the event - Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL)
the event - Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL)
THE EVENT VOL. 2/2014 12th IUKL Convocation Unimap Moden as Racing Cha llenge 2014 8th Inter-University Invitational Civil Engineering Competition ramme Japanese Student Exchange Prog 12th IUKL CONVOCATION 4 The CEREMONY 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE IUKL PRESIDENT & VICE-CHANCELLOR We are now coming to the end of 2014 and what a great year it has been! I N TH I S ISSU E In this December 2014 Communique issue, you will see plenty of activities not only involving our students but staff as well. Here at IUKL, we take pride in what our staff and students accomplish. 11 JAPANESE STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES 12 INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL NIGHT 2014 We have pursued a number of memorandums of understanding and agreements, and collaborations have b e e n made with in s titu ti o n s a n d industries across the globe to provide greater opportunities for our students to do their internships with reputable organizations. More new programmes have been developed and are offered soon such as the, Bachelor of Biotechnology (Hons), Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Logistics and Supply Ch a in Ma nag e me nt, Bac he l o r of Science (Hons) in Economics and Finance and Master of Science in Construction Management. Other new programmes are in the pipeline to be offered so there will be more choices for students to pursue their interests. Our six faculties have been very active in getting the students to participate in activities such as the Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Inovasi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta 2014 (PERINTIS 2014), the Modenas Racing Challege at the University Malaysia Perlis, 8th InterUniversity Invitational Civil Engineering Competition 2014 (IUICEC 2014) which was held at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and the International Cultural Night 2014, to name a few. I hope you will enjoy this last issue for the year 2014. For Knowledge, For Humanity EDITORIAL BOARD PATRON PRINTER Prof. Dr. Roslan Zainal Abidin Percetakan Ronson Sdn. Bhd. ARCHITECTURAL WORKSHOP 14 26th ADVISOR & CHIEF EDITOR Ikram Education Sdn Bhd Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christiantine Della Unipark Suria, Jalan Ikram-Uniten, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, EDITORIAL BOARD Malaysia Asmah Mohd Taib Puteri Zulaikha Mohd Yusoff Tel: 03-8926 6993 Fax: 03-8926 6280 DESIGN & LAYOUT Raja Zafirah Raja Mohd Yusof Website: We welcome contributions in the form of articles and ideas for the newsletter. All contributions must be made through the Chief Editor. 2 All rights reserved. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the owners. All i m a g e s i n t h i s n e w s l e t t e r h a v e b e e n reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artist concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by the producer, publisher or printer for any infringement or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with the information supplied. PERINTIS 2014 O n 10 S e pte m b e r 2 014 , t h e Re s e a rc h M a n a g e m e nt C e nt re (RMC) of the Infrastructure Universit y Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) in collabo ration with the Ministr y of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) organized the ‘Per tandingan Rekacipta d a n I n ova s i I n s t i t u s i Pe n g a j i a n T i n g g i Swa s ta 2 014 ( P E R I N T I S 2 014)’ a t t h e u n i ve r s i t y’s M u l t i p u r p o s e H a l l . T h i s eve nt wa s organized with the approval and suppor t from Ministr y of Education (MOE). About 97 groups of inventors competed in this event and exhibited their best innovative products. 78 products were unde r the ‘I ns titution of H ig he r Lea r n i ng’ categ o r y w h i l e 21 p r o d u c t s w e r e f r o m t h e ‘ Yo u n g I n v e n t o r s ’ c a t e g o r y. 4 3 p r o d u c t s were presented by our IUKL staff and students. This event also w e l c o m e d c o m p a n i e s s u c h a s t h e N u c l e a r M a l a y s i a A g e n c y, t h e M a l a y s i a n M e t e o r o l o g i c a l D e p a r t m e n t, the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia, the Malaysia Genom Institute, Pusat Sains Negara (exhibited in a bus) and PINTAS IP G roup to exhibit thei r products to the crowd. T h e we l co m i n g a d d res s wa s d e l i ve red by P rof. D r. Ro s l a n Zainal Abidin, the President and Vice- Chancellor of IUKL, a n d t h e o p e n i n g s p e e c h w a s g i v e n b y Y. B . D a t u k D r . A b u B a k a r Mohamad D iah, Deput y Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministr y