September 2014 - Turkey Creek Division


September 2014 - Turkey Creek Division
Lightning Slinger
VOL 28 NO. 9
“For all gauges and all ages”
September 2014
Turkey Creek Division
Meeting September 23 7pm
Shawnee Mission North
High School
Two Mini Clinics
Marty Vaughn MMR
On Items You Can Get at a Craft Store or Other
Ray Brown
On Making a 50,000 gal. D&RG Water Tank from
the Turn of the Century
EtflhC Lightning Slinger
September 2014
Hell-o Ray Here.
I’m happy to hear that we had a nice turnout last month
north of the river. I’m sorry I didn’t make it. I was really
looking forward to seeing Floyd & Mike’s layouts again.
We will discuss the possibility of having another meeting
up there again. Hopefully we can get the word out a little
better next time.
I saw some of you at the NNGC and some came to see my
layout on tour. I hope everyone had a good time. I think all
of us need to support all of our railroad modelers and do
what ever we can to promote model railroading. I did see a
few younger people at the convention, by young I mean
under 50.
I wonder some times where model railroading is headed.
I know my kids aren’t interested in trains. They come down
and look at the layout once in a while and tell me it looks
nice and it looks like a lot of work. But I remember that
feeling of being intimidated and overwhelmed at seeing
some of the layouts, but I did have an interest in trains.
They don’t! My Grandkids like to look at it for a few
minuets but then want to go back to doing something else. I
don’t know what we do to get them interested. We can’t
carry our layouts in our hands.
Our clinic for this month has been changed. Being busy
with the layout for convention and then my daughter’s
consignment sale I didn’t get in touch with our clinician as
soon as I would have liked. In fact I never could get in
touch with him. So we will have two mini clinics. Marty
Vaughn will give one on items you can get at a craft store or
other places. I will give one on making a 50,000 gal.
D&RG water tank from the turn of the century. I haven’t
got my tree clinic done yet but I will get it done and do it in
the future,
See you at the meeting!
Ray Brown
Turkey Creek Division
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Raymond Brown
HP: 913-787-7053
Robert M Spurgat
HP: 816-233-0046
Clerk Steve McKee
HP: 913-780-9009
Division Director
Larry W Diehl
HP: 913-441-1605
C: 816-804-0152
Train Show Chairman 2014
Louis O Seibel
HP: 913-393-3495
C: 913-927-6850
Membership Chair
Louis O Seibel
HP: 913-393-3495
C: 913-927-6850
L S Editor
Ted Tschirhart
HP: 816-861-3449
Lightning Slinger
Mar LS Mar 15th
AP Merit Awards &
Joe B. Robertson, MMR
HP: 816-331-2773
Past Superintendent
Larry W Diehl
HP: 913-441-1605
C: 816-804-0152
Web Master
Richard Kennedy
HP: 913-796-6830
Turkey Creek Division
IS A 501(C) (3)
Turkey Creek Division
August 26, 2014
The group met at the home of Floyd Brittian, MMR,
in North Kansas City at 6:45 PM. Floyd gave an orientation and tour of his model railroad, the Midland Valley.
At 7:45 PM the group re-convened at the home of Mike
Porter to see his representation of the Chicago Great
Western RR and connecting lines. Floyd introduced
Mike's railroad and conducted a tour of the layout. Both
layouts featured a Midwestern setting, dispatcher and
operation, with a waybill and car card system of car forwarding.
Larry Diehl, Acting President, called the business
meeting to order at 8:10 PM. Bob Spurgat was appointed
Acting Secretary. 26 members and guests were present.
The Paymaster Report was presented by Bob Spurgat.
On 6/24/2014 the balance for Turkey Creek was
$5,643.88. For the 2-month period ending 8/26/2014,
income from the Turkey Creek Train Show 2014 totaled
$2,659.00, total expenses for the Division of $3,167.27,
leaving a bank balance and petty cash of $5,135.61. A
detailed Balance Sheet for the Turkey Creek Train Show
2014 showed a total income of $3,759.00, expenses of
$2,707.92, leaving a net income (profit) of $1,051.08.
