Re-Cycle September 2009
Re-Cycle September 2009
PRESIDENT: Paul Davidson 952-941-4997/ VICE PRESIDENT: Ron Spargo 952-443-2020/ TREASURER: Linda Schunk 952-831-5065/ SECRETARY: Tom Whittles 651-636-5492/ NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Ivar Natins 612-866-6069/ GRAPHICS & LAYOUT: Your Name Here Phone Number/Email Address CLUB HISTORIAN: Tom Jones 763-533-9163 DIRECTORS: Jim Geisler 952-933-3942/ Roger Rimnac (E-TALKER) 612-825-2550/ Paul St. John 763-533-6260/ John Ulrich 651-686-6974/ DEPUTY JUDGE: Jerry Richards 651-482-0096/ WEB MASTER: Sean O’Neil 612-870-0766/ Schedule of Events NOTE: Board of Directors (B.O.D.) meetings are open to all members. When held at a chapter members home, please notify the host ahead of time. Sept 2 Ride to Davenport 1 8:00 am (Wed) Little Oscar’s Restaurant 23470 Emery Avenue Hampton, MN (come earlier for breakfast) Sept 4 (Fri) Ride to Davenport 2 6:00 am Downtown Gas Station Prescott, WI (contact Tom Jones) Sept 9 (Wed) B.O.D. Meeting 7:00 pm Ron Spargo 8399 Bavaria Rd. Victoria, MN 952-443-2020 Sept 12 Ride to Wings & Wheels (Sat) leaves from Kerry Rasmussen’s @ 8:00 am 9282 Stonebridge Trail N Stillwater, MN 651-492-0735 Sept 16 General Meeting 7:00 pm (Wed) Fury Motors 740 North Concord South St. Paul, MN (dinner by Joe at 6:00) Schedule continued on back page SEPTEMBER Newsletter of the Viking Chapter Antique Motorcycle Club of America Inc Published Quarterly 2009 March, June, September, December DAVIDSON’S HARD TALES by Paul Davidson Hello Fellow Viking Chapter Members This riding season has certainly been much too short however; if yours was anything like mine there was rarely a weekend without some form of riding activity. So thankfully most of the weekends were great riding weather. Hopefully there are still two good months to go before we need to start pushing the bikes into the corners of the garage. One of those great weekends happened to be our National meet. The great weather helped make it certainly one of the greatest meets ever based on the crowds and feedback received. Some of the raving reviews came from a couple of National Board members that were in attendance as well as visitors from neighboring chapters. The vending area outside was at full capacity and the inside was filled with a great variety of awesome antique bikes; 180+ and close to 200 counting the motorized bicycles. According to Jerry Richards, the number of judged bikes more than doubled from years past making the judges really earn their pay this year. Again, the hard work of the Planning Committee and all of the volunteers during the meet greatly contributed to the success. Thanks to all, you are the greatest! The ride to Sturgis this year offered great weather and a larger than average group of bikes compared to the last several years. With the exception of a few minor road construction detours it was a very pleasant ride. The oldest bike this year was a 1947 Harley Knucklehead ridden by Paul from Wisconsin which I later learned required a few road side repairs along the ride. Of course, the week is not complete without the annual thunderstorm during our KOA picnic. Thankfully Hostetler and Meisel rented a cabin this year complete with satellite TV so we were all quite comfortable during the storm. Speaking of the picnic, the BOD has reinstated the chapter covering the cost of an annual picnic at the KOA during Sturgis. All members are welcome to attend. The Board has also approved to cover the camping fees for future Presidents rides. I can not forget to mention Jerry and Trudi’s annual chili feed which had a great attendance and the food was great as always. We already have a sizable group planning to ride to Sturgis next year which will include several newly restored Indians so put it on your schedule and join the adventure. Hope to see you down the road. 1 Editors Note President’s Ride 09 by Stan Mewhorter Only five members showed up for the ride. Some riders from Thunder Bay was going to meet us at McDonalds and go on the ride with us, but got lost and did not make it in time before we had to leave for Dean Hansens. You will notice this issue of the Re-Cycle is a bit lite on copy. I didn’t get a “ton” of submissions from the membership, and I’m too busy riding to write. Lots of good photos though... Enjoy! Kennedy High Fab Class