for about 30 grams of carbohydrate and 10 grams of protein. Go for products with less than 10 grams of added sugar. If your workout was moderate intensity,1then go for a piece of fruit and a string cheese. If your workout was less than light, 5/4/12 2:37 PM just drink water. questions? Please contact me directly. 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Not for resale. Limit 1 coupon per customer, per transaction. Coupon must be surrendered upon redemption. RED MANGO name, design and related marks are trademarks of Red Mango, Inc. 2011 Red Mango, Inc. All rights reserved. 7 Youth Programs Julie Staley | director of Youth Programs | 303.770.2582 x287 | FAMILY TIME PROGRAMS Your dilemma: The kids are out of school. They are tired of playing in the house. You have done all the activities you thought possible. our solution: bRING THEM To THE CLub! Here is a list of some fun family activities you can do around Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club during the summer. 1. Play H-o-R-S-E in the basketball gym 2. Race across the Twin Track pool float 3. drop by xRKade® to have a family Just Dance competition 4. Get your tennis racquets out and book a court 5. Jump in the pool for a splash contest 6. Have a burger at Ink! Cabana 7. Have a relay race around the track TUMBLE TOTS (ages 3-4) Dates: September 4-25 Stretching, tumbling and individual use of equipment. dAY/TIME: CoST: LITTLE LOBBERS TENNIS (ages 3-4) Dates: September 6-28 Introduce your child to the fundamentals of tennis. dAYS/TIMES: Mondays, 1:15-2:15pm Thursdays, 1:15-2:15pm Fridays, 9:30-10:30am CoST: $69 Member/$89 Non-Member PARENTS NIGHT OUT (ages 3-13) Dates: July 20, August 17, September 21 Swimming, dancing, dinner and playing, and you have a night all to yourself. Third Friday of every month. TIME: CoST: 8. Watch your kiddos participate in Kid’s Yoga and Kid’s Zumba 9. Come to Summer Nights by the Pool 10. Pick up a movie at the dVd rental machine Tuesdays, 12:00-1:00pm $69 Member/$89 Non-Member 5:00-9:00pm $30 Member/$50 Non-Member (1 child) $40 Member/$60 Non-Member (2 children) $60 Member/$80 Non-Member (3 children) KIDS’ NIGHT (ages 5-13) Dates: July 27, August 31, September 28 Kids will have a great time working out, dancing and playing. dinner will be provided. dAY/TIME: CoST: Fridays, 5:00-9:00pm $20 Member/$30 Non-Member THEME NIGHTS (ages 3-13) July 14, August 11, September 8 Second Saturday of every month. July-Halloween in July, August-Pool Party, September-Fall Party The best reason to get out of bed in the morning.® dAY/TIME: CoST: Saturdays, 5:00-9:00pm $30 Member/$40 Non-Member KIDS CIRCUIT (ages 5-8) Dates: July 5-26, August 2-30, September 6-27 Kids can improve cardiovascular ability, balance and flexibility in an obstacle course. dAY/TIME: CoST: WWW.BENEDICTS-RESTAURANT.COM 8181 E Arapahoe Rd Greenwood Village (720) 529-9797 Open 7 days a week for breakfast and lunch: Monday-Friday 6am-2pm Saturdays & Sundays 6:30am-2pm 8 Thursdays, 4:00-4:45pm Complimentary BASKETBALL MARTIAL ARTS MVP’S (ages 11-14) TAE KWON DO (ages 4-13) Dates: July 11-25, August 1-29, September 5-26 MVP’S provides year-round/monthly classes with the goal of developing strengths and working on weaknesses. dAY/TIME: CoST: Wednesdays, 7:15-8:15pm $69 Member/$89 Non-Member LITTLE SHOOTERS (ages 8-10) Dates: July 11-25, August 1-29, September 5-26 This program works on the fundamentals of basketball through games, drills and skill testing. dAY/TIME: CoST: Wednesdays, 6:15-7:15pm $69 Member/$89 Non-Member LITTLE DRIBBLERS (ages 6-7) Dates: July 11-25, August 1-29, September 5-26 Little dribblers introduces the game of basketball while developing skills and fundamentals. dAY/TIME: CoST: Wednesdays, 5:15-6:15pm $69 Member/$89 Non-Member LITTLE HOOPSTERS (ages 4-5) Dates: July 11-25, August 1-29, September 5-26 Your child will learn at an early age to participate in sports as part of a healthy and active lifestyle. dAY/TIME: CoST: Dates: July 13-28, August 3-25, September 7-29 Get exercise, have fun and gain valuable life skills. dAYS/TIMES: Saturdays, 9:00-9:45am Fridays, 4:15-5:00pm CoST: $69 Member/$89 Non-Member (1 class/week) $89 Member/$109 Non-Member (2 classes/week) KIDS KICKBOXING (ages 5-14) Dates: July 9-30, August 3-31, September 5-26 Agility skills, kickboxing technique and coordination exercises build kids physically and mentally. dAYS/TIME: CoST: Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00pm $98 Member/$130 Non-Member KIDS BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU (ages 5-14) Dates: July 10-26, August 2-30, September 4-27 Self defense techniques, discipline, teamwork and fortitude. dAYS/TIME: CoST: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm $98 Member/$130 Non-Member Wednesdays, 4:30-5:15pm $60 Member/$80 Non-Member CAMPS CAMP GREENWOOD 2012 (ages 5-12) Summer camp at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club is the place for your kids to be this summer! our camp offers your child the opportunity to become acquainted with a variety of gym games, arts and crafts, swimming and FIELd TRIPS, in a safe and caring environment. Each week we will have a Theme day that will coincide with special activities. Camp Greenwood offers swimming lessons, lunch, daily open swim, one field trip per week and FuN. dAYS/dATES: TIMES: CAMP CoST: Mondays-Fridays, May 28-August 24 Early Risers, 7:30-8:00am Pre-camp, 8:00-9:00am Camp, 9:00am-3:00pm bLAST, 3:00-4:30pm After-camp, 4:30-6:00pm Daily $65 Member/$70 Non-Member Weekly $240 Member/$290 Non-Member 5 Weeks $990 Member/$1180 Non-Member 10 Weeks $1680 Member/$1940 Non-Member Rebecca Hite -")*% &&) # % /%"%##! ()1% (-1+!)* #-+ 444 %"%##! )1% #-+ %+"%/ 0),#% /%% (-+% ),0.%#1)-, &-/ .2/#(!0%$ (-+% /%% (-+% 4!//!,15 5%!/ *)01),' !,$ "25%/ #-3%/!'% What is BLAST? bLAST is a group of extracurricular programs offered immediately following Camp Greenwood this summer. Each program will have its own specialized instructor and activities. All programs are appropriate for all age groups. Programs include: Tennis, Swimming, baseball, basketball, Football, Volleyball, Soccer, Art, Languages, Greenwood Gamers, Science and Cooking School. 9 Youth Programs DANCE BIRTHDAY PARTIES HIP HOP Dates: July 11-25, August 1-29, September 5-26 Intro to break dance, pop-n-lock and “So You Think You Can dance” movements. AGES/TIMES: 4-7 years Wednesdays, 5:15-6:15pm 8+ years Wednesdays, 7:15-8:15pm CoST: $69 Member/$89 Non-Member GLOBAL KIDZ LAB-FOREIGN LANGUAGES GLOBAL TOTS (ages 1-3) Dates: July 9-31, August 6-28, September 4-25 Parent and tot Spanish and Chinese classes. SPANISH: CHINESE: CoST: Mondays, 10:45-11:30am Saturdays, 10:30-11:15am Tuesdays, 10:45-11:30am $99 Member/$115 Non-Member GLOBAL EXPLORERS (ages 3-5) Dates: July 9-26, August 2-30, September 4-28 Spanish and Chinese instruction and cultural immersion. SPANISH: CHINESE: FRENCH: CoST: Mondays, 9:30-10:30am Wednesdays, 12:00-1:00pm Thursdays, 10:45-11:45am Saturdays, 9:30-10:30am Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30 Thursdays, 12:00-1:00pm Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30am $109 Member/$130 Non-Member Host your child's next birthday party at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club. Parties are designed to give your child a memorable birthday and parents a hassle-free party. Choose between nine different parties: • Giggles and Wiggles • Tumbling • Short Sports • Pool Time • Kids' Club Idol • Mad Science • Hip Hop • Pretty in Jewels • xRKade® • Create Your own Highlights: • dominos cheese pizza (two slices per child) • CJ's Frozen Custard cake • Capri Sun (one per child) • Ten Children (over 10 children: $15 per child) • 1.5 hours ($50 per extra half hour) • Personal party staff • Party room rental • Set up and clean up • Plates and candles • balloons 6538 S. Yosemite Circle Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (303) 770-1177 . please check our website for upcoming events Join us for Happy Hour Served in bar area only Monday–Friday 4:30–6:30 Munchies $6 Tenderloin Sliders Calamari with hot and with horseradish sauce sweet cherry peppers Tenderloin Beef Mac & Cheese with Potato Bruschetta Skewers with mushrooms and peppers truffle oil with bacon, cheddar cheese, sour cream and chives Fried Crawfish with Homemade Onion Rings Crab Stuffed Mushrooms Stuffed Portobello Mushroom with goat cheese and Boursin cheese chili aioli Drinks Finlandia Martinis $6 Well Drinks $6 Lemon Drop / Cosmo / Pomegranate / White Chocolate All Wines By The Glass 1/2 Price Skinny Margarita $6 Domestic Beers $2.50 1/2 Price Scotch Flight $10 Premium Beers $4.50 Eat. Drink Drink. k. Be Merry. Best B est SSteak teak H House ouse & 10 B est Restaurant Restaurant in Best Denver D enver CitySearch C ityS y earch T To Top op 10 Houses e in the h SSteak teak H ouses United United States