August-September 2013


August-September 2013
muNICIpALIty of
August / September 2013
Vol. 04 – No. 05
81, rue Lambton
Ormstown (QC) J0S 1K0
Tél. : (450) 829-2625
Fax : (450) 829-4162
Mural painted during Expo Ormstown
for the 100th edition which will
take place in 2014
The Ormstown Municipal Council would
like to congratulate and thank the organisers
and volunteers involved in Expo Ormstown.
In spite of the rain, the 2013 Edition was
as always great fun for everyone.
Again this year, we helped promote this major
event by advertising in Châteauguay and
Valleyfield, as well as with the decorations,
buggy rides and street animation!
See you next year!
© Tricia O’N
Message from the Mayor . . . . 2
The Municipality in Sho rt . . . . 3
Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Librar y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Reminder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Mr. Jacques Lapierre
M ess a ge from the Mayor
Councillor, seat #01
Mr. Michel Tudino
Councillor, seat #02
Mr. Jacques Guilbault
Councillor, seat #03
Mr. Steven Lalonde
Councillor, seat #04
Mrs. Florence Bérard
Councillor, seat #05
Mr. Jean Côté
Councillor, seat #06
Mr. Stéphane van Sundert
General Manager and Secretary Treasurer:
Daniel Théroux
Public Works:
Marie Lalonde
Director/Chief – Fire Department:
Stephen Knox
Dear Fellow Citizens,
Summer is already in full swing and time flies during this very active
season in our region.
At the Municipal office, we too are experiencing the busyness and
some of our many ongoing files date back more than ten years. One in
particular that I would like to highlight could very soon become a reality
and constitutes a considerable move forward for the Municipality of
Ormstown and the entire Haut-Saint-Laurent region. This is the bicycle
path which after being contested in various ways may soon go ahead.
Collaboration among the MRC, the majority of mayors in the region and
the Howick, Très Saint-Sacrement and Ormstown Municipal Councils has
made it possible to resolve all the issues raised over the last 15 years
regarding this project.
As of this fall or at the latest the spring of 2014, everyone in Ormstown
and the MRC as a whole can enjoy this new service and finally become
part of the Quebec network of bike paths.
Pres. – Planning & Heritage Advisory Committee:
René Allen
In closing, you probably already know that all Quebec municipalities
will hold elections this coming November 3rd. We are counting on
our citizens’ energy and commitment to submit their candidatures for
mayor or councilor for the municipality of Ormstown. With summer well
underway, now is the perfect time to think about how you could
participate in the future of your community.
Business Hours:
Monday through Friday: 8:00 am to 12 noon
and 1 pm to 5:00 pm
Jacques Lapierre,
Mayor of Ormstown
Emergency Measures Coordinator:
Jacques Lapierre
Municipal Inspector
Gabriel Auger
Editing and proofreading: Communications
Division of the Municipality of Ormstown
Translation: Cathleen Johnston
Graphic Design: Valérie Duquette Design Graphique
Print Production: Multi-Graph
The ‘‘Ormstown Voice’’ Newsletter is published every two months and is
distributed at around the beginning of the month. Organizations in the
municipality and those in charge of activities are invited to send in their articles
or news before the 5th of the preceding month. Articles should be forwarded
as Word files with photographs in separate files (JPG or BMP) by email
2 /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// Au g u s t - S e p t e m b e r
the muNICIpALIty IN brIef
somE of thE
dEcisions madE
BY Your municipal
council during
thE JunE mEEting
• Adoption of By-laws # 22.6-2013
and 65.2-2013 to amend a construction
by-law and a by-law for the PIIA;
• Hire employees for the 2013 summer
day camp;
• Post the position for a Director
of Public Works;
• Activities for Expo Ormstown:
Street animation & buggy rides
• Purchase a sign for Lindsay-Cullen Park;
• Service offer for town planning
to amend zoning by-law;
• Call for tenders for a new
garbage contract.
garagE salEs
Ormstown residents will be permitted
to hold garage sales on
sEptEmBEr 6th, 7th and 8th,
Please call the Town Hall at 450 829-2625
to register before August 20th.
