Summer - Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club
Summer - Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club
The Pulse Summer 2008 MAKING THE Best Your Day PART OF ...EVEN Better! greenwood athletic and tennis club The Best Part of Your Day! Making The Best Part of Your Day...Even Better! More in lockers and weight room expansion! WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE LOCKER UPGRADE? • Cherry lockers with raised panel doors • Crown molding • 15” wide lockers for greater convenience • Half size day use lockers • Wardrobe closet for full length coats • Digital locking system with a higher level of security • New towel drop with solid surface top in the men’s locker room • New towel shelves in the women’s locker room • New vanities with solid surface top in both locker rooms HOW BIG IS THE EXPANSION? Two-stories with an additional 2400 square feet to the weight room and an additional 2400 square feet to the business/membership office. WHAT DOES THE EXPANSION INCLUDE? A remodel of the existing 7200 square foot weight room and stretching area, and the existing 2000 square foot business/membership office space. THE BENEFITS OF THE WEIGHT ROOM EXPANSION? • Windows on all three sides • Natural light through the entire weight room • More space for stretching and functional training • New Ramflex Mondo floor in light maple (the look of hardwood with the function of rubber) • New ceiling tile with direct/indirect and can lighting • New paint in warm grays with accent colors 2 Summer 2008 Table of Contents MEMBER SPOTLIGHT .......................................... 3 P-NOTE ........................................................ 4 MEMBER SERVICES ............................................ 5 PILATES ........................................................ 6 GROUP EXERCISE .............................................. 7 CAMP GREENWOOD ............................................ 8 YOUTH PROGRAMS........................................8 & 9 AQUATICS ............................................10 & 11 GREENWOOD TIGER SHARKS ................................11 PERSONAL TRAINING ........................................ 12 MEMBER COACH .............................................. 13 CONCIERGE .................................................. 13 TENNIS ...................................................... 14 FITNESS FESTIVAL .......................................... 15 ANNIVERSARIES.............................................. 16 TEAM MEMBERS ............................................ 17 ASK THE EXPERT ............................................ 17 DIRECTORY/HOURS ..........................................18 Visit our website! Thank you to the following members for referring a new member during February, March and April. February 2008 Kendra Alcock Ken Carroll Steve Eschback Tom Groves Pat Kuhar Don Oatley Christian Reeves Elaine Schley Jeremy Schneider Charles Segal Cady and Dan Sheldon Jeff Shera Charmaine Stolz Bill Wilkening March 2008 Julie and Creighton Bildstein Mark Bryant Carolyn Carnie Kristen Clarke Catherine Creagh Anne David Gary Desmond Robert Doyle Kimberly Dun Kim Fallen Betsy Fuller Ann Gargotto Erin Hall Ronnie Harold Doug Hodge Chelsea Holman Matthew Howard Bruce Hutton Sarabeth Jones Bob Junge Sattor Khakimov Dale Lake Tom Manoogian Lillian Marsh Regan Mattingly Kristin Momo Ron Monk Matt Osborn Jennifer Pezdirtz Dan Ruparel Izzy Salazar David Schrier Bob and Mary Serotta Jessie Shogan Sydney Smith Barney and Carolyn Visser Kelly Whiteside Stephanie Whittelsey April 2008 Kathy Capek Ellen Cross-Katz Sangeeta Guha Jessica Peeples David Powers Teri Ramirez Wendy Stouffer Member SPOTlight! Sandy Golding Sandy Golding has been a member of Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club off and on since just after GATC first opened 21 years ago! What keeps bringing her back? Her love of swimming and she says she’ll ‘never leave again’. Sandy is a competitive swimmer and trains with GATC’s Masters Swimming program. She began competing with her first Masters swim meet 20 years ago right here in our indoor pool. She was scared, cried and was unsure how to race, but quickly overcame that fear. Sandy has since attended the Masters National Swim meet eight times, most recently this past May in Austin, Texas where she joined other GATC staff, coaches and swimmers in helping Colorado Masters Swimming win the National Championship title. When she’s not in the water, Sandy is a pharmacist at Homestead Animal Hospital, as well as working at Dr. Charles Fischer’s Dental Office as the bookkeeper. Sandy thanks her husband, Keith, an engineer at Lockheed Martin, without whom she couldn’t manage to keep training and enjoying her love of the water. “It’s what I do for me”, Sandy says. She is very proud of her three kids: Miles 12, Troy 11 and Aspen 10, but swimming is a passion for Sandy and she will continue to make sacrifices to train, to make the trips and to get the family taken care of. “It gets sweeter as I get older and the outdoor pool just makes it that much sweeter.” The relationships she’s established over the last 20 years at GATC are priceless. Her morning locker room friends don’t all swim with her, but they create a wonderful feeling of belonging as they inquire about her races and meets. Sandy strives to “live each day to the fullest because you never know what tomorrow may bring”. She also realizes that as time moves on, Personal Best’s are less and less likely. “Every year is a new year of competition. PR’s at this age are rare, so it’s just a matter of performing well each season.” Sandy says, “As a competitive adult I hope to continue into my 80’s!” Greenwood Athletic and Tennis club will strive to keep up with Sandy and still be here at 80! 3 P-Note MAKING THE BEST PART OF YOUR DAY…EVEN BETTER Why do you choose Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club as your place for fitness? What makes GATC special? Each May we conduct an annual survey asking these questions and more. We want to know what we do well, what we need to improve upon and what we need to change or add to make Greenwood better. Our goal is to achieve success by satisfying our members and guests and help them achieve their desired level of fitness and beyond. The one true way we can continue to improve is to ask the question and listen to your responses… Some of the capital improvements you are seeing now are a result of the 2007 Member Survey. For instance, according to survey results, 85% of our members utilize the weight room. The weight room expansion will increase the size of the space and the weight room remodel will improve the overall layout therefore allowing more room for stretching and functional training; two other suggestions formulated from the survey. In August the indoor pool will be completely renovated with a new deck, new Diamond Bright pool surface, and replacement of the tiles with blue and white tile in the pool, in the gutters, on the deck and on the walls. We will also install new lane ropes. This renovation came as a result of the increased usage in both lap pools. Since the installation of the year-round outdoor 25 meter lap pool, the swimming membership at GATC has increased substantially. The Tiger Sharks youth swim team has increased in size. The Masters program • Minor Illness and Injury Care • Labs • EKG • Workers’ Compensation • IV Hydration and Medication • Respiratory Care with Nebulization Treatments • Sports Physicals • Flu Shots • X-Ray Shorter wait time and lower costs compared to the ER! 3601 S. Clarkson St. Ste. 100 (Clarkson and Hampden, a block south of Swedish) 1-877-889-1522 No appointment necessary Most insurance accepted Mon-Fri 8am-8pm Sat & Sun 8am-4pm 4 is growing and so are aquatic programs and lessons. The Multi-Sport programs are flourishing with an increase in the amount of triathletes at GATC. We have also added the pool float during recreational hours in the outdoor pool for summertime fun! On average Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club has spent $1.6 million annually on capital improvements over the last four years. This compares to an industry standard of $300,000 annually. We are not only proud of this statistic, but it shows that we are dedicated to providing our members with the best facilities and equipment available. We understand the necessary improvements needed to keep our club in the best shape possible, but one other thing stood out in the annual survey…the appreciation you as members have in the staff at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club. Our