Saturday, April 26, 2014 Wesley Chapel High School Complex
Saturday, April 26, 2014 Wesley Chapel High School Complex
Hosted by the District School Board of Pasco County PLACE Program Saturday, April 26, 2014 Wesley Chapel High School Complex 30651 Wells Road Wesley Chapel, FL 33545 The Pasco Learning and Activity Centers of Enrichment (PLACE) is proud to host the 3rd Annual Afterschool Conference Pasco Learning and Activity Centers of . Enrichment (PLACE) is a school-age before and after school activity program operated by the District School Board of Pasco County. PLACE is designed to provide an active and enriching environment for children who must arrive at school early, stay late and/or require supervised activities on most school holidays. Participation is limited to elementary school children, in kindergarten through grade five. The PLACE program provides children with opportunities to experience quality care in a safe and secure environment through which the child will be nurtured and supported. 3rd ANNUAL AFTERSCHOOL CONFERENCE “ENGAGE…CONNECT…LEARN” CONTENTS GENERAL SCHEDULE………………………………………………………………..….. 1 CONFERENCE WELCOME…………………………………………………………….. 2 KEYNOTE SPEAKER - ARIC BOSTICK………………………….………………….. 3 SPECIAL GUEST - STEVE TURNER ………………………………………….…..… 4 CONFERENCE BREAKOUT SESSIONS………………………………..………….. 5 PRESENTATIONS AT A GLANCE ……………………………………………..….…. 17 SPONSORS…………………………………………………………….………………..…… 19 EXHIBITORS………………………………………………………….…………..……….... 21 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS…………………………………..…..... 30 OUR CONTRIBUTORS…………………………………………..…………………….... 31 OUR VOLUNTEERS………………………………………………..…………………..... 32 NOTES……………………………………………………………………..…………..…..... 37 2nd ANNUAL AFTERSCHOOL CONFERENCE MEMORIES………………… 38 WESLEY CHAPEL HIGH SCHOOL MAP…………………………………….…….. 39 GENERAL SCHEDULE 8:00 am -9:15 am Registration Open 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Refreshments in the Cafeteria 9:00 am - 9:15 am Welcome: Mary Grey 9:15 am – 10:00 am Special Guest: Steve Turner “Giving Tree Music Inc.” 10:15 am – 11:00 am Breakout Session 1 11:15 am - 12:00 pm Breakout Session 2 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm Lunch 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Keynote: Aric Bostick 2:45 pm - 3:30 pm Breakout Session 3 3:45 pm – 4:30 pm Breakout Session 4 4:45 pm - 5:00 pm Closing Ceremony and Basket Raffle in the Auditorium 5:00 p.m. Conference Ends Training certificates will be available for pick up at the registration table at 5:00 pm . We are happy to announce that Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) will be available to Conference participants this year! The CEU’s will be made available through the Florida Association for the Education of Young Children, (FLAEYC). In order to qualify for CEU’s, the participant must attend Conference sessions and be prepared to answer questions regarding the presentations attended. To submit your request for CEU’s, Conference attendees must use the following link: Once on the website, you will be asked to fill out information regarding the sessions you attended. There will be a fee of $26.00 for the Continuing Education Units (CEU’s). The website will be available for use after the Conference has ended and remain live for a two week period. 1 Dear Conference Participants; On behalf of the Pasco Learning and Activity Centers of Enrichment and the entire conference planning committee, I’d like to personally welcome each of you to the 3rd Annual Afterschool Conference, “Engage, Connect, Learn.” It’s an exciting time for afterschool professionals as we continue to grow and adapt, remaining always adaptable, motivated and responsive to our children and families. Our profession is continually evolving and changing to meet the needs of our 21st century learners, and we are meeting these changes during a time of larger nationwide and global change. The world of afterschool is an exciting area in which to work! We will continue to meet and bring inspired people together in conferences like this one, to ensure that our skills and knowledge about quality afterschool programming remains on the cutting edge. I would like to give you an idea of what you can expect and what we hope to achieve during our time together today. We will assemble in the beautiful Center for the Arts theatre for an opening session with Steve Turner of Giving Tree Music, a keynote presentation with Aric Bostick and the closing ceremony. There will also be four session times with eighteen workshops in each session for you to choose from. Whether you are looking for presentations that will be valuable for a direct care provider, site based manager or administrator; there will definitely be something for everyone! Our presenters are leaders in their field and are anxious to share their knowledge and experience to help you increase your skills. A brief description of each of the workshops and their locations are included in this program. Our lunch has been sponsored by the PLACE Program and will be served in the cafeteria. I encourage you to visit the exhibitor area throughout the day and play “Vendor Bingo”. In the exhibitor area you will find products, information and technical expertise that will help you enhance the quality of your afterschool programs. Do you feel lucky? If so, stop by the basket raffle table and try your luck at winning one of the fabulous gift baskets. Tickets are available for purchase and baskets will be awarded at the closing ceremony. In order to provide you with the most effective experience, you will be asked to complete a brief evaluation after each session and complete an overall conference evaluation at the end of the day. Please be as honest as possible with your feedback as it will help us improve the quality of our conference for next year. I encourage you throughout the day to network and interact with your peers and colleagues while enhancing your knowledge of common interests and challenges in the afterschool profession. You, as afterschool leaders, have the vision, the knowledge and the experience to help pave our way into the future. You are truly our children’s greatest asset today and tomorrow, and we could not continue to raise the level of quality and professionalism in afterschool without your support and leadership. Throughout this conference, I ask you to stay engaged, be proactive and help shape the future of afterschool care! Sincerely, Mary Grey, Supervisor of Child Care Educational Programs Conference Chairperson 2 KEYNOTE SPEAKER – ARIC BOSTICK Aric Bostick, one of the nation's top motivational speakers and success trainers, has the keen ability to get participants inspired! Aric has spoken to more than a half-million people in nearly every industry, helping leaders and employees to get Fired Up! Using his one-of-akind, high-energy performance and style, Aric passionately infuses realworld skills and motivation into his presentations. Aric's presentations and workshop training for parents, teachers and afterschool professionals are powerful; firing them up to make a difference in young people's lives, showing them what it takes to be a great parent, teacher or afterschool professional, and sharing with them the communication and motivation tools he's found to benefit students. Aric's all-encompassing assemblies, team building and motivational messages are empowering and infectious. You don't want to miss this event! 3 SPECIAL GUEST – STEVE TURNER Steve Turner, owner and founder of Giving Tree Music Inc. has been playing drums for over 25 years, making them for almost as long. His passion for drumming is matched only by his love for sharing the gift of rhythm with others. His teaching style is based on his belief that all people have a natural sense of rhythm, stemming from their own heartbeat; all it takes is to believe in yourself and allow the music to flow through. His teaching mantra - “drumming is easy” which he encourages all participants to say many times during his presentation. This invites participants to overcome insecurities and truly have an “in the moment” experience. He is active locally and around the United States performing, teaching, and providing rhythm based events to businesses, schools, special needs groups, festivals, and corporate team building seminars. 