The locations of these garage sales will be
listed in a pamphlet which will be prepared
by the municipality. They will be available at various local merchants. It is free!
Please remember that garage sales are
only permitted on designated weekends
approved by the municipality.
thE nExt collEction
datEs of housEhold
haZardous wastE
Computers and other electrical
devices are:
saturday, august 24th, from 8:30am
until 4pm in saint-anicet
saturday, september 21st, from 8:30am
until 4pm in sainte-Barbe
Complete list of accepted items:
wastE managEmEnt
important datEs
to rEmEmBEr:
September 10th and November 12th
a fEw tricks
for rEducing
laBour daY
August 20th, September 17th,
October 1st & 15th and November 5th & 19th
Please note that the Town Hall will
be closed monday, september 2nd.
ECO-CENTER: August 10th and 24th,
September 7th and 21st.
watEring in thE summEr
We are asking ALL CITIZENS with property
on the aqueduct for their collaboration in
reducing water consumption. Even during
heat waves, water must not be wasted.
a fEw tricks:
• There is no need to water lawns. They
will be green again with the next rain.
• Using a water gun to wash your
car will greatly reduce consumption.
• Sweep your walkway instead
of using water.
2013 municipal taxEs
• When watering your garden or flowers,
keep the water within the intended area.
Don’t forget the 3rd and final instalment
is due on october 1st, 2013.
• If possible, gather rain water in a barrel
for use on your garden or flowers.
The Eco-Center accepts some building
materials and some HHW (Household
Hazardous Waste). It is open every second
saturday from 9am to noon. It is situated
at the Salt Warehouse, at 9 St-Paul St.
the next dates are: august 10th
and 24th, september 7th and 21st,
october 5th and 19th
August - september /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// 3
st-JEan BaptistE sociEtY,
ormstown sEctor
annual Brunch
sunday, september 22nd,
2013 from 10 am to 1 pm
location: La Cabane à Camille, 226,
Route 236, at St-Stanislas de kostka
cost: $ 16 / Children (5 to 12 years old): $ 8
Under 5 : free
Jeannette Métras au 450 829-2276
Yvonne Grenier au 450 829-3398
optimist cluB
The Optimist Club wishes to thank all those
who purchased Opti-travel tickets.
The money collected was used to organize several
events at lower cost for families in the region.
Thank you and see you next year.
thE following is our
opti-VoYagEs winnEr:
Joanne ovans
Congratulations, and Bon Voyage !!!
drEam carEEr
Once again, the Optimist Club has organized
this year’s Dream Career activity which
allows two winners to spend a day with a
professional to learn more about a profession
they are interested in for the future.
Bravo to the winners!
laurie théorêt : Journalist
matthews Beaudin : Hockey player
do You haVE odd JoBs
to do around thE housE
this summEr?
Why not take advantage of the short
summer season and leave your odd jobs
to the young people of the Youth services
cooperative Jeunefficace?
For the past 15 years this summer project
composed of young people between the ages
of 13 and 17 has offered its services throughout
the MRC of the Haut-St-Laurent. Since June 28th,
a group of dynamic and efficient coop members
are available to do your odd jobs. Here are some
examples of the services offered: babysitting,
cutting the grass, gardening, painting, cleaning,
etc., all at an affordable price. So don’t hesitate
to let us know what your needs are.
The project’s coordinators, Mathieu Lorange
and Catherine Rolland, are available to
take your information; they can be contacted
at 450 264-5858 or by email at A project
of the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Huntingdon.
We would like to thank you for your support.
confErEncE for
parEnts discoVEr Your
parEntal powEr
discoVEr a nEw and EffEctiVE
waY to intEract with Your child.
