Agenda - Chippewa Valley Technical College
Agenda - Chippewa Valley Technical College
Public comments or dialogue from the audience are not allowed regarding specific agenda topics unless requested by the Board Chairperson; however, an opportunity for public input is available at the beginning of each meeting during Public Comment. AGENDA CHIPPEWA VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD REGULAR BOARD MEETING DATE: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 TIME: 5:30 p.m. – Regular Board Meeting Adjourn into Executive Session immediately after the regular meeting LOCATION: Chippewa Valley Technical College – Business Education Center – Room 100A 620 W Clairemont Ave Eau Claire, WI 54701 Call to Order The following statement will be read: “I wish to call the regular meeting of the Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board to order. This is an open meeting with notices mailed to the news media and other interested parties and posted at the Chippewa Valley Technical College campuses/centers in Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Menomonie, River Falls, and Neillsville on August 10, 2016.” 1. Roll Call: Colleen Bates, Paul Bauer, Dawn Garcia, Cheryl Maplethorpe, Ramona Mathews, Russell Ratsch, Paul Schley, Gwen Southard, and John Walton. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda 3. Reports/Forums 4. Public Comment SUGGESTED RESOLUTIONS 5. page(s) 4 Consent Agenda - The following matters may be acted upon by the Board utilizing a single vote. Individual items, which any Board member wishes to address in greater detail or as a separate item on the regular agenda, may be removed from the Consent Agenda upon request. A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of July 11, 2016 page(s) 5-9 B. Personnel Matters page(s) 10-11 1) Employment Adjunct Instructors as listed Quinn Weiss, Student Central Representative, 7-11-16 Jared Martin, Student Central Representative, 7-11-16 1 Zachary Shore, Desktop Services Technician, 7-26-16 Jedediah Watters, K-12 Relations Coordinator, 8-3-16, Professional Level 2, Lynette Livingston Carlos Garcia, IT Instructor, 8-10-16 Steven Gago, IT Instructor, 8-10-16 Travis Gay, Automotive Technician Instructor, 8-10-16 Katrina Borgen, Dental Hygiene/Dental Asst. Instructor, 8-10-16 Tyler Lindner, Automation Engineering Technology Instructor, 8-10-16 Greg Slupe, Machine Tooling Technics Instructor, 8-10-16 Paul Girolamo, Mechanical Design Instructor, 8-10-16 Abner Fernandez, Anatomy & Physiology/Biology Instructor, 8-10-16 Wendy Nelson, Chemistry and Physics Instructor, 8-10-16 6. Resignations Matthew Bartholomew, Credit and Collections Associate, 7-8-16 Craig Everson, Manager of Network Services, 8-1-16 Julie McFadden, IT-SD Spec/DOL Interface Manager, 8-4-16 Brenda Scheurer, ACT for Healthcare Project Manager, 8-19-16 Beth Hein, Business Management LinC Grant Manager/Career Advisor, 9-2-16 Brian Schwahn, IT-Network Specialist Instructor, 8-8-16 3) Retirements Dawn Robinson, Records & Registration Assistant, 8-19-16 Steve Plendl, Machine Tooling Technics Instructor, 9-6-16 C. Financial Reports page(s) 12-17 D. Contracts for Services page(s) 18-20 Action Items A. 7. 2) Approval of Program Concept Review for Mechanical Design Associate Degree Program – Jeff Sullivan page(s) 21-22 Board Chairperson’s Report A. Report Out: Boards Association Summer Conference, July 14-16, 2016, Wausau B. Board Meeting Schedule and Locations C. Board Retreat, Thursday, October 20, 2016 – Determine Agenda Items D. Boards Association Planning Meeting, August 26-27, 2016, Madison E. Board Membership – Alliance for Strong Communities – Joe Luginbill page(s) 23 2 F. 8. Boards Association Request for Nomination – 2017 Board Member of the Year page(s) 24 President’s Report A. Graduate Placement Report B. CCSSE Report C. TechHire Grant D. Legislative/Community Update 9. Plus/Delta Evaluation 10. Announcements and/or Requests 11. Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) – considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility (employment compensation and evaluation). Maplethorpe Ratsch Schley 11. Return to Open Session 12. Adjournment Southard Walton Bauer Mathews Garcia Bates c: Steve Weld, Layla Merrifield, News Media CVTC District. Posted: 8/10/16: Chippewa Valley Technical College-Chippewa Falls Campus, Eau Claire Campus, Menomonie Campus, Neillsville Center, and River Falls Campus. Special accommodations for people with disabilities will be made for the public board meetings. Please call Lauren Sullivan, 715-833-6500, to request accommodations 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Chippewa Valley Technical College, 620 West Clairemont Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701, 715-833-6500 President: Bruce A. Barker 3 SUGGESTED RESOLUTIONS – REGULAR MEETING – August 17, 2016 Item 5 – Consent Agenda Motion by __________, seconded by __________, that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board that the following consent agenda items are approved as presented and recommended: Minutes of the July 11, 2016, Regular meeting. Personnel Matters – Employment: Adjunct Instructors as listed; Quinn Weiss, Student Central Representative, 7-11-16; Jared Martin, Student Central Representative, 7-11-16; Zachary Shore, Desktop Services Technician, 7-26-16; Jedediah Watters, K-12 Relations Coordinator, 83-16, Professional Level 2, Lynette Livingston; Carlos Garcia, IT Instructor, 8-10-16; Steven Gago, IT Instructor, 8-10-16; Travis Gay, Automotive Technician Instructor, 8-10-16; Katrina Borgen, Dental Hygiene/Dental Asst. Instructor, 8-10-16; Tyler Lindner, Automation Engineering Technology Instructor, 8-10-16; Greg Slupe, Machine Tooling Technics Instructor, 8-10-16; Paul Girolamo, Mechanical Design Instructor, 8-10-16; Abner Fernandez, Anatomy & Physiology/Biology Instructor, 8-10-16; Wendy Nelson, Chemistry and Physics Instructor, 8-1016. Resignations: Matthew Bartholomew, Credit and Collections Associate, 7-8-16; Craig Everson, Manager of Network Services, 8-1-16; Julie McFadden, IT-SD Spec/DOL Interface Manager, 8-4-16; Brenda Scheurer, ACT for Healthcare Project Manager, 8-19-16; Beth Hein, Business Management LinC Grant Manager/Career Advisor, 9-2-16; Brian Schwahn, ITNetwork Specialist Instructor, 8-8-16. Retirements: Dawn Robinson, Records & Registration Assistant, 8-19-16; Steve Plendl, Machine Tooling Technics Instructor, 9-6-16. Financial Report: Payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $1,720,174.94; Accounts Payable Checks in the amount of $2,998,384.34; Refunds in the amount of $373,734.54; Bank Transfers in the amount of $1,625,099.41; and Direct Deposit Travel in the amount of $75,358.04 drawn on the Chippewa Valley Technical College District for the various amounts, and the Financial Reports for July 2016 as presented. Twenty-five (25) contracts for services are approved as recommended and presented on the attached list. Item 6A – Approval of Program Concept Review for Mechanical Design Associate Degree Program Motion by __________, seconded by __________, that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board approves the submission of the concept review for the two-year associate degree program Mechanical Design to the Wisconsin Technical College System Board. 4 ITEM 5A – MINUTES ORGANIZATIONAL AND REGULAR MEETING OF THE CHIPPEWA VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD July 11, 2016 The organizational and regular meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Board Member Ramona Mathews. She indicated this was an open meeting with notices mailed to the news media and other interested parties and posted at the Chippewa Valley Technical College campuses/centers in Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Menomonie, River Falls, and Neillsville on July 5, 2016. 1. Roll Call: Present: Colleen Bates, Paul Bauer, Dawn Garcia, Cheryl Maplethorpe, Ramona Mathews, Russell Ratsch, Gwen Southard and John Walton. Absent: Paul Schley. Also present: Bruce Barker, Tom Huffcutt, Margo Keys, Julie Furst-Bowe, Lauren Sullivan, Kirk Moist, Debby Schufletowski, Margaret Dickens, Rob Bagley, Aliesha Crowe, and Terry Nichols. 2. Ms. Southard made a motion to amend the order of the agenda and move Action Items 6A and 6B before the Consent Agenda. Board members agreed to this change of order. Motion seconded by Ms. Garcia, to approve the agenda as amended. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Organizational Meeting A. Oaths of Office were signed by Board members Bauer, Maplethorpe, and Mathews. B. Election of Officers The Nominating Committee comprised of Ms. Mathews, Dr. Schley, and Ms. Southard for the CVTC Board met on 7/6/16 and put forth a slate of officers for 2016-2017. (1) Chairperson. Ms. Mathews, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, nominated Ms. Bates as chairperson. Following three requests for further nominations and hearing none, Mr. Walton moved, seconded by Ms. Garcia, that nominations be closed and that a unanimous ballot be cast for Ms. Bates as chairperson of the Board. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. (2) Vice-Chairperson. Ms. Mathews, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, nominated Dr. Schley as vice-chairperson. Following three requests for further nominations and hearing none, Mr. Ratsch moved, seconded by Ms. Southard, that nominations be closed and that a unanimous ballot be cast for Dr. Schley as vice-chairperson of the Board. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. (3) Secretary. Ms. Mathews, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, nominated Ms. Southard as secretary. Following three requests for further nominations and hearing none, Ms. Bates moved, seconded by Ms. Garcia, that nominations be closed and that a unanimous ballot be cast for Ms. Southard as secretary of the Board. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. 5 (4) C. Treasurer. Ms. Mathews, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, nominated Mr. Ratsch as treasurer. Seconded by Ms. Garcia. Following three requests for further nominations and hearing none, Mr. Bartels moved, seconded by Ms. Garcia, that nominations be closed and that a unanimous ballot be cast for Mr. Ratsch as treasurer of the Board. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Public Depository Designation – Mr. Moist explained that this is a standard resolution that is passed each year in which the district names its public depository. He indicated that U.S. Bank is part of the statewide contract. Motion by Ms. Bates, seconded by Mr. Bauer, that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board that U.S. Bank, National Association, qualified as a public depository under Chapter 34 of the Wisconsin Statutes, shall be and is hereby designated, until further action, as a public depository for all public monies into the hands of the treasurer of the Chippewa Valley Technical College District, Eau Claire County, State of Wisconsin, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that withdrawal or disbursement from the abovenamed depository shall be as provided in s.66.042 of the Wisconsin Statutes; that in accordance therewith, all checks shall be signed by the following persons: Colleen Bates, Chairperson; Russell Ratsch, Treasurer; and Gwen Southard, Secretary; and shall be so honored, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in lieu of their personal signature(s), the following facsimile signatures, which have been adopted by them as shown below /s/ Paul Bauer /s/ Cheryl Maplethorpe /s/ Ramona Mathews may be affixed on such order check(s); that the above-named depository shall be fully warranted and protected in making payment on any order check bearing such facsimile(s) notwithstanding that the name may have been placed thereon without the authority of the designated person or persons; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution shall be delivered to the above-named depository, and said depository may rely on this resolution until changed by lawful resolution and a certified copy of such resolution has been given to the Cashier of the above-named depository. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. D. Mr. Barker reviewed the Board memberships: Association of Community College Trustees, Wisconsin Technical College District Boards Association, and the Alliance for Strong Communities (ASC). It was suggested that a representative from the ASC be invited to the August Board meeting or Board retreat to give an update on that organization. E. Representatives for Committees of the WTC District Boards Association (1) Board of Directors Delegate – No Appointment: Ms. Mathews serves as President. 6 (2) Standing Committees: Bylaws, Policies & Procedures: To be appointed, Garcia Legislative: Ratsch Program: Mathews Human Resources: Bauer Marketing/Public Relations & Awards: Garcia Interdistrict/Interagency: Bates F. 2016-17 Alliance for Strong Communities Liaison – will be discussed further at August meeting G. 2016-17 CVTC Foundation Board Liaison – Paul Bauer H. Monthly Meeting Date/Time/Agenda/Location: 3rd Wednesday of each month, 5:30 p.m. I. Annual Board Retreat: It was decided to have Ms. Sullivan send the Board a list of potential dates to choose from and set a date by the August meeting. Suggested topics included: culinary arts program, residential housing, CVTC Promise, Board evaluation, and Board goals and objectives. J. Annual Board Evaluation: A link to the online evaluation instrument will be sent to the Board members. Regular Board Meeting 3. No Public Comment. 