CCEDC Fall Newsletter - Chippewa County Economic Development
CCEDC Fall Newsletter - Chippewa County Economic Development
THE GRAPHIC DESIGN AUTHORITY ISSUE 1 Star Blends Expands to the Lake Wissota Business Park Star Blends, a company based in Sparta, WI, a leading animal feed manufacturer with a focus on blending feed for dairy cattle, recently chose the Lake Wissota Business Park for their expanded location. Star Blends plans to employ 2030 at the new location in Chippewa Falls, WI, when the project is complete. “It’s another quality company that helps diversity our manufacturing base,” said Charlie Walker, President and CEO of the Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation. “We are excited to have another business to add to the business park and look forward to continued growth in the area,” he continued. The CCEDC economic development team and Star Blends' representatives discuss their expansion to the Lake Wissota Business Park. PROMOTING A GREAT PLACE TO RAISE A FAMILY AND A BUSINESS ! VOLUME 15 ISSUE 2 New CCEDC Board Members Announced STEVEN GERRISH Committee Representative, Term ending 2018, Appointed as the Chippewa County Economic Development Committee Representative Steve is the President and Owner of Badgerland Printing. He started the company with his father in 1995, and has grown his company into a highly successful printing business. He enjoys watching his three daughters, Alaina (12) Delila (9) and Kierra (6) in softball, spending time with his wife, Paula, and girls on the lake and on the ball field. Steve is a member of local and regional organizations, and is serving a 3year term on the Canon Create Team for Canon USA; a very prestigious appointment being only 1 of 10 throughout the country to be selected for this team. RONALD HAAS Stanley Representative, Term ending 2017, Appointed as the Stanley Representative Ron owns Martino’s Restaurant in Stanley. Martino’s is known for being the home of the best pizza in the Chippewa Valley. He is married to his wife of 43 years Karen, and 8 children. Ron loves traveling on two wheels, working in the yard and garden and welding in his shop. He created “Read it to Eat it” where children in area schools and daycares get a free personal pizza for reading extra. He works with the Stanley and BoydEdsonDelmar Fire; Ambulance; First Responders where proceeds for a day each October go to those departments. Martino’s has raised over $20K! SHERI JOHNSON Cornell Representative, Term ending 2019, Appointed as the Cornell Representative Sheri is the General Manager of MuleHide Manufacturing and is responsible for Sales, Production, Staffing, Quality, Logistics, Accounting, Safety/Training, and Environmental Compliance. In her spare time she enjoys sports, fishing, hunting, cooking, reading and spending time with her kids Emily (18) and Evan (10) who has Down’s Syndrome. She is dedicated to volunteerism with the Down Syndrome Association of Chippewa County, and serves as a volunteer on the Board for the Chippewa Valley Technical College Foundation. New CCEDC Board Members Announced ROB MOONEY, New Auburn Representative, Term ending 2019, Appointed as the New Auburn Representative Rob is the Production Manager at Alliance Plastics, responsible for all production efforts as well as quoting and project management. Rob has a strong desire to obtain better relationships within APC and with other employers within the Chippewa Valley. MARK SEYER Chairman’s Appointment, Term ending 2017 Mark is Vice President of Peoples Bank Midwest. He enjoys working with people, helping them realize their dreams of owing their own business. He spends his free time hunting, riding horses and motorcycles, playing racket ball and spending time at his cabin with his wife Cindi, and children Kyle (24) and Shawn (23).He volunteers for Junior Achievement, Youth Leadership Eau Claire, UCP (having chaired the UCP Telethon and VIP Program) and is a Board member on his church council. TOM VANDEHEY, Chairman’s Appointment, Term ending 2018 Tom is the COO of MidState Truck Service, based in Wausau. MidState has locations in Wausau, Plover, Marshfield, Wisconsin Rapids, Abbotsford and Chippewa Falls. SHERIDAN WELCH Chairman’s Appointment, Term ending 2017 Sheridan is the General Manager for TTM Technologies. She appreciates interacting with functions that make a business and being able to make a difference to the people and business she works with. She is a runner and enjoys reading boating and fishing. She is married to her husband, John, and has two children, Jennifer (28) and Jonathan who would have been 31, but passed away in February. She volunteers through her church in mission/charity work and is a strong supporter of Habitat for Humanity and sponsors a child in Haiti. Broadband Expansion in County Business Park For many years, Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC) has recognized the importance of infrastructure to job creation and innovation. Chippewa County businesses like Bloomer Telephone and Citizens Connected have been on the forefront of investing in high speed digital services. While Chippewa Falls has existing fiber service through local telecom companies, Chippewa County took another step in improving Lake Wissota’s Business Park’s (LWBP) Infrastructure by partnering with WIN (Wisconsin Independent Network) in extending gigabyte availability to current and future customers. In today’s datadriven marketplace, the transfer of large quantities of information at high speed is attractive to many industries such as engineering, medical, financial, market research, and hightech manufacturing. Not only will LWBP have faster internet connections, the improved infrastructure upgrades are an excellent futureproof solution to LWBP’s and increasing appetite for bandwidth. Chippewa County was a recipient of a Broadband Expansion Grant from the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC). Grant funds are being used to expand highspeed Internet access and to complete and develop a 5.4 mile fiber optic network system running through Chippewa Falls, connecting the Riverside Industrial Park with Lake Wissota