The Millcreek Township Board of School Directors met
The Millcreek Township Board of School Directors met
Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 The Millcreek Township Board of School Directors met at a Regular Board Meeting on Monday, January 27, 1997. This meeting was held at the Millcreek Education Center, 3740 West 26th Street, Erie, Pennsylvania The Board president, Alice Niebauer, called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Board Members present included: Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowelt Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, and Mr. Starr. Board member absent: Mr. Iaquinta. Also present were: Dr. A. Lindquist, Superintendent, Mrs. K. Umpleby, Secretary to the Board, and Attorney Timothy Sennett, Solicitor. Citizens Present: 26 (See Citizen's Attendance Book - January 27, 1997). Mrs. Niebauer informed the Board and Audience the bulletin boards this month were completed by Belle Valley School. Also, covers for Board folders were submitted by Ronna Kraemer, McDowell Art Teacher. The photos depicted clay sculptures by McDowell arts / crafts students. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MEDITATION Mrs. Niebauer introduced Barbara Maasz, Belle Valley Principat who called upon Melanie Myers, Belle Valley Music Teacher, and Jessica Caccamo, Amy Taylor, Marissa Wieczorek, Brittany Erb, Jillian Greene, Sarah Hofstetter, Lynn Peelman, Lindsey Schultz, Stephanie Smith, and Kim Adams, members of Belle Valley'S flute choir, to lead the Board and Audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and Meditation. APPLAUSE/APPLAUSE Dr. Lindquist presented a plaque to Sam Petruso, Coordinator of Computer Services, from the Pennsylvania Association for Educational Communications and Technology (P AECT). This special award was presented for outstanding accomplishments by a P AECT member in the field of educational communications and technology. SCHOOL BOARD DIRECTORS' MONTH Dr. Lindquist informed the Board and Audience that January is School Board Directors' month. Board members were presented with certificates marking this occasion. Dr. Lindquist thanked Board members for their dedication to the students and Millcreek community. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Mrs. Gathers presented the January "Employee of the Month" award to Judy Falbo, Grandview library educational assistant, for her years of service and dedication to the students of the Millcreek Township School District. Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 VISITORS: FORMAL AND INFORMAL REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Mrs. Gathers and seconded by Mrs. McDowell to approve the agenda with the following additions: A. New Business, Graduation Requirements - Mrs. Gathers B. Operations Committee, Purchase of Uninterrupted Power Supply System and Selling of Used Cube Van - Mrs. McDowell C. Old Business, Tracy Enrollment - Mr. Shimek D. New Business, Millcreek School Foundation - Mr. Shimek E. New Business, Activity Accounts - Mr. Shimek On a poll vote the ayes were: Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, and Mrs. Robertson. Motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. McDowell made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. Blake to approve the minutes of the Study Session/Regular School Board Meeting of November 11, 1996, Regular School Board Meeting of November 18, 1996, Reorganization Meeting of December 2, 1996, Regular School Board Meeting of December 2, 1996 and Personnel Committee Meeting of January 9, 1997 with the following corrections: December 2, 1997 (page 20 in December Board Agenda) - Carol Luther's change of status from Health Sabbatical beginning January 2, 1997 through January 31, 1997 should read: Health Sabbatical beginning January 3, 1997 through June 13, 1997. On a poll vote the ayes were: Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, and Mr. Penna. Motion passed unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT Mrs. Robertson made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. Gathers to approve the Treasurer's Reports of October, November, and December, 1996. (See Display Book). On a poll vote the ayes were: Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, and Mrs. McDowell. Motion passed unanimously. Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 FINANCE REPORT Mrs. Niebauer called upon Mr. Mudger to review the Finance Report. presented to the Board Items 1-13 of the Finance Report. Mr. Mudger Mrs. Robertson made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Shimek to approve the Accounts Payable Approval List, Building Fund Bills Approval List and Food Service Bills Approval List as follows: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL LIST I. II. III. List dated - January 9, 1997 List dated - January 16, 1997 Payroll- January 17, 1997 List dated - January 27, 1997 $ 650,198.94 $ 421,029.93 $ 1,029,746.31 $ 761,536.23 TOTAL $ 2,862,511.41 BUILDING FUND BILLS APPROVAL LIST - Westlake Renovation Whipple-Allen Construction Emery Yeager Wm. T. Spaeder Holmes Brothers Ingraham Planning Wm. T. Spaeder Rabe Environmental Hoffman Riggers Bay Harbour Electric Janitors Supply Creative Learning Emery Yeager MTSD Food Service Ingraham Planning Resilite $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 850.00 731.50 6,745.00 2,900.00 1,573.32 102,136.08 27,854.00 2,400.00 2,418.00 1,312.50 4,044.65 253.00 345.00 1,500.00 2,662.00 TOTAL $ 157,725.05 tM ;:p FOOD SERVICE BILLS APPROVAL LIST The Administration respectfully requests approval of the November and December 1996 Food Service Accounts Payable lists in the amount of $278,620.41. (See Display Book for detail). Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 On a poll vote the ayes were: Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, and Mrs. Blake. Motion passed unanimously. IV. FINANCE REPORTS Mrs. Robertson made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. McDowell to approve the Budget and Revenue Reports for the General Fund and Food Service for the month of September. (See Display Book). On a poll vote the ayes were: Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, and Mrs. Gathers. