ADAPTATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF VARPALOTA Graphic editing by: Rosalba Riccobene Federico Mensio ADAPTATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF VARPALOTA Similarly to the other member states of European Union, in most of the Hungarian cities and regions, air-pollution including the high concentration of particulate matter (PM) causes serious problems nowadays. The region of Várpalota is also implicated in this problem and its reduction. In the 90’s the municipality of Várpalota was severely affected by the cessation of mining and the related activities. After the end of the industrial activities, airquality of the city significantly improved as a result of the improvements of public utilities. In the recent years, however, the trends of processes indicate cause for concern again. It can be observed that the high percent of population of Várpalota have returned using solid fuel combustion (including solid fuels with high particulate matter emission) in the terraced houses and multifamily residential districts/zones which cause the increase of PM-concentration in winter periods. Thus, the emission of pollutants mainly generated by the population of Várpalota (traffic, domestic heating) instead of industrial activities. The heavy traffic on the main road No 8 running through the city centre can be consiedered one of the biggest source of pollutants. Personal and commercial heavy vehicles (trucks, buses etc) mean a significant environmental burden on the city centre and the neighbouring residential areas. Noise and air pollution are detectable and significant. Three major activities, some as a set of projects, have been defined: • Public awareness raising on the possibility to reduce air pollution. • Improvement of distance heating facility. • Construction of a by-pass road. The Adaption Action Plan is setting the managerial and financial perspectives and frameworks of these activities. These actions are only preliminary, but substantial steps for achieving the overall goal which is the permanent decrease of the air pollutants. It’s also important to mention that due to the scale of the actions the implementation (physical and financial) will be promoted at different levels ranging from local/municipal to the national one. Therefore the evaluation of each actions is difficult as should be taken at different level and scale. On 27th November 2013, the members of the Healthy Environment Platform (HEP) decided to make working groups to examine each problematic issues and to set pilots actions and plans to propose possible solutions for the above mentioned issues. Working group. 9 ADAPTATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF VARPALOTA Public awareness raising on reduction of air pollution Construction of a by-pass road This communication campaign is a so called “soft action” which targets selected social and age groups. It was considered that the direct impact on the air quality would be the weakest if the success of the awareness raising activity was uncertain. However it is an important initial step to help the people to be prepared on further similar activities. Municipality has to be the driving force of the action, but the professional and the civil and social bodies should be the catalyst of the process. The effectiveness of the action should be evaluated by municipal and civil expert applying direct data collection from the target groups. This action is a centrally, government-lead action. The scale of the investment needs centralised governmental planning and support, while the local government can provide administrative tasks. The planning process had been checked with a detailed financial and physical evaluations led by the responsible ministries. The results of this evaluations showed that a significant economic and environmental value will be achieved by the construction. The action, road construction, will be implemented by the State with close co-operation with the local government. Municipality of Várpalota has already done all the administrative and legal tasks necessary for finalisation of the route pass and for any additional environmental and financial studies. The road section is 8 km long and has 2x2 lines with physical separation. The construction also includes development of two railroad crosses and is planned to be started on 2014 and to be finished by 2016. The map shows the present track of main (blue line) road No.8 across the city, and the future track outside the builtup area (orange). The colours indicate the improvement of the air quality: bluish means decrease, while reddish increase of NO2 concentration. Improvement of distance heating facility Due to the rising prices of natural gas fuels and district heating rates, the wood and coal combustion is the more frequent in the area of Várpalota. It is mainly typical in the multifamily residential districts. Solid phase emissions of wood and coal combustion are significantly higher than the natural gas fuel or district heating-system emissions and it impact in the air-pollution indicators as well. In the coldest days of winter the population of Várpalota usually support the gas fuels with other heating methods like wood and coal combustion which exacerbates this situation increasing PM10 concentrations. To monitor the air-quality, the municipality of Várpalota established a monitoring station, situated in the centre, next to the most busy road of the city. Using the air-quality dataset and the infrastructure of heating-system of Várpalota, the working-group compared the most used heating methods and suggested many possibilities for implementing processes which can improve air-quality and decrease the PM10 concentration. 10 ADAPTATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF VARPALOTA On top: This map shows the technical plan of the new road, which curves Várpalota from south and provides a save and fast movements of goods along the east-west direction. On bottom: Improvement of the local distance heating network. 11 ADAPTATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF VARPALOTA TAB project web site: http://www.tabproject.eu to contact site staff: webmaster@tabproject.eu High percent of population of Várpalota is using solid fuel for heating, including wood and coal with high particulate matter emission. We’ve favoured the conversion towards the natural gas fuel or a district heating-system. Public awareness raising on reduction of air pollution is crucial. During the development plan of TAB Project, we’ve tried to set a communication campaign which targets selected social and age groups. During the development plan of TAB Project, we’ve identified the necessity of collecting data and alimenting a database with outputs easy to access by the citizens. To survey the air-quality the municipality of Várpalota established a monitoring station. This station is situated in the centre, next to the most trafficked road of the city. The heavy traffic (personal and commercial vehicles) on the main road No 8 running through the city centre can be considered one of the biggest source of pollutants. The construction of a by-pass road is a government-lead action supported by studies on the improvement of the air quality in the city centre. Municipality of Várpalota (HU) Kotzó Szabolcs: kotzo.szabolcs@varpalota.hu István Ferencsik: dr.ferencsik.istvan@planidea.hu 12