States happy h appppy hour hour specials sp specials cannot cannot bbee ccombined ombined w with ith h aany ny oother ther d discounts iscounts oorr ppromotions romotions 10 1 2 T H A N N U A L e the c n e i r e p x E rty! a P r e t f A t Bes Training Colorado's Future Doctors 5K RUN / WALK OR 1K FITNESS WALK (Officially timed by timing chip) (Non-timed) Saturday, September 8, 2012 7:30AM REGISTRATION OPENS • 8:30AM RACE START TIME Location: Race Start & Finish: Crescent Park (Corner of Belleview & DTC Boulevard) Go Green! Save Time! Register Online! Go to A Great Event for the Whole Family! Benefitting the Community Asset Project, a Partner with the Cherry Creek School District. TITLE SPONSOR HEALTHY LIFESTYLE SPONSOR Training Colorado's Future Doctors WELLNESS SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSORS BENEFITTING PRESENTING MEDIA SPONSORS Vierra Family Foundation FITNESS SPONSOR The Shaka Franklin Foundation for Youth For more information please visit or contact Renee Ortiz at 303.840.0045 or 11 Aquatics Katie Walkenhorst | director of Aquatics | 303.770.2582 x325 | MEET YOUR LIFEGUARDS! PARENT/TOT LESSONS (ages 8 months-3 years) Chris MacNeill Steve Parker Lara Theobald AJ Cohen Wyatt oerman Will Litfin Grace Fenske Sara Peterson Tia Totura Nikki Hansley Genna McNally Sandra Kalavity dAYS/TIMES: Mondays, 5:30pm, Thursdays 10:30am dATES/CoST: July 9-August 9, $40 Member/ $60 Non-Member SWIM AMERICA (ages 3+) Group learn to swim lessons for youth. dAYS/TIMES: Mondays, 10:30am, 4:00pm, 4:30pm, 5:00pm Tuesdays, 10:30am Wednesdays, 10:30am Thursdays, 10:30am, 4:00pm, 4:30pm, 5:00pm dATES/CoST: July 9-August 9, $70 Member/ $97 Non-Member SWIM AMERICA SPLASH SESSIONS (ages 3+) dATES/TIME: June 11-14, 9:30am July 2, 3, 5, 6, 9:30am August 13-16, 9:30am CoST: $56 Member/$77 Non-Member STROKE SCHOOL (ages 6-13) Further stroke development, specific skills required to attend. dAY/TIMES: Thursdays, 4:15pm, 5:00pm dATES/CoST: July 12-August 9, $65 Member/ $80 Non-Member ADULT SWIM CLASSES (ages 18+) Two levels to accommodate all abilities and skill levels. dAYS/TIMES: Technique Training, Mondays, 8:00am Swimming 101, Mondays, 9:00am dATES/CoST: July 2-23, $60 Member/$80 Non-Member July 30-August 13, $45 Member/ $60 Non-Member MASTERS SWIM TEAM (ages 18+) Training for adult swimmers. dAYS/TIMES: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 5:30-6:45am Tuesdays, Thursdays, 11:00am-12:00pm Saturdays, 9:00-10:15am dATES/CoST: on-going, Members only, $200 annual or $20 monthly fee Limited Masters memberships available to non-members. Contact Katie for details. 12 Not pictured: Glenn Gurule Thank you to the following members for referring a new member during February, March and April 2012. February Michael borukhov Elizabeth broder Marc brosseau Lucy buck Ryan burney david Carollo George Eder Kathy Farrell Connor Fuqua Wayde Jester daniell Kamlet Kurt Kasten Fletcher Kerr Robert McIntyre Ann ogden Theresa Raynor Erin Riutort Sonja Wieck Lauren Young March bruce Abramson Kristina Arnott Anne bauer Holli benkleman Andrew bordiuk Patsy botts Earl boykins david brashear Cathy Caldwell Patrick Carr Ed Fleming david Foster Joey Foster david Gollan Sue Hock Melanie Howard donna & James Johnston Krishnan Kannan Elizbeth Kris brian Levin Lane Maeurer Scott Mcdowell Lindsey McFall Christian Mezger Kim ohlson Ashley Poole bev Roble Jess Rogers, Sr. Pamela Saxton Jon Suddarth Heather Volkman debby Will Richard Williams Cole Wist John Woolley Jim Wulliman April Sara Adams Andrea barbera Lori Connors diana doyle dot dulaney Michelle Ford brent Houston Natalie Imeson Phil Johnston Gunther Kerkhoff danielle Sandos david Schrier Jessica Terlecki Vaagn Zakarian Tiger Sharks Triathlon GREENWOOD TRIATHLON TEAM POWERED BY FASTFORWARD SPORTS (age 18+) Nick Levine GTS Head Coach 303.770.2582 x407 Good luck to the GTT athletes in their summer races! July 8-bouLdER PEAK August 18, 19-RATTLESNAKE SPRINT or oLYMPIC COACHING TEAM MEMBERS Coaching is different than teaching – a difference many people don’t realize. but, I would have to disagree with that, especially when it comes to a uSA swim team. We swim from September through August so the swimmers spend more time with their coach than they do with their school teachers. When you break down how much time they spend at practice (twice a day sometimes), dry-land workouts, and meets that can last one to six days, the swimmer-coach