Other Business:
Larry Diehl, Regional Director, reported that the National Model Railroad Association, due to favorable legislation, decided to keep its Articles of Incorporation registered in the state of Ohio. He also noted that the
NMRA is deliberating the benefits of including all member Regions and Divisions under its existing 501 (c) 3 not
-for-profit umbrella. Larry indicated that one of the major benefits of our existing relationship with the NMRA
is the inexpensive liability insurance we can purchase
when we use public facilities, e.g. Shawnee Mission
School District, at $25/annum. Pros and cons of these
issues were discussed. Larry requested thoughtful consideration when this issue is voted on by the membership
in the future.
Calamity Line
901 W. Santa Fe Street
Calamity Line Park is located on the south side of
Santa Fe Street between Iowa and Marion
Streets. The park also has a walk-in entrance point
on Park Street, west of Logan Street.
History: The 11 acre park was dedicated in 1997.
In the early 1870’s, Johnson County voted $100,000
in bonds to support the construction of this railroad
and the Olathe Township voted an additional
$25,000 in bonds if the line would cross the township. In 1872, shortly after the Civil War, a rail line
was built in Olathe and ran through the land that is
now this city park. This line ran from Olathe to Cedar Junction near DeSoto, then on to Lawrence and
points west. The rail line was the St. Louis, Lawrence, Denver and Western Railroad yet locals preferred to call it the “Calamity Line” as the line always seemed to operate on a financial shoestring. The line followed the winding banks of Cedar Creek through what is now Ernie Miller Park
from Olathe northwesterly to the Kaw River. From
Olathe, the line also traveled southeasterly through
Stanley, across what is now Iron Horse Golf Course
in Leawood, and crossed the Blue River near Kenneth Road in route to Belton and Springfield, Missouri.
The National Narrow Gauge Convention will be held
at the Overland Park International Convention Center,
September 3 - 6, 2014. Volunteers for various duties are
being recruited by Kent Hurley, with the promise of a 1day free admission and a Convention T-shirt.
Thanks to Floyd Brittian and Mike Porter for hosting
tonight's meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert M. Spurgat, Acting Secretary
EtflhC Lightning Slinger
September 2014
Union Station Through the Years
1903 The second great Kansas City flood consumes the railroad station in the city's West Bottoms district. Rail executives decide to build
a new train station on higher ground and in a more central location.
1906 Twelve railroad companies unite to form the Kansas City Terminal Railroad (KCTR). Chicago architect Jarvis Hunt is selected to design the new station.
1911 Construction begins on the massive building. Union Station is
designed in the beaux-arts architectural style popular in the United
States and France in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
October 30, 1914 Union Station opens to the public. Just after midnight on the morning of Nov. 1, the first train, the Missouri-KansasTexas Flyer, arrives at Union Station. The station cost nearly $6 million and was part of a $50 million investment by KCTR that also included track additions, switching towers, viaducts and bridges.
1917 Rail traffic peaks during WWI-with 79,368 trains passing through
the Station, including 271 trains in one day.
1921 All five World War I allied commanders arrive by train at Union
Station and meet together for groundbreaking ceremonies for the
Liberty Memorial. Located across the street from Union Station, the
Liberty Memorial is a monument dedicated to the men and women
who served and died in World War I. The memorial was dedicated in
June 17, 1933 One of the most infamous dates in Kansas City history
is the Union Station Massacre. Convicted mobster Frank Nash, under
escort by a team of FBI agents and police officers was shot and killed
outside the Station during a shootout. Four law enforcement officers
were also killed. There are marks on the front of the building that for
years were claimed as bullet holes from the shooting, but tests by
Kansas City, Mo. police recently showed the marks could not have
come from bullets. However, the myth and the mystery of the incident
live on. There were various theories that other mobsters had committed the crime, but the only man ever charged was Adam Richetti who
died in Missouri's gas chamber. As result of the massacre, Congress
strengthened the power of the FBI.
1945 Passenger traffic hits a record 678,363 travelers with a significant number of America's armed forces personnel passing through
Union Station on their way home from World War II.
1950-1970 Passenger rail traffic starts to decline as the airline industry grows.
1968 The Fred Harvey Company operations-including the Westport
Room restaurant and retail shops close.
1972 Union Station receives federal designation as a protected structure and is placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
1973 Passenger traffic drops to only 32,842 for the year. Only six
trains a day pass through the Station.
