Village of Westchester
Village of Westchester
Village of Westchester Agenda Committee of the Whole Meeting Village Hall 10300 Roosevelt Road Westchester, IL 60154 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 Village Hall Board Room-7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. New Business A. Plan Commission Recommendation to Approve Petition PC-14-0001 Amendment to the Planned Unit Development at the northeast corner of 31st & Wolf Rd (Westbrook Commons), Westchester (Regency Centers, Petitioner) – Ms. Headley (p 2) B. Economic Incentive Agreement – Ms. Matthys (handout) C. PW Equipment Purchase – Pounder – Ms. Matthys/Mr. Muell (p 39) D. Re-inspection Fees (Discussion Only) – Ms. Headley (p 43) E. Equipment Financing – Ambulance – Ms. Potempa (Hand-Out) (p 44) F. Intergovernmental Agreement – Mayfair Expansion Project (Discussion Only) – President Pulia/Ms. Matthys G. Watershed Management Ordinance (WMO) – President Pulia (p 56) 5. Old Business A. Stella’s - Westchester LLC (d/b/a Stella’s Place) Liquor License – President Pulia 6. Information Only A. 2014 Street Program – Ms. Matthys 7. Public Participation In order to give as many visitors as possible an opportunity to speak and in the interest of adjourning the meeting by 9:00 p.m., please limit your comments to 3 minutes in length, unless further time is granted by the Board. Thank you. 8. Executive Session 9. Adjournment The Village of Westchester will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activities. Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of the Village of Westchester, should contact the office of the Fire Chief, 10300 W. Roosevelt Road, Westchester, IL, (708) 345-0441, as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event. ITEM____ VILLAGE OF WESTCHESTER REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MARCH 11, 2014 AGENDA SUBJECT: Petition PC-14-0001 Amend the P.U.D. at the NE corner of 31st & Wolf Rd (Westbrook Commons), Westchester (Regency Centers, Petitioner). TYPE: SUBMITTED BY: Resolution X Ordinance Motion Discussion Only Melissa Headley Director of Community Development SYNOPSIS Petitioner is requesting the following zoning relief for an approximately 15,901 square foot addition to Westbrook Commons at the property located at the northeast corner of 31st & Wolf Rd (Westbrook Commons): 1. Amendment to Ordinance 1076 which approved a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a property commonly known as Schorsch Farm to adopt the new site plan prepared by Intech Consultants Inc. dated January 8, 2014. 2. Departure from Section 18.44.110 to reduce required stall length from 20 feet to 18 feet. 3. Departure from Section 18.44.170 to reduce the required number of parking spaces to 576 4. Departure from Section 18.58.050(h)(1) to increase the maximum height of a freestanding sign from 25 feet to 26.25 feet FISCAL IMPACT In addition to the 15,901 square foot addition, Regency Centers is also planning parking lot improvements, and façade and signage upgrades. The improvements to the shopping center should have a positive fiscal impact on the Village. The redevelopment of this property should generate additional revenue through the taxes and fees the Village collects. Property Tax: The owner of the property is making improvements to the property. Theoretically, the enhancements should positively impact property values, thus increasing the amount of property tax collected by the Village. Places of Eating Tax: Mariano’s is proposing a café with seating within the store. It is assumed that Mariano’s will generate more sales through their café than Dominick’s generated. The redevelopment should generate additional revenue through the Places of Eating Tax. Business Licenses & Sign Licenses: Mariano’s will provide additional revenue through the annual Business License and Sign Permit renewals. Sales Tax: It is assumed that Mariano’s will generate higher sales tax than the Dominick’s did at that location. The Village should receive additional revenue through the sales tax that will be generated. BACKGROUND The property located at the northeast corner of 31st & Wolf Rd (Westbrook Commons) is currently permitted as Planned Unit Development with B-2 Restricted Business District uses permitted. The 2 anchor tenant at Westbrook Commons was Dominick’s Finer Foods. As of January 2014, Dominick’s no longer occupies the space at 3020 Wolf Road. The property has been leased to Mariano’s Fresh Market. Regency Centers is planning to expand the Dominick’s lease space from its current limits to incorporate the Charter Fitness space and is constructing a 15,901 square foot addition to the north side of the building. The addition represents a 13% increase in building area. Regency Centers is also planning parking lot improvements, and façade and signage upgrades. RESULTS At the public hearing held February 18, 2014, Commissioner Smith made the following motion: To approve Application PC-14-0001 for the following zoning relief: 1. Amendment to Ordinance 1076 which approved a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a property commonly known as Schorsch Farm to adopt the new site plan prepared by Intech Consultants Inc. dated January 8, 2014. 2. Departure from Section 18.44.110 to reduce required stall length from 20 feet to 18 feet. 3. Departure from Section 18.44.170 to reduce the required number of parking spaces to 576 4. Departure from Section 18.58.050(h)(1) to increase the maximum height of a freestanding sign from 25 feet to 26.25 feet. With the following conditions: 1. Development shall be in substantial compliance with the Final Planned Unit Development plan prepared by Intech Consultants Inc. dated January 8, 2014. 2. The Landscape Plan prepared by Solomon Cordwell Buenz dated January 13, 2014 shall be installed and well maintained. 3. Façade improvements at the Shopping Center shall be in substantial compliance with the Mariano’s Store Plan and Elevation prepared by Solomon Cordwell Buenz dated January 13, 2014. The architectural elements proposed for the Mariano’s Façade shall be utilized in the façade of the rest of the center. 4. A written agreement between the Village and Regency Centers that all future repairs on the water main that is under the dock, between the two valves is the sole responsibility of Regency Centers. Commissioner Kopecky seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Ayes: Nays: Absent: Cross, Kopecky, Nokes, Smith and James None Dent and Mazzei In recommending approval, the Plan Commission has determined that the proposed zoning relief would meet the findings of fact enumerated in Article 18.36.030 of Title 18 of the Municipal Code, the Village of Westchester Zoning Code. ATTACHMENT: STAFF REPORT DATED 2/14/14 3 Village of Westchester 10300 ROOSEVELT ROAD, WESTCHESTER, IL 60154 (708)345-0020 FAX (708)345-2873 WWW.WESTCHESTER-IL.ORG MEMORANDUM To: Village President SAM D. PULIA Village Clerk SHERBY J. MILLER Trustees ANGELO A. CALCAGNO PAUL GATTUSO FRANK PERRY CELESTINE REDA NICK STEKER TOM YURKOVICH Village Manager JANET M. MATTHYS Plan Commission From: Melissa Headley, AICP, Director of Community Development Village Attorney MICHAEL K. DURKIN Date: 2/14/14 Re: Petition PC-14-0001 Amendment to the Planned Unit Development at the northeast corner of 31st & Wolf Rd (Westbrook Commons), Westchester (Regency Centers, Petitioner). PETITION: PC-14-0001 PETITIONER: Regency Centers STATUS OF PETITIONER: Property Owner ZONING REQUEST: Petitioner is requesting the following zoning relief for an approximately 15,901 square foot addition to Westbrook Commons at the property located at the northeast corner of 31st & Wolf Rd (Westbrook Commons): 1. Amendment to Ordinance 1076 which approved a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a property commonly known as Schorsch Farm to adopt the new site plan prepared by Intech Consultants Inc. dated January 8, 2014. 2. Departure from Section 18.44.110 to reduce required stall length from 20 feet to 18 feet. 3. Departure from Section 18.44.170 to reduce the required number of parking spaces to 576 4. Departure from Section 18.58.050(h)(1) to increase the maximum height of a freestanding sign from 25 feet to 26.25 feet PROPOSED USE: Mariano’s Fresh Market in the former Dominick’s space PRESENT USE/ZONING: Westbrook Commons Shopping Center/B-2 Restricted Business District LOT SIZE: Approximately 512,919 square feet, 11.78 acres PIN: 15-29-300-022-0000 UTILITES: Sewer and water are available to this lot. 4 TRAFFIC: A traffic study was not required. PUBLIC HEARING: February 18, 2014 SURROUNDING ZONING & LAND USES North: R-1 Single Family Residential/Westchester Health & Rehabilitation Center East: B-2 Restricted Business District/Townhouses (Rosebrook Subdivision) West: R-1 Single Family Residential/Wolf Road Prairie South: Cook County Forest Preserve District BACKGROUND The property located at the northeast corner of 31st & Wolf Rd (Westbrook Commons) is currently permitted as Planned Unit Development with B-2 Restricted Business District uses permitted. The anchor tenant at Westbrook Commons was Dominick’s Finer Foods. As of January 2014, Dominick’s will no longer be occupying the space at 3020 Wolf Road. The property has been leased to Mariano’s Fresh Market. Regency Centers is planning to expand the Dominick’s lease space from its current limits to incorporate the Charter Fitness space and is constructing a 15,901 square foot addition to the north side of the building. The addition represents a 13% increase in building area. Regency Centers is also planning parking lot improvements, and façade and signage upgrades. RELIEF REQUESTED: Request 1: Amendment to Ordinance 1076 which approved a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a property commonly known as Schorsch Farm to adopt the new site plan prepared by Intech Consultants Inc. dated January 8, 2014.. Westbrook Commons was approved as a Planned Unit Development. Typically, when zoning relief