Circular Floral Walks


Circular Floral Walks
 This leaflet kkindly sponsored This leaflet hh
as bb
een kindly sponsored bb
y y This leaflet has as been een indly sponsored by Auberge Auberge ddu VVal Auberge du u Val al This leaflet has been kindly sponsored by B&B B&B // B
B&B / B
istro Bistro istro Auberge du Val Open for lunch S unday Open for lunch 11
2-­‐2pm TT
uesday – –S –unday Open for lunch 12-­‐2pm 2-­‐2pm Tuesday uesday Sunday B&B /
istro (Special lunch available id-­‐week, (Special PP
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id-­‐week, (Special Prix rix Fixe ixe lunch menu enu available m
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r or 3r 3
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age A
Perry’s GG
uide reference Pistro age 22
2 2 A2 4 4 Perry’s Guide reference Page 2
A4 For bookings please call 263862 or email Auberge ddu yyou ant e egxercise, tthe Auberge du VV
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through the outstanding natural which a athway athway hrough he utstanding Church nd down an ancient road o atural the Perry’s Guide reference Page 22 A4 beauty tthe lland aaIround tthe eservoir. beauty of ootf f he around he RR
eservoir. beauty he and he Rm
eservoir. Auberge dland u Val. f round you tw
ant ore exercise, the walk can be extended by taking in the Millennium Walk which is a pathway through the outstanding natural beauty of the land around the Reservoir. Circular W
alks Circular FFloral W
alks Circular Floral loral W
alks Circular Floral Walks Auberge Auberge ddu VVal Auberge du u Val al Auberge du Val Landscape pphotos bby Landscape photos by N
ick DD
espres PP
hotography Landscape hotos y N
Nick ick Despres espres Photography hotography W: W: w w W: w T: 2263324 T: 2 63324 T: 63324 Landscape photos by Nick Despres Photography Map rreproduced kkind ppermission f f D
W: w Map reproduced ww
ith kind permission of ooD
igimap Map eproduced with ith ind ermission Digimap igimap T: 263324 Map reproduced with kind permission of Digimap Floral Floral SSt St St Saviour Floral Saviour aviour Winners otf ohe tf he loral uernsey Winners of FF
loral GG
uernsey Winners the Floral Guernsey Floral S
t S
aviour Nature &
onservation A
ward Nature & C&onservation Award Nature Conservation Award 2013 a
nd 2
015 2013 a
nd 2
015 2013 a
nd 2
015 Winners of the Floral Guernsey Nature & Conservation Award 2013 and 2015 Changes in direction are marked by green painted arrows on the pavement/road Route (Walk 1) 1 mile (Green route on map) Go into the meadow opposite the Auberge du Val B&B/Bistro, walk around the meadow and up the ramp in the northwest corner onto the road. 75m uphill turn left down a Green Lane, which crosses a tarmac country lane after about 100m. This Green Lane runs alongside an unspoilt water meadow, at the end turn right uphill to the main road. St Saviour’s Community Centre is 70m on your left. The Community Centre, , has nice gardens and stunning views, it is a great venue for meetings, parties and weddings. Coming back out of the Community Centre turn left to the Church about 450m along the road. Follow the gravel path round the Church, taking the second right turn and then the right branch to a set of granite steps leading down to a cobbled pathway. On your left is a Fief Stone where the local Seigneur (similar to a lord of the manor) would sit to deal with land transfers. The cobbled road leads to the Auberge du Val B&B/Bistro and was an ancient funeral road. Route (Walk 2) 3 miles (Green and red routes on map) This shares the same start and finish as Walk 2. When you reach the lane having come through the Green Lane in Walk 2 turn left along the country lane for approximately 200m where you will find a wooden gate at the entrance to the Millennium Walk, a 3km long nature trail created by Guernsey Water and opened in 2001. The Reservoir is maintained as a natural habitat, rich in wildlife, by Environment Guernsey (a company set up by La Societe Guernesiaise) which is employed to help look after the Millennium Walk. An information leaflet can be downloaded from . This walk stays within the confines of the Reservoir until you reach the road after crossing the dam wall. Turn right along the road, staying on the main road all the way to St Saviour’s Community Centre on your left at the top of the gentle hill. Follow the same route as for Walk 2 until you arrive back at the Auberge du Val B&B/Bistro.