Electronic Hook Switch Guide - Plantronics Telephone Headsets
Electronic Hook Switch Guide - Plantronics Telephone Headsets
Electronic Hook Switch Guide Savi® 700 SEries | CS500 ™ series | MDA200 ™ Electronic Hook Switch Guide Contents Electronic Hook Switch Cables (EHS) provide remote desk phone call control (answer/end) with your Plantronics wireless headset system (or the MDA200™ headset hub). We offer cables that are compatible with many of the most popular office desk phones. We also have a handset lifter accessory that can be used with most desk phones that are not compatible with one of our EHS cables. Visit Plantronics.com for more information. ©2012 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Plantronics, CS500, MDA200, Savi, and the Sound World graphic are trademarks or registered trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. All other trade names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 1 6 Aastra Phone Models Polycom Phone Models 2 7 Alcatel-Lucent Phone Models ShoreTel Phone Models 3 8 Avaya Phone Models Siemens Phone Models 4 9 Cisco Phone Models Tenovis Phone Models 5 10 Nortel Phone Models Toshiba Phone Models Electronic Hook Switch for Aastra® Desk Phone Models 6739i 6753i 6755i 6757i 6757i CT Aastra 6771 Aastra 6773 Aastra 6775 Aastra 6773 IP Aastra 6775 IP Aastra 5370 Aastra 5380 Aastra 5370 IP Aastra 5380 IP EHS Setup EHS Cable Plantronics audio Solutions APS-11* PN: 37818-11 Savi® 700 Series CS500™ Series MDA200™ Wireless headset system manages PC, mobile and desk phone calls Wireless headsets manage desk phone calls Enables USB connectivity to the desk phone to manage both PC and desk phone calls * APS-11 replaces APS-10 Use the EHS setup below to automatically answer a desk phone call by pressing a button on your Savi 700 Series or CS500 Series headset or MDa200. aastra models: 6771, 6113, 6775, 6773 IP, 6775 IP, 5370, 5380, 5370 IP, 5380 IP, 6753i, 6739i, 6755i, 6757i, 6757i CT Setup Configuration Savi 700 CS500 3 2 2 A A B C D E F G MDA200 A A A B C D E F G 3 2 3 optional (#80287-01) Aastra DHSG cable Only the Aastra DHSG cable should be connected directly to your phone. No 3rd party DHSG cables should be connected directly to the Aastra IP phone. 1 Plantronics Electronic Hook Switch Guide 4.12 To check compatibility with other desk phones, please visit Plantronics.com/configurator Electronic Hook Switch for Alcatel-Lucent Desk Phone Models IP Touch 4028, IP Touch 4038, IP Touch 4068, Touch 4029, Touch 4039, My IC 8082 EHS Setup EHS Cable Plantronics audio Solutions APA-23* PN: 38908-11 Savi 700 Series CS500 Series MDA200 Wireless headset system manages PC, mobile and desk phone calls Wireless headsets manage desk phone calls Enables USB connectivity to the desk phone to manage both PC and desk phone calls * APA-23 replaces APA-20 and APA-22 Use the EHS setup below to automatically answer a desk phone call by pressing a button on your Savi 700 Series or CS500 Series headset or MDa200. alcatel-Lucent models: IP Touch 4028, 4038, 4068 alcatel-Lucent models: Touch 4029, 4039 Setup Setup Configuration alcatel-Lucent models: My IC 8082 Configuration Savi 700 2 A 2 3 CS500 A Savi 700 3 2 A 3 2 A A MDA200 3 3 Plantronics Electronic Hook Switch Guide 4.12 3 2 A MDA200 2 3 optional (#80287-01) MDA200 A A CS500 CS500 optional (#80287-01) 3 2 Configuration Savi 700 optional (#80287-01) 2 Setup 2 3 A 2 To check compatibility with other desk phones, please visit Plantronics.com/configurator Electronic Hook Switch for Avaya® APV-63 Cable 1408 9608 1416 9611 1608 9620 1616 9621 9404 9630 9406 9640 9504 9641G 9508 9650 APV-66 Cable 2420 4621SW 4610 4622SW 4610SW 4625SW 4620 4630SW 4620SW EHS Setup EHS Cable 9670 9620L 2410 4630 6416D+M 6424D+M Plantronics audio Solutions APV-63* PN: 38734-11 APV-66* PN: 38633-11 5420 5610 5620 5621 CS500 Series MDA200 Wireless headset system manages PC, mobile and desk phone calls Wireless headsets manage desk phone calls Enables USB connectivity to the desk phone to manage both PC and desk phone calls * APV-63 replaces APV-62; APV-66 replaces APV-65 Use the EHS setup below to automatically answer a desk phone call by