Mercy Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association


Mercy Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
Alumni Association
Hello Alumni members,
Spring 2014
Inside this issue:
The Alumni Board of Directors are very active in planning and implementing new projects and events for 2014. To introduce you to the board:
Colleen Reynolds (’81), President Elect/Chair of the Social Committee;
subcommittee members are Susan Cobaugh (‘73) and Colleen Glozzer
(’96). Save the date for the Fashion Show, October 5 at the South Hills
Country Club. Fund raising idea will be implemented soon.
Alumni Website
Jodi Thompson (’88), Chair of Spirituality Committee; subcommittee
members are Sister Carolyn Schallenberger, RSM, Margie Thompson
(’84), and Linda Fowler (’62). They planned the Day of Reflection held on
April 6, 2014. Save the date for the All Class Reunion/ Memorial Mass
which is scheduled for Saturday, November 15, 2014.
Michelle Buraczewski (’86), Chair of Educational Committee; subcommittee member, Debbie Riggs (’82) and has selected the awardees of our Educational Scholarships (see inside). They are developing an All Day Alumni
event during Nurse’s Week May 2014. It will be on, May 13th in the Sr.
Ferdinand Clark Auditorium 7a-6pm.
Connie Henry (’85), Chair of Nomination/Membership Committee; subcommittee member, Aimee Skrtich (’07). This committee is seeking future
nominations for the board and recruiting MHSN alums to renew memberships and engage in alumni events.
Our most exciting news in that we are transitioning to an active website that
is spearheaded by Colleen Reynolds. (See inside for details).
During the past year, we have lost some endearing members and friends of
the alumni and we want to remember them in our prayers and at our yearly
event in November. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and
Hope to hear from you with ideas that I can bring up at the monthly meetings. Please feel free to call me at 412-606-9980 or email me at
Debbie Lindsey Comunale Evers, class of 1975
What are they doing?
MHSN Update
MHSN Accreditation
Fund Raising
2014 Events
MHSN Receives
Mrs. Alexis Weber, Director, and Dr. Angela
Balistrieri, Associate Director, are proud to announce that Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
has receiving ongoing
full accreditation from
the Accreditation Commission for Education in
Nursing (ACEN) for eight
Memorial Mass
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Sr. Ferdinand Clark Auditorium
UPMC Mercy Hospital
Holy Family Chapel, first floor, Mercy Hospital
Mass—11 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
followed by brunch
Tear off and return with $10 Payment by Friday, October 25, 2014
MHSN Alumni Memorial Mass
November 15, 2014
First Name
Maiden Name
Last Name
Home Phone
Brunch—$10/Person: # Attending: ________________
Amount enclosed: _________________
Make checks payable to MHSN Alumni Association and mail to: MHSN Alumni Association
PO Box 53123
“The pain passes, but the beauty remains”--Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919)
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of:
Alumni Members
Virginia Bednar Bialas ‘57
Leatrice (Mateucci) Bridge ‘50
Patricia Zeszutek-Fowkes ‘55
Sally Lou Faley-Buchanan ‘46
Patricia Choich-Banaszak’62
Page 2
Alumni Family Members
John Bialas-husband of Virginia Bialas
Ralph Schroder-husband of Elaine Gulik-Schroder’57
Gerald Gallik, husband of Audrey (Levrio) Gallik ‘57
Arthur Lowrie, husband of JoAnne Griffin Lowrie ‘57
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
Spring 2014
Let us know your ideas to promote our
Alumni Association!
We want to know your ideas and interest
to support the members of the Alumni.
Please submit your ideas and comments
to me through email at or You can feel
free to call me at 412-606-9980. The
Board is here to promote its membership
and support Mercy School of Nursing. I
will submit these comments and ideas at
the monthly meeting and give you feedback on what was discussed.
Thank you for you interest and support
in MHSN Alumni. Debbie Evers ‘75
Upcoming Alumni Events:
Save the date!
May 13th
MHSN Alumni is sponsoring Nurse’s Day with
guest speaker, Renee Thompson, discussing
Sr. Ferdinand Clark Auditorium, UPMC Mercy
Food provided to hospital staff attending
October 5th
Fashion Show, South Hills Country Club
November 15th
All Class Reunion, UPMC Mercy Hospital
December 13th
Santa’s Breakfast
Sr. Ferdinand Clark Auditorium, UPMC Mercy
Questions? Email:
Filamena Fanelli Varvaro. class of 55
is a member of the Retired Nurses Working in Neighborhoods and is nominated for the Jefferson Awards 2014. The awardee will be mentioned in the May 5 magazine.
