May/June 08 - Motorcycle Rider News
May/June 08 - Motorcycle Rider News
2 May/June ‘08 – V 34 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee The one-of-a-kind Harley-Davidson Museum™, located in Milwaukee, will open its doors to the public on Saturday, July 12. Grand Opening festivities will kick off with a Harley-Davidson-style ceremony at 10 a.m. and will continue throughout the weekend. The 130,000-square-foot Museum will add a whole new dimension to the Harley-Davidson experience and will give visitors a feel for the freedom, camaraderie and pride that HarleyDavidson riders experience every time they fire up their motorcycles. Exhibits inside tell the stories of the extraordinary people, culture, products and history of Harley-Davidson. The experience is not limited to inside the Museum’s walls. Museum attendees and the general public can walk around the Museum’s 20-acre park-like grounds and enjoy the festiv- MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM ities, including a custom bike-build, tattoo artist and live music. To curb any hunger, both the Museum Restaurant and Cafe will be serving up classic American fare with Harley-Davidson attitude. The Museum grounds are open to the public 24-hours a day, and all are welcome to visit the retail store or dine at the Museum’s Restaurant or Cafe without attending the Museum. Tickets for the Museum’s Grand Opening weekend and other dates go on sale online at on Tuesday, May 20. A small portion of tickets will also be available on-site during Grand Opening weekend. The backdrop of the Museum buildings, motorcycles and exhibits creates a spectacular event space that can be customized for any special event, not just our Grand Opening celebration. Five meeting rooms provide intimate gathering options, while spaces inside the Museum and Archives buildings have breathing room for up to 1,050 people. Outdoors the sky is almost the limit, as the grounds can accommodate 15,000 people. To learn more about the Harley-Davidson Museum and its Grand Opening festivities, visit MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS V 34 — May/June ‘08 3 Poker Run To Benefit Yvonne Trujillo SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT Singles Country was established in 1974 as an entertainment publication and strives to maintain those standards today. Motorcycle Rider News became in existence as a result of many readers’ requests for a real motorcycle newspaper. We aren’t perfect but we keep trying harder to bring you the best. All material is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Distributed on the 15th of every month with the exception of December which is distributed on 10th December. Publisher: Michael S. Clapp Editor Diana Rowe Sales Michael Clapp Staff Writers Deborah Bouters 303-744-0500 Email: Graphic Artist Cisco Check out our new web site Twin Light Performance HARLEY-DAVIDSON SERVICE • PARTS • TIRES Ray Domenico’s Harley-D Davidson Service And Repair Shop in Broomfield Specializing in 1984 to 2006 Evo’s & Twincams When you want more out of riding than just the Wind in your Face!! 95 in. Big Bore Kit For Twincams HOP UP Your Evo Kits Available Specials on all Engine Performance packages Cams, Big Bore Kits, Port and Flow Heads, Carburetor Modifications and Exhausts Phil Trujillo had a benefit poker run for his sister who passed away. The benefit help raise money to buy his sister her a head stone. Plenty of Bike Parking JUNE 14TH CUSTOMER APPRECIATION PARTY • Drink Specials • Food • Raffles • Give Aways • Monday - Friday • Free Pool • Texas Hold ‘em 6 Nights a Week • Karaoke - Saturdays • 3 Shuffleboards & 2 Pool Tables • Blind Draw Shuffleboard Tourney Every Friday at 7p.m. — 2 Big Happy Hours — 9a.m. to Noon - Every day 4p.m. to 7p.m. Mon. Fri 75¢ off Drinks 1754 HI-WAY 287 Broomfield Co. 303-438-5700 Office Directions: 1 block south of Dillon (South of the Overpass) Black Building with an Orange Strip on the east side of Hi-way 287 For more Information Call 720-5533-44822 The Balloon Inn - 6440 Wadsworth 64th & Wadsworth - North East Corner Plenty of Secure Lighted Parking 4 May/June ‘08 – V 34 May 17 - Susie’s Bar & Grill, 7th Annual Scrap “Meet” & Party, Live Music, Silver Bullet Girls, Taste Testing, Party in Parking lot starts @ noon with $1.00 Coors Light Drafts, 17999 W. Colfax, Golden, CO, 303-278-9000 May 18 – Long Shots Bar & Grill, 1st Annual Spring Fever Poker Run (11-5:30 pm), $2 Brats/$1Dogs, $30 per rider pre-registration, Registration 1011 am @ $35 (includes T-shirt), $10 pas- SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS senger, Silent auction, piker & pool tournaments starting after 6 pm, Benefit:, 4400 Ward Avenue, Arvada, CO, 720-394-2821. May 18 – Frank’s Ride for Children, To Benefit Make-A-Wish Foundation Colorado, Register 8-10 am @ American Legion Post 32, 315 S. Bowen, Longmont, CO, Live entertainment, Last stop Anderson Farms, Erie, CO, 970-5350806 OR 303-257-3836, MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM May 18 – Ranch Grill & Saloon 1st Annual Classic Car & Bike Show, Live band & pig roast, registration 9-11 am, show is free. Donations accepted for American Diabetes Association, Exit 285 & N. Turkey Road, 303-697-4118 May 23-26 – 4th Annual Fallen Brothers Memorial Day Rally, Chaffee County Fairgrounds, Bike Show, tattoo contest, bike rodeo, vendors, bands, beer garden, Free camping at fairgrounds, $10 daily admission/$25 weekend, Salida, CO 719-275-5292, May 31st Shark’s Poker Run to Benefit - Locks of Love $10 a Hand, 50/50 • High & Low Hand All Modes of Transportion Welcome Ride starts at Guido’s Nickel Sign up 11a.m. June 1 – 3rd Annual Thin Blue Line for the Colorado Law Enforcement Memorial, Registration 10-12noon, $30 rider/$10 passenger preregistration (addt $5 on day of event), free continental breakfast, $1 hamburgers, hot dogs & $2 brats @ Long Shots, Ride begins at Top Gun Motor Sports, 5700 Lincoln Drive (58th & I-25), Denver , Ride ends at Long Shot Bar & Grill. Pre-register at: June 1 – Poker Run for Big Mike Thurman, who due to recent health conditions had a leg amputated at knee. Register 9 am, last bike out 10:30 am, $10 per hand, $5 for seconds, Run starts at Rocky Mtn H-D, Charley, 303- 882-2501 June 7 -Visionride, a motorcycle run to benefit youth center in the City of Brighton, Registration begins at 8 am Starbucks Brighton Pavilions, ends at High-Country H-D, $20/Bike, $25 w/rider, For more information contact church office in Brighton, CO, 659-5456, June 13-14 – Rally in the Valley, Sponsored by Boys & Girls Club and Alibi’s Sports Bar & Grill, Street Fair Friday & Saturday, Bike show, poker run, waffle breakfast, Monte Vista, CO, Tickets available at Alibi’s, 719-852-9300 June 15 – Old Friends Run 2008, No cost, not a run, not a poker run, just a chance to remember old friends. This year dedicated to Richard Bell and Lon “Santa” Uncapher, Show up btwn 9-11 am, Chatfield’s Escape, 5500 S. Simms, Littleton, CO, 303-933-1558. MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM Karaoke SUNDAYS Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 ECKS SALOON, 9890 W. Girton Dr. - 303-989-2991 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-934-9884 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8057 Pauz Inn, 4111 Kipling - 303-424-6307 PUTT N’ PUB, 7785 W. Colfax - 303-237-7511 Scores, 1st Ave and Union Lakewood Rear Inn Lounge, 4991 W. 80th Ave., –303-426-4500 Sweetwater Station, 9975 Wadsworth Pkwy. – 303-420-1004 MONDAY Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 Ecks Saloon, 9890 W. Girton Dr. - 303-989-2991 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 Iliff Park Saloon – 2300 So. Chambers – 303-696-1404 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8057 