4 Page September 2014
1974 Kansas City approves a development contract with Trizec, a
Canadian redevelopment firm, to develop the Station and surrounding
1979-1986 Trizec constructs two office buildings, One and Two Pershing Square, on the property around the Station but is unable to
make improvements to the building.
1983 The Station closes except for Amtrak's inflatable bubble inside
the Grand Hall and the Lobster Pot restaurant. Amtrak leaves in 1985
and the Lobster Pot closes in 1989.
1988 The city of Kansas City, Mo. initiates legal action against the
redevelopment company for failing to redevelop the Station.
1994 The City and Trizec agree to settle their six-year lawsuit. A new
not-for-profit corporation, Union Station Assistance Corporation
(USAC), is established to own the Station.
1996 Voters in Jackson, Clay and Platte counties in Missouri and
Johnson County in Kansas approve a one-eighth of a cent bi-state
sales tax to restore and redevelop Union Station and create a science
museum. The tax raised $118 million toward the total $250 million
project. The remaining money was raised through private donations
and federal funds. The passage of the bi-state tax is thought to be the
first of its kind in the history of the United States.
November 10, 1999 Union Station opens to the public once again.
The building, restored to its former glory, now includes shops, restaurants, theaters and Science City, an interactive science center.
December 2002 In 2002, Amtrak comes back inside the Station to
operate from a renovated $4.6 million passenger boarding and ticketing facility. The U.S. Post Office also sets up an office inside the Station.
September 2005 The KC Rail Experience, a permanent exhibit celebrating both the history of the railroads and Union Station, opens.
2006 Kansas City Southern moves a former train bridge to connect
Union Station with the Freight House District that soon evolves into
the Crossroads Arts District, also connecting to the burgeoning Downtown development.
2008 a beautiful 20,000-square-foot exhibit gallery is built on lower
level to host the world-class traveling exhibits, such as Bodies Revealed, Dinosaurs Unearthed, Diana, and Titanic. Revenues from
these traveling exhibits add additional sources of funding that help
stabilize the Station.
2010 Union Station’s board and staff recognize that leasing office
space inside the Station is another important way to stabilize the Station’s sustainability. Within months, several key civic organizations
embrace Union Station as their new home – including the Kansas City
Chamber of Commerce, Kansas City Area Development Council,
Kansas City Area Life Sciences, Kansas City Election Board and
UMKC professional development.
2011 Science City begins and upgrading plan when Burns & McDonnell invests $1.25 million in new exhibits and sponsors The Battle of
Lightning Slinger opbd
the Brains contest to get area schools involved in designing another
new exhibit.
2012 Science City welcomes the new Science on a Sphere exhibit
featuring a giant hanging sphere that projects images across the
sphere and shares programs in earth science, planetary science, nature and weather patterns and other science topics.
2013 Science City opens The Science of Energy, which was the win-
ning entry from the Battle of the Brains competition, and was designed
by students from Olathe North High School.
March 2013 the fully renovated Regnier Extreme Screen Theatre reopens and begins offering nature films and first-run movies for the first
time. The theatre is wired with a 1 gig connectivity, offering the opportunity for live streams on the large screen for special presentations
and conferences.
EtflhC Lightning Slinger
September 2014
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EtflhC Lightning Slinger
September 2014
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EtflhC Lightning Slinger
September 2014
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EtflhC Lightning Slinger
September 2014
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Monthly Book Review by Dave Jacobs
Johnson, M. “In Search of Steam Donkeys…, Logging Equipment in Oregon” Timber Times,
Hillsboro, OR, 1996
(Copies are available from Amazon and Abe Books)
When I elected to build an old time prototypical logging camp, of course I wanted to install a
spar tree. I had reviewed a number of publications and thought a spar tree would be little more
than a big stick in the ground. There are a lot of published photographs showing lines which extend to the photographic margins, without explanation of just where they go, what they do or
why they are there. I dug deeper and found more such unhelpful sources.
Then Mr. Bob Bayley of the Turkey Creek group came along and loaned me his copy of this
wonderful book. True to its title it provides terrific information about steam donkeys and related equipment. Such gear includes not only donkeys but also loaders. Spar trees came to include
myriads of lines, shackles and blocks. This book provides information about booms and related
equipment. I have not found such helpful information elsewhere. The volume even includes
explanatory diagrams.
