High-Power DC-DC Converter - E.ON Energy Research Center
High-Power DC-DC Converter - E.ON Energy Research Center
E.ON Energy Research Center Series High-Power DC-DC Converter Nils Soltau, Robert U. Lenke Rik W. De Doncker Volume 5, Issue 5 E.ON Energy Research Center Series High-Power DC-DC Converter Nils Soltau, Robert U. Lenke Rik W. De Doncker Volume 5, Issue 5 Contents 1 Executive Summary 1 2 Introduction 3 2.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 Target Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2.1 Collector Grids for Offshore Wind Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2.2 Collector Grids for Photovoltaic Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2.3 Distribution and Transmission Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2.4 Solid-State AC Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.2.5 Subsea Production Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.2.6 Technical Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.2.7 DC-DC Converter Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.3 Operation Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.4 Scope of Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3 Control Techniques 3.1 15 Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.1.1 State-Variable Averaging and State-Space Averaging . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.1.2 First Harmonic Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.1.3 Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.2 Instantaneous Current Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.3 Current and Voltage Feed-Back Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.4 Balancing Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4 Power-Electronic Switches and Soft-Switching Operation 27 4.1 Series Connection of IGCT’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.2 IGCTs under Soft-Switching Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4.3 Application in a Dual-Active Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.4 Auxiliary Resonant-Commutated Pole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5 Medium-Frequency Transformer 37 5.1 Review on Windings and Core Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 5.2 Core Losses in a Dual-Active Bridge Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 5.3 Design Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 i Contents 6 Demonstrator 47 6.1 Control Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 6.2 Converter Design and Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 6.3 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6.4 Derating due to Single-Phase Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 7 Conclusion 67 8 Further Steps and Future Development 68 9 Bibliography 70 10 Attachments 77 10.1 List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 10.2 List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 10.3 Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 10.4 Short CV of Scientists Involved in the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 10.5 Project Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 10.6 Activities within the Scope of the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 ii 1 Executive Summary Electrical energy distribution based on direct current (dc) have demonstrated superior performance as compared to conventional alternating current (ac) systems in low-voltage distribution networks (e.g. data centers) and in high-voltage point-to-point transmission systems. Highpower medium-voltage dc-dc converters are key enablers to establish dc energy distribution systems at medium-voltage level. The three-phase dual-active bridge dc-dc converter (DABC) has been identified as a promising topology for efficient, high-power dc-dc conversion due to its galvanic isolation, inherently low switching losses, bidirectional power control and small filter components. In this project, dynamic models of the DABC were developed for the first time to provide high-bandwidth, instantaneous current control, that enable fast response of the DABC to load variations (a full power step response without oscillations can be made within one third of a switching period). Furthermore, a current balancing control algorithm compensates the unbalanced effects of asymmetric impedances of the high-frequency transformer in the converter’s ac link. Based on these innovations, a controller could be developed that operates accurately and stable under all operating conditions using three-phase transformers with standard core design. The newly developed control mechanisms have been implemented on an industrial control platform to demonstrate feasibility and functionality. The great advantage of the DABC is its inherent soft-switching capability over a wide voltage operating range. Consequently, the switching losses in the power semiconductors are substantially reduced, especially, when lossless snubbers are used. In applications with elevated voltage rating, these snubbers additionally ensure the dynamic voltage balancing of series-connected devices. To benefit from the soft-switching operation mode over the entire operating range, auxiliary circuitry has been investigated, designed and demonstrated. It has been found that this circuitry offers the possibility of preventing short-circuiting the phase-legs of the converters. A key component of the DABC is a medium- to high-frequency transformer that connects the input and output bridges. This transformer is operated at elevated frequency which allows high power density and lower core losses as compared to 50 Hz transformers. Different core materials have been characterized and the core design was optimized through finite-element simulations and experiments. A compact 2.2 MVA single-phase prototype transformer was built to demonstrate the potential of medium-frequency voltage conversion. 1 Executive Summary Finally, a DABC with rated dc-link voltage of 5 kV and continuous power of 5 MW has been designed and constructed. The commissioning confirms the applicability of thyristor-based power-semiconductors and clarifies the advantages of the three-phase dual-active bridge converter compared to its single-phase equivalent – especially in high-power applications. 2 2 Introduction 2.1 Motivation In order to assure a responsible and safe energy generation in the future, certain trends can be observed worldwide. All over the world, people pursue the reduction of carbon emission and the fortification of renewable energy sources. Many experts believe that technically speaking, by 2030 the world’s electrical energy demand can be provided solely by renewable energy sources [1]. These sources are mostly decentralized, and the transmission and distribution of the electrical energy to urban areas is a major challenge [2]. The use of multi-terminal high-voltage dc (HVDC) transmission grids promises a very flexible and efficient way to transport energy over long distances [3–5]. Similarly, medium-voltage dc (MVDC) grids provide very flexible energy distribution within a smaller area like industrial areas and city quarters. Particularly, it has been shown that MVDC grids are feasible and that voltages and currents during fault conditions are manageable [6, 7]. In many publications, the benefits of MVDC as collector grids in wind farms [8–11] or solar power plants [12] are analyzed and demonstrated. Besides the transmission challenges, the increasing amount of renewables in the ac grid and the increased use of distributed generation have a huge impact on the power quality [13, 14]. To overcome the problems related to power fluctuation and the risk of voltage sags, storage systems stabilizing the grid are essential [15, 16]. These storage systems, for example battery energy storage systems (BESS), capacitor banks, flywheels, electrolyzers (power to gas) or gas turbines, have a dc output or an ac output with variable frequency. Systems with variable frequency outputs are usually connected to the ac grid via an ac-ac converter with intermediate dc link. Most decentralized power sources and storage systems can be connected to a dc grid more efficiently and with lower cost, because bulky 50 Hz filter components and transformers as well as lossy PWM inverters can be avoided. It is expected that in the near future energy management will benefit from dc grids. Multiterminal HVDC will be used to transmit bulk energy (tens of gigawatts) over large distances and MVDC grids will be the preferred technique for energy distribution and collector grids. DC technology enables an easy and efficient integration of storage systems. This is especially interesting for industrial areas to overcome expensive peak loads. One of the key-enabling components for high-voltage and medium-voltage dc grids is a dcdc converter, which is suitable for high-power applications. This dc-dc converter must be 3 Introduction very efficient (above 99 %), easy to control and should offer redundancy if desired. Moreover, galvanic isolation with high-voltage basic insulation level (BIL) requirements is need not only for safety reasons but also when several converter modules operate in series and in parallel connection. Concerning storage systems and distribution grids, a dc-dc converter must provide bidirectional power flow as well. Within this project, the potential and the performance of high-power dc-dc converters is evaluated and experimentally verified. Different topologies and their applicability in high-power applications are compared. The most suitable candidate for a high-power dc-dc converter, the three-phase dual-active bridge (DAB3), is investigated further. The key components of the DAB3, namely the semiconductor devices and the medium-frequency transformer, are analyzed towards their high-power handling capability. Based on the scientific findings, a demonstrator of a DAB3 in the megawatt range is constructed. 2.2 Target Applications A number of utility applications could potentially benefit from the availability of isolated high-power dc-dc converters, either by improving the economics of existing solutions or by providing extended or entirely new functionalities. This section provides an overview of these applications as well as of the related requirements of the dc-dc conversion stages. 2.2.1 Collector Grids for Offshore Wind Farms The capacity of offshore wind has tremendously increased over the last years. The development is depicted in Fig. 2.1. Since the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011 and the "Energiewende", public interest in offshore wind is growing even more. Several new offshore wind farms have reached an advanced planning stage. As technology develops and experience is being gained, the trend is to move large-scale wind farms into deeper waters [17]. Figure 2.2 shows the distance from the shore and the water depth of wind farms, planned for development after 2015. Furthermore, the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) assumes that wind farms, which are located around 100 km and more away from the shore, need a high-voltage dc (HVDC) connection to generate energy economically [18]. Therefore, a great number of future offshore wind farms will be connected by a multi-terminal HVDC station. The main reason for using dc is the long distance to the onshore grid access points. The long cables and the increased demand for reactive power compensation make an ac transmission less efficient [8]. 4 Introduction 1200 5000 1100 1000 Annual (MW) 800 700 3000 600 Cumulative (MW) 4000 900 500 2000 400 300 1000 200 100 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Annual 0 2 5 17 0 3 0 4 51 170 276 90 90 93 Cumulative 5 7 12 29 29 32 32 36 86 256 532 622 712 804 1,123 1,496 2,073 2,956 3,829 4,995 318 373 577 883 874 1,166 Source: EWEA Figure 2.1: Installed offshore wind capacity in Europe (1993-2012), Source: [17] 120 Distance to shore (km) 100 80 60 40 Online 20 Under construction Consented 0 20 10 20 30 Average Water depth (m) 40 50 Source: EWEA Figure 2.2: Distance and depth of planned offshore wind farms (bubble size represents windfarm capacity), Source: [17] 5 Introduction Figure 2.3: Schematic of a dc collector grid for offshore wind farms and the connection to different dc sinks Nowadays, the numerous wind turbines of one farm are connected via a 50 Hz ac collector grid. At a central station the voltage is stepped up and converted to high-voltage dc, e.g. ±500 kV. However, in classical designs at each wind turbine the 50 Hz ac voltage is generated from dc. The conversion to dc within the wind turbine is necessary as the wind generators output ac voltages of variable frequency. A more efficient and more reliable approach, however, is to eliminate the ac converter and convert from low-voltage dc to HVDC using a dc-dc converter [8], as shown Fig. 2.3. Not only would this be more efficient, but also heavy and bulky 50 Hz components could be avoided, which is especially effective in offshore application. An additional benefit of this dc collector field is the fact that dc storages such as battery energy storage systems and electrolyzers can also be connected to the dc grid more efficiently. Figure 2.4 shows different approaches to build a dc collector grid. The favorable topology depends on the output voltage of the wind generator and the size of the wind farm [8]. However, the need for dc-dc converters, rated at different power levels, is evident. One dc-dc converter has the same power rating as a wind generator. Depending on the generator, this can be 1 MW–10 MW. A second dc-dc converter, which might be needed to step up the voltage to HVDC level, corresponds to the power rating of the wind farm. This would be in the range of 0.1 GW–10 GW. Looking at requirements imposed on dc-dc converters, power flow is found to be almost unidirectional. With only a small power demand from the wind turbine during standby. Therefore, power flow can be considered as highly asymmetric. The dc output voltage of the rectifier 6 Introduction (a) Dispersed converter concept with series connection (DCS) (b) Centralized converter concept (CCC) (c) Two step-up DC grid Figure 2.4: Different topologies for dc collector grids 7 Introduction located at the turbine usually is around 1.7 kV–2.6 kV [19]. The DCS and the two step-up topologies, as depicted in Fig. 2.4, require a step up to MVDC level. The MVDC level is around ±2.6 kV–±15 kV. The voltage level for HVDC is in the range of ±150 kV–±500 kV, depending on the distance to the shore. Galvanic isolation is favorable in nearly all dc-dc converters of the proposed collector-grid topologies. Converters with galvanic isolation are more efficient at high voltage-conversion ratios, needed for the MVDC-HVDC conversion. Considering the DCS topology, isolation with respect to ground is mandatory, as a generator isolation for HVDC voltages is hardly feasible. A dc-dc converter with galvanic isolation overcomes this issue. 2.2.2 Collector Grids for Photovoltaic Applications Nowadays, large PV plants use ac collector grids as depicted in Fig. 2.5(a). In the shown topologies one low-voltage (LV) inverter is applied per PV subfield. The energy of different subfields is collected with an ac system, which suffers from high cable losses. Similar to collector grids for offshore wind farms, the advantages of dc can be used in PV applications as well. Each PV subfield is connected to a common MVDC collector grid through a subfield dc-dc converter as shown in Fig. 2.5(b). From the dc collector grid one central medium-voltage inverter feeds in the energy. Due to the savings of inverter and cable losses, the European efficiency of a PV power plant can be improved from 96.3 % to 97.9 % [20]. An additional boost in efficiency is expected when the dc configuration is connected to an MVDC or HVDC grid. Again, an efficient high-power dc-dc converter is the enabling technology. 