4 CONFERENCE BREAKOUT SESSIONS TRACK ADT – Administrative; SBM – Site Based Management; DCP – Direct Care Provider SESSION 1 – 10:15AM – 11:00AM TRACK LOCATION EVENT DCP ROOM #128 Tracy Sanderson, TD Inc Tester/Observer and Handler, Therapy Dogs Inc. TRANQUIL PAWZ THERAPY DOGS - Tranquil PAWZ Therapy Dogs are registered dog/handler teams through Therapy Dogs, Inc. based in Cheyenne, WY. They assist in a variety of ways. The teams visit people in many different facilities and are used to assist in rehabilitation, bereavement, disasters, and reading programs. SBM ROOM #109 Gregory Snow, Secretary/Executive Board, Florida Afterschool , Regional Director, Afterschool Programs South, Inc., Winter Garden, FL “POSITIVE PERCEPTION OF YOUR PROGRAM”- This interactive workshop will give you some tools and practices that you can put into place at your sites that will give a positive perception of your program! It will teach the art of communication within that can alter the “Reality of a Parents Perception” in a positive way. SBM ROOM #429 Chuck Steinfurth, Program Director, YMCA of Central Florida IT’S FUN TO BUILD! - Teambuilding and STEM! We will be competing in several group design challenges to test your engineering skills. These simple science based activities will use everyday supplies and are great for all ages. DCP ROOM #132 Dr. Debby Mitchell, Ed.D, President and Founder, GeoMotion Group, Inc. MOVEMENT+FUN+LEARNING, LITERACY, MATH AND SCIENCE INTEGRATION - Children love to move! Come discover how to use meaningful movement and fun to give your students’ brain a workout and improve their basic fact fluency in math, science, and literacy. ADT ROOM #108 Saybra R. Chapman, LMHC, Supervisor of Employee Assistance Programs, District School Board of Pasco County I CANNOT DO ONE MORE THING: FINDING PEACE IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS - This presentation focuses on finding balance in our personal and work lives. Taking the perspective that mental health and wellness deserves as much attention as our physical health and wellness, the presenter will offer strategies for dealing with life’s “chaos” and finding a balance in managing multiple demands, challenging interactions, and internal conflict. ADT ROOM #408 Denise Remmers, Relief Site Manager, District School Board of Pasco County, Florida HOOP DANCE FOR HEALTH - The presentation will consist of the participants learning about hula hoop dance and exercise. They will learn how to hula hoop with basic instructions, learn health reasons to hoop and learn a hoop dance. Participants will receive hooping resources and design their own hula hoop that they will be able to take home. 5 TRACK LOCATION EVENT ADT ROOM #116 Cynthia Krosky, CSP, LCSW, Achieving Corporate Excellence, Inc. GETTING THE LEAD ON LEADERSHIP - Values of integrity, responsibility, respect, and lifelong learning provide guidance for every supervisor. Leading people requires self-control and encourages personal and professional growth for all. Great supervisors take on this responsibility, as they serve as a role model for all. Increase your skills and continue to develop positive leadership attributes. DCP ROOM #117 Jennifer Faber, School Readiness Facilitator, Office of Early Learning FAMILY INVOLVEMENT: THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX - Participants will learn how to analyze their program elements to incorporate effective family involvement opportunities throughout their program, and even outside of their program! Involvement strategies will be shared and planning sessions will occur in small groups to plan engagement at drop-off and pick-up times, in the homework center, during art time, within activity centers, on the field, during clubs, and especially during scheduled events. Dozens of involvement options will be presented, along with resources. DCP ROOM #118 Suzin Carr, Owner, Illuminated Publishing “I CHOOSE” TO BE EMPOWERED – “I Choose” motivation, reflection and inspiration. Come join Suzin Carr as she shares a life-improving message of hope and empowerment for personal and professional growth using her award-winning book “I Choose”. Examples from everyday life contribute to a powerful and interactive lecture. Choose well. DCP ROOM #107 Ellen Mulligan, Kaplan Company DO YOU SPEAK MATH? - Hands on exploration of assorted science activities from store bought equipment to recycled items from around the house. Dare to have fun and take away some great ideas to help your students enjoy and explore science! DCP ROOM #129 Wendy Finklea, Director of Programs, VSA Florida INCLUSION IN THE ARTS AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMMING - Engaging everyone in an after-school art program can be difficult if you aren’t prepared to include everyone in the activities. Join VSA Florida in a discussion about why the arts, inclusion in the arts and how we provide art programs in after-school settings. DCP ROOM #119 Tarah Savino Marinelli, MMS, PA-C, Pediatric Physician Assistant and Fit4Allkids Instructor, All Children’s Hospital WHAT’S FOR DINNER? HEALTHY MEAL IDEAS FOR BUSY FAMILIES - The content of this presentation will include a discussion of healthy meal planning, whole vs. processed foods, along with an interactive cooking demonstration. It will provide helpful ideas on preparing nutritious meals in a timely manner and on budget. ADT ROOM #106 Chris Wilkins, Founder – The Educator’s Toolkit PROJECT BASED LEARNING - Come join Chris Wilkins, founder of Educator’s Toolkit LLC, as he describes how your program can incorporate Project Based Learning and create positive student outcomes for all, not just some, of your students. This workshop is designed for program leadership and administration and will review the basic concepts and infrastructure that accompany successful PBL in the After School Program. By using PBL, pedagogy and strategy, you can equip your students of today with the skills and higher order thinking necessary to tackle the problems of tomorrow. 6 TRACK LOCATION EVENT DCP ROOM #127 Barbara Sheats, District School Board of Pasco County, Florida GUIDING CHILDREN THROUGH TRAUMA, TRAGEDY & LOSS - The objective of this presentation is to have an open discussion about the way in which trauma, tragedy, and loss is affecting the young children within our society. It will help participants’ techniques and strategies that will help them to understand and help children through these events. SBM ROOM #427 Maryann Harman, Owner, Music with Mar, Inc. PUTTING SKILLS IN PLACE WITH BRAIN-BASED MUSIC ACTIVITIES - Get energized about what you do while becoming engaged with stimulating lecture and music/movement activities. Maryann “Mar” Harman will share brain research findings, giving you ways to use them and meet standards while having fun. Music uses the whole brain; it’s the perfect tool to get children ready for school by enhancing their learning abilities. Make learning enjoyable for your children! This workshop is helpful to teachers and parents as well. DCP ROOM #130 Matthew Koshko, Site Manager, Fox Hollow Elementary School, District School Board of Pasco County, Florida THE FENG SHUI OF A GREAT PROGRAM - The Feng Shui of A Great Program, will allow participants to get in touch with their inner child and explore new and creative ways to look at the program they work in every day. This presentation offers a unique insight on arrangement and toys as well as activities to help enhance your program. With a “think like a kid, act like an adult” mentality, participants will leave with new ideas and perspectives on how to make your program stand out. DCP ROOM #131 Janet White, Manager of Academic and Youth Programs, Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) EXTENDING STEM TO AFTERSCHOOL - Extending STEM to Afterschool asking questions and wondering “why”, is the catalyst for scientific inquiry. This workshop explores ways to kindle your student’s curiosity. Learn how to guide their use of scientific method and hands on inquiry as you stimulate young minds with hands- on STEM activities. DCP ROOM #428 Jada Bolden (Nikki)/Dara Tucker, Resource Teachers, District School Board of Pasco County PLACE Program MIXING ART AND SCIENCE WITH MAYCO MAGIC METALLICS - In this hands-on workshop create a real metal finish project with Mayco’s Magic Metallics. Magic Metallics work just like the oxidation process works in nature – only it does it faster, which create great opportunities for mixing art and science. Sponsored by Mayco. 