September 2016 Messenger - St. Matthew Lutheran Church
September 2016 Messenger - St. Matthew Lutheran Church
St. Matthew Lutheran Church and School Phone: 780-963-2416 Fax: 780-963-3800 Volume 19 Issue 7 September 2016 St. Matthew Messenger As we get ready for a new school year I want to take this opportunity to say “Thank you” to so many of you in our congregation. You see, over summer there have been a number of upgrades to our school. Three classrooms have been renovated, the lower hallway has new flooring and lockers, and a drinking fountain/water bottle station has been installed near the gym. Many of you have played a role in these improvements. Some have put in sweat equity by installing lockers and cleaning them; others have donated to the school building fund to help pay for the renovations. Whatever your role has been, we thank you. It reminds me of St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians where he reminds them, “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. …For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, ‘Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,’ that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.” (1 Corinthians 12:12-20 ESV) … page 2 St. Matthew Messenger Page 2 Inside this issue: Did You Know 5 7 4 3 Islam & the Middle East 7 Autumn Pie Bake-Off Bethel Business Administrator Lutheran Hour 10 Nicaragua Mission 8 Parenting Class 2 School News 9 Serving in the Lord’s House 11 Women in the Word 8 Youth News 6 A school is made up of students, teachers, educational assistants, and administrators, but our school has so much more. We have parents, volunteers, moral supporters, and people who donate their time and their finances. We work together to educate children, and to bring them the Good News of Jesus’ death and resurrection for their sake. Thank you for being a part of that great effort, and may God continue to bless our school with the opportunity to proclaim His love to the people of this community. God bless you, Pastor Mark Dressler Parenting Class LoveLove-Powered Parenting Classes begin on Sunday, October 2nd at 9:15 a.m. and will go for about 8 weeks or so. Please let Monica know by September 21 if you would like to attend, as books need to be ordered. (Cost is $20/book.) Love-Powered Parenting - Discover the six Contact Rev. Buck at Contact Rev. Keith at Contact Rev. Dressler at Contact Monica Schultz at Contact Ian Lande at greatest parenting principles from the best source imaginable - the words of Jesus. While there are many helpful tips that can help sustain you in your role of mom or dad, none surpass Jesus’ greatest teaching about love, where we find the foundation, encouragement and lasting power that every parent needs. Love-Powered Parenting reveals how six of Jesus’ greatest teachings can guide and encourage you as you prepare your child for a lifetime of purpose and fulfillment. You can love your kids the way Jesus loves you… and Love-Powered Parenting shows you how! JESUS LOVES YOU! Contact Elders at ARTICLE DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER MESSENGER IS SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 Page 3 St. Matthew Messenger On September 3rd we commemorate Gregory the Great – pastor (c. 504 – 604) Gregory, born in Rome, was a man of many abilities – administrator, musician, missionary, and pastor. Seeing the decline Rome was experiencing, Gregory worked his way up levels of government to become mayor. As mayor, Gregory significantly improved conditions and gave the church a large portion of his landholdings. Gregory also rose up through the ranks of church workers and became the bishop of Rome in 590. His greatest concern was that all of Europe should hear the Gospel message. While he wanted to go to England himself as missionary, he ended up being unable to go and instead gave of his personal resources for the evangelistic effort. A significant accomplishment was Gregory’s influence on music. He established a school for church singers – the Schola Cantorum - and encouraged the use of chants and antiphons in the church. Gregory also established the church year calendar that most Christians in the Western world follow today. Despite all his leadership positions, Gregory considered himself a “servant of the servants of God” and he gives us a good example of creative and active service to God. On September 30th we commemorate Jerome, translator of Holy Scripture (c. 345 – 420) Jerome was born in an Adriatic seacoast town and educated in Rome. Although a good student, he initially lacked direction and chose to travel. His journeys took him from France to Egypt. In each new location, Jerome’s gift for words allowed him to pick up new languages. One language he learned was Hebrew, and he became one of few people in the day who could read the Old Testament in its original language. In this study, Jerome’s faith grew and he discovered his area of service – to be a wordsmith for the Lord. He was asked to translate the New Testament from Greek to Latin. His translation of Scriptures into the language of the people was a significant accomplishment and his work set a pattern for future Scripture translations. Jerome’s choice of words and the way he put sentences together are still part of common language translations today. Board of Parish Education ARTICLE DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER MESSENGER IS SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 Page 4 St. Matthew Messenger BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR K-Days 2016 Our significant fundraising event for our school has concluded for another year. I would like to acknowledge