Upcoming Chamber Events Chippewa Falls Leadership Class June
Upcoming Chamber Events Chippewa Falls Leadership Class June
June 2015 Upcoming Chamber Events Chippewa Falls Leadership Class Congratulations to the Chippewa Falls Leadership Class of 2014/2015. This program offers a way to ensure that the tradition of strong leadership continues in the Chippewa Falls area. June 9th at Noon - Chamber Golf Outing at Lake Wissota Golf & Events 17th at 5:00 pm - June Dairy Day Dinner at Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds ($6/ticket - contact Chamber to order tickets.) 22nd at 5 pm - Business After Hours at SandBar and Grill located at 17643 50th Ave, ($5/Chamber Member) July 15th at 4:30 pm - Ribbon Cutting at Wissota Chiropractic located at 17191 Cty. Hwy. X (Everyone Welcome) 20th at 4:30 pm - Ribbon cutting at Snap Fitness located at 475 Chippewa Mall Drive, Ste. 424 (Everyone welcome) 22nd at 4:00 pm- Ribbon cutting at WESTconsin Credit Union located at 1680 E. Park Avenue (Everyone welcome) Back, from left to right: Sara Podoll, Haley Dental; Sandy Sorensen, Royal Credit Union; Amie Laak, Mid-State Truck Service Inc.; Alexander Price, Rutledge Home Assisted Living & Memory Care; Jason Brandner, Wipfli LLP; Michael Shillin, Raymond James/Fries Financial Group Middle: Dave BeBeau, Chippewa Falls Police Department; Michelle Golden, Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District; Courtney Berg, Citizens Community Federal; Pam Schwartz, Xcel Energy; Nicki Boos, TTM Technologies; Katelyn Stelzner, Northwestern Bank; Linda Foster, New Day Yoga & Wellness; Angela Stadler, Chippewa Valley Technical College Front: Brad Hentschel, Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.; Katie Caldwell, Wissota Health and Regional Vent Center; Kyle Beach, Chippewa Valley Family YMCA June Dairy Day Dinner Tickets and sponsorship opportunities available at Chamber Office. Tickets are $6. Call 715-723-0331 or stop in the Chamber office to get your tickets today! Mission Statement The mission of the Chippewa Falls Area Chamber of Commerce is to improve the quality of life in our community by providing leadership to coordinate, support, and promote the business interest of our membership. 1 N. Bridge St., Chippewa Falls 715-723-0331 chippewachamber.org visitchippewafallswi.com info@chippewachamber.org Business After Hours Monday, June 22, 2015 Sponsors: 5 - 6:30 pm at SandBar & Grill 17643 50th Avenue, Chippewa Falls $5/member or $35 annual pass Young Professionals Volunteer at The Community Table -Join YPCV on Thursday, June 25 as we volunteer at The Community Table. We will be looking for a minimum of 6 volunteers to help with food preparation from 9 AM to 11:15 AM and a minimum of 6 volunteers to help with serving and clean up from 11:15 AM to 2 PM. Contact Shelby McNeese at Shelby@chippewachamber.org or at 715-723-0331 to volunteer. Ambassador Visits Chamber Ambassadors visited three new business owners. From top to bottom: Sparks of Intention Lisa Swobada 26 W. Grand Avenue Kare-N-Style Karen Shane 11817 27th Avenue 2 Shared Blessings Child Development Center Anita Vlcek In picture: Connie Smith, Assistant Director 520 E. Grand Avenue Ribbon Cutting and Ground Breaking Congratulations to the Hampton Inn & Suites on the grand opening of the hotel located at 12707 30th Avenue. Stop in and see the new facility and meet Stephanie Butler, General Manager, and her staff. Congratulations to Marc-on Shooting, LLC, Dan Marcon and his family on breaking ground on their new shooting range located in Lake Hallie on 124th Street You can check out his business on their website at Marc-onshootingschool.com. Oktoberfest Wristbands Now Available Three-day Admission $12 June 1st- August 9th The PRE-SALE $12.00 three-day admission wristband will be sold ONLY at the following locations: Chippewa Falls Area Chamber of Commerce/ Visitors Center and all Northwestern Bank locations Three-day Admission $15-August 10th - September 18th The three-day Admission wristband will be sold for $15.00 at the following sponsor locations: Chippewa Falls Area Chamber