Newsletter September - Baytown Christian Academy


Newsletter September - Baytown Christian Academy
V o i c e
o f
t h e
A c a d e m y
September 2009
Kindergarten Class Field Trip: Museum of Fine Arts Houston
Greetings from the School of Grammar!
Excitement is contagious and it is BCA's goal to instill in its
students a sense of anticipation and expectancy about
tomorrow's lesson. To always expect a great show of
enthusiasm for the next grammar or math class is perhaps
asking a bit much, but there are songs and drills that lend
themselves well to many classroom situations and that can
relieve the routine in the learning environment. A serious and
challenging education is not necessarily separate from a
creative and enjoyable learning experience.
In addition to classroom instruction, BCA believes that field
trips should be an integral part of the learning experience.
These are opportunities not to be missed that we may read the
world through different eyes. All students at BCA will benefit
throughout their academic years from shorter, educational
forays to the museums and historic sites available to us in the
Houston area. Students will attend plays, concerts, and shows
enhancing their classroom education and broadening their
cultural horizons. This past week Kindergarten traveled to the
Museum of Fine Arts to help students better understand the
background and context behind those lessons learned in the
Veritas Press Phonics Museum. First grade toured the
Baytown museum to see local history and to expound on their
studies of this city from birth to present. The Newberry
Honor book “Cricket in Times Square” offered opportunity
for the third grade to experience the literary works of George
Seldon and investigate the world of Chinese food as Chester
the cricket experienced it. Future excursions will include a first
grade field trip to Main Street Theatre for a play on the
Newberry Award book, “Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That Type”,
second grade will experience the cultural existence of “Native
Lands,” and preschool children will delight in the performance
of Stephen Fite in concert as he encourages students to
“Giddy up and Learn” with this year’s rodeo musical
I hope you will take time to join your child’s class on an
adventure that will enrich their academic experience. Books
and lessons will teach students the facts about any given
subject, but field trips will whet their appetite for more and
satisfy their curiosity as flesh and bone are added to the words
they have studied.
Tamara Keene
Academic Director
School of Grammar
A Word From The School Board
Mark Hall
Our desire is to change that. It is
important, though, that we
communicate the board’s
responsibility and role in the life of
My name is Mark Hall and I want to
extend a welcome to you from the
Board of Directors of Baytown
Christian Academy. As president of
the Board I am privileged to write the
first article from the Board for this
year’s newsletter. First, thanks to my
fellow board members Stacey White,
Henry Bernshausen, Molly Schraub,
and David Truncale for all the hard
work they have put in this summer
with all the changes that have taken
place. We are excited about the
2009-2010 school year and are very
pleased to have Wade Ortego as our
new Headmaster.
If you didn’t know BCA was
governed by a Board then I suppose
we have not been visible enough.
policy and employ the headmaster.
We carry out these functions
prayerfully as we seek God’s wisdom.
The Headmaster administers the
policy. So simply put, we sit around
and talk about it, Mr. Ortego has to
actually do it. That’s why he gets paid
and we do not.
The concept of governance by a
Board or plurality of leadership
dates back to the Old Testament
when issues in the life of Israel
were decided by the Elders. This
form of government was used in
the early church as demonstrated in
Acts 15 to resolve theological
differences and give direction to the
new Church. While God speaks to us
individually, he also speaks to our
hearts privately. Outsiders rarely can
see or know how God is influencing
us internally. Conversely, the Elder
process allows anyone to see the Holy
Spirit at work moving a diverse group
of individuals together to a common
decision. Collectively we also “sand
off ” the personal biases that any one
of us may hold that often cloud our
individual judgment.
Our Board is drawn from a pool of
parents, past students, and school
supporters, and we currently number
five. By design a simple majority of
our members must be members of
Alliance Bible Church as Alliance is
our ministry partner and provides
spiritual oversight. We believe the
Church provides an “anchor” to the
school that will protect us from the
typical drift that has affected so many
institutions over the years.
Our desire is to see BCA continue to
move forward under God’s direction
through the Board, under the
administration of Wade Ortego,
through the hard work and dedication
of our administrative staff and
teachers, with the support of parents.
We look forward to working together
with our BCA family.
Based on these principles, the Board
is only empowered when we act
collectively. We have no individual
authority. Our general role is to set
On The Calendar
- 9 - Candle Sale Begins
- 8 - Jr. Class Senior Ring Order
- 14 - Parents of Athletes Meeting
- 12 - Columbus Day Holiday
- 15 - Parent Connection Coffee
- 13 - Grammar School Photos
- 25 - Candle Sale Ends
- 14 - PSAT
- 29 - Parent Connection Dessert
- 14 - N. Main Campus Photos
Dear parents,
A new school year has begun and we would like to
give you the opportunity to get to know fellow
parents. Next Tuesday, Sept. 15, at 8 a.m., we will
be hosting a time to visit, drink some coffee and
talk about ways in which we as parents can lend a
hand at BCA. This is a very casual meeting time.