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF BUDGETARY TRANSFERS Mrs. Robertson made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. Blake to approve the following budget transfers for 1996-97 as follows: TO 1100-550 1100-750 1350-430 4600-430 4600-430 ACCTNAME Printing New Equip Ind Art Cont Serv Cont Serv Bldgs Cont Serv Bldgs FROM 1100-610 1100-610 1350-610 1100-610 1100-760 ACCTNAME AMOUNT Lang Arts Supp Comp Supplies Ind Art Supplies Soc Stud Textbooks Repl Furniture $ 150.00 2,000.00 400.00 235.00 132.50 On a poll vote the ayes were: :Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. ~v1cDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, and Mrs. Niebauer. Motion passed unanimousl y. VI. APPROVAL OF EARLY RETIREMENT BONUS AND/OR SICK DAY PAY Mrs. Robertson made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Shimek to approve the early retirement bonus and/ or sick day pay to the following: Patrick Calabrese Clark Hall Joseph Henderson Libra Klapsinos $ 23,972.50 $18,557.50 $11,250.00 $ 1,027.50 Carol Luther Stuart Morris Judith Nordin Gary Rathbun $ 14,250.00 $ 20,712.50 $ 2,415.00 $ 21,945.00 On a poll vote the ayes were: Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Shimek, and Mr. Starr. Motion passed unanimously. BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 Millcreek School District Mrs. Robertson made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. McDowell to approve the resolution to reopen the 1996/97 budget for additional state and local funds and approval of Federal Program revisions as follows: VII. APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL STATE FUNDS RESOLVED, that the Millcreek Township School District Board of Directors hereby approved under section 609 of the School Code an increase of $236,751.56 to appropriations and revenues for state and local funds that were awarded after the adoption of the 1996-97 school budget. BREAKDOWN OF $ 236,751.56 Special Education Alternative Education Program North Coast School $ 205,701.56 6A80.00 24,570.00 VIII. APPROVAL OF FEDERAL PROGRAM REVISION Approval of the following budget revision for the Safe and Drug Free Grant for 1996-97. The revision will increase the budget by $13,363.00. 1490-300 1490-610 2270-121 2270-122 2270-220 2270-230 2270-580 2290-121 2290-220 2290-230 3290-300 3290-610 Contr Serv GECAC PRIDE Membership SAP Stipends Sal SAP Subs SAP FICA SAP Retirement SAP Registrations Sal Here's Looking at You FICA Here's Looking at You Retire Here's Looking at You Drug Surveys Supplies $ 20,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 20,600.00 $11,500.00 500.00 6,000.00 1,512.00 575.00 398.00 1,200.00 4,020.00 308.00 214.00 lA58.00 857.00 $ 33 /963.00 On a poll vote the ayes were: Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, and Mr. Shimek. Motion passed unanimously. IX. APPROVAL OF BOND COUNSEL Mr. Penna made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. McDowell to approve William Sennett, Esquire, as bond counsel for the financing of the new Tracy Elementary School. Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 On a poll vote the ayes were: Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowelt Mr. Penna, and Mrs. Robertson. Motion passed unanimously. X. APPROVAL OF REAL ESTATE TAX COLLECTOR SALARY Mrs. Robertson made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. Gathers to approve the Real Estate Tax Collector's salary of $16,000.00 per year for four (4) years (1998 - 2001). On a poll vote the ayes were: Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, and Mr. Penna. Motion passed unanimously. XI. REAL ESTATE TAX BILLS Mr. Starr made a motion to advance by one month the due dates for payment of real estate taxes with the expectation the collection of the funds thirty days earlier would be to the benefit, interest wise, to the district of approximately $100,000. The motion died for lack of a second. XII. APPROVAL OF AUDIT RESPONSES Mrs. Robertson made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. Blake to approve the following audit responses to the 1995-96 Local Audit. General Fund Finding #1: Timely deposits of money received from various sources. Response: All money is to be deposited within 24 hours after receipt. Finding #2: Duplicate payments made for medical claims. Response: The computer program will be altered to flag payments made in the same dollar amount and require authorization to approve if the payment is necessary. Finding #3: Accounting for Capital projects funds and scholarship funds. Response: Implement a double entry computer system to report activity in these accounts. Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 Activity Funds Finding #4: Documentation when depositing check and voucher approval were not being consistently done. Response: All deposits that have checks included must be supported by an adding machine tape and all invoices must be signed by the appropriate advisors and officers of each activity. On a poll vote the ayes were: Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, and Mrs. Blake. Motion passed unanimously. XIII. APPROVAL OF ACTIVITY REPORTS Mrs. Robertson made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Shimek to approve the Activity Reports for October 1996 from J. S. Wilson and McDowell and November and December 1996 for Walnut Creek, Westlake, J S Wilson, McDowell Intermediate and McDowell High School. Mr. Shimek inquired where the interest goes from the activity accounts. Mr. Mudger responded that several years ago it was decided all interest would go to the Student Council account and be used for students. Additionally, Mr. Shimek inquired about the McDowell account which lists a miscellaneous account. He believes receipts should be required. Mr. Mudger explained this is a clearing account for a particular fundraiser. Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 Walnut Creek Middle School Activity Account Report Nov-96 Account Student Council Yearbook Newspaper Wild Cat Warehouse Girl's 718 Basketball Miscellaneous Waterlens Company Children International Cheerleading Boys 718 Basketball E-Cubed Toronto Travelers Operation Provide Help Wisdom Keeper ISeeker WCMS Morning AnnouncE Kidco Total Checking Account Balance Outstanding Deposits Ou tstanding Checks Total Month Beg Month Receipts Disbursements $3,097.50 $969.86 $134.16 $526.10 $511.85 $0.00 $1,011.79 $81.42 $133.22 $0.00 $430.84 $242.42 $0.72 $119.03 $17.22 $0.00 $7,276.13 $1,122.40 $6,020.00 $0.00 $225.00 $94.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $652.35 $0.00 $4,578.20 $3,480.00 $965.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $17,137.90 $166.60 $31.54 $0.00 $0.00 $224.30 $0.00 $222.00 $0.00 $411.29 $0.00 $3,103.80 $1,843.20 $965.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,968.28 Balance $4,053.30 $6,958.32 $134.16 $751.10 $381.95 $0.00 $789.79 $81.42 $374.28 $0.00 $1,905.24 $1,879.22 $0.72 $119.03 $17.22 $0.00 $17,445.75 $17,445.75 $21,697.63 $0.00 $4,251.88 $17,445.75 Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 Walnut Creek Middle School Activity Account Report Dec-96 Account Student Council Yearbook Newspaper Wild Cat Warehouse Girl's 718 Basketball Miscellaneous Waterlens Company Children International Cheerleading Boys 718 Basketball E-Cubed Toronto Travelers Operation Provide Help Wisdom Keeper ISeeker WCMS Morning Announce Kidco Total Checking Account Balance Outstanding Deposits Outstanding Checks Total Month Beg Month Receipts Disbursements $4,053.30 $6,958.32 $134.16 $751.10 $381.95 $0.00 $789.79 $81.42 $374.28 $0.00 $1,905.24 $1,879.22 $0.72 $119.03 $17.22 $0.00 $17,445.75 $362.26 $28.00 $0.00 $120.00 $0.00 $103.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $805.44 $138.24 $478.49 $3,001.70 $0.00 $0.00 $5,037.53 $272.61 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $103.40 $33.50 $20.00 $108.33 $0.00 $261.47 $0.00 $478.49 $359.74 $0.00 $0.00 $1,637.54 Balance $4,142.95 $6,986.32 $134.16 $871.10 $381.95 $0.00 $756.29 $61.42 $265.95 $0.00 $2,449.21 $2,017.46 $0.72 $2,760.99 $17.22 $0.00 $20,845.74 $20,845.74 $21,669.25 $0.00 $823.51 $20,845.74 Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 WESTLAKE SCHOOL Activity Account Report 11/30/96 Account Month Beg Month Receipts Disbursements Balance STUDENT COUNCIL $ 6,752.98 $46.36 $120.00 $ 6,679.34 YEARBOOK $ 5,021.75 $0.00 $0.00 $ 5,021.75 NEWSP APER $ 301.32 $0.00 $0.00 $ 301.32 WL PUB $ 64.82 $0.00 $0.00 $ 64.82 WL T SHIRT CO $90.25 $0.00 $0.00 $90.25 Total $ 12,231.12 Checking Account Balance $46.36 $120.00 $ 12,157.48 $ 12,157.48 $12,303.60 Error Credit ISF Checks Outstanding Checks Grand Total $146.12 $12,157.48 BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 Millcreek School District WESTLAKE SCHOOL Activity Account Report Dec-96 Account Month Beg Month Receipts Disbursements Balance STUDENT COUNCIL 6679.34 $706.71 $330.60 $7,055.45 YEARBOOK 5021.75 $0.00 $0.00 $5,021.75 NEWSP APER 301.32 $0.00 $0.00 $301.32 WL PUB 64.82 $0.00 $0.00 $64.82 90.25 $0.00 $0.00 $90.25 WL T SHIRT CO Total $12,157.48 Checking Account Balance $706.71 $330.60 $12,533.59 $12,533.59 $12,679.71 Error Credit ISF Checks Outstanding Checks Grand Total $146.12 $12,533.59 BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 Millcreek School District J. S. Wilson School Activity Account Report October, 1996 Account Month Beg Month Receipts Disbursements Balance $1,719.78 $237.96 $4,940.41 Student Council $3,458.59 $369.39 Newspaper $369.39 $5,017.07 Yearbook $5,017.07 $40.80 Chinese $40.80 $36.50 $20.50 $1,019.34 Music $1,003.34 $256.26 Opera $256.26 $326.90 $23.10 $350.00 Girls' BB $714.87 SWEP $714.87 $ $ Misc - I/O $ Cheerleader $ $1,678.25 $1,678.25 7th/Raking Total $12,888.57 Checking Account Balance Money Access Account $1,756.28 $14,107.95 Error Credit ISF Checks Ou tstanding Checks Grand Total $48.46 $14,059.49 $585.36 $14,059.49 Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 J. S. Wilson School Activity Account Report November, 1996 Account Month Beg Month Receipts Disbursements Balance Student Council $4,940.41 $11.80 $1,654.68 $3,297.53 Newspaper $369.39 $369.39 Yearbook $5,017.07 $2,960.00 $7,977.07 Chinese $40.80 $40.80 Music $1,019.34 $294.00 $1,313.34 Opera $256.26 $256.26 Girls' BB $23.10 $23.10 SWEP $714.87 $714.87 Misc -I/O $ $203.50 $203.50 $ Cheer leader $ $ 7th/Fndrsr $1,678.25 $1,678.25 Total $14,059.49 Checking Account Balance Money Access Account $3A69.30 $15,924.11 Error Credit ISF Checks Outstanding Checks Grand Total $253.50 $15,670.61 $1,858.18 $15,670.61 =- Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 J. S. Wilson School Activity Account Report December, 1996 Account Month Beg Month Receipts Disbursements Balance Student Council $3,297.53 $332.47 $379.09 $3,250.91 $369.39 $369.39 Newspaper $8,743.38 Yearbook $7,977.07 $850.00 $83.69 $40.80 $40.80 Chinese $1,313.34 $1,313.34 Music $256.26 $256.26 Opera Girls' BB $23.10 $23.10 $714.87 $2,266.46 SWEP $6,536.92 $4,985.33 Misc - I/O $ $ $1,050.00 $925.20 $124.80 Cheer leader $ $1,678.25 $1,678.25 7th/Fndraiser Total Checking Account Balance Money Access Account Error Credit ISF Checks Outstanding Checks Grand Total $8,769.39 $18,081.69 $15.00 $2,340.00 $18,066.69 $6,373.31 $18,066.69 Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 McDowell Intermediate High School Activity Account Report November, 1996 Account Month Beg Month Receipts Disbursements Balance AFJROTC Boys/Girls Track Team Broadcasting Club Chess Club Choral Activities Clock Corporation Drama Club Elk Fund FTA Girls Running Club Health Class Historical Research Co. Jr. Var. Cheerldrs Marching Band MIHS Mixed Chorus Newspaper Orchestra Ski Club Spanish Club Student Council Varsity Cheerleaders Watch Me Grow Enterprises $4,487.03 $623.11 $121.81 $76.83 $165.64 $6,099.02 $1,791.25 $22.50 $556.55 $774.49 $348.90 $229.44 $4.19 $386.72 $178.09 $237.86 $58.50 $1,509.00 $726.68 $24,592.43 $217.11 $979.38 $313.