(I must confess that I still needed help to construct the spar tree, and it was provided graciously
by an experienced train enthusiast.)
EtflhC Lightning Slinger
September 2014
SWITCH LIST September 2014
*new since last issue
The Switch List contains all known Mid-Continent Region,
NMRA, train shows and Division meetings. It also lists all
known club shows and swap meets in the Mid-Continent
Region (IA, IL, MO, AR, NE, KS, and OK). To list your event
information please Email:, or Mail
Information: Louis Seibel, 1069 N Logan, Olathe, KS 66061.
To subscribe, or unsubscribe, to The Switch List send an email
to the above link. Look for us on the MCoR web site: . Please put me in your newsletter.
Thursday each month, 7:00 P.M. at HyVee East upstairs
meeting room. Corner of 1st Street and Norfolk, Ave. Info:
James B Van Dekden, Div. Dir. 402 833-5531 or for more information.
Eastern Iowa Division: For mor e infor mation please
contact EID Superintendent, Tony Bowen MMR at: for other division activities check
out our website monthly at:
easterniowadivision/ or the division’s Facebook Page at:
Eastern Iowa Division
Monday each month, 7:00 P.M. Odd numbered months:
Trinity Lutheran Church, 14088 Clayton Road at Woods Mill
Rd (Hwy 141), Ballwin, MO; Even numbered months: VFW
Hall, O’Fallon, IL
INDIAN NATIONS DIVISION Unless other wise specified,
all Indian Nations NMRA meets are held at the new Hardesty
Library, 8316 E. 93rd. St., just east of Memorial Rd. in Tulsa,
OK. The library opens at 9:00 am and the meetings start at
9:30 am. Web page: Superintendent Dave Salamon (918)272-5512 or
KANSAS CENTRAL DIVISION Meetings ar e at 1:00 pm.
For the full schedule check the MCoR website or email:
KATE SHELLEY DIVISION meets the 4th Thur sday of
every month except Nov. which we meet the 3rd. Dec. we have
no meetings. The Ames Public Library is being remodeled, so
contact KSD officers per the NMRA website for latest meeting
place. This arrangement is in effect until mid-summer 2014.
Business meeting starts at 6 PM and at 7 PM we have a get
together, anything railroad goes. The Library is at 515 Douglas
Ave. Contact KSD thru the NMRA web site.
months in the Oklahoma City area. All who are interested in
Model railroading are welcome. Info:
and KEARNEY, NE) Meets quar ter ly in member s’ homes
on a rotating basis or at sites of interest. New members are
always welcome. Info: Todd L. Petersen, Div. Dir. 308-8322200 or
on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 pm at Shawnee
14 Page September 2014
Mission East High School. Check the Division Timetable at
information. Info: Louis Seibel, 913-393-3495 or 913-9276850
COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA) meets second Satur day (except
June and December) at noon in the Sump Library at 2nd &
Washington Streets in Papillion (across from Runza). Visit for more info and a map. The new web
site is found at
Meets every Tuesday evening from 6:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at
4091/2 N. Main St. (second floor above "Stage" department
store, rear entrance from parking lot) 6 layouts on display (1-
O27, 2-HO, 3-N) Operating sessions available Info:
Robert Simmons, Division Director 620-521-3591
cell or 620-272-0444 Home
Monthly News in a Glance
Friday, September 12 – Topeka Chapter, Great Overland
Station, 701 N. Kansas, 7:00
Saturday, September 20 – Wichita Chapter, Great Plains
Transportation Museum (enter at upper level), annual picnic
and train watching
Friday, September 27 – Kansas City Chapter, Union Station,
Arthur Stillwell Room, 7:00. Information: Deek Deitrick,
Tuesday, September 9 – Lawrence Model Railroad, 111 E.
1400 Rd., Lawrence.
Information: Steve Meseraul,
Saturday, September 13 – Kansas Pacific Model Railroad,
Ellis Museum, 911 Washington, 10:00.
Lunch at a
restaurant afterward.
