Empyrean Nano edition
Empyrean Nano edition
Empyrean Nano edition Versatile X-ray scattering platform • USAXS • SAXS / WAXS • Bio-SAXS • Total scattering (PDF) ... and more High-performance SAXS / WAXS The Empyrean Nano edition is a hybrid laboratory instrument that enables for a unique combination of various advanced X-ray scattering techniques on a single platform. Small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering are the main applications. SAXS / WAXS features: Intensity [a.u.] • Compact and easy to use T = 5 °C • Evacuated beam path T = 70 °C • Temperature control irreversible aggregation • High sensitivity at elevated temperature • Short measurement times • 1D and 2D collimation • High resolution detectors Dilute protein solution •Cost-effective t = 15 min q [Å-1] 2θ = 0.08 - 78° Intensity [a.u.] q = 0.006 - 5.14 Å-1 SAXS 2D SAXS colloidal crystal WAXS colloidal gold nanorods [a.u.] [a.u.] IntensityIntensity q [Å-1] 2D WAXS PP fiber T = 5 °C T = 70 °C irreversible aggregation at elevated temperature ructure Fct. F(Q) [a.u.] [a.u.] Dilute protein solution t = 15 min q [Å-1] q SAXS [Å-1] 2D WAXS silver behenate Dilute protein solution t = 15 min T = 5 °C T = 70 °C Intensity [a.u.] ... and much more irreversible aggregation at elevated temperature q [Å-1] Intensity [a.u.] Add complementary scattering techniques Dilute protein solution t = 15 min SAXS q [Å-1] Intensity [a.u.] WAXS The Empyrean Nano edition is the only SAXS instrument that comes with a high-resolution goniometer and the possibility to easily exchange different hardware modules, ensuring maximum flexibility. SAXS q [Å-1] USAXS option - based on high-resolution optics WAXS [a.u.] Structure Fct. F(Q) [a.u.]Intensity [a.u.] Red. Structure Fct. F(Q) Red. Intensity [a.u.] 2θmin = 0.0050° qmin = 0.00036 Å-1 q [Å-1] q [Å-1] PDF (total scattering) option - using Ag or Mo radiation q [Å-1] 2θmax = 160° Qmax = 22 Å-1 Q [Å-1] Q [Å-1] Even more options, such as powder diffraction, thin film analysis and CT are available - also as later upgrades. High-resolution hybrid pixel area detectors The performance of the Empyrean Nano edition is largely driven by PANalytical’s detector technologies. GaliPIX3D allows you to achieve best quality PDF data with ultimate speed. High spatial resolution Very low noise High linearity High detection efficiency Light and compact Maintenance-free GaliPIX3D with CdTe sensor 60 µm resolution PIXcel3D with Si sensor 55 µm resolution Summary Like no other instrument on the market, the Empyrean Nano edition offers the unique combination of USAXS, 1D and 2D SAXS / WAXS and total scattering (PDF) techniques. With an accessible scattering vector q-range of almost five decades it allows to probe Bragg spacings from sub-Angstrom to almost two microns. This makes the Empyrean Nano edition an ideal tool for analyzing structures and dimensions of (nano-)materials on multiple length scales. Typical samples that can be analyzed include nanoparticles, colloids, polymers, protein solutions, surfactants, liquid crystals, nanocomposites, and porous materials. Global and near PANalytical B.V. Regional sales offices Lelyweg 1, 7602 EA Almelo Americas P.O. Box 13, 7600 AA Almelo T +1 508 647 1100 The Netherlands F +1 508 647 1115 T+31 546 534 444 Europe, Middle East, Africa F+31 546 534 598 T +31 546 834 444 F +31 546 834 969 info@panalytical.com www.panalytical.com Asia Pacific T +65 6741 2868 F +65 6741 2166 Although diligent care has been used to ensure that the information herein is accurate, nothing contained herein can be construed to imply any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of this information. The content hereof is subject to change without further notice. Please contact us for the latest version of this document or further information. © PANalytical B.V. 2014. 9498 702 29111 PN10806
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