The volunteers of the Retired Nurses Working in Neighborhoods program are making
sure elderly people scattered among several Pittsburgh senior centers and apartment buildings
are getting the preventive care and health guidance they need. The group has been tapped to
receive the Jefferson Team Award, a relatively new category that recognizes group efforts.
Their services are provided in conjunction with the Duquesne University School of Nursing:
Nurse-Managed Wellness Center. The group's profile will appear on May 5 in Magazine.
New Address
The MHSN Alumni has a
new address—all mail
should be directed to:
MHSN Alumni Association
P.O. Box 53123
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Page 3
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
Spring 2014
Mercy Alumni gathered for a mini-retreat Sunday, April
6, 2014, in the Mercy Family Chapel. Sister Carolyn
Schallenberger, RSM, conducted the retreat with Jodi
Thompson, Linda Fowler and Margie Thompson. Silence was observed with scripture reading for one hour.
A Memorial Mass was held for Arthur Lowrie, husband of Joanne Lowrie, our retired Board
member of several years. Sharing of reflection was held during lunch and new friendships were
established. Our spirits were lifted and we hope you can join us next year. Pictured below are
some of the attendees at the retreat.
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Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
Spring 2014
The Mercy Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association awards annual scholarships to any alumni member who is
pursuing an advanced degree in nursing. Requirements to apply are:
 To be a member of the alumni association
 To be enrolled in a BSN, MSN, DNP or PhD program
 To submit a letter of need and copy of courses being taken and cost
for the course
To apply please send a letter of need and proof of enrollment to:
Michelle Buraczewski, RN, MSN
MHSN Alumni Association
P.O. Box 53123
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Nursing Pins Available
Have you lost your nursing pin, and want to replace it? Pins are available
through the school of nursing administrative offices.
The cost is $350 per pin. Please call Angela at 412-232-7205 to purchase.
Find Us on Facebook!!
hare your plans for an upcoming re-union or class event in the
next newsletter.
The MHSN Alumni is now on Facebook. Contact your former
classmates to plan a reunion or to just keep in touch with
where they are and what they’re doing. Log on to Face-
Website for Mercy Hospital School of Nursing Alumni
We are excited to announce that a website has been created for the Mercy Hospital School of
Nursing Alumni. This website will serve as the major communication mechanism for the events
and activities of the alumni. We welcome you to explore the website at!
Updates will be made each month with current alumni news and the school of nursing happenings. The projected go live date for the website will be May 1, 2014. We are planning to showcase the website on Tuesday, May 13 at the Nurse’s Day Appreciation sponsored by the Mercy
Hospital School of Nursing Alumni. The event will take place in Clark Auditorium from 7am to
6pm. Various speakers, vendors, and refreshments will be occurring throughout the day.
Page 5
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
Spring 2014
I first want to
thank the alumni for the scholarship offered
in assistance to
continue my
education as a
Nurse. I graduated from Mercy Hospital
School of Nursing in 2006. I
started my career in the Intensive Care
Unit at UPMC
Mercy Hospital, where I worked for 6 years. When
the opportunity arose, I transferred into the Recovery Room where I continued my nursing career, falling in love with the leadership and educational roles. After I was in the PACU for 1 year, I
accepted the position as the Clinician, continuing
to optimize the outcomes of patient care, while
keeping the staff up to date on the most current
nursing literature and education. I am so grateful
for the education I was provided, and I can finally
agree after my years of experience, “you know a
Mercy School of Nursing nurse when you see
With the scholarship provided, I will continue my
education at the University of Pittsburgh School of
Nursing, graduating with a degree in Clinical
Nurse Leadership. Thank you again to the Mercy
Hospital School of Nursing Alumni, for providing
me with this wonderful opportunity.
Sarah Sluganski, RN, BSN (‘06)
Cathy Frasca was inducted
into the National Association
for Home Care and Hospice
Hall of Fame for her pioneering achievements at South
Hills Health System Home
Health Agency.
Page 6
I entered the Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
with the hope of finding a career that would
combine the gratification of helping people with
my interests in science and teaching, and I have
not been disappointed. MHSN gave me the
foundation to embark on this journey, not only
by giving me an academic education, but also by
reinforcing the principles and values that guide
my nursing practice. My MHSN experiences prepared me to undertake challenging clinical situations, to teach others how to care for themselves, and to provide support to families in
I am honored to be among the Alumni Scholarship recipients and will uphold the nursing
standards and philosophy that I learned in MHSN
as I finish my BSN through Penn State University
this summer.