goal is to provide you with the highest level of service possible. One year ago this October we launched a company-wide service training program for all 210 staff members. The program goal was to emphasize the importance of providing world class service to our members and to treat our members and guests with the highest level of respect. The training highlighted our core values; passion, integrity, teamwork, stewardship and continuous improvement and has been a stepping stone for further staff development. The 2008 Member Survey will be launched in the fall this year so we can capture your comments relative to the expansion and capital improvements completed in 2008. Again, we look forward to hearing “the good, the bad and the ugly” so we can work hard to make Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club the Best Part of Your Day! Our mission…Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club sets industry standards as a leading model for club management with fiscally sound and consistent business practices, premier health and fitness facilities, exceptional programs and services and professional staff who focus on members first. MEMBER ADVISORY COMMITTEE ALUMNI Thank you to Dianne Metcalf-Leoni, Ashley Poole, Harold Roberts and Louisa Schaffer for their two years of service on the Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club Member Advisory Committee (MAC). This group of individuals along with current and alumni members has contributed countless hours in hopes of making GATC a better place for their fellow members. MAC has assisted the Management Team at GATC with various projects including capital decisions, communication, and marketing and sales efforts. Thank you to all of our Member Advisory Committee members (past and present) for helping make Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club “The Best Part of Your Day”! Dianne Metcalf-Leoni Ashley Poole Harold Roberts Louisa Schaffer Member Services Lisa Thomas Director of Member Services 303.770.2582 x284 BONE DENSITY / OSTEOPOROSIS SCREENING & BODY COMPOSITION TESTING To find out your most accurate body fat levels or to benchmark your bone health, sign up for a DEXA screening. DEXA, the same equipment used in hospitals, provides a three-component model: lean tissue, body fat and bone mass. DATE: LOCATION: COST: Learn about your overall health through blood screenings. Six tests are available including the new VAP test which is an expanded cholesterol test that will increase your doctor’s ability to detect your risk of heart disease. Other tests will measure blood sugar levels, mineral levels, diabetes risks and even prostate concerns for men. (10-12 hour FAST is advised) DATES: Wednesday, July 2, 6:30-8:30am Wednesday, August 6, 6:30-8:30am Wednesday, September 3, 6:30-8:30am $53 Regular Blood Work (chem. screen, TSH, lipid profile) $30 CBC (complete blood count) $57 PSA (prostate screening) $60 Hgb A1C (diabetes screening) $72 Cardio CRP (cardio risk marker) $145 VAP (expanded cholesterol test – includes regular blood work) COST: Monday, September 15 Mobile lab at GATC $119 for single test $149 for both tests “Recently I had my bone density tested at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club. I was quite shocked to learn that I had osteopenia, weakened bones. Being in my 50s, I was well aware that aging and lifestyle can put one at risk of osteoporosis. The aging I could not help. The lifestyle I live includes healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle, but I have found that even people like me can still wind up with osteopenia or osteoporosis. If I had not taken this simple test, which provided me with instant results, I may not have discovered my condition until a bone fracture occurred. I faxed the test results I received from Life Measure Labs over to my doctor and he immediately put me on medication in order to help reverse bone loss. All of your members who stay strong through exercise and live a healthy lifestyle can still be gradually losing bone mass and never see it happening. More than 44 million Americans 50 and older have weakened bones. I never dreamed that I was one of them. My advice, take the test! This is one condition that can be reversed, but you have to know about it first. Thank you for offering such a great program to Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club members.” Sincerely, Denise Donaldson RESTING METABOLIC RATE TESTING Life Measure Labs will be performing Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) testing at GATC. Your RMR tells you how many calories your body needs just to maintain your muscles and internal organs. When you add daily activity and lifestyle, along with exercise, you can determine your daily caloric needs. Learn how much you need to eat to lose, gain or just maintain your weight. DATE: LOCATION: COST: BLOOD SCREENING Monday, September 15 Mobile Lab at GATC $99 POOL PASS PACKS ARE BACK Let your children invite their friends to the pool this summer. Discounted children’s (ages 8 and younger) guest passes for pool use only are again available for purchase. For $75 you’ll receive 10 passes, each good for a day of swimming. This is a 25% savings off the regular youth price, great for nonfamily friends. Please remember that Greenwood’s policy limits guest visits to three per month per person, so you’ll be able to invite many different friends. Valid May 1 through October 1, 2008. See you at the pool! THE LOCKER ROOMS HAVE HAD A FACELIFT You, too, can have your own personal locker to store those items you use every visit or to just take advantage of the laundry service. Isn’t it about time you pampered yourself a little bit? Don’t drag your belongings to the club any longer. Contact Lisa for prices and availability. ADULT DROP IN BASKETBALL This program is provided free of charge to GATC members. Please show up at the appropriate time and be ready to play and have fun! DAYS/TIMES: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 11:15am-1:15pm Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:00-7:30am Saturday, 8:00-11:00am Sunday, 7:30-9:30am Visit our website 5 Pilates Sara Talbert Director of Pilates 303.770.2582 x375 THE BEST KEPT SECRET AT GREENWOOD…PILATES We all know that exercise is good for us. The exercise regimen choices out there are endless and it’s tempting to jump on the latest craze or biggest bandwagon. Just as fanny packs, parachute pants and mullets have come and gone (or at least should be gone) you have to wonder if the trends we read about will also disappear. Pilates has gone from unknown to trendy to standard. The reason for its staying power is its effectiveness and the fact that people enjoy it! It is such a great technique and is so versatile, helping make every other activity in your life better, whether you’re sitting at your computer, running a marathon, cycling up Mt. Evans or mogul skiing. If you have not tried Pilates at Greenwood, you are missing out! Our Pilates facility is top notch and more importantly, our instructors are truly impressive. As the Director of the program, I have made it my personal mission to have all of our members give Pilates a try and sample what our instructors have to offer. It is wonderful to be able to affect a change in someone who doesn’t know their body well and discover together, the wonders of what they can do and how they can move. Learning that a client has awakened for the first time in three years without pain, keeps us going. We, in the Greenwood Pilates Studio, have made it our goal to show you how we can personalize Pilates for specialized populations from Baby Boomers to breast cancer survivors. We want to show seniors how to improve their posture and increase their self confidence. We want to protect golfers’ spines by training them to not get caught up in their swing and instead focus on how the body moves the club. Resist the temptation to follow a program that promises a six-pack in six days. There is staying power behind Pilates, with its lowimpact approach and focus on strength, flexibility and balance. Pilates can help individuals of all ages and fitness levels improve their health and well being. Our mission as Pilates Instructors is to make a difference one person at a time. To learn more about our upcoming programs, visit us on-line at or stop by the Pilates Studio for more information. PENNINGTON WELLNESS CENTER Addressing the 3 main causes of health problems: stress, trauma, pollution 7120 East Orchard Road, Suite 250 Centennial, CO 80111 (Just south of GATC) Phone: 720.493.5444 Fax: 720.493.2021 ARE YOUR LEGS READY? Past treatment of varicose veins involved painful “vein stripping” and lengthly recovery periods. Today, treatment is virtually pain free and is performed in the office. Most daily activities can be resumed immediately. Getting started is simple. Call us today! 