of Commerce/Visitor Center Gordy’s Market (all Grocery Store locations) Mason Shoe Outlet Store Northwestern Bank (all locations) Olson’s Ice Cream Parlor RCU ( Chippewa Falls Locations) Leinie Lodge Leader Telegram - Downtown Eau Claire Office PageNew 3 Welcome Chamber Member Harvard Risk Management Corporation John Deering 518 Hudson Street, Augusta, WI 54722 715-208-0003 www.harvardbenefits.com Category (s): Insurance/ Business Services The Title Company Renee Marozi 3410 Oakwood Mall Dr. Ste 200, Eau Claire 715-838-2800 www.knightbarry.com Category: Abstract & Title Sponsor: Tami Severson Donate a prize for the Chamber’s golf outing on Tuesday, June 9 at Lake Wissota Golf. Please consider donating a gift for door prizes and contest winners. Each item must have a value of $40 +. Drop off at Chippewa Chamber office by June 8th. Call the Chamber for more information at 715-723-0331. 3 Highlighted Members by Categories Mailing Services L & M Mail Service, Inc. (715) 836-0138 www.lmmailservice.com Leader Printing (715) 830-5886 www.leaderprintingonline.com Manufacturers Alliance Plastics, Corp. (715) 288-6323 www.allianceplasticscorp.com ATLAS-Precision Sheet Metal Solutions (715) 723-4658 www.atlasmfg.com Chippewa Brass & Aluminum Foundry, Ltd (715) 723-7049 www.chippewafoundry.com Cray Inc. (715) 726-4000 www.cray.com EE Green Lighting (715) 720-0900 www.eegreenlighting.com Hubbard Scientific (715) 723-4427 www.amep.com Indianhead Pipeline Services (715) 830-7819 www.indianheadpipeline.com ITW Deltar Fasteners (715) 723-0219 www.itwef.com Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company (715) 723-5557 www.leinie.com Lumberjack Tools, Inc. (715) 720-4719 www.lumberjacktools.com Machine Tool Camp (715) 797-4507 www.machinetoolcamp.com/ Mouldy's Archery & Tackle (715) 723-3607 www.mouldys.com Nordson EDI (715) 726-1201 www.nordsonedi.com Precision Die Systems Corp. (715) 836-7094 To be continued... Update your Member Profile Update your contact information or add a staff person to our distribution list by contacting the Chamber office. Chippewa County Visitor Spending Up 2.21% The Wisconsin Department of Tourism released the latest Tourism Economic Impact study in early May in conjunction with National Tourism Week, May 210. This study conducted by a national research firm, Longwoods International and Tourism Economics, shows the impact of tourism on the state's economy was $18.5 billion in 2014, up 5.5% from the previous year. Statewide, traveler spending generated $1.4 billion in state and local revenue and $1 billion in federal taxes. Of the statewide traveler spending, Chippewa County saw $127 million, an increase from $124.38 in visitor spending in 2013. "With the continued partnerships of the city of Chippewa Falls, the Chippewa County Tourism Council, and the Chippewa Falls Chamber, we are able to continue to market and promote this area as a regional destination in the key markets of Minneapolis, Chicago and eastern Iowa, " stated Shelby McNeese, Tourism Director for the Chippewa Falls Area Chamber of Commerce. Welcome Tourism Assistants The Chippewa Area Visitor Center is now open weekends and with the warmer weather has seen an increase in visitor walk in traffic. To aid in the greeting of the many visitors the Chippewa Falls Chamber has added to its staff two Tourism Assistants, Ally McCullough and Jessy Zwiefelhofer. Ally & Jessy will assist in greeting visitors, fulfilling visitor requests and various tourism projects. Ally graduated from Brigham Young University-Idaho this Spring with a Business Management degree. Jessy attends UW-Eau Claire and is pursuing a BS degree in Marketing. They both worked in the visitor center last summer and have enjoyed their first weeks on the job again this year. They look forward to assisting visitors throughout the summer season! State Bike Trail Passes Sold at Visitor Center State trail passes are required for all individuals over 16 who are biking, horseback riding, cross-country skiing or in-line skating. Annual and daily Wisconsin State Bike Trail passes are sold at the Chippewa Area Visitor Center. 