April 5, 2015 - St. Ann Parish
April 5, 2015 - St. Ann Parish
EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD APRIL 5, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH 7:00AM Herman Fischer, Sr. 8:15AM John Cavagnaro 9:30AM For the People of St. Ann’s Parish 10:45AM Theodore Khoury (95th Birthday - Living) 12:00PM Santina Rini & Marianna & Vito Randazzo 1:15PM Raffael Ruggiero & Maria DeBenedetto 7:30PM No Mass Today MONDAY, APRIL 6TH 7:00AM Margaret Uberti 9:00AM Joseph Baydal (Anniversary) 5:00PM Ralph Fabrizio TUESDAY, APRIL 7TH 7:00AM Peter Camarda 9:00AM Lillian Traina (Birthday) 5:00PM Roperti & Paretti Families WEDNESDAY, 7:00AM 9:00AM 5:00PM APRIL 8TH Zina & Ambroz Gjonorekaj Anthony M. Orlando Edward Piscina THURSDAY, APRIL 9TH 7:00AM Al Cangro 9:00AM Budano, Cali & Licata Families 5:00PM Mark Matuza & Anne Louise DePalo (Living – Anniversary) FRIDAY, APRIL 10TH 7:00AM Linda Simione 9:00AM Salvatore Volpe 5:00PM Michael Iovine SATURDAY, APRIL 11TH 7:00AM Mary Blazina 9:00AM Cecelia Marie Julian 4:00PM Mr. & Mrs. Ted Khoury (67th Wedding Anniversary) 5:30PM Barbara Keller SUNDAY, APRIL 12TH 7:00AM John E. & Margaret A. Lombardo 8:15AM Domenica Nuzzolo 9:30AM Edward Frey 10:45AM For the People of St. Ann’s Parish 12:00PM Margaret, Nancy, & Vincent Trincilla 1:15PM Frank Chionchio 7:30PM Frances Reynolds First Reading: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Peter discusses Jesus’ life of preaching and healing. Jesus was crucified, then he rose up and was seen by his chosen witnesses. Peter also mentions the importance of all the disciples bearing witness to what they saw, so that many people would believe in Jesus, and have their sins forgiven through him. Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4 Paul asserts that we must pay attention to higher realms rather than earthly concerns. Our life is not yet completely known to us, until Christ appears and we are raised to glory in him. Gospel: John 20:1-9 When Mary Magdalene discovered Jesus’ tomb was open, she told Simon Peter and another disciple. They ran to the tomb and Peter went inside. He found the burial wrappings on the ground, with the head covering separate from the rest. The other disciple came in and they believed what they saw, although until then they had not understood the Scripture’s message of Jesus’ resurrection. HAPPY EASTER All of us here at St. Ann’s would like to wish you and your family the joyfulness of a Blessed Easter. May our celebration of the Resurrection nourish our faith, increase our hope, and strengthen our love for each other. Happy Easter! Priests & Staff BANNS OF MARRIAGE III.Anthony Facciola & Donna Lombardo BREAD AND WINE The Bread and Wine to be used this week in each Eucharistic Celebration has been donated In Memory of Joan Ariola SANCTUARY LAMP The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week In Memory of Maria Bruzzese MAY THEY REST IN THE PEACE OF GOD With tenderness and love we pray for our deceased Carmelo Aque and John Lafaro. May their loved ones find comfort and reassurance in God, our Father. MISSALETTE MEMORIAL The Missalettes we are currently using (2/18/15 – 5/2/15) are donated anonymously. As a parish family, with a grateful heart, we pray for the intentions of the anonymous donor. