XXI Pärnu Filmifestivali kataloog
XXI Pärnu Filmifestivali kataloog
XXI PÄRNU INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY AND ANTHROPOLOGY FILM FESTIVAL in Pärnu, Viljandi, Rakvere, Haapsalu, Heimtali, Manija and ETV July 8 - 29, 2007 XXI PÄRNU RAHVUSVAHELINE DOKUMENTAAL- JA ANTROPOLOOGIAFILMIDE FESTIVAL Pärnus, Viljandis, Rakveres, Haapsalus, Heimtalis, Manijal ja ETV-s 8 - 29. juulil 2007. a. Calendar for the next festivals: Järgmiste festivalide kalender: 6 - 27.07. 2008 5 - 26.07. 2009 4 - 25.07. 2010 3 - 24.07. 2011 The festival is supported by Town of Pärnu, Ministry of Culture of Estonia, Estonian Cultural Endowment, Estonian Film Foundation, French Cultural Center in Tallinn, Embassy of Israel, Tallink, Estonian TV, Postimees. Festival toimub Pärnu Linna, Kultuurkapitali, Eesti Filmi Sihtasutuse, Kultuuriministeeriumi, Prantsuse Kultuurikeskuse, Iisraeli saakonna, Tallinki, Eesti Televisiooni, Postimehe toetusel. Directors awarded with the Grand Prize for the best film of the festival - a handwoven West-Estonian blanket: 1987 Asen Balikci (Canada) for Winter In Ice Camp 1988 Jon Jerstad (Norway) for Vidarosen 1989 Ivars Seleckis (Latvia) for Cross-street 1990 Hugo Zemp (France) for Song of Harmonics 1991 Lise Roos (Denmark) for The Allotment Garden 1992 Kari Happonen (Finland) for A Visit 1993 Heimo Lappalainen (Finland) for Taiga Nomads 1994 Makoto Sato (Japan) for Living on the Agano River 1995 Kersti Uibo (England-Estonia) for Edvard’s Acre 1996 Sergei Dvortsevoy (Russia) for Paradise 1997 Thomas Stenderup (Denmark) for Portal to Peace 1998 Bente Milton (Denmark) for Gaia’s Children 1999 Lasse Naukkarinen (Finland) for The Artist’s Life 2000 Wen Pu Lin (China) for In Search of Shangri-La 2001 Jouko Aaltonen (Finland) for Kusum 2002 Maciej Adamek (Poland) for I Will Not Leave You... 2003 Ulrika Bengts (Finland) Now You Are Hamlet 2004 Johan Palmgren (Sweden) Ebba And Torgny 2005 Pirjo Honkasalo (Finland) Three Rooms of Melancholia 2006 Arunas Matelis (Lithuania) Before Flying to the Earth Festivali parima filmi auhinna - Lääne-Eesti käsitööteki - on oma meistriteostega võitnud järgmised rezhissöörid : 1987 Asen Balikci “Talv jäälaagris” (Kanada) 1988 Jon Jerstad “Vidarosen” (Norra) 1989 Ivars Seleckis “Põiktänav” (Läti) 1990 Hugo Zemp “Kõrilaulmine” (Prantsusmaa) 1991 Lise Roos “Renditud aed” (Taani) 1992 Kari Happonen “Külasläik” (Soome) 1993 Heimo Lappalainen “Taiga rändrahvas” (Soome) 1994 Makoto Sato “Elu Agano jõel” (Jaapan) 1995 Kersti Uibo “Evaldimaa” (Inglismaa-Eesti) 1996 Sergei Dvortsevoi “Paradiis”(Venemaa) 1997 Thomas Stenderup “Igavese rahu portaal” (Taani) 1998 Bente Milton “Gaia lapsed” (Taani) 1999 Lasse Naukkarinen “Kunstniku elu” (Soome) 2000 Wen Pu Lin “Otsides Shangri-La’d” (Hiina) 2001 Jouko Aaltonen “Kusum” (Soome) 2002 Maciej Adamek “Ma ei jäta sind surmani”(Poola) 2003 Ulrika Bengts “Nüüd sa oled Hamlet” (Soome) 2004 Johan Palmgren “Ebba ja Torgny” (Rootsi) 2005 Pirjo Honkasalo “Melanhoolia 3 tuba” (Soome) 2006 Arunas Matelis “Enne Maale naasmist” (Leedu) A special contest will take a place on air of Estonian TV, too. Late night on July 14th, the TV-audience of our country will vote for the best film on the topics A Place Under the Sun. The Estonian People’s Award winners were in the past: 1999 U.Koch(Switzerland) for Saltmen of Tibet 2000 P.Hegedus (Australia) Grandfathers and Revolutions 2001 A.Varda (France) Cleaners and I 2002 K.Uibo (U.K) Narrow is the Gate 2003 N.Philibert (France) To Be And to Have 2004 J.Karsh (USA) My Flesh and Blood 2005 L.Westman (Denmark) Do You Love Me? 2006 R. Ladkani, K. Davidson (Germany) The Devil’s Miner Lisaks Pärnu kinoekraanidele võistlevad põnevad dokud ka ETV eetris. Missugune film teemal “Koht Päikese all” võidab Eesti Rahva Auhinna, see sõltub teleauditooriumi hääletustulemusest 14.juuli hilisõhtul. Varasemad rahvaauhinna laureaadid olgu kokku loetud siin: 1999 U. Koch “Tiibeti soolamehed” (Shveits) 2000 P. Hegedus“Vanaisad ja revolutsioonid” (Austraalia) 2001 A. Varda “Järelnoppijad ja mina” (Prantsusmaa) 2002 K. Uibo “Kitsas on värav” (Inglismaa) 2003 N. Philibert “Olla ja omada” (Prantsusmaa) 2004 J. Karsh “Mu liha ja veri” (USA) 2005 L. Westman “Kas sa armastad mind?” (Taani) 2006 R. Ladkani, K. Davidson “Saatana kaevur” (Saksamaa) The international jury 2007: Andreas Fischer-Hansen (Denmark), the chairman of jury Karol Kallas (Estonia) Edward Lucie-Smith (UK) Mirja Metsola (Soome) Andrei Nekrasov (Venemaa) Ilmar Raag (Estonia) Ülo Stöör (Estonia) Rahvusvaheline zhürii 2007: Andreas Fischer-Hansen (Taani), zhürii esimees Karol Kallas (Eesti) Edward Lucie-Smith (Suurbritannia) Mirja Metsola (Soome) Andrei Nekrasov (Venemaa) Ilmar Raag (Eesti) Ülo Stöör (Eesti) The festival team: Vaiko Edur, Veronika Uusna, Mati Puss, Marie Soosaar, Mikko Ilmari Virta, Piia-Liis Kärvet, Aliina Lotman, Svea Aavik, Mariina Mälk etc. Translations: Svea Aavik, Mari Ets, Gerda Kuum, Kersti Pettai, Peeter Tammisto The catalogue: Vaiko Edur, Veronika Uusna The Chief: Mark Soosaar Festivali meeskond: Vaiko Edur, Veronika Uusna, Mati Puss, Marie Soosaar, Mikko Ilmari Virta, Piia-Liis Kärvet, Aliina Lotman, Svea Aavik, Mariina Mälk jt. Tõlked: Svea Aavik, Mari Ets, Gerda Kuum, Kersti Pettai, Peeter Tammisto Kataloog - Vaiko Edur, Veronika Uusna Pealik - Mark Soosaar. Dear friends and guests of Pärnu Film Festival, Dear guests and hosts of the festival, I wish you wonderful and thrilling impressions of the films! We all have the right to live in the warmth of the common source, the Sun. Let’s try to remember it, for the warmth of the Sun is more than enough for all of us. Your’s, Ene Ergma, President of Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament) The film festival, of the longest tradition in Estonia, is on its way again. Films in which authors make the audience talk to the world, appear on the XXI Pärnu Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival screen. Houses, stones, animals, architecture and of course, the people are talking. And the audience follows, with its eyes and ears. Hear and listen, look and see – and the happenings in the world will find explanations. I wish you fine impressions of the festival! Your’s Laine Jänes Minister of Culture Armsad Pärnu filmifestivali sõbrad ja külalised! Head festivali külalised ja korraldajad! Soovin teile suurepäraseid filmielamusi! Meil kõigil on õigus elada meie eluallika, Päikese, soojas säras. Pidagem seda alati meeles, sest Päikese soojust jätkub meile kõigile küllaga. Teie Ene Ergma, Riigikogu esimees Traditsioon kestab ning Eesti pikima traditsiooniga filmifestival algab jälle. XXI Pärnu dokumentaal- ja antropoloogiafilmide festivalil linastuvad filmid, milles autorid panevad vaataja maailmaga kõnelema. Räägivad majad, kivid, loomad, arhitektuur ja muidugi ka inimesed. Ning vaataja jälgib nii silmade kui kõrvadega. Kuulake ja kuulge, vaadake ja nähke - siis saab maailmas toimuv seletuse. Soovin teile meeldivaid festivalielamusi! Teie Laine Jänes, Kultuuriminister Ettevaatust, elektrilised filmid ja tänavafolk! Huvitav, miks XXI Pärnu filmifestivali eeskava kujuneb üsna elektriseerituks? On selles süüdi minu enda sukeldumine poliitikasse või peitub põhjus kaugemal? Äkki on viimaste kuude sündmused Eestis loonud uue tunnetuse, et oleme lülitunud ülemaailmsete pingete elektrivõrku? Et vihkamise välk, mis tapab meie mehi Afganistanis võib homme surmata ka Eestis? Ja et filmikunst võib olla maandavaks piksevardaks? Nii nagu kevadel võib mõnel rananiidul kohata plahvatuslikult palju ühtvärvi liblikaid, nii ilmuvad ka head dokfilmid korraga ja üsna sarnastel teemadel. Tänased filmitegijad ilmselt tunnetavad, et viimase romantilise shamaani kõrval on aeg jäädvustada erinevate kultuuride valusaid kokkupõrkeid. Jälgida inimest ja tema tundeelu religioossete või poliitiliste veendumuste valguses. Aidata leida lahendusi, mis taastaksid rahu ja inimlikud seosed eri kultuuride vahel… XXI Pärnu Filmifestivali suurimad üllatajad on seekord vene ja iisraeli filmiloojad. Kõige rohkem filme saabus just neist riikidest. Film “Pühad sõdalased” on loodud mõõk ühes, piibel teises käes. Hoiatuseks neile, kes julgevad õigeusu kiriku ja Vene riigi vastu välja astuda. Festivalil on esindatud ka teine pool. “Minu sõber Sasha” jutustab süsteemile vastuhakkaja, luuraja Aleksander Litvinenko traagilise loo. Kunstnik pole kohtunik, lõplikku tõde ei saa film välja selgitada. Aga on tähtis, et looja hoiaks kätt aja pulsil ning esitaks olulisi küsimusi. Nagu seda teeb filmi “Beslan - õigus elada” autor. Ta nõuab, et leitakse ja karistatakse Beslani laste hukkumise süüdlased. Ükski poliitiline film pole valitud meie festivali kavasse hinnaalandusega. Ühelgi juhul pole kunstilise tasemega makstud lõivu nn. “tähtsale teemale”. Iisraelist saabus festivalile üle kolmekümne filmi, millest kaks valisime Eesti Rahva Auhinna nominentideks ning üle kahekümne etenduvad eriprogrammis “Juudi rahvas eile, täna, homme”. Kõik iisraeli filmid on atraktiivsed, veenvad ning tugeva dramaatilise pingega. Eesti vaatajale on vast kõige huvitavamad filmid palestiina ja juudi rahva okkalisest kooselust. Kolm dokki (“Esimene rahu õppetund”, “Galil - kool ilma vaheseinteta”, “Sild üle Wadi”) on üles võetud erinevates koolides, kus palestiina lapsed õpivad omaette araabia keelt ning juudi lapsed isekeskis heebrea keelt. Erinevad on ka ajalootunnid ja hümnid, kuid poisid-tüdrukud mängivad koos ning laste vahel pole vaenu. See on integratsiooni aeglane variant ehk panus järgmisele põlvkonnale. Sarnane Moosese tarkusele, kes peatus juutidega kõrbes nelikümmend aastat enne edasiliikumist Siinai mäele. Eks ikka selleks, et enne Tõotatud Maale jõudmist kasvaks asemele uus, rikkumata põlvkond. XXI festival toob ekraanile palju huvitavat. Nagu ikka on meil kavas filmid põlisrahvaste kommetest ja rituaalidest. Ekraanidokumentides suurte loojate elust astuvad vaatajate ette seekord vene teisitimõtlejad Dimitri Shostakovich, Anatoli Rõbakov, Aleksander Sahharov, aga ka ameerika filmiikoon James Dean, prantsuse fotokunstnik Pedra. Tudengifilmide programm esitleb poola, shoti ja iisraeli noorte vaimukaid lühifilme. Filme valides olime päris suure probleemi ees. Nimelt on digitaalsete kaamerate kättesaadavus toonud kaasa audiovisuaalse grafomaania meeletu laine. Igaüks võib osta kaamera ja enda meelest “kunsti” tegema asuda. Meil, festivalikorraldajatel, on üsna raske tuhandete saabunud filmide hulgast välja noppida kullateri. Et audiovisuaalne keel Eestis paremini areneks, et kaameraomanikud õpiksid väikest, kuid mõjuvõimast aparaati loovalt kasutama, selleks korraldame ka sel suvel filmikooli. Mati Põldre ja allakirjutanu õpetavad 16 - 20.juulil Pärnus suhteliselt väikese videokaameraga päris suurt kunsti tegema. Eelregistreerimine on festivalikeskuses Esplanaadi 10 või telefonil 44 30 772. Pärast kaht nädalat Pärnus (8 - 21.juulil) läheb festival rändama. 21.juulil näeb filme Manija saarerahvas, 22-23.juulil oleme Haapsalus Evald Okase muuseumis, 24-25.juulil Rakvere teatris, 26-27.juulil Heimtali rahvamajas, 26-29.juulil Viljandi kunstimuusemis. Kaasas on nii auhinnatud kui ka kõige kuumemad filmid. Kes aga tunneb, et ta kuidagi ei saa end tugitoolist lahti rebida, see peab leppima 7 filmiga teemal “Koht Päikese all”. Seitse teravat filmi kultuurikonfliktidest võistlevad ETV-s 8 - 14.juuli hilisõhtutel ning pärast viimase filmi esitlemist laupäeval, 14.juulil ootame vaatajate telehääletust numbril 1182. Parima filmi autor saab aupalgaks kauni Lääne-Eesti kirjadega teki, helistajate vahel aga loositakse välja Tallinki kruiis Ahvenamaale. Samal südaööl selgub ka III rahvusvahelise tänavamuusikute võistumängu “Tänav ja folk” parim moosekant või laulja. Teda ootab peapreemia 7500 krooni. XXI Pärnu filmifestivali toetavad Kultuuriministeerium, Kultuurkapital, Eesti Filmi Sihtasutus, Pärnu linnavalitsus, Tallink, Prantsuse ja Iisraeli saatkonnad. Meie meediapartnerid on Postimees ja Eesti Rahvusringhääling. Tänud kõigile abilistele! Erilised tänud aga filmiloojatele. Teilt ootame uusi, veel mõjuvamaid ekraanitöid! Mark Soosaar Riigikogu liige, XXI Pärnu Filmifestivali pealik Attention, Electric Films and Street Folk! How did the program of the 21st Pärnu Film Festival become so electrified? Is it about my diving into politics or does the answer lie further away? Perhaps the recent violent events caused a totally different understanding of flow of history in Estonia, and created a new recognition that we have switched into the network of worldwide political electricity? Is it that the lightning of hate that kills our peace-keepers in Afghanistan might kill us tomorrow in Estonia? And that film might be the lightning rod to earth these tensions? As you may sometimes have noticed in spring, butterflies of the same pattern multiply in an explosively great amounts. The same may happen with documentaries that have similar subjects. Today’s filmmakers obviously sense the need to record the painful clashes of different cultures. They follow the changes in man’s emotional life in the light of changing political and religious convictions. They help to restore peace and human links between different cultures. The greatest surprises at the XXI Pärnu Film Festival are works that originate from Russia and Israel. The Holy Warriors has been created with the sword in one and the Bible in other hand, to warn those who dare to confront the Orthodox Church and the State of Russia. There is also the other side represented at the festival. The very touching documentary My Friend Sasha tells the tragic story of a rebel, the spy Alexander Litvinenko. Artists are not judges, and the final truth cannot be found by making a work of art. But it is important for the creator to keep up with the pulse of time and to ask important questions. This is the position of the author of the film Beslan: Right to Live. This documentary demands those responsible for the death of the children in Beslan to be found and punished. None of the political films selected for the festival have been selected simply because of its theme. The artistic level has been primary. We received over 30 submissions from Israel, two of them have been nominated for the Estonian People’s Award. Over twenty of these Israeli films will be presented in the special program Jewish Culture Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Maybe for citizens of Estonia the most intriguing are films about Palestinian and Jewish cultural integration as we face the same kind problems, here, in relation to Slavic culture and Russian language. Three documentaries (First Lesson of Peace, Galil: School without Walls, Bridge Over the Wadi) were filmed in different schools where Palestinian children are learning Arabic and Jewish children Hebrew separately. Different history lessons are taught and different anthems sung, but boys and girls are playing together without hatred. This is an attempt at slow integration, a bet on the next generation. It is similar to the wisdom of Moses who lived in the desert with the Jews before moving on to the highlands of Sinai to raise a new virgin generation before reaching the Promised Land. The 21st festival brings a lot of new documentaries to Estonia. We continue to screen films on the life of indigenous peoples, their customs and the rituals which help them to survive. This summer we also present a special program of film portraits of powerful personalities. Their subjects are outstanding creators of Russian culture and science, such as Dimitri Shostakovich, Anatoli Rybakov and Aleksander Sakharov. In the same program of world talents we show a documentary on American film icon James Dean and French photo artist Pedra, killed during national uprising in Hungary in 1956. The program of student films includes witty shorts shot by Polish, Scottish and Israeli young talents. While selecting the films we were faced with quite a problem. The availability of easy to use digital cameras has caused a huge wave of audiovisual grapho-mania - an endless production at low level. Today anyone can lay hands a high tech camera and make “art”. It is quite difficult for the festival team to pick out the golden nuggets in this sea gray sand. To develop the audiovisual language and to help camera owners to use their equipment creatively we have again organized a summer film school. Mati Põldre and myself, both veteran documentary film makers, will teach attendees how to use video cameras for artistic purposes on July 16-20th. Please, register in the festival office, Esplanaadi St.10 , or let us know by phone 44 30 772. After the two weeks in Pärnu (July 8-21) the festival will go on wheels. In July 21st he best documentaries arrive to Manija island, in July 22-23rd we are in Haapsalu at the Museum of Evald Okas, in July 24-25th in Rakvere Theatre, in July 26-27th at Heimtali country club, in July 26-29th at Viljandi Art Museum. We’ll take along most intriguing award-winning films. For those who love most their own armchairs, seven films of the series Place Under the Sun will be broadcast by Estonian TV. Seven dramatic documentaries about cultural conflicts in different parts of the world will compete on air at late night between July 8-14. After the last show in Saturday, July 14th, we call all TV audience to vote for the best film. For that, please, just dial 1182 and say the title of your favorite film. The author of the best film will receive from the President of Estonian Parliament Riigikogu Ms. Ene Ergma the Estonian People’s Award - a nice hand woven traditional blanket. At the same night the best singers and musicians of the 3rd International Music Contest Street and Folk will be presented with their awards as well, since the final concert of street musicians overlaps with film festival award ceremony. XXI Pärnu Film Festival is supported by Ministry of Culture, Cultural Endowment, Estonian Film Foundation, Pärnu Town Council, Tallink, Embassies of France and Israel. Our media partners are daily paper Postimees and ETV. Thanks to all of them! And very special thanks to all filmmakers for their masterpieces. We are awaiting your next surprising works for the screen! Mark Soosaar MP and Festival Director ESTONIAN PEOPLE’S AWARD EESTI RAHVA AUHIND A PLACE UNDER THE SUN THE CONTEST ON AIR OF ESTONIAN TELEVISION: KOHT PÄIKESE ALL VÕISTLUS ETV EKRAANIL MY DEATH, NOT YOURS A LESSON OF BELORUSSIAN ENEMIES OF HAPPINESS BESLAN: RIGHT TO LIVE MY DAUGHTER, THE TERRORIST ABOUT THE BODY FIRST LESSON IN PEACE MINU SURM POLE SINU SURM VALGEVENE ÕPPETUND ÕNNE VAENLASED BESLAN - ÕIGUS ELULE MU TÜTAR ON TERRORIST LUGU KEHAST ESIMENE KOOLITUND RAHUS Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 8th July 9th July 10th July 11th 22.25 22.20 22.15 22.20 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 12th 22.20 July 13th 22.20 July 14th 22.30 To help the author of Your favorite film to win the Estonian People’s Award, please, call after the last broadcast to the phone number 1182 and give Your points! pühapäev, esmaspäev, teispäev, kolmapäev, neljapäev, reede, laupäev, 8. juuli 9. juuli 10. juuli 11. juuli 12. juuli 13. juuli 14. juuli 22.25 22.20 22.15 22.20 22.20 22.20 22.30 Et aidata teie lemmikfilmi autoril võita Eesti Rahva Auhinda, selleks helistage palun pärast viimase filmi vaatamist telefonile 1182 ja andke omalt poolt talle punkte! ABOUT THE BODY 55 min. 2006 Israel Michal, Ilana, Hila & Aviv are four young women in their 20’s who were severely injured in terrorist attacks. For 3 months the film crew followed them in a unique body workshop by Israel Prize Winner dancer Ohad Naharin. After the injury they were all compelled to confront a new perception of their selves and their femininity. A story about the brave journey they had to take to reconnect to their once cherished bodies. LUGU KEHAST Autorid Alona Seroussi, Karen Yehezkely-Goldstein Michal, Ilana, Hila ja Aviv on neli noort ja toredat, veidi üle kahekümneaastast naist, kes on terroriaktides jäänud ilma oma kätest või jalgadest. Tunnustatud tantsupedagoog Ohad Naharin aitab ohvritel pöörduda tagasi täisväärtuslikku ellu. Directed by Alona Seroussi and Karen Yehezkely-Goldstein Photographed by Itai Raziel Edited by Dov Stoier and Tali Goldenberg Produced by Alexandra Zelentcher and Karen Yehezkely-Goldstein Distributed by Ruth Diskin Ltd., P.O Box 7153, 91071 Jerusalem, Israel Tel. +972 26724256 Fax +972 26724210 ruthdis@netvision.net.il BESLAN. THE RIGHT TO LIVE 52 min. 2006 Russia Two years passed since the tragedy in Beslan, but still there are no answers: authorities don’t know what to say and the community is almost indifferent...Even if you know in advance that you cannot find the truth or that the truth doesn’t exist--which is one and the same--this doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t look for it. From time to time, when looking at fragments of history, you understand that it’s not necessary to know in details what exactly happened; it’s simply important not to ignore it and to remember that this could happen to any of us. Directed by Olga Stefanova Produced and distributed by Olga Stefanova Gamaun Film Studio, Nemanskiy proezd 11 - 140, 123592 Moscow Russia Tel. +7 495 7565107 Fax +7 495 1811308 olga_stefanova@list.ru BESLAN - ÕIGUS ELADA Autor Olga Stefanova Kaks aastat pärast Beslani tragöödiat pole ikka veel selge, kes oli sadade laste hukkumises süüdi. Konflikti kumbki pool ei taha oma vigu tunnistada. Vigadest õppimata aga võib taoline massimõrv korduda. Miks ei suudeta rahulikult aru pidada sügava kultuurikonflikti üle? Üksnes süüdlasi otsides pole kellelgi võimalik leida oma kindlat kohta Päikese all, ütleb filmi autor. ENEMIES OF HAPPINESS 58 min. 2006 Denmark (filmed in Afganistan) Malalai Joya is a 28-year-old Afghani woman who ran her country’s first democratic parliamentary elections in 2005 after 30 years of totalitarian rule. A survivor of repeated assassination attempts, she spreads her message surrounded by guards. How can democracy be introduced in a country where almost everyone is illiterate, votes are for sale and women cannot leave their children to vote? As the film eloquently reminds us, it takes more than Western soldiers and diplomats. Joya is a controversial voice for a nation ruined by war and ruled by tradition, and a voice with a desperate urge for change. ÕNNE VAENLASED Autor Eva Mulvad Malalai Joya on 28-aastane afgaani naine. Taani filmiloojad jälgivad tema valimiskampaaniat riigi parlamenti. Need on esimesed demokraatlikud valimised pärast 30-aastast vaheaega. Film jälgib julget naist, kes hoolimata korduvatest surmaähvardustest, lõpuks ka Rahvusassambleesse valitakse. Malalai Joya vastuoluline, kuid samas sugestiivne hääl sisendab sõdadest ruineeritud rahvale usku paremasse homsesse. Directed by Eva Mulvad Photographed by Zillah Bowes Sound by Mikkel Groos Edited by Adam Nielsen Produced by Bastard Film A/S Distributed by TV 2 / World Programme Sales, Sortedam Dossering 55 A, DK-2100 København Ø, DENMARK Tel. +45 35372200 Fax +45 35372227 sales@tv2.dk FIRST LESSON IN PEACE 56 min. 2006 Israel First Lessons in Peace explores the Jewish – Arab conflict through the eyes of a six year old girl, the film director’s daughter when she starts school at the mixed Arab – Jewish primary school – Neveh Shalom – The Oasis of Peace. This school is the first swallow in providing Jewish and Arab children with an educational framework for learning together. The author of this documentary, the son of Zionist immigrants from Australia to Israel, and his wife Ofira, whose father was killed by Arabs in one of the Arab-Israel wars, accompany Michal in her first days at school. . They are full of fears and apprehension, concern and many politically incorrect second thoughts, especially when both Yoram’s Zionist father and Ofira’s extreme right wing brother express opposition to the parent’s decision on their young daughter’s future education at this Arab- Jewish experimental school. The film reaches a climax on Israel