Vermeende aanvaller op plaas geskiet
Vermeende aanvaller op plaas geskiet
...all types of blinds! 73318 73317 Ye4a0 rs 17 Skirving Street, Tzaneen Boundary Straat 32 - Tzaneen 0850 Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 Tel: (015) 307 5562/3 Tel: 015 307 5050 Faks: 015 307 5054 R3.00 incl. VOLUME 40 NO. 40 BUSINESSES BEWARE OF NEW SCAM RUGBY KLUB VEREER LEDE Vermeende aanvaller op plaas geskiet ’n INDRINGER is oor die naweek dood geskiet nadat hy op ‘n plaas oortree het en blykbaar ‘n boer en ‘n vrou probeer aanval het. Die plaas van Michael Prasha in Trichardtsdal, waarop Barend Meyer boer, is Vrydagaand onwettig betree. Barend en Michael het volgens inligting aan die Herald deurgegee, ongeveer 01:00 lede van die burgerwag en die Maake polisie ontbied nadat hulle drie rowers in hul pakhuis vasgekeer het. Toe die burgerwag lede by die plaashek aankom, het Michael gegaan om hulle in te laat en dit was toe dat die kriminele hul kans gevat het. Hulle het Barend en Michael se vrou - wat saam was, probeer oorrompel. Sy is aangerand en rondgepluk terwyl ‘n ander een Barend aangeval het met ‘n stuk sinkplaat en ‘n mes en glo gesê het dat hy Barend se kop gaan afkap. Toe die derde rower wat met ‘n panga gewapen was ook besluit om Barend aan te val, het hy na bewering ‘n skoot afgetrek as waarskuwing, maar glo een van die verdagtes per ongeluk raakgeskiet. Al drie rowers het daarna gevlug. Die burgerwag en polisie was vinnig op die toneel. Die een rower se lyk is die volgende dag ongeveer 150m van die pakhuis af gekry. Hy het glo steeds ‘n mes by hom gehad. Meyer en Prasha, sowel as die lede van die burgerwag, wil graag die polisie bedank wat so vinnig opgetree het. Lede van die Maake, Letsitele en Tzaneen stasies was flink op die toneel gewees om die slagoffers van die aanval by te staan. Eerste lente-storm maak amok in dorp DIE storm wat Maandag vroegaand oor Tzaneen gewoed het, het verskeie inwoners se tuine verniel deur rukwinde. Dié boom in Aqualaan het in die slag gebly. Toinette het nie bestuur nie Rowers bedrywig op Lushof NICOLA - 082 447 1512 TZANGENI - CONCEPT HOME R1 900 000 - 00 3 2 Hy (die vriend) het self vir haar die agterste deur oopgemaak. Coen het ook gesê dat ‘n ooggetuie eerste op die ongelukstoneel, Celeste se selfoon in die hande gekry en Pierre, haar pa gebel het. Hy (die ooggetuie) het aan haar pa gesê dat die Quantum brand en toestemming gevra om die kinders uit te haal. Hy kon egter nie vir Celeste agter die stuurwiel uitkry nie. Sy is later deur nooddiens personeel uitgehaal. Coen en Annemarie Smith wens Celeste en haar ouers sterkte en ‘n spoedige herstel vir Celeste toe. (CEA, FETC Real Estate NQF 4) THE MILL EXCITING NEW DEVELOPMENT ON SOLE MANDATE VERONICA - 073 434 0006 NKOWANKOWA - HOUSE - R600 000 SECTIONAL TITLE TOWNHOUSES - R1 300 000 Stunning, spacious & modern town houses. Built in braai, open spaces & luxury 2 2 3 1 2 3 finishes. SECTIONAL TITLE TOWNHOUSES - R1 200 000 A must see!! Very neat with electric SOLE gate, air conditioners and walled fence. 2 MANDATE Ultra modern NKOWANKOWA - HOUSE - R480 000 with one of a kind layout. Lots of light and a view to die for!!! 3 2 2 BE PART OF THIS EXCITING DEVELOPMENT AND RESERVE YOUR UNIT NOW!!! 3 1 Established garden and well fenced. MEDIPARK - STANDS - FROM R155 000 Hurry up!!! Only a few stands left. NKOWANKOWA - HOUSE - R495 000 3 3 1 1 Very neat house with lots of potential. NKOWANKOWA - HOUSE - R495 000 3 1 2 Well located 3 bedr house PLUS 4 roomed house on a big stand. KGAPANE - HOUSE - R350 000 3 1 1 Beginners home on the main road! 73349 One of a kind home in security estate on ± 2400m² stand. 400m² Home with modern finishes, double volumes, lots of light, pajama lounge, study, outside guest room with private bathroom. Entertainment area with built in braai. Buy off the plan and see your dreams become a reality. alarm kom en dié geaktiveer, nadat die rowers op die vlug geslaan het. De Wet is veral dankbaar teenoor Letaba Alarms vir hulle vinnige reaksie. Hy loof ook die SAPD wat glo baie behulpsaam was. De Wet sê daar was tot 8 polisie voertuie op die toneel sowel as speurders en die honde eenheid. Hy bedank ook Dicky Maritz wat in sy vliegtuig sowel as Jacques van Wyk wat vanuit sy helikopter na die rowers gesoek het. De Wet waarsku inwoners om wakker te wees, aangesien die rowers helder oordag by hulle ingebreek het. Met ons ter perse gaan was die rowers steeds op vrye voet. 11 Loop Straat, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel: (015) 307 7677 • Fax: (015) 307 1253 LETABA Herald het in die voorblad berig van verlede week berig dat Toinette Smith die motor waarin sy en Celeste van Staden in ‘n ongeluk betrokke was, bestuur het. Dit was verkeerde inligting wat deur die Limpopo SAPD se segspersoon, brig Hangwani Mulaudzi aan die media deurgegee is na die ongeluk. Toinette se pa, Coen het met Letaba Herald gepraat. Volgens hom het die twee meisies ‘n vriend by Coach House gaan aflaai en volgens die vriend het Toinette gesê sy’s moeg en het agter in die kar geklim. Deur: Bertus de Bruyn ROWERS het binne bestek van twee weke twee keer by ‘n huis in Lushof ingebreek. Chris de Wet van Lushof vertel dat twee rowers, sy tuinwerker vasgebind en met ‘n pistool aangehou het nadat hulle hom hardhandig hanteer het. Daar word vermoed dat hulle van Zimbabwe afkomstig is. De Wet se huiswerker is oorval en vasgebind nadat hulle toegang deur ‘n venster gekry het. Hulle het haar met die dood gedreig indien sy nie haar samewerking wou gee nie. Die vermeende rowers het ongeveer ‘n uur lank die huis geplunder. Die bediende kon skuifel skuifel tot by die Jennifer Van Rensburg 082 927 0623 MANAGER CEA, FETC Real Estate, NQF 4 LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PAGE 2 KALENDER Join the family fun day pancakes, wors rolls, yankees, rib burgers, jaffels, hamburgers, hotdogs, german cheese griller rolls, candy floss, biltong, chicken kebabs, chips, curry and rice and lots of other ‘tuisgebakte’ goodies to keep you well fed and satisfied. The following businesses will be represented on the day: Mazfor Motors, Trophy Motors Duiwelskloof, BB Motors Tzaneen, Clover, Sonia Moment Photography, Oasis Water, Royal Cream Treats, Avon, Karel Appel Entertainment (cd sales and music) and there will be a FNB portable ATM so you can draw money. To keep everyone entertained throughout the day there will be face painting, ‘tamatiegooi’, paintball, a mechanical bull, a kids corner, trampolines, a ‘snoepie’, scooter races, koedoedrol spitting contest, beauty contests for children and teens, frozen fruit bags, giant slides, Mooketsi MTB T-shirt for sale, homemade clothes and jewelry and so much more! There will also be a big screen TV so no one will miss the Currie Cup final. For more information, contact: Liza on 082 812 6712, Ruben on 082 779 5574, Marlese on 081 381 6082 or Marietjie on 071 604 3232, alternatively sed an email to To end a wonderful day there will be a lovely dance to the sounds of Abram Coetsee and his band. Several competitions will be launched on the day and there are fabulous prizes to be won. Entry fee for the dance will be R50 per person. Tickets available from Amanda: 0153952011. Stuur belangrike datums vir 2012 nou in DIE jaarlikse datum beplannings vergadering vind vanjaar op 13 Oktober plaas. Dit begin om 14:15 in die personeelkamer van Laerskool Tzaneen. Alle kerke, skole en organisasies is welkom om dit by te woon. E-pos voorlopige datums so spoedig moontlik aan Marietjie Naude by of skakel/sms haar by 083 4600 309. Pest Control pecialist Leon and Rae tie the wedding knot LEON & Rae Olwage, eldest son of Andre & Nicky Olwage and youngest daughter of Johan & Anne Botma were married on September 3 at Letaba River Lodge. They are now residing in Louis Trichardt. Roleplayers invited to forum meeting ALLl NGO's, NPO's and FBO's are cordially invited to the first SAIF (Southern Africa Institute of Fundraising) Limpopo forum meeting, which will be held on October 13 at 10:00 at 12 Maculata str in Arborpark Tzaneen. The ‘entrance fee’ will be a fundraising idea, so get those thinking caps on. Agenda: 1. What is SAIF? 2. Elections of Chairperson and secretary. 3. Dates of meetings. 4. Needs, wishes and desires. 5. Different possible donors. Tea - bring your chair and a tea - picnic basket to enjoy in the garden of Hospice Tzaneen's office. The SAIF was established in 1985 to promote the highest ethical and professional standards of fundraising practice. It is committed to building the fundraising profession and is the only body representing the fundraising profession in Southern Africa. The SAIF is a member-based national organisation with branches in regional centres. Members adhere to a strict code of professional ethics that are compliant with international standards. ? s e i l F Gratis organiese kompos beskikbaar DIE afval bestuurs (waste management) departement van die GTM nooi die publiek om verouderde organiese kompos te gaan laai. Dit kan by die stortingsterrein s! Talk to u 015 307 4065 MAKAPLAN Mookgophong COURIER Mokopane Phalaborwa Polokwane Louis Trichardt Ellisras Esmi 083 248 0711 Ilze 076 031 2396 Sanet 083 363 9498 CEL R Andrew 083 522 7552 A P HT G I N DAILY OVER SERVICE THIS IS your chance to use your looks, personality and charm for a TS T ACU PRINCIPAL For all your RENTAL NEEDS please phone Manda Rabie - NQF5 083 274 6136 RIES E V I DEL 73346 Gauteng Bela-Bela Modimolle Tzaneen we will handle it all! Manda or Outien New on the Market! HOUSE NKOWANKOWA R550 000 3 Bedrm, 1 bathrm, 1 garage PLOT - BEST BUY EVER!! CLOSE TO TOWN - R1.2mil Big farmhouse with outside buildings. Security and Upperclass HOUSE - VALENTIA - R1.15mil 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages & study/office It’s the space you needed! Last of the good ones for this price! 2 x HOUSES - FLORAPARK R660 000 EACH Neat & secure family houses. Owner: Henry Stigling 073 969 9011 l 015 491 4567 op die Agathapad opgelaai word. Kompos is gratis en kan enige tyd gehaal word, maar moet self gelaai en gesif word. Skakel Henk Mienie by 083 294 1960 vir meer inligting. Use your personality for a greater cause 73347 Tzaneen SAIF promotes the value of giving and reinforces the central importance of donors and their rights. The membership component consists of full-time fund development officers, fundraising and public relations consultants, fundraising volunteers and board members or CEO’s who participate in mobilising resources for the benefit of their not-for-profit causes from all sectors of society. Listed below are some of the major benefits members receive: Professional status and recognition, adherence to a code of professional ethics governing best practice, participation in local and international fundraising workshops and conferences, access to information through newsletters, books and the website on matters affecting the not-for-profit sector, networking and information sharing with fellow fundraisers, specialists and stakeholders, regional Branch events in major centres and member discounts for training and seminars, as well as various discounts offered by associated organisations. Contact Petro Smit on 078 090 7040 for further information. HOUSE TZANGENI R1 080 000 Spacious, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 garages. Guest house / spacious family house! 5 Bedrm, 4 bathrm, 4 living areas, 6 parkings, pool, borehole, sprinkler system & alarm. greater cause. Enter Miss Charity 2011 to "Be the RightKind for WildKind…" Your participation will assist SANwild in their anti-poaching initiatives. There are wonderMANAGER ful prizes to be won. The categories are: Lil Miss Charity: 5 9 years; Miss Tween Charity: 10 - 13 years; Miss Teen Charity: Outien Rabie - NQF5 083 258 5848 14 - 17 years; Miss Charity: 18 Perfect little Package! 26 years. FLAT - CENTRAL - R570 000 3 Bedroom duplex with garage The event will be and splash pool. taking place on OcAn absolute steal at this price! tober 8 at Fairview FLAT - CENTRAL - R380 000 Hotel. Be there at Spacious 2 bedroom flat 14:00 for 14:30. on upper level. Phone Chacy on 083 Make a Good Start 862 5197 or Debbie First Homeowner! on 071 881 2689 for TOWNHOUSE - R820 000 entry forms or tickets Pearlman Place - Premierpark! for the event. L SO D Property Professionals you can Trust 73355 ON October 29 Skite Barn in Mooketsi will host a family fun day for all to enjoy. The funds generated will be used to open a Recreation centre in Mooketsi containing a gym and a swimming pool etc. Fantastic stalls, live entertainment, MTB challenges, a dance and so much more will be on offer. There will be a 70km, a 35km and a 10km Mountain bike challenge on the day. Entry fees are as follows: 70km: R150, 35km: R100 and the 10km fun ride: R40. Every participant that completes will receive a medal and big prizes will be up for grabs. Entry forms are available on the brand new website:, and at Boulevard Cycles in Tzaneen. The last day of entry will be on October 22, late entries will be accepted on the day, but a penalty fee will be charged. A Scooter race for the young ones will also start at around 14:00 at R30 per entry. The categories are: 0-4 years - scooters, 4-7 years scooters and bicycles with side wheels and 711 years - bicycles. The winner will receive a wonderful medal and all kids will receive a gift. Well known celebrity Steyn Fourie will entertain the crowd as master of ceremonies for the day. All kind of stalls will be on display and fun things to do for young and old will be happening all day long. Entry fee will be R10 per person and no cooler boxes will be allowed on the premises. There will be a beer garden, cold drinks, NEWS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 PAGE 3 Businesses lose thousands with fire extinguisher scam SEVERAL businesses in the Tzaneen area lost thousands of rands involving a new scam with fire extinguishers. The LETABA HERALD was told this week of at least three businesses which were visited by a company claiming to service fire extinguishers. The extinguishers were removed from the premises and never returned. The SAPS confirmed that they are investigating the matter and urge businesses to be very careful when approached by people claiming to service fire extinguishers. Only accredited companies are allowed to service fire extinguishers and the onus rests on every business owner to make sure the extinguishers are serviced regularly and only by an accredited service provider. A spokesman for Gasman in Tzaneen, an accredited local service provider, Zirk Buys, warned residents to be very careful when somebody removes their extinguishers to be serviced. "There are numerous con artists in this line of business and people need to be very vigilant when approached to have their extinguishers serviced or removed. The insurance will, for instance, not pay an insurance claim due to a fire if the extinguishers were not serviced regularly by an approved agent," Buys said. The SAPS have requested business people to alert them should they be approached by service agents who are not accredited or who they suspect might be involved in fraudulent activities. No prizes after sponsored day DISAPPOINTED golfers waited in vain for the promised prizes at Orangedene Golf Club last week. It was supposed to be the grand opening of the new clubhouse - with great prizes and numerous sponsors. However, it is alleged that the primary sponsor, Massey Furguson - Mahindra, was a no-show and didn’t provide the prizes which they had promised, leaving the participants wondering why they paid R120 to be part of the day. So after a long, though enjoyable day on the green, the winners went home feeling a little sour. A representative of Massey Furguson Mahindra, told the Herald that they apologise for the incident and will do their best to make up for this misunderstanding in the future. At the time of going to press no comment had been received from the club manager. Suspected poacher shot in KNP A JOINT operational team consisting of Kruger National Park (KNP) Rangers, Environmental Crime Investigation Unit (ECI) members and the South African Police Services (SAPS) came into contact with three suspected rhino poachers around midnight on Sunday in the Malelane ranger section of the KNP opposite Matsulu village. A shoot-out ensued, which led to one sus- pect being fatally wounded and the other two escaping. A 303 rifle was recovered at the scene of the incident. Investigations are currently under way. At the same time, a rhino carcass which is believed to have been approximately a day old with horns removed, was discovered at the Lower Sabie Ranger Section; this incident is also still being investigated at this stage. Sunland Baobab Tree topic in documentary THE Sunland Baobab Tree in Mooketsi was the topic of a National Geographic Documentary recently. The NG team spent two days filming and documenting this, not only the largest baobab in the world but also the largest Amgiosperm in the world. And in our own back yard! Seen in the picture is the international film crew of Tigress Productions in London. Report faults at these numbers 24-HOUR contact numbers for the GTM ‘ s Electrical Department Control Room . The control room officers are on duty 24 hrs a day. 015-3078190 015-3074356 0826790720 0826790794 Telkom experienced theft of the telephone cables and it takes time to replace, use the above cell numbers when no response is received from Telkom lines. These are permanent numbers. The GTM’s electrical department asks customers to note these numbers and report all faults to the control officer on duty. Skool rou oor twee leerders Kla hier oor diens HET jy klagtes oor dienslewering? Limpopo se premier, Cassel Mathale het nou ‘n blitslyn wat oop is vir klagtes oor korrupsie en dienslewering. Persone kan ook inligting oor regeringsdepartemente kry as hulle die nommer 0800 864 729 skakel. keep cool! Get this Standing ‘n GEDENKDIENS is verlede Woensdag by Hoërskool Merensky gehou vir hulle twee leerders, Toinette Smith en Fortune Machimana wat oorlede is in die ongeluk waarin vyf matriekleerders van ons omgewing gesterf het. Afgevaardigers van die departement van onderwys en familielede van die oorledenes het dit bygewoon. FAN for only R129 32 Skirving Str,Tzaneen Tel: (015) 307 4408 73326 73342 PAGE 4 LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 CALENDAR Tzaneen Eco Club learns about Nature Farming THE Tzaneen Eco Club will visit Mike and Monica Amm at Longridge Farm, Agatha, at 09:00 on Saturday to learn about the fascinating principles and practice of Nature Farming. The Amms have been farming and gardening organically for many years and have a wealth of experience to share. They will be talking about organic gardening, companion planting, vermiculture, compost making, effective micro-organisms and fermented plant extract for insect-repelling sprays. Folk are welcome to bring their picnic bas- kets to enjoy morning refreshments in the Amm's beautiful garden. There will also be a variety of indigenous trees for sale. Visitors are always welcome, there will be a small fee of R20 for non-members. People wishing to share transport can meet at the Methodist Church in Tzaneen at 8.45am. To get to the Amm's take the Agatha turn-off near Ben Vorster. See their gate AB 34 after 11km, on the left hand side. For more details contact Mike Amm 083 627 4794, Pierre Naude 083 778 4635 or Marianne McKenzie 082 835 4185. Enter competition and win amazing prizes Saturday is Palliative Care Day Pieter en Amri in die huwelik bevestig DIE huweliksklokkies lui by Laerskool Tzaneen. Amri van Aarde dogter van Attie en Irma van Aarde is Saterdag 24 September in die huwelik bevestig met Pieter Buys seun van Piet en Karin Buys deur ds Johan Botha. Die paartjie vestig hulle in Tzaneen. Amri is ‘n onderwyser by Laerskool Tzaneen. 