Chippewa Falls Optimist


Chippewa Falls Optimist
Chippewa Falls Optimist
Friend of Youth
Art Schunk, President
Louise Bentley, Vice President
Nancy Estrem-Fuller, Sec./Trea.
Angie Riemer, President Elect
May-June 2015
Deb Braden, Past President
Board Members
Tom Coushman
Cathy Greenseth
Jack Halbleib
Mike McGinley
Bob Nelson
Mike Shillin
Like us on Facebook at Chippewa Falls Optimist Club
Like us on Facebook and don’t forget the curds!
Art Schunk, President
Dear Optimist and Friends,
We have had a wonderful start to
spring with significant rainfall to
green up everything around us.
Thank you Vicki Wilson for
organizing the volunteers for our big
fundraiser in July; the cheese curd
stand at the Northern Wisconsin State
We have a Facebook page now!
If you are on Facebook search for
Chippewa Falls Optimist Club and hit
the like button. Let us spread the word
about our club and the good things we
are doing for the youth in Chippewa
Falls. Thank you to Louise Bentley
for setting up the account and helping
bring awareness to the community
about being Optimistic!
Chippewa Falls May Youth of the Month - Dawn Paukner
Our May Youth of the month is Dawn Paukner. She is the daughter of David and Roxanne
Paukner and has two brothers. Dawn is a senior at Chippewa Falls High School and is the Drum
Major in the marching band, plays
saxophone in concert band and for the
show choir, and participates in winter
musicals. She is president of HOSA:
Future Health Professionals and Student
Representative to the School Board. She
is a Youth Rotar and part of the Student
Emergency Response Team (SERT).
Honors include National English
Honors Society, National Honors Society,
and Badger Girl’s State.
Dawn is an usher at the Eau Claire
State Theater, and a teacher for church
Children’s Ministry. She plans on
attending the University of Wisconsin
Eau Claire and then medical school to
become a neurologist. She also aims for a
Private Pilot’s License.
Youth of the Month, left, Dawn Paukner with Chippewa Falls
Congratulations Dawn!
Optimist Club member Buni Willi
Chippewa Falls April Youth of the Month - Molly McIlquham
Molly McIlquham, Senior at Chippewa Falls
High School, is our April Student of the Month.
Her parents are Brent & Shirley McIlquham
and Jon & Cara Schueller. She has three younger
siblings and is also the granddaughter of our
own Optimist member, Mike McGinley.
Being very active in high school, Molly is
President of FFA, and a member of Athena,
National Honor Society & HOSA. She also
participates in the Orchestra and Wire Choir
and is a freshman study hall mentor for PALS, a
Reading Buddy at Hillcrest Elementary School
and a Life Team student instructor. School sports
include the Equestrian Team, Cross Country and
Track in which she is a member of the 4x800
meter school record relay team. The Equestrian
Team was State Champions the last two years
and this past year Molly placed first in Division A
Reinsmanship with her horse, Lucky. Outside of
school, Molly is the President of the Sunnyside
4-H group and President of the 4-H County
Horse Program. She is Youth Director for the
Sunnyside play that they perform each year and
shows both horses and pigs at the Northern
Wisconsin State Fair. Molly is a member of
the Holy Ghost Youth Group and assists at
church services. Community service includes
volunteering at Feed My People food bank,
Veteran’s Home, Salvation Army, Run for the
Lights run-a-thon, HOSA Red Cross blood drives
and Parents4Learning parties.
In her free time, Molly cares for 11 horses,
loves to horseback ride, run, swim, water ski
and snow ski. Molly works part time for M
& J Services and plans to attend CVTC and
study liberal arts. Molly is pictured below with
her mom Cara who helped her present some
of her riding skills on the Equestrian Team.
Congratulations Molly on all your accomplishments
and good luck with your future endeavors.
Secret Handshakers and Winners
April 1: Art Schuck to Buni Willi
April 8: Vicki Wilson to Tom Coushman
April 15: Jack Hablieb to Rich Estrem-Fuller
April 22: Deb Braden to Nancy Post
April 29: Dick K. to Nancy Post
Boost Winners
April 1: Bob Nelson
April 8: Buni Willi
April 15: Rich Estrem-Fuller
April 22: Lyle Krumenauer
April 29: Cathy Greenseth
Left: Rich wins both the handshaker and the
boost on the same morning
Vicki Wilson, Optimist Club member tells us about Create Wellness
On April 8th, our very own Optimist
member, Vicki Wilson, was our guest speaker.
She gave a presentation about her own Create
Wellness business and the evidence based
research, called the Freiburg Study, that
shows how taking the Peak Performance Pack
of vitamins can improve your overall health.
There are three things that if we can
change, we can help almost every health
issue that we are facing today. They are; free
radical damage, inflammation and gut health.
