We Need Your Help! Chaffin`s Barn Performs “Route 66” Here Sept


We Need Your Help! Chaffin`s Barn Performs “Route 66” Here Sept
Kelsey’s Column
Big Changes Are On the Horizon!
After over a year of planning, some much needed changes will be coming to our building over the next
few months! We will be getting a makeover just in time for our 20th anniversary celebration.
Currently in the plans are a complete overhaul of our restrooms, a brand new front entrance/front office
with a new ramp, and our parking lot re-sealed and striped. These projects are long overdue, and will
improve access for everyone utilizing our building. Please be on the
lookout for a letter that will be sent to you explaining the construction These projects are
process and temporary changes. For instance, when they are working
long overdue and
on our front entrance, folks will need to access the building through
the “front” or Chamber of Commerce door. In addition to the letter,
will improve access
I will hold a center-wide meeting on September 20 at 1:00 pm
(following Tasty Tuesday) where questions about the project will be
for everyone
answered. There will also be architect drawings on display to show
utilizing our
what the completed projects will look like. As of press time, we believe that this will begin the first part of October. Stay tuned for more
exciting updates to come, and don’t hesitate to call with questions!
—Kelsey Mahaffey, Center Director
September Closings
Please make note that the Center will be CLOSED on Monday, September 5 for Labor Day and
Friday, September 30 for Staff Development.
Chaffin’s Barn Performs
“Route 66” Here Sept. 22
Our Summer Dinner Series, sponsored by
Wellcare Health Plans, Inc, concludes
Thursday, September 22 with the player s
of Chaffin’s Barn embarking on a journey
down “Route 66”. This musical is packed
with hits from the 50s and 60s and has
received rave reviews in The Tennessean!
The evening begins at 6:00 pm with the blue
plate special menu of House Salad, Meatloaf,
Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll, and
Dessert. The show begins at
7:00 pm.
Tickets are $25. Get your
tickets at the front desk by
Tuesday, September 20.
We Need Your Help!
Help FiftyForward Madison, RSVP, and the USO in
lifting the spirits of America’s troops and their
families at the “Fill the Truck” event at the Madison
Kroger for the anniversary of 9/11, which has
become the “National Day of Service and
The purpose of the “Fill the Truck” event is to
encourage shoppers to purchase non-perishable,
single serve food items to donate to active and
retired military personnel through the USO
program. The “truck” in question will be none
other than the FiftyForward Madison van!
Volunteers are needed for shor t shifts between
11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to hand out flyer s, collect donation items, and "fill the truck" with those
items. Please sign up at the front desk if you’d like
to volunteer for a shift on Friday, September 9th.
Our Mission
FiftyForward exists to
support and optimize
the aging experience.
301 Madison St. Madison, TN 37115
(615) 860-7180
Back to School Day...
Thursday, September 15
Flu Shot Clinic
Windlands East for
providing the cookies
at Tasty Tuesday;
Red Hats for their
donation to our Bake
Sale Fundraiser;
Wellcare Health Plans,
Inc. for sponsoring all
three of the Summer
Dinner Shows;
Signature Healthcare of
Madison for providing
the desserts for the
Summer Dinner Show
Fundraising Committee
for their hard work and
commitment throughout
the Summer Dinner
Show Series;
and to all our amazing
volunteers: this place
would not run without
you. Thank you for all
your care, ideas, and
hard work!
Back-to-school means germs! Walgreens will be here on
Thursday, September 15th between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
to administer the stronger senior flu shots right here at our center! We recommend picking up the
form at the front desk and filling it out and returning it to us beforehand. However, this is not
required and walk-ins will be welcome on the day of the clinic. For those pre-registering, please
turn in your form by Monday, September 12th.
Parnassus Bookmobile
To celebrate “Back to School Day” we will be having Nashville’s roving bookshop, “Parnassus
on Wheels” in our parking lot on September 15 between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. You’ll be
surprised how many books this thing can hold: the latest bestsellers and new releases, staff and
customer favorites, gems from local and emerging writers, cookbooks, gifts, and an awesome
collection of kids’ books! You can invite your friends and family too!