and thank Sarah Laschuk for the excellent job she did this year at coordinating our worker schedule and the day-to-day activities on the K-Days grounds. While the final expenses and revenues have not yet been received, a preliminary income and expense sheet looks like this: Income: 50% Advance on Contract base amount Donations from congregation members in lieu of working Glass bottle returns Income to date = $47,255.00 = $ 2,280.00 = $ 114.70 = $49,649.70 Expenses: Hired worker costs Co-ordinator wage Operating expenses Total expenses to date = $27,622.00 = $ 3,000.00 = $ 880.02 = $31,502.02 Profit to date = $18,147.68 Anticipated final profit will be somewhere between $65,400.00 and $66,600.00 Our hired worker costs this year were significantly higher than in previous years. Thank you to all members of the congregation who gave of their time to work a shift or, in the case of many, several shifts. Also, thank you to those who were unable to work a shift but provided a financial donation to off-set the cost of hiring workers. In addition to the above funds, the school directly received some funds as a result of school families not participating in this or other designated school fundraising events. When a student is registered in the school, the parent(s) must provide a fundraising deposit to the school. If the parent(s) participate as a volunteer in working at either the Christmas craft sale, silent auction or K-Days, their deposit cheque is destroyed. If the required participation is not completed, as in the case of 37 school families this year, their cheques are cashed. This year, the 37 cashed cheques totalled $7,350.00. Church Finances The general chequing account for our St. Matthew congregation continues to operate in a deficit. As decided at a church council meeting, we are providing the amount of the offering receipts from the week prior in each Sunday’s bulletin (including the amount received through automatic withdrawals). We hope that this provides some insight to all as to how our weekly offerings compare to the amount required to fulfill our approved budget. If anyone has specific questions concerning our church finances, don’t hesitate to ask either our treasurer, Janet Duiker, other members of the Executive Committee, or myself. … page 5 Page 5 St. Matthew Messenger BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR (cont’d) Church Office Hours The office will continue to be open Monday to Thursday inclusive, 9 AM till Noon and from 1 PM till 3 PM. The office will be closed on Fridays. The church answering machine and a posted sign on (or near) the doors provide after-hours emergency contact information. Ian Lande Business Administrator The Board of Family Ministry is hosting an “Autumn Pie BakeBake-Off”. Bake and bring your family’s favorite pie. There will be a panel of judges and many other tasters to enjoy your pie. A prize will be awarded for the best pie!!! The Bake-off will begin after the 10:30am service on Sunday, September 11th. Coffee and juice will be provided. Happy Baking! Page 6 St. Matthew Messenger SENIOR YOUTH (Grades 7-12) Thursday Bible Study – runs every Thursday from 3:15 pm until 5 pm starting on September 15. A snack is provided. Sr. Youth Activities (You are always welcome to bring friends.) Friday, September 16 – Welcome Back Progressive Supper – Meet at the church at 5:30 and then we will be heading to different houses (appetizer, salad, main course and dessert) for different parts of our meal. Please be sure to let Monica know by September 12 if you will be attending. We want to be sure to have enough food and enough parent drivers! Talk or text to Monica (780-490-8516) if you would like to attend! Friday, September 23 – We will be hanging out in our own amazing Youth Room. Bring a snack to share. The fun begins at 7 and goes until 9! Friday, September 30 – We are going to be visiting the fantastic residents of Whispering Waters. We will play some games, do some hymn singing and TONS of visiting. It's a wonderful time to enjoy some fellowship. Meet at the church at 6:45 pm. Pickup time is at 9 pm. JUNIOR YOUTH (Grades 4-6) On Saturday, September 24th, bring your favourite board game and ice cream topping (no peanut or nut products). Meet in the youth room at the church at 1:30 pm. Pickup time is at 3 pm! If you have any questions about the above events, please contact Monica. UPCOMING YOUTH RETREAT in Calgary! Join in on the fun on November 4-6 for engaging discussion about how we are the light in the world and what it means for our lives. Cost per youth is $60 for the WHOLE weekend. Check out the website for more information. If you would like to attend, grab a registration form from Monica. St. Matthew Messenger Page 7 ISLAM & THE MIDDLE EAST Do you have questions about Islam and the situation in Syria and the Middle East? What is a Christian response to the unrest and upheaval? Join us at St. Matthew Lutheran Church on Sunday, September 11 at 3 pm as we listen to the insights of Dr. Ibrahim Sumrain, Faculty member – Department of Computer Science at Grant MacEwan University. Dr. Sumrain was born in the Jerusalem area and educated in the Middle East and USA. He is the host and producer of the Arabic Radio program “Breeze of the East” on World FM 101.7 on Saturdays from 8:30-11 am. Everyone is invited to come to this presentation! BETHEL Bethel will begin September 28 at 7:00 pm. Call Bev Adam for more information: 780-963-4952. Bethel is an intensive Biblical study, covering both Old and New Testaments in 40 weeks. Cost is $50 per Testament to cover materials. ARTICLE DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER MESSENGER IS SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 Page 8 St. Matthew Messenger WOMEN IN THE WORD Women in the Word will begin Wednesday, September 7th at 10:00 am (to 11:30 am). All women are invited to join us. Our topic for this semester will be Lamentations and Jonah. Please bring your Bible; notes are provided. If you have any questions, contact Bev Adam. NICARAGUA MISSION We have a Mission Team heading to Nicaragua January 6-19, 2017. Most of the team members will be from Ontario, but three are from St. Matthew. Matthew Our members, Bryan & Bev Adam and Don Schiemann, are not fundraising for themselves; themselves they each pay their own way to get there, etc. But they are fundraising for the Nicaragua projects in which they are involved. One of those projects is VBS. 1000 children attend the VBS each day! They will load up their suitcases and take supplies with them. So they are asking that you partner with them to provide these children and ultimately their parents with the Good News of the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ. They will be having a garage sale September 10th & 17th at the Schiemann home to begin to raise funds. If you have items for the sale, either call Bryan or Bev, or drop the items off at the Schiemann’s or the Adam’s this summer. Please be sure that any item provided is in working order. They are hoping to have a snack bar as well if you would like to donate to that portion of the sale. Please pray for them. They are excited to embrace the children of Nicaragua! To contact Bev or Bryan Adam, call 780-963-4952. St. Matthew Messenger Page 9 20162016-2017 Teaching Staff: Kindergarten: Mrs. Laura Starreveld Grade One: Mrs. Carol Schmitke Grade Two: Mrs. Andrea Carson Grade Three: Mrs. Angela Baron Grade Four: Mrs. Leanne Schram-White Grade Five: Mrs. Krista Belanger Grade Six: Mr. Gary Skoye Grade Seven (and Jr High science): Mr. Eric Ladoski Grade Eight (and Jr High social studies): Mrs. Vanessa Hamilton Grade Nine (and Jr High math): Mr. Michael Glubish Our Mission is: “To share God’s Love and Salvation in Christ with All People” Page 10 St. Matthew Messenger The Lutheran Hour Program Summaries for September 2016 These inspirational messages can also be listened to on the website or as pod casts, or read in text-form. Updates of this program information is also available from: • the website (click on Radio and Television) or • Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada at 1-800-555-6236 or A listing of Canadian stations and broadcast times is also available at or from the Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada – 1-800-555-6236 - ========================================================================== September 4 “Choose Life!” (Deuteronomy 30:15-20) Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Greg Seltz In Christ, you have been called God’s friend. Now you get to befriend others, in His name. Hear this inspirational message on AM 1260 CFRN radio at 7:30 a.m. or FM 98.5 CFWE radio at 8:30 a.m. Streaming audio and pod-casts at September 11 “There’s No Other Friend Like Jesus” (Luke 15:1-10) Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Greg Seltz We befriend, love, and show care for other people because Jesus loved, befriended, and saved us. Hear this inspirational message on AM 1260 CFRN radio at 7:30 a.m. or FM 98.5 CFWE radio at 8:30 a.m. Streaming audio and pod-casts at September 18 “Be Careful Who Sings Your Praises” (Luke 16:1-15) Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Greg Seltz God invites us to take all that He gives us and then put it to work, for others. Hear this inspirational message on AM 1260 CFRN radio at 7:30 a.m. or FM 98.5 CFWE radio at 8:30 a.m. Streaming audio and pod-casts at ARTICLE DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER MESSENGER IS SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 September 25 “Unlimited Patience - Almost” (1 Timothy 15-16) Speaker Emeritus of the Lutheran Hour: Rev. Ken Klaus In this life the Lord of perfect patience invites sinners to faith and forgiveness. But remember, it is an invitation for this life only. Hear this inspirational message on AM 1260 CFRN radio at 7:30 a.m. or FM 98.5 CFWE radio at 8:30 a.m. Streaming audio and pod-casts at Updates and future program topics are available at or programguide.asp or by calling Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada 1-800-555-6236 or e-mail St. Matthew Messenger Page 11 SERVING IN THE LORD’S HOUSE: SEPTEMBER, 2016 ELDERS: Date 8:00 am Sept 4 9:30 am 10:30 am Milt Joneson / Gord Schoepp Sept 11 Roy Goertz Mike Namchuk / Adrian Selles Sept 18 Milt Joneson Trevor Kleijnen / Tyler Schmidt Sept 25 Roy Goertz Laurie Schutz / Shaun Visser USHERS: Date 8:00 am Sept 4 9:30 am 10:30 am Trevor Kleijnen, Cole Kleijnen, Carter Kleijnen, Tyler Schmidt, Josiah Schmidt Luke Adam, Eric Steuber, Dan Hennig, Cameron Pedersen, Clayton Hennig Sept 11 Don & Lucy Goerz, Michael Glubish Sept 18 Stan & Gerri Schram, Coralee Hennig Bruce Fielhaber, Hilda Schoepp, Don Robertson, Dirk Rothfos Sept 25 Greg Lutz, Norman Baron, Ivan Boles David Kulak, Keith Kulak, Trudy Walraven, Peter Petersen GREETERS: Date 10:30 am Sept 4 Sept 11 Roland & Vicki Laramee Sept 18 Sidney & Judy Kulak Sept 25 Tim & Laura Starreveld COMPUTER: Date 10:30 am Sept 4 9:30 am Gwen Gabel Sept 11 Ali Hennig Sept 18 Anders Vigen Sept 25 Shelley Kulak IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO SERVE ON THE DATE LISTED, PLEASE CONTACT ANOTHER MEMBER OF YOUR GROUP, SWITCH WITH THEM, AND LET THE CHURCH OFFICE KNOW OF THE CHANGE NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY OF THAT WEEK. THANK YOU!