of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). The event then resumed w ith visiting the par ticipants’ booths, a judging session, and an innovation ta l k by PI NTA S befo re the j udges’ del i be ration. The pa r tici pants were judged by novelty and inventiveness, commercial potential ities/business al ignment, usefulness and contr ibution, academic recognition/IP recognition, and presentation and demonstration. I U K L m a n a g e d t o g r a b t w o g o l d , e i g h t s i l v e r, a n d 16 b r o n z e m e d a l s c o m p r i s i n g a l l t h e fa c u l t i e s i n t h e u n i ve r s i t y. T h e t wo gold medallist teams were from the Faculty of Engineering and Te ch n o l o g y I nf ra s t r u ct u re. T h e f i r s t te a m we re D r. N u r h a r n i za Abdul Rahman, Ms. Naj iah Adam Tong and Ms. Noo r Sahi rah I s h a k , l ed by M r. A m i r u l l a h M a at, wo n w it h ‘T h e St u rd i n es s of Composite Col umn’ p roduct whi le the other team e n co m p a s s i n g P rof. D r. Ro s l a n Za i n a l A b i d i n a n d I r. M o h a m ed Ayob, l ed by M s. Na i mah Yusof f, won w ith ‘Ron Clas sif ication fo r F o reca s t i ng Ri ve r ba n k E ros i o n’ p rod uct. P E R I N T I S 2 014 i s h e l d o n c e i n t w o - y e a r s w h e r e I U K L d e m o n s t r a t e s its pivotal role in bringing research and innovation to a much higher level while building net work with academic communities all over Malaysia. This event also has awards f o r t h e ‘ Yo u n g I n v e n t o r A w a r d ’, t h e ‘ M o s t P r o m i s i n g I n v e n t i o n A w a r d ’, t h e ‘ C o m m e r c i a l P o t e n t i a l A w a r d ’, t h e ‘ B e s t B o o t h A w a r d ’, a n d s p e c i a l a w a r d s f r o m t h e M a l a y s i a n R e s e a r c h a n d I n n ova t i o n S o c i e t y, t h e H o n g Ko n g I n ve n t i o n A s s o c i a t i o n and the Korea Universit y Invention A ssociation. 3 FRONT END Academic Linkages COLLABORATION WITH ROYAL MELBOURNE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (RMIT) AND MONASH UNIVERSITY, AUSTRALIA An Academic and Research Collaboration was initiated between IUKL with RMIT and Monash U n i ve r s it y at M o n a s h U n i ve r s it y, M e l b o u r n e, Au s t ra l i a o n 9 J u l y 2 014 . MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING & MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Signings in 2014 MOAs 2 8 Augus t 2 014 •Lifelong College, Hong Kong 9 Septembe r 2 014 •F u t u r e U n i ve r s i t y, S u d a n MOUs 12 Ma rch 2 014 •A d r o i t C o l l e g e 26 Ma rch 2 014 •Glasgow Caledonian University 29 Ma rch 2 014 •International College of Ya y a s a n M e l a ka 3 0 Ju l y 2 014 •University Malaysia Pahang 13 Augus t 2 014 •Spect r u m Co l l e g e, Puch o n g 2 5 Septembe r 2 014 •Ky u n g s u n g U n i ve r s i t y, Ko r e a 4 Visits 2 5 Ma rch 2 014 •M r. Ra s h m i D ra v i d, I nte r n at i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t M a n a g e r , U n i v e r s i t y o f N o r t h a m p t o n 12 May 2 014 •Delegates of the International C o l l e g e o f Ya y a s a n M e l a ka 2 3 May 2 014 •Universit y of South Wales 26 May 2 014 •Elite International College 11 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 14 •M r. M u r l i f ro m t h e Roya Melbourne Institute of Technology 7 Octobe r 2 014 •University College Brimingham The 12th IUKL CONVOCATION CEREMONY 2014 About 8 0 0 graduates received their Masters, Bachelor Degrees, and Diploma scrolls from Y B h g . Ta n S r i D a to’ I r. (D r.) Wa n A b d u l Ra h m a n B i n H a j i Wa n Yaacob, the Cha nce l l o r of Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) a t t h e 12 t h I U K L co nvo ca t i o n ce re m o ny o n 6 S e pte m b e r 2 014 . Held at the universit y’s main hall, the event was also witnessed by YBhg. Academician D a t o ’ I r . ( D r . ) L e e Ye e C h e o n g , t h e P r o - C h a n c e l l o r of I U K L ; Y B h g . Ta n S r i D at u k D r. H a d e n a n A b d u l Jalil, the Chairman of the Board of Governors; E xecutive D i recto r of the Education D ivi sion, I U K L ; P rofes so r D r. Ro s l a n Za i n a l A b i d i n, t h e President and Vice- Chancellor of IUKL; parents, representatives from the embassies and distinguished guests. The graduation ceremony was held in three sessions. The first session started with the procession of students and academic staff followed by the grand procession of YBhg. Ta n S r i D ato’ I r. (D r.) Wa n A b d u l Ra h m a n H a j i Wa n Ya a c o b i n t o t h e h a l l . H e c o n f e r r e d t h e M a s te r a n d B a c h e l o r d e g r e e s to t h e postgraduate and undergraduate students. He also presented the Chancellor’s Award and the Vice - Chancellor’s Award to the top students. The Chancellor’s Award recipient was Choong Choe Earn (Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), and