A Seat at the Table: Learning About our Muslim Neighbors
Our Muslim Neighbor (OMN) is an initiative designed to advance a more accurate and
representative understanding of Islam and American Muslims. ONM will be here September 15
at 6:30 pm with a gr oup of diver se community member s and neighbor s to br eak br ead
together with us and share points of view on life, faith, and culture. A FREE and delicious
ethnic meal will be served as our Muslim neighbors are invited to tell their ‘personal stories’ in
an unrehearsed way. This time of sharing is not a performance or an opportunity to proselytize,
argue about, or defend religion. Instead, we invite you to dinner and to learn about your
neighbors. In order to participate, please RSVP at the front desk by Monday, September 12.
Tasty Tuesday: Celebrate Senior Center Month
Tuesday, September 20
Our third Tuesday of the month lunch on Tuesday, September 20th will feature a variety
music show with Mark Edwards. To celebrate Madison Station’s 20th anniversary, we also
will be having a contest for the best/most unique event suggestion for our center! What do
you want to do over our next 20 years? Turn in suggestions at the front desk by September
15. Prizes will be awarded, but you must be present at Tasty Tuesday to win!
Before the fun begins, enjoy an Autumn Chicken & Wild Rice Casserole, Apple Harvest
Garden Salad, Yeast Rolls, and Caramel Dark Chocolate Pretzel Brownie Bites from new
caterer The Go Go Gourmet at 11:30 am. Purchase a $6.00 ticket at the front desk by
Friday, September 16!
Skyline Lunch & Learn
Tuesday, September 27
Center Hours
8:00am-4:30 pm
8:00 am-3:30 pm
Tristar Skyline Medical Center will be providing a FREE Lunch & Learn on Tuesday,
September 27. Our lunch that day will be loaded potato soup, gar den salad, r oll,
cookie and tea at 11:30 am. The speaker will be posted to the front desk as soon as it is
available. Only 75 tickets are available for this event. Pick up your FREE ticket at the
front desk. If you get a ticket and then r ealize you cannot use it, please r etur n it so
others may have the opportunity to attend.. If you decide to join us, we thank you in
advance for planning to stay for the entirety of the presentation.
301 Madison St. Madison, TN 37115
(615) 860-7180
Unless otherwise indicated, classes are included with membership. Visitors add $5.00.
 Line Dance led by Faye Redden; 9:30 am
*Note: No Class September 12
 SilverSneakers® Circuit - Kathleen Phillips -12:30;
Increase your cardiovascular and muscular
endurance with a standing workout.
 SilverSneakers® Stress Reduction & Restorative
Breathing led by Kathleen Phillips. 2:00 pm;
Focuses on reducing stress & breathing techniques
 Yoga taught by Stephen North, Jr.; 2:00 and
6:00 pm; $5 per class for members
 Ballroom Dancing begins Sept. 26; 5:00 pm; $8
 Personal Training with Michael Neel; 4:30-6:00pm
$15/30 min; $25/hour; Inquire at front desk
 SilverSneakers® Classic led by Kathleen Phillips;
10:00 am; Uses hand-held weights, tubes, balls,
and chairs; tailored for seniors
Kathleen Phillips
will be on vacation
 Tai-Chi taught by Larry Lee;
from August 30 to
9:00 am & 6:45 pm; $3.00 a
September 8.
class; Improves balance,
Lisa Elkin & Lisa
flexibility and overall health.
Cotton will be
 SilverSneakers Yoga Stretch
led by Kathleen Phillips; 10:00
covering her SS
am; Moves your whole body
Classic & Yoga
through a series of seated &
Stretch classes.
standing yoga poses.
There will be NO
 SilverSneakers® Classic
Gentle Yoga Sept. 1
taught by Kathleen Phillips;
or 8. See the front
12:30 pm
desk for a schedule.