73353 INTERNATIONAL Palliative Care Day is on October 8. Palliative Care is the active holistic care of patients facing a life threatening illness. The word ‘palliative’ is derived from the Latin ‘Pallium’, meaning to cloak or cover. So, in palliative care the symptoms of an illness are cloaked with active treatment to improve the patients comfort and quality of life in their situation. The focus is not only on improving the quality of life of patients, but also of their families. Pain and symptom-management are prioritised, while palliative care also provides for physical, psychological, social and spiritual care. Palliative care is advantageous at any stage of an illness in conjunction with other therapies that are intended to prolong life, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy for cancer patients, and anti-retroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS patients. Hospice is there to support the patients and their families from the moment of diagnosis until remission or death, and even thereafter. Palliative care offers a support system to help patients live as actively as possible, as well as helping families to cope during patient illness and with their own eventual bereavement. Hospices deliver palliative care in 3 main ways: 1. Hospice home-based care. Mobile teams of professionally supervised and trained community caregivers who travel within the community to give care. Hospice Tzaneen has a Professional Palliative Care Nurse who visits patients at home to render palliative care. 2. Hospice community centres, which are a base from which the more mobile patients can receive services. 3. In-Patient Units, which are facilities that provide 24 hours of palliative care and admit patients for pain-management, respite or terminal care. There are 3 organisations providing palliative care services in and around Tzaneen: Care4Life, CHoiCe Trust and Hospice Tzaneen. Each working within a demarcated area, the organisations work together to ensure comprehensive services for as many patients as possible while they collaborate on efforts to raise awareness for this important health sector. CHoiCe Trust was established in 1997 and is known throughout Tzaneen as a health NGO, providing quality training and outreach services to people across the Mopani District. Services include health training (accredited and non-accredited), home-based care activities, HIV Counseling and testing, a farm programme and a programme working with orphaned and vulnerable children. The palliative care programmes of CHoiCe are rendered in the rural areas surrounding the Greater Tzaneen municipality and have been recognized with a 3-Star accreditation, carried out by the Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa, for good governance principles, high standard policies and quality services. With an active Board of Trustees, dedicated and qualified staff members and a reputation for direct health-focused interventions, watch this space - the next stop is 4-stars. Contact CHoiCe Trust on 015 307 6329 or email them at Care4Life is affiliated to the Hospice Palliative Care Association, and has been delivering palliative care in the rural areas of the Tzaneen Municipality since 2008. Their program operates in the rural areas surrounding the Greater Tzaneen municipality. They reach out to patients suffering from incurable and life threatening diseases, like stage 3 and 4 HIV, TB and Stroke and Cancer victims, and have provided palliative care to 218 beneficiaries. Their service is now expanding to include the Palm Springs Care Centre, an 8 bed in-patient unit run by qualified palliative trained nursing staff with medical practitioners and allied health personal at hand. The rooms are equipped to provide palliative care, assisted living and respite care. Respite care gives a much needed break for the family members while providing a positive experience for the person receiving care. Contact Care4Life on 015 307 4823 or email them at Hospice Tzaneen renders home palliative care to all people in Letsitele, Tzaneen, Modjadjiskloof and Haenertsburg urban and peri-urban areas. This is made possible through the community's kind heartedness in making donations to Hospice Tzaneen. Hospice Tzaneen also has a two bed In-Patient Unit (IPU) where patients can be admitted for pain-management, respite or terminal care. This is a true home away from home. Their trained Palliative care Professional Nurse is well qualified in palliative care and palliative pain medicine, and maintains a close working relationship with the patient's doctor and specialist. Nothing is too much if it improves the patient's quality of life. Governed by an active board of seven directors, all activities of Hospice Tzaneen are guided by the Hospice Palliative Care Association's (HPCA) national standards. They are a 1 star accredited member of the Hospice Palliative Care Association. Watch the press to see when they receive their second star rating. Contact Hospice Tzaneen on 078 0907 080 or send them an email at, alternatively, visit their web site at Celebrate International Hospice Day with these 3 organisations on October 8, by taking part in their awareness-raising competition detailed below. If one wishes to learn more about the palliative services in your area, please contact one of the hospices listed above. Enter the palliative care competition by answering the following question: ‘What is palliative care?’ Three people can win one of the following amazing prizes: Free accredited First Aid training - for yourself, someone at your place of work, or even your domestic worker; A free breakfast for 2 at Yum Yum Restaurant - enjoy the fresh and innovative flavours of a Yum Yum meal; and A free Canopy Tour - swing above waterfalls and forests in the beautifully scenic Canopy Tours in our own Magoebaskloof area. SMS the answer to 078 090 7040 (standard rates apply), and get into the lucky draw. You can send as many sms's as you like. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, October 12. The winner will be announced on Friday, October 21. KALENDER LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 Biblioteek hou teken kompetisie AGS gemeente hou visvangkompetisie DIE AGS Modjadjiskloof bied hul jaarlikse visvangkompetisie aan op 29 Oktober. Die kompetisie word gehou by ZZ2 se Manjelaandam. Kaartjies beskikbaar by Boulevard Cycles en die koste beloop R100 per persoon. Twee stokke per kaartjie word toegelaat. Hekke open om 06:00 en visvang staak om 15:00. Inweeg geskied tot om 16:00. Pryse beloop onder andere 'n koedoe, 'n skaap, kontant en veel meer. Skakel asb Sarie Mostert by 072 379 5334 vir enige verdere navrae. PAGE 5 Van Afrika na Noordpool ... SES inwoners van Letsitele was onlangs Noordpool toe. Hier is hulle saam met vier ander Suid Afrikaners wat die 80 grade lyn ( die Noordpool) oorgesteek het. Milaan en Antoinette Thalwitzer staan voor heel links. Langs hulle is Piet en Bets Vorster en heel regs is Amanda en Edward Vorster. NEEM deel aan die G T M Biblioteekkompetisie 2011. Illustreer die volgende slagspreuk: Lees neem jou orals heen! Inskrywings sal volgens oorspronklikheid en kreatiewe denke beoordeel word. Teken op die agterkant van die inskrywingsvorm of op 'n ander vel papier. Gebruik enige medium van jou keuse. Handig jou inskrywing teen 14 Oktober by enige van die volgende biblioteke in: Tzaneen-, Haenertsburg- of Letsitele Biblioteke. ’n Wenner sal van graad R tot graad 12 gekies word. 'n Prysuitdeling sal op 11 Nov gehou word. Skakel die Tzaneen Biblioteek by 015 3078050 vir meer inligting. Die volgende moet op die inskrywing verskyn: Naam, tel no, skool, skool se tel no en graad. Submit important dates and organisations etc. are welcome to attend. The meeting is where the various role-players and stakeholders for all these institutions determine the dates of events. Email preliminary dates to Marietjie Naude at as soon as possible, or phone/sms her on 083 4600 309. THE annual meeting to organise and determine the dates for various functions in and around Tzaneen will be held on October 13. The meeting will start at 14:15 in the staff room of Tzaneen Primary School. All churches, schools, clubs Explore link between chronic illness, depression EXPLORE the link between chronic illness and depression at a free workshop in Tzaneen. SADAG (South African Depression and Anxiety Group) will be hosting a free World Mental Health Day workshop at the Macadamia Village Community Centre in Tzaneen on October 10 at 18:30. Psychologist Erika Coertzen will be giving a talk on the link between chronic illness and depression, and will be addressing questions on treatment, self-help techniques and how to help a loved one. Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group Leader, Colleen Phillips, will also be offering information and counseling-related advice. To attend the free event, contact Colleen on 083 415 5137 or call SADAG on 0800 21 22 23 between 08:00 and 20:00, seven days a week. More information on other countrywide talks can be found at Chronic illnesses are the leading cause of death and disability in South Africa. These are diseases that last for a long time or come back over time and include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, asthma and kidney disease. Often, chronic illnesses can lead to depression. SADAG understands the close relationship between chronic illnesses and depression. Raising awareness surrounding the issue, the organisation has adopted this topic as the theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day on October 10. “It’s hard to live with a chronic illness, because other people don’t always understand how you feel and what you’re going through,” says SADAG’s Cassey Chambers. “Many people living with a chronic condition feel alone and withdraw from friends and family. This can lead to depression.” The risk of depression increases with the severity of the illness and the extent to which it disrupts a person’s life. While 10% to 25% of women and 5% to 12% of men are generally at risk for depression, those with chronic illnesses face a much higher risk – between 25% and 33%. Research also shows that 40% to 65% of heart attack patients, 40% of Parkinson’s patients, 25% of cancer patients and 30% to 54% of chronic pain syndrome patients develop depression. Talking and learning about chronic illness and the depression that may develop can really help a person deal with the condition and improve his/her quality of life. Take time to accept your new reality and make sure to take action if you are not coping. Doing so will prevent depression from worsening your chronic condition. Symptoms of depression include: Persistent sad or ‘empty’ mood, loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, feelings of hopelessness and pessimism; Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness and self-reproach, insomnia or hypersomnia, early morning awakening or oversleeping, appetite and/or weight loss or overeating and weight gain; Decreased energy, fatigue and feeling run down, thoughts of death or suicide and suicide attempts, restlessness, irritability, hostility and difficulty concentrating, remembering and making decisions. So don’t suffer in silence, take action today. ON SHOW! ON SHOW! ON SHOW! Up market Family Home On Show ~ 38 Tony Laws. 5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms Study, Formal Lounge, TV Room, Dining room, Double Garage & Pool THURSDAY & FRIDAY FROM 14:00 TO 17:00 FOLLOW SHOW SIGN FROM AQUA MALL! Contact Steph Baker 083 289 6611 ESTABLISHED 1958 TZANEEN Thomas Ndlovu 084 409 1556 Hannes Theunissen 082 853 4055 WE SELL FARMS 2.2ha R1 720 000 o.n.a. 4 Slaapkamer l 3 Badkamer TEEN TZANEEN 2 Hout Chalets met geriewe, kantoor, 3 lapas, swembad. 5 Arbeiders kwartiere (100m² met geriewe) 3 Chalets. 1ha Onder besproeiing met groente. Boorgat lewer 10 000 l/uur. 167ha R5.3 million GIYANI R550 000 Connie du Toit 084 581 0743 MACADAMIA R370 000 393ha R3.4 million VALLEI MET VOLOP WATER 3 Slpk woonhuis, 2 vol badk, aparte toilet, oop sit/eetkm & kombuis, TVk. Woonhuis in baie goeie toestand meubels ingsl. 4 Motorhuise. 180m² Stoor met 2 Rypmaakkamers 8.5 x 4.3m en 3m hoog. 4 Kamer Arbeiders kwartiere met geriewe. Water: 3 Boorgate waarvan 1 toegerus met dompelpomp, pomp op standhoudende spruit. 8ha Piesangs met mikro besproeiing. 2ha Oop lande geskik vir groente verbouiing. Trekker en implimente ingsl. Bome: ±120 Pekaneut, ±160 Lietjie (Mauritius). PRYS VERLAAG NA R756 000 42ha met boorgat& krag. ±10 Mango bome in drag. R865 000 Alleen mandaat R730 000 Alleen mandaat 4 bedrooms l 2 bathrooms l 2 Garages Lounge & TV room. 15.6ha Ansa Ferreira 083 278 8877 3 Slaapkamer l 2 Badkamer l 2 Motorhuise Oopplan kombuis, leef- & eetkamer. Marmer afwerkings. WEGGEE PRYS Immaculate bachelor’s unit in this beautiful retirement village. 5 BEDROOM HOUSE 90ha Under irrigation, 4 equipped boreholes, 2 Soildams, 300ha excellent grazing. List of tractors & implements available. TZANGENI 3 bedrooms l 3 bathrooms l 2 Garages Sitting & Dining room. Big stand 1997m² 4 BEDROOM HOUSE 75ha Under irrigation. Earthdam 7km long with pump station. Game fence with cattle facilities. R8.268 million Regina Ingram 082 893 5253 We sell property in Giyani, Thohoyandou, Modjadjiskloof, Letsitele & Nkowankowa. MODJADJISKLOOF R540 000 Connie 084 581 0743 SECURITY AREA R995 000 4 bedrooms l 2 bathrooms l 2 Garages YOUR OWN HOUSE Own individual stand in upmarket security area. In immaculate condition with splendid finishes. Connie 084 581 0743 25.6ha P.O.A. ASEMROWENDE UITSIG OOR DRAKENSBERGE Hoofwoning: 1 Slpkmr en-suite, 2 slpkmr, 2 badkmr, sit/eetkmr oopplan, TV/k, studeerkmr, kombuis. 4 Vertrek huis - kort aandag. Woonstelle x 3: 180m² , 104m², 108m² - kort aandag. 28m² Toesluit m/huis. 36m² Oop M/huis. Arbeiders huis 1: 45m² en huis 2: 160m². 3 Toegeruste boorgate. 2 Sementdamme. 1 Standhoudende gronddam. ±12ha Bloekoms - 5 Jaar oud. 4.5ha bewerkbare lande. Kontak Hannes Theunissen. 3 Slaapkamer l 2 Badkamer MEENTHUIS KOMPLEKS Uitsig oor Tzaneen dam. Huurinkomste R5500 per maand met bestaande huurders. WEGGEE PRYS R610 000 Alleen mandaat 2 Slaapkamer l 1 Badkamer MEENTHUIS KOMPLEKS Uitsig oor Tzaneen dam. Huurinkomste R4400 p/maand met bestaande huurders. MEENTHUIS KOMPLEKS P.O.A. Alleen mandaat 3 Slaapkamer l 2 Badkamer Volledige 2 leefareas, kombuis, toesluit motorhuis. Lieflike groot eie tuin!! BELEGGING Tel: 015 307 3680 Sel: 076 159 9182 AQUAPARK R920 000 3 Bedroom l 2 Bathroom HOUSE Lovely stoep! HERITAGE VILLAGE R1 950 000 3 Bedroom l 2 Bathroom HOUSE With complete flat downstairs, pool on wooden deck. Scenic view on mountains, indigenous bush & small dam. Lots of birds. This is a once-off opportunity! ARBORPARK R1 200 000 3 Bedroom l 2 Bathroom HOUSE Stoep and 4 garages. GOLDEN ACRES STAND 545m² @ R250 000 Steph Baker 083 289 6611 AQUAPARK Sole Mandate 2 Bedrooms l 1 bathroom TOWNHOUSE Open plan kitchen, big living area. Patio overlooking Tzaneen Dam. JUST LISTED 3 Bedrooms l 2 bathroom TOWNHOUSE Open plan kitchen, living- & dining area. Patio with build in braai. Single lockup garage. TZANEEN Mahlweni 2200m² 1800m² 1800m² Mati l Waterfront l Damuitsig @ R785 000 @ R720 000 @ R750 000 R920 000 3 Big Bedrooms l 2 bathroom VALUE FOR MONEY Open plan kitchen with dining- & big livingroom. Patio with build in braai, splash pool & domestic room & bathr. Fully fenced in and ideal family home. TZANGENI R1 300 000 3 Big Bedrooms l 2 bathroom l double garage NEW ON THE MARKET Stunning house with wooden deck & build in braai & pool. HERITAGE VILLAGE STAND 710m² @ R300 000 Astrid Botha 083 255 5816 Alleen mandaat GOLDEN ACRES STANDS R650 000 Sole Mandate P.O.A. 4 Slaapkamer l 3 Badkamer l 1 Motorhuis 2 Leefareas, sjarmante “bay windows”, Dubbel afdakke. Bestaande huurder plus punt @ R6000 p/m. Koop jou belegging nou!! R480 000 LODGE R6 500 000 WELL ESTABLISHED SELF CATERING New on the market! Attractive thatch house and chalets that accommodate 44 people. Fireplace in each unit. Swimming pool set in rocks in tranquil surroundings. Set on 8.5ha with nursery and fruit trees. Large shed and workshop and staff accommodation for 5. MAGOEBASKLOOF R2 190 000 3 Bedrooms l 2 Bathrooms Hide-away in sub-tropical rainforest! 3 Level hideaway in the sub tropical rainforest. Wooden deck with views over the lowveld. Natural springs and 9.5ha of lush vegetation. 3 Large interleading entertainment areas. 2 Self-contained rondavels. 