World heritage site ”Gästgivars” in Vallsta WELCOME TO BOLLNÄS IN HÄLSINGLAND! Bollnäs – the municipality in the centre of the cultural countryside of Hälsingland with 26,500 inhabitants has all the convenience of town life as well as outstanding nature and wide-open and exciting countryside. There is a rich cultural life here; above all, music is prominent. At Onbacken, in the middle of the town, there are early iron age remains confirming that this area has long been populated. In 1942, Bollnäs officially became a town. Today, Bollnäs is a lively town with a wealth of small companies, great opportunities and much to experience recreationally. THE PROVINCE’S FLOWER, FLAX This beautiful blue flower is the province of Hälsing land’s flower. Flax from Hälsingland was a very impor tant product for the people who lived here. Flax preparation was industrialised during the 18th19th century when a large number of water-driven flax treatment works were established along the riv ers and streams. Flax from Hälsingland was famous for its good quality throughout all Sweden. THE DECORATED FARMHOUSES OF HÄLSINGLAND – OUR NEW WORLD HERITAGE SITE The decorated farmhouses of Hälsingland are the 15th World Heritage Site in Sweden on UNESCO’s list. The extraordinary aspect of these farmhouses is that Hälsingland’s independent farmers built more and larger festivity rooms than did farmers in any other part of the world. The building phase began in the 17th century and culminated in the 19th centu ry. More decorated interiors are preserved in Häls ingland than anywhere else. Seven World Heritage farmhouses are chosen as representative for about 1000 Hälsingland farmhouses of considerable cul tural value. It was, amongst other things, flax growing which cre ated a wealthier class of farmers. It was these farm ers who began to build the impressive “Farmhouses of Hälsingland”. There was competition amongst the villages for splendour and adornment of the farm steads’ buildings. Folkart was of a skillfull, high qual ity with beautiful paintings and superb craftsmanship in woodwork and carvings. Today, many of these “Farmhouses of Hälsing land” are well preserved and open to the public to visit. Contained within them is the history of Hälsingland from the 18th century onwards. Con tact the Tourist bureau for further information. Welcome to visit our World Heritage decorated farm houses! www.halsingegardar.se Träslottet in Arbrå WORLD HERITAGE SITE “GÄSTGIVARS” Gästgivars is the name of one of the farmhouses on Unesco’s World Heritage list of decorated farmhous es of Hälsingland. Available here are a handicrafts shop, displays, and guided tours. Gästgivars is a Hälsingland farmhouse from the 18th century with beautiful interior paintings and note-worthy wallpa per. Several activities on different days of the week. Day courses in traditional handicrafts. Vallsta. Open during the summer. Other times by appointment. Tel: +46 (0)278 256 40, +46 (0)70 532 60 85. www.varldsarvgastgivars.se TRÄSLOTTET IN ARBRÅ This old Hälsingland farmhouse features exhibits of various quality products. There is an excellent café featuring specialities of Hälsingland, a large imagina tive playarea for children, as well as inspiring gardens and a herb garden. Arbrå. Open during the summer. Tel: +46 (0)278 413 03. www.traslottet.se DECORATED FARMHOUSES OF HÄLSINGLAND – VISITORS’ CENTRE AT TRÄSLOTTET Information and pictorial display of the impressive farmhouses of Hälsingland. Tour reservations for the worl heritage site “Gästgivars” in Vallsta. Souvenirs