is granted, it is in accordance with an approved site plan. The building addition requires an amendment to the PUD because of changes in the site plan. Request 2: Departure from Section 18.44.110 to reduce required stall length from 20 feet to 18 feet. The Village’s Zoning Ordinance requires a parking stall to be eight and one-half (8.5) feet in width and at least twenty (20) feet in length. Petitioner is requesting a stall width of nine (9) feet and eighteen (18) feet in length. This is a typical parking stall dimension for perpendicular parking. There is a twenty-six (26) feet wide drive aisle serving the parking stalls. This will ensure that patrons at the center can easily maneuver the parking lot. Request 3: Departure from Section 18.44.170 to reduce the required number of parking spaces to 576. The Village’s Zoning Ordinance requires one parking space for each two hundred square feet of floor area in excess of one thousand square feet, plus one parking space for each two employees. The shopping center currently requires 615 parking stalls without including employee parking if you estimate the parking requirements based on 5 gross area. The shopping center currently has 586 spaces. After the proposed parking lot improvements there will be 10 fewer parking spaces. The advantage of Mariano’s locating at the Westbrook Commons is that all the uses in the shopping center can share parking. Typically, different uses at the Center have different peak hours, which allows for an overlap in parking demand. When one use has a higher demand for available parking, another tenant at the mall may have a reduced demand during that peak time period. Due to this phenomenon, there is a reduced need for the overall number of parking spaces. Most days the Center’s parking lot is not full. So, if Mariano’s requires more parking spaces, their customer’s can be accommodated in the Center’s parking lot. Request 4: Departure from Section 18.58.050(h)(1) to increase the maximum height of a freestanding sign from 25 feet to 26.25 feet The Village’s Zoning Ordinance allows twenty five feet maximum height for a freestanding sign. The Center is currently improved with two freestanding signs that are 29.83 feet in overall height. Regency is proposing two new freestanding signs that are 26.25 feet. While this is a reduction in overall height and is bringing the sign closer to compliance with the overall height requirement, it still exceeds the maximum height allowed for a freestanding sign. Findings of Fact: 1. The planned unit development may depart from strict conformance with the required density, dimension, area, height, bulk, use and specific content regulations of this chapter to the extent specified in the preliminary plat and documents authorizing the planned unit development so long as the planned unit development provides tangible benefits to the neighborhood or community in which it is located. These benefits shall be in the form of provision of exceptional amenities, design excellence, etc. The waiver of any requirement shall be the direct cause of accrual of positive benefits to the residents of the development as well as to the general community (e.g., waiver of yard requirements might result in more usable open space); Approval of the updated site plan including the departures noted above meet this standard because: 1. The proposed improvements to the center will make a substantial impact to design and overall feel of the shopping center. In October 2013, the Plan Commission recommended the adoption of the updated Comprehensive Plan. Regency Centers is proposing to undertake the improvements identified in the plan. The comprehensive plan identified the following strategies for the site: o Consolidate in-line tenant spaces: Regency is consolidating four (4) existing tenant spaces and constructing a 15,901 square feet addition to the building to make the center more attractive to potential retailers. One of the 6 reasons that Mariano’s chose this location was having the ability to expand their leasable area to be consistent with their other locations. o Implement landscaping and facade improvements: Regency will be completely updating the shopping center to give the center a consistent architectural feel. They will be tying in the façade from Mariano’s throughout the center. They will also be making parking lot improvements that will add landscaping and improve traffic flow at the shopping center. Trees, shrubs, perennials and ornamental grasses will be planted in parking lot islands throughout the center. There will also be planters along the front of the building. Currently, there is no landscaping in the parking lot. The addition of these landscape islands will help to reduce stormwater runoff from the parking lot. INTERNAL STAFF REVIEW: Village Manager: No comments or concerns Public Works: Public Works was concerned about locating the truck dock over the water main, but due to the limited space and the location of multiple utilities behind the building there are very few alternatives. Public Works has indicated that as long as we have a written agreement that Regency Centers will make any future repairs on the water main that is under the dock, between the two valves they have no objection to locating the water main under the dock in a casing. Fire Chief: International Fire Code requires a 20 feet wide fire lane. Petitioner is proposing a 15 feet wide fire lane. Fire Department has indicated that they do not object to the petition or the reduction of the fire lane at the rear of the building as long as petitioner is willing to consider alternate locations for fire department connections. Petitioner provided the fire department with proposed locations for fire department connections. Fire Department indicated that they needed more information on the Fire Department Connections, but the locations looked acceptable. Police Chief: No comments or concerns Engineering: Christopher Burke Engineering (CBBEL) has reviewed the proposed plans and has not indicated any major concerns. The biggest concern noted by CBBEL was the location of the water main underneath the loading dock. This issue has been resolved with Public Works staff. Most other comments from CBBEL were requests for additional information. SUMMARY: Regency Centers is proposing various improvements to the Westbrook Commons Shopping Center. They are making the improvements with anticipation of Mariano’s Fresh Market locating in the former Dominick’s lease space. They will give the entire center a newer, fresher look. The recently completed Comprehensive Plan recommended the improvements that are currently being proposed. The façade 7 upgrades and parking lot improvements will be a positive for the shopping center tenants, it will make the parking lot operate more safely. Because a building addition is proposed, a public hearing was required to approve the changes in site plan. REQUESTED ACTION: If the Commission finds in support of the applicant’s request, the following motion could be entertained: To approve Application PC-14-0001 for the following zoning relief: 1. Amendment to Ordinance 1076 which approved a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a property commonly known as Schorsch Farm to adopt the new site plan prepared by Intech Consultants Inc. dated January 8, 2014. 2. Departure from Section 18.44.110 to reduce required stall length from 20 feet to 18 feet. 3. Departure from Section 18.44.170 to reduce the required number of parking spaces to 576 4. Departure from Section 18.58.050(h)(1) to increase the maximum height of a freestanding sign from 25 feet to 26.25 feet. For the property located at Westbrook Commons Shopping Center (Northeast corner of 31st Street and Wolf Road), Westchester, Illinois. (PIN: 15-29-300-022-0000) With the following conditions: 1. Development shall be in substantial compliance with the Final Planned Unit Development plan prepared by Intech Consultants Inc. dated January 8, 2014. 2. The Landscape Plan prepared by Solomon Cordwell Buenz dated January 13, 2014 shall be installed and well maintained. 3. Façade improvements at the Shopping Center shall be in substantial compliance with the Mariano’s Store Plan and Elevation prepared by Solomon Cordwell Buenz dated January 13, 2014. The architectural elements proposed for the Mariano’s Façade shall be utilized in the façade of the rest of the center. 4. A written agreement between the Village and Regency Centers that all future repairs on the water main that is under the dock, between the two valves is the sole responsibility of Regency Centers. With a finding of fact that such special use meets the special use standards enumerated in Article 18.36.030 of Title 18 of the Municipal Code, the Village of Westchester Zoning Code. PLAN COMMISSION ACTION: Majority of quorum. ____AYES, _____NAYS VILLAGE BOARD VOTE REQUIRED: ____AYES, _____NAYS 8 Appendix A: Excerpt from the Draft Comprehensive Plan 9 REVITALIZING COMMERCIAL AREAS 43 Site Specific Revitalization Strategies Mid-Term Strategy (3-5 years) 31st Street and Wolf Road: Westbrook Commons • Consolidate in-line tenant spaces: Given that this intersection contains FPDCC lands and the Wolf Road Prairie on three sides, there are limited opportunities for retail expansion. According to findings from the market analysis, the center’s tenant spaces are difficult to lease given their small sizes and limited visibility. Westbrook Commons can alleviate this problem by combining smaller tenant spaces to create larger units that would be attractive to business owners. • Implement landscaping and facade improvements: The Village should encourage the owners of Westbrook Commons to undertake façade upgrades and landscaping improvements to help improve its visual appeal. These include landscaping in parking areas, construction of a gateway entrance feature at both entrances, and placement of trees throughout the complex. The Village’s proposed façade improvement program could be utilized to incentivize the property improvements. • Enhance connectivity: To capitalize on its proximity to natural areas such as Bemis Woods and Wolf Road Prairie, the Village should encourage the installation of bicycle amenities such as bike racks and signage. Roosevelt Road Corridor • Establish a TIF district: The Village should hire a consultant to undertake a TIF feasibility analysis. The analysis would help determine eligibility, benefits, and potential boundaries of the Roosevelt Road TIF district. • Undertake site-level improvements: As recommended in the 2006 Strategic Plan, the Village should undertake repaving, landscaping, and parking lot reconfiguration at Village Hall, Post Office, and Fire Department. The Public Works Department should budget for these improvements within the Village’s annual budget. • Undertake pedestrian and transit-supportive improvements: The Village should work closely with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), West Central Municipal Conference (WCMC), and Pace to make the corridor more pedestrian and transit-friendly. Improvements could include installation of bus shelters, improved street lighting, seating, and signage. 