Rear Inn Lounge, 4991 W. 80th Ave., – 303-426-4500 TUESDAY Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 HICCUPS, 7980 N. Sheridan, 303-429-9523 - Contests HICCUPS II, 10250 Ura Lane, 303-466-1829 Greenfields – 3355 So. Yarrow – 303-989-9820 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-934-9884 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8087 REAR INN LOUNGE, 4991 W. 80th Ave., – 303-426-4500 ROADHOUSE, - 2035 Sheridan , 303-980-5614 Sports Inn, 3880 So. Lowell, - 303-789-3134 Sweetwater Station – 9975 Wadsworth Pkwy. – 303-420-1004 WEDNESDAY Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 Araps, 3866 So. Broadway - 303-761-7823 Bushwacker’s, 1967 So. Broadway — 303-722-0280 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 In The Zone, 15600 W. 44th - 303-279-3888 Lakewood Grill — 8100 W Colfax Ave, - 303-237-8051 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-934-9884 Park Centre Lounge 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8087 REAR INN LOUNGE, 4991 W. 80th Ave., – 303-426-4500 Roosters - 4381 W. 120th Ave. - 303-465-2070 Sam’s, 10051 I-70 Frontage Rd North - 303-456-0257 Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 HICCUPS, 7980 N. Sheridan, 303-429-9523 HICCUPS II, 10250 Ura Lane, 303-466-1829 Lakewood Grill — 8100 W Colfax Ave, - 303-237-8051 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-303-403-0227 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8087 PUTT N’ PUB, 7785 W. Colfax - 303-237-7511 REAR INN LOUNGE, 4991 W. 80th Ave., – 303-426-4500 ROADHOUSE, - 2035 Sheridan , 303-980-5614 Roosters - 4381 W. 120th Ave. - 303-465-2070 VIKING BAR, 4888 W. Colfax FRIDAY Bumpers, 135 Nickel St. Broomfield — 303-469-5865 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 JAKE’S ROADHOUSE, 5980 Lamar St. Arvada, 303-424-7266 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-934-9884 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8057 SAMS, 10051 I-70 Frontage Rd North - 303-456-0257 Sharks Saloon & Grill, 11475 W. Colfax - 303-239-8859 Susie Bar & Grill, Hwy 40 & Heritage Rd. - 303-278-9000 TAIL FEATHERS, Hwy 85 & 120th - 303-286-1475 SATURDAY Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 ARAPS, 3866 So. Broadway - 761- 7823 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 ENDZONE, 455 Havana St. - 303-364-6855 JAKE’S ROADHOUSE, 5980 Lamar St. Arvada, 303-424-7266 Lakewood Grill — 8100 W Colfax Ave, - 303-237-8051 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-934-9884 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8057 Sharks Saloon & Grill, 11475 W. Colfax - 303-239-8859 Tail Feathers - 120th & Hwy. 85 - 303-286-1475 THE RANCH, 19423 N. Turkey Creek Morrison 303-697-4118 V 34 — May/June ‘08 This Restaurant is FOR SALE 11475 W. Colfax 303-239-8859 Everyday FOOD SPECIALS $3 50 Breakfast Lunch Dinner 16 OZ. DRAWS 1 $ 50 EVERYDAY ALL DAY Every Sunday $3 Huevos Ranchero’s FREE MENUDO 50 Tuesdays & Thursdays 50¢ THURSDAY Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 Endzone, 455 Havana St. - 303-364-6855 Tacos, Tostadas & Enchilada Saturday May 31st The Oldest Liquor License in Lakewood “BEST ON BROADWAY” The Owner Established 1950 Live Music Daily Specials Every Friday Night May 16th..Thin Ice May 23rd..Theresa Lynne Band May 30th..Resonators June 6th..Emilio Emilio June 13th..Michael Bishop Band Fri. & Sat. - Karaoke - KARAOKE - Thursdays & Saturdays LIVE JAM - Tuesdays & Sundays POKER - Mondays - Texas Hold 'en Poker Saturdays & Sundays Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Great American, Mexican Greek, Italian Food & Pizza 8100 W. Colfax - 303-237-8051 Lakewood to Benefit — Locks of Love $10 a Hand • 50/50 • High & Low Hand We Are a Motorcycle Friendly Bar $3.50 Mimosa’s — Dbl. Bloody Mary’s & Screwdrivers Poker Run Tues. & Thurs. 