are available. Arbrå. Open during the summer. Tel: +46 (0)278 256 40, +46 (0)70 532 60 85. VÄSTERBY – HÄLSINGLAND FARMHOUSES IN RENGSJÖ A unique, historical open-air folk-museum of some 30 buildings. The farmhouses have well-preserved interi ors with beautiful wall paintings, decorated wallpaper and period furniture. Five centuries of farming culture are gathered here in one unique collection of old farm ing implements. Activities for children, shops and ex hibitions. Cafeteria. Rengsjö. Open during the summer. Other times by appointment. Tel: +46 (0)278 66 55 10. www.vasterby.com KÄMPENS HEMBYGDSGÅRD – RURAL COMMUNITY CULTURAL CENTRE A well-preserved Hälsingland farmstead originating from the 16th century and a farmhouse of great his torical and cultural significance. There are many pre served objects of Hälsingland´s folkart. Bollnäs. Open during the summer. Other times by appointment. Tel: +46 (0)70 560 52 40, +46 (0)278 125 31. www.hembygd.se/bollnas Växbo Lin – Linen Factory Växbo Mill and Växbo Krog Gourmet Restaurant SEE & EXPERIENCE VÄXBO VÄXBO MILL AND VÄXBO KROG GOURMET RESTAURANT Växbo Mill – outstandingly beautiful, lies next to the old mill dam. Have a look in the mill and experience the undisturbed, rustic environment. Guided tours available. There is a barn with many traditional hand icraft products of high quality, with museum and ex hibits, a pottery and a smithy. Open during the sum mer. There is also an excellent gourmet restaurant, Växbo Krog, featuring locally produced specialities. Växbo. Open during the summer. (The restaurant is also open during some weekends spring/ autumn and for Christmas.) Tel: +46 (0)278 66 61 85. www.vaxbokrog.se VÄXBO LIN – LINEN FACTORY A short walk away lies Växbo Lin, where one can watch present day production of high-class flax prod ucts. (The Guided tours starts here). The large fac tory-shop has a rich assortment of beautiful textiles. Växbo. Open year round. Tel: +46 (0)278 66 62 00. www.vaxbolin.se TROLLDALEN – OUTDOOR MUSEUM IN VÄXBO EXHIBITING TRADITIONAL FLAX AND LINEN PRODUCTION The beautiful and idyllic Trolldalen is situated by Växbo Mill. Here one can observe how the flax was treated in olden days. Lined up along the small rapids are unique, old flax treatment works. (Guided tours). Stroll around the beautiful surroundings or stop for tea or coffee and a light meal at the Växbo Bakery with bread from their own stone-hearth ovens. Steamship S/S Warpen MOBACKES GARDENCENTER AND LILLA k´s GARDENRESTAURANT Hälsingland’s biggest garden company, located next to a nice Gardenrestaurant and café. A wide assortment of plants and expertise. Exhibition gar dens and special exhibits with for example orchids. N.Kilaforsv. 24, Bollnäs. Open year round. Tel Mobackes: +46 (0)278 61 13 12. Tel Lilla k´s: +46 (0)278 120 12. www.mobackes.se, www.lillak.com WORLD HERITAGE SITE GÄSTGIVARS – HANDICRAFTS SHOP At this beautiful old Hälsingland farmhouse there are exhibitions and the sale of handicrafts of the highest quality. Handicraft displays and courses. Gamla Orbadenvägen 29, Vallsta. Open during the summer. Tel: +46 (0)278 455 57. www.hemslojden.org/arbra VÄXBO MILL & VÄXBO LINEN FACTORY By Brotorget in Bollnäs there is a platform for the Snoddas train – a little round-tour train on wheels offering a free round-tour of the central parts of the town. Located in the centre of Bollnäs. Växbo Mill: Displays and sales of handicrafts and design objects of high quality, such as jewelery and clothing. Pottery, iron smithy, café and bakery, and gourmet restaurant. Open