orange peel gazette - kane county edition
orange peel gazette - kane county edition
ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION GrEat ratEs - GrEat rEsults - Call today! (815)751-1286 RECYCLE nk Thi nge Ora Happy Fall Y’all Thin k Cas h One small positive thought ‘leaves’ the mind open for the inviting of others. Don’t ‘fall” for the negativity of others. It will only drive you NUTS. cASh For YoUr S crAP Steel, copper, Aluminum & cars Trucking & Dumpster Service Available • Aluminum • Brass • Copper • Stainless Steel • Steel • Iron • Insulated Wire • Batteries • Aluminum Cans • Siding “Helping To Keep America Picked Up For 40 Years” TM r. Zimmer man 3 0 1 i n d u s t r i a l D r. DeKalb (815)756-8600 POLAR Ecology Tech Inc accepting e SCrap 630-844-3344 Since 1988 630-262-8484 no credit or Poor credit? no Sweat!!! You are... DeLuxe System 1 Block E. of Rt 25 on Sullivan 336 East Sullivan • Aurora 59 PreciSion $ 00 Volume 9, issue 3 KANE COUNTY EDITION Your our Business! For Advertising: Michelle (815)751-1286 Email: Christmas 35th Annual in the Country Arts & Crafts Show Sandwich High School Sandwich Middle School Lynn Haskins Grade School FREE TAKE ONE Halloween Spooks There’s a goblin at my window, a monster by my door. The pumpkin at my table keeps on smiling more and more. There’s a ghost who haunts my room, a witch whose face is green. They used to be my family, til they dressed for Halloween. Sandwich - S. of Rt 34 on Wells, Lions & Dayton St. Sat., Nov 8 Sun., Nov 9 $3 Admission $20 instant Savings $10 off* 9am - 4pm 11am - 4pm Lunch Served Door Prices ▪ 150 Crafters Shuttle Bus Service Between Schools No Strollers Allowed ss usic A hools M ndwich Sc Admission benefits the Sa ociat io n for donating a non-perishable canned food item to: $10 off* for First Time Customers AUToMATicALLY APProVeD! ** $500 oFF for Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals A/c or Furnace Tune-up BE PREPARED Call Today! M - F 7:30 - 4:30 Sat 7:00 - 12:30 FREE TAKE ONE TOp CaSH paid STATE CERTIFIED SCALES CONTAINER & TRUCKING SERVICES VORTEX MAY RETURN O RANGE P EEL G AZETTE “The Hottest Little Paper In Town!” october 15, 2014 10 year manufacturer warranty on system. Lifetime warranty on compressor. One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 11/15/14 Call Now 630-262-8484 O RANGE P EEL G AZETTE OF OFF* 50 Any Repair $ K ANE C O Advertising: Michelle (815)751-1286 Email: Mailing: PO Box 703, DeKalb, IL 60115 LOOK FOR OUR NEXT ISSUE ON NOVEMBER 5 Page 20 15% off Any Service Visit please see service advisor for details Expires 11/15/2014 Expires 12/1/09 OPG Across from leet Farm & F Visit Us Online @ ServiCe OpeN ON SaTurdayS! 8-4 Several used cars under 9990.00 $ See dealer for details If you are age 7 - 107. . . Enjoy Your FREE Copy Of The Orange Peel Gazette advErtIsING starts at Just $22.00 PEr IssuE Old Coach Works Restoration Pirates two pirates are talking. one has a wooden leg, a hook, and an eye patch. How'd you get that wooden leg, mate? ay, it got bit off by a varmit shark. How'd you get that metal hook? lost 'er in a sword fight . . . guy cut off me bloody hand. How'd you get that eye patch? Well, I was up in the crows nest and I looked up to spy this seagull. the dang thing got me right in the eye! Well, how'd tHat make you blind? arr, it was the first day I had me hook! ANTIquE - CLASSIC - SPECIAL INTEREST AuToS Whether it’s a reliable driver or a Concours Grand Champion Complete Restoration Service reaso nab Seasonal Maintenance and Repairs rates le Body Repair-Painting-Electrical Repairs 1206 Badger St ▪ Yorkville, IL (630)553-0414 Low interest rates getting you How much will you need to down? Let's talk. Pony Express retire? Let’s talk. at a Milwaukee post office, a woman complained to the clerk that a Pony Express rider could get a letter from Milwaukee to st. louis in two days, and now it takes three. "I'd like to know why," she scoffed. the clerk thought about it for a moment, then his face brightened and he replied, "the horses are a lot older now?" Heather J Hilleshiem Heather J Hilleshiem Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 1170 Dekalb Ave 1170 Dekalb Ave Suite 109 Suite 109 Sycamore, IL 60178 Sycamore, IL 60178 815-899-1001 815-899-1001 . Perplexed Pet I dressed my dog up as a cat for Halloween. Now he won't come when I call him. Member SIPC $100 off Sump Pump Battery Back-up System (630)262-8484 $100 off Not valid with any other offers. One coupon per customer. Expires 11/15/14 $89 Call Today 6 -177 1-877-BEN Sump Pump Tune-Up includes inspection of liner & pump, test switch, clear debris, verify no oil slick, clear screen, verify float has no obstructions. Not valid with any other offers. One coupon per customer. Expires 10/31/14 any of Our Water Heater or Water Conditioning Systems installed 50 Not valid with any other offers. One coupon per customer. Expires 11/15/14 Any Plumbing Service Call* $ OFF (630)262-8484 * with repair TELL OUR ADVERTISERS, “I SAW YOU IN THE ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE.” Page 2 $ ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION GrEat ratEs - GrEat rEsults - Call today! (815)751-1286 If A Dog Was The Teacher If a dog was the teacher, you would learn stuff like: - When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. - Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. - allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy. - When it's in your best interest, practice obedience. - let others know when they've invaded your territory. - take naps. stretch before rising. - run, romp, and play daily. - thrive on attention and let people touch you. - avoid biting when a simple growl will do. - on warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. - on hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. - When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body. - No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout! run right back and make friends. - delight in the simple joy of a long walk. - Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. stop when you have had enough. - Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not. - If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. - When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently. Found Written on Headstones In a London, England cemetery: Here lies ann Mann, Who lived an old maid But died an old Mann. In a Ruidoso, New Mexico, cemetery: Here lies Johnny yeast. Pardon me For not rising. In a Uniontown, Pennsylvania, cemetery: Here lies the body of Jonathan Blake. stepped on the gas, Instead of the brake. honeST DiScreeT Coins • Gold • Silver & Sterling • vintage Jewelry • Watches BUYinG & SeLLinG TricoUnTY coinS & coLLecTiBLeS “The little store that pays you more!” 2-Great Locations 111 N. Main St (Rt 47) • elburn • 630-365-9700 228 S. randall • S. elgin • 847-697-COiN(2646) OutdOOr POwer equiP Parts & service Zero-Turn & Commercial Walk Behind Mowers available Lubricants ▪ Tires ▪ Mower Blades & Belts ▪ Chainsaw parts engine parts ▪ Golf Cart parts ▪ Carburators ▪ Mufflers Generators ▪ Batteries ▪ Tune-up Kits KarT WerKS iNC. eQuipMeNT & SaLeS (630)896-3066 721 S. Lake St. ▪ Montgomery T Kurk Tree Services Inc Trimming - Planting - Removal Emergency (storm) Damage Stump Removal Disease Management Residential/Commercial Insured/Bonded (815)975-8733 Friendly Maids Cleaning Service 847-769-0673 Email: We bring all cleaning supplies ▪ English speaking workers Call for FREE estimate ▪ Insured DISCOUNTS FOR FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS In a Silver City, Nevada, cemetery: Here lays the Kid. We planted him raw. He was quick on the trigger But slow on the draw. 630-585-7450 John Penny's epitaph in the Wimborne, England reader, if cash thou art, In want of any, dig 6 feet deep; and thou wilt find a Penny. 1250 N. Farnsworth Av Aurora, IL 60505 Gyros - Hamburgers - Hotdogs and more Combo Meals + Daily Specials Breakfast Served ALL Day BRING THIS COUPON FOR 10% OFF THRU NOVEMBER 30, 2014 CALL MICHELLE AT (815)751-1286 FOR ADVERTISING Page 3 ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION “tHE HottEst lIttlE PaPEr IN toWN” PINBALL MACHINES COIN OPERATED ARCADE GAMES DART MACHINES IN HOME REPAIRS BUY & SELL Pumpkin les Pancakes & Waff HOURS Mon-Sat 5:30am-10pm Sunday til 9pm Family Restaurant HOME AMUSEMENTS (630)742-2472 With a minimum purchase of $10 (before taxes) receive $1 OFF* $2 OFF* $5 OFF* $10 OFF* $10 ORDER $20 ORDER $35 ORDER $50 ORDER Not to be used with any other offer. 1700 S. Douglas Rd Montgomery (630)892-1100 GENTLE CHIROPRACTIC CARE ACUPUNCTURE • THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE SPINAL DECOMPRESSION THERAPY Precision Health Care Center Dr. J. David Tejada Chiropractic Physician (630) 375-9444 2166 Ogden Ave, Aurora open: Mon - sat Email: ing Holidays are fast approach Time for a new look? for Men & Woman Full Service Hair Salon s - Gift Shop Color - Cuts - Perm PEG’S ON MAIN 210 MAIN STREET MAPLE PARK (815) 827-3051 Why Are You Not Married? Here are some comebacks: • you haven't asked yet. • I was hoping to do something meaningful with my life. • Because I just love hearing this question. • Just lucky, I guess. • It gives my mother something to live for. • My fiancée is awaiting his/her parole. • I'm still hoping for a shot at Miss/Mr. america. • do you know how hard it is to get two tickets to Miss saigon? • I'm waiting until I get to be your age. • It didn't seem worth a blood test. • I already have enough laundry to do, thank you. • Because I think it would take all the spontaneity out of dating. • My co-op board doesn't allow spouses. • I'd have to forfeit my billion dollar trust fund. • they just opened a great singles bar on my block. • I wouldn't want my parents to drop dead from sheer happiness. • What? and lose all the money I've invested in running personal ads? • I don't want to have to support another person on my paycheck. • Why aren't you thin? • I'm married to my career, although recently we have been considering a trial separation. • Bonus reply for single Mothers: Because having a husband and a child would be redundant. Dracula met Frankenstein in the street one day. Drackie says to Frankie; "You know, you're better than all my friends put together.......Come to think of it, you ARE all my friends put together!" Happy Halloween! HOURS Tues/Thurs 9am - 9pm Wed 9am - 8pm Fri 8:30am- 4pm Sat 8am- noon FOR Do Not Touch! our supply clerk at the factory was in a dither. a box had been left on the loading dock with this warning printed on it: "danger! do Not touch!" Management was called, and we were told to stay clear of the box until it could be analyzed. When the foreman arrived, he donned safety goggles and gloves, and then he carefully opened the box. Inside were 25 signs that read: danger! do Not touch! VISIT OUR GIFT S HOP CARDS, HOME DECOR & GIFTS GALORE CONNECTING BUSINESSES TO CUSTOMERS. THAT’S WHAT WE DO BEST! Page 4 GrEat ratEs - GrEat rEsults - Call today! (815)751-1286 Toothbrush Sales the kids filed back into class Monday morning. they were very excited. their weekend assignment was to sell something, then share with the class how they were successful. little Mary led off, "I sold girl scout cookies and I made $30," she said proudly, "my sales approach was to appeal to the customer's civil spirit and I credit that approach for my success." "very good," said the teacher. little sally was next, "I sold magazines," she said, "I made $45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them abreast of current events." "very good, sally," said the teacher. Eventually, it was little Johnny's turn. the teacher held her breath. little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher's desk. "$2,467" he said. "$2,467!" cried the teacher, "What in the world were you selling?" "toothbrushes," said little Johnny. "toothbrushes?" echoed the teacher, "How could you possibly sell enough toothbrushes to make that much money?" "I found the busiest corner in town," said little Johnny, "I set up a chocolate chip cookie stand and gave everybody who walked by a free sample. they all said, “this tastes like Mud!" then I replied, “It is. Wanna buy a toothbrush?!!" ‘ Gavin Woodworking, Inc. Furniture Refinishing - Repairing Special Wood Products - Chair Caning General Machining - General Painting Phone (815) 786-2242 Cel (815) 405-9988 Fax (815) 786-2296 Matt Gavin 16119 Chicago road sandwich, Il 60548 K Ane c oUnTY F LeA M ArKeT “Best in the Midwest or Anywhere” aNTiQueS, COLLeCTiBLeS & FaNCy JuNQue November 1 - 2 December 6 - 7 HOURS: Saturday 12pm - 5pm Admission: $5.00 Under 12 FREE Sunday 7am - 4pm FREE Parking KANE CO FAIRGROUNDS ▪ RT 64 & RANDALL RD ▪ ST. CHARLES, IL ▪ More Info: (630)377-2252 One witch told another witch, “I want one of those new computers that has a spell checker.” Super Sale! BraKe SpeCiaL $50 OFF 4 WHEELS or $25 OFF 2 WHEELS Expires 11/15/14 elburn Lions Club 10th Annual German Dinner Saturday, October 18 4:00pm - 7:30 pm $20 OFF any exhaust purchase over $200 