Term 2 - WestREAP
Term 2 - WestREAP
Early Childhood Coordinator www.westreap.org.nz Melissa Diedrichs 03 755 8700 0800 927 327 027 598 8816 ece@westreap.org.nz TERM TWO 2016 Kia ora koutou Well this year is flying by so fast with the weather getting cooler already! What an action packed term one we had... Wonky Donkey show… Term One started off with a bang with up to 300 children and parents/whānau attending the popular Wonkey Donkey Show with author Craig Smith at Shantytown on 29th January. We hope to work with Shantytown again to provide family shows such as this. Andy Wright Storytelling sessions... Eight early childhood centres were visited by international storyteller and local, Andy Wright. He enthralled many children and teachers with his amazing story telling skills using mostly his voice and actions. (See inside for a teacher workshop coming up this term!) The Launch of ‘Preparing for School Brochure”’ This term Early Childhood and New entrant teachers from the Westland district launched their ‘Preparing for school’ brochure with parents on 6th April at REAP. The brochures are now available to all parents of 4 year olds in the Westland district through local early childhood centres or REAP. The Greymouth network will be providing a similar resource in term 2. Day— Childrens Day —Sunday 6th March 2016 Thanks to Scenicland Preschool and Nursery Cobden, Community and Public Heatlh,B4 Schools and the Public Health Nurses, the Greymouth District Council, and the Lions Club for all your support on Children's Day. The events included a treasure hunt around Greymouth, followed by a free swim and sausage sizzle at the Aquatic Centre. Up to 40 families enjoyed the event and another 100 taking part in the free swim! Barrytown Play Day Barrytown Play Day was well attended by local families and the school. The day included lots of fun early learning activities along with a range of entertainment for families including a music session from Tracey Hutt and balloon animals by Binky the Clown! We plan to have a play day in rural areas each term, this term it will be in Ross (see inside for details) Westland Parent Network In March we started our Westland Parent Network in Hokitika inviting all families with babies or toddlers. The group has grown and we have already covered lots of topics and activities as well as a trip to the library for Wiggle and Rhyme. We have had lots of fun and warmly welcome any new mums, dads or caregivers to bring their baby along—every Friday from 10am—12pm! Take a look inside to see the action packed term including SPACE (supporting parents alongside children's education) in Greymouth….Westland Parent Network...Ross Play Day...Melody Makers NOW IN AHAURA and ROTOMANU...Art workshops...Andy Wright story telling workshop AND our biggest news this term is the workshops with Pennie Brownlee! We are very excited to be bringing her to the West Coast and in conjunction with Buller REAP have 2 full day workshops available for you! (see inside for further information) Spaces are filling up fast so make sure you register NOW! I would like to congratulate one of our valued ECE team members in Greymouth—TONI SIMS on completing her group leader accreditation for Incredible Years. Well done Toni! The Incredible Years parenting programme is currently running in Greymouth. We welcome any registrations for future programmes. Nga mihi Melissa Diedrichs Early Childhood Coordinator Dates to remember: Term 2 dates: 2nd May—8th July Westland Parent Network Every Friday 10am—12pm REAP House Hokitika SPACE (Supporting Parents Alongside Children’s Education) Every Thursday 10am—12pm Scenicland Preschool Cobden Pennie Brownlee 28th May 9am—4pm Ashley Hotel Greymouth 29th May BULLER REAP Transition to School Network Meetings: Hokitika Kaniere School 24th May 4.30-5.30pm Greymouth Scenicland Preschool and Nursery Central 7th June 5.15-6.15pm Ross Play Day: Monday 13th June 11am—1pm Ross Hall Andy Wright Storytelling workshop 9th June 6.30-8.30pm WestREAP Hokitika EC Network Meeting: 23 June 5.30pm WestREAP Hokitika Pennie Brownlee West Coast Two full day workshops Greymouth 28th May 9am-4pm “Every child is an ar$st” Venue: Ashley Hotel, Greymouth Cost: $125 per person (lunch provided) (We are currently working on securing funding to bring the cost down) Westport 29th May 2016 9am-4pm “Anyway! You’re