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To navigate thru the agenda click on the bookmark icon on the left hand side to open bookmarks/links WASECA COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Thursday, August 7, 2014 8:00 p.m. WASECA COUNTY EAST ANNEX AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER/ESTABLISH A QUORUM 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. REVIEW/APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June 5, 2014 (to be mailed separately asap) 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) Amendment to the Unified Development Code, Article 6 Zoning District Regulations, Section 25 Minnesota Ag Interpretive Center Amendment to allow a lighted message center advertising sign as a permitted accessory use or conditional use. b) Amendment to the Unified Development Code, Article 4 General Regulations, Section 12 Sign Regulations, 3. Advertising Signs, and Article 8 Definitions to define message center advertising sign. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT: If the above Amendments to the Unified Development Code are recommended for approval by the Waseca County Planning Commission, the Waseca County Board will conduct public hearings to adopt the above referenced Zoning Ordinance Amendments on August 19, 2014 at 9:45 a.m. DISCUSSION AND ACTION: a) The Commission will also discuss the proposed expansion by SBKK Holdings, LLC of Kiesler’s Campground to add 18 new improved camp sites to the existing 336 sites at the facility located in Woodville Township, Section 16. The Conditional Use Permit granted on April 19, 2011 allows the campground to be expanded with the approval of the Waseca County Planning Commission and the Waseca County Board. 5. MISCELLANEOUS a) Residential density in the Agricultural Protection District and parcel of record 6. ADJOURNMENT AGENDAS AND ATTACHMENTS CAN ALSO BE FOUND ON THE COUNTY WEBSITE AT WASECA COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: August 7, 2014 8:00 p.m. Request By: Farmamerica 7367-360th Avenue Janesville, MN 56048 Unified Development Code Modification REQUEST Amendment to the Unified Development Code, Article 6 Zoning District Regulations, Section 25 Minnesota AIG - Ag Interpretive Center amendment to allow lighted advertising sign as a permitted accessory use. BACKGROUND Farmamerica is interested in installing an “electronic message” sign. The Waseca Unified Development Code does not include any definition, regulation or requirements for electronic signs or electronic message signs. Farmamerica has requested that Waseca County allow them to install such a two-sided sign, 10 feet by 4 feet, on their premises as a permitted use and allow other companies and individuals (sponsors) to advertise to help off-set the cost of the sign. The Planning Commission could recommend that the County Board allow this use as a conditional use. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENTS The proposed additions to the code are shown as underlined. Article 4 General Regulations Section 12 Sign Regulations 1. General Provisions k) Where a sign, other than an electronic message center sign, is illuminated, the source of light shall be external and not shine upon any part of a dwelling or into any residential district or any roadway. 4. Electronic Message Center Advertising Signs Electronic Message Center Requirements for On or off Premises Signs. A. An electronic message center shall only display static images. An electronic message center shall not display scrolling text or video images. B. The minimum image display duration shall be 8 seconds. C. The maximum image transition duration shall be 3 seconds. Transitions from one static image shall fade out and fade or dissolve in to the next static image without the use of flashing, animation, or movement. D. Where allowed as a conditional use, conditions may be imposed by the planning commission regarding hours of sign operation, sign height, sign size, and/or setbacks from property lines to mitigate impacts on nearby residential properties, to protect critical viewsheds as established in the General Plan, or to prevent potential traffic hazards. Article 6 Section 25 AIC Agricultural Interpretive Center District 1. Purpose The AIC Agricultural Interpretive Center District is intended to protect the site of the Minnesota Agricultural Interpretive Center (MAIC) and provide for the use of the district. 