8 B ES - Farms TA H LIS ED 5 19 LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PAGE 6 KALENDER Winners of the Bridge competition played at Macadamia on September 19 were Shirley Ivy and Win Scott. Second were Ann Luther and Pam Obie. We are what we repeatedly do, if that is true, becoming a good and successful person does not depend on what you do but how you do it and the more you do it. To become excellent in something is not an act but has to be a habit, and a habit is something that becomes a part of you whether it is good or bad. Coen en Annemarie Smith en familie bedank graag die gemeenskap vir gebede, ondersteuning, oproepe, sms’e, blomme, ens na Toinette se afsterwe. Dit word opreg waardeer. Baie geluk aan Hester Triegaardt en Nerine Fourie wat onderskeidelik op 26 en 28 September verjaar het. Baie geluk aan Erika Fouché wat op 6 Oktober verjaar het. Congratulations to Jack Moshia on his birthday on October 9. Chris Mocke het sy geboortedag op 2 Oktober gevier. Baie geluk. Baie geluk aan Willem Smit wat op 3 Oktober verjaar het. REWARD PROPERTIES WILLIE JONKER Rosinah 083 207 5570 33 Boundary Street - Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 7513/4 Fax: 015 307 7515 • FLORA PARK R495 000 - 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, lounge, kitchen, very neat. • FLORA PARK R660 000 - 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, lounge, fenced yard. • NKOWANKOWA R650 000 - 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, lounge, kitchen, electric single garage, carport, wall fenced, electric gate. • AQUAPARK R1 200 000 - 4 Bedroom, double garage. • NKOWANKOWA NEWLY BUILD HOUSE R495 000 3 Bedrooms, separate bathroom & toilet. • TZANGENI STAND 652sqm only R310 000 • FLORAPARK R640 000 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, dining room, lounge, dressing room, kitchen, double garage. • URGENT SALE! Cash buyers ONLY! Beautiful house in Nkowankowa, awesome garden, well fenced R295 000. • STANDS GALORE! * Aquapark 600 sqm R205 000 * Medipark 450 sqm R170 000 * Aquapark 1000 sqm R335 000 * Riverside 1340sqm R380 000 • 21ha Open farm 10 km from Tzaneen. Easy buy, no Wilma bank required. Only R385 000. 073 756 0490 • Newly build house in Florapark. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms R495 000. • NEW BARGAIN! 21ha open land with 2 boreholes and an earth dam. R520 000 negotiable. • BUSHVELD HIDE-AWAY! 21ha perfect for a weekend getaway. Cosy farmhouse with a lapa, 3 boreholes, an earth dam and it’s fenced! R550 000. • CATTLE WONDERLAND!! 130ha cattle farm ready in camps, with 2 boreholes and an earth dam, as well as a big farm house! What a bargain at only R1 800 000. Delia • MODERN BEAUTY! 073 991 9442 14ha absolute stunning small holding. With a modern 4 bedroom home, excellent land, and plenty water this is a great investment. Only 6 km from Tzaneen. R1 800 000. • TOWNHOUSE IN AQUAPARK FOR ONLY R495 000. • DON’T MISS THIS BARGAIN x2 flats for R330 000. • LOTS OF STANDS FOR SALE BETWEEN R200 000 & R350 000. • LOVELY HOME FOR SALE 4 bedrooms R500 000. Bekende Lindie kuier by Sprankel-oggend Winners of the Bridge competition played on September 26 were Marie Liversage and Dapne Heimann. Second were Win Scott and Jeffe Williams. DIE Sprankel Christen Damesoggend wat Saterdag 1 Oktober deur NG Moedergemeente aangebied was, was ‘n reuse sukses met Lindie Strydom as gasspreker. Sy het die dames toe gespreek oor “Jou Droom vir die Toekoms” en dit baseer op haar eie persoonlike getuienis. Almal wat dit bygewoon het kon daarna huistoe gaan met ‘n boodskap van inspirasie en Geestelike verryking. Op die foto verskyn vlnr Rina van Staden, Esti Zietsman, Lindie Strydom en Annelien Geldenhuys. Susan kuier by damesoggend FLEUR Damesbediening van die Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk bied Saterdagoggend 'n heerlike damesoggend by Sanloo Manor aan. Susan Coetzer is die gasspreker tydens die geleentheid. Sy is bekend as aktrise en is 'n bekroonde skrywer. Sy het boeke soos, "Oros vir die siel', 'Custard vir die siel' en 'All Bran vir die siel' geskryf. Sy skryf ook 'n rubriek vir Finness. Susan is met die akteur/sanger Phillip Trourokke hier beskikbaar VROUE in Aksie het drie trourokke beskikbaar vir enige vrou wat ‘n trourok benodig. Die groottes is 32 tot 34. Vir navrae skakel Annaline Geldenhuys op 083 377 1312. PR PRO P E S T PROPERTY BROKERS Tel: 015 307 2030 Faks: 015 307 2157 Email: Loraine (CEA) - 072 674 3269 ARBORPARK - R1 650 000 Pragtige ruim familie woning, groot erf, swembad, jacuzzi, dubbel motorhuis en nog meer. Loopafstand van skole. AQUA PARK - GOEIE WINSKOOP Prentjie mooi 4 slp huis, dubbel motorhuis, groot leef area, kuierstoep, swembad ens. Kom maak ‘n aanbod!!! TZANGENI Lieflike 3 slp, 2 badk huis met swembad. Lock-up-andgo. Kom maak ‘n aanbod. Maria - 082 497 5826 FLORAPARK - R690 000 Lovely secluded cottage with 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Maritza 083 582 2708 Koos 082 562 5005 Ansie Kruger het op 5 Oktober verjaar. Baie geluk. • STUNNING FAMILY HOME In Aquapark. 4 Spacious bedrooms, 3 living areas, braai area and pool. • A BARGAIN - price drastically reduced to less than R1 000 000! Heated pool, stoep with build in braai. Irrigation. Call now to view! • TZANEEN - 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage: Florapark R660 000. • TZANEEN - town house for only R330 000 • GA-KGAPANE: ext 5 stand R120 000 • GA-KGAPANE: Meloding stand R90 000 • MODJADJISKLOOF: 3500m2 stand R280 000 Lesley Want to sell your house or stand contact me for faster service. 076 816 1461 • TOWN HOUSE IN SECURITY COMPLEX - R495 000 Viewing is highly recommended to appreciate this well presented, modern 2 bedroom townhouse. • IDEAL FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS - beautiful 2 bedroom townhouse with views overlooking Tzaneen dam - R475 000. • Reward Properties is pleased to present this beautiful 4 bedroom house in Aqua Park which has been exceptionally well maintained and extensively upgraded - R1 650 000. Lientjie • 4 BEDROOM HOUSE with bachelor flat, swimming pool and huge 082 650 8418 stand - ONLY R550 000, easy payments, no banks required you need only R100 000 deposit and this house could be yours! 73345 MEDIPARK - R300 000 Build a dream house on this 700sqm landscaped garden. TZANEEN - R1 480 000 5 Bedr family home, stunning entertainment area & pool Janet - 084 760 0063 TZANGENI R1 335 000 This attractive & exclusive property consist of 3 bedr, 2 full bathrooms, beautiful kitchen, air-cons, fitted blinds on all the windows. Low maintenance garden. Remote control security. Secure for pets & children. FLORAPARK Affordable building package available up to R500 000. Contact me to sell your property in Duiwelskloof Agreement sales will be accepted stands etc. Peter - 082 890 8845 AQUAPARK - R1 650 000 Fantastic 4 bedr home, 3 entertainment areas. 4 Garages, flat, pool. One of the nicest & cleanest homes in the area. AQUA PARK - R770 000 Town House. Large 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom plus shower, open plan. Double garage, enclosed private garden, security. AQUA PARK Large 2 bedr flat, full bath, beautiful view of the dam. A gift at R455 000. 73328 Moolman getroud. Hulle besit ook die bekende teater-restaurant, Die Blou Hond, in Johannesburg. Susan gaan 'n wonderlike boodskap vol inspirasie vir vandag se vrou lewer. Dames gaan ook lekker smul aan dekadente eetgoedjies terwyl hul saam met hul vriendinne kuier. Vir meer besonderhede en die koop van kaartjies, skakel Charmaine by 0828554415. Kers-kuiermark om die draai nodige vorms en inligting by voornemende uitstallers uitkom. Die organiseerders nooi almal vir ‘n heerlike kuier, onweerstaanbare geskenke (vir jouself en die familie/vriende) asook heerlike etes. Daar word vanjaar spesiaal voorsiening gemaak vir eetgoed vir kinders. Daar sal ook ‘n kuier-tuin met uithaler lekkernye wees. Soos in die verlede sal daar beide dae 2 of meer demonstrasies aangebied word. Parkering is volop. Toegang beloop R15 per persoon, met ‘n gepaardgaande houer met verskillende klein items in. En wat wil ‘n mamma wat wil ontspan in die heerlike atmosfeer nou meer hê as verantwoorSaterdag 8 & 15 Oktober 2011 delike toesig (teen ‘n fooi, natuurlik) oor om 10:00 te Antimoonstraat 10 die kleuters en laerNuwe Industriële gebied Tzaneen skoolkinders. (Langs Boendoe Bar) Hulle sal konstruktief besig gehou word. (Toesig slegs In opdrag van die vanaf 5 jaar oud.) Moenie die geleenJD Groep verkoop ons theid misloop nie. DIE jaarlikse Kers-kuiermark vind op 28 en 29 Oktober in die amfi van die NG Kerk Letsitele plaas. Die marktye beloop Vrydag vanaf 09:00 tot 20:00, en Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 15:00. Skakel Lorraine onverwyld by 082 683 9987 of 083 3060 796, of e-pos haar by Sy sal sorg dat (indien daar nog uitstalruimte beskikbaar is) die VEILING KOBUS VENTER AFSLAERS IS TERUG OP tweedehandse Yskaste, Vrieskaste, Beddens, Stowe, Hangkaste ens. Elke Saterdag. Privaat Inskrywings Baie Welkom. Goedere kan nou al ingehandig word. Voorwaardes: - Slegs kontant en EFO - Alle betalings geskied op die dag van die veiling - Alles word voetstoots verkoop - Afslaers bepalings en voorwaardes geld - Wet 68/2008 Art 45 word deur bogenoemde afslaer - Bring afskrif van I.D. en bewys van woondadres saam (FICA) - 14% betaalbaar op meubels van JD Groep - Geen BTW of privaat goedere. KOBUS: 082 925 9780 EMIL: 083 274 8557 GENERAL/LETTERS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 PAGE 7 The R36 to be rehabilitated soon DA ward Cllr Rene Pohl writes: Please be notified of the rehabilitation of road R36 (p17/3) from Tzaneen to Burgersdorp in the Mopani District of Limpopo, RAL/D635/2010. Areas to be affected in ward 15 will be: Agri Gear, Bill no. 116 84-1 next to Tzaneen, Limpopo Motors, a portion of Macdonald’s fence, Tzaleba Bricks, Tzaneen Concrete Manufacturing, Baie Hendricks’ premises, Yamorna service station and Matana Market, Morokolotsi Market and Voilet Malapane (Mokgolobotho). Nkuhlwana Trainers and Protjects cc is conducting the public participation process. The public must be take notice of public participation Laerskool D’kloof bedank borge A DISABLED woman's life has been made easier by a prominent local businessman. The beneficiary, Motlatso Mamorobela, on an electric wheelchair donated by Makapane Modipa (left) of MacP Construction, with them is the Mayor of Greater Letaba Municipality, City Modjadji during the handing over ceremony at Kgapane Community Hall on Wednesday. Businessman donates wheelchair A DISABLED woman's life has been made easier by a prominent local businessman, Makapane Modipa. The owner and Chief Executive Officer of MacP Construction, Modipa presented Motlatso Mamorobela with an electric, motorized wheelchair worth R48 000 in an emotionally charged ceremony at Kgapane Community Hall on Wednesday. Modipa said he was touched by the plight of the disabled woman, who did not have a proper wheelchair but managed to attend every community event in the district. "After I saw her at Kgapane Stadium in May in her ordinary wheelchair, which was no longer in good working condition, I decided to donate a wheelchair which will be easy to operate,' said a visibly emotional Modipa. Modipa said earlier this year his company donated R750 000 to Kgwekgwe High School in Bolobedu South for the building of a library and a computer centre. He expressed disappointment in the lack of interest in engineering courses by students in the district. He said since his company started offering bursaries in 2008 for learners who wish to study engineering courses at tertiary institutions, only two students have applied and have been assisted. He appealed to learners who are interested in studying Civil Engineering, Land Surveying and other civil construction related courses in tertiary institutions next year, to approach the Tzaneen based MacP Construction for bursaries. The Mayor of GLM, City Modjadji, thanked Modipa for his company's generous donation to a disabled woman. He described the beneficiary as someone who is committed to community development despite her disability and challenged other businesspeople to follow suit, and help the government deliver a better life for all. "The government alone cannot win the fight against poverty and under development without the involvement of the private sector," said Modjadji. Mamorobela, who was struggling to hold back tears of joy throughout the event, did not have enough words to thank Modipa for his generosity. She said the electric wheelchair came at just the right time, as it was becoming a struggle for her to push the old wheelchair. "My life will now be easy with this electric wheelchair. I won't need someone to push me whenever I wanted to go somewhere. DIE organiseerders van Laerskool se gholfdag, skryf: Duiwelskloof het op 24 September ‘n baie suksesvolle gholfdag by Tzaneen Country Club aangebied. Graag wil ons die volgende borge hartlik bedank vir hulle bydra om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak: Tzaneen Country Club se bestuur; Organisasie en leiding : Dalene en Boetlap Pohl; Sanger : Anton Myburgh (Murgpyp;) Hoofborge: Bertie van Zyl Edms Bpk. (ZZ2;) Histhil Kwekery; RSA Markagente; Trophy Motors; Ruben Vermaak; en Integrifin. Zabana Grondverskuiwings; BB Motors; Lannie Motors; Mondipak; Montina Boerdery; en Insect Science. Borge vir geskenke: Trappers Trading; Thys Wessels; Venbeck; Pakati Mieliemeel; Miami Canners; Forever Eden en Zanelle’s. Jaghtpad Slaghuis; Rob’s Spices; P & A Seedlings; Snyman Voere; Buffelsberg Slaghuis; At Janse van Rensburg; Supa Quick Tzaneen; Hydespray; Bearing Man; Granor Passi; en Boetlap Pohl. meetings that are required to be held by the consultants, to inform affected parties of the impact of this project. If there are any enquiries regarding the matter, please contact the public participation consultant, Sydney Mashele, at 083 456 3074. Rene Pohl can also be contacted on: 079 872 5012. Tehuis sê dankie DIE bestuur, personeel en inwoners van God’s Haven bedank die volgende instansies en persone vir liefde, ondersteuning en donasies die afgelope week ontvang. Keith Marjoram van Hobby Print vir vier voorvalle boeke wat gedruk is. Anoniem vir geestelike boeke. CIS de Wet vir eiers. Anoniem vir Hi Shine vloer produkte. Andriaan en santie Willems vir konfyt, stroop en grondboontjiebotter. Adriaan Willems vir lekker vars wit en rooi patats. Anoniem vir toiletware. Magdaleen vir lekker vars kool en tamaties. Anoniem vir vars tamaties, groenrissies, gems en baby marrows. ZZ2 vir ‘n krat vars tamaties. Connie en Piet vir 20 leter melk. Anoniem vir 1kg klein koekies. Program van 1961-reünie beloof baie jolyt DIE 1961 matrieks van Hoërskool Merensky hou op 8 Oktober ‘n reünie by Merensky. Die dag sal om 09:30 voor die skoolsaal op Merensky afskop. Piet Vorster sal die dag amptelik open en die oud Plasies verwelkom en ds Nico Coetzee sal met skriflesing en gebed ook die dag open. Van 10:00 kan almal vry op die skoolterrein rondbeweeg en lekker gesels. Om 11:00 sal Magnus Steyn, die skoolhoof, besoekers in die personeelkamer toe spreek. 12:00 gaan almal vertrek na die klubhuis van die Duiwelskloof Rolbalklub, ongeveer 10 minute se ry vanaf Plasieland. Daar sal van 13:00 af gebraai word by die klub, waar daar ‘n TV is vir die rugby, tee, koffie, pap en sous, mengelslaai, vrugteslaai en roomys beskikbaar wees. Bring asseblief u eie vleis en speserye. Daar sal ‘n kontant kroeg wees om al die kele lekker nat te hou - geen drank of koeldrank sal saamgebring mag word nie. As die son begin sak om 18:00 sal daar sop en brood beskikbaar wees en ‘n lekker konsert saam baie kuier en gesels vir die wat daaraan wil deelneem. Skakel Johan Mitchell by 072 104 7039 of Albert Smith by 012 997 0653 of Mia Kapp/ van Zyl by 082 8044 187 of 015 395 2180 vir meer inligting. Geen elektrisiteit op die volgende datums KRAG onderbrekings sal op die volgende datums in September tot en met Januarie 2012 as gevolg van uitgebreide en noodsaaklike stelsel opgradering ondervind word in die volgende gebiede: Politsi, Campsies Glenn, Westfalia, Levardasrust, Hansfontein, Quantock, Avondshoek. Onderbrekings sal op al die datums tussen 08:00 en Visit us @ wwwrealty1tzaneenproperties INTERNASIONALE EIENDOMSGROEP Tel: (015) 307-2755 Faks: (015) 307-3073 Elite Woonstel Nr. 7, Tzaneen Agatha Street, Sentrapark E-Pos: GECKO RIDGE - R1 100 000 (WAS R1 350 000) URGENT SALE!!! 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom in Aqua Park. MODJADJISKLOOF - R250 000 Stand next to FNB and doctors consulting rooms. SMALL HOLDING - R2 300 000 (WAS R3 300 000) NKOWANKOWA - R660 000 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen, lounge and dining room with double garage. 2,8 Ha Lifestyle Lushof plot. Very neat 4 bedr family home, 2 x 2 bedr granny flats, coldroom, workshop and many more. RIVERSIDE - R380 000 Nice, big stand. AQUA PARK - R1 180 0000 SOLE MANDATE!!! 