10 Cermak Road and Mannheim Road: Village Center • Create a Village Center Redevelopment Plan: The first step in creating a future Village Center at this location is to undertake a Village Center Redevelopment Plan that details the vision for the area and implementation actions to move forward. The Plan will include actions to be undertaken by various Village departments, phasing of redevelopment, and funding mechanisms to support redevelopment efforts. See Figures 9 and 10 for the existing site layout of the Cermak and Mannheim Roads retail district and the concept plan for the proposed Village Center area in the same location. The concept plan is an example of a possible site layout for the future Village Center area; the redevelopment plan will provide a more accurate depiction of the site. • Establish a TIF district: The Village should hire a consultant to conduct a TIF feasibility analysis. The analysis would help determine eligibility, benefits, and potential boundaries of Village Center TIF district. • Create a Village Center Zoning District: As part of the zoning ordinance revision, the Village should create a Village Center Zoning District that allows for a higher density, compact, and attractive mix of uses. The creation of a separate zoning district will clearly outline development expectations for the development community in terms of site design, building design, scale, and architectural quality. • Prioritize redevelopment of parcels along Mannheim and Cermak Road: In the near term, the Village should work closely with the property owners of marginal and underutilized parcels along Mannheim and Cermak roads to redevelop the properties as commercial and mixed-use developments. This should be undertaken after establishment of the TIF district, incentivizing the redevelopment for property owners. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Plan Commission Petition PC-14-0001 Westbrook Commons The enclosed materials and documentation are being provided persuant to a request for information, which has been submitted, to the Village of Westchester, Illinois. The Village expressly disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of completeness or the materials and documentation provided, and any use thereof is at the requestor's sole an exclusive risk and expense. ® 22 0 65 130 260 390 520 Feet Date Prepared: 1/14/2014 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ITEM____ VILLAGE OF WESTCHESTER REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MARCH 11, 2014 AGENDA SUBJECT: PW Equipment Purchase Pounder TYPE: SUBMITTED BY: X Resolution Ordinance Motion Discussion Only Carl Muell Supervisor SYNOPSIS The pounder is a piece of heavy equipment that is utilized to break through concrete, asphalt and frozen ground. The Village’s pounder is in excess of 14 years old. Recently, the pounder was damaged in the process of breaking frozen ground for a water main repair. The pounder was brought in for weld repair. Subsequent to the weld repair, the vendor determined that there was internal damage. This is a critical piece of equipment for our public works projects. While the rewelded pounder is operational, it is not reliable due to the internal damage. John Deere gave us a quote of $1,000 just to estimate the repair of the internal damage. We paid $875 for the reweld. FISCAL IMPACT Rental for a replacement pounder is approximately $1,000 per week. This piece of equipment is used for all projects requiring digs. Three quotes were obtained for purchase of a replacement pounder. We received a quote from Murphy’s Contractor’s Equipment Incorporated for the quoted price of $12,435. It is compatible with our existing equipment and will come with a quick attach for the Kubota. Murphy’s has committed to delivery within 2-3 days of order. Two other quotes were obtained; from Burris Equipment ($13,440) and from O’Leary Contractors. It should be noted that the O’Leary quote was for a lighter weight pounder which was not the specs requested. The quotes are attached to this synopsis. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends purchase of a replacement pounder from Murphy’s Contractor’s Equipment Incorporated for the quoted price of $12,435. The cost will be split between the General Fund (street department) and the Utility Fund. ATTACHMENTS Murphy’s Contractor’s Equipment Quote Burris Equipment Quote O’Leary Contractor’s Quote 39 40 41 42 ITEM____ VILLAGE OF WESTCHESTER REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MARCH 11, 2014 AGENDA SUBJECT: Re-inspection Fees TYPE: SUBMITTED BY: Resolution Ordinance Motion X Discussion Only Melissa Headley Director of Community Development BACKGROUND The Village’s Municipal Code Section 14.01.110(4)(D)(iii) allows the Village to collect a $50 reinspection fee. It has not been past practice to charge these re-inspection fees. If an inspector goes out to a job and a property owner or contractor is not ready for an inspection, is a no show or fails an inspection the Village does not charge the property owner or contractor any additional inspection fee. This is not an attempt to collect additional revenue. It is being proposed because every time one of our inspectors goes to a property there is staff time and resources that are being utilized that could be used elsewhere. In instances where an outside contractor is being utilized to conduct inspections there is a direct cost to the Village. We had an instance recently where we completed multiple re-inspections at the same site because the contractor kept failing their inspections. Each time we went back out there was a cost incurred by the Village. Staff will begin charging re-inspection fees in the following instances and wanted to make sure that the Village Board is aware of the policy in case you receive feedback: 1. When the property owner/contractor is not ready for an inspection 2. When the property owner/contractor does not show up to an inspection 3. When the property owner/contractor fails an inspection 43 ITEM____ VILLAGE OF WESTCHESTER REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MARCH 11, 2014 AGENDA SUBJECT: Financing of Ambulance Purchase TYPE: SUBMITTED BY: X Resolution Ordinance Motion Discussion Only Maureen Potempa Finance Director SYNOPSIS The Board approved the purchase of a 2014 Wheeled Coach Freightliner Type I Medium Duty Ambulance on August 27, 2013 (Ordinance 13-2011). Chief James Adams has advised Finance that the ambulance is scheduled for delivery on or about 3/26/14. FISCAL IMPACT The purchase price of the 2014 Wheeled Coach Freightliner Type I Medium Duty Ambulance net of trade-in value of the 2008 Ford F-450 X Cab Type I Wheeled Coach Ambulance is $196,666. PNC Equipment Finance, LLC has offered us financing at an annual interest rate of 2.396% over 5 years. Annual debt service is calculated at $41,737.94. Such amounts will be budgeted in and paid from the General Fund (Fire Department 01-20). The first scheduled debt service payment will be due on 6/26/14. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the financing of the 2014 Wheeled Coach Freightliner Type I Medium Duty Ambulance through issuance of a resolution approving financing through PNC Equipment Finance, LLC. ATTACHMENTS PNC Lease Documents 44 C02 Master Equipment Lease-Pur chase Agr eement Between Village of Westchester And PNC Equipment Finance, LLC DOCUMENT INDEX Lease Schedule A – Sign and title. Payment Schedule A-1 – Sign and provide title Incumbency Certificate and Resolution – List your authorized signor(s) and title(s); have secretary or appropriate trustee attest to the information and signature(s) provided by signing and printing his/her name, title and date. The per son who validates the signatur es should not sign the lease documents. The resolution must reflect the title(s) of the individual(s) who have authorization to sign the documents. Minutes of Governing Body (approving the purchase & finance of equipment) – Please return a copy with the documents. Opinion of Counsel Letter – Enclosed is a template. Please ask your attorney to prepare on his/her letterhead, and include all of the items in the template. Invoice, W9 and Payment Wiring Instructions from the vendor. The wiring instructions must be placed on the vendor’s letterhead. Copy of the MSO, or Title, or Copy of the Title Application showing PNC Equipment Finance, LLC. 995 Dalton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45203 as the lien holder. Insurance Request Form – Fill in your insurer’s information and sign. Please contact your insurer, prior to delivery, to obtain a certificate of insurance. Please enclose the certificate with the signed documentation or have the insurer fax the certificate directly to me. IRS FORM 8038-G – Sign, date, and title. Information Request – Please complete and return Please return the documents to PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, 155 E. Broad St., Columbus OH 43215 in the postage paid envelope enclosed. 