Vicki explained each of these and then
showed some of the results of the Freiburg
Study and how the vitamins were able to
reduce free radical damage and inflammation
in the body. After 12 weeks, the participants
Art Schunk thanks Vicki Wilson for sharing ways we can all stay
healthier and younger.
in the study on average lowered their heart
rate by nine beats per minute. Scientists
believe for every one beat per minute that you can We spend so much money on keeping our
reduce your heart rate, you add one more year to cars running and taking care of our homes. Isn’t
to your
your health worth taking care of, too? If you
lifespan. Here’s a proven way to add an additional would like more information, you can reach
nine years to yours.You can check out these
Vicki at
results at the following link:
Literacy Volunteers Chippewa Valley host their annual ScrabbleBee
On April 1st, club member Louise Bentley
spoke to the club about the 14th Annual
ScrabbleBee held April 23rd. It is the biggest
fundraiser for Literacy Volunteers Chippewa
Valley (where Louise works). This year there are
39 teams who each have 5-6 players who play
either traditional Scrabble (Tortoise division) or
a a fast-paced version (Hare division). There is
also a Silent Auction, Basket Raffle, and prizes.
Louise brought in one of the official Scrabble
games and some of the Optimist Club members
joined in to play a quick game of the “Hare”
version. It was a lot of fun. Thanks, Louise, for
sharing this unique fundraiser with us.
Upcoming events in June
June 3: Jackie Johnson, UW Extension
June 10: TBA
June 16: Board meeting held at Tom’s
June 17: Vote for new officers
June 30: Pre-Fair Picnic
Art Schunk thanks Louise for bringing along her Scrabble
game to learn how to play fast-paced Scrabble and spark our
interest in the ScrabbleBee.
President Jeff Heinzen on the McDonell Area Catholic Schools
On April 22nd, Jeff Heinzen, president of
the McDonell Area Catholic Schools (MACS)
in Chippewa Falls, was our guest speaker. Last
October, Jeff and his wife, were the only couple
from North America that were invited by Pope
Francis to present at a Synod in Rome for eight
days. It was a great experience for them. He and
his wife were very impressed the Pope cleared his
schedule to be with them every day.
Jeff is very proud of the first Cohort of MACS
teachers that were presenting to St. Mary’s
University representative, from Winona, MN,
and the Chippewa Falls community that evening
at McDonell Central High School. MACS started
the Masters Degree program that partnered with
St. Mary’s, the first of its kind in the nation.
This joint venture started three years ago with
St. Mary’s faculty members and the 10 teachers
in school for their Masters came to McDonell
High School on weekends year around to take
classes. The only requirement for the teachers
is that they stay on for an additional two years
and mentor other teachers. The Catholic schools
are in the process of hiring a new principal for
the middle-high school and an Early Childhood
MACS and Regis Catholic Schools are
currently talking with the Dioceses of Superior
to possibly offer high school distance learning
classes. Thanks for all the great information Jeff !
Jeff Heinzen, right, thanks Art for inviting him to speak.
Junior Achievement a 100 percent volunteer run organization
Dave Randal was our guest speaker on
April 29th and is Chair of the Board of
Directors for Junior Achievement. He has
been the Chair since 2003.
This organization inspires and prepares
young people to succeed in a global economy
by providing educational programs about
financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and
work readiness. Classes start in the first
grade and continue through high school
and are taught by volunteers from local
businesses. They have a $400K annual budget
that is financed through donations, a spring
kids business simulation program, a fall
golf outing and the school systems. They
were awarded a $100K grant over three years
from the United Way which will allow them
to add on programs at no cost to the schools.
Junior Achievement is 100% run by volunteers
in Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Menomonie and
Art Schunk thanks Dave Randal for speaking to the Chippewa
Falls Optimist Club on Junior Acheivement.
outlying satellites in smaller communities. The
program runs four to five weeks and teaches
about twelve thousand students. Our Optimist
Club’s donation helps offset the costs to the
schools for this wonderful program.
Thanks, Dave for all the great information.
Western Regional Children & Youth with
Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN)
Our guest speaker on May 20th was Angie Weideman,
the new Center Programs & Service Coordination
Director of the Western Regional CYSHCN. She took
over for Wynne Cook. Angie is a licensed social studies
teacher and Marriage and Family Therapist who has
been working with children with special needs for 18
years. She has done in-home therapy for kids with autism,
taught world geography and worked with child welfare in
Angie Weideman thanks the club for supporting the
youth with special needs in western Wisconsin.