Memorial Day and Israel Independence Day, which is also the Palestinian Al-Nachba – the Day of Disaster, bringing all those featured in the film into sharply differing views and situations, some complicated and angry, some courageous and surprising – but all demonstrating the great complexity and enduring difficulties of this multi-faceted conflict. In many ways, this film represents an open, honest, and human representation, a virtual microcosm of the long and terrible conflict between two nations and two cultures. ESIMENE RAHU ÕPPETUND Autor Yoram Honig Juutide ja palestiinlaste kooselu Iisraelis on sama, mis kiikuda hommikust õhtuni püssirohutünni otsas. Väiksemgi valeliigutus võib põhjustada verevalamise. Filmi autor usub, et rahvuslikul pinnal idanevate konfliktide vältimiseks tasub araabia ja juudi lapsi õpetada ühises koolis. Tema enda kuue-aastane tütar lähebki sellise algkooli esimesse klassi ning isa järgneb talle kaameraga. Kooli nimeks on Neveh Shalom , mis tõlkes tähendab Rahu Oaasi. Directed and produced by Yoram Honig Photographed by Asher Ben-Yair and Yoram Honig Edited by Miki Kohan Distributed by Ruth Diskin Ltd., P.O Box 7153, 91071 Jerusalem, Israel Tel. +972 26724256 Fax +972 26724210 ruthdis@netvision.net.il A LESSON OF BELORUSSIAN 51 min. 2006 Poland (filmed in Belorussia) After the Soviet Union collapsed, Belorus became an independent country and a humanistic Lyceum was founded in Minsk with the aim of raising an elite Byelorussian intelligentsia. However, in 1995, Lukashenka came to power. Democracy and freedom came to an end. Also the Lyceum was labelled a banned institution. The Lyceum pupils did not give up though, but steadfastly kept studying underground. The presidential elections, for which Lukashenka changed the Constitution in order to be elected for a third term, become the culmination of this film. Despite the fear of repression, thousands of people take to the streets. In the main square of Minsk, the Lyceum pupils join forces to build a tent city, which is then brutally crushed by militia. Hundreds of people end up in prison. However, the Lyceum pupils do not give up. They deeply believe that one day Belorus will be a free country. VALGEVENE ÕPPETUND Autor Miroslaw Dembinski Valgevene noortele, kes huvitatud demokraatia kiirest arenemisest, on viimased aastad olnud valusaks õppetunniks. President Lukashenko on osanud suurema osa rahvast ja eriti maainimesed enda poolele meelitada. Ummikseis on kujunenud omamoodi õppetunniks presidendilegi. Filmi autoril õnnestus luua valus ja samas kunstiliselt haarav pilt sündmustest, mis Minskis tõeliselt aset leidsid. Directed and edited by Miroslaw Dembinski Photographed by Maciej Szafnicki and Michal Slusarczyk Sound by Teresa Stepien Produced by Film Studio Everest Distributed by DR International Sales, 20 Emil Holms Kanal, DK-0999 Copenhagen C, DENMARK Tel. +45 35233040 Fax +45 35203969 mewo@dr.dk MY DAUGHTER, THE TERRORIST 60 min. 2007 Norway What makes anyone want to blow himself up for a cause? In this intimate and personal portrait, we join two young female elite soldiers trained for the ultimate mission of the Tamil Tigers. We share their childhood experiences, their dreams and their families’ loss. Left behind are the mothers. MU TÜTAR ON TERRORIST Autorid Beate Arnestad ja Morten Daae Mis paneb inimest ennast õhku laskma ja selle aktiga ka teisi inimesi surmama? Intiimne portreefilm tutvustab vaatajat kahe noore naisega, terroriorganisatsiooniTamili Tiigrid võitlejatega. Ekraanile ilmuvad surmakartmatute neidude unistused enne õhkimist. Ja ka nende emade mõttemaailm. Directed by Beate Arnestad, Morten Daae Photographed by Frank Alvegg Edited by Morten Daae Produced by Snitt Film Production AS Distributed by Norwegian Film Institute, 16 Dronningens Gate 16, Box 482 Sentrum, N-0105 Oslo, NORWAY Tel. +47 22474573 Fax +47 22474597 amb@nfi.no MY DEATH, NOT YOURS 83 min. 2006 Germany/India Directed and photographed by Lars Barthel Edited by Grete Jentzen Produced and distributed by Juliane Wothe, Ö Filmproduktion GmbH Langhansstr. 86, 13086 Berlin, Germany Tel. +49 30 44672617 wothe@oefilm.de Description: In the middle of the 1970’s, Lars Barthel was a camera student at the film school in Babelsberg. Together with other students, he tried to fathom the boundaries of the school and find loopholes for their projects. Often, difficulties started with obtaining a filming permit. Other times there were problems with editing. In defiance of this daily skirmish, the students were not dissuaded from enjoying the sensual pleasures of life. They partied, had love-stories and sometimes even gained a Pyrrhic victory. Suddenly, an unfamiliar ‘creature’ entered this atmosphere, as if from a different planet. Chetna Vora came to the GDR at the age of 16 to study directing. She was the daughter of a communist functionary and came to this ‘better world’ to get to know the country, its people and their ideas. Lars Barthel and Chetna Vora fall in love and had a child together. But the ‘period of grace’ at the school came to an end. They still shared the same reality, but their dreams started to head in different directions. Lars Barthel wanted to go to India while Chetna Vora preferred West Berlin. In 1982, the exit visa was authorised and an odyssey commenced full of disappointments and divisiveness. Lars Barthel never really managed to deflect – let alone understand – the tragic loss of Chetna. In his first film as director he goes on a journey into the past – the result is a poetic documentary that does not evade any of the painful truths. MINU SURM POLE SINU SURM Autor Lars Barthel Chetna tuli Ida-Saksamaale Indiast. Tüdruk oli alles kaheksateistkümnene ja filmi autor kahekümne kolme aastane. Nad õppisid koos filmikoolis Babelsbergis. Lars ja Chetna leidsid peagi ühise kodu siin selle Päikese all ja varsti ilmus sellesse ka nende ühine laps. Larsi tõmbas India suunas, Chetna aga soovis kolida Lääne-Berliini. Saatus tahtis kahjuks aga nii, et tosin aastat hiljem noor hindu naine suri filmivõtetel. Nüüd, aastakümneid hiljem, otsustas Lars Barthel minna Indiasse, et otsida jälgi oma noorusarmastusest. Erinevate kultuuride omamoodi arusaamad elust ja surmast andsid alust üheks väga tõsiseks filmimõtiskluseks. GENERAL COMPETITION for the best scientific recording, for the best film on survival of indigenous peoples, for the best artistic achievment. PEAKONKURSS parima teadusliku jäädvustuse, parima põlisrahvaste ellujäämisfilmi ja parima kunstilise saavutuse leidmiseks. AFGHAN MUSCLES 55 min. 2006 Denmark The young men of Afghanistan have discovered the art of bodybuilding. In a country ravished by war, these men still hold on to their dreams; dreams of muscle, honour and fame – absolute control of the body in a world of chaos. Afghan Muscles is a story about dreams. The dreams we all share, dreams that are never the same. From the rubbles of Kabul to the skyline of Dubai we follow Hamid on a great journey that will take him across mountains and through a struggle to honour both his own dreams and his father’s aspirations. AFGAANI MUSKLID Autor Andreas Møl Dalsgaard Portreefilm rahvusvahelisel spordiareenil Afganistani au ja kuulsuse eest võitlevast Hamidist, kelle kutsumuseks on kulturism. Directed by Andreas Møl Dalsgaard Photographed by Frederik Jacobi and Andreas Møl Dalsgaard Sound by Jens Bønding Edited by My Thordal Produced by Nimbus Film Productions ApS Distributed by TV 2 / World Programme Sales, Sortedam Dossering 55 A, DK-2100 København Ø, DENMARK Tel. +45 35372200 Fax +45 35372227 sales@tv2.dk AFTER THE RAINS CAME: SEVEN SHORT STORIES ABOUT OBJECTS AND LIFEWORLDS 20 min. 2006 UK (filmed in Kenya) The Samburu of Northern Kenya are a semi-nomadic pastoralist people with a vibrant oral tradition. Their culture is strongly associated with objects, bodily adornment, storytelling and singing. This film is divided into vignettes to reflect Samburu cosmology. While each vignette explores a different stage in the life cycle of the natural and human world, each pause between vignettes reflects the Samburu belief that only something made by the hand of Nkai (God) can be continuous and perfect. PÄRAST VIHMA. SEITSE LÜHILUGU ASJADEST JA ELUST Autor Sarah Thomas Samburud, kes elavad Põhja-Keenias, on nomaadse eluviisiga karjakasvatajad. Filmi seitse episoodi kujutavad elukaart. Lugude vahele tikitud lõigud meenutavad, et ainult Nkai (Jumala) käega loodu on igikestev ja täiuslik. Directed, photographed, edited, produced and distributed by Sarah Thomas Sound by Lkitasian Lekisolish, Lpainen Lelenguiya, Richard Lekisolish and Bernard Lparkiras 15 Clarence Street, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 3BG, UK Tel. + 44 7969 114 914 sunthimoksha@yahoo.co.uk THE AL-HADJI AND HIS WIVES 50 min. 2006 USA (filmed in Cameroon) A portrait of a Fulani patriarch, his savvy wives, and their rebellious daughters. The documentary provides a glimpse into the challenges of their everyday lives and into their religious and political convictions. With a critical but sympathetic gaze, it also investigates the forced marriage of a young daughter of the family. AL-HADJI JA TEMA NAISED Autor Jie Li Portree Fulaani patriarhist, tema naistest ja isemeelsetest tütardest. Fookuses on ka üks peretütardest, kes on jõuga mehele pandud. Directed, photographed, sound, edited, produced and distributed by Jie Li, 65 Mt. Auburn St. #42, Cambridge MA 02138, USA Tel. +917 4028822 jieli@fas.harvard.edu COLLECTING SHADOWS 52 min. 2006 Russia War has united different generations of people for whom coming home to Grozny became impossible because of absurd reasons. The film is a recollection of memories, travelling in three relative spaces. A dormitory for displaced persons situated in a lost empty field. People who exist without present and future, with unwrapped burned lives. Arthur, a Chechen and the vocalist of the Dead Dolphins band, recollects his native and beloved city. Exhausted, abandoned by the souls of people used to live there, Grozny city is in ruins. For the first time after the war, a Russian girl is coming here to see her former home, to say goodbye to it and all her memories. Directed by Maria Kravchenko Photographed by Ivan Finogeev Sound by Eugenii Borisov Edited by Tatiana Zorina Produced by Andrey Naimushin Distributed by Nizhne-volzhskaya Film Studio, 43 Oktyabrskaya Str., Saratov, RUSSIA Tel. +7 8452232282 Fax +7 8452237338 fonar@renet.ru VARJE KOGUDES Autor Maria Kravtšenko Portree varemetes Groznõist. Portreed inimestest, kelle lapsepõlv on möödunud selles peaaegu hävitatud linnas. Minevikuvarjud, mis kestavad seni kuni kestavad siit pärit inimesed. EVERY GOOD MARRIAGE BEGINS WITH TEARS 62 min. 2006 UK (filmed in UK and India) London based Muslim girl Shahanara is changing from pink hotpants into a saree, to meet her future husband at the airport. She has met him only once before, when her marriage was arranged by her Bangladeshi family. Shahanara is fully integrated into western culture and likes British habits. Her family wants to return her to muslim traditions where love and marriage can’t be a personal choice. IGA KORRALIK ABIELU ALGAB PISARATEGA Autor Simon Chambers Shahanara on Bangladeshi neiu, kes elab Londonis ja kellele meeldivad Õhtumaa kombed ning kultuur. Noore moslemineiu vanemad aga soovivad tütrele traditsioonilist abielu, kus armastus ja meheleminek pole naise enda otsustada. Nii algabki film Londoni lennujaamas, kus Shahanara peab kohtuma oma tulevase mehega, keda ta on näinud varem vaid ainult ühel korral. Directed, photographed, sound and produced by Simon Chambers Edited by Ben Putland Distributed by Films Transit International, 252 Gouin Boulevard, East Montreal, H3L IA8, CANADA Tel. +1 514 8443358 office@filmstransit.com 10 FOREVER 95 min. 2006 The Netherlands (filmed in France) Forever is a film about the power and vitality of art and a place where love and death go hand in hand and beauty lives on: the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris. Père-Lachaise – one of the world’s most famous and beautiful cemeteries – is the final resting place of a gifted group of artists from various periods in history and virtually all corners of the world. Some, such as Piaf, Proust, Jim Morrison and Chopin, are still worshipped to this day. IGAVESTI Autor Heddy Honigmann Pikk jalutuskäik mööda kuulsuste kalmistut Père-Lachaise’i Pariisis. Kaunitelt hauamonumentidelt kiirgab igavest armastust ja austust loojate vastu. Directed by Heddy Honigmann Photographed by Robert Alazraki Sound by P. van Dijk Edited by Dannile Danniel Produced by Carmen Cobos Distributed by Cobos Films, Nicolaas Witsenkade 18 D – 1017 ZS Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS Tel. +31 203203368 ccobos@cobosfilms.nl HEARTS 60 min. 2006 Norway Hearts follows Kåre Morten (Watne), who suffers from Down’s Syndrome, and his girlfriend Maybritt (Stusdal Matre). They are going to get married, but Kåre Morten does not always remember to wear his ring... SÜDAMESÕBRAD Autor Oyvind Sandberg Kåre Mortenil tuleb elada down’i sündroomiga, et ometi tahab ka tema naituda, õnnelikuks saada. Tema väljavalituks on Maybritt. Peigmeest saadab hajameelsus, mistõttu sageli ununeb sõrmus koju. Directed by Oyvind Sandberg Photographed by Oyvind Sandberg, Anne Dorthe Kalve and Frode Fimland Sound by Gunnar Meidell Edited by Eirik Stefansen Produced by Oy-film Distributed by Norwegian Film Institute, 16 Dronningens Gate 16, Box 482 Sentrum, N-0105 Oslo, NORWAY Tel. +47 22474573 Fax +47 22474597 amb@nfi.no HOLY WARRIORS 35 min. 2006 Russia/USA (filmed in Russia) This documentary investigates the traumatic side effects of spiritual influence on warriors. “There are no atheists in a foxhole”, as one of the main characters puts it. Not only the Orthodox Church, but other religions also bless the “sacred warriors” of modern Russia. PÜHAD SÕDALASED Autorid Marianna Yarovskaya, Olesya Bondareva Dokumentaarium uurib sõdalaste spirituaalse mõjutamisega saavutavat traumaatilisi kõrvalefekte. Mitte üksnes õigeusu kirik, vaid ka teised religioonid õnnistavad kaasaegse Venemaa “pühasid sõdalasi”. Directed and produced by Marianna Yarovskaya and Olesya Bondareva Photographed by Sarah Levy Sound by Lorna Kirk, Marianna Yarovskaya Edited by Erik King Smith, Tchavdar Georgiev Distributed by Marianna Yarovskaya 1112 7th Street Apt 1201, Santa Monica , CA, 90403, U S A marianna@re-voir.com 11 THE LAST HONOURS 30 min. 2006 Denmark (filmed in Pakistan) The Kalash are a non-Muslim minority of about 4000 people living in the Hindukush Mountains of Northwest Pakistan. Among this people, funerals are the most important rituals. The Kalash themselves consider their funerals beautiful expressions of their culture. In the summer of 2005, the oldest man in Rumbour passed away. One year before, he spoke about his life before the camera. This film combines two elements – a life remembered by a happy old man, and his funeral and all the rites around it. The villagers have seen the film and agree to screening it elsewhere. Directed, sound, edited, produced and distributed by Birgitte Glavind Sperber Photographed by Birgitte Glavind Sperber, Akiko Wada, Yasir Nunez and Olof Nunez 31 Tangevej Str., 6760 Ribe, DENMARK Tel. +45 75421553 birgitte.sperber@skolekom.dk VIIMANE AUAVALDUS Autor Birgitte Glavind Sperber Kalašid on mittemoslemitest vähemusrahvus Hindukuši mägedes Loode-Pakistanis. Leinariitust peetakse seal kõige tähtsamaks ja ilusamaks sündmuseks, kalaššide kultuuri keskseks väljenduseks. Autoril õnnestus filmi peategelast Rumbouri, kelle ärasaatmisest film räägib, jäädvustada aasta enne mehe surma. Nii on filmis kaks tasandit – mõtisklused elust ja mõtiskleja lahkumine. Rumbouri sõbrad, tuttavad ja lähedased on filmi näinud ja on nõus selle näitamisega igal pool suures maailmas. THE MASTER 52 min. 2006 Poland This film presents Marcus Bongart, who escaped from communist Poland and settled in Sweden in the 1970’s. Then he started to travel to different countries in search of knowledge about QI-life energy. Finally he came into contact with Chinese medicine and gi gong. He is the first European monk in the legendary Shaolin monastery. MAESTRO Autorid Dariusz Kuciewicz, Mariusz Michalik, Krzysztof Bochenek Portreefilm Marcus Bongart’ist, kes põgenes 1970.aastal kommunistlikust Poolast Rootsi ning sealt rändas ringi mööda maailma. Lõpuks leidis ta end Hiinast ning sai kontakti hiina meditsiini ja Qigong’iga. Ta on esimene Euroopast pärit munk legendaarses Shaolini kloostris. Directed by Dariusz Kuciewicz, Mariusz Michalik and Krzysztof Bochenek Edited by Krzysztof Bochenek Produced by Maciej Chmiel, Casablanca Studio Distributed by Anna Kowalewska-Onaszkiewicz TVP SA Redakcja Filmu, Dokumentalnego TVP1, Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, Poland Tel. +48 22 547 88 91 Fax +48 22 547 42 42 anna.kowalewskaonaszkiewicz@waw.tvp.pl MEN’S REALM 18 min. 2007 Belarus Since time immemorial, musicians in Belarus have been men. No wedding or funeral has done without them. MEESTE EESÕIGUS Autor Galina Adamovich Ennemuistsetest aegadest peale on Valgevenemaal pillimäng olnud meeste privileeg. Ükski pulm ega matus ei möödu ilma nendeta. Directed and distributed by Galina Adamovich Photographed by Tatiana Loginova Sound by Sergey Siniavsky Edited by Varvara Matrosova Produced by Vladimir Zametalin 28/37 Gikalo Str., apt.25, 220071 Minsk, Belarus Tel. +375 172930317 Fax +375 172670751 galina_adamovich@mail.ru 12 ON THE ROAD 29 min. 2005 Poland Jósef and Basia are a homeless married couple. This documentary depicts their journey through Poland in search of a home they could call their own. In this „road movie” they meet different people. When they need money, they search through dustbins for stuff to sell. They sleep in derelict houses or in the woods. Jósef and Basia recount their lives, years of homelessness and their relationship. It turns out it is not the house that really counts for them, but the very fact that they are together. So long as love keeps them together, hope lives on too. TEEL Autor Maciej Adamek Jósef and Basia on kodutu paar, kes rändab läbi Poola lootuses leida endale pesa. Nad ööbivad metsades ning mahajäetud majades. Seni, kuni meest ja naist hoiab koos armastus, on ka lootus elav. Directed by Maciej Adamek Photographed by Artur Zurawski Sound by Grzegorz Nawara Edited by Slawek Gozdzik Produced by Radek Styś Distributed by TVP SA, 17 J.P. Woronicza Str., 00-999 Warsaw, POLAND Tel. +48 225476139 Fax +48 225477583 sales@tvp.pl PENUMBRA 58 min. 2006 Ireland/England (filmed in Ireland and USA) Two people have been writing to each other for almost five years. One of them, Jim, is an artist. Penumbra follows the journey of Gwynne, from Ireland through America to meet Jim for the first time. The journey is illustrated by Jim’s drawings. Along the journey Gwynne approaches strangers (people in bars, garage attendants, chefs, waitresses, bus drivers, etc) and asks them to read extracts from the letters written over the last five years. In this way we not only get to learn about the friendship. We also get a feel for the strange towns and characters along the journey. We visit restaurants and order food exactly as written in Jim’s letters. Penumbra opens in Ireland with snippets of Ireland and some of its people. We then move on to Boise, Idaho, where we meet Jim’s mother and stepfather. It is at this point in the film that we learn that Jim is in prison. The journey continues down through Nevada and California where Jim’s brother Hiram lives. Hiram takes us on a tour of houses and schools that Jim and Hiram lived in and attended as children. He also reveals his lack of contact with his brother. We also meet a good friend of Jim’s. Finally, we arrive in Arizona where Jim lives. The letters have become less light-hearted and begin to describe conditions in the prison. Once we arrive at the prison it is revealed that Jim is on Death Row… PENUMBRA Autor Gwynne McElveen Autorifilm, mis audiovisuaalses minavormis kujutab noore naise teekonda Iirimaalt USA-sse, Arizonase osariiki. Autoril on kaasas südamesõbra Jimi kirjad, kus üles tähendatud mehe unistused. Teel mehe juurde külastab Gwynne mehe lemmikpaiku, sõpru ja sugulasi. Filmi lõpus selgub, et Jim istub vanglas ja ootab surmaotsuse täideviimist. Directed, produced and distributed by Gwynne McElveen Photographed and sound by Andi Baiz and Mark Goldie Edited by Gwynne McElveen and Mark Goldie 30 Moreton ns, London, Switolu, England Tel. +44 2089460527 gwynnelatouche@yahoo.co.uk THE SEEDS 28 min. 2005 Poland (filmed in Russia) A small village in the beautiful mountains of southern Siberia. A family living out of the way, not accepted by society. They have their own secrets. Step by step, we get involved in their mysterious world, where power belongs to the head of family. The head is the father, like in every Russian family, as it has been for centuries in the whole country. SEEMNED Autor Wojsiech Kasperski Väikese külakeses keset Lõuna-Siberi mägimaastikku elab perekond, kelle elustiil ei mahu väljakujunenud reeglitesse. Neil on oma saladused. Samm-sammult avaneb see väike müstiline maailm, kus olukorra valitsejaks on perekonnapea. Directed by Wojciech Kasperski Photographed by Szymon Elnkowski Edited by Tymek Wiskirski Produced and distributed by Krzysztof Kopczynski Tel. +48 228284810 Fax +48 228295673 eureka@ntcm.com.pl 13 A SHIFT IN PERCEPTION 16 min. 2006 Australia An experimental, humanistic and informal examination of living with blindness. Conversations with three South Australian women invite the viewer to celebrate the beauty of their unique perspectives. PÖÖRE ETTEKUJUTUSES Autor Dan Monceaux Eksperimentaalfilm uurib pimeda inimese maailma. Kolm pimedat austraallannat aitavad nende maailma sisse vaadata. Directed and produced by Dan Monceaux Photographed by Emma Sterling and Dan Monceaux Sound by Dan Monceaux and Bryce Doudle Edited by Emma Sterling Distributed by Danimations, 5/22 Fife Ave, Torrens Park SA 5062, Australia Tel. +614 11039592 danimations@optusnet.com.au SMALLTOWN BOY 13 min. 2007 UK David has never felt homelike at his home in the English countryside. He has known since he was very young that he was different. Now, when David is fifteen he has decided to publicly reveal that he is gay. After being thrown out of his foster home and continually bullied at school, the village where he lives has turned its back on David. ALEVIPOISS Autor Moby Longinotto David pole oma kodukohas – ühes Inglismaa alevis – kunagi tundnud end kuigi koduselt. Nüüd, mil David on viieteistkümnene, on paras aeg öelda välja, et ta on gei. Ta visatakse välja kasuperest, teda kiusatakse koolis. Kogu alev on keeranud Davidile selja. Directed, produced and distributed by Moby Longinotto Sound by Will Woodward Edited by Matthias Dombrink 38 Cissbury Road, N155QA London, UK Tel. +44 2083760656 mobyl@onetel.com YAPTIK-HASSE 29 min. 2006 Russia Directed by Edgar Bartenev Photographed by Alexander Filippov Edited by Alexander Dmitriev Produced by Vjaceslav Telnov Distributed by Deckert Distribution GmbH, Marienplatz 1, 04103 Leipzig, Germany Tel. +49 341 2156638 Fax +49 341 2156639 info@deckert-distribution.com 14 Japtik-Hasse is one of the younger members of the very large Japtik family. He is also their good spirit and therefore privileged to ride on a holy slide. As it is the end of August, the Nenets people commence their journey on the ‘middle-world’ as usual (under-world – the north, upper-world – the south, middle-world – the way). Their camp was in Tundra, on the Yamal Peninsula. We meet Jarkalyn, who is only one-year-old and Jako, his two and a half-years-old brother, who is already very precise at throwing the lasso; there is also Ejne, without children, and the parents as well as the 90 years old shaman Iri Tadibe and finally the eldest, Chado, who was all her life considerate of the reindeers and therefore never carried or pulled by them. Film maker