Fall 2007 - Toledo Community Foundation


Fall 2007 - Toledo Community Foundation
FALL 2007
Inspiring and
Thoughtful Giving
This publication shares with
you news about the Toledo
Community Foundation, as we
fulfill our mission of creating
philanthropy and making our
community a better place to live
and raise a family.
The Toledo Community
Foundation is a public charitable
foundation serving northwest Ohio
and southeast Michigan.
For more information about the
Foundation, please contact
Bridget Brell Holt, donor
relations officer, at Bridget@
Specific inquiries regarding our
grant making process may be
directed to Kaarina Ornelas,
senior program officer, at
All staff can be reached at
419.241.5049 or visit our website
at www.toledocf.org.
Foundation matters
Historical Home
Helps Women Recover
Nestled in the Old West End of Toledo is a house that was built
by the famed department store Tiedtke family and later used as the
Mary Manse College president’s home.
Today the historic home has been beautifully brought back to life and is helping women
recover from drug and alcohol addictions. Located on the campus of COMPASS Corporation
for Recovery Services, a nonprofit agency providing substance abuse services, the house has
become a critical part in helping women turn their lives around.
With a $68,000 grant from the Toledo Community Foundation, COMPASS hired staff to
help the women reach success.
Together, the women and staff work in a calming environment that was made possible
through the efforts of many volunteers including interior decorators and numerous donations
of furniture and household goods. Additionally, the Duane Stranahan Charitable Lead Trust
of the Toledo Community Foundation provided grant dollars for renovations.
The house that was built in the early 1920s by Charles Tiedtke houses, on average, 12 women
at a time. The women find the setting very comfortable with an elegant environment that
supports their goals. As one female resident says, “Everyone who walks in the doors has the
same reaction – gorgeous.
(continued, next page)
COMPASS Staff Member Freda Witcher
talks with a resident of the Tiedtke House in
the recently redecorated historical home.
Message from the President
(continued from cover)
“You can feel a very positive force when you step in the door. There is
almost an inner peace I feel here,” she continues.
Prior to the home, women were housed in the main recovery center on the
Collingwood campus. “It was very institutional and very crowded. We
felt separating the women from the men would be beneficial and since we
already had the house, we worked very hard to make it a place of comfort
and peace for them,” says Bill Sanford, president and CEO of COMPASS.
Needed Boost
Gift Giving
As the holiday season approaches, thoughts turn
to giving gifts to our loved ones and friends
who are invaluable. Whether it’s a great aunt or
the mailman, we want to make sure they are all
remembered at this special time of the year.
We hope that the Foundation is on your gift
giving list. We are currently conducting our
annual Friends in Philanthropy campaign, asking
for donations to our operating fund. It’s this fund
that pays the utility bills and buys the supplies to
keep the Foundation in business.
Making a contribution to the Friends campaign
guarantees that the Foundation staff can get on
with the business of helping to make the lives of so
many people in Northwest Ohio better.
As you are making your year-end financial contributions, we urge you to include the Foundation.
You can make an additional contribution to your
fund at the Foundation or establish a new fund to
fuel one of your many passions.
We want to wish you the best for this upcoming
season and thank you for your generous support,
not only in 2007, but for the many years that your
charitable gifts have made a lasting impression
on so many.
Keith Burwell
Confirmed in compliance with National
Standards for U.S. Community Foundations
“The Foundation’s grant was very important. It gave us a leg up and gave
us the start to succeed. Once we got the grant, momentum for the project
built and today we have a very fashionable, yet comfortable, home that
adds so much to helping women live sober,” he concludes.
By helping women with their substance abuse recovery, the Foundation
reaffirms its commitment to reaching out to all corners of the community
to help people lead productive and fulfilling lives.
To learn more about its services, please visit www.ccrscompass.org.
Get a
Tax Break
Before the
Year Ends
December 31, 2007 is
the last day you can roll
over up to $100,000
directly from your IRA
to a qualified charity without incurring a
taxable distribution.
The Pension Protection Act of 2006 enables persons 70 1/2 years old or older
to make a direct charitable gift from an IRA without tax implications.
For instance, if you have an IRA valued at $450,000 you can donate up
to $100,000 this year to the charity of your choice. You will avoid paying
income tax on the donated amount. It is an easy and convenient way to meet
your charitable goals and not suffer tax implications.
There are several vehicles available at the Foundation to assist you in getting
help to the charity of your choice. But you have to do it by Dec. 31 when the
act is scheduled to sunset.
Congress is considering extending the option but you can help the charity of
your choice today by contacting Bridget Brell Holt, donor relations officer,
at 419.241.5049 or Bridget@toledocf.org.
After conducting an in-depth
assessment of tutoring sites in
Northwest Ohio, the Toledo
Community Foundation has
adopted 50 best practices that
will help determine how to fund
tutoring programs in the future.
