Alaska State Shoot Program
Alaska State Shoot Program
th 2016 Alaska State PITA Trap Shoot $9,500 ADDED MONEY/TROPHIES 1300 PITA TARGETS June 8 – 12, 2016 Fairbanks Trap Club Welcomes You! Directions to Fairbanks Trap Club (6.5 Old Steese Hwy N.) The officers and directors of the Alaska State PITA welcome you to the 57th annual Alaska State Shoot hosted by the Fairbanks Trap Club. 2015 - 2016 ALASKA STATE PITA OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Chris Stankiewicz John Schumaker Kathy Hughes Clint Brooks DIRECTORS Malcom Menzies Dennis Geary Jay Davis Tom Renwick Juneau Brett Nieder Wasilla Jennifer Geary Juneau Wayne Bertholl Whitehorse Anchorage Wasilla Juneau DIRECTOR/CENTRAL HANDICAP COMMITTEE MEMBER Brian (Stubby) Hughes, Fairbanks (Delegate) FAIRBANKS TRAP CLUB OFFICERS & DIRECTORS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Ray Flores Jeff Pierson Chris Stankiewicz Rohn Abbott John Schumaker Deb Hewitt Clint Brooks DIRECTORS 3 John Hewitt Larry Hannesson Cashiering will be done by Dave Kaiser again this year. Thank you Dave, we appreciate what you do for us! REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE This certifies that the Fairbanks Trap Club is authorized to hold the Alaska State PITA Shoot June 8-12, 2016. The PITA rules will govern this tournament and all scores made will be included in the official records. Sue Brewer Executive Secretary INFORMATION FOR THE SHOOTER The club will be open at 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Tuesday, June 7th for practice and at 10:00 a.m. each day thereafter. The office will be open for handicapping and squadding on Tuesday, June 7th from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and during normal office hours each day thereafter. All targets in this program will be registered with the PITA. All contestants must be current members in good standing with the PITA. Annual membership dues are $20.00 ($10.00 for new members) and are payable upon registration if the shooter does not have a current membership card. This is an invitational event and management reserves the right to refuse any entry or to disqualify anyone who interferes with or disturbs the harmony of this shoot in any manner. Management is not responsible for any accident or loss of property. Absolutely no one will be allowed to shoot either practice or an event after having consumed any drugs or alcohol. A shooter who attempts to do so will be asked to leave the grounds. 4 Shooters who have no average on record by which to base a classification will be required to shoot not less than A class in the 16 yard events, not less than 22 yards in Handicap events, and B class in the Doubles events. Category shooters who are NOT playing options will not be penalized. The Handicap Committee reserves the right to change the classification of any shooter at any time. The decision of the Handicap Committee shall be final and not subject to any appeal. A shooter must shoot his or her proper class and at the correct yardage. An error at the Handicap Table does not relieve the shooter of responsibility for knowing the rules. Events 1-6 open to Non Residents for Winner/Champion. Shooters may win only one trophy per event. Selection of which trophy (special category or other) is up to the shooter, but the shooter must notify shoot management of his/her choice at the conclusion of the event. Shooters must declare at time of registration their eligibility for special category trophies (Ladies, Junior, Sub-Junior, Veteran or Senior Veteran). Sub-Jr shooter, under 15 years old. Junior, under 18. Veteran, 65-under 70. Senior Vet, 70-under 75. Elder, 75 and over. Women, Juniors, Sub-Juniors, Veterans or Senior Veterans electing to shoot off for any class or yardage trophy forfeit their right to a special category trophy should they lose. All shoot offs will be completed the same day events occur. THE SHOOT-OFF COMMITTEE AND THE REFEREES WILL BE COMPOSED OF THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF PITA AND THE FAIRBANKS TRAP CLUB. NOTICE: ORANGE DOME WHITE FLYER TARGETS WILL BE THROWN. 