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40.00 $1,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,888.00 $0.00 $254.00 $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,757.00 $0.00 $188.33 $0.00 $72.42 $484.91 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37.87 $0.00 $216.44 $0.00 $0.00 $1,460.38 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 $35.65 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $547.27 $165.00 $0.00 $4,315.12 $623.11 $121.81 $76.83 $127.77 $6,139.02 $2,674.81 $22.50 $556.55 $1,202.11 $348.90 $483.44 $4.19 $236.72 $142.44 $237.86 $58.50 $3,266.00 $726.68 $24,233.49 $52.11 $1,051.80 Total $44,186.53 $5,662.75 $3,147.52 $46,701.76 $46,701.76 Checking Account Balance Outstanding Deposits Outstanding Checks Moneymarket Account Total $39,513.35 $0.00 $746.83 $7,935.24 $46,701.76 Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 McDowell Intermediate High School Activity Account Report December, 1996 Account Month Beg Month Receipts Disbursements Balance AFJROTC Boys/Girls Track Team Broadcasting Club Chess Club Choral Activities Clock Corporation Drama Club Elk Fund FTA Girls Running Club Health Class Historical Research Co. Jr. Var. Cheerldrs Marching Band MIHS Mixed Chorus Newspaper Orchestra Ski Club Spanish Club Student Council Varsity Cheerleaders Watch Me Grow Enterprises $4,315.12 $623.11 $121.81 $76.83 $127.77 $6,139.02 $2,674.81 $22.50 $556.55 $1,202.11 $348.90 $483.44 $4.19 $236.72 $142.44 $237.86 $58.50 $3,266.00 $726.68 $24,233.49 $52.11 $1,051.80 $163.22 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $282.50 $700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,627.87 $7,540.54 $0.00 $0.00 $1,372.82 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $855.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,266.00 $3,015.14 $7,802.94 $0.00 $0.00 $3,105.52 $623.11 $121.81 $76.83 $127.77 $6,421.52 $2,519.81 $22.50 $556.55 $1,202.11 $348.90 $483.44 $4.19 $236.72 $142.44 $237.86 $58.50 $0.00 $4,339.41 $23,971.09 $52.11 $1,051.80 Total $46,701.76 $15,314.13 $16,311.90 $45,703.99 $45,703.99 Checking Account Balance Outstanding Deposits Outstanding Checks Moneymarket Account Total $39,202.48 $0.00 $lA45.12 $7,946.63 $45,703.99 Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 McDowell High School Activity Account Report Oct-96 Account Month Beginning Month Receipts Disbursements A thleticLocker Room AerobicAchievers Bowling BoysBaseball BoysCrossCountry BoysGolf BusinessClub ChineseClub GAC GermanClub Gir IsBasketball GirlsGolf GirlsSoftball G/BSwimWaterPolo HUB CLASS1996 Kaldron KeyClub NHS MISC PepClub SADD ScienceClub CLASS1997 StudentCouncil Studen tCouncilIn t Checking Account Balance Money Access Account Certificate Mellon Bank Error Credit ISF Checks Outstanding Checks Grand Total $465.94 $303.15 $262.62 $9.46 $1,120.00 $598.54 $1,717.61 $0.00 $2,460.90 $612.70 $98.74 $84.60 $357.52 $0.00 $1,227.02 $438.89 $4,607.43 $45.00 $126.16 $0.00 $332.76 $312.81 $108.84 $2,232.84 $2,372.49 $5,526.05 $25,422.07 $35.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,874.00 $65.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $19,644.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,665.90 $554.00 $0.00 $0.00 $70.00 $212.09 $43.41 $25,163.40 $31,768.21 $3,990.80 $10,000.00 $1,465.38 $44,293.63 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,120.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $240.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $119.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $289.78 $0.00 $0.00 $1,665.90 $150.94 $0.00 $0.00 $1,622.00 $1,074.16 $9.16 $6,291.84 Balance $500.94 $303.15 $262.62 $9.46 $0.00 $598.54 $1,717.61 $0.00 $5,094.90 $677.70 $98.74 $84.60 $237.62 $0.00 $1,227.02 $438.89 $23,961.65 $45.00 $126.16 $0.00 $735.82 $312.81 $108.84 $680.84 $1,510.42 $5,560.30 $44,293.63 Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 McDowell High School Activity Account Report Nov-96 Account Month Beginning Month Receipts Disbursements Balance A thleticLocker Room AerobicAchievers Bowling BoysBaseball BoysCrossCountry BoysGolf BusinessClub DanceClub GAC GermanClub GirlsBasketball GirlsGolf GirlsSoftball G/BSwimWaterPolo HUB CLASS1996 Kaldron KeyClub NHS MISC PepClub SADD Science Club CLASS1997 Class1998 StudentCouncil Studen tCouncilInt Checking Account Balance Money Access Account Certificate Mellon Bank Error Credit ISF Checks Outstanding Checks Grand Total $500.94 $303.15 $262.62 $9.46 $0.00 $598.54 $1,717.61 $0.00 $5,094.90 $677.70 $98.74 $84.60 $237.62 $0.00 $1,227.02 $438.89 $23,961.65 $45.00 $126.16 $0.00 $735.82 $312.81 $8.84 $728.20 $0.00 $1,514.94 $5,608.42 $44,293.63 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $263.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,587.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,625.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,032.16 $120.36 $26,627.52 $40,205.42 $4,032.29 $10,000.00 $644.74 $53,592.97 $0.00 $23.51 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $29.95 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $176.02 $0.00 $402.05 $360.00 $13,555.77 $0.00 $0.00 $2,625.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.84 $30.00 $0.00 $50.00 $67.04 $17,328.18 $500.94 $279.64 $262.62 $9.46 $0.00 $861.54 $1,687.66 $0.00 $5,094.90 $677.70 $98.74 $84.60 $61.60 $0.00 $824.97 $78.89 $31,992.88 $45.00 $126.16 $0.00 $735.82 $312.81 $0.00 $698.20 $0.00 $3,497.10 $5,661.74 $53,592.97 Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 McDowell High School Activity Account Report Dec-96 Account A thletic Locker Room AerobicAchievers Bowling BoysBaseball BoysCrossCountry BoysGolf BusinessClub DanceClub GAC GermanClub GirlsBasketball GirlsGolf G/BSwimWaterPolo HUB CLASS1996 Kaldron KeyClub NBS MISC PepClub SADD CLASS1997 Class1998 Stud en tCouncil StudentCouncilInt Checking Account Balance Money Access Account Certificate Mellon Bank Error Credit ISF Checks Ou tstanding Checks Grand Total Month Beginning Month Receipts Disbursements Balance $500.94 $279.64 $262.62 $9.46 $0.00 $861.54 $1,687.66 $0.00 $5,094.90 $677.70 $98.74 $84.60 $61.60 $824.97 $78.89 $31,992.88 $45.00 $126.16 $0.00 $735.82 $312.81 $698.20 $0.00 $3,497.10 $5,661.74 $53,592.97 $209.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $766.00 $50.00 $0.00 $195.00 $0.00 $0.00 $875.00 $0.00 $0.00 $438.00 $0.00 $1,258.60 $110.25 $3,901.85 $41,520.98 $4,032.29 $10,000.00 $372.35 $55,180.92 $229.