7p.m. Texas Hold 'en Poker All Modes of Transportion Welcome Ride starts at Guido’s Nickel Sign up 11a.m. – Last bike out Noon — Stops — Guido’s Nickel • Hill Top Tavern • 92nd Ave. Tavern • American Legion Last Card Sharks last card in @ 5p.m. —Free Food After The Run— Visit our Sister Bar - Fri. & Sat. 1p.m We Show all Sporting Events Colorado Rockie’s Av’s • Nugget’s Happy Hour 4 - 7 p.m. Mon. - Fri $1.50 Draws Enjoy our • Pool Tables • 5 Dart Boards Smoking & Drinking Patio 3866 So. Broadway 761-7823 — $1.50 Draws — All day — Everyday 5 6 May/June ‘08 – V 34 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS Great Road Tips Trips To Consider This Summer MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM The 1st Annual Poker Run 3rd Annual Kidney Benefit Death Valley National Park. Death Valley is a favorite location for car-makers testing new models. The incredibly hot weather in the summer is perfect for extreme testing. The long, flat roads make the park a good choice for bikers. I’ve seen many when stopped at Scotty’s Castle, located 55 miles from the Furnace Creek Inn & Ranch Resort. In my opinion, the drive from Las Vegas to Furnace Creek is one of the most surreal 2 ½ hour drives you can take. Grand Canyon National Park. (Front cover – Grand Canyon background) Getting there is the fun, but once you’re there, you can park your bike and forget about it. Free shuttles and motorcoach tours are a better way to get around the park itself. The Highway 17 north from Phoenix is curvy and mountainous with great scenery. It takes you through the Prescott Valley and up to Flagstaff. You then take I 40 to Williams and 180 north to the Grand Canyon. Burr Oak State Park Resort near Athens, Ohio (were Ohio University is located). Route 550 takes you from Marietta Ohio west to Athens, Ohio. (When you look at your map, it is southeast Ohio, just north of Parkersburg, WV). Tom seems to remember the road as curvy and hilly and that the road was once called one of the best road trip roads in the U.S. (he thinks it might have even been ranked one of the best roads for motorcycles!). I did a very quick google on this route but wasn’t able to come up with anything other than this: (Thanks to Mona & Tom Mesereau, Mesereau Public Relations) Like all the resorts in Ohio, Burr Oak is within just a two or three hours of major cities incl: Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Akron. On Saturday May 3rd, the riders left the Eagles Club #3461 in Commerce City and headed to Susie’s (Pictured above) in Golden, 2nd stop Matchbox in Sedalia, 3rd stop Stage Coach in Franktown and the 4th stop Back Street. There was entertainment and raffles. The ride was in Memory of Trudy Schlauder (5/10/1951 - 11/25/2007). Open 7 a.m. Everyday 451 W. 84th Ave. • 303-430-7089 NASCAR THURSDAY’S PITCHER SPECIALS Win a Signed Lithograph of Dale Earnhardt during the “HOMESTEAD RACE” TRIVIA GREAT BEER SPECIALS $1.50 Bud or Bud Lt. Pints Bud Natural Lite $1.00 M-F, 7am-7pm. MHL draws for $1.25 all the time. Karaoke with Jason & Smooch 9p.m. Friday & Saturday 7pm - 9pm Sunday - June 8th 2nd Annual Pig Roast Make Us Your Poker Stop Poker -Texas Hold ‘em Mondays 2 p.m. Saturdays 2 p.m. & 4 p.m. DAILY HAPPY HOUR 7am - 7pm Sunday - May 25th - Blues Live Music With David Booker Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM V 34 — May/June ‘08 7 Riding by the Stars By Mary O’Gara, Ph.D. ARIES (March 20 – April 19) Empowerment. Riding this month is about reclaiming your personal power, taking personal time. Ride alone, with a nurturing partner, or in a gathering so large you feel anonymous, but set your own direction and pace and make riding part of personal renewal. TAURUS (April 19 - May 20) Finer things. Time to dress up yourself and your machine—but do your shopping before May 26. It’s your time to shine, with natural beauty or a bit of flash. Spend on yourself and your machine, and remember quality does count. GEMINI (May 20 – June 20) Serendipity. Small adventures lead you in new directions. Pack maps and extra water and ride out prepared to have fun even if you don’t end up following your plans for the day. You shine and meet interesting people wherever you go. CANCER (June 20 – July 22) Cater to your moods. You’re having a month of inner reflections, rebalancing. Nurture yourself with short rides to places you love, and only ride with people who nurture you and lift your spirits. Ending the day with loved ones in a hot tub under the stars—perfect. LEO (July 22 – August 22) Revved up. You’ve got energy and stamina, and you’re ready to ride. This is the time for a long ride, but not a rough ride. Stretch yourself, but don’t break yourself. Like any top athlete, you need safety as a foundation for a stellar performance. VIRGO (August 22 – September 22) Repair time. Focus on maintenance now so you can enjoy the rest of the summer. You may seem to be riding more than usual this month—constantly—or be off the bike and working on it. Either way, the bike’s got your attention and it deserves yours. LIBRA (September 22 – October 23) Relationships. Ride for the pleasure of good company this month. You might What are the Odds? Planes, Trains & Automobiles The Odds of Dying in ... · Motor vehicle: 1-in-84 · Motorcycle: 1-in-938 · Bicycle: 1-in-4,472 · Air travel: 1-in-5,552 · Bus: 1-in-94,242 · Train: 1-in-139,617 (Note: Lifetime odds for a person born in 2004; Source: join a group with a history of good planning and safe adventures. Or form your own group and plan rides that give you time for sharing and deepening relationships as well as enjoying the trip. SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21) Safety warning. Safe riding is the number one issue for you this month. You may feel like a magnet for drivers with bad manners. Put on your best, calmest manners with your safety gear, and pick the safest, quietest routes for your rides. SAGITTARIUS (November 21 – December 21) Preparation. By mid-June you’ll be ready for a trip to change your life. Maybe you’ll visit historic sites or the Painted Desert or a mountain lake. Something that moves you on many levels. This month is for planning, gathering the tools, getting ready for a major trip. CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 20) Bust-out time. It’s time to expand your mind and stretch your body. Take yourself off to places that give you new perspectives. Whether it’s a cultural trip or a research trip for business, have a focus, plan to break the chains of stagnation, and assimilate new experiences. Remember to pack a camera and a voice recorder to capture what you find. AQUARIUS (January 20-Feb 19) Something different. Visit a movie set or a place out of history or get into the mountains and meditate. Clear your mind this month. Stretch your muscles and repair any residual damage from the winter months. Ride where you’ll be inspired, where you’ll find clarity and ideas. PISCES (February 19 – March 20) Healing time. Look for peaceful settings on your rides this month. Let the past slip away as you ride and focus on the present, on plans for the future. Take a lot of short rides to enjoy the feel of the wind, the color of a sunset, the pleasure of good company. . 8 May/June 2008 – V 34 Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM SERVING METRO DENVER FO R E VENTS FOR MAY AND JUNE 12 - 17 - Myrtle Beach Bike Rally, Myrtle Beach, SC 800/200-4557 14-17 - Aspencash Motorcycle Rally, Ruidoso, NM 800/452-8045 16 - Run for the Wall, Viet Nam War Memorial Run to DC, Angel Fire, NM 303/467-3424 17 - Susie's Bar & Grill Golden Scrap Meet & Party, Golden, CO 303-278-9000 17 - Combat Vets Assoc. Open Range Run 303/770/9496 or Fax 303/770-9497 17 - Benefit Run @ Grogan's Pub, 2101 E Coronado Pkwy, Thornton 17 - Eazin Thunder MC Annual Shoot-Out 303/916-6381 17 - Franktown Scooter's 