March 1, 2015 - St. Ann Parish
March 1, 2015 - St. Ann Parish
SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 1, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST 7:00AM Rose Grande, Camillo Galofaro (Anniversary) 8:15AM Joseph Marsala 9:30AM Ruth Conroy 10:45AM Kenneth Palera 12:00PM Lucia Chionchio 1:15PM Grace Scala (Anniversary) 7:30PM For the People of St. Ann’s Parish MONDAY, MARCH 2ND 7:00AM Felix Portelli 9:00AM George Crycan 5:00PM Antoinette & Alfredo Durazzo (Anniversary) TUESDAY, MARCH 3RD 7:00AM Armand Colatuono 9:00AM Rev. Donald B. Licata (Anniversary) 5:00PM Roperti & Paretti Families WEDNESDAY, 7:00AM 9:00AM 5:00PM MARCH 4TH Carmelo & Gaetana DeSimone Rose Bonamo Robert John Stringer THURSDAY, MARCH 5TH 7:00AM Salvatore & Crocetta Puglisi 9:00AM Giovanni DeLuca 5:00PM Carmelo Rodio (Anniversary) FRIDAY, MARCH 6TH 7:00AM Gjondrekaj Family (Living) 9:00AM Frank Boccio 5:00PM Rev. John McCarthy (Living) SATURDAY, MARCH 7TH 7:00AM Anthony Ferro 9:00AM John & Peter Michael Mazzullo 4:00PM For the People of St. Ann’s Parish 5:30PM Stanley Trost SUNDAY, MARCH 8TH 7:00AM Catherine Vitagliano 8:15AM Maria Bruzzese (Anniversary) 9:30AM Edward Frey & Helen Dannebaum 10:45AM Angela Acunto & Josephine O’Neill 12:00PM Dr. & Mrs. Benedict DeRespinis 1:15PM Murray Levy (Anniversary) 7:30PM Josephine Baron MISSALETTE MEMORIAL The Missalettes we are currently using (2/18/15 – 5/2/15) are donated anonymously. As a parish family, with a grateful heart, we pray for the intentions of the anonymous donor. First Reading: Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 God ordered Abraham to take his beloved only son to Moriah and offer him as a sacrifice. Abraham built an altar and took out a knife to sacrifice his son Isaac. But God called out to him and told him of blessings that would be bestowed on him and his descendants because he had been willing to do what God had asked. Second Reading: Romans 8:31b-34 Paul reminds the people that God did not spare his only Son, but gave him up for the sake of all people. This proves God views us all as his children, and that no person can harm or condemn us because God will protect us. Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 Jesus led Peter, James and John up a high mountain, where he conversed with Elijah and Moses. A voice proclaimed ‘This is my Son, my beloved. Listen to him.” Then Jesus was alone and warned them not to tell anyone what they had seen until he had risen from the dead. LENTEN SERVICES Lent is pre-eminently a time of prayer and of deep reflection on the meaning of life in the light of our faith in Jesus. To help us enter more deeply into the spirit of this season, the following opportunities are provided in our parish: Monday Evenings Evening prayer during the Holy Hour Friday Mornings Stations of the Cross after the 9 AM Mass (if no funeral) Friday Afternoons Stations of the Cross 2:00 PM (when school children are present) Friday Evenings Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM Saturdays Confession 3:15 – 3:50PM and after 4:00 PM Mass Lenten Sharing Donations deposited in the specially marked box at the main doorway of our Church will go to support the ministry of Good Counsel Home, Staten Island. BREAD AND WINE The Bread and Wine to be used this week in each Eucharistic Celebration has been donated In Memory of Carmelo Rodio SANCTUARY LAMP The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week For the Intentions of Mary Blazina BIBLE STUDY Bible Study Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the rectory basement conducted by Fr. Ugo Nacciarone. All are welcome. ADULT FAITH FORMATION As the season of Lent approaches our parish is offering an excellent resource to help us better understand and grow in our faith. The truth, goodness and beauty of Catholicism is illustrated in a most beautiful way through this program. Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 7:00pm in the rectory. ST. ANN’S PARISH MISSION A powerful and thought provoking Lenten Mission Directed by Fr. Joel Rogers of the Fathers of Mercy March 9 – 12, 2015 7:00pm 1. 2. 3. 