Expires 11/15/14 MuFFLerS ▪ SHOCKS ▪ STruTS ▪ TireS (630)892-0344 OTTO SCHuLZ - Owner 1157 S. Lake Street - Montgomery ALL YOUR CAN EAT Cash Bar Available Bratwurst, Pork Loins, Sauerkraut, Spaetzel Red Cabbage, German Potato Salad, Pretzel Rolls, Dessert & Coffee $1 OFF Adults Seniors 65+ Children (4-11) 3 & under $14.00 $13.00 $ 9.00 FREE Bring in this ad for $1.00 off one German Dinner elburn Lions park 500 Filmore St., Elburn, IL For More Info: (630)365-6315 ● CALL MICHELLE AT (815)751-1286 FOR ADVERTISING Page 5 OPG ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION Ride On Appraisals, Inc. PO Box 6004, St. Charles, IL 60174 Dennis Parus advErtIsING starts at Just $22.00 PEr IssuE Cell 630-721-1009 Fax 630-377-0098 President THE GENER IZ 53 E QU OWLEDG KN AL $630,000 Question... What is the name of the five-dice game where players try to create different combinations similar to poker hands? a. dominos B. yatzee C. Checkers d. Holigans $631,000 Question... Which two letters have the highest point value in the game of scrabble? - 10 points? a. J / Q B. v / X C. Q / Z d. X / y $632,000 Question.. the British call a certain game draughts. What do the americans call it? a. Checkers B. Football C. Poker d. darts N ov e mb e r 1 $633,000 Question... In december, 1913, one of the editors at the New york World newspapaper created a form of intellectual entertainment which proved so popular that it can be found in every newspaper still today. What was it? a. Comics B. Crossword Puzzle C. Headlines d. Classified ads $634,000 Question... What do the americans call the game which the British call naughts and crosses? a. Hearts B. darts C. Pin the tail d. tic-tac-toe $635,000 Question... What is the most common color used in M & M candies? a. Brown B. red C. Green d. yellow (Answers below) See you next issue! School Counselor sandy began a job as an elementary school counselor and she was eager to help. one day during recess she noticed a girl standing by herself on one side of a playing field while the rest of the kids enjoyed a game of soccer at the other. sandy approached and asked if she was all right. the girl said she was. a little while later, however, sandy noticed the girl was in the same spot, still by herself. approaching again, sandy offered, "Would you like me to be your friend?" the girl hesitated, then said, "okay," looking at the woman suspiciously. Feeling she was making progress, sandy then asked, "Why are you standing here all alone?" "Because," the little girl said with great exasperation, "I'm the goalie!" Who Wants To Be a Zillionaire? CoNNECtING CustoMErs aNd BusINEssEs. . .tHat’s WHat WE do BEst! Stock Market Report 24 Hrs CU RTIISS C 24 Hrs The stock market recently took a 500 point nose dive. In view of this is seems appropriate to make fun of the situation. It sure beats crying about it! ToWING INC. Today in the stock market: Helium was up, feathers were down. Paper was stationary. Fluorescent tubing was dimmed in light trading. Knives were up sharply. Any Condition ▪ Running or Not ▪ No Title - No Problem Cow steered into a bull market. We Come to You ▪ Free Towing ▪ Same Day Pick-up Pencils lost a few points. Hiking equipment was trailing. Elevators rose, while escalators continued their slow decline. Weights were up in heavy trading. WE PAY CASH light switches were off. OT! Mining equipment hit rock bottom. ON THE SP diapers remain unchanged. K 7 DAYS A WEE shipping lines stayed at an even keel. the market for raisins dried up. Coca Cola fizzled. Naperville Aurora Caterpillar stock inched up a bit. sun peaked at midday. You Love Reading the Balloon prices were inflated. O RANGE PEEL GAZETTE scott tissue touched a new bottom. Your Customers do too! and batteries exploded in an attempt to recharge the market. Start Advertising today! (815)751-1286 WE BUY JUNK CARS FOR CASH 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER ST. CHARLES, IL SOUTH HAVEN, MI NAPLES, FL Opee Gazette says: Let’s play! ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION National Eat Your Kid’s Halloween Candy After They Go To Bed Day. Sage Advice from Children •Never trust a dog to watch your food. Patrick, Age 10 •When you want something expensive, ask your grandparents. Matthew, Age 12 •Never talk back to a teacher whose eyes and ears are twitching. Andrew, Age 9 •sleep in your clothes so you'll be dressed in the morning. Stephanie, Age 8 •Never try to hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. Rosemary, Age 7 •don't flush the toilet when you're dad's in the shower. Lamar, Age 10 •Never ask for anything that costs more than five dollars when your parents are doing taxes. Carrol, Age 9 •Never bug a pregnant mom. Nicholas, Age 11 •When your dad is mad and asks you, "do I look stupid?" don't answer him. Heather, Age 16 •don't pick on your sister when she's holding a base ball bat. Joel, Age12 answers: $630 - B; $631 - C; $632 - a; $633 - B; $634 - d; $635 - a. TELL OUR ADVERTISERS, “I SAW YOU IN THE ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE.” Page 6 (630)817-3577 TIVE LL INCEN A F W E N OCK EW IN-ST N L L A N O 2015’S Save up to $2,000* & TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN FOR 6 MONTHS *on 2015 models only Hours Mon - Fri 9am- 5pm Sat: 9 - 3 appts available emaining Come See Our R 350 W. Lincoln Hwy (Rte 38) ▪ Cortland, IL 1 mile East of Peace Road (DeKalb) (815)756-9438 CLOSEOUTS & SAVE * VISIT DEKALB COUNTY’S LARGEST RV DEALER, HOLIDAY HOUR RV Page 7 ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION “tHE HottEst lIttlE PaPEr IN toWN” Get ready for Fall with motives at or call Stephanie at (331)643-8500 Follow us on motivesbeauty42 har vey’s Pig roast catering & turkey any event Large or Small 630-276-3725 Free Winter Storage* *Motorcycles only with minimum labor purchase. Call for details. 