THE CLASS OF 2016 - Klein High School
THE CLASS OF 2016 - Klein High School
THE CLASS OF 2016 Congratulations! Your long-awaited graduation day is finally here! We, the faculty and administration, are proud of you and wish to express our appreciation to you for your contribution to Klein High School. Please look through this Senior Graduation Guide carefully so that you may understand the schedule for the completion of your Senior year as a BearKat! KHS ADMINISTRATORS, COUNSELORS & REGISTRARS Principal: Larry Whitehead Associate Principals: Johnnie Hayes Debbie Pennington Assistant Principals: Gary Brain Jaren Bollinger Gregory Corradino Alicia Eichhorn Prentiss Harper Blake Muskiet Lisa Robinson Christy Stanton Joel Wren Michelle York Lead Counselor: Kelly Bonin Counselors: Rhonda Bailey Delia Baker Teresa Canon Tammie Doss Paula Georgiana Gina Hawkins MK Huynh Katy Keener Kimberly Lassinger Jodi Lea Amy Leipzig Tiffany Martin Melissa Paris Stephanie Renfrow Tiffany Simon Sue Weatherton Graduation Advisor Diana Case Registrars: Jean Adams Kassidy Villegas Behavior Specialist: Jocelyn Muckleroy CLASS OF 2016 4/14 National Honor Society Induction…………………………………6:30 PM 4/25-5/13 APE Ticket Sales (during all lunches) 5/2-11 Prom Ticket Sales (during lunches) 5/14 Prom (The Woodlands Waterway Marriott)..…………………8:00 PM 5/14/15 APE/After Prom Extravaganza (KHS Cafeteria)……….…..12:00 AM 5/18 Cap & Gown Distribution………….……………………………..……3rd Period May 26, 27, and 31 SENIOR FINAL EXAMS 6/1 Senior Awards in KHS Auditorium………………………………8:30 AM Senior Check-In (Competition Gym)………….…………………8:00 AM 6/2 Graduation Practice (Big Gym)…………………………………….8:30 AM 6/4 Graduation (NRG)………………………………………………………9:00 AM Tuesday, May 24, and Wednesday, May 25 are Review Days for seniorsThursday, May 26, 2016 First Bell 7:15 1st Period Class 7:25 – 8:08 (43 minutes) 2nd Period Class 8:14 – 8:58 (44 minutes) 3rd Period Class 9:04 – 9:48 (44 minutes) 4 Period Class 9:54 – 10:14 (20 minutes) 10:14 – 10:39 4A Lunch 10:44 – 11:14 (30 minutes) 10:49 – 12:18 10:44 – 11:14 5b th 5th Period Class and Lunch 11:16 – 11:46 5c 11:48 – 12:18 5d 6th Period Class & Senior Final 12:24 – 1:24 (60 minutes) 7th Period Class & Senior Final 1:30 – 2:30 (60 minutes) BUSES WILL RUN AT REGULAR TIME Friday, May 27, 2016 First Bell 7:15 1st Period & Senior Final 7:25 – 8:25 (60 minutes) 2nd Period Class & Senior Final 8:31 – 9:31 (60 minutes) 3rd Period Class & Final ALL GRADES 9:37 -11:07 (90 minutes) Senior Final 9:37-10:37 Seniors dismissed at 10:37 4th Period Class 11:13 – 11:45 (32 minutes) 5th Period Class and Lunch 11:51 – 1:15 11:45 – 12:10 A Lunch 12:15 – 12:40 B Lunch 12:45 – 1:15 C Lunch 6th Period Class 1:21 – 1:53 (32 minutes) 7th Period Class 1:59 – 2:30 (31 minutes) BUSES WILL RUN AT REGULAR TIME Tuesday, May 31, 2016 First Bell 7:15 OPEN CAMPUS 4th Period Final Exam ALL GRADES 5th Period Final Exam ALL GRADES 7:25 - 8:55 (90 minutes) Senior Final 7:25 - 825 9:05 - 10:35 (90 minutes) Senior Final 9:05 – 10:05 BUSES WILL RUN AT 10:45 Wednesday, June 1, 2016 First Bell 7:15 OPEN CAMPUS 1st Period Final Exam 9 – 11 ONLY 7:25 - 8:55 (90 minutes) 2nd Period Final Exam 9 – 11 ONLY 9:05 - 10:35 (90 minutes) BUSES WILL RUN AT 10:45 Thursday, June 2, 2016 First Bell 7:15 OPEN CAMPUS 6 th Period Final Exam 9 – 11 ONLY 7th Period Final Exam 9 – 11 ONLY BUSES WILL RUN AT 10:45 7:25 - 8:55 (90 minutes) 9:05 - 10:35 (90 minutes) John Nguyen Gabrielle Orion Anna Pronko Sofia Smith Annabel Sweeney Class Sponsors Melissa Harvey Prom Theme A Night on the Town Class Motto The best you’ve ever seen—the class of ‘16 Miss KHS – Ashley Akin Mr. KHS – John West Most Likely to Succeed – Ashley Akin & John West Most Athletic – Imani Nave-Bloodsaw & Lorenzo Olguin Most Artistic – Ann Li & Alejandro Martin Most Musical – London Lawhon & Brett Baker Best Personality – Jenna Walker & John Nguyen Most Spirited – Carla Bell & Brennan Strader Important Information for Seniors I. FINALS Senior Exams will be given on Thursday, May 28, Friday, May 29, and Tuesday, May 31st. For exempt seniors, the cafeteria will be open as a study hall or one may choose open campus. No senior may roam the hallways. If an exemption is not earned in a class where