7 newsletter 12.03.2015.pub - Boisdale Consolidated School


7 newsletter 12.03.2015.pub - Boisdale Consolidated School
Boisdale Consolidated School
Phone: 03 5145 4391
Key Dates
Tuesday 17th March
Triathlon Years 3-6
Wednesday 18th March
JSC Casual Day &
Playground Mee5ng
@ 11am
Thursday 19th March
Dad’s Evening @ 6:30pm
Wednesday 25th March
Parent Teacher Interviews
for Grades 1-6
Friday 27th March
Uniform Shop Open
Last Day of Term 1
finish @ 2:20pm
1 2 T H
2 0 1 5
Newry Rd, Boisdale, 3860
News From The Principal
“Leadership is crical to movate the school community towards achieving common
I congratulate Ross Allen (2015 School Council President) and Kye Hanley (2015 P & F
President) who were elected yesterday to lead our school community in 2015.
Ross and Kye are both outstanding leaders and are commi%ed to making BCS a be%er
place for all students, staff and families.
Ross and Kye will be leading very capable teams using distributed leadership strategies at
BCS School Council 2015 Execu
Ross Allen
Kate Mirams
Minute Secretary
Pat Anderson
Leanne Caithness
Execu5ve Officer
David Keil
Monday 13th April
Start Term 2
Friday 8th May
House Cross Country
Monday 25th May
Pupil Free Day
Convenors of Sub- Commiees for 2015
Leanne Caithness
Building & Grounds
Ross Allen
Kate Mirams
Pat Anderson
Student Kitchen
David Keil
I would also like to congratulate Chantelle Cormack who was duly elected as Community
Member for 2015/2016 & Michael Thorn returns as a Parent member filling in the Casual
Vacancy for 2015 as Bec Scriven has resigned from School Council du5es recently.
I would like to thank Bec who has made significant contribu5ons to School Council
especially with the canteen opera5ons. Well-done Bec!
I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of the 2014 School Council Execu5ve namely
Leanne Caithness -President, Ross Allen -Vice President, Pat Anderson -Minute Secretary
& Michael Thorn -Treasurer.
Recess Special
Jelly Shots
50c each
Furthermore, I express my apprecia5on for Leanne’s great support for the school and me
personally in her extensive roles of School Council President (2009-2014). Fortunately for
us, Leanne is s5ll con5nuing with BCS School Council as an ac5ve member and leader of
Finance in 2015.
School Council Members for 2015
Leanne Caithness
Kate Mirams
Ross Allen
Andy Dierickx
David Keil
Pat Anderson
Diana Malcolm
Rikki Harbour
Michael Thorn
Kye Hanley
Ellen Condron
Chantelle Cormack
Parents & Friends Execu
ve 2015
The Parents & Friends AGM was held Tuesday and I congratulate Kye Hanley (P & F President 2015) who will be
Vice President
Kelly Seach
Fiona Hughes & Vanessa Robinson
Chantelle Cormack
Uniform Coordinators are:
Kylie Brown & Debbie Hanley
I thank all of the above for taking on these roles in 2015. I also acknowledge the roles of the 2014 execu5ve
namely Kye Hanley -President, Peter Caithness -Secretary and Caroline Lewis -Treasurer.
In par5cular, I would like to acknowledge the work of Peter Caithness who has been an outstanding secretary of P
& F and will con5nue to support the P & F as a an ac5ve member and mentor for others in 2015.
School Council Report
We held our first mee5ng of School Council on Tuesday evening with 2015 members and execu5ve now finalised.
Agenda items included:
Revisi5ng of standing orders for School Council
Sub Commi%ee organisa5on
Data presenta5on including analysis of 2014 Student A%endance & 2014 AusVELS results
Presenta5on of reports and recommenda5ons from sub commi%ees
ve Boisdale Community Playgroup Par
Exercise Class was the theme yesterday for the playgroup par5cipants!
Using our facili5es and equipment in just another way which is fantas5c to see!
I would like to remind families that the Playgroup is running a raffle to raise funds for fencing at the moment.
Please see informa5on regarding the raffle in this newsle%er.
Triathlon Tuesday 17th March
Miss Glover has been conduc5ng triathlon training sessions for students in Years 3-6 to get ready for the big
event next Tuesday. Please note we require many volunteers to assist with the running of the event on Tuesday.
Please let the office know or Miss Glover directly if you can assist on Tuesday.
JSC Casual Day Event Wednesday 18th March
Please refer to the flyer created by JSC regarding the Casual Day next Wednesday. All proceeds towards the
purchase of a spinal board for the pool environment at BCS.
Pupil Free Day Curriculum Report
A lot of progress was made with Integrated Unit planning for 2015 last Friday morning. Curriculum planning was
followed by the enormous task of rehousing the library resources in the pool corridor and adjacent storerooms so
kitchen construc5on can commence.
Huge effort by members of staff on Friday!
go “School Sores”
There has been reported cases of Impe5go (school sores) this week at BCS. Students may return to school 24
hours aMer treatment. Please refer below to the useful Royal Children’s Hospital link for more informa5on.
Regards David
Classroom Spotlight - Music - Mrs Candy
Music is alive and well at Boisdale.
