Apr/May 08 - Motorcycle Rider News
Apr/May 08 - Motorcycle Rider News
2 April/May ‘08 – V 34 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS HARLEY-DAVIDSON LETTER REFERENCE The Harley-Davidson Alphabet By Diana Rowe At first glance, the sequence of letters and numbers remind me of a random, double-secret code (not unlike opening up a can of Alphabet Soup) that only "special" Harley people know. Like what the heck is an FLH? If I didn't know the code, I wondered, how many others are puzzled or pushed to imbibe simply because they don't feel a part of the HD Alphabet club? My mission? To break the code or at least break it down into a less confusing alphabet. I discovered that Harley model designations aren't a secret code, but a sequence of letters and numbers, combined in limited ways, to further describe the model. The sequences can be long or short, but they come together as a model description of sorts. The first letter of the model designator reveals the engine series and may be one of the following: E, J, K ('50s small twin), F, U, V (Big Twin), D, G, R, W (Small Twin), X (Sportster), or V (VRSC) Letters are appended singly or in pairs, as follows: B (Belt Drive), C (Classic or Custom), D (Dyna Glide), DG (Disk Glide), E (Electric start), F (Fat Boy (1990-present) or Foot-shift (1972 and prior)), H (High compression), L (Hydra Glide forks), LR (Low Rider), P (Police), R (Race or Rubber-mount), S (Sport, Springer, or Standard), SB (Single belt final drive), ST (Softail), T (Touring), WG (Wide Glide), I (Fuel injection), SE (Screamin' Eagle), U (Ultra) *Custom Vehicle Operations models can also have a number (2,3,4) added. Note that these model designation "rules" aren't set in stone and apparently broken regularly by the company. That means, just when you know the alphabet, they might change it into another double-secret code. Here's a quick glance at the 2008 HD models (all trademarked™ and/or registered® to Harley-Davidson) and their alphabet designation: SPORSTER Family's 7 models: 883 = XL 883; 883 LOW = XL883L; 883 CUSTOM = XL883C; 1200 NIGHTSTER = XL1200N; 1200 LOW = XL1200L; 1200 CUSTOM = XL1200C; 1200 ROADSTER = XL1200R. DYNA Family's 6 models: SUPER GLIDE = FXD; SUPER GLIDE CUSTOM - FXDC; STREET BOB = FXDB; LOW RIDER = FXDL; FAT BOB = FXDF; AND WIDE GLIDE = FXDWG. SOFTAIL Family's 8 models: NIGHT TRAIN = FXSTC; FAT BOY = FLSTF; SOFTAIL DELUXE = FLSTN; HERITAGE SOFTAIL CLASSIC = FLSTC; SOFTAIL CROSS BONES = FLSTSB; ROCKER = FXCW; AND ROCKER C = FXCWC. VRSC Family's 3 models: V-ROD = VRSCAW; NIGHT ROD = VRSCD; AND NIGHT ROD SPECIAL = VRSCDX TOURING Family's 7 models: ROAD KING = FLHR; ROAD KING CLASSIC = FLHRC; STREET GLIDE = FLHX; ROAD GLIDE = FLTR; ELECTRA GLIDE Continues on page 13 Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS V 34 — April/May ‘08 3 Wrigley’s Chicago - A New Sports Bar SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT Singles Country was established in 1974 as an entertainment publication and strives to maintain those standards today. Motorcycle Rider News became in existence as a result of many readers’ requests for a real motorcycle newspaper. We aren’t perfect but we keep trying harder to bring you the best. All material is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Distributed on the 15th of every month with the exception of December which is distributed on 10th December. Publisher: Michael S. Clapp Editor Diana Rowe diana@dianarowe.com Front Cover: Design by Cisco Sales Michael Clapp Staff Writers Deborah Bouters 303-744-0500 Graphic Artist Cisco Coming Next Month MotorcycleRiderNews.com Email: mikkie1@comcast.net Twin Light Performance HARLEY-DAVIDSON SERVICE • PARTS • TIRES Ray Domenico’s Harley-D Davidson Service And Repair Shop in Broomfield Specializing in 1984 to 2006 Evo’s & Twincams When you want more out of riding than just the Wind in your Face!! 95 in. Big Bore Kit For Twincams HOP UP Your Evo Kits Available Specials on all Engine Performance packages Cams, Big Bore Kits, Port and Flow Heads, Carburetor Modifications and Exhausts 1754 HI-WAY 287 Broomfield Co. 303-438-5700 Office Directions: 1 block south of Dillon (South of the Overpass) Black Building with an Orange Strip on the east side of Hi-way 287 This past weekend, I stopped by a new biker bar in town – Wrigley’s Chicago (formerly Scotty Dawgs). As soon as you walk in, you’ll notice that it’s the same, yet different, as the bar area is opened up like a Cheers bar. Bikes lined the parking lot, parallel to Colfax, taking advantage of the Colorado spring day. The place