Janel Giovannelli, RN (‘12)
Sister Judy Wuerl, RSM,
RN, ‘61 accepted a new position of local leader of the Sisters of Mercy Motherhouse on
the campus of Carlow University.
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
Patty Bell Monagahan, ‘82 is
the Director of Nursing at Spartan
Surgery Center in Monessen, PA.
Spring 2014
Aimee Skrtich, ‘07
I would have to say that my interest
in leadership started when I had the
pleasure of serving as President for
the Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
class of 2007. I enjoyed sitting in on
meetings with the faculty and offering input. I began working in the
Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)
at UPMC Mercy right out of school. I
loved the fast paced environment
and autonomy. Connie Henry, my
Unit Director at the time, asked me
Michael Neft, DNP, MHA, CRNA
Univ. of Pittsburgh, School of Nursing
Asst. Prof. Acute and Tertiary Care
How did you get to Mercy a
Catholic nursing school?
I interviewed at a number of
schools and I felt that the way I
was treated during my interview at
Mercy (by Mrs. Helen Ferneding)
made me feel the most comfortable. It seemed that the faculty was
dedicated to helping students succeed. That perception, I think, was
the result of the education being
grounded in the religious philosophy of the school and hospital. As
I said I had interviewed at a number of schools (diploma programs)
and completed impersonal applications for universities (and attended
one of them, as a nursing student
for two tears), and never once did
I feel that my best interests as a
student and future nurse were put
Page 7
to represent the MICU on the hospital’s Professional Practice Council in
my second year. This was a great
opportunity to learn about policy
and procedure as well as meet
nurse leaders. I benefited from the
time spent with nurses outside of
my discipline and it allowed me to
see the bigger picture.
I was promoted to the position of
Clinician when Frank Ricci was the
Unit Director of the MICU. He introduced me to operations at a system
level. We helped develop the Unit
Based Practice Council model that is
used at UPMC Mercy and I was able
What did you find most appealing about the school?
The organization of the school; there
was never any doubt about what
was coming next; no ambiguity. If
you did not know, or understand,
what was around the corner, all you
had to do was ask a faculty or staff
member. You knew what rules needed to be followed and what you
needed to do to prepare for class
and clinical. If you were serious
about your career choice and school,
there was a clear road map for success.
What was your most difficult
challenge at the school while
you were attending?
The volume of work as well as my
job as a nursing assistant in another
hospital were probably my greatest
challenges. I was either studying,
working, or sleeping. Once I went
home to my parents' house for dinner, and when I returned to the
apartment my roommates looked at
me (I had three roommates) with
concern and said, "Where have you
been; we were getting worried." I
said, "I was at my folks' house for
dinner". They said, "Oh…while you
were out your folks called looking for
you, and so did someone from
work…we couldn't imagine where
you were if you weren't at either of
those places"! It turned out, when I
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
to present our work at the System Professional Practice Council.
When Frank was presented with
another opportunity, I was asked
to fill the position on an interim
basis and eventually accepted the
post full time in 2012.
Both Connie and Frank still serve
as mentors to me and I seek their
advice regularly. I value the education and guidance that Mercy
Hospital School of Nursing provided me! I owe my success at
UPMC Mercy to the values instilled in me by such a superior
was enroute to my parents' home,
they had called for me as did someone from work, hence my roommates concern and confusion! LOL.
How did Mercy prepare you for
MHSN prepared me for practice by
providing me with practical skills
firmly grounded in theory, taught
within the framework of responsibility and accountability. I was taught
to always put the patient first, and
to learn everything I could in order
to provide the best care possible.
Because of my education at Mercy,
when I graduated I was not afraid of
going into practice. No matter where
I would have practiced, I know I
would have done well, all due to the
education I received at Mercy.
How did Mercy prepare you for
Mercy prepared me for life in pretty
much in the same way it prepared
me for practice. It taught me to hold
myself responsible and accountable
for my actions, good or bad. Because of this I have always tried to
be introspective and scrutinize my
decisions so that I can make the
best ones possible, taking second
and third order effects into account
as well. I do not know if I always
make the "best" decisions, but I certainly try, and I think I have good
reasons for my actions.
Spring 2014
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association
Wendell August Forge Christmas Ornament Fundraiser
Wendell August Forge will be transforming our school’s pin into a bronze
Christmas ornament. The ornament
may be purchased/ordered at any
school event (graduation, alumni
meetings, newsletter, etc.).
per ornament
Mercy School of Nursing ornament
Shipping per
Send checks to:
Shipping information:
MHSN Alumni Association
PO Box 53123
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Name ___________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________________________________
State _____________________________ Zip Code _______________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________
You will receive an email from once your ornament has been sent.
