stirs supporters
stirs supporters
OO4 I IOIST YEAR, NO. 2004 l{ I77 I O2OO4 THE MIAMI HERALD I FINAL I 35 CENTS I eerumEmATffi VnSf TS Sffitjy$"{ FL*ffi$SA HERALD EXCLUSIVE stirs supporters Police secletly watching hiF-hop attists W As hip-hop celebrities and their associates make South Florida their home and playground, Miamiand Miami Beach police are quietly behind the scenes watching what they do. BY NICOTE WHITE AND EVEIYI{ ITIcDONNELL Miami and Miami Beach police are I'IARSHA HAIPEn/HERAID STAFF '1clune, holding 14-month-old son, Michael, expresses her excitement . John Kerry at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Hollywood. ida rhn talk battle h ity. He ARK O elec- rrt ulti- Demo: John uilding put George W. Bush in the White House. ' Kerrlr made his remarks to a crowd r in Broward County, a central battleground in the 2000 recount, respond- ing to a woman who asked what would keep the Republicans from "5fseling the election again.', - Speaking on the eve of today's Florida presidential primary, Kerry prom- ised a strategy that could include "pre-challenges" and injunctions "where necessary" to avoid a repeat of 2000 in November. r-oting rte tlat ' .TURN TO PRIMARY,2A TODAYS PRIMARIE-S o FLORIDA POLLS: Registered Democrats may vote in today's Florida Democratic primary. At stake: 177 ' ,'' delegates to the Democratic National Convention. o OTHER PRIMARIES: Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas hold primaries I . i today. Delegates at stake: Texas (195), Louisiana (8O), Mississippi (33). secretly watching and keep- ing dossiers on hip-hop celebrities like P. Diddy and DMX and their entourages when they come to South Florida, a move police sayis to protect the stars and the public. Officers say they have photographed rappers as they arrived at Miami International Airport. They stake out hotels, nightclubs and video shoots. They consult a six-inch-thick black binder of every rapper and member of his or her group with an arrest record in the state of New York. The binder begins with a photo RAP FEUD and rap sheet of Gramny- 50 Cent, nominated rapper 50 Cent. above, It ends with !a Rule. Both Rule areand Ja men are embroiled in one of embroiled in the most bitter feuds in the one of hiphip-hop industry, one that hop's most /1 . . tKenlng: (jas prtces rising -l . Eminem, 50 Cent's pro- bitter feuds. ducer, has waraed in the song .&rtry qdd le-.i to blsodsbd- Thmlfoiryfttcq3'd **tur- +l j :::iJ l'r..t,-'i ''--' i :;+ r--.!r. :1_titl I i -!;i +li.-:_!.4.:--.. secleily watching hiF-hop artists ':.i; .;4i i'l ffi As hip-hop celebrities and their associates make South Florida their home and playground, Miamiand Miami Beach police are quietly behind the scenes watching what they do. BY I{ICOIE WHITE Al{D EVETYN MCDONNEII Miami and Miami Beach police are ilANSHA HATPER/HERAIII STAFF clune, holding l4-month-old son, Michael, expresses her excitement John Kerry at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Hollywood. put George W. Bush in the White TODAY'S PRIMARIES hn House, rtalk baftle in Broward County, a central battle- o FLORIDA POLLS: Registered Democrats may vote in today's da ty. He [RK ) elec- rt ultiDemo- fohn rilding voting fe that Kerry mads his remarks to a crowd ground in the 2000 recount, respond- ing to a womari who asked what would keep the Republicans from "stealing the election again." Speakingonthe eve of today's Florida presidential primary, Kerry prom- ised a strategy that could include "pre-challenges" and iniunctions "where necessary" to avoid a repeat of 2000 in November. "TURN TO PRIiIARY, 2A Florida Democratic primary. At stake:177 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. o OTHER PRIMARIES: Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas hold primaries today. Delegates at stake: Texas (195), Louisiana ' (8O), Mississippi (33). secretly watching and keep- ing dossiers on hip-hop celebrities like P. Diddy and DMX and their entourages when they come to South Florida a move police sayis to protect the stars and the public. Officers say they have photographed rappers as they arrived at Miami International Airport. They stake out hotels, nightclubs and video shoots. They consult a six-inch-thick black binder of every rapper and member of his or her group with an arrest record in the r; state of New York. The binder begins with a photo RAP FEUD and rap sheet of Grammy- 50 Cent, nominated rapper 50 Cent. It ends with Ja Rule. Both men are embroiled in one of the most bitter feuds in the hip-hop industry, one that ftening: Gas prices rising tions' prices lie just short of last