45 E28 L EASE SCHEDULE A (T AX-E XEMPT ) Dated as of March 26, 2014 This Lease Schedule No. 180957000 (this “ Schedule” ) relates to the Master Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement referenced below and, together with the terms and conditions of the Master Lease incorporated herein by reference, constitutes a Lease. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms will have the same meaning ascribed to them in the Master Lease. All terms and conditions of the Master Lease are incorporated herein by reference. Master Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement dated July 15, 2011. 1. Equipment Description. As used in the Lease, “ Equipment” means all of the property described in the Payment Schedule attached to this Schedule and all attachments, additions, accessions, parts, repairs, improvements, replacements and substitutions thereto. 2. Rent Payments; Lease Term. The Rent Payments to be paid by Lessee to Lessor, the Commencement Date of this Lease and the Lease Term of this Lease are set forth on the Payment Schedule attached to this Schedule. 3. 4. Essential Use; Current Intent of Lessee. Lessee represents that (a) the use of the Equipment is essential to Lessee’s proper, efficient and economic functioning or to the services that Lessee provides to its citizens, (b) the Equipment will be used by Lessee only for the purpose of performing its governmental or proprietary functions consistent with the permissible scope of its authority and will not be used in a trade or business of any person or entity, and (c) the useful life of the Equipment is not less than the stated full Lease Term of this Lease. Lessee has determined that a present need exists for the Equipment which need is not temporary or expected to diminish in the near future. Lessee currently intends for the full Lease Term: to use the Equipment; to continue this Lease; and to make Rent Payments so long as funds are appropriated by its governing body for the succeeding fiscal year. ACCEPTANCE OF EQUIPMENT. AS BETWEEN LESSEE AND LESSOR, LESSEE AGREES THAT (a) LESSEE HAS EQUIPMENT; (b) ALL EQUIPMENT IS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER AND COMPLIES WITH ALL PURCHASE ORDERS, CONTRACTS AND SPECIFICATIONS; (c) LESSEE ACCEPTS ALL EQUIPMENT FOR PURPOSES OF THE LEASE “AS-IS, WHERE IS”; AND (d) LESSEE WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO REVOKE SUCH ACCEPTANCE. RECEIVED AND INSPECTED ALL 5. Re-Affirmation of the Master Lease Representations, Warranties and Covenants. Lessee hereby represents, warrants and covenants that its representations, warranties and covenants set forth in the Master Lease (particularly Sections 6.1 and 16 thereof) are true and correct as though made on the date of execution of this Schedule. 46 6. BANK QUALIFIED. LESSEE CERTIFIES THAT IT HAS DESIGNATED THIS LEASE AS A QUALIFIED TAX-EXEMPT SECTION 265(b)(3) OF THE CODE, THAT IT HAS NOT DESIGNATED MORE THAN $10,000,000 OF ITS OBLIGATIONS AS QUALIFIED TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH SECTION FOR THE CURRENT CALENDAR YEAR AND THAT IT REASONABLY ANTICIPATES THAT THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS TO BE ISSUED BY LESSEE DURING THE CURRENT CALENDAR YEAR WILL NOT EXCEED $10,000,000. OBLIGATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH VILLAGE OF WESTCHESTER, as Lessee PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, as Lessor By: ________________________________ Name:______________________________ Title: ______________________________ By: ________________________________________ Name:___________________________________ Title: ______________________________________ Counterpart No. _____ of __ manually executed and serially numbered counterparts. To the extent that this Lease constitutes chattel paper (as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code), no security or ownership interest herein may be created through the transfer or possession of any Counterpart other than Counterpart No. 1. 47 E28 P AYMENT SCHEDULE A-1 Attached to and made a part of that certain Lease Schedule No. 180957000 dated as of March 26, 2014 by and between PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, as lessor, and Village of Westchester, as lessee. Commencement Date: March 26, 2014 1. EQUIPMENT LOCATION & DESCRIPTION: 10300 Roosevelt Road, Westchester, IL 60154 One (1) 2014 Wheeled Coach Freightliner Type I Medium Duty Ambulance 2. LEASE PAYMENT SCHEDULE: (a) Total Amount Financed: (b) Payment Schedule: Rent Payment Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rent Payment Date 6/26/2014 12/26/2014 6/26/2015 12/26/2015 6/26/2016 12/26/2016 6/26/2017 12/26/2017 6/26/2018 12/26/2018 $196,666.00 Rent Payment Amount 20,863.97 20,863.97 20,863.97 20,863.97 20,863.97 20,863.97 20,863.97 20,863.97 20,863.97 20,863.97 Interest Portion Principal Portion Termination Value * 1,204.06 2,120.27 1,895.75 1,668.54 1,438.60 1,205.92 970.44 732.15 491.00 246.97 19,659.91 18,743.70 18,968.22 19,195.43 19,425.37 19,658.05 19,893.53 20,131.82 20,372.97 20,617.00 182,316.27 163,010.26 143,473.00 123,701.70 103,693.57 83,445.78 62,955.44 42,219.67 21,235.51 1.00 VILLAGE OF WESTCHESTER, as Lessee PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, as Lessor By: ________________________________ Name:______________________________ Title: ______________________________ By: ________________________________________ Name:___________________________________ Title: ______________________________________ * Assumes all Rent Payments and other amounts due on and prior to that date have been paid. 48 E24 C ERTIFICATE OF I NCUMBENCY I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the duly elected or appointed and acting Secretary/Clerk of Village of Westchester (“ Lessee” ), a political subdivision duly organized and existing under the laws of the State where Lessee is located, that I have the title stated below, and that, as of the date hereof, the individuals named below are the duly elected or appointed officers of Lessee holding the offices set forth opposite their respective names and are authorized on behalf of Lessee to enter into that certain Master Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement dated July 15, 2011 (the “ Master Lease” ) and separate Lease Schedules relating thereto from time to time as provided in the Master Lease (collectively, the “ Schedules” ), each between Lessee and PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, as lessor. Name Title Signature Name Title Signature Name Title Signature IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have duly executed this Certificate and affixed the seal of Lessee on this ___ day of _____________, 2014. LESSEE:Village of Westchester _________________________________________ (Secretary/Clerk) Print Name: _______________________________ Official Title: ______________________________ (other than the person signing the documents) 49 [SEAL] E34 F ORM OF O PINION OF L ESSEE ’S C OUNSEL (P LEASE FURNISH THIS TEXT ON ATTORNEY’S LETTERHEAD) [To be dated the execution date of Lease Schedule No. 180957000] PNC Equipment Finance, LLC 155 E Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Re: Master Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement dated July 15, 2011 and Lease Schedules thereto Ladies and Gentlemen: As counsel for Village of Westchester (“ Lessee” ), I have examined the Master Equipment LeasePurchase Agreement duly executed by Lessee and dated July 15, 2011 (the “ Master Lease” ), which has been incorporated by reference into Lease Schedule No. 180957000 dated March 26, 2014 (the “ Original Lease Schedule” ), each between Lessee and PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, as lessor (“ Lessor” ), the Schedule A-1 attached to the Original Lease Schedule (the “ Original Payment Schedule” ) and the proceedings taken by the governing body of Lessee to authorize on behalf of Lessee the execution and delivery of the Master Lease, the Original Lease Schedule, the Original Payment Schedule and all additional lease schedules and related payment schedules to be entered into pursuant to the Master Lease (each of which is herein referred to as an “ Additional Lease Schedule” ) and to be executed and delivered by the same authorized officers on behalf of Lessee in substantially the same manner and in substantially the same form as the Original Lease Schedule. The Original Lease Schedule, which incorporates by reference the terms and conditions of the Master Lease, and the related Original Payment Schedule are herein collectively referred to as the “ Lease.” Any Additional Lease Schedule, which incorporates by reference the terms and conditions of the Master Lease, and the related payment schedule are herein collectively referred to as an “ Additional Lease.” Based upon the foregoing examination and upon an examination of such other documents and matters of law as I have deemed necessary or appropriate, I am of the opinion that: 1. Lessee is duly organized and legally existing as a political subdivision, municipal corporation or similar public entity under the Constitution and laws of the State of Illinois with full power and authority to enter into, and perform its obligations under, the Lease and each Additional Lease. 2. The Lease and each Additional Lease have each been duly authorized and have been or, with respect to each Additional Lease, will be, duly executed and delivered by Lessee. Assuming due authorization, execution and delivery thereof by Lessor, the Lease constitutes, and each Additional Lease will constitute, the legal, valid and binding obligation of Lessee, enforceable against Lessee in accordance with their respective terms, except to the extent limited by State and 50 federal law affecting creditor’s remedies and by bankruptcy, reorganization, moratorium or other laws of general application relating to or affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights. 