Edgar Bartenev chooses three different means to tell the story of the breathtaking everyday life of these Siberian nomads. Music (relatively aggressive, structuring the rhythm of perception), inter-titles (fairy-tale-like and funny), and last but not least a camera. Yet, the latter is used in a very sophisticated way, well above the feature-film standard. The result is a reanimated ethnographic genre in an alienated way! YAPTIK-HASSE Autor Edgar Bartenev Japtik-Hasse on neenetsi suurpere üks nooremaid liikmeid. Elab ta Jamali poolsaarel. Koos oma vanemate, väikevenna ja rändshamaani Iri Tadibega alustab Japtik-Hasse augustis teekonda keskmisesse maailma. Rändrahvana liiguvad neenetsid oma põtrade järel kolme maailma vahel. Ülemine maailm asub põhjas, alumine maailm lõunas ning keskmine vahepeal. Suvel ollakse ülemises, talvel alumises maailmas. PORTRAITS OF POWERFUL PERSONALITIES JÕULISTE ISIKSUSTE PORTREED ANATOLY RYBAKOV: THE RUSSIAN STORY 52 min. 2006 Russia, USA “Stalin walked over a million corpses to get to his throne.” With fiery eyes, Anatoly Rybakov looks into the camera of Marina Goldovskaya. Over the course of several years, the Russian filmmaker talked to Rybakov at his home, first in Russia and later in New York. In 1998, Rybakov died of complications after heart surgery at the age of 87. In Children of the Arbat, Rybakov’s most famous book, he writes about the 1930s, when Stalin established a totalitarian regime at the expense of an entire generation – a generation the leader had always despised. As a victim of Stalin’s political purges, Rybakov was imprisoned in Siberia, later released, and worked as a labourer and a tank commander in World War II. In the film, he talks about how he became a writer. He isolated himself in a remote village with the assignment of completing a book. “A man has to listen to his calling.” He is still pugnacious and worries a lot about his motherland. Gorbachev’s perestroika brought positive change, but “what is the great ideal that our people are suffering for now?” Goldovskaya intersperses Rybakov’s story with jump cuts of expressive, topical footage of fascist groups ascending the ranks in Russia. ANATOLI RÕBAKOV. VENE LUGU Autor Marina Goldovskaja Tundlik filmiportree paljukannatanud vene kirjanikust Anatoli Rõbakovist, populaarse romaani “Arbati lapsed” autorist. Directed and photographed by Marina Goldovskaya Sound by Bruce Hanifan Edited by Daniel Levin Produced by Oleg Moguchev for S M Film Distributed by Goldfilms, 11108 Ophir Drive, CA 90024 Los Angeles, USA Tel. +1 310 4760167 Fax +1 310 4760267 goldfilms@adelphia.net BEHIND THAT SNOWY HILL 25 min. 2007 Iran An old woman lives mysteriously in a deserted village for many years. TOLLE LUMISE MÄEKÜNKA TAGA Autor Ramtin Lavafipour Üks vana naine elab kummalisel kombel hulk aastaid mahajäetud külas. Directed, photographed, edited and produced by Ramtin Lavafipour Sound by Abdollah Heydari Distributed by Alireza Shahrokhi, CMI 64 Hedayat St., Yakhchal Ave., Tehran 19497, Iran Tel. +98 21 2548032 Fax +98 21 2551914 cmi@cmi.ir 15 CELEBRATION OF FLIGHT 78 min. 2006 Germany (filmed in Germany, Dominica, Lakeland and Florida) A film about the love for flying and the unique friendship between a 78-year-old Swede and a 16-year-old Caribbean boy. They share their only dream: to build an airplane in the middle of the jungle of Dominica . With it, they plan to take part in one of the world’s biggest air shows for airplane designers in Florida and win a prize. For the boy, it is the beginning of all his dreams. For the old man, it is his very last dream. And it’s the legacy of a father-and-son relationship. LENNUPIDUSTUS Autor Laura Juliette Sanders 78-aastane rootslane, kes on terve oma elu pühendanud lendamisele, unistab koos ühelt Kariibi mere saarelt pärit 16-aastase posiga lennuki ehitamisest. Nad hakkavadki Dominikaani džunglis lennuaparaati ehitama… Directed and produced by Lara Juliette Sanders Photographed by Ralf Leisrl and Michael Boxrucker Edited by Klaus Schäfer and Jean-Claude Piroé Distributed by Lombardo Films, Tengstrasse 22, 80798 München, Germany Tel. +49 8921667636 Fax +49 8921667637 office@lombardofilms.com HORSEMAN 84 min. 2006 Sweden He lives for horses, he works with horses and he just about dies when he is forced to leave his horses because of a storm that turns his life upside down. This is the story of Stig-Anders, a solitary man in a remote village in Småland, the ultimate hardship area for a truly old-fashioned Swedish farmer. HOBUSEMEES Autorid Peter Gerdehaf, Tell Johansson Ta elab koos hobustega, ta töötab hobustega, ta sureb ja temast jäävad maha hobused… See on Stig Andresi saaga. Mehe, kes elab kauges ja üksildases Smålandi külas LääneRootsimaal. Directed by Peter Gerdehag and Tell Johansson Photographed by Peter Gerdehag Edited by Tell Johansson Produced by Johan Miderberg Distributed by TV 2 / World Programme Sales, Sortedam Dossering 55 A, DK-2100 København Ø, DENMARK Tel. +45 35372200 Fax +45 35372227 sales@tv2.dk JAMES DEAN – LITTLE PRINCE, LITTLE BASTARD 90 min. 2005 Germany (filmed in Germany and USA) James Dean – alias Jim Stark – crouching at the roadside, giggling childishly to himself. James Dean – alias Cal – lying in a corn field watching the fruit grow. James Dean – alias James Dean – the collar of his coat turned up in New York: images which have contributed to the building up of a myth – the image of eternal and misunderstood youth. Unlike Marlon Brando, the proletarian rebel with identifiable goals, James Dean was the timeless and androgynous youthful rebel. It was through this that he was transformed into an icon of a media-created youth culture, the shadow of which still hangs over us today. JAMES DEAN – VÄIKE PRINTS JA VÄIKE PÄTT Autorid Werner Koehne, André Schaefer Portreefilm mässava noore põlvkonna iidolist, ameerika filmitähest James Deanist. Directed by Werner Koehne and André Schaefer Photographed by Bernd Meiners Sound by Pascal Capitolin Edited by Martin Schomers Produced by Marianne Schaefer Distributed by SND FILMS (World Sales), Sydney Neter, P.O. Box 15703, 1001 NE Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS Tel. +31 204040707 Fax +31 204040708 info@sndfilms.com 16 A JOURNEY OF DIMITRY SHOSTAKOVICH 75 min. USA/Russia The life of Dmitry Shostakovich, one of the greatest composers of the 20th century, remains one of its biggest mysteries. The nine chapters of A JOURNEY OF DMITRY SHOSTAKOVICH are framed by nine days of the last round-trip journey on a Soviet ocean liner to the United States. The narration is based on Shostakovich’s letters and diaries which are in sharp contrast with the propaganda movies shown on board of the cruise ship. Archival footage of the composer’s life that has never been seen before offers insight into the mystery of how Shostakovich was able to penetrate the ironclad curtain with his music and deeply affect Western audiences. DIMITRI ŠOSTAKOVITŠI REIS Autorid Oksana Dvornichenko, Helga Landauer Helilooja Dimitri Šostakovitši elu jääb ikka veel XX sajandi suureks mõistatuseks. Filmi üheksa osa on raamitud nõukogude kruiisilaeva 9-päevase reisiga USA-sse. Filmi tekst baseerub helilooja kirjadel ja päevikutel, propagandapilt aga räägib hoopis millestki muust. Siiani on selgusetu, kuidas Šostakovitš suutis oma muusikaga tungida läbi raudse eesriide ning sügavalt mõjutada lääne publikut. Directed by Oksana Dvornichenko and Helga Landauer Photographed by Juliy Olshvang Sound by Galina Siver Edited by Alexander Sokin Produced by Oksana Dvornichenko and Darya Zhuk Distributed by Oksana Dvornichenko, 8 Selksohoziajstvennaa Street, 129226 Moscow, RUSSIA Tel./Fax +95 1476123 oksanadv@mtu-net.ru MARTHA 39 min. 2006 Russia “I may come nearer to God through love for man only”, says sculptor Martha, aged 75 but able to fall in love. And every time she falls in love, she is reborn as a woman and an artist. Old age and the approach of death are combined in her life with the lust for love and creative work... MARTHA Autorid Natalja Gugujeva ja Arkadi Kogan Vallatu portree elurõõmsast skulptorist Marthast, kes hoolimata 75-st eluaastast tahab jälle ja jälle armuda. Directed by Natalia Gugueva, Arkady Kogan Photographed by Anatoly Petriga, Martynsh Punans, Arkady Kogan Sound by Igor Mazaev, Viktor Brus Edited by Alexander Ippolitov, Dmitryi Muchin Produced by Tengiz Semenov Distributed by Anastasia Bartolomeeva, Natalia Gugueva ap 254 generala Tuleneva str 7/1, 117465 Moscow, Russia Tel. +495 251-28-96, +7 95 337 4690 Fax +495 251-28-96 vstrecha-film@yandex.ru MINE & TABLOU 23 min. 2002 Australia (filmed in Iraq) Mine and Tablou is a touching story about a sensitive artist, Sarwet Sawz, who lives in Iraqi Kurdistan. His work is famous, but in order to survive, he dismantles bombs by day and paints at night. He is a single father who loves his children and is committed to supporting them even if they have sleepless nights hoping he returns to their bedside. MIIN JA MAAL Autor Hossein Jehani Tundlik portreefilm Sarwet Sawz’ist, kes elab Iraagi territoorimil asuvas Kurdistani osas. Kuna kunstnikuametiga on raske ennast ja lapsi ära elatada, siis päeval teeb mees eluohtlikku demineerija tööd, öösel aga maalib. Directed by Hossein Jehani Photographed by Kossar Azad and Kermanj Faraj Sound by Kossar Azad Edited by Horen Gharib and Tayfor Patai Produced by Tania Raout Distributed by World Fs My Home Film Film Production, P.O. Box 1227 Mountaingate Ferntree Gully, VFC 3156, Australia Tel. +61 432343342 Fax +61 397589036 daria980@yahoo.com 17 THE MONASTERY 84 min. 2006 Denmark This is a story about the 82-year-old bachelor Mr. Vig, who has never known love, and Sister Amvrosija, a young Russian nun, who by chance or destiny becomes part of his life. 50 years ago, Jørgen Lauersen Vig bought Hesbjerg Castle, situated in the Danish countryside, with the purpose of turning it into a monastery. Now, many years later, he is about to realise his dream. A group of Russian Orthodox nuns are on their way, and thus Mr. Vig’s life-long dream is about to come true. But nuns have plans and wills of their own, and Mr. Vig must realise that the road to fulfilling his dream is very different than what he imagined. Directed and photographed by Pernille Rose Grønkjær Sound by Kristian Eidnes Andersen Edited by Pernille Bech Christensen Produced by Tju-Bang Film A/S Distributed by First Hand Films World Sales, Fritz Heeb Weg 5, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland Tel. +41 44 3122060 Fax +41 44 3122080 info@firsthandfilms.com KLOOSTER Autor Pernille Rose Grønkjær Filosoofiline portreefilm 82-aastasest poissmehest Jørgen Lauersen Vig’ist, kes pole oma elus kunagi maitsnud armurõõme, ning noorest vene nunnast Amvrosjast, kelle eluteed ristuvad vanas uhkes lossis. Härra Vig on terve elu unistanud oma lossi ümberehitamisest kloostriks. Nüüd paistab see vene rahaga õnnestuvat, kuid hoopis teisel moel, kui vanahärra oma vaimusilmas ette kujutas. MY HUSBAND ANDREI SAKHAROV 52 min. 2006 Latvia/France (filmed in USA and Russia) How does the “brains” of the Soviet regime, an academician, the “father” of the hydrogen bomb, an outstanding intellectual for whom all doors were open even in the Kremlin, become an irreconcilable champion of human rights and prisoner of conscience, and an internationally renowned enemy of this system? This documentary answers in an intriguing form – by confronting the views of the witnesses of those times! His widow Yelena Bonner and the last Secretary General of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev are the two brightest participants in this indirect debate in the film, which not only by presenting facts and their interpretations, but also by using unique KGB materials makes one think about the games of power as well as guarantees of human freedom not only in Russia. Directed by Inara Kolmane Photographed by Aivars Kalnins Sound by Olivier Lafuma Edited by Katya Chelli Produced by Janis Juhnevics, Estelle Robin and Imants Mozers Distributed by Film Studio DEVINI, 24 Ludzas Str., pob 69, Latvia Tel. +371 7241688 Fax +371 7241434 devini@parks.lv MINU ABIKAASA ANDREI SAHHAROV Autor Inara Kolmane Siiras ja avameelne portree Andrei Sahharovist, totalitaarrezhiimi lugupeetud akadeemikust ja vesinikupommi leiutajast, kes tõusis teda ennast sünnitanud süsteemi vastu üles. PÉDRA: A REPORTER WITHOUT BORDERS 61 min. 2006 Switzerland (filmed in France, Italy, Georgia, Hungary and Switzerland) The photographer Jean-Pierre Pedrazzini was born in Paris in 1927 to parents from Locarno. Emigrating with his parents to Switzerland in 1943-44, he started taking photographs in Davos. By the end of the war, he accepted a job offer with Paris Match, and began his short career as a photojournalist. Little more than a decade later, while capturing enduring images of the Budapest uprising of 1956, he was fatally injured. PEDRA – PIIRIÜLENE REPORTER Autor Villi Hermann Emotsionaalne film shveitsi fotokunstnikust Jean-Pierre Pedrazzinist, kelle kaamerasilm tabas paljusid selle maailma vägevaid ning kes hukkus Budapestis Ungari rahvaülestõusu pildistades 1956. aasta oktoobris. Directed, sound, edited and produced by Villi Hermann Photographed by Alberto Meroni, Felix von Muralt, Pietro Züricher and Micha Hädener Distributed by Imagofilm Lugano, viale Cassarate 4, CH-6900 Lugano, Switzerland Tel. +41 919226831 Fax +41 9119220688 video@imagofilm.ch 18 STILL LIFE WITH WIFE 52 min. 2006 Estonia (filmed in Russia) An unusual couple lives in an urban backwater, the Russian town of Ivangorod. The life of the artist becomes richer and more complicated as long as he continues a marriage at a distance with a woman who sees through him. VAIKELU NAISEGA Autor Kersti Uibo Ebatavaline paar elab Ivangorodi äärelinnas, kohe teisel pool Narva jõge. Kunstniku elu teeb rikkaks ja samas ka keeruliseks külastusabielu naisega, kes teda läbi näeb. Directed and photographed by Kersti Uibo Sound by Tiina Andreas Edited by Kersti Miilen Produced by Peeter Urbla Distributed by Exitfilm OÜ, 1 Madala Str., 10313 Tallinn, Estonia Tel. +372 6611005 Fax +372 6604121 exitfilm@exitfilm.ee SWINGING DOLL 76 min. 2006 Spain (filmed in Spain and France) Carmen Sanchez (85) is an extraordinary woman. She lives alone and deals with things nobody could imagine at her age. Carmen dreams of swinging on the trapeze again, while she hears in her mind the sound of the Automatic restaurant, a circus number in which she participated years ago. KIIKUV NUKK Autor David Moncasi Carmen Sanchez on erakordne naine. Ta on 85-aastane ja tegeleb asjadega, mida nii kõrges eas enam ette ei kujutaks. Põhjus on lihtne. Vana daam unistab taas kiikuda trapetsil. Nagu palju aastaid tagasi, mil ta esines tsirkusnumbriga “Automaatrestoran”. Directed by David Moncasi Photographed by Josu Larunbe, Fernando Martin and David Moncasi Sound by Nacho R. Arenas Edited by Antonio Frutos and Javi Frutos Produced by Gabriela Gutierrez Dewar Distributed by Golem Distribution, 52 Avda de Bayona, 31008 Pamplona, Spain Tel. +34 948174141 Fax +34 948171058 beatriz.a@golem.es THE VIOLIN KNIGHT 52 min. 2006 Czech Republic „A white person’s eyes see differently than mine, than eyes of a Roma,“ said the violin knight Marek Balog as the shooting of a documentary about him started. Since then, he strove to have the film completely under his control. Day after day, he patiently put forth his vision of a „Roma (gypsy) documentary“, to finally divert the disoriented director from the course of events. Balog decided to create a genuine, unbiased picture of the Roma world, unchained by the limits of realism and rules of verity. And so he did. Spontaneously and with abandon, he mixes various styles and genres. The film strays completely from the paths of standard documentary. In sharp turns, it barely sticks to the route of elementary comprehensibility. In the end, it disappears on the horizon of breathtaking gypsy imagination! VIIULIKUNINGAS Autor Pavel Marek Marek Balog, mustlasest viiulikuningas, ei lase autoril rahulikult endast dokfilmi teha, vaid kipub ise filmitegemist juhtima. Marek tahab, et ekraanile jõuaks mustlase maastlahti visioonid muusikast ja ilmaelust. Directed by Pavel Marek Photographed by Jakub Halousek Sound by Michal Gabor Edited by Lucie Haladova Produced by Vratislav Šlajer Distributed by Bionaut Films, 47 Delnicka Str., 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic Tel. +420 222967358 Fax +420 222 967357 bionaut@bionaut.cz 19 NEW ESTONIAN DOCUMENTARIES UUED EESTI DOKID III IMAGES OF LIFE AND TIME 33 min. 2006 Estonia This experimental film presents three extreme lives. Each of these three people has its own relationship to time and therefore also to their lives. The first, Philip, tries to speed up time in order to negate time and life totally. The second, the author herself, is trying to slow down her time flow and fatally reaches the same result. The third character David tries to synchronize his inner time with real time. He simply quits his personal life in order to improve a higher sense of life. Directed by Minna Hint Photographed by J. Remm, M. Hint Edited by Maksim Surin, Minna Hint Produced and distributed by Minna Hint Tel. +34 67 114 1005 minna@city.ee III PILTI ELUST JA AJAST Autor Minna Hint Eksperimentaalfilm esitleb kolme ekstreemset elu. Igaüks kolmest väljavalitud tegelaskujust suhtub ajavoolu erinevalt. Esimene neist, Philip, püüab aega kiirendada, et lõpuks aega ja elu täielikult eitada. Teine, kelleks on autor ise, soovib aega aeglustada ning saavutab samasuguse fataalse eesmärgi. Kolmas, David, püüab oma sisemist aega sünkroniseerida reaalajaga. Ta loobub oma isiklikust elust. Selleks, et tema elu saavutaks kõrgema mõtestatuse. ART OF SELLING 88 min. 2006 Estonia Concentration, start-up, energy, impact, triumph! Eager for change, Raigo, a young theology student and Mare, a middle-aged widow, try their luck at selling. This world promises more than money; it promises success, recognition, and self esteem... All you need to do is follow the words of Peep, an Estonian star in the motivational training business. More than just sales training, his methods have become the way to achieve happiness and a harmonious family life, while also providing new strategies for becoming successful. Directed by Jaak Kilmi, Andres Maimik Photographed by Jaak Kilmi, Andres Maimik, Mart Taniel Sound by Pietari Koskinen Edited by Andres Maimik, Jan-Erik Nõgisto Produced by Jaak Kilmi for Kuukulgur Film, Kaarle Aho for Making Movies Distributed by Taskovski Films, Prague’s office, Korunovacni 32, 170 00 Prague, Czech Republic Tel./Fax +420 233 313 839 20 MÜÜMISE KUNST Autorid Andres Maimik ja Jaak Kilmi „Müümise kunst” uurib turumajanduse vundamenti - müügitööd. Peamine pole see, mida sa müüd, vaid kuidas sa müüd. Üha tähtsamaks on müügitöös tõusnud emotsioon, imago ja karisma. Kuid kuidas olla edukas? Kuidas jääda ellu turumajanduse tingimustes? Kas kogu elu on müümine? Just nende küsimusetega film “Müümise kunst” tegelebki. CHERUBS’ REVOLT 52 min. 2006 Estonia A film about a 22-year-old Estonian woman who decides to jump out of her life and unexpectedly finds herself in Israel, spending time with three lonely Jewish women. KEERUBITE MÄSS Autor Heilika Võsu Lugu 22-aastasest eesti tüdrukust, kes otsustab oma elust välja hüpata ja leiab end ootamatult Iisraelist, veetmas aega kolme üksildase juudi naisega. Directed, photographed, sound, edited by Heilika Võsu Produced by Mikk Rand Distributed by Heilika Võsu, Gonsiori 27, 10612 Tallinn, Estonia Tel. +372 56 912091 heilika@kinobuss.ee JONATHAN FROM AUSTRALIA 89 min. 2007 Estonia A harbour is being built in Saaremaa. Fireworks and salutes announce the arrival of the cruise ship Lili Marleen. Wedding rituals are performed for the sake of tourists in Mustjala, the nearest settlement to the sea terminal. Jüri, Eti, Leo, Feliks and Toomas have become Europeans. Does the legend of a White Ship taking everybody to a Dreamland become a reality? JONATHAN AUSTRAALIAST Autor Sulev Keedus Saaremaale ehitatakse süvasadamat. Ilutulestik ja aupaugud kuulutavad kruiisilaeva “Lili Marleen” randumist. Mustjalas, sadamale lähimas asulas, etendatakse turistidele pulmamänge. Jüri, Eti, Leo, Feliks ja Toomas on saanud eurooplasteks. Kas tõesti legend unistuste maale viivast valgest laevast saab tegelikkuseks? Directed, photographed by Sulev Keedus Edited, produced by Kaie-Ene Rääk Distributed by F-Seitse Narva mnt 63, Tallinn, Estonia Tel. +372 6015983 fseitse@fseitse.ee READY, STEADY, GO! 36 min. 2006 Estonia 7-year-old Otto is a small boy who wants to play instead of doing his first grade entrance tests. Is it really necessary to decide on your future so early? And does school really have such a great influence or maybe we do not have enough faith in our children? Anyway, deciding on a school is of utmost importance in our success-driven society. But the question is, to whom? TÄHELEPANU, START! Autor Madli Lääne Kui kõrged peavad olema lapse võimed, et astuda elu esimesele redelipulgale? Kas karm varajane konkurents röövib mudilaselt lapsepõlve või on see ainus võimalus elada tulevikus täisväärtuslikku elu? “Tähelepanu, start!” jälgib 7-aastase Aaron Otto esimese klassi koolikatseid. Directed by Madli Lääne Photographed by Rein Kotov Produced by Kätlin Jensen Distributed by Allfilm Saue 11, Tallinn 10612, Estonia Tel. + 372 6729070 Fax + 372 6729071 allfilm@allfilm.ee 21 TOMAHAWCK BROTHERS 23 min. 2006 Estonia A funny story about a brass band whose credo is to play all written notes! If somebody has problems with playing music on sight, then one must speed up movement to catch others... VENNAD TOMAHOOGID Autor Erki Meister Vanalinna segakoorist välja kasvanud puhkpilliorkester, kelle põhikreedoks on – MÄNGIDA ÄRA KÕIK NOODID! Kui juhtub mõnel vennal, et ta pusib noodi kallal teistest kauem, siis hilisema tempolisamisega mängitakse ennast sujuvalt järele... või lõpuspurdiga möödagi! Directed by Erki Meister Produced and distributed by Erki Meister Kentmanni 17-5, Tallinn, Estonia Tel. +372 55543344 erkimeister@hot.ee 22 INFORMATION PROGRAM INFOKAVA 13 YEARS AND 10 MONTHS 9 min. 2006 Poland Anastazja is almost 14. She lives in Poland near the Belarus border. At five, she was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. This means that she will probably not live until she becomes 30 - but that does not prevent her from living now. A warm and well-done documentary from the Polish Film School. 13 AASTAT JA 10 KUUD Autor Jenifer Malmqvist Anastazja saab peagi 14-aastaseks. Viieselt diagnoositi tal fataalne haigus tsüstiline fibroos. Selle haigusega on vähe tõenäoline elada üle kolmekümne aasta. Soe ja südamlik film Poola Filmikoolist. Directed by Jenifer Malmqvist Edited by Cecylia Pacura Produced and distributed by The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School, 61/63 Targova Str., 90-323 Lodz, POLAND Tel. +48 426345820 Fax +48 426345928 swzfilm@filmschool.lodz.pl 3 MEN AND A BULB 62 min. 2006 India 3 Men and a Bulb is a story of men who earn a living from their watermill in the foothills of the Himalayas (Uttaranchal), India. The life led by these 3 men is meagre, having access neither to electricity nor employment that brings regular income. Farming is very arduous, as water is scarce. The watermill becomes a site, which each character wants to own and sometimes disown, in the quest for a better life. The story documents the hopes of three person’s anxieties and dreams set against rustic life in the mountains. It is a story of Rawat, Satya and young Harish. 