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH Carmela DiBenedetto Josephine LaGaipa Ann Napolitano Joanna Ritti Deborah Giardino MaryAnn Cavagnaro Ann Schaefer Denise D. Ed Baumann Lillian O’Keefe Jen Jackson Salvatore Mauro Linda Simmons Roseanne Napolitano Gloria M. Cathy Mullin Dominick DiMonda Alexis Fischera Elaine Lormel Mark Fissore Peter A. Mary Tardio Bill Selvaggio Fanny Scotto Dr. Joseph Giglio Robert Chiriani Lorraine Hamer Eileen O’Connell Muriel Freda Myrtle J. Donald Martin Gloria Martin Jillian Mary Cooper Nicholas Tortorella Ashley Martucci BIBLE STUDY Bible Study Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the rectory basement conducted by Fr. Ugo Nacciarone. All are welcome. WEEKLY COLLECTION (Mar 29, 2015) Weekly $14,156.00 Shrines 784.00 Poor 237.00 The 100th anniversary of our parish family celebrates your legacy of faith and commitment to our parish ministries as evidenced in your “Offering for God’s Plan of Giving”. May those who walk in your footsteps for generations to come, be inspired by the ideals of your life and generosity of your heart. May the good Lord always keep you in the palm of His hands. SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND The second collection this weekend April 4/5th will be the regular monthly donation. REMEMBER ST. ANN’S CHURCH IN YOUR WILL You can express your commitment to your church by making a bequest to your parish. Simply have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to St. Ann’s Church, 101 Cromwell Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10304, the sum of $___________ (Or _____% of the residue of my estate) for its religious, educational, and charitable work”. ANNUAL GOLDEN WEDDING MASS CELEBRATION th Couples celebrating their 50 Wedding Anniversary anytime during 2015 are invited to attend the Annual Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Saturday, June 20th or Sunday, June 21st at 2:00 pm. Pre-registration is required. Please contact your parish for registration. The closing date to register for the Mass is Tuesday, May 19, 2015. This event is sponsored by the Family Life/Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New York. NEW PARISHIONERS, WELCOME If you are new to our parish and would like to register, please fill out the information below and drop it in the collection basket or return to the rectory. Envelopes will be mailed to you in 4 to 6 weeks. Name: __________________________________________ Address: ______________________________Zip________ Phone: _______________ Work: ___________________ Family members: __________________________________ ________________________________________________ If you do not wish to receive envelopes, please check this box. Ministers and Lectors Coordinator: Joseph Franzese St. Ann Choir 10:45 Mass Organist: Noreen Neilson Outreach Social Ministry/Prayer Shawl/Food Pantry Coordinator: Dona Ruggiero Bulletin Editor: Donna Criscuolo Email: DonCriscuo@aol.com Rosary Monday through Saturday Before 9AM Mass Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mondays 7PM (except holidays) Nocturnal Adoration First Fridays 6:00PM to 7PM Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays 9:30AM Golden Age Club - Rosary Society Holy Name Society - Legion of Mary Altar Servers Moderator: Loretta Callegari & Ministry Team Ministry to the Homebound Contact the parish office C.C.D. CLASS SCHEDULE Wednesday: (Grades 1-2-3) 3:00 – 4:30 pm Thursday: (Grades 4-5-6-7) 3:30 – 5:00 pm ST. ANN’S TEEN CLUB Friday Evenings at 7pm Moderator: Regina Kaykaty EASTER TRIDUUM SCHEDULE HOLY THURSDAY: 9:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY: 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. HOLY SATURDAY: 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Mass Mass of the Lord’s Supper Adoration until Midnight Stations of the Cross Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion Stations of the Cross Solemn Easter Vigil Mass Mass (church only) EASTER SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE: 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12 noon 1:15 p.m. Please note: All Masses are in the church only. There is no 7:30 p.m. Mass on Easter