pressing a button on your Savi 700 Series or CS500 Series headset or MDa200. avaya models: 1408, 1416, 1608, 1616, 9404, 9406, 9504, 9508, 9608, 9611, 9620, 9621, 9630, 9640, 9641G, 9650, 9670, 9620L avaya models: 2410, 4630, 6416D+M, 6424D+M avaya models: 2420, 4610, 4610SW, 4620, 4620SW, 4621SW, 4622SW, 4625SW, 4630SW, 5420, 5610, 5620, 5621 Setup Setup Setup Configuration Configuration Savi 700 2 A 3 3 3 2 3 3 A 2 A MDA200 3 3 A 3 3 3 MDA200 3 A CS500 optional (#80287-01) 3 3 MDA200 Plantronics Electronic Hook Switch Guide 4.12 A Savi 700 CS500 optional (#80287-01) A A Configuration Savi 700 CS500 optional (#80287-01) 3 Savi 700 Series 3 A 3 To check compatibility with other desk phones, please visit Plantronics.com/configurator Electronic Hook Switch for Cisco® EHS Cable APC-41 Cable 7942G 7945G 7962G 7965G 7975G APC-41* PN: 38350-11 APU-71 Cable 8961 9951 9971 APU-71* PN: 83018-11 Plantronics audio Solutions Savi 700 Series CS500 Series MDA200 Wireless headset system manages PC, mobile and desk phone calls Wireless headsets manage desk phone calls Enables USB connectivity to the desk phone to manage both PC and desk phone calls * APC-41 replaces APC-40; APU-71 has replaced APT-70 EHS Setup Use the EHS setup below to automatically answer a desk phone call by pressing a button on your Savi 700 Series or CS500 Series headset or MDa200. Cisco models: 7942G, 7945G, 7962G, 7965G, 7975G Cisco models: 7942G, 7945G, 7962G, 7965G, 7975G Cisco models: 8961, 9951, 9971 Setup Setup Setup Configuration Configuration Savi 700 Savi 700 2 A Configuration 2 3 A Savi 700 2 3 CS500 A 3 CS500 CS500 optional (#80287-01) 3 2 A optional (#80287-01) 3 2 3 2 A A MDA200 optional (#80287-01) 3 A MDA200 2 MDA200 3 A 3 2 Adapter Cord 40287-05 4 Plantronics Electronic Hook Switch Guide 4.12 A 2 To check compatibility with other desk phones, please visit Plantronics.com/configurator Electronic Hook Switch for Cisco® EHS Cable APC-45 Cable SPA512 SPA514 SPA525G2 EHS Setup Plantronics audio Solutions APC-45 P/N: 81097-11 Savi 700 Series CS500 Series MDA200 Wireless headset system manages PC, mobile and desk phone calls Wireless headsets manage desk phone calls Enables USB connectivity to the desk phone to manage both PC and desk phone calls Use the EHS setup below to automatically answer a desk phone call by pressing a button on your Savi 700 Series or CS500 Series headset or MDa200. Cisco models: SPa512, SPa514, SPa525G2 Setup Configuration CS500 Savi 700 3 2 2 A A B C D E F G MDA200 A A A B C D E F G 3 2 3 optional (#80287-01) 5 Plantronics Electronic Hook Switch Guide 4.12 To check compatibility with other desk phones, please visit Plantronics.com/configurator Electronic Hook Switch for Nortel® Desk Phone Models 1120E 1150E 1140E 1165E EHS Cable Plantronics audio Solutions APU-71* PN: 83018-11 Savi 700 Series CS500 Series MDA200 Wireless headset system manages PC, mobile and desk phone calls Wireless headsets manage desk phone calls Enables USB connectivity to the desk phone to manage both PC and desk phone calls * APU-71 replaces APT-70 EHS Setup Use the EHS setup below to automatically answer a desk phone call by pressing a button on your Savi 700 Series or CS500 Series headset or MDa200. Nortel models: 1120E, 1140E, 1150E, 1165E Setup Configuration Savi 700 CS500 MDA200 3 3 3 3 A A A 3 3 optional (#80287-01) 6 Plantronics Electronic Hook Switch Guide 4.12 To check compatibility with other desk phones, please visit Plantronics.com/configurator Electronic Hook Switch for Polycom® Desk Phone Models SoundPoint® IP 320 SoundPoint IP 321 SoundPoint IP 330 SoundPoint IP 331 SoundPoint IP 335 SoundPoint IP 430 SoundPoint IP 450 SoundPoint IP 550 SoundPoint IP 560 SoundPoint IP 650 SoundPoint IP 670 VVX500 VVX1500 EHS Setup EHS Cable Plantronics audio Solutions APP-51* PN: 38439-11 Savi 700 Series CS500 Series MDA200 Wireless headset system manages PC, mobile and desk phone calls Wireless headsets manage desk phone calls Enables USB connectivity to the desk phone to manage both PC and desk phone calls * APP-51 replaces APU-50 Use the EHS setup below to automatically answer a desk phone call by pressing a button on your Savi 700 