 Yoga with Stephen North, Jr.;
2:00 pm; $5 a class
 SilverSneakers Classic led by Kathleen Phillips;
12:30 pm
 Gentle Yoga with Kathleen; 1:45 pm; $2 a class
 Yoga with Stephen North, Jr.; 6:00 pm; $5 a class
Fitness Center
Monday -Thursday
7:00am - 6:00 pm
7:00 am - 3:30 pm
 SilverSneakers® Classic taught by
Lisa Elkin; 12:30pm
 Yoga with Stephen North, Jr.; 2:00 pm; $5
 Yoga with Stephen North; 11:00 am; $5
Benefit Checkup Are you eligible for SNAP &
other benefits? To find out,
call the Community Food
Advocates hotline:
(615) 385 - 2286, ext: 230.
Blood Pressure Checks 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the
month from 10:30 -11:30 a.m.
Provided by Shirley Brown and
Delores Jordan. No Checks in
September, sorry.
Blood Pressure and
Glucose Checks Signature Healthcare of
Madison on the 4th Tuesdays
of the month, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Certified Personal Trainer
Lisa Elkin Available for sessions during
the day. Call her at 615-9262708 to schedule. $25/session.
City Road United
Methodist Track The track is open for
members’ use Mon - Fri from
8:00 - 5:00. Go by the front
desk, show your FiftyForward
scan card and get the pass
code to get in. The track is on
the second level.
Dementia Support Group Kathy Johnson-Warner of
Senior Helpers will help you
get the support you need when
dealing with your loved ones
with dementia. Meets the 1st
Thursday of the month at
10:00 a.m.
Depression and
Bipolar Support Group If you suffer from Depression,
Bipolar Disorder, other mood
and emotional disorders or are
a caregiver for those who
suffer, join the DBSA group on
the 1st and 3rd Tuesday
*African Drumming and Dance – Offered
free of charge by The Village Church!
Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. in the Party Room.
*Art Club - Meets on Thursdays any time
Free Legal Aid: Provided by
between 9:00 and 1:00 in the Open Art
Beck & Beck Law Office Room to create and pursue arts and crafts.
Meet with an attorney on the
3rd Wednesdays starting at
*Bingo - Most first Mondays and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 1:00 p.m. Join
9 a.m. in 15 minute sessions.
us for a chance to win prizes!
See the front desk to make
an appointment. (August is
*Crochet for Beginners/Crochet Club – Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. Led by Paulette
currently full; taking Sept.
Spalding. Bring an “H” needle and yarn and Paulette will be happy to show you the
basics of crochet.
Rent our Building! - Rent
our Social Room on Saturdays. Cost is $100 per hour,
includes all tables and chairs.
Members receive a 25%
Notary Services - Julie
Reeves, Notary. Donation to
the center requested. Monday
through Thursday, 9:00 4:00, Fridays 9:00 - 3:00.
Open Computer Lab - Our
computer lab is open for your
daily use! *NOTE: Lab is
closed during legal aid.
Tech Up - Sign up at the
front desk for one-on-one
instruction on social media,
laptops & smartphones. On
the second Monday in half
hour increments starting at
8:30 a.m.
Transportation - To/From
Center on Tues. & Thurs.
$2/within 3 miles of center,
$3/within 4 miles. Ask for
application at front desk.
Framing – Learn the art of framing your own projects, including matte board, glass &
moulding! $15 for 3 hours. See Mel Cooper to make an appointment.
*Knitting Club – Thursdays at noon. Don’t know how? Someone will show you! Just
bring your knitting needles and some yarn.
Laughs & Crafts with Sara Jo – Each second Thursday 9-11 am have fun socializing
while making crafts. See the front desk for examples of each craft. $2 per class.
*Loose Caboose Players - Calling all Actors! Rehearsals are Tuesdays 10 a.m. This is a
Reader’s Theater so you don’t have to worry about memorizing lines. Facilitated by
Kelsey Mahaffey and Ginger Newman.
Meditative Visual Arts Class - Before you paint, meditate! The fourth Tuesday of
every month at 10:00 a.m. with Janay Moreland of Vivid, LLC. $20 includes all supplies.