5 All ties for trophies will be shot off the day the event is finished, time permitting. If you are involved in a tie of this nature, you must be on the grounds when your shoot-off is called or you will forfeit all rights. Shoot-offs are for trophies only. All class winners and ties, excluding trophies and Preliminary Day Events, will be advanced to the next higher class on all events. If you miss your squad, you must be re-squadded. Check your score. The scorer will call out the scores after each post is completed. ERRORS MUST BE CORRECTED AT THIS TIME. AFTER THE FIRST SHOT HAS BEEN FIRED ON THE NEXT POST OR THE SQUAD LEAVES THE TRAP NO CORRECTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED. NO EXCEPTIONS. Cashiering will be by computer and all payoffs will be considered final 45 minutes after posting. Shooters are encouraged to check scores and options. No changes will be made after the 45 minute posting period has lapsed. No vendors will be allowed on the grounds without the permission of the FTC management. Shells will be available on the grounds at regular prices. No vendors will be permitted to sell or deliver shells on the grounds without permission of the FTC management. No competitor can act as a puller during a tournament event if he/she is participating in that event without approval of the PITA Executive Committee. *Please note: the PITA Executive Committee reserves the right to change this program at any time without notice. 6 Special Notice to Shooters The below classifications will be used for 2016 Singles – 16 Yards 4 Classes A B C D 96.00% and above 92.50% to 95.99% 88.50% to 92.49% Under 88.50% Doubles 4 Classes A B C D 90.00% and above 85.00% to 89.99% 78.00% to 84.99% Under 78.00% 100 Handicap Events High Scores and All Ties: 10 to 24 shooters 25 to 49 shooters 50 to 99 shooters 1st ½ 1 1 2nd 0 0 ½ 3rd 0 0 0 4th 0 0 0 Note: When a shooter ties for high but loses the shoot-off, they will be punched the same yardage as the winner. 7 DAY FEES On each day of shooting, each shooter will be assessed daily fees as follows: PITA $3.00 Alaska State PITA $3.00 Cross Registration to ATA $6.00 Day fees will be collected on the first event shot for the day and will not be repeated for that day. BE SURE TO CROSS REGISTER YOUR TARGETS THIS YEAR 8 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING DINNER A Special Event Barbeque Dinner will be offered by the Alaska State PITA on the club grounds following the last event on Saturday, June 11th. The dinner is open to all shooters and guests. Tickets for this dinner will be $15.00 each. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING The annual membership meeting of the Alaska State PITA will be held after the ALASKA STATE SINGLES CHAMPIONSHIP event on Saturday, June 11th, 2015. Setren Shooting Supplies Wishes Everyone the Best of Luck and Safe Shooting Thank you Bob for your many years of support to Fairbanks Trap Club 9 10 Wednesday, June 8, 2016 11:00 am Preliminary Day Sponsored by Frontier Outfitters, Woolly Rhino & Sentry Hardware Event #1 Singles Rudy Voigt Memorial Shoot Targets: Options: Class Purse: Lewis Purse: Trophies: 100 16 Yard Targets 2 pays, 60/40 paid percentage (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% Winner each of four classes. $34.00 $10.00 $10.00 Event #2 Handicap The Bob Burg Preliminary Handicap (91) 100 18-27 Yard Targets Targets: Options: Purse: Lewis Purse: Trophies: 3 pays, 50/30/20, paid percentage. $2.50 each 25, divided 60/40 paid percentage. $5.00 each 50 (3). divided 50/30/20, paid percentage. (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% Champion, 19-22 Yards, 23-27 Yards. $34.00 $10.00 $10.00 $15.00 $10.00 Event #3 Doubles The Optimist Club/Joe Nava Doubles Targets: Options: Class Purse: Lewis Purse: Trophies: 50 Pair Doubles Targets 2 pays, 60/40, paid percentage. $5.00 each 50 (2) divided A, B, C, D, 60/40, paid percentage. (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% Winner each of four classes, $34.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 Preliminary Day Champion – HOA – events 1-3 THANK YOU FRONTIER OUTFITTERS/WOOLLY RINO/SENTRY HARDWARE 11 12 13 Enjoy an occasion of Fine Dining in a cozy and rustic atmosphere featuring our famous PRIME RIB ● GIANT PRAWNS ● KING CRAB also serving Lobster Tail ● Halibut (Dinner includes salad bar) Mon. – Sat. 6 p.m. ● Sun. 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. 10 Mile Old Steese Highway ● Fox, Alaska For reservations 457-3883 Open 7 days a week 14 Thursday, June 9, 2016 11:00AM Event #4 Doubles 50 Pair Doubles Targets Beryl Palmer Memorial Doubles SPONSORED BY SILVIA PALMER Targets: $34.00 Options: Class Purse: 2 pays, 60/40, paid percentage. $10.00 $5.00 each 50 (2) divided A, B, C, D $10.00 Lewis Purse: (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% $10.00 Trophies: Winner each of five classes, Lady, Jr, Vet and Sr. Vet. Added money: $100 – $25 each class, divided 60/40 paid percentage Rest in peace Beryl….you will always be in our thoughts 15 Thursday, June 9, 2016 Event #5 Singles 100 16 Yard Targets The Stubby Hughes Singles (100) SPONSORED BY COLD SPOT FEEDS Targets: $34.00 Options: Class Purse: 2 pays, 60/40 paid percentage. $10.00 Lewis Purse: (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% $10.00 Trophies: Champion, Winner of five classes, Lady, Jr., Vet and Sr. Vet Added Money: $100 – $25 each class, divided 60/40 paid percentage THANK YOU COLD SPOT FEEDS FOR TAKING CARE OF ALL OUR PETS NEEDS AND FOR SPONSORING THIS YEARS EVENT #5 16 17 Thursday, June 9, 2016 Event #6 Handicap 100 18-27 Yard Targets The Rohn Abbott Handicap (90) Targets: Options: Purse: SPONSORED BY FULLFORD ELECTRIC $34.00 3 pays, 50/30/20% paid percentage. $10.00 $2.50 each 25 divided 60/40%, paid percentage. $10.00 $5.00 each 50 (3) divided 50/30/20%, $15.00 paid percentage. Lewis Purse: (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% $10.00 Trophies: Champion, 19-21 Yards, 22-24 Yards 25-27 Yards, Lady, Junior, Vet and Senior Vet Added Money: $100 – Paid by Lewis System – 4 Divisions, 2 Places (60/40) This evening following the trophy presentations STUBBY’S FAMOUS POTLUCK BARBEQUE THANK YOU FULLFORD ELECTRIC FOR SPONSORING EVENT #6 18 19 20 Friday, June 10, 2016 11:00 am Class Championships Alaska Class Singles Championship Targets: Options: Class Purse: Lewis Purse: Trophies: Event #7 100 16 Yard Targets SPONSORED BY Juneau Gun Club $34.00 3 pays, 50/30/20, paid percentage. $10.00 (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% $10.00 Winner each of five classes, High Lady, Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran and Non-resident Champion Added Money: $200 – $50.00 each class divided 60/40 paid percentage Juneau Gun Club WISHES EVERY ONE THE BEST DURING THE 2016 ALASKA STATE PITA TRAP SHOOT! THANK YOU JUNEAU GUN CLUB FOR SPONSORING THE ALASKA CLASS SINGLES EVENT #7 21 Friday, June 10, 2016 The Bill Helms Memorial Handicap Event #8 100 18-27 Yard Targets The Clint Brooks Handicap (95) SPONSORED BY DAN GLAVES & SIXGUNS TRANSPORT LLC Targets: $34.00 Options: Purse: 3 pays, 50/30/20, paid percentage. $10.00 $2.50 each 25, divided 60/40, paid percentage. $10.00 $5.00 each 50 (3), divided 50/30/20/, $15.00 paid percentage. Lewis Purse: (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% $10.00 Trophies: Champion, Runner Up Champion, 19-21 Yards, 22-24 Yards, 25-27 Yards, High Lady, Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran and Non-resident Champion Added Money: $200 – Paid by Lewis System – 4 Divisions, 2 Places (60/40) THANK YOU SIXGUNS TRANSPORT FOR SPONSORING THIS YEARS BILL HELMS MEMORIAL HANDICAP EVENT #8 DAN WON THE ALASKA STATE SINGLES CHAMPIONSHIP FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW LAST YEAR…WILL IT BE A THREE-PEAT? 22 Friday, June 10, 2016 Alaska Class Doubles Championship Event #9 50 Pair Doubles Targets SPONSORED BY CARPENTERS & JOINERS OF AMERICA LOCAL 1243 Targets: $34.00 Options: Class Purse: 3 pays, 50/30/20, paid percentage. $10.00 $5.00 each 50 (2) divided A, B, C, D $10.00 60/40, paid percentage Lewis Purse: (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% $10.00 Trophies: Winner in each five classes, High Lady, Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran and Non-resident Champion Added Money: $200 – $50 each class divided 60/40 paid percentage THANK YOU LOCAL 1243 FOR SPONSORING THIS YEAR’S EVENT #9 23 24 25 D’Artois Gunwerke D'Artois Gunwerke 396 Tovey Dr Fairbanks, AK 99709 Phone: (907) 479-3006 26 Welcome to Seekins Ford Lincoln, Inc. Seekins Ford Lincoln, a Ford and Lincoln dealer in Fairbanks, Alaska offers new Ford and Lincoln cars, trucks, SUVs and crossovers. Serving the Fairbanks North Star Borough and the state of Alaska for over 39 years, Seekins Ford Lincoln is your premier retailer of new and pre-owned vehicles. Our dedicated sales staff and top-trained technicians are here to make your auto experience fun, easy and financially advantageous. New 2015 & 2016 vehicles include the Fiesta, Focus, Fusion, C-MAX, Taurus, Mustang, Escape, Edge, Flex, Explorer, Expedition, F-150, Super Duties, E-Series, Transit Connect, MKS, MKZ, MKX, MKT and Navigator. Visit to view our full inventory of new and pre-owned vehicles! Have a GREAT Shoot! 27 Saturday, June 11, 2016 11:00 am Alaska State Singles Championship Event #10 Singles The Dan Glaves Singles (197) 200 Singles Targets SPONSORED BY SEEKINS FORD Targets: Options: Class Purse: Lewis Purse: Trophies: $68.00 3 pays, 50/30/20, paid percentage. $10.00 (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% $10.00 Champion, Runner-up Champion, Winner each of five classes, High Lady, Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran Non-Resident Champion. Added Money: $1,000 – $250 each class divided 60/40 paid percentage. Junior and Sub-Junior target fees for this event will be sponsored by the FTC YOUTH PROGRAM SPECIAL THANKS TO JAY AND THE CREW AT SEEKINS FORD Built Stronger. Tougher. Better. 