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lapa and swimming pool. Agent: Pieter Human - 082 553 5887 AQUA PARK - R1 200 000 (WAS R1 350 000) 4 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, living, dining, lounge, double garage, swimming pool. AQUA PARK - R825 000 Very neat 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in a quiet area. AQUA PARK - R890 000 3 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms. Agent: Pieter Human (Jnr) - 072 215 8643 16:00 voorkom. Die ander datums is soos volg: 9 Oktober, 23 Oktober, 6 November, 20 November, 4 Desember, 18 Desember en 8 Januarie 2012. Alle kragpunte moet as lewendig beskou word. Ingeval van swak weer sal die werk gekanselleer word vir die spesifieke datum. Gedurende normale werksure mag abnormale onderbrekings gedurende die tydperk ondervind word. Agent: Elizabeth Mushwana 071 683 8678 FLORA PARK - R530 000 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom with a nice verandah. All rooms have burglar bars. NKOWANKOWA - R480 000 (neg) 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining, lounge and garage. NKOWANKOWA STANDS - R135 000 Stand in Nkowankowa A. New development. Hurry building of houses already started. Agent: Aluciah Mkhabele (NQF4) 076 577 2146 VERHURINGS / RENTALS Daniel 082 068 2882 VERHURINGS / RENTALS • Very exclusive office suite for R3600.00 per month with own reception area. • 2 Bedr flat for R3800.00 p.m. - available 01 Nov. 2011. Full deposit needed. • Macadamia - 3 bedr, 2 bathr very neat house with fencing around R6500 p.m. Available 01 December 2011. Must be 50 years or older. • Aqua Park * 3 Bedr, 2 bathr spacious Townhouse with own garden & braai area R7 000 p.m. Available from 01 December 2011. * 1 Bedr garden flat available from 1st Nov. 2011. Deposit required with first month’s rental. R2700 p.m. Water & electricity included. • On farm - 1 Bedr flat available about 2 km out of town for R2700 p.m. Prepaid electricity. Available 01 November 2011. FARM IN HOEDSPRUIT - R2 750 000 42 Ha Farm in Hoedspruit, water rights out of river, 2 houses, 450m riverfront, excellent for cash crops. Agent : UWE KROH - 076 833 9112 FLORA PARK - R1 100 000 A spacious 5 bedroom home with a one bedr flat on a double stand with swimming pool and ample parking. For a bargain price. FLORA PARK - R600 000 Affordable house in Tzaneen. Ideal for the first time buyer. SMALL HOLDING - R4 300 000 (NEG) 4 Ha Executive Lifestyle small holding with lots of further development opportunities are up for sale. 3 Houses, lapas and a Hall for entertainment. Agent : ANDRé LIEBENBERG - 082 935 7471 REALTY 1 OFFICE PERSONNEL: Erika Human (Office Manager) - Cell 079 526 0763 Dirkie Smit (Admin) - Cell 076 923 2160 73331 PAGE 8 LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PROMOSIONSGENERAL Centre boasts a brand new butchery, take-away THE OFCOLACO shopping centre, near Trichardtsdal, now boasts with a brand new butchery and take-away which will have many more residents and passers-by visit the complex. The mother and daughter team of Anita and Michelle Janse van Rensburg recently opened both businesses and are very keen and motivated to bring residents from the region as well as tourists a very pleasant experience when stopping at the Ofcolaco garage or any other business in the centre. The butchery offers a full array of cuts, including sumptious biltong, dry wors and other meats while the take-away menu has something for everybody at affordable prices. "We will keep our prices as low as possble which will make it unnecessary for locals to travel to town to get good quality meat and food at a reasonable price," Anita and Michelle said this week. They will specialise in meat that is of the highest quality and well matured while food at the take-away will be prepared fresh daily. The new butchery and take-away at the Ofcolaco Business Centre is definitely worth a visit where the friendly Anita and Michelle will be of service. No electricity on these dates DUE to required extensive and urgent system upgrades, power will be interrupted in the following areas on the following dates: Politsi, Campsies Glenn, Westfalia, Levardasrust, Hansfontein, Quantock, and Avondshoek. Power will be interrupted on October 9, October 23, November 6, November 20, MOTHER and daughter team of Anita and Michelle Janse van Rensburg with staff members Selina Ramotaka and Refilwe Mametja at the new take-away shop and restaurant at the Ofcolaco Business Centre. December 4, December 18 and January 8, 2012, from 08:00 till 16:00. All power points must be treated as live. In case of inclement weather, work will be cancelled for that specific date. During normal working hours abnormal interruptions may be experienced. Leer verder oor loodglaswerk DAAR vind op 15 Oktober ‘n Saterdag 15 Oktober opvolgkursus in loodglaswerk plaas. Dit begin om 08:00 tot 14:00 en slegs persone wat die eerste klas bygewoon het kan bywoon. Neem soos voorheen saam: Handdoek om op te werk; Tange gekoop met eerste klas; Soldeerboud; Houtblok gemaak vir die eerste klas, 25cm X 19cm; Oorpluisies (Earbuds); Sker; Asblik; Die paneel gemaak in die eerste klas; Prestic; Die L-vorm liniaal indien jy een gekoop het; R50 is koste vir nog glas, foelie en soldeersel. Skakel Amanda Vorster by 083 451 3007. ANITA and Michelle Janse van Rensburg at the biltong rack at the Ofcolaco Business Centre. A wide variety of quality meats are available here now. savills GENERAL LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 PAGE 9 Less than 42 days before Relay for Life THE annual Cansa Relay for Life will take place on November 11 at Merenksy High School sports grounds and everyone is invited to take part. Relay for Life is a world wide initiative and the biggest fund raising event in Tzaneen. All proceeds from this event go towards cancer related projects in the Province. Relay is a great opportunity for corporate social responsibility endeavours and an exciting event for the entire community. Relay for Life celebrates cancer survivors and honours loved ones lost to cancer. Cancer survivors are our VIP guests and are invited to join us at the Relay for Life. Absa has generously donated the goodie hampers, which cancer survivors will receive at the event. If you would like to add to the Goodie Bags, contact Magda Bootha at 083 633 1831. Survivors can also contact Magda. For more information on the event contact Juanine Jackson on 082 576 5716. Remember each lap gets us closer to a world with more birthdays! READY for the Cansa Relay for Life. Rosanne Scheepers, left en Damien Stefaans, right from Absa hands over goodies for the survivors hampers. With them is Magda Bootha (Survivor Co ordinator) and Juanine Jackson (Relay for Life organising committee.) Harcour ts Tzaneen 1 Peace Street Exclusive Mandate R 1 000 000 - R 1 050 000 - R 1 150 000 Exclusive Mandate R 1 045 000 - R 1 095 000 - R 1 145 000 • ARBOR PARK 3 Bedroom, Double garage - separate, 2 Bedroom flat Great value. • Approximately 2 450m under roof. 4 Bedrooms & much more... MAKE THE SELLER AN OFFER. D L O S PROPERTIES TO BUY OR SELL CONTACT: Green Van Rensburg 082 534 8181 • FAUNA PARK 3 Slaapkamers, 2 Badkamers, Dubbel motorhuis, pragtige tuin, Groot erf, Baie goed omhein (naby skole) R 1 200 000 • 2 Ha Plot (Naby dorp) Baie goed geleë R 485 000 Georgeane Langeveld 082 746 7222 Georgeane Langeveld 082 746 7222 Eleanor v d Westhuizen 083 310 3929 Eleanor v d Westhuizen 083 310 3929 Ramadiepa Forest Estate Stands available now from R 395 000 - R 625 000 For ANY properties to BUY or SELL contact Geogeane at Or Eleanor at • Exclusive Mandate 10% Deposit. New release. Return on investment. Purchase price - R339 000. Rental income - R2800.00. Monthly deficit Eleanor v d Westhuizen Georgeane Langeveld R250.00. An unbelievable investment. 083 310 3929 082 746 7222 • 8.5 Ha Farm with mature mango trees. Main and second dwelling. Large workshop. Outstanding opportunity. • Exclusive Mandate Very large home on 2.6Ha plot - Lushof. All offers welcome. • Exclusive Mandate R 3 500 000 Farm for sale Scenic farm, Guest house potential. 28Ha. 3 Homesteads On the farm. • Exclusive Mandate R 594 000 MASSIVE PRICE REDUCTION! This home must sell!!! Call now to view. • Exclusive Mandate Aqua Park...............R 850 000 Double storey home, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms. • Exclusive Mandate R 495 000 Bargain in Duiwelskloof. VERHURINGS: T: 015 307 1336 E: • Aqua Park 3 Bed, 2.5 Bad 2 Sitkamer, Kombuis, Spens, Dubbel motorhuis. R 6400 pm W&L excl. • Arbor Park 3 Bed, 2 Bad, Kompleks, Toesluit motorhuis. R 4600 pm W&L uitgesluit. • Premier Park Bachelor flat, available 1 November. R 16500 pm W&E excluded. DO YOU HAVE ANY PROPERTIES FOR SALE? CONTACT ME: Joan Bissett 082 893 5135 • FLORA PARK..........................R 499 000 3 Beds l Diningroom l Lounge area I 2 Baths l 2 Toilets. • GA-KGAPANE.........................R 330 000 3 Beds l Diningroom l Lounge area l 1 Bath l 2 Toilets. • PREMIER PARK......................R 880 000 4 Beds l Diningroom l Livingroom l Lounge l 2 Baths l 2 Toilets l Double garage l Security wall and with swimming Pool. Hurry, call now.... • FLORA PARK...........................R 660 000 3 Beds l Diningroom l Lounge area l Livingroom l 2 Baths l 2 Toilets l Single Garage. Very neat. • FLORA PARK..........................R 660 000 4 Beds l Diningroom l Lounge l Kitchen l 3 Toilets l 3 Baths l Carport l Security Fence and gate. • Tzangeni / Valencia................R 298 000 2 Stands available PRICE REDUCED Rebecca Mohale 072 683 0203 73330 LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PAGE 10 GENERAL Tzaneen Eco Club starts Birding Course tonight THE Tzaneen Eco Club is running a four week Beginners Course in Birding starting tonight (Thursday). The course will focus on basic Bird Identification skills and an introduction to the common birds of the Tzaneen area. Lectures will take place each Thursday evening in October from 18:30 to 21:00 at the Community Hall in Macadamia Village and there will be three Saturday morning field-outings to different bird eco-zones. The course is open to anyone wanting to gain a basic knowledge of birding and bird identification. They will look at over 250 birds that are common in our area and each participant will also be given a CD of over 70 bird calls as an aid to their bird ID skills. The course will be based on the Newman’s Birds of Southern Africa Field Guide (they will be using the latest, Commemorative Edition) but any good Birding Field Guide (Sasol, Sinclair, Roberts, older editions of Newman’s, etc) in either English or Afrikaans would be sufficient. They will also give guidance on related matters, like what binoculars work best for birding, etc. Presenters will be local birders and the emphasis of the course will be on learning practical bird ID skills with a brief introduction to the various species in our area rather than on formal lectures. The cost of the course is R200 for Tzaneen Eco Club members and R300 for non-members with a R50 discount for pensioners and scholars. The price includes all four Thursday evenings (eight lectures) with refreshments, three Saturday field outings and the bird call CD. For more information and booking, please contact Marianne McKenzie (082 835 4185), Paul Zaayman (083 460 4204) or Pierre Naudé (083 778 4635.) KNP offers birders an exciting weekend PUNDA Maria Rest Camp in Kruger National Park is offering birders two days of avian excitement in November. The camp is putting together four teams of eight passionate birders to participate in their first ever Punda-Mania Birding Challenge. For two full days teams will scour all ecosystems around Punda Maria Rest Camp and the Levubu River to tick as many birds as possible. The programme will include expert presentations on the region's confusing species and the specials and rarities of Northern Kruger. A team bird quiz will test identification skills and general knowledge and there will be an opportunity to discuss photos of hard-to-identify birds. Enter your own team of eight or let the camp place your smaller group in a team. The event director of this challenge is Joe Grosel, leader of the winning team of multiple annual Sasol Birdlife South Africa Birding Big Day Competitions. Be at Punda Maria Rest Camp in KNP from November 10 - 13 for this exciting challenge. Accommodation consists mostly of BG2 units, so remember your picnic sets. This entire event will cost you R3 400 per person sharing (no single supplement available) and will include three night's accommodation, two dinners and birding drives - one team plus one arbiter per vehicle. Contact Monika at 084 304 3017 for bookings or more information or visit The Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s Councilors, officials and residents embarked on a cleaning campaign in Nwamitwa recently. Mayor Dikeledi Mmetle picking up litter as part of the campaign. Some of the municipal councilors, officials and residents during the cleaning campaign they undertook in Nwamitwa as part of the National Clean-up Campaign. Councillors, officials, residents take part in cleaning up campaign tvpeople40Section1conv ert.indd COUNCILLORS, officials and residents of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, embarked on a cleaning campaign in Nwamitwa recently. Led by the mayor, Dikeledi Mmetle, they picked up litter in residential areas, open spaces, parks and river banks as part of the National Clean-up Campaign. Municipal spokesperson, Thulani Thwala, said the aim of the campaign was to create awareness about safeguarding the environment. "As the world combats climate change, our 1 people remain in the dark about the impact of pollution on their environment and their lives. This campaign also aims to educate and enlighten our rural communities about the significance of adopting a zero tolerance approach towards pollution," he said He urged the public to get involved in cleaning waste from their areas. He added that the municipality would also educate the public regarding the use of waste collection centres that stationed at various rural schools across the municipal area. 3 PM 2011/09/27 12:21:3 Woodcraft a passion for wood Manufacturers of Timber Homes, Cabins and Decks (also available in kit form) Visit our website for a complete list of available services and products. 73348 Woodcraft Building your dreams Tel: 082 294 8349/079 082 9969 Fax: 086 512 0457 E-mail: Website: NHBRC Reg No: 1-27268851 ADVERTISEMENT LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 PAGE 11 LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PAGE 12 Ons hou Konsert F V SA Dankie aan die adverteerders wat hierdie konsert bladsye geborg het. Beste Kwaliteit Grootste Verskeidenheid Laagste Pryse jou vars produkte winkel! TZANEEN • (015) 307 1288 • Faks (015) 307 1290 Polokwane: 015 292 6196 31 Nikkel Street, Superbia Polokwane y t i l a u q l l e s . . . We p a e h c s paint ! s t n i a p p a Not che Giyani: 015 812 3517 6 Giyani S CNTR, Giyani Tzaneen: 015 307 3517 56 Boundary Street, Tzaneen 0850 Herman 082 464 8279 Dawie 083 458 9027 24 Antimony Str. Tzaneen Kontak ons vir enige staal en verwante produkte, ONS IS DEEL VAN JOU PLAN!! TEL: 015 3071400 BYLAE BYLAE LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 PAGE 13 SAVF TZANEEN KLEUTERSKOOL u konsert Ons h o Blomme bly die BESTE bederf! Die Blomskuur FLOWERS & GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION TEL: 015-307 2176 All your favourite brands in clothing and accessories! 16 Morgan Str - Standard Bank Building - Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 4423 • Fax: 015 3071296 Tzaneng Mall Tel: 015 307 3292 • Fax: 015 3071148 Volkswagen introduces a brand new feature to the category. Intelligence. Now you can drive a double-cab that produces 400Nm of torque and 120kW of power while consuming less than 8 litres per 100 Kms. Set on a robust chassis and encased in Volkswagen built quality is some very smart design and technology. Packed full of features that until now have never existed in a double cab, the Volkswagen Amarok sets net standards for the category. Visit Lannie Motors Tzaneen to book a test drive. Not just tough, smart. Amarok. Lannie Motors Agathastraat 46 , Tzaneen. Tel (015) 3075016 Commercial Vehicles LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PAGE 14 GENERAL World celebrates the gift of sight on October 13 THE WORLD will be celebrating the gift of Sight on the October 13 and the SA Optometric Thursday 3 November 2011 A screening service is available as community service on our Eye Day, but a full examination is rather advised. Association taking eye care to communities. World Sight Day is an annual event where eye care providers raise awareness of the importance of vision and how to access care. The scourge of HIV AIDS has taken priority in health care awareness and this is understandable, because it is a life threatening condition. However, it has many effects on other aspects of life. For example, South Africa now has a lot of child headed families, and in other cases, we have the elderly looking after the young ones. This situation confirms that there is low income in these households and that unfortunately, non- life threatening health aspects like eye care are often neglected. This neglect has a devastating effect on the learning ability of a child as 80% of learning is channelled through vision. If the child has an undetected refractive error (needs spectacles), he will have a learning barrier until the condition is corrected. The same applies to the elderly who are mostly presbyopic (having difficulty focususing on near objects). As guardians, they are expected to assist the children with home work and teach them to read but without proper eye care this is a difficult task for the elderly. The South African Optometric Association and other eye care organisation will be embarking on an awareness campaign during the month of October. The highlight event will be on international World Sight Day at Grace Bible Church in Soweto. Elderly people will have the opportunity to be screened for eye conditions, and eye care devices will be available for those who need them. Other activities will be in optometric practices where screening will be conducted. This is the opportunity to take advantage of the screening events and take care of your sight. For persons without a medical aid. Laerskool-hokkie vaar uitstekend DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING SERVICES BID DESCRIPTION: UPGRADING OF ROAD FROM GRAVEL TO TAR - SASEKANI TO NKOWANKOWA D DIE oop B-meisies hokkie span van Laerskool Tzaneen wen Suidskool met 3 - 0 in die semifinaal. Die finaal word teen Laerskool Van Wykskraal gespeel. Geen doele is in die wedstryd aangeteken nie en hulle deel die trofee as gesamentlike Limpopo kampioene. Voor: Meriam Modiba, Ndavi Nokeri, Clariska Venter, Janéllé Oberholzer, Leandri Luus, Cathleen Horne. Agter: Prudence Lebea, Simoné Pretorius, Cheny Lourens, Cailen Luis, Bianca KLopper, o/kaptein, Marli Potgieter, Amri van Aarde, afrigter. Inlas: Melissa Naudé, kaptein. BID NO.SCMU 23 /2011 Bids are hereby invited from experienced service providers with the CIDB grading of 6CEPE or higher for the upgrading of Sasekani To Nkowankowa D road from gravel to tar. Specifications are detailed in the bid document. Bid documents are obtainable at the Supply Chain Management Unit, upon payment of non-refundable fee of R250.00 payable at the Revenue offices: Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Civic centre, Agatha Street. Completed bid documents must be in a sealed envelopes and deposited into the bid box of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, marked as Bid No.SCMU23/2011 “ UPGRADING OF ROAD FROM GRAVEL TO TAR - SASEKANI TO NKOWANKOWA D” Compulsory briefing session/site inspection will be held on 14 October 2011 @ 10:00 at Council Chamber. Closing date: 27 October 2011 @ 12:00 at Council chamber. EVALUATION OF BIDS: FIRST STAGE Functionality 100 as follows: Experience 50, skills of key personnel 25 and availability of equipment 25. Bidders have to pass the first stage with 70 points to be evaluated further. SECOND STAGE HDI (05) points, Locality (02) points, Female ownership (02) points, Disability (01) point, Total (100) points. BIDDERS SHALL TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING BID CONDITIONS • The greater Tzaneen municipality supply chain policy will apply. • Greater Tzaneen municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the rights to accept the whole part of the bid. • The expanded public works (EPWP) principles and guidelines on labour intensive construction method will apply. • Proof of certification for the implementation of labour intensive construction projects for management and supervisory staff will be an added advantage. • Council reserves the right to negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder. • Council reserves the right not to appoint. • Bids which are late, incomplete, unsigned, faxed or emailed will not be accepted. GARDEN MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE DESIGN IRRIGATION LAWN Technical enquiries should be directed to Mr M Mamaleka @ 015 307 8217. Administrative enquiries should be directed to Oli Hlayisi@ 015 307 8066/084 6171 445. T.C Mametja Municipal Manager Die enigste seuns hokkiespan van Laerskool Tzaneen, nl die o11’s het nie teleurgestel nie. Hulle wen Groblersdal met 3 - 2 na hulle eers gelykop geëindig het en daar d m v strafhoue ‘n telling aangeteken moes word. Hulle speel die finaal teen Mariepskop en wen 2 - 0. Voor: Jc Nel Pitman Opperman, Wc Kriel, Lenatd Cheney, Raynard Erasmus. Middel: John Naude. Agter: Nkateko Tiba. Christian Schmidt, Vernon Harms, Rayno du Plessis, Wilco janse van Rensburg, Barri Gerber. Afwesig: Elrisa Oosthuizen, afrigter. Nog op bl15... 