March's record levels. rls. ami luy, sta- Regular gasoline now costs more than $1.76 a gallon in South Florida, according to the AAA. Some stations are charging more than $2 a gallon fpr premium. But not at the Race Trac station at Hallandale Beach Boulevard and Interstate 95. "'We're out of regular," swing manager Keith feffries said. "We lowered the price of 'plus' to the regular price" $l.Z a gallonPrices have-been energized. by above, and Ja Rule are embroiled in one of hip- hop's most Eminem, 50 Cent's pro- bitter feuds. ducer, has warned in the song Bully could lead to bloodshed. The policing effort of top entertainers which hip-hop experts criticize as unnecessary stereotyping - was created, police say to protect the public and musical celebrities who have chosen to make South Florida their destination to live and party. "We have to keep an eye on these rivalries," said Assistant Miami Beach Police .TURN TOGASPRICES,2A *The last thing we need Chief Charles Press. nCOI'ISUMER SURVEY: U.S. CARS [{ORE RELIABLE THAN EUROPEAI{ VEHICLES, IC .TURN TOHIP-HOP, I9A IL -t- HERALD EXCLUSIVE I Fffi#M TS{ffi PffiffiNT PAffiffi Police track, keep files on hip-hop celebrities :!:' : '::. ii' ;i:;:ii;i,.' &t -' ',ii,:t Miami Detective Peter Rosario, a member of the department's gang detail, says police photograph rappers with their entourages to figure out who's close to the artists. I{ON|TORING ACTIVITIES: 'HIP-HOP, FROIi'l sion" in May. Officers from other major cities like Los lA in this city is violence." Government agencies keeping tabs on musicians is not new. The Nixon adminis- rration investigated former Beatle fohn Lennon in the 1970s and tried to have him deported. The band Body Count led by rapper Ice-T got the attention of police nationally in the early 1990s w'rth the song Cop Killer. But lhose cases involved individual artists or groups, not q.rncc q RECENT STAYINGS The police say high-profile murders, such as those listed below, and l,ivalrids have'led to the probe:of hip-hop stars. r,September 1996: Tu'pae Shakur ls fatally shot in Las Vegas. e March 1997: Notorious B,l.G. is killed in Los Angeles. o September20Ol:Popular 99.1 Jamz DJ Ulcle Al lf1jbgf Lerov Mo1? is' ' Angeles and Atlanta attended the event. New York police officials denied having a hip-hop task force when asked recentlv bv The Herald. .WHAT TO LOOK FOR' "Everybody that went got a binder with hformation on rappers that have been arrested, outlining charges," Tapanes said. "They were trained on what to look for in BUSTA RHYMES in this city is violence.:' Government agencies rriiRs€.s ir':g,:f-.r!,p1+.ofile muideii, such as keeping tabs on musicians is not new. The Nixon adminis- tration investigated former Beatle ]ohn Lennon in the 1970s and tried to have him deported. The band Body Count led by rapper Ice-T got the attention of police nationally in the early 1990s with the song CopKiller. But those cases involved individual artists or groups, not Tonitoring across a musical genre. "There's been no shortage of rock stars and other musicians" scrutinized by police, said Anthony DeCurtis, con- tributing editor at Rolling Stone magazine. "But there has never been anything like this." Several music executives and legal scholars say the intelligence-gathering highlights the misunderstanding between the police and a $10- $ ifiltr$$ii New York police officials denied having a hip-hop task force when asked recently by The Herald. o Septeqrbertgg€:. .WHAT TO LOOK FOR' "Everybody that went got a binder with information on rappers that have been arrested, outlining charges," Tapanes said. "They were trained on what to look for in Stakur is fatally shot in Lbs Vegas. {3Tclr.Le!7: Notorious ^. BJG is killed in,Los Ange- l3';*i-ioo,2ooJ: ' pop: ular:99;l Jarniro.t Uncle At (Albert Leroy MosS> is . January 2OO2: Jason f,,lorr!s, a Miami Beach hiphop promoter, is shot to death in his car. r July X)O2; RUn DMC'i . Jam Master Jay kilted i DMC's |am Master fay, to iustify tracking many in the industry. Bernard Harris, the head of Miami-basedl XELA recordi, ia fataily l shotatabaibershopl ' could prompl hip-hop artists to stay away. South Florida is a choice spot for stars to live, celebrate and film music videos, an enterprise that pumps millions of dollars into the "Some people see gangs and hip-hop artists as being synonymous," said Benjamin Chavis, president and chief executive officer of The Hip- dissuade them from coming, t}rat would not be good news for us," Peel said. work, a government-watchdog and voter-registration say they welcome the musicians, but some rappers and Hop Summit Action