303.433.9729 AT GREENWOOD ATHLETIC AND TENNIS CLUB 20% off One Private Session * Expires September 30, 2008. Good for first time clients and private session only. 6 2490 W 26th Avenue Suite 5A Denver, CO 80211 Group Exercise Kacey Kingry Group Exercise Coordinator 303.770.2582 x312 IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT...DON’T DO IT! I was eating dinner with my family at a local restaurant the other night. Trying to get my healthy greens in that day, I ordered double veggies rather than a potato. My order sparked an interesting conversation between my family and our waitress. She began to share her diet and exercise experience, which consisted of her boyfriend making her run with him every day at his gym. Our waitress went on for quite some time, telling us how much she hates to run, how it hurts, how she dreads it all day long, but how her boyfriend has told her it’s the only way to get fit. She walked away to help another table, and when she returned, I whispered to her, “honey, if you don’t like to run…don’t do it.” It’s amazing that we force ourselves to do things that we do not enjoy because we believe they are the only means to the success we are trying to achieve. We think that healthy food has to taste terrible and we think that in order to have the healthy bodies we desire we have to participate in activities that make us miserable. When we apply this viewpoint towards diet and exercise, we stack the cards against ourselves. It is very difficult to succeed when the element of dread replaces the element of fun. When it comes to becoming and staying fit, the key is to know what you enjoy and what makes you happy (besides sitting on the couch eating potato chips), and find modes of exercise that fall within that category. If you enjoy outdoor workouts but can’t find time to make it to the mountains, join Boot or Booty Camp for a workout that will get you down and dirty. If you’re a swimmer, give water aerobics a try (it IS possible to sweat in the water, just ask the Tiger Sharks!). If you enjoy dancing but your life won’t allow you to hit the clubs, give Les Mills’ BodyJam® a try (coming this fall), the cardio workout where you will sweat and smile as you are free to enjoy the sensation of dance. COLORADO RESIDENTIAL FUNDING, INC. PRIMARY RESIDENCES • SECOND HOMES • INVESTMENT PROPERTIES THOMAS MORRIS President 6439 S. JAMAICA CIRCLE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 303-662-1131 303-662-1121 A bright healthy smile is just a phone call away! Even a subtle change in your smile helps project an image of feeling good about yourself...and it shows! Greenwood Dental’s approach is to focus on you and improve your quality of life through comprehensive dental care and treatment. Scott Baughman is coming up on his one year anniversary here at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club. After injuring his calf in October of 2007, Scott asked the Physical Therapists at Physiotherapy Associates (located at GATC) how he might continue doing cardio despite his injury. They told him to ride, either a stationary bike by himself or participate in a Spinning® class with 54 of his closest friends. Needless to say, Scott lasted 30 minutes on the stationary bike in the seclusion of his iPod, but has lasted close to 10 months and lost 57 pounds with the help of the Spin room. He found something he enjoyed, stuck with it, has seen results and established a lifestyle that continues his success. We have more than 115 complimentary group exercise classes here at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club for you to choose from. A variety of formats, programs, instructors and musical selections designed to give you choices that contribute to the success of your health. Find something you like…and just do it! PH: FAX: Call us for your new smile consultation. Mark S. Brodie, DDS, PC Eric G. D’Hondt, DDS, PC Tasos Belegratis, DDS 7000 E. Belleview Ave., Suite 205, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 s 303.773.0960 7 Youth Programs Julie Phillips Kids’ Club Manager/Youth Programs 303.770.2582 x287 CAMPS CAMP GREENWOOD 2008 (ages 5-12) Summer camp at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club is the place for your kids to be this summer! Our camp offers your child the opportunity to become acquainted with a variety of gym games, arts and crafts, swimming and FIELD TRIPS, in a safe and caring environment. Each week includes a Theme Day that will coincide with special activities. Camp Greenwood offers swimming lessons, lunch, daily open swim, one field trip per week and FUN. DAYS/DATES: Mondays-Fridays, June 9-August 15 TIMES: Pre-camp, 8:00-9:00am Camp, 9:00am-3:00pm After-camp, 3:00-6:00pm CAMP COST: Daily, $55 Member/$65 Non-Member Weekly, $210 Member/$250 Non-Member 5 Weeks, $900 Member/$1080 Non-Member 10 Weeks, $1450 Member/$1740 Non-Member PRE-CAMP COST: Daily, $5 Member/$7 Non-Member AFTER-CAMP COST: Daily, $15 Member/$17 Non-Member CAMP SWIM LESSONS: Mondays & Wednesdays, 1:00-1:30pm $30/week Member $40/week Non-Member * A 25% non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration. * There is a 10% family discount on each additional child from the same family registered for Camp Greenwood. * Children who are not on a family membership will be registered at Non-Member rates. Regarding our staff requirements… All of our staff must meet the requirements set forth by the state as we are a licensed facility through the State of Colorado. Thorough background checks are processed through the CBI/FBI. All staff are fingerprinted and checked against the Central Child Abuse Registry. We call and confirm all references. Each staff person must have verifiable information. Each counselor is CPR certified, Pediatric First Aid certified, First Aid and Universal Blood Precautions certified. Our summer camp counselors are the best! SUMMER BASKETBALL CLINIC (ages 7-13) This clinic will emphasize fast paced drills, position specific instruction, offensive/defensive footwork, shooting, rebounding and much more! Session Dates: July 14-17, July 21-24 AGES/TIMES: COST: 8 7-10 years, 8:00-11:00am 11-13 years, 1:30-4:30pm $200 Member/$240 Non-Member YOUTH PROGRAMS LITTLE LOBBERS TENNIS (ages 3-4) USPTA-certified instructor Lisa Thomas will introduce your child to the fundamentals of tennis in a fun-filled and non-competitive environment. Session Dates: July 7-10 (Mini Camp), September 1-29 DAYS/TIMES: Monday-Thursday, 9:30-10:30am (Mini Camp) Mondays, 9:30-10:30am or 1:15-2:15pm Thursdays, 9:30-10:30am or 1:15-2:15pm COST: $86 Member/$106 Non-Member TAE KWON DO (ages 4-13) Mike Schultz is a 3rd degree black with over sixteen years of combined Tae Kwon Do experience, including over eleven years of teaching. Laura Culver is a second degree black belt. Mike and Laura’s program will help students in various aspects of life such as increased confidence and self-esteem, coordination, attention span and improved grades, weight loss and much more! Session Dates: July 9-30, August 1-29, September 3-26 AGES/TIMES: 4-6 years, Wednesdays, 5:00-5:45pm, Fridays, 5:00-5:45pm 7-13 years, Wednesdays, 5:45-6:30pm, Fridays, 4:15-5:00pm COST: $85 Member/$105 Non-Member (1 class/week) $105 Member/$125 Non-Member (2 classes/week) WOMEN’S SELF DEFENSE SEMINAR WITH GRAND MASTER BRETT HART (ages 12+) This three hour self-defense seminar has been designed for you and your daughter to learn and understand the defense mechanisms and techniques required to ensure your safety in the event of a street attack or home invasion. DAY/TIME: COST: Saturday, September 20, 11:30am-2:30pm Mother Daughter Package: $150 Member/$165 Non-Member Individual: $90 Member/$105 Non-Member OKINAWAN KARATE (ages 5+) Shuri-ltasu is a style of traditional Karate from Okinawa that combines the hard, rigid techniques with soft, circular blocks. Great for self defense and for building confidence and focus, especially for students ages 5-10. The class reinforces nine goals of conduct to complete class structure. Classes are taught by Grand Master Brett Hart, a national sparring champion and 8th degree black belt. Session Dates: July 7-28, August 2-30, September 1-29 AGES/TIMES: 5-10 years, Mondays, 5:30-6:15pm 11+ years, Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm Saturdays 11:30am-1:00pm COST: $79 Member/$134 Non-Member (1 class per week) $119 Member/$180 Non-Member (2 classes per week) BRIAN HOWARD’S BASKETBALL ACADEMY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS (ages 11-14) AMERICAN RED CROSS BABYSITTING CERTIFICATION (ages 11+) This year-round academy is for the youth basketball player, featuring games, drills, and periodic skills testing. Players will be introduced to “next level” moves. Each class will include game situations, giving participants the chance to learn real game skills. A course uniform can be purchased from Coach Brian on the first day of class for $20. Session Dates: August 5-26, September 2-30 This three-hour course covers the responsibilities of baby-sitting with tips on characteristics of children, appropriate toys and games for different age groups, accident prevention, first aid, emergency response and rescue skills. DAYS/TIME: COST: Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm $109 Member/$160 Non-Member LITTLE SHOOTERS BASKETBALL (ages 6-10) This program will introduce your child to the basic fundamentals of basketball through games, drills, and skill testing. Each child will receive awards based on attendance, attitude, and demonstration of basic skills. Session Dates: August 5-26, September 2-30 AGES/TIMES: 6-7 years, Tuesdays, 5:00-6:00pm 8-10 years, Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00pm COST: $89 Member/$130 Non-Member (1 class per week) DATE/TIME: COST: Friday, September 19, 5:00-8:00pm $79 Member/$105 Non-Member BIRTHDAY PARTIES Let Greenwood do the party for you. Celebrate your child’s birthday with ageappropriate games and activities. We offer a variety of fun, safe and unique party plans. We also coordinate pool parties. Call Julie for information. POOL CLUB (ages 6-13) Drop your kids off at Pool Club while you work out or have some time to yourself! Directly supervised by lifeguards. This program is run through the Aquatics Department, contact Katie at x325. DAYS/TIMES: Monday–Friday, 11:00am-3:00pm Two hour minimum COST: $9 Member/$11 Non-Member-Guest Fees apply LITTLE HOOPSTERS BASKETBALL (ages 4-5) Your child will learn at an early age to participate in sports as a part of a healthy and active lifestyle. All classes must reach a minimum of five participants. Session Dates: August 5-26, September 2-30 DAYS/TIME: COST: Tuesdays, 4:30-5:00pm $70 Member/$100 Non-Member CHEERLEADING-GIVE ME A GATC! (ages 5-10) Instructor Julie Phillips was a 4-year member of Colorado State University’s All Girl Cheerleading Squad. She now coaches the 2007 state runner up, Broomfield High School Cheerleading Squad. This program introduces the basic skills of cheerleading including cheers, tumbling and stunting. Session Dates: July 7-28, August 5-26, September 1-29 DAYS/TIME: COST: Mondays, 4:00-5:00pm $75 Member/$95 Non-Member PARENTS NIGHT OUT (ages 3-13) Drop your kids off at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club for a night of fun for everyone! The kids will have a great time swimming, dancing and playing, and you can have a night all to yourself. Dinner is provided. DATES: TIME: COST: July 18, August 15, September 19 5:00-9:00pm $30 Member/$50 Non-Member (1 child) $40 Member/$60 Non-Member (family of 2 kids) $60 Member/$80 Non-Member (family of 3 kids) Medical Care for Patients of all Ages • Immunizations • Physical Exams • School and Sports Physicals Ann Klein, MD • DOT Physicals • Skin Exams • Cholesterol and Diabetes Screens • Medical Esthetics including Botox® Leah Holland, MS, CHA/PA-C 3601 South Clarkson St. Ste. 130 Englewood, CO 80113 720-974-7466 9 Aquatics Katie Luellen Aquatics Coordinator 303.770.2582 x325 GET WET! The outdoor pools are open and inviting you to take a dip! The Adult Leisure pool is calling your name, the slide in the Splash Pool is buffed and slippery, the outdoor lap pool is warm year round and the pool float is inflated and waiting to bounce kids off. Why stay dry this summer? We have programs for all ages, skill levels and interests. Try us this summer and enjoy the water for a lifetime! With renovations and expansions happening club wide, it’s time to give the indoor pool a makeover. After 21 years of use, it needs some work. Miles and miles of laps, infinite kids learning to swim and much water fun have earned the pool some attention. Beginning August 4th, the indoor pool will be closed for renovations including: new flags and lane ropes, paint, decking, Diamond Brite pool finish and new tile to match the outdoor pools. When it re-opens September 8, you won’t recognize it, it’ll look so good! POOL NIGHT IN (ages 5-12) Like our Parents Night Out, Pool Night In will provide dinner and fun. There will be games and swimming, a lifeguard will be on duty and the pool float and slide will be available. DATES: DAY/TIME: COST: June 27, July 25, August 15, September 12 Friday, 6:00-9:00pm $30 Member/$50 Non-Member (1 child) $40 Member/$60 Non-Member (family of 2 kids) $60 Member/ $80 Non-Member (family of 3 kids) Parents are taught how to work in the water with their child with an emphasis on safety and fun. Session Dates: July 7-August 1, August 8-29, September 8-29 Not all times are offered at all sessions. DAYS/TIME: Mondays, 5:00-5:30pm Wednesdays, 10:30–11:00am COST: $36 Member/$52 Non-Member (per session) SWIM CONDITIONING (ages 11-18) Coach Robin Holland combines training with stroke technique and focuses on gaining strength and conditioning in a low-key atmosphere. This non-competitive group is a great alternative to Greenwood Tiger Sharks for those who want all the benefits of training without racing. Session Dates: September 8-October 16 DAYS/TIME: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:00-8:15pm COST: $117 Member/$159 Non-Member (per session) STROKE SCHOOL (ages 6-13) This 45-minute class focuses on stroke development and provides a transition into Swim Conditioning and the Tiger Sharks Swim Team. Swimmers must be able to swim one length of freestyle and one length of backstroke. Session Dates: July 9-31, September 9-October 2 Not all times are offered at all sessions. DAYS/TIMES: Tuesdays, 4:00-4:45pm, 5:00-5:45pm Wednesdays, 4:00-4:45pm, 6:15-7:00pm Thursdays, 4:00-4:45pm, 5:00-5:45pm Saturdays, 10:00-10:45am COST: 4 classes: $48 Member/$62 Non-Member ADULT SWIMMING CLASSES JOURNEY INTO OPEN WATER SWIMMING (ages 8-18) In our adult learn-to-swim classes we teach a natural progression of strokes to instill confidence in the water. These small group lessons provide a comfortable atmosphere in which to learn and prepares students for our Masters Program. Session Dates: July 7–28, August 4-25, September 8-29 Voni Oerman, who in August 2007 lead six 12 year olds to set the World Record for the youngest relay team to cross the English channel, will prepare young swimmers to compete in the Horsetooth Open Water Swim Event on August 10th in Fort Collins. There will be an informational meeting held at GATC on Thursday, June 26 at 7:00pm where Voni will give more detailed information about the program. Session Dates: July 5 – August 10 DAYS/TIMES: Intermediate/Advanced, Mondays, 8:00-9:00am Adult Beginning, Mondays, 9:00-9:45am COST: $60 Member/$80 Non-Member (per session) SWIM AMERICA (ages 3+) Developed by the American Swim Coaches Association, there are 10 stations (levels) within the program. They begin with blowing bubbles and finish with the completion of a 300IM. Safety, instruction, fitness and fun are the goals we strive for in our lessons. Session Dates: July 7–31, August 5–28, September 8–October 4 Not all times are offered at all sessions. 