3. Permitted and Conditional Uses Specific permitted, conditional and accessory uses are subject to the requirements in Articles 3, 4 and 6 of this Ordinance. Permitted Uses. (a) Agriculture (b) Agricultural chemicals, fertilizer sales (c) Forestry, production of woodland products, nurseries, tree farms (d) Grain elevator, grain storage & drying (commercial) (e) Seasonal produce stand (f) Single-family detached dwelling (g) Two-family dwelling (h) Accessory dwelling unit (i) Home occupation (j) Licensed residential program (k) Parks and public recreation areas (l) Campground (m) Convention center, exhibit hall (n) Flea market, auction site (o) Retail sales establishment (p) Two sided electronic message center advertising signs of 40 square feet or less per side Conditional Uses (See Article 4 for Accessory Uses). (a) Mineral extraction, mining (b) Natural resource manufacturing and processing (c) Temporary worker housing (d) Cemetery, memorial garden (e) Religious institution (f) Organized group camp (g) Riding academy, boarding stable (h) Manufacturing-limited, including light assembly and packing (i) Two sided electronic message center advertising signs over 40 square feet per side Article 8. Definitions Electronic Message Center Signs. Signs whose alphabetic, pictographic, or symbolic informational content can be changed or altered on a fixed display surface composed of electrically illuminated or mechanically driven changeable segments. Electronic Message Centers includes two types: a) Fixed Message Electronic Message Signs: Signs whose basic informational content has been pre-programmed to include only certain types of information projection, such as time, temperature, and date; and b) Computer Controlled Variable Message Center Signs: Signs whose informational content can be changed or altered by means of computerdriven electronic impulses. WASECA COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: August 7, 2014 8:00 p.m. SBKK HOLDINGS, INC. DBA: Kieslers Campground 14360 Highway 14 East Waseca, MN 56093 Campground Expansion Request REQUEST We have received a request from SBKK Holdings, LLC of Kiesler’s Campground to add 18 new improved camp sites to the existing 336 sites at the facility located in Section 16 of Woodville Township,. The original Conditional Use Permit granted on April 19, 2011 allows the campground to be expanded with the approval of the Waseca County Planning Commission and the Waseca County Board. BACKGROUND In April of 2011, the Waseca County Planning Commission recommended approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to add 29 new campsites to the original 306 sites located at the facility (see attached report). The County Board also approved that request that month. One of the conditions of the CUP allowed or the expansion of the campground as follows: If the campground is expanded in the future within the expansion property for this Conditional Use Permit, the Owner/operator shall submit detailed plans for the improvement of the facility demonstrating how the property will be utilized. The plans will be provided to the Waseca County Planning and Zoning Department. The Department will present the expansion plans to the Waseca County Planning Commission (without public hearing) for review of the expansion plans and the plans shall be approved by the Waseca County Board. Any expansion must occur outside of the wetlands on the tract. PROJECT PROPOSAL: The applicants request an expansion of the Conditional Use Permit to add 18 new campsites to their existing 336 unit facility. To complete the expansion they will construct approximately 260 lineal feet of new 4 inch PVC sewer main from where it ends in the drive known as Linden Street. Since the facility is connected to the City of Waseca sewer system, the addition of new sites must be approved by the Waseca City Council. The applicant also proposes to extend a new 2 inch pvc water line from where it ends approximately 75 feet north of where the sewer line currently ends to a point approximately 75 feet north of where the new sewer line is proposed to end (see plans). The water is supplied by a well owned and maintained by the applicant. ISSUES WITH THIS REQUEST: A. Wetlands. The applicants have completed a wetlands delineation of the site in 2013. The new campsites and improvements are located outside of the delineated wetlands. B. Shoreland. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) must review any project of this type that encroaches into the Shoreland Overlay District. A copy of the expansion plan has been submitted to Dan Girolamo, Area Hydrologist from the Minnesota DNR for comment. C. Sewer Connection. As indicated, the City of Waseca must approve any Future connections to the municipal sanitary sewer system. D. Sale of Site. The new expansion area is on a separate parcel of record. Any sale of this tract without the sale of the original tract will cause a loss of fundamental services to the expanded tract. Therefore, the expansion tract cannot be sold without the original tract, if the conditional use permit is to continue on the expansion tract. The applicants would need to record a covenant to combine these parcels for purposes of sale and/or development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the 18 lot campground expansion subject to the approval of the project by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources as it relates to the Shoreland Overlay District and with the approval of the Waseca City Council to connect the new lines to existing sanitary sewer main.
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