was packed, especially the patio where bikers were making sure they took in the sunny day. Its owners, newlyweds Paula and Skip Perry, are no strangers to the scene, putting their time in at various joints like Clancy’s, Scotty Dawgs, Angie’s, and Susie’s. After a brief hiatus of renovations, Wrigley’s re-opened the end of March. “It was a soft opening,” says coowner Skip, “but we still had 40 people in line when we opened the doors.” Skip says, “Bikers are always welcome! Our plans are to expand the patio around front to take advantage of the gorgeous view of the foothills. Give the bikers more parking and more places outside to hang out.” Wrigley’s will also cater to the Chicago transplants and fans of the Chicago sports team (like me) airing Chicago games and May’s new menu will feature Chicago-style dogs, Friday fish fries, and Saturday’s prime rib. The Grand Opening is Saturday, May 17. 4 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS April/May ‘08 – V 34 For Sale - Great Buy Plenty of Bike Parking • Monday - Friday • Free Pool Karaoke - Friday, Saturday & Sunday 3 Shuffleboards & 2 Pool Tables Blind Draw Shuffleboard Tourney Every Friday at 7p.m. • Texas Hold ‘em 6 Nights a Week + Saturday 2 p.m. 1996 Cadillac El Dorado, 36K, immaculate condition, fully loaded. Call Tony Marino, 303-278-4281 or cell 303-909-5267. Reaching the Lost Teaching the Found CHURCH IN THE WIND “By bikers, for bikers” Friday Nights at 7:30 in the Chapel at Riverside 2411 Alcott, Denver, Co 80211 P ASTOR G ARY & M RS . D IANA D AVIS — 2 Big Happy Hours — 9a.m. to Noon - Every day 4p.m. to 7p.m. Mon. Fri 75¢ off Drinks For more Information Call 720-5533-44822 The Balloon Inn - 6440 Wadsworth 64th & Wadsworth - North East Corner Plenty of Secure Lighted Parking Time to get out and have some fun Shifters Annual Memorial Day Car and Bike Show - Sun. May 25 • Food • Drink Specials • Awards • Music • Fun “KRUZN at Shifters” every Last Saturday of the Month Bring your Hotrod or Motorcycle & Lets Talk Shop and Drink Some Beer Daily Happy Hour Special ALL DAY & NIGHT We’ve Got it All Gourmet Beef & Buffalo Burgers Signature Hot Wings Homemade Mexican Food and much, much more Kitchen Hours 7 Days A Week 11a.m. - 10p.m. 5797 Quebec St. 303-287-9771 IFT COOL G TES ICA CERTIF BLE AVAILA CUSTOM SEAT FITTING SERVICE COMPLETE CUSTOM SOLO SEATS KIT EXOTIC SKINS LEATHER VINYL MAXIMIZE YOUR RIDE WITH PRO PAD CUSTOM POWER SPORTS SEATS CUSTOM SEAT DESIGN YOUR PAN OR MINE — SEAT HEATERS AVAILABLE — OEM SEAT HEATERS INSTALLED 11354 w. 13TH AVE. LAKEWOOD CO. 303-238-5404 www.bitchnstitchninc.com Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News The oldest liquor license in Lakewood Established 1950 Live Music Every Friday Night April 18th..Willy & The Po Boys April 25th..Michael Hornbuckle May 2nd..Resonators May 9..Rocky Mountain Band May 16th..Live Music KARAOKE - Thursdays & Saturdays LIVE JAM - Tuesdays & Sundays POKER - Mondays Saturdays & Sundays $3.50 Mimosa’s — Dbl. Bloody Mary’s & Screwdrivers Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Great American, Mexican Greek, Italian Food & Pizza 8100 W. Colfax - 303-237-8051 Lakewood Biker Friendly 8807 W. Colfax 303-238-6627 This Ain’t No Fuckin’ Steak House Live Music - Fridays Night Wolf Join us for NASCAR & The Colorado Rockies Pool Table • Smokin’ Patio 2 Big Happy Hours Karaoke SUNDAYS Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 ECKS SALOON, 9890 W. Girton Dr. - 303-989-2991 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-934-9884 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8057 Pauz Inn, 4111 Kipling - 303-424-6307 PUTT N’ PUB, 7785 W. Colfax - 303-237-7511 Scores, 1st Ave and Union Lakewood Rear Inn Lounge, 4991 W. 80th Ave., –303-426-4500 Sweetwater Station, 9975 Wadsworth Pkwy. – 303-420-1004 MONDAY Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 Ecks Saloon, 9890 W. Girton Dr. - 303-989-2991 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 Iliff Park Saloon – 2300 So. Chambers – 303-696-1404 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8057 Rear Inn Lounge, 4991 W. 80th Ave., – 303-426-4500 TUESDAY Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 HICCUPS, 7980 N. Sheridan, 303-429-9523 - Contests HICCUPS II, 10250 Ura Lane, 303-466-1829 Greenfields – 3355 So. Yarrow – 303-989-9820 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-934-9884 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8087 REAR INN LOUNGE, 4991 W. 80th Ave., – 303-426-4500 ROADHOUSE, - 2035 Sheridan , 303-980-5614 Sports Inn, 3880 