Each month’s painting will be displayed by the check-in computer. Tuesday,
September 27th.
*Photo Club – The Nashville Photography’s Digital Focus Group meets on the fourth
Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Meets September 27th.
*Quilting Club – Mondays from 11-2 p.m. Bring your materials and quilt away! Have
a question? Someone in the Club will be glad to help.
Guitar Lessons – By appointment with Vern
Pilder. $15/45 min. Inquire at the front desk.
*Karaoke – ‘D. J.’ Dottie Dillard leads the 2nd
Thursday of each month at 12:30 p.m. Come
sing your favorite song or just listen. Door
prizes! Join them September 8th.
*Open Music Jam – Every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. in Classroom #2.
Free Wi-Fi
We are happy to
provide FREE Wi-Fi here
at the center. See front
desk for password.
Piano & Voice Lessons – Fridays at 10 a.m. Taught by Geno Haffner. $15/30 minutes.
Call Geno at 310-4579 to schedule.
*Silver Notes Band – Kim Yearwood leads this 16+ big band on Wednesday at 2 p.m.
They perform all over Nashville. Did you play an instrument in high school? Join them.
* asterisk denotes free event
Class, Clubs & Groups on
a weekly rotation can be
found on their respective
pages within the
to the
State Fair
8:30 Tech Up
9:00 Second
10:30 Red Hats
10:00 Grief
11:15 Viva
l’Italia Trip
9:00 Second
9:00 Hiking
Club Trip
1:00 Reminisce
6:30 DBSA
10:30 Activities
12:00 Madison
10:00 Genealogy
10:00 Managing 10:00 Wisdom
Women’s Finances
10:00 Dementia
Support Group
Labor Day
9:00 Laughs
‘n’ Crafts
11:00 - 2:00
Fill the Truck
12:30 Karaoke
12:30 Film Club:
Miracles From
to Kentucky
T3- Trippin’
Third Thursday!
10:00 Wisdom
9:00 - 2:30
9:30 Trip to
10:30 Flu Shots
Hippie Radio
Ancient Wellness
11:00 Parnassus 10:00 Qigong
Practices of the
Book Mobile
Eastern World 12:30 Bunco
6:30 A Seat
Deadline for Tasty
At the Table
Tuesday Tickets
20 10:00 Memb. 21
11:30 TASTY
1:00 Centerwide Meeting
1:30 Inglewood
6:30 DBSA
Dinner Show
Ticket Deadline
10:00 Art Class
10:30 B. P. &
11:30 Lunch &
1:15 BINGO
6:00 Photo Club
8:30 Advisory
9:00 Legal Aid
10:00 Qigong
5:45 “Route 66”
Dinner Show
9:30 Fundraising
10:30 Inglewood
Trip to Rosemont
1:00 Book Club
10:30 Trip to
Ladies of Charity
12:30 Film Club:
9:45 Blue Heron
Cruise Trip
Trip to
Fall Fest
It's 1969, and one of the Midwest's premier
groups, "The Chicago Avenue Band" is about to
embark on a journey down Route 66. As they do,
you’ll enjoy an evening of 1950s and 60s rock and
’road’ hits like “King of the Road,” “Dead Man’s
Curve” , “G.T.O.”, and of course, “Route 66.”
The Tennessean says the show is “high octane fun”
with “seriously multi-talented performers” that
are “sure to satisfy.”
Menu: House Salad, Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes,
Green Beans, Roll, Dessert
Bible Conversation – Bible meets every Wednesday at 10 a.m.
Book Club – Discuss “A Full Life, Reflections at Ninety” by President Jimmy
Carter on September 28 at 1:00 pm. Available at the public library.
Bunco - Come play Bunco on the second Wednesday of every month at
12:30 p.m. We need at least 4 to play this easy dice game. Free prizes for
those who win the most and Bunco.