Sunday. ENDOWMENT FUND Our church of St. Ann has been the place where we have seen the face of God through the ups and downs of our life’s moments. The presence of God in our church as well as in the lives of our people has sustained those who have gone before us here. Now, as the parish debt is eliminated, it is important to ensure the legacy of our faith and worship for those who would follow us here at St. Ann’s for generations to come. It is with the humble realization that St. Ann’s church has a destiny designed by God to be a beacon of faith and hope in our community, that we start the Church Endowment Fund. Any contribution, however small or large, will be received with a grateful heart. A donation of $1000 or more over a period of time would give us the opportunity to memorialize or honor someone we love in the Book of Endowment. A contributor of $25000 or more over a period of time would be considered a Founder of our church Endowment Fund. This fund is designed in such a way that the principal will not be used. If and when a need arises on a rainy day, only the interest on the Endowment Fund will be used. May the donations we make for this purpose come from our gratitude to God for His blessings in our life. May the good Lord bless us and our families and keep us close to His heart as we continue doing His work. Founders $25000 Stewards $15000 ST. ANN’S ROSARY SOCIETY April 11 – Meeting after 8:15am rosary and 9am Mass. Treasurer th Rose Roperti will be collecting for the June 6 Luncheon at Café Luna - $30. May 2 – Meeting and rosary in rectory hall (1st Communion Day) June 6 – 9am Mass, after 8:15am rosary. September 21 – Trip to San Alfonso Retreat House Patrons $5000 Donors $1000 ST. ANN’S JUBILEE RAFFLE St. Ann’s 100th Anniversary Raffle tickets are available for purchase in the rectory or by contacting Teresa Pelosi at 917921-7726 – Rawlings13@aol.com. Cost per ticket is $100. Grand Prize: $10,000 2nd Prize: $7,000 3rd Prize: $3,000 **Drawing to be held on April 24, 2015 at the Dinner Dance** THANK YOU: EASTER MAILING We thank Connie Orlando, Anna Finazzo, Kathleen & Ed Healy, Joan D’Agostino, Anita Pisani, Ann Cruz, Theresa Stellabotte for their help in putting together our Easter mailing. THANK YOU: PALM SUNDAY Heartfelt thanks to our volunteers, Connie Orlando, Anna Finazzo, Vic & Dorie Potencion, Pat Mancini, Joan D’Agostino and all our friends for decorating our Church for Palm Sunday. ADULT FAITH FORMATION Our parish is offering an excellent resource to help us better understand and grow in our faith. The truth, goodness and beauty of Catholicism is illustrated in a most beautiful way through this program. Last class this Tuesday. All are welcome! April 7, 2015 at 7:00pm in the rectory. REMEMBER ST. ANN’S CHURCH IN YOUR WILL You can express your commitment to your church by making a bequest to your parish. Simply have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to St. Ann’s Church, 101 Cromwell Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10304, the sum of $___________ (Or _____% of the residue of my estate) for its religious, educational, and charitable work”. 50/50 CLUB We remind everyone to get their envelopes in for the April drawing and maybe you will join the ranks of our 50/50 club winners. Good luck to all! BINGO! St. Ann's Bingo – EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Doors open at 5:00PM. Early bird starts at 7:00PM. Please join us! EASTER FLOWERS Olga & Salvatore Perfetto, Giacomo Picchiello, Carmela & Cosmo Pentangelo, Viola Mann, Hastings & Stellini Families, Peter Porcelli, Emilia & John Stanzione, Rucci, Nemia & Scotto Families, Cangro & Buono Families, Mecola Family, Matlak Family, Joseph Cotogno, Americo Paul Matarazzo, Frances