2 Locations in Downtown Elgin Puerco rostizado EA HA T M y pavo 227 Dupage Ave 847-697-2250 222 Dundee Ave 847-841-8100 Email: Para Todo Evento Social Emotional & Spiritual adviSor Specializing in. . . money ● Happiness ● peace of mind relationships ● love/affairs of the Heart (630)762-9500 317 S. 2nd Street, St. Charles Moved Recently? Improve emotional & physical health bringing positive & balanced energy into everyday life. We would enjoy meeting you! Welcome Home provides people who have moved with useful community information and FREE gifts from local merchants: all to help you become familiar with the area. Polly Ruzic - 630-365-5990 Batavia - North Aurora Batavia/Mill Creek Jennifer Zack - 630-229-2001 - - Bill and steve are discussing the possibility of love. "I thought I was in love three times," Bill says. "thought?" steve asks. "What do you mean?" "three years ago, I cared very deeply for a woman who wanted nothing to do with me," Bill says. "Wasn't that love?" steve asks. "No, that was obsession," Bill explains. "then two years ago, I cared very deeply for an attractive woman who didn't understand me." "Wasn't that love?" asks steve. "No, that was lust," Bill replies. "and just last year, I met a woman while I was on a cruise. she was gorgeous, intelligent, a great conversationalist and had a super sense of humor. Everywhere I followed her on that ship, I would get a very strange sensation in the pit of my stomach." "Well, wasn't that love," asks steve. "No. that was motion sickness!" Bill replies. Printer Problems I had been doing tech support for HewlettPackard's deskJet division for about a month when I had a customer call with a problem I just couldn't solve. she could not print yellow. all the other colors would print fine, which truly baffled me because the only true colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow. For instance, green is a combination of cyan and yellow, but green printed fine. Every color of the rainbow printed fine except for yellow. I had the customer change ink cartridges. I had the customer delete and reinstall the drivers. Nothing worked. I asked my coworkers for help; they offered no new ideas. after over two hours of troubleshooting, I was about to tell the customer to send the printer in to us for repair when she asked quietly, "should I try printing on a piece of white paper instead of this yellow paper?" If Life Were Like A Computer: Call or Text For a Visit - Elburn - St. Charles Geneva/Mill Creek Is It Love? •you could improve your appearance by adjusting the display settings. •you could turn off the speakers when life gets too noisy. CONNECTING BUSINESSES TO CUSTOMERS. THAT’S WHAT WE DO BEST! Page 8 ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION CoNNECtING CustoMErs aNd BusINEssEs. . .tHat’s WHat WE do BEst! Discount Grocery Outlet Fight Like a Man there were three guys talking in the pub. two of them are talking about the amount of control they have over their wives, while the third remains quiet. after a while one of the first two turns to the third and says, "Well, what about you, what sort of control do you have over your wife?" the third fellow says "I'll tell you. Just the other night my wife came to me on her hands and knees." the first two guys were amazed. "What happened then?" they asked. "she said, 'get out from under the bed and fight like a man'." Why Dogs Can’t Use Computers 1- He’s distracted by cats chasing his mouse. 2- sIt and stay were hard enough; Cut and PastE are out of the question. 3- saliva-coated floppy disks refuse to work. 4- three words: carpal paw syndrome. 5- Involuntary tail wagging is a dead give-away that he’s browsing instead of working. 6- the fire hydrant icon is simply too frustrating. 7- He can’t help attacking the screen when he hears “you’ve Got Mail”. 8- It’s too messy to “mark” every Web site he visits. 9- the FEtCH command isn’t available on all platforms. 10- He can’t stick his head out of Windows. 847-836-8000 We accept LINK 220 dundee ave ● east dundee On Rt 25, North of Rt 72. Next to Cemetery & across from New Fire House For more specials, visit Cereal... $1.00 & up Bread... 99¢ & up Tortillas... 99¢ & up toilet Paper 500 sheets 2ply. 2 rolls...$1.00 12 pack...$5.79 ocean spray Cranberry Juice 60oz ...$1.75 aluminum Foil 25 sq ft... 89¢ 40 sq ft... $1.49 Nabisco saltine Crackers 1 lb...$1.89 You P Imported Pasta 2 lb...$1.00 amounAY for t filled ! Gourmet Pasta sauce 25oz...$1.50 WE FILL Bar s Bacon 12oz...2 for $5.00 P TANKS ROPANE velvetta Cheese 1 lb...$1.00 Standard BBQ Tank Kleenex 75 tissues...2 for $1.00 4.7 Gallon/20lb... Fresh step Cat litter 14lb...$3.99 99 Senior Discount 10% OFF Monday - Tuesday HOurS Mon-Fri 9am - 8pm Sat-Sun 9am - 6pm $15. or less Bring in this ad for a free gift with any $5 Purchase Limit 1 per customer Do you need help with Medicare? Call VNA Health Care today! VNA offers certified counselors through the State of Illinois’ Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP). Our volunteer counselors can give you free assistance with: • Enrolling in Medicare • Medicare-related plans, such as supplemental, prescription drug insurance, etc. • Medicare bills • Your rights SHIP assistance is free and offered at 400 N. Highland Avenue in Aurora and 801 Villa Street in Elgin, by appointment only. For an appointment, please call (630) 482-8156. You may e-mail questions to TELL OUR ADVERTISERS, “I SAW YOU IN THE ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE.” Page 9 ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION “tHE HottEst lIttlE PaPEr IN toWN” Police Quotes • “the handcuffs are tight because they're new. they'll stretch out after you wear them awhile." • "If you run, you'll only go to jail tired." 802 EAST STATE STREET • "so, you don't know how fast you were going. BIll WHItE GENEVA, IL 60134 oWNEr I guess that means I can write anything I want on the ticket, huh?" TEL 630-232-0636 • "Warning! you want a warning? o.K., I'm warning FAX 630-232-0651 you not to do that again or I'll give you another ticket." • "the answer to this last question will determine The arborist who cares. whether you are drunk or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or dog?" Certified arborist On Site Over 25 years experience • "yeah, we have a quota. two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven." • "life's tough, it's tougher if you're stupid." • "No sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to ▪ Tree Trimming ▪ Tree removal have quotas, but now we're allowed to write as many ▪ Cabling & Bracing tickets as we want." ▪ Storm damage • "Just how big were those two beers? (8733) ▪ Firewood Bonded & Insured • "In God we trust, all others are suspects." 630-752-Tree CONCRETE SPECIALIST Lt. Med. Heavy Repair + Mo bii lle e SSe err vi c e ob 20% ANY SERVICE Parts Not Included. Coupon Required . Expires 11/15/14 OFF 630-761-0309 853 E. Wilson St - Batavia CASH Jogging Shoes deciding to take up jogging, the middle-aged man was astounded by the wide selection of jogging shoes All types of concrete work & repairs. available at the local sports shoe store. Driveways ▪ Sidewalks While trying on a basic pair of jogging shoes, he Patios ▪ Garage Floors noticed a minor feature and asked the clerk about it. Aprons ▪ Curbs ▪ etc. "What's this little pocket thing here on the side for?" Call John for "oh, that's to carry spare change so you can call FREE ESTIMATE your wife to come pick you up when you've jogged Licensed & Bonded 847-951-1034 too far." FOR SCRAP Come Visit Our Drive Thru Facility! Copper • Insulated Wire • Aluminum Stainless Steel • Brass • Nickel Alloy We Weigh It, We Pay It! ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION CoNNECtING CustoMErs aNd BusINEssEs. . .tHat’s WHat WE do BEst! Large Rodents I found this blurb in the usair Gift Catalog ("this catalog is yours to keep. Please take it with you!") recently. Quoted without permission: “Prevent damage to garden and lawns from burrowing rodents with Gopher-It, the electronic stake that emits vibration and sound that's intensely annoying to underground rodents up to 100 feet in diameter. requires 4 "d" batteries, not included. #26284 Gopher-It $49.95 (3.95)” I suppose for rodents of greater than 100 feet in diameter you need the nuclear powered version. Country Road Information a fellow was walking along a country road and came upon a farmer working in his field. the man called out to the farmer and asked how long it would take him to get to the next town. the farmer didn't answer. so, after waiting a bit, the fellow started walking again. after the man had gone about 100 yards, the farmer yelled to him and said, "about 20 minutes." Confused, the man turned back toward the farmer and inquired, "Why didn't you tell me that when I asked you?" "Well," said the farmer, "I didn't know how fast you could walk." 5C Extra per lb HOURS M-F 7:30 - 4:30 Sat 7 - 12 on Aluminum Cans & Aluminum Siding. with coupon Expires 11/15/14 Buyers of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Scrap Metals 1137 Mitchell Rd, Aurora, IL 60505 Ph: 630-844-6900 • Fax: 630-844-6633 • Painting & Light Carpentry Drywall - Hang & Tape Residential & Commercial (630) 749-8740 Tye Warden - Owner Email: Starters - Alternators Generators Automotive • Agricultural • Construction Lawn Equipment • RVs • Motorcycles Race Cars • Hot-Rods & Classic Cars High Amp Alternators 1-800-TEC-CITY 815-756-9019 October 16 - 19 Working as a computer instructor for an adulteducation program at a community college, I am keenly aware of the gap in computer knowledge between my younger and older students. My observations were confirmed the day a new student walked into our library area and glanced at the encyclopedia volumes stacked on a bookshelf. "What are all these books?" he asked. somewhat surprised, I replied that they were encyclopedias. "really?" he said. "someone printed out the whole thing?" ‘14 CONNECTING BUSINESSES TO CUSTOMERS. THAT’S WHAT WE DO BEST! Page 10 SPONSORS Gold Sponsors: superior Beverage Silver Sponsors: Buchar Family Chiropractic Bud light ▪ Eatza Pizza! ▪ alpine amusements Kaptain Karaoke-your Party dJ 95.9 WErv the river Bronze Sponsors: Kevin ryan, dds Friedrich-Jones Funeral Home Buck Cleaning services c Ar ni VA L ▪ L iV e M US ic F oo D & D ri nK A LL W ee Ke nD Grand Prize $10,000* 2nd Prize $5,000* ▪ 50/50 raffle ▪ Bean Bag Tournament ▪ Silent auction ▪ Friday Night Fun Fair ▪ ‘Have Mercy On Our Soles’ 5K F AST T URN A ROUND Rebuilt to save you money! CASH RAFFLE Saturday, Oct 18, 7-10pm 800-832-2489 H IGH Q UALITY Electrons Professor stein was lecturing his physics class. "If molecules can be split into atoms and the atoms split into electrons, can the electrons be broken down any further?" a pupil replied, "I'm not certain, but a sure way to find out would be to mail some of them in a package marked FraGIlE." Sandwich, IL M.A.R.S., Inc. Encyclopedia Try out our 70ft. truck scale! TYE’S PAINT & DRYWALL Basket Raffle Enter for your chance to win 1 of up to 100 baskets Chance to win Overnight Hotel Stays/Sports Baskets and more. redeem this coupon for one (1) Free ticket to enter the basket raffle. one (1) per person, valid sat. or sun. Our Lady of Mercy Parish 701 S. Eola Rd. ▪ Aurora ~ Free Parking at Waubonsee Valley High School ~ *Cash prize amounts based on # of tickets sold. TELL OUR ADVERTISERS, “I SAW YOU IN THE ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE.” Page 11 ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION “tHE HottEst lIttlE PaPEr IN toWN” M MM NOW HiriNG ▪ production ▪ Forklift Operators ▪ Machine Operators ▪ packers/ General Laborers Must be fluent in Spanish Immediate Openings Dinner Invitation TRI-M SERVICES TRY-’EM FOR Gutter Cleaning Leaf Raking Tree Removal (630)940-7509 Save This Number LUNDY STORAGE Indoor and Outdoor 1st Shift - 5am ▪ 2nd Shift - 2pm 3rd Shift - 9pm Sizes start at 8x20 for $75/mo Call Email: BELVIDERE 988 Belvidere Road 815-975-7130 ALGONQUIN 1302 E. Algonquin Rd 847-658-8900 HANOVER PARK 6606 S. Barrington Rd 630-483-7700 AURORA 1640 N. Farnsworth Ave 630-851-1111 Apply In Person Mon - Fri, 5am - 5pm Video survelliance & secure lot (630)264-3800 First month FREE with 6 month rental New Contract Only, Expires 10/31/14 "Honey," said this husband to his wife, "I invited a friend home for supper." "What? are you crazy? the house is a mess, I didn't go shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I don't feel like cooking fancy meal!" "I know all that." "then why did you invite a friend for supper?" "Because the poor fool's thinking about getting married." Negotiating a Trip Home Bob had been shopping downtown all day with his wife and four little children. they were all so tired, he decided to take a taxicab home. approaching a cab driver, he demanded, “How much will you charge to drive us to the Bronx?” “I figure $5 a piece for you and your wife,” said the driver. “I’ll take the four kids along for nothing.” Bob turned to his children and said, “Jump in kids, and have a nice ride home. Momma and I will take the subway.” BOCKMAN BROTHERS JEWELRY Custom Design Work Repairs Watch Batteries 1945 W. GALENA BLVD. AURORA, IL ▪ 630-264-0515 parT-TiMe WOrK FuLL-TiMe pay Love For The Money two bachelors were talking about their respective choice of life partner. one friend said, 'It is said that people with opposite characteristics make the happiest marriages. What is your opinion ? the friend replied,'yes, they are right. that is why I am looking for a girl with a money!' 