bond becomes stronger and stronger. dan Meitus Greg Richardson doug Campbell Terri davis Maggie deline Susan Knight brandon Melton Carol Procopio Sarah Chess Holly Stull Jim deline our job description as a coach reaches beyond the pool and into the successes the athletes want to reach in other parts of their lives. We can spend up to 10 years watching them grow into the men and women they will become. Helping them reach their goals in the water and guiding them in understanding what it takes to reach those goals also prepares them for school work, decision-making and eventually the work force. GTS encourages young people to develop the character and self-discipline necessary to succeed in swimming and throughout life, while the program fosters success and excellence from the novice through the national and international levels. – GTS Mission Statement % "*## '+ # ' ' " ' " "" & % "*## ( $% & "' )LIWK$QQXDO )LIWK QXDO Q O WK The coaching staff is dedicated to making sure each athlete becomes successful in the water, while at the same time encouraging a desire for success in life. That is why it is important to look at the success of a program and its coaches. GTS represents continued success in and out of the water including: a senior group coach who has lead tri-athletes and swimmers to the olympics, a head coach who continues to place 13 year olds with sectional qualifying times (typically not achieved until sophomore/junior year in high school) and an age group program that continues to have eight and nine year olds placing high and beating 10 year olds at state competitions. The success provided in the pool flows into the lives of each of these athletes. Maintaining a high GPA ultimately makes college (swimming and academics) an achievable goal. Socially, they are involved in youth groups, boy Scouts, music, drama, etc. Feel free to come down and ask any of the coaches how to get your future swimmer on the team that inspires success in the pool and in life! (" !' #% ' + $' ! %&' * ) '# ' % , & &$#"&#% & ## & * ' ' &' % #" " % ! %&' & + !#&' $ %' ' *** % "*## "" " ( + ' $ ' #" #! '% ' #" 13 Tennis Ron Steege | director of Tennis | 303.770.2582 x394 | EXCITING CHANGES WITH OUR JUNIOR TENNIS PROGRAMS ON THE HORIZON By Ron Steege, USPTA As you know, Greenwood Tennis Club has long been recognized as a leader in junior player development. We have many talented young players at our club and it is important that we are meeting their needs by assuring there is a pathway toward continued development. Whether the player’s goals are to play on their high school team, college tennis or perhaps even beyond, we want to help them on their journey. I am happy to announce that we will be restructuring some major components of our junior player development offerings as we kick off our after school programs in September. Specific details will be available prior to August first on our website and at the Tennis Club, but I would like to provide you with a sneak preview to assist you in planning for next fall. We are adding a brand new program called Greenwood High Performance Program, replacing the Tournament Training Program, designed for our most advanced and dedicated players. These year round players compete regularly at the sectional level and are working toward national rankings. Workouts will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays for two hours each day, the intensity level will be raised and workouts customized to address specific needs of the players. Admission to this program will be by invitation or via an application process. Selections will be determined by a competition committee chaired by the tennis professional staff. Space will be limited as we will be decreasing our per court ratio of players to ensure maximum attention and effectiveness. We are also overhauling what was formerly known as Tournament Training and moving it to Mondays and Thursdays, to now be known as Tournament Players Program. Greater emphasis will be placed on developing footwork and swing patterns, increased racquet speed and improving point construction. This program will encourage students to work hard toward achieving their goals and taking that next step, either toward the High Performance Program or High School Training. High School Training will be the next step for players who are stronger, or older players out of the Tournament Players Program, but may not meet the