no final exam is given (i.e. athletics, study hall, office aid, band, etc) the student must attend that class period. That student does not have open campus. If a student has a multiple period class in which the exam is given, the exam will be on the first period available. See table on page 4. II. ATTENDANCE AWARDS Students with perfect attendance in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 need to see Mrs. York (Room 350) and fill out the form to have their records verified. Bring copies of last report card by Wednesday, May 20th to assist in this process. III. AWARDS PROGRAM – June 1 The Senior Awards Program has been set for Wednesday, June 1, 2016 and it will be held in the KHS Auditorium at 8:30 AM. This assembly has been planned to honor seniors and their parents. The students receiving honors will be notified (please invite your parents to attend). Since this is the last formal assembly of the class, please dress in “business type” clothing. Your cooperation is requested and appreciated. Attendance for all Seniors will be taken starting at 8:00 AM in the cafeteria. Seniors not wishing to attend the awards ceremony may leave campus after checking in. AWARDS PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP RECOGNITION Seniors have the responsibility of notifying counselors of all scholarship offers. All letters notifying seniors of scholarships won should be taken immediately to the counselor’s office to be recorded. We want to recognize all awards offered, even if the scholarships are not accepted. The program will be printed May 17th. IV. PROM Prom is an alcohol/drug/tobacco free event. Students and guests in possession or under the influence are subject to disciplinary consequences. Your senior class offcers have made every effort to prepare an evening for you that will be memorable! The prom will be taking place at: The Woodlands Waterway Marriott 1601 Lake Robins Drive The Woodlands, Texas 77380 Prom will be held on Saturday, May 14nd from 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM. Refreshments and soft drinks will be served. This is a formal affair. Tuxedos or dark suits with white shirt and tie are expected for men. Semi-formal or evening gowns are suitable for the ladies. Tickets will be on sale in the cafteria during all lunches May 2-6/May 9-11. Tickets will also be on sale in Office 425 May 9th-11th before and after school. Students must have a current school ID to purchase tickets. Anyone planning on bringing a date to Prom who does not curently attend KHS, must pick up a guest form from Office 425. This completed and signed form must be turned in to purchase your Prom tickets! Tickets must be paid for in cash. The cost of the Prom tickets are $75 each. Seniors planning to attend Prom must purchase tickets by Wednesday, May 9th. The coronation of the Prom King and Queen will be at 11:00 PM. Please plan your evening accordingly so that you will not miss this special event. Loyd’s Photography will be present to take your official Prom photographs. Listed on the next page are the packages that will be available for you to purchase the night of the dance. Pictures will be delivered directly to the student whose name appears on the order. A delivery date will be announced. Only those who ordered and paid for the photos will receive them. If both boy and girl of the couple wish to receive pictures, they must each purchase a separate package or be prepared to share. Photographers will set up to start taking pictures at 8:00 PM. Get there early to avoid the rush! Prom Picture Information Loyd’s Photography & Video 12355 Old Walters Road Houston, TX 77014 281.444.3758 V. APE – AFTER PROM EXTRAVAGANZA— MORE TO COME- Klein High School After Prom Extravaganza “Working to keep Seniors of 2016 safe after Prom” March 14, 2016 Dear Senior Parents, For the past fourteen months, Klein High School senior parents, assisted by the school’s administration, have been planning a substance-free after-prom party known as Klein After Prom Extravaganza or “APE”. APE 2016 will be held at the school from midnight to 5:00 AM on May 14th, and will feature food, games, entertainment and prizes – it’s an all-inclusive event! All Klein