during the summer, except for rainy days. Tel: +46 (0)70 581 91 64. Växbo. Open during the summer. Tel: +46 (0)278 66 61 85. www.vaxbokrog.se MUSEUMS – ART EXHIBITIONS Växbo Linen factory: The large factory-shop has a rich assortment of beautiful textiles. BOLLNÄS MUSEUM/ART HALL Exhibits of all types are shown, contact the Muse um or Tourist bureau for the current programme. Located in the nearby Kulturhuset (Cultural centre) is the Onbacken room. An exhibition about On backen, an iron-age site near the museum. Odengatan 17, Bollnäs. Open during Exhibitions year round. Tel: +46 (0)278 253 26, +46 (0)278 251 39. www.bollnas.se/museum www.bollnas.se/museum DAAGARSSON-GÅRDEN IN LENNINGE Växbo. Open during the summer. Tel Bakery: +46 (0)278 66 61 85. www.vaxbokrog.se STEAMSHIP S/S WARPEN Lenninge, Bollnäs. Tel: +46 (0)278 230 11. www.daagarsson.se Bollnäs. Open during the summer. Call for reservations (also available for hire). Tel: +46 (0)70 261 06 65, +46 (0)70 309 93 59. www.warpen.se CRAFTS SNODDASTÅGET Art exhibitions by well-known artists are held year round in Stora Galleriet and local artists’ works in Lilla Gårdsgalleriet. Contact the Daagarssongården or Tourist bureau for opening times and current pro gramme. Go on a cruise in this steamship in a genuine steam ship setting, with decorative fittings in mahogany, red plush and brass. Good food and drink are served during the trip along lake Varpen, in the river Ljusnan’s beautiful valley. Lunchcruises and diner cruises, 2–3 hours. Gästgivars in Vallsta CHURCHES BOLLNÄS CHURCH This large cruciform church, originally from the ear ly half of the 14th century features, amongst other things, a 3.5m high middle-ages altar triptych with the famous Bollnäs Madonna, carved by Haaken Gulleson. The Church has one of Sweden’s best-pre served collections of middle-ages wood sculptures. N. Kyrkvägen 8, Bollnäs. Open year round. Tel: +46 (0)278 279 00. www.svenskakyrkan.se/bollnaspastorat Växbo. Open year round. Tel: +46 (0)278 66 62 00. www.vaxbolin.se MAJA’S CAFÉ AND GIFT SHOP Two floors filled with handicrafts, presents and household articles in a pleasant, rural setting. Café with home-made bakery goods and sandwiches. Rengsjö. Open year round. Tel: +46 (0)278 66 54 42. Visit our Facebook page. ÅTERBRUKSHYTTAN An unusual glassworks where bottles and jars are formed into useful and artistic objects. Sales and displays – try it out! Järnvägsgatan 35, Bollnäs. Open during the summer. Other times by appointment. Tel: +46 (0)70 226 21 02. www.aterbrukshyttan.se ANTIQUES AND FLEA MARKETS In the Bollnäs area you can find numerous exciting flea markets, antique shops and auctions! Great deals are a sure thing! Here is a selection of those places that are open frequently. Bollnäs: Erikshjälpen, Gammalt & Nytt, The Red Cross shop, Ismyra loppis flea market, and Brolin’s Auktionskammare (auction house). Kilafors: Larshans’ Antiques at Hälsingland farm house. Röste: Röste Furniture and Curios. For more information, contact the Tourist bureau. Tur o Ton Återbrukshyttan Orbaden NATURE – HIKING ACTIVITIES Hälsingland has a magnificent and varied land scape with impressive forests, high mountains and many lakes and watercourses. It offers great op portunities for the outdoor life and recreation. Trek along some of the trails. Trail guides with informa tion on over-nighting and rest stops can be bought at the Tourist bureau. HORSE-DRAWN CART TRIPS WITH TUR O TON (TOURS AND TONES) IN HÄLSINGLAND Hälsingeleden, is 100 kilometres (62 miles) long and passes through all the