Film Club – At 12:30 p.m. on most second and fourth Fridays. On
September 9, we’ll watch a film that will make you believe in miracles! Take
a trip down memory lane with John Wayne on September 23 with one of
his classics. Have a movie suggestion? Let Sam know.
Gadabouts - Plans unique trips. Meets quarterly on the first Wednesday of
the month at 1:30 p.m. Must be present at meeting to sign up for trips
before T3
Genealogy Club – Meets the 1st Thursday at 10:00 a.m.
Inglewood & Friends – Meets 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. Plans
monthly trips. Must be present at meeting to sign up for trips before T3
Madison Travelers – Meets 1st Wednesday of each month at 12 p.m. Plans
monthly trips for evenings and weekends. In order to sign up for trips
before T3, you must be present at the meeting.
Mexican Train Dominoes – 12:30 p.m. every Wednesday. Come learn how
to play this fun game. Bring a set of dominoes if you have them.
Pop-Up Club – Sign up at the front desk to be made aware of last minute
deals on trips & entertainment, known as “pop-ups” as they are available.
Red Hat Society – 2nd Monday of each month at 10:30 a.m. $24 yearly
dues. Join these ladies for lunch in red and purple gear! Linda Kent, Queen.
Monday, September 12 they go to Sam’s Sports Grille in Old Hickory.
Please see the
suggestion box in
the front hallway
and our
Advisory Council
will review.
Reminisce – Meets 1st Tuesday at 1p.m. Go back
in time with Nancy McDougal. Door prizes!
Second Sight - Get together with other visually
impaired members of the community. Meets 2nd
& 4th Mondays at 9:00 a.m.
Wisdom Writers Club - Join others in Life Story
Writing. Meets 1st & 3rd Fridays of the Month at
10:00 am.
Wellness Resources are continued here
from the Exercise Class page.
Fitness Center Equipment - Ask at
the front desk. Staff will be happy to
answer questions & demonstrate how
to use the machines.
Grief Support Group Every first and third Monday at
10:00 a.m. a free support group for
those dealing with the stages of grief.
Meet with others who are journeying
through the same processes in a safe
and confidential environment.
Facilitated by Adam Waltenbaugh,
Masters in Counseling, Vanderbilt.
Living at Home Services Providing referrals to help seniors
remain at home as long as possible.
Call Emily at 615-860-7180.
Medicare Counseling Ray Daws, seasoned SHIP volunteer,
is ready to assist with any Medicare
questions you may have. He can be
reached at 615-628-8592 and by
email at rdaws@comcast.net.
Metro Nutrition Program Lunch for seniors over 60. Must apply
with Metro first. Mon-Fri, 11:30 am.
48 hour reservation required. Also
serving Meals on Wheels. Contact
Felicia Whitaker at 615-860-7180.
Donations requested.
Therapeutic Massage Sue Truitt provides massages at her
home, which is close to the Center.
Call her at 615-868-7032 or 615-5193788 to schedule.
Walk Our Parking Lot - It’s the
perfect time of year to
get outside and walk!
Four times around
our parking lot (on the
outside edge)
equals one mile!
Trips are posted on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Payment is DUE at
sign-up. If the trip is full, put your name on the waiting list.
Madison Travelers & The Kentucky Turf Cup
Just over the state line, the thrill of Kentucky
Downs awaits. Kentucky Downs only features live
thoroughbred horseraces in the month of September and this day we'll see the high stakes race, the
Kentucky Turf Cup! The races will begin at 1:25
and we’ll enjoy them until 3:30. Until then and in
between races, enjoy eating on your own at the
concessions or the restaurant. Be sure to also take
in the Dixieland band, a petting zoo and more.
Saturday, September 10 - 11:30 am $8 + Lunch
Double Whammy! WannaBeatles at
The State Fair
Take in an evening of games, fun, shows and
rides at the Tennessee State Fair. Enjoy a dinner of
classic fair tastes on your own at the many
featured vendors. Round out the night with the
sounds of the fabulous and fun Beatles tribute
band, the WannaBeatles! They will go on at 7:30,
so you may want to grab a seat early! *Note: Bring
$6 cash for your senior fair rate.*
Sunday, September 11 - 5:30 pm $6 + Entrance + Dinner
Feelin’ Groovy
In June, Hippie Radio helped bring awareness to
FiftyForward’s Care Team resources and
services by broadcasting from the Knowles location. Let’s check them out now on their home turf
and see what radio broadcasting behind the scenes
is really all about.
