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View Full Version - Fujairah Asia Power Company
Volume 1, Issue 1
29 June 2011
PGM’s foreword
A few words...... Welcome to the first F2 O&M Company newsletter – I hope that you find the content interesting and useful; any suggestions for improvement will be most welcome. The first 6 months of 2011 have proven to be very challenging for all F2 O&M Company employees and our contractors. Trying to ensure good avail‐
ability whilst dealing with commissioning, outages, warranty and plant tech‐
nical issues has proven to be a real challenge – I can assure you all that things will get easier!! The time, effort and commitment that I’m seeing, from the whole team, is most commendable and very much appreciated by the plant management. The official opening of the plant, in May, proved a great success and it was good to see the plant looking so clean and tidy; first impressions last and I’m sure our visitors left the site suitably impressed. Going forward, it is impor‐
tant to ensure that these standards are maintained. Our HSE performance for the year to date has been very good, we haven’t had a lost time accident or environmental incident, and first aid treatments are rare events. Now that we are into the summer months, it is important that we remain diligent as the risk of accidents is much higher when working in these demanding conditions. I hope that during the second half of 2011, we continue to successfully meet the challenges ahead of us; it will not be easy, but with the same commit‐
ment applied, I’m sure that we will achieve our goals! Thanks to all. Neil Cranswick ‐ Plant General Manager Inside this issue:
Foreword by PGM - Mr. Neil Cranswick
Your Health and Safety—Heat stress - Mr. Jose C
See Yourself - Your Desk Says it All
Cut off Office Gossips
Tips to deal with angry people - Mr. Eric Reyes
It is all about us...
safety is your
Page 2
“ he who has health has hope; and he who has hope has
The frequency of accidents, in general, appears to be higher in hot environments than in more moderate environmental condi‐
tions. One reason is that work‐
ing in a hot environment lowers the mental alertness and physi‐
cal performance of an individual. Increased body temperature and physical discomfort pro‐
mote irritability, anger and other emotional states which sometimes cause workers to overlook safety procedures or to divert attention from hazard‐
ous tasks . HEAT STRESS! …caused from the buildup of heat in the body and occurs when the body’s mean of controlling its internal tempera‐
ture starts to fall. The four (4) types of heat‐
related illness. HEAT RASH – small, red bumps on the skin •
Stop activity; rest in a cool place •
Drink plenty of water, juice or sports beverages (no caf‐
feine!) Seek medical attention if condi‐
tion worsen or progresses HEAT CRAMPS – painful muscle cramps or spasms, usually in legs or abdomen that occur among those who sweat pro‐
fusely in heat, drink large quan‐
tities of water, but do not ade‐
quately replace the body’s salt loss. everything” - Arabian Proverb
HEAT EXHAUSTION – the body’s response to the loss of large amounts of fluids by heavy sweating, sometimes with ex‐
cessive loss of salt. The victim may still sweat, but experiences headache and blurred vision or dizziness. •
Notify the supervisor •
Stop activity; rest in a cool place •
Drink plenty of water, juice or sports beverages (no caf‐
feine!) •
Remove unnecessary cloth‐
ing or loosen clothing Shower or sponge with cool water HEAT STROKE – The most severe, the body temperature regulatory system fails and sweating becomes inadequate. Victim’s skin is hot, usually dry, red or spotted. Body temperature usually rises to 105 degree Fahrenheit or higher, and the vistim is mentally confused, deliri‐
ous, or could even be unconscious or convulsing. Unless the victim receives quick and appropriate treatment, death can occur. •
Immediate hospitalization is re‐
quired •
Remove the victim to a cool place •
Thoroughly soak the victim’s cloth‐
ing with water and vigorously fan the body to increase cooling. •
Do not attempt to give the victim anything by mouth. Help prevent heat related illnesses by taking plenty of water, refrain from drinking caffeinated drinks, wear breath‐
able, light colored clothing, take enough sleep and educate others on how to deal with it. Remember “prevention is better that cure”. SEE YOURSELF — YOUR DESK SAYS IT ALL
People can tell a lot about you just by looking at your desk, ac‐
cording to new research from office furniture manufacturer Arenson Group.This research reveals that your office desk sends clear message about your personality and abilities. Most people fit into one of the five sekk personality types: The Artistic Temperament Desk : This desk is cluttered , but in an interesting way; books, papers, folders, drawings , photos are all casually strewn across the desk, piled on top of each other. There will be post‐it notes pinned eve‐
rywhere to remind the desk owner of deadlines/task/people to contact. He/she has a lively, enquiring mind, a strong imagi‐
nation creative ability and a gut feeling about things. The Self‐Expression Desk: This desktop is an extension of the outgoing person sitting behind it and it will contain lots of personal touches ie. Posters, post cards, cartoons, a zany mouse pad etc, there will be mugs to show that this person cannot survive with‐
out their tea/coffee break. The desk owner is an extrovert, socia‐
ble and talkative with a good sense of humour. Their desks act as meeting place for others and this type is often relied on to dispense advice. The Control Freak Desk : This desk may have little on it or the contents may be neatly arranged to show order and control. Any files or paper stacks will be piled neatly and any overlapping will be neatly constructed. Items such as post‐it note, cellotape will be Avoided like the plague because they are too messy. This desk owner prides themselves on be‐
ing organized and in control. He/
she may have trouble getting started but once into their work they can concentrate completely. The Trophy Desk : This is slightly messy desk with a collection of things i.e favorite items, but there is a show off fell to them. They could range from travel or souve‐
nirs, remnants of work campaigns or sports paraphernalia. These desk owners are friendly, ener‐
getic, ambitious, often noisy peo‐
ple who relate well to others. This is no shrinking violet‐these peo‐
ple carve attention and apprecia‐
tion. The show‐off Desk : This is a desk that projects a heightened image of the person who sits It is always a large, luxuriously made desk with leather inlay. It may have very little on it and everything will be strategically placed. However, there is an‐
other version of this desk which does have personal ef‐
fects on it. These will be expen‐
sive and classy and may in‐
clude gifts given to the desk owner: a leather framed photo of a family member, a leather bound diary and expensive writing implements. This per‐
sonality craves attention, has high ambitions and aspirations and needs to feel a cut above the rest. They have a tendency to be arrogant and class‐
conscious but balance this out with loads of charm and inter‐
esting conversation. So, which one are you???? Page 3
Thought blaster !!!