3 MEEST JA PIRN Autor Pankaj Rishi Kumar Lugu kolmest mehest Himaalajas, kes tegelevad väikese hüdroelektrijaamaga ning kel igaühel on oma unistus. Directed, photographed, edited, produced and distributed by Pankaj Rishi Kumar Sound by Pankaj Rishi Kumar, Narendra Mishra and Pritam Das B103 Gokul Tower, Thakur Complex, Kandivli (E), 101 Mumbai, INDIA Tel. +91 09831129079 kumartalkies@yahoo.com 23 3 TIMES DIVORCED 75 min. 2007 Israel Khitam, 31, a Gaza-born Palestinian woman, loses custody of her six children after her Israeli husband divorces her – in absentia – in a Muslim court. She is in a non-routine struggle against the court, which always rules in favour of the husband, and to gain Israeli citizenship, which may help her to be reunited with her children. By examining their rights as demonstrated by Shari’ah (Muslim) courts, the film examines women’s role according to the norms of a patriarchal religious judicial system. KOLM KORDA LAHUTATUD Autor Ibtisam Salh Mara’ana Khitam, 31-aastane palestiinlanna, kaotab õiguse kasvatada oma kuut last, sest lahutus toimus moslemi kohtus. Et saada lapsi endale tagasi, võtab Khitam ette keerulise tee. Ta püüab saavutada Iisraeli kodakondsust. Directed and photographed by Ibtisam Salh Mara’ana Edited by Erez Laufer Produced by Nitza Gonen and Timna Goldstein-Hattab Distributed by First Hand Films (Ester van Messel) Tel. +41 13122060 Fax +41 13122080 ester.van.messel@firsthandfilms.com ABOUT YOSSI Directed by Avi Hemy Produced by Idan Regev and Ayelet Dekel Distributed by Idan Regev, 37 Anatot Str., Ganey Zahala, Tel Aviv, 69080, ISRAEL Tel. +972 542424243 Fax +972 36495594 idanrpro@netvision.net.il 54 min. 2006 Israel Born in 1977, Yossi was the first-born child of Malki and Kalman, an ultra-orthodox couple from Jerusalem. Like many hundreds of babies, he received, at the age of 11 months, a defective vaccination (MMR). Within a short time, this blond, sweet, active child turned into a blind, deaf, violent and hyperactive child. For the next seven years, Malki and Kalman wandered around the world, looking for a cure for Yossi, refusing to hospitalise him in an institution for the rest of his life. During this period, Yossi grew up with no communication with the outer world, tongue-tied and deaf – a child resembling an animal. When Yossi was eight years old, they met Shoshana – the woman who taught him to utter a word for the first time in his life, enabling the spring, which was blocked throughout his lost childhood, to stem. Today, Yossi is 28 years old and wishes to get married. From his point of view, this is one more step on his path, to separate himself from the lead bell put on him on that disastrous day. For his parents, Malki and Kalman Samuels – this is a life crisis. The film follows Yossi on his journey to find a bride – can he find her despite his awful handicap? How would his parents cope with his new needs? How would they cope with the fact that there is a limit to what they can give him? What will bring joy to Yossi’s life? What is the meaning of happiness? Everybody has the right to their own place under the Sun. This concerns to Yossi, too. YOSSI LUGU Autor Avi Hemy Yossi on 28-aastane sügavate puuetega pime-kurt noormees, kelle hädad algasid õnnetust vaktsineerimisest. Yossi oli siis vaid 11-kuune täiesti hästi aerenenud laps. Nüüd, mil Yossi on abitu täiskasvanu, tahab ta naist võtta. See aga on peaaegu võimatu. Yossi vanemad on segaduses. Igaühel on õigus õnnele, oma kohale Päikese all. Ka Yossil on see õigus. ACROSS THE VALLEY 20 min. 2006 UK (filmed in France) An avant garde response to the landscape and environment of the Cévennes Mountains in Southern France. Employing time-lapse and other artistic techniques, the film charts variations in the distant and immediate surroundings over a range of seasons. Shadows over a valley, bushes ands trees in the wind could be very erotic when an artist makes his subconscious feelings visible. ÜLE ORU Autor Nick Collins Mängides valguse ja varjuga, tuules liikuvate põõsaste ja puudega teeb autor nähtavaks oma alateadlikud erootilised tungid. Avangardistlik vaade Cévennes’ mägiorule Lõuna-Prantsusmaal läbi mitme aastaaja. Directed, photographed, sound, edited and produced by Nick Collins Distributed by Lux, 3rd floor, 18 Shacklewell Lane, London E8 2EZ, UK Tel. +44 2075033980 Fax +44 207503160 ben@lux.org.uk 24 AN AFRICAN BRASS BAND 70 min. 2004-2006 France (filmed in Ivory Coast) At the beginning of the 20th century in Jacqueville, near Abidjan on the Ivory Coast, traditional music was forbidden by the missionaries. But the inhabitants’ enjoyment of their local festivals proved stronger, and the little town developed its own brass band. AAFRIKA PASUNAKOOR Autor Hugo Zemp Kahekümnenda sajandi alguses keelasid misjonärid Elevandiluurannikul traditsioonilise rahvamuusika viljelemise. Sellest hoolimata säilisid rahvalikud muusikafestivalid ja nii elas rasked ajad üle ka filmi peategelane – ühe väikelinna pasunakoor. Directed, photographed and sound by Hugo Zemp Edited by Hugo Zemp and Jean Martin Produced by Sélénium Films Distributed by Süpor XAO, 25 corniche des oliviers, 06000 Nice, France Tel. +33 1 60106575 suporxao@free.fr THE AGOUTI’S PEANUT 51 min. 2005 Brazil The daily life of the Panará village during the peanut harvest, presented by a young teacher, a female shaman and the chief of the village. As the young boys of this indigenous community suit up to play an intense game of soccer in a clearing in their village, their coach tells us that soccer is a lot like traditional indigenous games. The documentary examines everyday work and recreation of the Panará people who blend their traditional ways with the influences of official Brazilian culture. A couple hunts unsuccessfully for game, the village doctor searches for medical herbs in the forest to perform a healing ritual, the boys play soccer and go fishing, and women perform a dance to celebrate the peanut harvest. According to their traditional belief, the agouti, a small four-legged animal, gave the peanut to the Panará. They show their appreciation and respect for the agouti through an elaborate dance. The Agouti’s Peanut presents an optimistic look at contemporary indigenous life and the possibility of harmonious co-existence for indigenous and official culture. AGOUTI MAAPÄHKLID Autorid Paturi Panará, Komoi Panará Argielu Brasiilias, Panará külas. On maapähklite koristamise aeg. Kohalik ravhas usub, et nende külale kinkis maapähklid väike neljajalgne loomake, keda kutsutakse agouti’ks. Külarahva hulgast väljavalitud erinevate kangelaste (noor koolmeister, naisshamaan, külavanem jt.) kaudu annab filmi autor mõista, et põlisrahva kultuuri on hea tahtmise korral võimalik edukalt siduda moodsa ametliku kultuuriga. Directed and photographed by Paturi Panará and Komoi Panará Edited by Leonardo Sette and Vincent Carelli Produced by Video in the Villages Distributed by Documentary Educational Resources, 101 Morse Str., Watertown, MA 02472, USA Tel. +1 6179260491 Fax +1 6179269519 docued@der.org ALONG THE TRAIL OF A TAMBORA 25 min. 2006 France (filmed in Colombia) By tracking the fabrication process of a musical instrument called tambora from San Jacinto to Bogotá, this film illustrates some aspects of every-day life of the people from the Colombian Atlantic coast. TAMBUURI JÄLGEDEL Autor Artur Matamoro Vidal Film jälgib tambuuri valmistamist ja sellel pillil mängimist Kolumbias alates rannikulinnast San Jacintost kuni pealinna Bogotani. Directed, photographed, sound, edited, produced and distributed by Artur Matamoro Vidal, 7 bd Jourdan, collège d’espagne, 75014 paris, FRANCE Tel. +33 0140783299 arturmvidal@yahoo.es 25 ALPINE SAGA 97 min. 2006 Switzerland A unique opportunity to experience the last remaining mountain haymakers in the Muotatal, a valley in Schwyz canton, Switzerland. Award-winning director Langjahr returns to his beloved Alps to record a group of people continuing the legacy of their forefathers. Every year on Swiss National Day, August 1, the Wildheuer climb up the steep mountain of the “Hinteren Heubrig”, fitted out with scythes and wearing wooden shoes with spikes, just as their ancestors did before them. They are part of a generation that has lived with the challenges of nature and survived. In his film, Langjahr’s poetic realism gives an insight into these people’s experience of the simple life, the very foundation of human existence. Directed, photographed and edited by Erich Langjahr Sound by Silvia Haselbeck Produced and distributed by Langjahr Film GmbH, 16 Luzernerstrasse, CH–6037 Root, SWITZERLAND Tel. +41 414502252 Fax +41 414502251 info@langjahr-film.ch ALPI SAAGA Autor Eric Langjahr Muotatali oru elanikud ronivad, puukingad jalas, üles mäkke. Siin, pilvepiiril, niidavad nad heina ning veeretavad siis suured heinapallid mäest alla. Nad on viimased, kes Šveitsis veel sedamoodi heina teevad ja esivanemate tööviisi alles hoiavad. AND THE MOUNTAINS ARE THE SAME 6 min. 2006 Norway The sea-Sámi settlements in the Norwegian counties of Finnmark and North-Troms were burned down completely during World War II. The German invaders erased all traces of the sea-Sámi culture and their traditional landscape in the north. After the war the rebuilding started with a new post-war optimism and the old sea-Sámi cultural landscape was replaced by something new. After this, the Norwegian Government reduced fisheries and small farming in the north. This resulted in many people leaving this region of Norway. Buildings, boats, barns and sheds have since decayed. The cultural landscape and historic roads are now overgrown. This is a culture that disappears slowly, with the people and their history. The decay is both beautiful and sad. It tells us about a time that has passed, and that something new is on its way. But also that the sea-Sami history and landscape are again disappearing, this time through the industrialisation and mechanising of farming and fishing, and not by war. Directed, photographed, sound, edited, produced and distributed by Gjert Rognli, 17 Hegdehaugsveien Str., 0352 Oslo, Norway Tel. + 90208055 Gjert.rog@gmail.com JA MÄED ON SAMAD Autor Gjert Rognli Teine maailmasõda põletas Norras maani maha Finnmarki ja Põhja-Tromso maakondade saamide mereäärsed asulad. Tänapäeval hävib meresaami kultuur aga tööstuse pealetungi ja põllumajanduse ning kalanduse mehaniseerimise tõttu. APERGHIS, STORM BENEATH A SKULL 59 min. 2006 France More than anyone, Georges Aperghis embodies musical theatre. As a master of meticulous observation marked by a strong sense of humour, he invents a new alliance between text, sound and visual elements. Musicians discover themselves as actors; actors as singers. This documentary presents this original and dynamic contemporary artistic approach by exploring the full range of its creative diversity. His musicians, among his most loyal following, shed light on his creative approach and share their perception of his work. APERGHIS – TORM PEAKOLJUS Autor Catherine Maximoff Georges Aperghis loob muusikateatris uue seose teksti, heli ja visuaalsete elementide vahel. Muusikud avastavad eneses näitleja ning näitlejad laulja. Originaalne ja uuenduslik lähenemine. Directed by Catherine Maximoff Photographed by Denis Gravouil and Sara Cornu Sound by François Waledisch and Ludovic van Pachterbeke Edited by Tatjana Jankovic Produced by Patrice Nezan and Hélène le Coeur Distributed by LESFILMSDUPRÉSENT, 1 rue copernic, 13200 arles, France Tel +33 4 90496966 contact@lesfilmsdupresent.fr 26 ARE THERE STILL ANY SHEPHERDS? 73 min. 2006 Portugal An isolated and forgotten valley, located in the highest Portuguese mountains, hides the last and truly genuine shepherds from Serra da Estrela. There is no electricity, no water or public utilities, and no paved roads here. Nowadays, the old people are dying and the young people show no interest in the demanding job of being a shepherd. Hermínio, 27 years old, is the youngest shepherd living in this valley. How long will he maintain this occupation? How can the survival of this job be helped? ON VEEL ALLES MÕNI KARJUS Autor Jorge Pelicano Estrela mägedes, Portugali kõrgeimas maakohas, pole elektrit, kanalisatsiooni ega asfaltteid. Hermino, 27-aastane noormees peab karjuseametit. Ega ta jää ometi küla viimaseks karjuseks? Directed, photographed and edited by Jorge Pelicano Sound by Joao Moreira Produced and distributed by Jorge Pelicano, Rua Jose de Lemos 2, Fontela 3090-641, Figueira da Foz, Portugal Tel. +351 962838559 jorgepelicano@gmail.com AS OLD AS MY TONGUE: THE MYTH AND LIFE OF BI KIDUDE 66 min. 2006 UK/Zanzibar (filmed in Zanzibar, UK, France) An intimate portrait of living legend Bi Kidude, probably the oldest singer on the world stage today. Her home island of Zanzibar has long been a meeting point for black African and Arabic influence. The island’s music is its most potent expression. Bi Kidude beguiles audiences wherever she travels but domestically she continually courts controversy, her behaviour challenging perceptions of the role of women in a Muslim society. As Old As My Tongue reveals the dramatic contrasts in the life of this iconic musician and features a classic soundtrack spanning one hundred years of Swahili music. SAMAVANA KUI MU EMAKEEL EHK BI KIDUDE MÜÜT Autor Andy Jones Bi Kidude on tõenäoliselt tänapäeva vanim elusolev lavastaar. Laulja kodusaar Sansibar on paik, kus ristuvad nii aafrika kui araabia kultuurid. Film loob mahuka ülevaate suahiili muusika saja-aastasest minevikust. Directed and produced by Andy Jones Photographed by Aubrey Fagon Sound by Griff Fender Edited by Lisa Cazzato Distributed by ScreenStation Productions, 14 Iliffe Yard. London. SE17 3QA. UK Tel. +44 20 72526800 andy@screenstation.net AT THE DATCHA 26 min. 2006 Poland O, our garden! You are like a dream! How much greenery! How many birds! How much pleasure you give! But how long can one rest? The only who does not have a Fiat 126p, will know. SUVILAS Autor Thierry Paladino Ood suvilale. Kes seda mõistab, pole Fiat 126p omanik. Directed and photographed by Thierry Paladino Edited by Rafal Samborski Produced and distributed by Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing (Katarzyna Slesicki) 21 Chelmska Str., 00-724 Warszawa, POLAND Tel. +48 692234502 paladino@o2.pl 27 B-10506 LAST NUMBERS 30 min. 2006 Israel (filmed in Israel and Poland) “The Zauna”. Birkenau. In the center of the passageway which was the “corridor to hell” stands a simple table. In a special documented event in the presence of Ephraim Reichenberg- Mengele Zwillinge, a professional tattooer is scorching B-10506, Ephraim’s number, onto my arm. I have taken the violent „numbers tattooing system” and turned it into a memorial. Time transformed it into a historical code with the help of the eternal children’s cultural heroes: Mickey Mouse, Pinocchio, whom I have installed in an archive film, aside children- prisoners in Auschwitz. I am trying to create a world where miracles can happen. Directed and distributed by Rolanda Teicher Yekutiel Photographed by Dudu Yitzhaki Sound by Michael Emet Edited by Galit Shaked Shaul Produced by Alexandra Zelentcher 32 sh’yeudit Str., 67016 Tel Aviv, ISRAEL Tel. +972 35619105 yekutiel@netvision.net.il B-10506 VIIMASED NUMBRID Autor Rolanda Teicher Yekutiel Kunagi ammu Auschwitzi koonduslaagris filmi autori käsivarrele tätoveeritud number B-10506 on aja jooksul muutunud mälestiseks, ajalooliseks koodiks. Kaadritesse lapsvangide kõrvale tõstetud kultuskangelaste Miki hiire ja Pinocchio abiga püüab filmilooja viia meid maailma, kus imed on võimalikud. BAHAIS IN MY BACKYARD 54 min. 2006 Israel (filmed in Israel and USA) World peace, no less, is what the Bahai faith wants - a widespread and mysterious religion. This is an investigative road movie about a feel-good religion, two overachieving directors, a prophet’s great-granddaughter, and a CIA agent. A detective-like quest after the Bahai religion, which originated in Iran some 150 years ago, and out of all the places in the world ended up building its world centre on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel, - right in our backyard. Asaf grew up next to the beautiful Bahai gardens, staring out of his bedroom window when the Bahais excavated the entire Mount Carmel and built a secret underground city. As a grown-up he shared his thoughts and fears with Naama. They joined forces to try and find out what, literally, lies beneath the Bahai Gardens – and document it cinematically. The directors’ mission starts in their backyard, using all their un-polished detective skills to get their hands on as much information about the underground city as possible. They take numerous trips to the Bahai gardens as mere “tourists” and try to find some loopholes that can lead them to the floors below. Directed by Naama Pyritz and Asaf Shafir Photographed by Itai Neeman Sound by Amos Zipori Edited by Tal Rabiner Produced by Noemi Schory, Liran Azmor and Naama Pyritz Distributed by First Hand Films (Ester van Messel) Tel. +41 13122060 Fax +41 13122080 ester.van.messel@firsthandfilms.com BAHAID MINU TAGAHOOVIS Autorid Naama Pyritz, Asaf Shafir Filmitegijad püüavad pääseda lähemale bahai usundi sisule. 150 aastat tagasi Iraanis loodud usundi ülemaailmne keskus on rajatud Haifasse, Carmeli mäele Iisraelis, otse filmi autorite tagahoovi. Kõigepealt ekslevad nad bahai maailmas kui turistid, üritades leida mõnd lahtiununenud ava, millest tõelise tuumani pääseda. BEGIN BEGAN BEGUN 38 min. 2005 Belgium April 2004 in Rwanda; the month of mourning in the new Rwandan calendar. While the country is commemorating the 10th anniversary of the genocide, children play games. Filmmaker Sarah Vanagt spent the Easter holiday in a “children’s republic”, governed by genocide orphans and refugee children growing up in the war-torn border zone between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. ALGAB, ALGAS, ALANUD Autor Sarah Vanagt Aprill 2004 Ruandas – on uue ruanda kalendri järgi leinakuu. Genotsiidi 10. aastapäeval mängivad Ruanda ja Kongo demokraatliku vabariigi vahelise sõjast räsitud piiritsooni orvud ja põgenike lapsed “laste vabariiki”. Directed by Sarah Vanagt Photographed by Anne Marie Lean Vercoe Edited by Emiliano Battista Produced and distributed by Limited Adventures, Maarten Loix Barthelemylaan 20, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel. +32 2 5035232 Fax +32 2 5035233 info@limitedadventures.com 28 BEST FRIENDS 58 min. 2006 Sweden/Finland (filmed in Russia) The film follows Olesia and Natascha, two thirteen-year-old girls from the city of Krasnoyarsk, in the heart of Siberia. They are classmates but most of all “best friends.” They are really made for each other. But when their school organises a sort of local Fame Factory, the strong friendship between Olesia and Natascha is threatened. Will it survive? PARIMAD SÕBRAD Autor Jerzy Sladkowski 13-aastaste sõbrataride suure sõpruse paneb proovile koolis organiseeritud Kuulsuse Vabrik. Pilk laste elule Krasnojarskis, Siberis. Directed by Jerzy Sladkowski Photographed by Andrzej Szulkowski Sound by Schamil Ismailov Edited by Agnieszka Bojanowska Produced by Antonio Russo Merenda Distributed by Hysteria Film AB, 17 Falugatan Str., 113 32, Stockholm, SWEDEN Tel. +46 8315435 Fax +46 8344995 hysteria@hysteriafilm.se BRASSY BANDS 52 min. 2007 Romania/France (filmed in Romania) At the beginning of the last century, Romanian peasants discovered the solemn music of military bands when they went into the cities. They were so impressed by these that they wanted to have brass bands in their villages as well. With the arrival of the communists, these popular country marching brass bands were invited to participate at official events. The regime confiscated their land, built immense industrial complexes and many of the farm-workers became factory workers. The brass bands then became a symbol of the people’s well-being and the brotherhood between the farm and factory workers. With the fall of the Communist regime, many factories closed down… SÄRAVAD PASUNAKOORID Autor Cornel Gheorghita Eelmise sajandi algul avastasid Rumeenia talupojad enda jaoks sõjaväeorkestrite muusika. Kommunistlik kord võttis neilt maa, ehitas suured vabrikud – ja pasunakoorid pidid sümboliseerima rahva heaolu ning vendlust tööliste ja talupoegade vahel. Kommunistliku režiimi kokkuvarisemine tingis aga paljude vabrikute sulgemise… Directed and distributed by Cornel Gheorghita Photographed by Nicu Mihali, Giani Oprina and Geo Balint Sound by Viorel Ghiocel and Costel Buteicà Edited by Nathalie Mougenot Produced by SC GHEORGHITA SRL 8 place Van Gogh, 31270 Cugnaux, FRANCE Tel./Fax +33 561928684 cornel@esav.fr BRIDGE OVER THE WADI 54 min. 2006 Israel In 2004, Arab and Israeli parents embarked on a joint initiative to establish a bilingual elementary school in Kara, a village in Israel’s Wadi Valley. Some fierce debates preceded the opening of the school in September of that year. Although the initiative was idealistic and noble, the reality of it was that parents still had some major hurdles to overcome. In addition, they were forced to defend their decision in the face of opponents and sceptics. The school, which is called Bridge over the Wadi, has space for 50 Jewish and 50 Arab students, but is located in the Arab part of the valley. In a sober manner, the filmmakers observe how students, faculty and parents struggle to coexist peacefully during the first exciting year. Teachers spend a lot of time teaching mutual respect, and they arrange field trips to the mosque and the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Some parents feel the reciprocal integration goes too far when students are asked to participate in each other’s religious festivities. An Arab teacher has more and more difficulties with what parents expect of her. By the end of the year, it would appear that they have succeeded in establishing a foundation, however shaky and unpredictable it may be. In 2005, twice as many students signed up to attend the school. SILD ÜLE WADI Autorid Tomer Heymann, Barak Heymann Et ületada vaenukuristikku palestiina ja juudi kogukondade vahel, otsustasid araaabia ja juudi lapsevanemad asutada Wadi orus kooli, kus õpivad lapsed mõlemast kogukonnast. Kui esimesel, 2004. aastal õppis koolis sadakond noort, siis järgmisel aastal õpilaste arv kahekordistus. Directed and produced by Tomer Heymann and Barak Heymann Photographed by Itai raziel, Daniel miran and Uri levi Edited by Lavi Ben-Gal, Erez Laufer and Ron Goldman Distributed by Esther van Messel, Fritz Heeb – Weg 5, 8050 Zürich, SWITZERLAND Tel. +41 443122060 Fax +41 443122080 esther.van.messel@firsthandfilms.com 29 BRINGING THE GAP: LIES – THE BIG LIE 13. min 2006 UK Between 1936 and 1939, several hundred Scottish men and women went as volunteers to fight for the Spanish Republic in the civil war. Their intention was to stop fascism and keep it from spreading throughout Europe. Interviewing one of the last surviving members of the Scottish International Brigades, Steve Fullarton explores the legacy of the fight against fascism. SUUR VALE Autor Peter Everett Aastatel 1936-39 mitusada šoti meest ja naist läksid vabatahlikuna Hispaania kodusõtta. Eve Fullarton intervjueerib üht veterani, kes Šoti rahvusvahelises brigaadis võitles fašismi levimise vastu üle Euroopa. Directed and produced by Peter Everett Edited by Sara Paniagua Distributed by Scottish Documentary Institute Edinburgh College of Art, 74 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9DF Scotland, UK Tel. +44 131 2216125 Fax +44 131 2216100 scottishdocumentaryinstitute@eca.ac.uk BRINGING THE GAP: LIES – LAST IN THE LINE 13 min. 2006 UK At seventy, ballad singer Sheila Stewart is the last in the line of the Stewarts of Blair, a long lineage of traditional travellers and storytellers. Her mission is to ensure that her culture does not die with her. But it’s not an easy battle, as she is ignored on her own doorstep. A moving portrait about an outsider. JÄRJEKORRAS VIIMANE Autorid Dilan Drummond ja Blair Scott Seitsmekümneaastane laulja Sheila Stewart on viimane järjepidevuse hoidja. Ta kannab edasi ränduri-rapsodisti ja jutuvestja traditsiooni, mida kahjuks isegi lähinaabrite poolt ei mõisteta. Directed and produced by Dilan Drummond, Blair Scott Distributed by Scottish Documentary Institute Edinburgh College of Art, 74 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9DF Scotland, UK Tel. +44 131 2216125 Fax +44 131 2216100 scottishdocumentaryinstitute@eca.ac.uk BRINGING THE GAP: LIES – MENTIRAS 13 min. 2006 UK Mentiras is a visually stunning but profoundly unsettling journey through the world’s largest city. Based on one man’s confession to committing human rights crimes with the backing of the Mexican government – it is the story of a troubled conscience and the rupturing of official lies. MENTIRAS Autor Nick Higgins Pihtimusfilm, mis läbi ühe mehe silmade laseb vaadata suurlinna suurtele valedele. Directed by Nick Higgins Photographed by Alex Fenton, Carlos Valdes Edited by Tadhg O’Sullivan Produced by Nickk Higgins Distributed by Scottish Documentary Institute Edinburgh College of Art, 74 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9DF Scotland, UK Tel. +44 131 2216125 Fax +44 131 2216100 scottishdocumentaryinstitute@eca.ac.uk 30 BRINGING THE GAP: LIES – THE TRUTH ABOUT TOOTH 10 min. 2006 UK A true insight into the meticulous work of the Tooth Fairy. From the active imaginations of young children to the mundane, grimy reality of the Tooth Fairy Factory, this short film explores the growing need for myths and lies to offer an escape from the tedium of everyday life. EBATÕDE HAMMASTEST Autor Hazel Baillie Laste fantaasia hammaste tulekust ja vahetumisest vaheldub piltidega hiigelvabrikust, kus toodetakse kunsthambaid. Fantaasia ja reaalsus põimuvad miniatuurseks kunstiteoseks. Directed and edited by Hazel Baillie Photographed by Ian Dodds Produced by Noe Mendelle Distributed by Scottish Documentary Institute Edinburgh College of Art, 74 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9DF Scotland, UK Tel. +44 131 2216125 Fax +44 131 2216100 scottishdocumentaryinstitute@eca.ac.uk BRINGING THE GAP: LIES – UPSIDE DOWN 9 min. 2006 UK This documentary interprets the story of Rudolf Hess’s mysterious flight to Scotland in 1941. The Deputy Führer of the Third Reich flew across alone, unannounced and uninvited, claiming he wanted to ‘negotiate peace.’ Narrated through his many letters to his wife and family, the film is a visual journey through Scotland’s skies and a journey through the mind of Hess, who spent the rest of his life in prison. VALEPIDI PEA ALASPIDI Autor Astrid Bussink Dokfilm Rudolf Hessi, natsiriigi ühe juhtpoliitiku, salapärasest lennust Šotimaale aastal 1941. Directed by Astrid Bussink Photographed by Ian Dodds Edited by Astrid Bussink, Katarina Türler Produced by Sonja Henrici Distributed by Scottish Documentary Institute Edinburgh College of Art, 74 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9DF Scotland, UK Tel. +44 131 2216125 Fax +44 131 2216100 scottishdocumentaryinstitute@eca.ac.uk BY THE RIVER 12 min. 2006 Poland Dawn. Shadowy figures appear in the brushwood. They seem to be working. The sound of cracking branches. After a while, we notice the movement of hatchets. Warsaw on the other side of the Vistula river unfolds itself. In Warsaw, the city of dynamic growth and development, could modernity still be confronted with life resembling that from the 19th century? JÕE ÄÄRES Autor Magda Kowalczyk Ekraanimõtisklus Varssavi eilsest ja homsest päevast. Directed and edited by Magda Kowalczyk Photographed by Piotr Niemyjski and Piotr Rosolowski Produced and distributed by Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing (Katarzyna Slesicki) 21 Chelmska Str., 00-724 Warszawa, POLAND Tel. +48 228511056 Fax +48 228511057 info@wajdaschool.pl 31 CHARGING THE RHINO 52 min. 2006 Canada (filmed in Canada and Romania) CHARGING THE RHINO is a documentary comprised of footage collected over a decade. It explores the relationship between filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici and his late father, Joseph, who on June 29, 1941 was shot and left for dead among his family in Iasi, Romania. CHARGING THE RHINO poses questions such as: how do you live for fifty years after you’ve been shot in the heart? And what was behind the world’s strangest bank robbery? The answers are found in the tale of the Jacobovici family. Deeply personal, psychologically layered and stylistically innovative, CHARGING THE RHINO tells the story of a family, a place and a time, intercut with a modern day pilgrimage to Iasi by Simcha and his sister. Directed by Simcha Jacobovici and Bruce Thorson Photographed by Richard Fox Sound by Rod Chicorli and Hartly Wynberg Edited by Daniel Sadler Produced by Felix Golubev, Simcha Jacobovici and Esther Bienstock Distributed by Simcha Jacobovici, 110 Spadina Ave, Suite 1001, Toronto ON MSV2K4, CANADA Tel. +1 4165046662 Fax +1 4165046667 sjacobovici@apltd.ca ARVE NINASARVIKULE Autor Simca Jacobovici ja Bruce Thorson Perekonnafilm, milles autor jutustab lugu oma isast, keda tulistati otse südamesse 1941. aastal Rumeenias. CHILDREN OF STALIN 52 min. 2006 The Netherlands (filmed in Georgia) „My soul is like a snowflake. You are melting it.“ Time does not exist in the psychiatric hospital in Surami, Georgia. Excruciatingly slowly, the days roll by in an endless stream. The patients wait. They wait for the soup to be ladled from the huge buckets, for a psychiatrist to find the time to examine them, for a breath of fresh air on the central lawn. Children of Stalin demonstrates the powerful will to survive of people in vulnerable circumstances in a compelling and often moving way. One forgets there is still a world outside the institution’s walls. Directed by Harrie Timmermans Photographed by Chris Fawcett Sound by Pepijn Aben Edited by Menno Boerema Produced and distributed by Eyeworks Egmond Film and Television, Anthoney Fokkerweg 61, NL-1059 CP Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS Tel. +31 205890909 Fax +31 205890901 janneke.doolaard@eyeworks.tv STALINI LAPSED Autor Harrie Timmermans Surami vaimuhaiglas Gruusias ei näi ajal mingit tähendust olevat. Päevad mööduvad monotoonselt ning tundub, nagu poleks haigla seinte taga teist maailma olemaski. THE CLINIC 29 min. 2006 Poland A hospital: crocheting, crosswords, sleep, conversations. It is Sylwester’s 23rd time in hospital. His wife died 13 years ago and now he has to take care of everything. Luiza is not feeling very well although she keeps her good mood and her appetite is such that she could eat the entire hospital, as she says. Jozefa, who used to be a property-woman in a theatre, likes to talk about stars, and the professor of medieval studies has smuggled in a pack of cigarettes. HAIGLA Autor Tomasz Wolski Haigla: heegeldamine, ristsõnad, uni, vestlused. Sylwesterile on see haiglasolek juba 23. kord. Luiza ei tunne end hästi, kuigi püüab tuju üleval hoida ja isu on nii hea, et paneks või terve haigla nahka. Josefa tahab rääkida tähtedest ja keskajale spetsialiseeerunud professor on haiglasse smuugeldanud sigaretipaki. Directed and photographed by Tomasz Wolski Edited by Tymek Wiskirski Produced and distributed by Centrala Sp. Z o.o., 52/37 Sienkiewicza Str., 90-058 Lodz, POLAND Tel. +48 697991639 aga.j@plusnet.pl 32 CROSSROADS 22 min. 2006 Russia Okunevo is a village in Western Siberia, Russia. This is a place with anomalous energy. The representatives of various religions come here to perform their devotions. At this intersection of religions the hero of the film seems to be “a human-intersection”. RISTTEE Autor Ivan Golovnev Okunevo on külake Lääne-Siberis. Arvatakse, et paika valitseb anomaalne energiaväli. Erinevate usulahkude ja religioonide esindajad tulevad siia oma jumalatele austust avaldama. Tänu usundite ristumisele jääb mulje, nagu oleks filmi peakangelane samuti mitme jumala teener. Directed, photographed and distributed by Ivan Golovnev Sound by Sergei Morozencko Edited by Yuri Yatsencko Produced by Ethnographic Bureau Studio (Andrei Golovnev) 34/g-26, Mira Str., Ekaterinburg, 620078, RUSSIA Tel. +7 3433680908 Fax +7 3433744156 ivandrr@mail.ru DEAR EDMOND 82 min. 2006 Israel Amit Goren: At age 45, my partner and I began fertility treatments with the hope of parenting a child of our own. For five months we were confined to our home with a high risk pregnancy of triplets, with just a 5% chance of success. During this period I filmed moments that would eventually become my family’s memory. From my balcony I shot daily life on Rothschild Boulevard, the heart of the first Hebrew city, where Tel Aviv was born in 1909, where the first triplets of the boulevard were expected. Our new situation raised questions about our financial capabilities, careers and our relationship, as well as issues of identity. I sought stories and images of the past, an understanding of the way things used to be, when we were happy. KALLIS EDMOND Autor Amit Goren Väga personaalne film autorist, tema elukaaslasest ning peagi sündivatest kolmikutest, kes hakkasid arenema emaihus tänu viljakusravile. Directed and produced by Amit Goren Photographed by Guy Refael and Amit Goren Edited by Sharon Brook Distributed by Ruth Diskin Ltd., P.O Box 7153, 91071 Jerusalem, IISRAEL Tel. +972 26724256 Fax +972 26724210 ruthdis@netvision.net.il END OF SCHOOL 29 min. 2006 SERBIA Aleksandar, a nine year old accordionist, walks through the dark veils of industrial smoke in his hometown Bor, having only one companion on his voyage – his music. KOOLILÕPP Autor Aleksandar Stojanov Üheksa-aastane Aleksandar elab suitsuses tööstuslinnas Boris, kuid tema elu on täidetud rõõmsa akordionimuusikaga. Poiss on suurepärane pillimees. Directed, photographed and distributed by Aleksandar Stojanov Sound by David Solomon, Ivor Paponjak, Bosko Milosavljevic, Ilija Ilievski, John Young Simpson Edited by Nemanja Babic, Aleksandar Stojanov Produced by David Solomon, Aleksandar Stojanov, Trg Oslobodjenja 18/16, 19000 Zajecar, SERBIA Tel. +381 64 1733456 acikica@gmail.com 33 EVERYBODY FROM MY COURTYARD 28 min. 2006 Poland Children play with each other in a typical Lodz’ courtyard. Among others, 20-year-old Rafal, a handicapped boy. Rafal tries to find his role in this courtyard community. Those attempts are painful and bitter. Nobody is interested in his company. Rafal is tolerant, he will not give up. KÕIK MU ÕUEL Autor Miron Wojdylo Tüüpilises Lodzi siseõues mängib teiste hulgas 20-aastane Rafal. Tõsiste liikumispuuetega Rafal tunneb end väga üksikuna, sest teda pole selles õuekogukonnas kellelgi vaja. Rafal aga on täis otsustavust ning ei anna oma üksindusele alla… Directed by Miron Wojdylo Photographed by Maciej Grzybowski Sound by Wojtek Emm Edited by Cecyli Pacura Produced and distributed by The Produced and distributed by The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School, 61/63 Targova Str., 90-323 Lodz, POLAND Tel. +48 426345820 Fax +48 426345928 swzfilm@filmschool.lodz.pl THE EXODUS DECODED 93 min. 2006 Canada (filmed in Canada, Egypt and Israel) Exodus. The very word evokes an epic tale of Pharaohs and Israelites, plagues and miracles, the splitting of the sea, the drowning of an army, Moses and the revelation at Sinai. The story is at the very heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But many historians argue that the Exodus is a myth. Others disagree. In The Exodus Decoded, we analyse the latest archaeological findings and scientific papers; we explore the dusty back rooms of out-of-the-way libraries and museums around the world; and we track down dozens of forgotten relics and ancient documents. Individually, these findings are historical curiosities. Together they tell the true story of the Exodus. In an explosive 2-hour documentary special, The Exodus Decoded solves the mystery of the events of the Biblical Exodus for the first time ever. Directed and distributed by Simcha Jacobovici Photographed by Richard Fox Sound by Bob Balter, Michael Kennedy, Adrian Tucker and Amir Boverman Edited by Graeme Ball and Ian Morehead Produced by Felix Goluber, Simcha Jacobovici and James Cameron 110 Spadina Ave, Ste 1001, Toronto ON MSV2K4, CANADA Tel. +1 4165046662 Fax +1 4165046667 sjacobovici@apltd.ca VASTUS EXODUSE MÕISTATUSELE Autor Simcha Jacobovici Exodus ehk rahvaränne. Kes ei teaks piiblilugu iisraeli rahva väljarändest ehk pikast teekonnast, mis viis juudid Egiptusest üle Punase mere Siinai mäele. Paljud ajaloolased on pidanud Exodust müüdiks. Kahetunnine film, mille loomisel olid abiks James Cameron, arheoloogid ja arhivaarid, lahendab mõistatuse. FACING THE SUN 12 min. 2006 Iran Men of Kurdistan use all kinds of rituals to pray to God for some tears of rain… VASTU PÄIKEST Autor Bijan Zamanpira Kurdid võtavad appi kõikvõimalikud rituaalid, et paluda Jumalalt vaid mõnd vihmapisarat… Directed and produced by Bijan Zamanpira Photographed by Salem Salvati Sound by Tofigh Amani Edited by Hamid Reza Lavafi Distributed by Sattar Chamani Gol, No 8 Kamkar Alley, Chaharbagh Str., 6615665673 Sanandaj, IRAN Tel. +98 8716621973 satar_ch@yahoo.com 34 FLIGHT 208 6 min. 2006 India (filmed in Ecuador and India) A short experimental video dwelling upon questioning and satire, with the participation of 208 persons from across the globe. LEND NR 208 Autor Parvez Imam 208 inimest üle kogu maakera on selle satiirilise eksperimentaalfilmi peategelasteks. Igaühel on, mida öelda… Directed, photographed and sound by Parvez Imam Edited by Parvez Imam Produced and distributed by f-20 Communications (Parvez Imam), 1 National Park, Lajpat Nagar IV, New Delhi 110024, INDIA Tel. +91 1146552101 f20films@yahoo.com FOLLOW YOUR HEART TO JERUSALEM 26 min. 2006 Israel Tamar Einstein is an artist and art therapist who crosses the invisible borders of religion, ethnicity, gender, and language in Jerusalem. This intimate documentary film follows Tamar’s day-to-day journeys with Christian, Muslim, and Jewish clients in need of healing. Working in collaboration with social workers and caregivers, Tamar demonstrates innovative approaches to expressive art therapies with special needs kids, at-risk teens, drug users, educators, and patients with chronic and terminal illnesses. While some road maps in the Middle East are directed towards political ends, Tamar’s unique process guides the citizens of Jerusalem towards matters of the heart. JÄRGNE SÜDAMEKUTSELE JERUUSALEMMA Autor Elena Canetti Tamar Einstein on kunstnik ja kunstiterapeut. Tema patsiendid on nii kristlased kui ka moslemid ja judaistid. Tamar ei ravi oma kunstiga üksnes kroonilisi või fataalseid haigusi, ta aitab ka puuetega lapsi, narkosõltlasi ja teisi abivajajaid. Directed and photographed by Elena Canetti Edited by Liron Gur Produced by Tamar Einstein and Elena Canetti Distributed by Elena Canetti Video Productions, 16 Harav Berlin Str. apt 1, Jerusalem 92305, ISRAEL Tel. +972 522608433 Fax +972 25664975 elenacan@gmail.com FUNERAL CHANTS FROM THE GEORGIAN CAUCASUS 21 min. 2007 France (filmed in Georgia) The villages of Svaneti province are located in north-western Georgia, in the valleys that lie between the high peaks of the Caucasus. The Svans represent about 1% of the Georgian population. Their language differs from the Georgian language, and their religion is a syncretism of Orthodox Christian faith and pre-Christian beliefs. The polyphony of the Svans appears as one of the major styles of Georgian vocal art. It consists of two soloist voices and the bass of the choir. In their funeral rituals, the Svans combine three vocal expressions which are rarely found nowadays in other parts of the world: women’s individual laments punctuated by collective cries like in Ancient Greece, men’s individual laments, and polyphonic chants by male choirs. While the individual laments are aimed at the deceased and the souls of departed people, the men’s polyphonic chants use no words but a series of syllables that follow a set pattern. With chords partly dissonant to a Western European ear, and without any cries other than musically stylised ones, these collective chants of great intensity manage to convey the helplessness and inexpressible grief of Man faced with death. GRUUSIA LEINALAULUD Autor Hugo Zemp Svaneetias elab vaid 1% Gruusia elanikest, kuid see rahvakild on kuulsaks saanud omapärase arhitektuuri ning legendaarse laulukultuuriga. Svaneetia laulustiil eristub sellega, et soolot esitavad kaks erikõrgustel meeshäält ning kolmanda ehk alusakordi laulavad kooriliikmed koos. Leinalaulude sisse kostavad nii nais- kui meeshäälte rütmilised karjatused, mis sümboliseerivad inimese jõuetust surma ees. Directed, photographed and sound by Hugo Zemp Edited by Hugo Zemp and Jean Martin Produced and distributed by Süpor XAO, 36 rue du Moulin de la Planche, 91140 Villebon sur Yvette, FRANCE Tel. +331 60106575 suporxao@free.fr 35 GALIL – A SCHOOL WITH NO WALLS 72 min. France/Israel This film tells the story of the bilingual bi-national Jewish-Arab Galil School. In Galilee, Israel’s most ethnically diverse region, a group of Jewish and Arab parents decided to send their children to learn side by side. 200 Muslim, Jewish and Christian kids study today in the school. Each class is half-Jewish, half-Arab and two teachers teach both in Hebrew and in Arabic. For the parents and staff of the school, the question of how to teach the past today in order to offer a different future to their kids is not a theoretical one. It is the way they chose to survive their reality. Directed, photographed and produced by Avi Hershkovitz and Sharon Hammou Edited by Gilles Dinnematin Distributed by Avi Hershkovitz, 2/26 Haasif Str., Kyriat Ata, ISRAEL Tel. +972 523202203 avi.h@free.fr GALIL – KOOL ILMA VAHESEINTETA Autorid Avi Hershkovitz ja Sharon Hammou Galilees, etniliselt kõige keerulisemas Iisraeli piirkonnas asutati kool, kus õpib üle 200 lapse. Igas klassis on pooled õpilased araabia ja teine niipalju juudi kodudest. Igas klassis on ka kaks õpetajat, kellest üks õpetab heebrea, teine araabia keelt. Lapsevanemate ja õpetajate suurimaks probleemiks on ajalootund, sest vaated minevikule on ristikäivad. Mineviku õigest mõtestamisest sõltub, kas õnnestub üle elada tänane reaalsus. GOD’S WAY 60 min. 2006 Germany (filmed in Ukraine) Kolja and Jura live on the streets of Odessa. They both want to be happy. This desire, arising from their misery, seems like something improbable. Perhaps this hope for a miracle is their only happiness. But a miracle depends on God’s will. JUMALA TEED Autor Eva Neymann Kolja ja Jura on Odessa tänavapoisid, kes tahavad saada õnnelikuks. Nende ainus lootus on, et sünnib ime. See aga sõltub Jumalast. Directed, edited and produced by Eva Neymann Sound by Waleutin Pinchok Distributed by German Film- and Television Academy, 2 Potsdamer Str., 10785 Berlin, GERMANY Tel. +49 3025759152 Fax +49 3025759162 wolff@dffb.de GOLDED MYTH 26 min. 2005 Russia There are two worlds, two civilisations existing simultaneously on our planet. One is technocratic, one of its cornerstones is the “golden treatise”. The other one is pagan – its main value is Earth – a living and thinking creature. This documentary is an attempt to look at the world through pagan eyes. The main conflict is the clash of two principles of understanding of reality. KULLATUD MÜÜT Autor Romuald Makarenko Meie planeedil eksisteerivad kõrvuti kaks tsivilisatsiooni. Üks neist on tehnokraatlik, teine paganlik. “Kullatud müüt” vaatab maailma pagana silmadega. Directed by Romuald Makarenko Photographed by Dmitriy Alekseev Sound by Aleksandr Zhuravlev Edited by Aleksey Telnov Produced and distributed by Vecheslav Telnov, 12 Krukov chanal, 190068 St.Peterburg, RUSSIA Tel. +7 8127145312 Fax +7 8127143304 cinedoc@peterstar.ru 36 HAND HAS BEEN BORN 8 min. 2006 Iran A woman weaves a traditional carpet, her hands are creative. Her fingers remember days far away in the past. SÜNNIB KÄSI Autor Bijan Zamanpira Üks naine koob traditsioonilist vaipa, tema käed on looja käed. Naise sõrmed meenutavad vanu aegu kaugel minevikus. Directed and produced by Bijan Zamanpira Photographed by Fardin Batmani Sound by Payam Hedayati Edited by Hamid Reza Lavafi Distributed by Sattar Chamani Gol, No 8 Kamakar Alley, Chaharbagh Str., 6615665673, Sanandaj, IRAN Tel. +98 8716621973 satar_ch@yahoo.com HAPPY FACES 16 min. 2006 The Netherlands Labrielle is 12 years old. If you look at how she lives, she seems much older. Her parents got divorced when she was six. She lives with her mother, who spends a lot of time at work, and she almost never sees her father. She misses him a lot. Next door to her apartment in Amsterdam’s Bijlmer neighbourhood is a children’s farm that she visits almost every day. This is where she feels at home. Labrielle is crazy about animals, especially horses. In a way, they are like her parents... ÕNNELIKUD NÄOD Autor Annelies Kruk Labrielle on 12-aastane taani tüdruk, keda kasvatab ema. Oma isa näeb Labrielle väga harva. Kõige enam meeldib tüdrukule käia Amsterdami äärelinnas paiknevas loomafarmis. Siin on parem kui kodus. Ja hobused on Labrielle meelest paremad kui vanemad… Directed and photographed by Annelies Kruk Edited by Anneke de Lind van Wijngaarden and Noël van Rens Produced by Nelleke van Markesteijn Distributed by NCRV, Postbus 25000, 1202 HB Hilversum, THE NETHERLANDS Tel. +31 356719659 nelleke.vanmarkesteijn@ncrv.nl A HEBREW LESSON 123 min. 2006 Israel Chin left her daughter in China and came to Israel to make a living. She cleaned Ehud’s house, and they fell in love... Sasha never considered immigrating to Israel, but four years after his wife left Russia with their daughter, he understood that life without his child is worthless. He left a thriving business behind only to find himself in Tel Aviv’s worst neighbourhood... Marisol grew up as a Jewish Princess in Lima, Peru, and came to Israel to learn something about life. An unexpected pregnancy alters her plans... These and other characters meet in A Hebrew Lesson where their personal stories meld with the complexities of Israeli reality. The immense effort of learning a new language is revealed through their encounter with a strange culture and an unfamiliar environment. Israeli society is revealed through the eyes of foreigners. This gaze, at times funny, at times sad, paints their daily reality with irony. But beyond the obvious differences, the human common denominator of longing and love, triumphs time and again. HEEBREA KEELE TUND Autorid David Ofek, Ron Rotem Tel Avivi täiskasvanute koolis kohtuvad juudid erinevatest ilmanurkadest. Mitut masti iseloomudega inimesi seob üks teema – nad kõik tahavad korralikult selgeks õppida heebrea keele ning sulanduda Iisraeli riigi kodanikkonda. Directed by David Ofek and Ron Rotem Photographed by Ron Rotem Sound by Ido Haar Edited by Sari Ezouz Produced by Edna Kowarsky and Elinor Kowasrky Distributed by Cinephil Israel (Philippa Kowarsky), 18 Levontine Str. Tel Aviv 65112, ISRAEL Tel. +972 35664129 Fax +972 35601436 info@edenproductions.co.il 37 HUNTERS 52 min. 2005 Spain (filmed in Nepal, Mongolia, Namibia and Venezuela) Four portarits of hunters who live isolated from the outside world in the most remote places on Earth. Kumarkan, a Berkuitchi lives in the Altay Mountains. Tuka, a Bushman was born and lives in the Kalahari Desert. Nal Gurung’s, a bee hunter’s home is in the Himalayas. Kimo, a member of Huaorani tribe, lives in the Amazon rainforest. Four different cultures whose customs and traditions have barely evolved in time are exposed through these men. Their only way of life is hunting. They do not use shotguns. Only the wisdom of their ancestors and their rather primitive weapons help them survive. Directed and edited by Gerardo Olivares Photographed by Manuel Morales, Julio Recio, Borja Pozueco, Juan Ramon Ibanez, Luis Casasayas and Gerardo Olivares Sound by Carlos de Hita Produced by Oscar Portillo Distributed by Explora Films, C/ Francisca Delgado, 11- Edificio N1, 4 Planta, SPAIN Tel. +34914901150 Fax +34914903761 csevillano@explorafilms.com JAHIMEHED Autor Gerardo Olivares Nelikportree küttidest neljas maailmajaos. Kumarkan elab Altai mägedes, Tuka Kalahari kõrbes, Nal Gurung Himaalajates, Kimo Amazoonase vihmametsades. Meestel pole tulirelvi. Ainult esivanemate tarkus ja primitiivsed