10 PARENT/TOT LESSONS (ages 8 months-3 years) DAYS/TIMES: Morning class times Monday OR Wednesday, 10:30 or 11:00am Thursdays, 10:00 or 10:30am Evening class times Mondays, 3:30, 4:00 or 4:30pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:00 or 5:30pm Saturdays, 10:00 or 10:30am COST: Per Session (4 weeks) 4 classes: $56 Members/$77 Non-Member 8 classes: $112 Member/$154 Non-Member DAYS/TIMES: Saturdays, 8:30-9:30am at Chatfield Gravel Pit Sundays, 10:00-11:00am at Chatfield Swim Beach COST: $250 Member/$300 Non-Member (Includes access to Chatfield and the entry fee for the swim) MASTERS SWIM TEAM This program welcomes swimmers of diverse backgrounds and abilities. Whether you train for fitness or competition, we offer experienced coaches, stroke technique and structured workouts in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. DAYS/TIMES: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 5:30-7:00am Tuesdays, Thursdays, 11:30am–12:30pm Saturday, 9:00-10:00am Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, June 2-August 2 only COST: $100 Member annual fee $70 Member/$180 Non-Member (Summer only) Greenwood Tiger Sharks PRIVATE LESSONS GREENWOOD TIGER SHARKS Private lessons are available for all ages and all abilities and are arranged through the Aquatics Coordinator, Katie Luellen. The Greenwood Tiger Sharks just finished the short course season with the team placing tenth among all Colorado USA swimming teams. Over the last year and a half, the new coaching staff has seen many improvements in the performances of the athletes. We have had swimmers win overall high point at several meets as well as seeing a swimmer selected to represent Colorado at the All Star meet. In addition we have swimmers that will be swimming in the sectional meet in Mt. Hood, Oregon this summer. As the team moves into the long course season, we are looking forward to seeing our swimmers compete at the upcoming long course state championships. COST: $30 Member/ $36 Non-Member (30 minute) GATC MULTI-SPORT TRAINING MULTI-SPORT SWIM TRAINING This swimming group will prepare you to complete the swim portion of any triathlon, from Sprint through Ironman distance. Coached workouts will focus on swimming skills, drills, strength, speed and endurance. Swimmers are welcome at any training time. DAYS/TIMES: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 5:30-6:45am Tuesdays, Thursdays, 11:00am-12:00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:00-7:00pm COST: $50 Member only/calendar month MULTI-SPORT RUN TRAINING The Greenwood Tiger Sharks are still accepting swimmers during the long course season, so don’t hesitate to have your swimmers come by and do a two week tryout. We are the only team in the Denver Metropolitan area with an outdoor pool available to train in year round. Come join the Greenwood Tiger Sharks and enjoy what no other team can offer. Call (303)770-2582 x350 for Head Coach Scott, or x407 for Head Age Group Coach Evan. This running group will prepare you to compete in events ranging in distances of 5K–Marathons. Coached workouts will focus on running skills, drills, strength and speed. Workouts vary day by day. The coaching staff’s philosophy is: DAYS/TIMES: Mondays, 6:45-8:00am Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00pm Thursdays, 10:00-11:00am Fridays, 7:30-8:15am COST: $100 Member only/calendar month-includes coached workouts as well as individualized training programs $50 Member only/calendar month–includes coached workouts only • Provide the best possible instruction, training and competition for each individual MULTI-SPORT BIKE TRAINING Feel free to contact the coaching staff by email: This cycling group will train to complete any of this summers cycling events, such as Elephant Rock Century Ride, Triple By-Pass Cycling Tour or the MS 150. Coached workouts will focus on cycling skills, drills, strength and endurance. Head Coach, Scott Cummins – • Promote high self-esteem, the value of hard work and good sportsmanship • Motivate swimmers to achieve the most from their efforts – not by being the best, but by trying their best • Encourage swimmers to love the sport of swimming and embrace the sport as a life-long activity. For practice times and more information visit where you can also download a copy of our team handbook. Head Age Group Coach, Evan Welting – DAYS/TIMES: Tuesdays, 10:00-11:00am Wednesdays, 6:45-8:00am Thursdays, 6:00-8:00pm Fridays, 6:50-7:30am COST: $100 Member only/calendar month-includes coached workouts as well as individualized training programs $50 Member only/calendar month–includes coached workouts only TRIATHLON TRAINING Coached by Dennis Mellon, This program will help you get to the finish line of any triathlon from sprint to Ironman. Workouts vary day by day; athletes are welcome to attend any workout. Session Dates: Specialization Phase-July 1-September 30 Morning Triathlon Times DAYS/TIME: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 5:30-8:00am Mid-Morning Triathlon Times DAYS/TIME: Tuesdays, Thursdays, 10:00am-12:00pm Evening Triathlon Group Times and Training Schedule DAYS/TIME: Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6:00-8:00pm COST: $400 Member only/three month session $150 Member only/month 11 Personal Training Vic Spatola Director of Personal Training 303.770.2582 x339 12 GREENWOOD OLYMPIC CHALLENGE Join GATC in our own 2008 Summer Olympics. Participants choose from eight “events” to complete. You will receive a commemorative shirt and celebrate the challenge’s completion at our post event party on August 22. Details forthcoming. Cost is $35 per participantmembers only. SHAKE THAT THING! Events include: The fitness industry is chock full of trendy fads to make you “fitter faster”. Everything from the ThighMaster to the Six Minute Ab videos promise great results with little effort. This is the furthest thing from the truth! Effort = results should always be the simple way to look at fitness. There have been advances in fitness technology that are scientific and proven methods for increasing fitness and health in the last two decades (i.e. cam technology in weight machines, advanced pulley cable systems, converging machine axis in strength equipment, etc.). The latest of these innovations is vibration training! Although this might conjure up images of a belt that shakes the fat off you like in the 1920’s, this is a scientific and medically tested instrument that has several applications in health and fitness. The concept is fairly simple, a platform that vibrates at a frequency when you stand or exercise on it that makes your muscles contract at a faster rate than you could do by exercising with resistance. This does not mean it replaces weight training, but is a great enhancement for that training method. The benefits of vibration training are numerous and have been studied greatly dating back to the early 1960’s. Initially vibration training was used to increase bone density in cosmonauts that had spent several months aboard the Russian space labs in the 1960’s. In zero gravity, the body quickly loses bone density. In order to counteract and prevent long term damage, the Russians developed vibration training based on a simple physics equation: Force=Mass x Acceleration. In simple terms, the faster you move your mass (in this case your own body weight) the more force you create. The more force you create in your body the more stress is put on the skeletal system, which then has to compensate by producing new bone growth to increase bone density and prevent injury. What the Russians noticed was not only did this method of training prevent osteoporosis in their cosmonauts; it actually reversed the bone loss! Since then, the technology has been modified and extrapolated into a usable tool for the fitness industry. Most of the benefits have been noticed in the following areas: • Increases bone density to reverse osteoporosis without danger of impact and fracture • Increases joint mobility • Increases muscular flexibility • Increases muscle mass • Improves core strength, stability and balance • Facilitates blood circulation • Decreases recovery time after workouts • Quickly prepares the body for exercise • Clients experience high muscle activity with less fatigue In short, it is hard to argue with results and this device definitely gets results with most clients. For more information on vibration training and how you can incorporate it in your routine contact Director of Personal Training Vic Spatola. • Running • Swimming • Boxing • Basketball • Volleyball • Cycling • Tennis • Rowing • Weightlifting Life happens...lifestyles change... Does your home need changes too? Kitchen, Bath & Interior Remodeling Basement Finish Call for a free initial consultation 303.708.9950 Curt Winn - 10 year member GATC In Denver... In Maui... Member Coach Concierge Trenton Kite Member Coach 303.770.2582 x320 Nancy McCloskey Concierge 303.770.2582 x335 PRACTICING WHAT I PREACH... I always stress the importance of changing your workouts and trying something new. I’m continuing the quest to try new things. After my last article which focused on personal training, I was approached (more like challenged) by one of our swim instructors to take a swim lesson. Never backing down from a challenge, I accepted. I already knew how to swim, but apparently I was not swimming correctly. She showed me many different exercises to do in the pool, but most important, she taught me proper breathing technique. As you may or may not know, I am also a