the Vice-Chancellor’s Award Recipients were Lim Teck Huat (Bachelo r of Ci v i l E n g i n e e r i n g (H o n s)), N i t h i a ya Pa n d i D o ra i (Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Integrated Marketing Communication), Anis i l i ya Ra z l a n (D i p l o m a i n B us i n es s Ad m i n i s t rat i o n), and Saddamia Raudah Harlon (Diploma in Q uantit y Su r vey i ng). This year IUKL introduced the Industrial Awa rds which a re g iven by ou r i ndust r y pa r tne r s to reward students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement as well as active co - cur ricular involvement. The six recipients are four students from the Bachelor o f Ci vi l E ng i nee r i ng (H on s); Chong Ch i n Ch ung, Mohammed Ali Mohammed Albared, Sanjay Boss, and Tham Feh Fan, and the other two are Siti Fatimah Mohd Nor from the Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) and Puteri N ad h i ra h Meg at Ah m ad Ka m i l f ro m the D i p l o m a i n B i ote c h n o l o g y. T h e s e s t u d e n t s r e c e i ve d awards from prestigious companies such as APP Engineering Sdn Bhd, Ardhmillenia Sdn Bhd, Gagasan Teguh Sdn Bhd, Takaful Ik hlas Ber had, Wah Seong Cor poration Ber had and Wiranda (M) Sdn Bhd. 5 EXPLORE Tech no l og y i s evo l v i ng the cu lt u re of wo r k i ng a nd s t udy i ng. It plays an important role in the form of applications. W i t h t h a t s a i d, t h e ‘ E x p l o re G o o g l e’ eve nt wa s s u cce s s f u l l y h e l d o n t h e 15 t h o f J u l y, 2 014 . Approximately 40 staff and students attended this sharing session. This event aimed to share fur ther information on a s eve r a l t o p i c s i n c l u d i n g c l o u d t e c h n o l o g y, h o w t o u s e Google Apps, and how to utilize Google for education purposes, especially in assignments for students. The Student Affairs Division invited the Kuantan chapter h e a d of t h e G o o g l e B u s i n es s G ro u p, M r. L i n g es h f ro m Google Malaysia, to share his knowledge. The staff and students were mesmerized by the free applications and how convenient they were. M r. L i n g e s h e m p h a s i s e d r e p e a t e d l y t h a t G o o g l e a p p l i c a t i o n s s u c h a s G o o g l e St r e et V i e w, Google Plus, and Google Trend give us the latest updates in terms of information and statistics. He showed the functions of these applications, which attracted the interest of both staff and students. The number of hands raised during the session illustrated the level of interest of the students on the topic. Two Google Student Ambassadors also shared their exper iences and knowledge regarding the Google Ambassador Programme to the rest of the IUKL students. With a good reception from the IUKL crowd, the Google team instantly agreed to visit the university again for another session. Innovative Digital Economics have become more impor tant, par ticular ly in the last five years, due to the growing world population and resource mobilization. One of the i n itiatives i n D ig ita l Ma l aysia i s Sma r t Cit y Sma r t V i l l age (SC SV). The goa l of th i s initiative is to improve ever ything from energy use to healthcare, education, traffic, a n d s h o p p i n g by d o i n g i t ‘ s m a r t ’ w i t h t h e h e l p o f I C T a n d g r e e n te c h n o l o g y. HONEYBEE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT TO SUPPORT SMART CITY SMART VILLAGE APPLICATIONS - PUBLIC LECTURE The ‘Honeybee Computing Environment to Support Smart City Smart Village Applications’ public lecture was held on t h e 9 t h o f J u l y, 2 014 , a t t h e C e n t r e for Po s tg r a d u a te St u d i e s’ foy e r. T h e u l t i m a te goal of this three-hour public lecture was to provide a thorough look at the Honeybee Computing Environment model and to show how the model could i m p rove con nectivit y i n te r m s of q ua l it y a n d secured ser vices. The Faculty of Creative Media and Innovative Technology invited P r o f. D r. A b d u l l a h M o h d Za i n f r o m U n i ve r s i t y Kebangsaan Malaysia as the guest s p e a ke r. T h e 76 p a r t i c i p a n t s , c o n s i s t i n g o f I U K L staff and students, received packages of dates as door gifts upon registration. The lecture was also attended by other universities such as Universiti Putra Ma laysia, Un ive r siti Kebangsaan Ma laysia, Universiti Tenaga Nasional and Universiti Islam Antarabangsa. 