So. Lowell, - 303-789-3134 Sweetwater Station – 9975 Wadsworth Pkwy. – 303-420-1004 WEDNESDAY Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 Araps, 3866 So. Broadway - 303-761-7823 Bushwacker’s, 1967 So. Broadway — 303-722-0280 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 In The Zone, 15600 W. 44th - 303-279-3888 Lakewood Grill — 8100 W Colfax Ave, - 303-237-8051 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-934-9884 Park Centre Lounge 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8087 REAR INN LOUNGE, 4991 W. 80th Ave., – 303-426-4500 Roosters - 4381 W. 120th Ave. - 303-465-2070 Sam’s, 10051 I-70 Frontage Rd North - 303-456-0257 THURSDAY Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 Endzone, 455 Havana St. - 303-364-6855 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 HICCUPS, 7980 N. Sheridan, 303-429-9523 HICCUPS II, 10250 Ura Lane, 303-466-1829 Lakewood Grill — 8100 W Colfax Ave, - 303-237-8051 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-303-403-0227 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8087 PUTT N’ PUB, 7785 W. Colfax - 303-237-7511 REAR INN LOUNGE, 4991 W. 80th Ave., – 303-426-4500 ROADHOUSE, - 2035 Sheridan , 303-980-5614 Roosters - 4381 W. 120th Ave. - 303-465-2070 VIKING BAR, 4888 W. Colfax FRIDAY Bumpers, 135 Nickel St. Broomfield — 303-469-5865 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 JAKE’S ROADHOUSE, 5980 Lamar St. Arvada, 303-424-7266 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-934-9884 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8057 SAMS, 10051 I-70 Frontage Rd North - 303-456-0257 Sharks Saloon & Grill, 11475 W. Colfax - 303-239-8859 Susie Bar & Grill, Hwy 40 & Heritage Rd. - 303-278-9000 TAIL FEATHERS, Hwy 85 & 120th - 303-286-1475 SATURDAY Dubb’s Pub, 5301 So. Broadway, 303-798-6722 ARAPS, 3866 So. Broadway - 761- 7823 FRONTIER INN, 1195 So. Sheridan - 303-936-9896 ENDZONE, 455 Havana St. - 303-364-6855 JAKE’S ROADHOUSE, 5980 Lamar St. Arvada, 303-424-7266 Lakewood Grill — 8100 W Colfax Ave, - 303-237-8051 Lookin’ Good Lounge, 1st and Sheridan, – 303-934-9884 PARK CENTRE LOUNGE 120th & Pecos - 303-452-8057 Sharks Saloon & Grill, 11475 W. Colfax - 303-239-8859 Tail Feathers - 120th & Hwy. 85 - 303-286-1475 THE RANCH, 19423 N. Turkey Creek Morrison 303-697-4118 V 34 — April/May ‘08 This Restaurant is FOR SALE 11475 W. Colfax 303-239-8859 Everyday FOOD SPECIALS $3 50 Breakfast Lunch Dinner 16 OZ. DRAWS 1 $ 50 EVERYDAY ALL DAY Every Sunday $3 Huevos Ranchero’s FREE MENUDO 50 Tuesdays & Thursdays 50¢ Tacos, Tostadas & Enchilada Saturday April 19th Poker Run to Benefit Mean Street Ministry $10 a Hand • 50/50 • High & Low Hand All Modes of Transportion Welcome Ride starts at Guido’s Nickel Sign up 11a.m. – Last bike out Noon — Stops — Guido’s Nickel • Jammin Joes • Wrigley’s • Spurs • Front Range Last Card Sharks last card in @ 5p.m. —Free Food After The Run— Visit our Sister Bar Monday - Friday 7-10a.m. - 4-7p.m. Draws 16oz. $1.50 We Play Horseshoe Here We Are Unbeatable - Try Us!!!! We Amaze Ourselves Coming Soon MotorcycleRiderNews.com Enjoy our Smoking & Drinking Patio — $1.50 Draws — All day — Everyday 5 6 April/May ‘08 – V 34 ROCK ‘n’ ROLL BRICKHOUSE– 9262 W. 58th Ave. – 303-421-2986 Live Rock n’ Roll 7 Days a Week; BRUNO’S SALOON - 8501 E. Colfax - 303-377-0200 Live Rock Friday & Saturday Nights BUSHWACKERS - I1967 So. Broadway - 303- 722-280 Wed. Night Open Stage with the Trouble Brothers CLASSIC’S ROADHOUSE - 215 Main St. - 303-772-1744 Live Music Friday Nights — CROSSROADS - 400 SO. Boulder Rd. - 303-926-4254 Live Music every other Friday nightECK'S SALOON – 9890 W. Girton Dr. – 303-989-2991 Open Rock Jam every Monday - Original music on Tuesday, Wednesday thru Saturday EFFIN’S BAR & GRILL - 5686 Pecos - 303-455-0303 Stop in and meet the new owners For Sale 33295 Highway 6, Idaho Springs, CO Call (303) 567-4113 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS GOLDEN CUE – 11964 N. Washington – 303-452-9550 Live Music Friday and Saturday nights HIC CUPS 1 7980 N. Sheridan – 303-429–9523 Live Music -April 18 - 19 Chase N The Dream; 25 - 26 11th Hour; May 2 - 3 Fredi & The Soul Shaker; 9 - 10 Lucky Dawgs; 16 - 17 I-69. HIC CUPS II - 10250 Ura Lane – 303-466-1829 Live Music - April 18 - 19 Steele; 25 - 26 Rebound; May 2 - 3 80’s Alive; 9 - 10 Five13; 16 - 17 Steve Thomas Band. HICC UPS lll – Boulder Turnpike & Pecos – Live Music April 18 - 19 Boogie Machine; 25 - 26 Five 13; May 2 - 3 Wish Doctor; 9 - 10 Chase N The Dream; 16 - 17 God’s Day Off. ILIFF PARK SALOON 2300 So. Chambers 