2014 Volume 3 - TW Frierson Contractor, Inc.


2014 Volume 3 - TW Frierson Contractor, Inc.
News about the employees and events of T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc.
T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc.
is dedicated to the ideals of
honesty and integrity while
providing quality services
that exceed our customer's
expecta3ons. We encourage
employee growth, opportunity
and job sa3sfac3on in a
safe and healthy working
environment. We strive to
achieve market dominance
while providing excellent
value to our customers and
maintaining a fair profit for
our Company.
’ I
One of T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc.’s greatest assets and differentiators is
the core group of craftspeople that make up our company. The average
tenure of the office staff is close to 15 years, while the Superintendents’
average tenure approaches 30 years- not many other construction
companies can say this. Between 2015-2020, seven superintendents and
three foremen will be eligible to retire. With the honor and privilege of
having veteran team members, we also have a great responsibility to identify
and train our next generation of leaders.
The concept of ‘TWF University’ was developed in response to several
requests for additional training from field employees. This seven week
program is designed to provide field employees with training to help
prepare them for their future with TWF. The weekly, two-hour sessions
were led by TWF staff and covered the following topics: Birth of a Project
and Project Startup, Construction Documents and Blueprint Reading, Soils
and Structures, Project Cost Management and Closeout, People Skills, and
Computer Skills.
TWF University’s Inaugural Class:
1330 Murfreesboro Road
Nashville, Tennessee 37217
Visit our website: www.twfrierson.com
Richard Hayes
Griffin Jones
Cliff Manley
Mike Marra
Del Perry
Julio Pineda
Robbie Robinson
Josh Smith,
Andrea Stevens (not pictured)
Dan Taylor,
Zac Watson
Jeff Waggoner
Ray Woodby
Building for the Future
TWF wins ABC Award
In the Summer of 2014, we talked about growth as a direct result
of the success of our relationships which are the foundation of
T.W. Frierson. Specifically, coming out of the Great Recession
we discussed the importance of how our strong relationships
with our Owners ballasted us though those rough waters. We
continue to strengthen the foundation and structure of TWF as
we are “building for the future.”
T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc. recently showcased
our talents at the Associated Builders and Contractors
(ABC) Excellence in Construction Awards
Competition. Best Brands, Inc. was recognized in the
category of Pre-Engineered Building. Senior Project
Manager Andy Zimmerman teamed with
Superintendent Ken Smith to construct this
design-build 41,152 SF Office and Warehouse
Addition. Thank you to our vendors, subcontractors
and members of the TWF family that help us
construct award winning projects!
T.W. Frierson University: The construction industry as a
whole is facing a brewing crisis in an aging workforce. While the
dilemma is across the board in all facets of the labor pool, industry wide the shortage of
people ready and able to step into the field leadership shoes of Superintendent may be the
most critical. Couple this problem with what happened in our industry, and across the
economy a few short years ago. As a result, the construction industry essentially “lost” 4
to 5 years of experience on all skill levels from 2008 to 2012, where there were
tremendous cutbacks and little growth. Very few young people entered the business
because no one was hiring and many, many people, including seasoned veterans , left and
have not returned. We researched and investigated ways to begin an education program.
The hunt was good, but no clear structure emerged as a resource. So, we created
“T.W. Frierson University”. A curriculum was developed, a plan put in place with
instructors, and 12 individuals from our company joined the initial class. In early
November, the first group completed the program. There is tremendous momentum to
create a Phase II for the first “test subjects” and as much enthusiasm to nominate a second
class to start next year. We are “building for the future.”
A New Home in 2015: In the early 1980’s, Ernie and Winston decided to purchase a
piece of property on Norris Avenue and Sidco Drive to accommodate future growth.
TWF and DSB’s growth reached a point where we needed more room for people, a shop,
and a yard for equipment. We had outgrown our original offices that expanded since 1971
into two houses in Berry Hill and Melrose. T.W. Frierson prospered at 627 Norris Avenue
from 1982-1997. Then in 1997, in a move to specifically tackle our need for a larger shop
and yard- we acquired the property to build our current facilities where we have continued
the successes of TWF.