Feel free to come and go as you like. Even if
you do not have time to stay, stop in as you are
dropping off your child, leave your name and email
if you want to volunteer, and get some coffee
to go!
If a morning meeting time does not work with
your schedule, but you would still like to be
available to help out, simply email me and I will
add you to our Parent Connection list.
Shaunna Bernshausen
Teacher Spotlight
School of Rhetoric
Jan Martindale
When students are asked to describe Jan Martindale’s English classes, more often than
not the word “awesome” is exclaimed. Mrs. Martindale has taught English for the past
28 years, and she is considered the “voice” of English at Baytown Christian Academy.
This year Mrs. Martindale is teaching English I, English II, and English IV. She is also
teaching the first dual credit English 1301 and 1302 classes ever offered at Baytown
Christian. Students enrolled will receive college credit from Lee College for these
freshman level college courses. These hours will transfer to four year colleges as well as
major universities.
“When I sent the syllabus to the English department chair at Lee College, he was quite surprised. The fact that we are
reading and writing about the classics is quite unique,” said Mrs. Martindale. “Great literature is great literature, and the
college is excited that we are encouraging students to read and write about works that are truly worthy of study.”
All English classes begin the year with an ancient work. Seniors read The Aeneid by Virgil, Juniors read The Iliad by
Homer, Sophomores read The Theban Trilogy by Sophocles, and Freshmen read The Odyssey by Homer. All students not
only read these works but are actively involved in Socratic discussion and theme writing based upon their readings.
Assessments include objective tests, performance based assessments, and oral prompting.
“I am very excited about this year as we explore together the wonders of classical literature,” said Mrs. Martindale.
“Students at Baytown Christian are truly blessed to be involved in such high endeavors. As we study the world’s great
writing together, we learn about language, culture, philosophy, history, and the roots of our own order.”
Cambridge Candle Sale - Sept. 9th-25th
We have officially kicked off our 10th annual Cambridge Candle sale! These are high quality candles offered at a good
price. We will be offering some great new fragrances, as well as our top sellers from recent years. There will be fun
sales incentives for students at each grade level. All of the information should have been sent home with your child. If
you did not receive it, please stop by the school office and pick up a brochure and order form. Thanks in advance for
making this fundraiser a great success!
Incentives For Student Sales
First Place - $100 Cash
Additional Incentives
(Students who sell 24 or more candles)
Second Place - $75 Cash
PK3 - K5 - Pizza in the Park - Wayne Gray Sports Complex
Third Place - $50 Cash
1st - 6th
- Fall Festival Party - Alliance Bible Gym
7th - 8th
- Field Trip to Main Event
9th - 12th - Outing to Fudrrucker’s & 3D I-Max
Teacher Spotlight
School of Grammar
Robert Carl Andrews, III
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to
die, a time to plant and a time to uproot… He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set
eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, 11
Proverbs 16:9 says: “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” My wife and I thank God for this,
as He has given us the opportunity to be a part of the ministry at Baytown Christian Academy. I will be teaching History,
Grammar, Literature, Handwriting, and Spelling to the fourth grade. Also, my wife and I have had the blessing of being house
parents to three foreign exchange students; Evan, Yun, and Tony.
I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education at Pensacola Christian College in 2003. After college, I
accepted a job at Central Christian Academy and taught there for three years. In 2003, I also married my wife, Emily, with
whom I just celebrated my 6th anniversary with. We are expecting a baby boy anytime now. We plan to name him Elijah James.
Before coming to BCA, my wife and I worked as camp directors at Camp Good News in Hitchcock, TX. We enjoyed our time
there but we realized that God was calling us to move on from Camp Good News. We didn’t know where or exactly why, but I
think He was giving us a new chance to grow. We look forward to growing here and learning new faces, personalities, and needs
as God directs our steps.
Student Life
Dean of Students
Neil Anderson
The second week of school was an eventful one.
Volleyball, soccer, and football are in full swing,
classes have moved far beyond introductory material
into rigorous in-depth study, field trips have been
taken, and Rhetoric School Student Council elections
have been held. Student life has been healthy and
productive around campus and the students have
Denny Thibert - Vice President
Raeann Feist - President
done well to adapt to some of the changes that have
come with the new school year. As we look ahead to the month of September, we anticipate getting the Student Council and
Key Club into regular meeting times so we can begin to get more things on the calendar. Our candidates for Rhetoric School
Student Council did an excellent job this year campaigning for office. Here are the results of the election.
School of Rhetoric Student Council Officers
Vice Pres.
Raeann Feist
Denny Thibert
Josh Torres
Kaitlin Anderson
Chelsea Bennet
Kelcie Moore
Nick Rodriguez
Sarah Rose
Monica Cho
----Logan Richard
Blake Pickens
Sarah Osgood
Kihoon Bohle
------Josh Blalock
Payton Drewery
Jake Dodds
Philip Moreno
----Jarred Hughes