Seniors are invited to attend APE. Ticket price includes an APE T-Shirt, which is required for admittance. Prom attendance is NOT required. The after-prom party concept has been supported by the Texas Department of Public Safety since 1988. The DPS feels this is one solution to the large number of teenage traffic accidents after proms, which usually involve alcohol and/or drugs. Klein High School parents sponsored their first APE in 1988 and it has grown each year. Last year, the class of 2015 hosted about students at APE. Class of 2016 has over 950 students! APE 2016 is a lock-in event, and the seniors should be in the school by 1:00 AM, as the doors will be locked at 1:30 AM. They must remain inside until all the events are completed at approximately 5:00 AM. All bags and purses will be searched before entering. Students are encouraged to leave such items at home. Entertainment, music, games, prizes and food will be provided all evening at no cost to Klein seniors and their guests. APE parent volunteers are still needed to make this great event possible for all our seniors. For more information, please check If your student needs to leave APE 2016 early, please complete the attached Early Release form and have your senior return it to the Fine Arts AP office or APE Registration, which will be held from April 25- May 13 in the Commons during lunches. The Registration Committee will verify each Early Release form before APE by contacting the parent by phone. In addition, the parent will be notified by phone on the night of APE when their student is leaving. The parent must be available for a phone call at that time. Go Bearkats! KHS APE RULES THE FOLLOWING RULES ARE NON-NEGOTIABLE 1. No drugs, alcohol or controlled substances can be brought to the party. No one will be admitted if under the influence. If a problem in this area is discovered later, the student's parents will be called to pick them up. If the parent is unavailable, the student will be escorted by a school official to remain in a designated area until dismissal time in the morning. 2. No one will be admitted to the party after 1:30 AM. 3. APE is a "Lock-In" and only those students who have turned in an Early Release Dismissal Form, signed by their parents, to registration will be allowed to leave early. Note: The parent signing the form will be contacted during the week before APE to confirm the early release and will also need to be available for a phone call before the student will be allowed to leave APE at the designated time. 4. Students may not re-enter after leaving the party. 5. Klein Seniors and their guest MUST have a photographic ID (student ID or driver's license) with them for admission on the night of APE and for the seniors to claim prizes. 6. Students must remain in the designated party area of the building. 7. Only Klein Seniors and their registered date/guest will be admitted to the party. 8. Only Klein Seniors are eligible to win prizes and must be PRESENT to win. 9. Dress for the party is casual and wearing the APE 2016 t-shirt is required. No alterations of the t-shirt will be permitted. 10. Food and drink will be served throughout the night, so outside food and drink will not be permitted. 11. Anyone participating in any type of vandalism or physical abuse will be removed from the party. * * THERE ARE NOT MANY RULES....BUT THEY ARE VERY IMPORANT!!!! AFTER PROM EXTRAVAGANZA KLEIN APE 2016 EARLY RELEASE FORM This form must be signed and returned to APE registration or the AP office 627 from May 2-May 11. The Registration Committee will verify each Early Release form before APE by contacting the parent by phone. In addition, the parent will be notified by phone on the night of APE when their student is leaving. The parent must be available for a phone call at that time. The undersigned, being the parent or legally appointed and qualified guardian of _____________________________________, does hereby consent to said student leaving APE 2016 at ____________________ (time). I further agree to hold the Klein Independent School District, its Board of Trustees, Faculty and/or APE Chairmen harmless from all liability for any injuries, which said student might receive while traveling