sectional qualifying standards of the High Performance Program. Less experienced high school players will find our Level Two High School program to be a great fit. The Junior Grand Prix and Aces programs will be referred to as Junior development. our grass roots programs such as quickstart and Future Stars will continue to be offered for young kids, setting the stage for the future. We are excited about the positive impact this will have on our talented junior players, at our club and within the local tennis community. We will be providing all of our players a unique home for training with cutting edge training methods, the best coaches and a challenging hitting environment with other players that will expedite their development. Custom Pre and Post Cruise ! " # $ % INSPIRED BY YOU Designed to fit your lifestyle DENVER 2324 S. Colorado Blvd 303.300.4400 CASTLE ROCK 1375 Caprice Dr 303.688.8279 CABINETRY I COUNTERTOPS I APPLIANCES I INSTALLATION I DESIGN 14 Personalized services for busy people who love to travel Special offers for GATC members Member Coach Sheri Warren | Member Coach | 303.770.2582 x320 | JUST TAKE THE FIRST STEP The first step is often the hardest one to take. Greenwood member, Maria Kochevar, completely understands. The pain in her joints had gotten worse over time, limiting exercise and causing weight gain and other health concerns. The thought of changing her habits and losing 30+ pounds was a bit overwhelming. Exercising on her own seemed to cause more pain, but with a family history of diabetes and arthritis, Maria knew she had to lose weight and lower her body fat percentage or live with the alternative; pre-diabetic counseling and increasingly painful joints. “When I received Sheri’s Member Coach post card in the mail, I figured I no longer had an excuse to procrastinate in regaining my health. Sheri listened to my predicament and shared how specific exercises could help me regain my balance and help the pain in my joints. I had fallen several times in the previous year and felt very limited in what I could do. I felt that she understood and could provide a good plan to get me started. We went through the Group Exercise schedule and highlighted classes based upon my likes and limitations. We also went over other training options the club had to offer, such as private training, semi-private training and group programs. I knew that I could not accomplish my goals without help and accountability and decided to invest in myself by hiring personal trainer, david Nutting. david built my workouts up at a pace I could handle and incorporated movements to help create stability and balance. The harder I worked, the better I felt. I then signed up for Sheri’s 10 Week Tighten up program. I not only gained strength and lost inches; I gained friendships with the other ladies in the program. Sheri and david both showed me that with consistency and accountability, exercise can be both fun and effective. I am now working with david again with a small group of ladies. I am working harder; my body is changing and breathing is less labored every week. I am also enjoying the new friendships. david’s attention and encouragement make me want to continue to push and reach my goals. I have added deep Water Warrior and Pilates mat classes to my weekly routine, making friendships there as well. I have been watching what and when I eat, saving half of my restaurant meals for later and realizing that a square of dark chocolate is a very satisfying treat or dessert. once the light came on in my head about certain foods, the weight began to drop. I am down 21 pounds and have lowered my body fat by 9.4%. Taking that first step in replying to Sheri’s Member Coach post card, and agreeing to take advantage of the many options available to me at Greenwood, were the best things I could have done for myself. I cannot remember when the last time I fell or tripped. The pain in my joints is significantly decreased and my ability to move comfortably through each day with confidence and balance is worth all the hard work I have put in. The only downside to feeling better mentally and physically…sore cheeks from smiling! Concierge Nancy McCloskey | Concierge | 303.770.2582 x335 | CONCIERGE NEWS The GATC Cycle Club has partnered with bicycle Village Saturdays at 9:30am to host rides for all different levels of cyclists. Rides commence at their store at 2802 South Havana, bicycle Village