7 SESSION 2 – 11:15AM – 12:00AM TRACK LOCATION EVENT DCP ROOM #128 Tracy Sanderson, TD Inc Tester/Observer and Handler, Therapy Dogs Inc. TRANQUIL PAWZ THERAPY DOGS - Tranquil PAWZ Therapy Dogs are registered dog/handler teams through Therapy Dogs, Inc. based in Cheyenne, WY. They assist in a variety of ways. The teams visit people in many different facilities and are used to assist in rehabilitation, bereavement, disasters, and reading programs. DCP ROOM #109 Gregory Snow, Secretary/Executive Board, Florida Afterschool , Regional Director, Afterschool Programs South, Inc., Winter Garden, FL “POSITIVE PERCEPTION OF YOUR PROGRAM”- This interactive workshop will give you some tools and practices that you can put into place at your sites that will give a positive perception of your program! It will teach the art of communication within that can alter the “Reality of a Parents Perception” in a positive way. DCP ROOM #429 Chuck Steinfurth, Program Director, YMCA of Central Florida IT’S FUN TO BUILD! - Teambuilding and STEM! We will be competing in several group design challenges to test your engineering skills. These simple science based activities will use everyday supplies and are great for all ages. SBM ROOM #132 Dr. Debby Mitchell, Ed.D, President and Founder, GeoMotion Group, Inc. MOVEMENT+FUN+LEARNING, LITERACY, MATH AND SCIENCE INTEGRATION - Children love to move! Come discover how to use meaningful movement and fun to give your students’ brain a workout and improve their basic fact fluency in math, science, and literacy. SBM ROOM #108 Saybra R. Chapman, LMHC, Supervisor of Employee Assistance Programs, District School Board of Pasco County I CANNOT DO ONE MORE THING: FINDING PEACE IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS - This presentation focuses on finding balance in our personal and work lives. Taking the perspective that mental health and wellness deserves as much attention as our physical health and wellness, the presenter will offer strategies for dealing with life’s “chaos” and finding a balance in managing multiple demands, challenging interactions, and internal conflict. DCP ROOM #408 Steve Turner, Giving Tree Music; Drum Teacher, Drum Maker, Community Facilitator, Performer DRUM CIRCLES FOR TEAM BUILDING - Energize your team, understand the importance of synergy, have fun, and increase productivity! We have facilitated many successful corporate events with companies like American Express, Outback Steakhouse, Home Shopping Network, and Brighthouse Network. ADT ROOM #116 Cynthia Krosky, CSP, LCSW, Achieving Corporate Excellence, Inc. GETTING THE LEAD ON LEADERSHIP - Values of integrity, responsibility, respect, and lifelong learning provide guidance for every supervisor. Leading people requires self-control and encourages personal and professional growth for all. Great supervisors take on this responsibility, as they serve as a role model for all. Increase your skills and continue to develop positive leadership attributes. 8 TRACK LOCATION EVENT DCP ROOM #117 Jennifer Faber, School Readiness Facilitator, Office of Early Learning FULL S.T.E.A.M AHEAD - Discover how easy it is to offer exciting Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math activities that will engage your K-5 children as they learn while having fun! Dozens of resources and activities will be shared. DCP ROOM #118 Suzin Carr, Owner, Illuminated Publishing “I CHOOSE” TO BE EMPOWERED – “I Choose” motivation, reflection and inspiration. Come join Suzin Carr as she shares a life-improving message of hope and empowerment for personal and professional growth using her award-winning book “I Choose”. Examples from everyday life contribute to a powerful and interactive lecture. Choose well. DCP ROOM #107 Ellen Mulligan, Kaplan Company DO YOU SPEAK MATH? - Hands on exploration of assorted science activities from store bought equipment to recycled items from around the house. Dare to have fun and take away some great ideas to help your students enjoy and explore science! ADT ROOM #129 Christiana Hill, Owner and Nicole Galloway, Administrative Assistant, Bricks 4 Kidz, Tampa, FL BRICKS 4 KIDZ: WE LEARN, WE BUILD, WE PLAY - We are all learners. We are all teachers. How can one program cater to the needs of all, both big and small? Join us for an interactive workshop and discussion to discover the Bricks 4 Kidz Way, a unique style of STEM (ScienceTechnology-Engineering-Math) enrichment that will engage and motivate students of all ages. Come learn, build and play with us! SBM ROOM #119 Tarah Savino Marinelli, MMS, PA-C, Pediatric Physician Assistant and Fit4Allkids Instructor, All Children’s Hospital WHAT’S FOR DINNER? HEALTHY MEAL IDEAS FOR BUSY FAMILIES - The content of this presentation will include a discussion of healthy meal planning, whole vs. processed foods, along with an interactive cooking demonstration. It will provide helpful ideas on preparing nutritious meals in a timely manner and on budget. SBM ROOM #106 Chris Wilkins, Founder – The Educator’s Toolkit PROJECT BASED LEARNING - Come join Chris Wilkins, founder of Educator’s Toolkit LLC, as he describes how your program can incorporate Project Based Learning and create positive student outcomes for all, not just some, of your students. This workshop is designed for program leadership and administration and will review the basic concepts and infrastructure that accompany successful PBL in the After School Program. By using PBL, pedagogy and strategy, you can equip your students of today with the skills and higher order thinking necessary to tackle the problems of tomorrow. SBM ROOM #127 Barbara Sheats, District School Board of Pasco County, Florida GUIDING CHILDREN THROUGH TRAUMA, TRAGEDY & LOSS - The objective of this presentation is to have an open discussion about the way in which trauma, tragedy, and loss is affecting the young children within our society. It will help participants’ techniques and strategies that will help them to understand and help children through these events. 9 TRACK LOCATION EVENT DCP ROOM #427 Maryann Harman, Owner, Music with Mar, Inc. PUTTING SKILLS IN PLACE WITH BRAIN-BASED MUSIC ACTIVITIES - Get energized about what you do while becoming engaged with stimulating lecture and music/movement activities. Maryann “Mar” Harman will share brain research findings, giving you ways to use them and meet standards while having fun. Music uses the whole brain; it’s the perfect tool to get children ready for school by enhancing their learning abilities. Make learning enjoyable for your children! This workshop is helpful to teachers and parents as well. SBM ROOM #130 Matthew Koshko, Site Manager, Fox Hollow Elementary School, District School Board of Pasco County, Florida THE FENG SHUI OF A GREAT PROGRAM - The Feng Shui of A Great Program, will allow participants to get in touch with their inner child and explore new and creative ways to look at the program they work in every day. This presentation offers a unique insight on arrangement and toys as well as activities to help enhance your program. With a “think like a kid, act like an adult” mentality, participants will leave with new ideas and perspectives on how to make your program stand out. DCP ROOM #131 Janet White, Manager of Academic and Youth Programs, Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) EXTENDING STEM TO AFTERSCHOOL - Extending STEM to Afterschool asking questions and wondering “why”, is the catalyst for scientific inquiry. This workshop explores ways to kindle your student’s curiosity. Learn how to guide their use of scientific method and hands on inquiry as you stimulate young minds with hands- on STEM activities. SBM ROOM #428 Jada Bolden (Nikki)/Dara Tucker, Resource Teachers, District School Board of Pasco County PLACE Program MIXING ART AND SCIENCE WITH MAYCO MAGIC METALLICS - In this hands-on workshop create a real metal finish project with Mayco’s Magic Metallics. Magic Metallics work just like the oxidation process works in nature – only it does it faster, which create great opportunities for mixing art and science. Sponsored by Mayco. 10 SESSION 3 – 2:45PM – 3:30PM TRACK LOCATION EVENT SBM ROOM #128 Tracy Sanderson, TD Inc Tester/Observer and Handler, Therapy Dogs Inc. TRANQUIL PAWZ THERAPY DOGS - Tranquil PAWZ Therapy Dogs are registered dog/handler teams through Therapy Dogs, Inc. based in Cheyenne, WY. They assist in a variety of ways. The teams visit people in many different facilities and are used to assist in rehabilitation, bereavement, disasters, and reading programs. ADT ROOM #109 Gregory Snow, Secretary/Executive Board, Florida Afterschool , Regional Director, Afterschool Programs South, Inc., Winter Garden, FL “POSITIVE PERCEPTION OF YOUR PROGRAM”- This interactive workshop will give you some tools and practices that you can put into place at your sites that will give a positive perception of your program! It will teach the art of communication within that can alter the “Reality of a Parents Perception” in a positive way. DCP ROOM #429 Jeff Meister, Mad Science GETTING FUN DOWN TO A SCIENCE - We will present how to instill FUN into your program by learning science, demonstrating some experiential activities and offering an inquiry based approach to teaching science. Our emphasis is on making learning FUN through hands-on scientific inquiry. We have Fun down to a Science! DCP ROOM #132 Dr. Debby Mitchell, Ed.D, President and Founder, GeoMotion Group, Inc. MOVEMENT+FUN+LEARNING, LITERACY, MATH AND SCIENCE INTEGRATION - Children love to move! Come discover how to use meaningful movement and fun to give your students’ brain a workout and improve their basic fact fluency in math, science, and literacy. ADT ROOM #108 Gail Taylor, Director of Educational Services – WEDU WEDU PBS RESOURCES FOR IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL TIME – Learn about the wide variety of free WEDU PBS resources for innovative instruction, in and out of the classroom, including Florida PBS Learning Media and new trans-media resources for literacy and STEM education. DCP ROOM #408 Steve Turner, Giving Tree Music; Drum Teacher, Drum Maker, Community Facilitator, Performer DRUM CIRCLES FOR TEAM BUILDING - Energize your team, understand the importance of synergy, have fun, and increase productivity! We have facilitated many successful corporate events with companies like American Express, Outback Steakhouse, Home Shopping Network, and Brighthouse Network. ADT ROOM #116 Cynthia Krosky, CSP, LCSW, Achieving Corporate Excellence, Inc. HANDLING DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS AND DIFFICULT CUSTOMERS - What has avoidance of tough topics cost you? Inability or lack of confidence to address difficult conversations decreases productivity, morale, and increases stress. Decrease resistance when handling these situations by learning methods that improve your communication and increase the recipient’s ability to hear the feedback. Be poised, calm and effective. 