303-696-1404 Live music Thursday thru Saturday. IN THE ZONE - 15600 W. 44th Golden - 303 279-3888 Live Music Every Saturday Night April 26 Brethren Fast; May 3 Four Play; 10 Steele; 17 Money Shot; 31 Brethren Fast. JAKE’S ROADHOUSE - 5980 Lamar St. - 303-424-7260 Live music on Sundays 2 - 6 p.m. April 15 Cyclon; 20 Rasputin; 26 - Joseph Barton Band; 27 Serious Bisnezz and the Lodo Horns; May 3 Tubeworks; 4 David Booker Band; 10 Curtis James Band; 11Squeezers. JAMMIN JOES -70 & Kipling - 303-428-4597 Live Music Friday & Saturday Nights PUTT N’ PUB - 7785 w. Colfax - 303-237-7511 Live Music Friday nights REAR INN LOUNGE – 4991 W. 80th Ave. – 303-426-4500 Fridays & Saturdays - Live Music -Dec. 21 - 22 Night Shift; 28 29 & 31 Sonic Horizon; ROADHOUSE BAR AND GRILL - 2035 So. Sheridan - 303980-5614 Live Music Friday & Saturday Night ; If You Drink Drink Responsible Patrick this means you SWEETWATER – 9975 Wadsworth Pkwy. – 303-420-1004 Live Music Friday and Saturday. April 18 - 19 11th Hour; 25 26 Brian Hornbuckle; May 2 -3 Money Shots; 9 - 10 Toast Box; 16 - 17 Wild Hare. THE RANCH, 19423 N. Turkey Creek Morrison 303-697-4118 Live Music Every Friday Night May 9 Bag Lady Sue. Got Bike Maintenance? By Diana Rowe When I got my first car, my dad (a longtime mechanic) told me the only way to learn how to fix things was to do it. So he made me change all four tires on my big Ford Galaxy clunker and rotate them. After that sweaty maintenance tip, he then taught me how to change the oil, air filter, refill the windshield fluid, and the list goes on and on. As much as I hated it at that time, I can't thank him enough for teaching me how to take care of my own vehicle. But I still don't know basic maintenance on my bike. Sun Harley-Davidson rides to the rescue with their New Owners' Clinic. Join Gary Williams and his crew on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month at 10:30 am to learn basic maintenance techniques to keep your bike running and looking its best all year long. Everyone's invited, whether new to the sport or riding for years. Sun H-D will even buy the coffee and doughnuts. Dates coming up: April 19, May 3, and May 17. Sun Harley-Davidson, 8858 N. Pearl Street, Thornton, CO 303-287-7567 “BEST ON BROADWAY” The Owner We Are a Motorcycle Friendly Bar Daily Specials Fri. & Sat. - Karaoke Tues. & Thurs. 7p.m. Texas Hold 'en Poker - Fri. & Sat. 1p.m - Texas Hold 'en Poker We Show all Sporting Events Colorado Rockie’s Av’s • Nugget’s Happy Hour 4 - 7 p.m. Mon. - Fri $1.50 Draws • Pool Tables • 5 Dart Boards 3866 So. Broadway 761-7823 Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News Benefit Dinner and Dance For Tiffaine Casados On October 31, 2007 Tiffaaine Casados was an innocent victim of a drive by shooting in Downtown Denver. She was hit under her rib cage on the right side of her body; the bullet traveled completely through her spinal cord and is lodged in the muscle to the left of her spine and will remain for life. As a result of her injury, she is paralyzed and will be dependant on medications; and her wheelchair for the V 34 — April/May ‘08 7 rest of her life. Many changes/additions have had to be made to make it possible for her to return home such as, shower bars in the tub; a special shower chair installed in the tub; hand bars around the toilet; a front deck and wheelchair ramp at the entrance to the house; widened doorways to the bathroom. Installation of washer/dryer hooks ups upstairs in our home; front loading washer and dryer; stove Saturday April 19, 2008 with knobs in front; remodel of Time: 2-10 PM entire kitchen to allow her Benefit Dance/Dinner For access to cabinets, dishes, food, Tiffaine Casados etc.; One wall has to be knocked out to put in a second Daughter of doorway/exit from the house; Julie L. Baca & Steve Lepore new fridge side by side to allow American Legion Hall her to be able to get food out 5421 E. 71st Ave. Commerce fridge; rails in bath tub; some City Co. electrical work; new back Price: $10 Ages 17 up / $5 Under door/frame; finishing garage; hand gears on her car. 16 / Under 5 is Free Tiffaine is a vibrant, active includes food, dancing young lady with many dreams and cash bar. and aspirations; she is full of life and loved being independent. She was a straight "A" student in her senior year of high school; she worked at Rave at the Westminster Mall for over a year; she was planning to attend college next year, and follow her dreams of becoming a singer; many of her dreams are put on hold or just simply forgotten due to her life altering