Page 8
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
Spring 2014
Clark, Carol (Gordon) ‘60
Coates, Joyce (Baron) ‘63
Cobetto, Ellen (Depcrymski) ‘50
Coffield, Bonnie (Hennon) ‘67
Collins, MaryAndrea (Kossler) ‘60
Connolly, Mary (McCleary) ‘66
Adamec, MaryEllen (DeVille) ‘58 Crock, Kathleen (Nagy) ‘77
Cummings, Della ‘36
Adamjack, Barbara (Smith) ‘53
Diamond, Frances (Nigri) ‘56
Aglio, Patricia (Pasquerell) ‘58
Donahoe, Joan (Burke) ‘53
Alexa, JoAnn (Vietmeier) ‘68
Donahue, Joann
Allenby, Julie (Trygar) ‘84
Dougherty, Maureen (Soisson) ‘55
Anderson, Caroline
Doutt, Patricia (Schmidt) ‘67
Driscoll, Carly (Folino) ‘86
Anderson, Elizabeth
Dugan, Margaret (Shumaker) ‘58
Dunny, Irene (Koshute) ‘53
Anisko, Sophia (Gawlowski) ‘68
Ebaugh, Helen (Smith) ‘57
Balcik, Debra (Tomasic) ‘81
Eckenrode, Margaret (Berus) ‘51
Battaglia, Diana (Becker) ‘79
Englert, Mary (Vesco) ‘54
Baumann, MaryFrances ‘60
Ensign, Lillian (Lash) ‘56
Baumgartner, Sandra ‘56
Evers, Deborah (Lindsey) ‘75
Baumgartner, Sandy
Farley, Joyce (Wig) ‘60
Bayer, Anna ‘64
Ferrang, Dorothy (Fink) ‘60
Beck, Ann (Faust) ‘62
Fiedor, Patricia (Rock) ‘61
Behm, Virginia (Stetar) ‘60
Fisher, Judith (Schallenberger) ‘60
Bell, Jean (Bacher) ‘50
Bengeult, Debbie (Bretthole) ‘73 Flaherty, Patricia (Sestili) ‘61
Fowler, Linda (Dunlop) ‘62
Billek, Joann (Zotabne) ‘53
Fowler, Linda ‘62
Black, Agnes (Lucas) ‘45
Frasca, Cathy (Gross) ‘48
Boddice, Constance (Cole) ‘53
Fratangelo, Beverly (Borsos) ‘85
Bornak, Susan (Smith) ‘76
Frederick, Frances (Ticknor) ‘66
Bournique, Bette ‘64
Friday, Mary (Baguet) ‘43
Boyle, Alice Marie (Piedle) ‘60
Bragdon, Theresa (Clements) ‘66 Gallena, Helen L. ‘47
Galloway, Macrina (Tomko) ‘67
Brant, Marie (Wudarsky) ‘58
Gayliardi, Marie (Miske) ‘68
Bridge, Anne (Neuhard) ‘57
Gealey, Sheila (Giesler) ‘67
Brnich, Paula (Lehman) ‘86
Gearhart, Sandra (Finkbeiner) ‘61
Brockett, Ronald ‘75
Gelis, Deanne (Tornblom) ‘50
Brown, Nellie (Hogan) ‘61
Giovannelli, Janel ‘12
Burritz, Wilma ‘49
Glozzer, Colleen ‘96
Byers, Marilyn (Reardon) ‘56
Godleski, Veronica (Rozinsky) ‘77
Calabro, MaryJo (Ashoff) ‘74
Grace, Yvonne (Garsick) ‘56
Cancilla, Patricia (Oravetz) ‘55
Grbach, Wendy ‘84
Cannon, Janet (Kirk) ‘54
Greathouse, Gail (Paige)
Cardillo, Dolores (Templeton)
Greisinger, MaryCatherine
Carlos, Nancy ‘68
(Crooks) ‘63
Castelnuovo, Julie (D’Andrea) ‘59
Elizabeth ‘67
Charitan, MaryJane (Vogt) ‘62
Griffin, Mary (Heacock) ‘53
Choy, Catherine (Lowrie) ‘91
Griner, Jane (Laber) ‘50
Ciocchi,Elsa ‘54
Page 9
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
Guiser, Karen (McGranahan) ‘62
Hako, Rosemary (Noswarich) ‘62
Hegedus, Diana (Friend) ‘62
Heinrichs, Dorothy (Beichner) ‘66
Heintz, Annice (Mamel) ‘66
Helfenstein, AnneMarie (Kovalsky)
Hennigan, Mark ‘93
Herrington, Shirley (Malisher) ‘57
Hill, Gloria (Tokay) ‘56
Hogan, Dorothy (Gartz) ‘62