countryside of Hälsing land: the northern part being 50 km from Harsa to Bollnäs, the southern part 50 km from Bollnäs to Lingbo. Finnskogsleden, is a round walking-trail of 35 km, which starts in Annefors. Flottarleden, from Runemo to Söräng. A walking trail of 7 km along the Runemo-Söräng streams. NATURE RESERVES Bollnäs county has ten nature reserves. Natural variation with beautiful views, rambling paths and undisturbed nature. Put on your hiking boots and get out into wonderful nature! Choose between Stora Bolleberget, Tjuvberget, Köl berget, Grossjöberget, Blårönningen, Galvån, Djups jön-Römmaberget, Hästhagsberget, Majorns Hage and Larzonska. Free maps of some of the reserves can be sent for or picked up at the Tourist bureau. FISHING There are many fine places to fish where you can find, amongst others, salmon trout, char, grayling, pike-perch, perch, pike and bream. Rainbow trout is stocked in some of the “put-and-take” ponds in the mountains and forest areas. There is river fishing in Ljusnan and Voxnan. It is also possible to fish in the middle of Bollnäs. Every year 1,500 kilos of fish are put into the Bollnäs streams and in Vågen, a small lake right in town. In Vågen you can catch a local trout variety, and there is a walking path round the lake. Fishing permits are required at all locations. Some renowned fishing spots are: Varpen, Boll näs streams in Ljusnan, Bergviken near Kilafors, Söräng’s streams in Voxnan, Abbortjärn and Tre hörningen south of Annefors. Björktjärn Lake in Segersta and Vågen in central Bollnäs are “putand-take” stocked lakes, with moderate handicap access. A fishing licence can be bought, for example, at Bollnäs Tourist bureau or in a fishing store called “Sportfiskecentrum” in Bollnäs city center, tel. +46 (0)278 358 30. Approved Swedish ecotourism organizer: Musical tours in horse-drawn vehicles in the peace ful woods. Tales, music and traditional food from Hälsingland served in the light of the campfire! Gather together some friends and have a delightful ride in a horse-drawn cart: an experience in nature, which also includes entertainment. During the sum mer we also offer, amongst other things, a horsedrawn cart tour concentrated in the wilderness/ marsh as well as tours with a social gathering and entertainment in a barn or hunting lodge. In winter time we have horse-drawn sleigh rides. Vallsta. Open yearly round for booking. Tel: +46 (0)73 098 19 84. www.turoton.se DJUPAGÅRDEN´S PONYTREKKING, SEGERSTA Would you like to be out riding in the beautiful na ture of Hälsingland? Then you are most welcome to Djupgården’s ponytrekking. View from Tjuvberget Beaver safari: as dusk falls you can join a guided tour to the beaver’s waters that flow into the Ljus nan River valley. Moose safari: As afternoon turns to evening, the moose rise from their daily rest and wander in search of food. That’s when we go out to look for tracks and get close to the moose. Arbrå. Call for reservations. Tel: +46 (0)70 460 66 65. www.scandinavianwildwatch.com CYCLE TRIPS & BIKE RENTAL There are many beautiful back roads around Boll näs in a varied landscape with spectacular views, which lend themselves ideally to cycling. At the Tourist bureau you can buy a Cycle map and get tour suggestions. A popular trip is “Varpen runt”, round Lake Varpen, and it is 42 km long. Bike rental at Bollnäs Campground (from mid June – mid August, other times by appointment), at Orbaden Campground and at “Storsve´s bicycle rental & cycle cafe” in Kilafors (tel +46 (0)76 259 10 10, www.storsves.se). RAFTING ON LAKE