6th Annual Angel Tree Benefit Run, Franktown, CO 303/356-8994 17 - High Country H-D/Buell Birthday Party 303/833-6777 17 - Redhill Motorcycle Werx Pancake Breakfast & Spring Sale, Lyons, CO 303/823-6363 17 - Pikes Peak 2nd Custom & Classic Show & Shine, COSprgs 719/487-8005 17 - Run for the Wall, Viet Nam War Memorial Run to DC, Limon, CO 303/467-3424 THOSE WHO ENJOY R I D I N G M O TO R C Y C L E S 17 - ABATE D-11 Annual Springer Poker Run, Buena Vista, CO 719/395-0360 18 - B.A.D. Run (Bikers Against Diabetes) Aurora Eagles, 9am 1151 S. Galena 303/627-9734 18 - Frank's Ride for Children, Longmont 303/808-6138 18 - JWP Swap Meet, Twin Drive In, KC, MO 816/228-5811 18 - Run for the Wall, Salina, KS 303/467-3424 23-25 - Fallen Brothers Memorial Day Rally, Salida, CO 719/ 275-5292 23-25 - HOG Nebraska State Rally, Fremont, NE 402/564-5498 or 800/258-2464 23-26 - West Coast Thunder Rally VIII, Riverside, CA 800/200-4557 23-26 - Red River, New Mexico - Memorial Run & Rally 24 - DC HOG Garden of the Gods Ride 303/238-0425 24-25 - Swords of Justice MC Annual Camp out 25 - Realities for Children 4th Ann'l Joker's Wild Poker Run, Milliken, CO 970/484-9090 25 - Rolling Thunder Parade, Washington, DC - Don 303/514-7916 26 Memorial Day 29 - MH HOG Night Ride 303/340-4982 29-6/1 - Western Star Riders 5th Canyon Lands Cruise In, Moab, UT 29-6/1 - HOG Kansas State Rally, Wichita & Park City, KS 866/725-5957 or 800/258-2464 31 - RM HOG Evening Scavenger Hunt 303/703-2885 31 - Los Bravos MC 5th Anniversary Party, 2pm til? Big E's Sports Pub, Arvada, CO Continued on page 10 MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News V 34 — May/June ‘08 9 It’s finally Here — All the Information You Need to Have a Good Time Up to The Minute Information When You Need It You want to go riding, but everyone you know is busy. You're just a click away. MotorcycleRiderNews .com • Poker Runs • Pig Roasts • Parties • Karaoke • Live Music 10 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS May/June ‘08 – V 34 Events May and June Continued 31 - Los Bravos MC 5th Anniversary Party, 2pm til? Big E's Sports Pub, Arvada, CO June 1 - Cannon Run Colorado Ongoing Event 1 - MH HOG LOH Panties Run 303/340-4982 1 - Deuces Wild MC 4th annual Summer Party, Greeley, CO 970/397-9235 1 - TMHOG Top Fun Competition 970/493-3137 1 - SOS MC -Northern CO- Spring Poker Run T-Bar Wellington, CO 1 - VNV MC Annual Western Slope Nomads Run, 970/302-4666 1 - JWP Swap Meet, Admiral Twin Drive In, Tulsa, OK 816/228-5811 1 - Sentinels MC 3rd Annual Thin Blue Line Memorial Benefit 7 - Sun Harley-Davidson/Buell Custom Bike Show, Thornton, CO 303/287-7567 7 - MH H-D Shop Party & HOG Bug Run & 303/343-3300 7 - Vision Ride 3rd Benefit for Youth, Brighton, CO 303/902-4273 7 - Redhill Motorcycle Werx 8th Annual Hog Roast & Shop Party, Lyons, CO 303/823-6363 7-8 - Swords of Justice MC Anniversary Party 303/434-3384 7-8 - West Coast Super Show, Long Beach, CA 8 - Hardtail Ale Trail Poker Run & Benefit 303/241-3718 8 - Hogley Motorcycle Shop's Customer Appreciation Ride & Party 303/282-5319 8 - Valiants MC Sunday B-B-Q @ Club House 4300 York, Denver, CO 720/318-4167 8 - Metro HOG LOH Bike Games Day 303/432-1464 or 303/287-7567 8 - DCHOG Idaho Springs Poker Run 303/238-0425 8 - Untouchables MC 3rd Annual Poker Run for Craig Hospital 719/569-3411 8 - Timberline Church Biker's Sunday, Ft. Collins, CO 970/223-5596 8 - Colorado Springs 16th Annual United Run, Colorado Springs, CO 719/527-1878 8 - ABATE D-15 Bike Show in Trinidad, CO 719/846-4318 8 - SOS MC Anniversary Party, CO Springs, CO sonsofsilencemc@AOL.COM 719/227-0099 8 - VNVMC Dusty Butt Run 303/795-7164 or 970/302-4666 10 - MDA Camp Dinner Run to Empire, CO 303/287-7567 12-14 - HOG Colorado State Rally, 720/280-2567 or 800/258-2464 12-14 - MRF Best of the West Conference 303/204-6939 or 202/546-0983 13-14 - AMCA Show & Swap, Farmington, MN. 