6 SATISFASHION WHEN COMMUNICATION MEETS FASHION The first public relations talk in fashion was h e l d a t I U K L o n t h e 17 t h o f J u l y, 2 014 , a t t h e Conference Hall. The ‘Satisfashion – When Communication Meets Fashion’ talk was organised by the students of Corporate Communication Strateg ies, under the Bachelo r of Corporate Communication, Faculty of Ar ts, Communication and Education, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) as par t of their final project. The invited speakers were prominent figures i n t h e fa s h i o n i n d u s t r y s u ch a s M r. N i k E r wa n, a fashion consultant, coo rdi nato r and mento r ; Ms. Nurul Elnurul, a fashion publicist; and M s . B ka y N a i r, w h o i s a g ro o m i n g co n s u l ta nt. Through this event, par ticipants as well as the organizing committee members were exposed to many aspects of corporate communication and event management skills such as public relations, promotions, teamwork, negotiation, time management, conflict management, cr itical thinking, and designing skills. In addition, they gained m o r e k n o w l e d g e o n t h e fa s h i o n i n d u s t r y. A b o u t 2 3 s t a f f a n d 17 0 s t u d e n t s a t t e n d e d the talk and received door gifts as a sign of appreciation. SEMINAR ON FLOOD FORECASTING AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY The I - Geo Disaster Research Centre, under the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology Infrastructure organised a seminar on ‘F l ood F o reca s t i n g a n d Co nt ro l Tech n o l o g y’ o n 17 J u n e 2 014 . T h i s o n e - d a y s e m i n a r aimed to increase public understanding of flood forecasting procedures and technology as well as identifying the available flood control technologies. Five keynote speakers spoke on the subthemes of ‘Flood Forecasting and C o n t r o l Te c h n o l o g y ’ - D r. H a s n o o r a n d I r. Hajah Zainab Hashim from the Depar tment of Irrigation and Drainage, Associate P ro fe s s o r D r. M o h a m m a d F a d h i l M o h a m m a d a n d D r. J a n m a i za t u l r i a h J a n i f ro m U n i ve r s i t i Teknologi MARA, and last but not least A s so ci ate P rofes so r D r. A h m ed H . E l - Sh af i e from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. About 57 people from several government agencies, private companies, public and private universities attended the seminar that was held at the universit y’s Conference Hall. By at te n d i n g t h e s e m i n a r, p a r t i c i p a nt s not only gained more exposure about the topic, they al so received reference mater ial s for their future practice. 7 FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND FOUNDATION STUDIES (FASF) FASF RECYCLE DAY Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of t h e ‘Re d u ce, Re u s e a n d Re cyc l e’ wa s te h i e r a r c hy. O n 6 J u n e 2 014 , t h e F a c u l t y o f Applied Science and Foundation Studies (FA SF) o rg a n i sed the ‘FA SF Recycl e D ay’ to spread awareness on the importance of recycling and keeping the Ear th clean. EDUCATIONAL VISIT TO BERYL’S CHOCOLATE FACTORY The Depar tment of Foundation Studies organized an educational visit to Ber yl’s C h o co l a te F a c to r y o n 2 0 M a y 2 014 w h i c h received a par ticipation of 60 staff and students. This half-day trip aimed to get IUKL staff and students to: 1. Le a r n t h e p ro ce s s e s a n d a r t o f m a k i n g chocolate 2.Acquire the marketing strategies 3.Provide fun and learning environment for students 4.Practise obser vational skills, curiosity and have an inquisitive attitude A number of recyclable materials were collected that day such as used A4 papers, newspapers, plastic bottles, aluminium cans, computer hardware, boxes, metallic items and many more. The majority of the participants were from a m o ng the FA SF s taf f a nd s t udent s. T h e fa c u l t y w a s p r o u d to r a i s e R M10 5 a s a result from selling the recyclable items that were collected. A t t h e f a c t o r y, s t a f f a n d s t u d e n t s w e r e given an educational tour and were mesmerized by the processes of making chocolate. The chocolatier offers more than 10 0 var ieties of chocolate products s u c h a s a s i m p l e c h o co l a te b a r, h a n d m a d e chocolate, tiramisu chocolate and fruits f i e s ta c h o co l a te, j u s t to n a m e a few. A l l of the par ticipants were chocolate lovers hence thi s t r i p was not on ly a mouth -wate r i ng experience but it was also a heavenly memor y for them. TALK SERIES THE AWARENESS OF OPTOMETRY The Faculty of Applied Science and Foundation Studies of IUKL organized a Ta l k S e r i e s o n ‘T h e Awa re n e s s o f O pto m et r y’ o n 10 J u n e 2 014 , w h i c h wa s held at the Auditorium, IUKL. A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r D r. L i l i A s m a I s m a i l f r o m S E G I U n i ve r s i t y, w h o h o l d s a Doctor of Philosophy in Community H e a l t h wa s i nv i te d a s t h e g u e s t s p e a ke r. The objectives of the talk were to increase awareness to s t u d e n t s o n t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f o p t o m e t r y, t h e i m p o r t a n c e of regular eye examinations in detecting and treating a range of eye diseases as well as to prevent eye injuries. A tota l numbe r of 128 students at tended the ta l k ; 5 4 s t u d e n t s u n d e r t a k i n g t h e F o u n d a t i o n i n S c i e n c e a n d 74 students undertaking the Foundation in Arts. The talk was expected to help students understand the importance of their eyes and daily measures to be taken to avoid eye injuries. 