VARPEN – RIVER LJUSNAN Situated on the road between Vevlinge-Segersta. Open yearly round for booking. Tel: +46 (0)73 027 02 46. www.djupagardensridturer.se Take a raft journey along the river Ljusnan’s beauti ful valley and discover a moment of tranquillity. The sauna and hot tub are mounted on the raft together with a camping style cabin with gas stove, cooler, toilet and four bunks. BEAR WATCHING IN FINNSKOGSRIKET AT VARGAS WILDERNESS LODGE Långnäsvägen, Bollnäs (at the Marina). Open during the summer. Tel: +46 (0)70 625 22 67, +46 (0)70 670 08 52. If you want to see a wild bear in your lifetime then come with us to The Bears’ Mountain! Here you’ll have the opportunity to observe the brown bear’s daily life. You can study them at close quarters, in peace and quiet. The experience begins with a 25 minute walk from Vargas Vildmarkslodge to the hide, which is extremely comfortable. Included here is a great picnic, together with accommodation and breakfast in the hide’s cosy beds. This excursion is ‘quality marked’ with the Swedish Eco-tourism So ciety’s “Best of Nature” award. Stora Öjungen, Annefors. Swedish wildlife tourism, Vargas Vildmarkslodge. Open yearly round for booking. Tel: +46 (0)278 340 96, +46 (0)70 317 75 29. www.swedenwildlife.se SCANDINAVIAN WILDWATCH – SAFARI TOURS Exciting safari tours in the woods of Hälsingland. Bear-watching: the opportunity to see moose, bear and woodland birds on the way to the hide. After the car ride awaits an easy 500 meter walk to the Bear Cabin, situated next to a beautiful forest marsh. CANOEING Hire a canoe and paddle in a beautiful environment! A little wilder water can be found in the river Voxnan and calmer water with impressive views on the river Ljusnan. CANOE RENTAL Sävstaås IP, Bollnäs Hire canoes which you transport yourself to the de sired location. Tel: +46 (0)278 250 86. Prästnäset, Bollnäs Rent canoes on Voxsjön. Tel: +46 (0)278 134 90. Orbaden Campground, Vallsta Rent canoes on the river Orsjön , Vallsta. Tel: +46 (0)278 451 65, +46 (0)70 333 81 82. BOWLING ACCOMMODATION Try bowling! There are 8 computerised alleys. You can also dine at the fully licensed restaurant. HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES GOLF HÅRGABANAN, KILAFORS A well-maintained park and forest course in beauti ful Hälsinge countryside, with 18 varying and chal lenging holes. Par 72. Driving range, practise area, restaurant, golf-shop, pro, caravan parking and over-nighting possibilities. Tel: +46 (0)278 65 05 40, +46 (0)278 65 03 96 www.bollnasgk.com FRELUGA GOLF CLUB IN MÖDÄNGE In the middle of beautiful nature you find this golf course beside the river Ljusnan. Scandic, Bollnäs Tel: +46 (0)278 74 41 00 Grand Hotell, Bollnäs Tel: +46 (0)278 63 28 00 Bollegården Sporthotell, Bollnäs Tel: +46 (0)278 181 85, +46 (0)70 372 71 10 Orbaden Spa & Resort, Vallsta Tel: +46 (0)278 62 15 00 Vilan Hotell & Restaurang, Orbaden Tel: +46 (0)278 455 10 Kullerbacka Gästhus, Segersta Tel: +46 (0)278 65 34 45, +46 (0)73 030 67 93 Kungsholmen, Segersta Tel: +46 (0)278 65 32 29, +46 (0)70 324 04 03 BED & BREAKFAST/HOSTELS Bollnäs Vandrarhem (youth hostel), Bollnäs Tel: +46 (0)70 777 78 68 Loads of events and activities are held in the Bollnäs area all year long! Choose among music, theatre, art, children’s events and much more. Welcome to find your own favourites! DECORATED FARMHOUSES OF HÄLSINGLAND Many summertime events are held for both young and old at our numerous traditional farmhouses. See the specific websites for each farm and visit www.bollnas.se/turism HERITAGE DAY