2015 pricing: $20 for annual passes or $4 for daily passes and are valid on all Wisconsin State Trails (prices are subject to change). Member2Member News Gordy's Market is pleased to announce the addition of Andy W. Knoblauch as their Vice President of Merchandising. Lee Beverage is adding a 15,750-square-foot warehouse expansion to its current location on Melby Street. Junior Achievement has announced two new board members: Barry Hines, Chippewa Valley Energy and Luke Rykal, Hoeft Builders. WESTconsin Credit Union is pleased to announce Blake Sykora as Mortgage Loan Originator working from the company’s Chippewa Falls office. Cook Chiropractic has purchased the 8,000square-foot strip center that the chiropractic office occupies with three other tenants. Royal Credit Union has reelected two board members to three-year terms. John Sackett and Bill Blackburn. Doug Olson was elected chairman; Tom Huffcutt was elected vice chairman; Sackett was elected treasurer; and Jennifer McDonough was elected secretary. Nancy Beltz, Blackburn and Stuart Schaefer serve as other directors. Heartland Contractors Inc. welcomes Christian Peterson as its new project and business developer for the commercial building and excavation divisions. Referring Chamber Members April 2015 Dr. Nathan Meyer announced that Visitor Packets –185 Alpha Chiropractic Walk in Visitors - 179 is now the name of Referrals - 543 his practice, formerly Relocation Packets - 42 Allied Health Website Page Views Chiropractic. 25,037 Wissota Chiropractic has a new owner, Dr. Michelle Tell Peck. The Front Porch has opened in the location previously known as Picanha-The Brazilian Steakhouse, 5020 Keystone Crossings, Eau Claire. Meet the Board and Staff Chair John Manier General Beer-Northwest Chair Elect Janice Lemminger Manpower First Vice Chair Rolly Enderes ChemCeed, LLC Treasurer Tom Etmund RCU Immediate Past Chair Bill Mercer Premium Waters Directors Mark Broses Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. Tim Fries Fries Financial Group-Raymond James Tom Hubbard Cedar Falls Building Systems Sue Kern Mason Companies, Inc. Jeremy Kiley - Wissota Health and Regional Vent Center Jamie Leibrandt Northwestern Bank Neil Mathwig Citizens State Bank Kris McDonald AWS Mike Olson Micon Cinemas Stacy Olson Integrated Design Solutions, LLC Chamber Staff Mike Jordan President Michelle Farrow Membership Coordinator Nicole Hecksel Programs Director Kelly Kuechenmeister Administrative Assistant Shelby McNeese Tourism Director Chamber News is published monthly by the Chippewa Falls Area Chamber of Commerce, 1N. Bridge St., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. Subscription costs $20 per year and is included in membership. 5 Member FDIC www.csbankcadott.com brownbuildersgeneralcontractors.com 18399 Hwy X, Chippewa Falls We’ll help make it come true. Buying or Selling Real Estate? JIM DOCKSEY 723-8588 JACOB JANSEN 723-2117 PAUL MURRY 720-8849 DEBI WALDUSKY 726-8923 AARON WIDIKER 720-6105 ate Real Est Auctions w! running no www.RohmeyerAuctions.com WE SOLVE REAL ESTATE PROBLEMS Call 715-225-0562 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID EAU CLAIRE, WI PERMIT NO. 1557 1 N. Bridge Street, Chippewa Falls WI 54729 Serving the Chippewa Valley Phone: 715715-723723-3661 Fax: 715715-720720-9333 14623 County Hwy S Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 www.hudsonelectric.com Independence State Bank “We’re in touch with you!” 2425 Commercial Blvd. Chippewa Falls, WI 715-738-1897 www.independencestatebank.com We’re the BANK for your BUSINESS Timothy M. Fries, CFP ® OUTLET STORE 715-723-4323 Downtown Chippewa Falls HOURS: Mon-Fri 9:00-6:00; Sat. 9:00-5:30; Sun. 11:00-4:00 Michael F. Shillin, AAMS 715 - 720-9605 Cathy Johnson 715-723-4461 northwesternbank.com 715-723-5241 www.friesfinancialgroup.com “POWERING YOUR BUSINESS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE” 10 North Bridge Street | Chippewa Falls, WI 800.472.5881 sehinc.com Engineers | Architects | Planners |Scientists (715) 861-5303
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