Netgroup. "That's a mistake. The recording industry is a legiti- mate American enterprise, not a gang." Said attorney Bruce Rogow: "This kind of conduct shows insensitivity to constitutional limitations. It also implicates racial stereo- typing." Rogow successfully represented 2 Live Crew when the rap group was prosecuted for obscenity in the early'90s. PART OF POLICE WORK Press says it's good police work that has nothing to do with stereotyping a culture or musical genre: "What would law enforcement be if we closed our eyes. Our job is to know as much about things that could hurt inno- cent people." local economy. "If something's going to Press and other officers their groups have had brushes with the law, police said. Miami Detective Peter Rosario said the practice of photographing rappers with their entourages shows who's in their circle. "A lot if not most rappers TV stations to monitor'to keep abreast of any rift some 250,000 hip-hop fans flocked to South Beach for four days ofparties hosted by their favgrrite rappers. Beach police made 2ll arrests, double the usual number of a regular weekend, most for disorderly conduct and, intoxication- No major rap artist was arrested, but police felt com- pelled to figure out every nuance ofthe hip-hop culture that had spawned such a following, said Press. "Nobody on the Beach had a handle on who the players 'were," Press said. "We didn't know anything, we didn't know who were the big record labels, who were the kingpins; we didn't know related to other music events, of their arrests and associare tracked in the black binder, from minor artists like Black Rob to major figures like Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, Iay-Z, Nas and NAS P. DIDDY Press said local intelli- ates." Miami police Sgt. Rafael of rappers JAY-Z gence gathering on rap artists Tapanes said. "We keep track belong to some sort of gang," Dozens Et'fl1{El't between these rappers." why there were rivalries with Ja Rule and Eminem." Months later, Police Chief Donald Delucca sent detectives to New York. "It was paramount for us to understand because we know this is now their destination of choice," said Press, emFhasizing that the depart- Busta Rhymes. Publicists for fa Rule, 50 Cent, Eminem, lay-Z and p. Diddy refused to comment for this story. Tapanes said the New Jeff Peel., director of York Police Department gave and Entertainnent, said he's worried about a policy that enforcement during a three- Miami-Dade;s Office of Film when they go to hip-hop concerts, what radio stations and started after the Memorial Day 2001 weekend, when ffih::';';il;1 exandei Af BUSTA RHYI{ES the lyrics, what to look for [,Jft"r],1:Ir"rtl billion industry. The police, they contend, have used the slayings of high-profile artists like Tupac Shakur, the Notorious B.I.G. and Run Angeles and Atlanta attended the event. those liste-d belo*, ' iivairies have'led to "nd thprobe:of hip:tbp rt"*. : TUpac ' slon" rn May. Ofticers tiom other major cities like Los ment monitors activities there have been multiple attempts on his life." The very notion that the Beach needed to send police to figure out the hip-hop culture is laughable, says Papa Keith, a Df on 103.5 Tha Beat. "If they're saying they're trying to learn about hip-hop, then hire more brothers and put them in the ranks and let them help you in that respect," Keith said. "Why do you need to send a bunch of cops to New York?" Of the Beach's 97 officers in supervisory jobs, only one isblack Of Miami's 226ru*ing officers, 26 are black. Chavis, head of the HSAN, suggests sensitivity training for police departments. Press says the fact that South Florida remains a destination for hip-hop artists and its fans proves that the police have not been heavy- including Spring Break festivities and this week's Winter Music Conference. Besides the information they get from other police contacts, officers say they depend on hotel and nightclub workers and off-duty police of{icers on security details to keep them informed on the celebrities and their followers. "If we know 50 Cent is those kinds of problems. The alert," Press said. "W'e know something else." handed. Luther Campbell, the former 2 Live Crew rapper, said any intelligence gathering is unnecessary because rappers only come to South Florida to enioy the weather and party. "If they had problems like rappers coming down here and fighting, yeah you got to serve and protect," Campbell said. "But you don't have the binder to local law coming to town then of cities should take taxpayer course we have to be on dollars and put them toward day "hip-hop training ses-