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $248.39 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $104.88 $0.00 $0.00 $121.68 $0.00 $179.64 $875.00 $0.00 $0.00 $141.54 $0.00 $322.35 $90.86 $2,313.90 $480.38 $279.64 $262.62 $9.46 $0.00 $861.54 $1,439.27 $0.00 $5,094.90 $677.70 $98.74 $84.60 $722.72 $874.97 $78.89 $32,066.20 $45.00 ($53.48) $0.00 $735.82 $312.81 $994.66 $0.00 $4,433.35 $5,681.13 $55,180.92 Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 On a poll vote the ayes were: Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, and Mrs. Gathers. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Starr inquired about the report of Building Construction in Millcreek Township for 1996. Mr. Starr believes with increases in construction more tax dollars will come to the school district. Mr. Mudger responded this is true if all properties are taxable and all are completed, which they are not. The Millcreek Township School District would receive only the portion the properties are assesesed at this time through the end of December 1996. Many are under construction. Mr. Starr inquired if we have a figure of the change in assessed value that occurred in 1996 and if so requested the Board be furnished with the information. Mr. Mudger will provide this information. INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE Mrs. Niebauer called on Mrs. Gathers to review the Instruction Committee report. I. COMPUTER PURCHASE PROPOSAL FOR THE 1997-98 SCHOOL YEAR Mrs. Gathers made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. Robertson to approve the computer purchase proposal for the 1997/98 school year as follows: It is hereby authorized that the 1996-97 budgeted computer lease allocation be utilized at this time to purchase computers for faculty members and secondary English classrooms for the 1997-98 school year, and further that the Governor's Link to Learn grant funds and up to $150,000.00 of the state Special Education Access grant funds also be accepted and directed to this end. On a poll vote the ayes were: Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr and Mrs. Niebauer. Motion passed unanimously. II. BLOCK SCHEDULING PROPOSAL FOR THE 1997-98 SCHOOL YEAR Mr. Penna made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. McDowell to approve continuation of planning for the implementation of block scheduling for the 1997-98 school year with the expectation that concerted efforts be made to stay within the guidelines established for 1997-98. Any exceptions to the foregoing will need to be brought back to the Superintendent and/or School Directors. Dr. Lindquist clarified the above proposal by informing the Board this will not commit them to block scheduling for the 1997/98 school year but permits the administration to continue planning in an effort to bring back to the Board a plan in the spring. Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 On a poll vote the ayes were: Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, and Mr. Starr. A nay vote was cast by Mr. Shimek. Motion passed. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Mrs. Niebauer called on Mrs. McDowell to review the Operations Committee report. I. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH ERIE CIVIC CENTER Mrs. McDowell made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. Robertson to approve the contract with the Erie Civic Center to hold the McDowell Graduation ceremony there on June 9, 1997 for a rental fee of $ 1,750.00. (See Display Book for contract). On a poll vote the ayes were: Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, and Mr. Shimek. Motion passed unanimously. II. USE OF FACILITIES Mrs. McDowell made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. Robertson to approve, in accordance with Board Policy No. 707, Use of Facilities for: 1. Erie Christian Fellowship (Pastor James Dumont, 5900 Sterrettania Road, Erie, PA 16506) Par king overflow for church service Walnut Creek Parking Lot Wednesday, January 22, 1997 6:45 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. On file No Charge 2. Erie County Technical School (James Infantino, 8500 Oliver Road, Erie, PA 16509) Annual Awards Ceremony M.I.H.s. Little Theater Wednesday, May 28, 1997 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 On File Stage Crew Costs 3. YWCA (Mrs. Sarah Smith, 6775 Manchester Beach Road, Fairview, P A 16415) Ballroom dance classes Vernondale Multi-purpose Room Mondays & Wednesdays, Jan. 27 to March 7, 1997 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. On File $225.00 plus overtime charges 4. Collectors of Christmas Ornaments (Mr. Kevin Julius, 2914 Woodlawn Avenue, Erie, PA 16502) Monthly Meetings M.I.H.S. Math/Science Commons Second Monday each month starting in March 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. N/A $ 84.00 per month On a poll vote the ayes were: Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, and Mrs. Robertson. Motion passed unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM Mrs. McDowell made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. Robertson to approve the contract for an uninterruptible power supply system to be awarded to the Hite Company, the lowest bidder meeting the specifications, at a cost of $23,500.00. (See Display Book). On a poll vote the ayes were: Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, and Mr. Penna. Motion passed unanimously. Millcreek School District IV. BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 APPROVAL TO SELL USED CUBE VAN Mrs. McDowell made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Penna to approve the sale of a used cube van to Joe Baumann at a cost of $2,250.00. (See Display Book). On a poll vote the ayes were: Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, and Mrs. McDowell. Motion passed unanimously. PERSONNEL REPORT Mrs. Niebauer called on Dr. Salmon to review the Personnel Report as follows: I. RESIGNATIONS INSTRUCTIONAL 1. I.S. Wilson - Stuart Morris, 5523 Harold Drive, Edinboro, P A 16412 - Effective January 28, 1997. 2. I.S. Wilson - Clark Hall, 12140 Angling Road, Edinboro, PA 16412 - Effective January 28, 1997. 3. I.S. Wilson - Patrick Calabrese, 424 Parade Street, Erie, PA 16507 - Effective January 28,1997. 