ride leaders will accompany each level of ride and routes will change week to week. Summer Special blowout rates in the Conference Room run through August 31. Contact Nancy to reserve the space for your business. I am looking for GATC members with an artistic flair to participate in a members-only Art Fair during late summer or early fall. All material would have to be created by you and would be available for members/guests to purchase. Please contact me if you have any interest in being involved. Space will be limited. If you have a business that you would like to promote or know of a business that you want to share with other members, the Member Perks directory is a perfect place. Contact Nancy at x335 or for more details. HEALTH July 26, August 22, September 19 and October 25 - GATC is offering both CPR and AEd Certification in a two and a half hour class. Cost is $50 for Members and $55 for Non-Members. Remember to check the weekly FYI and website for additions or changes to the Conference Room and lobby area schedule. 15 Pilates Sara Talbert | director of Pilates | 303.770.2582 x375 | YOUR PILATES WORKOUT: MAT OR EQUIPMENT? A question I am often asked is “I want to begin Pilates, how do I get started? Should I begin with a mat class?” While our complimentary Pilates mat classes seem to be the obvious way to begin a Pilates program; they are not. This is because the mat exercises are very challenging (you are working against gravity) and in a large group mat class, you might get lost. because Pilates is a method built on precise and controlled movements, it is better to begin by working with a Pilates instructor one on one, where equipment is available. by working with an instructor, you decrease your chance of injury by learning how to perform the exercises in a controlled environment. The Classical Pilates Method is based on a fully integrated system of equipment - the mat exercises are just part of the technique (only 25 percent of the Pilates exercise repertoire can be performed on a mat). by using equipment in your Pilates routine, you will experience a more authentic, quality experience. The equipment work is very effective at making lasting changes. For example, the reformer “reforms” the body with the springs providing support and resistance allowing for enhanced core connection in a way that is difficult to do on the mat alone. Another reason to work privately with an instructor on the equipment is because more of the equipment based exercises are closed chain exercises. A closed chain 0"2% &24*'*&% */ &$0/3425$4*6& 004 "/% /,-& 52(&28 5/*0/ 352(&28 04"- "/,-& +0*/4 2&1-"$&.&/4 10243 */+52*&3 $)*--&3 4&/%0/ 2&1"*2 -"/4"2 '"3$**4*3 24)04*$ '"#2*$"4*0/ 2"$452&3 "/% 312"*/3 &//*3 )"/( ".&3 &22"2* !"8/& &230'' "20-% 5/4 0(&2 2&&/#&2( "6*3 52-&8 ".&3 */%#&2( 0728 -6% 5*4& &/6&2 /%2&7 049 -"/ ( 0)/ "1*-*0/ *$)"&)&/ )2*3 .#203*" &*4) "$0#30/ *2(*/*" )0..&/ *0/&33 !"8 5*4& "2,&2 777 "%6"/$&%024)0 02( 16 exercise is one where the distal aspect of the extremity (i.e. your leg) is in contact with a support surface, such as the foot bar on the reformer. This is especially important if you are dealing with an injury. Additionally, through the use of spring resistance, the equipment allows you to shape, tone and align quite differently than the mat. In short, our mat classes are a great compliment to the studio work. However, Pilates workouts are not complete without the equipment. Furthermore, additional advanced core work is available on equipment for the more advanced practitioner. A great way to begin a Pilates program is to start with a Pilates introductory package (three private lessons at 20% off) or look into our 10, 20, 30 session challenge where privates and equipment based classes are bundled together at a discount. MEMBERSHIP Q&A WHY DO WE CHARGE FOR BARRE CLASSES? barre class is considered a specialty class at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club. Instructors are required to go through an in-depth training to be barre certified instructors. There are limitations on the number of participants (instructor:student ratio) in wanting to provide more individualized feedback to each of the participants. FREE SOLAR INSTALL of up to 920 watts with purchase of a complete re-roof. (Does not include electrical, permit, or inverter cost) 9250 E Costilla Ave Suite 660 Greenwood Village, CO 80112 (720) 989-1764 Anniversaries Thank you and congratulations to the following members celebrating club anniversaries in July, August and September! 