Round out the groovy vibe
with lunch at Mellow Mushroom for delicious pizza, salads and pasta options.
*Note: Hurry to
sign up, a maximum of 9 are able attend.*
Wednesday, September 14 - 9:30 a.m. $7 + Lunch
Viva I'Italia
Head downtown for an Italian-inspired day!
Begin with lunch at The Old Spaghetti Factory.
Afterward, soak up The Frist Center’s exhibition
“Bellissima! The Italian Automotive Renaissance,
1945–1975.” This exhibition celebrates the visual
delight and fine examples of Italian design by
showcasing the following beauties in the flesh:
Ducati, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati and more.
Vroom vroom!
Monday, September 19 - 11:15 am $12 + Lunch
301 Madison St. Madison, TN 37115
Picnicking to Thrifting
Get your thrift on at the Ladies of Charity Thrift
Shop! The Thrift Shop, which is now a Nashville
institution, opens twice a year in the spring and
fall. Clothing is accepted by invitation only in order
to meet their high standards. We’ll arrive on the
first day of the sale so be prepared for a possible
crowd. Let’s let the crowds die down a little and
have lunch first. The Picnic Café offers up
chicken salad that has even been commended in
the “Cooking with Paula Deen” magazine!
Friday, September 23 - 10:30 am $6 + Lunch
FiftyForward Donelson Fall Fest and Barbecue
Support one of our sister Centers for some fall
fun! The annual Donelson Station Fall
Festival and Barbecue has so many crowd-pleasing
activities to offer: live music, craft fair and market,
bargain basement and silent auction.
A lunch of barbecue sandwiches and plates will
be available for purchase on site.
Saturday, September 24 - 10:00 am $5 + Lunch
Inglewood & Friends Travel Through Time
The Inglewood and Friends Club invites you to
travel through time with them! First, try Sam’s
recommendation of Swaney Swifts on the Square, a
restaurant with a theme that hearkens back to yesteryear’s soda fountains and pharmacies. This spot
also features an indoor movie screen often playing
classic films as you dine. Enjoy a repast of burgers, sandwiches, salads and desserts. Sam recommends the hand-spun milkshakes! Adjourn to the
historic Rose Mont in Gallatin. Tour the home built
in the 1830's which features a blend of Greek Revival and Palladian design plus a rare tripartite
floor plan. *Note: Please bring $4 cash for your entrance fee into Rose Mont.*
Wednesday, September 28 - 10:30 am $7 + Entrance Fee + Lunch
FULL Trips:
Hiking Deserves Good Eats
Monday, September 26 - 9:00 am $6 + Lunch
Blue Heron Cruise
Thursday, September 29 - 9:45 am $20 + Lunch
(615) 860-7180
Laughs ’n’ Crafts - September 8
Join the Adult Coloring Craze this month and come Thursday, September 8 for a FREE
“Color-In!” Laughs n’ Crafts will meet from 9:00 am to Noon (drop in anytime!) in the
Conference Room for a morning of coloring! Bring your own pencils, crayons, and books
or use ours! And most importantly, plan to relax and have fun!
Submissions Being Taken For
Member Art Show
October is “Artober” and we want to display YOUR art,
writing, crafts, etc. for the rest of our members to see. Bring
your submissions—anything “artsy!”— to Sam in the
month of September and we will display them in October.
No more than two submissions per person please.
At left is a drawing by new member Sam Eaton.
Noah’s Ark Anyone?
We have had several people tell us they are interested in an
overnight trip to the new Noah’s Ark in Williamstown,
Kentucky. If you too would be interested, sign up with
Julie at the front desk. If we have enough we will
work with Janice Judd of FiftyForward Travel to
plan a Madison-only event!