224.856.2853 $49 uNLIMITED NATIoNWIDE /mo TALK, TEXT AND DATA Bring your own Sprint or Verizon Device. **No CoNTRACT ** **No CREDIT CHECK** CONNECTING BUSINESSES TO CUSTOMERS. THAT’S WHAT WE DO BEST! Page 12 ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION GrEat ratEs - GrEat rEsults - Call today! (815)751-1286 Little Red Wagon a firefighter is working outside the station when he notices a little girl in a little red wagon with small ladders on the sides, a garden hose coiled in the middle, and wearing a firefighter's helmet. the wagon Vintage ▪ Garden is being pulled by her dog and her cat. the firefighter takes a closer look. "that sure is a Boho ▪ Antiques... nice fire-truck," the fire fighter says with high regard. You will love this Shoppe! thanks," says girl says! Mark your calendar for our the firefighter notices the girl has tied the wagon Holiday Open House to her dog's collar and to the cat's tail. November 8 -9 "little lady," the firefighter says, "I don't want to Sales - Raffles - Refreshments tell you how to run your rig, but if you were to tie that rope around the cat's collar, I think you could go Open Daily faster." 10am - 5pm the little girl replies thoughtfully, "you're probably right, but...then I wouldn't have a siren! 630-844-4468 NOW HiriNG ▪ drivers ▪ dispatchers/recruiters Must be Bilingual, Fluent in Spanish Immediate Openings 1st Shift - 5am 2nd Shift - 2pm 3rd Shift - 9pm Call BELVIDERE 22 East State Street North Aurora, IL Did you hear??? We’ve updated our website! Check it out... 988 Belvidere Road 815-975-7130 ALGONQUIN 1302 E. Algonquin Rd 847-658-8900 HANOVER PARK Indoor Garden Center Providing a full range of Hydroponic & Organic Gardening Products ● Find distribution locations in your area. ● advertise with us ● read the latest issue 760 Heartland Dr. • Sugar Grove Phone: 630-466-8346 w w w.joedirts organic s. com 6606 S. Barrington Rd 630-483-7700 AURORA 1640 N. Farnsworth Ave 630-851-1111 Apply In Person or email resume to Protect your most valuable investments from Mold & Mildew 630.688.0440 ABC Accounting & Income Tax Phone (630) 801-8888 Fax (630) 896-8326 REALTOR 4% Commission 520 W. Galena Blvd Aurora, IL 60506 Residential & Commercial Powerwash - Siding Wash Mildew Wash - Stone Wash Washing & Sealing Paving Brick Wood Decks Wash & Seal Concrete Wash & Seal (7% & 40% Siloxane) “Experience and price are a powerful combination. With more than 42 years of experience and a 4% commission, I deliver results that you can truly appreciate. Call me for a no-hassle, free consultation. I’m here when you need me!” 444 West Galena, Aurora, IL (630) 859-1313 “Life time member of National Association of Realtors” TELL OUR ADVERTISERS, “I SAW YOU IN THE ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE.” Page 13 ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION advErtIsING starts at Just $22.00 PEr IssuE Don't Play with Fire as firefighters, we are required to wear our full bunker gear on all safety calls, even to advise homeowners of a county ordinance against burning leaves after dark. last Halloween, two co-workers waited on the porch of one such offending household, helmets in hand, until a woman finally opened the door. Promptly dropping a candy bar into each helmet, she remarked, “you boys are a little old for this sort of thing, aren’t you?” and closed the door. The Shoplifter B2B Partner in computers Networking/Maintenance/Hardware Locally Owned “Serving the Fox Valley Area” on-Site computer Guy 25 years Experience a shoplifter was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from an exclusive jewelry store. "listen," said the shoplifter, "I know you don't want any trouble either. What do you say I just buy the watch and we forget about this?" the manager agreed and wrote up the sales slip. the crook looked at the slip and said, "this is a little more than I intended to spend. Can you show me something less expensive?" Why do vampires use mouthwash? (815)286-3800 ▪ (877)242-7480 To stop bat breath. Who is Batavia Illinois Rotary Club? We are neighbors, community leaders, and global citizens uniting for the common good. With your help, we can accomplish even more. Your ticket purchase will fund both local and international charities. Only 1,000 tickets sold and once they are gone they are gone! Rotary Club of Batavia P.O. Box 111 Batavia, IL 60510 Buy Tickets Online! GRAND PRIZE! $40,000 CASH OR 2015 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE Nine Additional Prizes! 1 @ $1,500.00 2 @ $300.00 1 @ $1,000.00 1 @ $200.00 4 @ $500.00 Please fill out the form below and send to: Rotary Club of Batavia, PO Box 111, Batavia, IL. We will then send you your ticket. Please use credit cards at: Name:_________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City: __________________________________________ State/Zip: ______________________________________ Win $40,000 Cash or a 2015 Corvette Convertible! ONLY 1,000 TICKETS SOLD @ $100.00 Each! Drawing: Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:00 pm Phone: ________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ How Many Tickets:_______ X $100.00 = ___________ Amount Enclosed: ______________________________ Card Type: _____ Mastercard _____ VISA Card Number:__________________________________ Expiration Date:____________ / __________________ Referred By: ___________________________________ Email questions to: Corvette supplied by: Bob Jass Chevrolet, Elburn, IL Send Form for Credit Purchase or Check Made Out to: ROTARY CLUB OF BATAVIA, P.O. BOX 111 BATAVIA, IL 60510-0111 Drawing Proceeds Benefit Local Charities, and Rotary International Programs Prize Winners need not be present to win. Winners assume all applicable license fees, state and federal taxes and required modifications. No one under the age of 18 may participate. Complete rules and regulations at: CALL MICHELLE AT (815)751-1286 FOR ADVERTISING Page 14 GrEat ratEs - GrEat rEsults - Call today! (815)751-1286 A BreeZe hoMe iMProVeMenTS, inc. F ALL dOOrS WiNdOWS GuTTerS in Specializing e Preventativ and Maintenance Repair All Types of SidiNG deCKS THree SeaSON rOOMS (Material only) Expires 11/15/14 pOLe BarNS Free eSTiMATeS Commercial - residential insulated Glass - Curtain Walls - Mirrors aluminum door - Tempered Glass Storm Damage Insurance Work Welcome 630.554.4407 Licensed - Bonded Insured SIGNS OF WEAR “old" Is WHEN..... your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot. "old" Is WHEN..... you don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along. "old" Is WHEN..... you are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police. "old" Is WHEN..... "Getting a little action" means I don't need to take any fiber today. "old" Is WHEN..... "Getting lucky" means you find your car in the parking lot. "old" Is WHEN..... an "all-nighter" means not getting up to go to the bathroom. Safety at Work safety is a major concern at the manufacturing company where I work. so I'm constantly preaching caution to the workers I supervise. "does anyone know," I asked a few guys, "what the speed limit is in our parking lot?" the long silence that followed was interrupted when one of them piped up. "that depends. do you mean coming to work or leaving?" then one of them piped up. "that depends. do you mean coming to work or leaving?" 