“From our research, we have a
knowledge base to share with
other tutoring programs. We can
help programs support families in
addition to children. This collection
of best practices can be of benefit
to the community,” says Keith
Burwell, the Foundation’s president.
The research, commissioned by
the Foundation and conducted by
Lourdes College, shows that transportation, recruiting and retaining
quality staff, administration, and
student to teacher ratios are the
biggest concerns for the sites.
The Community Report: A
Tutoring Program Assessment, can
be found on the Foundation’s
website at www.toledocf.org or you
can request a copy by contacting
the Foundation at 419.241.5049 or
email toledocf@toledocf.org.
Grants Help Build the Community
The Board of Trustees of the Toledo Community Foundation recently awarded grants
totaling $104,880 from its Community Funds to seven nonprofit organizations.
The Foundation Center - $3,500
To support the Center, which provides and maintains information about foundations and
corporate grant making, the grant seeking process and nonprofit management.
FSG Social Impact Advisors - $25,000 over three years
To support “Community Foundation Insights,” an initiative that seeks to strengthen the
sustainability and leadership of community foundations.
International Boxing Club, Inc. - $9,000
To support the Club’s Learning Center, which provides academic assistance to at-risk youth.
Ohio Grantmakers Forum - $3,000 To support a K-12 Education Task Force.
Toledo Area Ministries – Second Chance Program - $25,000
To support staffing costs of the Second Chance Safe House program. The new service will provide residential therapeutic trauma treatment to youth who have been victimized by prostitution.
Toledo Community Service Center, dba Family House - $30,880
To support the personnel costs for a new on-site child care service.
United Way of Greater Toledo – Bowling Green Teen Center - $8,500
To support start-up costs of the Bowling Green Teen Center. The Center will provide students
between 12 and 17 years of age with a safe place to gather and participate in recreational activities
and receive homework assistance.
Andersons Fund Supports Charities
The Andersons Fund Supporting Organization of the Toledo Community Foundation
recently awarded grants totaling $180,000 to nine area nonprofit organizations.
Advocates for Basic Legal Equality and Legal Aid of Western Ohio - $50,000
To support its Center for Equal Justice capital campaign.
AIDS Resource Center Ohio - $20,000
To support relocation costs and equipment-related expenses for the AIDS Resource Center
Ohio’s Toledo office.
American Red Cross -Western Lake Erie Region - $20,000 To help purchase a new blood mobile bus.
Family and Child Abuse Prevention Center - $10,000
To support the build out costs of the Center’s new facility.
Mercy College of Northwest Ohio - $10,000
To purchase classroom furnishings for the Continuing Professional Education facility.
Toledo Repertoire Theatre - $10,000 To support theatre renovations and upgrades.
United Jewish Council of Greater Toledo - $25,000
To support the Sekach Community Services Building project.
YMCA & JCC of Greater Toledo - $25,000 To support cabin replacement at YMCA Storer Camps.
Waterville Rotary Foundation - $10,000
To support the Anthony Wayne Youth Foundation capital campaign for baseball and soccer fields
at the Blue Creek Conservation Area recreational facility.
The next deadline for grant
requests is January 15, 2008.
Grants from the Foundation’s
Community Funds are considered three times each year and
are awarded only to nonprofit,
charitable organizations.
Grants from the Andersons
Fund Supporting Organization
are considered once each
year and awarded to nonprofit
organizations. Priority
consideration is given to requests
for capital projects. Applications
are due April 15, 2008.
To learn more about the
Foundation’s grant application
process, please visit the
Foundation’s website at
www.toledocf.org, or
contact Kaarina Ornelas,
senior program officer, at
419.241.5049 or Kaarina@
The Big Read!
Kurtis Jeffery (left), Cheyenne Owens and Jonathan Hitt,
students at Toledo’s Robinson Junior High School, discuss
Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Harper Lee with Charles
Shields. He is the author of the only biography written about
the woman who wrote To Kill A Mockingbird. From September
– November, the community participated in The Big Read
of the classic novel. The challenge was accepted by several
schools, libraries, reading groups and individuals. Working in
partnership with the Foundation, the Toledo-Lucas County
Public Library received a $20,000 grant from National
Endowment for the Arts for this program. The Foundation
committed another $20,000 to the effort that was matched by
a $20,000 grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
I-35W Bridge Collapse
Survivors Need Support
To help the victims, survivors, rescuers and
families affected by the tragic summer I-35W
Minnesota bridge collapse, several Twin City
foundations organized the Minnesota Helps –
Bridge Disaster Fund. Contributions can be made
by going online to www.MinnesotaHelps.org.
One hundred percent of all donations will be
distributed to those in need.
Families Learn Philanthropic Lessons
Nearly 100 donors and financial advisors learned how families’
attitudes toward money can have a profound effect on their well
being during October seminars featuring Charles Collier and
presented by the Foundation.