11 TRACK LOCATION EVENT SBM ROOM #117 Pat Scorzetti, Jr., Consultant, Becker’s School Supply BLOCKS – THE MULTIPURPOSE LEARNING TOOL (THINKING OUTSIDE THE BLOCKS!)- This workshop is a hands on interactive learning experience that will show how blocks can be used in all areas of the curriculum. We will learn how blocks can be used to teach math, science, art, language, geography, social studies, and yes, even music. We will show how blocks can play an important role in early development. DCP ROOM #118 Prisha Malone, 21st CCLC Program Development Specialist, Children’s Forum CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY USES IN THE AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS - Today’s world is dependent on technology. Children are growing up in a society where rapid technological development is the norm. They need smart, able teachers to guide them, so they can understand, use and develop the technology of the future. During this presentation we will explore creative technology uses for the classroom, debate the pros and cons of keyboarding and discover the benefits of social media in our programs. Come prepared to share your ideas! SMB ROOM #107 Scott D. Larson, Supervisor for Professional Development, Office for Professional Development and School Support, District School Board of Pasco County UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGING BEHAVIOR – This presentation will focus on understanding the root causes of child behavior. Participants will learn how to manage various behaviors or situations and receive some techniques for redirection. SBM ROOM #129 Angela Turner, Site Manager, Watergrass Elementary School, District School Board of Pasco County IT DOESN’T TAKE A ROCKET SCIENTIST – If you’ve ever thought…Science isn’t your thing? You want me to teach them what? I don’t know anything about that…Let me retrain your brain! In this training you will learn simple steps to introduce, prepare, and present AWESOME STEM/STEAM activities. And the best part is “You don’t have to be a Rocket Scientist” to do it! DCP ROOM #119 Tarah Savino Marinelli, MMS, PA-C, Pediatric Physician Assistant and Fit4Allkids Instructor, All Children’s Hospital WHAT’S FOR DINNER? HEALTHY MEAL IDEAS FOR BUSY FAMILIES - The content of this presentation will include a discussion of healthy meal planning, whole vs. processed foods, along with an interactive cooking demonstration. It will provide helpful ideas on preparing nutritious meals in a timely manner and on budget. ADT ROOM #106 Chris Wilkins, Founder – The Educator’s Toolkit PROJECT BASED LEARNING - Come join Chris Wilkins, founder of Educator’s Toolkit LLC, as he describes how your program can incorporate Project Based Learning and create positive student outcomes for all, not just some, of your students. This workshop is designed for program leadership and administration and will review the basic concepts and infrastructure that accompany successful PBL in the After School Program. By using PBL, pedagogy and strategy, you can equip your students of today with the skills and higher order thinking necessary to tackle the problems of tomorrow. ADT ROOM #127 Barbara Sheats, District School Board of Pasco County, Florida GUIDING CHILDREN THROUGH TRAUMA, TRAGEDY & LOSS - The objective of this presentation is to have an open discussion about the way in which trauma, tragedy, and loss is affecting the young children within our society. It will help participants’ techniques and strategies that will help them to understand and help children through these events. 12 TRACK LOCATION EVENT DCP ROOM #427 Maryann Harman, Owner, Music with Mar, Inc. CREATING CAPABLE, CONFIDENT, COMPETENT CHILDREN: READY FOR SCHOOL, READY FOR LIFE - Too often children already have a list of things they think they are not good at it. Teachers are so stressed about cognitive abilities, they neglect to get the TOTAL child ready for school/life in general, to include not only exposure to multi-languages, math or science skills, but social skills as well. Music is the best and easiest way to do that. Through the use of wellthought out music and movement activities (including child-directed activities, listening games and use of various languages), children will have a list of things they feel capable of doing. DCP ROOM #130 Chris Hayes, Site Manager, Wesley Chapel Elementary School, District School Board of Pasco County, Florida ACTIVELY ENGAGED - It is important that we provide opportunities for our children to be active throughout the day, so that they can maintain a healthy fitness level and weight. This presentation will actively engage participants! Participants will learn interactive games to play with children that will keep them physically active. It is important that we provide opportunities for our children to be active throughout the day. SBM ROOM #131 Aric Bostick, Fired Up! Success Training, San Antonio, TX FIRED UP! AND DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT! 7 STEPS TO FIRED UP SUCCESS IN SCHOOL, LIFE AND BEYOND!!! - Attendees receive a FIRED UP Road Map and Will Learn the 7 FIRED UP Steps. Attendees will learn how to implement these seven strategies to being FIRED UP and make an action plan to implement into their daily lives. Warning!!! There will be laughing, sharing and interacting with everyone in the audience. DCP ROOM #428 Jada Bolden (Nikki)/Dara Tucker, Resource Teachers, District School Board of Pasco County PLACE Program FREAKY PHYSICS: TEACHING FORCE AND MOTION THE FUN WAY - Intimidated by the word physics? In this hands-on session you’ll learn how teaching physics can be fun and freaky. Find out how to challenge your students to do what seems to be the impossible, like; poke a skewer through an unpopped balloon, make an object turn without touching it, and make a balloon squeal with a penny. This session will have you looking at force and motion in a whole new way. 13 SESSION 4 – 3:45PM – 4:30PM TRACK LOCATION EVENT DCP ROOM #128 Tracy Sanderson, TD Inc Tester/Observer and Handler, Therapy Dogs Inc. TRANQUIL PAWZ THERAPY DOGS - Tranquil PAWZ Therapy Dogs are registered dog/handler teams through Therapy Dogs, Inc. based in Cheyenne, WY. They assist in a variety of ways. The teams visit people in many different facilities and are used to assist in rehabilitation, bereavement, disasters, and reading programs. DCP ROOM #109 Gregory Snow, Secretary/Executive Board, Florida Afterschool , Regional Director, Afterschool Programs South, Inc., Winter Garden, FL “POSITIVE PERCEPTION OF YOUR PROGRAM”- This interactive workshop will give you some tools and practices that you can put into place at your sites that will give a positive perception of your program! It will teach the art of communication within that can alter the “Reality of a Parents Perception” in a positive way. SBM ROOM #429 Jeff Meister, Mad Science GETTING FUN DOWN TO A SCIENCE - We will present how to instill FUN into your program by learning science, demonstrating some experiential activities and offering an inquiry based approach to teaching science. Our emphasis is on making learning FUN through hands-on scientific inquiry. We have Fun down to a Science! DCP ROOM #132 Denise Remmers, Relief Site Manager – District School Board of Pasco County, Florida HOOP DANCE FOR HEALTH - The presentation will consist of the participants learning about hula hoop dance and exercise. They will learn how to hula hoop with basic instructions, learn health reasons to hoop and learn a hoop dance. Participants will receive hooping resources and design their own hula hoop that they will be able to take home. SBM ROOM #108 Gail Taylor, Director of Educational Services – WEDU WEDU PBS RESOURCES FOR IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL TIME – Learn about the wide variety of free WEDU PBS resources for innovative instruction, in and out of the classroom, including Florida PBS Learning Media and new trans-media resources for literacy and STEM education. DCP ROOM #408 Steve Turner, Giving Tree Music; Drum Teacher, Drum Maker, Community Facilitator, Performer DRUM CIRCLES FOR TEAM BUILDING - Energize your team, understand the importance of synergy, have fun, and increase productivity! We have facilitated many successful corporate events with companies like American Express, Outback Steakhouse, Home Shopping Network, and Brighthouse Network. ADT ROOM #116 Cynthia Krosky, CSP, LCSW, Achieving Corporate Excellence, Inc. UNDERSTANDING PESKY PERSONALITIES IN THE WORKPLACE - Leaders know “one communication style doesn’t fit all”. Learn to quickly assess a person’s style and align your communication to meet their needs. This saves time, improves relationships and increases effectiveness. Increase your ability to effectively connect with whether you are giving feedback, providing information, or discussing differences is vital. 