630-897-5298 116 W. New york ▪ aurora (Corner of River & New York) 630.207.1247 - Tim, Product Consultant Laws of Parenting 1. the later you stay up, the earlier your child will wake up the next morning. 2. For a child to become clean, something else must be come dirty. 3. toys multiply to fill any space available. 4. the longer it takes you to make a meal, the less your child will like it. 5. yours is always the only child who doesn't behave. 6. If the shoe's expensive. 7. the surest way to get something done is to tell a child not to do it. 8. the gooier the food, the more likely it is to end up on the carpet. 9. Backing the car out of the driveway causes your child to have to go to the bathroom. H ERE ! Get your windows and screens repaired now Specializing in All Your exterior remodeling needs: rOOFiNG IS 10% off All Shop Work/repair Family Owned & Operated ▪ Over 30 Years Experience ▪ Fully Insured E VERY S ATURDAY ac Tic T- $1 000 pay $100 Doors Open at 5pm Bullseye Game at 6:50pm tion and Check out our Double Ac e siv res og Pr Early Bird SoUTh eLGin LionS cLUB 500 FULTon ST. • SoUTh eLGin (847)888-9575 able vllafoil lSaA a t n e r Details R ll Ca a t) H (Not Available on Wed or INTERESTED IN BECOMING A LION? ASK YOUR LOCAL CLUB HOW. DoLLAr PAiD P o T $$ $ $ W E BUY J UNK C ARS Cars - T ruc ks - Van s Farm Equ ipm ent - e tc Call Now Cash on the Spot! Same day Free pickup (630)709-0010 TELL OUR ADVERTISERS, “I SAW YOU IN THE ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE.” Page 15 ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION “tHE HottEst lIttlE PaPEr IN toWN” ACROSS MEDICAL HoME CARE Companion care and CNAs through personal one on one Nursing care. ● Custom care plans to meet your needs and budget ● Nursing assessments/Supervisory visits ● 24 hour availability at no additional cost. ● No contracts ● No required number of visits. ● One hour a week to 24 hours a day. Contact Emily Winder (815)440-1108 FREE Same day assessments available. 5. _____ in the Country 6. Partner in ______ 7. _____ Paint & drywall 9. National association of _____ 11. Washing & sealing _____ Brick 12. _____ Pancakes & Waffles 13. Illinois _____ Club all answers Can Be Found Throughout The ads appearing in This issue Of The ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE DOWN 1. Pig races at _____ Park 2. do you need help with _____? 3. state Certified _____ 4. romanian _____ sale 5. Claesson _____ Cleaning 8. advanced _____ Institute 10. the _____ Works Advertise in the ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION CoNNECtING CustoMErs aNd BusINEssEs. . .tHat’s WHat WE do BEst! Thoughts 1. Never be afraid to try something new. remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the titanic. 2. Conscience is what hurts when everything else feels so good. 3. love is grand; divorce is several hundred grand. 4. an optimist thinks that this is the best possible world. a pessimist fears that this is true. 5. I don't mind going nowhere as long as it's an interesting path. 6. Indecision is the key to flexibility. 7. It hurts to be on the cutting edge. 8. In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday. 9. I always wanted to be a procrastinator; I never got around to it. 10. I am a nutritional overachiever. 11. I am having an out of money experience. 12. I plan on living forever. so far, so good. 13. a day without sunshine is like night. 14. I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it. 15. time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician. 16. Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever. Daily Quotes Rates Starting at just $22.00 per issue Heard on a public transportation vehicle in orlando: “When you exit this vehicle, please be sure to lower your head and watch your step. If you fail to do so, please lower your voice and watch you language.” Get started today! (815)751-1286 harlan’s Home Inspections Home Maintenance Inspections Listing & New Constructions on-site Reports - Radon Testing Flexible Scheduling (630)962-9252 Wedne sdays WEDNESDAY NIGHTS! Doors Open at 5:00pm Concessions Open at 5:30pm Early Bird Game Starts at 6:45pm Regular Bingo Starts at 7:00pm ****BINGO LOCATED IN SCHOOL GYM**** CONNECTING BUSINESSES TO CUSTOMERS. THAT’S WHAT WE DO BEST! Page 16 Our Lady OF GOOd COuNSeL 601 TaLMa STreeT, aurOra, iL 60505 SCHOOL: 630-851-4400 pariSH: 630-851-1100 FRANK PERRONE CONCRETE Driveways Driveways Stamping Stamping Staircases Staircases Acid Stain Stain Acid Curbs & & Gutters Gutters Curbs Retaining Walls Walls Retaining Foundations Foundations Powerwashing Powerwashing Patios Patios Stoops Stoops Sidewalks Sidewalks Sealing Sealing (847) 494-0379 Claesson Carpet Cleaning VOTED, “Best of the Fox 2014” 10% off for New Customers (630)365-2099 35 Unique Shops Enjoy a day at the largest Gift & Antique Shop in The Fox Valley Residential - Commercial Insured /Bonded Elburn, IL Family Owned & Operated Whether it’s local or coast to coast, we’ve got it covered. Heavy Specialized Carrier.. experts in Plant Relocation ▪ Machinery Moving Over Dimensional Loads Corporate Office & Terminal: Wasco, IL Satellite terminals in S. Beloit, IL & Oak Creek, WI Call Today! 800-323-4762 pen D o ors O m at 5:00 p Early Bird Game 6:30pm Regular Bingo 7:00pm Under One Roof HOURS: tues - sat 10-5 thurs 10-8, sunday 11-5 701 N. State St. (Rt 31) Elgin, IL 60123 1 mile S. of I-90 (847)695-3066 10% Off Regular Priced Items with this Coupon Not to be combined with other offers. Expires 11/15/14 e VerY F riDAY n iGhT PROCEEDS GO TO ELBURN LIONS CHARITIES 14 REGULAR GAMES 4 PROGRESSIVE SPLIT THE POT RAFFLES Food & Beverages Available For Purchase. For More information - Call (630)365-6315 lic# B-04001 elburn Lions Club e lbur n, iL eLBurN LiONS parK 500 S. FiLMOre ST RENT OUR HALL Accommodates up to 300 www.e lbur nlions .c om We Cater to Your Group Needs TELL OUR ADVERTISERS, “I SAW YOU IN THE ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE.” Page 17 ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION OPG CLASSIFIED ADS “tHE HottEst lIttlE PaPEr IN toWN” $13.50 for 4 lines (2 issue min) AnTiQUeS THE PICKER SISTERS Estate & Moving sales antiques and Collectibles sally (630)945-6158 visit MANTIQUES SHOP 721 s. lake st, Montgomery (630)429-0760 Buy ▪ sell ▪ trade ▪ Find AUToMoTiVe & BusINEss dIrECtory Call Michelle at (815)751-1286 Email: heLP WAnTeD BUYinG CASH PAID WWII, WWI Military uniforms, photos, weapons, medals, patches, helmets, posters, souvenirs, & older firearms. 