2.2.3 Distribution and Transmission Grids Medium and high-voltage dc distribution has been proposed for different applications in the past [21–23]. Considering the increase of distributed generation, a medium-voltage dc infrastructure enhances the stability of the grid [24]. Furthermore, increasing urbanization might make the higher power capability of dc systems a decisive feature for use in densely populated areas [5]. If reliable high-temperature superconducting high-current cables become economically available, medium-voltage dc infrastructure might gradually replace high-voltage ac (HVAC) distribution (e.g. gas insulated systems at 110 kV) as expensive high-voltage insulation becomes obsolete [25]. Additionally, it has been proposed to extend the idea of a dc grid infrastructure to the transmission level. In a scenario with a large number of HVDC-operated offshore wind farms, it seems attractive to connect these to a common dc grid [26]. Similarly, projects like "Desertec" 8 Introduction (a) ac collector grid (b) dc collector grid Figure 2.5: Collector grid topologies for a PV application 9 Introduction integrate solar power from desert regions with the help of dc "superhighways" [27]. Moreover, in new initiatives like Europe’s "Supergrid" the system’s dc voltage is increased further [28, 29]. It is reasonable to assume that in such a scenario there would arise a demand for dc-dc converters, either to connect medium-voltage subgrids or to interconnect different HVDC grid sections. 2.2.4 Solid-State AC Transformers To coop with the increasing amount of distributed generation in current ac grid, solid-state ac transformers (SST) are an effective solution to control the power flows in future ac grids. McMurray, who named it electric transformer originally, patented it in 1970 [30]. The principle of the SST is to achieve the ac voltage transformation through a high-frequency ac-link using power electronics. The structure of a SST is shown in Fig. 2.6. Exemplary, the figure depicts a transformation from MVAC to HVAC. Due to the dc-dc converter operated at high frequency, the weight and dimension of the magnetic components is reduced. Its ability to compete with a conventional 50-Hz transformer in terms of reliability, efficiency and power density still has to be proven. However, the SST provides additional features as power-flow control, voltage sag compensation or fault current limitation [31]. Additionally, it allows efficient connection of ac sources to dc grids. Key component of the depicted SST is a high-power dc-dc converter. Alternatively, scientists also promote a direct conversion from ac to ac using a bridge converter with a high-frequency ac link and reverse-blocking semiconductor devices [32]. 2.2.5 Subsea Production Facilities Electrical submersible pumps are used for the extraction of oil and gas located under the seabed [33]. To avoid the construction of an offshore platform, the facilities are installed on the seabed. Supplying these facilities is a major challenge, as the systems are inaccessible after the installation. Moreover, a high-voltage supply is necessary as the total consumption can reach 100 MW [34]. Figure 2.6: Structure of a a solid-state ac transformer 10 Introduction Using an existing HVDC line, these facilities could be energized efficiently. Furthermore, the installation is simplified since bulky 50-Hz components are obsolete. 2.2.6 Technical Requirements High-power dc-dc converters are one of the key technologies to establish a dc infrastructure. In many applications, galvanic isolation is mandatory due to safety reasons. Especially at high voltage conversion ratios, galvanic isolation prevents high circulating power and the resulting losses. Considering the exemplary applications stated above, other requirements for a high-power dc-dc converter can be extracted. High efficiency is a major requirement in all mentioned requirements. In some applications a high power density is of particular importance. Depending on the application, the dcdc converter has to provide uni- or bidirectional power flow. Due to the high fluctuation and dynamics of renewable energy sources, dc-dc converters have to provide highly dynamic response characteristics as well. The requirements for different applications are listed in Table 2.1 and also visualized in Fig. 2.7. Similar to conventional ac transformers, one can observe a correlation between voltage level and power rating. Table 2.1: DC-DC converter requirements of utility-scale applications Application Offshore Wind Farms turbine-mounted converters central converters PV Power Plant subfield converters central converters Subsea Power Distribution DC Grids MVDC Grid Interlink generator to MVDC Grid storage to MVDC Grid HVDC Grid Interlink AC Grids MV solid-state ac transformer (SST) HV solid-state ac transformer (SST) Power Rating Power Flow Voltage Pri Sec High Power Density 3–10 MW > 100 MW Uni Uni MV MV MV HV × × 0.5–5 MW 20–200 MW 10–100 MW Uni Uni Uni MV MV MV MV HV HV × 5–100 MW 0.5–20 MW 0.5–20 MW > 100 MW Bi Uni Bi Bi MV MV MV HV MV MV MV HV 1–20 MW > 40 MW Bi Bi MV HV MV MV 11 Introduction Figure 2.7: Target ratings for different applications 2.2.7 DC-DC Converter Concepts There is a huge variety of dc-dc converter concepts. They can be divided into the categories "galvanically non-isolated" and "galvanically isolated". Whereas, the converters that are not galvanically isolated usually have a poor efficiency when high voltage conversion ratios are needed. Galvanically isolated converters can achieve high efficiency even at high conversion ratios as they can step up (or step down) the voltage through the integrated transformer. Considering medium-voltage high-power dc-dc conversion there are some potentially suitable converter topologies. Examples are given in Table 2.2. The focus in this work is on the three-phase dual-active bridge. It features soft-switching operation, galvanic isolation, small filter components and low system complexity. Table 2.2: Possible dc-dc converter topologies for medium-voltage applications Topology DC-DC Converter by Jovcic Modular Multilevel DC Converter Series-Resonant Converter Dual Series-Resonant Converter Single-Active Bridge Single-Phase Dual-Active Bridge Three-Phase Dual-Active Bridge 12 Comment Galvanically non-isolated Current source converter Galvanically non-isolated Unidirectional power flow Unidirectional power flow Alternative modulation schemes Reduced current ripple Higher transformer utilization Example [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] Introduction 2.3 Operation Principle In the following, the operation of the three-phase dual-active bridge is described [41, 42]. The DAB, as depicted in Fig. 2.8, consists of two three-phase bridges that are connected by a threephase transformer in star connection. The transformer provides galvanic isolation and adjusts the voltage ratio through its turns ratio. The bridges are operated at elevated frequencies, i.e. in the kilohertz range for megawatt applications. Consequently, the mass and dimensions of the transformer as well as the core losses are reduced compared to a 50 Hz transformer. Both bridges are operated in fundamental frequency modulation. Therefore, a six-step voltage waveform is applied to the primary and secondary side of the transformer. As also depicted in Fig. 2.9, the output bridge is lagging the input by ∆t = ϕ ϕ = · Ts , 2π · fs 2π (2.1) where fs is the switching frequency of the power-electronic switches and Ts the corresponding period time. ϕ is referred to as load angle, analogous to a synchronous machine connected to the ac grid. Due to the voltage difference across the transformer, currents arise, leading to power flow through the DAB3. The power flow is established through the stray inductance Lσ of the three-phase transformer. The output power of the DAB3 is given by [42] Up2 ϕ 2 Ps = dϕ − ωLσ 3 2π Up2 ϕ2 π Ps = d ϕ− − ωLσ π 18 with the dynamic dc conversion ratio d = Us0 Up . voltage if a transformer with a turns ratio r = π 3 for 0≤ϕ≤ for π 2π <ϕ≤ 3 3 (2.2) (2.3) Us0 = r · Us is the primary-referred output wp ws is applied. For the sake of simplicity and without loss of generality, a transformer with a turn ratio of 1 is assumed in the following. Figure 2.8: Schematic of the three-phase DAB 13 0 0 0 dc currents phase currents transformer voltages secondary primary Introduction 0 Figure 2.9: Characteristic voltage and current waveforms in a DAB3 2.4 Scope of Work This work is divided into several chapters. Firstly, the DAB3 converter is investigated in terms of its dynamic behavior and dynamic models are derived. From the modeling work the instantaneous current control is developed – a method to set any desired reference current within one third of a switching period. Based on the current control, a voltage controller is designed. Furthermore, a balancing strategy is developed that allows to compensate the negative effect that an asymmetric transformers has on the DAB3. In the following chapter, the preferred semiconductor switches, integrated gate-commutated thyristors (IGCT), are investigated in a zero-voltage switching (ZVS) application. Hereby, the focus is laid on the behavior in ZVS and on the series connection of devices in a DAB3. Furthermore, the auxiliary resonant-commutated pole is introduced to achieve ZVS operation in the entire working range. The medium-frequency transformer is discussed in the chapter thereafter. Different core materials and winding configurations are discussed that are suitable for a high-power applications. The loss effects in the transformer are investigated considering a DAB3 application. This chapter closes with the design of a medium-frequency transformer for a DAB3. The final chapter describes the construction of the medium-voltage high-power prototype. The design of the power electronics as well as the transformer is discussed. Finally, measuring results from the commissioning are presented. 14 3 Control Techniques In this chapter the modeling of the three-phase dual-active bridge is introduced. From the modeling work the instantaneous current control (ICC) was developed. With it any reference current in a DAB3 can be set within one third of a switching period. Based on the ICC, a voltage controller is presented. A balancing control is presented afterwards. It allows to compensate the effect of asymmetrical transformers in a DAB3. 3.1 Modeling The dynamic behavior of the DAB3 is modeled using two different approaches: a state-space averaging approach and the first harmonic approximation. At first, both approaches are introduced and afterwards they are compared to a circuit simulation. 3.1.1 State-Variable Averaging and State-Space Averaging Firstly mentioned in [43, 44], state-space averaging (SSA) has become a common method to describe the dynamic behavior of switched converters. State-variable averaging is used to simplify the model. This has been applied also for three-phase dc-dc converters in [45]. The base for the model is the circuit diagram depicted in Fig. 3.1(a). Observing the corresponding voltage waveforms, one can identify six states [I–VI] within half a switching period. In each state, the voltage applied to the transformer is constant. These states are the basis for the SSA approach. As described in more detail in [46], for each state, the system matrices A, B, C and D are determined, so that ~x˙ = A · ~x + B · ~u (3.1) ~y = C · ~x + D · ~u (3.2) with ~x = us , ~y = us , ~u = Up , C = 1, D = 0. (3.3) Hereby, the load angle is assumed to be smaller than 60◦ 15 Control Techniques 0 0 0 dc currents phase currents transformer voltages secondary primary (a) Schematic 0 I II III IV V VI (b) Waveforms Figure 3.1: Schematics considered for the modeling approach In general, the order of the system and with it the dimension of the system matrix A is according to the number of energy storage devices in the system. Neglecting the main (magnetizing) inductance of the transformer and taking the stray inductances Lσ and the output dc capacitance Cout into account, there are four energy storage devices. A system of this order is quite complex to invert analytically. Consequently, state-variable averaging is applied to reduce the system order from four to one. Since the currents are fast changing compared to the output voltage, the transformer current in each state can be represented by its mean-time average. It turns out that the system matrices for the even states (Ae ,Be ) and the odd modes (Ao ,Bo ) are equal, respectively. 16 Control Techniques This leads to the averaged system matrices 3 1 , (Ao · ϕ + Ae · (π/3 − ϕ)) = π RL Cout ϕ ϕ 32 − 2π 3 B = (Bo · ϕ + Be · (π/3 − ϕ)) = . π ωLσ Cout A= (3.4) (3.5) From the system matrices, one static and two dynamic equations can be derived that model the DAB3. The static equation is given by RL · ϕ 23 − Us = Up ωLσ ϕ 2π . (3.6) The same equation can also be derived from the general power-equation of a DAB3 (2.2). The first dynamic equation gives the sensitivity of the output voltage with respect to disturbances of the input voltage: Us ũs ỹ Up = = . ũ ϕ̃=0 ũp RL Cout · s + 1 (3.7) The second small-signal transfer function from control to output gives the response of the output voltage due to changes of the load angle ϕ: Up RL 2 ϕ ũs 1 = − . ϕ̃ ũp =0 ωLσ 3 π RL Cout · s + 1 (3.8) From (3.7) and (3.8) it is evident that the dynamic behavior of the considered DAB3 circuit is solely determined by the RC output. 3.1.2 First Harmonic Approximation Usually, first harmonic approximation (FHA) is used to describe the steady-state behavior of a power-electronic circuit. The representation of ac quantities is simplified as only the first-harmonic component is considered. All higher harmonic components are neglected. Applying FHA in a DAB3 application results in sinusoidal transformer voltages and, consequently, to sinusoidal transformer currents. These three-phase quantities can be represented by space vectors as demonstrated in Fig. 3.2. The secondary voltage is lagging the primary voltage by the load angle ϕ and the transformer current is perpendicular to the voltage difference. This phasor diagram and the rotation of it in the αβ-plane is the central element of the dynamic FHA model. The entire dynamic FHA model is depicted in Fig. 3.3. Note the dc-link voltages are labeled UpDC and UsDC unlike before. This improves the distinctness from the phasors of the ac 17 Control Techniques Figure 3.2: Phasor diagram of a DAB3 Figure 3.3: Dynamic FHA model voltages 1 U p and 1 U s . The FHA model has two advantages. Firstly, it can be verified easily if the converter operates in the soft-switching region. If the current phasor is located between both voltage phasors, primary and secondary bridge are soft switched. This correlation is not affected by the simplification of the FHA. Since the rectangular waveforms only contains odd-numbered harmonics, the actual zero-crossings are the same as for the first harmonic component. Secondly, the model itself contains discrete models for the transformer and the output filter as indicated in Fig. 3.3. These models, given as Laplace transform, are replaceable by other models. 