14 TRACK LOCATION EVENT SBM ROOM #117 Pat Scorzetti, Jr., Consultant, Becker’s School Supply BLOCKS – THE MULTIPURPOSE LEARNING TOOL (THINKING OUTSIDE THE BLOCKS!)- This workshop is a hands on interactive learning experience that will show how blocks can be used in all areas of the curriculum. We will learn how blocks can be used to teach math, science, art, language, geography, social studies, and yes, even music. We will show how blocks can play an important role in early development. DCP ROOM #118 Prisha Malone, 21st CCLC Program Development Specialist, Children’s Forum CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY USES IN THE AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS - Today’s world is dependent on technology. Children are growing up in a society where rapid technological development is the norm. They need smart, able teachers to guide them, so they can understand, use and develop the technology of the future. During this presentation we will explore creative technology uses for the classroom, debate the pros and cons of keyboarding and discover the benefits of social media in our programs. Come prepared to share your ideas! ADT ROOM #107 Scott D. Larson, Supervisor for Professional Development, Office for Professional Development and School Support, District School Board of Pasco County UNDERSTANDING ESE – This presentation will help participants understand children with exceptionalities, how they think and how they react within the afterschool setting. DCP ROOM #129 Angela Turner, Site Manager, Watergrass Elementary School, District School Board of Pasco County IT DOESN’T TAKE A ROCKET SCIENTIST – If you’ve ever thought…Science isn’t your thing? You want me to teach them what? I don’t know anything about that…Let me retrain your brain! In this training you will learn simple steps to introduce, prepare, and present AWESOME STEM/STEAM activities. And the best part is “You don’t have to be a Rocket Scientist” to do it! SBM ROOM #119 Tarah Savino Marinelli, MMS, PA-C, Pediatric Physician Assistant and Fit4Allkids Instructor, All Children’s Hospital WHAT’S FOR DINNER? HEALTHY MEAL IDEAS FOR BUSY FAMILIES - The content of this presentation will include a discussion of healthy meal planning, whole vs. processed foods, along with an interactive cooking demonstration. It will provide helpful ideas on preparing nutritious meals in a timely manner and on budget. SBM ROOM #106 Chris Wilkins, Founder – The Educator’s Toolkit PROJECT BASED LEARNING - Come join Chris Wilkins, founder of Educator’s Toolkit LLC, as he describes how your program can incorporate Project Based Learning and create positive student outcomes for all, not just some, of your students. This workshop is designed for program leadership and administration and will review the basic concepts and infrastructure that accompany successful PBL in the After School Program. By using PBL, pedagogy and strategy, you can equip your students of today with the skills and higher order thinking necessary to tackle the problems of tomorrow. DCP ROOM #127 Barbara Sheats, District School Board of Pasco County, Florida GUIDING CHILDREN THROUGH TRAUMA, TRAGEDY & LOSS - The objective of this presentation is to have an open discussion about the way in which trauma, tragedy, and loss is affecting the young children within our society. It will help participants’ techniques and strategies that will help them to understand and help children through these events. 15 TRACK LOCATION EVENT DCP ROOM #427 Jose Ruiz, AlphaBEST Education, Inc.,Lewisville, North Carolina 21ST CENTURY AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS - In this session, participants will explore 21st Century Skills and the need to develop 21st century learners for success in a global setting in their after school programs. Learn how you can expand your after school program beyond care to provide quality enrichments and clubs that support career readiness and global success. SBM ROOM #130 Chris Hayes, Site Manager, Wesley Chapel Elementary School, District School Board of Pasco County, Florida ACTIVELY ENGAGED - It is important that we provide opportunities for our children to be active throughout the day, so that they can maintain a healthy fitness level and weight. This presentation will actively engage participants! Participants will learn interactive games to play with children that will keep them physically active. It is important that we provide opportunities for our children to be active throughout the day. DCP ROOM #131 Aric Bostick, Fired Up! Success Training, San Antonio, TX FIRED UP! AND DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT! 7 STEPS TO FIRED UP SUCCESS IN SCHOOL, LIFE AND BEYOND!!! - Attendees receive a FIRED UP Road Map and Will Learn the 7 FIRED UP Steps. Attendees will learn how to implement these seven strategies to being FIRED UP and make an action plan to implement into their daily lives. Warning!!! There will be laughing, sharing and interacting with everyone in the audience. SBM ROOM #428 Jada Bolden (Nikki)/Dara Tucker, Resource Teachers, District School Board of Pasco County PLACE Program FREAKY PHYSICS: TEACHING FORCE AND MOTION THE FUN WAY - Intimidated by the word physics? In this hands-on session you’ll learn how teaching physics can be fun and freaky. Find out how to challenge your students to do what seems to be the impossible, like; poke a skewer through an unpopped balloon, make an object turn without touching it, and make a balloon squeal with a penny. This session will have you looking at force and motion in a whole new way. 16 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AT A GLANCE - AM Tracy Sanderson “Tranquil Pawz, Therapy Dogs” - Rm# 128 Tracy Sanderson “Tranquil Pawz Therapy Dogs” - Rm# 128 Gregory Snow “Positive Perception of Your Program” - Rm# 109 Gregory Snow “Positive Perception of Your Program” - Rm# 109 Chuck Steinfurth “It’s Fun to Build!” - Rm# 429 Chuck Steinfurth “It’s Fun to Build!” - Rm# 429 Dr. Debby Mitchell “Movement+ Fun + Learning Literacy, Math and Science Integration” - Rm# 132 Saybra R. Chapman I Cannot do One More Thing: Finding Peace in the Middle of Chaos” - Rm# 108 Dr. Debby Mitchell “Movement+ Fun + Learning Literacy, Math and Science Integration” - Rm# 132 Saybra R. Chapman “I Cannot do One More Thing: Finding Peace in the Middle of Chaos” - Rm# 108 Denise Remmers “Hoop Dance for Health” - Rm# 408 Steve Turner “Drum Circles for Teambuilding” - Rm# 408 Cynthia Krosky “Getting the Lead on Leadership” - Rm# 116 Cynthia Krosky “Getting the Lead on Leadership” - Rm# 116 Jennifer Faber “Family Involvement: Thinking Outside the Box” - Rm# 117 Jennifer Faber “Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead in Afterschool” - Rm# 117 Suzin Carr “I Choose to be Empowered” - Rm# 118 Suzin Carr “I Choose to be Empowered” - Rm# 118 Ellen Mulligan “Do You Speak Math?” - Rm# 107 Ellen Mulligan “Do You Speak Math?” - Rm# 107 Wendy Finklea “Inclusion in the Arts and Afterschool Programming” - Rm# 129 Christiana Hill “Bricks 4 Kidz: We Learn, We Build, We Play” - Rm# 129 Tarah Savino Marinelli Tarah Savino Marinelli “What’s for Dinner? Healthy Meal Ideas for Busy Families” - Rm# 119 “What’s for Dinner? Healthy Meal Ideas for Busy Families” - Rm# 119 Chris Wilkins “Project Based Learning” - Rm# 106 Chris Wilkins “Project Based Learning” - Rm# 106 Barbara Sheats “Guiding Children through Trauma, Tragedy, & Loss” - Rm# 127 Barbara Sheats “Guiding Children through Trauma, Tragedy, & Loss” - Rm# 127 Maryann Harman “Putting Skills in Place with Brain-based Music Activities” - Rm# 427 Maryann Harman “Putting Skills in Place with Brain-based Music Activities” - Rm# 427 Matthew Koshko “The Feng Shui of a Great Program” - Rm# 130 Matthew Koshko “The Feng Shui of a