VIRTUAL COMMUNITY POLICING Sergeant Marko Forss Helsinki Police Department/ Downtown Police 2009 © What is IRC-Galleria? • You can compare it to Facebook, Hyves(Netherlands), Lunarstorm(Sweden),Skyrock(France), Orkut(Brazil&India) • Site established in December 2000 • The site provides possibility to discuss in various communities, keep blog and comment to other users pictures • The most popular site(amongs youth) in Finland and it has over 0,5 million users and contains over 9 million pictures • Over 60% of finnish youth, ages between 13-17, use the site daily. Average age of the users is about 21 • Over 80% of 16 year old finnish girls are registered to IRCGalleria • Registration age limit is 12 years • 2/3 of members logs in daily, 80% weekly How was the Police Profile -fobbaFounded? • Idea about the profile in fall 2007 • Inquiry from other partners (Youth department, site owner etc.) • Presentation about the idea to superior in spring 2008 • Generational gap caused difficulties understanding the idea • Police profile -fobba- started 10.9.2008 -fobba- How Can You Contact the Police Profile? • Write comment or question under profile pictures -Over half of the incoming messages are private • MSN Messenger (only for important issues) • E-mail • Telephone • Busiest time at evenings • Profile takes part in conversations in different types of communities(anarchism, drug related communities, police work related communities) What’s the Purpose of the Profile? • • • • • • • • • • Give kids a new kind of chance to contact the police Preventive police work: Inform youth about laws and aswer to their questions Profiles are not there to limit the freedom of speech or to moderate the site, but profiles will intervene to criminal actions if it’s necessary Possibility to contact ”customers” (private messages) Take part in conversations on sites different communities Help the youth to understand that criminal activity on internet is as forbidden as in real life and you can also end up a victim yourself Be present for youth and create a feel of security Tool of investigation Tips to different type of crimes every week Multiprofessional cooperation (Social and youth workers, schools, aid organisations) Most Common Questions and Progression of the profile • • • • • • • • • • Moped, alcohol, tobacco and police work related questions Opinions asked about different things (graffities, drugs etc.) Several very personal questions (rape, child abuse, domestic violence etc.) wich will sometimes lead to preliminary investigation Homepage www.poliisi.fi/irc-galleria was made to help with the questions. It contains links to aswers for the most common questions (internet and blogs) 2000-4000 visitors per week (busiest week 35000) 30000 questions or comments from 8000 different users in first nine months to profile -fobbaA boy from northern Finland created a fanclub community called fobba- <3 Recognition from Minister of Communications Suvi Linden: ”a best practice model for cooperation” Two new police profiles ^mane^ and [--jutta--] started in May 2009 ”Kyttäkatsaus” started in December 2009 www.poliisi.fi/irc-galleria What Kind of person Should the Virtual Community Police Be? • • • • • • No special knowledge from computers necessary Sufficient experience from police work Casual but adequately correct Intention to reply to as many questions as possible Honest and don’t suck up Won’t provoke if somebody is ”trashtalking” but can say back in suitable humor • No swearing or indecent writings (doesn’t matter if the comment is private) ”Ups and Downs” • • • • • • • • • • • You can reach a lot of people easily and inexpensively Easy to contiune the relationship made in internet in real life (alcohol surveillance) It’s much easier to talk about unplesant and difficult things in internet than in real life Easier to start conversation with ethnic minorities Internet users inform more often about violations in internet because it’s easy and almost anonymous Police ”keeps up” with the constant changes in youth lifestyle Is commercial service provider ok for this kind of work? Security of the private messages Big playgroud, few workers at the moment Laws and regulations concerning internet, laws are national - internet is global Security risks of the user Bullying Preventing Program • A new pilot for seven downtown area junior high schools • Intention to give a new kind of chance to inform about bullying by internet • Informer can be the one being bullied, bystander, school or parents • Police will estimate what actions are necessary • Help the yougsters to understand the criminal consequenses of bullying • Includes bullying in school, free time and cyberbullying • Provides effective interferense to bullying by intense cooperation between school and police What else? • We also work on Facebook • More visible police profiles to other sites too • Possibility to use different type of profiles: youth worker, social worker, nurse, traffic related education… • ”Visible patrolling on Internet” will be basic police work in the future Finally… When the winds of change are blowing, it’s better to build windmills than build stonewalls;-) Chinese folklore THANK YOU! contact me by email: marko.forss@poliisi.fi