In her new position, she provides support, advocacy,
connection, referral, and benefits counseling to families
with children, birth to 21, who have a child with a special health care need. This work covers 18
counties in western Wisconsin and includes meeting with families in person to help create a plan to
address the family’s concerns and highlight their strengths. About 80% of the phone calls the center
receives are related to mental health and autism. There are 400 kids on the waiting list in Wisconsin
and they can wait up to 34-35 weeks before receiving help. It can also take up to two years to even
get diagnosed. The center focuses on the health of the family and connects families that are in similar
circumstances. Angie also likes to work with the fathers to get them involved for the sake of the
child, She also does a lot of outreach and the numbers of needing help has risen. The Chippewa Falls
Optimist Club has been helping the organization for several years. If it is purchasing an item that
easies the family needs or giving the youth a break at a camp, we are glad to help and thankful Angie
is on the job. Thanks, Angie for all your hard work and the information you shared with us.
Secret Handshakers & Winners
May 6th: Norb Kirk to Vicki Wilson
May13th: Tom Coushman to Yvonne Zwiefelhofer
May 20th: Joe Niese to Deb Braden
May 27th: Joanne Bates to Vicki Wilson
Boost Winners
May 6th: Mike McGinley
May13th: Joe Niese
May 20th: Angie Riemer
May 27th: Vicki Wilson
Club Social
On April 21st the Chippewa Falls Optimist
came together for a little social time and
Pizza at the Fill-Inn. Pictured above left to
right is Art Schunk, Ralph Coushman and
his wife Lucy, and Nancy Estrem-Fuller.
The gathering was very nice and the club
is considering getting together once a
month for a social outside the regular
Wednesday morning meetings.
Sheriff Jim Kowalczyk staying Optimistic in a negative atmosphere
Sheriff Jim Kowalczyk was our guest speaker
on May 27th. Jim began his term as Sheriff of
Chippewa County in January of 2007 but started
as a department patrolman in 1978.
He is very proud of his department but law
enforcement is really taking a negative hit across
the country that is also effecting Chippewa
County. They only have 10 applicants for an open
county jail position and the number of people
wanting to go into a career in law enforcement
has been going down.
In Jim’s position, he gets mostly negative calls
which creates a negative atmosphere so he tries to
instill a positive attitude in his officers and make
sure they are always alert. Chippewa County
sheriffs’ department has never had a lawsuit
against them and they try to show the public that
we can trust them.
They work with the inmates to do highway
cleanup and Jim was instrumental in getting
permission so they can clean up the medians,
as well as the shoulders of the highways. This
program gets the inmates outside and gives them
some exercise. They picked up 1,055 bags of
garbage along with bigger junked items one year.
The inmates are also involved in work related
jobs, like painting all the trim in the jail. It keeps
Above: Ralph Coushman and his wife
Lucy had things so well organized for
staff and all the school patrol. First
Gordy’s Market donated all the food.
Farm and Fleet donated two bikes and
several other Hogseth Foundation and
Optimist club donated to honor those
hard working young people. Great
weather and fun.
them out of trouble and they are not sitting
idle. There have been no attacks on any county
jailers in over 25years. The jailers are trained to
treat the inmates as real people who just made a
The equipment the department uses are
Tazors, bullet proof vests and belly belts with
handcuffs. The city combined with the county
dispatch center and they take about 45,000 calls
per year. Thanks, Jim for all the great work you and
your officers do every day.
Sheriff Kowalczyk displays the Optimist coffee mug Art presented
him for speaking to the club.
Happy Birthday
Joanne Bates June 5
Art Schunk June 17
Karin Schuler June 19
Deb Braden June 26
Mike Shillin June 29
Ralph Coushman organized the
Optimist staff apprection for all
Chippewa Falls schools. He loaded
up dozens of donated donuts at Kwik
Trip. Estimates of 6,234 give or
take a few were given out.
Great job to all who delivered the
tasty treats.
Thank you to our newsletter sponsors!
Country Treasures of Northern Wisconsin, Inc.
Country Treasures
Joyce E. Pugh
216 N Bridge St. 715.723.8888
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Fax 715.723.4574
Now sized for your PC, tablet or phone
Member FDIC
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
475 Chippewa Mall Dr Ste 355 • Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Michael P Pope, CFP
Financial Advisor
An Ameriprise Financial Franchise
ur H
o metow n Gro
Online Banking, eStatements, etc
PH 715.720.1794 • FAX 715.720.1797
Proud to be a locally owned and
operated funeral home in Chippewa Falls
16947 169th Ave
312 Island St.
P.O. Box 802
Chippewa Falls, WI
In memory of Gary Garton
2815 County Hwy I - Chippewa Falls, WI
Convenient Indoor Passage to
St. Joseph Hospital & Marshfield Clinic
715.723.9341 FAX: 715.723.3376
Jeremy Kiley, NHA
Vicki Wilson Wellness Consultant
p: 715.726.1968
c: 715.828.8684
“Here to help you on the path to healthy living”
Our sponsors help cover the cost of producing and mailing our newsletter
Please thank them by considering their services.
The Optimist Creed
Promise Yourself ...
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

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