3.1.3 Verification Applying Matlab/Simulink [47] together with the PLECS power-electronics toolbox [48], both models are compared to a detailed circuit simulation. Figure 3.4 shows the results of the comparison. In (a) a step of the input voltage from 4.5 kV to 5.5 kV is shown. The SSA model is in good agreement to the circuit simulation in terms of dynamic behavior and in steady state. Since the it neglects higher harmonics, the FHA model underestimates the transferred power. These higher harmonics contribute to the power transfer in a DAB3. In (b) the steady-state value of the SSA model is different from the circuit simulation as the operation point is different from the initial point around which the system has been linearized. However, it is evident that the dynamic behavior matches very well, which is predominantly determined by the output filter. The fact that the dynamics of the current are limited by the leakage inductance in the ac 18 Control Techniques 4800 output voltage in V output voltage in V 3800 3600 3400 Plecs FHA SSA 3200 3000 −0.02 0 0.02 time in s 4600 4400 4200 4000 3800 3600 0.04 (a) Input-voltage step from 4.5 kV to 5.5 kV Plecs FHA SSA 0 0.01 0.02 time in s 0.03 (b) Load-angle step from 12◦ to 15◦ Figure 3.4: Comparison of models with circuit simulation link is the motivation to set the ac currents as fast as possible. This directly leads to the instantaneous current control. 3.2 Instantaneous Current Control The transformer currents in a DAB3 can be represented in the αβ-plane using the Clarke transformation [49]: ip = ipα + jipβ = 2 ip1 + aip2 + a2 ip3 with a = e 3 j120◦ (3.9) or " # ipα ipβ " = 2 1 3 0 − 12 √ 3 2 − 12 √ − 23 # ip1 ip2 ip3 (3.10) Consequently, all resulting current vectors are located on a hexagon-shaped trajectory as illustrated in Fig. 3.5. The edge length of the hexagon is proportional to the load angle ϕ. Illustratively, when in the time domain the currents are constant, the current vector rests in one of the hexagon’s corners. As soon as a voltage is applied across the stray inductance and the currents change, the current vector transitions from one corner to the following. Since this time interval is proportional to the load angle, the edge length is as well. When the rms value of the ac currents is changed from one reference value to another the edge length will change. Changing the load angle abruptly shifts the hexagon away from the origin of the αβ plane as illustrated in Fig. 3.6(a). Then the hexagon will travel back to the origin according to the damping of the transformer. 19 Control Techniques Figure 3.5: Applying the Clarke transformation to DAB3 currents (a) Abrupt (b) Method I (c) Method II Figure 3.6: Load-angle change without sign change In the time domain, the shift of the hexagon results in diverging transformer currents and, consequently, an oscillation on the dc currents. This effect is demonstrated in Fig. 3.7(a). As also derived in [50], the oscillations can be nearly avoided applying one of two different methods described in the following. Using a two-step method, the load angle has to be applied at the same voltage transition in every phase. Whether this is the rising of falling edge is not important. Consequently, the current settles after two consecutive transitions. The two-step method of the instantaneous current control (ICC) is illustrated in Fig. 3.6(b). The second method (three-step method) applies three consecutive transitions with the mean value of the old and the new load angle. Figure 3.6(c) and Fig. 3.7(b) demonstrate three-step method in the αβ and the time domain. As demonstrated in Fig. 3.8 both methods can be applied as well when the direction of the powerflow is changed. Here the difference between the two methods is clearly visible. Applying the two-step method, an overshoot results from a load-angle change with sign change (c.f. Fig. 3.8(b)). The three-step method avoids this overshoot (c.f. Fig. 3.8(c)). Improved ICC Developing the Instantaneous Current Control (ICC), the influence of the winding resistance Rt inductance has been neglected. Consequently, using the ICC it has to be ensured that the 20 20 0 phase currents in A −20 5000 2500 0 −2500 −5000 dc current in A dc current in A phase currents in A ϕ in degree Control Techniques 4000 2000 0 −2000 −4000 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 5000 2500 0 −2500 −5000 4000 2000 0 −2000 −4000 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 time in s time in s (a) Abrupt (b) Method II Figure 3.7: Load-angle change in the time domain (a) Abrupt (b) Method I (c) Method II Figure 3.8: Load-angle change with sign change decay time of the transformer τ= Lσ Rt (3.11) is large compared to the switching period. The Improved ICC (I2CC) has been developed that compensates the influence of the winding resistance. As demonstrated in [51], the transition load angles are recalculated using the factor κ=e − 6f1 τ s . (3.12) Interestingly, this factor is constant over the entire operating range and only depends on the parameters of the transformer. Besides the correction value κ, the I2CC is analogue to the ICC. It can also be implemented with the two methods (two-step and three-step) to achieve a commutation within one third 21 phase currents in A phase currents in A Control Techniques 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 1.5 ipDC in A ipDC in A 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 1 0.5 0 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 time in ms 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 time in ms (a) ICC (b) I2CC Figure 3.9: Comparison of original and improved ICC in measurement and one half of a switching period, respectively. Figure 3.9 shows experimental results, comparing the ICC with the I2CC. The experiment was conducted with a lab prototype DAB3. In the setup, the primary and secondary dc-link voltage are 50 V and the switches are operated with 10 kHz. The transformer has a stray inductance of 250 µH and a winding resistance of 800 mΩ. Further details can be found in [51]. The measurements demonstrate the outstanding performance of the proposed control. 3.3 Current and Voltage Feed-Back Control The ICC sets an arbitrary reference current within one third of switching period. Consequently, when the parameters of the transformer are known, the current control can be made very fast. A feed-forward controller translates a new reference current directly into the corresponding load angle. The controller applies, according to the power equation of a DAB3, the control angle ϕ= 2π ± 3 s 2π 3 2 − 2πωLσ ∗ i . Up sDC (3.13) Since (3.13) neglects the effect of the transformer’s magnetization inductance and the resistance of the winding, a feed-back control is mandatory to provide high precision. This can be for example an PI regulator as shown in Fig. 3.10. Applying the fast current regulator achieved through the ICC, a closed-loop voltage control can be implemented in a cascaded manner as depicted in Fig. 3.11. With the cascaded control structure, a robust voltage controller is achieved that is easy to design [52]. 22 Control Techniques Figure 3.10: Closed-loop current control Figure 3.11: Closed-loop voltage control To further improve the control performance, techniques like disturbance compensation or dead-time compensation can be added [53, 54]. 3.4 Balancing Control A three-phase transformer may suffer from asymmetric impedances, in particular flat-core laminated silicon-steel core transformers. Hence, the asymmetries might be due to the winding arrangement, which is not symmetric or due to tolerances in production. Especially asymmetric stray inductances can increase the voltage ripple and decrease the utilization of the converter as demonstrated in Fig. 3.12. In this experiment, the primary and secondary dc voltage is 60 V and the load angle ϕ = 38◦ . The switching frequency is 10 kHz. The main inductances of the three-phase transformer are Lh1 = 2.7 mH, Lh2 = 2.1 mH and Lh3 = 2.4 mH, respectively. The values of the asymmetric stray inductances are Lσ1 = 394 µH, Lσ2 = 233 µH and Lσ3 = 248 µH, respectively. Figure 3.12 (a) shows that different series impedances result in unequal phase currents. In the αβ-plane this corresponds to a deformed hexagon (c.f. (b)). Due to the different impedances the ripples on the dc currents as well as on the dc voltages increase (c.f. (c)–(f)). The dc-voltage ripples are calculated from the measured dc currents. The current ripples are integrated assuming 100 µF dc-link capacitance. As stated before the load angle is proportional to the edge length of the hexagon. Consequently as also discussed in [55], introducing separate load angles for each phase, the deformed hexagon can be corrected and the phase currents balanced. Figure 3.13 shows a measurement with the same imperfect transformer as before. However, separate load angles ϕ1 = 44.5◦ , ϕ2 = 33◦ and ϕ3 = 31◦ are applied. As demonstrated, the dc voltage ripples are decreased and the utilization of the converter is improved. 23 Control Techniques PSfrag 1 1 iβ in A phase currents in A 2 0 −1 −1 −2 −0.2 −0.15 PSfrag −0.1 0 −0.05 time in ms 0.05 −1 0.1 PSfrag (a) Phase currents output dc current in A input dc current in A 1 0.5 0 0.05 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 time in ms 0.1 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.15 (c) Input current ipDC 40 20 0 −20 −0.1 0 time in ms (e) Input voltage ripple 0 0.05 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 time in ms 0.1 (d) Output current isDC output dc voltage ripple in mV input dc voltage ripple in mV 1 2 1.5 −40 0 iα in A (b) Phase currents represented in the αβ-plane 2 0 0 0.1 40 20 0 −20 −40 −0.1 0 time in ms 0.1 (f ) Output voltage ripple Figure 3.12: Influence of an asymmetric transformer on a DAB3 24 0.15 Control Techniques PSfrag 1 1 iβ in A phase currents in A 2 0 −1 −2 PSfrag −1 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0.05 0 time in ms 0.1 −1 0.15 PSfrag (a) Phase currents output dc current in A input dc current in A 1 0.5 0 0.05 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 time in ms 0.1 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.15 (c) Input current ipDC 40 20 0 −20 −0.1 0 time in ms (e) Input voltage ripple 0 0.05 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 time in ms 0.1 0.15 (d) Output current isDC output dc voltage ripple in mV input dc voltage ripple in mV 1 2 1.5 −40 0 iα in A (b) Phase currents represented in the αβ-plane 2 0 0 0.1 40 20 0 −20 −40 −0.1 0 time in ms 0.1 (f ) Output voltage ripple Figure 3.13: Transformer currents applying balancing angles 25 Control Techniques 26 4 Power-Electronic Switches and Soft-Switching Operation The dual-active bridge requires power-electronic devices that are able to actively turn-off the current. Insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) and integrated gate-commutated thyristors (IGCT) are suitable for the considered multi-megawatt medium-voltage DAB3. As stated before, the DAB3 inherently offers soft-switching capability in a certain operation range. This encourages a closer investigation of IGCTs as they feature lower conduction losses compared to IGBTs. The first part of this chapter discusses how the lossless snubbers improve the application of IGCT devices. On the one hand, the series connection of IGCTs and the dynamic voltage sharing are investigated. On the other hand, the turn-off losses under quasi zero voltage switching are measured. The measuring results are then included in a simulation to investigate the switching losses in a dual-active bridge application. 4.1 Series Connection of IGCT’s The series connection of power-electronic switches can be difficult in general. Timing delays and device tolerances may lead to unequal voltage sharing across the switches. Consequently, the maximal voltage-blocking capability of single devices might be exceeded. In conventional hard-switched converters snubber circuits have to be used to ensure proper voltage sharing if devices are connected in series. Figure 4.1 shows two different kinds: an RC snubber (a) and an RCD snubber (b). The applied resistor Rsn limits the inrush current if the IGCT switches on and the snubber is still charged (as it is the case in hard switched converters). Consequently, the RCD snubber features slightly lower losses compared to the RC snubber, since the resistor is bypassed during IGCT turn off [56]. However, the energy loss in the snubber is still considerable. Moreover, the challenge of a low-inductive arrangement near the GCT increases with device count. As also discussed in [57], the lossless snubbers used in a DAB3 not only reduce the switching losses but also ensure the proper voltage sharing of series-connected devices. The lossless snubber is shown in Fig. 4.2 (a). Since the DAB3 is soft switched, the snubber capacitance is not charged when the IGCT turns on. Consequently, the snubber resistor can be omitted. Therefore, virtually no losses are generated in the snubber circuit. Figure 4.2 (b) and (c) demonstrate the voltage sharing of two series-connected IGCTs during turn-off. The IGCTs are of the type 5SHY55L4500 manufactured by ABB. 27 Power-Electronic Switches and Soft-Switching Operation (a) RC snubber (b) RCD snubber 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 UGCT1 in V UGCT2 in V IGCT in A 1000 500 0 0 (a) Lossless snubber device voltage and current device voltage and current Figure 4.1: Series connection of IGCTs using conventional snubber circuits for dynamic voltage balancing 50 100 150 200 250 300 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 UGCT1 in V UGCT2 in V IGCT in A 1000 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 time in µs time in µs (b) Csn = 0.5 µF (c) Csn = 2.5 µF Figure 4.2: Voltage balancing applying lossless snubbers [57] As the measurement shows, the voltage balancing is very effective even when using rather small capacitances. For the measurement both IGCTs are triggered synchronously. However, even when the timing of the gating signals differs by 206 ns, [57] demonstrates that the voltage difference is below 400 V for 2.5 µF. Applying 7 µF, the voltage unbalance is below 200 V. 4.2 IGCTs under Soft-Switching Conditions In a DAB3 that is operated in soft-switching mode, the IGCTs are turned on at zero voltage (ZV) and zero current (ZC) at the instant the current commutates from the diode to the IGCT. Furthermore, when a lossless snubber is applied, the turn off occurs at quasi zero voltage (ZV), since the voltage rise is limited by the capacitor. For the ZC turn-on of an IGCT a certain requirement has to be kept in mid. When the current commutates from the anti-parallel diode to the GCT, the gate driver has to retrigger the GCT. This is achieved by a gate pulse initiated automatically from the gate drive unit. In order to succesfully retrigger the GCT internally, the anode-cathode current slope has to 28 Power-Electronic Switches and Soft-Switching Operation vIGCT vIGCT 3000 iIGCT 2000 2000 Csn= 1 μF 2 μF 3.5 μF 1000 p in MW Csn= 1 μF 2 μF 3.5 μF 1000 0 0 3.0 2.66 2.33 2.0 1.66 1.33 1.0 0.66 0.33 0 iIGCT 10 EIGCT 1 μF Csn= 2 μF pIGCT 3.5 μF 8 6 4 2 0 5 t in μs 10 0 15 (a) IGCT optimized for conduction (ABB 5SHY 35L4512) 3.0 2.66 2.33 2.0 1.66 1.33 1.0 0.66 0.33 0 0 10 8 pIGCT 5 Csn= 1 μF 2 μF 3.5 μF 6 EIGCT 4 E in J v in V, i in A 3000 2 t in μs 10 0 15 (b) IGCT optimized for switching (ABB 5SHY 35L4511) Figure 4.3: Voltage and current transients during ZVS turn off [58] be below a