Bowling Anyone?
We’ve challenged our sister center Donelson Station in softball and pool, now
how about bowling? If you would be interested in competing in a FiftyForward Bowling
Tournament, sign up with Julie at the front desk.
Canning Anyone?
We would like to know if anyone would be interested in taking a class in learning how to
can vegetables and fruits. And if so we need an instructor! If you would be interested in
either taking a class on canning or teaching one, please see Julie or Sam.
Ready to Join?
A membership is just
$120 per year. Bank draft
of just $10 per month is
available as well. We are
a SilverSneakers and
Silver & Fit reimbursed
Taste of Madison—The 21st Annual Event celebrating the
best tastes around town is September 27th from 5:00 to 7:30
pm at Goodpasture Christian School. Tickets are $10. Buy
in advance at the FiftyForward front desk.
Al-Anon Support Group—If you have a family or friend
who suffers from alcoholism, there is a support group for
you right here in Madison. Al-Anon meets Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays from Noon to 1:00 pm at Serenity
House (102 Harris St.). You don’t have to drink to suffer
from alcoholism. Questions? Call 615-333-6066.
Each day, Metro Social Services
provides a hot meal to an
average 20-30 of our members
who are a part of the Metro Meals
program. This is a free service
managed here by Felicia
Whitaker and her wonderful
Not only do participants get
meals, they also get education
from Second Harvest, play
games, go on field trips and more!
If you would like more
information, call Felicia Whitaker
to make an appointment at
Oct. 11-19
Nov. 8-10
Mystery Tour #2
Dec. 30-Jan 2
Rose Bowl New Year’s
Feb. 15-Mar. 1, 2017
Cape Horne
March-April 7, 2017
Panama Canal
April 26-May 3, 2017
May 29-June 1, 2017
July 23-31, 2017
American Queen
Steamboat Tour
Oct. 25-Nov. 1
Call Janice Judd for
more information at
Contact Us
(615) 860-7180
Fax (615) 860-7732
FiftyForward Madison Station
Staff & Email:
Kelsey Mahaffey Center Director
Samantha Garlock Program Manager
Julie Reeves Office Manager
Bethanie Peadro FLIP Coordinator
Emily EriamiatoeCare Manager
Darryl Brady - Maintenance
Ron Lashbrook - Van Driver
Felicia Whitaker - Metro Meals
Where are
we located?
Even though our address is
301 Madison Street, we are
physically located at the end of
Douglas Street. There is a sign out
front that says ‘FiftyForward
Madison Station.’ Parking and
entrance are in the back.
FiftyForward Madison Station
301 Madison St.
Madison, TN 37115
A Day of Presentations
and Demonstrations
discovering the ancient
fitness and alternative
healing techniques of the
eastern world.
Sign Up for One or More of These Classes at the Front Desk!
9:00 EFT Tapping
An easy to apply Chinese self-acupressure technique
which helps overcome emotional stress and pain.
11:00 am Yoga
Always wondered about Indian-inspired yoga or thought
you couldn’t possibly do it? Let us enlighten you!
11:45 am Asian Lunch
FREE Lunch (Chinese Chicken Salad, Thai Style Lemongrass Soup,
Japanese Style Gyoza a (pot stickers), Chai Tea Rice Pudding) ONLY
for those who register for 3 + classes. Ticket required.
1:00 pm Tai Chi
This gentle Chinese stressreliever can improve flexibility,
mobility, balance & overall health.
1:30pm Qigong
& Reiki
Qigong is a Chinese moving
meditation practiced for exercise,
relaxation & preventative medicine. Reiki is a Japanese
hands-on healing practice similar to massage.
Qigong Classes Start September 16
Like what you see September 13? FREE Qigong classes (see description above)
start Friday, September 16 at 10:00 am and continue each Friday.
After Qigong, Reiki Master Cyndi Clark will offer Reiki sessions (see above) for
$15/15 min; $25/30 min. Appointments can be made at the front desk.

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