Information: Tom Robinson,
Monday, September 15 – Topeka Model Railroaders, Topeka/
Shawnee Co. Public Library, 1515 SW 10 th ,
7:00. Information: Tony Fox,
Thursday, September 18 – Kansas City Narrow Gaugers, at
members’ homes, 7:00. Information: Dean Windsor,
First Sunday of the month at 3:00 P.M. at the Hear tland NTrak Clubhouse in Liberty, MO.
First and Third Sunday - Cherry Valley Model Railroad Club,
Leatherock Hotel Center, 420 North Depot Street, Cherryvale,
KS 1:00 PM. Information contact John Dhooghe,
They can contact me at for more details.
Every Sunday – Weekend N’gineers, 16624 W. 126th St.,
Olathe, 1:00. Information: Ken Clark,, or Mark Huff, 816-455-9779
Lightning Slinger opbd
Every Sunday -- North East Kansas Model Railroaders, 12”
scale, 1440 N. 6th St., Atchison, noon-4:00. Information:
Otto Wick, 913-367-7536, or Steve Schaefer, 316-367-6202
Every Sunday – Kansas City Society of Model Engineers,
Great Mall of the Plains, store 190, 20070 W. 151 st St.,
Olathe, I-35 exit 215, 7:00-9:00. Information: Louis Seibel,
Every Monday – Garden City Model Train, 408 N. Main,
back entrance, 6:30.
Information: Robert Simmons,
Every Wednesday – Kansas City Society of Model Engineers,
Every Thursday – North East Kansas Model Railroaders,
HO gauge, 7:00. Information: Otto Wick, 913-367-7536, or
Steve Schaefer, 913-367-6202
Every Saturday – Mid Kansas Model Railroader, 1130 E.
Kansas, McPherson.
Information: John Snell,
Every Saturday – Kansas City Society of Model Engineers
Every Saturday – North East Kansas Model Railroaders, 12”
scale, 10:00-4:00
Every Saturday – Kansas City Society of Model Engineers,
Tuesday, September 9 – Platte Valley (Hastings, Grand
Island, Kearney, NE), at members’ homes. Information:
John O’Neill,
Sunday, September 21 – Heartland N-TRAK of Greater
Kansas City, at members’ homes. Information: Dick
Sunday, September 21 – Indian Nations, Hardesty Library,
8316 E. 93rd St., Tulsa, 9:30-12:30. Layout tour at a
members’ layout. Information: Dave Salamon,
Tuesday, September 23 – Turkey Creek. Program: Clinic
“Laser Kits, Design, Layout, & Cutting” by Mike Fyten
Every Monday – Western Kansas, 409½ N. Main, Garden
City, 6:30-9:00. Information: Robert Simmons,
trainman55@hotmail.comEvery Wednesday – Greater
Kansas City Model Railroad Club, 6060 NW Waukomis Dr.,
Kansas City, MO, 7:00.
Information: J. D. Spicher,, or W. L. Ohrnell,
Every Saturday – Boothill Model Railroad,
1:00. Information: Robert Simmons,
Saturday, September 20 – Wichita Area Garden Railway
Society, at members’ layouts.
Information: Claudia
Thursday, September 25 – Tulsa Garden Railroad Club
Sunday, September 28 – Northeast Kansas
Every Tuesday – Just a group who meets for breakfast and
to train watch, Spangler’s, K-15 & Pawnee, 10:00
Saturday-Sunday, September 27-28 – Wichita Toy Train
Club Swap Meet, Cessna Activity Center, Sat. 9:00-5:00,
Sun. 11:00-4:
Sunday October 5th 2014
Washington Iowa
Train Show and Swap Meet 9am to 3pm KC Hall,
Washington, Iowa. Admission- $5.00 -Adults,
$1.00 - Children 10 to 16, All scales, New and Used
equipment, Train Club open at 2 pm. ContactMike Worley 319-653-3782 Or
Thursday-Sunday, October 9-12 – MPHS/Frisco Convention,
Holiday Inn, 3615 S. Rangeline Rd,, Joplin, MO.
Saturday October 11th Cowboy Line Division Fall Division
Meet, Location First Choice Catering and Party Rental, 1110
S. 9th Street Norfolk, NE, Check out the NMRA Cowboy Line
Saturday-Sunday, October 18-19 – Western Kansas Train
Show, Ellis Co. Fairgrounds, Hays, Sat. 9:00-5:00, Sun.