Series or CS500 Series headset or MDa200. Polycom models: SoundPoint IP 320, 321, 330, 331, 335, 430, 450, 550, 560, 650, 670, VVX500, VVX1500 Setup Configuration Savi 700 MDA200 CS500 3 3 2 2 A A A 2 3 optional (#80287-01) 7 Plantronics Electronic Hook Switch Guide 4.12 To check compatibility with other desk phones, please visit Plantronics.com/configurator Electronic Hook Switch for ShoreTel® Desk Phone Models IP212K IP265 IP230 IP560 EHS Setup IP560 (g) IP565 (g) IP655 EHS Cable Plantronics audio Solutions RD-1 PN: 78887-01 Savi 700 Series CS500 Series MDA200 Wireless headset system manages PC, mobile and desk phone calls Wireless headsets manage desk phone calls Enables USB connectivity to the desk phone to manage both PC and desk phone calls Use the EHS setup below to automatically answer a desk phone call by pressing a button on your Savi 700 Series or CS500 Series headset or MDa200. ShoreTel models: IP 212K, 230, 265, 560, 560G, 560G, 655 Setup Configuration Savi 700 CS500 MDA200 3 3 2 2 8 Plantronics Electronic Hook Switch Guide 4.12 A A A 2 3 To check compatibility with other desk phones, please visit Plantronics.com/configurator Electronic Hook Switch for Siemens® Desk Phone Models Optipoint 410 OpenStage 40 Optipoint 420 OpenStage 60 Optipoint 500 OpenStage 80 Optipoint 600 EHS Setup EHS Cable Plantronics audio Solutions APS-11* PN: 37818-11 Savi 700 Series CS500 Series MDA200 Wireless headset system manages PC, mobile and desk phone calls Wireless headsets manage desk phone calls Enables USB connectivity to the desk phone to manage both PC and desk phone calls * APS-11 replaces APS-10 Use the EHS setup below to automatically answer a desk phone call by pressing a button on your Savi 700 Series or CS500 Series headset or MDa200. Siemens models: Optipoint 410, 420, 500, 600 Setup Siemens models: OpenStage 40, 60, 80 Configuration Setup Configuration Savi 700 2 A Savi 700 3 2 CS500 optional (#80287-01) 3 optional (#80287-01) 3 MDA200 3 9 Plantronics Electronic Hook Switch Guide 4.12 A 2 MDA200 A 3 CS500 A 2 A 2 3 A 2 To check compatibility with other desk phones, please visit Plantronics.com/configurator Electronic Hook Switch for Tenovis Desk Phone Models T3 Classic with Interface Adapter T3 IP Classic T3 IP II Classic T3 IP Classic with Interface Adapter TH13 TM13 TS13 T3 Compact T3 IP Comfort T3 IP II Comfort OS 13 OS33 EHS Setup EHS Cable Plantronics audio Solutions APT-31* PN: 37820-11 Savi 700 Series CS500 Series MDA200 Wireless headset system manages PC, mobile and desk phone calls Wireless headsets manage desk phone calls Enables USB connectivity to the desk phone to manage both PC and desk phone calls * APT-31 replaces APT-30 Use the EHS setup below to automatically answer a desk phone call by pressing a button on your Savi 700 Series or CS500 Series headset or MDa200. Tenovis models: T3 Classic with Interface Adapter, T3 IP Classic, T3 IP II Classic T3 Classic with Interface Adapter, TH13,TM13, TS13, T3 Compact, T3 IP Comfort, T3 IP II Comfort, OS 13, OS33 Setup Configuration CS500 Savi 700 MDA200 3 3 2 A 3 2 A A 2 optional (#80287-01) 10 Plantronics Electronic Hook Switch Guide 4.12 To check compatibility with other desk phones, please visit Plantronics.com/configurator Electronic Hook Switch for Toshiba® Desk Phone Models DP 5118-DP IPT 2008 SDL DP 5130-SDL IPT 2010-SD DP 5X22-SD IPT 2020-SD DP 5X32-SD EHS Setup EHS Cable Plantronics audio Solutions RD-1 PN: 78887-01 Savi 700 Series CS500 Series MDA200 Wireless headset system manages PC, mobile and desk phone calls Wireless headsets manage desk phone calls Enables USB connectivity to the desk phone to manage both PC and desk phone calls Use the EHS setup below to automatically answer a desk phone call by pressing a button on your Savi 700 Series or CS500 Series headset or MDa200. Toshiba models: DP 051180-DP, DP 5130-SDL, DP 5X22-SD, DP-5X32, IPT 2008-SDL, IPT 2010-SDL, IPT 2020-SD Setup Configuration Savi 700 CS500 MDA200 3 3 2 2 11 Plantronics Electronic Hook Switch Guide 4.12 A A A 2 3 To check compatibility with other desk phones, please visit Plantronics.com/configurator
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