Holcomb, Carol (Maguire) ‘56
Holden-Jerla, M. Susan (Smith) ‘56
Hricik, Geraldine (Firment) ‘56
Hudak, Ginny ‘65
Hugus, Rosalyn (Tempero) ‘57
Isabel, Dorothy (Hart) ‘51
Jannello, Rosalie (Berczek) ‘59
Jennings, Martha (Povich) ‘55
Jobe, Brian ‘89
Kahlson, Barbara (Takach) ‘73
Kaib, Danielle (Odom) ‘81
Karwoski, Sheila (Walsh) ‘66
Kase, Janet (Kuzina) ‘59
Kennedy, Christine ‘85
Kennedy, MaryAgnes (Linden) ‘67
Ketter, Mady
Kettering, Pat (Stadterman) ‘55
King, Judy (Kubacki) ‘58
King, Marlene (Hudak) ‘81
Kocan, MaryAnn (Maher) ‘59
Kolonay, Joan (Galardi) ‘50
Konieczny, Carol (Graczyk) ‘64
Koontz, Carol (Denisar) ‘59
Kucerovy, Joyce (Kazyak) ‘85
Kucinic, Aileen (Sattolo) ‘58
Kutz, Margaret S. (McVicker) ‘44
Lamanna, BerthaJane (Ligday) ‘47
Lang, MaryJane (Haas) ‘62
Laverty, Charlotte (Hanna) ‘64
Lender, MaryJo (Klimkowski) ‘87
Liptak, Nita (Reichle) ‘66
Little, Margaret (Riley) ‘49
Locke, Judith (Woodring) ‘63
Loughran, Helen ‘40
Loweecey, Dorothy (Lesniak) ‘53
Lowrie, Joanne (Griffin) ‘57
Lyons, Aileen (Boyle) ‘49
MacDonald, Fritzi (Porter) ‘55
Spring 2014
Mailloux, Marlene (Schirf) ‘58
Malone, Maureen (McGreevy) ‘53
Mansmann, Irene (Sexauer) ‘64
Martin, Elaine (Newcome) ‘48
Matscherz, Janice (Horne) ‘81
Mayernik, Dorothy (Kornosky)
McIntosh, Joan (Nieri) ‘58
McLaughlin, Cathleen
(Cheskawich) ‘77
McNerney, Gloria (McConley) ‘58
Mellon, Dorothy (Garlaus) ‘47
Mesher, Barbara (Vasiloff) ‘57
Migliorelli, Ruth (Zabaglo) ‘54
Miller, Marianne (Fajerski) ‘94
Minnick, Shirley (Wagner) ‘52
Minteer, Gloria (Pratt) ‘61
Molaskey, MaryAnn (Diem) ‘56
Myers, MaryEllen (Wachter) ‘64
Neft, Michael ‘83
Nene, Louise (Wurstlein) ‘49
Niehaus, Mary (Brak) ‘72
Noorbakhsh, Kathryn
O’Connell, Mary (Kinney) ‘59
O’Donnell, Catherine (Borghini)
Oddi, Lorys (Fuge) ‘58
Olmer, Patricia ‘51
Olszewski, Jannine ‘08
Palangio, Vera (Teolis) ‘46
Patton, Catherine ‘93
Pavlekovsky, Kim (Callihan) ‘83
Piper, Cathy (Chelan) ‘77
Porter, Lisa (Trillow) 2013
Porterfield, Lynn ‘92
Powlick, Nancy (Virosco) ‘57
Prather, D.O., Margaret
Pschirer, Mary (McCuen) ‘60
Ranck, Carol (Matteo) ‘68
Ratner, Mary M. (Smith) ‘67
Rettura, Cecilia (Rizzardi) ‘69
Reynolds, Colleen ‘81
Ricci, Corinne ‘74
Richardson, Gloria (Village) ‘51
Robb, Susan (Sayre) ‘85
Rossi, Margaret (Cody) ‘47
Ruff, Patricia (Sloan) ‘58
Page 10
Rusnak, MaryAnn (Tedeschi) ‘62
Rutter, Rita (Thomas) ‘57
Sabol, Aurelie ‘62
Saccamano, Carol ‘58
Sachs, Lisa ‘08
Salopek, Marian (Konscol) ‘61
Sample, Patricia (Rooney) ‘59
Sargeant, Michelle (Giffin) ‘79
Savage, Beth (Herold) ‘79
Schiflett, Patricia (Green) ‘50
Schlenke, Carole (Schmitt) ‘58
Schollaert, MaryLou (Daquila) ‘59
Schorr, Diane (Donovan) ‘58
Schroder, Elaine (Gulick) ’57
Schroeder, Rita (Fiorletta) ‘57
Schwartz, Colleen (Carey) ‘92
Sebolt, Mary (Kroll) ‘55
Semplice, Lois (Smyth) ‘66
Seng, Bernice (Bender) ‘56
Shannon, Nancy ‘57