group exercise instructor and feel that I am in reasonably good cardiovascular shape, but swimming humbled me. I was sore in places I did not know could be sore. Swimming is the change my body needed. I have not been able to get in the pool as much as I would like, but I absolutely intend to add swimming to my workout routine, even if it is only one day a week (hopefully more). If you’re looking for a change as well as a challenge, I highly recommend swimming and would also recommend taking lessons. Anything worth doing, is worth doing well! 1 UP TO $25 MILLION IN FDIC INSURANCE Member FDIC Can we use the words “expansion” and “health club” in the same sentence? Shouldn’t one want to use a health club to reduce and not expand? GATC’s expansion is well under way and the results will be fabulous, just like the results you achieve when you use our facilities on a regular basis. Listed below are some of our confirmed vendors for the summer months. Please refer to the weekly FYI’s or the Concierge web page for any changes or additions. We hope to add a few surprises to the mix during the summer months. CONFERENCE ROOM DONNA K DESIGNS September 15, 7:30am-6:00pm COQUETTE September 29, 8:00am-5:30pm REGGIO IMPORTS September 8, 8:00am-1:30pm RACK AND ROLL CLOTHING September 10, 8:00am-5:00pm NEVER PAY RETAIL (NPR) September 16 and 17, 8:30am-5:00pm FABULOUS FAUX September 22 and 23, 9:00am-5:00pm One Bank One Rate One Statement HEALTH CPR CERTIFICATION CLASSES 2008 DATES: July 24, August 26, September 18 TIMES: 2:00-5:30pm or 5:30-9:00pm COST: $30 Members/$35 Non-Members 209 West Hampden Ave Englewood, CO 80110 Contact Phil Hood Business Development Specialist CDARS 303.762.9933 Ask us about ® Terms and conditions apply. CDARS is a registered service mark of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC. 13 Tennis Ron Steege, Director of Tennis 303.770.2582 x394 HOW TO “WARM UP” FOR YOUR TENNIS MATCH We’re now in the heart of the USTA league and tournament season and for those of us in the business, the warm up is one of the more challenging areas to manage. It’s also one of the bigger areas of complaints that we hear about from players this time of year. The problem is, that very few players understand how to execute a proper warm up and very few tournaments enforce the warm up policy that they have created, unless there is an on site referee. The first step in beginning a good warm up procedure is to understand that what you are doing is not practice, it’s a pre-match warm up. In a warm up, you are generally allotted 10-15 minutes to develop a rhythm and feel for each of the strokes you’ll be using throughout your match. This includes groundstrokes, volleys, overheads and serves. In a practice, you have much more time to devote to one area of interest and perhaps other things as well, depending on your schedule. The big difference will be in your mental focus for each. Unfortunately, space doesn’t allow for me to go into all of the mental aspects of a warm up. My focus here will be to help you develop a more effective routine and improve time management. My first bit of advice is to take care of as many things as possible off the court prior to going on to the court. Activities such as re-gripping your racquet, filling your water bottle, getting a towel ready, changing your shoes and of course the big time saver - go to the bathroom! These things all add up and are often responsible for players arriving to their assigned courts 10-15 minutes late. Before any balls are hit, a racquet should be spun to determine the serve and side. If the sun will be a factor during your match, I recommend knowing your preferred side before walking on to the court and standing on this side of the net. It is common for a player to not plan this out very well and if you win the racquet spin you may be able to have both the serve and your preferred side because your opponent is likely to choose the side they’re on rather than take the time to switch sides. As you can see, the racquet spin also determines the side that you warm up on. Usually the warm up should begin with groundstrokes. Hitting service line to service line (mini tennis) with abbreviated strokes is a good way to ease in to your shots. After a minute or two, you should move back and progress in to full swings. Groundstrokes are usually exchanged for 5 or 6 minutes, then volleys by both players for a combined 2-3 minutes including overheads. Serves are then exchanged back and forth between players for the final 2 minutes. Return of serve is usually not part of the warm up unless one player has finished warming up and the other player needs to hit a few more serves. It’s perfectly acceptable to hit returns in this case, but in most other instances it’s considered improper etiquette. Throughout the warm up, your shots should be aimed directly to your opponent for consistency and longer rallies. I recommend aiming all of your shots for extra depth since most players have a natural tendency to hit shorter during the match. When warming up your serve, try to 14 direct a few balls to each of the corners and be sure to hit all of the various spins that you plan to use. If you are feeling some nerves, one of the best ways to ease tension is to become more active with your feet and don’t worry about working up a sweat. This will go a long way towards developing feel and getting you more mentally into the match and off to a fast start. Learning a solid warm up ritual is an important element of player development. Once you find a routine that works for you it will go a long way toward more consistent results. I hope these tips help and I look forward to seeing you on the courts! GREENWOOD SUMMER TENNIS TOURNAMENTS JUNIOR June 26 September 5-8 B12s Super-Set Satellite Summer Bash BGs 12/14/16/18 #257227508 #257262608 ADULT September 28-October 1 Denver Clay Court Championships #257221908 MW’s 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0 Registration for all of these tournaments is online through Tennislink at The next Adult Tennis Social is Saturday, July 19, 6:00-8:00pm Athletic Club Members welcome! Contact Suzette Riddle at 303-7712588 for more information. FINAL ROUND OF SUMMER ADULT LEAGUES Registration deadlines are near for the final leagues of the summer. Register at the Tennis Club by the following dates. You may contact Kristi for more information at 303-771-2588. CTA Summer Daytime Registration deadline Friday, June 27 Season begins Monday, July 28 ITA Fall Mixed Doubles Registration closes Thursday, July 3 Season begins Sunday, August 10 CTA Men’s Tri-Level Singles Combined team of NTRP Levels 3 singles matches per week at 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 Registration deadline Friday, July 18 YOUTH TENNIS PROGRAMS WILSON TENNIS DAY CAMPS (ages 7-14) This popular summer program is perfect for players of all levels. Several sessions remain and continue through August 15. FUTURE STARS (ages 4-7) A great introductory program which emphasizes basic skills, eye hand coordination, tennis etiquette and of course FUN! SMASH & SPLASH (ages 4-7) Time is divided between two great lifetime sports with a healthy snack thrown in between. What could be better? More information on all of these programs can be found on our website at, then click on tennis. Registration for all of our fall junior and adult programs will begin on August 1. Look for this information on our website or at our “Information Center” located at the Tennis Club beginning August 1. REGISTRATION FORM OFFICIALLY T I M E D Run/Walk: Officially timed by timing chip and BolderBoulder qualifier. Fitness Walk: Non-timed, approximately one mile walk. Must have timing chip to be timed. BIB# (office use)___________________ Please complete a separate form for each participant registering. Save time and register online at Online registration closes: 12 Midnight, Thursday, September 4, 2008. Mail registration form with payment to: First American State Bank, 8390 East Crescent Pkwy, Suite 100, Greenwood Village, CO 80111. Please make check payable to: FASB Fitness Festival, Inc. Mail-in entries must be postmarked by Friday, August 22, 2008.