3. Lessee has complied with any applicable property acquisition laws and public bidding requirements in connection with the Lease, each Additional Lease and the transactions contemplated thereby. 4. To the best of my knowledge, there is no litigation or proceeding pending or threatened before any court, administrative agency or governmental body that challenges: the organization or existence of Lessee; the authority of its officers; the proper authorization, approval and execution of the Lease, any Additional Lease or any documents relating thereto; the appropriation of monies to make payments under the Lease or any Additional Lease; or the ability of Lessee otherwise to perform its obligations under the Lease or any Additional Lease and the transactions contemplated thereby. 5. The resolution adopted by Lessee’s governing body authorizing the execution and delivery of the Master Lease, the Original Lease Schedule, the Additional Lease Schedules and certain other matters was adopted at a meeting that was held in compliance with all applicable laws relating to the holding of open and public meetings. 6. The entering into and performance of the Lease and each Additional Lease do not and will not violate any judgment, order, law or regulation applicable to Lessee or result in any breach of, or constitute a default under, or result in the creation of any lien, charge, security interest or other encumbrance upon any assets of Lessee or on the Equipment (as such term is defined in the Master Lease) pursuant to any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, bank loan or credit agreement or other instrument to which Lessee is a party or by which it or its assets may be bound. 7. The correct legal name of Lessee for purposes of the Uniform Commercial Code in effect in the State is ________________. This opinion may be relied upon by purchasers and assignees of Lessor’s interests in the Lease and each Additional Lease. Very truly yours, Attorney 51 I01 I NSURANCE C OVERAGE DISCLOSURE PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, LESSOR Village of Westchester, LESSEE RE: INSURANCE COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS 1. In accordance with the Lease Schedule dated March 26, 2014, to the Master Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement dated March 26, 2014 and identified in the Lease Schedule, Lessee certifies that it has instructed the insurance agent named below (please fill in name, address and telephone number): ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ to issue: a. All Risk Physical Damage Insurance on the leased Equipment evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance and Long Form Loss Payable Clause naming PNC Equipment Finance, LLC and/or its assigns as Lender Loss Payee. Coverage Required: Termination Value Specified b. Public Liability Insurance evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance naming PNC Equipment Finance, LLC and/or its assigns as an Additional Insured. Minimum Coverage Required: $1,000,000.00 per person $2,000,000.00 aggregate bodily injury liability $1,000,000.00 property damage liability Proof of insurance coverage will be provided to PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, 995 Dalton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45203, prior to the time that the property is delivered to Lessee. OR 2. Pursuant to the Master Lease, Lessee represents and warrants, in addition to other matters under the Lease, that it is lawfully self-insured as more fully described in the attached letter. Lessee: Village of Westchester By: Name: Title: 52 I01 I NSURANCE I NFORMATION Please provide the following information to your insurance company to help expedite receipt of the necessary coverage: ITEMS WHICH NEED TO BE REFLECTED ON INSURANCE CERTIFICATE: • PNC Equipment Finance, LLC MUST BE NAMED LENDER LOSS PAYEE AND ADDITIONAL INSURED • 30 Days Notice of Cancellation • Not Less than $2,000,000.00 limits on liability • Certificate must reflect a short equipment description • Certificate must reflect an expiration date Certificate Holder Information: PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, its successors and/or all assigns 995 Dalton Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45203 Please send a FAX copy of certificate to Chintan Patel at (855) 676-9539. The original should be mailed to the same at: PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, 995 Dalton Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45203 Please call Chintan Patel at 614-463-6581, if you have any questions. 53 E23 FINAL RECEIPT CERTIFICATE LEASE SCHEDULE NO. 180957000 Dated: March 26, 2014 Reference is made to the above Lease Schedule (“ Schedule”) and to the Master Lease-Purchase Agreement (“Master Lease”) identified in said Lease Schedule, which have been executed and delivered by the undersigned Lessee (“Lessee”) and PNC Equipment Finance, LLC (“Lessor”). This Certificate amends and supplements the terms and conditions of the Lease Schedule and is hereby made a part of the Lease Schedule. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms defined herein, capitalized terms defined in the Master Lease or the Lease Schedule shall have the same meaning when used herein. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, express or implied, in the Master Lease (including the Schedules attached thereto), Lessee agrees as follows: 1. ACCEPTANCE OF EQUIPMENT. AS OF THE ACCEPTANCE DATE STATED BELOW AND AS BETWEEN LESSEE AND LESSOR, LESSEE HEREBY AGREES THAT: (A) LESSEE HAS RECEIVED AND INSPECTED ALL OF THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED IN THE LEASE SCHEDULE (“EQUIPMENT”); (B) ALL EQUIPMENT IS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER AND COMPLIES WITH ALL PURCHASE ORDERS, CONTRACTS AND SPECIFICATION; (C) LESSEE ACCEPTS ALL EQUIPMENT FOR PURPOSES OF THE LEASE “AS-IS, WHERE-IS”; AND (D) LESSEE WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO REVOKE SUCH ACCEPTANCE. ACCEPTANCE DATE: 2. RENT PAYMENTS. LESSEE HEREBY CONFIRMS THAT LESSEE WILL COMMENCE PAYMENT OF THE RENT PAYMENTS FOR THE EQUIPMENT IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED IN LEASE SCHEDULE WITH THE FIRST RENT PAYMENT BEING DUE ON JUNE 26, 2014_______ . Village of Westchester (“Lessee”) By: Title: 54 C03 INFORMATION REQUEST LESSEE NAME: ________Village of Westchester___________________________ FEDERAL TAX I.D. #______________________________________________________ BILLING ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________ Billing Contact ________________________________________________________________________ Street Address or Post Office Box ________________________________________________________________________ City, State and Zip ________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number Fax Number PHYSICAL ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT): ________________________________________________________________________ Street Address or Post Office Box ________________________________________________________________________ City, State and Zip Require Board Approval for Payments? _______ Yes _______ No Board Meeting Date? ___________________ Require signed vouchers for payments? _______ Yes _______ No We typically mail our invoices 30 days in advance. Taking into account a 7-day mail period, do you foresee any problem that would prevent the payment from being received on or before the due date? ______ Yes _______ No Please list any special instructions below: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____ 55 MEMORANDUM February 18, 2014 TO: President Sam Pulia FROM: Mark Wrzeszcz SUBJECT: Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Authorized Municipality In January MWRD sent a letter to all Cook County municipalities requesting them to decide if they want to become an authorized municipality regarding administering the Watershed Management Ordinance (WMO). CBBEL is preparing the Technical Guidance Manual for the MWRD and will be conducting training sessions for MWRD staff, municipal staff and consultants. The WMO is effective May 1, 2014. We asked MWRD staff for guidance on a few of the requirements for the authorized municipality. The WMO will regulate floodplains and wetlands which the current Sewer Permit Ordinance does not. We recommend having the Village “authorized” if they want some control over the administration of the WMO. Attached is a draft letter from the Village to Dr. Catherine O’Connor that the Village needs to complete to start the authorization process. Some tips on the requirements of the letter: 1. Legal Opinion – have the Village attorney write a letter that addresses items a through e. 2. The Finance Director needs to prepare a statement addressing item #2 and preferably include a section of the municipal budget that shows what they budget or how they pay for reviews on a yearly basis. 3. The Village should estimate the number of permits per year and describe how they will handle the load. It is best to quote historical numbers and outline the review process. MWRD wants to see the process on the municipal website so that any developer would be able to get a packet of information off the website and know who at the municipality to call or send information. 4. If the Village wants to charge permit fees it is no problem. They need to inform the District of the fee schedule. 