injury. Please help us in our efforts we will be accepting cash donations and items to be raffled. Please join us in April 19th 8 April/May ‘08 – V 34 Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News SERVING METRO DENVER FO R THOSE WHO ENJOY E VENTS FOR APRIL AND MAY 18-20 - MRF Beast of the East Biker's Rights Conference, Peabody, MA 303/204-6939 19 - Fly-In Wheels MC Annual Spring Party Denver, CO 720/935-1942 19 - High Country HD Spring Fling 303/833-6777 19 - Redhill Motorcycle Werx Spring Open House, Lyons, CO 303/823-6363 19 - Poker Run - Guido’s Nickel sign up 11a.m. — 9500 W. Colfax - Free food after the run. 19 - BACA Child Abuse Awareness Ride, Veteran's Park, Canon City Co 719/269-1379 19 - Sons of Silence MC Colorado Springs Fallen Brothers Run sonsofsilencemc@AOL.COM 19 - 20 - MH HOG Glenwood Springs Overnighter 303/340-4982 19 - 20 - Tombstone Hawg Wild Dayz, Tombstone, AZ 520/457-2374 19 - 22 - AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days West - Sonoma, CA 614/856-1900 ext 1227 20 - Confederation of Clubs Annual Spring Biker Games Run 720/318-4167 or 720/635-2897 20 - CCT HOG Gears & Cogs Ride 303/432-1464 or 303/287-7567 23 - 26 - Laughlin River Run, Laughlin, NV 800/357_8223 - 714/694-2800 24 - 26 - AMCA Show & Swap, Oley, PA 800/782-2622 www.antiquemotorcycle.org 26 - Sun Harley-Davidson/Buell 36th Anniversary Celebration, Thornton, CO 303/287-7567 26 - Ride for a Cure 3rd Ann'l Benefit @ Pro-Bass Shops, 7970 Northfield Blvd, Denve 303/522-6525 26 - DCHOG Metro Poker Run 303/238-0425 26 - RM HOG Surprize Ride 303/703-2885 R I D I N G M O TO R C Y C L E S 26 - HC HOG Garage Sale 303/833-6777 27 - CCT HOG Brown Bagger Run 303/432-1464 or 303/287-7567 27 - MH HOG Spring & New Members Ride 303/340-4982 27 - JWP Swap Meet, Twin Drive In, KC, MO 816/228-5811 www.jwswapmeet.com 30 - DCHOG LOH Dinner Ride 303/238-0425 May 2008 1-3 - HOG Arizona State Rally, Tucson, AZ 800/258-2464 or 602/955-2658 3 - Susie's Bar & Grill Kentucky Derby Best Hat & Julep Party Golden, CO 303/278-9000 3 - CMA Run for the Son Charity Ride, Colorado Contact 303/659-4363 or 970/356-1294 3 - Spring Breakout Run 2006, Colorado United Riders Assoc. 303/295-9329 3 - MH HOG Mike's Ride 303/340-4982 3 - DCHOG Foothills Poker Run 303/238-0425 3 - ABATE D-10 Blessing of the Bikes Poker Run, Sedalia, CO 303/690-8805 3 - ABATE D-1 Sand Hills Poker Run, Ft. Morgan, CO 970/542-0902 3 - Fly-In Wheels MC 6th Annual Spring Poker Run, Monte Vista CO 720/935-1492 3 - The Shop Kustom Car/Motorcycle & Surf Event, Ventura, CA 805/650-6777 3 - Concourse de Elegance M/C Show, Half Moon Bay, CA www.legendofthemotorcycle.com 3 - 4 - Annual Blossom Festival, Canon City, CO 4 - All Trades 11th Annual Poker Run, In Memory of WD 303/922-1592 4 - DC HOG LOH Biker Babe Breakfast Run 303/238-0425 Continues on page 12 Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News V 34 — April/May ‘08 9 Susie’s Bar & Grill 5th Annual Easter Egg Hop Photo By Phat Ratt Photography 10 April/May ‘08 – V 34 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS Carla is leaving West Colfax Carla has spent the last 17 years tending bar on West Colfax Carla was a bartender at Whiskey Bill’s for 13 years. After leaving Whiskey Bill’s she spent 4 years at the Lakewood Grill. She has decided to take her skills to the air. She will be hosting on one of the major airlines. We will all miss her. Thirsty’s Rhonda, owner of Thirsty’s on 104th, (Center) celebrates her birthday with about 200 of her closest friends. Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News Future Harley Rider V 34 — April/May ‘08 11 News from Milwaukee's HOG Heaven Harley-Davidson reported that 2007 was "a lot like that motorcycle trip you take in early summer in the mountains - the one where the forecast is for blue skies and dry roads and, all of a sudden at 9,500 feet of elevation you find yourself in the middle of a snowstorm." (Sounds like our Colorado Rockies to me!) This is the preface to their report that last year their net revenue decreased 1.3 percent, and net income dropped 1.05 percent. Here are the details for number crunchers: 2007 revenue $5.73 billion compared to 2006 revenue $5.80 billion. H-D dealers sold 337,774 new Harley-Davidson motorcycles worldwide in 2007, compared to 343,981 in 2006 and 317,169 in 2005. However, the H-D report does acknowledge that their decision to reduce fourth-quarter motorcycle shipments might have impacted that number. Worldwide sales of H-D motorcycles declined .8% in 2007, with international sales helping to bridge the