* Age on Race Day: __________________ Sex: Female n n Kaiser Permanente 5K Run/Walk Male n Timing chip? n Yes n No n Kaiser Permanente 1 Mile Fitness Walk All fields required below. Last Name____________________________________First__________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip______________________________________________________________ Day Ph:______________________________ Eve Ph:_______________________________ E-mail:____________________________________________________________________ School (if applicable):________________________________________________________ Team Name / Captain (if applicable):_____________________________________________ ENTRY FEES: ____ CHILDREN 17 & UNDER $15 ($20 RACE DAY) ____ SENIORS 60 & OVER $15 ($20 RACE DAY) ____ ADULTS ____ FAMILY 4 PACK $27 ($35 RACE DAY) $75 ($100 RACE DAY) n I would like to add an additional donation of $__________ to be applied to Community Asset Project. n Enclosed is my check for $_________ made payable to: FASB Fitness Festival, Inc. n VISA n MasterCard Card #: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Exp date: ___ ___ / ___ ___ Security Code on back of card ___ ___ ___ Signature as it appears on card _________________________________________________________________ T-SHIRT SIZE: Youth Med:_____S: ____ M:____ L: ____ XL:____ Athlete’s Release. In consideration of the acceptance of my entry fee in the 8th Annual First American State Bank Fitness Festival & Kaiser Permanente 5k Run / Walk and Fitness Walk. I, for myself, my executors, administrators and assignees, do hereby release FASB Fitness Festival, Inc., and any other contributing sponsors of this race and their respective officers, members, agents, volunteers and employees for all claims arising or growing out of my participation in the First American State Bank Fitness Festival & Kaiser Permanente 5k Run / Walk and Fitness Walk. I attest and verify that I have knowledge of the risks involved in this event and I am physically fit and sufficiently trained to participate in this event. I also give permission for the future use of my name and picture in any broadcast, telecast, or print media account of the event. I understand that the entry fees I pay are non-refundable. Entry type (5K or Fitness Walk) and timing chip preference may not be changed once registration is submitted. SIGNATURE_________________________________________________________________ (If under 18, must be signed by parent or legal guardian) Net proceeds of the FASB Fitness Festival, Inc. will be contributed to the Community Asset Project, a partnership with Cherry Creek Schools. * Mail in and online registrants may pick up their race packets and timing chips (if applicable) September 6th beginning at 7:30am at Crescent Park. 15 Anniversaries Thank you and congratulations to the following members celebrating club anniversaries in July, August and September! Charter Elwin & Suellen Berger Carolyn Carnie Brad Calbert & Debbrah Courtney Joseph Deba Werner Dreher Peter Kost Marvin Moorhead Janet Tralla & Tony Rubrecht Mark & Hanna Shaner Jay & Cheryl Shoemaker Michael & Michelle Simms Robert & Cathy Wittrock 20 Years Peter & Sandy Burg Keith Van Doren Scott & Gail Eldredge Richard & Marilyn Ellis R. Scott & Jill Grabinger Paul & Carole Jacobs John & Diane Leede James & Patricia Long Ron & Judie Neel Michael Sanchez Earl Schlifkin Gail & Mark Smith-Hartner Bo & Roger Squire 5 Years Jerry Bateman Julie & Creighton Bildstein Jaclyn Clinton Julie & Michael Gifford James Walker Jr. & Judith Hirsch-Walker Michael & Joan Iseman James Knobbe John Hoskins & Becky Leibman Ken Leone Robert Mason Carol & William Nollsch Herbert Ostenberg Mark & Linda Pasternak Vicki & David Reavis Bill & Roberta Roth Virginia Spadafore Carol & Mark Spitz Sandy Swanton Laurie Pensack & Johnnie Dirden Hallie & Michael Doyle Chad Evans James Flores Christina & William Fuhs David Giesen Lorie & Henry Gordon Tony & Linda Granato Brent & Mary Lou Houston Gary & Anne Howard Wesley & Patti Howard Brian & Shirley Joondeph David & Juain Kim Julie James & Chris Kuhlmann Anna & John Laratta Bette Lennox Julia Luehrman Michele & Charlie Lutz Penny & Glen Malloy Delia & Mitchell Mellen David & Connie O'Neill Jennifer Page Michael & Karen Parry Francie Peters Conway Schatz J. Brian Searles Manuel Serapio David & Cathleen Smith Robert Taggart Larry Thiel Robin & Thomas Wede Rick Whitfield Ii Amy Wickett 10 Years 1 Year Charlie & Theresa Arbogast Debra & Michael Benge Graham Bennett Julie & Brett Bennett David Bowman William & Jayne Cobb Joe & Barbara Davidman Suzie & Martin Erzinger Debbie & David Guillod Susan Haeger Melanie & Robert Howard Gary Parker & James Julie Gallery & James Phyllis & David Johnstone Nicholas Lynn & Patty Acker Rick Allen Liz Almagno Cynthia Anderson Rebecca & Joel Aronoff Erin Asborno Luis & Carolina Asprino Angela Aukamp Geoff & Susan Barker Megan & Benton Barney Judy Benedict Jason & Amy Bennett Mark Butterman & Susan Blake Tammy Borgias 15 Years 16 Debbie & Tom Keesling Michelle & Darold Killmer Shelly Kingsley Michaela & Bruce Kolberg Jeff & Debbie Lamb Diane & Wayne Marty Doris Pearlman Ashley Poole Margaret & Tom Roberts Blaine & Liz Rollins Jeanne & David Rutgers Pamela & Frank Saxton Margo & Thomas Spitzer Timothy Wolfe Lisa Bradford Robert Bradley Elizabeth Montgomery & Matthew Brown Melanie Brown Devon Calonge Tara Campana Clint Carter Ann Cohen Kathy Crawford Catherine Creagh Mark & Linda Cunningham Suzanne & Eduardo Da Cruz Lori Dalton Carol & Dan Dampier Sonia & Barry Danielsen Dana Rock & Wally Darling Kate & Kelly Davis Robert & Diane Degrasse Lauren Dillman Denise & Todd Donaldson Aruna & Arvind Donde Bob & Joni Doyle Kimberly Dunn Chris & Jennifer Dunne Sherrie & Dan Dwyer Jeanne & Dale Eastman Tiffany Talley Farnham David & Pamela Fisher Belli & Peleg Forman Cindy & Dale Francescon Ernie & Mirionette Freedman Matthias & Karen Frenz Anna Gasbarro Tasker Bernard & Jellie Gauthier Raymond Lego & Betsy Gibson Alyson & Chris Graves Jessie Greenberg Jacqueline Haberkorn Launcelot Hawk Gerald Hayes Andrea Kirsner & Saul Hayutin Melissa & Dan Heideman Mark & Barbara Hernandez Mitch Herold Terri Higdon Kevin & Dianne Higgins Christine Honnen Patti Howard Carol Huller Rj Hulsey Nate Jenkins Trent & Krista Johnson Leonard & Abbey Kapelovitz Jenny Kercher Brent Kercher John & Darcy Kessler Lisa Kimsey Howard & Priscilla Kirshbaum Brenda Kirwood John Klink Katherine Kourlis Nicholas & Aspasia Kyriazi Susie Labonde Julie Labuszewski Andrew Ledger Gretchen Lium Adam Lyle Elizabeth Maloney Dianne & Robert Mariash Tom Matthews Ida Ann & Mark May Deborah Mccarthy Matt Mcdonald & Nikki Withrow Mcdonald Douglas & Linda Mcdonald James & Jolynn Mclin James & Tracy Methe Amy Mitchell John Motler Behrouz Nadji Russell & Setsu Nash Andy Nelson Fletcher Newton Suzanne & John Niemi Kimberly Novak Richard Oglesby Heather Fairchild & Patrick O'Toole Omar Parker Vivian Perla Roxanne Quam Helena Rafailov Eric Vitcenda & Jessica Reinhardt Suzanne Duret & Gary Rennilson Erich Rifenburgh John & Deana Riopelle Lizzie Rockmore Wayne & Kim Rodgers Alan Rosacker Debbie Sakic Chris Saunders Steve Saye John Schiffner John Schlichting Ellen Schneeweis John & Linda Schroer Pat Schulof Walker & Jennifer Stapleton Earl & Jennifer Taber Emiko Torito Nicole & Bill Vanderpoel Evalina Burger-Vanderwalt & Cj Vanderwalt Shyamala Venkatram Vijay Venkatram Kevin Volz Toni & Jim Winchester David & Lou Ann Witter Scott & Kim Wyatt Ross Wyman Kay Yates Lisa & Brian Zook GATC Team Members FEBRUARY 2008 TEAM MEMBER OF THE MONTH Robin Holland Aquatic Instructor Robin was born in New York City. She has lived in Colorado for 20 years with her husband Doug and their two children: Sarah, a Junior at the University of Colorado and Brian, a Junior at Littleton High School. Robin began her employment in the GATC Aquatic Department in April 1990. She recently served as the Interim Aquatic Coordinator for two months and assisted in the hiring process of the new Coordinator. When not at GATC, Robin enjoys bike riding, snow shoeing, walking her two dogs, reading and gardening. She lists GATC member, Larry Greenwood, as an inspiration, not just for his great last name, but also for his desire to learn and improve in his fitness regime. MARCH 2008 TEAM MEMBER OF THE MONTH Dominic LaGro Kids’ Club Attendant Dominic began employment with GATC in August 2007 as an attendant in the Kids’ Club. He was born in Aspen, Colorado, but his family lived in the Chicago area for most of his life. For the past year, he has lived back in Colorado near lots of extended family in the area. Dominic just graduated from Cherry Creek High School and is looking into Metro University this fall. When he is not working or schooling, he enjoys biking, spiritual sciences and documentary films. Dominic lists his coworker Diane Avis as a work inspiration for her support and positive training. APRIL 2008 TEAM MEMBER OF THE MONTH Trenton Kite Member Coach/Group Ex Instructor