8 FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND FOUNDATION STUDIES (FASF) EDUCATIONAL VISIT TO THE MALAYSIAN PARLIAMENT TALK SERIES EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES FOR TERTIARY EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL CAREER PROSPECTS IN THE CURRENT MARKET O n 18 t h J u n e 2 014 , a Ta l k S e r i e s o n ‘ E x p l o r i n g Oppo r tunities fo r Ter tia r y Education and Professional Career Prospects in the Current Market’ was organized by the Faculty of Applied Science and Foundation Studies. T h e g u e s t s p e a ke r wa s D r. J o a n n e To ch e r, Head of Bioscience from the University of East London. She obtained a PhD (Chemistr y) from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. The talk was held at the Academic Block 2, IUKL. The objectives of the talk were to provide awareness to all par ticipants on the oppor tunities and channels available for them to pursue tertiar y education as well as to provide information on the cur rent market need in the professional line. Approximately 20 students undertaking Foundation in Science, ten students from the Diploma in Biotechnology and ten students from the Diploma in Sports Management attended the talk. Through this talk, it is hoped that IUKL students will have a better understanding of the current needs of professionals in the market and to help guide them in choosing the field that is relevant to their interest. About 40 IUKL students had the opportunity to participate in the educational visit to the Malaysian Parliament in Kuala Lumpur o n t h e 2 0 t h o f Au g u s t, 2 014 . Under the super vision of a few IUKL staff members, the students departed by bus at eight in the morning and took 45 minutes to reach their destination. Organised by the Faculty of Applied Science and Foundation Studies, the visit aimed to inform the students about the roles and functions of the Parliament as well as the processes involved in meetings. This visit was also related to the Malaysian Studies subject. A Parliament Officer gave a shor t briefing to the staff and students, and they were then taken on the tour. Through this educational experience, students were able to gather information about the Senate, House of Representatives, and the procedures fo r h ow a B i l l b e co m e s a La w. This educational visit was an invaluable and memorable experience. IUKL FUTSAL CARNIVAL 2014 – PRESIDENT CUP When Leonardo da Vinci created his Vitruvian Man, he showcased how the human form embodies the principals of architecture at its peak of per fection. He also revealed that the body and its abilities are just as vital to i ntel l igence as is the mind. Spo r ts in i nstitutions embody th i s concept. They showcase athletic intelligence alongside academic victories. From better student grades to strong community roots, spor ts provide the gears that run universities. IUKL promotes this concept and provides opportunities for students to explore their interests with practical experience through a ct i v it i es o rg a n i sed t h ro ug h o ut t h e ye a r. O n the 23 rd of August, 2 014, the Facult y of Applied Science and Foundation Studies in col labo ration w ith the Ma r keti ng and Communications Division, and the Sports Unit organised the ‘ I U K L F u t s a l C a r n i v a l 2 014 - P r e s i d e n t C u p ,’ which took place at the universit y’s futsal cour t. The carnival was open to secondar y schools within the Klang Valley and received participation from ten schools. The main objective of this carnival was to market the Diploma in Spor ts Management programme to future potential students studying in secondar y education and will b e s it t i n g fo r S PM by t h e e n d of t h i s ye a r. Fur thermore, the event was also to promote and encourage a healthy lifestyle among the p u b l i c c o m m u n i t y. 9 IPT LEAGUE 2014: SELANGOR ZONE QUALIFIER The Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) were crowned the champions of the ‘ I P T Le a g u e 2 014: S e l a n g o r Zo n e Q u a l i f i e r ’ football match, which took place at Universiti Te k n o l o g i M a ra (U i TM), Pe ra k , f ro m 14 to 18 M a y, 2 014 . T h e m a t c h w a s a q u a l i f y i n g r o u n d for the second middle zone among the Pr ivate Higher Education Institutions. IUKL won the semi -finals round against Politeknik Sultan Idr is S h a h , S e l a n g o r, by 2 - 0 . I n t h e f i n a l s ro u n d against the National Defence University of Ma l