Policewoman Kyriana visit to SPPS
Policewoman Kyriana visit to SPPS
Term 1 Week 7 2015 Policewoman Kyriana visit to SPPS On Monday 9.3.2015 Policewoman Kyriana came to visit us at SPPS. First she showed all the Kindy and Year One students her handcuffs and her badge. Then she showed us her pepper spray and her blue uniform. Then Kyrianna showed us her Police car. We looked inside the car. She put the lights on and they flashed blue and red. Kyrianna turned the sirens on and it was very noisy. Then Kyriana gave us some balloons and stickers. Then she went back to Nowra Police Station. We learnt lots of things about being a Policewoman and how they keep us safe. Charlotte and Alicia Uniform Shop Opening Hours: Tuesday 9-10 am Wednesday 2-3 pm Thursday 9-10 am Email: sancturypt-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Phone: 4443-0546 Web: sancturypt-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Fax: 4443-7036 Dates to Remember Wednesday 18th Friday 20th Wednesday 25th Friday 27th - March Yr6 Fundraising Spider Day National Day of Action against Bullying X Country/Mud run Disco PRINCIPAL REPORT WHAT IMPRESSED ME THIS WEEK This week I was impressed by the support we got from our families for Want To Be Wednesday. Building the aspirations of the students is one key to setting our kids up to succeed in the future. Throughout the day the students also were involved in a range of activities to do with goal setting and working to achieve those goals, whether they are long or short term goals, learning or personal goals, we need to aspire and work to achieve them. We had lots of creative ideas . Now we have “what you want to be” we need to take steps to achieve that goal every day. Well done. PRINCIPAL FOR THE DAY – TOMORROW One of the initiatives we have to support our students and their aspirations is we have a student who becomes Principal for the day. We draw the name of a student at random for this opportunity and tomorrow the principal will be: Principal LORA ORESKOVIC See you first thing tomorrow Lora for 8:45 playground duty. ANTI- BULLYING Elizabeth Duncan and Bonnie Vale entered a competition to design an anti-bullying poster and achieved a state-wide Highly Commended award. Congratulations on your achievement girls. ATTENDANCE MATTERS While we celebrated Want To Be Wednesday today as part of addressing the key issue of building aspirations to improve student learning, attendance is another key to achievement. Students who attend school regularly are less likely to have involvement with the police and will out earn those with poor attendance at school in their later life. Attendance matters for all our children and not just now but for their life. OUR SCHOOL MOVING FORWARD By the end of 2107 members of the local Sanctuary Point community will demonstrate increased engagement with the school by showing more support for the students, the school and its programs while the school demonstrates a stronger connection to the community by being directly involved in community initiatives. We have a team of staff led by Mrs Ebzery working to expand and grow our community presence. OUR SCHOOL AS LEADING THE WAY FOR OTHER SCHOOLS On March 18 and 19 Mr Wells and I are going to be at an Inspire Education Conference at ACR Arena where we are going to be using our school’s experience and innovative approach to learning to run a workshop for potentially 6000 people. We are going to be sharing with schools from across Australia our rollercoaster ride to success in using 21st Century learning techniques to improve the school and student learning. DISCIPLINE MATTERS All students at our school have the right to learn in a place where they feel safe. Our school is constantly reviewing our procedures and policies to make sure we are doing our best to achieve that for all students. If any student is disrupting the learning of others or violent or threatening violence we have a commitment to address it if we know it is happening. If a student is disrupting the class: Incident 1. Verbal reminder Incident 2. Name on Board Incident 3. Cross beside name Incident 4. Cross beside name and sent to time out in a buddy class Incident 5. Cross sent to principal/executive and yellow slip written On the third visit to buddy class the student gets a detention yellow slip for repeatedly not following school/ class rules. When a student receives three (3) yellow slips they receive a suspension warning letter and on the fourth (4) they are suspended from school for ongoing referral to follow school rules. Any student found to be bullying will receive a suspension warning on the first instance and suspended from school for any subsequent instances of bullying. SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY/MUD RUN On March 25 we are going to hold our K-6 Cross Country Carnival. This is held on the school playground and the Francis Ryan Oval. This year just for fun and as an option we are going to set up giant a mud puddle for kids (and staff) to run through or crawl through. DONATION A big thank you to St Georges Basin and Jervis Bay Taxis for their generous donation of $100 towards our breakfast club. WORDS OF THE WEEK Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you’ve imagined. More stories from Policewoman Kyriana visit: On the 9th of March policewoman Kyriana came to talk to us in our classroom. Then Kyriana talked to us about what she does at work. Then we walked down to her police car. Kyriana turned on the siren and the red and blue lights. We looked inside the police car. It was fun looking in the police car. Jett and Kaleb Policewoman Kyriana came into our classroom on Monday the 9th of March. She showed us her handcuffs and her pepper spray. Then we went to look at her police car. Kyriana turned the lights and siren on. We got to look in the car. She left us balloons and stickers. Then Kyriana went back to Nowra Police Station. It was interesting listening to Kyriana. Abby and Ella School News ROCKET CHART You can earn up to 3 stars a week by following 3 simple steps: Attend school on time all week Keep your name off the board all week, by following our school responsibilities Complete your work to the best of your ability all week Bronze: Adam Wigg, Ashton Toole, Isaac Mounce, Coen Luland, Bryn Benjamin, Jack Bond, Chantelle Mounce, Lora Oreskovic, Fionn O’Connell, Nikola Smith, Kaliesha Jenkins, Cherylee Byrne, Travis Balzan, Jack Foord, Raquel Gabby, Rylee Gannon, Penny Holloway, Kalinda Little, Joshua Van Helden, Emilie Warren-Bolte, Charlotte Duff, Jordyn Miller, Oliver Willson, Curtis Heddles, Alyssa Lynch, Byron Allcock, Abby Warren, Bethany Burnett, James Taylor, Holly Stanford, Jade Corcoran, Kye McGinn, Tiana Sewell, Trey Carey, Blake Lusty, Charlee Olesen, Brooklyn Serret, Aslyn Wood, Chayse Fittler, Maddison Burnes, Charlotte Hilton, Rhys Hodalj, Chloe Lattanzio, Chelsey Burnett, Lilli Shaw, Scott Crisafi, Wade Regent, Nathan Downham, Ryan Silk, Connor Duffy, Isabella Waters, Ben Ebzery, Annabelle Fields, Renee Harmer. Primary Assembly Awards: Lachlan Dunshea, Tyrone Knight, Lillianne Mifsud, Kristy Dean, Dylan Hunt, Bailey Hunt, Olivia Fogarty, Jamez Kaspars, Dequilla Finlay, Bailey Summers, Emma Jenkins, Makai Diamond, Daniel Marsden, Haylee Shaw, India Slaughter, Connor Moorcroft, Owen Cashion, Cameron Murray, Jade Corcoran, Joshua Arkus, Kia Mounce, Kaitlyn Graham, Logan Fogarty, Annabelle Fields, Bradley Southwell, Joshua Hopper-Schofield, Lilli Shaw, Kaylie Seymour, Corey Jarvis.