4. There were no reports or forums. Order of Agenda as Amended 6. Action Items A. Debby Schufletowski, School Business Specialist from Robert W. Baird, reported they received seven bids for the $2,500,000 general obligation promissory notes, Series 2016B. The winning bid was from Miserow Financial, Inc., with an interest rate of 1.2687 percent. This is a good interest rate based on CVTC’s Aa1 rating from Moody’s. CVTC’s debt service rate is at 12 percent, which is within board policy of 10 to 15 percent. The funds from this borrowing will be used to purchase instructional equipment and facilities improvement. Motion by Mr. Bauer, seconded by Ms. Mathews, that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board that the Resolution Awarding the Sale of $2,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2016B, be approved as presented. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. (A true copy of the resolution as adopted is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.) B. Mr. Barker explained that the state requires the college to submit a three-year facilities plan each year by August 1st. When submitting a request to the State 7 Board for remodeling or construction, the System Office looks at the college’s three-year plan to verify that the project is in the plan. The projects included in the first year of CVTC’s plan are the Architectural Structural Design Labs, remodeling Adult Education Services lab and the Big Rivers Conference Room. Motion by Mr. Bartels, seconded by Mr. Walton, that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board approves the three-year facility plan as presented and also approves submitting the plan to the Wisconsin Technical College System State Board as required by Administrative Bulletin 04-01. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. 5. Motion by Ms. Mathews, seconded by Ms. Southard, that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board that the following consent agenda items are approved as presented and recommended: Minutes of the June 1, 2016, Regular meeting. Personnel Matters – Employment: Adjunct Instructors as listed; Andrew Kott, Manufacturing Mobile Lab Technician, 6-13-16; Robert Teuteberg, Criminal Justice Instructor, 8-10-16; Sara Sears, Cosmetology Instructor, 10-17-16. Resignations: Kristopher Binick, User Services Technician, 6-1-16; Jennifer Heinz, Behavioral Science Civic Instructor, 7-29-16; Tanya Hubanks, Human Resources Instructor, 8-5-16; Kaylene Hanson, Office Assistant-HEC, 7-13-16. Retirements: Marie Paulus, Accounts Payable Associate, 7-13-16; Thomas Schwechel, Custodian-HEC, 9-15-16; Byron Bandelin, Diesel Truck Mechanic, 10-7-16. Financial Report: Payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $1,673,918.66; Accounts Payable Checks in the amount of $1,952,899.28; Refund in the amount of $502,374.25; Bank Transfers in the amount of $2,077,802.55; and Direct Deposit Travel in the amount of $39,643.26 drawn on the Chippewa Valley Technical College District for the various amounts, and the Financial Reports for June 2015 as presented. Forty-four (44) contracts for services are approved as recommended and presented on the attached list. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. 7. Board Chairperson’s Report A. Board members interested in attending the 2016 ACCT Leadership Congress, October 5-8, 2016, in New Orleans, LA, should let Ms. Sullivan know as soon as possible to be registered at the early bird rate. Mr. Barker shared the topics that were submitted, and that the topic of Building Collaborative Partnerships Through Dual-Credit Academics, submitted by Ms. Furst-Bowe, was chosen. Ms. Lynette Livingston and Dr. Schley will accompany Ms. Furst-Bowe for this presentation. Ms. Garcia and Ms. Mathews indicated they are interested in attending. B. Ms. Bates will represent the Board at summer graduation on July 28th. 8 8. President’s Report A. Dr. Keys reported on the Out-of-State Needy and Worthy Students (Remission of Tuition) annual report, and that no requests were