Open House Paul led us by all back roads to a little town by Sleepy Eye to meet Dean Hansen and have lunch. Dean and his son were both riding Indians. Then we rode to Dean farm to see his great collection of Indians and Cushman scooters. (May 14) Thank Goodness for this class, all my friends are so old... Then Paul took us to Fort Ridgely State Park to camp. Paul’s arm was to sore to camp and Craig Kotval had to go back home for his anniversary, so only three of us camped in the great campground. After a cold nights sleep Cal Spooner went home and Bob Zick and I went to New Ulm, then home. Stan Mewhorter Cal Spooner Craig Kotval Paul Davidson Bob Zick 1971 Triumph 1973 BMW R60/5 1999 Honda Aero 1100 2003 Harley 2008 Triumph Thruxton Don’t That Just Bust Your Nuts?! submitted by Ron Spargo Machinist’s Workshop magazine actually tested penetrants for break out torque on rusted nuts. Significant results! They are below, as relayed by an exstudent and professional machinist, Bud Baker. Don’t forget the April 2007 “Machinist’s Workshop” magazine comparison test. They arranged a subjective test of all the popular penetrants with the control being the torque required to remove the nut from a “scientifically rusted” environment. s... e cover h t t a e ’ll do is all they Penetrating oil .......Average load None ........................516 pounds WD-40.....................238 pounds PB Blaster ...............214 pounds Liquid Wrench ........127 pounds Kano Kroil ..............106 pounds ATF-Acetone mix....53 pounds Garage-Get-Together at the Ulrich’s (May 27) Brrrrr... The ATF-Acetone mix was a “home brew” mix of 50 - 50 automatic transmission fluid and acetone. Note the “home brew” was better than any commercial product in this one particular test. Our local machinist group mixed up a batch and we all now use it with equally good results. Note also that “Liquid Wrench” is about as good as “Kroil” for about 20% of the price. 2 Crow River HD Spring Ride July General Meeting at the Vet’s Home (May 30) (July14) Old Guys on Old Bikes bring Ice Cream to other Old Guys... Garage-Get-Together at the Moot’s next time, I’ll do the talkin... (July 28) B.O.D. at the Jones’ (June 3) 18 riders, 88 bikes, and 1 bubble car thing... Nice, but he needs more pegboard... Hmmm... was the door in the back and the engine in the front? Garage-Get-Together at the Prez’s (June 25) Woah! You can hide stuff under the seat? 3 Viking Chapter National Meet Wrap-Up It was a Super Duper Event! - A REAL MOTORCYCLE EXTRAVAANZA! by Sean O’Neil A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity greeted our visitors. The theme this year was Competition Bikes so the call went out to all two-wheel fanatics to bring their old racing iron. The club invited racers from the golden age of Drag Racing, Land Speed Records, Motocross and Flat-Track to share their old bikes, photos and memories. The bikes came by the dozens and joined the Viking Chapter’s display to top over 180 antique bikes. were five Vincents at the meet – three everyday riders (if you can get away with saying that about a Vincent) and two highly modified competition bikes. One was a completely lowered, stretched and supercharged drag bike, and the other was the current Class C world speed record holding Vincent of the gifted local builder, Steve Hamel. But before we talk about that bike, we need to talk about its most famous pilot – Marty Dickerson. WOW! Just Move the Damn Jack Boy! Marvin “Thunder” Klunder brought four of his Harley KR’s that he campaigned through the Midwest in the ‘60s and a rare flat-head hillclimber. Not to be outdone, Jeff Phillips (who has been tweaking British Iron in the Twin Cities for 30 years) brought his Triumph hill climbing beast known as “The Stone Axe”. Bob Crawford, who founded St Paul Harley Davidson after he hung up his racing boots in 1986, brought his factory racer. Gary Landeen displayed his 1939 “Big Base” 648 Indian Scout and fired it up for the crowd. That old side-valve was originally piloted by West Coast legend Ed “Iron Man” Kretz in the ‘40s but won hundreds of races all the way up to 1967 ridden by pretty much a “who’s who” of racing. The floor was packed with race bikes from the rare – Rickmans, Gileras, and NSUs – to the classics like Harley KRs and BSAs. One BSA that drew a lot of attention was the