January 2016 Senior Newsletter
January 2016 Senior Newsletter
Class of 2016 January 2016 WELCOME to Senior Year Angie Murphy, Principal 727-774-3900 - rhs.pasco.k12.fl.us - @Ridgewood_Rams SENIOR YEAR EXPENSESDEADLINES APPROACHING!! FINANCIAL AID NIGHT FEBRUARY 2ND 6:00-7:00 *High School Seniors and Parents, the next few months will be crucial in applying for financial aid such as scholarships, grants, and loans. If you have questions such as “Where do I start applying for Financial Aid? What does FASFA stand for and what do I need to apply? Then you must attend our Financial AID night to find out more. Dinner will be served at 5:15- First come, First Served. Additional resources will be available such as insurance and job information. The First Semester of your Senior Year is over. Your Graduation Fees deadline is January 31st. Every student will be measured and a cap and gown will be ordered, no exceptions. Remember we have the School Pay credit card payment option which is available on the RHS website. If you need to be set up on a payment plan, please complete the Ram’s Rescue paperwork with School Social Worker, Ms. Clukey-Chenard. Required: • Senior Graduation Fees (Diploma, Medallions, Cords, Senior Activities, Senior Shirt, Cap and Gown): $85 (Deadline January 31st) • Athletic Participation Fee: $60 1st sport, $40 2nd sport (Collected prior to PLAYING the sport) PROM - APRIL 8TH 7PM-11PM Prom will be at the Kapok Tree in Clearwater, FL. Tickets go on sale 3/14-4/7 for $65 per person. See Mrs. Krupyak or Ms. Ortiz for more information. If you have a non-RHS guest, they must be approved by administration no later than 4/7. GRAD BASH 2016 APRIL 23RD 7PM-2AM Optional: • Yearbook ($60) & Senior Ads (August-March) • Graduation Announcements (September-December) • Senior Panoramic Picture $13 (February 10) • Prom Tickets $65 Kapok Tree (April 8th) • Grad Bash $110 Universal Studios (April 23rd) ATTENDANCE is the key to success! Students who are on the Loss of Privilege list will not be able to attend Prom or Grad Bash! Please remember that all absences are a concern coming to school is part of being a responsible adult. CLASS OF 2016 REMIND Students in good standing may purchase a Grad Bash ticket which includes entrance to both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. Price is $110 and covers bus and entrance into both parks. Students will need to cover the cost of meals and any other expenses. Jason Derulo is performing. There will be a mandatory information meeting for all students attending to go over rules and expectations. We must sell 50 seats to go. Tickets sales begin January 25, see Mrs. Smith or pay by credit card on the Ridgewood website. – – TEXT: @rams16 to (954) 320-0785 or 81010 Email: rams16@mail.remind.com Twitter: @2016Rhs_Seniors Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RidgewoodHighSchoolClassOf2016 – SENIOR PRIVILEGES All Seniors must wear their badges while on Campus All Seniors have the opportunity to obtain a parking permit (must fill out the form and take the safe driving class) and personalize a parking spot. All Seniors are able to eat lunch on the Senior Patio JANUARY SCHOLARSHIP LETTER Please visit the RHS Website to find out the deadlines for current scholarships. For further information, contact Mr. Kelly in Room 105. http://rhs.pasco.k12.fl.us/wpcontent/uploads/rhs/2016/01/SCHOLARSHIP-NEWSLETTER5-2015.pdf PASCO EDUCATION FOUNDATION Scholarship applications for 2016 graduating seniors are available online through January 31st. www.pascoeducationfoundation.org Class of 2016 January 2016 WELCOME to Senior Year Angie Murphy, Principal 727-774-3900 - rhs.pasco.k12.fl.us - @Ridgewood_Rams CLASS OF 2016 CONTACTS: Tisha Doohen, Assistant Principal tdoohen@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-3973 Lucinda Nelson, School Counselor lsnelson@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-3965 Derek Delgardo, Graduation Coach ddelgard@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-3848 Diane Clukey-Chenard, School Social Worker dclukey@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-3946 Diane Wegenaar, Bookkeeper dwegenaa@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-3917 Class Sponsors: Angela Smith, aasmith@pasco.k12.fl.us Stacey Hannigan, shanniga@pasco.k12.fl.us WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS TO GRADUATE ON TIME? STANDARD 4-YEAR CREDIT DIPLOMA 24 Credit Required English 4.0 credits Math 4.0 credits Science 3.0 credits Social Studies 3.0 credits Fine/Performing Art 1.0 credit HOPE 1.0 credit Electives 8.0 credits GPA Requirement 2.0 unweighted cumulative GPA (all) 1 Full Online Virtual Course Assessment Requirement FCAT 2.0 Reading – 245 or Above (or concordant score on ACT (19) / SAT (430) ) Pass the Algebra 1 EOC or a 97 on the Math PERT IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE CLASS OF 2016 **Dates & events are subject to change Quarter 3 Starts – January 19 Winter Spirit Week – January 25-29 Senior Panoramic/Graduation Contract – February TBD PERT Math Test – February 1-5 Financial Aid Night – February 2 Spring Madness Spirit Week – March 14-18 Spring Pep Rally – March 14 Talent Show – March 17 Quarter 3 Ends – March 18 Spring Break – March 21-28 FCAT Reading/Algebra 1 EOC Retakes – March 28-April 8 Prom – April 8 (Kapok Tree) Grad Bash – April 23 (Universal Studios) PERT Test – May TBD AP Exams – May 2-13 Senior Spirit Week – May 15-20 Senior Night of Excellence Awards Ceremony – May 17 6PM RHS Gym Online Classes Completed to be Eligible to Participate in the June 3rd Graduation – May 20 Senior Exams – May 20-24 Senior Countdown – May 24 2:45PM Senior Breakfast/Checkout – May 25 9AM-11:30AM Mandatory Graduation Practice – May 26 & 27 8:30AM12PM Graduation – June 3 6:30PM RHS Gymnasium PERT - MATH All Seniors who still need to pass the Algebra EOC graduation requirement will need to take the PERT Math test on your scheduled day February 1st thru February 5th. ACT/SAT ACT 2016 Test Dates: 2/6, 4/9, 6/11 http://www.actstudent.org SAT 2016 Test Dates: 1/23, 3/5, 5/7, 6/4 http://sat.collegeboard.org Fee waivers for students that qualify, see Ms. Maertin.
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