4. McDowell - Joseph Henderson, 102 East Division Street, North East, PA 16428Effective January 28, 1997. 5. Westlake - Gary Rathbun, 400 Pasadena Drive, Erie, PA 16505 - Effective January 31,1997. 6. North Coast - Crystal Hoel, 5551 Frazier Street, Erie, PA 16510 - Effective January 24, 1997. 7. I.S. Wilson - Carol L. Luther, 3712 Dynes Avenue, Erie, PA 16510 - Effective January 31, 1997. NON-INSTRUCTIONAL 1. Varsity Assistant Football Coach - Thomas A. Del Fratte, 4034 Calico Drive, Erie, PA 16506 - Effective December 5, 1996. 2. Saturday Custodian - Frank DeBello, 621 West 22nd Street, Erie, PA 16502Effective November 9, 1996. Millcreek School District II. BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 PERSONNEL TO BE EMPLOYED INSTRUCTIONAL Letter of Appointment Positions from December 3,1996 through June 13, 1997 1. Grandview - Roberta Bordonaro, 4211 West 38th Street, Erie, PA 16506 Compensation in the amount of $27,638.00*. 2. Elementary Physical Education - Michael Hayes, 158 Holly Court, Girard, P A 16417 - Compensation in the amount of $30,873.00*, plus graduate credits in the amount of $725.00. Letter of Appointment Positions from January 29, 1997 through June 13. 1997 1. I.S. Wilson/Math - Margaret Testa/ 5956 Jodie Lane, Erie, PA 16509 - Compensation in the amount of $28,525.00*, plus graduate credits in the amount of $600.00. 2. J.S. Wilson/Science - Pamela Robison, 2100 South Shore Drive, Erie, P A 16505 Compensation in the amount of $27,638.00*. 3. I.S. Wilson/Science - Cynthia Brugger, 203 Anderson Drive, Erie, P A 16509 Compensation in the amount of $27,638.00*. 4. McDowell/Health and Physical Education - Robert Powelt 713 East 41st Street, Erie, PA 16504 - Compensation in the amount of $30,873.00*, plus Masters in the amount of $1,800.00. 5. Westlake/Social Studies - Jeffrey Harvey, 128 East 31st Street, Erie, PA 16504 Compensation in the amount of $27,638.00*/ Effective January 31, 1997. *Prorated Letter of Appointment Position From January 30. 1997 through June 13. 1997 1. Asbury/Grade 4 - Mary Beth Hengelbrok, 4007 Dauphin Parkway, Erie, P A 16506 Compensation in the amount of $27,638.00*. *Prorated Alternative Education Teacher - North Coast School Positions for the remainder of the 1996/97 School Year Only - 3 hours per day - Compensation in the amount of $18.34 per hour 1. Robert P. Marriott} 2847 Hershey Road, Erie, PA 16506 - Effective January 13} 1997 Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 2. Katherine Eckendorf**, 2062 Asheboro Drive, Erie, PA 16510 - Effective January 27, 1997 **Pending receipt of required documentation. NON-INSTRUCTIONAL Educational Assistant 6.5 hours per day beginning January 14, 1997 through approximately February 28, 1997 at Walnut Creek - Compensation in the amount of $6.23 per hour 1. Laurie Wiesner, 821 St. Clair Avenue, Erie, P A 16505 Special Educational Assistant 3 hours per day beginning January 14, 1997 through June 12, 1997 at Chestnut Hill- Compensation in the amount of $9.68 per hour 1. Blanche Trainor, 6148 Meridian Drive, Erie, PA 16509 Special Educational Assistant 6.5 hours per day beginning January 21, 1997 until further notice at Walnut Creek- Compensation in the amount of $9.68 per hour 1. Dianne Meyer, 2429 West 37th Street, Erie, PA 16506 Saturday Custodian/8 hours per day at $10.04 per hour at MIHS 1. Paul Gillespie, 949 Colony Drive, Erie, PA 16505 - Effective November 30, 1996 Supplemental Contracts For The 1996/97 School Year 1. Boys Varsity Soccer Aide - Brian Bleil, 4039 Hershey Road, Erie, P A 16506 Effective December 2, 1996 - Compensation in the amount of $500.00. 2. Water Polo Aide - James L. Bocci**, 10230 Old State Road, Chardon, Ohio 44024 Compensation in the amount of $500.00. **Pending receipt of required documentation. Department Chairperson for the remainder of the 1996/97 school year 1. Health Services (Nursing) K-12 - Denise Johnston, 2624 Auburn Street, Erie, PA 16508 - Effective January 2, 1997 - Compensation in the amount of $1,890.00*. *Prorated Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 III. CHANGE OF STATUS INSTRUCTIONAL From Temporary Professional Contract to Professional Contract Effective Ianuary 27, 1997 1. Sherrie Finch, 828 Linden Avenue, Erie, PA 16505 2. Carol Hirsch, 19 Ferncliff Beach, Erie, PA 16505 From Letter of Appointment to Temporary Professional Contract Effective January 27, 1997 1. Pamela Swanson, 2906 Berkeley Street, Erie, PA 16506 2. Lisa M. Simonsen, 3421 West 40th Street, Erie, PA 16506 Letter of Appointment extended from December 20, 1996 to June 13. 1997 1. William White, 4703 Cedar Drive, North East, P A 16428 Letter of Appointment extended from January 28, 1997 through January 30, 1997 1. Jennifer Hammers, 303 East 31st Street, Erie, P A 16504 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL From Level III Term Secretary to Principal at Ridgefield (200) days To Level IV Fiscal Secretary (Optical Scanning) at MEC (260) days 1. Barbara Albertson, 4810 Oakland Street, Erie, PA 16509 - Effective February 5, 1997 Compensation in the amount of $11.68 per hour. From Educational Assistant -180 days per year/6.S hours per day To Registrar - 260 days per yearl7.5 hours per day at McDowell 1. Judy Siegel, 1009 Montpelier Avenue, Erie, PA 16505 - Effective December 9, 1996 Compensation in the amount of $9.93 per hour (85% of maximum). From Secretary Level IV/Fiscal/7.5 hours per day at MEC To Educational Assistant180 days per year/6.5 hours per day at McDowell 1. Carol Fragale, 1327 Grant, Erie, PA 16505 - Effective January 13, 1997 Compensation in the amount of $7.52 per hour. Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27. 