vahendid aitavad neil ellu jääda. IN PURSUIT OF THE SIBERIAN SHAMAN 72 min. 2006 Russia/USA After being suppressed by Christian missionaries as well as by Soviet anti-religious campaigns, Siberian shamanism has now experienced an unprecedented revival. The number of shamans and “shamans” continues to rise. But who are these new shamans? Are they real healers or tricksters? Magicians? Witch-doctors? Or just salesmen of folk shows for tourists? This documentary explores this phenomenon in a region of Siberia seldom captured on film that has remained an outpost of shamanism in the Mongol world since the times of Genghis Khan. Directed and photographed by Anya Bernstein Edited by Dejan Kovacevic and Anya Bernstein Produced by Anya Bernstein and Dejan Kovacevic Distributed by Documentary Educational Resources, 101 Morse Str., Watertown, MA 02472, USA Tel. +1 6179260491 Fax +1 6179269519 docued@der.org JÄRGIDES SIBERI ŠAMAANI Autor Anja Bernstein Pärast nõukogude režiimi kokkuvarisemist on Siberi shamanism kõvasti jõudu kogunud. Kes aga on need arvukad uued shamaanid? On nad reaalsed teadjamehed või hoopis šarlatanid, kes teenivad raha odavate etendustega turistidele? IN THE COMPANY OF A DEAD CAT 54 min. 2006 Israel A park in south Tel Aviv. As night falls, a group of Russian homeless emigrants is busy with their life routine. It is an improvised kolkhoz, where each person contributes and receives according to his needs. Angela, shaky from alcohol and love, gathers money for vodka. Sanya “Odessa”, a former combat officer is in charge of the hot meals. Misha, “Water carrier”, is the self-appointed janitor, and Lyosha makes everyone laugh. The delicate balance is shattered when the “Korean”, an uncompromising tyrant, comes along and fights his way into the group. This is the chronicle of their final days together. SURNUD KASSI SELTSIS Autor Vadim Antonevich Julm dokumentaalfilm, mis jälgib Venemaalt Iisraeli emigreerunud inimeste asotsiaalset elu ühes Tel Avivi pargis. Directed by Vadim Antonevich Sound by Tal Rotem Edited by Shani Ifrach Produced by Vadim Antonevich and Eddie Tapero Distributed by The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School – Jerusalem, 4 Yad Harutzim Str., Jerusalem, ISRAEL Tel. +972 26731950 Fax +972 26731949 micka@jsfs.co.il 38 THE INDIAN PICTURE OPERA – A VANISHING RACE 52 min. 2006 USA A recreation of Edward S. Curtis’ 1911-1912 slide show, describing the situation of Indian tribes of America’s West. INDIAANI PILDIOOPER EHK KADUV RASS Edward S. Curtis’e slaidishow, mis kujutab indiaanlaste olukorda 1911-1912. aastatel Ameerika lääneosas. Based on a script that Edward S. Curtis wrote in 1911 INSIDE THE KALARI 20 min. 2007 India/UK (filmed in India) Inside the Kalari is Ian’s first film. It comes after three years of research on kalarippayattu, involving extensive travel up and down the coastal strip of Kerala to document and film this martial art. Inside the Kalari is the culmination of his quest to distil the essence and the aura of kalarippayattu. KALARI SEES Autor Ian McDonald Autori esimene suur, ligi kolm aastat kestnud visuaalantropoloogiline uurimus, mis avab kalari võitluskunsti olemuse. Jäädvustatud on kalarivõitluse tipptegijaid mitmel pool Kerala rannikul. Directed and sound by Ian McDonald Photographed by J. Geetha Edited by B. Ajithkumar Produced by Pooram Productions Distributed by Interventions, Flat 5, 203 Kingsway, Brighton BN3 4FD, UK Tel. +44 1273727802 Fax +44 1273643704 i.mcdonald@brighton.ac.uk INTIFADA CULT 51 min. 2007 Israel This documentary follows key figures in the Israeli art scene. Twelve different artists from differing artistic spheres reveal the changes their art has underwent during the turbulent last four years, precisely answering if and how the Al Aqsa Intifadah has influenced their work. Each one serves up a unique handle on dealing with ‘the situation’, their accumulated responses producing a rich cultural tapestry. They reveal different effects the conflict has had on Israeli (and specifically Tel-Aviv) culture and the transformation of a harsh reality into cult value. INTIFADA KULTUS Autor Ayelet Dekel Film jäädvustab võtmeisikuid ja tähtsamaid loojaid Iisraeli kultuurimaastikus. Kaksteist erinevat loojat peegeldavad muutusi ühiskonnas. Vastates küsimusele, kuidas on Al Aqsa Intifadahi kultus neid mõjutanud, avanevad loojate erinevad nägemused kultuurist üldse. Directed by Ayelet Dekel Photographed by Udi Golan Produced by Idan Regev and Ayelet Dekel Distributed by Idan Regev, 37 Anatot St. Ganey Zahala, Tel Aviv, 69080, ISRAEL Tel. +972 542424243 Fax +972 36495594 idanrpro@netvision.net.il 39 KINKY-KALINKI TRANSRUSSIAN EXPRESS 26 min. 2006 UK KINKY-KALINKI TRANSRUSSIAN EXPRESS is a 26 minute debut documentary film showing the bridges between the buzzing art, music, club scene and the City of London – a daily collaboration yet contradiction. Russian artists and their inspirations in London is the main subject of this documentary. KINKI-KALINKI EHK TRANSVENE EKSPRESS Autor Nina Grušvits Vene kunstnikud Londonis – palju rõõmu, sädelust ja lokkavat inspiratsiooni. Directed, photographed and produced by Nina Gruschwitz Sound and edited by Nikolai Pigarev Distributed by NGART.de, 36A Vestueien Str., N-0284 Oslo, NORWAY Tel. +47 94871222 ngrt@yahoo.co.uk LET’S NOT DISTURB THE WATER 22 min. 2006 Iran The people of Kurdistan must move to the mountains in the summer. The reason is simple – for water! ÄRGE HÄIRIGE VETT! Autor Bijan Zamanpira Kurdid peavad suvel mägedesse liikuma. Põhjus on lihtne – inimesed vajavad vett. Directed and produced by Bijan Zamanpira Photographed by Abedin Alivaisi Sound by Soran Mardookhi Edited by Amir Torabi Distributed by Sattar Chamani Gol, No 8 Kamkar Alley, Chaharbagh Str., 6615665673 Sanandaj, IRAN Tel. +98 8716621973 satar_ch@yahoo.com LIFE WITH SLATE 59 min. 2006 Norway (filmed in Nepal) Alampu is a beautiful and exceedingly remote village in Nepal. The majority of the settlers there are Thami people, one of the indigenous peoples of Nepal. More than 90 percent of them have been involved in slate production at Alampu. This film includes technical details about slate production in the mountainside mine, and how the slate is worked prior to distribution. In the film, we see the social relationships, co-operation between the miners, and the intimacy of the mining families. Strong women perform the tough and arduous work alongside the men. They have to carry heavy slate loads far to sell them. The film also describes the socio-cultural life of the village and its interaction with the environment. The activities of the men and women in the mine, as well as in the village, have an almost poetic dimension. Directed, photographed and distributed by Dipesh Kharel Sound by Rajesh Timilsina Edited by Dipesh Kharel and Asami Saito Produced by Visual Cultural Studies Program, University of Tromso G. P. O. Box. No. 13483, Kathmandu, NEPAL Tel. +977 14462697 khareldipesh@yahoo.com 40 ELU KILTKIVIGA Autor Dipesh Karel Alampu on imeilus mägiküla Nepalis. Siin elavad thamid, põline mägirahvas. Peamise elatise teenivad mehed kiltkivist katuseplaate murdes. See on elukardetav ja raske töö. Pealtvaatajale aga üsna poeetiline… LOOK AT LUCIA 52 min. Scotland/UK/Sweden Documenting one of Sweden’s largest annual celebrations, Se På Lucia follows a group of young female Lucia contestants to the final voting stages of the celebration. Capturing the young women as they walk around their hometown in the cold darkness of midwinter, the film explores the contradictions of the Lucia celebration. This film casually observes the pagan tradition-turned-beauty pageant with touches of humour and pathos. VAATA LUCIAT! Autor Maja Borg Rootsimaal pimedas detsembrikuus suure valguspühana peetav luutsinapäev on muutumas äriliseks. Mis saab paganlikust traditsioonist tulevikus, küsib filmi autor. Directed and produced by Maja Borg Photographed by Minttu Mäntynen Scottish Documentary Institute Edinburgh College of Art, 74 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9DF Scotland, UK Tel. +44 131 2216125 Fax +44 131 2216100 scottishdocumentaryinstitute@eca.ac.uk LOOKING FOR LOVE 28 min. 2006 Vietnam This documentary records an original meeting point in the high mountains of Northern Vietnam, in the heart of the Khau Vai Love Market. The Hmong people of this isolated region come to Khau Vai to trade in that most rare of commodities; love. Amidst the colour and the spectacle of the event, it soon becomes apparent that here – as is likely the case the world over – the course of true love never runs smooth. Looking for Love offers a fascinating insight into the harsh reality of the lives of the Hmong people of Northern Vietnam and reveals the warmth, humour and sense of practicality with which they choose to live. OTSIDES ARMASTUST Autorid Keith Halstead, John Watson Põhja-Vietnami kõrgmägedes elavad hmongid. Paljud neist kohtuvad Khau Vai armuturul, et osta või müüa armastust. On siis armastusega ülepea võimalik kaubelda, küsivad filmi autorid. Directed, photographed and edited by Keith Halstead and John Watson Sound, produced and distributed by Keith Halstead, 35f Nguyen binh Khiem, Hanoi, VIETNAM Tel. +84 49743220 keithwhu@fastmail.fm MANGROVE MUSIC 49 min. 2007 UK This film follows two music bands on the Caribbean island of Culebra. The Municipal Steel Band of Culebra is an orchestra consisting entirely of steel drums and the Wiki Sound is a conga percussion trio. While the groups represent contradictory musical styles and performances, the fact that they both foster a sense of community as they travel to different places in the Caribbean brings them together. Their travels speak to the mobile dimensions of Caribbean music-making and music performance while producing a sense of island uniqueness. MANGROVE MUUSIKA Autor Carlo A. Cubero Kariibi mere muusika stiihiat esindavad selles rütmilises filmis Municipal Steel Band (terastrummid) ja Wiki Sound (conga trio). Muusika kõlab Culebra saarel. Directed, photographed, sound, edited and produced by Carlo A. Cubero Distributed by Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology, Roscoe Building, Brunswick Street, M13 9PL Manchester, ENGLAND Tel. +44 01612754001 Fax +44 01612753970 claudia.natteri@manchester.ac.uk 41 MARÉ CAPOEIRA 15 min. 2005 Brazil Maré is ten and wants to be a capoeira master just like his dad, following a family tradition that has survived for generations. Capoeira is a sport and fight as well as a folk dance, often performed on streets in Latin-America, that tells a story of love and war. MARÉ CAPOEIRA Autor Paola Barreto Leblanc Maré on kümneaastane, aga tahab juba nüüd saada oma isa ja esivanemate eeskujul capoeirameistriks. See on sportlik võitlustants, Ladina-Ameerikas sageli tänaval kulgevaks etenduseks muutuv rahvatants, mis pajatab armastusest ja sõjast. Directed by Paola Barreto Leblanc Photographed by Mauro Pinheiro Jr Sound by Vampiro Edited by Daniel Garcia Produced by Ailton Franco Jr. Distributed by Synapse Brazil, 34/302 Benjamim Batista St, Rio de Janeiro 22461-120, BRAZIL Tel. +55 2125371211 Fax +55 2125374876 liskogan@synapse-brazil.com METAMORPHOSIS 57 min. 2006 Israel Metamorphosis is based on testimonies of women who have experienced rape or incest, and of Greek myths of rape that results in metamorphosis. Arachne, the narrator of the film, is a mythological figure who was transformed into a spider by the gods as punishment for spinning their acts of rape into webs. In the film, Arachne spins the testimonies alongside the mythological stories of rape as one cultural continuum, creating a web that is a powerful and profound indictment. Netalie Braun attempts to locate a forgotten voice, to tell the story from the inside, to allow a space for a narrative that is difficult to hear and which illuminates the rotten outline of culture. Directed by Netalie Braun Photographed by Avigail Sperber and Nili Aslan Sound by Sharon Luzon Edited by Joelle Alexis Produced by Claudia Levin Distributed by Ruth Diskin Ltd., P.O Box 7153, 91071 Jerusalem, ISRAEL Tel. +972 26724256 Fax +972 26724210 ruthdis@netvision.net.il METAMORFOOSID Autor Netalie Braun Naised, keda on vägistatud või kes on hakkama saama verepilastusega, mõtisklevad nendega toimunud muutustest. Filmis kõlab Arachne hääl. Arachne oli Muinas-Kreeka mütoloogiline kuju, kes pattulangemise pärast muudeti ämblikuks. MODOU: THE HANG PLAYER 52 min. 2007 France (filmed in France, Egypt and Switzerland) At a time when progress is considered more like a synonym for speed and advanced technology, the Hang, a percussion instrument equipped with a range, is born from a simple piece of sheet. It lands between the hands of Modou, a young musician of soufi-Jazz, who takes time to discover this musical pass key opening borders and circles. HANGIMÄNGIJA MODOU Autor Mino Dutertre Portreefilm noorest muusikust Modoust, kes teeb muusikat näiliselt eimillestki oma primitiivse pilli hangiga. Directed by Mino Dutertre Photographed by Cyrille de Canson and Julien Lefebvre Sound and distributed by Cyrille de Canson Edited by Mino Dutertre and Amélie Degouys Produced by Frame to Screen Productions (Cyrille de Canson) 37 Rue Gabrielle, 75018 Paris, FRANCE Tel. +33 951744035 ftsprod@free.fr 42 MONTE GORDO BEACH 30 min. 2006 Portugal/Spain (filmed in Portugal) On the beach at Monte Gordo (Algarve, Portugal), a small community of traditional fishermen subsists under the shadow of tourist hotel towers. These men and their jobs are threatened by the industrial fishing techniques used by their Spanish neighbours. This documentary portrays life on the beach throughout the year, from the lonely winter to the busy summer. Through the testimony of the fishermen, the author tells us how this community is struggling to adapt. The main hero of the documentary is an old boat, which faces a new life and function after rebirth… MONTE GORDO PLAAZH Autorid Sofia Trincao ja Oscar Clemente Monte Gordo plaazhil Portugalis elab kõrgete turismihotellide varjus väike kalurikogukond. Film jälgib nende elu ja võitlust traditsioonide ellujäämise nimel. Filmi peategelaseks on vana paat, kes saab koos uue funktsiooniga ka uue elu… Directed by Sofia Trincao and Oscar Clemente Photographed by Oscar Clemente and Adan Barajas Sound by Danièl de Zayas Edited by Oscar Clemente Produced and distributed by Carlos Uiolade C/SAN Luis 32, 41003 Sevilla, SPAIN Tel. +34 678619721 oscar.clemente@laposte.net MOVEMENT (R)EVOLUTION AFRICA 65 min. 2007 USA In an astonishing exposition of choreographic creations, nine African choreographers tell stories of an emerging art form of Contemporary African Dance. Stunning choreography and riveting critiques challenge stale stereotypes of ‘traditional Africa’ to unveil soul-shaking responses to the beauty and tragedy of 21st century Africa. Among the artists are Company Kongo Ba Téria (Burkina Faso), Faustin Linyekula and Studios Kabako (Democratic Republic of Congo), Company Rary (Madagascar), Sello Pesa (South Africa), Company TchéTché (Côte d’Ivoire), Company Raiz di Polon (Cape Verde), Company Jant Bi (Senegal) and Kota Yamazaki (Japan), Nora Chipaumire (Zimbabwe), Jawole Willa Jo Zollar and members of Urban Bush Women (USA). AAFRIKA LIIKUMIS(R)EVOLUTSIOON Autor Joan Frosch Ülevaatefilm tänase Aafrika moodsa tantsu üllatustest. Directed and produced by Joan Frosch Co-directed, edited and distributed by Alla Kovgan Photographed by Jeff Silva Sound by Richard Boch Edited by Alla Kovgan 88 Winslow Ave, Apt #2, Somerville, MA 02144, USA Tel. +1 6175714742 Fax +1 6176283134 akovgan@kinodance.com MUMMY 70 min. 2006 Israel From the author: I got pregnant at the same age at which my mother fell ill. I gave birth to my son Michael at the same age that she died. This is the background to this film. A very personal diary of a first time mother. The longing for a child, and the dream of a new life. The pain and shock of reliving Death and its consequences. A sad story with an optimistic end. EMME Autor Timna Rosenheimer Autori minavormis filmilugu lapseootel olemisest. Autor on mõtetes endast ees- ja tagapool. Samal ajal, kui uus elu liigutab end tema sees, lahkub autori ema taevastele jahimaadele. Directed and distributed by Timna Rosenheimer Photographed by Nurith Aviv, Daniel Miran and Eytan Harris Sound by Ed Brown Edited by Era Lapid Produced by Timna Rosenheimer and Zehava Shekel 19 Dubnov Str., 64369 Tel Aviv, ISRAEL Tel. +972 36961093 tim_r@netvision.net.il 43 THE MUSIC LESSON 26 min. 2006 Poland The main character – pianist Tomasz Stroynowski – unravels the world through music. While observing his pedagogical work and his life’s incidents, we are involuntarily instilled by an unpretentious and warm understanding of human fate. And music itself appears first and foremost to be the universal language for communication between one another. MUUSIKATUND Autor Andrzej Mankowsk Portreefilm poola pianistist Tomasz Stroynowskist, filosoofiline mõtisklus inimsaatusest. Directed and edited by Andrzej Mankowski Photographed by Henryk Nagrodzki, Andrzej Mankowski, Jacek Dworakowski and Jacek Piotr Blawut Sound by Andrzej Zabicki Produced and distributed by TVP LTD, Programme 2, The Document DPT., 17 Woronicza 17 Str., 00-999 Warszawa, POLAND Tel. +48 502548662 Fax +48 225478088 Malgorzata.rydzewska@waw.tvp.pl MY EYES 19 min. 2006 Denmark Katja, 16 years old, and Cathrine, 8, have a unique relationship to music, nature and sensation per se. Both girls are blind but have developed their other senses, and they use them much more keenly than most people around them. Filmmaker Erlend E. Mo interprets their perceptual world that is as rich and nuanced as any seeing person’s, only different. The film portrays the intimacy and intensity of the girls’ environment in few words, affording glimpses into a poetic, subjective experience and making us see a familiar world with fresh eyes. MU SILMAD Autor Erlend E. Mo Pimedad tüdrukud Katja (16) ja Cathrine (8) on suured muusika- ja loodusesõbrad. Kuna neiud aga ümbritsevat maailma silmadega ei näe, siis on neil hästi välja arenenud teised meeled. Nende aistingumaailm on võrratult rikkam nägijate omast. Directed by Erlend E. Mo Photographed by Casper Høyberg Sound by Andreas Kongsgaard Mogensen Edited by Line Schou Hillerbrand Produced and distributed by Magic Hour Films ApS, 56 Fortunvej Str., DK-2920 Charlottenlund, DENMARK Tel. +45 3964 2284 Fax +45 3964 2269 post@magichourfilms.dk MY FRIEND SASHA: A VERY RUSSIAN MURDER 48 min. 2007 UK/Russia For three years before his death from poisoning, former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko had been making a documentary with his friend Andrei Nekrasov about authoritarianism in postcommunist Russia. Here is that film, the unexpected ending of which made world headlines at the end of 2006. Andrei Nekrasov was a friend of Alexander Litvinenko. They had met when Nekrasov was making a film about the effect of the Chechen war on children. The two became closer as Nekrasov became interested in Litvinenko’s career – from KGB man to critic of Putin and, latterly, critic of the entire society which had allowed KGB-style practises to continue in postcommunist Russia. As Litvinenko says in the film, “In the old days there were communists and there were criminals. Now there are only criminals.” Heavy words… Film director with his friend Sasha (right). Directed by Andrei Nekrasov Photographed by Markus Winterbauer, Sergie Tsikhanovich, Olga Konskaya Sound recorded by Irina Zazesrskaya Edited by Olga Konskaya, Monika Preischl Produced by Olga Konskaya and Dreamscanner Productions Distributed by Dreamscanner Productions europe@dreascanner.com www.dreamscanner.com 44 MINU SÕBER SASHA. MÕRV VENE MOODI Autor Andrei Nekrasov Filmi autor sai oma kangelasega tuttavaks ja seejärel sõbraks sellal, kui tal valmis eelmine film tshetsheeni laste sõjakannatustest. Andrei Nekrasov filmis pahaaimamatult vestlusi oma sõbra Aleksander Litvinenkoga, vestlused olid väga usalduslikud. Nii kogunes materjal, mis sai veenvaks filmiks pärast Litvinenko mürgitamist Londonis. Iseloomustades oma endist kodumaad, kus ta oli KGB teenistuses, lausub Litvinenko: “Varem olid seal kommunistid ja kurjategijad. Nüüd on ainult kurjategijad”. Rasked sõnad… MY HERD 14 min. 2005 Finland 18-year-old Aslat-Jon Länsman wants to follow his father’s footsteps and become a reindeer herdsman. This film tells about the courage to pursue one’s own way of life. Aslat-Jon lives in Lapland, the northernmost part of Finland, in Utsjoki. He is like any other teenager who fixes his motorcycle and hangs around with his friends. After high school, most of his friends plan on moving south to study or in search of a job. Aslat-Jon wants to stay in his hometown. MINU KARI Autor Ditte Uljas Saami noormees Aslat-Jon Länsman (18) tahab sammuda isa jälgedes ja saada põdrakarjuseks. Poiss elab Põhja-Soomes Utsjokis. Kui tema eakaaslased plaanivad pärast keskkooli lõpetamist minna Lõuna-Soome suunas haridusteed jätkama või kallimat tööd otsima, siis Aslat-Jon tahab jääda kodukanti. Directed, photographed and edited by Ditte Uljas Sound by Jouni Aikala and Katja Vuorensyrjä Produced by Miira Paasilinna Distributed by Visiorex OY, Siltavounitie 13 A 4, 00640 Helsinki, FINLAND Tel. +358 505481851 miira@visiorex.com MY ISLAND SEILI 18 min. 2006 Finland Seili is a small island in Finland, full of memories of leprosy and mental patients since the 17th century. This documentary is a cinematographic poem based on music and extraordinary, beautiful images. MINU SEILI SAAR Autor Erkki Peltomaa Seili on väike saar Soome rannikul. Saar on täis mälestusi leepra- ja vaimuhaigetest, keda on siin hoitud alates XVII sajandist. See kinopoeem on loodud muusika ja kaunite vaadete ühendusena. Directed by Erkki Peltomaa Photographed by Arttu Peltomaa Edited by Hannu Peltomaa Produced by Workgroup peltomaa-heselius-peltomaa Distributed by Elovalkia OY, Tallberginkatu 1 c 4 / 38, 00180 Helsinki, FINLAND Tel. +358 505679010 peltomaa@kaapeli.fi NAF: A STREET KID 80 min. 2006 Israel The shocking and revealing documentation of a homeless boy’s life over a two and a half year period. Naf (Naftali) is an ultra-orthodox boy thrown out of his parents’ home for being a “bad apple”. From the age of 14, he wanders the streets of Jerusalem, and is exposed to crime, violence, and sexual assault. Only fighting keeps him alive; fighting the city council as a representative of homeless youth; fighting the man who sexually abused him through the court system, fighting the radio stations to convince them to play his music. This is a child not only fighting for life, but for self-respect and a future. This is the struggle for survival experienced by all our homeless children – as seen through the eyes of NAF – a street kid. TÄNAVALAPS NAF Autor Moshe Alafi Naftali ehk hüüdnimega Naf on õigeusklik ja kodust väljakihutatud tänavalaps. Alates 14-st eluaastast elab ta Jeruusalemma tänavatel. Poisil tuleb näha kõike – raha ja seksi, väljapressimist ja verd. Ta on üks neist maailma tuhandetest ja miljonitest kodututest, kes tahavad ka elus olla. Directed and produced by Moshe Alafi Photographed by Yoav Kleinman Edited by Amir Meirom Distributed by Ruth Diskin Ltd., P.O Box 7153, 91071 Jerusalem, ISRAEL Tel. +972 26724256 Fax +972 26724210 ruthdis@netvision.net.il 45 NAKED 36 min. 2006 The Netherlands Naked is a contemporary and wayward documentary/animation series in which children between the age of ten and thirteen tell us their funny and personal stories about the changes their bodies are going through. What does it mean to grow breasts and pubic hair? How does it influence the way you see yourself and how do you deal with all these awkward changes? The series takes shape in innovative and exiting form; the stories were shot on digital video and then animated through so-called rotoscope animation, which means the video images were traced and coloured. Directed by Mischa Kamp Photographed