73367 OFFICE 076 705 6199 73319 SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 Wolkies beeld Bybel gelykenisse uit TYDENS die landswye kultuurfees ontvang Ronél du Toit, Anzeret Scheepers en Tharina Botes, almal leerders van Wolkberg Akademie 87% vir hulle Bybel projek en stap as gr5 wenners uit die stryd. Hulle moes ‘n gelykenis visueel voorstel. PAGE 15 Die o/11 meisies het Groblersdal in die semi-finale met 8 - 0 gewen en sodoende gewys waartoe Laerskool in staat is. Hulle het daarna die finaal teen Oosskool met 2 - 0 gewen en die trofee Tzaneen toe gebring. Voor: Deane Toerien, Telanie van Reenen, Stephanie Nagel, Suné Minnaar. Middel; Michaela Chensey, Lara Oosthuizen, Risana Lambane, Marisa Heyns. Agter: Bianca Elbrecht, Dana van Zyl en Anemé Jacobs. Afwesig: Saartjie Roelvert, afrigter. Nog op bl14... Laerskool hokkie spanne wys waartoe hulle in staat is Die o/11 meisies het Groblersdal in die semi-finale met 8 - 0 gewen en sodoende gewys waartoe Laerskool in staat is. Hulle het daarna die finaal teen Oosskool met 2 - 0 gewen en die trofee Tzaneen toe gebring. Die enigste seunsspan, nl die o11’s het nie teleurgestel nie. Hulle wen Groblersdal met 3 - 2 na hulle eers gelykop geëindig het en daar d m v strafhoue ‘n telling aangeteken moes word. Hulle speel die finaal teen Mariepskop en wen 2 - 0. Die oop B-meisies wen Suidskool met 3 - 0 in die semi-finaal. Die finaal word teen Laerskool Van Wykskraal gespeel. Geen doele is in die wedstryd aangeteken nie en hulle deel die trofee as gesamentlike Limpopo kampioene. Uit die moontlike ses ligas het drie van Laerskool se spanne aan die finale deelgeneem. Hulle neem dus drie trofeë huistoe. Die skool bedank graag die ondersteuners en afrigters vir hulle harde werk. OLDM141337/E/REV VIER van Laerskool Tzaneen se hokkiespanne het Saterdag op Groblersdal aan die uitspeel wedstryde vir die laerskoolliga gespeel om moontlik Limpopo kampioene te word. Die oop A meisies het in die semi-finaal teen Suidskool gespeel en 2 - 0 verloor. Die meisies het tot aan die einde geveg en mooit moed op gegee nie. Not everyone has the ability to build a global empire from a humble grain of sand. It takes great knowledge and skill to transform something seemingly worthless into a beautiful pearl. Similarly, in order to achieve your financial goals, you need trusted and proven advice. And with over 165 years of knowledge and experience in savings and investments, no one is better suited to help you than Old Mutual. Whatever your financial needs, with our wide range of products and services we can tailor an investment solution that will work for you. So, in these uncertain times, the one thing you can be certain of is our expertise. do great things Licensed Financial Services Provider WE HAVE OVER 165 YEARS OF WISDOM TO INVEST IN YOU Contact your Old Mutual Financial Adviser or your Broker 0860 INVEST (468378) I Standard SMS rates apply I SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PAGE 16 Plaasbestuurder Wolkies wys hoe dit gedoen word VAKATURE WATERBEHEER BEAMPTE ‘n Pos as Waterbeheerbeampte by ‘n besproeiingskanaal raad is onmiddelik beskikbaar. BENODIG Dinamiese jongman as Plaasbestuurder op 'n Sitrus/Mango Plaas in Hoedspruit. Moet onafhanklik kan funksioneer. Waterbeheer, onderhoud, herstel take & toesig oor werkers. Sitrus en Mango agtergrond, kennis en 5 jaar ondervinding is 'n vereiste. E-pos CV met verwysing na Aangename werksomstandigede met 'n mededingende vergoedings pakket. Sluitingsdatum: 21 Oktober 2011 INDIEN U geen terugvoering voor 31 Oktober ontvang nie, moet aanvaar word dat u aansoek nie suksesvol was nie. 73357 Vakante poste Office No. 63 Cascades Building, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 3296 • Fax: 015 307 4954 Email: Reg: 2007/008144/07 VACANCY Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the position of a Personal Assistant 1 X OFFICE SECRETARY/PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER The purpose of the Personal Assistant/Secretary will be to perform routine clerical and administrative functions such as drafting correspondence, scheduling appointments, organizing and maintaining paper and electronic files, or providing information to callers. 3 4 5 6 7 MARIZA Booysen van Wolkberg Akademie hou die skool se naam hoog. Sy is ‘n gimnas van Zani’s gimnastiek klub en het onlangs deelgeneem aan die Limpopo gimnastiek kampioenskap. Sy ontvang die volgende: Silwer vir vrydans, silwer vir tou, brons vir hoepel. Sy eindig algeheel 3de en kwalifiseer om Oktober aan die SA kampioenskap te gaan deelneem in Belville in die Kaap. Dit is haar vierde jaar wat sy kwalifiseer. Fax CV na 086 580 4150 of email aan Cobus 082 457 1738 73351 PO Box 2420, Tzaneen 0850 Duties: 1 2 DIE bulletjies van die Wolkberg Akademie het uitgedraf vir die volgende BCVO Noord Transvaal spanne. Voor: Brand Scheepers, 0/9, Werner Scheepers, 0/9. Agter: Wico Neuhoff, 0/7, Roelof Neuhoff, 0/11 en Ryno Scheepers, 0/9. Performs tasks/ activities associated with the provision of Secretarial support Performs administrative activities associated with preparation of documents and correspondence for circulation to the Board and stakeholders. Maintains and access records of discussions, instructions and correspondence Performs activities/ tasks associated with registering and recording of internal/external mail/ correspondence. Performs secretariat support activities to ensure effective and efficient service delivery. Performs general office administration to ensure effective and efficient administrative service. Administer internal and external correspondence to the effective conveying of information. Requirements: 1 National Diploma in Business Management or equivalent qualification. 2 Three years' relevant experience. 3 Computer Literate (Word, Excel, Power Point & Internet). 4 Excellent Communication Skills (Bilingualism). 5 Knowledge and experience on MFMA/ PMFA. (It can be expected for the incumbent to work after hours and weekends, if needed) The remuneration will be a gross salary (total cost to employer) of R145 667.00 per annum Plus a 13th Cheque will be payable. Interested/suitable candidates should send their comprehensive CVs, application letter, certified copies of qualifications and ID to: The Chief Executive Officer, Greater Tzaneen Economic Development Agency, P O BOX 2420, Tzaneen, 0850 or hand deliver at: Office No. 64 Cascades Building, Sapekoe Drive, Tzaneen. Closing date: 19 October 2011 For general enquiries kindly contact M.M Rabothata on 015 307 5312 / 015 307 3296 during office hours: 08H30 - 15H30 Mondays to Fridays. Applicants who are not invited for an interview should regard their application as unsuccessful. Greater Tzaneen Economic Development Agency is an Employment Equity Employer. Mr. K.J Maphoto Chief Executive Officer 73361 Vital Bugs is 'n dinamiese klein biologiese plaagbeheer maatskappy, geleë aan die buitewyke van Tzaneen. Dis 'n familie besigheid wat kwaliteit produkte voorsien aan boerderye reg deur die land. Agv voortgesette groei het die volgende vakatures ontstaan: 1. Produksie bestuurder As produksie bestuurder is dit u primere taak om toe te sien dat produksie sisteme optimaal funksioneer ten einde produksie doelwitte te bereik. As deel van 'n span is dit u taak om toe te sien dat daar voldoen word aan bepaalde kwaliteit standaarde, werkers te motiveer en algemene netheid en instandhouding van geboue en toerusting. Voorraad kontrole en aankope is deel van die taak. Die uitdagende pos is ideaal vir ‘n ‘self-starter’; iemand wat selfstandig kan werk met ‘n sterk sin vir verantwoordellikheid. ‘n Belangstelling in biologiese wetenskappe (insekte) word aanbeveel. ‘n Naskoolse kwalifikasie in produksie bestuur / natuurwetenskap /landbou sal in u guns tel. Minimum vereiste: • Matriek; rekenaar geletterd (MS Office pakket) • Drie jaar werkondervinding sowel as kennis van ‘n swart taal, sal die aansoek versterk. • Goeie visie / hand-oog koördinasie (moet met klein insekte kan werk). 2. Tegniese verkoopsbestuurder Beskikbaar vir iemand met 2 jaar boerdery / navorsing ervaring, verkieslik met subtropiese gewasse of in plaagbeheer. Goeie verbale en nie-verbale kommunikasie vermoëns, asook ten volle tweetalig (Engels en Afrikaans). Die werk vereis om met tye te reis, soos deur werksomstandighede bepaal. Leergierigheid, goeie interpersoonlike verhoudings, en die vermoë om selfstandig te werk sal in u guns tel. Die dagtaak varieer en behels die volgende: • skakeling met kliënte en agente • bystand met veldproewe • algemene bemarking Vereiste: • Verkieslik 3 jaar landbou / natuurwetenskap diploma / graad • 2 Jaar werk / verkoopservaring • Rekenaar vaardig (MS Office) • Geldige rybewys 3. Administratiewe beampte / logistieke klerk (Kontrak pos - 6 maande, met die moontlikheid om te hernu) U het 'n vriendelike geaardheid en beskik oor goeie kommunikasie vermoë. Wiskundige aanleg, hoë werktempo en noukeurigheid met syfers word benodig. U is eerlik, sistematies en nougeset in u werk. U is plooibaar in u dagtaak, en kan onder druk werk. Vereiste: • Matriek • Rekenaar vaardig (MS Office) Vergoeding vir bg poste is markverwant / in lyn met ondervinding. Aansoekers moet oor eie vervoer beskik - Vital Bugs is 6 km buite Tzaneen geleë. Geinteresseerd? stuur 'n CV per epos aan of faks 0866 282 246. Merk duidelik die pos waarvoor aansoek gedoen. Vital Bugs is 'n gelyke geleentheid indiensnemer, en behou die reg voor om poste te vul. Indien geen terugvoer ontvang word binne een maand na publikasie van hierdie advertensie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke: Twee weke na publikasie datum SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 PAGE 17 Wolkberg Akademie leerders wys hul kulturele, geestelike staal DIE kultuurvrate van Wolkberg Akademie het stof geskop tydens ‘n onlangse kultuurfees te Thabazimbi vir BCVO skole. Almal ontvang ‘n A, dubbelgoud en diamant vir poësie, monoloë en samespraak. LOGISTIC SERVICES CC EFFICIENT & FAST SERVICE FROM GAUTENG TO LIMPOPO Contact: Ebrahim 071 360 3630 l 082 227 8641 EFFEKTIEWE & VINNIGE DIENS VAN GAUTENG TOT LIMPOPO Kontak: Ebrahim 071 360 3630 l 082 227 8641 Ek, Ebrahim Gani, voorheen by Makaplan Koerier Dienste, is nou deel van MRG Logistic Services CC. Ek belowe dieselfde effektiewe en eerlike diens. 73356 I, Ebrahim Gani, formerly of Makaplan Courier Service, now joined MRG Logistic Services CC. I promise same service efficiency and honesty. DIE gr6 Wolkberg leerders het met hulle Bybel projek 90% behaal en eindig 3de tydens die BCVO skole se kultuurfees. LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PAGE 18 SCHOOL NEWS Unicorn proud of athletes UNICORN is extremely proud of the following children who qualified for the LLSV Cross Country event held on September 3 in Modjadjiskloof. Front: Devon Coad and Cara Prinsloo. Back: Ethan Smith, Michelle Stevens, Franki-May Tooley and Donovan van Tonder. LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DIE volgende Plasies het tydens die Tzaneen Info Spotlight konsert opgetree. Voor: Simone Schoeman en Fiela Nel. Agter: Carolee Kotze, Monika Marais, Clarissa Combrink, Stephani Buys en Mareli van Onselen. INVITATION TO REGISTER IN THE SUPPLIERS' DATABASE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Talentvolle Plasies tree op VERLEDE naweek het die talentvolle Plasies trots die skool verteenwoordig by die Tzaneen Info Spotlight konsert. Die konsert is gehou ten bate van die Tzaneen Hospice. Talentvolle Tzaneners van alle ouderdomme is genader om aan die feestlike "Stages of Man"-konsert deel te neem. The Department of Social Development in the Limpopo Province extends its invitation to prospective service providers / suppliers to apply for registration in its suppliers' database. The services which may be required on quotation basis amongst others include: v Security services v Catering v Travel agency services v Printing work v Supply of hardware v Supply of food stuff v Provision of stage and sound v Transport services v Advertisements v Supply of tents / marquees • v v v v v It is mandatory for all potential service providers / suppliers to accurately complete and sign the following forms which are obtainable from all District Offices (Capricorn, Sekhukhune, Waterberg, Mopani and Vhembe) of the Department of Social Development: DSD 4 - Declaration of Interest DSD 6.1 - Preference Claim form DSD 7 - Medical Certificate confirming permanent disabled status if applicable. DSD 8 - Declaration of Bidder's Past Supply Chain Management Practices DSD 9 - Certificate of Independent Bid Determination The duly completed and signed forms must be submitted in their original form in a sealed envelope clearly marked APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION IN THE SUPPLIERS' DATABASE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (photocopies or faxed copies will not be accepted). • The following documents must be submitted with the forms: v Original and valid tax clearance certificate v Certified and legible copy of company registration certificates v v Certified copy(ies) of Share Certificates for shareholders of the company v Certified copies of identity documents for all the Directors / Shareholders / Trustees v Original and valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate or a certified copy substantiating B-BBBEE rating. v Any other proof of registration with authorized bodies as required by law e.g. PSIRA for security services • Note Well: The Department reserves the right to conduct site inspection to the premises indicated as physical addresses of the companies prior or after registration in the suppliers' database. Only those companies that have duly completed and signed mandatory forms will be registered. The business activity must be in accordance with the company registration certificates / documents. • Registration forms will be made available at all District Offices of the Department of Social Development Offices effective from the 03rd of October 2011 and the closing date will be the 04th of November 2011 at 11h00. Duly completed and signed forms must be deposited in the bid boxes located at various District Offices of the Department of Social Development on or before closing date and time i.e. 04th November 2011 at 11h00. • Contact persons at the Provincial Head Office Thobejane N.P. - (015) 293 6000 Seaba F.R. - (015) 293 6000 Mamabolo M.H. - (015) 293 6000 or 083 457 1664 • The contact details of the District Offices: No. District Office 1. Sekhukhune District 2. Capricorn District 3. Vhembe 4. Waterberg District 5. Mopani District District Physical Address Lebowakgomo Parliament Complex, LEBOWAKGOMO 34 Hans van Rensburg Street, POLOKWANE Old Parliament Building, Mphephu Road, THOHOYANDOU Public Works Building, Corner Aaron Motswaledi & Thabo Mbeki Streets, MODIMOLLE Old Parliament Road, LIMDEV Building, GIYANI Contact Persons Contact No. Lesufi M W Mochena V Ramukumba T Shingange M Tshilamulela T 015 633 2492 072 053 8638 015 290 9097 079 026 1861 015 962 1000 Extension 130 014 717 1756 072 276 5769 015 812 4266 082 928 1298 Superkids enjoy shopping trip VACANCY Qualified Garden Supervisor Wanted for Shopping Centre. Requirements: - Supervisor skills to manage 12 workers - 5 Years gardening experience with references & certificates Kindly fax your CV with copies of qualifications to 086 521 5025 THE children from Superkids went shopping at Aqua Spar recently during a fun shopping day. Each child had loads of fun, with a shopping list of everything that mommy needed and some money to buy said items. The Superkids would like to thank the Spar, who made the day more special with a jumping castle and lucky packets for every child. SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 BOOGBOKKIES: Simoné Venter, Anja j v Rensburg en Cheney Kleinhans saam met Louis Fouché van African Hornbill Safaris (links). PAGE 19 DIE uitstekende Plasie skuts, Johan Wagner (regs), saam met Louis Fouché van African Hornbill Safaris. Plasie skuts staan kop en skouers bo die res TWINTIG skoliere van Merensky, Tom Naude en Hoërskool Pietersburg het deelgeneem aan die boogskietdag wat deur Merensky aangebied is. Afstande van 10 to 60 tree is geskiet. Merensky het die span kompetisie gewen. Johan Wagner was die top skut van die dag met 239/250. In die senior afdeling was Arno Harmse eerste, Dries Grundlingh 2de en Si- moné Venter 3de. In die junior afdeling het Johan Wagner gewen, Ricus Warmenhoven was 2de en Nico Human 3de. In die afdeling vir volwassenes was Marietjie Harmse 1ste, Ockert le Roux 2de en Estia Warmenhoven 3de. Aristo-Cats deliver quality performance SOME of the main character ‘Aristo-Cats’ along with Hanlu van der Merwe (front, centre). The boys and girls from Unicorn’s Foundation Phase put on a wonderful performance recently that had all the mommies and daddies buzzing. 