ays i a, I U KL won by 2-1 w ith a g oa l w h i ch was scored by Mohamed Efadil and another from a free kick by Nasser Ahmad. “The high commitment and discipline of our students made them surpass the finals u c c e s s f u l l y,” s a i d M r. A h m a d Sy a z a l i , w h o i s the coach for the IUKL team. These talented football players are active members of the IUKL Football Club. Prior to the finals, IUKL competed with the UiTM and the Management and Science U n i ve r s i t y. W i t h t h i s t r i u m p h , t h e I U K L te a m will par ticipate in the Grand Final League under the Institute of Higher Education Malaysia. IUKL is ex tremely proud of the universit y’s footbal l team fo r this memo rable achievement. The IUKL Motorsport team participated in the U n i M A P - M o d e n a s Ra c i n g C h a l l e n g e 2 014 . T h e eve nt wa s h e l d f ro m 6 to 8 J u n e, 2 014 a t t h e Unive r siti Malaysia Pe r l is (Uni M AP) I nte r national Ci rcuit, Per lis. As explained by the programme d i re cto r of t h e ra ce, M r. S h a y f u l l Za m re e A b d u l Rahim, “The objective of this racing event is to encourage students, par ticularly engineering students, in understanding, developing, fa b r i ca t i n g a s w e l l a s c o n te s t i n g a s o n e te a m .” UniMAP- MODENAS RACING CHALLENGE 2014 The event included two categories, which were Categor y A, MODENAS GT Open, and Cate g o r y B, 131 cc. W i t h ove r 2 2 co nte s ta nt s , the team managed to take home 7th place in t h e s e c o n d ca te g o r y. In addition to this achievement, IUKL is also proud to be the best among other private institutions who par ticipated in this race, b e at i n g M u lt i m ed i a U n i ve r s it y (M M U) a n d Ta y l o r’s U n i ve r s i t y. The IUKL Motorsport team are determined and hopeful to be in the top spot in nex t year’s race. Congratulations to the team for this outstanding achievement. To view the results of the competition, please v i s i t h t t p : // r a c i n g c h a l l e n g e . u n i m a p . e d u . m y/ 10 JAPANESE STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES T h i s ye a r, t h e I n f ra s t r u ct u re U n i ve r s i t y Ku a l a Lumpur (IUKL) has welcomed 35 exchange students f rom 15 i nstitutions i n Japan to under take the English programme, learn the Malay language and to acquaint themselves on the Malaysian culture. Their experiences were captured through two programmes organised by IUKL. Prog ra m m e 1: 2 014 G l oba l Com mu n i ca t i on Summer Programme This programme is specially designed for the students of the Toyota Technolog ical I nstitute (T TI), Nagoya, Japan. This one month p ro g ra m m e to o k p l a ce f ro m 15 Au g u s t to 6 S e pte m b e r 2 014 . A tota l n u m b e r o f n i n e (9) students par ticipated in this programme, who we re Ryo Sukemu ra, Shi n Takao, Motohide Yo s h i m i , To m o m a s a Ka w a b a ta , S h i n g o S u z u k i , Kazuya Fukatsu and Kenta Onishi, and Ikumi Goto and M iho Takemu ra. The main objective of this programme is for these students to learn English at IUKL. The students had the chance to visit companies across Malaysia. They have visited the Co n s t r u ct i o n S i te of D e’ Ce nt r u m, t h e Se p a n g International Ci rcuit, the UMW Galer iKu, and the Toyota A ssembly Plant. Th roughout this programme, the T TI students were housed at the Unipark Condominium. The idea behind this arrangement is to get them to socialise with IUKL students. Some of the TTI students shared units with them as well. Besides attending English classes with our Intensive English Programme students, the students have also learned Bahasa Melayu, Batik Painting and Chanti ng, visited the Malacca Z o o , the M ini Malaysia, Tanjung Sepat, the Golden Pa l m B e a c h Re s o r t, j u s t to n a m e a few. D u r i n g t h e i r s t a y, t h e n i n e J a p a n e s e s t u d e n t s g o t t o taste the different types of Malaysian food. Programme 2: Malaysia Truly Asia Summer Prog ram me 2 014 This three-week programme aims to provide exposure and spread knowledge to the Japanese students on the Malaysian culture, languages, economy and communication aspects. The 16 s t u d e n t s w h o t o o k p a r t i n t h i s p r o g r a m m e were from: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . Mu ro ran Institute of Technology Otaru University of Commerce Hokkaido University Wako Universit y Keio Universit y Tok yo Futu re Universit y Tok yo Universit y Tok yo Universit y of Ag r icultu re Kanda Universit y of International Studies Komazawa Universit y Gakushuin University Seijyo University Nagoya University Tezukayama Gakuin Universit y The students had the pleasure to do batik painting and chanting, visited the homestay at Kampung Lonek Neger i Sembi lan and helped c o o k ‘ d o d o l ’, f i s h i n g , l e a r n e d a n d p l a y e d the Malaysian musical instruments, treasure hunt, and many more. They also visited the M ini Malaysia, Malacca Zoo, Tanjung Sepat, Sepang International Circuit, the Kuala L u m p u r Pe r fo r m i n g A r t s C e nt re, M i d Va l l ey and also the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. The students were in IUKL from 25 Au g u s t to 15 S e pte m b e r 2 014 . 