Charles W. Collier, author of Wealth in Families, provided
fresh insights on how to develop the four basic components that
comprise true family wealth – human, intellectual, social and
financial capital.
Charles W. Collier
The author has worked with hundreds of families to shape
their philanthropy, assisted them in making tax-wise gift decisions,
and advised them on family relationship issues surrounding
financial wealth.
The Foundation thanks the two generations of the Welles family
– David Welles, Sr. and Georgia Welles and David Welles, Jr.
“Deke” and Hope Welles – for hosting the informative donor event.
Management Efficiency Is Our Goal
What Will Be
Your Legacy?
Studies have shown that generosity is good for your health and
happiness. The Foundation has
several ways to help you gain
these two much valued qualities.
You can share your funds by
honoring a charitable organization, providing financial support
to a worthy project, receiving tax
benefits and continuing a project
in your name or the name of a
loved one into the future.
For more information about
how to create your legacy,
please contact Bridget Brell
Holt, donor relations
officer, at 419.241.5049 or
It is the goal of the Nonprofit Resource Center of the Toledo Community Foundation
to provide accessible, affordable and practical instruction to people working with or for
nonprofits in Northwest Ohio communities. The Center focuses on providing fundamental organizational and management principles that can be used by nonprofits to strengthen
both its systems and its services.
In 2008, workshops will
focus on six critical areas of
nonprofit organizational and
management principles:
Board Governance
Human Resources
During 2007, the Center worked with over 250
individuals from over 115 nonprofit organizations to
further their own professional development through
consultation and the workshops and seminars offered.
In 2008, workshops will focus on six critical areas of
nonprofit organizational and management principles:
Board Governance, Leadership, Human Resources,
Marketing, Fundraising, and Finance. In addition, at
least one workshop on Technology is being planned.
“We hope that you will have a chance to participate
in any or all of the workshops we offer in 2008, and
join our ever-growing network of people who make
a difference,” stated Megan Meyer, director of the
Center for Nonprofit Resources.
If you or an agency you care about could potentially
benefit from the Center for Nonprofit Resources
offerings, we encourage you to visit our website,
call Megan Meyer, director, at 419.241.9513, or
email Megan@toledocf.org for more information.
Upcoming workshops are also listed on our website at
Board of Trustees
Dennis G. Johnson, Chair
Charles Stocking, Vice Chair
William E. Rose, Treasurer
William R. Foster, Secretary
Richard P. Anderson
Patricia J. Appold
Judge Charles J. Doneghy
William Fall
Beverly J. McBride
Edward McNeal
Geoffrey G. Meyers
Susan E. Morgan
Elizabeth S. Ruppert, M.D.
Scott J. Savage
Mark Zyndorf
Children Get Chances for Better Lives
To help children live healthy, the Foundation has undertaken two initiative
projects that will have a large impact on the future of our community.
Dental Resource Center
The Foundation tackled the biggest unmet health care need in Lucas County by asking nonprofit agencies to submit proposals on how to get children to the dentist.
A grant of $372,830 over three years was awarded to the Dental Center of Northwest Ohio to
establish the Dental Resource Center. Since its inception in 2005, the Center has increased access to dental health services for low-income families with children from birth to five years old.
Through education and case management, the Center has served 2,536 people. By working with
other nonprofit agencies that have contact with parents of children who need dental care, the
future of Toledo’s children should include big smiles.
Low Birth Weight Babies
Another concern in our community is that 10 percent of babies born here have low birth weights
and live in impoverished neighborhoods.
Babies born early or weighing very little may never live normal lives, and encounter many health
care difficulties.
Calling again on the community to solve this critical problem, the Foundation awarded a grant
of $270,000 over three years to a collaborative of health care professionals and providers to
reduce the number of low weight births in our community.
Total cost of the project is $1 million, and the Foundation has secured over $650,000 for the
effort from various foundations and organizations.
To learn more about these program initiatives, please contact Kaarina Ornelas,
senior program officer, at 419.241.5049 or Kaarina@toledocf.org.
Jo-Ellen Apgar,
Associate for Special Projects
Keith Burwell, President
Kim Cryan, Chief Financial Officer
Christine Billau Dziad,
Program Officer
Karey Easterwood,
Accounting Assistant
Sarah Harrison, Program Officer
Fredi Heywood,
Administrator, Center for Private
& Family Foundations
Bridget Brell Holt,
Donor Relations Officer
Megan Meyer, Director,
Center for Nonprofit Resources
Joanne Olnhausen, Communications
and Scholarship Officer
Kaarina Ornelas,
Senior Program Officer
Carol Saner, Accounting Assistant
Holiday Hours
During November and
December, the Foundation
office will be open for normal
business hours Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. except for the
following holidays:
Closed Thursday and Friday, Nov. 22 and 23
Closed at noon on Monday, Dec. 24
Closed on Tuesday, Dec. 25.
608 Madison Ave. Suite 1540
Toledo, OH 43604-1151