73360 73322 73324 LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PAGE 20 SKOLENUUS LAERSKOOL Tzaneen se tennis spanne het op 12 September kragte gemeet teen Laerskool Duiwelskloof. Die seuns B span wen met hulle enkels 21-8, dubbels 7-7 en wen met 13 stelle. Vlnr: Zarius Jansen van Rensburg, Tihan Coetzee, Dillon Miller en Wian Jacobs. Afwesig: Reinard Strydom. Your Only Authorised Mahindra Dealer In Limpopo! NEW MODEL LINE-UP COMING SOON! New Mahindra XUV 500 SO TOUGH, WE THRE New Mahindra Genio 1.2 Ton Bakkie ORDER YOURS TODAY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! Laerskool Tzaneen klop die Klofies LAERSKOOL Tzaneen se tennis A meisie span het kragte gemeet teen Laerskool Duiwelskloof. Hulle wen die enkels 26-10, dubbels 86 en wen algeheel. Lnr: Cathleen Home, Marli Burger, Mariska de la Rey, Callen Luis, Lané Roos. Agter: Elize Wagenaar en Zarius Jansen van Rensburg, afrigters. Kersfees en Nadine DIT IS kersfees saam met Nadine en Hoërskool Merensky op 19 Oktober. Skole regoor die gemeenskap is uitgenooi om deel te wees van hierdie geestlike-feestlike optrede in samewerking met verskeie skoolkore. Vir meer inligting oor die geleentheid, of om kaartjies te bespreek skakel Mareli van Onselen op 0842474558. Kaartjies is R60 per persoon en die vertoning sal om 18:30 begin. SERVICE PLAN FOR FREE. Wolkies blink uit ROELOF Neuhoff van die Wolkberg Akademie vir CVO skole het onlangs puik gevaar tydens die Landswye BCVO skole se landswye kultuurfees. Hy tree uit as algehele wenner in die fases 4 tot 6. ! L A I C E R850 SP McCarthy 100 years of driving together Proudly Bidvest Lube service on any out of warranty vehicles! ONLY AT McCarthy Service Centre! cnr Grobler & General Joubert str, Polokwane 0699 Tel: 015 291 1726 DIE kultuurvlooie van die Wolkberg Akademie het geskitter tydens die Eisteddfod. Roelof Neuhoff ontvang dubbelgoud vir sy gedramatiseerde poësie en diamant vir sy monoloog optrede. Vir sy gedramatiseerde poësie in groepsverband ontvang hy diamant en dubbelgoud vir sy mimiek. Anzeret Scheepers ontvang diamant vir gedramatiseerde poësie in groepsverband en dubbelgoud A++ vir voorbereide groeps mimiek. Vir monoloog ontvang sy 95% diamant en vir gedramatiseerde poësie 94% dubbelgoud A++. SPORT / SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 PAGE 21 Eiendoms agent gee rugbyballe vir leerders PAM Golding het op op die 13 September rugbyballe aan leerders van Laerskool Tzaneen uitgedeel met die oog op die Wêreldbeker. Hulle het algemene rugbyvrae aan die leerders tydens hulle opening gevra, en die wat die vrae kon reg antwoord het ‘n bal ontvang. Die agente van Pam Golding, Saartjie Roelvert, Martin Fouche, Deon de Swardt, en Marlyn le Roux saam met Dawie Venter, is op die foto saam die leerders wat balle gewen het. Plasies presteer tydens Limpopo boogskiet kompetisie ‘n LEERDER van Merensky, Ricus Warmenhoven het onlangs aan die Limpopo boogskietkompetisie deelgeneem. Die Limpopospan het algeheel 3de in die boogskietliga geëindig. Ricus Warmenhoven (foto links) het 2 goue medajes verower en Schalk Warmenhoven 2 silwer medaljes. Danie Harmse het 2 silver medaljes en Bennie Osmers 'n brons medalje. DIE Vossie duo, Handgemaak, het 'n stervertoning gelewer by die Kultuurdag by St. George College. Voor: Lourens van Deventer; Martin Zietsman. Vossies vermaak St George DIE duo, Handgemaak, bestaande uit Lourens van Deventer en Martin Zietsman, van Hoërskool Ben Vorster, het Vrydag op uitnodiging opgetree by St George College in Nkowankowa se kultuurdag. Daar is oor kultuurgrense heen saam hande geklap, gesing en tydgehou op maat van byderwetse polsende liedjies. Handgemaak wil hiermee St George bedank vir die uitnodiging vir die wonderlike manier waarop hulle ontvang is en die groot geskenk wat hulle ontvang het na afloop van hulle optrede. Dit sal altyd vir hulle wonderlike herinneringe bring van hoe die groter Tzaneengemeenskap oor kultuurgrense heen, mekaar kan geniet. DEPARTMENT: PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BID DESCRIPTION: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE REVIEW OF TZANEEN NODAL PLAN AND FORMULATION OF DENSITY P0LICY Moenie die Antjie gholfdag mis nie ’n GHOLFDAG gaan op 14 Oktober deur Laerskool Dr Annecke op die velde van die Tzaneen buiteklub aangebied word. Dit sal met ‘n "shotgun start" om 11:30 afslaan. Die formaat van die gholfdag sal ‘n "two ball better ball" wees en daar gaan groot pryse op die spel wees. Verversings sal na die tyd beskikbaar wees. So, maak seker jy mis nie die Dr Annecke gholfdag nie, en bespreek nou jou plek om teleurstelling te voorkom. Skakel vir Patrys Davis by die Laerskool op 015 345 1821, vir inskrywings of navrae. Koop een bril en kry een GRATIS BID NO.SCMU 22 /2011 Proposals are hereby invited from experienced service providers for the “Review of the Tzaneen nodal plan and formulation of density policy”. The Policy must be geared towards addressing integration with specific references to the housing provision gap market while the Nodal plan must focus on growth and extension of CBD, identify corridor and address parking provision for the area. The minimum specifications are detailed in the bid document. Bid documents are obtainable at the Supply Chain Management Unit, upon payment of non-refundable fee of R100.00 payable at the Revenue offices: Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Civic centre, Agatha Street. Completed bid documents must be in a sealed envelopes and deposited into the bid box of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, marked as Bid No.SCMU22/2011 “ Review of Tzaneen nodal plan and formulation of the density policy”. Closing date: 27 October 2011 @ 12:00 at Council chamber. Dam Vlakke Dap Naude Doorndraai Ebenezer Hans Merensky Magoebaskloof Middel-Letaba Tzaneen - 86.70% - 97.65% - 98.99% - 101.58% - 100.43% - 10.61% - 96.75% P. Dry Bids will be evaluated/adjudicated as follows: First stage- functionality 100 pts: skill of key personnel 50 and experience 50. Bidder must pass first stage with 75 points and second stage will be price 80 and preference points as follows: HDI 12, women 2, locality 2, youth 2 and disability 2. BIDDERS SHALL TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING BID CONDITIONS • The greater Tzaneen municipality supply chain policy will apply. • Greater Tzaneen municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the rights to accept the whole part of the bid. • Council reserves the right to negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder. • Council reserves the right not to appoint. • Bids which are late, incomplete, unsigned, faxed or emailed will not be accepted. Technical enquiries should be directed to Freddy Rammalo @ 015 307 8290. Administrative enquiries should be directed to Oli Hlayisi@ 015 307 8066/ 084 6171 445 Optometris Shop M17, Tzaneng Mall, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 2439 Fax: 015 307 5304 73321 T.C Mametja - Municipal Manager 73363 LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PAGE 22 CLASSIFIEDS Classifieds Klein Advertensies 082-850-2166 Tienerkerk: Gr8 - 12 8h30 Oggenddiens: 09h00 Kinderkerk: 3jr - Gr R; Gr1 - Gr7 Tydens diens. S e l g r o e p : Woensdagaand Kerksaal 18h30 IT027190 AIDS CENTRE S.A.I.M.R. Education, training, resources, referrals, counselling, company policies and consulting. Tel: 011-725-0511 011-725-3009 011-725-6651 Being hurt by the church? Had challenges and stopped believing in God? And etc. Jesus is the answer. Jesus wants to meet you, and transform your life. Sundays. Venues: no 2 fees street Sanloo Manor. Tzaneen. Time 12:30 - 2:30 pm. more info, call Desmond 082-901-3869. Email: mydesdes IT027206 IT027189 PPK PINKSTER LIGHUIS Tzaneen. H/V Pearlman - en Frank May straat, Premierpark. Dienstye: Sondag: 9:30 Oggenddiens en Kinderkerk 18:00 Aanddiens WoensIT027225 dag: 19:00 Biduur. persoon: CHRIST EMBASSY KontakPastoor B. Wilken PHALABORWA Sir Val Dunken. 0 8 3 - 7 1 7 - 4 0 4 3 Technical Institution p a s t o r i e N a m a k g a l e 015-307-1111 IT027204 P h a l a b o r w a . C o n t a c t s : 0 7 8 - 7 0 3 - 0 3 6 7 / SHEKINAH HOUSE 0 8 2 - 9 6 3 - 2 2 9 4 / We`re about loving God & loving people! 072-299-1572 IT027226 Services: 9:00 & 18:00, 9:00 ChildFamily ren`s Church, 12:00 Transformation Sotho/Shangaan Centre Old Gravelotte Rd, service. Where we opp Fairview Lodge, are: 10 Manorvlei, Tzaneen. Courses Old Gravelotte Rd, Pastor are run throughout Tzaneen. the year relating to Bryan Varrie/Pastor Pretorius P r e - m a r r i a g e , Rassie Marriage, Parenting, 0 1 5 - 3 0 7 - 4 7 2 9 Divorce Care for 0 1 5 - 3 0 7 - 6 9 5 4 "THE adults and children, A f f i l i a t e d Grief Share and C H R I S T I A N Personal Growth. NETWORK" IT027192 Contact Maryna at 015-307-2527 or ST. PETERS 015-307-4729 IT027191 ANGLICAN CHURCH HERVORMDE KERK LETSITELE Cnr of Agatha and Street. Oggend dienstye: Hermanus each Sondae 9 uur by S e r v i c e s Laerskool Dr Anne- Sunday at 09:15 am. cke. Bybelstudie: For more details tel Woensdae oggende 015-307-3534 nc IT027195 9 uur. 082-808-0802 CHRIST EMBASSY GIYANI Cheap cheap complex. Giyani town. Contacts: 072-979-6943/ 071-526-1079/ 082-365-1303 IT027193 0006 Church Services AGS VAN SA, ZWARIRIRYLAAN, MODJADJISKLOOF Pastoor: Johan P i e t e r s e 082-925-8746 Kantoor/ faks: 015-309-9275 / Sel nr: 079-509-1500 Visevoorsitter: Adriaan Badenhorst HERVORMDE 0007 KERK TZANEEN Employment Eensgesind in die geloof tot eer van God. Eredienste elke DATE ENTRY DATA Sondag 9vm. Skakel WORX! 015-307-4508 Data Entry workers IT027194 needed to fill out HOPE METHODIST forms with or without CHURCH a computer. Earn Modjadjieskloof R720.00 in your first (Duiwelskloof) week up to R1440.00 Boltman Street per day within 1 Sunday Service: month. Own hours. 08:00 Tuesday ladies S M S name & meeting: 0 9 : 3 0 address for a full W e d n e s d a y brochure to Fellowship: 18:30 078-197-6248 IT027246 Contact Pastor Attie & Liz Botha Tel: 015-309-8594 IT027210 DATE ENTRY DATA WORX MOUNTAIN OF THE Data Entry Workers LORD MINISTRIES needed to fill out Come let us bow forms with or without down in worship. a computer. Earn Psalm 95:6 A prayer R720.00 in your first meeting, f o r week & up to everyone who has a R1440.00 per day need, or needs the within 1 month. Own peace of God. A new hours. SMS name & church is being address for a full established in b r o c h u r e to Tzaneen. You think 078-197-6248 IT027087 church is boring? 0008 Employment Wanted RECENTLY RETIRED MECHANICAL FOREMAN REQUIRES WORK As service man light & heavy vehicles or as general handyman. Non smoker and non drinker. Code EC + PDP in very good health. Contact Rob 082-884-7233 IT027181 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker, office cleaner or any other job. Please phone 084-863-7752 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can not sleep in. Please phone 071-337-1889 IT027172 LUUKSE AKKOMMODASIE BESKIKBAAR Water enligte, DSTV en verskeie voordele ingesluit. Huur: R3500.00 pm. IT027183 Dadelik beskikbaar. Geen kinders en Wanted I`m looking for a job as troeteldiere. Faks u a domestic worker. I besonderhede na can look after children, 086-603-8126 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can look after children and speak Afrikaans. I can not sleep in. Please phone 078-279-2819 work Monday to Friday. I can not sleep in. Please phone 083-969-3104 IT027144 IT027154 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker, office cleaner or I can work in a hair salon. Please phone 076-573-7422 IT027143 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker, office cleaner or security. I`ve got Grade C. Please phone 073-454-7369 IT027174 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can sleep in or out. Please phone 079-138-2962 IT027171 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can cook and clean. I have got 7 years experience. Please phone 083-861-7120 IT027175 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. Please phone 078-475-0484 IT027168 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can cook. Speak Afrikaans or English. I can not sleep in. Please phone 073-945-8598 IT027160 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can sleep in or out. Please phone 078-400-8271 IT027180 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can look after children and I can sleep in or out. Please phone 078-883-4544 IT027158 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can speak English. Sleep in or out. Please phone 071-162-6536 IT027162 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. Please phone 073-280-3161 IT027170 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. Please phone 072-083-5013 IT027146 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can speak Afrikaans. I can look after children, sleep in or out. Please phone 083-717-5266 IT027163 0015 Accommodation Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker or office cleaner. I can sleep in or out. Please phone 083-756-1040 IT027173 IT027184 PRETORIA OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATION From R250.00 per person per night sharing. Delarey L o d g e a n d Guesthouse. Tel: 012-035-0555 / 074-116-0314 Wanted IT027086 I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker or office cleaner. I can cook. Or any other job. Te huur Please p h o n e Skoon en netjiese 073-181-2545 selfsorg woonstelle IT027155 diy goed aan mekaar sit, enige iets wat ek kan doen. Vervoer jou waar jy wil gaan AAA Precious Metal as jy nie vervoer het Exchange. Are you nie of sal vir jou goed in need of cash? gaan haal waar I buy Antique ookal. Skakel furniture. I also buy 082-884-7233 old Gold, Diamond IT027178 rings and chains. ALL FOR CASH IS U A N D V E R Y KONTANTVLOEI DISCREET. Your VASGEVANG IN friend in need. Call AGTERSTALLIGE J o h a n n @ DEBITEURE? 083-680-3270 KAN HELP IT027153 ONS M E T D I E AFKAP EN WEGRY INVORDERING! Is u Van bome en vullis! finansiële afdeling Skakel M a r i n d a onder druk weens 082-651-6211 werklading? Ons kan IT027197 help met toevoere, ALGEMENE d e b i t e u r e , HERSTELWERK: begrotings, btw, HANDYMAN o p g a w e s , Algemene Bouwerk. m a n d e l i k s e Alle tipe verf en b e s t u u r s t a t e , teëlwerk. Daklek- k o n t a n t v l o e i kasies, omheinings, projeksies! Skakel diefwering, draad, gerus vir Phillip ens. Alle tipe F o u r i e b y Loodgieter werk. 079-023-0046 IT027252 Skakel vir `n gratis k w o t a s i e LOODGIETER: 082-875-5580 Tino Ceronio alle ure of Flinke Diens •Afslag vir pensioenarisse. 082-651-6211 IT027196 S k a k e l Reyno R o s s o u w : CARPET & 082-322-8992 UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 015-307-4063 of The Clean Team - In 082-550-1357 0017 Services en kamers te huur. Pretoria op daaglikse basis. Veilige parkering. Reg van toegang voorbehou. S k a k e l IT027182 0 1 2 - 8 0 7 - 3 2 7 2 . N a - u r e IT027198 Tzaneen since 2000. Wanted 0 1 2 - 8 0 4 - 2 7 6 1 We also clean vehicles, I`m looking for a job as B e d a g s o f rugs, office chairs etc. a domestic worker or TEA GARDEN / Also: Masterguard. You office cleaner. Please 0 8 2 - 5 5 6 - 3 3 8 0 Mangela Teetuin en 082-821-2946 'J know us and our phone 078-138-0716 IT027215 Diereplaas. Kinder IT027176 service!! Call today: partytjies elke dag Yvonne / Eugene: Wanted 9h00 tot 17h00. 071-783-7112 or I`m looking for a job as Wegbreekplek 081-301-6018 Skakel Christelle a driver. I`ve got code O p IT027227 soek na 084-504-4022 10. Please phone wegbreekplek IT027214 reg DASS 079-764-7064 IT027169 langs Tzaneen dam? 015-307-1798 THE DRAIN Skoon, netjiese 082-898-0468 Wanted a k k o m m o d a s i e Refrigeration & Air SURGEON - (No job I`m looking for a job as beskikbaar. Skakel conditioning. Speed too deep, too dark, or a technician, domestic 083-304-0172. too dirty) / THE worker or office cleaner. ELECTRO CLINIC IT027217 Queen - Whirlpool Defy. Service, Spare Please phone (Quick as a wink) 083-690-0679 & Repairs to all Tel: +27(0) 15 793 0792 IT027166 makes of domestic Cell: 083-307-9258 Fax: 0016 appliances. 