1997 From Special Educational Assistant September 20, 1996 through January 28, 1997 To Special Educational Assistant September 20,1996 to April 9, 1997 at Westlake 1. Vicki L. Miller, 3830 West 38th Street, Erie, PA 16506 - Compensation in the amount of $9.68 per hour. From Maintenance/Level I - 6.5 hours per day at MEC To Janitor I - 5.5 hours per day at Vernondale 1. Christopher Bacher, 4738 Foxboro Court, Erie, PA 16510 - Effective December 23, 1996 - Compensation in the amount of $10.04 per hour. From Janitor II at Westlake/8 hours per day at $9.11 per hour to Janitor I at MIHS/8 hours per day at $10.04 per hour 1. Michael Liddell, 964 West 26th Street, Erie, PA 16508 - Effective January 27, 1997 From Food Service/Level IV, 6 hours per day To Food Service/Level IV, 6.5 hours per day 1. Deborah Lovely, 2625 Hampton Road, Erie, PA 16508 - Effective August 31, 1993. IV. LEAVES OF ABSENCE INSTRUCTIONAL 1. Robert Martin, 2518 Pandora Drive, Erie, PA 16505 - Educational Sabbatical for the 1997/98 School Year. 2. Tracey Kabasinski, 2525 East Grandview, Erie, P A 16510 - Extension of unpaid maternity leave through January 30, 1997. NON-INSTRUCTIONAL 1. Eva Cirillo, 2004 West 25th Street, Erie, PA 16502 - Unpaid medical leave beginning January 21, 1997 through approximately March 18, 1997. 2. Brenda Vaughn, 236 East 27th Street, Erie, P A 16504 - Unpaid medical leave beginning January 23, 1997 at Noon until further notice of physician. 3. Maria Stevens, 1019 West 21st Street, Erie, PA 16502 - Unpaid maternity leave from approximately March 12, 1997 through June 12, 1997. 4. Cathi Beemus, 5295 Rome Court, Erie, P A 16509 - Unpaid medical leave from December 18, 1996 until further notice of physician. Millcreek School District 5. BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 Cynthia Lorraine, 741S Miller Road, Girard, PA 16417 - Unpaid medical leave from January 13, 1997 through approximately February 24, 1997. V. SUBSTITUTES INSTRUCTIONAL 1. Connie Sutter, 2026 Wagner Avenue, Erie, PA 16510/Mathematics* 2. Julie Sierota, 3933 West 10th Street, Erie, PA 16505/Elementary* 3. Holly Hosford, 6434 Field Valley Lane, Fairview, PA 16415/Elementary (retro 1/23/97) 4. Nancy Meyer, 4203 Colonial Avenue, Erie, PA 16506/Elementary 5. Rebecca Wise, 950 West 6th Street, Erie, PA 16507/Biology* 6. Joy Woodel, 625 Colorado Drive, Erie, PA 16505/Homebound Tutor* 7. James Gavio, 2441 Hershey Road, Erie PA 16509/Science* S. Janet Sauers, S049 Franklin Road, Girard, PA 16417/ Art 9. Tamalynn Press, 5104 Robinhood Lane, Erie, PA 16509/Homebound Tutor 10. Steve Chizewick, 3601 Asbury Road, Erie, P A 16509/Homebound Tutor 11. Kathleen Coleman, 1034 West 27th Street, Erie, PA 1650S/Elementary 12. Christopher Hoshaw, 412 West Sth Street #S, Erie, PA 16502/Mathematics 13. David Louder, 1007 West Sth Street #1, Erie, PA 16502/Music* 14. Donald Salandra, 1353 West 29th Street, Erie, PA 1650S/Health and PE 15. Thomas Vogt, 3705 Brierwood Drive, Erie, PA 1651O/Social Studies 16. Daniel Mennow, 1690 Treetop Drive Apt 5B, Erie, PA 16509/English* 17. Jeffrey Hutchinson, 501 East 3Sth Street, Erie, PA 16546/Social Studies* IS. David Glunt, 4075 West 2Sth Street, Erie, PA 16506/Elementary 19. Katherine Eckendorf, 2062 Asheboro Drive, Erie, PA 16510/Mathematics (retro to 1/22/97) Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 20. Kristine Stoehr, 106B Gibson Lane, Edinboro, PA 16412/Special Education* 21. James Smith, 3110 Hazel Street, Erie, PA 16508/Health and PE* 22. Dorothy Williams, 4900 Bear Creek Road, Fairview, PA/Elementary 23. Terri Erie, 1325 Patterson Avenue, Erie, PA 16508/Elementary* 24. Jay Farnham, 3825 Wood Street, Erie, PA 16509/ Art NON-INSTRUCTIONAL 1. Mary Paolella, 3441 Breezeway Drive, Erie, P A 16506/Educational Assistant 2. Patricia Franco, 5010 Greenwood Street, Erie, P A 16509/Food Service 3. Susan Wascak, 474 Hatch Street, Corry PA 16407/Medical Assistant 4. Nancy Manti, 707 West Gore Road, Erie, PA 16509/Food Service 5. Yvette Lindstrom, 3802 Vista Drive, Erie, PA 16506/ Food Service (retro 1/17/97) 6. Heidi Macrino, 729 East Grandview Boulevard, Erie, PA 16504/Food Service 7. Catherine Stevens, 3747 Gable Court, Erie, PA 16506/Food Service 8. Andrea Skibinski, 402 Sanford Place, Erie, PA 16511/Pool Aide 9. Pamela R. Fisher, 5429 Herman Drive, Erie, PA 16509/Educational Assistant 10. Pamela R. Fischer, 330 Greenhurst Drive, Erie, P A 16509/Pool Aide 11. Pearl Shepard, 1240 Twilight Drive, Erie, P A 16505/ Custodian 12. Mindy Forte, 9140 Applewood Court, Girard, PA 16417/Educational Assistant* 13. Mary Kieffer, P. O. Box 3055, Erie, PA 16508/ Educational Assistant 14. Charlene Love, 1834 East 7th Street, Erie, PA 16511/Educational Assistant 15. Jeannette Martell, 2528 Crescent Drive, Erie, PA 16506/Food Service* 16. Guoping Zhang, 3935 Lancaster Road, Erie, PA 16506/Food Service/Custodian* BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 Millcreek School District 17. Cathy McDavid, 2425 Wintergreen Drive, Erie, PA 16510/Food Service 18. Frank DeBello, 621 West 22nd Street, Erie, PA 16502/Custodial 19. Christopher Chi, 3511 Julie Drive, Erie, PA 16506/Food Service* 20. Kathleen Verdecchia, 2315 West 36th Street, Erie, PA 16506/Food Service* 21. Karen Botwright, 3211 West 24th Street, Erie, PA 16506/Special Education* 22. Linda Pentz, 1307 Asbury Road, Erie, P A 16505/Educational Assistant* *Pending receipt of required documentation VI. APPROVAL OF AFTER SCHOOL FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROGRAM - 1996/97 School Year 1. Alvear, Guadalupe, 2326 Wintergreen Drive, Erie, P A * 2. Blasic, Erica, 3132 Marvin Avenue, Erie, PA 16504 3. Buyce, Cynthia, 609 Rondeau Drive, Erie, P A 16505 4. Fritchman, Monica, 102 Stonehaven Drive #7, Edinboro, PA 16412 * 5. Getty, Mary Ann, RD #3, Fry Road, Edinboro, PA 16412 6. Gorzynski, Jennifer, 5010 Colonial Avenue, Erie, PA 16506 7. Horn, Megan, 332 Meadville Street, Edinboro, P A 16412 * 8. Laskowski, Staci, 3111 Westline Street, Erie, PA 16506 9. Miller, Marguerite, 2843 Wellington Road, Erie, PA 16506 10.Neamtiu, Anuta, 2903 Broadlawn Drive, Erie, PA 16506 l1.Nolan, Barbara, 3231 West 32nd Street, Erie, PA 16506 12.0casio, Carmen, 429 East 12th Street, Erie, PA 16503 13. Pelletier, Carey, 3130 Holmes Street Erie, PA 16504 14.Reiser, Colleen, 145 West 36th Street, Erie, PA 16508 15.Saxton, Brenda Sue, 16000 State Highway 8, Centerville, PA 16404 * 16.Schneider, Amy, 1873 East 34th Street, Erie, PA 16510 17.Stoops, Tim, 2830 Highland Rd., Erie, PA 16506 IS. Tipton, Andrea, 414 Superior Avenue, Erie, PA 16505 * 19. Vignolo, Gloria, 537 Shenley Drive, Erie, PA 16505 20.Zalewski, Robert, 638 Shenley Drive, Erie, PA 16505 j *Pending receipt of required documentation. VII. APPOINTMENT OF DR. MARYANN