5. This is self-explanatory. (CBBEL to address) 6. The Enforcement Officer section of the attached Contact Information Sheet needs to be completed. We recommend the draft IGA (attached) be reviewed by the Village attorney as well. The MWRD will initiate the IGA with the community once the Letter of Intent is completed and processed at MWRD. CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE ENGINEERING, LTD. 9575 W Higgins Road, Suite 600 Rosemont, Illinois 60018-4920 Tel (847) 823-0500 Fax (847) 823-0520 56 MEMORANDUM Additionally, the MWRD will be requesting a list of grandfathered projects from each municipality. To be on the grandfathered list a development must have received preliminary approval from the municipality. The grandfathered list expires on 5/1/15. The “preliminary approval” is generic because it means something different in every community. This gives the municipality the ability to define what “preliminary approval” means for them. N:\WESTCHESTER\Admin Misc\MWRD\Authorized Municipality Memo 021414.docx CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE ENGINEERING, LTD. 9575 W Higgins Road, Suite 600 Rosemont, Illinois 60018-4920 Tel (847) 823-0500 Fax (847) 823-0520 57 February 17, 2014 Dr. Catherine A. O’Connor, Ph.D., P.E. Director of Engineering Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago 100 E. Erie Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 Dear Dr. O’Connor: Subject: Intent to become an authorized municipality to administer the Watershed Management Ordinance The Village of Westchester (“municipality”) intends to become authorized to administer the Watershed Management Ordinance (“WMO”) to the extent allowed by Article 14 of that ordinance. The municipality designates Mr./Ms. __________________ as the municipality’s enforcement officer. All correspondence should be directed to Mr./Ms. ________________’s attention at the following address: Village of Westchester 10300 W. Roosevelt Road Westchester, IL 60154 Please find the following documents enclosed in support of this letter of intent. 1. Legal Opinion indicating the municipality has legal authority to perform all obligations required by the WMO, including: a. Regulating erosion and sediment control, stormwater management, floodplains, isolated wetlands, and riparian environments; b. Conducting inspections on private property; c. Issuing watershed management permits; d. Administering the WMO; and e. Entering into an intergovernmental agreement with the District. 2. A verified statement of financial capacity to perform and adequately fund the municipality’s obligations related to the administration of the WMO as set forth in Article 14 of that ordinance. 3. An implementation plan, with an estimate of permit load and available review staff. 4. Schedule of Permit Fees. 5. An exhibit delineating the corporate limits of the municipality for the purposes of administering the WMO. Note that areas within the limits of the Combined Sewer Area Limits cannot be locally administered. 6. Contact information sheet. Please contact the municipality’s enforcement officer at (708) 345-0020 if you require further information. Very truly yours, President Sam Pulia 58 Contact Information Sheet The Village of Westchester intends to become authorized to administer the Cook County Watershed Management Ordinance. Below is contact information for the Villages’s Enforcement Officer, Professional Engineer, and Wetland Specialist. Enforcement Officer NAME: TITLE: ORGANIZATION: Village of Westchester STREET ADDRESS: 10300 W. Roosevelt Road CITY, STATE, ZIP: Westchester, IL 60154 PHONE: 708-345-0020 FAX: 708-345-2873 EMAIL: Professional Engineer NAME: Jerry Robinson, PE, CFM TITLE: Project Manger ORGANIZATION: Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. STREET ADDRESS: 9575 W. Higgins Road CITY, STATE, ZIP: Rosemont, IL 60018 PHONE: 847-823-0500 FAX: 847-823-0520 EMAIL: NAME: Jedd Anderson, PWS, CWS, CPESC TITLE: VP, Head, Environmental Resources Department ORGANIZATION: Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. STREET ADDRESS: 9575 W. Higgins Road CITY, STATE, ZIP: Rosemont, IL 60018 PHONE: 847-823-0500 FAX: 847-823-0520 EMAIL: N:\WESTCHESTER\Admin Misc\MWRD\Contact_Information_Form.docx 59 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE TOWN/VILLAGE/CITY OF' AND THE METROPOLITAN \ryATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ADMINISTER THE WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (hereinafter the "Agreement") is entered into this ,201_, by and between the Metropolitan'Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, a municipal corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois (hereinafter the "District") and the Town/City/Village a of municipal corporation and home rule / non-home rule unit of govemment organized and existing under Article VII, Section (6 for home rule / 7 for non-home rule) of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois (hereinafter the "Municipality'). WITNESSETH: 093-1049 (hereinafter the 'Act"); T \ilHEREAS, on November 17,2004, the Illinois General Assembly passed Public Act and AF \ryHEREAS, the Act declares that stormwater management in Cook County shall be under the general supervision of the District; and WHEREAS, the Act specifically authorizes the District to prescribe by ordinance reasonable rules and regulations for floodplain and stormwater management and for governing R the location, width, course, and release rate of all stormwater runoffchannels, streams, and basins in Cook County; and D WHEREAS, the Watershed Management Ordinance (hereinafter the "'WMO"), attached hereto as Exhibit l, was adopted by the District's Board of Commissioners on October 3,2013 and became effective on May I,2014; and \ryHEREAS, the Municipality is located in its entirety or partially within the boundaries of Cook County; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 14 of the WMO, the District may authorize municipalities to locally administer certain provisions of the WMO; and WIIEREAS, on _,20_- the Municipality submitted a letter of intent to the District in which the Municipality expressed its desire to administer the WMO within the Municipality's corporate limits as an authorized municipality in conformance with the provisions ofthe WMO; and \ilHEREAS, pursuant to the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5ll Municipality has the authority to adopt the WMO by reference; and 60 et seq.,the WHEREAS, on __, 20 _, the Municipality's adopted the WMO by reference; and \ryHEREAS, the WMO may be administered more effectively with the Municipality and District cooperating and using their joint efforts and resources most efficiently; and \ilHEREAS, the Intergovemmental Cooperation Act, 5 LLCS220/l 10 of et seq., and Section Article VII of the Illinois Constitution, allow and encourage intergovernmental cooperation; and WHEREAS, on , the District's Board of Commissioners authorized the District to enter into an intergovemmental agreement with the Municipality; and WHEREAS, on , the Municipality's T authorized the Municipality to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the District; and NO\ry THEREFORE, in consideration of the matters set forth, the mutual covenants and agreements contained in this agreement and other good and valuable consideration, the ,Ar.fiolp f AF Municipality and District hereby agree as follows: fnonrnnrqfinn nf Rpoifqls The recitals set fofh above are incorporated herein by R reference and made a part hereof. a 1. The Municipality shall administer the WMO within its corporate limits in conformance 2. 3. 4. D with the provisions of the WMO. The District shall provide oversight of the Municipality's administration of the WMO. Both the Municipality and the Districtshall comply with the provisions of the WMO. The Municipality shall participate actively in the regular phase of the National Flood Insurance Program. The Municipality shall notifr the District promptly if the Municipality is not in full compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program. 5. The Municipality shall appoint an Enforcement Officer (hereinafter "Enforcement Offrcer") and provide the District with the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the appointed Enforcement Offrcer. The Municipalþ shall promptly noti$ the District in any change of Enforcement Offrcer by the manner provided in Article 25 below. 6. The Municipality shall either employ or retain adequate staff for all of the following positions: 2 61 a. An Enforcement OfÍicer; b. Professional Engineer(s) licensed by the State of Illinois (hereinafter "Professional Engineer"); and c. Wetland specialist(s). 7. The District shall promptly notify the Municipality of any amendments the mannerprovided in to the WMO by Aficle 25 below. The Municipality shall adopt all amendments to the WMO by reference. Ârficle 1^ Iñ/øfershpd Mnnqoornenf Perrnils l. The Municipality shall review watershed management permit applications for development activities enumerated in Seotion 201.1of the V/MO, which aroproposed within the Municipality's corporate limits. The Municipality shall use the watershed T management permit applications, forms, numbering conventions, and schedules supplied by the District. The Municipality shall contact the District's Permit Unit to obtain a 2. AF permit number for all new permits. The Municipality shall not review a watershed management permit application for any development activity enumerated in Section 201.2 of the V/MO. The Municipality shall forward any watershed management permit applications containing aproposed R development activity enumerated in Section 201.2 to the Dishict for the District's review and approval. 3. The Municipality shall not issue a watershed management permit for development 4. D activities within a combined sewer area as delineated on Exhibit 2. The Municipality may establish a schedule of permit fees for watershed management permits in accordance with the provisions of the WMO, which may be amended from time to time. The Municipality shall notiff the District promptly by letter of any change in established permit fees. 5. The Municipality shall timely review all watershed management permit applications and respond within: a. Fifteen working days of an initial submittal for developments not involving flood protection areas; b. Thirty working days of an initial submittal for developments involving flood protection areas; and c. Ten working days of a resubmittal. 