battle-scared mount of two-time world motocross champion and AMA Hall of Fame member, Jeff Smith. Jeff’s health prevented him from making an appearance, but his daughter Chris (a vintage motocross racer in her own right) brought his bike and a pile of old magazines from back in the day to share with the retired racers. The Viking Chapter flew Marty to St Paul to give the crowd a once-in-a-lifetime chance to hear what it was like breaking speed records on the Bonneville Salt Flats in the ‘50s and ‘60s and hanging out with guys like Rollie Free and Burt Munro (of World’s Fastest Indian fame). Rollie was a world record holder when Marty met him at Bonneville. Rollie took Marty under his wing and schooled him on all the ways to squeeze the maximum speed out of a motorcycle. It was time well spent being that Marty broke Rollie’s record the next year. Marty’s stories twisted through time like a corner-hugging sport bike and kept the crowd wrapped around his every word. Like his stories of Burt Munro’s quest to run the World’s Fastest Indian. When Burt found out about nitro, he had to bring some back to New Zealand, so he smuggled a gallon of the explosive concoction in a wine bottle - stashed under his bunk on the boat! Good thing it never got bumped! Marty consulted for the World’s Fastest Indian and helped recreate that exciting period in racing history. He even lent old voice recordings of Burt to Anthony Hopkins so that he’d accurately recreate Burt’s Kiwi accent and vocal style. Recently, Marty’s Minnesota connections have returned him to the Salt Flats to race at the age of 81. This time, he was aboard Steve Hamel’s record setting Vincent. In 2007, Marty ran a two-way average of 151.685 with an astonishing 154.456 on the return run. At 81 years old! Steve brought his Vincent to the meet and let Marty rev the engine for the crowd. What an amazing sound! No display of competition bikes would have been complete without the bike known in its day as the “World’s Fastest Standard Motorcycle” – the Vincent. Any motorhead that lived through the ‘50s and ‘60s will tell you that the Vincent was perhaps the most famous racing bike of the 20th century and epitomized the ideal of raw power and beauty. There 4 Serious Feedback Although the theme of the meet was Competition Bikes, that wasn’t all there was on display. We “Pegged the Needle” with yet another amazing display of antique machines. The high quality and diversity of the display had something for everyone. There was everything from beautifully restored American Iron like Indian Chiefs and Harley-Davidson Knuckleheads, to British bikes like Triumphs and Nortons. The scooters were out in force this year with Vespas, Doodle-bugs and Cushmans. And the Japanese bikes were very well represented with vintage Yamaha racers and immaculately restored Honda Dreams and Scramblers. Just wanted to somehow tell the Viking Chapter that you did a really great job with the swap and especially the show. Wow - it was better than Davenport. Real quality array of motorcycles on hand. Great job - the ride to Porkys was fun too. Perfect weather. Nice campground - cool people - quiet - nice showers . . . I don’t miss Farmington as much. If I see any old vendors who haven’t been here yet - I’ll tell them to get “their ass back” - definitely missing out on a great venue. Plus, the roads around the fairgrounds are great to ride old bikes on. See you every year, Rick Nootnagel, Charles City, Iowa Paul, a tip of the hat to all the Viking Chapter officers and members who made the June meet a great event. The mix of professionalism and laid back attitude made this year’s meet one of the best ever. Everyone who participated should give themselves a pat on the back too!! Many thanks, Mark Backlund AMCA #9030 What a fantastic show that was - I look forward to more and bigger next year. I’ve never been to a nicer venue - the building housing the bikes on show was amazing. You guys do a great job with the period decorations, the quality of machinery, and the friendly club members. And the MN State Faigrounds is a top notch facility. Well done!!!! Thanks, Chris Motorsport Team Field Games? In addition to the amazing indoor display of bikes, the Viking meet is also famous for their huge outdoor swap meet. This year the swap area completely filled up with high quality parts