In all grades we have started the year off singing.
The Preps have been singing songs with ac5ons and dances and learning to tell their ‘singing’ voice
from their ‘talking’ voice. Singing loudly, soMly, high and low. When playing the instruments they are
learning to work as a team to start together, stop together and to keep your instrument silent when it’s
someone else’s turn!
Grade 1,2 learned a poem called ‘Waves’ and then explored the variety of sounds we can make with
the mallet instruments (xylophones, marimbas, glockenspiels, metallophones) as well as drums and
cymbals to create the sounds of waves. We now know some Italian words used in playing music: piano,
forte and crescendo! (ask us!)
Grade 2,3 learned a ‘cumula5ve’ song. Lots of words to remember (Ms. Glover was amazed!) and lots
of opportuni5es to invent new, silly verses.
Grades 4,5 and 5,6 have learned rounds and can sing them in 2 and 3 parts! Now, that takes
concentra5on and team work. They have used ideas from the songs to create accompaniments on the
mallet percussion, ukuleles and our new addi5on to the music room: Melodicas.
This year there is lots of enthusiasm for joining the Marimba Band.
They have already entertained our school community at the Welcome BBQ,
geRng the crowd up and dancing and are preparing more pieces now for the
Winter Concert.
Posters For Sale
On Friday, we had a very produc5ve 5me during the curriculum day and this
included sor5ng through our educa5onal poster collec5on.
We have retained some posters for classroom use but have many, many
posters that we no longer need.
These posters vary in subject and size (see the small selec5on below as examples) but they will all be on sale for a very cheap price ( 50c, $1.00 or
$2.00 ).
Students will be able to purchase them for one week star5ng on Friday 15th
March un5l Friday 22nd March. Posters will be on sale at the beginning of
lunch each day (1.10pm)
Parents are welcome to come and have a look/purchase posters at any
Here just two examples…to wet your appe5te!
Pat Anderson
Student Awards
Congratula5ons to the following students who have been recognised for
their great achievements, behaviour and aRtude over the last week.
Well Done Awards
Principals Award
Marshall Small & Luke McGrane
Prep C Imogen
1/2M Mitchell Coridas
Alexis Bishop
2/3G Milli Harbour
Riley Groenedaal
Eric Lee
Lily Dierickx
Jacob Van Hanswyk
5/6A Flynn Cannon
Olivia Allen
for being a mate to others and for bouncing back in tricky situa5ons.
for being his best in the classroom and showing leadership in the classroom
and playground.
for 'being a mate' by helping other students in the class
for 'being her best' at everything she does.
for being her best in spelling this week and correctly spelling all of her words
correct this week
for being his best in maths this week. He was on fire with all of the place
value ques5ons and showing great focus on his learning.
for being his best in the classroom and having a really focused week of
learning. Great job!
for bouncing back when things don’t go quite her way and working well as a
team on her groups rainforest poster. Well done!
for being his best in his spelling and making be%er spelling choices in his
wri5ng. Improved on his spelling test by 7 words. Well done!
for being their best and producing an outstanding standard with their
homework. It showed care, crea5vity and pride.
for being their best and producing an outstanding standard with their
homework. It showed care, crea5vity and pride.
Mathletics of the week
Bronze Awards
Josh Caithness
Abby Thorn
Chloe Williamson
Lachie Miller
Chloe Tilley
Meg Wilson
Mrs Schultz’s Spot
Next Tuesday is the Triathlon, but as this
will be between 11am and 1 pm, all
students will be able to have their usual
music lessons.
Please ensure lesson books are sent to
school on Tuesday
Jenny Schultz
for being their best by being responsible
bus captains
5/6A- Abby Thorn
4/5J- Leiarna Jones
2/3G- Patrick Lee
1/2M- Ava Bedggood
Thank you to this Friday’s helper Vanessa Robinson. Attached to the newsletter is the
helpers roster for Term 2, if you are able to help on any of the days listed, please fill the
form out and return it to the office as soon as possible. You will also find attached the
Winter Menu.
Enjoy! Miriam
We will be holding a raffle to raise funds for a new
gate and/or play equipment in the wet area
Prize 1 : Apple IPhone 6 64GB Gold
Prize 2 : Playgroup Victoria Hamper
Prize 3 : Playgroup Victoria Hamper
Tickets $2.00 each
Prize Drawn on Friday 27th March 2015
Cinema Night
Relay for Life Fundraiser
For team “Sale Special Stars”
Sale Cinema viewing:
“The second Best Exo
c Marigold Hotel”
Thursday 12th March @ 6:45pm
$20 includes Supper
Ticket available from:
Jenny 0421 636 447 Cathy 0418 367 550
Wanting to play basketball next season?
From under 10 boys & girls through to under 18
boys & girls
Please make sure your name is
down by Friday 20th March before
junior team selec5on night.
Contact the stadium on 5147 2242
Notices sent home
This Week’s Reminders
Mardi Gras Note
Help Bank Note
Easter Raffle Tickets
Posters for Sale
JSC Fundraiser
Winter Menu
Term 2 Canteen Roster
Thank you to our
Kitchen Project Sponsors:
Slow Food East