We are very excited to announce that T.W. Frierson will be relocating to 2971 Kraft Drive
in the in the summer of 2015. Located in the 100 Oaks area of south Nashville, this
new office, shop and yard is approximately 4.0 miles west from our current homestraight down Briley Parkway and Thompson Lane. It is also approximately ¼ mile from
our past home from 1982-1997at 627 Norris Avenue. This move will
DON’T FORGET TO CHECK address space needs that allow for future TWF Family to have a place to
OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE! work, reorganize ourselves better while providing the space for increased
capacity AND training much like we did in 1982 and 1997. We are “building
for the future.”
14th Annual Golf Tournament A Huge Success!
Our 14th Annual Golf Tournament benefiting the American Heart
Association was held on August 25, 2014. We once again took over
both courses at Hermitage Golf Club and had a record 51 teams
participate! This event raised over $ 40,000 and helps fund the valuable
research, education and advocacy efforts of the American Heart
Association. Thank you to all of our teams,
sponsors and volunteers that made this event
Owner’s Corner (continued)
SUCCESSFUL 2014: We are “building for the future” in
another way = Success! We finished our 2014 fiscal year on
October 31st and can formally say it was a profitable year. It
was a momentous year, with significant projects started, and
a variety of projects completed. We enter FY 2015 with a
good back log -both on the contract side, and on the “get
work/opportunity” side of the ledger. Although we never
pursue volume for volumes sake, our industry uses a general
contractor’s yearly revenue as the most common measuring
tool. Fiscal Year 2014 was our 2nd highest revenue year in
history at just over $130,000,000.
Thank you for all that you do. Each person’s contribution is
why we are where we are today. Let us build the future
2014 ~
New Faces
Logan Schwettman
joined TWF as a Project
Manager in October 2014.
Originally from Murray,
Kentucky, Logan is a
graduate of Murray State University and
previously worked for Batten and Shaw
as a Project Engineer. Some of his
previous experience includes a surgery
center, a free standing emergency
department, and multiple exterior
re-skin projects. In his free time, Logan
enjoys golfing, hiking, building
furniture, supporting the Tennessee
Volunteers and St. Louis Cardinals, and
spending time with his wife and two
Please remember to stay focused on being safe! Our main priority is to have everyone go home to their family
each day in the same way you came to work that morning. Here's where everyone is right now:
Amazon Sort Facility
Nashville, Tennessee
Project Manager: Todd Morris
Superintendent: Joe Slate
Lee Chapel AME Church
Nashville, Tennessee
Project Manager: Brent Edwards
Superintendent: Scott Peterson
American Paper & Twine
Knoxville, Tennessee
Project Manager: Todd Morris
Superintendent: Dave Godbey
Nissan– Decherd M274 Addition
Decherd, Tennessee
Project Manager: Luke Maddox
Superintendent: Randy Lane
Ashley Capital
Nashville Tennessee
Project Manager: Todd Morris
Superintendent: Shannon Patterson
Nissan– Paint Screen Wall
Smyrna, Tennessee
Project Manager: Logan Schwettman
Superintendent: Jason Watson
Brookdale Senior Living-Fort Meyers Grand Court
Ft. Meyers, Florida
Project Manager: Andy Zimmerman
Superintendent: Jay Hill
Nissan– Parking Lot C
Smyrna, Tennessee
Project Manager: Todd Morris
Superintendent: Jason Watson
Brookdale Senior Living- Freedom Pointe Phase II
The Villages, Florida
Project Manager: Luke Maddox
Superintendent: Joe Matlock
Nissan- Stamping Site Expansion
Smyrna, Tennessee
Project Manager: Todd Morris
Superintendent: Jason Watson
Carrier HSA
Nashville, Tennessee
Project Manager: John French
Superintendent: Tommy Manley
Nissan- Integrated Logistics Center
Canton, Mississippi
Project Manager: John French
Superintendents: Bill Thrasher, Donnie Patterson
Franklin First United Methodist Church
Franklin, Tennessee
Project Manager: Matt Taylor
Superintendent: Tim Foriest
North Springfield Baptist Church
Springfield, Tennessee