Trenton was born and raised in Texas. In 1992 he graduated from Nursing School at Howard College in Big Springs, Texas and worked in that profession for 15 years. Trenton has lived in Colorado for four years and began his GATC employment as a Group Exercise Instructor in October 2004. In November 2007, Trenton was hired as the fulltime Member Coach at GATC, a position designed to assist members with making their time at the club more productive and enjoyable. When not at GATC, he enjoys movies, weekend trips to the mountains where he hopes to have a cabin soon, and his one year old eight pound Malti-Poo named Jake. Trenton credits everyone in his Total Body Workout Class as an inspiration. “They prove that age is just a number.” Ask the Expert Briana Marshall Personal Trainer Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club 303-770-2582 x408 What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis (porous bones) is a common disease that weakens bones and affects about eight million women and two million men and causes more than 1.5 million fractures yearly in the U.S. Osteoporosis can be prevented and treated. What are osteoporosis symptoms? Osteoporosis often progresses without symptoms or pain. Usually, a doctor will diagnose osteoporosis after a fracture occurs. That fracture is usually in the back or hips and can be painful, debilitating and disfiguring, and can result in loss of mobility and independence. What is my risk for osteoporosis? Family history: Osteoporosis seems to run in families. If your mother had a hip fracture or spinal collapse fracture, chances are you are at risk for osteoporosis. Sex: Women are four times more likely than men to get osteoporosis but men are not immune. Age: Women over the age of 50 have the greatest risk of developing osteoporosis, but anyone of any age can have it. Bone structure and body weight. Petite and thin women have a greater risk of developing osteoporosis. Weight loss after age 50 in women also seems to increase the risk of hip fractures. Smallboned, thin men have a greater risk than men with larger frames and more body weight. Medications: Some medications may increase your risk of osteoporosis. These include long-term use of steroids (prednisone), thyroid medication, anticonvulsants and other medications. How can I prevent osteoporosis? Increase calcium in your diet. Getting enough calcium throughout your life helps to keep bones strong. Experts recommend 1,000 milligrams each day for men premenopausal women and 1,500 milligrams a day for postmenopausal women. Exercise. Exercise makes bones and muscles stronger and helps prevent bone loss. It also helps you stay active and mobile. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, playing tennis and aerobics are excellent for preventing osteoporosis. Strength training and/or using the Itonic vibration plate will help build stronger muscles and bones. Balance training will help you avoid falls which will decrease your chances of breaking a bone. How is osteoporosis detected? A Bone Mineral Density test (BMD) is the only way to diagnose osteoporosis and determine your risk for future fracture. Since osteoporosis can develop undetected for decades until a fracture occurs, early diagnosis is important. How is osteoporosis treated? Many osteoporosis treatments, including lifestyle choices and medications are successful in stopping bone loss, reducing your risk of fractures. 17 Club Directory & Hours HOURS OF OPERATION Athletic Club 303-770-2582 HOURS OF OPERATION ink! COFFEE x288 Monday-Thursday 5:00am - 10:00pm Friday 5:00am - 9:00pm Saturday 6:00am - 8:00pm Sunday 7:00am - 8:00pm Monday-Friday Saturday/Sunday Tennis Club 303-771-2588 5:30am - 10:00pm Monday-Thursday Friday 5:30am - 6:00pm Saturday/Sunday 7:00am - 6:00pm Please check the website for guest pass information. Kids’ Club Monday-Friday Saturday/Sunday 8:00am - 7:00pm 8:00am - 3:00pm Membership Office Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday/Sunday 7:30am - 7:30pm 8:00am - 6:30pm 9:00am - 5:00pm Business Office Monday-Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm 720-200-4255 Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday/Sunday (must be accompanied by an adult 18 and older) 10 adult guest pass package (members only) 7:00am - 6:00pm 7:00am - 4:00pm 8:00am - 12:00pm $15 $10 $120 $25 Guest Day Free guest day for athletic club members is the 3rd Friday of every month. Free guest day for tennis club members is the 3rd Saturday of every month. * Three visit limit per month for all guests. Permanent Lockers Half Locker Executive Locker $40-45/month $60-65/month Fransua’s Hair & Nail Salon Both include laundry service. Contact Lisa at x284. 303-770-0201 Monday-Friday Saturday HOLIDAY HOURS OF OPERATION 8:00am - 6:00pm 8:00am - 4:00pm PULSE Advertising Information 303-770-2582 x305 PULSE Graphics Information Samiah Ahmad, Owner/Manager 7474 E. Peakview Ave., Building 10 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.771.5653 • 303.680.5955 Your personal full service travel agency. Complete travel planning for Greenwood Village and the surrounding areas. • Exotic Vacation Getaways • Domestic and International Travel Providing the same great service to GATC members for over 7 years! Luxury Vacation Expert at a great value. EUROPE, HAWAII, MEXICO, CARIBBEAN, LAS VEGAS just to name a few. FOXFIELD TRAVEL INC. $ 10000 Vacation Coupon $10000 This coupon entitles you to $100.00 off your next trip of seven nights or longer based on double occupancy. This offer is exclusive to new bookings, and cannot be redeemed for cash. This offer expires September 30, 2008. 18 8:00am - 9:30pm 8:00am - 8:30pm 8:00am - 7:30pm Physiotherapy Associates 303-694-9193 Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday Guest fee for club members Children 13 and under Guest fee for non-members (all ages) Ethereal Day Spa FOXFIELD TRAVEL INC. • Cruises and Tours • Destination Weddings • Honeymoon Packages 6:30am - 7:30pm 8:00am - 5:00pm CLUB GUEST FEES 4th of July Club Tennis Kids’ Club 5:00am - 4:00pm 5:30am - 4:00pm 8:00am - 1:00pm Labor Day Club Tennis Kids’ Club 5:00am - 4:00pm 5:30am - 4:00pm 8:00am - 1:00pm SUMMER AND FALL PROGRAMS TO LOOK FOR! YOUTH BRIAN HOWARD’S SUMMER BREAK BASKETBALL CLINIC This clinic will provide your child emphasis on fast paced drills, position specific instruction, offensive and defensive footwork, shooting and rebounding and much more! LITTLE LOBBERS USPTA certified instructor Lisa Thomas will introduce your child to the fundamentals of tennis including forehand and backhand volleys, overhead and ground strokes in a fun filled and non-competitive environment. PILATES PRENATAL PILATES Pilates is the ideal workout for momsto-be! In this safe and exciting prenatal class you will: build core strength, relieve lower back pain and other pregnancy-induced aches, increase stamina, balance and flexibility, strengthen the abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscles needed during labor and beyond. PILATES FOR ATHLETES For serious athletes wanting to use Pilates to improve their performance. Sara Talbert will use the movement system of Pilates to help you integrate Pilates principles into your sport. AQUATICS JOURNEY TO OPEN WATER SWIMMING Voni Oerman, who in August 2007 lead six 12 year olds to set the World Record for the youngest relay team to cross the English channel, will prepare young swimmers to compete in the Horsetooth Open Water Event on August 10th in Fort Collins. TRIATHLON TRAINING Coach Dennis Mellon trains athletes of all levels and abilities to complete races from Sprint to Ironman Distance. • Multi-Sport Program available • Swim Only Program available • Bike Only Program available • Run Only Program available GROUP EXERCISE BODY JAM BODYJAM™ is the cardio workout where you are free to enjoy the sensation of dance. An addictive fusion of the latest dance moves and hottest new sounds puts the emphasis as much on having fun as breaking a sweat. Funky instructors teach you to move with attitude through this 55minute class. Coming to GATC this fall! BOOTY CAMP Get down and dirty in one of GATC’s outdoor Booty Camps this summer. You will engage in tire drills, wile climbs, calisthenics, log drills, and obstacle courses as you exercise outside military style–MWF RAIN OR SHINE! July 14-August 15, 8:00-9:15am *NEWLY ADDED SESSION* September 1-October 3. 9:30-10:45am 19 Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club 303.770.2582 5801 S. Quebec St. • Greenwood Village, CO 80111
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