25 Years Elwin and Suellen berger brad Calbert Carolyn Carnie Mark and Hanna Shaner Michael and Michelle Simms Robert and Cathy Wittrock 20 Years Robert and Martha barnes Matt and Melanie bondarewicz Pamela and Mike Camp John and Kathryn dunn Lisa Feld Martha daniele Paine and Gary Ferentchak Richard and Ann Marie Giancola Sid and barbara Glassman Peggy Haase david and Tammie Kelsall Guenther and Patricia Kerkhoff david and brenda Lueders James Wallace and Kate Miller Susan and Michael Moore John Portman Susan and Steven Rothenberg Thomas and Rhonda Trimble Carolyn and barney Visser 15 Years Natasha bealer Robert and Stacey Campbell don Cook barrett Cowan Martha davis barry and Polly Gleichenhaus Patricia and brian Haas Jan Kennedy Scott Gustafson and Ahmoy Look Greg McIlvain Jeff Nemechek debbie o'Mara Gary orazio Wendy and Jerry Peterson don Samuels Mary Louise Smith bryan and Jennifer Sorge Gary Stiefler Leslie Thompson Christina Leslie and dennis Voelker david and dana Williams 10 Years Michael and Jennifer berg Michael and Jill Cahill Yinyin Carlson Laurel and Mark Farrell Anne Fishel donna Foster Jane Freking brewster Hanson bill and Mari beth Hanzlik Jim and Alexandra Hill Chris and Athina Hristopoulos Marilyn Hyman Katherine Johnson Wendy and Chris Kane Yvette and Randy Larson barbara and Alan Lipkin Mary Loughran Rene Malden Ed Neibauer Roger and Nancy quayle Elliott Richard Cathryn Sheldon Thomas and Joan Wattles Chris Williams 5 Years Cynthia Anderson Elizabeth Montgomery and Matthew brown Mark butterman Sonia danielsen Kate and Kelly davis Robert and diane degrasse denise and Todd donaldson Aruna and Arvind donde bob and Joni doyle Sherrie and dan dwyer Ernie and Mirionette Freedman Jellie and bernard Gauthier Kevin and dianne Higgins Terri and Wayne Hileman Christine Honnen Carol Huller Trent and Krista Johnson Leonard and Abbey Kapelovitz Howard and Priscilla Kirshbaum Nicholas and Aspasia Kyriazi Susie and Jerry Labonde Nicholas and Patty Lynn Elizabeth and John Maloney dianne and Robert Mariash douglas and Linda Mcdonald James and Tracy Methe behrouz Nadji Setsu and Russell Nash Fletcher Newton Eric Vitcenda and Jessica Reinhardt-Vitcenda John Riopelle Lizzie Rockmore Wayne and Kim Rodgers Ellen Schneeweis John and Linda Schroer Walker and Jennifer Stapleton Emiko Torito Nicole and bill Vanderpoel Evalina burger-Vanderwalt and Cj Vanderwalt david and Lou Ann Witter Lisa Zook 1 Year Gloria Aanenson Lisa Abraham Alison Anders Kari Anderson Jeff Anna Karen and Evan Arrowsmith Jonathan bar-or Jeanne batza Lisa biederman brian blackman Stephen and April block Henry block Luke and Nancy boland Wilson and Jennifer brown Virginia and Steve burdine Pat burke Robert Miller and Maria burks Liz Carter Joseph Casabona david Castro Patra and Tyrone Clark Courtney Claussen Susan Cooper Jim and Kiki dadiotis Margaret McLean and dan deguerrera Marc and Nora dispense Colleen dougherty Larry dubas Sasha dubinkina Jessica Finnessy Abigail Foss Jay and Susan Freeman Meg Froelich Michael and Abby Gabora Mike and Nancy Gegen Rick Gervasini Ja-Sun Gordon Ruthanne Gould Nancy Graham Adam and Kandis Gries Rachel Hall Randy and Mary Ann Hampton Carolyn Hinds Paul Hoffman Chris and Lori Howey Eric and Chris Johnson Eric Johnson Allison Kaelberer Lissa and Steve Kalt Sarah and Scot Kelley Allen Kimmell beth and John Kirke david Klostermann Joe Koolipurackal Nicholas and Lauren Krauss Helen Kumpulainen Li Liang Scott and Pam Lukes Cristi Lundquist Lane Maeurer Robert and Korinn Malkin brendan and Amanda Maxwell bruce McGrath Jennifer McLennan Jay and Kristine McMullan Christian and Katrin Mezger Matthew billman and Maria Miro Pari Motiwala Lara Mowszowski Jacqueline Murphy Sendhil Nathan Cole Newcomer debora Ng Kathy Poague Scot bestick and Claudia Prince Steve Richards Jill Savage and Jeff Rogers Hugh Rowe Thiyagi and Leema Sakthivelu Robin Schaffer Kendall and Eric Scheffey Jeff and Connie Silver Trevor Wright and Jessica Speer Kate Stodola douglas and Jo Tangel Larry Tezak Kia Thompson Michael Thomsic Scott and Carol Thornock Sherri Tobin Ann Trakimas Percy Marcelle Trujillo Junko Tsuda brian Van Vechten andrew Vanderwal brian and Nancy Vitello Julia and darren Walsh Lisa and Chad Wanger david Schreiber and Courtney Waugh-Schreiber Jane West Jeremy Erdley and Alison Wheeler Mari Wieleba 17 Club Directory & Hours HouRS oF oPERATIoN ATHLETIC CLub GuEST FEES HoLIdAY HouRS oF oPERATIoN Athletic Club 303.770.2582 Monday-Thursday 5:00am - 10:00pm Friday 5:00am - 9:00pm Saturday 6:00am - 8:00pm Sunday 6:00am - 8:00pm Guest fee for club members Children 13 and under Tennis Club Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday/Sunday Guest day Free guest day for athletic club members is the third Friday of every month. Please check the website for guest pass information. 