FOR HÄLSINGLAND’S FARMHOUSES, IN JULY Open House at many of the Farmhouses of Hälsingland in the province. Tel: +46 (0)70 258 68 77. For more information please visit www.frelugagk.se Vandrarhemmet Voltersberg (youth hostel), Bollnäs Tel: +46 (0)278 65 31 54, +46 (0)70 583 03 30 MINIGOLF BY KARLSLUNDSBADET Nils-Olsgården Bed & Breakfast, Söräng Tel: +46 (0)278 391 63, +46 (0)70 649 89 55 FRELUGA GARDEN STAGE (FRELUGA TRÄDGÅRDSSCEN) Play mini-golf on this 18-hole course, which is ap proved for competitive games. Refreshments, restau rant and bathing beach nearby. Ohlandersgården – STF (youth hostel), Rengsjö Tel: +46 (0)70 810 29 66 Summer concerts with some of Sweden’s best known artists in a wonderful garden atmosphere! Bollnäs. Tel: +46 (0)70 578 37 65. BATHING PLACES Långnäs: centrally located beach in Bollnäs, Lång näs park, with beautiful views of Lake Varpen and the River Ljusnan. Restaurant service at “Terrassen” next to the sandy beach. Karlslundbadet: centrally located in Bollnäs by the River Ljusnan. Diving tower, play ground, beach-vol ley pitch, mini-golf and refreshments. Vevlingestrand: family-friendly swimming by Vev lingestrand’s Campground. Playground, volleyball pitch and large grassy areas. Refreshments. Stiftsgården, Undersvik Tel: +46 (0)278 63 65 60 www.frelugatradgardsscen.se Daniel-Olsgården Bed & Breakfast, Kilafors Tel: +46 (0)70 372 71 10 Freluga Gård, Freluga Tel: +46 (0)763 49 92 19 Västansjö Vandrarhem (youth hostel), Kilafors Tel: +46 (0)762 59 10 10 Storsve´s Bed & Breakfast, Kilafors Tel: +46 (0)762 59 10 10 Bollnäs Folkhögskola, Bollnäs Tel: +46 (0)278 389 02 CAMPING & CABINS Prästnäset, Sunnerstaholm: A well-maintained bathing place by Voxsjön. Canoeing, volleyball pitch as well as several barbecue places and pleasant strolling areas. Refreshments. Bollnäs Camping, Bollnäs Tel: +46 (0)278 180 90, +46 (0)70 389 10 90 Orbaden, Vallsta: Orbaden is often called “The Riviera of Hälsingland”, having a kilometre long sandy beach along Orsjön with beautiful views over the bay. There are jetties, slides, beach-volley pitch es as well as a kiosk, restaurant, hotel, camping and much more! Bollegården Naturcamping, Bollnäs Tel: +46 (0)278 181 85, +46 (0)70 372 71 10 Vevlingestrands Camping, Bollnäs Tel: +46 (0)73 812 91 83. Orbaden Camping, Vallsta Tel: +46 (0)278 451 65, +46 (0)70 333 81 82 Rengsjö Camping Tel: +46 (0)70 332 03 93, +46 (0)70 548 77 21 LÅNGNÄS PARK This beautifully situated park offers many events during the summer. Concerts, night club, theatre, motor shows, amateur sports and much more! Also a great beach and a full service restaurant. www.callmyr.se BOLLNÄS KULTURHUS – CULTURAL CENTRE The cultural centre offers extensive and varied concerts and activities both with well-known performers and local talents. Also plays, dance events, programs for children and more! www.bollnas.se/kulturhuset For more events please contact the Tourist bureau or visit www.bollnas.se/turism for calendar of events and info! Information is subject to change after printing. Private cabins, contact Bollnäs Tourist bureau Tel: +46 (0)278 258 80 Stay at a Hälsingland Farm: Nygården, Rengsjö Tel: +46 (0)70 392 05 56 BOLLNÄS TOURIST BUREAU Kulturhuset ,Odengatan 17B Tel +46 (0)278 258 80, Fax +46 (0)278 258 70 Email: turism@bollnas.se www.bollnas.se/turism www.halsingland.se Freluga Garden stage Foto: Bernt Björklund, Birgitta Jonsson, Anneli Wiklund, Tur o Ton, Tomas Lothström m.fl. Bollnäs, Häggesta. Bollnäs Bowling Club. Open year round. Tel: +46 (0)278 183 75. www.bollnasbowling.se EVENTS