1625 Seekins Ford Drive, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Call Us Now: (866) 583-8805 SPECIAL EVENT DINNER WILL BE HELD AT THE CLUB FOLLOWING TODAY’S EVENT 28 IVORY JACKS BAR & RESTAURANT 2581 (1.5 Mile) Goldstream Road, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709 (907) 455-6665 Ivory Jack’s welcomes the 2016 PITA Shooters FREE PARKING 29 Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:00 am The Alaska State Doubles Championship Event #11 The Wally Smith Doubles (96) 50 Pair Doubles Targets SPONSORED BY CARPENTERS LOCAL 1281 Targets: Options: Class Purse: $34.00 3 pays, 50/30/20, paid percentage. $10.00 $5.00 each 50 (2) divided A, B, C, D $10.00 60/40, paid percentage. Lewis Purse: (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% $10.00 Trophies: Champion, Runner-up Champion, Winner each of five classes, High Lady, Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran, Non-Resident Champion. Added Money: $600 – $150 each class divided 60/40 paid percentage. THANK YOU Carpenters Local 1281 FOR SPONSORING THIS YEAR’S ALASKA STATE DOUBLES CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT #11 30 Sunday, June 12, 2016 Alaska State Handicap Championship Dave Swanson Memorial Event #12 The Brandon Nieder Handicap (96) 100 18-27 Yard Targets SPONSORED BY CAROL McCONAHY & ICY SWAN CREATIONS Targets: Options: Purse: Lewis Purse: Special Event: $34.00 3 pays, 50/30/20, paid percentage. $5.00 each 25 divided 60/40, paid percentage. $10.00 each 50 (3) divided 50/30/20, paid percentage. (4 divisions), two pays per division, 60/40% $20.00 $20.00 $30.00 paid high gun, 3 pays $30.00 Dave Kaiser’s Jackpot Hi Gun $10.00 Trophies: Champion, Runner-up and Third, 19-21 Yards, 22-24 Yards, 25-27 Yards, High lady, Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran, Non-resident Champion. Added Money: $1000 – Paid by Lewis System – 4 Divisions, 2 Places (60/40) THANK YOU CAROL FOR SPONSORING THIS YEAR’S ALASKA STATE HANDICAP CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT #12 31 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 SINGLES ALASKA STATE PITA CHAMPIONS Dick Johnson Dick Johnson Rudy Voigt Bert Biss Jim Powers Homer Wenger Howard Houtz Howard Houtz Howard Houtz Howard Houtz Larry Mattson Howard Houtz Jerry Vezina Ken Neiland Jay Lickliter Terry Howard Frank Woodfill Cort Phalp Pete Owens Frank Woodfill Pete Wylie Wayne Jensen B. Ramberansingh Bob Fast Robert Dodge Bob Fast D. Schenderline John Stelling Harold Mitchell Vince Baldauf Melvin Keeney Melvin Keeney Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Terry Nance Hank Lind Wally Smith Phil Rice Wil Smith David Inman Sr. Cliff Calkins Dave Inman Rohn Abbott Andy Blore Sasha Ruesch Stubby Hughes Rohn Abbott Robert Burg Andy Blore Jared Mattson Sasha Ruesch Stubby Hughes Stubby Hughes Dan Glaves Dan Glaves LADIES JUNIORS June Stanford June Stanford Gladys White Gladys White Bonnie Johnston Gladys White Gladys White Gladys White Cindy Getzan Gladys White Harold Swenson Harold Swenson Billy Woodland Billy Woodland Bob Dunbar Bob Dunbar William Alley John Johnson Jim Brown SUB-JUNIORS Harold Swenson Billy Woodland Mark Swank Mark Swank Mark Swank Bill Dunbar Bill Dunbar Bill Dunbar Mark Guin Gladys White Richard McDowell Steve Sandland Gladys White Anna Larson Gladys White Gladys White Susan Keffer Donna Urling Mary Hogan Donna Urling Brenda Carlson Lois Phalp Rhoda Thacker Donna Urling Vicki Stockhauser Vicki Stockhauser Kathy Lewis Rebecca Kaiser Kay Hanks Rebecca Kaiser Irma Knight Kathy Parker Patty Maytag Patty Maytag Susan Robb Rebecca Kaiser Louise Martin Louise Martin Evie Seymore Wendy Speiss Karen Lidster Evie Seymore Whitney Ruesch Sasha Ruesch Jaimie Wharton Jaimie Wharton Karen Lidster Sasha Ruesch Deb Hewitt Judy