800/782-2622 13-15 - Big Dog M/C Tornado Rally, Wichita, KS 316/267-9121 14 - ABATE D-17 Smok'um if you Got'um Run Poker Run Littleton, CO 303/669-6403 14 - Susie's Bar & Grill 3rd Jack Daniels Squire Run, Golden 303/278-9000 14 - Sun H-D Padre's Day Breakfast, Thornton, CO 303/287-7567 14 - Summer Toy Run 303/659-3086 14 - Sena/Dutton Memorial Scholarship Poker Run, Brighton, CO 303/659-2020 14 - CitW Kansas City, KS Dream Factory Benefit Ride 816/289-8077 15 Father s Day 15 - IPE/ Easter Seals Father's Day Poker Run 720/685-1918 or 303/233-1666 15 - Old Friends Father's Day Ride In Memory of Richard Bell 303/933-1558 15 - GWTA Humdinger Run, Longmont, CO 15 - Susie's Bar & Grill Father's Brag Photo Discount Party, Golden 303/278-9000 15 - ABATE D-16 Father's Day Poker Run, Conifer, CO 303/816-0909 15 - JWP Swap Meet, Fairgrounds, OK City, OK 816/228-5811 15 - The Shop Annual Antique Motorcycle Show & Swap Meet, Ventura, CA 805/650-6777 15-17 - AMCA Rky Mtn Chapt Road Run, Taos, NM - 800/782-2622 16-21 - LACONIA 82nd M/C Rally & Races, Laconia, NH 603/366-2000 17 - MDA Camp Dinner Run to Empire 303/287-7567 17-21 - CMA National Rally, 870/389-6196 or 303/6594363 MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM 11 There’s a New Patio in Town! Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM V 34 — May/June ‘08 Mark the Date: July 1st Sunday liquor store shopping by Diana Rowe It’s Sunday, and you were so busy mowing your lawn that you forgot to pick up a case of beer for your barbeque. Usually that means a trip to King Soopers to pick up a stand-by 3.2 case of beer (do I hear grumble, grumble?), but beginning July 1, procrastinators won’t miss the boat. Full-strength beer, wine and spirit sales haven’t received so much attention in Colorado since Prohibition. State legislators stared down two bills challenging Colorado's liquor laws this year --- one proposed Sunday liquor store sales and the other to allow grocery and convenience stores to sell wine and full-strength beer (versus the current 3.2). For the first time since Prohibition, last month Governor Bill Ritter signed a Senate Bill 82 that allows liquor stores to be open on Sundays. This big change begins July 1st – just in time for 4th of July weekend. Backers of SB 82 Sunday package-liquor sales emphasize the tax benefits with the inflow of millions of dollars of tax revenue into the state's “kegs,” and say the change is supported by consumers. Opponents fear it will boost alcohol-related problems, such as drunk- In The Zone en driving. Gov. Ritter said in a statement, "The ban on Sunday sales was an antiquated law that long ago outlived its usefulness or relevance. Everything we know about modern consumer demand says the people of Colorado want the conveniences, options and choices this law will bring. This is about stepping into the 21st Century." A coalition of 1,000 grocers and convenience store owners fear the Sunday liquor bill will cut into their 3.2 beer sales on Sunday. Their proposed bill was killed in committee on February 12, after objections from liquor stores. The coalition still bands together in hopes of re-introducing the bill to eliminate the sale of 3.2 beer altogether and allowing them to sell full-strength seven days a week. But according to Sen. Jennifer Veiga, DDenver, who sponsored the Sunday liquor bill, The Senate or House doesn’t appear too interested in this extremely controversial issue. Continued from page 6 Maumee Bay State Park Resort in northwest Ohio is located right on Lake Erie. I chose this In the Zone Sports Bar & Grill in Golden, Colorado is revving up the excitement by remodeling their patio and adding a kitchen with grills and smokers. Not only will live excitement and beer specials be offered, but the new kitchen will host Friday Fish Fries and weekend “smoke” specials like ribs and BBQ. Come and enjoy drink specials, live