with vendors from all around the country swarming to St Paul. But the Viking Chapter’s bikes aren’t just for show, their meet also presents ample opportunity to shut up and ride. They upheld their tradition of cruising down University Avenue to the famous ‘50s era Porkey’s DriveIn on Friday night. On Saturday, they hosted an organized ride through the tree-lined parkways along the Mississippi river and held field games to test the skill of visitors on their old iron. In spite of all the action during the day, the campground (pronounced “The Compound”) was still hopping each night with AMCA members kicking back and socializing until the wee hours of the morning. Paul, On behalf of myself, Marlyn Klunder, Billy Hoh, Billy Hoffmiester, Buzz Arndt, Al Burke, Mark Howe, Barney Larson and all the other invited guests unable to attend, we thank you for providing us the opportunity to get together, show our race bikes, share experiences and reminisce about the fun we had racing back in the 1950’s through the early 1970’s. All who attended had a wonderful time and we hope we helped contribute to the Viking Chapter’s successful 2009 meet. Sincerely, Tom Robertson Nice Work Everyone! Lost & Found It’s a Giant Beer Can! A jacket was found at the registration desk at the National Meet. It’s an XL navy Blue & Gray windbreaker (without any money in the pockets). If this belongs to you please contact Linda Schunk at or 952-831-5065. 5 The Back Hills Motor Classic 2009 A new Black Hill’s “Breakfast Tradition” (“Sturgis” you dog) by Paul Meisel For several years now Viking members have enjoyed a Black Hills breakfast at Trinity United Methodist Church in Lead, SD. Besides their handy location – only 3 miles from the KOA Campsites where many members stay, the breakfast is one of the best values going. Scrambled eggs, sausage, coffee, juice and all the pancakes you can eat for $5.00. The food is always tasty and always served hot. Even the maple syrup is served warm! Besides the food being of excellent quality and price, the service is instant. Your breakfast is put in front of you almost the minute you sit down. And always from an extraordinarily friendly staff of volunteers. I talked to Reverend Bruce Adams, (better known as “Pastor Bruce” to his congregation) to learn more about the inside workings of this great breakfast treat. While in Sturgis, a group of Viking Chapter members rode the wildlife loop in Custer State Park. They stopped at a rest area and got this in creditable shot. The timer delay on the camera was set and just before the shutter closed a prairie dog jumped up in front of the lens. We don’t know what the odds of that happening are, but we understand the photo has made national news and has been viewed by millions on the internet. Front row – Ivar & Dena Natins and Gene Hostetler Back row – Paul & Pat Meisel, Keith & Gloria Peters, Paul Davidson and Bob Heeter. (We named the gopher Timmy.) One of the secrets to their success is the quality of quantity of people who help. This year there was 79 volunteers – all of them friendly and eager to please. I talked with one boy who I believe said he was 8 years old. He was bussing dishes. Pastor Bruce told me the youngest helper was 4 years old! At the other end of the spectrum there were people in their eighties helping. In all, a total of 2,267 meals were served from Sunday through Friday. Pans and Pans and Pans (of chili) Besides great food and friendly service, I like the fact that they use real plates and real silverware. Although I know this does require church members more work washing, it certainly beats paper plates and plastic forks. by Trudi Johnson Richards Pastor Bruce told me that the number of breakfasts served has increased each year, an fact he attributes mostly to “word of mouth” advertising. Coco Hi All, We want to thank you for coming to the 13th Annual Richards Sturgis Chili Feed on August 3, 2009. A special thank you to Coco Villard for taking photos for us to remember in years ahead. Riders were from The AMCA-Viking Chapter and Black Hills Chapter; St. Paul Harley-Davidson H.O.G.and elsewhere around the U.S.A. We do not have email addresses for everyone who rode in so feel free to visit PhotoCoco’s Picasa Web Album at ey=Gv1sRgCMvOg_T5kpv6XA&feat=email#. Ya gotta break allot of eggs... 6 Annual Club Picnic was “Grate” In the Next RE-CYCLE... • • • • • WILL KERRY MAKE IT “ALL-THE-WAY” TO OSCEOLA? NEW CLUB OFFICERS INTRODUCED (read ridiculed) WILL JESUS SHOW UP AT THIS YEARS SWAP MEET? NUMEROUS CANDID PHOTOS OF MEMBERS EATING WILL SOMEONE HOST A “HEATED GARAGE” GET TOGETHER OVER THE WINTER MONTHS? • WHERE IS DAVE MOOT GETTING ALL THAT CANDY? • WILL THE EDITOR GET ENOUGH ARTICLES TO ACTUALLY FILL THE RE-CYCLE WITH SOMETHING OTHER THAN THIS MIND NUMBING FLUFF? OH THE SUSPENSE! Perfect weather, lots of folks (like 90), and super chow... (albeit our crack kitchen staff had to “Jerry” rig the park’s grill as many of the grates had disintegrated). Special thanks to Cheryl and Tom Whittles for getting the groceries this year (no small task) and to Sean O’Neal for bringing 322 lbs of drinks and ice. Hungry Editor Future Graphics Guy? Future Director? Future Treasurer? Bits and Pieces Future Astronaut? North American Vincent Rally Saturday, September 12 The best time for the general public to view “The Worlds Fastest Standard Motorcycle” would be between 5:00 and 6: p.m. at Grandpa’s Garage in Cannon Falls. South of town on Hwy 52. More info at New Members In addition to voicing nominations for next years Board of Directors, the following items were voted on (and passed) by the contented group for 2010 (see what can happen when you feed people first). Please remember that all of the events the club has chosen to help fund are open to all Viking Chapter members: RIVER RUN hosted by the Hopkins Lions Saturday, September 12 Hopkins American Legion Post 10 - 12th Ave. S. Ride the MN side of the Mississippi River Valley - at the peak of the beautiful fall colors, then back along the WI side. Registration starts at 8:30 am, ride leaves at 10:00 am Cost is $30 per bike and $20.00 per passenger. Come for the music of HEADBAND following - 8:30 pm Club will foot the bill for camping fees for all members that attend the annual President’s Ride Club to donate $100 to help defray the expense of the annual Sturgis picnic at the KOA FLAT TWINS DAY Saturday, September 19, 2009 9:00 am-8:00 pm at Diamond’s Coffee Shop 1618 Central Ave NE Mpls. Club to donate $200 to the town of Wessington Springs SD for camping and hospitality Club to donate $200 to the city of Chaska MN to help repair the grates on the grill in Fireman’s Park Nominations for 2010 Officers President .................. Paul Davidson Directors (2 reqd) ..... Deb Riggs Roger Rimnac Treasurer .................. Dena Natins Roy Williams Let the Campaigning Begin! Fall Flood Run Saturday, September 19, 2009 Only 2 more shots at Cycles and Coffee for 09 Saturday, September 19, 2009 Saturday, October 17, 2009 8:00-11:00 am at the Auto MotorPlex in Chanhassen, MN. Jack Crane Motorcycle Museum Open House Saturday, October 3, 2009 Saturday, December 19, 2009 9:00 am-noon, 1301 East Cliff Road Burnsville, MN 952-927-8126 (if necessary) The membership in attendance at the September General Meeting will be voting to select the new board members. Please plan to attend. RAT BIKES AND MODIFIEDS Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:00 am-8:00 pm at Diamond’s Coffee Shop 1618 Central Ave NE Mpls. 7 Viking Chapter AMCA, Inc. Antique Motorcycle Club of America, Inc 5065 Nine Mile Creek Circle Bloomington, MN 55437 WANTED Indian Side Car Frame or parts to fit post WWII Chief Kerry 651-492-0735 Attention BMW Fans: Viking Chapter member Mark Ryan would like info on restoring a 1967 BMW R50/2. If you are knowledgeable on these machines and could be of some help please call or e-mail Mark at 218287-6023; Schedule of Events (continued) Sept 20 (Sun) Viking Chapter Fall Swap Meet MN State Fairgrounds St. Paul, MN (North parking lot) Oct 7 (Wed) B.O.D. Meeting 7:00 pm Diamond’s Coffee Shop 1618 Central Ave. No. Mpls, MN General Meeting 7:00 pm Oct 14 (Wed) Motoprimo 16640 Kenrick Ave. Lakeville, MN Nov 4 (Wed) Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 7:00 am Old Country Buffet 9 East 66th St. Richfield, MN (check in by 6:30) Nov 11 (Wed) B.O.D. Meeting 7:00 pm Taste of Scandinavia (Festival Foods) 401 West 98th Street Bloomington, MN Nov 18 General Meeting 7:00 noon (Wed) Leo’s South 16375 Kenrick Ave. Lakeville, MN NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 894 MINNEAPOLIS MN
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