certain limit. For the considered IGCT devices, the data sheet gives the maximal rate of rise of on-state current ! Up (1 + d) di = 1000 A µs−1 > . dt crit 3Lσ (4.1) Although this requirement should be fulfilled for most DAB3 applications, an external retrigger pulse can be applied to ensure homogeneous firing of the IGCT. During the commissioning of the dc-dc converter, the IGCT ZC turn-on has been inconspicuous. Due to the lossless snubber, the IGCTs turns off under ZV conditions virtually. Since data of an IGCT under zero-voltage switching (ZVS) has not been available, detailed measurements are carried out [58]. Figure 4.3 shows the measuring results for two different IGCTs. One IGCT (ABB 5SHY 35L4512) is optimized for low on-state voltage. This results in lower conduction losses, but in high switching losses (c.f. (a)). The second IGCT (ABB 5SHY 35L4511) is optimized for lower switching losses. This can be observed in Fig. 4.3(b) showing a reduced tail current compared to the first IGCT. Multiplying the device voltage and current gives the instantaneous power loss pIGCT . Integrat- 29 Power-Electronic Switches and Soft-Switching Operation Eoff in J 15 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.5 μF μF μF μF 20 15 Eoff in J 20 5 5 0 0 1000 2000 Ioff in A Eoff in J 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.5 μF μF μF μF 1000 0 0 3000 (a) ABB 5SHY 35L4512 - T = 25 ◦ ◦C 0 0 μF μF μF μF 10 10 5 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.5 Ioff in A 3000 (c) ABB 5SHY 35L4511 - T = 25 ◦ ◦C 2000 Ioff in A 3000 (b) ABB 5SHY 35L4512 - T = 110 ◦ ◦C 5 2000 1000 0 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.5 μF μF μF μF 1000 2000 Ioff in A 3000 (d) ABB 5SHY 35L4511 - T = 110 ◦ ◦C Figure 4.4: Turn-off losses in presence of a lossless snubber for different IGCTs [58] ing the instantaneous power gives the energy loss per turn-off cycle Eoff . Figure 4.4 gives the turn-off energy for both devices, different snubber values and different case temperatures T . As also observed in [59], already small capacitance values achieve a great reduction of the switching losses. Further increase of the capacitance leads only to a slight decrease in the switching losses, but causes extensively larger commutation times. The data can be implemented into simulation models to evaluate the switching losses in softswitched converters applying IGCTs. 4.3 Application in a Dual-Active Bridge Since the DAB3 is a soft-switched converter, it can be suggested that IGCTs are the superior switching device for this application. Compared to IGBTs, the IGCTs offer very low conduction losses due to their thyristor structure. Exemplary, a simulation is carried out to verify this assumption. For the sake of simplicity, only the voltage conversion ratio d = 1 is considered. This is valid for most grid applications 30 Power-Electronic Switches and Soft-Switching Operation Table 4.1: Simulation parameters Primary dc voltage Up = 5 kV Secondary dc voltage Us = 5 kV Switching frequency fs = 1 kHz Transformer’s stray inductance Lσ = 200 µH IGBT ABB 5SNA 2000K451300 IGCT ABB 5SHY 40L4511 Diode Infineon D1031SH where only little voltage variation is expected. The parameters of the simulation are given in Table 4.1. The loss data of the StakPak IGBT and the diode is taken from the according data sheets [60, 61]. The losses of the IGCT are derived from the measurement described in the chapter 4.2. Figure 4.5 shows the total semiconductor loss, including main switches and anti-parallel diodes. The total conduction losses of the main switches and the anti-parallel diodes for IGBTs and IGCTs are similar. This is due to the lower conduction losses of the IGBT’s anti-parallel diode compared to the considered Infineon diodes for IGCT applications. These Infineon diodes are optimized for the fast switching transients of the IGCTs in hard switching applications and suffer from higher conduction losses. They are also applied in the demonstrator introduced later due to availability reasons. Using anti-parallel diodes optimized for low conduction losses could increase the converter efficiency further. However, it is evident that the lossless snubbers decrease the switching losses and improve the converter efficiency. Applying 1 µF to each switch increases the converter efficiency by 0.4 %–0.45 %. The given simulation assumes that the IGCTs are always operated in soft-switching. In the following chapter, an auxiliary resonant-commutated pole is introduced, which ensures that. 4.4 Auxiliary Resonant-Commutated Pole The dual-active bridge loses its inherent soft-switching capability in certain operation regions. The ZVS operating range can be determined through first harmonic approximation of the transformer voltages and currents [42, 50]. Figure 4.6 illustrates that hard switching occurs at light load and high dynamic voltage conversion ratios. The auxiliary resonant-commutated pole (ARCP) has been mentioned first in 1989 as a circuit to ensure soft-switching operation in inverters [62–64]. Moreover, there are additional advantages when it is used in a DAB3 [65]. 31 120 120 100 100 losses in kW losses in kW Power-Electronic Switches and Soft-Switching Operation 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 transferred power in MW (b) IGCT - Csn = 0 µF 120 120 Psw Pcond 100 80 losses in kW losses in kW 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (a) IGBT 60 40 80 60 40 20 20 0 60 20 transferred power in MW 100 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 transferred power in MW (c) IGCT - Csn = 1 µF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 transferred power in MW (d) IGCT - Csn = 2 µF Figure 4.5: Semiconductor losses in a DAB3 To explain the operation principle of an ARCP, a single commutation from the switch Smain− to Smain+ is considered (c.f. Fig. 4.7). Initially, the lower phase branch (Smain− ) is conducting and the phase current ip1 is positive. The DAB3 now operates in the hard-switched operation, since the upper switch Smain+ would turn on against the lower diode. To achieve ZVS, the commutation process is initiated by triggering the switch Saux . A voltage is applied to the inductance Laux leading to a linear current increase in the ARCP branch. In sequence I, as indicated in Fig. 4.7 (b), the current iaux rises according to the inductance value Laux . At the end of sequence I, the auxiliary current is equal to the load current ip1 . Ultimately, the load current is completely carried by the ARCP. Additional to the auxiliary current, a boost current iboost is injected in sequence II. It provides additional energy for the resonant circuit to compensate ohmic losses. Turning off the main switch Smain− initiates sequence III. According to the resonance between the auxiliary inductance and the snubber 32 Power-Electronic Switches and Soft-Switching Operation Figure 4.6: Hard and soft switched operating areas capacitors, the snubber capacitors reload. As soon as the anti-parallel diode of the switch Smain+ becomes forward biased, Smain+ can turn on at zero voltage. The commutation is completed when the auxiliary inductance is demagnetized at the end of sequence IV. Figure 4.8 shows the integration of the ARCP in a DAB3. For the sake of clarity, only the primary side of the DAB3 is depicted. Besides the connection of the lossless snubbers to the main switches, an additional switch Saux and an inductance Laux are connected per phase leg. It shall be noted that these components are considered as auxiliary devices. They are rated for a small part of the total converter power. Different to ARCPs in inverter applications, in a DAB3 the auxiliary current is only needed in some operation points when otherwise hard switching would occur. Moreover, if an auxiliary current is needed, it is fairly low compared to that in inverter applications. Since the switch Saux is operated at ZCS, for Saux thyristors could be applied. However it has been shown, that the RC-snubber which has to be connected in parallel to a thyristor, has a bad impact on the system efficiency since it generates losses even if the ARCP is deactivated [65]. In Fig. 4.9 different configurations of Saux are compared. The black curve represents the losses without using an ARCP. In this case also the lossless snubber is not applied since ZVS can not be ensured. Applying the lossless snubber in hard-switching operation would increase the losses and would lead to failure, ultimately. Figure 4.9 (a) shows the application of a silicon thyristor. Besides the blocking capability of the thyristor, the reverse recovery time of the thyristor has to be ensured since Saux is operated with the same frequency as the main switches. In the simulation the silicon thyristor "Westcode R1127" is chosen. This configuration effectively reduces the switching losses when the DAB3 would enter the hardswitching operation. However, it is evident that in the natural soft-switching operation range the DAB3 without ARCP has lower losses. This is due to the mentioned RC-snubber losses which are also present if the ARCP is not activated. Consequently, the choice whether to implement an ARCP circuit strongly depends on the application the DAB3 is used in and the 33 Power-Electronic Switches and Soft-Switching Operation (a) Schematic (b) Characteristic waveforms during an exemplary commutation from Smain− to Smain+ Figure 4.7: Single phase leg of an Auxiliary Resonant-Commutated Pole (ARCP) Figure 4.8: Integration of the ARCP in the DAB3 amount of time it operates in partial-load conditions leaving natural soft switching. Using silicon carbide (SiC) thyristors, this issue can be overcome. Since the reverse recovery effect is nearly not present using SiC, the RC-snubber is not necessary. The simulation has been conducted with the commercially available "GeneSiC GA060TH65". Due to the limited availability of SiC devices and the high price a third option is investigated, which turns out as the most efficient solution. Using a reverse blocking IGCT as Saux (in this case "Mitsubishi GCT GCU15CA-130"), the RC-snubber can be omitted and reverse recovery losses are not present. However, additional sensors are needed to achieve active turn off at zero current. If the GCT it not turned off actively at zero current, it behaves as a conventional thyristor at turn-off and generates similar reverse recovery currents. Figure 4.9 (c) shows that the overall switching energy is the lowest for this case. This is due to the lower conduction losses of the GCT compared to the SiC thyristor. During the investigation it turns out that the conduction losses of the ARCP branch are more 34 Power-Electronic Switches and Soft-Switching Operation (a) Si thyristor (b) SiC thyristor (c) IGCT Figure 4.9: Commutation energy for different configurations of Saux critical than the switching losses. Higher conduction loss results in a higher boosting current to compensate these losses. Consequently, the turn-off currents in the main switches increase as well [65]. Table 4.2 gives an overview of the different switching devices and their evaluation for an ARCP application. Consequently, the Si thyristor is superior considering availability and control issues. The IGCT that is turned off at zero current achieves great efficiency, however it needs additional control effort. When SiC thyristors are available for higher current ratings, they might be the perfect switch for this application as they unite low losses and easy controllability [65]. 35 Power-Electronic Switches and Soft-Switching Operation Table 4.2: Evaluation of different switching devices for an ARCP Si thyristor SiC thyristor Si IGCT X XX XX availability XX × X control XX XX X losses 36 5 Medium-Frequency Transformer The medium-frequency transformer designed for a high-power dual-active bridge is one of the main challenges in this work. With the increasing operation frequency the total core losses decrease, however the core loss density increases significantly. Moreover, in the considered frequency range of around 1 kHz, only a few core materials are suitable. In the following, different core materials and their performance in a high-power dc-dc converter are evaluated. One of these materials is measured with the voltage waveforms of a dual-active bridge. Finally, transformer design considerations in a DAB3 application are given. 5.1 Review on Windings and Core Materials Nowadays, different transformers are designed for a huge variety of applications. Three key objectives can be identified, that have a big impact on the design of the transformer: frequency, voltage and current. With increasing frequency the power loss density increases making the cooling more difficult. Furthermore, skin and proximity effects increase the winding losses. With increasing voltage the isolation effort is more complicated. At voltages of 3 kV and above, partial discharge (PD) has to be considered [66]. Due to PD, the isolation can be destroyed over the time. This aging effect of the isolation intensifies with increasing frequency. Consequently, cast resin windings that are completely free of PD should be considered in medium-voltage transformers, especially when operated at elevated frequency. The current rating mainly effects the design of the winding and the cross-sectional area of the transformer wires. At increased frequency, skin and proximity effects increase the winding resistance further. In addition, if the winding is casted, it is a major challenge to cool the winding and liquid-cooled hollowed conductors might be a solution. Summarizing, whenever voltage, current or frequency increase the design of a transformer becomes more challenging. Transformers with high requirements for two of these objectives are state of the art today: Figure 5.1 shows in which applications these transformers are already used today. In a medium-voltage dc-dc converter, all three objectives have to be met. To reduce the winding losses and with this the cooling effort, high-frequency litz wire should be applied for the winding. Unfortunately, litz wires with a large diameter are commercially 37 Medium-Frequency Transformer $elevated$ $voltage$ $elevated$ $frequency$ $elevated $power$ $medical-use x-ray$ $HVAC transmission Figure 5.1: Transformer requirements for different applications $aeronautic$ $high-power$ not available, especially to construct a casted winding. (Such wires have a special mantle $dc-dc to converter$ perfectly bond with the resin.) Since these wire are producible, they will be available when there is a market. By then, several wires with smaller diameter have to be parallelized or non-isolated stranded wire might be an cost-effective alternative which also has an positive effect on high-frequency issues [67]. The choice of the core material mainly depends on the fundamental frequency of the magnetic flux and the power level. A trade-off between core-loss density, nominal flux density (determine the core volume) and cost has to be found. In medium-voltage high-power applications, the switching frequency and with it the frequency of the magnetic flux is limited to about 1 kHz–2 kHz by the power electronic switches. Because of that, silicon steel and amorphous iron are the common materials in medium-voltage applications. Silicon steel is, on a quantity basis, the most commonly used core material. It is commercially used in transformers of all power rating up the giga-watt range. The relatively large saturation flux density (around 2 T) promises a compact core design. Silicon steel is used in 50 Hz applications as well as in 400 Hz aircraft applications. The production is well-known and the price is comparatively low. ThyssenKrupp Electrical Steel (TKES) provides sheets down to 0.18 mm. The German company Waasner offers silicon steel laminations with a thickness of 0.1 mm. This 0.1 mm material however is very expensive and only available as tape-wound core. Besides traction applications at 400 Hz [68], the core material has also been proven up to 1 kHz [69]. The saturation flux density of amorphous iron is lower compared to silicon steel. However, the low hysteresis losses result in lower no-load losses. This might compensate the higher purchase price. Due to the manufacturing process, the material can be produced as very thin 38 Medium-Frequency Transformer ribbons, giving better performance at high frequencies. The smallest thickness of Hitachi’s Metglas 2605SA1 is given with 920 nm. However, the high magnetostriction is a drawback of the material, especially at high power levels [70]. If future power electronics allow higher operation frequencies (> 4 kHz), the use of nanocrystalline cores might be interesting. At lower frequency, the material might not be cost-effective. Compared to amorphous iron, nanocrystalline material has no problem with magnetostriction [70]. 