Herrick Judy Herrick Carol Inman Carol Inman Carol Inman Cody Bench Ken Zvolanck Mark Rank Stephen Jones Phillip Coppeland Jeff Sisbach Jeff Sisbach Jeff Sisbach R. Dayiey Grant Pool Tim Thompson Dennis Thompson Jr. Mike Jordan Doug Miller Brad Shira Gary Nance Shawn Lemon 32 T. Kimbrell Brent Smith Richard Burns Jason Avila Cory Hodson Cory Hodson Curtis Keeney Jared Mattson Curtis Keeney Brenton Linegar Bruce Abbott Kurt Linegar Kurt Linegar Jim Beaman Vincent Bertolini George Browning III Jake Hughes Justin Becker Brandon Stoner Benjamin Smith Mike Plaumann Ben Smith Joe Hughes Joe Hughes Justin Herrick Jack Herrick Ethan Schumaker Ethan Schumaker Ethan Schumaker Parker Glaves Ethan Schumaker Jack Herrick ALASKA STATE PITA CHAMPIONS 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 VETERANS SENIOR VETS DOUBLES HANDICAP Harold Mitchell James Beaman William Schultz Harold Mitchell James Beaman Clifford Calkins Bob Hansen Clifford Calkins Jay Davis Jay Davis Jay Davis Malcolm Menzies Malcolm Menzies Jay Davis Rhon Abbott Gil Johnson Hal Getzan Howard Houtz Burton Fosse Howard Houtz Terry Howard Troy Nance Jerry Little Bob Moore Pete Owens B. Ramberansingh Dave Thacker Pete Carlson Dave Diamond Terry Cary Pete Carlson Terry Cary Paul Collins Randy Smith Terry Nance Craig Sparrowgrove Melvin Keeney Jim Woolace Wayne Jensen David Siegler Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Wally Smith Tony Thacker Greg Yocum Dave Inman Wally Smith Wally Smith Stubby Hughes Stubby Hughes Stubby Hughes Jared Mattsom Stubby Hughes Stubby Hughes Wally Smith Jay Davis Greg Yocum Wally Smith Elmo Hill Wes Spencer Jay Lickliter Claude McDowell Jim Powers Troy Nance Burton Fosse Pete Wylie Pete Owens S. Korenck Jim Bouschor Danny Grangaard Pat Shea Kelly McDaniel Richard Stockhauser Terry Nance Gordon Griffith Cory Hodson John Stelling Lawless McCord Barrett Cuddeback David Siegler Jim Bouschor Rick Allen Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Dave Inman Sr. Doug Hogan David Woodnancy David Woodnancy Jay Gesin Don Parsons Robert Setren Wally Smith Pete Hudson John Farner Clifford Calkins Joe Hughes Wayne Bertholl Greg Yocum Wally Smith Judy Herrick Chuck Thorsrud Brandon Nieder Harold Schultz Harold Schultz Jim Brooks Herb Lehfeldt Harold Schultz Harold Schultz Harold Mitchell Harold Schultz Bill Helms Robert Hansen Robert Hansen Cliff Calkins Robert Hansen Jay Davis Jay Davis Jay Davis Wayne Bertholl Malcolm Menzies Bob Burg Jay Gesin Rohn Abbott Rohn Abbott Dave Inman CW Floyd 33 Jack Woodland Dick Johnston Dick Johnston Frank Kahlase George Brown George Brown George Brown Wm. Thompson Mike Mark Howard Houtz Pep Thompson Leon Brown Chet Medley Gladys White Lou Gray Ralph Garafola Dick Breeden Wm. Thompson Marlo Miller Wm. Burke ALASKA STATE PITA CHAMPIONS 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 HOA HAA Jim Powers Don Jones Jim Powers Hal Getzan Terry Howard Jerry Vezina Cort Phalp Pete Owens Dale Johnson B. Ramberansingh Terry Cary B. Ramberansingh Jerry Urling Pat Shea Bob Fast Terry Cary Dale Johnson Randy Smith Harold Mitchell Jim Powers Howard Houtz Jim Powers Howard Houtz Terry Howard Burton Fosse Cort Phalp Pete Owens Dale Johnson B. Ramberansingh Terry Cary B. Ramberansingh Charles Scherer Richard Stockhauser Bob Fast Terry Cary Terry Cary Randy Smith Terry Nance Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Wally Smith Jim Woolace Davie Inman Sr. Tony Thacker Wally Smith Eric Russell Greg Yocum Jay Davis Stubby Hughes Stubby Hughes Jim Fleming Andy Blore Stubby Hughes Greg Yocum Stubby Hughes Wally