The conference will be given by Marjolaine
Cadotte who has 30 years experience.
A parent’s love, when understood by a
child, is more likely than anything else to:
• Ensure his resilience when faced
with life’s tests,
• Give him self esteem for the future,
• Give him the ability to love,
and above all feel loved.
friday, september 13, 2013
at 7:30 p.m. at the recreation centre
friday, october 11, 2013 at 7:30
at the plaza hotel, Valleyfield
Cost: $20 per person
Information: Marjolaine Cadotte 450 829-3324
thE ormstown
lions cluB
would like to thank the sponsors and
everyone who bought tickets for the duck
thE winnErs arE as follows:
$ 3 000: Jean-François Blais
$ 1 000: Raymond Labelle
$ 250: Johanne Primeau, R.A. Anderson
$ 100: Anita Daoust, Daniel Dumas,
Kelly-Ann Himbeault, Jim Barrett,
Denis Roy, Denis Mailhot
Once again THANK YOU and see you
next year !
list of organiZations that
will rEcEiVE a donation from
all tickEt salEs to thE 2012
Edition of thE ormstown lion’s
cluB annual duck racE
S.A.B.E.C. $ 2 500
* Conference in French
Fondation Cardio-Vasculaire de Valleyfield
et du Suroît: $ 1 500
Ormstown Soccer $ 2 000
Barrie-Memorial Hospital Foundation
$1 650
Thank you for the encouragement.
Your generosity helps bring happiness
to many.
Until next year.
BarriE mEmorial
womEns auxiliarY
B.B.Q. suppEr
Thank you to the 450 people who
came to support us.
Thank you to all of our volunteers
Thank you to L’HERMINE
for great service.
church BaZaar
10, Bridge St., Ormstown
august 9th: 8 :00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
august 10th: 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Snack bar
Rain or shine
Welcome to all
4 /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// Au g u s t - s e p t e m b e r
BarriE mEmorial
hospital BaZaar
It’s that time again, making jams, jellies,
pickles etc. When you do, please think
about setting some aside for the Hospital
Bazaar which will be held on November
2nd, 2013. Provincial food laws state that
Mason jars with new lids must be used.
Thank you!
citÉ dEs arts
A number of activities are offered
for people of all ages: learn to swim,
aqua fitness, diving, synchronised
swimming, underwater diving, boxing,
pre/post natal fitness, motor skill activities
for children aged 1 to 4, etc.
Visit us at
Telephone 450 373-6573.
cluB cardio
group fitnEss classEs
mondays and wednesdays
from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Starting August 28
Regular price
$112 – 2 classes a week for 8 weeks
$64 – 1 class a week for 8 weeks
$10 per class
Special for newcomers: 50% off for the first
session (Sept-Oct.) if registered until December
($56 + $112 =$168)
A further 10% off for two registrations
($157 per person)
info: gilles cloutier 514 296-5535
ZumBa fitnEss
with hEathEr
Yoga fall sEssion 2013
Every thursday night 7:30 to 8:30
At Notre Dame du Rosaire School
(8 Bridge St.)
starting september 5th
Registration: 1st class
$60 /10 classes (punch card)
$8 /class
Free trial
For info: heather diodati 450 264-8199
Anyone who purchases a card on
September 5th will have a chance to win
the cost of the card. A winner will be
chosen at the end of the first class.
militarY whist
Friday, August 23, 2013, from 7:30 p.m.
At the Ormstown Recreation Centre
martial duquette 450 829-3174
At McDougall Hall
Fall session starts on
thursday, september 12th
info & registration:
france 450 825-0492
or 514 704-0492
(BallEt, hip-hop/JaZZ,
With 30 years of experience, the Neva
Shelton Dance School, is again offering
a varied program of classes this year
for persons of all ages, in Ormstown,
Huntingdon, Valleyfield and Saint-Michel.
Visit our website for schedules,
cost and to register.