5.2 Core Losses in a Dual-Active Bridge Application The waveform of the flux inside the core, corresponds to the integral of the phase voltage. Consequently, the flux waveform in a DAB3 application is a piece-wise linear one. To investigate the impact of this piece-wise linear flux waveform on the core losses, measurements are conducted [71]. The measured core material is the silicon steel from TKES called "PowerCore H". The sheets with a thickness of 180 µm are measured using an Epstein frame. The test bench allows exciting a magnetic material with an arbitrary flux waveform. Hence, the core losses applying an sinusoidal voltage can be compared with the DAB3 application. Exemplarily, Fig. 5.2 shows the measuring at a peak flux density of B̂ = 1 T and a frequency of f = 1 kHz. The voltage applied to the material is depicted in Fig. 5.2 (a). The red solid line corresponds to the DAB3 application, while the sinusoidal reference measurement is indicated as dashed blue line. In Fig. 5.2 (b) the piece-wise linear flux waveform is shown and (c) depicts the corresponding BH-hysteresis loop. From the hysteresis loop one can see that the specific core losses for the DAB3 application are actually smaller than for the sinusoidal case since the spanned area is smaller. Figure 5.2 (d) confirms this as it shows the specific core losses for the sinusoidal and the DAB3 measurement. In the next step it is investigated how well the improved Generalized Steinmetz Equation (iGSE) is able to model the core losses considering the piece-wise linear flux waveform [72]. First the measurements under sinusoidal excitation are used to determine the Steinmetz parameters according to the original Steinmetz Equation (OSE) Ps = kf α B̂ β with [Ps ] = W/kg. (5.1) Figure 5.3 (a) shows the measured data points. Based on the lines of best fit, the Steinmetz parameters α = 1.6155 β = 1.7021 k = 5.2 · 10−4 (5.2) 39 Medium-Frequency Transformer 1 m agn. flux density in T phase voltage in V Sinusoidal DAB3 20 10 0 −10 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 time in ms 0.8 0 1 1 (b) Magnetic flux density 2 1 W kg 10 specific core losses in m agn. flux density in T (a) Transformer voltage 0.5 tim e in m s 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −100 −50 0 50 A m agn. field in m 1 10 0 10 100 (c) Magnetic flux density −1 0 10 10 magn. peak flux density in T (d) Core losses for sinusoidal and piece-wise linear waveform at f = 1 kHz Figure 5.2: Measuring results are determined. In the following, these parameters are used to apply the iGSE. Equations (5.3) and (5.4) represent the well-known iGSE as published in [72]. Ps = ki (∆B)β−α T with ki = Z 0 T dB α dt dt k (2π)α−1 R 2π 0 | cos θ|α 2β−α dθ (5.3) , (5.4) where ∆B is the peak-to-peak value of the flux density, T the period time of the flux density and α, β and k being the Steinmetz parameters. 40 Medium-Frequency Transformer 10 kHz meas. 10 kHz OSE 7 kHz meas. 7 kHz OSE 5 kHz meas. 5 kHz OSE 1 kHz meas. 1 kHz OSE 3 2 10 DAB3 meas. iGSE sinus meas. OSE W kg 2 10 specific core losses in specific core losses in W kg 10 1 10 1 10 0 10 0 10 −1 0 10 10 magn. peak flux density in T (a) Sinusoidal measurement −1 0 10 10 magn. peak flux density in T (b) Validation of the iGSE Figure 5.3: Steinmetz parameter extraction and validation of the iGSE As also published in [72], for piece-wise flux densities, (5.3) simplifies to: ki (∆B)β−α X Bm+1 − Bm α Ps = tm+1 − tm (tm+1 − tm ) , T m (5.5) where (tm , Bm ) are the supporting points of the piece-wise linear flux. Figure 5.3 (b) demonstrates the comparison between the measured losses and the losses calculated by (5.5) at a frequency of 1 kHz. While the results of the OSE for the sinusoidal excitation are apparently in good accordance with the measuring, the iGSE slightly overestimates the losses of the piece-wise linear flux waveform. As discussed in [71], this error is related to the variation of the permeability of silicon steel at the evaluated frequencies [73]. Additional, eddy currents occur at the given frequencies, which are not considered by the Steinmetz formulas [74]. However, as the relative error is sufficiently small, the iGSE delivers accurate core losses in a DAB3 application. 41 Medium-Frequency Transformer 5.3 Design Aspects As state before, the DAB3 requires a certain series inductance to ensure soft switching and controllability. Especially for low-power applications, it is common practice to solely use the stray inductance of the transformer as series inductance. Consequently, the stray inductance of the transformer has to be designed for a specific value. This is in contrast to general design approaches that usually minimize the stray inductance. The stray inductance is determined by the magnetic field that is generated by one winding of the transformer and is not linked to the other. For a simple coaxial winding configuration the stray inductance can be calculated analytically to get an idea of the parameters influencing the stray inductance. For this calculation some assumptions have to be made. Firstly, the magnetic field inside the core material is assumed zero. Secondly, the magnetic field in the winding window is assumed perfectly homogeneous. The stray inductance corresponds to the magnetic energy stored in the winding window Ŵm when the secondary is shorted. The magnetic field in the winding window is depicted in Fig. 5.4 for a two layer and a three-layer configuration. The insulant is colored gray. The magnetic energy for the two-layer configuration is Z x8 1 Ĥ · B̂ dV = µ0 Ĥ 2 (x)(lm hw dx) 2 V 0 "Z Z x3 2 x2 1 x − x1 2 µ0 hw lm 2 1 Ĥmax dx = dx + 2 2 x − x 2 2 1 x1 x2 ! Z x5 Z x6 Z x4 2 1 x − x3 2 1 dx + 1 · dx + + + 2 2 x4 − x3 x4 x5 x3 2 # Z x7 2 Z x8 1 1 x8 − x + dx + dx 2 2 x8 − x7 x6 x7 2 a1 a1 µ0 hw lm 2 Ĥmax 2 · + b + a1 + + (b + c) = 2 2 3 3 µ0 hw lm 2 5 = Ĥmax a1 + 3b + 2c 4 3 2 µ0 lm N1 2 5 = î a1 + 3b + 2c 4hw 3 ! 1 = Lσ î2 2 Ŵm = 1 2 Z 2 ! 1 1 x6 − x 2 dx + 2 2 x6 − x5 (5.6) where lm is the mean winding length and N1 the number of primary-side turns. Consequently, this leads to 42 µ0 lm N12 5 Lσ = a1 + 3b + 2c . 2hw 3 (5.7) Medium-Frequency Transformer hw H/Hmax H/Hmax a1 b a1 b+c a1 b a1 a1 b a1 b a1 b+c a1 b a1 b a1 1 1 1/2 2/3 1/3 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x (a) 2-layer configuration x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x (b) 3-layer configuration Figure 5.4: Magnetic field in the winding window Analogue, the stray inductance for the three-layer configuration, according to Fig. 5.4 (b) is µ0 lm N12 14a1 + 19b Lσ = +c . hw 9 (5.8) This shows that the stray inductance is most sensitive to the distance between the primary and secondary winding in a coaxial configuration. Based on (5.7) and (5.8) the transformer geometry is designed in a way that the stray inductance is Lσ = 100 µH. To verify the designs and hence the analytical formulas and to quantify the relative error, a finite element method (FEM) simulation is carried out. Figure 5.5 exemplarily shows the simulation of the first out of three phases. To determine the stray inductance, the transformer’s secondary winding of the corresponding phase is short circuited. Consequently, a magnetic field is generated between the primary and secondary winding. From the energy stored in this field, the corresponding stray inductance is calculated. Table 5.1 shows the results for a two-layer and a three-layer configuration. Firstly, it can be concluded that the simulation results differ up to 30 % from the design target, which was 43 Medium-Frequency Transformer Figure 5.5: Simulating the stray inductance in a 2-D FEM simulation 100 µH. The analytical formula is not suitable for a precise design of the stray inductance, since some simplifications are made. Secondly, it is evident that there is an asymmetry of the stray inductances. This is related to the use of a three-legged core. As can be seen in Fig. 5.5, less energy is stored in the outer region of the core. Consequently, the outer phases have a slightly lower stray inductance. This encourages the need for the balancing control introduced in Section 3.4. 0.18 mm Silicon Steel: B̂max = 1.7 T, Jrms = 10.85 MA/m2 , µr = 11039 Layers Windings Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Lσ,i 2 74 126.6 µH 127.5 µH 126.6 µH Lσ,i 3 21 104.4 µH 112.1 µH 104.5 µH Table 5.1: Simulation results: verification of the analytical designs In a next step, a different winding configuration from the coaxial one is analyzed. Now, the primary and secondary are stacked on top of each other as depicted in Fig. 5.6. Figure 5.7 shows the simulation results. In (a) the stray inductance Lσ2 of the second phase is located on the centered core. The stray inductance Lσ1 of the left core is simulated in (b). Three conclusion can be drawn from the results. Firstly, the stray inductance is much higher. In the stacked configuration, the stray inductance is by a factor of 27 higher compared to the previous constellation due to the bigger volume of the stray field. Secondly, the stray inductance suffers from a higher asymmetry between the three phases. While the stray inductance of the outer phases is Lσ1 = Lσ3 = 1.03 mH, the stray inductance of the centered phase is Lσ2 = 1.48 mH. Finally, when the magnetic field generated by one phase returns, it penetrates the windings of the neighboring phase. Consequently, higher losses due to the proximity effect are expected in such a winding configuration. 44 Medium-Frequency Transformer Figure 5.6: Alternative stacked winding configuration (a) center leg (b) outer leg Figure 5.7: Simulating the stray inductance for a stacked winding configuration 45 Medium-Frequency Transformer 46 6 Demonstrator The following chapter is about the design and the construction of the 5 MW medium-voltage dc-dc converter. At first, the implementation of the control, including the instantaneous current control and the balancing control, is introduced. Then the design and the construction of the demonstrator is described. The chapter finishes with the commissioning and measuring results. 6.1 Control Implementation The control of a DAB3 as discussed in Chapter 3 is implemented on a control hardware provided by ABB. The unit with the model number "PC D247" is depicted in Fig. 6.1. Figure 6.2 shows the system overview. The control unit features a PowerPC intended for tasks with a cycle time in the range of 100 to 1000 µs. The build-in Xilinx Spartan3 FPGA performs quicker tasks at time frames down to 25 ns. The PowerPC and the FPGA exchange data through a dual-ported RAM (DPRAM). Considering the DAB3 application, the voltage and current control is implemented on the Power PC. The FPGA, however, performs the gate driving of the IGCTs and the implementation of the dead-time. Moreover the load angle regulation according the ICC is performed by the FPGA. Consequently, a clear interface between Power PC and FPGA is achieved. FPGA Implementation Primarily, the FPGA provides a framework which ensures the communication between several components inside the PC D247. This framework appears to the user as black box and can not be modified. Within this black box, however, an application block is provided which allows the implementation of custom-made routines. Figure 6.3 shows the designed application block to control a DAB3 converter. The interface to the PowerPC and the optical outputs are shown as well. The "input" side interfaces to the PowerPC using the following signals. EINSCHALTER_PORT: At a transition from low to high, the FPGA generates the switching signals for the IGCTs. If at the same time a valid load angle is assigned, the starting 47 Demonstrator Figure 6.1: PC D247 control hardware sequence is according to the ICC. As soon as the signal turns to low level, the load angle is set to 0◦ via the ICC and the switching signals are turned off afterwards. NOTAUS_PORT: Gating signals are turned off immediately when this signal turns zero. To restart the system, the error has to be acknowledged first by turning off EINSCHALTER_PORT. CLK_PORT: A clock signal with 40 MHz is expected at this input port. It is provided by the PC D247 internally. TOTZT_PORT: This port gives the dead time tdead between to switches of one phase leg. DRTLPERI_PORT: The switching frequency is determined by this signal. To apply the change, EINSCHALTER_PORT has to be zero. The switching frequency can be set freely between 868 Hz and 27.77 kHz. PHI_PORT: This signal gives the load angle ϕ. The load angle is limited to the range of −60◦ and 60◦ to comply with the ICC. If the ICC is turned off, load angles up to ±90◦ are valid. PHIiP_PORT with i∈ 1, 2, 3: These ports give the compensation angles ∆ϕi for the balancing control. The load angle for the corresponding phase is ϕi = ϕ + ∆ϕi with −90◦ ≤ ∆ϕ ≤ 90◦ . (6.1) The changes of the compensation angles are not performed according to the ICC. VERBINDE_P_PORT: If this is on high level, the compensation angle of the first phase (PHI1P_PORT) is also set for the second and third phase. PHI2P_PORT and PHI3P_PORT are ignored. This 48 Demonstrator 5V X1 Primary Power Supply FIG Module (optional) 3V3 FIG Interface X2 Redundant Power Supply PSUP OM1 – OM6 PowerLink Receiver FPGA CPLD SPI1 X68 OMI X65 MODBUS Interface Transmitter PowerPCTM OM7 – OM22 Optical Application I/O Receiver CPLD CPLD PPI Panel 5V Transmitter X101 Service Interface 24V X700 Analog Outputs X66 DAC DAC X61 X300 Digital Outputs Ethernet Port 1 CPLD X62 X400 Digital Inputs SPI2 Ethernet Port 2 Ethernet Switch X63 Ethernet Port 3 X100 External Power Supply PSUP X63 Ethernet Port 3 X800 – X803 High Current Inputs FADC X804 Low Current Inputs FADC X900 - X901 HVD Inputs JTAG X102 JTAG Figure 6.2: PC D247 system overview, Source:[75] way it is possible to operate the DAB3 without ICC, either for comparative measuring or to enhance the operating range to ±90◦ . At the "output" side, the FPGA is connected to the optical modules as indicated in Fig. 6.3. The optical modules transfer the physical switching signals to the IGCTs. Moreover three feed-back signals are provided. EINGSFEHLER_PORT: This signal indicates if the load angle or compensation angles at the input are out of range. BEGRENZUNG_PORT: When the sum of the load angle and the compensation angles is out of range