received, so the report reflected zero. She stated this could be due to reciprocity with the state of Minnesota. B. Mr. Barker reported on the following items: CVTC received a large federal grant, and a full report out on this will occur in August CVTC signed another five-year agreement with OSHA. This agreement ensures the overall safety of CVTC employees. The annual safety day had over 100 people in attendance. CVTC hosted a CREC group (stationed out of Washington, DC) at the Manufacturing Education Center. Enrollment this summer has increased by 800 credits, compared to last summer. The recruitment activities of students and the new Education Navigation process, a three-step process newly implemented to students, has had successful attendance of over 80%. The Annual Report has been posted on the Board site and was handed out at the meeting to Board members. Questions can be directed to Mr. Barker, Dr. Keys, or Ms. Furst-Bowe. CVTC hosted a Hmong community event on Tuesday, June 14 at the Manufacturing Education Center, which focused on advisory, adjunct, and alumni engagement. 9. There were no announcements or requests. 10. There were no Plus/Deltas. 11. Motion by Ms. Mathews, seconded by Mr. Bauer, to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) – considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility (president’s evaluation). Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion Carried. The meeting adjourned to closed session at 6:52 p.m. 12. The meeting returned to open session at 8:08 p.m. 13. The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Recorded by: Submitted by: Lauren J. Sullivan Executive Assistant to the President Gwen Southard, Secretary Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board _______________________________ Date _______________________________ Chairperson ______________________________ Secretary 9 ITEM 5B – PERSONNEL MATTERS Chippewa Valley Technical College Adjunct Instructors to be Employed for Classes that Begin 06/01/2016 through 7/31/2016 Dahlgren, Ryan Kelser, Tammy Lew, Heidi McHenry, Christopher Michaud, Steven Quaschnick, Walter Sprick, David Taylor, Kevin Wagner, John Wall, Michael Watters, Jedediah Count = 11 10 Chippewa Valley Technical College Adjunct Instructors to be Employed for Classes that Begin 08/01/2016 through 12/31/2016 Alcantar, Amanda Allison, Esther Balsiger, LeAnn Barnhart, Lindsay Barth, Brian Berg, Mary Biesterveld, James Blanchette, Rebecc Borgwardt, Justin Browning, Jamie Bruns, Troy Christenson, Joshu Claypool, Deanne Cook, Joseph Courtney, Darrell Dow, Jay Dwyer, James Dykes, Jeffrey Ensor, Lavina Entorf, Pamela Felix, Priscilla Fleming, Cynthia Flynn, Molly Hubanks, Tanya Hutchinson, Daria Jacobson, Robert Jevne, Anita Kaanta, John Kassing, Edward Klonecki, Brett Klous, Amy Kotenko, Ganna Kuhn, Jesse Larsen, Evan Levra, Mark Lindner, Tyler Massey, Robert Maves-Labs, Kristi Merrell, Richard Merryfield, Rickey Morris, Martin Mortenson, Renee Mroczenski, Chad Neidermire, Rachel Neihart, John Olson, Joshua Samse, Marquita Schreiner, Amy Schultz, Ashley Schumacher, Debora Schwartz, Kristina Severson, Emily Shaw, Ella Shervey, Randy Shilts, Donald Simmons, Lori Ann Sinz, Robert Sorenson, James Sperry, Jed Staudenmaier, Matt Stephenson, Nichol Stewart, Margie Strehlo, Tina Strohbusch, Timoth Tisdale, Jeffrey Toonen, Brian Turner, Chris Vanderloop, Thomas Vick, David Fossum, Richard Frederick, Jeffrey Gamerdinger Jeffer Geer, Barbara Gustafson, Pauline Henricks, Edgar Hites, Caitlin Holbrook, Kirsten Peterson, Chad Pettis, Jeffery Pham Vu, Lan Pickerign, Lizabet Quilling, Kari Rassbach, Karin Reeves, Krissa Rideout, Katie Warner, Cole Waters, Michelle Watkins, Sarah Weaver, Harriet Whelan, Christophe Whitehouse, David Yang, Pa Xiong Count = 92 11 ITEM 5C – FINANCIAL REPORTS 12 13 14 15 16 17 ITEM 5D – CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES 18 19 20 ITEM 6A – APPROVAL OF PROGRAM CONCEPT REVIEW FOR MECHANICAL DESIGN ASSOCIATE DEGREE PROGRAM A. Proposed Program Title: Mechanical Design Technology B. Tentative Program Description: Any machine-from tractors to aerospace equipment-must be designed before it can be produced. The Mechanical Design program prepares students with skills to design and draw machines using modern engineering practices. Mechanical designers create drawings that give producers a clear picture of the product or component to be produced. The student will construct two-dimensional working drawings and three-dimensional part models on a microcomputer using CAD software. Quality, design, manufacturing, and product reliability are stressed in this program as is creativity, problem-solving ability, and team work. Students in this program have the opportunity to learn about the newest trends in manufacturing technology through the school’s membership in AutoDesk’s Alliance for Manufacturing Productivity. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers offers certification at Chippewa Valley Technical College. C. Mean Starting Hourly Salary: Median wage $24.04 / hour. Using EMSI and the SOC codes, the median wage was found throughout our region. The Analysis Report is attached to this document D. Summary of Initial Discussions with Other WTCS Districts Offering a Similar or Same Program Moraine Park shared enrollment and graduation information. No concerns were shared from any other district. E. Analysis of How This Program Supports Employment Demand Survey Analysis 75 employers contacted; 40% response rate Highlights: o 50% of respondents indicated that their institution has increased the number of full-time Mechanical Design Technology positions over the past four years and 7% have indicated an increase in the number of part-time Mechanical Design Technology positions over the past four years o 44% of respondents said they are having difficulty finding qualified Mechanical Design Technology employees o 43% of respondents’ project hiring at least two Mechanical Design Technology positions over the next four years (32% project between 2-3; 7% project between 4-6; 4% project 7+) o 90% of respondents reported that they would support the Mechanical Design Technology two-year associate degree program o 62% of respondents reported that they would encourage current employees to participate in the Mechanical Design Technology program o 83% of respondents are willing to hire Chippewa Valley Technical College graduates with this Mechanical Design Technology degree Ad Hoc Committee: 5 employers attended (NMC-Wollare, Inc., J&D Manufacturing Inc., Global Finishing Solutions LLC, Realityworks, Inc., W.S. Darley& Co. 21 Chippewa Valley Technical College conducted an ad hoc advisory committee of professionals from within the 11-county district. Representatives spanned both large and small industries from the region. Five employers attended the meeting. All five committee members (100%) expressed support for the Mechanical Design Technology program Personal Interviews: Chippewa Valley Technical College conducted two personal interviews. Both employers were in support of the Mechanical Design program and gave curriculum feedback. F. Final Program Analysis Over ten years ago Chippewa Valley Technical College suspended this program, but due to employer need within our region, we feel there is a need to bring the program back. Survey results indicate that just about half of those who responded (44%) said they are having difficulty finding qualified Mechanical Design Technology employees and a little over half (57%) indicated that the majority of Mechanical Design Technology employees possess an Associate degree. Also, survey results indicated that 90% of respondents reported that they would support the Mechanical Design Technology associate degree program. Members from the Ad Hoc group as well as personal interviews expressed support for the program. Chippewa Valley Technical College feels that this program is both a benefit and need in the district. 22 ITEM 7B – BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE AND LOCATIONS Day Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Date of Board Meeting August 17, 2016 September 21, 2016 October 19, 2016 November 16, 2016 December 21, 2016 January 18, 2017 February 15, 2017 March 15, 2017 April 19, 2017 May 17, 2017 June 21, 2017 Location BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC Last meeting at HEC was in September 2010 Last meeting in Neillsville was in August 2012 Last meeting at Diesel Center was in November 2012 Last meeting at ESEC was in April 2013 Last meeting at MEC was in August 2013 Last meeting in River Falls was in April 2014 Last meeting in Chippewa was October 2014 Last meeting in Menomonie was March 2015 23 ITEM 7F – BOARDS ASSOCIATION REQUEST FOR NOMINATION – 2017 BOARD MEMBER OF THE YEAR 24
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