Not the Boss of Me” Venue: Buller REAP, 13 Henley Street, Westport Cost: $100 per person (lunch provided) DON’T MISS OUT—REGISTER NOW GREYMOUTH REGISTRATIONS: MELISSA at WESTREAP 0800 927 327 or ece@westreap.org.nz WESTPORT REGISTRATIONS: SYLVIA at BULLER REAP (03) 789 7659 or sylvia@bullerreap.co.nz For more info go to: http://penniebrownlee.weebly.com/workshops.html Andy Wright Storytelling workshop Come along and be captivated by Andy's stories, learn some techniques and skills to use with your children: Thursday 9th June 6.30-8.30pm WestREAP, 72 Tudor St, Hokitika Registrations essential—ece@westreap.org.nz Westland Parent Network Join us at REAP house each Friday (term time) for a range of activities...Walks, talks, fun, morning tea, and support! For all parents/whānau with babies or toddlers For further information or to register contact: Fridays 10am—12pm ece@westreap.org.nz 755 8700 or 0800 927 327 WestREAP, 72 Tudor St, Hokitika CRP session with Public Health Nurse, Catherine Andrews Love to see you there News from Kowhirangi Community Playgroup: We hold a small playgroup in Kowhitrangi at the Se!lers’ Hall. We have around 8 families that a!end with up to 10 children. Sessions start at 10am and run to 12:30pm. We all bring a small piece of fruit to share for morning tea (around 10:3010:45am). Before we have morning tea we have a big colourful parachute which we hold and sing a couple songs, then all children sit on the parachute inside or outside and have kai 3me. A5er morning tea we have ac3vi3es with the children eg: pain3ng, books, etc.. Children range from ages 0-4 at our Valley playgroup. We have just started se9ng up our outside playground, swings, sandpits and bike tracks also a water play shell. This is a good, fun environment for you and your children to come to on a Tuesday morning. No cost and lovely people to talk to. Vanessa Hill We love to share your stories, if you would like to share something from your centre playgroup or group, please send an email to ece@westreap.org.nz CONGRATULATIONS TO HARPER PARK EARLY LEARNING CENTRE... Congratulations to Ann Marie Wall on the development of Harper Park Early Learning Centre! Catering for all children from 2—6 years old! TAKING ENROLMENTS NOW 240 PARK ST HOKITIKA Phone 03 755 6523 or email harperpark.elc@gmail.com OPENING HOURS 7AM—6PM FEES: 20 FREE HOURS FOR 3–5 YEAR OLDS WINZ SUBSIDIES AVAILABLE / $5 PER HOUR OTHERWISE $5 PER HOUR. Opening soon ART WORKSHOPS FOR GROWN UPS Discover your crea3vity with ar3st Kate Buckley! Explore your imagina3on and discover crea3ve ideas to use in your centres and classrooms. Every Wednesday for 4 weeks 6.30-8.30pm Custom House, Gibson Quay, Hoki$ka Starts 11th May BOOK YOUR SPACE NOW Limited numbers Only $50 Per person including materials PHONE 03 755 8700 or email recep3on@westreap.org.nz TERM TWO TRANSITION TO SCHOOL AND ECE NETWORK MEETINGS: Hoki$ka: Kaniere School —24th May 2016 from 4.30-5.30pm Greymouth: Scenicland Preschool and Nursery Central—7th June 2016 from 5.15-6.15pm Come along and help develop 4 year old transion kete for our communies... Early Childhood Network Mee$ng: WestREAP 23rd June 2016 from 5.30pm WESTREAP MELODY MAKERS SESSIONS: Cobden Playgroup (The Ark, Richmond St) Every Wednesday from 9.30am Hokitika (REAP house, 72 Tudor St) Every Wednesday from 10.15am Barrytown Playgroup - monthly Blackball Playgroup - monthly Ross Playgroup - monthly Tutors needed in Hari Hari Playgroup - fortnightly Whataroa Playgroup - fortnightly Franz Josef Rotomanu Rotomanu Hall - monthly Fox Glacier Haast Playgroup “Mini Muscles” session 2 x per term NEW Ahaura Grey Valley Playcentre- monthly PH 0800 927 327 R O S S P L AY D AY Monday 13th June 2016 11am—1pm Ross Community R O S S Hall PLAY DAY SPACE -Supporting Parents Alongside Children’s Education Do you have a new baby or about to have a baby? For all families with children 0-6 years in the Ross and surrounding communities Would you like to know more about your baby’s development & receive support to provide the best possible start for you and your baby? Every Thursday from 10am-12pm Scenicland Preschool 36 Fox Street Cobden Phone 0800 927 327 to register To adver3se your services in this Panui or to share a story, please email me before the next term break with informa3on: ece@westreap.org.nz www.westreap.org.nz www.reapanz.org.nz