this output is high. TRGR_PORT: This output gives a triggering signal for an oscilloscope. With it, for example the switching signals during a load step can be verified. Figure 6.4 shows the structure of the application block as implemented for the high-power dc-dc converter. [76] describes in detail the implementation, which comprises 4000 lines of 49 Demonstrator DPRAM Output-Port 1 FPGA Optische Module DAB_3ph_sst Adresse 0, Bit 15 Adresse 0, Bit 14 Adresse 0, Bit 13 Adresse 1, Bit 10 bis 0 Adresse 2, Bit 15 bis 0 Adresse 5, Bit 15 bis 0 Adresse 6, Bit 15 bis 0 Adresse 7, Bit 15 bis 0 Adresse 8, Bit 15 bis 0 DAB_write_reg1(0)(15) DAB_write_reg1(0)(14) i_clk_40 DAB_write_reg1(0)(13) DAB_write_reg1(1)(10 - 0) DAB_write_reg1(2) DAB_write_reg1(5) DAB_write_reg1(6) DAB_write_reg1(7) DAB_write_reg1(8) EINSCHALTER_PORT NOTAUS_PORT CLK_PORT VERBINDE_P_PORT TOTZT_PORT HB1S_O_PORT HB1S_U_PORT HB2S_O_PORT HB2S_U_PORT HB3S_O_PORT HB3S_U_PORT DRTLPERI_PORT HB1P_O_PORT HB1P_U_PORT PHI_PORT HB2P_O_PORT HB2P_U_PORT PHI1P_PORT HB3P_O_PORT HB3P_U_PORT PHI2P_PORT PHI3P_PORT EINGSFEHLER_PORT BEGRENZUNG_PORT TRGR_PORT o_ppi_txd(13)(1) o_ppi_txd(13)(2) o_ppi_txd(14)(1) o_ppi_txd(14)(2) o_ppi_txd(15)(1) o_ppi_txd(15)(2) o_ppi_txd(9)(1) o_ppi_txd(9)(2) o_ppi_txd(10)(1) o_ppi_txd(10)(2) o_ppi_txd(10)(1) o_ppi_txd(10)(2) o_ppi_txd(14)(3) o_ppi_txd(15)(3) o_ppi_txd(9)(3) OM19, V2 OM19, V4 OM20, V2 OM20, V4 OM21, V2 OM21, V4 OM15, V2 OM15, V4 OM16, V2 OM16, V4 OM17, V2 OM17, V4 OM21, V6 OM20, V6 OM15, V6 Figure 6.3: Application-block interface VHDL code. PowerPC Implementation As stated, one of the main tasks of the PowerPC is the power or voltage control. However, also the over-voltage/over-current detection, fault response and the human-machine interface (HMI) are performed by the application. The application which is depicted in Fig. 6.5 is implemented in Matlab/Simulink. The Matlab toolbox "Real-Time Workshop" translates the application to C++ and transfers it to the PC D247, where it is executed by the PowerPC. Figure 6.5 shows the visualization of the application in Simulink. Besides some auxiliary system programs, three interrupt service routines (ISR) and the operating panel can be identified. Each of the ISRs is performed with a different cycle time, from 250 µs to 5 ms. The ISR with the lowest cycle time reads the analogue and digital inputs and checks if the limits are kept. The system reacts on over current, over voltage and external emergency stop. Moreover, pressure, temperature and conductivity of the cooling fluid are observed. The second fastest ISR is executed every 1 ms corresponding to the switching frequency. The routine contains e.g. the constant voltage controller and is responsible to set the load angle. Using the ICC the cycle time of this routine can be decreased further to one third or one half of the switching period. 50 Demonstrator The slowest ISR reads and converts the data of the water cooling, since only low dynamics are expected from these values. Finally, the operating panel serves as HMI. It allows to control the converter and to read sensor data. 51 Demonstrator lastwinkel start umrechnung totzeit ausgabe schaltzeitpunkt ausgleich winkel_s begrenzung vergleicher zaehler zaehler schaltzeitpunkt ausgleich winkel_p stop schaltfrequenz Figure 6.4: Overview of the modules in the FPGA INT A PEC Interrupt Sources INT B INT C TsA TsB TsB = 1 ms TsA = 250 us TsC Power Fail INT Trigger() 01 Interrupt Control Trigger() A_Pa {68} [A_Pa] [A_B] [Pa_A] {4} Db_buf {4} A_B fromA A_C {13} 4{4} {13} Db_buf {13} {4} Db_buf {4} fromA B_Pa fromPa B_C [B_Pa] [A_B] [Pa_B] [A_C] 100 ISR A implementation 02 Start up configuration Note: Required interrupts must be enabled in the interrupt control block ! {10} 200 ISR B implementation TsC = 5 ms Trigger() [A_C] 4{4} Db_buf 4{4} [A_Pa] C_Pa fromA 4{4} {68} {68} {68} {10} {10} {4} [Pa_A] [C_Pa] [B_Pa] {10} 300 ISR C implementation [C_Pa] 4{4} 4{4} {4} {4} 4{4} Trigger 400 Power Fail Figure 6.5: Overview of the PowerPC Software 52 500 Operating Panel [Pa_B] Demonstrator 6.2 Converter Design and Construction A demonstrator for a medium-voltage high-power dc-dc converter is constructed. The target power rating of the converter is 5 MW. The nominal input voltage is Up = 5 kV. To prove the concept and to ease the commissioning, the nominal output voltage is Us = 5 kV as well. Consequently, the input and output dc link can be connected together to circulate the energy. Therefore, an expensive high-power load is unnecessary and the dc power supply only needs to compensate the losses. The power-electronic switches are "5SHY 3545L0001" IGCTs kindly provided by ABB Switzerland. The IGCTs are applied with anti-parallel diodes from Infineon ("D1031SH45TS02"). Both, diodes and IGCTs, are rated for 2.8 kV. Consequently, two devices per inverter arm have to be connected in series for the rated voltage of the converter. The dynamic voltage balancing across the devices is ensured by the lossless turn-off snubbers. The IGCTs are operated with 1000 Hz. Firstly, the converter is operated with a single-phase transformer as single-phase DAB. Afterwards, the series connection of two IGCTs and the voltage balancing are implemented. Finally, the converter is operated with two additional transformers as three-phase DAB. Figure 6.6 shows a picture of the demonstrator in an earlier construction phase. Six water-cooled power-electronic building blocks (PEBB) contain the IGCT and diode stacks. The pump and filter for the deionized water is visible at the right edge of the picture. In the outer cabinets, the dc link capacitors with a total capacitance of Cp = Cs = 1 mF are located. Clamping Circuit Since the converter might enter the hard-switching operation area, a di dt snubber is needed to prevent the anti-parallel diodes from excessive reverse recovery currents. The spice simulation depicted in Fig. 6.7 is used to design the clamping circuit. Figure 6.6: Demonstrator in an early construction phase 53 Demonstrator .ic V(C1) = 2500 R2 L2 2e-3 100e-6 .MODEL IGCT SW(Roff=1e4 Ron=10e-4 Voff=0.0V Von=1.0V) L_I1 6e-6 R1 2e-3 D3 L3 D L_CL D1 L_S R_S .5e-6 1 0.3e-6 PWL(0 1 2e-6 1 7e-6 0 30e-6 0) IGCT D SW2 V2 C_CL D2 .5e-6 5e-6 C1 L1 .ic I(L1) = 1000 D V1 1e-3 10e-3 2500 .tran 0 150e-6 0 0.1e-6 (a) Model 4000 IGCT voltage in V Rc = 1 Ω Rc = 0.15 Ω 3500 3000 2500 2000 0 20 40 60 80 time in µs (b) Simulation result Figure 6.7: Spice model to design the clamping circuit The optimal value for the damping resistor is around 1 Ω. However, due to availability reasons a lower resistance value has to be used. This leads to oscillations and poor damping which is not harmful to the devices though. As evident from Fig. 6.7 the voltage stays below 4500 V which is the repetitive peak off-state voltage of the IGCTs. The parameters of this clamping circuit are: Lc = 5 µH, Cc = 5 µF and Rc = 0.15 Ω. DC Link Capacitance According to simulation, a capacitance of Cp = Cs = 1000 µF is sufficient in the considered operating range. With it, the resulting voltage ripple in simulation is below ±1 %. Since a neutral point is needed for the application of an ARCP or to investigate the use of a threelevel neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter, the dc link is split symmetrically. Consequently, two capacitors, with 2000 uF each, are connected in series. The specifications of the applied 54 Demonstrator capacitors MUECAP DKTFM 3K302277 are: capacitance : 2270 µF nominal input voltage : 3.3 kV surge voltage : 4.95 kV input resistance : 0.8 mΩ input inductance : 245 nH max. rms current : 255 A Auxiliary Power Supply The supply voltage of the IGCTs has to be galvanically isolated. This is achieved through power electronic transformer which is fed by 24 V dc. A severe amount of power is needed for the IGCT turn-off. The turn-off power can be calculated to (6.2) Poff = UGDU · QGQ (ITGQ , Tvj ) · fs . As also depicted by Fig. 6.8, the power consumption of an IGCT rises significantly with the operating frequency. The extrapolation of the given datasheet values for an operation at ITGQ = 1 kA and fs = 1 kHz leads to PGin = 130 W. Considering safety margin and losses in the isolation transformer, the auxiliary supply for a PEBB including four IGCT devices is designed for 600 W. To energize and turn-off the converter safely in case of a power black out, the auxiliary supply is supported with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Medium-Frequency Transformer The series inductance in the ac link has a major influence on the operation of the converter. It determines the load-angle range, rms current in the ac link, dc current ripple, turn-off current of the IGCTs, the soft-switching boundary at low load and the di dt during the diode turn-off and IGCT turn on. An obvious optimization criterion is to minimize the rms current in the transformer and consequently the apparent-power rating of the transformer [57]. Figure 6.9 show the rms current of the transformer in dependence of the series inductance at a transferred power of 5 MW. If the dynamic voltage ratio d is large, the stray inductance is desired to limit the current. At a operation with input and output voltage being equal (d = 1), only a low inductance is needed in the ac link, since the current does not change when both bridges are in the same switching state. Then a high inductance in the ac link results in a higher reactive power. The intersection of both graphs gives the optimal inductance leading to the lowest rms current to cover a given operation area. For the given converter, the optimal inductance is 185 µH resulting in a minimum rms current of 855 A. 55 Demonstrator Figure 6.8: Power consumption of one IGCT, Source: [77] There are two different design philosophies. Firstly, the series inductance can be implemented as two separate inductances connected on the primary and secondary side of the transformer. Secondly, as also common practice in low power applications, the stay inductance of the transformer can be used as built-in filter element. The first approach is easier to design. It might be preferred if the design of the transformer itself is already challenging due to thermal management or isolation issues. Moreover, designing separate inductances, the inductance value can be set more accurately. Implementing the series inductance into the transformer probably leads to lower overall copper losses. In addition, the volume is lower compared to a transformer with additional inductors. However, the design of the transformer is more complex and the stray inductance of the transformer is very sensitive to the geometry and the environment. If tolerances in the stray inductance have to be considered, the diagram in Fig. 6.9 shows that the transformer has to be designed for higher currents. Since the design of the transformer is already very complex due to the high power rating, the issues of PD-free insulation and the increased stray inductance, firstly a single-phase transformer is used for the commissioning of the high-power dc-dc converter. In the scope of this project, a transformer for a rated power of 2.2 MVA at a frequency of 1000 Hz has been acquired. The transformer with a basic insulation level (BIL) of 12 kV 56 Demonstrator transformer current in A 1050 Up = 4.5 kV, Us = 4.5 kV Up = 4.5 kV, Us = 5.5 kV 1000 950 900 850 800 100 150 200 250 300 350 stray inductance in µH Figure 6.9: Transformer current versus stray inductance has a core made of 0.18 mm silicon steel sheets. The outer dimension of the transformer are 0.72 m × 0.65 m × 0.48 m and it weighs 607 kg. Consequently, it features a roughly 10-times higher power density compared to a conventional 50 Hz transformer. Auxiliary Resonant-Commutated Pole An ARCP circuit as described in Chapter 4 has been designed and constructed for the application in the high-power medium-voltage dc-dc converter. From the discussed options, the Si thyristor solution has been chosen for implementation since it offers fairly low losses, high availability and low control effort. The thyristors have to offer low reverse recovery times as they are operated at 1000 Hz switching frequency. The thyristor "R1127" from IXYS Westcode has been chosen. The reverse recovery effect is reduced applying "DD600S65K1" from Infineon as series-connected diode. The auxiliary inductance is 8.3 µH while each main switch is equipped with a 1.36 µF snubber capacitor. Figure 6.10 shows pictures from the commissioning of the ARCP in the lab and in the dc-dc converter itself. Note that the auxiliary devices are small compared to the main devices of the dc-dc converter. The power ratings of the auxiliary devices are comparatively low. The auxiliary inductor for example is rated for an rms current of 200 A. In order to ensure safe operation, a measuring circuit is implemented together with the ARCP that monitors the voltage across the IGCT devices. This circuit shall detect if the GCT is under zero-voltage conditions to prevent it from short circuiting the snubber if that is still charged. As a positive side effect the same circuit prevents an IGCT to fire on a short circuit, since the voltage across the GCT will not reach 0 V. The circuit originally proposed in [78] and explained applied to a DAB3 in [65] is connected in parallel to the GCT. As soon as the voltage reaches 0 V an optical signal indicates that 57 Demonstrator (a) Comissioning in the lab (b) Testing in the high-power converter Figure 6.10: ARCP prototype + (a) Schematic (b) Implementation Figure 6.11: ZV detection circuit the zero-voltage condition is met. Figure 6.12 shows the verification where "ZV" is the logical signal indicating the zero-voltage condition. 58 Demonstrator 5 vC /200V ZV signal 4 3 2 1 0 −1 0 10 20 30 time in µs Figure 6.12: Verification of the ZV detection circuit 6.3 Commissioning Setup A In the first phase of the commissioning, only one half-bridge leg on the primary and secondary side of the converter is used. As depicted in Fig. 6.13, the primary and secondary are fed independently from a dc-power supply. While the resistances on the primary serve to symmetrize the dc link, the secondary-side resistors are used as load. In the first test the focus is on the quasi zero-voltage switching of the GCTs. It should be clarified that the GCTs are able to turn on properly under zero-voltage or rather zero-current conditions. Figure 6.14 shows the device voltage and current of GCT2 (according Fig. 6.13) and the primary transformer current. The measurements do not show any abnormality considering the switching of the GCT. Figure 6.13: Schematic Setup A 59 Demonstrator 40 20 current in A current in A ip1 iGCT1 0 −20 0 50 20 0 −20 −50 100 time in µs 300 300 200 200 uGCT2 in V uGCT2 in V −40 −50 ip1 iGCT1 100 0 −100 −50 0 50 100 time in µs 0 50 100 50 100 time in µs 100 0 −100 −50 (a) GCT2 turn on 0 time in µs (b) GCT2 turn off Figure 6.14: Measuring Setup A Setup B As next stage of the commissioning the dc links are connected together as shown in Fig. 6.15. Consequently, the energy is fed in a loop and only the losses have to be compensated. This makes an expensive high-power load obsolete. Moreover, the power transferred by the converter can be increased since it is not any more limited by the dc supply. However, it has to be tested, if the two bridges effect each other. While setup A has used an smaller transformer, the setup B includes the 2.2 MVA transformer. With this measuring the transformer parameters and its behavior in a DAB application can is analyzed. Firstly, the measuring shows overshooting in the voltage, when the GCT turns off. This is due to the clamping circuit and is in accordance to the spice simulation described in Section 6.2. The absolute value of the overshoot is independent from the dc-link voltage. Accordingly, the relative overshoot will be less at increased voltage levels. Secondly, the transformer parameters, especially the stray inductance, can be verified through this measuring. According to the voltage ∆U across the transformer and the slope of the 60 Demonstrator Figure 6.15: Schematic Setup B 150 100 50 0 −50 −100 ip1 is1 100 transformer current in A transformer voltage in V up1 us1 50 0 −50 −100 0 0.5 1 −150 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 time in ms time in ms (a) Transformer voltages (b) Transformer currents Figure 6.16: Measuring Setup B current the stray inductance calculates to Lσ = ∆U dip1 dt −1 ≈ 45 µH. (6.3) This is unfortunately much less than what was specified. It turns out that designing the transformer with an increased stray inductance is extremely difficult, especially in medium-voltage application when the windings are casted. Moreover, we experienced that the stray field gets affected by the environment. After the transformer manufacturer has mounted the cooling equipment in the transformer housing, the stray inductance decreased. This experience might motivate the use of separate inductances in the ac link until the accurate design of the transformers stray inductance in a medium-voltage application is manageable. 