from such event. ___________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________ Home Phone ___________________________________________ Cell Phone VI. GRADUATION PROCEDURES A. Cap and Gown Distribution – Wednesday, May 18th Caps and gowns will be distributed on Wednesday, May 18th, during 3rd period in the main cafeteria. Seniors will be dismissed by area on campus over the PA system. All textbook and other monies owed must be cleared before caps and gowns are released. If you have not yet ordered a cap and gown, have $30.00 cash ($15.00 plus late fee $15.00) and be prepared to be fitted from available extras. At that time, National Honor Society cowls will also be distributed. Cowls require a $25.00 deposit (no checks – it must be a $25 cash. This security deposit is fully refundable; after the graduation ceremony at NRG, Ms. Hermsdorf will be available to accept your cowl and return your $25 dollars. If you choose to keep the cowl, you may do so, but please note that your $25 will not be refunded. B. Graduation Practice – June 2nd @ 8:30 AM Seniors will report to the cafeteria for attendance check-in and lineup assignment. Seniors with a line assignment will then report, immediately, to their location (there will be signs posted in the halls and teachers to assist). It is imperative that all seniors be present so that all lineup and seating arrangements can be finalized. In case of emergency, or extreme illness, please send a parent or guardian to stand in for you. You MUST clear all textbooks holds or financial obligations before you will be allowed to receive a diploma. Students MUST check the hold list and clear the records after graduation practice. C. Cap and Gown Etiquette The graduation ceremony begins promptly at 9:00 AM on Saturday, June 4. Seniors must be at NRG at 7:45 PM. The gentlemen are asked to wear white or pastel shirts with ties, conservative pants, dress shoes (with socks). The ladies are asked to wear dresses (but conservative pants are acceptable), shoes that compliment the gown, and the collars that have been provided with your gown. No tennis shoes, sandals or flip flops will be allowed! If all seniors follow this requested dress code, the class will look uniform in its caps and gowns, lending the proper dignity to the graduation ceremony. Please be reminded of the following as well: 1. Wear hats with mortar board flat. 2. Gentlemen will remove mortar board during National Anthem, prayer and pledges. 3. Ladies do not remove caps. 4. No corsages may be worn on gowns. 5. Students are not to carry bags, cameras, sunglasses, etc with them when reporting to lineup. There is no secure place to store them during the ceremony. 6. Cell phones are to be turned off and put away. D. Conduct The City of Houston fire and safety codes will be rigidly adhered to. Please remember that we are guests at NRG Stadium, and are expected to respect their property. Please note that all KISD rules and regualtions for student conduct still apply to student behavior expectations for the graduation ceremony. During the graduation ceremony, mature conduct is expected. This is a formal ceremony to which parents and guests have been invited. The staff has worked hard to make this a dignified occasion that will be a cherished memory for all particpants and guests. Please do not talk or use cell phones (no texting) during any point of the graduation ceremony. E. Line Up at Reliant /NRG– June 4 The graduation ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 4, 2016 at 9:00 AM at NRG. Seniors must report to NRG at 7:45 AM for lineup and final instructions. Please allow ample time for travel and parking. Only KHS seniors will be admitted to the lineup area. Do not bring anything with you that would need to be claimed after graduation (cameras, bags, purses, sunglasses, etc). F. Guests All guests are welcome at NRG Stadium. For our handicapped guests, there are accomodations provided by NRG. These areas will be clearly marked. G. Processional Information Graduates will arrive at 7:45 AM. When all graduates are assembled, they will wait until the Marshals lead the lines out. A teacher is assigned for each group of 40 students to make sure that they stay in the proper order. 