3 62 6. The Municipality shall issue watershed managementpermits for development activities enumerated in Section 201.1 of the WMO proposed within the District's corporate limits, which are in conformance with the terms and conditions of the WMO. 7. The Municipality shall have a Professional Engineer review all engineering information and plans prepared for the development by a Professional Engineer. 8. The Municipality shall conduct a pre-application meeting at the request of an applicant for a watershed management permit. For any unresolved questions from the pre-application meeting, the District shall make its best efforts to be available for an additional joint meeting to resolve such questions. 9. The Municipality shall not issue watershed management permits for proposed developnients that do rtot comply with the provisions of the WMO. 10. The Municipality shall not issue any variance to the WMO. All petitions for variance 11. The T shall be submitted to the District in accordance with the requirements of the WMO. Municipality shall not hear any appeals. All petitions for appeal shall be submitted to 12. Upon request, the AF the District in accordance with the requirements of the WMO. Municipality shall reasonably cooperate with the District on administrative proceedings related to variances, appeals, and violations of the WMO. The Municipalit5r's reasonable cooperation shall include assistance in the form of supporting R documents, information, and, if necessary, testimony. Article 4. Records. The Municipality shall maintain all of the following records electronically for D l. developments within the Municipality's corporate limits a. Watershed management b. Record drawings; c. : permits issued within the Municipality; Structue improvement data; d. Wetland mitigation bank credits; e. Elevation certificates; f. Floodproofi ng certificates; g. Base flood data and base flood maps; and h. Letters of Map Changes, including but not limited to, Conditional Letters of Map Revision, Letters of Map Revision, and Letters of Map Amendment. 4 63 The Municipality shall transmit a copy of all records specified in Article 4, Section I of this Agreement to the Permit Unit of the District within ten business days of receipt by the Municipality. The District may conduct inspections to verify that the Municipality is properly maintaining records as required by this Article. Article 5. Inspections. l. The Municipality shall inspect construction related to any development activity within the Municipality that requires a watershed management permit. The Municipality shall ensure that any development within its corporate limits is constructed in conformance with the requirements of both the WMO and any issued watershed managernent permit. 2. The Districtmay inspect any development subject to a watershed management permit T within the Municipality to ensure compliance with both the watershed management permit and the WMO. Any inspections performed pursuant to this Agreement shall be conducted in accordance AF 3. with the WMO and all other applicable local, state, and federal laws. Article 6. Trainins. Article Stop-Work Orders. The Municipality is authorized to issue an order requiring the suspension of construction D l. 7. R District or its designee. The Municipality shall participate in training as conducted by the of a development that is subject to the WMO. 2. A stop-work,order shall: a. Be in writing; b. Indicate the reason for its issuance; and c. Order the action, if any, necessary to resolve the circumstances requiring the stopwork order. 3. One copy of the stop-work order shall be posted on the property in a conspicuous location and one copy shall be delivered by Registered Mail, Return Receþ Requested, or personal delivery to the permittee/co-permittee, and./or to the property owner or his/her agent. Additionally, one copy of the stop-work order shall be provided to the District 64 within 24 hours of its issuance pursuant to the notice procedures set forth in Article 26 below. 4. The stop-work order shall state the conditions under which the construction of the subject development may be resumed. The Municipality shall issue a stop-work order if: a. A development is proceeding in a manner which creates imminent hazard of severe harm to persons, property, or the environment on or b. offthe site; A development is occuning in violation of a requirement of the WMO, or of watershed management permit, and the Municipality has determined a it is necessary to halt ongoing development activity to avoid continuing or additional violations ' and where signlficant costs and effort would be incurred should the offending development activity be allowed to continue; or management permit is required is T c. A development for which a watershed proceeding without issuance of a watershed management permit. In such instance, AF the stop-work order shall state that the order terminates when the required watershed management permit is properly obtained. The Municipality shall not hear any appeals of its stop-work orders. Such appeals may R only be heard by the District in accordance with the provisions of the WMO. Article 8. Violations. l. The Municipality shall investigate complaints of violation of either the WMO or a 2. D watershed management permit. The Municipality shall notiff the District within 72 hours of any suspected violation of either the WMO or a watershed management,permit within the Municipahty. 3. The District shall solely conduct all administrative proceedings to remedy violations. Article 9. Audits. l. The District may audit the Municipality periodically to ensure proper administration of the ÌWMO. During an audit, the District may: a. b. Inspect and copy pertinent records kept by the Municipality; Inspect and copy watershed mrnagement permits issued by the Municipality; c. Meet with staff of the Municipality, which may include the Enforcement Professional Engineer, and wetland specialist; 6 65 Offrcer, d. Conduct field inspections of developments permitted by the Municipality; e. Request and copy financial records of the Municipality; f. Verify that the Municipality complies with all requirements listed in Article 14, Section 1402.2 of the WMO; g. Verifr that the Municipality does not violate any provision listed in Article 14, Section 1402.3 of the WMO; and h. Verify compliance with this Agreement. The District shall promptly notify the Municipality of any deficiency with respect to any provision of this Agreement or the WMO, which the Municipality must remedy within thirty (30) calendar days. In cases where a deficiency cannot be remedied within thirty (30) calendar days, the Distriot may grant a time oxtension to the Munioipality. If the Municipality does not remedy the deficiency as required by Article 8, Section 2 of Article 11 of this Agreement. AF accordance with T this Agreement, the District may either terminate or suspend this Agreement in . The Municipality may, at its option, and upon giving a sixty (60) day written notice to the District in the manner provided in Article 26 below, terminate this Agreement. 1. R Arfiale 1l ^ Srrsnension nr Terrninnfinn hw fhe fìicfrinf- The Dishict may terminate this agreement for any of the following reasons: D a. Failure to comply with any provision of Section 1402.2 of the WMO; b. Violation of any provision of Section 14023 of the WMO; or c. Breach ofthis Agreement; 2. The District may alsô terminate this AgreenÍent if the Municipalíty's legal authority to delegate the administration of the WMO is revoked by statute, ordinance, or court order; 3. The District shall provide written notice to the Municipality if the Municipality does not meet all requirements of either this Agreement or the WMO, to enable the Municipality to correct such deficiencies. 4. If the Municipality does not meet all requirements of either this Agreement or the WMO, then, at the discretion of the District, the District may at any time suspend the Municipality's status as an Authorized Municipality, including its authority to issue watershed management permits. Such suspension shall speciff all deficiencies necessary to be remedied. 7 66 The District may terminate this Agreement and the Municipality's status as an Authorized Municipality if the Municipality does not meet all requirements of either this Agreement or the WMO. If the Municipality's status as an Authorized Municipality is either suspended or terminated, the Municipality may petition the District's Director of Engineering in the manner prescribed by the WMO for reauthorization after all deficiencies are remedied. Article 12. Duration. This Agreement becomes effective on the date that the last signature is affixed hereto, which shall be date inserted on the fìrst page hereof. Subject to the terms and conditions of Articles l0 and l1 above, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for perpetuþ. Article l3- Non-Assiqnment Neither party may assign its rights hereunder without the written T consent of the other party. AF Article 14. \Maiver of Personal Liabilitv. No offrcial, employee, or agent of either party to this Agreement shall be charged personally by the other party with any liability or expenses of defense incurred as a result of the exercise of any rights, privileges, or authority granted herein, nor shall he or she be held personally liable under any term or provision of this Agreement, or because of a party's execution or attempted execution of this Agreement, or of any R breach of this Agreement. because D Article 15. Indemnification. The Municipality shall defend, indemniff, and hold harmless the District, its commissioners, officers, employees, and other agents ("Disfüct Party") from liabilities of every kind, including losses, damages and reasonable costs, payments and expenses (such as, but not limited to, court costs and reasonable attomeys' fees