by Pim Hawinkels, Wiro Felix, Hans Bouma and Jelle Odé Sound by Sander den Broeder, Hens van Rooy and Bram Meindersma Edited by Sander den Broeder Produced by Bruno Felix and Femke Wolting Distributed by Submarine, Rapenburgerstaat 109, 1011 VL Amsterdam, The NETHERLANDS Tel. +31 203301226 Fax +31 203301227 yaniv@submarin.nl ALASTI Autor Mischa Kamp Lapsed vanuses kümme kuni kolmteist pajatavad imelikest muutustest, mida teeb läbi nende keha. Pole naljaasi, kui sul hakkavad kasvama tissid või häbemekarvad! Dokumentaalsed hääled on illustreeritud animeeritud pildiga, must-valge videopilt on koloreeritud ja muudetud multikaks. THE NATURE OF REBIRTH 15 min. 2007 Finland (filmed in Poland) Puszcza Bialowieska is Europe’s oldest forest straddling the border between Belarus and Poland. In this documentary, one can follow themes like the cycle of living and dying, and the relationship between humans and nature through four people living in the forest. If you are quiet in nature, nature starts to reveal itself. We all die, but what is dying? TAASSÜNNI OLEMUS Autor Johanna Lampi Beloveshtskaja Pushta on üks Euroopa vanimaid metsi ning kuulsamaid looduskaitsealasid. Asudes Valgevene ja Poola aladel on see kaitseala oampärane riikidevaheline riik. Film on üles ehitatud nelja inimese jälgimisele, kes kõik elavad kaitselauses metsas. Tasapisi kerkib küsimus, et kui me kõik oleme surelikud, siis mis ikkagi sureb? Directed, produced and distributed by Johanna Lampi Photographed by Markku Pelkonen Sound by Lauri Planman Edited by Henriikka Hemmi Eteläinen Hesperiankatu 16B 10, 00100 Helsinki, FINLAND Tel. +358 503304456 johanna.lampi@helsinki.fi NOBODY CALLS MY PARENTS LOSERS 29 min. 2006 Denmark Johannes was given away to an orphanage when he was just a few weeks old. Both his parents are mentally ill but Johannes himself has his feet firmly on the ground. Though it understandably makes him anxious, he has decided to tell his new classmates about his background. A documentary about an uncommonly grounded young man. KEEGI EI KUTSU MU VANEMAID LUUSERITEKS Autor Aage Rais Nordentoft Johannes anti ära lastekodusse siis, kui ta oli vaid mõne nädala vanune. Tema vanemad on vaimuhaiged, kuid poiss ise seisab kahe jalaga maa peal. Nüüd, kui ta on juba päris suur, räägib ta oma loo klassikaaslastele. Directed by Aage Rais-Nordentoft Photographed by Jacob Banke Olesen, Kasper Tuxen, Nikolai Østergaard and Aage Rais-Nordentoft Edited by Adam Ross Produced and distributed by Easy Film A/S, 32 Sølvgade Str., DK-1307 København K, DENMARK Tel. +45 3344 7400 Fax +45 3391 0525 easyfilm@easyfilm.dk 46 NOW I’M FREE 50 min. 2006 Israel A director arrives at a Seniors Club for elderly women (65-80) in order to establish a theatre group. The women originally from Middle Eastern countries (Morocco, Iraq, Yemen and Iran) had been forced into marriage at a young age (12-16 years) to much older men. They spent their entire lives suppressed by patriarchal societies and lacked the benefit of an education. This film documents the actual process these women undergo during their initial experience with theatre, which allows them for the first time in their life to reveal details about their lives which expose elements of suffering and injustice. The film also follows the director’s experience, a man young enough to be their son who comes from an entirely different cultural and social background which initially creates a block in their communication. It deals with the empowerment of women by exposing their disappearing intimate world, and it salutes a group of women who always felt marginal and who discover that they are capable of achieving more, since now they are free. NÜÜD OLEN MA VABA Autor Gadi Kviatek Filmi autor siseneb vananevate naiste (65-80) klubisse. Naised on pärit Marokost, Jeemenist, Iraagist, Iraanist. Varases nooruses (12-16) sunniti neid astuma abiellu vanemate meestega. Nüüd, mil nad on lõpuks sellest ikkest vabad, elavad naised isetegevuslikus teatrigrupis välja oma mahasurutud emotsioone ja alateadlikke pingeid. Directed and distributed by Gadi Kviatek Photographed by Yigal Malool Sound by Koby Eisanmann Edited by Rona Winer Produced by Yael Katzir 6/4 Gush Etzion, 38248 Hadera, ISRAEL Tel. +972 522727795 Fax +972 46247061 gadikv@hotmail.com ON A TIGHTROPE 70 min. 2006 Norway/Canada (filmed in China) Xinjiang Province in China is one of the worst places in the world when it comes to human rights abuse. The Muslim Uyghurs are systematically oppressed. At least 10,000 have been imprisoned, suspected of separatism, and hundreds have been executed. This film follows four children at a government orphanage who are learning the ancient Uyghur tradition of Dawaz, tightrope walking. KÖIELKÕND Autor Petr Lom Hiina Rahvavabariigis elavad uiguurid on moslemid ning keskvõim ahistab neid. Kümmekond tuhat separatismis süüdistavat uiguuri istub vangis, sajad on tapetud. Vanemateta jäänud uiguuri lapsed elavad lastekodus, kus nad harjutavad iidset rahvatraditsiooni dawazi ehk köielkõndi. Directed, photographed, sound and edited by Petr Lom Produced by Piraya Film AS Distributed by Norwegian Film Institute (Arna Marie Bersaas), 16 Dronningens Gate 16, Box 482 Sentrum, N-0105 Oslo, NORWAY Tel. +47 22474573 Fax +47 22474597 amb@nfi.no ORDINARY LIVES 38 min. 2005 India/Hong Kong (filmed in India) Ordinary Lives reveals the living conditions of residents in a Mumbai slum, focusing on the daily struggles of one joint family with ten members of three generations crammed in a 180-squarefoot shack. This family represents those in India at the very bottom of the social hierarchy. TAVALISED ELUD Autor Sheetal S. Agarwal Pilk Mumbai agulisse, kus kümneliikmeline perekond vaevleb vaesuses. Tegemist pole erandliku, vaid üsna tüüpilise hindu perega. Directed, edited and produced by Sheetal S. Agarwal Photographed by Sheetal S. Agarwal and Ameen Syed Kader Distributed by Documentary Educational Resources, 101 Morse Str., Watertown, MA 02472, USA Tel. +1 6179260491 Fax +1 6179269519 docued@der.org 47 A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS AN OLD(ER) WOMAN 29 min. 2007 USA (filmed in USA and Israel) A Portrait of the Artist as an Old(er) Woman is a play on words on James Joyce’s title A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Three octogenarian women whose art informs their identity: Margaret K. Johnson, (printmaker) Hanna Eshel (sculptor) and Hava Mehutan (sculptor), examine the development of their artistic vision and touch on the subject of age and its effect. Their on-camera interviews are woven together with archival films, home movies and images of their art to tell the story of life wrapped around art – childhood, art studies, marriage, raising a family. We are given an insight into creative energy and vitality that is not hampered by age. Directed, photographed, sound, edited, produced and distributed by Tova Beck-Friedman, 34 E. 30th. New York, NY 10016, USA Tel. +1 2126869031 Fax +1 2124478756 tova@tbfstudio.com VANA NAISKUNSTNIKU PORTREE Autor Tova Beck –Friedman Kolm kunstnikku, neist üks graafik ja kaks skulptorit, arutlevad teemal, mismoodi vananemine mõjub loovisiku tööle ning peegeldub nende teostes. THE PRIZE OF THE POLE 80 min. 2006 Sweden/Denmark An investigative documentary about one of the most obsessive men in history, American explorer Robert E. Peary, who spent 23 years living in the Arctic in his quest to be the first man at the North Pole. During these years, he moved between New York high society and North Greenland, where he was secretly married to an Eskimo woman. Pressured by his sponsors to supply them with treasures from the far north, Peary brought six living Eskimos to the American Museum of Natural History in New York, among them a six-year-old boy, Minik. Except for Minik, all of the other Eskimos died, including Minik’s father. Today, Peary’s great-grandson ventures back to Greenland to confront the past and find out what happened to Minik. Directed by Staffan Julén Photographed by Torben Forsberg, Camilla Hjelm Knudsen, Jason Roberts, Barbara Johnsen Sound by Jens Bonding Edited by las Lindberg, Staffan Julén, Yva Fabricius Produced by Michael Haslund -Christensen, Jesper Morthorst, Haslund Film, Nimbus Film Distributed by First Hand Films (Esther Van Messel), 5 Fritz Heeb-Weg, 8050 Zürich, SWITZERLAND Tel. +41 13122060 Fax +41 13122080 info@firsthandfilms.com POOLUSE HIND Autor Staffan Julén Lugu ameerika teadlase Robert E. Peary 23-aastasest eluperioodist Põhja-Gröönimaal, kus uurija salaja abiellus eskimo naisega. Peary unistuseks oli jõuda esimese inimesena põhjapoolusele. See täitus 1909.aastal. Peary sai kuulsaks ka kuue eskimo toomisega Ameerika Loodusloo Muuseumisse New Yorki, kes hiljem kõik millegipärast surid. Ellu jäi vaid kuueaastaselt New Yorgis käinud poiss Minik. Mis juhtus sadakond aastat tagasi, seda uurib filmi autor koos teadlase lapselapsega. A QUIET STREET 20 min. 2006 Israel A patchwork of interviews with past and present residents, each speaking a different language, on the same Jerusalem street. VAIKNE TÄNAV Autor Binyamin Freidenberg Põimik vestlusi ühe Jeruusalemma tänava elanikega, kes meenutavad olnud aegu ning mõtisklevad täna väga vastandlikuks kujunenud olukorra üle. Directed by Binyamin Freidenberg Photographed by Itay Marom Edited by Gal Gino Eshel Produced and distributed by The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School – Jerusalem, 4 Yad Harutzim, Jerusalem, ISRAEL Tel. +972 26731950 Fax +972 26731949 micka@jsfs.co.il 48 RADEK 14 min. 2006 Poland Radek Peda lives in Lodz, Poland. He is 25 years old, an ex-convict, former drug dealer and thief. Coping with his aggressions is a heavy chore when nearly everything else has gone out the window, and especially since his relationship with his father and girlfriend are not pushing him in the right direction. RADEK Autor Magnus von Horn Radek elab Lodzis ja on 25-aastane. Ta olnud süüdimõistetud narkoäri ja varguste pärast. Raske on välja tulla minevikust. Eriti siis, kui su isa ja tüdruksõber sind hoopis teises suunas tõukavad. Directed by Magnus von Horn Photographed by Yori Fabian Sound by Michal Robaczewski and Justyna Musialska Edited by Boguslawa Furga Produced by Mariusz Wlodarski Distributed by Michal Hoszowski, 61/63 Targowa Str., 90-323 Lodz, POLAND Tel. +48 426345808 Fax +48 426345928 homihor@filmschool.lodz.pl THE REFRAIN OF LOCKED LENJS 38 min. 2005-2006 Iran A story of the South Iranian drum named as it sounds „dammam”. Dammam accompanies sailors singing while arriving from the Oman Sea, dammam accompanies the sound of stormy waves. They are singing a requiem for sinking seamen and their light sailing boats – lenjs. VANGISTATUD PURJEKATE LUGULAUL Autor Mehdi Omidvari Lugu Lõuna-Iraanis kasutusel olevast trummist, mida kutsutakse pilli kõlale sarnase sõnaga “dammam”. Dammami saatel laulavad Omani merelt ning India ookeanilt saabuvad meremehed, dammami järgi kohisevad isegi merelained. Nad laulavad reekviemi hukkunud meremeestele ja nende kergele laiapõhjalisele purjekale – iraani keeli lenjs’ile. Directed, produced and distributed by Mehdi Omidvari Photographed by Amin Bagheri and Jamak Salehi Sound by Mehdi Zareii Edited by Meisam Komeili No. 182 Danesh, 3 Shahrake, Goleston, IRAN Tel. +98 9173177008 Fax +98 7116210193 omidvari.m@gmail.com REMEMBERING THE CHILDREN 72 min. 2005-2007 Austria/France (filmed in France, Germany and Austria) France 1942 – 1944. The deportation of more than 11,000 Jewish children to Nazi concentration camps. Serge and Beate Klarsfeld, the well-known Nazi hunters, present new material from detailed historical research. The two Austrian directors, Hannes Gellner and Thomas Draschan, follow the Klarsfeld method and tell the personal stories of some of the victims so that they do not remain anonymous numbers. Detailed interviews with six survivors who were then children or teenagers and who only just managed to escape death at the hands of the Nazis, combine personal fate with historical facts. Their stories highlight the involvement of the Vichy regime in the Nazi deportation policy, and Serge Klarsfeld recalls the prominent role of Austrian Nazis in the implementation of the “final solution” in France. LAPSI MEENUTADES Autorid Hannes Gellner ja Thomas Draschan Dokumentaalne uurimuslugu natside koletust kuritööst 1942-44.aastal Prantsusmaal, mille tulemina hukkus koonduslaagrites 11 000 juudi last. Filmi autoritel õnnestus kuus ellujäänut üles leida ning nendega läinud aegu meenutada. Directed, photographed, sound and edited by Hannes Gellner and Thomas Draschan Produced by Hannes Gellner 49 RENDEZ-VOUS 9 min. 2006 Poland Get refreshing perspective on the ubiquitous dating rituals that many of us take for granted. Over a candlelight dinner in a café, a young couple with Down’s syndrome discusses their perception of the “dating” rules, and their desire to adapt to them. They want to behave like all other regular people! RANDEVUU Autor Marcin Janos Krawczyk Kohtingud kipuvad olema stereotüüpsed, sest poisid ja tüdrukud, mehed ja naised räägivad sellistel kokkusaamistel enamasti ühesugust juttu. Ka kehakeel on paljuski sarnane. Küünlavalguse õhtul avalikus kohvikus püüab üks downi sündroomiga noorpaar neist kirjutamata reeglitest kinni pidada. Tahavad ju nemadki olla teiste inimeste sarnased! Directed by Marcin Janos Krawczyk Photographed by Wojciech Staron Edited by Wojciech Jagiello Produced by Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing (Katarzyna Slesicka), 21 Chelmska Str., 00-724 Warszawa, POLAND Tel. +48 228511056 Fax +48 228511057 info@wajdaschool.pl ROOM 11, ETHIOPIA HOTEL 21 min. 2006 Japan (filmed in Ethiopia) From the window of Room 11 in the Ethiopia Hotel, you can see many children on the street making ends meet by means of various jobs. Almost half of the children live on the street and struggle to survive each day. The film starts with the arrival of two street children, Yohannes and Sifalow, in Room 11. They express their happiness and suffering with respect to living on the street, as well as their dream to leave, using improvised hip-hop and rhythm & blues. After some discussions with the author of the documentary, they decide to start a business on the street in order to improve their lot. The film recounts the life of street children in Gondar, Ethiopia, by witnessing the communication and collaboration between two children and the film director in a limited spatial setting. This limited space allows the film to focus on human communication. This hybrid-type documentary aims to explore new trends in visual anthropology, including the issue of dealing with intimacy and subjectivity. The entire film was shot by the author in Room 11 at the Ethiopia Hotel. Directed, photographed, sound, edited, produced and distributed by Itsushi Kawase, 46 Yoshida Shimoadachi-cho,Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN Tel. +81 7050410117 Fax +81 757537820 kawase@jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp TUBA 11 ETIOOPIA HOTELLIS Autor Itsushi Kawase Jaapani antropoloogi katse luua pilti Etioopia tänavalaste elust väljumata oma hotellitoast. Tänu autori osavusele ja tarkusele õnnestub tal saavutada väga soe ja inimlik kontakt kahe musikaalse poisiga – Yohannese ja Sifalowiga. SEARCHING FOR THE PEACH ORCHARD 28 min. 2006 Israel (filmed in Israel and Hungary) In May, I went by myself, without knowing any word in Hungarian, to search for my roots. I visited the hometowns of my family, caught the atmosphere of these places. The film reflects my dual attitude towards the Holocaust: my affection for the Hungarian people, from whom my genes and my deepest memory originate, and the awful understanding that these same people helped annihilate my mother and my family. Dorit Weisman, Author of the documentary Directed and photographed by Dorit Weisman Sound and edited by Zohar Safra Produced by Hila Timor and Idan Association Distributed by Idan Association, 4 Yad Haruttzim St. P.P.BOX 53355 Jerusalem 93420, ISRAEL Tel. +972 26720153 Fax +972 26719650 ruth@idan-jer.co.il 50 OMA VIRSIKUMÄGE OTSIDES Autor Dorit Weisman Autorifilm viib eaka juudi rezhissööri Ungarisse, et otsida siit oma perekonna juuri. Doritit saadavad kahesed tunded seoses Holocaustiga. Ühelt poolt saadab teda kiindumus ungarlastesse, kellelt pärineb osa tema geene ja samas ei jäta maha jube teadmine, et need samad ungarlased aitasid hävitada tema ema ja tema perekonna. SEND ME A LETTER 10 min. 2006 Lithuania Send Me a Letter takes place during one day in a children’s summer camp. The director of the camp announces that it is a special love letter day and it becomes the focus of all the children. They enthusiastically start writing love letters but the end is not so happy as was expected. SAADA MULLE KIRI! Autor Anna-Karin Grönroos Üks päev lastelaagris, kus poisse ja tüdrukuid palutakse üksteisele saata armastuskirju. Lugu algab pihta suure hasardiga, kuid ei lõpe mitte kõigile õnnelikult. Directed by Anna-Karin Grönroos Photographed by Yuliya Dimova Sound by Julius Zubavicius Edited by Silvija Vilkaite and Kristina Buožyte Produced by Samantha Wolanski Distributed by Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Kosciuškos st. 12, Vilnius, LITHUANIA Tel. +370 52124560 Fax +370 52124560 studija@lmta.lt SHAMAN, THE MEDICINE OF SOUL 52 min. 2005 Spain (filmed in Cuba, Benin, Ghana and Mongolia) Since the beginning of time, there have been men who possess special sensitivities that make them capable of interpreting and feeling the influence of nature and the energies that surround them. They are the Shamans, people that have the power to communicate with the ultra-sensitive world, to see past the horizon, to learn from plants and animals, and above all to guide and alleviate the ailments of their fellow men. This documentary invites you to learn about the altered states of consciousness that permit the shaman to communicate with other worlds. You will witness physical and psychic healing. You will delve into ancestral rituals with visionary plants, such as the Yopo of the Amazon, the Sanpedro of the Andean high plateau of Peru, or the Iboga found in the heart of Africa. You will attend voodoo ceremonies, exorcisms and magical demonstrations. A passionate journey through the history of traditional medicine until the present day that is both seductive and thought provoking. José Manuel Novoa Author SHAMAAN-HINGERAVITSEJA Autor José Manuel Novoa Kuubas, Beninis, Gaanas, Peruus ja Mongoolias jäädvustatud shamaanid võtavad kamera ees ühendust üleloomulike jõududega ning aitavad hingehädas olevaid inimesi endaga toime tulla. Directed and edited by José Manuel Novoa Photographed by Mario Alonso Solórzzano, Alberto Moro, Nacho Caro and Juan Ramon Ibanez Sound by Carlos de Hita Produced by Oscar Portillo Distributed by Explora Films, C/Francisca Delgado, 11-Edificio N1, 4 Planta, SPAIN Tel. +34 914901150 Fax +34 914903761 jmovoar@telefonica.net SHIT AND CHICKS 10 min. 2006 The Netherlands (filmed in Ghana) Surprisingly enough, behind the hip sounding title Shit & Chicks lurks the story of an old Ghanaian chicken farmer who has an ingenious way of collecting feed for his chickens. This short film is a wordless plea for organic sustainable agriculture. Each day, the old man collects cans of cow manure in the savannah. Back on his own premises, he breaks the dry pies into pieces and dampens the manure again. He trades the freshly filled cans with cans from the day before that he buried around the savannah. Countless termites have collected in them, which are a tasty and nutritious meal for the chickens. It is an age-old technique that the man learned from his father and grandfather. But how long will this small-scale form of agriculture be kept alive? SITT JA TIBUD Autor Kees van der Geest Keegi Gaana talumees on leiutanud originaalse viisi kanade toitmiseks. Tuleb korjata lehmasõnnikut, lasta selles ussidel kasvama hakata ning siis puistata maitsev sööt kanadele. Filmi kangelane - vana talumees – õppis seda kunsti oma isalt ja vanaisalt. Huvitav, kaua traditsioon kestab? Directed, photographed, sound, edited and produced by Kees van der Geest Distributed by Pieter van Huystee Film, 37-39 Noordermarkt Str., 1015 NA Amsterdam, The NETHERLANDS Tel. +31 204210606 Fax +31 206386255 info@pvhfilm.nl 51 THE SHOPKEEPER 14 min. 2006 Poland An all-goods store is the local social care institution. All kinds of folk visit the store – some just to shop, others, for instance, to sing a song. POEPIDAJA Autor Thierry Paladino Vürtsipood on kohalik sotsiaalasutus. Siin käib igasugust rahvast. Mõned tulevad shoppama, teised aga hoopis laulma. Directed by Thierry Paladino Photographed by Edited by Wojciech Jagiello Produced by Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing (Katarzyna Slesicka), 21 Chelmska Str., 00-724 Warszawa, POLAND Tel. +48 228511056 Fax +48 228511057 info@wajdaschool.pl SINGING PICTURES: WOMEN PAINTERS OF NAYA 40 min. 2005 USA/India (filmed in India) For generations, Patua (Chitrakar) communities of West Bengal, India have been painters and singers of stories depicted in scrolls. In the past, they used to receive food or money for their recital of Muslim and Hindu stories and folk myths. Unfortunately, competition from other media significantly eroded this way of life. In response to this cultural crisis and as a way to make extra money, a group of women from Naya formed a scroll painters’ collaborative. They candidly discuss issues of Islam and birth control, victimisation of women, female education, poverty and work, religious tolerance and intolerance, and depict some of these ideas in the scrolls. Their stories attest to what it means to be a woman in Bengal and India today, demonstrating how a small group of determined women can empower themselves by adapting an ancient art to new conditions. Directed by Lina Fruzzetti, Ákos Östör and Aditi Nath Sarkar Photographed by Alfred Guzzetti and Ákos Östör Sound and produced by Lina Fruzzetti and Ákos Östör Edited by Shawn Hainsworth and Joseph Sousa Distributed by Documentary Educational Resources, 101 Morse Str., Watertown, MA 02472, USA Tel. +1 6179260491 Fax +1 6179269519 docued@der.org LAULVAD PILDID JA NAYA NAISMAALIJAD Autorid Lina Fruzzetti, Ákos Östör, Aditi Nath Sarkar Paljude põlvkondade jooksul on Lääne-Bengaalia Patua kogukondades harrastanud maalijad ja lauljad lugude jäädvustamist paberirullidele. Minevikus said nad oma moslemi ja hindu lugude esitamise eest süüa ning vahel ka raha. Et traditsioon ei kaoks, otsustasid Naya naised luua ühenduse, kus lisaks lugude jäädvustamisele peetakse salaja ka nõu naiste õiguste üle Indias ja Bengaalias. A SNOWY DAY 10 min. 2006 Australia (filmed in Iraq) This touching film follows a boy on a snowy day in a Kurdish village in Iraq. Not only a slice-oflife, but also an emotional tale of the boy visiting his father’s grave who died during the Iran-Iraq war attempting to retrieve a mine to sell it back to Iran to support his family. LUMEPÄEV Autor Hossein Jehani Portreefilm kurdi väikemehest, kes elab Iraagis. Ühel lumesaju päeval läheb ta oma isa hauale. Isa hukkus Iraani-Iraagi sõja ajal. Ta leidis miini ja tahtis selle maha müüa, et perekonnale elatist teenida. Aga ta ei jõudnud miini müüa… Directed and edited by Hossein Jehani Photographed and sound by Hemen Kakai Produced by Tania Raout Distributed by World Fs My Home Film Film Production, P.O. Box 1227 Mountaingate Ferntree Gully, VFC 3156, AUSTRALIA Tel. +61 432343342 Fax +61 397589036 daria980@yahoo.com 52 THE STUDENTS’ HAPPY LIFE IN ART SCHOOL 55 min. 2006 China There are some children aged from 5 to 12 learning acrobatics at the Dalian Art School that is closely managed. Their life there is centred on acrobatics with tears and sweat. The life of these children in this school is totally different from the childhood of other kids. Some of the children are beaten for imperfect experiences in training. In one way, the school is their