11 INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL NIGHT 2014 The International Cultural Night is an e v e n t that grows each year in size and grandeur. This most awaited annual event took place d if fe rently t h i s ye a r. T h e t h re e - d a y eve nt showcased musical cultural per formances a nd food a nd too l s ex h i b it i o n s. Rep resentat i ves f ro m 15 co u nt r i e s we re i n a t te n d a n ce t h a t night to share their culture with the rest of the university through video presentations, pictures, posters, tools, and costumes. This event acted as a platform to exper ience the uniqueness of different cultures from around the world. Sweet delicacies and traditional food also attracted students to attend the three-day occasion. It is impor tant to mention the international cultural night, which is the last day of the event. The entire multipurpose hall was filled with IUKL staff, students, and par ticipants from nearby universities such as Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Universiti Putra Malaysia, and Limkok wing Universit y o f C r e a t i ve Te c h n o l o g y. E ve r y c u l t u r a l per formance received a loud round of applause from the audience, which were unforgettable moments for the organizing committee, the International Student Association. Ever y person attending the event could feel the me r r i ment and excitement of the celebration across the hall. Some students cheered and showed their support for their own countries, which attracted the attention of all front liners such as ambassadors, embassy counsellors, and the IUKL management committee. IUKL has taken pride in uniting its students from 45 countries by holding this event eve r y ye a r. T h e s u cces s of t h i s eve nt wa s evidenced with the beautiful decorations, sparkling lights, and the indelible smiles on the faces of IUKL staf f, students, and guests. 12 SUNDOWN MARATHON MALAYSIA 2014 Johor Bahru hosted its ver y first half-night marathon called EduCity Sundown Malaysia 2 014 o n 21 J u n e 2 014 a t N u s a j a y a . A p p r o x i m a t e l y 5,000 registered runners from Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Brunei, China, Indonesia, India, USA, Iran and Australia p a r t i c i p ate d i n t h e H a l f- M a rat h o n (21k m) and 12k m d i stances respectively at the EduCity Sports Complex. Mohd Ashraf Fateh, one of ou r staf f, represented IUKL. E d u C i t y S u n d ow n M a l a y s i a 2 014 wa s p a r t of a plan to expand the Sundown Marathon brand, created in 20 08 in Singapore, d e l i v e r i n g its unique night r unni ng ex pe r ience to runners all across the region starting with Malaysia. With the tagline ‘Bring on the n i g h t ’, o r g a n i z e r s w e r e s e t t o c h a l l e n g e t h e participants to a great running experience at night. Water stations were placed along the flat road with low-light conditions. Fruits, mineral water and t-shir ts were given to the runners who completed the marathon. “ T h e m a r a t h o n c a n h u m b l e y o u .” - Bill Rodgers, four times winner of Boston and NYC Ma rathons . 8TH INTER-UNIVERSITY INVITATIONAL CIVIL ENGINEERING COMPETITION The 8th Inter-University Invitational Civil E n g i n e e r i n g C o m p et i t i o n ( 8 t h I U I C E C 2 014), was hosted by the Department of Civil Engineering of Monash University from 6th to 10 t h J u l y 2 014 . T h e a i m o f t h i s co m p et i t i o n was to design an aesthetically pleasing and innovative bridge capable of withstanding each of the a pp l i ed l oad s w h i l s t not ove r des i g n i ng. 20 universities were invited to take par t in this highly recognised competition which was supported by the Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia (E AC) along with industr y leaders around the globe. I U K L p ro u d l y re a p e d fo u r t h p l a ce a m o n g 13 unive r sities who competed. The team members consisted of two students from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology I nf ra s t r uctu re (FE T I); Mohd H a i ka l Ra h i m a nd M o h a m a d H af i z ud d i n H a n a f f i , N a j i h a h O m a r ; a student from the Faculty of Architecture and Bui lt E nvi ronment (FA B E), a n d I r. Te n g k u A n ita Raja Hussin, a lecturer from FETI, who also played as the leader of the team. The Static Load, Impact Load, Traffic Load and Hydraulic Load tests were perfectly done by the team. By participating in this competition, the university hopes to produce a versatile future engineer and continue to endow students with more experience and skills in the any field they wish to take in their professional life. This competition was held at the Monash U n i ve r s it y, Cl ay ton Ca m pus, Me l bou r ne, Australia. 