4. Confidence in Divine Providence The Prayer of the Humble Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit: Detachment Blessed Are They who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness NEW PARISHIONERS, WELCOME If you are new to our parish and would like to register, please fill out the information below and drop it in the collection basket or return to the rectory. Envelopes will be mailed to you in 4 to 6 weeks. Name: __________________________________________ Address: ______________________________Zip________ Phone: _______________ Work: ___________________ PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH Carmela DiBenedetto Elaine Lormel Josephine LaGaipa Mark Fissore Ann Napolitano Peter A. Joanna Ritti Mary Tardio Deborah Giardino Bill Selvaggio MaryAnn Cavagnaro Fanny Scotto Ann Schaefer Dr. Joseph Giglio Denise D. Robert Chiriani Ed Baumann Lorraine Hamer Lillian O’Keefe Eileen O’Connell Jen Jackson Muriel Freda Salvatore Mauro Myrtle J. Linda Simmons Donald Martin Roseanne Napolitano Gloria Martin Gloria M. Jillian WEEKLY COLLECTION (Feb. 22, 2015) Weekly $9,557.00 Shrines 632.00 Poor 337.00 th The 100 anniversary of our parish family celebrates your legacy of faith and commitment to our parish ministries as evidenced in your “Offering for God’s Plan of Giving”. May those who walk in your footsteps for generations to come, be inspired by the ideals of your life and generosity of your heart. May the good Lord always keep you in the palm of His hands. REMEMBER ST. ANN’S CHURCH IN YOUR WILL You can express your commitment to your church by making a bequest to your parish. Simply have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to St. Ann’s Church, 101 Cromwell Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10304, the sum of $___________ (Or _____% of the residue of my estate) for its religious, educational, and charitable work”. ST. ANN’S ROSARY SOCIETY Our next meeting will be Saturday, March 7, 2015 following the Rosary at 8:15am and the 9:00am Mass. We hope the weather will be permitting as we look forward to seeing everyone. New members are always welcome! THANK YOU We would like to thank Connie Orlando, Anna Finazzo, Pat Mancini & Anne Louise DePalo for their help in setting up the Lenten Altar arrangements in our Church. It reminds us of Christ in the wilderness. Family members: __________________________________ ________________________________________________ If you do not wish to receive envelopes, please check this box. Ministers and Lectors Coordinator: Joseph Franzese St. Ann Choir 10:45 Mass Organist: Noreen Neilson Outreach Social Ministry/Prayer Shawl/Food Pantry Coordinator: Dona Ruggiero Bulletin Editor: Donna Criscuolo Email: Rosary Monday through Saturday Before 9AM Mass Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mondays 7PM (except holidays) Nocturnal Adoration First Fridays 6:00PM to 7PM Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays 9:30AM Golden Age Club - Rosary Society Holy Name Society - Legion of Mary Altar Servers Moderator: Loretta Callegari & Ministry Team Ministry to the Homebound Contact the parish office C.C.D. CLASS SCHEDULE Wednesday: (Grades 1-2-3) 3:00 – 4:30 pm Thursday: (Grades 4-5-6-7) 3:30 – 5:00 pm ST. ANN’S TEEN CLUB Friday Evenings at 7pm Moderator: Regina Kaykaty JUBILEE ST. ANN’S PARISH CENTENNIAL EVENTS 1. Opening of the Jubilee Year: July 26, 2014 5 PM - Procession 5:30 PM Mass – Bishop Gerald Walsh Social 2. Jubilee Lecture series: (once monthly) August 21, 2014 – “The Way of Love” - Ronda Chervin September 25, 2014 – Meg Albertini October 17, 2014 – Sr. Ann Marie Rimmer, OP November 20, 2014 – Father Kevin O’Neill, Redemptorist January 22, 2015 – Br. Don Bisson, FMS February 26, 2015 – Meg Albertini May 28, 2015 – Fr. Roy Tvrdik, S.M.M. June 18, 2015 – Father Joseph DiMauro 3. Pilgrimages: (September 10 – 17, 2014 – Canada (St. Ann’s Shrines) April 2015 - (Shrines in France) 4. Interfaith Prayer Service: September 9, 2014 – Joint Prayer Service 5. Jubilee Exhibit: Saturday/Sunday – May 30/31, 2015 6. Parish BBQ: July 20, 2014 7. Jubilee Concert: Saturday, March 21, 2015 – 7:00pm in our Church 8. Faith Sharing Groups (TBA) 9. Seder Celebration: May 3, 2015 – 2:30PM Location TBD – Rabbi