303.771.2588 5:30am - 10:00pm 5:30am - 8:00pm 7:00am - 8:00pm Please check the website for guest pass information. Kids’ Club and Youth Activity Club 8:00am - 7:00pm Monday-Friday Saturday/Sunday 8:00am - 3:00pm Membership office Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday/Sunday business office Monday-Friday 7:30am - 7:30pm 8:00am - 6:30pm 9:00am - 5:00pm 8:30am - 5:30pm $20 $10 (must be accompanied by an adult 18 and older) Guest fee for non-members $25 10 adult guest pass package (members only) $150 * Three visit limit per month for all guests. TENNIS CLub GuEST FEES Guest fee for club members (all ages) $20 Guest fee for non-members (all ages) $25 Permanent Lockers Half Locker $40-45/month Executive Locker $60-65/month both include laundry service. Contact Lisa Thomas at 303.770.2582 x284. PuLSE Advertising Information PuLSE Graphics Information 303.770.2582 x305 4th of July and Labor day Club 5:00am - 5:00pm Tennis 5:30am - 4:00pm YAC 8:00am - 1:00pm HouRS oF oPERATIoN ink! CoFFEE 303.770.2582 x288 Monday-Friday Saturday/Sunday 6:30am - 7:30pm 8:00am - 5:00pm Ethereal day Spa 720.200.4255 Monday-Saturday Sunday 8:00am - 7:30pm 9:00am - 7:30pm Physiotherapy Associates 303.694.9193 7:00am - 6:00pm Monday-Thursday Friday 7:00am - 4:00pm Saturday 8:00am - 12:00pm Rack and Roll Clothing Company 970.476.4849 7:00am - 7:00pm Monday-Friday Saturday/Sunday 6:00am - 6:00pm It’s not It’s not just just soup, soup p it’s zoup! Offf Offering ffering fe 12 hand-crafted ft soup varieties va arieties each day including these th hese “Something for fo Everyone”” nutritional nu utritional ooptions: ptions: Low-fat Low-fat, fa Vegetarian, Vegetarian Dairy-free fr and Gluten-free fr Healthy, Fresh, Italian! Fresh Mozzarella Made Twice A Day Health benefits of fresh mozzarella. One ounce of mozzarella contains 72 calories, 3.5g of fat, 7g protein, and less than 1g of sugar and carbohydrates. Rich in niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, B6, biotin and loaded with 183mg of calcium, essential for bone stucture. Plus when it melts it tastes really, really GOOD! Free 8oz side of soup & hunk of bread Friday evenings after 4pm with your Greenwood ATC card. FOR EVENT BOOKINGS PLEASE CONTACT Sarah Battani | | 720-438-8471 Zoup! ZZoup oup! p! Arapahoe Arapahoe & Dayt Dayton Daytton onn 9672 E.E. A 9672 Arapahoe rapahoe Rd. Rd. Greenwood Gree Gr eenwood nwood Vill Village, Village age,, CCOO 880 80112 0112 0112 18 303.790.99000 15% OFF WITH YOUR GREENWOOD VILLAGE ATHLETIC CARD Nora Martin Member Since 1988 Favorite Things to do at GATC: • Powerfit • Personal Training with Lana • TRx Advice for members: I like TRX Suspension Training because it is a great whole body workout that incorporates your core. Lana incorporates TRX training into our Training Sessions and Joe incorporates it in his Powerfit Classes.” MY FAVORITE THINGS... Janet Silver Member Since 2009 Favorite Things to do at GATC: • Ten Week Tighten up (best program I have ever participated in) • CVI • bodyPump™ Advice for members: The Ten Week Tighten Up Program gives me a great whole body workout, but it’s the camaraderie of the group that really keeps me coming back. My coworkers know that I clear my schedule to leave work at 5:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Nothing will keep me away from my 5:30pm class!” Karen Alexander Member Since 2005 Favorite Things to do at GATC: • Zumba® • Hi NRG Cardio with Glenda • Thermal Yoga® with Rosalie • Power Yoga with Marta Advice for members: Members should try Zumba®! Although you might feel behind on the steps the first time, the moves are easy to learn and the calorie burn is high. The fun part is that everyone has their own style!” 19 SAVE THE DATE October 12, 2012 How Many HOURS Can you Go? greenwood athletic and tennis club 303.770.2582 5801 South quebec Street • Greenwood Village, Co 80111
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