music, and an uninhibited view of the mountains. No fighting for parking and smoking allowed on the unincorporated Jefferson County patio. The grand re-opening will be Saturday, May 31 featuring Brethren Fast! Don't miss it!. location, because there are a whole bunch of Time to get out and have some fun “KRUZN at Shifters” every Last Saturday of the Month Cruise your Hot Rod or Motorcycle in for our new ”KRUZN at Shifters. Talk shop and enjoy our “Kruzn at Shifters” Drink & Food specials DON’T FORGET!! Sunday, May 25th 5nd Annual Memorial Day1 Car Show Check out our new myspace - Daily Happy Hour Special ALL DAY & NIGHT We’ve Got it All Gourmet Beef & Buffalo Burgers Signature Hot Wings Homemade Mexican Food and much, much more New! Kitchen Hours 7 Days A Week 11a.m. - 10p.m. 5797 Quebec St. 303-287-9771 IFT COOL G TES ICA CERTIF BLE AVAILA CUSTOM SEAT FITTING SERVICE COMPLETE CUSTOM SOLO SEATS KIT EXOTIC SKINS LEATHER VINYL MAXIMIZE YOUR RIDE WITH PRO PAD CUSTOM POWER SPORTS SEATS CUSTOM SEAT DESIGN YOUR PAN OR MINE — SEAT HEATERS AVAILABLE — OEM SEAT HEATERS INSTALLED 11354 w. 13TH AVE. LAKEWOOD CO. 303-238-5404 12 May/June ‘08 – V 34 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News POKER RUN Sharks’ Saloon & Grille Sharks’ has the best poker runs with big monies paid out and the best food after the run. Don’t miss their next run on May 31st. SPRING FLING High Country Harley-Davidson The Spring Fling Party was a great way to kick off the riding season. Hundreds of people showed up for the spring celebration. Reaching the Lost Teaching the Found CHURCH IN THE WIND “By bikers, for bikers” Friday Nights at 7:30 in the Chapel at Riverside 2411 Alcott, Denver, Co 80211 P ASTOR G ARY & M RS . D IANA D AVIS V 34 — May/June ‘08 13 14 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS May/June 2008 – V 34 MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM Around Town Ever wanted to get to know your bartender or cocktail waitress? Here is your chance to meet some of the people on the other side of the bar. Join us each month as we travel to different bars around town. WHISKEY DICK’S - 8595 PEARL ST. IN THE ZONE SPORTS BAR - 44TH & MCINTYRE Holly is the outdoor type. She really enjoy camping and fishing. She enjoys working with Keith, her boss, “he is really good people”. Stop by and tell her your fish story and she will tell you hers. You must try her signature drink, Red, White and Blue. You'll see Christinia bartending at the Zone during the week and on Sundays. She's a busy mom of three. When she's not bartending, you'll find her contracting for remodeling projects such as dry wall or tile. She loves to ride, but doesn't have her own bike yet. JAMMIN JOE’S - 4700 KIPLING HAIR OF THE DOG - 7400 W. 120TH AVE. Want to stop by and meet a classy lady? Lynn is the day time bartender. She will greet you with that beautiful smile. she enjoys the outdoors, fishing, car racing and motorcycles. She enjoys classic rock and country music and of course a cold Bud Light. Day or night you will enjoy yourself here. Danielle works days and is no stranger to Miller Lite, she is one of the famed Miller Lite Girls. At night you can be entertained by Kati, she enjoys classic rock, hiking and the outdoors. Want to buy her a drink she enjoys Hornitos margaritas. GOLDEN CUE - 120TH & WASHINGTON SOME Want to meet a girl that really enjoys her job. Raychel said, “they’re my family”. She enjoy Crown Royal, video games and going to concerts. Stop by and let her make you her signature drink, a Star Burst. Do you have a favorite bartender or cocktail waitress that should be in this picture? visit our web site and contact us. WHERE IN COLORADO MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News V 34 — May/June ‘08 15 16 May/June ‘08 – V 34 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM
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