Howald 10. Jubilee Dinner Dance April 24, 2015 – Vanderbilt 11. Publishing of the Jubilee Souvenir Journal: Fall 2015 12. Closing of the Jubilee Year: June 28, 2015 – 5PM Mass His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan Social LENTEN REGULATIONS Lenten Fast and Abstinence – During the Season of Lent, the Church urges all the Faithful to reflect a spirit of penance in their daily life through performing acts of fast and abstinence. “FASTING” requires that only one full meal be taken per day. Two other smaller meals may be taken during the day to maintain physical strength, but these two meals together should not equal a full meal in quantity. Fasting obliges all those who have reached the age of 18 and continues to oblige until age 59. Those not specifically obliged to fast are encouraged to join in the discipline of fasting to the extent that they are able. “ABSTINENCE” prohibits individuals from eating meat on a particular day. Abstinence obliges all those who have reached the age of 14 and continues to oblige throughout their entire life. Those not specifically obliged to abstain from eating meat are encouraged to join in this discipline to the extent that they are able. ASH WEDNESDAY AND GOOD FRIDAY are days of fast and abstinence. FRIDAYS in Lent are days of abstinence. 50/50 CLUB We remind everyone to get their envelopes in for the February drawing and maybe you will join the ranks of our 50/50 club winners. Good luck to all! ENDOWMENT FUND Our church of St. Ann has been the place where we have seen the face of God through the ups and downs of our life’s moments. The presence of God in our church as well as in the lives of our people has sustained those who have gone before us here. Now, as the parish debt is eliminated, it is important to ensure the legacy of our faith and worship for those who would follow us here at St. Ann’s for generations to come. It is with the humble realization that St. Ann’s church has a destiny designed by God to be a beacon of faith and hope in our community, that we start the Church Endowment Fund. Any contribution, however small or large, will be received with a grateful heart. A donation of $1000 or more over a period of time would give us the opportunity to memorialize or honor someone we love in the Book of Endowment. A contributor of $25000 or more over a period of time would be considered a Founder of our church Endowment Fund. This fund is designed in such a way that the principal will not be used. If and when a need arises on a rainy day, only the interest on the Endowment Fund will be used. May the donations we make for this purpose come from our gratitude to God for His blessings in our life. May the good Lord bless us and our families and keep us close to His heart as we continue doing His work. Founders $25000 Stewards $15000 Patrons $5000 Donors $1000 ST. ANN’S JUBILEE RAFFLE St. Ann’s 100th Anniversary Raffle tickets are available for purchase in the rectory or by contacting Teresa Pelosi at 917921-7716 – Cost per ticket is $100. Grand Prize: $10,000 2nd Prize: $7,000 3rd Prize: $3,000 **Drawing to be held on April 24, 2015 at the Dinner Dance** CARDINAL’S APPEAL The 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal is in its final stages in our parish, and this weekend is Commitment Weekend. At all Masses, you will have an opportunity to make your pledge to the Appeal. As children of Christ, we are called to serve others out of gratitude to our most generous God. Please consider a sacrificial gift to the 2015 Appeal. Thank you. ST. ANN’S OUTREACH PROGRAM FOOD PANTRY This is Collection Sunday. Our pantry is still in need of PEANUT BUTTER and JELLY, CANNED FRUIT, and JUICE. All items can be brought to the baskets in the rear of the church or the rectory porch at any time. We are now beginning to ask for donations of Easter candy for the children. Many thanks to all who help! BINGO! St. Ann's Bingo – EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Doors open at 5:00PM. Early bird starts at 7:00PM. Please join us! SAINT ANN SCHOOL NEWS: St. Patrick's Day and St. Joseph's Day mark two great men that we celebrate in the month of March. Special men and