1 1 086-671-9848 Email: Professional rethadreyer@ 0009 Plantation Rd. Services 82 Duiker Money Tzaneen. We collect St Hoedspruit 1380 and deliver. EXPERT PLUMBING Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker or office cleaner. I can sleep in or out. Please phone 073-593-1812 MONEY MONEY MONEY Loans from R1000.00 up to R100,000.00 Approval within 10 minutes. Blacklisted and Garnishee orders welcome, refer a friend and receive commision. Contact 015-307-3359 IT027207 APPROVED THATCH ROOFS, HARVEY ROOFS, WOODEN DECKS, WOODPLASTIC DECKING & JUNGLE GYMS. CALL WALT AT 082-872-5530 IT027229 ENRICO`S INSTALLATION For DSTV. Antenna, DVD & Surround Sound Systems. For Quality service. Call Enrico @ 083-582-2442 IT027202 IT027041 E C CONSULTING 0011 PASTEL Sales, Business to Let Support and personalized OFFICE SPACE Training. Payroll AND HALLS TO Outsourcing and RENT @ SHOW SARS recons & GROUNDS submissions. Weddings, year end C o n s u l t i n g 3 7 functions up to 500 @ g m a i l . c o m , people. Office space 078-426-1976. a v a i l a b l e RL001666 immediately. Affordable prices! Contact Ingrid / Financial Statements, tax returns, tax M e l i s s a 015-307-2725 / 3509 advice, Estates, NCR IT027218 TENBY GARDENS TO RENT Includes liquro lisence iwth lease. Suitable for tea garden, wedding gift shop, lovely setting. C o n t a c t 072-783-7673 IT027164 Registration (for Credit Providers/ Cash Loans) Close Corporations and Trusts, Debit Order Systems and Home Loans Pastel and VIP Payroll. Professional Accountants (SA) Contact Jaco De Wet 082-804-4158 or 015-307-6202/3 IT027157 For Hire Beautiful, Original centre pieces and chairs with white or black covers (fits like a glove) for hire. Phone 074-196-7927 IT027199 GRASDAKKE HARVEY DAKKE, HOUT DEKKE, HOUTPLASTIEK DEKKE & KLIMRAME. SKAKEL WALT BY 082-872-5530 IT027228 HANDYMAN RARRENTAALRAND - LETSITELE Gekwalifiseerde werktuig kundige: Sal jou voertuig by jou huis diens. Sukkel met papwiel of battery? Skakel my. Algehele herstel werk: Krane, toilette, ligte, sekuriteit deur, gate in mure boor & SERVICES 0861-758-6237 EXPERT ELECTRICAL SERVICES 0861-353-28742 IT027223 Tzaneen Country Lodge Onvergeetlike troues/ Funksies/ Jaareind funksies by Tzaneen Country Lodge. Pryse en spyskaarte vir elke begroting. Skakel Sandra 015-304-3290/ 078-021-5455 IT027213 YOUR BOOKS; HEADACHE OR JOY? At MARITEL we do: •Books up to final trial balance (Bank, petty cash, debtors, creditors and all related reconciliation) •Management statements •VAT, all aspects (Farmers sending prduce to market welcome) •U.I.F. •NB! Pastel Training with a difference, in physical environment of workplace. Huge success!! Make it better today! Contact Marie at 072-409-7057 IT027222 CLASSIFIEDS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 PAGE 23 Classifieds 0019 Pets Corner Bullterrier puppies for sale Bull terrier puppies born on the 25/09 /2011 and will be ready from the 06/11 /2011 Puppies will be dewormed and have their first injection. 5 Male puppies and 3 female puppies. C o n t a c t 072-526-4092 IT027186 For sale Black Cocker Spaniel Puppies. 12 Weeks. 1x Male, 1x Female. Dewormed and first inoculation. R900.00 Black Swans R3500.00 pair. Nick 072-070-4309 IT027102 VERVOER!! VERVOER!! VERVOER!! Vervoer van allerlei. Vervoer van meubels. Vaste roetes elke week. Verpakking van materiaal beskikbaar op aanvraag. Skakel Michelle vir kwotasie 073-976-7605 / goldentransport tzn IT027245 VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015-307-6737/ 084-627-0956/ 076-410-9503/ 082-851-7139 epos: troktrek w e b : www.steynbergmeubel IT027248 Jack Russell hondjies te koop Beskikbaar 06/10 /2011. Prys op aanvraag. Skakel Stephanie Perold 073-148-6529 IT027165 Jack Russell hondjies te koop Opreg, gladde haar, kort been tipe. Ontwurm en ingeënt. R800.00 Skakel C h r i s t a 083-259-9478 VERVOER/ TRANSPORT Steynberg trok & trekker 8x8 ton trokke te huur. R14.00/km + BTW & 25 Ton @ R22 /km + BTW eenrigting. Skakel vir kwotasie: 076-410-9503/ 082-851-7139 of 015-307-6737/ 084-627-0956 IT027247 IT027147 0022 PEKINGESE Farms & Plots PUPPIES FOR SALE Contact Anita FOR SALE 071-423-0588 Georges Valley 34ha IT027177 ±500 litchis, 400 a v o s , 1 0 0 macadamias, STAFFIES 280sq.m. house and 2 Reuntjies, 2 Tefies (brindle kleur) 5 Weke 9 0 s q . m flat. oud. Ouers opreg. Abundance of water. R800.00 elk (net Price R2.65 mil. ontwurming ingesluit) Lushof 8.5ha, Deeside Plaas (Eiland beautiful house, pad) Skakel Rene mangos and macs. 082-921-8284 of of water. Debbie 084-406-5737 Plenty IT027243 T r a c t o r and implements included. Price R1.8 mil. Te koop Contact Ben Pragtige Bullterrier 082-338-7560 hondjies te koop. IT027250 R250.00 elk. Ingeënt en ontwurm. Swart, Te koop bruin en brundel van 2HA Pragtige uitsig, kleur. 6 Weke oud op boorgat met water 07/10/2011. Skakel n a b y d o r p 082-350-1733 vir IT027185 (Hamawasha) R475,000.00 Skakel 082-871-3565 0020 Transport / Taxis / Couriers MEUBELVERVOER Vervoer en verpak van meubels landswyd sowel as plaaslik. Marlien 083-252-8928 IT027212 SHUTTLE SERVICE Between Tzaneen and Pretoria every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We also shuttle to OR Tambo. Marinda 082-410-5836 IT027219 IT026950 0023 Properties for Sale AQUAPARK: FOR THE YOUNG FAMILY! 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms. Semi open plan kitchen/ dining area, lounge and veranda with build-in braai and small swimming pool. Big garden. R980,000.00 Theo 071-502-0046 IT027260 AQUAPARK FOR SALE 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms. Open plan kitchen living area with s e p a r a t e scullery.Double garage R910,000.00 T h o n e t 082-569-6323 IT027259 Aquaprk House with flat!! 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room and lounge. Flat: Spacious 2 bedroom flat with bathroom, kitchen and living area. Selling for only R1,210,000.00 S a l o m i e 082-920-8744 IT027255 FOR SALE Aquapark - flat - sole mandate - Disa a gift at R455,000.00 show me a cheaper one. large 2 bedr, full bathr & shower stoep, beautiful view of the dam. Eco Kaya - modern 2 bedr town house, open plan, braai, a gift at R455,000.00 Aquapark - The best house in the area, you`ll love it, 4 bedr, 3 living areas, wood panels, 4 garages, pool, flat for you, gorgeous garden, see if you buy it R1.65 million. Tzaneen Hotel - 5 lovely flats, nett income for 9 years start at R8900.00 p.a. escalating every year. All for R1.34 million. Contact Peter at 082-890-8845 Propvest COME AND BOOK YOUR FLAT!! Newly build 2 bedr IT027251 flats next to CBD for only R475,000.00 1 FOR SALE Bedr flats from only R375,000.00 Come Entertainment area book one now!!! with a build-in braai. It also has a 1 Theo 071-502-0046 IT027268 B e d r o o m flat standing separate from the house. All EXCELLENT situated in a beautiful BUSINESS garden. This guest OPPPORTUNITY (GUEST HOUSE): house is on a very street. 5 Bedroom, 5 busy Bathroom House R 2 , 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 with 3 living areas, S a l o m i e diningroom and a big 082-920-8744 IT027278 entertainment area with a built in braai. It FOR SALE is also has a 1 Bedroom l o o s e Tzangeni stand for O n l y standing Flat from s a l e : the house. All R205,000.00 Golden situates in a beautiful Acres stands from Also garden. This guest R245,000.00 Golden house is on a very available: stand on s t r e e t . Acres R 2 , 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Installment sale for S a l o m i e R295,000.00 Riverside stands 082-920-8744 IT027269 from R330,000.00 Herritage Village from R245,000.00 FOR SALE Doornhoek 42HA W I T H and from TUNNELS (NEED s t a n d s ATTENTION) LOTS R660,000.00 Thonet OF WATER AND A 3 082-920-8744 IT027261 BEDROOM HOUSE. SOME MANGO For sale T R E E S . GOOD R2,200,000.00 Theo V E R Y COMMERCIAL 071-502-0046 IT027280 P R O P E R T Y R3,800,000.00 Excelled situated For sale with great potential 4 Bedr house with swimming pool and for growth. Jeanette nice entertainment 083-258-5862 IT027274 area plus a 2 bedr flat and a bachelor FOR THE plus stand with a borehole all for only ENTERTAINER AND R 2 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 THE FAMILY WHO ENJOY PRIVACY T h o n e t AND SPACE!! 082-920-8744 IT027272 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house with 3 spacious living For sale 5 Bedr, 2 x en suite areas, all walking out plus an e x t r a trough wooden doors a patio, bathroom and guest o n toilet, 5 living areas overlooking a neat with build in braai, garden. Big kitchen seperate nice patio, swimming w i t h Sparkling pool, d o m e s t i c scullery. quarters and double pool with wooden garage near schools. deck next to the R 2 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 indoor entertainment T h o e n t area with buildin bar and guest toilet. 082-920-8744 1 bedroom IT027275 PLUS flat, Laundry room and servant Quarters. This can easily be converted into a 2 or 3 bedroom granny flat. R2,700,000.00 J e a n e t t e 083-258-5862 IT027267 FOR THE INVESTORS C o m m e r c i a l buildings for sale in Tzaneen. We have commercial buildings in Tzaneen from R3,3 million up to R11 million with good rental income! Please phone me for more info. Salomie 082-920-8744 IT027264 FOR THE MODERN FAMILY USED TO LUXURY! 3 Spacious bedrooms with 2 full bathrooms, 3 big living areas with modern kitchen and seperate scullery and laundry. Plus 2 bedroom flat with kitchen and living area. 3 large g a r a g e s . R1,980,000.00 S a l o m i e 082-920-8744 IT027262 FOR THE SMALL DEVELOPER 1) Townhouse stand 2300sq.m for 12 u n i t s o n l y R1,000,000.00 2) Stand next to Tzaneen dam for 12x3 bedr units only R1,650,000.00 3) Stand for 6 units in residential area: R890,000.00 4) Small development in a security complex where you can build 1 5 u n i t s : R3,300,000.00 J e a n e t t e 083-258-5862 IT027265 Golden acres house for sale Newly build 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house with kitchen and separate scullery. All solid wood cub boards! Spacious living area with two sliding doors walking out onto a big patio with buildin braai. Stunning view over the dam from patio! R1,280,000.00 Theo 071-502-0046 IT027258 HAMAWASHA onontwikkelde 2ha plot, front aan Letaba rivier, boorgat (nie toegerus), naby dorp. R480,000.00 Skakel 083-391-0172 IT027150 IDEAL FOR BEGINNERS AND PENSIONERS 1 Bedr, bathr, openplan kitchen and lounge with aircon and a carport in security complex with a little patio and small garden. R396,000.00 S a l o m i e 082-920-8744 IT027276 Investment Property 2 Bachelor flats for R295,000.00 Rental Income R2960.00 Good tenants. Not one payment skipped over last 18 months. Phone Pieter 082-896-0297 IT026865 Modern house for sale in Aquapark! 4 spacious Bedrooms with 2 full bathrooms. Open plan kitchen with lots of cupboards! Seperate scullery /laundry. 2 Spacious living areas. Patio overlooking garden and sparkling pool. R 1,210,000.00 Thonet 082-569-6323 IT027256 Te koop MODJADJISKLOOF 3 Slaapkamer woonhuis in Modjadjiskloof geleë in die hoofstraat op `n besigheids perseel. Die huis is agter in die erf gebou sodat daar voor aan die hoofstraat se kant nog `n besiheids gebou gebou kan word. Die perseel het ook toegang van `n straat wat agter die huis verby loop. Prys is R975,000.00 BTW uitgesluit indien van toepassing. Skakel P i e t e r b y 082-324-2449 IT027224 Te koop 3 Slaapkamer, dubbel motorhuis, hout dek, "splash pool". In Tzangeni. R1,200,000.00 Skakel 083-259-0065 of 083-292-4706 MODJADJISKLOOF FOR SALE Flats for sale with good rental income R2750.00 R3025.00 2 Bedr IT026953 with full bathroom spacious open plan kitchen/ living area. TOWNHOUSE FOR Carport. Give away SALE NEAR at R330,000.00 TZANEEN CBD Eddie 074-158-7643 1) 3 Bedr with 2 IT027270 bathr, spacious living MODJADJISKLOOF area with open plan kitchen. Lockup MAIN STREET F O R T H E garage: R575,000.00 DEVELOPER: YOU 2) 3 Bedr, 2 bathr 1 garage CAN BUILD 6 X 2 a n d BEDROOM UNITS R638,000.00 Thonet OR A BIG SHOP 082-920-8744 IT027263 PLUS 3 X 2 BEDROOM FLATS. TZANGENI 7 0 0 m 2 . HOUSE EVERYTHING IN CORNER PLACE. A L L WITH A GARDEN , 3 FOUNDATIONS B E D R O O M , ARE DONE AND DOUBLE GARAGE, BATHROOMS READY TO START 2 B U I L D I N G WITH AN PATIO BUILT IN I M M E D I A T E L Y ! AND R A A I ONLY R660,000.00 B Eddie 074-158-7643 R 1 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 IT027271 J e a n e t t e 083-258-5862 PARK VIEW IT027273 2 Slaapk, 1 badk, oopplan leef area, 2ha Plot near kombuis (graniet Tzaneen blaaie), binnebraai, onderdak parkering. bedroom house plus R625,000.00 Skakel 3 bedroom house. This plot is ideal for 083-391-0172 IT027151 running a business from home! Only SOLE MANDATE IN R1,200,000.00 Theo AQUAPARK 071-502-0046 IT027254 Large 4 bedroom house with 3 bathrooms, formal 5 Bedr house with 2 lounge, open plan bathr. dining/kitchen area 2 very spacious living and tv room. plus 2 areas, large neat bedroom flat. This kitchen and patio. house and flat is Plus: 1 bedroom situated on a large granny flat with own stand with a beautiful kitchen and living themed garden and area. 2 garages plus huge swimming pool. carports! Double 3 x boreholes. The stand with nice owner is busy garden sparkling renovating t h e swimming pool! p r o p e r t y . R1,100,000.00 R1,430,000.00 when S a l o m i e done. J e a n e t t e 082-920-8744 IT027257 083-258-5862 IT027266 TAGANASHOEK 21ha plot, 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer huis, 300vk.m stoor, v e e h a n t e r i g fasaliteite, boorgat, omhein. R1.4 mil. Skakel 083-391-0172 IT027149 8,5HA PLOT NEAR TZANEEN 4 bedroom house plus 3 bedroom house. This plot needs TLC but has a great potential! Only R1,320,000.00 Theo 071-502-0046 IT027279 980sq.m Stand for sale P a n o r a m a , Modjadjiskloof. North facing stand with a beautiful view, including a lovely modern ±350sq.m. house plan. Price R370,000.00 Tel: 072-347-9898 IT027241 0024 Properties to Let MACADAMIA VILLAGE TZANEEN This is your opportunity to stay in this lovely secured village overlooking the village green. One bedr apartment available 1st November 2011: bedr en-suite bathr, living area and kitchenette with under roof patio. Main meal per day, laundry and cleaning of unit is included in the compulsory Level 1 service from the care centre. Rent: R4320.00 pm plus level 1 care: R2450.00 pm. For more information please contact hettie o r T r u d i e 082-446-2738 or 082-979-7666 IT027240 Plaashuis te huur 3 Slaapkamer huis, 10km buite Tzaneen in Lushof se rigting. Omhein. Onmiddelik b e s k i k b a a r . R3700.00 pm. water en ligte ingesluit. Deposito R4000.00 Skakel 082-925-9960 IT027167 PRIME OFFICE SPACE TO LET IN TZANEEN Beautifully designed. Office space of 50sq.m. Exquisitely tiled office. Beautiful view. Excellent address. Kitchen, bathroom with shower. Rent very affordable and all inclusive! Call Scha, Jan or Stephanie on 086-130-3404 IT027239 Selfstorages Minifactories to let Selfstorages 18 to 36sq.m. from R500.00 pm. Minifactories 72 to 120sq.m. from R2000.00 pm. C o n t a c t 079-802-9576 IT027205 Te Huur KINGSPARK Veilige en netjiese 1 slaapk woonstelle met oopplan sitk /kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier en wasmasjien in kompleks. Sekuriteits omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R2100 pm Tydens kantoor ure 081-426-1984 IT027220 LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 Te huur 2 Slaapkamer woonstel naby Hoërskool te huur vanaf 1 November. Toesluit motorafdak. Water ingesluit. Jammer, geen troeteldiere nie. R3000.00 per maand. Deposito word verlang. Skakel 083-391-1065 IT027253 Te huur Enkel kamer met stoep geskik vir enkel persoon te huur buite dorp. Ablusie word gedeel met ander huurders. Reg van toegang voorbehou. Geen honde. Binne in sekuriteit gebied. R1000.00 pm. Skakel 083-305-7985 IT027231 Motors Vir alle fabrikate nuut en gebruik. Skakel my vir beste pryse en diens. Skakel Erl 083-993-3266 DO THATCHING OF LAPA & HOMES Also sell grass. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Please phone 078-777-5370 NEED A CAR? All makes & models available from R60,000.00 Celivery country wide. For quick approval contact I k e @ 078-309-2489 FOR SALE Mango trees available. Place orders to graft wth 50% deposit. Grafted trees @ R20.00 C o n t a c t 083-453-2228 IT027203 IT027244 0028 Properties Wanted Gesoek Opsoek na 1 s l a a p k a m e r w o o n s t e l , tuinwoonstel vir enkel persoon ±R2000 pm. Water en ligte ingesluit, geen troeteldiere, geen kinders. Skakel Adri 081-461-9165 / 015-307-2454 IT027145 CASH FOR YOUR BAKKIE OR CAR!! Looking for a relatively priced bakkie or car. Will pay cash. Under R50,000.00 Contact Johan 083-397-5353 Registered Pawn and 2nd hand Dealer. We pawn, buy and sell anything of value. Jewellery, furniture, tools etc. Phone or visit us for the best deal. Plantation rd 11 next t o D A S S 015-307-1171 or 082-472-8483 'J IT027235 For sale 2001 Mazda 2.2 LWB 1 tonner R59,900.00 Cell: 082-303-6305 IT027236 For sale 2004 VW Touareg R179,900.00 We arrange finance. C o n t a c t 015-307-2828 IT027234 Kontant vir jou Motor Kontant vir jou Motor, Bakkie, Kombi, Trekker, 4x4 wielmotorfiets, Sleepwaentjie, Swaarvoertuie, Plaasimplemente, Karavane ens. Bring dit vir Oom Kallie 072-021-8534 of 082-339-8178 IT027200 For sale We buy trailers & caravans for cash. C o n t a c t 015-307-2828 INSTANT LAWN LM & SWAZI GRASS @ R25 per sq.m. Contact 073-548-3684 IT027216 KANGMEI SLIMMING TABLETS Now available @ Bargain Bazaar. Shop No 6, old Station road, Tzaneen. Contact 082-417-5002 IT027188 MAN`S BEST FRIEND Spoil your dog with a kennel. Available in Sizes, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL & TWIN. Contact Elmarie 082-778-8426 IT027152 MINI VRAGTE Kraalmis R180 per kubike meter afgelewer - 3 en 8 kubike meter vragte b e s k i k b a a r . Bousand, Riviersand en bogrond beskikbaar. R180.00 per kubike meter. Skakel 083-727-7926 of 083-665-6823 IT027066 LEGALS Visvang kompetisie SALE IN EXECUITON IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA In the matter between: STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED (Plaintiff) and RENIER MARX (1st Defendant) EVILIN MARIANE JANSEN MARX (2nd Defendant) A SALE IN EXECUTION of the under mentioned property is to be held by the Sheriff of LETABA at the Sheriff's Office, 7 Gerrit Kruger Street, Aquapark, Tzaneen on TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2011 at 10H00. Full conditions of sale can be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff LETABA, who can be contacted on (015) 306 0299, and will be read out prior to the sale taking place, No warranties are given with regard to the description, extent and/or improvements of the property. Property: PORTION 29 (P/p26) OF ERF 160 DUIVELSKLOOF, Registration Division: LT LIMPOPO, measuring: 1675 square metres also known as: 4 EUGENE STREET, DUIWELSKLOOF. Improvements: MAIN BUILDING: 5 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, dining room, kitchen. OTHER: 1 other room. Zonded residential FINDLAY & NIEMEYER INCORPORATED Attorneys for Plaintiff P.O. Box 801 Pretoria ref: MR M COETZEE/AN/F3110 Tel No. 012 342 9164 hierdie maand NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN Case no: 149/2011 In the matter between: FERREIRA VENTER LAWS & NEL CHARTERED A C C O U N TA N T S ( E X E C U T I O N CREDITOR) and MAFIGENI SAFARIS CC (2000/076727/23) EXECUTION DEBTOR PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate LETABA granted on 22 AUGUST 2011 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 09h00 on 21 OCTOBER 2011 by public auction to be held at 2 LORETTO PARK, NEW INDUSTRIAL AREA, TZANEEN by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X 5PCE LIVING ROOM SUITE, 1 X 3PCE LIVING ROOM SUITE, 1 X COFFEE TABLE, 1 X WOODEN DRAWER, 1 X 3PCE LIVING ROOM SUITE, 1 X CHAIR, 6 X BAR CHAIRS, 1 X SAMSUNG MICROWAVE OVEN, 1 X STAYCOLD D/DOOR FRIDGE SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 28th day of SEPTEMBER 2011. (sgd) S J VAN R E N S B U R G AT T O R N E Y S F O R EXECUTION CREDITOR STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS RENCOLE RIDGE BUILDING 11 LOOP STREET P O BOX 720 TZANEEN Tel: 015 307 4458 Fax: 015 307 1253 Email: Ref: YF0210/Ir/SJVR DIE BAIE GEWILDE aand-gholf, wat jaarliks deur die Tzaneense Sakekamer aangebied word, word Vrydagaand op Orangedene aangebied. Die aand-gholf word in die donker oor 9 putjies aangebied. Al die spelers wat egter vir die aand-gholf inskryf kan vroeër Vrydagmiddag ook 9 putjies speel waarvoor daar ook pryse sal wees. Die aand se formaat is "American Scramble" terwyl die middag se formaat ‘n individuele kompetisie sal wees. Inskrywingsgeld beloop R1 000 IT027201 IT026537 For sale 1999 Toyota Prado R144,900.00 Contact 015-307-2828 IT027159 IT027237 Te huur Enkel slaapkamer woonstel geskik vir 2 persone te huur. Net buite Tzaneen. Woonstel het `n hout IT027098 dak en kyk uit op `n dam. Binne sekuriteit area. Geen honde 0029 Motorcycles nie. Huur R2700.00 pm elektrisiteit op vooraf betaalde Te koop stelsel. D a d e l i k 4 Wiel motorfiets beskikbaar. Skakel 1255cc. Baie goeie 083-531-3062 kondiesie, min IT027233 gebruik. Ideaal vir TO RENT kinders. R4200.00 A) 1 Single office o n d e r h a n d e l b a a r . R1100.00 B) 2 Skakel 082-550-7814 IT027238 Double office R2200.00 c) 2 0030 Double office Livestock R3500.00 d) 2 Double office TZANEEN: R3600.00 e) 2 rooms, small kitchen Sheep and goats for and toilet with aircon sale from R1250.00 R2500.00 Jeanette R1850.00 Incubators/ Hatchers from 083-258-5862 IT027277 R 4 0 0 0 . 