61 Demonstrator Figure 6.17: Schematic Setup C Setup C To increase the power level further, two additional PEBBs are installed to operate the bridges in an H-bridge configuration. Thus, also the high compensating currents through the connection of the mid points is obsolete. Initially, this should ensure that the dc-link is perfectly symmetrical since otherwise the transformer might saturate. Figure 6.17 shows the configuration with a H-bridge inverter on the primary and secondary side. The two PEBBs of each bridge share one di dt snubber. Contrary to the figure, each phase leg applies a separate clamping diode and capacitor. Since the stray inductance between the capacitor Cc and the IGCTs is crucial concerning over voltage, the diodes and capacitors for each phase leg are integrated individually in each PEBB. Two measurements at different dc-link voltages are shown in Fig. 6.18 and Fig. 6.19. At increased voltage the stray inductance calculated from the voltage and current waveforms is a few percent lower compared to the measuring before. However, this slight variation might also result from sensor inaccuracy. When both bridge are in the same switching state, the transformer current decreases due to the winding resistance. Figure 6.19 shows the a measurement at a dc link voltage of 1000 V. For comparison, the waveforms for 450 V are depicted in Fig. 6.18. 62 Demonstrator 1000 400 ip1 is1 transformer current in A transformer voltage in V up1 us1 500 0 −500 −1000 0 0.5 1 200 0 −200 −400 1.5 0.5 0 1 1.5 time in ms time in ms (a) Transformer voltages (b) Transformer currents Figure 6.18: Measuring Setup C, Up = 450 V, ϕ = 18◦ 1500 300 up1 us1 500 0 −500 −1000 −1500 −0.5 ip1 is1 200 transformer current in A transformer voltage in V 1000 100 0 −100 −200 0 0.5 time in ms (a) Transformer voltages 1 −300 −0.5 0 0.5 1 time in ms (b) Transformer currents Figure 6.19: Measuring Setup C, Up = 1000 V, ϕ = 12◦ 63 Demonstrator 6.4 Derating due to Single-Phase Setup Although all components are rated for a power of 5 MW, there are reasons why the converter is not able to achieve the rated power with the actual (single-phase) configuration. The reasons are either related to the single-phase setup itself or due to the low stray inductance. Transformer Saturation The saturation of the transformer is related to the integral of the phase voltage, or rather the volt seconds applied to the main inductance. Figure 6.20 shows the voltage waveforms applied to a transformer in a single-phase and a three-phase DAB converter. Assuming the magnetic material is utilized equally leads to: Z up1,DAB1 (t) dt Z = max up1,DAB3 (t) dt (6.4) max Ts 4 Ts · Up,DAB1 = · · Up,DAB3 2 3 6 4 Up,DAB1 = · Up,DAB3 9 (6.5) (6.6) Consequently, the dc-link voltage has to be reduced to 44 % since the converter is not operated in a three-phase configuration. Figure 6.20: Transformer voltage for a single-phase and three-phase DAB 64 Demonstrator Current Ripple and DC Capacitor Stress The DAB3 requires smaller dc-link capacitors compared to the DAB1 to achieve the same voltage ripple. However, in the experiments the rms current flowing into the dc-link capacitor has been the limiting factor. Even at reduced power levels, the dc link capacitor currents have been elevated. Firstly, the DAB1 in general shows a higher current ripple than the DAB3. Consequently, the capacitor current in DAB1 IC,DAB1 is higher than the rms capacitor current in a DAB3 IC,DAB3 . Figure 6.21 depicts the increase of the capacitor rms current IC,DAB1 IC,DAB3 (6.7) for the primary and secondary side, respectively. It is evident that, especially when the voltage conversion ratio is different from 1, the capacitor current in the single-phase configuration is much higher compared to the three-phase configuration. Secondly, the stray inductance, which turned out to be much smaller than intended, increases the rms capacitor current further. Exemplary, the capacitor current is depicted for different values of the series inductance at a moderate voltage conversion ratio of 5 % in Fig. 6.22. Even at lower power levels, the rms current rises steeply if not enough series inductance is provided. This effect is more critical in a single-phase operation than in three-phase. Switching Losses Although the dual-active bridge converters are soft-switched, switching losses occur. These are mainly turn-off losses that depend on the current that is switched off. In a single-phase configuration the current that has to be turned off is high (at the peak of the waveform). At a conversion ratio of 1 it is nearly the dc current. In contrast to that, the current that has to be switched off in a DAB3 is lower. For a conversion ratio of 1 it is only the half current of the single-phase DAB. Consequently, the switching losses in the main switches of a single-phase are substantially increased as compared to the three-phase DABC. This chapter shall underline the advantages of a three-phase dual-active bridge configuration. The additional effort implementing a three-phase dual-active bridge converter, in contrast to a single-phase converter, is comparatively low. However, the utilization of the components can be improved significantly. Not only the utilization of the passive components but also of the power-semiconductors enhances. 65 Demonstrator 5 4.5 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 2 2 2.5 4 3 3.5 3 2 4 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 2 1 0.95 1 1.05 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 2 2.5 3 3.5 1 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 2 2.5 3 3.5 2 3 4 2.5 2 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 power in MW 4 3 3.5 4 4.5 4 power in MW 5 2 2.5 3 3.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 0.95 voltage conversion ratio 1 1.05 voltage conversion ratio (a) primary side (b) secondary side Figure 6.21: Comparison of the capacitor rms current in a single-phase and three-phase configuration; switching frequency 1 kHz, primary dc-link voltage 5 kV, series inductance 45 µH capacitor current in A capacitor current in A 5 400 160 200 240 600 800 1000 power in MW 80 80 40 50 120 200 80 120 150 160 200 240 100 2 1 400 50 600 800 1000 1 200 1200 2 3 160 200 240 0 20 400 600 3 80 4 800 1000 power in MW 4 120 120 5 100 150 series inductance in µH series inductance in µH (a) single-phase configuration (b) three-phase configuration 200 Figure 6.22: Primary-side capacitor current as function of the series inductance; switching frequency 1 kHz, primary dc-link voltage 5 kV, voltage conversion ratio 1.05 66 7 Conclusion Future, flexible power distribution systems will use DC multi-terminal distribution networks. To realize such systems, dc-dc converters , i.e. electronic transformers, are key enabling components. In this project, a high-power dc-dc converter is designed and constructed. Many decentralized power generation systems, such as wind farms, PV power plants or energy distribution in city quarters offer a high potential for cost savings when using dc networks. To open these application areas, a high-power dc-to-dc converter that is highly efficient, robust and offers a high power density is needed. The three-phase dual-active bridge is in the focus of this work, as this topology offers high potential of fulfilling all requirements. The dual-active bridge offers high dynamic control performance. Using the developed instantaneous current control, the converter is able to achieve a load step within one third of a switching period. The implemented balancing control compensates the effect of asymmetric transformers in the ac link and, consequently, improves the power quality in the dc-link. One major advantage of the converter is its inherent soft-switching capability in a large operating range. This and the use of lossless snubbers decrease the switching losses significantly. Together with the applied thyristor-based power-electronic devices offering low conduction losses this results in a very high efficiency. Moreover, the snubbers achieve the dynamic voltage balancing allowing an easy series connection of switches. To ensure zero-voltage switching in the entire operating range, an auxiliary circuitry is investigated and implemented. This small circuitry ensures minimal losses and makes the converter inherently safe to an IGCT failure. At the given power and voltage rating, the design of the transformer located in the ac link of the converter is important. It is operated at elevated frequency to increase the power density and to improve the efficiency. The operation in such a DAB converter poses great demands on the transformer design. However, a 2.2 MVA single-phase prototype, that was built and tested, demonstrates the great potential for an ten-fold power-density increase as compared to a 50 Hz transformer. No noticeable problems had occurred during the commissioning. This approves the suitability of the thyristor-based power-electronic switches for the three-phase dual-active bridge. The commissioning which has been carried out in a single-phase configuration first, clarifies the advantages of the three-phase dual-active bridge particularly in high-power applications. 67 8 Further Steps and Future Development Although, synthetic tests have shown that the three-phase DABC can achieve above 99 % efficiency [57], further improvements can already be identified. In particular, the mediumfrequency high-power transformer offers great potential for future development. The optimal core material and core design should be further developed. Amorphous iron offers lower specific losses compared to silicon steel. However, the higher magnetostriction, causing mechanical stress in the core, prohibits the use of such cores at the given power rating and frequency (1– 2 kHz). This effect needs to be investigated further. Moreover, the optimal material depends on the operating frequency of the dual-active bridge converter. New semiconducting materials, like silicon carbide or gallium nitride, and new power electronic devices offer higher operating frequencies [79]. Consequently, they need to be considered in a joint analysis to determine the optimal material combination. In this project, the stray inductance of the transformer has been increased to serve as series inductance in the ac link. Winding-core configurations should be investigated that allow an improved precalculation of the stray inductance. At the same time, the applicability in medium-voltage high-power transformers is of course essential. Alternatively, it should be investigated to use separate series inductances. Depending on the needed inductance value, the easier implementation should be confronted with the lower power density. These investigations can be conducted for single-phase and three-phase transformers, respectively. The open question considering the converter itself is how the auxiliary circuit affects the system reliability. Implementing the auxiliary circuit, the number of devices is increased. However, it offers inherent safety from a phase-leg short circuit. Based on the investigation of possible failures, counteractions should be found. Possibly, alternative operating strategies offer, along with damage limitation, continuous operation at decreased power levels. Since the dual-active bridge is galvanically isolated, converters can be connected in series to step up the voltage. The proper control strategies and voltage balancing for such a converter pool have to be investigated. The insulation of the winding on the high-voltage side may also pose new challenges in very-high-voltage applications. Furthermore, as more converters are used, this offers additional degrees of freedom to ensure soft-switching and to continue operation in case of failure. Ultimately, the three-phase dual-active bridge is the perfect candidate to operate in multiterminal MVDC grids. Control strategies on system and converter level and fault isolation 68 Further Steps and Future Development need to be investigated. The results can be supported by power-hardware in the loop applying the high-power dc-dc converter to a real time simulator. Moreover, the results and experiences on the device and converter level will also contribute to findings on system level. Another future research topic is the integration of all required components into a small unit with a high power density. Medium-voltage systems have to become standard products and need to become more cost-effective for a wide use in future grids. The use of optimized thyristor-based turn-off power semiconductors as the ICT, IETO and Dual-ICT [80–82] should be evaluated to analyze the potentials for efficiency and power density of the dual-active bridge for future setups. In addition, the gate drives and the devices can be further optimized for DABC applications, thereby further enhancing performance. The overall cooling systems can be simplified when air cooling is applied. The losses in the power devices of the soft-switched DABC are considerably lower than in VSI PWM applications. Hence, liquid cooled systems (having pumps and deionization units) can be avoided. 69 9 Bibliography [1] M.A. Jacobson Mark Z.; Delucchi. “A Path to Sustainable Energy by 2030”. 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Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University, 2013. 76 10 Attachments 10.1 List of Figures 2.1 Installed offshore wind capacity in Europe (1993-2012), Source: [17] . . . . . . . 