1. The processional will begin promptly at 9:00 AM. 2. Walk two steps directly behind the person in front of you. 3. Do not allow large distances to develop between you and the person in front of you. 4. Pair off with the person who comes up, whether it is the person you practiced with you or not. 5. Proceed with the proper row and seat assignment and remain standing until all graduates are in place. Graduation Ceremony Processional Diagram H. Recessional Information The recessional will begin immediately following the closing/benediction. Remain in your place of order at all times and follow instructions from the floor Marshals. Each row will wait until the preceding row is clear before beginning its march. DO NOT ENTER THE CENTER AISLE. The recessional uses the side aisles only. Graduation Ceremony Recessional Diagram I. Diplomas 1. During the ceremony, graduates will be handed the diploma cover only. 2. Immediately following the ceremony, seniors will return to the specified area where they will pick up their diplomas and return the National Honor Society cowls. 3. Tables will be arranged by seat assignment for this purpose. Students with financial obligations or textbook holds will not receive a diploma at this time. J. Map & Parking Information for NRG Stadium Parking Fee is $12 per car K. Commencement Photographs/DVD Please ask your friends and relatives not to go on the floor to take pictures during the graduation ceremony. A photographer will be present to take your photo as you receive your diploma. Additionally, a DVD of the graduation ceremony will be made. Order envelopes for commencement photographs will be distributed with your caps and gowns. Loyd’s Photography will once again be providing this service for Klein High School. Please mail all orders directly to Loyd’s. The purchase of any photography services will be between the vendor and the student/parent. Please direct all questions/concerns the photography company. Loyd’s Photography & Video 12355 Old Walters Road Houston, TX 77014 281.444.3758 2016 SPRING SEMESTER FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE May 24 - June 2, 2016 All semester examinations must be given according to the established schedule and none are to be given early. REVIEW DAYS: Do not give tests or new material during these days. Tuesday, May 24, and Wednesday, May 25. Thursday, May 26, 2016 First Bell 7:15 1st Period Class 7:25 – 8:08 (43 minutes) 2nd Period Class 8:14 – 8:58 (44 minutes) 3rd Period Class 9:04 – 9:48 (44 minutes) 4th Period Class 9:54 – 10:14 (20 minutes) 10:14 – 10:39 4A Lunch 10:44 – 11:14 (30 minutes) 10:49 – 12:18 10:44 – 11:14 5b 5th Period Class and Lunch 11:16 – 11:46 5c 11:48 – 12:18 5d 6th Period Class & Senior Final 12:24 – 1:24 (60 minutes) 7th Period Class & Senior Final 1:30 – 2:30 (60 minutes) BUSES WILL RUN AT REGULAR TIME Friday, May 27, 2016 First Bell 7:15 1 Period & Senior Final 7:25 – 8:25 (60 minutes) 2nd Period Class & Senior Final 8:31 – 9:31 (60 minutes) 3rd Period Class & Final ALL GRADES 9:37 -11:07 (90 minutes) st Senior Final 9:37-10:37 Seniors dismissed at 10:37 4 Period Class 11:13 – 11:45 5th Period Class and Lunch 11:51 – 1:15 11:45 – 12:10 A Lunch th (32 minutes) 12:15 – 12:40 B Lunch 12:45 – 1:15 C Lunch 6th Period Class 1:21 – 1:53 (32 minutes) 7th Period Class 1:59 – 2:30 (31 minutes) BUSES WILL RUN AT REGULAR TIME Tuesday, May 31, 2016 First Bell 7:15 OPEN CAMPUS 4th Period Final Exam ALL GRADES 5th Period Final Exam ALL GRADES 7:25 - 8:55 (90 minutes) Senior Final 7:25 - 825 9:05 - 10:35 (90 minutes) Senior Final 9:05 – 10:05 BUSES WILL RUN AT 10:45 Wednesday, June 1, 2016 First Bell 7:15 OPEN CAMPUS 1st Period Final Exam 9 – 11 ONLY 7:25 - 8:55 (90 minutes) 2nd Period Final Exam 9 – 11 ONLY 9:05 - 10:35 (90 minutes) BUSES WILL RUN AT 10:45 Thursday, June 2, 2016 First Bell 7:15 OPEN CAMPUS 6 th Period Final Exam 9 – 11 ONLY 7th Period Final Exam 9 – 11 ONLY 7:25 - 8:55 (90 minutes) 9:05 - 10:35 (90 minutes) BUSES WILL RUN AT 10:45 Students are required to remain in classroom the entire testing period. Early dismissals are not granted on final exam days. VII. SUMMER GRADUATION More information to come regarding Summer Graduation.