ANDERSON AS SUPERVISOR OF STUDENT RECORDS AS PER SCHOOL BOARD POLICY NUMBER 216 Millcreek School District VIII. BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 SABBATICAL LEAVES The Administration respectfully requests that the Board approve the recommended changes in PSBA Policy Number 438, as revised. (See Display Book). IX. CHANGES AND ADDITIONS TO FOOD SERVICE POSITIONS The Administration respectfully requests Board approval for adjustments in food service staffing, effective immediately, as follows: Creation of Catering Assistant at MIHS - 6.5 hours at $6.31 per hour; Cashier at MIHS - 3.5 hours at $6.31 per hour; Ala Carte Line Server at Westlake - 4 hours at $6.31 per hour; Ala Carte Cash position at Westlake - 3.5 hours at $6.31 per hour; Lines-server at Grandview - 3.5 hours at $6.31 per hour; increase of 2 hours per day for food service delivery employee at $13.72 per hour; reclassify baking position for 6.5 hours per day at Chestnut Hill to Assistant Cash/Server position for 3.5 hours per day; and deletion of Pot and Pan washer at Westlake. Mrs. Robertson made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. Gathers to approve the Personnel Report as presented. On a poll vote the ayes were: Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, Mrs. Gathers and Mrs. Blake. Motion passed unanimously. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Mrs. Niebauer called on Dr. Lindquist to review the Superintendent's Report. I. APPROVAL OF CONFERENCE REQUESTS 1. 2. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Conference - April 1620, 1997 - Minneapolis, MN, for Kathleen Chandler, Walnut Creek Teacher and Judy Nestor, Tracy Teacher, at a cost of $698.00 per person. Learning Disabilities Association of America International Conference February 19-22, 1997 - Chicago, IL, for Mary Mahon, Ridgefield Principal, at a cost of $735.00. 3. Council of Educational Facility Planners, International - February 3-5, 1997 Scottsdale, AZ, for Vince Humes, Computer Technical Specialist, at a cost of $1,287.00. 4. School Equipment Show - February 20-21, 1997, Nashville, TN, for Fred Garnon, Director of Operations and Facilities, at a cost of $577.00. 5. National Association of Elementary School Principals - April 12-15, 1997, SanAntonio, TX, for Marilyn Kendall, Asbury Principal, at a cost of $1,050.00 Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27, 1997 6. 52nd Annual ASCD Conference - March 33-25, 1997, Baltimore, MD, for Kathleen Bukowski, Supervisor of Curriculum K-12, at a cost of $1,048.00. 7. Johnson Control School - March 24-28, 1997, Orlando, FL, for Richard Kurczewski, HV AC Technician, at a cost of $335.00. Johnson Control School - April 14-18, 1997, Orlando, FL, for Stephen Fitzsimmons, HVAC Technician, at no cost to the district. 8. National Business Education Conference - March 25-28, 1997, New York, NY, for Linda Duffin, Business Teacher, at a cost of $1,418.73. 9. PA State Athletic Directors' Conference - March 18-19,1997, Hershey, PA, for David Hanlon, McDowell Assistant Principal and Athletic Director, at a cost of $560.30. II. APPROVAL OF TUITION STUDENT The Superintendent respectfully requests Board approval of the following tuition student for the 1996/97 school year. A. Gregory Demski - Grandview School- Grade 1 - $1,300.00 (prorated) Mrs. Robertson made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. McDowell to approve the Superintendent' Report. Mr. Shimek requested separating Items I and II. Voting on I. Conference Requests first, the ayes were: Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Starr, Mrs. Niebauer, and Mrs. Gathers. A nay vote was cast by Mr. Shimek. Motion passed. Voting on Item II - Approval of Tuition Student, the ayes were: Mrs. Gathers, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. McDowell, Mr. Penna, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Shimek, Mrs. Starr, and Mrs Niebauer. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS ENROLLMENT Mrs. Shimek spoke regarding Tracy enrollment. He commented that everyone is always talking about Tracy enrollment being upward of 400 students and he cannot see their enrollment ever being so high. He questioned if we build a four round school where will we get the students to fill it. His question remains, "Do we really need a four round school?" Millcreek School District BOARD MINUTES of January 27,1997 Dr. Lindquist responded that Tracy enrollment has been discussed numerous times. It is important we look at several elementary schools closest to Tracy (Vernondale, Ridgefield, and Asbury). There are overcrowded conditions in some buildings and those student will be coming to the new Tracy school through redistricting. Dr. Lindquist will provide detailed attendance figures to Board members wishing this information. NEW BUSINESS GRADUATION REOUIREMENTS Mrs. Gathers commented it was brought to her attention the Millcreek Township School District graduation requirements fall short of other districts. She requested this be placed on the next Instructional Committee agenda for discussion. MILLCREEK SCHOOL FOUNDATION Mr. Shimek inquired if a Board member is on the board of the Millcreek School Foundation. Additionally, he questioned interest shown on the 1995/96 report. Mrs. Niebauer responded that one Millcreek School Board member is on the committee. Mr. Mudger responded regarding interest. Wherever the contributions come from the interest goes back to that particular account. Money coming in is lumped together in certificate of deposits, bonds, etc., wherever we can get the best return. The interest is then returned to each account and that is where scholarship money comes from. Eight or nine scholarships are given to graduating seniors yearly and the money for the scholarships come from interest gained on accounts. Additionally, money in the foundation can be used for other things. The originator of the account has the right to determine its use. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Mrs. McDowell and seconded by Mrs. Blake for adjournment. By voice vote the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
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