Shinko, Lisa 2000
Showalter, Helen (Aaron) ‘58
Shreibeis, Ellen ‘63
Shreibeis, Ellen ‘63
Sigler, Barbara ‘67
Sire, Catherine
Skrtich, Aimee ‘07
Sluganski, Sarah ‘06
Smith, Paulette (Tarnek) ‘58
Solano, Theresa ‘54
Soltys, Margaret (Lewandoski) ‘55
Stanko, SueAnn (Griesinger) ‘58
Steibel, Donna ‘53
Stirght, Marjorie (McCall) ‘69
Stump, Jenne (Dunkle) ‘64
Sullivan, Hildegarde (O’Shea) ‘48
Sykes, Carole (Shema) ‘60
Sylvester, Michele (DiLella)
Szafaryn, Gretchen (VanBalie) ‘77
Szoch, Arlene (Korowicki) ‘62
Tarabrella, Paulette ‘06
Taylor, Margaret (Madden) ‘56
Tengowski, Peggy (Allinder) ‘68
Thompson, Carol (Straley) ‘75
Thompson, Margie ‘84
Thompson, MaryJo ‘88
Tinnel, Carol (Black) ‘66
Tomko-Frizzi, Lisa ‘94
Toth, Linda ‘74
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
Tucker, Sandra (Yajko) ‘59
Vajentic, Annakathryn ‘65
Vavro, Barbara (Campbell) ‘65
Verbena, Patricia ‘56
Wagner, MaryAlice (Moran) ‘61
Walls, Laura Mae ‘07
Wampler, Margaret (Kelly) ‘56
Wherthey, Frances (Drazisky) ‘63
Widina, Cecelia (Kerlin) ‘63
Wiethorn, Elaine (Morgan) ‘59
Williams, MaryAnn (Berardino)‘57
Wilson, Jane (Griglak) ‘56
Wilson, Sandra (Warrick) ‘62
Wind, Carol (Dorrycott) ‘65
Winek, Molly (Newman) ‘59
Wisniewski, Maurita (Schmidt) ‘69
Woodall, Sheryl (Whitecap) ‘77
Woods, Eileen (Galiardi/Notaro)
Wuerl, Sister Judith ‘61
Wyeth, Donna (Durst) ‘57
Young, Bobbie (Crusan) ‘57
Young, Margaret (Kelly) ‘52
Zeszutek-Fowkes, Patricia ‘55
Ziembicki, Patricia (Glynn) ‘56
Zimmer, Virginia (Marinacci)‘57
Thank you for your
continued support of the
Alumni Association.
Spring 2014
And, as always, thank you for supporting the MHSN Alumni Association
Please return this notice with your dues/donation
First Name
Maiden Name
Last Name
________________________________________________________ Home Phone ___________________________________
E-Mail Address ________________________________________________________________________________
$20—Professional Membership
Additional Donation to MHSN Alumni
Please make checks payable to MHSN Alumni Association and mail to:
MHSN Alumni Association
P.O. Box 53123
Pittsburgh PA 15219
MHSN Alumni Association Cook Book
We still have copies of the alumni's cookbook; they make great gifts, so feel free to call or
write to the alumni association in care of the school of nursing to purchase copies ($15/
book). Please use the order form below to order.
MHSN Alumni Association
Cookbook Order Form
I would like to order the following:
# ____________________ cookbooks at $15 each for a total of $_______________
Ship to:
Address (street)
Please remit form with payment to:
MHSN Alumni Association
P.O. Box 53123
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Page 11
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
Spring 2014
MHSN Alumni Association
P.O. Box 53123
Pittsburgh, PA 15219