special celebrations are centered around their feast days. Celebrate them and celebrate the return of Spring - its nature’s way of saying, "Let's Party!" Thank you: Thank you seems such a little way to express my heartfelt gratitude to Diana Mannarino, Ann Marie Kern, Janine Treglia, and Dr. David Dragos for allowing the St. Ann Playtriots to continue this year. The gift you have given our children knows no boundaries. Thank you also to Lou Mannarino and L & M sound. What more is there to say!! The gift that keeps on giving!! And to Julia Mannarino - what a talented musician! Mrs. Ellen Nikosey and Mr. Tom Reno - those sets are incredible!! For all the unmentioned behind the scenes moms, dads, and teachers - it is so important to volunteer and support your school--that's what your kids will take with them. For the week ahead: Pretzel Day will be on Wednesday, March 4th. First Reconciliation will be on Thursday, March 5th at 7 PM. There is an 11 AM dismissal on Friday, March 6th. Don't forget the Easter Bunny Breakfast on Sunday, March 8th. Get those reservations in fast!! There will be a Touring Tuesday on March 10th - tell your friends how great this place is...bring them around for a tour of the building. March 11th is a 12 o'clock dismissal day with a teachers' meeting following. Our Annual Fashion Show is on March 19th at the Excelsior Grand!! With the "Let's Go Shopping" theme it is sure to be a winner!! March 27th is our last day of school before Easter Vacation. Calendar Winners: 2/22/15 #0499 2/23/15 #1871 2/24/15 #1325 2/25/15 #2146 2/26/15 #1119 2/27/15 #1161 2/28/15 #0641 Baginski Family Samantha Mottola Linda Wisniewski Sonia Maldonado Kwik Wing Lim Biedsma Demera Dominic LaFragola $200 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 REGISTRATION FOR ST. ANN SCHOOL IS ONGOING!! COME ON IN AND SEE WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT --"THE TIMES MAY CHANGE BUT THE EXCELLENCE REMAINS." God Bless you all, Mrs. Ficchi ******************************************************************************************************** REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS Saint Ann School will be accepting applications for All grades & Kindergarten September 2015 Registration will be ongoing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pre-K & Kindergarten Application Requirements: For Kindergarten, the child must be born in the year 2010. Copy of the Birth Certificate. Copy of the Immunization Record. Copy of the Baptismal Certificate if Catholic. If the family is registered in Saint Ann Parish, please supply the envelope number. $50.00 non-refundable application fee payable to Saint Ann School. For those interested in Grades 1 thru 6, along with the above requirements, please provide a copy of last year’s report card, the most current report card and any other standardized test scores. If you cannot make these times and dates, please give the school office a call at 718-351-4343, to make other arrangements. PARISH VOLUNTEER THANK YOU LITURGY AND SOCIAL Here at St. Ann’s, we are planning to have our Thank You Liturgy and Social for all our parish volunteers who give so generously of their time in ministering to our people. With this in mind invitations have been mailed to all our volunteers for the Thank You Liturgy & Social on Saturday, March 14, 2015 following the 5:30pm Mass. As a parish family, we make use of this opportunity to thank God for the gift of volunteers in our parish life. May God bless them immensely for the goodness of their heart. If you are a volunteer and you do not receive an invitation, please call the rectory at 718-351-0270. We would really appreciate it. ST. PETER’S BOYS HIGH SCHOOL CHINESE AUCTION St. Peter’s Boys High School Parents’ Club will sponsor its ANNUAL CHINESE AUCTION ON FRIDAY, MARCH 6,2015 IN THE SCHOOL GYM, 200 CLINTON AVENUE. DOORS OPEN AT 6:00 P.M. There will be numerous raffles, refreshments and prizes. Admission: $5.00 – Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. No children under 12 admitted.
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April 5, 2015 - St. Ann Parish
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