Smith Pete Hudson Wally Smith Melvin Keeney Jim Woolace Lawless McCord Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Jim Woolace Dave Inman Sr. Jim Woolace David Inman Sr. Tony Thacker Dave Inman Stubby Hughes Brian Greco Wally Smith Stubby Hughes Stubby Hughes Stubby Hughes Jared Mattson Stubby Hughes Stubby Hughes Stubby Hughes Rohn Abbott Pete Hudson Brandon Nieder Dick Johnston Dick Johnston Frank Kahlase Frank Kahlase George Brown Cooper Breeding Howard Houtz Wm. Thompson Jim Powers Howard Houtz 34 Jack Woodland Dick Johnston Howard Houtz Bert Biss George Brown Ralph Garafola Wm. Thompson Wm. Thompson Hal Getzan Howard Houtz OTHER TROPHIES HIGH - ALL - AROUND The Brandon Nieder High-All-Around (385) (Events #10, #11, #12) TROPHIES: Champion, Runner-up Champion, Winner each of four Classes, High Lady, Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran, Non-resident Champion. HIGH - OVER - ALL The Wally Smith High-Over-All (906) (Events #4 - #12 Inclusive) TROPHIES: Champion, Runner-up Champion, Winner each of four Classes, High Lady, Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran, Non-resident Champion. 35 740 Bonanza, Anchorage, AK 99518 (907) 562-2336 A HUGE THANK YOU TO DAVIS CONSTRUCTORS & ENGINEERS, INC IT’S COMPANIES LIKE YOURS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN KIDS LIVES 36 INTERIOR ALASKA SCHOLASTIC CLAY TARGET PROGRAM ALASKA STATE CHAMPIONS 2002 2003 Midnight Sons, Fairbanks Midnight Sons, Fairbanks HIGH-OVER-ALLS FOR 2015 Clint Brooks Dan Glaves Peter Hudson Bob Setren (2) Fred Wilson(2) Jay Davis Glenn Goepfert Don LeClair Wally Smith (3) Congratulations go out to: This year the crown of Captain of the Alaska State PITA All Star Teams is passed from Jay Davis to Dan Glaves Congratulations Dan!!! Thank you Special thanks to everyone involved with the FTC Youth Shooter Program this year and to everyone who donated to the program. Thanks to the Fairbanks Trap Club for hosting us again. Special thanks to the target setting crew and last but not least, a BIG thank you to ALL the people keeping us fed from the kitchen!! 37 2016 ALASKA PITA ALL STATE TEAMS (Composite Average based on 2015 averages) OPEN FIRST TEAM Dan Glaves Wally Smith Clint Brooks Stubby Hughes Brandon Nieder .9107 .9083 .9011 .8979 .8942 OPEN SECOND TEAM Ray Costanti Pete Hudson Bob Setren Brett Nieder Jay Davis .8878 .8878 .8853 .8796 .8752 VETERAN TEAM CW Floyd Dave Kaiser Chuck Thorsrud Mar’ chant Thompson .8733 .8305 .8286 .7643 LADIES TEAM Carol McConahy Jennifer Geary .7813 .6289 JUNIOR TEAM Parker Glaves .7788 SENIOR VETERAN TEAM Rohn Abbott Malcolm Menzies Fred Wilson Don Heavilin Jay Gesin .8539 .8365 .8339 .8175 .8057 Requirements for the Alaska State PITA All Star Team are: Men—600 singles—600 handicap and 300 doubles Women—500 singles—500 handicap and 300 doubles AND; must participate in the 400 main event targets of the Alaska State Shoot May only qualify for one team CORRECTION TO LAST YEARS FIRST TEAM BRETT NIEDER – FIRST TEAM – .8956 OUR APPOLIGISES FOR THE OVERSIGHT BRETT Attention Shooters! Throughout the program, you see advertisements from sponsors and contributors. Without their support the Fairbanks Trap Club and the Alaska State PITA would not have been able to host the 2015 PITA State Shoot. Please! Remember these companies, businesses and individuals. They support us, please support them!! 38 2015 NATIONAL PITA ALASKA HOA TEAM A Class B Class C Class D Class Greg Yocum N/A Patricia Yocum Dave Kaiser 2015 ALASKA HIGH AVERAGES LEADERS Singles; (1000) Handicap; (1300) Doubles; (2100) Composite; (7100) Brandon