Great Program” - Rm# 130 Janet White “Extending STEM to Afterschool” - Rm# 131 Janet White “Extending STEM to Afterschool” - Rm# 131 Nikki Bolden/Dara Tucker “Mixing Art and Science With Mayco Magic Metallics” - Rm# 428 Administrative Track Nikki Bolden/Dara Tucker “Mixing Art and Science With Mayco Magic Metallics” - Rm# 428 Site Based Management Track Direct Care Provider Track 17 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AT A GLANCE - PM Tracy Sanderson “Tranquil Pawz Therapy Dogs” - Rm# 128 Tracy Sanderson “Tranquil Pawz Therapy Dogs” - Rm# 128 Gregory Snow “Positive Perception of Your Program” - Rm# 109 Gregory Snow “Positive Perception of Your Program” - Rm# 109 Jeff Meister “Getting Fun Down to a Science” - Rm# 429 Jeff Meister “Getting Fun Down to a Science” - Rm# 429 Dr. Debby Mitchell “Movement+ Fun + Learning Literacy, Math and Science Integration” - Rm# 132 Gail Taylor “WEDU PBS Resources For In and Out of School Time” - Rm# 108 Gail Taylor “WEDU PBS Resources For In and Out of School Time” - Rm# 108 Steve Turner “Drum Circles for Teambuilding” - Rm# 408 Steve Turner “Drum Circles for Teambuilding” - Rm# 408 Cynthia Krosky “Handling Difficult Conversations and Difficult Customers” - Rm# 116 Cynthia Krosky “Understanding Pesky Personalities in the Workplace” - Rm# 116 Pat Scorzetti, Jr. “The Multipurpose Learning Tool (Thinking Outside the Blocks)” - Rm# 117 Pat Scorzetti, Jr. “The Multipurpose Learning Tool (Thinking Outside the Blocks)” - Rm# 117 Prisha Malone “Creative Technology Uses in the Afterschool Program” - Rm# 118 Prisha Malone “Creative Technology Uses in the Afterschool Program” - Rm# 118 Scott Larson “Understanding and Managing Behavior” - Rm# 107 Scott Larson “Understanding ESE” - Rm# 107 Angela Turner “It Doesn’t Take a Rocket Scientist” - Rm# 129 Angela Turner “It Doesn’t Take a Rocket Scientist” - Rm# 129 Denise Remmers “Hoop Dance for Health” - Rm# 132 Tarah Savino Marinelli Tarah Savino Marinelli “What’s for Dinner? Healthy Meal Ideas for Busy Families” - Rm# 119 “What’s for Dinner? Healthy Meal Ideas for Busy Families” - Rm# 119 Chris Wilkins “Project Based Learning” - Rm# 106 Chris Wilkins “Project Based Learning” - Rm# 106 Barbara Sheats “Guiding Children through Trauma, Tragedy, & Loss” - Rm# 127 Maryann Harman “Creating Capable, Confident, Competent Children: Ready for School, Ready for Life” - Rm# 427 Barbara Sheats “Guiding Children through Trauma, Tragedy, & Loss” - Rm# 127 Jose Ruiz “21st Century After school Programs” - Rm# 427 Chris Hayes “Actively Engaged” - Rm# 130 Chris Hayes “Actively Engaged” - Rm# 130 Aric Bostick “FIRED UP! And Doing Something About It!” - Rm# 131 Aric Bostick “FIRED UP! And Doing Something About It!” - Rm# 131 Nikki Bolden/Dara Tucker "Freaky Physics: Teaching Force and Motion the Fun Way" - Rm# 428 Nikki Bolden/Dara Tucker "Freaky Physics: Teaching Force and Motion the Fun Way" - Rm#428 Administrative Track Site Based Management Track Direct Care Provider Track 18 PLATINUM SPONSORS STAYWELL WellCare Health Plans, Inc. provides managed care services targeted to government-sponsored health care programs, focusing on Medicaid and Medicare. Headquartered in Tampa, Fla., WellCare offers a variety of health plans for families, children, and the aged, blind and disabled, as well as prescription drug plans. The company serves approximately 2.7 million members nationwide as of Dec. 31, 2012. GOLD SPONSORS MOSI - MUSEUM OF SCIENCE & INDUSTRY Museum of Science and Industry Tampa - MOSI is a non-profit, communitybased institution and educational resource that is dedicated to advancing public interest, knowledge and understanding of science, industry and technology. MOSI's core ideology is to make a difference in people's lives by making science real for people of all ages and backgrounds. DJ’S CERAMICS We are Family owned and operated and have over 30 years in the Ceramic & Craft Industry. We know the quality of products our customers demand. We travel from our warehouse in Odessa, Florida to trade shows throughout the USA to bring you Quality Supplies at a value price. Our products are very competitively priced plus we offer many quantity discounts, the more you buy the more you SAVE! 19 MOBILE GAMING REVOLUTION Mobile Gaming Revolution brings the Ultimate Mobile Gaming experience right to your front door! We feature a 30-foot self-contained Mobile Video Game theater trailer, which can accommodate up to 24 people with 6 large flat-screen TVs (4 inside and 2 outside) connected to today's hottest video game consoles, state-of-the-art sound and lighting as well as optional outdoor Laser Tag. SILVER SPONSORS CLUB AIR SPORTSWEAR Club Air Sportswear was established in 1988. We are a full service Screen Printing and Embroidery shop. If you need screen printed or embroidered shirts for your company, uniforms for your little league or football team WE CAN DO THE JOB CORRECTLY AND DELIVER ON TIME! MAYCO Mayco is one of the world's leading producers of quality ceramic products. We have long been known as the "quality" producer of ceramic glazes and other fired finishes. In addition to glazes and underglazes our product line includes acrylic stains, plaster molds, bisque, brushes and tools and a number of specialty products such as Magic Metallics. See our products in use at the workshop “Mixing Art and Science with Mayco Magic Metallics”. MAD SCIENCE Mad Science is Hands On Science Enrichment programming. All of our programs aim to spark the imagination and curiosity of children by providing them with hands on, and entertaining activities that instill a clear understanding of what science is really about and how it affects the world around them. Our curriculum correlates with both National and Florida Sunshine State Standards for science. Through our fun, interactive and inquiry–based approach to science our mission is to instill a love of learning in children that will last a lifetime. 20 REGIONAL SPONSORS FLORIDA AFTERSCHOOL ALLIANCE - FASA The Florida Afterschool Alliance (FASA) was founded in 1988 to support professionals in creating quality out-ofschool experiences for children and youth. Since then FASA has provided leadership, support and training opportunities for professionals who serve school age children in a variety of after school settings including academic programs, child care centers, enrichment programs, faith-based programs recreation centers, school based programs, summer camps tutoring programs and 21st Century Community Learning Centers. FASA’s mission is to provide leadership to support professionals, and to promote quality programs for children and youth during out-of-school hours. To accomplish its mission, FASA provides training, advocacy and networking opportunities for after school professionals throughout the state. EXHIBITORS WEDU PBS WEDU is West Central Florida’s primary PBS station and public media company reaching 16 counties through media platforms including on-air programming and online experiences that broaden horizons, transport and transform and open gateways to new ideas and new worlds. Financially supported by the community, the organization offers a wealth of award-winning inspirational, educational and enlightening content over a variety of multi-media platforms including: television programming, station’s website, and various social media platforms, monthly member magazine Premiere, educational outreach activities and a myriad of special events. 21 GROWUMS Our Growums® line of children’s garden products teaches kids how fun and easy it is to grow their own herbs and vegetables, as well as shows families the importance of eating healthy foods and helping our planet. We’re different from other kid-gardening products out there because Growums combines real-life gardening with an entertaining – and educational – online experience that actually teaches kids how to take care of the gardens they’re growing outside. Growums gives kids a life-changing experience. Giving them the chance to grow their own food, along with helpful online advice from cool Growums characters, helps them be more attentive and successful in their real-life gardening adventures – and grow healthier for it. BECKER’S SCHOOL SUPPLY Becker’s School Supplies offers a full-line of early childhood educational supplies and classroom essentials for teachers at all levels. Products are available on the web, through our catalog, or visiting our 8 retail stores. MAD SCIENCE Mad Science is Hands On Science Enrichment programming. All of our programs aim to spark the imagination and curiosity of children by providing them with hands on, and entertaining activities that instill a clear understanding of what science is really about and how it affects the world around them. Our curriculum correlates with both National and Florida Sunshine State Standards for science. Through our fun, interactive and inquiry–based