11:00-4:00. Information:
Saturday-Sunday, November 1-2 – Mid-Continent Prototype
Modelers Meet, Benton Comm. Center, Benton, Sat. 9:005:00, Sunday 10:00-3:00. Information:
Saturday-Sunday, November 23-24 – Boot Hill Model
Railroad Club Train Show, Expo Center, Dodge City, Sat.
10:00-6:00, Sun. 11:00-4:00. Information: Don Delzeit,
Friday-Monday, August 29-September 1 – Railfest, Midland
Railway, Baldwin City. Steam 9:00, 11:00, 1:00, tickets adult
$15.00, child $10.00; diesel to Ottawa 2:30 tickets adult
$16.00, child $8.00. Information:
Saturday-Sunday, August 30-31 – Little Balkins Days,
Pittsburg, 9:00, 11:00. Load at Elm & Monroe
Saturday, September 28 – Artist Alley, Chanute, 10:00, 1:00,
3:00. Load at depot
Saturday, October 4 – Dalton Defenders Day, Coffeyville,
10:00, 12:00, 2:00. Tickets: The Defenders Inn, 104 W. 11th,
620-688-6900 or 620-688-6901; Coffeyville Chamber, 807 N.
Walnut, 620-251-2550; American Family Insurance, 407 W.
11th, 620-251-3197
Saturday, October 18 – Halloween Rides, Carona, 10:00,
1:00, 3:00. Load at depot
Friday-Saturday, October 17-18 – Maple Leaf Weekend,
Midland Railway, Baldwin City, hourly from 10:00 til 4:00,
$8.00. Information:
Friday-Saturday, October 17-18 – Night Trains of Terror,
Midland Railway, Baldwin City, 6:30, 8:30, 10:30. Tickets:
adult $18.00, child 2-11 $12.00.
Saturday-Sunday, December 6-7, 13-14 – Santa Claus
Express, 10:00, 1:00, 3:30. Tickets: adult $16.00, child 1-11
$10.00. Information:
Wednesday-Saturday, September 3-6 – National Narrow
Gauge Convention, Overland Park Convention
EtflhC Lightning Slinger
September 2014
Center. Home layout tours, clinics, vendors. Layout tours
also on the 2nd-7th. Information:
www.kansascity2014.comSaturday-Sunday, November 1-2 –
Mid-Continent Prototype Modelers Meet, Benton Comm.
Center, Benton, Sat. 9:00-5:00, Sunday 10:003:00. Information:
Saturday-Sunday, November 23-24 – Boot Hill Model
Railroad Club Train Show, Expo Center, Dodge City, Sat.
10:00-6:00, Sun. 11:00-4:00. Information: Don Delzeit,
Wednesday-Saturday, September 3-6 – National Narrow
Gauge Convention, Overland Park.
September 16th 2014 Railroad Swap Meet sponsor ed by the
Boeing Employees Railroad Club at Greensfelder recreation
Complex at Queeny Park 550 Wiedman Rd , St Louis MO
63011 10 to 3 Admission $3 (children under 12 Free) for
registration information contact Wayne Schimmel at 636-6686313 or email
Saturday-Sunday, September 27-28 – Wichita Toy Train
Club Swap Meet, Cessna Activity Center, Sat. 9:00-5:00,
Sun. 11:00-4:00
October 5th 2014 Washington Iowa Train Show and Swap
Meet 9am to 3pm KC Hall, Washington, Iowa Admission$5.00 Adults, $1.00 Children 10 to 16 all scales, New and
Used equipment Train Club open at 2 pm. Contact Mike
Thursday-Sunday, October 9-12 – MPHS/Frisco Convention,
Holiday Inn, 3615 S. Rangeline Rd,, Joplin, MO.
October 11, 2014 The Cowboy Line Division, MCOR
Region of the NMRA will be having a Division Meet. The
Division Meet will be held at First Choice Catering, 1109 S.
9th Street, Norfolk, NE. Registration will begin at 8 AM with
the Meet starting at 9:30 AM. Contact Division Meet Chair
Craig Drenkow at or by mail at
1306 Parkview Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701.
Saturday-Sunday, October 18-19 – Western Kansas Train
Show, Ellis Co. Fairgrounds, Hays, Sat. 9:00-5:00, Sun.