630-215-3664 eQUiPMenT For SALe Ft/Pt Bus driver Professionals interested in a drIvING CarEEr with Mv traNsPortatIoN. EEo/aa employer 1896 suncast ln., Batavia (630)406-5124 Ext. 101 843 Bobcat w/post hole travel Industry F/t or P/t digger, 2 extra snow buckets, seeking entrepreneurs & angled, snow plow & double Hetts Auto Sales travel agents - Will train axle trailer. also Western looking for a quality used to Interview 877-677-8282. vehicle? all our vehicles are snow Plow; 8’ snow Guard snow Plow, 10’ Western safety inspected, have a angle snow plow, tail-gate carfax report and many are salt spreader (847)409-5222 priced in the $3000 - $8000 range. view Experienced Window Cleaner our inventory at residential/Commercial FireWooD Must be self motivated, Hetts auto sales is located have vehicle & some in downtown oswego by the $125 Mixed Face Cord r/r tracks, “our English. starting at $15 + $150 oak/Hickory mission is to give you a Free delivery & stack benefits. Call (630)464-7500 pleasurable buying (630)907-0775 experience” and remember Ed and John are your friends in the car business. For SALe Hetts Auto Sales residential & Post 69 W. Washington St. (Rt 34) Construction Cleaning (6) 8x6 Cubicles - Excellent Oswego, IL 60543 Full and Part time hours. Condition, Gray with desks, 630-554-9339 Must have car & experience. file drawers, overhead Northwestern suburbs cabinets & baseboard electric. $2,495 oBo Hourly $14 + benefits. BUSineSS (847) 609-0181 Please call (630)540-9627 oPPorTUniTY If you have excellent sales skills, are looking for a product line you can present, call Craig at 630-853-8323 or lisa at 630-258-9147 GArAGe DoorS Garage Doors by Curt sales and service We sell CHI doors lift Master openers (630)276-3453 MASonrY Lanza Masonry Inc. Brick, Stone, Tile Pavers Retaining Walls 847-833-3384 New Age Masonry additions - Fireplaces - etc. residential/Commercial (630)809-2772 MoVinG Need help on your next move? you provide the truck, trailer, home, or pod and we’ll provide the manpower. Call Mark at MOVE ASSIST 630-788-5886 www.suburbanchicago PAinTinG Bill’s Custom Services Interior/Exterior Painting & drywall Etc. Wallpaper hanging/removal over 20 years Experience Free Estimates/Insured (815)482-4155 horSe BArn HorsE BarN aNd stalls For rENt 5 stall barn with paddocks, 3 pastures and 3 sided 3 stall Caregivers needed for clients outdoor unit. located in in Northern Kane County Burlington, Il. lower than area. We will train. standard rates. Call Jim 630-514-4692 for additional information. CALL MICHELLE AT (815)751-1286 FOR ADVERTISING Page 18 ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE - KANE COUNTY EDITION GrEat ratEs - GrEat rEsults - Call today! (815)751-1286 Train Service a passenger train is creeping along, painfully slow. Finally, it creaks to a complete halt. a passenger sees a conductor walking by outside. "What's going on?" she yells out the window. "Cow on the track!" replies the conductor. ten minutes later, the train resumes its slow pace. Within five minutes, however, it stops again. the woman sees the same conductor walking by again. she leans out the window and yells, "What happened? did we catch up with the cow again?" Golfer: "Please stop checking your watch all the time. It's too much of a distraction." Caddy: "It's not a watch - it's a compass." Information gathered herein is from sources considered reliable. accuracy however cannot be guaranteed. all humorous stories and jokes appearing here are intended for entertainment purposes only and are not meant to disrespect or harm any group or individuals. ads appearing in this paper are not to considered as an endorsement or validation by orange Peel Gazette for products or services offered. reMoDeLinG J & L BUILDERS Basement Finishing Kitchen & Bath remodeling Flood damage repair your Complete remodeling service. Free Estimates (630)334-1322 J-LBUILDERS.COM rooFinG A. JAYNE ROOFING Free Estimates shingles, Flat roofs Gutters, soffit, Fascia Most repairs $95 - $125 5% OFF with this ad (847)931-2433 Tree SALe trEE salE - 7’ austrian Pines, 14’ river Birch, 5’ spruce, 14’ lilac. $110 each picked up. Pick up in Burlington, Il Call Jim 630-514-4692 WAnTeD I Buy sIlvEr CoINs 1964 and under 14 times face value (630)815-1506 Cash Paid for old Fishing/Hunting Equipment Call tim (630)327-1557 Wanted to buy junk Cars, trucks, Farm Equipment/Machinery semi-trucks trailers Free Pick up CASH ON SPOT! (847)456-0974 YArD SPAce AVAiLABLe Sat., october 25 Youth Group Spaghetti Supper Sun., November 9 St. George Church Romanian Sausage Sale $6 donation; Carry-out available. Pick up time:1-5 pm. advance orders a must. Call or text serving from 5-6:30pm (630)768-4851 or (815)739-2818, tickets at the door or call Calls only to (630) 898-4143 (630)851-4002 St. George Church St. George Hall ▪ 667 Sheridan St ▪ Aurora TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIR ● Vehicle Maintenance ● Vehicle Repair ● On-site Service ● Emergency Road Service (630)851-2222 1250 Route 34 Oswego, IL 60543 Email: Join the world’s largest school bus company. Great pay, Great people, Great place to work. It’s a great job! ▪ starting Pay $13.00/Hour ▪ No Experience Necessary ▪ Flexible Hours ▪ Paid Holiday ▪ Health Benefits ▪ Paid training ▪ No Nights or Weekends required Call Today! 630-978-3284 ext 13 oPen Restaurant equipment and more.. to the PUBLic GENERAL KITCHEN TO CATERERS Appliances ▪ Dinnerware ▪ Flatware Carryouts ▪ Paper goods and more 164 s. Broadway st aurora, Il 60505 Contractor yard space and rv, Camper and boat storage space for rent near Hampshire/Burlington. 1,000 square Feet up to 1 acre available. Call Jim for additional information 630-514-4692 (224)214-7421 Next Issue: November 5 Ad Deadline: October 24 ADVERTISE IN THE ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE Call Michelle at (815)751-1286 Rates starting at just $22.00 per issue. TELL OUR ADVERTISERS, “I SAW YOU IN THE ORANGE PEEL GAZETTE.” Page 19
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