U.S. shortage. Reaching the Lost Teaching the Found CHURCH IN THE WIND “By bikers, for bikers” 6 weeks old white akc pomeranian, for sale $650 or best offer 303-761-1902 Open 7 a.m. Everyday 451 W. 84th Ave. • 303-430-7089 NASCAR PITCHER SPECIALS Win a Signed Lithograph of Dale Earnhardt during the “HOMESTEAD RACE” GREAT BEER SPECIALS $1.50 Bud or Bud Lt. Pints Bud Natural Lite $1.00 M-F, 7am-7pm. MHL draws for $1.25 all the time. Karaoke with Jason GREAT FOOD LUNCH & DINNER GREAT PRICES Daily Drink Specials WEDNESDAYS 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. Jager Bombs 3 for $ 12 - 5 for $20 THURSDAYS 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. $3 Crown Royals Poker -Texas Hold ‘em Mondays 2 p.m. Saturdays 2 p.m. & 4 p.m. 9p.m. DAILY HAPPY HOUR Friday 7am - 7pm Saturday Sunday Coming Sunday - May 25th - Blues Live Music With David Booker Friday Nights at 7:30 in the Chapel at Riverside 2411 Alcott, Denver, Co 80211 P ASTOR G ARY & M RS . D IANA D AVIS 12 April/May ‘08 – V 33 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS April and May Event continued from page 8 4 - North Metro Church 7th Biker Blessing 12505 Colorado Blvd Thornton, CO 303/452-6251 4 - RM HOG Play the Game Day 303/703-2885 4 - CCT HOG LOH Sun HD Employee Appreciation Ride 303/432-1464 or 303/287-7567 4 - Valiants MC Sunday B-B-Q @ Club House, 4300 York, Denver, CO 720/318-4167 4 - ABATE D-1 4th Annual Sand Hills Poker Run, Ft. Morgan, CO 970/542-0902 4 - JWP Swap Meet, Admiral Twin Drive In, Tulsa, OK 816/228-5811 www.jwswapmeet.com 8 - 10 - COC & NCOM National Convention, Houston, TX 800/531-2424 or 303/318-4167 10 - HC HOG Pawney Buttes Ride 303/833-6777 10 - Susie's Bar & Grill Mother's Brag Photo Discount Party Golden, CO 303/278-9000 10 - Sun H-D Mother's Day Breakfast & Parade, Thornton, CO 303/287-7567 11 - Mother's Day 11 - IPE / Easter Seals Annual Mothers Day Poker Run 720/685-1918 or 303/233-1666 11 - DC HOG Loveland Hooter's Run 303/238-0425 12 - 17 - Myrtle Beach Bike Rally, Myrtle Beach, SC 800/200-4557 14 - 17 - Aspencash Motorcycle Rally, Ruidoso, NM www.motorcyclerally.com 800/452-8045 16 - Run for the Wall, Viet Nam War Memorial Run to DC, Angel Fire, NM 303/467-3424 17 - Susie's Bar & Grill Golden Scrap Meet & Party, Golden, CO 303-278-9000 17 - Combat Vets Assoc. Open Range Run 303/770/9496 or Fax 303/770-9497 17 - Benefit Run @ Grogan's Pub, 2101 E Coronado Pkwy, Thornton 17 - Eazin Thunder MC Annual Shoot-Out 303/916-6381 17 - Franktown Scooter's 6th Annual Angel Tree Benefit Run, Franktown, CO 303/356-8994 17 - High Country H-D/Buell Birthday Party 303/833-6777 17 - Redhill Motorcycle Werx Pancake Breakfast & Spring Sale, Lyons, CO 303/823-6363 17 - Pikes Peak 2nd Custom & Classic Show & Shine, COSprgs 719/487-8005 www.propromotions.com 17 - Run for the Wall, Viet Nam War Memorial Run to DC, Limon, CO 303/467-3424 17 - ABATE D-11 Annual Springer Poker Run, Buena Vista, CO 719/395-0360 18 - B.A.D. Run (Bikers Against Diabetes) Aurora Eagles, 9am 1151 S. Galena 303/627-9734 18 - Frank's Ride for Children, Longmont 303/808-6138 18 - JWP Swap Meet, Twin Drive In, KC, MO 816/228-5811 www.jwswapmeet.com 18 - Run for the Wall, Salina, KS 303/467-3424 22 - 24 - Branson 7th Annual Motorcycle Rally, Branson, MO 800.342.6230 23 - 25 - Fallen Brothers Memorial Day Rally, Salida, CO 719/ 275-5292 23 - 25 - HOG Nebraska State Rally, Fremont, NE 402/564-5498 or 800/258-2464 23 - 26 - West Coast Thunder Rally VIII, Riverside, CA 800/200-4557 23 - Red River, New Mexico - Memorial Run & Rally 24 - DC HOG Garden of the Gods Ride 303/238-0425 24 - 25 - Swords of Justice MC Annual Camp out 25 - Realities for Children 4th Ann'l Joker's Wild Poker Run, Milliken, CO 970/484-9090 25 - Rolling Thunder Parade, Washington, DC - Don 303/514-7916 26 - Memorial Day 29 - MH HOG Night Ride 303/340-4982 RIDE The HIGH-END Motorcycle Wave By Diana Rowe Our economy might be bottoming out, but the wave of the high-end motorcycles is riding high. Manufacturers are rolling out the red carpet introducing powerful, opulent, feature-laden scooters at prices that resemble full-size, four-wheeled vehicles. Several motorcycles that went on sale this spring cost between $15,000 and $40,000. The average price of bikes has risen like a hot summer day in Phoenix over the past few years. Last year it reached $12,304, compared to $11,480 in 2002. This increase arrives on the wheels of declining U.S. motorcycle sales, dipping 7.7% to about 1.1 million in 2007. Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News V 34 — April/May ‘08 13 HARLEY-DAVIDSON LETTER REFRENCE continued from page 2 STANDARD = FLHT; ELECTRA GLIDE CLASSIC = FLHTC; AND ULTRA CLASSIC ELECTRA GLIDE = FLHTCU. Now I know that the designation for my new Harley Softail Cross Bones is: FLSTB, and the alphabet stands for: F (Big Twin) L (Hydra Glide forks) (or FL is also known to stand for the F with more power…) ST (Softail) B (belt drive). Still confused? You're probably not alone. While all these letters might not make much sense to the average Harley rider, they help a lot in the parts department - especially when prefaced by a year. CR- Cafe racer style, with bikini fairing. LT- Touring, with bigger tank, thicker seat, and hard bags. The first letter of the model designator reveals the engine series: G - Servicar three wheeler, 1932 to 1972 E - Overhead valve 61 cubic inch "big twin" (Engine/trans separated) F - Overhead valve 74,80 or 88 cubic inch "big twin" FL - 80 to 88 cubic inches and a fat front tire. K - Side valve 45 and 55 cubic inch sports bike that replaced the WL in 1953 and was replaced by the Sportster in 1957. It had many design features that were carried over to the Sportster. U - Side valve 74 or 80 cubic inch "big twin" V - Side valve 74 cubic inch made prior to 1936 W - Side valve 45 cubic inch made 1934 to 1952 X - Sports and special construction. Applied to 1918-1922 opposed twin Sport, 1944 military opposed twin, and 1957 to present Sportster. The second letter of the model designator reveals the Front end (except sportsters) X - Narrow tire and sport forks. L - Wide front tire and Hydra-Glide front forks. (FX originally meant "Factory Expirimantal" The first one was the Super Glide FX) The third letter of the model designator reveals the frame style: D - "Dyna" frame (with the rubber mounted motor) HT - "Highway Touring" frame ST - "Softail®" frame The next letter(s) indicates the model bike within the frame family: A - Military (Army) version (except GA, Servicar without tow bar) B - Battery start (early models), Belt drive (early 80's) Black paint.(1995-6 model, the Bad Boy) C - Classic, Competition, Custom, various others meanings. D - Dyna, the newest frame and engine mount design. DG - Disc Glide E - Electric start F - Foot shift (when the standard was hand-shift) and now "Fat Boy®" H - varied between High performance and Heavy duty. I - Signifies Fuel Injection. L - Big fat front tire LR- Low Rider (though many Low Riders don't include LR in the model ID) N - Nostalgia P - Police version R - Rubber mounted engine (some models) racing version (other models) ST- Soft Tail, Softail®l S - Springer S - (without following T) Sports version T - Touring WG - Wide Glide X - Sportster or sportster-type front end and Skinny front tire. Horoscope Aries (March 21-April 19). Adventurous month. Do you feel like having an adventure? You're more likely to have an adventure when you go on a short journey. No need to go very far, just someplace you've wanted to go before, yet never been. This is also a good month to surprise a close friend with news, a small gift, or a long ride Leo (July 23-Aug. 22). People power. To feel your best, spend more time socializing with others. Attending a poker run would fit the bill perfectly! But that's not the only solution. You can also go to any crowded public bar where you can mingle with lots of people. This is also a great month to go to a popular benefit run or a night of karaoke. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Relationship elevator is going up. You'll want to spend more time with someone you find special. The stage is set for your relationships to improve and mature. If possible, try planning something unique with that someone special. And don't let outside influences interrupt your time and your riding together Taurus (April 20-May 20). Different strokes for different folks. This month, the beliefs of people around you will differ from yours. Rather than clash with all of them, listen respectfully to their opinions. Then only if absolutely necessary, try explaining your position. Great day to expose yourself to other points of view. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Out in front. This month your leadership skills are stronger than usual -- so much so that you should put yourself into situations where you can take a greater leadership role. You'll find you're especially effective when you get out in front and lead others by example. This is also a great time to invite friends to join you for a ride through the Rockies. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Better shape. Great Month to focus on bettering your health. Your health and physical well-being are in stronger focus. To help achieve the best results, try to focus mostly on eating healthy foods, and on getting enough rest for your body to rebuild its natural defenses. Take time out for yourself. Gemini (May 21-June 21). Shiny happy person. This month, your individuality will really shine. For the best month possible, try showing off the qualities that make you different and unique. That could involve wearing your favorite leathers, enjoying a small trip, sharing your hobbies and collections, or even telling others your most unique desires. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22). Make up your mind! Spending too long making decisions won't benefit you. In fact, it could cause you some unnecessary grief. That's because you'll tend to overanalyze your options. The simple solution to this problem is to make decisions more quickly, especially on unimportant matters. Ride safe! Cancer (June 22-July 22). Take time for both. The next four weeks, you'll have dual needs. On one hand, you'll want to take part in social activities. At the same time, you'll need some time alone to ride. Fortunately, you can and should do both! Plan time with others, and also try to find some place quiet where you can spend a joyful ride alone. Scorpio (Sept. 23-Oct. 22). Can you avoid money? You may want to try! That's because today your judgment regarding the use of money is at below normal levels. Try putting off any major purchases or investments. You'll also want to avoid advising others how to spend their money. Next month things will be back to normal. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The language of love. Romance is a much greater possibility! So what can you do to improve your chances? You needn't say a word. That's because your nonverbal signals are the key to improving your chances of making a love connection. When meeting people, let your eyes and smile express your true intentions. Invite a companion for a ride. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20). Back to the simple things. Simplicity is your key to having the most successful and satisfying month. That means you'll want to avoid situations that seem overly complex. Instead, choose to do things in the simplest manner possible. It's also a great month to focus your time on favorite places to ride, activities and people. people. 14 April/May 2008 – V 34 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS Around Town Ever wanted to get to know your bartender or cocktail waitress? Here is your chance to meet some of the people on the other side of the bar. Join us each month as we travel to different bars around town. LIL’S PLACE — 7575 NO. BROADWAY 12TH MAN SPORTS BAR — 135 NICKEL ST. There is always a big smile on this pretty blonde. Dawn will put a smile on your face no matter what is bothering you. She enjoys Bud Light or Duck Farts. She spends her spare time playing softball or shooting pool. Lee works part-time bartending, and the rest of his time is spent as a volunteer fireman. When the day is all done, he enjoys Rock & Rap music and a good shot of Jameson. THE BALLON INN - 6440 WADSWORTH BLVD LAKEWOOD BAR & GRILL — 8100 W. COLFAX Juanita isn't much of a drinker. She loves her coffee but that doesn't stop her from having a good time while she's working. She listens to anything that gets her hips moving. "I like to work here because I have the best boss you could ever ask for." Here are a couple of laides that will make sure you have a good time. Kimmy likes Rumple & Miller Chill and New Age Music. We met Mayette when she worked at Andolini's. She likes Bud Light or Bacardi O, and she loves to travel and go to concerts. ZOOSTERS — 300 NICKEL ST. - BROOMFIELD TAIL FEATHERS - 120TH & HWY. 85 Dawn is no stranger to the bar business. She worked at Kendra enjoys her job, although she only works one night a week, Cheerleaders for 5 years, Brewskis for 5, and Hic cups for 5. You Mondays. "The money is good, and I like my customers," she says. might say 5 is her lucky number. Her favorite drink is the new She also enjoys cold beer and country music Budweiser product: Landshark, which she says tastes like a Corona, with out the skunky smell. Singles Entertainment and Motorcycle Rider News V 34 — April/May ‘08 15 16 April/May ‘08 – V 33 SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT AND MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS
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