13 IUKL’S ‘JIWA’ TEAM WON FOUR AWARDS AT THE 26TH ARCHITECTURAL WORKSHOP (TIANG SERI), UITM, PERAK 30 delegates from the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment (FABE) of the Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) bagged four out of seven awards during the 26th Architectural Workshop (Tiang Seri) at Universiti Teknologi M a l a y s i a (U i TM), S e r i I s ka n d a r, Pe ra k . T h e eve nt wa s h e l d f ro m 2 9 t h O c to b e r to 2 n d N ove m b e r 2 014 and is an annual jamboree event suppor ted by the P e r t u b u h a n A r k i t e k M a l a y s i a ( PA M ). The 26th Architectural Workshop (Tiang Seri) received par ticipations from 19 institutions comprising IPTAs, IPTSs and two invitational institutions from Indonesia and Brunei. IUKL had sent a large number of delegates which consisted of 30 participants and 60 spectators. The team p r o u d l y c a r r i e d t h e m s e l v e s w i t h t h e t a g l i n e “J I W A – Bina Berseni, Seni Berjiwa” throughout this event. T h e te a m wa s l ed by M r. Sa i f u l N i za m, a ye a r t wo student of the Bachelor of Science (Architectural Studies), accompanied and supported by two l e c t u r e r s f r o m t h e f a c u l t y, M r. M o h d R i z a l Za ka r i a a n d M r. A h m a d M u n a’i e m A h m a d F a uz i. The IUKL team made the university proud when they managed to bring home the Best Per formance Award, the Best Actor Award, the Best Installation Award and the Best Video Award. This astounding accomplishment indicates that IUKL has talented, determined and hardworking students. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL 2014/2015 PRESIDENT : SHAIK MUHD RASHAD VICE-PRESIDENT 1 : SALAMI IBRAHEEM OLADEJI VICE-PRESIDENT 2 : ATHIR AMANI JUNAIDI SECRETARY 1 : BRIGITTE JONG SIEW LIEN SECRETARY 2 : JOAN KOW KEI YAN TREASURER : MUHAMMAD ZULKHAIRI JAMALUDDIN HEAD OF WELFARE BUREAU : MUHAMMAD SHAHREN MOHD SALEHUDDIN HEAD OF SPORTS AND RECREATION BUREAU : MUHAMMAD HAFIZ AHMAD FADZIL HEAD OF CLUBS AND SOCIETIES BUREAU : SHAKIINA MOHAAMAD SAHAFI HEAD OF ACADEMIC BUREAU : MUHAMMAD IBRAHIM HAZIQ HEAD OF PUBLICITY BUREAU : NORADINI KHAIRIL HEAD OF EVENT MANAGEMENT BUREAU : SYED ABDULLAH SYED MOHSEN ALHABSHI HEAD OF LOCAL BUREAU : NINA IKA DIANA HEAD OF INTERNATIONAL BUREAU : WANG BO 14 THE INTERNATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONFERENCE 2014 The Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) had organized an International I n f ra s t r u c t u re C o n fe re n ce ( I I CO N) 2 014 f ro m t h e 3 r d t o 4 t h o f D e c e m b e r 2 014 a t t h e S u n w a y H ote l Re s o r t a n d S p a , B a n d a r S u n w a y. T h i s conference has four satellite conferences underneath its wing, running parallel at the same venue to emphasize the four main areas of special isation in infrastr uctu re: 1. 2. 3. 4. International Conference on Built Environment (ICBE) International Conference on Business & Management (ICBM) International Conference on Engineer ing, Info r mation Technology and Science (ICEITS) International Conference on Language, Communication and Education (LANCOMME) T he p r i ma r y obj ective of the I I CO N 2 014 Conference is to gather professionals, exper ts, practitioners and industr y movers f ro m various fields and backgrounds throughout the world to disseminate their knowledge and share their exper tise and vast experience with par ticipants. The main objectives of the conference a re: 1. T o i n t e g r a t e k n o w l e d g e a n d p r o g r e s s among academicians, researchers, industries, co r po rate o rganisations and interest groups. 2 . T o e n h a n c e g l o b a l a c a d e m i c , s c i e n t i f i c and professional networking. 3 . T o d e l i b e r a t e o n e m e r g i n g t r e n d s , t h r e a t s and challenges in the identified fields. Current facilities have not kept pace with u r b a n i zat i o n, co m m u n i t y d eve l o p m e nt, s u rg i n g enrolments, business formation, transactions and expansion, growing population, and other developments that place huge demands on infrastructure. It is increasingly clear that a whole set of more integrated and coordinated actions are needed to steer nations towards a more sustainable future. Both infrastr ucture challenges and oppor tunities will be addressed at this conference to ensure sustainable nation-building in the 21s t ce nt u r y a n d b eyo n d . F o r f u r t h e r i n fo r m a t i o n o n I I CO N 2 014 , k i n d l y v i s i t w w w. i i co n 2 014 . i u k l . e d u. my 15