Business Park (LWBP). This project allows LWBP, a 200 acre mixeduse, State of Wisconsin Shovel Ready Certified business park with high speed internet access making this location more attractive to businesses looking to expand or relocate operations. Progressive Rail Tour CCEDC’s President and CEO, Charlie Walker and CCEDC Board member, Steve Gerrish, participated in a freight rail familiarization tour on the Progressive Rail, Inc. (PGR) short line. The tour took them from Chippewa Falls to New Auburn. PGR staff members and CCEDC discussed the importance of freight rail to business and the health of local, national, and global markets. Chippewa County is fortunate to be served by three railroads — the Canadian National (CN), PGR, and the Union Pacific (UP), as well as the CN Intermodal Facility in Chippewa Falls. Chippewa County's rail system provides direct access to 100% of the U.S. population, all major Canadian markets, and to international shipping ports. Transporting goods by freight rail can move huge volumes of goods and products to the global marketplace like no other form of ground transportation. Having a reliable and effective transportation infrastructure is crucial to our position in the global marketplace and economic competitiveness. TRAIN FACT: While truck traffic is the dominant mode of freight transportation in WI, freight rail continues to play a vital role in the movement of products for WI companies. WI's 10 railroads last year carried more than 2.7 million carloads of freight weighing in at nearly 164 million tons. CCETA Program a Success The Chippewa County Explorer Training Academy (CCETA) was created in conjunction with CCEDC, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), Chippewa County, Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC), Workforce Resource, UWStout Manufacturing Outreach Center (MOC), and several Chippewa County independent school districts to help alleviate the skills gap issue. Leveraging the CCEDC, eight private sector advanced manufacturing companies, Chippewa County, Wisconsin Fast Forward grant program, and Workforce Resource, the CCETA was able to fund a sixweek boot camp program for 23 students during summer 2016. Students started the week with tours of both Spectrum’s 1st Avenue and Johnson Street buildings. They learned about Spectrum’s furniture line and were exposed to design, equipment acquisition, assembly, and packaging. Students spent the week's afternoons at Alliance Plastics. Participants were exposed to production, engineering, quality management, fabrication, tool making, and extrusion. During the extrusion process materials are forced through the die, where it is formed into its designated shape. A majority of students had no prior knowledge of thermoplastic extrusion. Rex Systems Incorporated hosted the week. Students continued to build their soft skills through the Critical Core Manufacturing Skills (CCMS) certificate. The UWStout Manufacturing Outreach Center worked with students and taught the principles of Lean Manufacturing. CCETA Program a Success The fourth week of the Chippewa County Manufacturing Boot Camp was held at Processed Metals Innovators, LLC in Bloomer. PMI is a fully integrated steel fabrication facility. Students started each morning at Bloomer High School. They continued to complete their Critical Core Manufacturing Skills (CCMS) certificate. Students discussed Developing Personal and Team Productivity, Thinking Critically, and Problem Solving Strategies. The UWStout Manufacturing Outreach Center worked with students to teach Value Stream Mapping. The fifth week of the Chippewa County Manufacturing Boot Camp was hosted by the Chippewa Valley Technical College’s Gateway Campus, which is the home of the Manufacturing Education and Applied Technology Centers. Students worked to complete their Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Maintenance Awareness Certificate. Students finished up at TTM Technologies and Advanced Laser Machining where they completed their training certificates in OSHA 10, first aid/CPR, critical core manufacturing skills, and introduction to manufacturing lean principles. The Manufacturing Boot Camp provided attendees the opportunity to learn and improve soft skills through leadership training programs, emphasizing team development, and an opportunity to engage in a program of activities that encouraged an understanding of work ethic, discipline, honesty, trust, and getting along with others. Upcoming Events Explore the Advantages of Doing Business in Germany Join the Chippewa County Development Corporation and the GermanAmerican Chamber of Commerce on September 13, 2016, 3:004:00 p.m., at W.S. Darley & Co., 1051 Palmer Street, Chippewa Falls, to discuss foreign direct investment, US/German trade opportunities, and explore the idea of your company doing business in Germany. The event is free of charge and advanced registration is required by contacting the CCEDC office at 7157237150 or Tax Exempt Financing Workshop Upcoming Events Financials Workshop WEDC Listening Session Click here to register! Board Members List Board Chair: Matt Chilson, Chilson Automotive | Lisa Bruhn, Marshfield Clinic Jennifer Lindstrom, Rice Lake Weighing | Dennis Bachman, Citizens Connected Steven Gerrish, Badgerland Printing USA | Paul Salm, BMO Harris Bank Ron Bruder, Applied Data Consultants | Bart Chapek, JLH Enterprises | Chris Conard, PMI LLC Scott Dorn, Spectrum Industries | Ronald Haas, Martino’s Restaurant Nicole Hager, Stanley Correctional Institution | Sheri Johnson, Mule Hide Manufacturing Robert Mooney, Alliance Plastics | Richard Morrison, Cray Inc. | Michael Pynch, Wipfli Rebecca Reinhart, Bank Mutual Corporation | Mark Seyer, Peoples Bank Midwest Robert Schultz, Xcel Energy | Karen Smith, Security Bank Thomas Vandehey, MidState Truck Service | Sheridan Welch, TTM Technologies CCEDC Staff Charlie Walker, MPA, CEcD, President/CEO Jerilyn Sahr, Business Retention and Marketing Cheryl O'Kelly, Office Assistant 715.723.7150 | 770 Technology Way, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
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