11:00-4:00. Information:
October 17-18, Maple Leaf Weekend, Midland Railway,
Baldwin City, Kansas Hourly departures, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
$8.00 all For more information check website
October 17-18 & 24-25 Night Trains of Terror (Halloween
Train) Midland Railway, Baldwin City, Kansas 6:30 PM,
8:30 PM and 10:30 PM Adults $18; Children (2-11) $12 For
more information Website
Saturday-Sunday, November 1-2 Illinois, Belleville - The
Gateway Division of NMRA’s Mid-Continent Region is
holding their 2014 Fall Model Train Meet in Belleville, Illinois
on November 1 and 2, 2014. The location is the Oliver C.
Joseph Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram dealership, 3795 West State
Route 15, Belleville, IL 62226. There will be clinics, swap
tables, model contests, operating model train layouts,
children’s activities, a free locomotive test and tune-up station
and tours of a 1927 Northern Pacific Empire Builder Railcar.
There will also be free home model railroad layout tours
available after the Meet closes. Admission to the 2014 Fall
Model Train Meet is FREE. The meet’s hours are 9 AM to 3
PM on Nov. 1st and 11 AM to 3 PM on Nov. 2 nd.
16 Page September 2014
Saturday November 1, 2014 Kate Shelley Division will be
having their "Twenty Third Annual Train Show" from 9 AM to
3:30 PM at United Community School between Ames and
Boone, Iowa, on Highway 30. There will be model and
photo contests, a silent auction, 90 plus tables of dealers/
vendors, food and refreshments on site. Want a flyer? E-mail
KSD's Superintendent at with
your name and address.
Saturday-Sunday, November 1-2 – Mid-Continent Prototype
Modelers Meet, Benton Comm. Center, Benton, Sat. 9:005:00, Sunday 10:00-3:00. Information:
Saturday-Sunday, November 23-24 – Boot Hill Model
Railroad Club Train Show, Expo Center, Dodge City, Sat.
10:00-6:00, Sun. 11:00-4:00. Information: Don Delzeit,
Wednesday-Saturday, September 3-6 – National Narrow
Gauge Convention, Overland Park.
www.kansascity2014.comNovember 29th, 2014 Train Show
and Swap Meet, J oplin MO, The J oplin Museum Complex
is hosting a Train Show and Swap Meet Saturday from 9am to
3pm at the Joplin Museum Complex. The Museum is located
in Schifferdecker Park, 7th and Schifferdecker streets, Joplin,
Missouri. Included will be operating model train layouts and
over 60 tables of items for sale or trade. Admission is $3 adult,
children 12 and under admitted free with paid adult. All
proceeds at the door go to benefit the Joplin Museum
Complex. Swap tables are $15 each. For more information
contact Rick Gardner at 417-673-4888 or e-mail
November 29-30 Collinsville, IL Gateway Center, Show
Hours Satur day & Sunday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM The Great
Train Show is the largest traveling model train show in the
country, serving well-over 30 major cities. The Great Train
Show is a national, traveling show that caters to the model
railroad30 major cities. The Great Train Show is a national,
traveling show that caters to the model railroad enthusiast. The
show features 200-500 tables of train dealers, who offer
everything from...HO Scale, N Scale, Lionel (O Gauge), G
Gauge, Z Scale, American Flyer (S Gauge), hobby tools, diecast vehicles, train whistles, scenery items, Railroadiania,
Slides, t-shirts, videos, railroad gift items, books, photos and
much, MUCH MORE ! Free Workshops for Beginners &
Experienced Modelers! Ask Questions & Take Notes Talk
With Model Railroading Experts! The show offers a variety of
operating model railroad and toy layouts for the entire family
to enjoy in many different scales and gauges. Check them out
and get some great ideas for your own layout! If you're
interested in joining a local model railroading club, the Great
Train Show is a great place to visit some of the different clubs
in your area and learn more about them. If you're looking to
sell an old toy train, this is the perfect place. You can get
appraisals and offers from multiple dealers under the same
roof! At the moment, we do not have an advance purchase
option, but we are working on it. Tickets can be purchased
right at the door. Not only do kids under 12 get in for free at
our shows, but all of our shows are packed with things for kids
to do! Examples of kid-friendly activities at past shows have
Lightning Slinger opbd