approach to science our mission is to instill a love of learning in children that will last a lifetime. YOU FIT – HEALTH CLUBS Youfit is a health club focused on what matters, Your health. Reaching your own personal fitness level should revolve around only one factor, YOU. In addition to having a variety of equipment available, our encouraging and certified staff will be there to help make getting in shape as easy as possible and motivate you along the way. Finally, a place for real people who want to get in, get a work out, and get on with their day. 22 BOUNCY TIMES As the Premier source for inflatable moonwalks, not only do we provide amazing moonwalks but outstanding customer service. Inflatables are also referred to as; Bouncers, Spacewalk, Jumping Castles , Jumpers, Bounce House , Moon Bouncers, Party Jumpers , Moonwalks , Inflatable Games , Inflatable Interactive Games, Inflatables. Call us with your questions and we will be very happy to help you in any way we can. Serving the Tampa bay area in the Piellas, Hillsborough, Pasco county including Tampa, St Petersburg, Land O’ Lakes, Clearwater, Westchase, Carrollowood, Town n Country, Largo, Seminole, Clearwater Beach, Belleair Beach, Indian Rocks Beach, Treasure Island, Countryside, Oldsmar, Safety Harbor, Palm Harbor, Dunedin, and Surrounding areas. PAMPERED CHEF The Pampered Chef® is the premier direct seller of high quality kitchen tools and part of Berkshire Hathaway. At in-home Cooking Shows, guests see and try products, prepare and sample recipes, learn quick and easy food preparation techniques and get tips on how to entertain with style and ease — transforming the everyday into the extraordinary. ITZ BOOKS Itz Books sells directly to school and libraries across the nation. We also do book fairs at schools in the Tampa Bay area. Mission: Get great books in the hands of children of all ages. Products: Paperbacks, hardcovers, board books, and library bound books for kids of all ages. GEOMOTION GROUP/FLEXERCISE Flixercise and GeoMotion are leaders in providing Movement Based Academics (MBA) to encourage children to Move and Learn while having Fun! Flixercise offers an online library of dance, sports, fitness and academic concepts that teach children math and literacy. GeoMotion has the entire line of Learnercise Mats, CD’s and DVD’s to incorporate into the classroom to inspire kids to learn while being physically active. 23 BRICKS 4 KIDZ Our programs are designed to provide a hands-on atmosphere where children will learn science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) using LEGO® bricks. Children will learn about gears, motion, force and more using Bricks 4 Kidz® proprietary models. Bricks 4 Kidz programs provide an extraordinary atmosphere for students to build unique creations, play games, and have loads of fun using LEGO® bricks. The activities are designed to trigger young children’s lively imaginations and build their self-confidence. Children work with exciting themes such as machines, outer space and mosaics. STAYWELL WellCare Health Plans, Inc. provides managed care services targeted to government-sponsored health care programs, focusing on Medicaid and Medicare. Headquartered in Tampa, Fla., WellCare offers a variety of health plans for families, children, and the aged, blind and disabled, as well as prescription drug plans. The company serves approximately 2.7 million members nationwide as of Dec. 31, 2012. MOSI – MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY Museum of Science and Industry Tampa - MOSI is a non-profit, communitybased institution and educational resource that is dedicated to advancing public interest, knowledge and understanding of science, industry and technology. MOSI's core ideology is to make a difference in people's lives by making science real for people of all ages and backgrounds. SOCCER GEMZ Soccer Gemz is a non-competitive program that introduces the basic fundamentals of soccer through fun and creative games 24 KAPLAN EARLY LEARNING COMPANY Kaplan Early Learning Company is a leading international provider of products and services that enhance children's learning. A leader in the field of early care and education, we bring to market innovative curriculums, cutting edge assessments, teacher resource materials and valuable professional development opportunities to early childhood and elementary school educators, caregivers and parents around the world. RASMUSSEN COLLEGE At Rasmussen College, our early childhood education programs prepare you to make a positive and profound difference in the lives of young children and their families. Whether you choose to pursue our Bachelor’s degree, Associate’s degree, or Certificate, with industry-experienced instructors and specialized curriculum, you can feel confident you will receive the level of skill development you need to help you achieve your early childhood education career goals—whether you want to advance your current career or expand the education and care you provide to your young students and their families. EARLY LEARNING COALITION - ELC The purpose of the Early Learning Coalition of Pasco and Hernando Counties, Inc. is to prepare children in our counties to enter and succeed in school. Our merged Coalition Board is charged with the oversight of all early learning programs to include School Readiness and Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten in Pasco and Hernando counties including funding, contract management, and monitoring. The Coalition and Board work closely to coordinate a system of programs that jointly comprise a comprehensive set of services for children ages 0-8 and meet the specific needs of our counties. FLUTTERFIN SOAPS FlutterFin Soaps is a nonprofit company founded to create artistic handmade soaps that would allow us to provide charitable contributions to help children in need of life saving medical services. YOU can help children with life-threatening illnesses with your Flutterfin Soaps purchases! So, buy often and tell your friends! You will love our beautiful high quality products, each is carefully handmade in our modern soap factory using the best materials on the market. 25 BAREFOOT BOOKS Educators are transforming the learning experience by giving students anytime access to educational content on personal devices. Apple makes it easy by providing the right products. Think about the possibilities of providing your students with a personal learning tool to explore a world of ideas, play with a learning game that enhances science and math, go on a virtual field trip to Alaska or space, learn how to make a presentation that dazzles their classmates and gives them a voice, even collaborate with people around the globe. VSA FLORIDA VSA Florida (VSAFL) is a state affiliate of VSA, an affiliate of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. VSA florida's mission is to create a society In which people with disabilities can learn through, participate in and enjoy the arts. VSAFL offers programs/activities for all 67 FL counties in: cultural access, services for adult artists with disabilities, outreach and exhibitions, professional development, community programs, and artists in residence. MUSIC WITH MAR Music with Mar., created by Maryann (Mar.) Harman, is an internationally respected company dedicated to using music and movement in child development to get more parents involved with their children in positive activities while using music to prepare them for the future! CYDNE PIE CREATIONS – RED THREADS EMBROIDERY 3938 LAKE PADGETT DR. LAND O’ LAKES FL. 34639 813-929-8100 M-F 10:30am-6:30pm SAT 10:30am-4:00pm SUN By Appointment BLING & EMBROIDERY SCHOOL AND CORPORATE LOGOS Sequins, Applique, Personalization, Rhinestones, Twill, Monograms, Studs. BOUTIQUE Shower Gifts, Diaper Cakes, Tutus, Hair Bows, Dresses, Hats, Blankets, Decorated Onesies, Room Décor, Bling Designs, Embroidered Designs, Applique Designs, Burp, Cloths, Leggings. ONCE UPON A PARTY Themed Parties, Birthdays, Mom’s Night Out, Meeting Room. SWEET TREATS Thursday, Friday, & Saturday Homemade Cupcakes or Brownies Like us on Facebook: Cydne Pie Creations 26 ILLUMINATED PUBLISHING – SUZIN CARR Suzin H. Carr is the author of I Choose, I Choose Too!, and Yo Elijo, the wife of James, and the mother of Chandler. She lives in Lutz, Florida where she juggles the life she chooses and is grateful for countless blessings and immeasurable joy. She is available to speak to your local school, club, or Scout Troop. Topics include the message of the book, the book printing process, its impact on a 7 year old, and following your dream as an artist or writer. EDUCATION THROUGH ENTERTAINMENT & ARTS PARTNERSHIP School Beats is a project-based curriculum that allows students to gain hands-on experience in running a record/entertainment company. We developed School Beats STEAM as a customized, innovative project based curriculum to improve attendance behavior and academics in reading, language arts, and math. While being in alignment with the common core standards. Students will expand their knowledge of the recording industry by signing, recording, and marketing student artists through their own entertainment company. At the end of the course, the students will walk away with a completed compilation of original works. Students will be exposed to concepts that include advertising, recording, production, publishing, legal, marketing, sales, web development, finance, performance rights, music distribution, concessions, manufacturing production, and merchandising. www.remixingeduc PHSC Pasco-Hernando State College combines high-tech educational facilities and state-of-the-art programs with a traditional focus on teaching. PHSC provides all the advantages of a private liberal arts education— personalized attention, highly credentialed faculty, career and academic programs, and small class sizes— all at an affordable public state college price. PHSC have five locations to serve you in Brooksville, Dade City, New Port Richey, Spring Hill and Wesley Chapel. 