0 0 Cage panels for sale 1.8m 2 Slaapk huis 1.8m. Jaco Beskikbaar 15 Okt of x 01 Nov net buite 082-804-4158 IT027156 dorp. R2500.00 + elektrisiteit + 0031 deposito. Geen Miscellaneous troeteldiere Skakel Leonie 082-443-4808 Bargains Galore 0027 Vehicles IT027142 0035 For Sale BARGAIN FOR SALE Semi G.I.S.A Certified precious gemstone, including 46.31 CT imperial topaz, tanzanies, 30, 22CT. Amenthyst, rubies, saphire, aquamarine - GISA Certified all valued at R190,000.00 +, asking R38,000.00 C o n t a c t 073-533-3509 IT027179 BEADS BAZAAR Crystal beads less 75% Wooden & platic beads less 50% Tons of in store specials. BEADS BAZAAR NO 22 SECOND / TWEEDE LAAN C o n t a c t 082-339-1093 IT027187 SPORT NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NAPHUNO HELD AT LENYENYE Case no: 86/2010 In the matter between: VOLTEX (PTY) LTD t/a ELCENTRE TZANEEN (EXECUTION CREDITOR) and PHETHEGO PROJECTS (PTY) LTD 2005/019899/07 (1ST EXECUTION DEBTOR) ME NALETSANA MARGARET MANGENA ID NO: 631125 0780 082 (2ND EXECUTION DEBTOR) PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate NAPHUNO granted on 30 JUNE 2011 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 14h00 on 26 OCTOBER 2011 by public auction to be held at UNIT NR. 3, INDUSTRIAL SITE, LENYENYE by the sheriff for the Magistrates Court tot the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X CONCRETE MIXER SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 29th day of SEPTEMBER 2011. (sgd) S J VAN RENSBURG AT T O R N E Y S F O R E X E C U T I O N CREDITOR STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG AT T O R N E Y S R E N C O L E R I D G E BUILDING 11 LOOP STREET P O BOX 720 TZANEEN Tel: 015 307 4458 Fax: 015 3 0 7 1 2 5 3 E m a i l : Ref: YF0210/Ir/SJVR Daar is net vir Vrydagaand kampering beskikbaar teen R50 per tent (twee persone.) Neem eie eeten drinkgoed saam. Geen nie-hengelaars sal toegelaat word nie. Die terrein moet ten alle tye skoon en netjies gehou word. Hengelaars moet aanvaar dat die organiseerders en borge geen verantwoordelikheid aanvaar vir enige gebeurlikheid wat uit die kompetisie mag voortspruit nie. Fondse hier gegenereer gaan vir ‘n goeie doel. Die SAVF Tzaneen sorg vir heelwat gesinne en die feesseisoen lê voor. Skakel Dolf Smith by 083 239 9549 of Cornel van Niekerk by 082 654 3976 en koop jou kaartjie betyds. DIE Tzaneen Rotariërklub hou weer hulle jaarlikse visvangkompetisie ten bate van die SAVF se kosprojek in November en Desember. Vanjaar vind dit die vierde keer plaas, die keer op 21 en 22 Oktober by die Kramerdam op Letaba Landgoed. Dit is ‘n 4-spesie kompetisie en begin reeds Vrydagmiddag om 17:00 en eindig Saterdag om 15:00. Die inskrywingsfooi beloop R100 per persoon vir twee stokke. Pryse word toegeken vir die swaarste vis per spesie en slegs lewendige vis sal geweeg word. Slegs 20 bote teen R100 per boot word (vir ‘trolling’) toegelaat. Gewilde aand gholf Vrydagaand per span of R250 per speler. Dit sluit baanfooie, aandete en ander versnaperings in. Daar is plek vir slegs 15 spanne en besighede word aangeraai om so gou moontlik hul spanne in te skryf aangesien die toernooi vir groot pret sorg en baie gewild is. Al die wins van die gholfdag word vir plaaslike welsyn aangewend en borge word ook genooi om ‘n bydrae te lewer hetsy met pryse of ‘n kontant borgskap. Om in te skryf of vir meer inligting skakel Connie op 076 391 0523. HULP is een telefoon oproep ver! Pieter Geldenhuys Drugwise 083 307 3790 Carel Mouton Geestes- gesondheid 083 448 7178 Doreen Lemmer Terapeut 083 548 2235 Debbie Kayser Terapeut (okkulte) 083 417 9550 Sjandre Terblanche Berader 082 780 0734 Dr. Gary Middleton Geneesheer 015 307 7575 Anza van Vuuren 082 808 3204 Onderwysverwant Middelafhanklikheidsentrum Posbus 44 Tzaneen 0850 Tel: (015) 307 3790 Sel: (083) 307 3790 E-mail: Substance Abuse Prevention Centre 73320 PAGE 24 SPORT LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 Lé Club atlete hou naam hoog Lé Club gaan 2 keer landloop SA’s toe! Christelle Coetzer en Jenelle de Jonge, 2 atlete onder afrigting van Lé Club en leerders van Laerskool Tzaneen het ons naam hoog gehou om aan 2 landloop SA’s te kon deelneem, naamlik Athletics South Africa (ASA) op 17 September te Bloemfontein en South Africa Schools Athletics (SASA) op 1 Oktober te Nelspruit. Van links: Jenelle de Jonge en Christelle Coetzer. Lé Club atlete hardloop saam met die bekende Zola Budd. Op 17 September was dit die Athletics South Africa (ASA) landloop kampioenskap te Bloemfontein en twee van Lé Club se atlete wat Limpopo verteenwoordig het, Erika Human & Greta Bekker, het albei die eer gehad om saam met Zola Budd Pieterse te hardloop. Van links: Zola Budd en Erika Human. AUCTION 2 X LAND ROVER DISCOVERY STATION WAGONS / 2 X TRACTORS / FORKLIFT / IMPLEMENTS / QUAD BIKES / TRAILERS / IRRIGATION PIPES DEERPARK ESTATES / TZANEEN Instructed by Deerpark Estates (Pty) Limited who sold their farm, I will sell by public auction on the 12th of October 2011 @ 11:00 at Deerpark Estates (see SITUATION) as follows: A. BAKKIES / TRACTORS / QUAD BIKES / FORKLIFT 2000 Land Rover Discovery TD5 • 1998 Land Rover Discovery TDi • 2006 Mahindra SC Turbo Bolero • Volvo BM (4 x 4) Tractor • Mahindra 6500 (4 x 4) Tractor • 2 x Bombardier Quad Bikes (650cc & 400cc) • TCM Petrol/Gas Forklift • 2 x 2-Wheel Tractor Trailers • 2 Quad Trailers • Flat Deck Trailer. B. IMPLEMENTS Hydraulic Dam Scoop (2m²) • Hydraulic Grader (3m blade) • Mechanical Dam Scoop • Shear Plough • Disc • 4 x Tyne Rippers • 2 x Slashers • Rotavator • Cima Mist Blower • Eagle Mist Blower • 2 x Lance Sprayers • Boom Sprayer • Rotavator • Cultivator C. IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT / PUMPS Pneumatic (eco plus 950) pruning equipment with compressor (as new) • 5 x Poly tunnel frames with irrigation • Irrigation pipes • Drip lines • Inline filters • Irrigation fittings • Borehole pumps • KSB pumps with motors • Conveyer gearboxes with motors • Water tanks (1000l; 300l and 200l) • Assorted pesticides and herbicides D. GENERAL EQUIPMENT 3ph 150l OHOLIAB Compressor • Steel benches • Double sided steel shelves • Sinking drums • 3 Phase overhead power line • Zinc and IBR sheets • Steel droppers • Wooden fence posts • Plastic lug boxes • Jet Master fireplace E. AUCTIONEERS NOTE The items are in a good condition and can be recommended. Visit our webpage for photos and more information. F. CONDITIONS OF SALE Refundable deposit of R5 000-00. VAT is payable. Payment by EFT or bank guaranteed cheques on day of sale. No exceptions. The seller may withdraw any items before or during the sale. G. CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT Buyers must register to bid and original proof of identity and residence are required. Please bring along your identity document and water and lights account. Should you buy on behalf of someone else or an entity you must furnish a written consent to the auctioneer. Regulations in terms of the above act are available at and 10 Limpopo Avenue, Musina. H. SITUATION From Tzaneen follow the road to Letsitele for ±1km. Turn left at Deerpark for ±11km. Turn left at Deerpark Estates for 1.3km. Follow Jack Klaff pointers. I. VIEWING Please arrange with the auctioneer. ENQUIRIES Leonard Brown: 073 268 5858 Jack Klaff: 082 808 2471 Hansie Taute: 082 457 4172 73316 PAGE 25 SPORT LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PAGE 26 Letaba Rugby prysuitdeling in beeld DIE trots van die Letaba Rugbyklub. Paul du Toit (jnr) is Vrydagaand tydens die klub se prysuitdeling funksie as die beste eerstespan speler van die jaar aangekondig. Paul (links) ontvang sy prys by Gawie du Plessis. PERSONNEL BROKERS & LABOUR NORTHERN DIE Letaba Rugbyklub het Vrydagaand Herman Enslin aangewys as die beste o/21 speler van die jaar. Hy ontvang sy trofee van Gawie du Plessis (regs) tydens die prysuitdeling. LETABA Rugbyklub het Vrydagaand hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling in die skousaal gehou. Vanjaar het die spelers se vrouens besluit om ‘n lekker Gatsby-tema aand te hou. Sven Hedin (links) is as die beste 7’s speler van die jaar aangewys. Sven ontvang sy prys by Gawie du Plessis. DIE beste tweedespan speler van die jaar vir die Letaba Rugbyklub is Stoffel Vermaak (links.) Hy ontvang sy trofee van Gawie du Plessis. DIE Letaba Rugbyklub se sportman van die jaar is Jacques Wellman (links.) Hy ontvang sy trofee by Gawie du Plessis tydens die klub se glans Gatsby prysuitdelingsaand in die skousaal Vrydag. HIERDIE Letaba rugbyman is uitgesonder vir ‘n meriete toekenning tydens die Rugbyklub se prysuitdeling. Bennie Kruger (links) ontvang hier sy trofee by Gawie du Plessis. TYDENS die Letaba Rugbyklub se Gatsbytema prysuitdeling oor die naweek is Renier Kruger (links) as klubman van die jaar aangewys. Gawie du Plessis oorhandig sy trofee. DIE Letaba Rugbyklub het Vrydagaand hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehou tydens ‘n lekker Gatsby-tema aand. Steve Mushwana ontvang hier by Gawie du Plessis die trofee vir beste derdespan speler van die jaar. Word reg vir MTB Classic M & I LABOUR CONSULTANTS T/A NORTHERN PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS: Cristel Fax: 086 511 8030 Tel: 015 307 6426 49 Boundary Street - Tzaneen If you are already registered on our database and see a advertised post that you would like to apply for, you have to phone us! CAR SALES ASSISTANT - 1 Year Sales experience - Computer literate + Grade 12 - R4500 + commission + benefits BLOCKMAN - 2 Years Blockman experience - Salary R1850 - R2500 CODE 14 DRIVER + PDP - 4 Years experience - 23 Ton Truck - Must have a valid Code 14 + PDP License. Salary negotiable. IT TECHNICIAN - 2 Years IT support experience - Must have own transport - Basic salary is negotiable based on experpience + commission on sales and support ADMIN CLERK - TARENTAALRAND - 3 years admin experience - Be able to work on Saturday - Computer literate - Salary R4000 - R7000 CONVEYANCE SECRETARY - Conveyance exp will be beneficial - Experience in Law Firm - Grade 12 - Conveyance Secretary for Law Firm - Salary R8000 - R11 000 ADMIN CLERK - TARENTAALRAND SALES ASSISTANT - 3 Years Debtors & Creditors exp - Must have pastel - Reconciliations - Bookkeeping exp will be beneficial - Salary R7000 - R8000 - Sales exp, Grade 12 + Comp literate - General Cashier duties - Salary R3300 - R5000 P ED C LA DOMESTIC - 4 Years domestic experience - Monday, Wednesday & Friday Apply online with your CV in English FRONT SHOP ASSISTANT - Grade 12 + Computer literate - Very good communication skills - Salary R3800 - R4000 Check out our website 73344 DIE twee manne wat die toekenning gekry het vir beste vordering tydens die Letaba Rugbyklub se prysuitdeling is Herman Enslin (links) en Paul du Toit (regs.) Hulle staan hier weerskante van Gawie du Plessis. APTEKER VAKATURES 'n Gevestigde apteek groep open 'n nuwe tak. 'n Gevestigde apteek groep open 'n nuwe tak. Die volgende poste is vakant: *KASSIERE *VOORWINKEL ASSISTENT *VOORRAAD KLERK 2 X KASSIERE / VOORRAADKLERK / VOORWINKEL ASSISTENT TZANEEN TZANEEN Mededingende vergoedingspakket & bonus struktuur Die geskikte kandidaat sal verantwoordelik wees vir die resepteer van medikasie en dienslewering aan 'n gevestigde kliënte basis. Goeie kommunikasie vaardighede en interaksie met kliente 'n vereiste. 'n Bestuursposisie word beoog en 'n bestuursagtergrond sal voordelig wees. 2 Jaar ondervinding in retail apteek pos 'n aanbeveling. Minimum kwalifikasie: Bpharm graad of ekwivalent. Skakel Clarice 083 410 0353 Faks : 086 694 4642 E-pos: Die geskikte kandidaat sal beskik oor vorige ondervinding in Apteek of ‘n verkope omgewing. Minimum kwalifikasie sluit in matriek. Goeie kommunikasie vaardighede en mense verhoudinge word vereis. Sluitingsdatum: 30 Oktober 2011 vir aanstellings Stuur CV na: E-pos: Faks : 086 619 0849 73371 ED C A PL 73370 SECRETARY/RECEPTION - 3 Years secretary experience - Grade 12 - Computer literate - Salary R4000 - R5500 AL die langasems en fietstrappers kan weer gereed maak vir die jaarlikse Magoebaskloof Mountainbike Classic. Die bergfiets kompetisie staan vanjaar in sy 10de jaar, en dit getuig van die gewildheid hiervan. Dit word vanjaar op 5 November aangebied deur Tzaneen Rotary, Letaba Rotary, Lions en die Round Table. Daar sal ‘n 75km, 40km, 20km en ‘n 10km "Trail Run" wees. Om te registreer gaan na Klik op die Roag webskakel en registreer daar. ADVERTENSIE LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 7 Oktober 2011 PAGE 27 THE AUTOMARK PROMISE 1. 2. 3. 4. Backed by Toyota 5. Seven day exhange plan Guaranteed not stolen 6. Guaranteed year model Standard warranty 7. Every vehicle subject to Guaranteed mileage a check list R68 900 R121 500 X2 2007 Corsa 1.4 Utility 2010 VW Polo Vivo 1.4 R259 900 R105 900 R59 900 2007 Chevrolet Spark 1.0 2009 Hyundai Getz 1.4 HS R129 900 Y A D I L O H 2006 BMW X5 3.0 A/T 2009 Toyota Corolla 1.4 Prof. 2005 Toyota Prado 3.0D VX R309 000 2009 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D4D A/T R239 900 R239 900 R99 900 R229 900 R149 900 2009 VW Polo 1.9 TDI 2007 Toyota Auris 1.4 RT 2010 Chevrolet Captiva 2.4 LT 2010 Toyota Corolla 2.0D Exl R169 900 X2 2010 Toyota Corolla 1.6 Prof NTT TOYOTA TZANEEN DEMO’S AVAILABLE ON ALL TOYOTA PRODUCTS Fanie 079 561 0260 Sales Consultant Hendry Mhlare 083 758 4096 Sales Consultant Ernest 083 756 4399 Sales Consultant 53 Agatha Street P.O. Box 545 TZANEEN 0850 TEL: (015) 307 4440 FAX: (015) 307 6148 Natalie 082 478 5543 Sales Consultant 73350 LETABA HERALD - Friday 7 October 2011 PAGE 28 LIMPOPO gholf het die SA inter-provinsiaal toernooi vir eerste keer in die geskiedenis gewen: Voor van links: Paul de Beer, CJ du Plessis, Henk Geldenhuys(kaptein), Nico Myburg. Agter: Jannie Bronkhorst, Tiaan Diederiks, Jacques Kruuswijk, Johan Krugel (bestuurder), Hilton Hughes. Rudder sussies presteer op Eiland JUNIOR lede van Tzaneen Fietsry Klub het Saterdag tydens die ATKV Eiland Bergfietswedren goed presteer. Hulle behaal die volgende prestasies. Alison Rudder, links 1ste junior vrou in die 30km wedren, Shani Rudder, regs 1ste vrou in die 30km ope kategorie. CEMENT R63,99 32 Skirving Str,Tzaneen Tel: (015) 307 4408 SuMmEr SaViNgs R10 999 ASSORTED WALL TILES Limpopo gholfers wen inter-provinsiale toernooi LIMPOPO gholf het die SA inter-provinsiaal toernooi vir eerste keer in die geskiedenis gewen. Limpopo het die vlagskip toernooi van SAGA (Suid Afrikaanse Gholf Assosiasie) vir die eerste keer sedert 1960 gewen. Die toernooi was op Bloemfontein se gholfbaan gespeel en bestaan uit twee afdelings. Limpopo het die B-afdeling gewen deur op die eerste dag met die gunstelinge Vrystaat/Noord Kaap en Ekurhuleni af te reken. Op dag twee het Limpopo gelyk op met Oostelike provinsie gespeel. Volgende het Limpopo met Grens en Mpumalanga kragte gemeet en as oorwinnaars teen beide provinsies uit die stryd getree. Die laaste dag het Limpopo die sterk span SABS 32,5 Jacuzzi AIRCON Big bass still out there 9000 BTU THIS 3,6kg bass was caught by Shaun Nell in the early hours of Sunday morning. Nell pulled this big boy out from the dam wall with a dead-ringer watermelon worm. R34.99 R2 999 p/sqm The all new 20 Skirving Str. Tzaneen Tel: (015) 307 1239 73327 Air Conditioner ABS Brakes Driver/Passenger Airbags Central Locking Radio+CD+MP3 Bluetooth Aux / iPod / USB Connection 73323 ACCENT Hyundai Tzaneen SPORT van Noordwes provinsie geklop om as algehele wenners van die B-afdeling gekroon te word. Dit is ‘n merkwaardige prestasie as in ag geneem word dat Limpopo die minste geregistreerde hoeveelheid gholfers van al die provinsies in die land het. Henk Geldenhuys, die kaptein en enigste lid van Tzaneen van die span reken dat hierdie die resultaat van volgehoue harde werk van verskeie persone in die strukture van Limpopo gholf unie die afgelope paar jaar. Met die wen word Limpopo soos sy onder 23 span bevorder tot die A-afdeling van die kompetisie waar hulle volgende jaar met Sentraal-Gauteng, W.P, Natal, Gauteng-Noord en Boland sal kragte meet op Humewood in Port Elizabeth.