home and the teachers here are like their parents. Through 6 years of hard training in the art school, only a few of them become well-known and well-paid actors or actresses, but all of these benefits will come after six years of hard work and studies. ÕPILASTE ÕNNELIK ELU KUNSTIKOOLIS Autor Yu Zhou Daliani Kunstikoolis õpib grupp lapsi vanuses 5 kuni 12 eluaastani. Pisaratega pooleks õpivad nad siin akrobaatikat. Osad lapsed saavad peksa, kui nad harjutusi korralikult selgeks ei õpi. Õpetajaid siiski armastatakse, sest nad on lastele peaaegu vanemate eest. Ainult vähesed saavad pärast kuus aastat kestnud ränka õppetööd oma eriala kuulsusteks. Directed, photographed, sound, edited, photographed and distributed by Yu Zhou, 162 Minquan Str., Shahekou District, Dalian, PR of China Tel. +86 41188118658 Fax +86 41188118658 guojibu1105@yahoo.com SURYA, FROM ELOQUENCE TO DAWN 76 min. 2006 Belgium (filmed in Belgium, Slovakia, Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Tibet, China and Vietnam) Once upon a journey, ten contemporary storytellers of different cultures create an imaginary epic story. The aromas of cultures, the taste of words and the perfume of travelling carry us from one storyteller to the next. Like an epic story, this film oscillates between imagination and reality, the inner world and the outside world, documentary and fiction. An ode to orality. SURYA EHK ILUKÕNE KOIDIKUNI Autor Laurent Van Lancker Film on omamoodi ood suulisele pärimuskultuurile ereinevate rahvaste juures. Kümme jutuvestjat Belgiast, Indiast, Tiibetist ja mujalt pajatavad oma lugu, millest ekraanil kasvab uus eepiline jutustus. Ekraanieeposel on erinevate kultuuride aroomid, sõnade kaunikõlaline helin. See on lugu, mis vibreerib reaalsuse ja imaginaarsuse piirimaadel. Directed by Laurent Van Lancker Photographed by Florence Aigner Sound by Christian Coppin Edited by Rudi Maerten Produced and distributed by Polymorfilms, 43 rue des Chartreux, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium Tel./Fax +32 2 5378569 contact@polymorfilms.be TALLARI’S GIG 30 min. 2006 Finland Tallari is a professional folk music group that works during business hours like all other workers all over Finland. Despite that, their music is far from an official standard. All members of the group used to be farmers and workers with a strong love for folk music. TALLARI KAARIK Autor Mirja Metsola Tallari on kutseline folkmuusika ansambel, kes teeb tööd ametlikul tööajal nagu kõik üle Soomemaa. Tallari muusika on aga kaugel ametlikust kultuurist. Muusikud on endised talumehed ja töölised. Neid seob väga tugev armastus rahvakultuuri vastu. Directed by Mirja Metsola Photographed by Jyrki Karjalainen and Mirja Metsola Sound by Pasi Keho-Valkama Edited by Minna Nuotio Produced by Yle Documentaries Distributed by Yle Export, P.O box 46, 00024 Yleisradio, Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 914802889 Fax +358 0143313 seija.liuhto@yle.fi 53 THEODORE 29 min. 2006 Latvia Every day, rain or shine, Theodore used to bike seven kilometres from his house to the village centre to drink beer at the bus stop. For him, no doubt, this place was the centre of the Universe. With his death, the centre has moved elsewhere, and the bus stop is just a bus stop again. THEODORE Autor Laila Pakalnina Iga päev, olgu vihm või päike, sõitis Thodore jalgrattal seitsme kilomeetri kaugusele külakeskusesse. Seal nautis ta bussipeatuses õlut. See koht oli tema jaoks universumi keskpunktiks. Pärast Theodore surma sai bussipeatusest tavaline peatus. Directed by Laila Pakalnina Photographed and produced by Uldis Cekulis Sound by Anrijs Krenbergs Edited by Gatis Belogrudovs Distributed by Vides Filmu Studija, 17 Lapu Str., LV-1002 Riga, LATVIA Tel. +371 7503588 Fax +371 7503589 vfs@vfs.lv THIS WORD BY NAME WATER 27 min. 2007 Iran This documentary represents one of the old traditional performances and its mythical roots, which is performed in northern Iran at the New Year. VÕLUSÕNA VESI Autor Reza Majlesi Film rituaalidest, millega Põhja-Iraanis võetakse vastu uut aastat. Directed by Reza Majlesi Photographed by Masoud Pezhan Sound by Hamid Yasuri Produced by Farshad Fereshteh Hekmat Distributed by Alireza Shahrokhi, Cima Media International, 64 Hedayat St. Yakhchal Ave., Tehran 19497, Iran Tel. +98 21 2548032 Fax +98 21 2551914 cmi@cmi.ir THREE COMRADES 99 min. 2006 The Netherlands (filmed in Russia, Chechenya and Ingushetie) Through film portraits of three friends, the author of this documentary reflects on the downfall of the Soviet Union and Chechnya’s struggle for independence. Ruslan was arrested for no reason by Russian soldiers in 1995 and the next morning his wife found his dead body. Ramzan ran his Grozny-TV camera up to the last moment, when he was killed by a Russian grenade in 1999. Islam left the country and is currently living in Holland. He has survived his best friends who did not even reach their 30th birthdays. Directed by Masha Novikova Photographed by Vladis Naudzius, Ramzan Mezhidov and Masha Novikova Sound by Jillis Molenaar and Vladis Naudzius Edited by Srdjan Fink Produced by VPRO/NOVDOC Distributed by Sasha Ourikh, 165 Binnenkadijk, 1018 ZE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel. +31 207766990 Fax +31 206244472 sasha@novdoc.nl 54 KOLM SELTSIMEEST Autor Masha Novikova Läbi kolmikportree jutustab filmi autor Nõukogude Liidu kokkuvarisemisest ja Tshetsheenia võitlusest iseseisvuse eest. Ruslandi arreteerisid vene sõdurid 1995.aastal ja järgmisel hommikul leidis ema poja laiba. Ramzani kaamera töötas Groznõi televisiooni jaoks kuni hetkeni, mil vene granaat mehe tappis 1999.aastal. Islam lahkus maalt ja elab praegu Hollandis. Tema parimatel sõpradel ei õnnestunud elada isegi kolmekümne-aastaseks. THREE KINGS OF BELIZE 88 min. 2007 Canada (filmed in Belize) In a small Central American country with a population of 270,000, three veteran musicians share moments of their daily lives with us. Paul Nabor, a 79 year old fisherman and legendary Garifuna composer, has played the same guitar for 53 years. Even though he has forgotten most of his songs, his spirit remains strong. Florencio Mess, a Maya harp player, spends his solitude making traditional violins, guitars and harps as he awaits his next trip outside his small village. Creole accordionist Wilfred Peters is proud to have played for the Queen of England. His ineffable charm and humour are his ideal antidote for old age. Each reminds us in their own way that nothing is eternal as time passes and progress settles in. Despite the lack of interest among the younger generation, these three extraordinary men offer us a glimpse of hope, freedom and humanity. BELIZE’ KOLM KUNINGAT Autor Katia Paradis Väikeses Kesk-Ameerika riigis, kus elab vaid 270 000 inimest, lasevad kolm veteranmuusikut tungida kaameral oma igapäevaellu. Paul Nabor (79) on kalur ja legendaarse Carifuna looja. Ta on üht ja sama kitarri mänginud juba 53 aastat. Florencio Mess mängib maiade harfi ja on suur traditsiooniliste viiulite ja kitarride meisterdaja. Wilfred Peters hiilgab kreooli akordionimänguga ning on esinenud isegi Inglise kuningannale. Directed, photographed and produced by Katia Paradis Edited by Natalie Lamoureus Distributed by Domino Film, 4002 Grey ave, Qc H4A 3P1 Montreal, Canada Tel. +1 5144840446 Fax +1 5144860468 domino@dominofilm.ca TO THE BLACK SEA 82 min. 2006 Israel (filmed in Israel and Russia) This documentary follows three dolphins that have been excommunicated by the pod located on Eilat’s coral reef. Maya Silber, who raised them from birth, realises that if Lemon, Shandy and Pashosh stay in the pod, they will die, so she arranges to set them free in the Black Sea in Russia. For an entire summer, a film crew follows the trio and their trainers through an arduous journey fraught with frustration, pain and liberation. MUSTA MERRE! Autor Shahar Segal Kolme delfiini lugu, kes ei saa lõpmatuseni elama jääda Eliat korallirifile rajatud kunstlikku basseini. Maya Silber, kes on delfiinide “emmeks” loomade sünnist saadik, otsustab oma hoolealused Lemoni, Shandy ja Pashoshi vedada Musta mere äärde ja seal nad vabadusse lasta. Directed by Shahar Segal Photographed by Roman Linsky and Yariv Barel Edited by Taly Goldenberg Produced by Emerald Productions Distributed by First Hand Films (Esther Van Messel), 5 Fritz Heeb-Weg, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland Tel. +41 13122060 Fax +41 13122080 info@firsthandfilms.com VORGA: A PATH OF TWO BANKS 69 min. 2006 Czech Republic (filmed in Russia) Vorga is the Nenets’ sacred trail used by herdsmen for centuries to move reindeer across the tundra, all the way to the shore of the Barents Sea. Contemporary Nenets are different. They live in villages and do not want to continue nomadic life anymore. The traditional indigenous culture has almost merged with Russian mass culture. Oil refineries quickly take over vast areas of tundra. Parts of the sacred trail are damaged by trucks. Fortunately, the original nomadic life at the end of Vorga still exists. Silence and peace! VORGA – RADA KAHE KALDA VAHEL Autor Zdenek N. Brickovsky Vorga on neenetsite püha teerada, mida karjused on juba aastasadu kasutanud põhjapõtrate ajamiseks Barentsi mere äärde. Tänapäeva neenetsid on teistsugused. Nad elavad külades ega taha pöörduda tagasi nomaadse eluviisi juurde. Põliskultuur on sulandunud vene massikultuuri sisse. Nafta väljapumpamine ja ümbertöötlemine on tunginud tundrasse, püha teed kahjustavad rasked masinad. Õnneks Vorga lõpus on veel natuke alles neenetsite põliskultuuri. Vaikus ja rahu! Directed and photographed by Zdenek N. Brickovsky Sound by David Rotter Edited by T. Cerna Produced by Zdenek Novotny Distributed by DOMfilm, 184 Lipanska Str., 281 63 Kostelec nad Cernymi lesy, Czech Republic Tel. +402 604163090 info@domfilm.cz 55 WALKING PILGRIMS 73 min. 2006 Switzerland (filmed in Japan) Over a thousand-year-old Shikoku Henro connects 88 predetermined sacred places along a 1400 kilometre long circular route on Japan’s fourth largest island, Shikoku. Based on ethnographic survey methods, Arukihenro shows the motives, aims and desires of today’s Japanese wandering pilgrims on a very personal level along this Buddhist pilgrimage. The documentary was shot like a road movie during a period of nine months. The filmmakers hiked along the entire pilgrimage, accompanying different pilgrims through long stages of their journeys. Leading from the microcosm of this pilgrimage, Arukihenro shows profound insights into the religious and socio-cultural background of Japanese society today. Directed, photographed, sound, edited and produced by Tommi Mendel Distributed by Tiger Toda Productions, Albisstrasse 146, 8038 Zürich, Switzerland Tel. +41 444810506 tommi@tigertoda.ch JALUTAVAD PALVERÄNDURID Autor Tommi Mendel Enam kui tuhandeaastane Shikoku Henro ühendab 88 pühapaika Jaapani suuruselt neljandal saarel Shikokul. Filmi autorid teevad kaasa saarel toimuva ligi 1400 kilomeetri pikkuse palverännaku. WASTED Directed by Nurit Kedar Photographed by Itay Neaman Sound by Alex Cloude Edited by Shimon Spector Produced by David Mandil and David Silber Distributed by Ruth Diskin Ltd., P.O Box 7153, 91071 Jerusalem, ISRAEL Tel. +972 26724256 Fax +972 26724210 ruthdis@netvision.net.il 70 min. 2006 Israel The Beaufort Post has attained mythical status for generations of Israelis. It is the site of one of the most controversial battles of the Israeli Army’s occupation of Southern Lebanon. High up on this hill, above a cluster of clouds, a fortress of young soldiers lived and fought and died. This documentary is the story of these young men. It is a story of survival. This small group of soldiers manned the Beaufort Post during its final months under Israeli control; they were severely bombarded by Hezbollah forces. Back at home in Israel, the majority of Israelis were protesting and demonstrating, demanding that the soldiers in Southern Lebanon evacuate their posts immediately in order not to die in vain. The Commanding Officers made it clear that the soldiers’ task was simply to remain alive and claimed firmly that national morale could not allow itself any casualties at present. But the soldiers, killed and wounded by missiles and mortar bombs, have remained outside the public debate until now. RAISATUD Autor Nurit Kedar Lugu meestest, kes pidid kaitsma pilvedesse ulatuvat sõjaväebaasi (Beaufort Post), mille Iisrael otsustas loovutada Liibanonile. WHEN ADNAN COMES HOME 74 min. 2006 USA At the end of 2003, a seventeen-year-old Iraqi named Adnan was arrested and put in jail. He had stolen two metres of electrical cable, something that Iraqi law deems a crime against the state. He was then transferred from the police station to a juvenile prison to await trial. There, among serious criminals, fate dealt Adnan an awful blow. In an attempt to escape, a fire broke out, and Adnan was seriously burned, especially on his face and hands. Filmmaker Andrew Berends obtained permission to film in the prison.During the film shoot, he actually became an intermediary between the desperate young man and his family. At first, Adnan’s father was so angry and embarrassed about his son’s offence that he refused to go see him. In the wake of the fire, however, compassion took the upper hand, and he and the rest of the family did their best to help Adnan recover and come home as soon as possible. This gives rise to an intimate portrait of daily life in an Iraqi family, in which love for each other is important, but the will of God plays a major role as well. Directed and photographed by Andrew Berends Edited by Aaron Soffin Produced by Andrew Berends for Storyteller Productions Distributed by Roco Films International, 80 Liberty Ship Way, Suite 5, 94965 Sausolito, CA, USA Tel. +1 415 3326471 Fax +1 415 4354691 annie@rocofilms.com 56 KUI ADNAN TULEB KOJU Autor Andrew Berends Seitsmeteistkümne-aastane Adnan varastas kaks meetrit elektrikaablit ja pandi selle eest vangi. Iraagis karistatakse riigi vastu suunatud kuritegusid eriti rangelt. Põgenemiskatsel tekkinud plahvatuses põletas Adnan oma näo ja käed. Haarav film noormehe, tema isa ja pereliikmete keerulistest suhetest, mis sõltuvad koraanist ja vanadest tavadest. WHERE IS LOVE IN THE PALM GROVE? 85 min. 2006 Belgium (filmed in Moroco) “I’m an immigrant. I have been living in a palm grove in southern Morocco for two years, in a grove as an island in the middle of the desert. I try to find my landmarks in that society governed by rules so different from the one I used to know.” This movie is about a meeting between two men: Mansour, a man from the inland country, and myself. We both look for love. I try to understand him, to compare it to the notion I have of it and that grew in me in my native country: Is love in the nikâh (wedding) as we say in Belgium? Is love in the Koran as I try to understand? In the t’khlidi (tradition) that seems so respected in the inland country? Is love in the souk (diary market) as we can see it in Brussels at the café-terrace or would it be at the moussem (local party) where men and women meet once a year as we do for one of our numerous popular parties? I’m looking for love and my only reference is the one I know, the one we talk so much about in Europe. Jérôme le Maire, Author ON ARMASTUS PEIDUS PALMISALUS? Autor Jérôme le Maire Sügavalt isiklik film, kus ekraaniteose autor kohtub Marokos keset kõrbe kasvavas palmisalus elutseva ja sisemaalt pärit emigrandi Mansouriga. Mõlemad otsivad armastust, kuid erinevad kultuuritaustad annavad armastusele täiesti isesugused tähendused. Directed and sound by Jérôme le Maire Photographed by Jérôme le Maire and Remon Fromont Edited by Mathyas Veress Produced by Iota Production Distributed by Doc & Co, 13 rue Portefoin, Paris 75003, France Tel. +33 142775687 Fax +33 142773656 doc@doc-co.com WOMEN OF DORFAK 20 min. 2006 Iran Dorfak is the largest crater in Iran at 2705 metres in height. It is located east of Roodbar. The slope of the Dorfak volcano is a suitable summer quarter for people who come from humid villages and jungles for animal husbandry. There is no spring to drink from at the top of the mountain. Water can be obtained from ice, hidden in secret caves. DORFAKI NAISED Autor Mohammad Nami 2705 meetri kõrgune Dorfaki kraater on Iraani suurim vulkaan, asub see Roodbarist idas. Dorfaki nõlvad on sobivad suviseks karjatamiseks. Kuid seal pole joogivett. Vett saab aga jääst, mida leiab salakoobastest. Directed by Mohammad Nami Photographed by Vahid Najafzadeh and Lman Khalili Poor Sound by Mohammad Hassan Damanzan Edited by Bijan Mirbagheri Produced by Kamal Farhang No.287,3rd floor,West Nosrat st,Tohid sq, Tehran, Iran Tel. +98 2144251533 Fax +98 2166911264 raha_hos@yahoo.com Y IN VYBORG 52 min. 2006 Finland In 1938, young architects Ragnar and Martta Ypyä, or Y and Mirri, bought an 8 mm camera and started filming their world in Vyborg, a Finnish town near the Soviet border. The couple’s future seemed bright. A year later their lives had changed irreversibly. The Soviet Union attacked Finland and the Winter War raged. Mirri fled to the countryside, Y stayed in Vyborg, where he repaired the damages caused by the Soviet air raids. Still they kept on filming… Y in Vyborg tells the touching story of Y and Mirri during the years 1938-1949. The entire film is based on authentic black and white 8 mm footage. Y VIIBURIS Autor Pia Andell Arhitektid Martta ja Ragnar Ypyä ostsid 1938.aastal 8mm kaamera ja hakkasid filmima igapäevaelu Viiburis. Peagi aga ründas Nõukogude Liit Soomet ja algas Talvesõda. Amatöörkaameraga üles võetud materjal hõlmab olulist lõiku Soome ajaloost (1938-49) ja intiimset peresuhet. Directed, produced and distributed by Pia Andell Photographed by Martta Ypyä and Ragnar Ypyä Sound by Kirsi Korhonen Edited by Pauliina Punkki Nordenskiöldinkatu 3b A 11, 00250 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 405441213 Fax +358 92417233 ofcoursemyfilms@luukku.com 57 YEDIDIAH’S COLLECTION 18 min. 2006 Israel Yedidiah`s collection is no ordinary collection. He collects spent mortar shells, bullet casings and lighting parachutes, all evidence of the complicated reality of life in Gush Katif. Ten-year-old Yedidiah, the tenth child in his family, lives on the Morag settlement, which is the southern-most settlement in Gush Katif. The film follows Yedidiah during the happy and busy day time and during the night, when the fear of falling mortars, terrorists and the disengagement plan is intensifying. The Gaza district evacuation changes the life of Yedidiah and his family… Yedidiahi kollektsioon Autorid Noam Demsky, Mordi Kershner Film jälgib kümneaastast Yedidiahi tema tegemistes nii päeval kui öösel. Yedidiah elab keerulises piirkonnas, kust püütakse inimesi aidata parema elu peale. Directed and produced by Autorid Noam Demsky, Mordi Kershner Photographed by Amitai Aizenberg, Moshe Churi Edited by Idit Ben Shimol Distributed by Hedva Goldschmidt, Go2Films Distribution and Marketing, Issar Natanzon 37/8, Jerusalem, 97787, Israel Tel: +972-2-5831371 Fax: 972-2-5835450 go2films@bezeqint.net www.go2films.com Rakvere Athena filmikooli õpilasfilmid (juhendaja Maiju Ingman ) Sinine kuu 26 min Autor Kristiina Pundi Romantilismüstiline suhtedraama tavaliste ja ebatavaliste inimestega. Ooteruum Autor Ivar Taim “Ooteruum” 8 min Traagiline lugu noormehest, kes hommikul leiab ennast ületamatu takistuse ees. Miks ei lasta teda kodust lahkuda? Mis on juhtunud? Miks hakkavad toas toimuma kummalised sündmused? Film räägib elu ja surma vahelise piiri hägususest ja selle ületamisest. Üks Waldorfkool Autor Tuuli Korsar 20 min Esimesed aastad Eestis olid waldorfkoolidele väga rasked. Oli palju möödarääkimist ning hukkamõistu. Kas nüüd suudab Eesti ühiskond rohkem respekteerida haridust, mis käsitleb last kui tervikut? “Üks Waldorfkool” Ajaraisk 9 min Autor Katrin Kullasepp Film jutustab psühholoogist, kes satub pubekate “ohvriks”. Tüdrukud on endale välja mõelnud haigusi, mis on tegelikult täiesti tavapärased halvad harjumused ning pöörduvad psühholoogi poole. Viimane on valiku vahel: kas tegeleda ajaraiskamisega ehk tüdrukutega või jätkata rahatoovat tööd? Ajöös emul 6 min Autor Kristiina Pundi Lugu teistmoodi tüdrukust, kellel oli isevärki unistus. 58 “Ajöös emul” Index of Films 13 YEARS AND 10 MONTHS 23 FLIGHT 208 35 3 MEN AND A BULB 23 FOLLOW YOUR HEART TO JERUSALEM 35 3 TIMES DIVORCED 24 FOREVER 11 ABOUT THE BODY 6 FUNERAL CHANTS FROM THE... 35 ABOUT YOSSI 24 GALIL – A SCHOOL WITH NO WALLS 36 ACROSS THE VALLEY 24 GOD’S WAY 36 AFGHAN MUSCLES 9 GOLDED MYTH 36 AFTER THE RAINS CAME... 9 HAND HAS BEEN BORN 37 A HEBREW LESSON 37 HAPPY FACES 37 A JOURNEY OF DIMITRY SHOSTAKOVICH 17 HEARTS 11 A LESSON OF BELORUSSIAN 7 HOLY WARRIORS 11 ALONG THE TRAIL OF A TAMBORA 25 HORSEMAN 16 ALPINE SAGA 26 HUNTERS 38 AN AFRICAN BRASS BAND 25 III IMAGES OF LIFE AND TIME 20 ANATOLY RYBAKOV: THE RUSSIAN STORY 15 IN PURSUIT OF THE SIBERIAN SHAMAN 38 AND THE MOUNTAINS ARE THE SAME 26 INSIDE THE KALARI 39 APERGHIS, STORM BENEATH A SKULL 26 IN THE COMPANY OF A DEAD CAT 38 A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST... 48 INTIFADA CULT 39 A QUIET STREET 48 JAMES DEAN – LITTLE PRINCE... 16 ARE THERE STILL ANY SHEPHERDS? 27 JONATHAN FROM AUSTRALIA 21 ART OF SELLING 20 KINKY-KALINKI TRANSRUSSIAN EXPRESS 40 A SHIFT IN PERCEPTION 14 LET’S NOT DISTURB THE WATER 40 A SNOWY DAY 52 LIFE WITH SLATE 40 AS OLD AS MY TONGUE: 27 LOOK AT LUCIA 41 AT THE DATCHA 27 LOOKING FOR LOVE 41 B-10506 LAST NUMBERS 28 MANGROVE MUSIC 41 BAHAIS IN MY BACKYARD 28 MARÉ CAPOEIRA 42 BEGIN BEGAN BEGUN 28 MARTHA 17 BEHIND THAT SNOWY HILL 15 MEN’S REALM 12 BESLAN. THE RIGHT TO LIVE 6 METAMORPHOSIS 42 BEST FRIENDS 29 MINE & TABLOU 17 BRASSY BANDS 29 MODOU: THE HANG PLAYER 42 BRIDGE OVER THE WADI29 MONTE GORDO BEACH 43 BRINGING THE GAP: LIES – LAST IN THE LINE 30 MOVEMENT (R)EVOLUTION AFRICA 43 BRINGING THE GAP: LIES – MENTIRAS 30 MUMMY 43 BRINGING THE GAP: LIES – THE BIG LIE 30 MY DAUGHTER, THE TERRORIST 8 BRINGING THE GAP: LIES – THE TRUTH... 31 MY DEATH, NOT YOURS 8 BRINGING THE GAP: LIES – UPSIDE DOWN 31 MY EYES 44 BY THE RIVER 31 MY FRIEND SASHA... 44 CELEBRATION OF FLIGHT 16 MY HERD 45 CHARGING THE RHINO 32 MY HUSBAND ANDREI SAKHAROV 18 CHERUBS’ REVOLT 21 MY ISLAND SEILI 45 CHILDREN OF STALIN 32 NAF: A STREET KID 45 COLLECTING SHADOWS 10 NAKED 46 CROSSROADS 33 NOBODY CALLS MY PARENTS LOSERS 46 DEAR EDMOND 33 NOW I’M FREE 47 END OF SCHOOL 33 ON A TIGHTROPE 47 ENEMIES OF HAPPINESS 7 ON THE ROAD 13 47 EVERYBODY FROM MY COURTYARD 34 ORDINARY LIVES EVERY GOOD MARRIAGE BEGINS... 10 PÉDRA: A REPORTER WITHOUT BORDERS 18 FACING THE SUN 34 PENUMBRA 13 FIRST LESSON IN PEACE 7 RADEK 49 59 READY, STEADY, GO! 21 THE NATURE OF REBIRTH 46 REMEMBERING THE CHILDREN 49 THEODORE 54 RENDEZ-VOUS 50 THE PRIZE OF THE POLE 48 ROOM 11, ETHIOPIA HOTEL 50 THE REFRAIN OF LOCKED LENJS 49 SEARCHING FOR THE PEACH ORCHARD 50 THE SEEDS 13 SEND ME A LETTER 51 THE SHOPKEEPER 52 SHAMAN, THE MEDICINE OF SOUL 51 THE STUDENTS’ HAPPY LIFE IN... 53 SHIT AND CHICKS 51 THE VIOLIN KNIGHT 19 SINGING PICTURES... 52 THIS WORD BY NAME WATER 54 SMALLTOWN BOY 14 THREE COMRADES 54 STILL LIFE WITH WIFE 19 THREE KINGS OF BELIZE 55 SURYA, FROM ELOQUENCE TO DAWN 53 TOMAHAWCK BROTHERS 22 SWINGING DOLL 19 TO THE BLACK SEA 55 TALLARI’S GIG 53 Üks Waldorfkool 20 min 58 THE AGOUTI’S PEANUT 25 VORGA: A PATH OF TWO BANKS 55 THE AL-HADJI AND HIS WIVES 10 WALKING PILGRIMS 56 THE CLINIC 32 WASTED 56 THE EXODUS DECODED 34 WHEN ADNAN COMES HOME 56 THE INDIAN PICTURE OPERA... 39 WHERE IS LOVE IN THE PALM GROVE? 57 THE LAST HONOURS 12 WOMEN OF DORFAK 57 THE MASTER 12 YAPTIK-HASSE 14 THE MONASTERY 18 YEDIDIAH’S COLLECTION 58 THE MUSIC LESSON 44 Y IN VYBORG 57 THE MYTH AND LIFE OF BI KIDUDE 27 WELCOME TO THE NEXT FESTIVAL IN JULY 2008! TERE TULEMAST JÄRGMISELE FESTIVALILE JUULIS 2008! Pärnu Film Festival Esplanaadi St. 10, Pärnu 80010 Estonia Tel. +372 4430772 Fax +372 4430774 http://www.chaplin.ee festival@chaplin.ee 60