and disbursements), claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, judgments or settlements, any or all of which are asserted by any individual, private entity, or public entity against the District Party and a¡ise out of, or are in any way related to any authority, duty, or obligation bestowed on the Municipalþ pursuant to this Agreement and/or the WMO. Article 16. Covenents. Renresentations. and Warranties of the Municinalitv. The Municipalþ covenants, represents, and warrants as follows: (1) The Municipality participates in the regular phase of the National Flood Insurance Program and is in full compliance with the program; Ø The Municipality has legal authority to perform all responsibilities of an authorized municipality required by the WMO and this Agreement; 8 67 (3) The Municipalþ has legal authority to adopt the WMO and has adopted the WMO, including all amendments, by reference; (4) The Municipality has full authority to execute, deliver, and perform or cause to be performed this Agreement; (s) The individuals signing this Agreement and all other documents executed on behalf of the Municipalþ are duly authorized to sign same on behalf of and to bind the Municipality; (6) No conflict of interest exists for any engineer employed or retained by the Municipality to perform work or provide services related to, or arising out of, the Municipality's administration of the WMO. (7) The execution and delivery of this Agreement, consummation of the transactions provided for herein, and the fulfillrnent of the terms hereof will not result in any breach of any of the terms or provisions of or constitute a default under any agreement of the Municipality or any instrument to which the Municipality is bound decree, or order of any cor¡rt or governmental body or T or any judgment, AF applicable law, rule, or regulation. any Article 17. Covenants. Representations. and Warranties of the District. The District covenants, represents, and warrants as follows: (1) The District has full authority to execute, deliver, and perform or cause to be performed this Agreement; The individuals signing this Agreement and all other documents executed on behalf R (2) of the District are duly authorized to sign same on behalf of and to bind the District; (3) The execution and delivery of this Agreement, consuûrmation of the transactions will not result in any breach of any of the terms or provisions of or constitute a default under any D provided for herein, and the fulfillment of the terms hereof agreement of the District or any instrument to which the District is bound or any judgment, decree, or order of any court or goverhmental body or any applicable law, rule, or regulation. Article 18. Disclaimers. This Agreement is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to confer any rights, privileges, or authority not permitted by Illinois law. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to establish a contractual relationship between the District and any party other thanthe Municipality. Article 19. \ilaivers. Whenever a party to this Agreement by proper authority waives the other party's performance in any respect or waives a requirement or condition to performance, the waiver so ganted, whether express or implied, shall only apply to the particular instance and 9 68 shall not be deemed a waiver for subsequent instances of the performance, requirement, or condition. No such waiver shall be construed as a modification of this Agreement regardless of the number oftimes the performance, requirement, or condition may have been waived. Article 20. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability will not affect any other provisions of this Agreement, and this Agreement will be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision has never been contained herein. The remaining provisions will remain in full force and will not be affected by the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision or by its severance. In lieu of such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision, there will be added automatically as part of this Agreement a provision as similar in its terms to such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal, valid, and enforceable. AF T Article 21. I)eemed Inclusion. Provisions required (as of the effective date) by law, ordinances, rules, regulations, or executive orders to be inserted in this Agreement are deemed inserted in this Agreement whether or not they appear in this Agreement or, upon application by either party, this Agreement will be amended to make the insertions. However, in no event will the failure to insert such provisions before or after this Agreement is signed prevent its enforcement. R Article 22. Entire Asreement. This Agreement, and any exhibits or riders attached hereto, shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. No other warranties, inducements, considerations, promises, or interpretations shall be implied or impressed upon this Agreement D that are not expressly set forth herein. Article 23. Amendments. This Agreement shall not be amended unless it is done so in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of both parties. Article 24. References to Documents. All references in this Agreement to any exhibit or document shall be deemed to include all supplements and/or authorized amendments to any such exhibits or documents to which both parties hereto are privy. Arficle 25 -fndioirl rn¡l Ârfnrinisfrøfive Reme¡lips- The parties agree that this Agreement and any subsequent Amendment shall be govemed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of Illinois in all respects, including matters of construction, validity, and performance. The parties fi¡rther agree that the proper venue to l0 69 resolve any dispute which may arise out of this Agreement is the appropriate Court of competent jurisdiction located in Cook County, Illinois. This Agreement shall not be construed against a party by reason of who prepared it. Each party agrees to provide a certified copy of the ordinance, bylaw, or other authority to evidence the reasonable satisfaction of the other party that the person signing this Agreement for such party is authorized to do so and that this Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of such party. The rights and remedies of the District or the Municipality shall be cumulative, and election by the District or the Municipality of any single remedy shall not constitute a waiver of any other remedy that such party may pursue under this Agreement. T Article 26. Notices. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, any and all notices given in connection with this Agreement shall be deemed adequately given only if in writing and addressed to the party for whom such notices are intended at the address set fofh below. All AF notices shall be sent by personal delivery, UPS, Fed Ex or other overnight messenger service, first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, retum receipt requested, or by facsimile. A written notice shall be deemed to have been given to the recipient party on the earlier of (a) the date it is hand-delivered to the address required by this Agreement; (b) with respect to notices sent by mail, two days (excluding Sundays and federal holidays) following R the date it is properly addressed and placed in the U.S. Mail, with proper postage prepaid; or D (c) with respect to notices sent by fagsimile, on the date sent, if sent to the facsimile number(s) set forth below and upon proof of delivery as evidenced by the sending fax machine. The name of this Agreement i.e., "INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BY AND TI{E AND BETIWEEN THE TOWNA/ILLAGE/CITY OF METROPOLITA}I WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHIqAGO FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ADMINISTER THE I|VATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE" must be prominently featured in the heading of all notices sent hereunder. Any and all notices referred to in this Agreement, or that either party desires to give to the other, shall be addressed as set forth in Article 27, unless otherwise specified and agreed to by the parties: Article 27. Renresentatives. Immediately upon execution of this Agleement, the following individuals will represent the parties as a primary contact and receive notice in all matters under this Agreement. 1l 70 Districfl Engineering For the Director of Metropolitan'WaterReclamationDishict Chicago Street 6061I For the Municipality: Enforcement Officer StreetAddress Municipality,Illinois ZIP Phone: QOOQ )OO(-X)OO( FÆ{: (ÐO{) )OO(-XXXX of Greater 100 East Erie Chicago, Illinois Phone: (312)751-3169 (312) 751-5681 FAX: Each party agrees to promptly notiff the other party of any change in its designated representative, which notice shall include the name, address, telephone number and fax D R AF T number of the representative for such party for the purpose hereof. 12 71 IN WITIYESS WIIEREOF, the Metopolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago and the Town/Village/City of the parties hereto, have each caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first above written by their duly authorized officers, duly attested and their seals hereunto affixed. IN WITNESS \ryHEREOF, the Municipality day of has executed this Agreement on the ,201_. VILLAGE/CITY OF BY: T XX )O(, TO'rWNA/illage I City President AF ATTEST: D R )O( )OOO(, Town/Village/ City Clerk T3 72 METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO Chairman ofthe Committee on Finance Executive Director ATTEST: Date Date R Assistant Director of Engineering Date AF Engineer of Stormwater Management T APPROVED AS TO ENGINEERING, OPERATIONS, AND TECHMCAL MATTERS: Date D Director of Engineering Director of Maintenance and Operations Date Director of Monitoring and Research Date APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Head AssistantAttomey Date General Counsel Date t4 73