Cut of Office Gossips…. Ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem. One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?" Hold on a minute," Socrates replied. "Before telling me anything, I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Tri‐
ple Filter Test." Triple filter?" That's right," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you're going to say. That's why I call it the triple filter test. The first filter is TRUTH. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?" No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it and..." All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter, the filter of GOODNESS. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good?" No, on the contrary..." So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him, but you're not certain it's true. You may still pass the test though, because there's one filter left: the filter of USEFULNESS. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?" No, not really." Well," concluded Socrates, "if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?" This is why Socrates was a great philosopher & held in such high esteem. Friends, use this triple filter each time you hear loose talk about any of your near & dear friends. The next Newsletter will be published in Dec 2011, if you would like to contribute an article, or to leave any sugges‐
tions, please email to , before 30th of Nov, 2011. TIPS FOR DEALING WITH ANGRY PEOPLE Dealing with our own anger is one thing. Dealing with another angry person is another. When we are angry we feel we have every right to be angry. We can justify our feelings. When someone else is angry, we just can’t figure them out. We don’t understand what is wrong with them. Dealing with angry people requires a combination of strategies and techniques including: Communication Skills Problem Solving Skills Relationship building However, sometimes you just don’t have time to build relationship. Such is the case when you are in a customer service position. You only have a few minutes with each customer whether you are on the phone or face to face. Dealing with the angry customer has to be quick to avoid escalation of the anger. Here are some suggestions. •
Be as empathetic and understanding as you possibly can. This will help diffuse the anger. It is hard to stay angry at someone who agrees you have a problem. •
Don’t take it personally, take it professionally. They are not angry at YOU. They are angry with the company, the policies, and the process – not YOU. •
Respond in a positive, self – controlled way. Assure them you will do your best to help them. Responding with the same attitude they have will only make them angrier. •
Listen to them. Maintain eye contact. Paraphrase what they are saying. Determine what the real issue is and try and respond to it. •
Solve the problem right away, if you possibly can. If you can’t, get help. •
Don’t be judgmental. It is not up to you to decide whether the individual has the right to be angry or not. •
Find something to agree with them on. E.g. “Yes, I agree. The wait is far too long; however we are short staffed today and will do our best to serve you promptly” •
Negotiate a win – win whenever possible. •
Use the person’s name. •
Slow down and lower your speaking voice. •
Sit down if possible. •
Allow the person to talk – don’t interrupt •
Deal with feelings first, then issues. •
BE SINCERE…. Its all about us ...
Page 4
New Arrivals to F2 O&M Family
Neil Cranswick
Eric Reyes
Lily Guna
Ahlam Al Kaabi
Pankaj K
Hisham R
Ghulam A
Gladwyn S
Domingo D
Jose De Leon
Birthday Celebrants
Raminder S
☺ Roy Joseph
☺ Sugito S
☺ Meshkatul I
☺ Macario L
☺ Ahmed Maher
☺ Riaz Babu
☺ Harlot H
☺ Jun Bellen
☺Sreejesh K
☺Sakthi V
☺Narisimha R
☺Syed Adeeb
☺Jenson X
☺Oliver F
Farewell Mr. Dennis Mallows
you have been very generous on your
life's journey, leaving a piece of
yourself in all our hearts."
From Field Eng to CRE
☺ Tariq Rabbani
From I & C tech to DSC Support Asst.
☺ Eko suryanto
☺ Erwin Ollano
☺ I Made Budiarta
Family Day in
Le Meridian on
25th March 2011
A group
becomes a
team when
member is
enough of
and his
n to praise
the skills
of the
Official Opening of the
Plant—9th May 2011