2.2 Distance and depth of planned offshore wind farms (bubble size represents windfarm capacity), Source: [17] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 5 5 Schematic of a dc collector grid for offshore wind farms and the connection to different dc sinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.4 Different topologies for dc collector grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.5 Collector grid topologies for a PV application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.6 Structure of a a solid-state ac transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.7 Target ratings for different applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.8 Schematic of the three-phase DAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.9 Characteristic voltage and current waveforms in a DAB3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.1 Schematics considered for the modeling approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.2 Phasor diagram of a DAB3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.3 Dynamic FHA model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.4 Comparison of models with circuit simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.5 Applying the Clarke transformation to DAB3 currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.6 Load-angle change without sign change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.7 Load-angle change in the time domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.8 Load-angle change with sign change 3.9 Comparison of original and improved ICC in measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.10 Closed-loop current control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.11 Closed-loop voltage control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.12 Influence of an asymmetric transformer on a DAB3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 77 Attachments 3.13 Transformer currents applying balancing angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.1 Series connection of IGCTs using conventional snubber circuits for dynamic voltage balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4.2 Voltage balancing applying lossless snubbers [57] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4.3 Voltage and current transients during ZVS turn off [58] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4.4 Turn-off losses in presence of a lossless snubber for different IGCTs [58] . . . . . 30 4.5 Semiconductor losses in a DAB3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4.6 Hard and soft switched operating areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4.7 Single phase leg of an Auxiliary Resonant-Commutated Pole (ARCP) . . . . . . 34 4.8 Integration of the ARCP in the DAB3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.9 Commutation energy for different configurations of Saux . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5.1 Transformer requirements for different applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 5.2 Measuring results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 5.3 Steinmetz parameter extraction and validation of the iGSE . . . . . . . . . . . 41 5.4 Magnetic field in the winding window 5.5 Simulating the stray inductance in a 2-D FEM simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5.6 Alternative stacked winding configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5.7 Simulating the stray inductance for a stacked winding configuration . . . . . . . 45 6.1 PC D247 control hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 6.2 PC D247 system overview, Source:[75] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 6.3 Application-block interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 6.4 Overview of the modules in the FPGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 6.5 Overview of the PowerPC Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 6.6 Demonstrator in an early construction phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 6.7 Spice model to design the clamping circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 6.8 Power consumption of one IGCT, Source: [77] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 6.9 Transformer current versus stray inductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 6.10 ARCP prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 78 Attachments 6.11 ZV detection circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 6.12 Verification of the ZV detection circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6.13 Schematic Setup A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6.14 Measuring Setup A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 6.15 Schematic Setup B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 6.16 Measuring Setup B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 6.17 Schematic Setup C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 6.18 Measuring Setup C, Up = 450 V, ϕ = 18◦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 6.19 Measuring Setup C, Up = 1000 V, ϕ = 12◦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 6.20 Transformer voltage for a single-phase and three-phase DAB . . . . . . . . . . . 64 6.21 Comparison of the capacitor rms current in a single-phase and three-phase configuration; switching frequency 1 kHz, primary dc-link voltage 5 kV, series inductance 45 µH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 6.22 Primary-side capacitor current as function of the series inductance; switching frequency 1 kHz, primary dc-link voltage 5 kV, voltage conversion ratio 1.05 . . 66 10.2 List of Tables 2.1 DC-DC converter requirements of utility-scale applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.2 Possible dc-dc converter topologies for medium-voltage applications . . . . . . . 12 4.1 Simulation parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.2 Evaluation of different switching devices for an ARCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 5.1 Simulation results: verification of the analytical designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 10.3 Related Publications • P. Köllensperger, R. Lenke, S. Schröder, R. W. De Doncker, “Design of a Flexible Control Platform for Soft-Switching Multilevel Inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume: 22 , Issue: 5, Pages 1778 - 1785, Sept. 2007 • R. Lenke, F. Mura, R. W. De Doncker, “Comparison of Non-Resonant and SuperResonant Dual-Active ZVS-Operated High-Power DC-DC Converters,” 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 2009 79 Attachments • R. Lenke, S. Rohde, F. Mura, R. W. De Doncker, “Characterization of Amorphous Iron Distribution Transformer Core for Use in High-Power Medium-Frequency Applications,” Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition (ECCE), San Jose, USA , Sept. 2009 • R. Lenke, J. Hu, R. W. De Doncker, “Unified Steady-State Description of Phase-ShiftControlled ZVS-Operated Series-Resonant and Non-Resonant Single-Active-Bridge Converters,” Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition (ECCE), San Jose, USA, Sept. 2009 • F. Mura, R. Lenke, H. van Hoek, R. W. De Doncker, “Wirkungsgradanalyse eines Offshore-Windparks mit Mittelspannungs-Gleichstromnetz,” ETG-Kongress, Düsseldorf, Germany, Oct. 2009 • R. Lenke, B. Szymanski, R. W. De Doncker, “Low-Frequency Modeling of Three-phase, Four-core, Strip-wound Transformers in High-Power DC-DC converters,” Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition (ECCE), Atlanta, USA , Sept. 2010 • M. Bragard, N. Soltau, S. Thomas, R. W. De Doncker, “The Balance of Renewable Sources and User Demands in Grids: Power Electronics for Modular Battery Energy Storage Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 12, pp. 30493056, 2010 • R. W. De Doncker, S. Engel, N. Soltau, “High-Power Semiconductors for Multi-Terminal Medium-Voltage DC Systems,” Korea-Germany Joint Symposium on Power Electronics 2011 (KOSEF), München, Germany, Aug. 2011 • R. Lenke, H. van Hoek, S. Taraborrelli, R. W. De Doncker, J. San Sebastian, I. EtxeberriaOtadui, “Turn-off behavior of 4.5 kV asymmetric IGCTs under zero voltage switching conditions,” Proceedings of the 2011-14th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), Birmingham, UK, Sept. 2011 • S. Engel, N. Soltau, R. W. De Doncker, “Instantaneous Current Control for the ThreePhase Dual-Active Bridge DC-DC Converter,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Raleigh, USA, Sept. 2012 • N. Soltau, H. Siddique, R. W. De Doncker, “Comprehensive Modeling and Control Strategies for a Three-Phase Dual-Active Bridge,” International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Nagasaki, Japan, Nov. 2012 • S. Engel, N. Soltau, H. Stagge, R. W. De Doncker, “Dynamic and Balanced Control of Three-Phase High-Power Dual-Active Bridge DC-DC Converters in DC-Grid Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 1880-1889, 2012 • S. Engel, N. Soltau, H. Stagge, R. W. De Doncker, “Improved Instantaneous Current 80 Attachments Control for the Three-Phase Dual-Active Bridge DC-DC Converter,” Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition Asia (ECCE Asia), Melbourne, Australia, Jun. 2013 • N. Soltau, S. Engel, R. W. De Doncker, “Compensation of Asymmetric Transformers in High-Power DC-DC,” Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition Asia (ECCE Asia), Melbourne, Australia, Jun. 2013 • N. Soltau, D. Eggers, K. Hameyer, R. W. De Doncker, “Iron Losses in a MediumFrequency Transformer operated in a High-Power DC-DC Converter,” Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG), Budapest, Hungary, Jul. 2013 • S. Engel, N. Soltau, H. Stagge, R. W. De Doncker, “Improved Instantaneous Current Control for High-Power Three-Phase Dual-Active Bridge DC-DC Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2013 • N. Soltau, D. Eggers, K. Hameyer, R. W. De Doncker, “Iron Losses in a MediumFrequency Transformer operated in a High-Power DC-DC Converter,” IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2014 10.4 Short CV of Scientists Involved in the Project Dipl.-Ing. Nils Soltau • 2010: Diploma degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany • Since 2010: Research Associate at E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems (PGS), RWTH Aachen University, Germany Dr.-Ing. Robert U. Lenke • 2004: Diploma degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany • 2005: Project Engineer Power Electronics at Semikron Korea Ltd, Republic of Korea • 2005-2007: Research Associate at Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University, Germany • 2007-2010: Research Associate at E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems (PGS), RWTH Aachen University, Germany • 2010: Doctor in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany 81 Attachments • 2010-2012: R&D Engineer at Bonfiglioli Vectron GmbH, Krefeld, Germany • since 2012: Head of Product Management Photovoltaics at Bonfiglioli Vectron GmbH, Krefeld, Germany Prof. Dr. ir. Dr. h. c. Rik W. De Doncker • 1986: Doctor in Electrical Engineering with the highest distinction at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium • 1987: Fulbright-Hays Award and N.A.T.O. Research Grant at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA • 1988: General Electric (GE) Fellowship at the Interuniversity Microelectronic Center (IMEC), Leuven, Belgium • 1989 - 1994: Senior Scientist at the GE Corporate Research and Development Center, Schenectady/New York, USA • 1991 - 1993: Adjunct Professor at the Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute (RPI), Troy/New York, USA, Department of Electric Power Engineering • 1994 - 1996: Vice President at Silicon Power Corporation (SPCO), Malvern/Pennsylvania, USA • 1996: Professor and head of the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) at Aachen University of Technology • 1999: Senior Member IEEE • 2001: Fellow IEEE • 2002: IEEE IAS 2002 Outstanding Achievement Award • 2002 - 2004: IEEE IAS IPCSD Department Chair • 2004: IEEE German Chapter Award • 2004 - 2006: President IEEE PELS (Power Electronics Society) • 2006: Director of the E.ON Energy Research Center and Head of the E.ON Energy Research Center Institute Power Generation and Storage Systems (PGS) • 2007: E.ON International Research Award (HERMES project) • 2009: Nari Hingorani Custom Power Award of the IEEE PES (Power and Energy Society) • 2010: Honorary Doctor Degree "Doktor Honoris Causa" at TU Riga • 2013: IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Field Award 82 Attachments 10.5 Project Timeline Over the years, the project, which was officially launched in July 2007, fell behind schedule. The process of outsourcing the construction and fabrication of the high-power medium-voltage transformer has been underestimated in the planning stage and resulted in a project delay of approximately 2 years. Due to the importance of this topic, the research and the development of the three-phase medium-frequency transformers is continued in the gGmbH Project No. 37 “Medium-Frequency Transformer for Medium-Voltage DC-DC Converters”. 10.6 Activities within the Scope of the Project The project "high-power dc-dc converter" unites different research topics. The E.ON Energy Research Center has gained experience in medium-voltage devices, magnetics at increased power density, control theory and plant engineering. This knowledge has been used in other research project, such as the high-speed PGS test bench, and publications. In total 18 master and diploma theses and 5 PhD theses were completed within the scope of the project. The project produced 6 transaction papers, 12 conference proceedings and 2 patents. Using the constructed demonstrator, the E.ON Energy Research Center is able to test and characterize high-power transformers at medium-frequency. A dc-dc converter rated for the given voltage and power level is unique worldwide and will play an essential role in future project acquisitions. Furthermore, the dc-dc converter can be used by the Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems (Prof. Monti) to validate dc control function in a hardware-in-the-loop test environment. 83 Project Synopsis Nils Soltau, Robert Lenke, Rik W. De Doncker PGS - Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems E.ON Energy Research Center (E.ON ERC), RWTH Aachen University Mathieustr. 10 52074 Aachen, Germany Dipl.-Ing. Nils Soltau Tel.: +49 241/80 49957 Fax.: +49 241/80 49949 nsoltau@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de Dr.-Ing. Robert U. Lenke Tel.: +49 2151/8396 327 Fax: +49 2151/8396 994 Robert.Lenke@bonfiglioli.com Univ.-Prof. Dr. ir. Dr. h. c. Rik W. De Doncker Tel.: +49 241/80 49940 Fax: +49 241/80 49949 post_pgs@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de Categories E.ON ERC focus 2 2 2 2 Small Scale CHP Energy Storage Consumer Behavior Energy and Buildings Distribution Networks Carbon Storage (CCS) Large Power Plants Energy Efficiency Energy Economics Modeling Power Electronics Renewable Energy Others: Medium-Size Power Plants Type of project report: Final Project Report Start and end date of project: July 2007 - March 2013 Project in planned timelines: yes 2 no (see section 10.5) Participating Chairs of E.ON ERC 2 84 Automation of Complex Power Systems (ACS) Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate (EBC) Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior (FCN) Applied Geophysics and Geothermal Energy (GGE) Power Generation and Storage Systems (PGS) Attachments External R&D partners The project was kindly supported with power-electronic devices and hardware by ABB Switzerland. Acknowledgments This project was supported by a grant of E.ON ERC gGmbH. 85 Notes: 86 E.ON Energy Research Center Series ISSN: 1868-7415 First Edition: Aachen, July 2013 E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen University Mathieustraße 10 52074 Aachen Germany T +49 (0)241 80 49667 F +49 (0)241 80 49669 post_erc@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de www.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de