27 TAMPA BAY RAYS The Tampa Bay Rays have proudly represented Major League Baseball in the Tampa Bay region since 1998. The organization and its foundation are committed to building a strong community bond through meaningful interaction and charitable contributions. SUGARDARLINGS Sugardarlings home of the Love Muffin! All of our gourmet cupcakes are baked from scratch by our talented bakers at our New Port Richey location in Florida. We bake our cupcakes fresh daily, and we put plenty of love into each delicious flavor which is why we nicknamed our cupcakes "Love Muffins". ORIGAMI OWL Our mission is to be a force for good; to love, inspire + motivate people of all ages to reach their dreams + Empower them to make a difference in the lives of others. BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. A simple but powerful mission which serves as the foundation for what we do. Thanks to dedicated volunteers and generous donors we're able to serve children from all walks of life. 28 PCS EDVENTURES! PCS Edventures is an educational leader in creating project driven, manipulative based STEM education labs. Integrating our labs into any learning environment creates fun, excitement and engaged students. From the Brick Lab to the Academy of Robotics, our labs are designed to fit any program and budget. ETA HAND2MIND For more than 40 years, ETA hand2mind has been at the forefront of hands-on learning. And we're just warming up. Our development team collectively has 31 teaching credentials and 24 advanced degrees. We know the challenges that students and teachers face. Every solution we create is designed to help students unlock greater understanding, from their first day in preschool to their high school graduation and beyond. FASA – FLORIDA AFTERSCHOOL ALLIANCE The Florida Afterschool Alliance (FASA) was founded in 1988 to support professionals in creating quality out-of-school experiences for children and youth. Since then FASA has provided leadership, support and training opportunities for professionals who serve school age children in a variety of after school settings including academic programs, child care centers, enrichment programs, faith-based programs recreation centers, school based programs, summer camps tutoring programs and 21st Century Community Learning Centers. FASA’s mission is to provide leadership to support professionals, and to promote quality programs for children and youth during out-of-school hours. To accomplish its mission, FASA provides training, advocacy and networking opportunities for after school professionals throughout the state. PASCO LEARNING & ACTIVITY CENTERS OF ENRICHMENT – PLACE Pasco Learning and Activity Centers of Enrichment (PLACE) is a school-age before and after school activity program operated by the District School Board of Pasco County. PLACE is designed to provide an active and enriching environment for children who must arrive at school early, stay late and/or require supervised activities on most school holidays. Participation is limited to elementary school children, in kindergarten through grade five. 29 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mary Grey, Supervisor of Child Care Educational Programs, District School Board of Pasco County, Conference Chairperson Sandra Jay, Child Care Program Specialist, District School Board of Pasco County, Presenter Recruitment Liaison Leslie Thomas, Child Care Program Specialist, District School Board of Pasco County, Volunteer and Food and Nutrition Liaison Dorcia Bartenope, Child Care Program Coordinator, District School Board of Pasco County, Registration Liaison Karla Graziano, Child Care Program Coordinator, District School Board of Pasco County, Exhibitor and Sponsor Recruitment Liaison Lori Karpinski, Child Care Program Coordinator, District School Board of Pasco County, Presenter Recruitment Liaison Maree Marian, Child Care Program Coordinator, District School Board of Pasco County, Program Design and Marketing Liaison Jeanette Mandycz, Relief Site Manager, District School Board of Pasco County, Donation and Advertisement Liaison Denise Remmers, Relief Site Manager Melanie Achenbach, Relief Site Manager Jennifer Saunders, Relief Site Manager Amanda Buchs, Relief Assistant Site Managers Leah Mesec, Relief Assistant Site Managers Ileen Tosado, Relief Assistant Site Managers Nina Gonet, Relief Assistant Site Managers Jodi Busick, Relief Senior Child Care Assistant 30 OUR CONTRIBUTORS Learning Station Cydnie Pie, Land O Lakes Massage Envy, Lutz School Specialty Dillard’s, Gulf View Square Mall O’Reilly’s, Hudson All Children’s Hospital Dunkin Donuts, US 19 & Little Rd, Hudson Brickman, Port Richey Secrets Salon, New Port Richey Dunkin Donuts, Bearss Ave, Tampa Outback, Trinity Discount School Supply Dunkin Donuts, 52 & Suncoast, Land O Lakes Pampered Chef 3$ Car Wash, Hudson Dunkin Donuts, US 19, Port Richey Pappas Ranch, Odessa Star Bucks, New Port Richey Dunkin Donuts, US 19, Hudson Grille 54, Trinity Fashion Nail Spa, Lutz Early Learning Coalition, Springhill Pet Supermarket, Lutz Beef O Brady’s, Land O Lakes Auto Zone, Grand Blvd, New Port Richey Pin Chasers, Zephyrhills Beef O Brady’s, Lutz Penske, Hwy 54, New Port Richey PLACE D.O. Staff Best of Philly, Hudson Headliners, USA Flea Market, Hudson Publix Bimbo Bakery, St. Pete Hilltop Salon, Port Richey Racetrack, Lutz Books a Million, Port Richey Hudson Flowers, Hudson U Dirty Dog, Lutz Botanical Nail Boutique, Hudson Orchids Thai, Port Richey Thirty One Target, Hwy 54 & Little Rd, NPR Jersey Mike’s Subs, Trinity Sonic, Port Richey Buffalo Wild Wings, Odessa Land O Lakes Travel, Land O Lakes Alessi Bakery, Tampa Capital Tacos, Land O Lakes Larry’s Deli, Land O Lakes Studio 7, Zephyrhills Cash & Go Pawn, Port Richey Leo & Joes Italian, Hudson Tires Plus, Hwy 54, NPR Congo River Golf, Port Richey Macy’s, Gulf View Square Mall Hudson Tire, Hudson Varsity Club, Palm Harbor Tobba Cigs & Smokes, Gulf View Mall Zim Zari, Trinity Texas Roadhouse, Wesley Chapel Target, Hwy 54 & Suncoast, Odessa Stephanie Liebman Target, Dale Mabry, Tampa Wild Cherry Salon, Port Richey Misty Smith Seals Swim Club, Tampa YMCA of the Suncoast, Clearwater Nina Ynosencio Donna Traub Stephanie’s Crafty Crafts, Dade City Sandy Luker Janet Brink Burger Monger, Wesley Chapel Tara Schumaker Jenatte Smith Residence Inn by Marriott. Odessa Dorcia Bartenope 31 OUR VOLUNTEERS Deneen Pelt Jennifer Powers Felicia Anton Laurie Santiago Angela Turner Chris Hayes Lorriann Zoltowski Lisa Seabol Tammy Becker Andrea Jackson Gene Poirier Marcie Williams Ciji Walters Lillybeth Zamora Jennifer Eukitis Chrissy Petersilge Lilliana Janicki Kim Glogowski Josie Hernandez Debbie Young Enissa McMullen Vickie Hagan Kelly Jimenez Vaneeka Grant Jarris Misty Smith Jennifer Saunders Baylee Boden Jennifer Wells Shelia Hilty Dianne Boda Teresa Montgomery Della Hooks-Burns Belinda Bownan Maria Cuebas Jeanette Mandycz Ileen Tosada Rodriguez 32 Jim Lane's Auto Repair Specializing in Ford Lincoln Mercury ASE Certified Ford Masters 35 years experience 6241 Ridge Rd, Port Richey Maggie Koons President West Pasco Democratic Club Meet 4th Saturday of every month @ 10 AM Jasmine Lakes Civic Center Cell (609)703-5494 – Home (727)857-4679 33 34 Cynthia Armstrong School Board Member 813/794-3492 727/774-3492 352/524-3492 TDD: 813/794-2484 FAX: 813/794-2326 35 Full Service Auto Repair JAMES (727) 359-6356 8123 Ridge Road • Ste 9 Port Richey, Florida 34668 (727)815-0000 36 NOTES ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 37 38 39 April 25, 2015 4TH ANNUAL AFTERSCHOOL CONFERENCE …preparing children to be college, career and life ready Hosted by the Pasco Learning & Activity Centers of Enrichment - PLACE A FASA Recognized Regional Conference