Ruffino, Ignatius, Rosario & Michael DiMarco, William E. Grandner, Concetta Zanghi, Rose & Al Esposito, Lindeman & Azzaretto Families, Catherine & Walter Gill, Daniel G. Martin, William Falkenhainer, Sr., Maria & Antonia Naccarato, George Neeth, Marie & Lou Falkenhainer, Jerry & Anne Mendicina, Tom & Joan Guzzi, CSM Charles C. Duff, Evelyn Duff, Fortunata Attardo, Michelangelo Attardo, Lorraine & Henry Ryan, Rose & Bruno Bernacik, Salvatore Gracchi, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Giambalvo, Joanne Scaranjello, Sims & Ruggiero Families, Jean & Ralph Fabrizio, Ann Spadaro, John Cataldo, Helen Maresca, Aniello Maresca, Andrew Bonfiglio, Frank A. Nigro, Victoria & Anthony Delfino, Margaret & John Quinn, Dali Fernandez, Harriet Shulman, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mustari, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Esposito, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Stranelli, Adele Coco, William & Stella Yozaites, Sadousky & Moresco Families, Robert DiMaria, Marie Raccuglia, Anthony Raccuglia, Anna DiMaria, Camillo DiMaria, Lawrence & Pearl Braccia, Robert Gioia, Joseph J. Seggio, Ernest DellaDonna, Joseph F. Largo, Louis DeStefano, Joseph & Palmina Marcellini, John & Mike DeStefano, Pietro & Marie Buccellato, Gaspare & Giovanna Ragusa, Mary & Alex Mirabella, Lenio Caprioglio, Lucy Caprioglio, Vincent J. DiForte, Sr., Joan & Edward Katowich, Josephine Arout, Walter Schaefer, Thomas Schaefer, Lawrence Schaefer, Joan Schaefer McClellan, Dave McClellan, Sister Eucharia Mary, Wazye Malczyn & Somma Family, Lillian DiSarro, DiSarro, Benzo & Suarez Families, Marsh & Mormile Families, Alfred & Margaret Uberti, Anthony M. Orlando, Anatolio Abrigo, M.D., Iovine Family, Dr. Joseph Lamendella, Jr., Saverio Terraci, Laura Lamendella, John Lamendella Jr., John Peterkin, Alfredo Ragone, Vito Allegretti, Passaro Family, Dasalla & Potencion Families, Anello & Colella Families, Deignan & Murphy Families, Hilda & Arthur Meconi, Andrew Randdph, Marie & Frank Martelli, Jean Sturck & Family, Adrianne Coli, Marie & Joe Caldera, Napolitano Family, Marie & Dave Davies, Chicarelli Family, Vito & Angela Panzarino, Stefania Galadyk, Stanley Galadyk, John P. Sanfelice, Philip & Marian Miceli, Frank & Mildred Fessler, Al & Phylis Schwed, Joseph & Rose Ruggieri, Bill & Genevieve Holbrook, Matteo Ruggiero, Armand Colantuono, MaryAnn Lugo, Genevieve Aurian, Marie Julianne, Carmine Matarazzo & Celi, Matarazzo & Proto Families, Santa & Thomas Lauria, Karl Kelnhofer & Michael Ilavina, DeVincenzi Family, Michael T. Reilly, Dorothy & John Carroll, John Lee Carroll, Gerald & Baby Theresa Morel, Domecica Nuzzolo, Carmela Gunto, Loretta Nuzzolo, Rosie Celiberti, Steve Celiberti, John Celiberti, Mickey Langston, Domonick Bomento, Giovanna & Nicola Lovaglio, Christine & Louis Coppola, Therese Deane, Christopher Deane, Eugene C. Deis, Alphonse & Sarah Ferrigno, Don Muraca, John Larsen, John & Ann Pellegrinelli, Eleanor Pisano, Dorothy & Al Ferraiolo, Staniszewski, Kuczinski,& Lewis Families, Anthony Roperti, John & Mary Roperti, Joseph & Gerdu Paretti, Mary Paretti, & Rosasco Family, Josephine & Alfred LaBianca, Rosemarie & Nicholas Guastella, Dolores Manna, Mr. & Mrs. Avelino, Paz Joaquin, Drs. Reynaldo & Ludirina de Castro, Avelino Joaquin Jr., Adelainda, Mario Saldana, Amelito Banez, Lavin & DiLauro Families, Maria, Vincent & Salvatore Mazzone, Lillian DiSarro, Ramone Suarez, Olga Friscia & Angie Tierney, Joseph & Ersilia Colella, Margaret Tardogno, Margaret Dondiago, Dominick Tardogno, Rose Cerchio, Mildred Formino, Edward W. Piscina, Iannacone & Giglio Families, Jennie, Joseph & Neil Esposito, Sandy Paul, Jimmie Cuomo, Joseph F. Cusato, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Bueta & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cuseto, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Rigatti, Grace Roberto, Christina Bueta, Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Agarlato, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Docchilla, Irene & Ralph Cavaliere, Giuseppina Nandi, Rocco Porrino Sr., Catherine Porrino, Assunta Carter, George Carter, Immaculata Squitieri, Giovanni Squitieri, Christopher Becker, Michael & Clara Welykyj, DeMario Family, Giordano Family, Philip Spitalero, Nancy Varriale, Padula Family,Nunzio Aversano, Mr. & Mrs. Stowbridge, Vincent & Lorraine Pizzolo, William Naismith Sr., Antonio & Caterina Amato, Francesco & Vita Amato, Macri, Lacci, Santora & Murray Families, Carmelo Montanti, Savino & Serini Families, Roseann Reynolds, Angelina Roberto, Vereline & Cambio Families, George Kempf, Robert DeStefano, Sr., Anne & Thomas Keane, Florence & Andrew Yenush, Petrone Family, Gene L. & Josephine Giambertone, John & Josephine Pastorino, Joseph & Marie Cocozza, Bivona, Trentacosta, Balacich Family, Danielle Scotto, Reuss & Devoti Famiies, Maria Giunta, Victor & Anna Gargiulo, Anthony & Jennie Nastacio, Michael C. Nastacio, Gloria Nastacio, Jeanne Marie Costa, Sal J. Ianniello, Anania Family, Macpherson & Prendergast Family, Salvatore J. Esposito, Jr., Scotto & Gaetani Families, Edward C. Frey, Armida & John Cannata, Catherine & Louis Vitagliano, Emily & James Lyons & Son James, Aurelia Monahan, Richard Taglianetti, Raymond Capecci, Geoff Devine, Helen & James Liekens, Frank & Ann Devine, Quinn & Fasulo Families, Marianna Wysocka, Protv Wysocki, Joseph & Mary DePersia, Vita Cerlito, Charles & Anna Trovato, Vincent & Assunta Perri, Thomas Trichuta, Charles & Raffaela Casillo, Paul & Agnes Montalbano, Godlewski Family, Sara & Dominic Zarella, Vincenzo & Carmela DeBonis, Vincent A. DeBonis, Mimi Mannino, Constance Friscia, Paul Mannino, Fannie & Vito Marinello, Nicky & Nick Palmiotto, Ruffino Family, Russo & Bucci Families, Louis DeSario, Josephine & Gennaro Ferrara, Vincent Sacheli, Correard & Nesso Famiies, Laurice Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. John Clark, Mrs. Josephine Ingoglia, Robert Arciuolo, DiMaso & Caputo Families, Vivian Lounzo, Angelo Guido, Vito & Rosa Adragna, Vito & Grocifissa Lombardo, Benedict & Jeanette DeRespinis, Carmelo Rodio, Giuseppe & Rosa LoPresti, Roberts, & Gagliotti Families,Catherine & Joseph Scofiddl, Frances & Dominick Scelzi, Mr. & Mrs. Matteo Morales, Joseph Vitarelli, Joseph A. Vitarelli, Anna Mennella, Pasqualina Mazzariello, Virginia Jirovec, Albert Richard Cattuti, Peter Fasanello, Grace Fasanello, Verne G. Runer, Grace Massenza, Vita Carl, Dominick Contrino & Family FLOCKNOTE CARD Stay Connected with Flocknote by picking up a business card in the vestibule of the Church which includes the web address and Texting information. CATHOLIC SCHOOL REGION OF STATEN ISLAND INAUGURAL GALA Join us in honoring His Eminence, Timothy M. Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York and our School Principals on Thursday, April 16, 2015 at Nicotra’s Ballroom, Hilton Garden Inn. For tickets and information: Catholicschoolsgala.eventbrite.com or contact Diana Gatto @Diana.Gatto@archny.org. MONSIGNOR FARRELL HIGH SCHOOL/ HOLY NAME SOCIETY PRESENTS THE 3RD ANNUAL FATHER JOHN COMISKEY MEMORIAL MILE SUNDAY, APRIL 19TH, 2015, 9:00AM AT MONSIGNOR FARRELL HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE FEE: $15.00 PRE-RACE/$20.00 RACE DAY ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE FATHER JOHN COMISKEY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT MR. JOHN FOX jfox@msgrfarrellhs.org
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