(No class on September 25th)
classes: 11 weeks
niVEaux :
Beginners from 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm
Intermediate from 5:00pm to 6:15 pm
11 weeks – 125 $
Seniors and students – 100 $
rEstoratiVE Yoga
november 17th, 2 to 4 pm
20 $ – At the Ormstown Recreation Center
BEllY dancing lEssons
ÉcolE dE dansE
nEVa shElton
With Elizabeth Chanona
450 247-2185
Yoga for flexibility, strength, breathing,
and relaxation.
sept 4 – nov 20
strEss rEduction
With Elizabeth Chanona
October 2 – November 20, 2013,
from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
And an all day retreat saturday nov 2,
2013 (in Hemmingford)
At the Ormstown Recreation Center
Price: $ 175
Info: 450 247-2185
BranchEs & roots music
fEstiVal ormstown:
fridaY 27th, saturdaY 28th
& sundaY 29th of sEptEmBEr 2013
The eleventh Branches & Roots Music
Festival, will open on Friday night at Cafe
Namasthe with well known Grammy
nominee Rik Palieri performing. Saturday’s
events will be held at CVR. In partnership
with «Journées de la culture» there will be
artisan kiosks and a «boite de chansons»
during the afternoon. In the evening there
will a concert with many talented artists.
Sunday’s afternoon Gospel concert in
the «Village Church» (former Presbyterian
Church) will close the festival. There is
much to attract music lovers of all ages.
For complete schedule, please
consult the website at:
August - september /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// 5
granBY Zoo actiVitY
in ormstown
rEcEnt frEnch
rEcEnt English
Bats and co.
La Maison des absents / Tana French
Une chanson douce / Mary Higgins Clark
Inferno / Dan Brown
Fais de beaux rêves, mon enfant / Massimo
Dans le pire des cas / James Patterson
et Michael Ledwidge
Sixkill / Robert B Parker
The king's Deception / Steve Berry
The First day of the Rest of My Life /
Cathy Lamb
The Endless Forest / Sara Donati
Fly Away / Kristin Hannah
French novels and reference
books for young people
English novels and reference
books for young people
Ce que j'aime de ma famille /
Trace Moroney
Ce que j'aime quand je joue /
Trace Moroney
Ce que j'aime lorsque je vais me coucher /
Trace Moroney
Mon journal full nul / Jim Benton
Dear Dumb Diary / Jim Benton
Morganville Vampires Tome I /
Rachel Caine
Morganville Vampires Tome II /
Rachel Caine
Morganville Vampires Tome III /
Rachel Caine
They say that bats get caught in
your hair, that they’re blind… Truth
or Fiction? We will answer these
questions and many more to demystify
these flying mammals. Children will
also be visited by a good witch!
Featuring costumes and disguises!
october 9, 2013 from
1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
At the Recreation Centre
Reservations can be made
at the Library as of October 1
(in person or by telephone during
opening hours at 450 829-3249.
put an End to ragwEEd !
Ragweed pollen causes hay fever and, occasionally, chronic sinusitis or asthma in people
allergic to it. Have you seen this plant ?
Pull it up or cut it down to ground level before the end of July.
This simple act will help improve the health of over one million Quebecers who are allergic
to ragweed pollen.
Put an end to ragweed as soon as possible !
dog licEncEs for
nEw rEsidEnts
All dogs must wear dog tags. Dog tags
may be purchased at the Town Hall during
business hours.
Dog tags make it faster to locate the owner
of a lost dog and avoid unnecessary worry.
complaints aBout dogs
lost or found dogs,
aggressive dogs, etc.
Contact Jacques Daoust directly at “Nutrition
Animal” 450 288-0011, Monday to Friday
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Outside these times, call Sûreté du Québec
at 450 310-4141 or from a cell phone: *4141.
Thank you for your collaboration!
6 /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// Au g u s t - s e p t e m b e r