Nieder Clint Brooks Greg Yocum Greg Yocum .9700 .9031 .9433 .9285 2015 HIGH VOLUME TARGET LEADERS Total Volume Total Volume Lady Singles Handicap Doubles Ryan Costanti Patricia Yocum Ryan Costanti Ryan Costanti Ryan Costanti 18,400 6,600 5,600 6,100 6,700 50,000 REGISTERED PITA TARGETS Rudy Voigt Duane Fluent Richard Smith Larry Thacker Harold Mitchell William Helms Rohn Abbott Jim Wollace Harold Shultz Jim Beaman Malcolm Menzies 1981 1984 1986 1989 1992 1993 1997 1999 2002 2002 2016 Doug Hogan Dave Kaiser Stubby Hughes Jay Gesin Jay Davis Mike Grant Greg Yocum Pete Hudson Tom Renwick Trish Yocum 2006 2007 2008 2008 2008 2010 2010 2011 2013 2014 100,000 REGISTERED PITA TARGETS Dave Kaiser 39 2011 HALL OF FAME Anne Larson Rudy Voigt Duane Fluent Harold Mitchell Richard McIntyre Larry Thacker Bill Helms Marse Kueber Maurice Nelson Dave and Becky Kaiser & Gus Harold Schultz Jim Beaman Doug Hogan Stubby and Kathy Hughes Tony Thacker and Jay Davis Bob Hansen Jim Wollace Bob and Betty Burg, Rohn Abbott David and Carol Inman Sam Grimes Wally Smith 1994 1995 1996 1997 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 IN MEMORIAM (Month-Year)(Age) Ann Larson Jim Lidster (3-02) (65) Rhoda Thacker (2-05) (77) Gary Shultz (07) Velma Beaman (3-09) (81) Dave Swanson (1-11) (68) Harold Shultz (12-10) Cliff Calkins (9-11) (76) Jerry Parsons (8-13) (73) Beryl Palmer (3-16) (66) Bill Helms (9-11) (78) Maurice Nelson (10-03) (81) Rudy Voigt (12-06) (95) Larry Thacker (06-08) (84) Kathy Parker (10-09) (60) Tom Freeman (5-13) (70) Herb Weichert (10-11) (68) Jack McCombs (10-13) (79) Jim Beaman (1-14) (89) 40 41 YOUR 2016 ALASKA STATE SHOOT SCORES Event 1 ____________ Event 7 ____________ Event 2 ____________ Event 8 ____________ Event 3 ____________ Event 9 ____________ Event 4 ____________ Event 10 ____________ Event 5 ____________ Event 11 ____________ Event 6 ____________ Event 12 ____________ HAA HOA ____________ ____________ 2016 ALASKA STATE PITA CHAMPIONS SINGLES__________________________________________ LADY_____________________________________________ JUNIOR___________________________________________ VETERAN_________________________________________ SR VETERAN______________________________________ DOUBLES__________________________________________ HANDICAP_________________________________________ HAA_______________________________________________ HOA_______________________________________________ 42 SMITH ALASKA CONSTRUCTION Residential & Commercial Remodeling Wally Smith 1996 IABA Builder of the Year General Contractor Lic.# AA18653 P.O. Box 81068 Fairbanks, AK 99708 Office: (907) 457-1503 Fax: (907) 457-1515 Cellular: (907) 388-2181 THANK YOU WALLY FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT OVER THE YEARS TO FAIRBANKS TRAP CLUB WALLY IS THIS YEARS ALASKA PITA HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE 18-22 13-17 July, July, 2012 2016 43 44 Help SPONSOR Fairbanks Trap Club Youth Program 45 46 PUBLIC TRAP SHOOTING Wednesday 6 pm -9 pm Sunday 10 am – 2 pm REGISTERED SHOOTS 2nd Saturday of the month COME GIVE IT A TRY Juneau Gun Club WISHES EVERY ONE THE BEST DURING THE 2016 ALASKA STATE PITA TRAP SHOOT! ½ Mile Montana Creek Rd 907-789-9844 47 THE WHITEHORSE RIFLE & PISTOL CLUB – TRAP SECTION Good luck and good shooting! SNOWSHOE GUN CLUB 4401 N. DOGWOOD KENAI, ALASKA 99611 907-283-7001 48 Kevin & Angie Hickman Wildlife Artist/Taxidermist 319 Glacier Ave. Fairbanks, AK 99701 Phone: (907) 452-2709 49 50 Notes ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 51 Beryl James Palmer 1949 -2016 52