Project Manager: Luke Maddox
Superintendent: Shannon Patterson
Horizon Wine and Spirits Bottle Room
Nashville Tennessee
Project Manager: Brent Edwards
Superintendent: Michael Massey
Project Quiver
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Project Manager: Brent Edwards
Superintendent: Mel Watson
Jenkins & Wynne Dealership
Clarksville, Tennessee
Project Manager: Andy Zimmerman
Superintendent: Joe Slate
Tottser Iroquois Addition
LaVergne Tennessee
Project Manager: Brent Edwards
Superintendent: Ken Smith
2014 ~
Franklin First United Methodist Church
T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc. has maintained the ability to self
perform work with our own forces for over 56 years. We
recently mobilized our crews to Bowling Green, Kentucky to
construct a 212,ooo SF heavy industrial mill building. The metal
erection is being done by our own personnel and is being
managed by Erection Superintendent, Alan Quam with Dan
Taylor overseeing Safety. Brent Edwards, Senior Project Manager
and Mel Watson, Project Superintendent began construction in
October 2014 and will reach completion in the summer of 2015.
T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc. continues to work in the faithbased market, and is currently constructing our largest church
project to date in Franklin, Tennessee. Designed by Tuck Hinton
Architects, this 86,000 SF new greenfield campus includes a
Worship Center/ Fellowship Hall, administration offices, children’s
center and gathering spaces. Senior Project Manager, Matt Taylor
and Project Superintendent, Tim Foriest are on site and expect to
complete construction in November 2015.
T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc. works with a
variety of clients, many on an ongoing basis, in the
development and construction of industrial complexes,
distribution centers, medical facilities, hotels, banks,
churches, senior living facilities, commercial buildings
and tenant improvements.
Project Quiver
Through Frontier Development, T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc.
has partnered with Nissan North America, Inc. and CBRE to
construct a 1.5 M SF logistics center in Canton, Mississippi.
Designed by Design Constructors, Inc., this massive facility has
been partially occupied since the completion of the first two
phases in July 2014. The remaining portion of the facility will be
completed in December 2014. Project Managers John French and
Guy Harris have worked hard with Project Superintendents
Bill Thrasher, Donnie Patterson and Alan Quam to ensure this
project’s success.
Nissan Integrated Logistics Center
Senior Project Manager, Andy Zimmerman and Project
Superintendent Jay Hill have completed intensive exterior
stucco, framing, and window repairs to this
existing Brookdale Senior Living facility. Work is
under way on interior finish upgrades and parking lot
improvements. Located in Fort Myers, Florida this
project is expected to reach completion in March of 2015.
2014 ~
Jenkins & Wynne Dealership
Senior Project Manager, Andy Zimmerman and Project
Superintendent, Joe Slate are currently in Clarksville, Tennessee
constructing a new Auto Dealership for Jenkins and Wynne
Ford/ Honda. Designed by Lyle Cook Martin, this project
consists of a Honda building, Ford Building, Body Shop and a
Car Wash totaling 135,000 SF. Sitework began in August and
building construction started in December. This project will be
completed in January 2016.
Grand Court Fort Myers
Independent Living Facility
T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc.'s Profit Sharing Dinner
will be held Saturday, January 31st at the
Nashville Airport Marriot.
This "Extreme Virtual Horse Racing" themed evening
will include a special evening of dinner,
service awards presentation, Profit Sharing Plan
discussion and lots of fun!
Invitations will be sent out in December.
All employees who wish to attend must RSVP to
Bronwyn Wilson by January 21st, 2015.
If you would like to receive The Hard Hat News electronically, email Sara Waggoner at swaggoner@twfrierson.com
1330 Murfreesboro Road Nashville, Tennessee 37217
Visit our website: www.twfrierson.com